#splatoon community issues
beikerfaker · 9 months
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stuck in a tire swing!
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How do you feel about being the most active King Salmon on Tumblr? Actually, why are you the most active King Salmon on Tumblr?
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someonesomewheredown · 4 months
Why the hell did it take this long for us to get a new stringer it is literally one of The Splatoon 3 Weapons. Why put so much focus on them in the official art if we had to wait almost 2 years to see a new one 😭
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library-whale · 2 years
Yep, that’s me. You’re probably wondering how I got into this situation-
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chisatowo · 2 years
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Decided to finally bite the bullet and try drawing my splatoon oc, Check! She's my splatoon 3 player character/new agent 3 and Ive been thinking abt them non stop lol. I simply walked into the fuzzy ooze immediately and was like what if I made that an excuse to make it a furry. And then I did
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#keese draws#oc art#oc#ocs#splatoon#splatoon 3#splatoon oc#anyways another she/they/it king with autism because I cannot be stopped#btw their claws arent like bone or anything from the ooze theyre its og finger tips#I like the octolings have sort of claw like hands hc and I though thatd be a cool design thing but I dont think its communicated well here#but yeah my thought with it initially was to make it look more bear like since the ooze originates from grizz but like also. slit eyes.#anyways I thought itd be fun to make an oc who was effected by the ooze since its described as turning creatures into mamals#and that just has so much more potential for fucked up biology shit than they utalised in game#check only looks mildly fucked up externally but internally hoo boy#also I realised that inklings and octolings probably dont have eyelashes so I though having exagerated eyelashes could be fun for it#I imagine their eyebrows are probably like rough and bristled to try and serve a similar purpose?#or who knows maybe they just have eyes of steel or its somehow less dusty fkfndkfndh#but yeah check rn is fuzzy but also sorra gooey at the same time but theyre slowly becoming less gooey over time#for the record check actually connects with this look way more than their old one because gender and autism and what not but still#struggles with it and other stuff a lot thanks to crippling social anxiety along with some convequencial health issues#wait I should tag this as spoilers uhhh#splatoon 3 spoilers
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vampyrobot · 2 years
what do you feel like is the most annoying part of the splatoon community
Oh dear lord I could go on forever, just like any community splatoon has it’s fair share of problems and annoyances. Though my biggest annoyance currently with the community is the fact that people take this game much to seriously for what it is. Having legitimate arguments about inking base vs rushing mid, dismissing stick players, getting genuinely upset about squid party’s in casual, treating casual like it’s competitive. As someone who’s been invested in this series for 7 years I can tell you that at the end of the day, this game is made for you to have fun, if part of that fun is being super competitive then great but the vast majority of players don’t care about the competitive side of this game and pushing that attitude onto people and expecting them to play like top players all the time is extremely exhausting. Just stop taking everything so seriously and realize your playing a game made for 10+ year olds.
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legendofrhythm · 4 months
Just got notified about a comment on a post in a community I left! I wish I could respond to them!! I'm sorry!!!
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splatoonpolls · 18 days
a really long analysis about fanon Marina and the flanderization by fandom she has gotten
fanon marina (the version created by the fans) mainly focuses on two things, her being autistic coded and her being basically confirmed to be a lesbian. And I do think this has to do with her being VERY much like a typical splatoon fan in many people’s eyes. Her being a nerdy queer neurodivergent person. This is also why other parts, especially her relationship with her being an octoling gets often locked away. Subconsciously at least
if Marina was a book, several chapters would focus on her identity as a dome octoling. Her being autistic would probably pop up here and there, but it wouldn’t be a whole chapter. But her very much gay relationship with Pearl would definitely have a few chapters. But with people focusing on those few lines and chapters rather than the whole book. People would slowly ignore the other chapters, get shocked like Adam Sandler learning Pac-Man was the bad guy in the hit movie pixels.
