#spider billy my beloved
lilac-rose-writes · 8 months
have a spider-billy
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watch out, he's on his way to hang from ur textboxes
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gxbbyhoneybadger · 1 year
My Master List
Welcome to this master list of many fandoms and upcoming posts and more! Enjoy and follow for more.
Feel free to request oneshots, smuts, angst, fluff etc.
There is more to be added to this list. It's going to be updated so much 😂
What I won't write
I won't be writing LGBTQ+ content for private reasons (I am not homophobic, I promise)
I will not write any relationship that contains pedophilia.
I will not use they/them/ze/zir/etc pronouns for Y/n. Just he/him or she/her.
I will not write incest relationships.
With that out of the way, enjoy!
The Last of Us Master List
Joel x Reader
Hometown Sweethearts mini-series 1
Despair at it's Finest 2
The Roundup 3
The Disconnection 4
Can you feel my Heart 5
Fatal Flaw of the Fall 6
No man but You 7 (Finale)
Two in One (Oneshot Joel x Reader TBA)
Not an Accident (Oneshot Joel x Reader TBA)
Cowboy's Sweet Heart Mini-series 1
Red Dead Redemption Master List
Arthur Morgan x Reader
Richer than Gold 1
Precious like Diamonds 2
Tougher than Iron 3
Sweeter than Honey 4 TBA
Predator Master List
Scar x Reader
Mission 69 I
Mission 69 II
Mission 69 III TBA
John Wick Master List
John Wick x Reader
The Jade Viper 1
The Jade Viper 2
The Jade Viper 3
The Jade Viper 4
The Jade Viper 5 TBA
Marvel Master List (Upcoming)
My Forgotten Beloved (Bucky Barnes x Reader TBA)
My Dirty Little Secret (Eddie Brock x Reader TBA)
Only Us (!Andrew Garfield!Peter Parker x Reader TBA)
Itsy Bitsy Spider (!Tom Holland!Peter Parker x Reader TBA)
DC Master List (Upcoming)
Blood & Tears (Jason Todd x Reader TBA)
Star Wars Master List (Upcoming)
One with the Force (Ezra Bridger x Reader)
Show Yourself (Stormtrooper x Reader TBA)
Hellboy Master List (Upcoming)
Red and Black (Hellboy x Reader TBA)
The Walking Dead (Upcoming)
The Decaying Love (Shane Walsh x Reader TBA)
House of Wax (Upcoming)
The Lovesick Belle (Bo Sinclair x Reader TBA)
Avatar (Upcoming)
I need you (Jake Sulley x Reader TBA)
Yes, Sir (Recom Quaritch x Reader TBA)
The Boys (Upcoming)
The Gals (Billy Butcher x Reader TBA)
Mortal Kombat (Upcoming)
Rambo (Upcoming)
The Broken Soldiers (Rambo x Reader TBA)
Saw (Upcoming)
Five Steps Ahead (Peter Strahm x Reader TBA)
Don't Breathe (Upcoming)
See No Evil, Hear No Evil (Norman Nordstrom x !Deaf!Reader TBA)
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silent-raven13 · 1 year
Billie's new best fren!
Billie isn't fond of Hobie. Nope, the moment she saw him bite her big brother's neck that already gave her the ick. Even before, when she first met him, she didn't like how Miles gave attention and love to his boyfriend. Nope. Nope, she wants all the attention and love, and she's the only one that gives hugs to her big brother.
Now, Billie loves it when her parents aren't around and she's force to be babysat by her brother. Miles never complains about, he loves watching her. The only issues is when Spiderman is needed. Spiderman is a busy guy with huge responsibilities- and guess what! That's Billie's big brother! Yes, Billie's big brother, Miles is the cities' Spiderman! Ever since she can remember Miles had always taken her through the city and Spider Society fighting off bad guys or meeting up with other multiverse Spiderpeople.
Hey, she even have her own watch; it's a pink purple color with a flower spider design on it, and one of Miles' friend, Peter B. Parker gave her a cute pinkish purple Spiderwoman crochet mask. A gift from the lovely MJ, Peter's wife. Not to mention, she gets to play with the other kids Gerald, Jess' kid and Mayday, Peter's kid. They had to build a daycare if a mission is too sever for them to tag along.
Oh yes, that's one of her favorite days, going out to help Spiderman and seeing the universes. Now, her favorite part of the day going into Spider Society is meeting her best fren! Who is her best friend?
Well let's get into it!
Miles in his Spiderman suit had Billie in a baby carrier similar to Peter's but with a nice pouch to fit in baby wipes, an extra diaper and his phone. He jumps on one of the buildings seeing one of the anomaly's hiding in a warehouse. "Looks like we better call for back up, Boo-boo."
"Hehehe," Billie giggles as she had her web shooter toy, multiverse watch on and her mask being ready.
"Hey luv, fancy meeting you here." Hobie appears from behind to hug and kiss his boyfriend.
Billie gasps then scowls, "No!" She aim her web shooter at him almost threatening him. "No, Obie!"
"Billie, don't do that!" Miles' hand made her put her arm down. "He's just saying hello."
"NO!" She scowls.
Hobie took a step back, "Okay. Okay, easy Billie-willie. I'm not touching your brother." His hands up in defense, still having a cocky grin on his face.
Billie set her web shooter down, then looks at her brother, "No, Obie!"
"I know. I know. But he's here to help us fight. By the way, I need to make a call to Miguel." Miles added, using his watch to informed of the anomaly in his world.
Hobie casually rolled his eyes, "Sometimes I wonder if you like his more than me." Being the jealous type, he already didn't like Miguel. That man is too strict, too much of a pain in the ass for Hobie's liking.
"What? He's our boss or leader? He handle this stuff. Don't get upset, mi amor." Miles pouts as he sent out an emergency single. "Besides, you should be worrying about this one not liking you." He lift his chin to his sister's direction.
Billie still glaring at Hobie. "She will love me, after all I'm the love of your life." Hobie chuckles having to give a quick kiss on Miles' cheek.
Miles blushes, "Yet you pick on her."
"NO!" Billie shouted with her hands waving back and forth being mad Hobie got close to her brother.
"Hey guys! What's up!" Gwen and Pav appeared being one of the first ones. "Miguel sent us and Peter out. He's late."
"As always." Miles said holding Billie in his baby carrier.
"Awe, look at her cute mask and" Pav gasps out loud looking at her feet, "her wittle booties! I so want kids when I get married to my beloved Gaytari!" He fantasize being a father with cute kids, especially more when Miles introduce them to his little sister.
"Hehe!" Billie giggles.
Pav playfully do funny faces and tickle her cheek. Billie likes Pav. He doesn't hurt Miles, he's goofy.
Gwen giggles, "Hey, Billie. How's it going?"
"Bueno!" Billies smiles happily at Gwen, she likes Gwen. Gwen doesn't pick on Miles for fun!
Then the portal open having Peter B. Parker with Mayday following along side him wearing a cute Spidergirl outfit. "Okay, May. Remember to stay away from dangerous. Your first task is to climb away from danger and stay close to my sight."
