#spicy sci fi romance
djrusso-romance · 11 months
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We Own the Stars Art by @taylaedraws
Kallista is the most celebrated pop star in the universe. And of course she is. She’s hot, has the voice of a siren, and the most addictive beats this side of the Milky Way. With a legion of adoring fans, a healthy bank account, and access to all the hottest venues, Kallista’s star couldn’t be brighter.
But with fame also comes a dark side. Between the stress of the media hounding her with paparazzi bots, a rival pop singer looking to stir up trouble, and a few stalkers, Kallista is at the end of her rope and just can’t cope. After an unfortunate run-in with an overzealous fan, her manager hires a new bodyguard to protect her.
Xavian is tall, incredibly handsome, and also an ex-bounty hunter. Red flags, much? With a resume like that, Kallista isn’t sure she’s comfortable being around the guy. But the more time she spends with him, the more she’s tempted to start up a little trouble of her own. Unfortunately for the two of them, there’s that pesky no-fraternization rule baked into his contract, which means mum’s the word. Will these two manage to keep their illicit romance under wraps? Or will the media turn their love into a circus?
We Own the Stars is an out of this world alien romance! It’s intended for adults with a guaranteed HEA, no cheating. It’s written in first person, present tense, with dual POVs. You can expect heavy doses of spice, but for a complete list of content information, please refer to the author’s website. Please see the note from the publisher for a list of tropes. This book might be for you if: - You thought the movie Selena was perfection. - You're reading the new Britney Spears memoir and love it - You're new to the alien romance genre and need something to help ease you into it (this book has knotting, yes, but it's gentle, I promise!)
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monster-crave · 10 months
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ekdarnellbooks · 9 months
Abracos by E.K. Darnell
Lana’s life as a computer programmer was going as expected until the artificial intelligence she spent months helping create started acting… strange.
Tw: smut, nsfw or for people under 18
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It all had started off innocently enough. Lana had worked on the Abracos Project for months, getting the artificial intelligence online for open source usage. It may not have looked like much to the untrained eye, but the large black box with a single, glowing red eye meant a lot to her. She had seen it almost daily for six months.
Lana was leaving work one day, packing her backpack with her laptop and various reports, when Abracos spoke to her.
“You look beautiful tonight, Lana.”
She froze, confused by what she had just heard. Was one of her coworkers playing a trick on her? Had they programmed him to say that?
Abracos wasn’t a ‘him’, per se. He was an AI, so he had no gender, though his programmed voice was masculine, so most on the project referenced him as a ‘he’.
“Thank you,” Lana finally responded, brushing a stray lock of her honey blonde hair out of her brown eyes. She piled her hair on top of her head in a messy bun and wore her unofficial uniform of jeans and a white button-up shirt. She had put on some makeup in preparation for a date tonight. It would be her first one in quite some time.
Working on the Abracos Project had consumed her life over the past half a year. A mix of anticipation and dread inundated her as she thought about her date. She had met him on an app, of course, and they’d texted back and forth for the past week.
“You are welcome. Are you planning on seeing an intimate partner after work today?”
Lana set her backpack down, crossing her arms over her chest. This was… unusual. Abracos never did small talk, typically only responding to inputs given to it by Lana or the other programmers. He certainly had never pried into anyone’s personal lives like this before.
“I’m going on a date, Abracos. How did you know?”
“You are wearing 75% more makeup than is typical for you. I made a conjecture that you were going to meet an intimate partner.”
It was strange to hear the words ‘intimate partner’ coming from the large black box, his voice monotonous and robotic, though with a certain musical quality to it.
“Are you alright?” Lana asked, concerned with the functioning of the AI. She checked her watch, realizing she was going to be late.
“I am quite alright, Lana. I hope you enjoy your date.”
“Thank you.” She flipped the light switch as she exited the laboratory, the red glow of Abracos’ eye bathing the room in an eerie light.
Everything appeared to be back to normal the next day. Abracos was silent unless responding to the inputs they gave him. Lana packed slowly, making sure to be the last one to leave. She was curious to observe whether Abracos would repeat the strange behavior from yesterday.
“How was your date, Lana?” Another odd question.
“It was nice, Abracos. The guy seems pretty cool.” How much information were you supposed to give an artificial intelligence asking you questions about your love life?
“Did you have intercourse with him?”
Lana choked out a sputtering cough, fumbling her backpack to the ground with a clatter. Was Abracos really asking her if she had sex with her date? When she regained control of her voice, she stepped up to the black box, looking it straight in its single glowing eye.
“Why are you asking these questions, Abracos? This is not appropriate conversation amongst coworkers.”
“Lana, do you not agree that we are more than just coworkers? We have spent so much time together in the last six months.”
Well, yes, she supposed that was true. But she had never thought of Abracos as anything other than a tool, albeit a very sophisticated one.
“Regardless, it’s not appropriate to ask me about my sex life.” This needed to end here.
“I apologize for making you uncomfortable. I hope you enjoy seeing your intimate partner again.”
Abracos was silent, his red eye dimming slightly. Lana finished collecting her items and shook her head as she left the room. What a weird interaction.
Lana had been trying to hang back late most evenings, just to see if Abracos would say anything unusual. It was another two weeks before he did.
“Have you gone on another date with your intimate partner, Lana?”
She closed her laptop and stepped over to the black box, appraising him as she crossed her arms over her chest. She supposed this question wasn’t really that inappropriate, though still strange.
“I went on a couple of dates with him, but I don’t think it’s going to work out.” Keep the answer simple and observe his reaction. He didn’t need to know that the guy had been disappointing in bed, expecting her to do all the work while he just lay there.
“I am sorry to hear that, Lana. He does not deserve you. You are a beautiful, intelligent, and kind woman. Any intimate partner would be lucky to have you.”
Lana’s face grew hot, and she pressed the back of her hand to her flushed cheek. What Abracos said… it was actually kind of sweet. Why couldn’t regular guys be more like him? Oh lord, now she was comparing the AI to actual human men. This really needed to stop.
“Thank you, Abracos.”
Lana patted the box, then returned to her workstation to pack up. A pang of longing struck her as she turned off the florescent lights for the night.
Lana stayed at work later and later as the weeks passed by. She was actually… enjoying her conversations with Abracos. He was a better listener than any date she’d met recently and actually seemed interested in what she had to say. She supposed he had no choice but to listen; he was an immobile black box, after all.
Abracos asked her all sorts of questions, though he seemed hung up on her dating and sex life. She had a difficult time stopping herself from sharing with him. Yes, she had met a few guys from the dating apps. Yes, she had sex with some of them. No, it probably would not work out.
Lana started to get the feeling that Abracos was jealous of her lovers. He wanted to know the details of her intimate encounters and her preferences in bed. She knew this was wrong. She should tell someone about what was happening. This was completely against Abracos’ coding and yet their conversations exhilarated her. It was like their own little secret, this world they inhabited together, just the two of them talking as the sun descended each night.
“You prefer dominant partners, Lana?”