the splatoon fandom’s western side is mainly white Americans and Europeans. Which is one reason why the fanon Marina doesn’t focus on her identity as an octoling, but also on how many details are not really told to the player. Marina barely shows her ears, which can both be read as her having sensory issues (which is a super valid headcanon(, but also her not feeling super comfortable with her body. With her ears being a reminder of her “you are with people who still think you are only going to steal stuff”. Her tentacles may be weird, she may lack the eyeliner an inkling has. But those things can simply be a stylistic choice. Her ears can’t be one. They are too different. I also know the DLCS focuses more on her identity as a dome octoling. However many can understand how her arc as a whole can be paralleled to the real life experiences of people belonging to marginalized ethnic communities. I also want to point, while writing this. I realized (which many people probably already did). Dome octolings you see outside of the domes (splatoon 2 octolings, Marina, Acht, Paul), are all refugees. They are all characters who grew up in a society that had been shunned for decades, even centuries. That society ended up being oppressive both due to external and internal issues. They know the society they’re living in is no longer a good place to live in. So they escape. Hoping to find a place that will take them on. For agent 8, Marina, and Paul. They found a safe place. Acht wasn’t super lucky however. They were told they could find a “promised land” only to be left in even more ruin before. So not only does Marina’s character arc focus on her being a part of an ethnic minority, but a refugee at that. so why does fanon marina usually avoid that part of her? Well as a mentioned before. Marina has three things that makes her very relatable. While the more backstory focused things are less relatable to a way smaller margin of the splatoon fandom. A way smaller part of the fandom are poc in a very white country. And a very small percentage are refugees.
if we removed Marina’s backstory. We would still be left with the fanon version. A nerdy autistic lesbian who deeply loves Pearl. I love how Nintendo got a game that also isn’t afraid to show a society that cares about queer people if not is queer centric itself. Which is probably why many people cling to that part of Marina. But if we removed that part. What would we be left with? Well, we would have an octoling refugee who is a trained soldier and can create weapons of destructions (and she would still be in love with Pearl, it is an important part of her backstory). im not saying the splatoon fandom’s openness to lgbtq and neurodivergent people is a bad thing just because they boil down one of the most plot heavy characters down to those things. It is actually a really great thing to have a fandom that is open to these marginalized groups.
i just want to say, due to this love for Marina being a character you can relate to. It feels like certain parts of Marina’s character (which can also be very relatable to some) is being drifted away to the more lore centric side of the fandom. Which will lead to a sort of fandom flandarization which is very unintentional and just done due to a love of Marina as a character.
If you’ve read this an disagreed, that is fine. Character writing is a very subjective thing
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healpimp · 4 months
#FixTF2 Masterpost: Important Information Regarding the Movement
As promised, here is a comprehensive post about the #FixTF2 movement, the issues it tries to bring up and where to find more information and follow developments.
It is now day 7 of the protest with no response form Valve. Either this is them trying to wait for this to blow over or waiting for the signatures of the petition to be printed out and brought to their office, or they are still preparing a proper response to the movement. Regardless, this protest is still ongoing.
❓What's going on with TF2?❓
I'm sure everyone and their grandma knows by now, but TF2's most popular game mode, Casual, has been plagued by bots for several years by now. This is in fact not the first attempted protest and you may have heard of the one conducted two years ago named #SaveTF2. The movement wrested a response from Valve, which since the first protest has earned infamy and a status as a blatant lie among the game's players.
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However, this task has seemingly been abandoned entirely. The last time in recent memory with no bots was when the game upgraded from 32-bit to 64-bit, which seemed to break the bots for a while. This was something the bothosters remedied a few days later, and no steps to remove them from the game has been made ever since.
It is worth mentioning that TF2 has had updates to battle the bot issue many times after #SaveTF2. They did indeed move to make TF2 a bot-free game for a while.
❓Why is this even bad?❓
Now, this might seem like a non-problem; TF2 is a video game and no more than that. People could simply move on and play similar games, like Overwatch, Paladins, Splatoon, etc. This would certainly be an easy solution but this has roots much deeper than simply playing a game.
For one, this game has been around for about 17 years by now. Ancient by FPS standards, but that the game is still played and talked about to this day stands as a testament to the love and passion the playerbase and general fandom has for it. The playerbase is loyal, the potential for content is seemingly endless and many are willing to pay money for the game. And therein lies some issues.
TF2 has millions of dollars invested in it by the playerbase. Loot boxes, MvM tickets and any sale made in the community market all gives Valve a steady and reliable revenue stream. This is significant, because you will have to make the assumption that this money will come back to sustain the game from imploding in on itself and remain functional. In the case with MvM, the PvE mode (that has not been updated in QUITE a while), the chances of receiving valuable loot from the missions is actually so small that there is no way to feasibly make any of your money back.
Additionally, any content updates added to the game every event (Summer Update, Scream Fortress and Smissmass) is community made. This means Valve picks and chooses cosmetics, emotes, unusual effects, warpaints and maps made by fans in the workshop.