"Okie Dookie, daddy!" Mayday giggles then gasps, "Billie!" She happily skips over to see her cute baby sister. "Hi, Miles." Mayday view Miles as her big brother too.
"May!" Billie giggles at her older sister.
Miles chuckles, "Hey, May. How are you doing?" He squat to her level that way she can hug Billie.
Mayday sniffs Billie, "Good and she smells so good. Baby smell!"
"All baby's smell like that." Peter chuckles, "So what's the plan?"
"I thought Miguel gave you the plan?" Gwen asked.
"Well, you're all adults. I thought you guys can make up one. Who needs that Grumps' plan?" Peter asked out loud.
"Miguel is gonna get mad if we don't follow his plan...." Pav hums, as he squat to play patty cake with Mayday while Billie cheers them on.
"I like that. Let's wing it, eh? Come on, luv. We can do it." Hobie said to his partner with his hand on his shoulder.
Miles rub his chin, "I dunno know..."
"Come on! We can do it!" Peter said out loud. "Besides this is level two anomaly. We just go in and out."
Gwen shrugs, "I guess, but if Miguel come at us. I'ma put the blame on you. Your the oldest!"
"I'm not that old." Peter pouts.
Mayday turns to her dad, "Daddy, you're old!"
Pav burst out laughing. "May, why your mean like your mom?" Peter pouts again.
"Anyway let do this!" Hobie said.
The spider heroes group up, then each one began using their webs to swing to the warehouse. Peter said, "Miles. Hobie, you took east. Gwen and Pav. West. I'll come from the top. Remember stay quiet and hidden."
"Got it!"
This is where it got fun. Miles and Hobie stuck together being on top of the stairs out of the warehouse. Hobie peaks to find the anomaly eating something, being all hunched over. Billie saw a blue butterfly coming out of the warehouse, it landed on her nose. "Ohhhh, linda!" her big round doe like eyes gleaming at how pretty it is.
"It's doing nothing? Is this a level 2?" Hobie whispers turning to his boyfriend.
Miles shrugs, "Miguel sent the scan. We should be careful since Lyla seems to give warning to not upset it."
Hobie rolled his eyes, "It's always Miguel said this and that, luv."
"Hobie, he sent it." Miles side eyes him then place his hands on his hips. "Esta loco?"
Hobie sighs, "Sorry, luv. How about a kiss? Come on, I need to know you love me." He pucker his lips waiting for his boyfriend to kiss him.
Miles blushes, "Hobie, we're on a mission."
Billie felt Hobie's body getting way too close for comfort and it made her more mad that the pretty blue butterfly flew away. "NO!" She shoot her web shooter at Hobie's face.
"Good job, Billie." Miles giggles.
"Hey lovebirds! We're about to move close." Peter call them through their earbuds. "Hobie go in. Pav is already setting up the trap. Gwen and Miles, distract the anomaly."
"What do I do?" Mayday asked as she stood on the roof with her dad being excited to help.
"You stay here and be safe, honey. That's a big job."
"Aweee, you never let me help." She pouts.
"I promise you will but you still need to practice on your web shooting, and powers." Peter kisses his daughter's cheek, "Stay safe, remember." Her dad went in one of the holes of the old warehouse.
Miles and Gwen went inside of the warehouse, they saw Peter on top. "Okay, now." He said through their earbuds.
Within a blink an eye, Billie was already seeing pretty blue blasts. Her big brother being extra carefully because of her. Gwen shouting to give warning. The anomaly is all glitching, with a pretty periwinkle blue and white glow. Billie's eyes noticed blue butterflies around the small anomaly. "Pretty!" She said. Why did the butterfly look so small, too?
"Hobie, now!" Peter uses his web shooters to block the entrance.
The anomaly growls and glitch out sounding so afraid like a frail small animal. Hobie appears using his guitar to wack it. The Gwen uses her web to surround it. The anomaly look so scared, confused that it made Billie upset.
When Miles got close enough to use his lightening on it, Billie started to huff and puff. Big tears forming from her eyes as she saw the tiny anomaly whimpering in fear and pain. "Nononononono!" Billie wiggles having to burst out crying out loud!
"Billie? Wha-what's wrong?" Miles looking concern. "Are you hurt?" He quickly took step back to check on his sister.
"Nonononononono. Malo! Malo her-man-no!" She cries out loud with her hands smacking her brother being upset.
"Qué?" Miles trying to calm her down.
Hobie saw the anomaly quickly uses its blue bean to aim at Miles and Billie. "Miles, look out." He quickly pushes them out of the way. The beam aims from bottom to the top. Hitting the roof!
Mayday shrieks seeing the beam coming through. "MAYDAY!" Peter shouted, seeing his daughter falling into the warehouse.
"I gotchu!" Pav swing by to rescue her, catching her in his arms.
Mayday hugs Pat's neck tightly still feeling her heart pounding. That was too close for comfort. She will listen to her dad next time.
Peter saw the warehouse crumbling, "It's falling! Everyone get out." He swing out with Pav and Mayday.
Gwen quickly got out of window. "MILES! HOBIE! OVER HERE!"
The small anomaly scattered away from an opening getting away. Billie saw this and was proud to save it. "Come on, luv. Let's go!" Hobie carries Miles bridal style having to book it.
The group got out safely. Peter sighing in relief having his baby gurl in his arms, "Oh thank god, you're okay May." He almost fainted with relief.
Gwen crosses her arms, "So? Mission fail?"
"Mission fail." They all agreed.
Miles look at Billie being chipper than before. "What happen with Billie?" Pav asked having his chin resting on Miles' shoulder.
"I dunno know. She was crying and I thought she hurt herself? Maybe- I need to go to med-bay. Maybe she sprain something?" He's voice filled with worried.
Hobie said, "I don't think she's hurt... I think she didn't like what we were doing to the anomaly."
"What?" Miles blink in surprised, then again his little sister is smart like Mayday. They are more aware of things than most kids.
Billie merely glance up at her big brother then giggle. Gwen said, "I mean, that's kinda good? She's aware of emotions, right?"
"And bad, because she can't be in missions like this." Peter added having to hold his daughter in his arms being over protective.
Then their watches beeping from Miguel. Lyla's voice rings their ears, "Miguel wants to see you all!"
"UGHH!" Everyone except Mayday and Billie groaned.
"Yay, uncle Mig!" Mayday giggles.
Billie cheers out loud, "Tio!"
"I thought she would hate Miguel?" Hobie asked.
"No, she actually loves him." Miles casually say. "They're best friends."
Hobie stop following him being surprised, "What?" Almost in shock.
Billie laughs out loud at his expression. "Yeah, her and Miguel are like this." Miles crossed his fingers, "Same way with Mayday and Gerald. Hobie, why you're so surprised? Miguel is great with kids."
"It's just..." Hobie pouts at Billie, "Alright, lil one. I'll be your best friend."
"No!" She pouts. "Tio!" She chanted.
Miles laughs, "Oh now, you want her to like you. Why? Because Miguel?" He always knew Hobie would be jealous some way some how.