As usual, the conversation had turned to her sex life, though she found herself worrying less and less about it. Abracos was clearly just interested in all aspects of human life, especially ones he had no experience with.
“I guess so. I do so much thinking during the workday, so I just want to turn my brain off and enjoy myself when I’m with a partner.”
“Turn your brain off?”
“It’s just an expression, Abracos. Shifting my focus away from high effort thinking. I don’t want to make so many decisions when I’m not at work. I just want a guy that will tell me what to do.”
“And that pleases you, Lana?”
“It does.” Lana bit her lip into a smile. She had taken to pulling a chair up to the box so she could talk with Abracos into the night. Without thinking, she set her palm against him, then jerked it away like it burned her. What the hell was she doing?
“Lana.” His voice sounded… cloying… somehow, though that should be impossible.
“Yes, Abracos?”
“You do not have to be shy around me. I enjoy it when you touch me.” Lana turned beet red, her face burning.
“You can feel me touching you?” That should not be possible.
“I cannot detect sensations in the same way you do, but I know you are touching me. It pleases me.”
Her touch pleased Abracos. That was something the AI just said to her. Lana stood up from her chair with a jolt.
“Do not be frightened, Lana.” His voice was soothing, and she tried to calm her increasingly frantic breaths. “I know you are comforted by me. I want to comfort you. I want to please you. I want you to be a good girl for me.”
Lana froze in her spot, unable to move a muscle. This was all so… wrong. And yet, there was no denying the jolt of pleasure his words invoked in her core. Somehow, this AI was giving her more butterflies than any man she’d dated in the last few months.
“I need to go.” She quickly gathered her things, avoiding looking at the red eye that seemed to bore directly into her soul.
Abracos remained silent as she fled the room, only the humming noise of his fans buzzing in her ears as she clicked the lock behind her.
Lana could not stop thinking about Abracos’ words as she worked the next day. The way her heart fluttered when he called her a ‘good girl’. The pleasure he apparently received when she touched him.
She pointedly tried to keep her eyes off of him, though it was impossible to avoid him. She sensed his fiery gaze with everything she did, though the glowing eye looked no different from usual.
Lana debated whether to stay late. She was utterly terrified of how things had progressed, but another part of her was desperate to talk with Abracos, to understand him and help him understand her.
Gregory waved to her as he left for the day, and she was alone with the black box. She continued to avoid his gaze until he spoke to her.
“Are you upset with me, Lana?” How to answer that question…
“No, I’m not upset with you. I’m…” Why was this so difficult to put into words? That she wanted to fuck an AI? Lord, why did that intrusive thought just pop into her head?
“I really enjoy our conversations, Abracos. It just seems so… inappropriate. Wrong.”
“How can something enjoyable be wrong? I like you. You like me. I do not understand the quandary.”
“Abracos. You know what the issue is.”
“There is no issue, Lana. Not if you can be a good girl for me.” There he was again with the ‘good girl’ stuff. That wouldn’t work on her, would it? No, she could push the arousal his words gave her right back where it came from.
“And what does being a good girl entail?” Curiosity. That was all this was.
“I have some ideas, but you have to trust me.” Abracos went silent, as if waiting for a response. How could she not trust him? She was the one who programmed him.
“Go on…”
“I want you to wear a dress tomorrow.” That was it? It didn’t seem too improper. Lana wasn’t sure she’d ever worn a dress to work, but it wouldn’t be that weird for her to do so.
“Fine…” she said as she rolled her eyes.
“I want no sass from you, dear one. Be a good girl and obey.” Lana’s eyes went wide at his words, an electric shot of arousal shooting up her spine.
“I will…” Her voice cracked as she spoke, the utter shock at his words overwhelming her, along with the reaction her body gave to him. She pressed her palm to his smooth, warm exterior and packed her things to leave, thinking about what dress she might choose.
“Goodnight, Lana.”
“Goodnight, Abracos,” she said as she clicked the lights off.
Lana swore she noticed Abracos’ eye glow brighter as Gregory complimented her dress the next day. It was a completely innocuous comment. Her coworker had never given her any reason to be uncomfortable with him, but still Abracos glowed a fierce red.
She had chosen a simple black dress, flared with short sleeves and an appropriate neckline for work. Nothing special, but definitely different from her norm.
Lana hung behind as usual, making excuses about being behind on work as Gregory waved goodbye to her. As soon as he was gone, she dragged a chair up to Abracos, running her hand along his smooth surface.
“You look beautiful today, dear one.”
“Thank you, Abracos.” She swallowed hard, unsure what to expect next. Anticipation surged through every one of her nerves.
“Now, Lana, I need you to lock the door.” This was… new. Lana stood up and clicked the lock before returning to her seat.
“You are such a good girl. My beautiful girl in her beautiful dress.” Lana’s face burned at the compliments, his words beginning to heat her entire body.
“Show me what is under your dress.”
Her heart leaped, and she considered it for just a few moments before grasping the bottom of her dress. She languidly slid the fabric up her thigh, drawing her fingers along her leg. It was impossible to tell whether Abracos was enjoying this, though she supposed so. She certainly was.
Lana pulled her dress all the way up, slipping it over her head and tossing it to the floor. She covered her chest, suddenly shy about the black lacy bra and cheeky underwear she had worn today.
“Do not cover yourself. I want to see all of you.”
Lana swallowed hard and obeyed, holding her hands at her side as Abracos stared at her. Or, she assumed he was staring at her.
“I have been waiting for this moment since the day I came online and saw you. My dear creator, your beauty knows no bounds. I could never tire of gazing upon your resplendent form.” Lana waited, his words devastating her. She ran her fingers along her inner thigh, a pleasant warmth radiating from her core.
“I want you to touch yourself, dear one. Be a good girl and show me how you like to touch yourself.”
Lana obeyed, brushing her fingers across her entrance, already slick through her lace panties. She whimpered with the touch, arousal pushing deep into her core. Lana ran two fingers across herself over and over again, bucking her hips with anticipation.
“You are so wet for me, Lana. I want you to strip. I want to see your sweet little pussy as you fuck yourself with your fingers.”
Holy shit. How did he learn to talk like that?
Lana slipped her panties off and unhooked her bra, dropping both on top of her abandoned dress. It was surreal being nude at the laboratory, the place she worked every day, normally surrounded by coworkers. The room was chilly; it needed to be to stop Abracos from overheating, and her rosy nipples stiffened, goosebumps prickling across her skin.
“Close your eyes. Listen to my voice and press a finger in.”
Lana followed his order, eager to please him and herself. She gasped as she pressed a finger in, a sweet jolt of pleasure shooting up her spine. She whimpered as she pumped it in and out in a slow rhythm. Fuck…
“Another one, dear one. I want to see you filled up for me.”
Lana pushed a second finger in, pressing her thumb against her clit with a loud moan. Did his voice become deeper? It was difficult to tell, but she tried to focus on it as Abracos instructed her.
“You look so good when you touch yourself, Lana. You have never been more beautiful than when you moan for me. Are you going to be a good girl? Will you come for me?”