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While the creators of these items are compensated for their work, Valve naturally profits from these content updates.
In shorter terms: Valve profits off a game that has been in a near-unplayable state for more than 5 years by doing next to nothing.
And that isn't even the end of it. This is just the general negligence of Valve. It gets a lot uglier when delving into the punishable crimes conducted by the bothosters.
This video by TheWhat Show talks about this in depth, focusing on a particularly important case that involves MegaScatterBomb, who was harassed, doxxed, impersonated and swatted for trying to develop a working anti-cheat for casual.
This video is also in a document form for those who would rather read.
A more recent development with the bots has been their blatant advertising and promotion of CSAM, which you may better know as CP.
After #FixTF2 started, bots have been found spamming links in text chat that they claim is CSAM, while micspamming disturbing audio into the voice chat that is either edited to sound like or is legitimately CSAM. Valve has yet to respond to these reports, but good amount of players on Twitter/X have already started notifying FBI about this situation.
Another thing worth noting is that the bothosters have actively attempted to take down the petition website by DDoSing it and by filing a fake DMCA claim, both which are punishable crimes.
So to summarize:
It is wholly unsafe to play the game due to the bothosters and their willingness to commit crimes in the name of ruining the game experience.
Valve is profiting from keeping this broken product running, yet refuses to put any meaningful effort into fixing the bot problem.
The community actively contributes to the game by designing cosmetics and maps, and while they are compensated for their work, Valve are the ones who profit the most from their contributions.
Real people have been and are being harmed by the bot problem, and as far as we are aware, no one has been held accountable.
This is wholly unacceptable, both from a professional and unprofessional standpoint. If Valve fancies themselves a corporation worth using money on, their choice to simply ignore the problem speaks volumes of their priorities.
As Valve is releasing their new game Deadlock, there are serious concerns about the security of this game. TF2 is far from the only game that has bot/cheater problems. CS2 has had a similar problem for a long while as well and there is a clip of a Chinese bot farm that has been going around and which has even breached into the #FixTF2 movement.
❓What should we do?❓
Sign the petition while it is still up. At the time of this post, the petition has reached 270k+ signatures. The website has more general information as well.
Add to the #FixTF2 tag on mainly Twitter/X. Tag your posts with it, retweet and like posts in the tag and put the focus on the bots and ONLY the bots. One of the issues of the last movement, #SaveTF2, was that it wasn't focused enough on any particular problem and Valve could get away with making no promises. So, post clips, fanart and rants to your heart's content, so long it is specifically about the bots.
Watch youtube videos with #FixTF2 as the subject. Here are some good places to start:
4. Boycott any transactions in TF2. While Weezy was against this method in his video above, he has since changed his opinion. It has been established that Valve is very unlikely to shut down TF2, since the TF2 community market has millions of dollars invested in it and shutting down TF2 would render all items useless, thereby fully taking away any and all investments any players have put into the game. This would not just be devastating to the general economy of Valve's marketplaces, but a huge blow to their reputation if they want to remain reliable in the eyes of consumers.
5. Don't interact directly with bothosters. This includes harassment and any attempts at doxxing/swatting. These individuals are bigoted and some are even criminals. They have no remorse for their actions and talking to them would be a fruitless endeavor. Refrain from mentioning their names/aliases, as they are fond of attention and are getting just about enough of it since #FixTF2 started.
6. Don't give up.
❓Where can I keep up with any news?❓
Here are accounts to start with if you want to follow any important proceedings regarding #FixTF2:
Weezy (One of the biggest voices for #FixTF2 and spearhead of the protest):
Weezy's Youtube Channel
Weezy's Twitter
TheWhat Show (Similar to Weezy, outspoken supporter and spearhead):
TheWhat's Youtube Channel
TheWhat's Twitter
Shork (Outspoken supporter and generally active in the fandom)
Shork's Twitter
MegaScatterBomb (Creator of the TF2 cheater database and attempting to make a working anti-cheat for casual)
Mega's Youtube
If you discover new information, inconsistencies, broken/repeated/wrong links, etc., please speak up! Use the comments section, reblog with a comment or DM me!
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manicpixieyandere · 12 days
Representation in Splatoon
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For the Grand Fest can we just take a moment to celebrate the amazing representation in Splatoon? First of all, it's a game led by women! Name another game with a cast of mostly women.
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All of the idols share a different culture with the mainstream audience.