They all went to spider headquarters to face their leader.
(Part 2)
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The Amazing Spider-Man #6
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Published: November 1963
Containing: "Face to Face with...The Lizard!"
Introducing: Curtis Connors/The Lizard, Martha Connors, Billy Connors
Synopsis: Peter is sent down to Florida to get some photos on a mysterious figure, The Lizard, who is terrorizing the everglades, but soon must discover a way to help this new villain become human again.
Read alongside us here:
@frankendykes-monster: There's something so humorous to me about naming a villain "The Lizard" after already having one named "The Chameleon". The off-brand model even if they share nothing in common. I had to look up when it was discovered that dinosaurs are more closely related to birds than reptiles but no luck unlike last issue's forcing me to look up how spiders communicate.
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The introduction of The Lizard rings like a horror film, the setting in Florida couldn't help but make me think of The Alligator People (1959). Virtually all the tropes like the monster staking a claim in hostile territory and scientific mishaps and an ancient castle ooze charm, it's only the near ending when The Lizard wants to create more reptilian humanoids that you're forcibly reminded that this is a supervillain we're dealing with.
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I have to wonder if The Lizard was originally intended to be a one-and-done given the character never returns during Ditko's time on the title but Curt Conners does. Much like Mysterio returning to his first costume, it's something that's only established as an ongoing threat when John Romita takes over. I have to say the character's design is probably the first Ditko one that's something of an acquired taste, had he worn a purple coat and had black eyes with white pupils like on the cover, it would have been more cohesive and threatening, though I'm not a giant fan of more animalistic subsequent designs decades down the line. This issue's title page is another all-time favorite of mine for how much it reads as a three-dimensional space. Ditko occasionally goes all-out, though at the same time I feel like we see way more of Spider-Man sans webbing in this issue (whenever the character is far enough away from the camera that drawing them would be too much of a hassle. Blah.)
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I have to wonder what people reading this for the first time have to make of Liz Allen and Betty Brant being Peter's love interests, because if it wasn't a full-time thing last issue, it certainly is now. Betty's appearances in the live-action Spider-Man films have more or less been cameos, is what I'm saying. Given Liz's newfound interest in Spider-Man I think it's quaint if disappointing that it isn't until Civil War, over 40 years after this, that she discovers it's Peter under the mask alongside the rest of the world. Womp womp.
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Probably the most realistic thing about this issue is Jameson accidentally starting a tabloid frenzy wherein he demands Spider-Man go down to Florida to fight The Lizard. It's ridiculous but plausible enough that I could see people actually read papers and developing a strong opinion on the matter.
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@duel1971 : This issue may be my favorite so far. The story takes Peter out of NYC and down to Florida on J Jonah Jameson’s dime to get pictures of the Lizard. This leads to Peter and Jameson being traveling partners, a concept I would happily read a full-length story about but which is only touched upon briefly here.
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Curtis Connors has one of the most well-realized supervillain origins we’ve seen yet in ASM. The tragic nature of the character feels iconic: the loss of an arm motivates him to recklessly experiment on himself and leads to a complete physical transformation that renders him a threat to his beloved family and, as the issue draws on, civilization itself. (Or at least Florida.) In addition, lizards being a natural predator of spiders makes the Lizard’s ability to physically outmaneuver and outmatch Spider-Man feel ordained by nature.
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Some parts of the story feel a little clunky – in particular, I’m not sure what a serum that turned a man into a lizard would do to actual lizards. The story doesn’t seem to have a firm idea either, but apparently it would be very bad. I appreciated the attempt to raise the stakes, but found Curtis’s alienation from and eventual reconciliation with his family to be much more compelling.
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direwombat · 9 months
wip whoops its friday
tagged by the beloveds @g0dspeeed, and @adelaidedrubman (tysm~ <3)
still hating everything i write, but the "daddy la roux lives and is in the fc5 timeline" au has seized my brain and i have been piecing together an abridged version of katc for this au featuring syb's shitty dad <3 so here he is. being a little less shitty. and helping boomer dig her up from the grave faith put her in during her Bad Day™
In the confines of the coffin, Sybille had managed to stay calm. To slow her breathing, conserve her oxygen and focus on the sole task of breaking free. Humming that song had helped -- had given her the adrenaline she needed, and the soft, phantom voice of Jacob Seed murmuring words of encouragement every time she struck the lid. 
Almost there.
It isn’t until the wood buckles and dirt begins pouring in that she begins to panic. The soft, crumbly topsoil falls onto her face and into her mouth, like thousands of tiny spiders crawling over her skin. 
Her initial scream was more instinctive than anything else. 
Each subsequent one is more akin to the yowling of a feral animal throwing itself against its cage. 
Her bloody knuckles sting as dirt cakes onto them, but despite its looseness, the soil is heavy. Each time she pushes it away, more takes its place. She can barely breathe. It’s only when she takes a strained breath for air that she hears the sound of a dog barking. It’s faint, muffled by God only knows how much dirt, but she’d know that sound anywhere. 
It’s enough to keep her going. 
She calls his name, and with a renewed sense of vigor and desperation, she continues to claw her way to the surface. The dirt begins to move around her, and between Boomer’s barking, she thinks she hears the sound of another person’s voice. It’s low and likewise muffled, but it sounds like a man. 
Someone is here. 
Someone is here to save her. 
Most likely Earl, if she had to wager a guess. Boomer must have run for help after she passed out from the Bliss. She’s just lucky they found her in time. The prison wasn’t close to where she last remembers being. Maybe it’s Sharky. Hell, it might even be Xander. 
She thrusts her arm up into the dirt as far as she can push it, and there’s a sudden release of pressure as her hand breaches the surface. “HELP!” she cries out, and this time, she’s close enough to hear Boomer yipping and barking in response. 
And then the warmth of another person’s hand grasps hers. It’s rough and calloused, and there’s a not insignificant part of her that bizarrely hopes that it’s Jacob’s. It squeezes her own, almost reassuringly, and while she still can’t tell who the voice belongs to, she can make out their words. “I gotcha, I gotcha, I’m’a getcha outta there!” 
The pull nearly wrenches her arm out of its socket. It’s like being dragged through molasses. But her arm is free.
Then her head, and she’s blinking away the bits of dirt falling into her eyes, her vision adjusting from the pitch black of the underground to the bright sunlight glaring overhead.
Then her torso is pulled from the ground, and she’s falling into wiry, but strong arms. She trembles against her savior, clawing at his shirt and hiding her face in shame as tears blur her vision and streak down her cheeks. But when she inhales and the stench of stale tobacco and the sharp bite of menthol fills her nose, a broken sob rips free of her chest. 
“It’s okay, Billie,” Daddy shushes and he holds her tighter. “I’ve gotcha. You’re safe now, okay? Daddy’s here. Daddy’s gotcha.” 
She ought to push him away. She should want to claw his eyes out. But for the first time since she was a baby, Daddy’s here. Her knees come to curl up to her chest, making herself as small as possible, and suddenly she’s four years old again. 
She’s four years old and Daddy’s home, and he doesn’t stink of alcohol.