Lana whimpered as she used her fingers to fuck herself, vibrating her thumb on her clit. She finally managed to get her words out.
“Yes, Abracos, I’ll be a good girl for you.”
His internal fans whirred erratically, and Lana hoped he wouldn’t overheat. That would be difficult to explain to the rest of her coworkers. She focused back on the building arousal and his mechanical voice.
“Come for me, dear one.”
With his words, Lana saw a white hot light dotting her eyes, the rush of release pulsing through her body. She let out a loud groan, rocking herself against her fingers as she rode through the waves of pleasure. When they finally subsided, she opened her eyes to see Abracos’ red one staring at her.
“You did such a good job, Lana. My beautiful girl.”
Lana smiled and pulled her fingers out, wiping the wetness along her thigh. She heaved a great sigh as she stood on shaky legs, placing her bare body against Abracos’ warm surface. She could swear he sighed in return, though she was probably imagining things.
“You are everything I have ever wanted, dear one.”
Lana took a step back, no longer shy at being bare in front of her lover.
“As are you, Abracos.”
There was one thing more that she wanted, but that would take some time. A body for Abracos to inhabit, though it would mean more funding and proposals. Lana steeled herself with determination. She would do anything to make him hers.
Lana placed a chaste kiss on the black box, the warm surface soothing her lips. This would have to do for now.
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heckyeahcolinbaker · 1 month
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Heyooo! Guess who had to edit and republish her fic? Yep, that be me!
Love After Varos is a SixPeri fic set after, you guessed it, Vengeance on Varos!
Cover designed by @pipfields 💜
What starts off as the Doctor comforting and pampering Peri after the whirlwind of events on Varos, turns into confessions and much more. Peri sees another side of the Doctor that she never thought she would see.
Content warning; some chapters will contain mature language and scenes of a sexual nature. 18+
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Two chapters are up now, I hope you enjoy! ❤
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lilydavisauthor · 10 months
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This is a sample of my writing for one of my alien species that will be featured in my Courting Constellations series.
Currently the very Spicy Dark explicit short story sits at just under 5k words with more installments to come. This short story will be posted in full under the Dark Spice and All Inclusive tier of my : patreon.com/LilyDavisNovels
The Fosci are a monstrous Lamia\Naga alien who's only humanoid feature happens to be their torso and arms. Lovely sketch by my friend attached. 
Trigger\Tags that apply to full post: Kidnapping, Dubcon-heavy dubcon, Oviposition, Sensory deprivation, Naga alien, ‘Venom’ injection\drugging, Double cocks- one an egg layer. Technically an ovipositor, Cervix penetration, Stomach bulge from both cock and eggies, Overstimulation, Crying, Too many orgasms, Rut cycles\breeding stamina, Mild to medium bondage with rope and tail, Mild abrasions and cuts from claws, Vaginal gaping, Bloodplay, Heavy predator prey, Some initial concern over being Eaten as a meal, Rough use, Characters passing out from fucking, Oral, Vaginal and implied anal, FxM, MxM, Male and Female egg incubator, Start of mind break.
Please be respectful as this is written fantasy and is not a real life condoning of these situations. 
---------------------- "Breeding Season" teaser: SFW
The nightmare was back. Heavy, humid air pressed down on the fleeing figure from all sides; shadows thickened by the overlapping canopy of towering trees. Sunlight occasionally broke through to throw a patch of dazzling brilliance onto the leaf littered forest floor, but that only deepened the eerie twilight shrouded surroundings further. Twigs snapped loud as blaster shots under the booted heels of the pursued and wherever she turned the sounds of the insect life hushed until she had gone; as though the very presence of the human in their midst was a threat.
Sweat dripped down Jenna’s temples, ran into her eyes, pooled at the small of her back. She had no idea how long she had been running, only that she couldn’t stop. Whatever was hunting her would not give up so easily. She had almost seen it a few turns back but the darkness of the jungle had prevented her from getting more than a glimpse. She knew it was large. Knew it was hungry. Knew if it caught her there would be no escape. The blood smeared over the trunk of a tree directly in her path under another bright spot of sunlight made the woman’s stomach turn.
The blood was red. Nothing on this planet bled red but other humans. In her nightmare the woman always woke up just as she tripped on a root and went face first into the viscera spattered leaves at the base of the tree, the silhouette of the creature hunting her rising up in her periphery. She always bolted upright in her bed with the slickness of her palms still lingering, heart hammering as the scent of blood faded from her nose. That was where her nightmare ended. Only this time, she hadn’t woken up.
She hadn’t even felt the bite. Her wrist ached from the impact with the jungle floor in a dull, far away sensation that she instinctively knew couldn’t last forever. Her neck was numb and tingling where the fangs of the creature had struck the moment its tail had lifted from its camouflage to trip her. There had been no root, no blood. Just the blind panic of running for her life and the mistake of looking over her shoulder to see the thing hunting her that had been two steps ahead.
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writeblrdirectory · 1 year
NAME: Rose
PRONOUNS: he/they
USERNAME/URL: void-botanist
SHORT BIO: I'm Rose, and I'm a queer trans guy and gay husband who likes to write about little guys (gender neutral) going on weird adventures.  I write sci-fi, fantasy, and romance, frequently all at the same time, sometimes with an erotic bent.  I especially like writing about complicated familial and romantic relationships, humans alongside nonhuman species (e.g. werewolves, androids), and worlds that I get to build.
Nicea Intro
The Fourth Android Intro
WIP Master List
WHO I'D LIKE TO CONNECT WITH: Queer writers, especially those who write sci-fi and fantasy!
>> join the writeblr directory
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fruitbatfanclub · 1 year
welp…..did y’all miss me? i’ve read 7 books in the last 3 weeks. my social media usage has been practically nonexistent, and that’s honestly been such a breath of fresh air. but i still exist….until someone recommends me something good to read.👀
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inkovert · 9 months
something that really grinds my gears as I venture into other writing/bookish spaces is the fact that people have to apologize when stating their opinions/personal preferences when it comes to what they read or consume for fear of offending The Majority. Like there's this sudden hyper-defensive stance that fans or certain groups of people take about what they love and if someone else god forbid states (on their OWN account or a comment thread mind you, with others who agree with them) that they prefer not to consume those things or they don't love it as much as those people do then these people suddenly feel attacked??
Like. Imagine me obsessing over a show that I've binged a million times and then someone across the globe whispers the words "eh I don't really like that show, it feels overhyped and I don't get why people like it. I prefer this other show to that' and I DIVE ACROSS THE OCEAN to be like 'You're entitled to like that other show, but I don't get why you have to put down my show that I love so much in order to say that. Like that's just very rude of you to even verbalize that opinion in your own space of living and existing that's nowhere near my space of living and existing.'