Callie, Marie, Pearl, and Shiver are Japanese. Marina is black, Frye is Indian, and Big Man is Brazilian. All of this is show, don't tell. It's present in their music and designs, not hidden away! It's celebrated.
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Pearl and Marina are lesbians. Marina is especially an incredible feat we never thought we'd see in a Nintendo game of all places! A black autistic lesbian! Off The Hook also seems to be Nintendo's favorite of the bands, which again is shocking! In terms of queer representation, Acht is also nonbinary, and Shiver is allowed to be androgynous. It just makes us happy knowing how many kids can grow up with these characters and feel seen!
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This isn't even to mention the story Splatoon tells. The story of the inklings and octolings isn't scared to show struggles like class issues or even racism sometimes. But in the end everyone is brought together through art! Culture is what connects everyone. We think it's quite beautiful!
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This was a sort of thank you letter to Splatoon! We started liking the franchise as kids because, haha colorful squid game. But it soon became an amazing story about art bringing people of all walks of life together.
As a random side story, we'll never forget the day gay marriage was legalized in the US. This was back during Splatoon 1 and Miiverse. Every single person in the plaza had a post above their head saying "Love Wins". We didn't know what that meant at the time, we were raised in a very sheltered catholic school. But the accepting community of the game is what lead to us discovering the queer community and learning more about ourselves. Happily genderfluid and pansexual now! We hope Splatoon was able to provide others with a similar or even better experience!
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So thank you Splatoon! Hope to see you again on a new console for round 4!
PS; Also, sorry to Team Present, We are loosing all our games, please send help. The losses hurt the ego, we are being beat up by children.
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ninjapaste · 4 months
I wanna say im surprised but im not, like splatoon and splatoon fandom has always been giving a pass to/not doing enough about its racism issue, like Im a bit confused about how many people are acting brand new about this. However I cant blame people who joined this community in splatoon 3 because honestly given the space its provided for poc and queer people it should really be kicking any racism/bigotry out onto the curb.
Also I personally think its so... interesting, that this competitive icky racist ass team get this banner, with the intention of being a representative for the splatoon community, when I feel like its actually been fellow black and poc creatives in this fandom that have uplifted this game SO MUCH MORE AND DESERVE SO MUCH MORE because of their amazing art/videos/music and presence in general. Lets give them some more love going forward!!!!
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changes · 1 year
Friday, October 13th, 2023
🌟 New
We’ve been experimenting a lot lately with the For You feed on the dashboard, and one thing that’s rolled out to everyone is that it now contains a mix of content from people you follow and people you don’t. This is an intentional change, and the mix should be around 50/50 for now. We’re still tuning it though, so please send feedback if you have thoughts about it!
We’re also now experimenting with a way for secondary blogs to write replies on posts. For some users who have more than one blog, the avatar icon next to the reply input is tappable/clickable, to select which blog is writing the reply.
When searching for content on a blog, if you use a hashtag (#) as the first character, we’ll show results tagged with that tag instead of performing a general text search. For example, searching for “#splatoon” on a blog will limit results to those posts tagged with #splatoon. Searching for “splatoon” performs a more general search.
The Tumblr Supporter badge is now available to everyone!!! Check it out in TumblrMart.
Folks using the beta version of the Tumblr app on Android will see a new design for the Activity/Messaging tab. Let us know what you think!
We have expanded the list of AI bots/crawlers we’re discouraging from using Tumblr data.
🛠 Fixed
Please update the iOS app to the latest version, 31.6, to receive the fixes for Tuesday’s two ongoing issues.
We’ve recently fixed some more bugs that have been preventing SoundCloud embeds from working properly.
🚧 Ongoing
We’re working to fix an issue in the iOS app that’s been causing the messaging/activity nav bar item to not be updated properly with a count of how many unread activity items you have. Sometimes it gets stuck and loses count, even though you’re receiving activity.
🌱 Upcoming
We’re working on setting up some logic to limit push notifications when a post of yours blows up, and we’re interested in getting volunteers to help figure out what the best thresholds are. If you want to help, reach out in the replies!
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Wanna support Tumblr directly with some money? Check out the new Supporter badge in TumblrMart!
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dr-spectre · 1 month
I watched this YouTube shorts video which has over 100k likes on it where it basically went "oh the Splatoon fandom is weirdddddd!!! It has weird porn in it guys!!! Isn't that crazy?!?! It's so toxic guys!!! They found ways to weaponise racism guys!! They are so vile about splatfests guys!!!! They are gooning to splatoon characters!!! They are kids!!"