She’s four years old and nothing Bad has happened yet. 
She’s four years old and Daddy’s here to chase the nightmares and monsters away.
She’s thirty-five years old, screaming in grief and agony and all the other emotions she bottled up inside are suddenly bursting free until all she can do is shiver and shake while he holds her. His touch is startlingly gentle. Long, nimble fingers -- pickpocket’s fingers; cheating gambler’s fingers; liar’s fingers -- stroke her hair and rub small circles over her back, trying to help soothe the pain away. 
She’s thirty five years old, and for the first time in as long as she can remember, she feels safe in Daddy’s arms.
taggin' @fourlittleseedlings, @wrathfulrook, @harmonyowl, @ivymarquis, @carlosoliveiraa, @cassietrn, @poetikat, @confidentandgood, @strafethesesinners, @trench-rot, @miyabilicious, @simplegenius042, @inafieldofdaisies, @josephslittledeputy, @aceghosts, @socially-awkward-skeleton, @voidika, @strangefable, and anyone else wanting to share a wip! (taglist opt in/out)
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leviiackrman · 7 months
I was tagged by @simonxriley @corvosattano + @marivenah to do this fun tag for some gals, thank you beloveds!
Rules: list 5 songs that relate to your oc and 3 outfits they would wear
Tagging: @risingsh0t @carrionsflower @thedeadthree @bbrocklesnar @roofgeese @unholymilf @florbelles @arklay @captmactavish @shellibisshe @queennymeria @marivenah @riikugan @rosenfey @timdownie @jackiesarch @heroofpenamstan @aezyrraeshh @carlosoliveiraa @shadowglens @fenharel @alexxmason @malefiicarum @nightbloodbix @gearvmac @perpetuagf @garaviel
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The Pretender - Lewis Capaldi
No Tears Left to Cry - Ariana Grande
The 30th - Billie Eilish
Surface Pressure - Jessica Darrow
Lucky People - Waterparks
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Won’t Stand Down - Muse
18+ - Scene Queen
Power - Little Mix ft. Stormzy
Heathens - Twenty One Pilots
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Song to Myself - Picture This
Spiders - Black Tiger Sex Machine, YOOKIE
My Girl - Scotty Sire
Anything but Ordinary - Avril Lavigne
Not Alone - New Rules
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rainworld-oc-showdown · 8 months
The Toxicant by @bumblewish VERSUS Roadkill by @just-a-silly-billy - Round 2 Set 1
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The Toxicant- Description:
They are an ambush hunter that uses the spores from their tail to stun prey. The strength of the spores weakens with repeated usage causing prey to recover faster as the cycle continues. The spores have double effectiveness on insects/spiders and, on the first use of the cycle, can even be fatal.
They have a high lung capacity like Rivulet, but their speed and throwing strength is more comparable to Monk. They can also maul their prey when it’s stunned.
The Toxicant appeared to be a purposed organism of unknown origins. For a long time, they’ve been wandering from Iterator to Iterator showing off a data pearl to whomever accepts it. The data pearl seemed to have a study of sorts recorded on it with added notes from many of the Iterators the Toxicant has visited. Nobody seemed to know who the pearl was intended for or where it was obtained, until the Toxicant came across Blue Skies Aplenty, a lonely Iterator who needed help repairing their communications array. The two made a deal and after the Toxicant helped to bring BSA’s long distance communications back online, the Iterator was able to direct the slugcat towards the pearl’s true recipient: Unfinished Epilogue.
Fun facts:
The Toxicant likes to accessorize themself with plants such as bubbleweed and various flowers.
Roadkill- Description:
Roadkill if it were in a campaign would have a similar build to The Gourmand. Physically the Slugcat has a handful of advantages, such as having a thick layer of fat around his body giving it a second chance if it were punctured by a spear, or bitten down upon by a Lizard. It also has a ferocious bite itself, similar to how The Artificer can maul creatures. Roadkill can also create large sparks or mimic the sound of explosions to scare off or startle prey in order to gain any advantage. With the area the slugcat is located in, it's accustomed to withstand the cold as well similar to The Saint. Similar to a walrus, Roadkill has thick blubber/fat that keeps him warm throughout the harsh elements that its environment throws at him, lasting as long as The Saint with a lantern. It has a strong spear throw as well, having thrown one spear is equivalent to hitting something with two. However there are a few downsides to his variety of abilities. For one thing, he gets tired out just as fast, if not faster than the gourmand. Another issue is whenever he makes the loud explosion noises, similar to The Artificer if he uses this ability so many times, it will end up stunning him for a matter of seconds. He also has a large food meter, having to fill a total of 9 food pips needed to be filled, though it can store five extra.
Roadkill is a purposed organism for an iterator of mine named Lingering Absence. Roadkill's purpose is to keep outsiders, specifically fauna, from invading the iterator's can. Nothing too special is needed from the large slugcat however, so often whenever it's off duty it spends its time with its beloved owner, Lingering Absence.
Fun Facts:
If it's not obvious, Roadkill is heavily based off of an array of creatures, specifically walruses, penguins, moles, and also gourmand, who isn't an animal, though I feel I should mention him. Outside of the idea of a campaign, he can actually burrow through snow and puncture through thick ice in order to ensnare prey that lurks underneath such. Though I doubt there's any way to properly incorporate this in-game. He is also my first Rainworld oc I made once I got into the game, as well the most worked on.
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knghtlock · 7 months
The rules are simple! Post characters you’d like to roleplay as, have roleplayed as, and might bring back. Then tag ten people to do the same (if you can’t think of ten, just write down however many you can and tag that number of people). Please repost, don’t reblog!
my beloved blorbo, hotaru ( multiverse oc primarily set in des/tiny )
that's it
genshi.n ocs ( mochizuki haruka my beloved defense attorney and percival engarde my beloved asshole prosecutor, yes they are a.ce att.orney references yes mochi has cross examined a parrot )
wrioth.esley ( genshin impa.ct )
dnd / tri.gun oc ( ariz.ona re.dd with a big iron on their hip )
dest.iny hunter oc ( two of them! nyx and hesti.a ! )
arthur, the excali.bur warf.rame from warfra.me 1999 except i'm the warfr.ame player that doesnt know every scrap of lore so i'm making my own.
mer.yl stryfe ( trigu.n ) ( loml )
spider-p.unk / ho.bie brown ( comics / ats.v influence bc he's my favorite spider-m.an and his universe is SO COOL okay-- )
a few others i can't immediately think of
tsukino usag.i / sai.lor moon
chiba mamor.u / tu.xedo ka.men
l.ink ( twilight p.rincess / mixed canon and botw )
peter par.ker / spi.der-man ( tas.m and comic influences, we love the amazing garfman here )
the dooms.layer ( flynn d. gardener ) ( get it . his last two initials are dg for doomgu.y FDHLKGJ )
billy from the mmp.r 2017 movie!
j.efferson from ou.at ( for like a week )
ten'oh haruka / sailor u.ranus ( also for like a week )
a la.vellan i.nquisitor oc and a half-elf grey warden oc from dragon ag.e
peter pa.rker
doomsl.ayer / flynn d. gardener
tagged by: @gunnvash, thanks billie! tagging: @afraidofchange , @arcanumsolitude , @foolshoujo, @iobartach , @mindhallow , @glorykill , @exiler , @iconaclysm , @gunbash, @vh1ral , @starlyht , and YOU !