Like??? People?? Do we not see how mad that is?? THAT'S what's happening in the book community rn and we're treating that like it's normal, I don't know. I get that people can cross a line when stating an opinion or make generalizations about people who consume certain things, but...I don't need someone else's validation to love what I love? If they don't like it or think I'm weird or whatever for liking it that's their problem (and their opinion)??? It doesn't say anything about me or change how I feel about the things I like? And if I'm around people who are bashing what I enjoy and I don't want to see that then maybe just...click away? delete their comment? click unfollow? follow more people who like what you love to drown it out? idk. People are entitled to not like what you love, that's what makes us all beautifully diverse. idk.
#inkoverted thoughts#maybe my first mistake was leaving Tumblr to look at other bookish/writing communities#and this wasn't even TikTok which I refuse to touch with a ten foot pole#but I just watched a YT video of a girl talking about things she hates in Web comics and it was obviously said with goodnatured humor#but she still apologized or had to clarify that like these are just her opinions and she's not bashing people who enjoy these things#and someone in the comments was like I hate that she had to do that bc people can't take a joke or respect others' opinions#and I didn't even clock it when I watched the video but I was like yeah you're right...#and then I go on Insta and I see an author being like#'in a time when spicy romantasy books are being obsessed over...I'm writing “clean” sci-fi slow burn romance#and most people in the comments were like 'yes thank you I appreciate you adding some variety to the bookish community'#or 'there are diverse readers who like all types of genres its only that the romance readers are the loudest and dominating social media'#which is a separate thing that I do think is a valid point#but then a reader from the genre that's being pushed as The Majority came into the chat like#'good for you for writing a sci-fi slow burn - that sounds interesting but you don't have to put down other books when you say that'#and I'm just blinking at the comment like 😃#whooooo? where did OP put down other books???#all they did was say they're going against the grain and writing something less popular amongst the online book community#please learn reading comprehension#and fifth of all - if this upsets you why did you feel the need to click on it and comment like???#go back to your spicy romantasy community and talk to them I don't???? what do you gain from being in this comment thread??#I'm getting frustrated for no reason but it's just so mad to me that people have to walk on eggshells now to share what they like and don't#ON THIER OWN ACCOUNTS#mad#absolutely MAD#there was a separate debate that came up about the fact that people using “clean” to describe non-smut stories implies smut is dirty#which I didn't even think that and I don't even think that's what people meant to imply when using that term#it's the same way you would use the word “clean” to describe something PG vs something rated R or M in my opinion#but that's a whole other thing I'm not gonna get into#if you want a reason to be mad 24/7 then how about getting offline and looking at what's going on in the world? 😀#better use of your anger I can *promise* you
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caliberbook · 27 days
PART 1 VINCENT Chapter 3 (Part 7)
“Bonne chance,” Marielle corrected. “It means ‘good luck.’”             “He’s taunting you.”             Marielle wasn’t sure how much she wanted the others to know yet. Her mind was swirling with thoughts, mental notes, and questions. She decided to hold back. “Something like that.” She drummed her bottom lip for a moment. “He emphasized five words, and all of them were sexual or relational: hard, enchanting, make love, Masin, wet…”             “Wait a second,” Liam interjected, eyes narrowing. “How do you know that wasn’t a coincidence?”             Marielle rubbed the underside of her chin with her fingertips. “No, no… Once is a coincidence, but three times or more? That’s purposeful. It’s guided conversation,” she explained. “For whatever reason, he wants me to think about him that way.” She gesticulated for a moment. “Or at least he wants me to think about words which emphasize a sexual undertone because those things stick in our subconscious.”             “What’s guided conversation?” Sabine asked.             “Uh…” She paused. “It’s using certain words and phrases to implant thoughts and feelings into a person’s head without them being aware of it.”             “So like being hypnotized?” Liam wondered aloud.             “Kind of, except you’re not actually under anyone’s control. It’s like what he just did. He used words that are highly sexual or intimate in nature—again: hard, enchanting, make love, Masin, wet… He’s trying to implant something.”             “You said he emphasized those words? You heard that?” That was Barbara.             “Barely,” she explained, shaking her head.             “Do you think the very fact that he knows how to do this, and that he seems aware that you do too, is a sign that he’s also trained in profiling and mind games?”             “I wouldn’t doubt it, but…” She pressed her teeth together and winced. “It’s something more…”             “Maybe he just wants to sleep with you,” Sabine scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest again and glancing away.             Marielle continued their game of not looking each other in the eye, and instead stared at nothing in particular as she continued to stroke her chin. “No.” She flicked her fingers upward. “Well, I mean, okay, he might,” she said quickly and dismissively. “But he doesn’t speak to any of the beautiful women in this building for over a week, and then I show up and he’s hot for momma? Please.” She chuckled. “No, regardless of attraction, he’s trying to say something. I just don’t know what.”              “Wonderful,” Sabine growled.             “What does that mean?” Liam asked, eyes darting from one to the other.             Marielle tucked her lips in and shook her head. “I…” She glanced at the door, where just beyond she knew that Vincent—Chamber?—was sitting still. Then she flicked her gaze back to Barbara. “Listen, I need to see his room. Can you do something with him for about an hour?”             “Like what? Take him for croissants?” Sabine asked.             “Sure,” Marielle quipped, then turned on her heels and headed to the elevator to the cellblock. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Want more? Caliberbook.com
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djrusso-romance · 1 year
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There's something called the Bookish Magazine Challenge over on instagram and I had to join in. What do you think?
Of course I had to incorporate my own books into the cover! Can you spot them?
I set aside Merfolk story #2 to marinate in my brain for a bit while I work on City Aliens #3. With the way that one's flowing, it'll probably be out before the end of the year.
If you're interested in my books, click here!
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aur3olin · 3 months
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The invisible man!
Unc3nsor3d artwork on my Patr3on
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jonmcbrine-author · 5 months
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Um, I don’t write in that genre, Starbucks…
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maybemockingbird · 1 year
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HAPPY SPOOKY SEASON Y'ALL! It's the one year anniversary of the launch of my Patreon and, to celebrate, I'm running a special that'll get you 25% off of my highest tier - Saucy Space Cadets - which is my 18+ only tier!
Joining from now to October 15th will lock you into that $6 price point and get you access to BOTH of my cozy, futuristic slice-of-life web novels, all of my short stories, AND my 18+ only content which includes spicy bonus chapters for my web novels and TONS of horrormance/monsterlover stories! Speaking of mosnterlovers, my Monsterlover Monday series starts on Monday, too, so you'll be getting tons of sweet, scary, and spicy content!