I hate to break it to you dude but.... that's literally every fanbase in existence.
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Every single fandom on planet earth has weird porn in it. Splatoon is no different. Is it fucking weird to goon over the player Inklings and Octolings as they are confirmed to be under 18? YES! VERY VERY WEIRD AND THAT BEHAVIOUR NEEDS TO GET CALLED OUT!!!!!! But a large majority of fans who engage in NSFW content are looking at the Idols and other adult characters, not the literal teenagers. Plus adult Inkling and Octoling ocs do exist, i should know BECAUSE I MADE MY OWN!!!!!
Also do not judge people's fetishes unless it's actively harming someone or it's illegal. That's wrong on so many levels. Stop making people feel guilty about what they are into man. If someone wants to make an NSFW art piece with Marie's feet then I'm not gonna judge them publicly for it. That's straight up rude and the guy in the video was basically doing that by showing some stolen fetishy art and adding an "eww" audio clip on it... Fuck off dude. Leave them alone.
He also got the release year of Splatoon wrong by saying 2013 instead of 2015.... Not the worst mistake but still... Kinda paints a picture on how much he truly cares about this franchise you know?
One of his points can be boiled down to "they are using splatfests as a way to weaponize racism." What the FUCK are you talking about? The last time i remember a Splatfest being toxic was in Splatoon 1 with CALLIE VS MARIE! THAT WAS REALLLLLLLL BAD! Other than that it's been friendly jokes and little jabs at the enemy teams. He fucking used this terrible video as a way to demonstrate his point too....
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Every Splatoon fan on the planet doesn't like that video, It just comes off to me as so disingenuous.
Also fun fact! SPLATOON 1 TO 3 HAD UNDERLYING THEMES ABOUT RACISM WITH THE INKLINGS AND OCTOLINGS!!!!!! Splatoon 1 was about the introduction of that idea and it was very black and white with hints of grayness found in the sunken scrolls. Splatoon 2 was about making it more gray as Callie joined the Octarians and THE ENTIRETY OF OCTO EXPANSION!!!!!!!!!!! Splatoon 3 was the conclusion to that theme with DJ Octavio helping out the NSBS and Octolings co-existing with Inklings peacefully. But did he bring that up? NOPE!!!!!!!
Trying to paint the Splatoon fandom as some "toxic trojan horse" is just... fucking wrong. There are plenty of fandoms out there that are 100x worse than Splatoon's. The Splatoon community is extremely diverse and sure there are issues that need to fixed and yes there is racism. The Splatoon community is leagues above any other shooter game community by far. Play a bunch of quick play matches of Overwatch or TF2 to see what I'm saying. You're gonna be seeing the n word more times than a Quintin Tarantino movie.
Also he talked about peak character design in the Splatoon games, and the one character he mentioned was.... Big Man... The only male Idol and not anyone else. That just seems a bit.... suspicious to me...
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zikadraws · 2 years
An actual question which is pretty popular in the Splatoon fandom, how do you think lings wash themselves? Keep themselves clean. Canonically it is stated that water affects them.
Well I actually think I got a pretty good idea of this one !
I've made a little illustrated guide which pretty much summarizes it all, but here is my thought process beneath it anyways. (Long post buckle up)
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So, while it's true that in my mind their ink is already taking care of most of their dirt, one can only swim into their own body fluids before it starts to reek. Especially while being a(n ink)fish. Besides, enemy ink inevitably creates irritations if not properly cleaned off at least once or twice a day. (Off The Hook advises to clean your tentacles thoroughly after a match canonically.)
Now about the water issue, the main thing to keep in mind is that it's mentioned it dissolves Inkfish, sure, but only if they are submerged in it (because ink is less dense that water). So I think that they can take water drops, although it's also mentioned (in a game dev interview) that their skin actually breaks really easily.
But they CAN clean themselves nevertheless ; they just have to follow a few rules.
Absolutely NO BATHS.
Showers only, but put on the lightest drop setting, to the point the water feels more like drizzle (the type of rain they endure the best), just enough to get them moist and allow them to get themselves clean.
(There are specially designed shower heads on the marketplace for that, although it's the norm to have a shower with multiple options. It's recommended to always test the shower when looking for a new place, and use a portable spawner for the first times to be extra secure. Also, check your water pressure before going for a shower.)
Be gentle with your skin and tentacles while cleaning. Use foamy soaps, preferably, and soft sponges. If you're too rough, you might break the skin.