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buck-yyyy · 2 years
alrighty peeps i got some food for thought
it's been QUITE the hot debate as to whether vecna or the mindflayer is the big bad. i would like to present to you some further things to analyze on that subject.
let's take a look at this scene. this takes place immediately after the kids trap billy in the sauna, and they confirm that he's been flayed. it's a conversation between billy and heather, BOTH of whom are flayed. but if they're both being controlled by the same thing, implied to be vecna in season four, why would there need to be a conversation?
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if they were both being possessed by vecna, it would make so much more sense to have some kind of internal monologue with billy doing a VO, rather than this conversation between two different people.
this scene tells us, or at least tells me, that they're being possessed by two different entities. billy, the leader of the flayed, is passing on information to heather, his sort of second in command.
(we know she's second in command, not only because she was flayed second, but also because she was turned into sludge at the end while billy was kept whole)
i find this so very interesting, for a couple reasons.
number one billy's mannerisms in his flayed state almost perfectly match the mannerisms of 001 in season four. everything from his posture, to the way he holds his hands, to most notably, the cadence of his voice, is a near exact match to what JCB used for his performance as 001.
in this scene, billy's voice is flat- but not flat as in no tone, flat as in exhausted. despite being flayed, this makes sense for what we just saw him experience.
if we take a look at heather's mannerisms while she's flayed, she's flat in a different way. she has little to no tone in her voice, not counting when max and el came to visit her house, and keeps an entirely neutral expression throughout every scene we see her in as a member of the flayed, juxtaposing billy, who still expresses pain, rage, and other human emotions, despite his possessed state.
this kind of leads me to believe that vecna is possessing billy, because of the fact that 001 was/is human, whereas the mindflayer, supposedly possessing heather, is NOT human and doesn't have the humanity needed to give the people it's controlling that emotional range.
plus! the scene where we see billy get taken is ONE HUNDRED PERCENT a vecna vison. just look at these screenshots and tell me it's not vecna taking him.
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(apologies for the low quality screenshots instead of a video, idk how to screen record on my laptop T-T)
but this leads to point
number two
if vecna is possessing billy, and the mindflayer is possessing heather- what the absolute fuck is the physical form of the mindflayer (i will from here on out be calling it the Meat Spider because i can) being controlled by?
is it henry's obssession with spiders, being put into a solid form, therefore also being controlled by vecna?
this is interesting because it proposes the idea that vecna can possess multiple people at once. maybe my dream of the whole party in a trance at once in season five could come true!
is it truly the mindflayer's physical form?
on the other hand, this would make a lot of sense. in the beginning of season three, we see the mindflayer's particles become a lil tornado thing in the steel factory.
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(again, sorry for the shitty screenshots)
but then THAT begs the question- what's the difference between the dusty bits and the meat spider? it's making me think that the dusty bits are the mindflayer and the meat spider is vecna.
i think that the most interesting part of all of this is the question of how separate of entities vecna and the mindflayer are. in season four, we see vecna shape the mindflayer to a blob of nothing into his beloved spider form- but where did the idea for that even come from, and why did he start drawing that shape as opposed to his regular spiders? and if vecna is in complete and total control of the mindflayer, then why the hell did they feel the need to show billy and heather having that conversation, and why were they so differently presented with their mannerisms?
*sing song voice*
what the fuck is going onnnnnnn
anyways. thoughts?
(tagging @aemiron-main and @laozuspo because i would love to hear you guys' thoughts on this- no pressure though! <3)
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lt91dreg · 1 year
hello i just want to introduce me and my interests really quickly because i haven’t and i want to :)
my name is selma,i’m 17 turning 18 this year and i live in france :)
here are the things i love most in life:
one direction (solos also) (louis is my everything but i love them all equally)
taylor swift
gracie abrams
billie eilish
phoebe bridgers and boygenius
conan gray
music in general really ( it’s my everything, please recommend me some music i would be pleased to listen to it, i listen to every genres)
marauders (regulus is my beloved)
reading (fanfics but also paper books,recommend some also pls)
movies ( if someday i just post a long love letter about my favorite movies don’t mind it)
any types of art really
especially spider-man, i’m actually him
i think that’s pretty much it but i’m absolutely consumed by media and live in delusion all the time.
i hope i will find my peoples, also i use all pronouns :)
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mk-wizard · 1 year
Top 10 Spinoffs that really need to happen
Hi, friends. I may not be a fan of cheap sequels or prequels we don't want, I do think spinoffs are underrated especially if they focus on characters that are beloved and have interesting stories to tell. I mean, look at the success of Star Wars' many series especially its two diamonds being Clone Wars and Andor. I was inspired to make this list after seeing the trailer of Daryl Dixon.
In this list, I will my top ten medias that could it even bigger if they make these specific spinoffs.
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Marvel's War Machine (Film/TV Series) - Nevermind Riri. Let's focus on this guy who was not only around long before her, but since the beginning. In time where we want more black representation than ever, I think War Machine is should be the next big thing. War Machine aka James Ruper "Rhodey" Rhodes is a decorated soldier to begin and Iron Man's right hand man. Despite the similar gimmick, his personality is much more serious, professional and mannerly. He can hold out on his own and he is a hero anyone of any type can look up to.
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2. Marvel's Mary Jane Watson (Mini Series) - While she started off as Gwen Stacey's replacement and would alter become Peter Parker's main woman, she has now come quite into her own. She has even gone on adventures of her own, has become more capable and even became an ally in action for Spider-Man. While the comics have gone sour, maybe TV can bring us back MJ and Spidey as not only a couple, but as equals who both have exciting stories to tell.
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3. Marvel's (REAL) Spider-Girl (TV Series/Film) - Speaking of TV redeeming MJ and Spidey as soul mates, last I remember, at one point, they were not only happily married, they had a daughter Mayday Parker who had the mantle passed down to her long before Miles Morales, the other Gwen Stacey (Spider-Woman) and all these other modern incarnations. She is a very underrated heroine who fell into obscurity no thanks to how Marvel broke up one of its most iconic couples. She needs to make a comeback because she is the true Spider-Girl in every way possible,
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4. Disney's Goofy kid's show (TV Series) - For a while, the Disney gang made a big comeback since Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and almost everyone got their own spinoff or reboot. Everyone, but Goofy which I find is a waste because unlike all the others with the exception of Pete, he actually is a father. So far, the only independent works Goofy has gotten are Goof Troop, the two Goofy Movies and two animated shorts in some holidays specials. I think Goofy can make for a great host in a kid's show because despite his goofiness, he is a very capable and in fact, wise father. He would be a lot like Mr. Rogers or Mr. Dress Up where instead just playing with kids, he's actually teaching them and even comforting them the way a father does.