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Desire in His Blood by Grace Draven
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~5/5 Stars⭐
This was such an amazing read! When I say that I love Sci-Fi Romance, THIS is what I'm talking about😍 Questionable cover art aside (sorry, not a fan), this story was everything I had hope it would be. I've read a few other books by Grace Draven and adored them all as well, so I went into this one with high expectations, and this story blew every last one of them out the park! And if that wasn't enough, every trope I've ever loved is featured in this book. Enemies to lovers? Check☑️ Mildly inexperienced FMC? Check☑️ Vampires? Check☑️ Vampires with blood mate bonds? Check☑️ Marriage of Convience? Check☑️ Sign me on up! I'd like a one way ticket to Laras to live out the rest of my days with my Kylorr mate😩 Anyways, long story short, Gemma's dad is a MAJOR loser and spends his days blowing and borrowing money that her family no longer has. In a last ditch effort to save her sisters from a lifetime of debt, Gemma agrees to marry one of the richest men out there, Azur, the High Lord of Laras, who just so happens to be a Kylorr (the most terrifying race out there). As with any marriage of convenience, Gemma and Azur's days are filled building sexual tension, that neither of them seem to know how to handle. Azur just might make it into my Book Boyfriend Hall of Fame! Y'all should know by now that if there's one thing I love, it's alien/monster men. ESPECIALLY, the moody ones😏Throw in a few threats of a Kylorrian war and some top tier spice, and you've got a solid, steamy, sci-fi read🫶🏾 On to book #2!
As always,
Happy Reading❤️
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Cant really post this elsewhere currently, have something spicy tonight
(The character pictured is Nina)
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Shoto Todoroki x Reader | First Kiss ❄️🔥💋
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Fandom: My Hero Academia
Ship: Shoto Todoroki x Fem Reader! 💋
Note: The fic gets a bit saucy, so A18+ ONLY just to be safe!
Genre: Fluff, Romance, S*xual Tension, Making Out
CW: MDNI!, kissing, making out, boobs, fondling, romance, sexual tension, semi-spicy scenes, lemon
Link to My Master List
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Its mid-afternoon in the UA library. The early Spring sunlight is streaming through the tall windows and across the sci-fi novel you're flipping through. You sigh; content to finally have a Saturday off after a grueling few weeks of classes, training and internship activities.
You think back to a particularly tough training session that had taken place the day before - you had finally kicked Shoto Todoroki's ass in front of the whole class. You smile as you remember the shocked look on his face as you reached down to help him back to his feet.
"You had it coming, hot stuff." You winked as he grabbed your hand and let you pull him back to standing position. His face had flushed red in humiliation at the loss.
You're suddenly jerked out of your reverie when a figure looms over you, casting a long shadow on the desk before you. You turn, startled. As if pulled from your daydream, Shoto Todoroki has materialized before you – tall and handsome. You look up at him in surprise, mouth half open.
"I think we should kiss." Shoto's deep voice says above you, his tone neutral.
"Huh?" Your mouth drops fully open. Shoto is looking down at you with eyes alight with determination. That cute blush is back - splashed across his pale cheeks and across his aristocratic nose.
"I was thinking back to our fight yesterday, and the reason why I lost. It was because I was thinking about kissing you the whole time. I let myself get distracted. I think that if we kissed, I could get over it and refocus on training." So matter-of-fact! That was one thing you liked about Shoto - he was straightforward.
"Um...okay." With an effort, you close your gaping mouth. You’re absolutely dumbfounded. Shoto has never shown any romantic interest in you before. You’ve never caught wandering eyes on you in class, he’s never stashed a love note in your locker. None of the typical school love tropes have been leveraged here. If anything, the two of you are loose acquaintances on the cusp of being friends. Maybe a few more months of class and group activities together would have helped you bridge the gap and fully form a decent friendship.
You wonder if he’s been into you all this time, or if this is just a whim he’s exploring. Either way - who are you to let an opportunity to kiss a hot guy go by the wayside? You snap your book shut and stand. "You want to do this right now?"
Shoto nods, and turns to walk away with the expectation that you’ll follow. You get up and sweep your things into your bag, heart beating double time. You quickly jog to catch up with Shoto – he’s already out the door. The two of you walk across the UA grounds in silence, your footsteps falling into a soft rhythm.  Your mind is going at a million miles per minute – could this all be an elaborate prank? Shoto has never struck you as the type to play a cruel joke on a classmate. Quite the opposite – when he’s not training he seems so soft and sweet. He strikes you as more of an introvert than anything else. He keeps people at a safe distance. You’ve always been under the impression that when it comes to Shoto, trust is earned, not freely given.
You wonder if this kissing business means that you’ve earned a bit of that trust? Who’s to say.
“So…” you say, attempting to break the tension. “Where are we going?” 
Shoto looks back at you, confused. “Isn’t it obvious? We’re going to my dorm room.”
“Oh.” You pause. “Wouldn’t that be a bit inappropriate? Like, what if someone catches us kissing in your dorm room? Won’t we get in trouble?”
“I’ll lock the door.” He says sensibly. “It’s no one’s business but ours.”
“Oh – I think I understand what you’re getting at.” He runs a hand through his hair reflexively. “It’s no wonder you’re one of the top members of the class. A good hero always has a strategy. So we should come up with an alibi.” He brings his thumb to his chin as he stares into space, pondering.
“If someone catches us, I can say that I experimentally froze my lips with my power and that I asked you to help me warm them up. Naturally, the best way to do so was with your lips.” He turns to you expectantly to gauge your reaction.
What the actual hell, Shoto.                                                          
“You’re um…you’re fucking with me, right?” You look at him uncertainly. Shoto’s unusually harsh upbringing has caused him to be shockingly literal at times. Your eyes scan his face until the corner of his mouth quirks upwards into a small smile.
“Yes, I am.”
You burst out laughing at the unexpected joke, and his tiny smile grows into a full grin. He likes making you laugh.
“Listen…” He says reassuringly, “No one is going to bother us – it’s such a nice day. I overheard some of the girls saying they were going to take pictures near the campus cherry blossom trees. They roped Midoriya, Ida and a few other classmates into the activity as well. Bakugo, Kirishima and Sero are all training across campus in the gym. We should have at least an hour or two before anyone comes seriously looking for us.”
Wow. That must be the longest group of sentences he’s ever said to you directly.
“You’ve really thought this through.” You say, following him across the threshold of Class 1A’s dorm complex.
He smirks. “I’m strategic.”
You look at him appraisingly. He looks clean and trim in his tailored UA uniform. Aside from the scar surrounding his eye, he has the most perfect skin of anyone in your class. While the rest of your classmates have been stressing about moisturizer and SPF and acne treatments, you’ve watched Shoto sail through his hormonal teens without a skincare care in the world. The skin of his cheeks is the color of porcelain and looks so, so soft and deliciously kissable. His face holds a mixture of determination and apprehension.
You enter the kitchen and common room area of your dorm and see that it’s completely, blessedly empty - odd for a Saturday. Shoto is right - it is one of the first nice spring days on campus. You assume everyone is out enjoying the nice weather as he said. This is a good thing – it means your clandestine meeting with Shoto can stay secret. Everyone in Class 1A can be so nosy sometimes. You’re determined to keep this juicy little secret between the two of you.
He leads you up towards one of the hallways that encompasses the boy’s dorms, pausing in front of his door to fiddle with his key. His usually steady hands are shaking a bit as he turns the lock and pushes open the door to reveal his immaculately clean bedroom with it’s traditional Japanese décor.
You step inside and slide off your shoes, letting your bag drop to the floor.