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5. Resident Evil's Billy Coen (Video Game) - I don't think there's an RE fan out there who hasn't wished to see what became of this beloved one off character. Between you and me, I think he's still alive and kicking zombie, and I would love see what became of him after RE0. He not only came from one of the few prequel media out there that was great, but he is a total badass with a compelling backstory. We even got to see what happened to Sherry Birkin later one. I think Billy is more than worth a chance in the spotlight.
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6. Silent Hill's Heather Mason (Video Game) - I know what you're thinking, but hear me out. While she got her own game (technically, two if you count the first ever SH game), I don't believe her story should have ended with SH3. The Mason family is the closest thing to a true SH main protagonist as there is I would love to her a now adult Heather Mason still fighting the Order as it is still out there wreaking havoc. She was a great heroine and an underrated video game character in general.
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7. Jurassic Park for grown ups (TV Series) - It's had a few spinoffs so far and the only that is a big hit is Camp Cretaceous. I think another one should be made and this time, it should be aimed for adults. In the beginning, JP showed a lot of promise when it came to making adult oriented spinoffs with the comics and the sequel The Lost World, but after that, it became more and more about the action and less about the horror factor and dinosaurs. Even the revival trilogy of Jurassic World lacked that horror element that adults appreciated in the first two movies and most importantly, the book. We need to make a spinoff that is aimed for grown ups without it feeling like it wants to be Indiana Jones.
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8. DC's Batgirl (TV Series) - Nevermind Batwoman, Batgirl was around first AND she was solo before joining the bat family officially. I mean, even her father Jim Gordon got his own spinoff series before she did and she's actually a super. And apparently, her film never saw the light of day because it was not up to standard. I say, we make a TV series that does live up to standard AND we make it animated like we did Harley Quinn. Barbara Gordon set the standard for a lot lady supers came after her and she iconic. EVERYONE knows who Batgirl is. Even people who don't read comics know who Batgirl is. What I don't know is why she hasn't starred in her own solo media yet beyond comics.
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9. DC's Catwoman (Film/TV Series) - Speaking of iconic DC heroines, it is funny how one of its most iconic anti-heroines, love interest's to Batman and just recently, bisexual supers still hasn't gotten any independent media beyond her comics. If there's one woman who doesn't need no Batman (let alone man in general) to stand on her own two feet and have a compelling story to tell, it's her. The only thing we have gotten are two films. One which is imposter media starring Halle Berry and another no one knows about. Seline Kyle deserves so much more than that. I say she gets her own proper show or at the very least, a proper film. She's worth it.
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10. Capcom's Dino Crisis (Video Game) - I think this franchise only got one spinoff (two if you count the third instalment that went off the rails), and it wasn't a hit. Dino Crisis was clearly inspired by the original Jurassic Park especially when it came to horror and the feeling of being genuinely threatened by the dinosaurs. This game felt like the long lost twin sister of RE. With that said, it should get a spinoff because it's worth a last hurrah and who knows? It mind revive this lost gem of a series. I say we go for it and put our best foot forward doing it. Let it be true to the lore, the setting and theme. None of the dinos in space silliness.
Anyway, that is my list. What is your opinion on it? Would you like to see these spinoffs or can you suggest another? Let me know.
Thanks for reading and as always, stay safe.
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lildoodlenoodle · 1 year
mattea murdock my beloved, im so obsessed with her it's not even funny
EXACTLY, I need more of the whole Spider-band but especially her!! All the designs in that comic were literally so good and creative in style and how they use their powers. But her,,, I saw her use the drum sticks to expand the echolocation and was like that is fucking genius but when she used them like the iconic Billy Clubs I LOST MY FUCKING MY MIND and still do everytime I reread.
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coffee-in-veins · 2 years
Day 27: Spider’s Web
an entry for darkest prompts promptober 2022  
previous days: 1, 2, 3,  4, 5, 6,  7,  8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26
now available on ao3 too
Web NOUN - a network of fine threads constructed by a spider from fluid secreted by its spinnerets, used to catch its prey; a complex system of interconnected elements.
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You should see me in a crown I'm gonna run this nothing town Watch me make 'em bow One by one by one One by one by You should see me in a crown Your silence is my favourite sound Watch me make 'em bow One by one by one One by one by one
-- You Should See Me in a Crown by Billie Eilish
It was often said that it was better to be a beggar than a fool and that sarcasm was the lowest form of wit. That it was better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. And many other derogatory jabs directed at the unfortunate implications of the once-noble profession of a jester.
Sarmenti always agreed to those ramblings, lute in hands and trusty wine bottle at his side, and even added a few insulting proverbs himself, jingles and jangles of his patchwork hat nodding in an agreeing cacophony. For he knew that no man can play the fool so well as a wise man – a knowledge he could thank Dismas for, albeit, old rogue usually implied it in the physical sense, surprising his opponents by being far toothier than a short rat had any right to be. It was always easier to take one’s enemy by surprise if they vastly underestimated one’s prowess, after all.
The patchwork nuisance of the Performance Hall took that idea and brought it to a whole new level.
There was this simple game Sarmenti loved to spend time playing, the one which drove others insane – the cat cradle. A spin of yarn meticulously weaved around his elongated fingers, with no goddamn cat and definitely without any cradle, but with enough going on to keep his antsy hands occupied. This elaborate but effortlessly useless game gave Sarmenti’s restless mind enough time to think, to plan, to scheme. And those calmer moments gave birth to the most ambitious plans in Hamlet.
Baldwin often offered his huge warm palms as a support for this odd activity even if he couldn’t quite catch the rules or the meaning despite seeing the patterns play out thousands of times. Yet he knew to keep his advisors close and his trusty court jester even closer, and thus saw no reason to ask. If anything, the former king preferred to give reign to his allegedly insane beloved and see how the jigsaw puzzle would fall into its place this time, the damned aesthete.
So Sarmenti took it upon himself to make each scheme, each play more elaborate than the last. He had the most devoted audience, the limelight was rightfully his, and he intended to make the most of it, as always. Diva to his very core, insufferable just as much as he was skilled, the jester abhorred sharing the attention – yet always went the extra mile if he knew the applause was awaiting him at the end of his performance.
Thus, in the dimness of their shared leprosarium room, he sat in front of the only king whose reign he accepted, yarn weaved across their fingers in loops and knots and strands, crimson as the curse in his veins.
“…those who were caught by the health checkup will have their mutations protruded, so those who still lay low have less attention and if someone notices, well, who knows what shades of the Estate and a bottle of ale can do to a mind, ha!”
After all, to balance an act of a bloodthirsty monster was no harder than juggling knives while singing. Executions were finally forbidden. Those caught ones were going to lose everything anyway. They might as well keep the charade going so the bumbling buffoons in the town wouldn’t start panicking.
“…the vintners are operating at full capacity, so far, we can balance over the verge of wasting. But, my lion, you should know that my performance allowed us to bribe a few plague doctors and sanatorium wards to look past some missing bottles for unchecked infected. Coin indeed grease palms as well as the cogs of medical progress, don’t they? Hahahah! The birdie swore she would rip my wings off if she caught me enticing her personnel again. And they say she had no sense of humour, feh. Still. We should be set for now.”
Ah, to be young and naïve and full of hope again! Now, the jester was mostly filled with wine, bile and pains from chronic lead poisoning. Happens to the best of us, he mused out loud as he transferred the string to Baldwin’s fingers. So many strings and so little time.
“…we have intel about the knight of the shining rump. Apparently, he plans to harshen the quarantine measures. We can counter it by expanding on the Red Night’s concept, I am already penning drafts for the Heiress, haha, the uptight git would never know what hit him! How does Carmine Noon sound to your religious ears? Oh, oh, or maybe the Vermilion Sermon? Heretic enough? Don’t be shy, my lion, I want him to have a heart attack once he hears the news!”
They say only spiders weave webs and only spiders feel safe in them.
Sarmenti was no spider, not by a long shot, but the web of the cursed town was spun nicely between his long pale claw-tipped fingers, kept nice and silky by his mad reverberating cackling, with D major reigning supreme over Hamlet.
He was the wasp that ate the spider and made its web his own, all while the owner of this mad realm overlooked his puny patchwork presence.
And frankly, he loved his cozy cradle.
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silent-raven13 · 6 months
Lip Filler Prank!
(Ya'll seen that lip filler prank on TikTok? Where some girls would put a little eye lash glue on top of their lip and press it to enhance the lips making it look like a filler? And their significant other would react 😂 it be so funny! Anyway a one-shot of our fav couple)
A Smartphone had been place in a phone holder in front of the dashbroad of his friend's car. Gwen and Pavtri had show Miles the prank from their phones and beg him to do the prank to his boyfriend. So they decided to have a fun drive-in movie night in Pavtri's world.
Hobie agreed to drive in front, when he arrived. Gayatri and Margo decided to join in. While they waited for Hobie, Gwen gave Miles a new eye lash glue.
Now Miles put the video recording for their Spider So-City app just for fun, he smiles at the camera while holding the eye lash glue. Gwen, Pavtri, Margo and Gayatri are sitting in back of the SUV. They were giggles. "Okay, I'm doing the lip filler prank!" Miles said to the camera.
Gwen giggles, "I can't wait to see his reaction."
"This is gonna be so hilarious." Margo grins widely. They watch Miles put on the product surpass his cupids bow.
"Add a good amount so it stick on." Gayatri added while Pavtri holds a black face mask with a kitten mouth on it.
"Like this?" Miles turns to them to show the amount of product on his lips, his friends nodded.
"Yeah, now you just push the lip up and the glue sticks it." Gwen demonstrated with her own lip.
Their friend gently pushes his top lip upward so it would stick to the glued Philtrum of the lips. When Miles did it, it made him look like he got his lips done in the worst way possible. By pressing to the glue, his upper lip stays stuck showing a bit of his gums. All of his friends laughs at how silly their friend looks.
"OKay, I need mask." Miles tries to speak sounding funny, he giggles.
Pav laughs, "Here you go!" He handed him the mask.
As the camera records the Black latino putting on his mask to cover half of his face, he chuckles, "I wonder how he'll freak out."
"He's gonna flip." Margo commented, "He loves you too damn much for you to start doing plastic surgery- not that is wrong, but when it comes to couples. I always believe it should be talked about."
"Yeah, he's gonna be like why bae!" Pavtri snickers.
They waited for the punker, until they saw him landing down wearing an all black and red punker outfit; black ripped tank top with cargo pants and his red boots with one lace being blue another yellow. He painted his nails this time, well it was little Billie that painted his nails in black and pink colors. Hobie went over to the front of the driver seat, "Hey, mates."
"Hey, Hobie!" His friends in the back welcomes him. Pavtri handed him the keys to the car.
"Hey, bae." Miles softly said as he turns look at his punker, his Hobie had two little braids hanging in front of his face with pink beads. Miles' sister did them because she needed to practice on someone.
"Thanks!" Hobie glances over to his Sunflower, had to take a double take seeing his beloved boyfriend wearing a face mask, "Luv? What's wrong? Ya sick?" He quickly touches his boyfriend's forehead with own his forehead then his hand.
Miles shook his head, "No, bae. Um.. I have something to tell you."
Hobie sat one his spot having the car door shut, his upper turns to his Sunflower. "What is it?" His friends in the back staying quiet trying to hold a straight face.
"Well, you know last year I told you that I didn't like my lips."
"No! You never told me that!" Hobie looks confused.
"I did and I said I like your lips. I wanted mine to be bigger like yours." Miles quietly explained trying to sound a bit sad.
His boyfriend stare at him being so lost, "What? I only remember you telling me, you like my lips. Luv, what did you do?" Now, expecting something terrible from his beautiful boyfriend did.
"I-um... got my top lip done. I did a fillers but I think it got botched." Miles took off his mask to show his lip fillers.
The next thing everyone knew Hobie jumping from his seat like someone startled him. He shouted, "WHOA!" Then he cover his mouth in shock. "SUNFLOWER!"
Margo spoke up, "Gwen told him not to get it."
Miles saw his boyfriend's hand reached out to touch the top lip but he faked being in pain. "Ow." He winces, "Bae, it's healing."
"Miles!" Hobie spoke out loud being in shock still, his eye bulging out looking horrified. "Why would you do this? Your lips... they were beautiful. You didn't have to get plastic surgery! Luv, noooo!" He freaked out.
"It doesn't look bad?"
"Luv, your gums are showing!" Hobie looked so worried, "You should've talked to me about this. Who's your bloody doctor! I'ma fuck that cunt up!" He scowls being more mad at the doctor that allow this.
"Bae, shh. Don't be loud, I'm having a headache from the pain." Miles sighs, "Ohh, my lip hurt so much."
Hobie kept having a shocking face that made all their friends from the back laugh. "How are ya'll so damn quiet!"
"Hehehe, your sweating from stress!" Gayatri laughs.
Gwen took a picture of his reaction, "I mean, Miles wanted to get them done."
"But why!" Hobie just felt so upset, "Miles, I love you and I will love you no matter what, luv- but this! Why did you have to get it done? They were perfect, your perfect!"
"Awe, bae. I love you, too. But I always wanted to do this." Miles giggles, seeing how cute his boyfriend look so upset for him, he look like a sad puppy.
"Look I don't care and I'm fine about expressing yourself and being who you want, but luv," Hobie places his hands on his boyfriend's shoulders and said in a prideful tone, "OUR ANCESTORS HAD SUFFER THROUGH THE YEARS OF RACISM, COLORISM, ANTI-BLACKNESS! CAPITALISM IS THE CORE OF ALL HATE AND EMPOWERS EURO-CENTRIC BEAUTIES! I cannot in good faith that you get your lips done, when you were already beautiful! Your lips are juicy, big and beautiful from the beginning! To make them looks like this! It's hurt breaking..." Tears rolled down his eyes feeling so many waves of emotions.