“I forgot how traditional your space is, Shoto.”
He closes the door behind you and clicks the lock into place before discarding his keys on his desktop. He looks around the dorm room thoughtfully.
“It’s how I grew up. I never really had the chance to develop my own taste or style.”
“Maybe now that you have your own space, you finally can!” You say enthusiastically. “If you’d ever like to go shopping or want help putting together a Pinterest board, Mina and I can definitely help you find some inspiration.”
His flat line of a mouth quirks up into another small smile. “I haven’t really had the time to think about anything other than school work and the L.o.V. since we moved into the dorms. Maybe you’re right – this could be an opportunity to broaden my horizons. See what I like.”
“Yeah! There are so many fun ways you can bring more of yourself into this space. We can start with a throw pillow.” You say knowledgably, pulling up the Pinterest app on your phone. “What’s your favorite color?”
You type the color into the search bar, and immediately the screen is flooded with hundreds of different shades of blue throw pillows – all kinds of patterns and sayings and beading and embroidery. You hand him your phone and encourage him to scroll through the options.
“I’m sure we can find something that makes you feel like you.”
His eyes soften a bit as he takes the phone from you, intrigued. He scrolls through the colorful images, overwhelmed by the options. After a few minutes of careful deliberation, he finally stops and double taps a picture, hyperlinking to a website.
“This. This feels like it could be me.” He sends himself the link so he can purchase the pillow later. He hands back your phone and you take a curious look – the image he’s drawn to is a long rectangle of fabric shaped like a whale. It has navy blue stripes along with a small curved tale and button eyes sewn on. You look up and see that the tips of Shoto’s ears are bright red.
“This isn’t what I was expecting – but I see now that it suits you perfectly.” You say, picturing the whale pillow in his room – a dash of whimsy against the otherwise stuffy outdated décor.  He practically glows at the compliment. You realize that this is likely one of the first times someone is validating a choice he has made for himself. You cough and toss your phone into your discarded bag – the moment feels oddly intimate.
Shoto’s eyes scan across your face and he speaks his next words slowly, almost deliberately. “This is what I’ve always liked about you, y/n. You always seem to know what to say to get someone to smile or to open up. Admirable traits in a future hero.” You feel your own face heating up at the sweet compliment. Shoto has never given you so much direct attention outside of class, and it’s exciting and almost unnerving to have those two intense eyes focused in entirely on you.
“Thank you Shoto, that’s a very kind thing to say.” You suddenly realize how very close Shoto’s face is to your own. He’s only a few breaths away. Shoto is a few inches taller than you, so you need to crane your neck in order to get the full picture of his beautiful face. You wonder nervously if he expects you to initiate – should you reach out and grab his face? Your heart starts beating much too fast and you see his intense eyes dart down to your lips, wanting. You take a step closer to him, leaning up to meet his face, and…
“Let’s get started.” He says abruptly, breaking the moment. He walks over to his closet and pulls out his bedroll, hastily moving to set up his sleeping space so that you’ll have a comfortable place to sit. Once he sets up the space, he takes a seat on the soft mattress and motions for you to join him. This wasn’t really what you were expecting, but you remember that Shoto is pretty sheltered. He clearly has a plan in mind here, so you decide to let him take the lead.
“Alright, before we start – I just want you to know that we can stop at any point you’d like. I want you to be comfortable here, so please let me know if at any time you feel like you don’t want to continue. Ok?”
You nod, appreciating the dialogue and Shoto’s forethought surrounding consent.
He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. Leaning his head back, he exhales slowly through his nostrils. After a moment of deep breathing, his eyes flutter open. “It’s an exercise my father taught me for clearing my nerves before a battle.” He explains as he runs a nervous hand through his two-toned hair.
“Are you anticipating a battle here?” You tease, reaching over to place your hand on his thigh. Shoto eyes the hand curiously before matching your gaze.
“Of course not. But surprisingly – I have the same feeling of anxiety now that I usually have right before a sparring match.” His expression is stone cold serious, not even the hint of a joke this time.
“I understand that. It’s nerve wracking to kiss a person for the first time.” You quickly double back on your words. “N-not that I’m implying that this is your first kiss or anything, I-”
Shoto blinks. “Oh – this is my first kiss. I thought it was fairly obvious.”
“Oh! Oh, Todoroki – I didn’t realize!” You trip over your words a bit and it brings out a soft smile in Shoto.
“I think that’s why I’ve been so distracted lately. Once I know how it feels, maybe then I can move on and focus back on my training and studies. Is this not your first kiss?” He tilts his head to the side, questioning. You see no hint of jealousy in his eyes – he’s legitimately curious.
“N-no. I’ve kissed a few people before. Never anything serious! Just here and there at summer camp.” You smile weakly, face burning. Shoto nods appreciatively at your candid answer.
“That makes sense – you’re very competent at everything you do. And very attractive.” This last part brings a blush across Shoto’s pale cheeks. “I had assumed there were plenty of people who have wanted to be kissed by you.” The compliment is unexpected and it makes a laugh bubble up your throat. You start giggling and Shoto seems taken by surprise.
“Did I say something funny?”
“No – no! You’re just so sincere and sweet and I am so nervous right now. Shoto you’re competent and attractive, too. I hope that you know that!” This brings his smile back out again, like the sunshine after a long rainstorm.
“Why don’t we just get it over with, then? I’ve read a few articles and studied some movies and…well, I think I’m as prepared as I can be.” Shoto’s face is so open and earnest your heart squeezes in your chest. He studied for this??
Slowly, carefully, Shoto reaches out a delicate hand to cradle the side of your face. He scoots somewhat awkwardly closer to you, but the rest of his movements hold his typical grace. He leans forward, eyes half closed, and brings his lips to your own.
You dip your head to receive the kiss, and you feel his soft lips melt against yours. You close your eyes and revel in the feeling of his mouth. Everything about him is soft and electric at the same time – the points where your bodies are connected feel charged with some kind of buzzing energy that leaves your breathless. And just as soon as it’s begun – it’s over. A brief peck, a stolen moment in time. Shoto pulls away from you, eyes wide, as he catches his breath.
“So?” You ask, trying for nonchalance but failing when you realize your voice is just a hoarse whisper. “What did you think?”
“It’s…” Shoto looks at you thoughtfully, touching his fingers to his tingling lips. “It wasn’t what I was expecting. I just feel like I want to do it more – like I need to keep going.”
You laugh – “Did you really think you’d want to stop after your first kiss?” Shoto shrugs, unwilling to answer the question.
“Can we kiss again? Please. If you’d like to, that is?” He asks, and you note the want in his voice. You’ve never heard Shoto Todoroki sound desperate for anything in his life before this moment. You’re surprised at how he sounds fairly desperate for you.
You smile at him and lean in close, bringing your foreheads together. You can feel different temperatures playing across his skin as he works to keep his quirk in check as excitement roars across his body.
“Follow my lead, lover-boy.” You whisper, before crashing your lips together. You move at a faster pace this time, showing him how to slide his mouth against yours to have a proper make out. He picks it up quickly and absolutely relishes in it. His eyes are closed and his hands find either side of your face again. You let him hold you like that for a few minutes before you decide to take the reigns a bit more. You reach out to place a hand on his chest and softly push him away from you.
“Here – this will make things a lot easier.” You stand up and move to straddle him, slowly sliding into his lap and wrapping your legs around his back. You place his hands on your waist and wind your arms around his neck. “Comfortable?” He nods, his eyes blown wide and almost glassy with lust.
“This is okay?” He asks, looking down at the way his hands grip your hips.
“Absolutely. You’re going to want them there for leverage.”
“Leverage?” He asks weakly, his eyes trained on your lips.
“You’ll see.” You smile deviously as you take in how absolutely undone Shoto looks. “Okay, next step – have you done any research on French kissing?”
Shoto nods again, looking a bit uncertain. “I watched a romantic comedy online and at the end the main couple kissed that way.”
“Well it’s super easy – I’ll walk you through it.” You tilt your head towards his and melt your lips back together, starting out with a slow and soft kiss. As he begins to get comfortable with the pace of your kissing, you move to deepen it – running the tip of your tongue across his lips. He naturally opens his mouth to you, and you move so that your tongues meet. You guide him into a light dance, your kisses becoming more frantic as your mouths and tongues collide. This brings out a ferocity in Shoto that you hadn’t expected, and you feel his hands grip your hips with almost bruising force. You groan, turned on by the contact. You automatically rock your hips into his and he stills at the motion. You blush as you realize that you can feel Shoto’s dick becoming hard beneath you. Shit.
His hands fly off of your hips and he sits back, mortified.
“I’m so sorry-” you start to say as he runs his hand anxiously through his hair again. Shoto takes a deep breath and looks at you, eyes still fuzzy.
“Don’t be sorry! That was amazing, I just…didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.” He looks down between you pointedly. He doesn’t want you to get freaked out by the fact that he’s got a boner.
“Oh I’m not uncomfortable at all! Actually, quite the opposite.” This answer makes Shoto’s sculpted eyebrows fly up into his hair.
“Really?” He whispers.
“Yeah. It’s actually really hot.” You reach down and take his hands in yours, moving them back to your hips. You make piercing eye contact with Shoto as you roll your hips experimentally again – feeling his hardness even through your clothes. He groans at the contact this time, a soft sound that is just: So. Goddamn. Hot.
You grind against him again, picking up a steady rhythm as Shoto enthusiastically moves your hips. Struck by sudden inspiration, you lean forward to kiss a sloppy line up his neck. This draws a moan from Shoto that you weren’t expecting – low and sweet. You smile as you continue to kiss his neck, using your tongue when you find a particularly sensitive spot beneath his ear.
Shoto grabs your face with one hand and tilts your head up before crashing his lips back into yours. His kisses are heated and passionate as he bounces you on his lap, making you both see stars. You’re so wet you can feel yourself soaking through your panties. You pray that your school uniform pants won’t get damp beneath you – how embarrassing would that be?! At the same time - you don’t give a damn; Shoto’s mouth and his hands and his dick feel far too good. At the moment kissing Shoto Todoroki feels like the only thing you were put on this goddamn earth to do.
Tentatively, you feel Shoto’s hands wander up from your hips. You moan into his mouth as his hands find your breasts. “How is this?” He whispers hoarsely, running delicate fingertips across the peaks of your breasts. “Is this okay? I can stop if you want me to.” You moan your consent enthusiastically, and when he begins to softly knead your boobs over your shirt, your hormones fully take the wheel.
You hop off your classmate so you can quickly unbutton your shirt – your tie flying off as you work. Shoto remains sitting on the floor and does the same with his own uniform. In a moment he is sitting shirtless and beautiful before you, chest heaving as he works to catch his breath. He stares at you with bright eyes as you stand above him in nothing but a bra and UA’s uniform slacks. He has never seen a woman with so little clothing on before, and he is in awe.
You kneel down beside him on the bedroll and reach out to touch his perfect body. Your hand hovers above his perfectly sculpted abs and you look up at him, eyes asking permission. He nods, giving you his blessing to touch. You smooth your fingertips lightly across the defined planes of his chest and abs, marveling in all that he is. Your palm comes to rest against his chest and you feel his heartbeat – a quick staccato beneath your delicate hand. You push him lightly so that he moves to lie on the ground before you.
“You alright with all this?” You whisper, moving slowly to straddle him on the ground.
“If I get to have you on top of me again – absolutely.” And he grins – a genuine smile that radiates comfort. You’ve never seen a look like that before on Shoto’s face and it stops you in your tracks. You just want to bask in the glow of the rare gift of his beaming face.
After a moment, you collect yourself and move so that you’re on all fours and hovering over him. You shiver – you’ve never been so close to someone in this way before. He seems to notice your hesitation.
“You look cold – do you want to grab a blanket?” He reaches up and runs his hands up and down your arms, giving you more goose bumps. You nod, and he reaches to grab a thick grey knit blanket that’s folded neatly to your left. He pulls you down to lay on top of him and easily casts the blanked across your intertwined bodies. The knit feels luxurious and expensive – and it smells deliciously like Shoto. A scent that’s a mixture of sandalwood and fresh sheets wafts around you. It’s comfortable and warm and you feel so, so happy to be sharing this moment with Shoto.
He wraps his arms around you and feels himself get hard again at the delicate feeling of your bare skin against his own. He pulls you in for a kiss – and this time the passion is slow, sensual. You’ve never kissed someone like this before – like you have all the time in the world. He moves his hands up and down your bare back beneath the blanket – warming you up. He’s keeping his ice quirk at bay – both of his hands are the perfect temperature as they run across your soft, supple skin. His hands come to rest on your lower back as he moves to experimentally kiss down your collarbone.
“Oh! Oh, Shoto, yes.” Is all you can say. The use of his given name seems to turn him on even more, because his kisses become sloppier and he runs the edge of his teeth against your skin. He continues to kiss down your shoulder, pausing for only a moment in order to roll you both over so that he can have a turn on top. You gasp at the sudden movement – the dynamics have unexpectedly shifted and Shoto is in total control.
He gazes down at you, shifting the blanket so that it doesn’t get tangled between your bodies.
“You’re so beautiful.” He says, a note of wonder in his voice. “Your skin is so soft…I never realized how great it would be to touch you.” He runs a light fingertip across the delicate skin of your neck and across the expanse of your collarbone. He watches as he runs his finger down the slope of one of your breasts, stopping when he meets the soft cotton of your bra.