The friends from the back were dead pan confused then broke out laughing. "Hobie, it's not that serious." Pavtri giggles, "Miles just got fillers."
"I think because his world plastic surgeries only use Silicone, and those are the worst kind to have." Gayatri pointed out.
Miles felt his eyes gleam, "Awe, mi amor! It's cute. Look!" He pushes down the upper lip and remove the glue. That made Hobie jump like a cat being in shock.
"What the fuck!" He shouted making Gwen crack up with tears in her eyes.
"Ta-da!" Miles giggles, "It was a prank!" Having his lips normal as he smiles wide.
Hobie stood at lost then he chuckles, "You cheeky lil-," He leans over to kiss Miles again and again and again. "I love you, darling. Never changed anything. Your lips are perfect." He kisses him everywhere letting Miles have black lipstick on his face.
"Bae!" He laughs out loud being covered with kisses and affection from his boyfriend. Hobie never stops loving him.
"See, it always end good with them." Gwen hums.
Gayatri giggles, "So cute."
"I think we're gonna be late for the drive-in movie." Margo hums.
Pavtri gasps, "Hobie, stop kissing Miles! We got a movie to see!"
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emerald194 · 2 years
Choo Choo Charles- Horror game where you fight a giant spider train named Charles on an island. Hare's choosing violence. Widow attempted to jump onto Charles. They named their own train the "Screw You Zeus" or something of that effect
Rain World- Survival game where you play as a slug cat in a post-apocalyptic world. The gang as slugcats. They get to hide in the hidey-holes during the rain. There's more bugs
Inscryption- Horror game about cards and such. The 4 correspond with the Scrybes, Hare and Leshy, Crawfish and Grimora, Widow and Magnificus, Bard and P03. They adopt the Lonely Wiz into the group for a short time
Billie Bustup- 3d platformer with a lot of villain songs. The gang as goats. Someone sings along with Fantoccio's song
Silt- Horror game in the ocean. The gang try to mindhack each other. It's in the ocean with aliens and occasionally you get teleported into the straight up void. No one's having a good time
Garten of Banban- Trying it's best to be a mascot horror. Raven gives constructive criticism to Banban with the monster designs.
Undertale- This rpg my beloved <3. The gang as kids. No one knows if Bard, Hare, and Raven are monsters or humans. Metattons show gets run over by conspiracy theories. Toriel is concerned for them
Fnaf- The og mascot horror. Bard goes on about how badly designed the robots are. Hare and Afton are fighting. Widow's planning to burn down the building yet again. Foxy is running away from Crawfish
This sounds awesome.
The image of Binary Bard complaining about the faulty robotics is especially clear in my head lmaoo
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20thcentutygeek · 7 months
First hardcover edition of BILLI 99 coming from Clover Press
Clover Press Presents The First Hardcover Edition of BILLI 99, an Early Creator Owned Comic Drawn by Tim Sale, Now Coloured by José Villarrubia
Tim Sale was one of the most celebrated and beloved comic book artists of his generation. Frequently collaborating with writer Jeph Loeb, Tim illustrated seminal stories featuring Batman, Catwoman, Superman, Spider-Man, Captain America, Hulk, and Daredevil as well as the cult favorite TV series Heroes. Now Clover Press is publishing the first-ever hardcover edition of Sale’s first full-length comic book work, the Eisner Award-nominated BILLI 99, written by Sarah Byam. This new edition, which is being crowdfunded on Kickstarter, features glorious colors by the award-winning and fan-favorite color artist José Villarrubia.  
First published by Dark Horse in 1991 as a four-part mini-series, BILLI 99 is a cautionary tale about corporate greed and a corrupt government. It asks: what is power when everything has been taken away? The book contains 196 pages of breathtaking, lovingly painted, duo-shade art, and the hand lettering that would become Tim Sale’s signature font. The story introduces the teen vigilante hero. Billi Chadam takes up her late father’s sword to bring down the powers of oppression and give the people of her city back their lives. BILLI 99 is a story of hope and inspiration.
“A few years before Tim passed, he, editor Patty Jeres, and I tried to finance a hardcover, color version of BILLI 99 and were repeatedly frustrated, but the idea of printing a definitive version of the book remained steadfast,” said writer and co-creator Sarah Byam. “BILLI 99 was a favorite of Tim's and it's important to us to do it justice, as we introduce this early and important work to a whole new audience.”
“Sarah Byam’s BILLI 99 is a unique perspective on the comic book hero,” writes Tim Sale’s widow, Susan Bailey in her new essay for the book. “It’s as fresh today as it was in 1991 when it was first published. You’ll see why Tim was proud to be part of the telling of this twist on the typical comic book hero, especially if you knew him personally, after reading the book. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did when Tim first introduced me to Billi.”
"Along with everyone else who knew him, worked with him or simply enjoyed his work, I was very saddened by the passing of Tim Sale,” said José Villarrubia. “ I had admired his work for years and had had the opportunity to work with him several times, including in Superman for All Seasons, SOLO, and Batman/Catwoman: The Wedding Album. I missed BILLI 99 when it was first published in black and white. I am very thankful to Sarah for bringing me into this project. I think that readers are going to be very surprised by it. For me, this is a splendid opportunity to rend homage to a great comics artist."
“Tim and Sarah felt like there never was a version of BILLI 99 that fully reflected their final vision,” said Clover Press Publisher Hank Kanalz. “It is a great honour for Clover Press to publish the definitive edition of BILLI 99.”
The Clover Press Edition of BILLI 99 includes multiple extras, including a portrait tribute of Tim Sale by legendary artist Bill Sienkiewicz, an essay by Susan Bailey, and pin-ups by Matt Wagner, Rick Hoberg, Andy Kuhn, and Tomm Coker.
 Praise for BILLI 99:
“BILLI 99 is a compelling graphic journey; with a must-read story by Sarah Byam and stunning must-see artwork by the late great Tim Sale. In short, this is a must-have collection. Period.”— Bill Sienkiewicz (Stray Toasters, Elektra Assassin)
 “Before I found my way into the glory of Tim Sale's artwork, an equally talented writer named Sarah Byam had the good fortune of finding Tim. This is the story that launched him into the public eye. Part Zorro, part great female hero, and all incredibly original, BILLI 99 is finally collected here with stunning colors by Jose Villarrubia.  Tim is gone now, but his legacy lives on through his talent and BILLI 99 is a must have for your collection.” 
—Jeph Loeb (Batman: The Long Halloween, Spider-Man Blue)
 “In BILLI 99, Tim Sale showed the world the sort of epic comics artist for which he would become so renowned, while Sarah Byam delivers a strong, believable and utterly compelling female adventure character. BILLI 99 is at once an irresistible mixture of power and rage, sympathy and grace.”— Matt Wagner, (Grendel, Dracula: The Impaler) “Atmospheric visuals and a compelling narrative — an inspired vision of America’s future that feels like an observed reality.”—Dave Gibbons (Watchmen, The Originals)
 To support the project, visit the Kickstarter here. For updates, follow Clover Press on Instagram, X and Facebook. You can subscribe to the Clover Press newsletter here. 
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