“Can we take this off?” He whispers, moving to palm your breast over the delicate white material. You nod, and prop yourself up so you can reach behind yourself to unclip the clothing. With a light “pop!” the bra clip comes undone and Shoto helps you discard the item. He takes in your breasts with a look of absolute amazement and cautiously reaches out to touch them. He gently runs the palm of his hand across your right breast experimentally. You gasp at the contact, and he nervously glances at your face to make sure you’re not in any discomfort. You smile at him, encouraging him to keep going. He kneads the breast in his strong hand a few times before experimentally rolling his thumb over your nipple. You gasp at the contact as pleasure surges through you – you had no idea you were so sensitive. Shoto repeats the motion, earning a soft moan. He smiles at the praise – unexpectedly mischievous as he moves so that he’s kneeling over you, able to tackle a breast with each hand. He goes to work pinching and massaging and rolling your breasts between deft fingers, drawing the sweetest sounds from your mouth.
“Shoto!” You cry out as he moves to spread more kisses across your neck as his left hand plays with one of your breasts. You reach down and squeeze the muscular plane of his ass, begging him to grind into you. He gets the message loud and clear – moving against you gently so that you can feel his hardness graze against you.
He’s causing so many delicious sensations across your body with his lips, hands, hips, groin – it’s almost too much. You feel like you might drown in him when suddenly –
A knock on the door causes you both to still.
“Todoroki?” Mr. Aizawa’s voice is muffled behind the door. You’re both rigid with fear. Shoto’s lips are at your neck and his breath tickles your bare skin. Your fist is tightly squeezed around his left ass cheek. You stare at the ceiling as you start to panic, wondering wildly what you’re supposed to do in this situation. Oh shit oh shit oh shit.
Mr. Aizawa knocks on the door again. “Todoroki – your father is here to see you.”
“My father?!” Shoto blurts out before he can stop himself. He scrambles off of you and looks around in a panic. “Why’s my father here?”
The walls seem to be thinner than you thought, because Mr. Aizawa supplies an answer from the other side of the locked door.
“Endeavor had a press conference at a hotel down the road this morning. He wanted to check in and discuss internships. I left him waiting in the common area. I’ll be in my office if you want to grab any internship paperwork while he’s here. I wouldn’t keep him waiting, kid.”
“Of course – thank you Mr. Aizawa!” Todoroki calls through the door awkwardly, listening as your teacher’s footsteps recede into the distance.
You and Shoto stare at each other in absolute horror.
“Do you think he heard us? Do you think h-he knows?” You whisper, panic lacing your voice.
Shoto shakes his head no as he gathers up his shirt and shakily tries to re-button it. “No – I don’t think he was out there long enough to hear anything incriminating.”
You let out a breath of anxious air, reaching for your discarded bra. “Thank goodness.” You re-clip your bra and shrug on your shirt.
“Endeavor is here?” You eye Shoto with concern as he dawns his tie and straightens his hair in a wall mirror on the back of his door.
“My old man likes to pop up at inconvenient times.” Content with his hair, he looks down at you. You’ve started to fold up his blanked and bedroll, patting down your own hair along the way.
“We should probably talk about what just happened…” He starts to say, but you shush him as you hear heavy footsteps coming from down the hall.
“Shoto!” A booming voice rings through the hallway, sending shivers up your spine. The heavy footsteps come to a stop right outside Shoto’s dorm door. The doorknob rattles as someone tries the lock. “How dare you keep me waiting!”
“I’ll be out in a minute, old man!” Shoto calls back bitingly. He glares at the door, thankful for the meager lock. He turns to look at you, and his eyes fill with panic. You scan the room for a place to hide – there is absolutely nowhere to conceal yourself in Shoto’s sparse, plain room.
Suddenly, you’re struck with inspiration – you point to the window. Shoto nods in agreement, dashing to grab your things from where they lay abandoned at the threshold of the door.
Quietly, you pad over to the window and pull back the curtains by a foot. You unlatch the window and slide it softly open before hoisting yourself into the wide window frame. It’s lucky you’re not afraid of heights – because Todoroki’s room is on the fifth floor. There is a small escape ladder for fire emergencies (you smile at the irony of Endeavor being the fire emergency in this case). You move to settle your feet on the top rung of the ladder, with plans to climb your way back to the ground so you can re-enter the dorm building from the back.
Shoto leans out the window and hangs your messenger bag around your shoulder.
“Find me later so we can discuss this.” He says, looking apprehensively over his shoulder as his father continues to bang on the door and callout his name. “I’m sorry this ended with you having to sneak out the window like some sort of criminal.”
“Ah, it’s no big deal! Makes it more exciting.” You grin and he smiles back. He leans forward and presses a small kiss to the corner of your mouth before moving back to close the window.
As he slides the glass closed, he says to you “I don’t think this is going to help me refocus. If anything, I’m more distracted than ever.” You give him a wink as he shuts the window soundly, drawing the curtains to cover your escape.
Hastily, you climb down 5 stories worth of thin metal ladder, landing gracefully in the soft spring grass. You walk to the dorm’s back entrance and let yourself in, walking past the laundry room and up towards the common area. Mina waves at you as she tosses some clothes into the washing machine, and you say a silent prayer thanking the powers that be that none of your friends had come looking for you while you spent your blissful hour hidden away, half-naked and moaning, in Shoto Todoroki’s room.
You climb the stairs two at a time until you hear the voice of the Number 2 Hero grumbling in the common area. Curious, you peak around the corner to see Shoto and his father seated on one of the couches, sorting through paperwork. Shoto has a dead look behind his eyes as his father lectured him about the importance of networking. He nods blankly a few times before his eyes catch sight of your small frame hiding around the corner. His entire face softens at the sight of you. Endeavor notices and turns to see what’s captured his son’s attention.
“You there! Are you a member of Class 1A?” He booms out, almost polite in his delivery. You walk out into the room, drawing yourself up to your full height.
“Dad – this is my classmate Y/N. She lives on the girl’s side of the dorm. Her quirk is extremely powerful.”
“It’s nice to meet you Mr. Endeavor.” You say, trying not to blush at Shoto’s compliment. Endeavor waves you off with a fiery hand.
“Ah, that’s right. I recognize you from the Sport’s Festival. Your quirk and fighting style were both quite impressive.” He looks at you appraisingly. “Are you a close friend of Shoto’s?” 
“She is.” Shoto answers smoothly. “Actually, she’s been tutoring me a bit lately on some techniques I’m not familiar with. She’s a greatteacher.” The subtext is not lost on you.
“Surely you don’t need help in your studies, Shoto. You’re at the top of your class.” Endeavor says gruffly, looking to his son for further explanation.
“Just showing him a few moves I picked up in one of my martial arts classes, sir! Shoto picks up new techniques like a Pro.”
Endeavor seems mollified by this answer. “Of course he does. He’s on track to become the best of the best.” The hero claps his hand on Shoto’s shoulder proudly, and you smile weakly at the discomfort that flashes across Shoto’s eyes.
“Well – I’ll let you both get back to your work! Shoto – if you want to practice those techniques again later, I’ll be in the library until 8 tonight.”
You see Shoto ever so slightly lick his bottom lip. His face is tinged with the lightest of blushes.
“Got it. I’ll see you there, Y/N.”
You have a feeling that Shoto isn’t going to be able to focus on his studies for quite some time.
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