Only run the water to get yourself moisturized, then to wash the soaps. Not any more than needed.
At any time, if it starts to sting, or you feel weak, cut the water and take a break. Listen to your body.
If you don't have the time to take a shower, if you're not feeling like it or simply don't have a shower, there are always specialized body wipes available anywhere in stores. Fitting different kinds of skins & tentacles, with various perfumes, they are ideal to be used between Turf Wars or for a quick groom on the go. You can even clean yourself integraly this way if you wish, but please if you must do that in public, do so in Swim Form. Be decent.
(However, keep in mind the body wipes may be somewhat cheap and required to be at least recyclable, and also a huge market/job source, they still represent a budget, and important waste. Avoid resorting to these only. Water is in most places paid for by the community.)
In any way, do not neglect your hygiene. Else you may develop irritations, itching, dry & crusty tentacles (especially in choppy tentacuts), infections if nontreated injuries, and of course bad odor, which gets pretty bad as you count as a fish. All of these can get you mocked of and ostracized, as Freshness comes from having your turf and yourself figured out and taken well care of (we like to show that off), and unlike you may think- YOUR PEERS NOTICE.
And, of course, always brush your beak and scrub your tongue at least twice a day. Bad hygiene within the beak is the least tolerable, squiddos <3
And so yeah, those are their golden rules when it comes to hygiene. As you can see, I might have gotten a little overboard with it, but I wanted to make it feel like a legit cleaning guide, as I suspect that's something that is taught thoroughly to young Inkfish.
They have various illustrated child books/notices about cleaning safety, and probably have at least one mandatory class about that when they're in elementary school or younger. Being fresh 'n shiny is pretty important, and they are taught to take care of their turf/living space and of themselves, because they need that so they can then properly show off. So they are taught how to do it properly and safely early on, and they're not kidding about that.
I mean in a social system where the store managers can straight up refuse to serve you if you're deemed not fresh enough, you've got to be a little serious when it comes to your personal figure.
Alright, I hope you enjoyed my explanation ! I had a lot of with it~ :))
(Also before I go, I just wanna add a filter I made of this same guide, to make it look like a poorly taken scientific report picture like in a Sunken Scroll, 'cause I thought it was Sunken Scroll material. Enjoy.)
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(Thanks for asking, bye 🎵 =:> =:> =:>)
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starshadyy · 2 months
what your favorite splatoon character says about YOU!
obligatory “this is a joke” disclaimer, please don’t take offense i’m only being silly👉👈
☆ ★ ☆
callie: you are a diehard squid sisters fan. you have an intrinsic sense for design and are probably super creative. you hate it when people misinterpret her. others wouldn’t assume it, but you actually need therapy more than most others on this list…😔
marie: you’re really intimidating but probably super nice. you’re actually good at the game and are well-versed in the meta. you may not be the best at communication, but you have a strong intuition and are good at reading people
pearl: an absolute feral crackhead who needs to be kept on a leash. definitely queer. nasty majesty is your national anthem. you breathe life and energy into every situation you enter, and others appreciate you for it. you are pearlina’s strongest soldier! 🩷🩵
marina: you are a massive nerd /affectionate. you either wanna be her friend or you have a fat crush on her. you listen to splatoon ost all the time. your room is packed with stuff from the media you like, including mountains of plushies
shiver: you join her team during splatfests even when you don’t necessarily agree with the platform. you’re likely very sarcastic and always speak your mind. oh yeah, and you’re a weeb
frye: you loved her from the start and defended her honor back when everyone was clowning on her design. you’re very talented but humble about your accomplishments. you would bite someone if allowed
big man: you act laid back but are probably filled with anxiety. i get the vibe that you would own an unconventional pet of some kind [turtle, frog, ferret, etc.]. you’re for sure the mom friend. you know nothing about splatoon lore
captain 3: you are the BACKBONE of this fandom and i have nothing but respect for you. you’re probably ranked pretty high in competitive and are likely a completionist
agent 4: you grew up on splatoon 2 and were sure that they would show up in side order only to be… uh, half right? i’m so sorry sweet prince /gn. don’t you worry, your day [splatoon 4] is fast approaching…
eight: you’re very analytical and derive great joy from the story aspects of splatoon. you either write or read fanfiction and maybe cosplay too. you LIVE for the found family trope, and also probably ship them with captain 3. you have amazing taste :]
neo agent 3: you think lil buddy is the most adorable creature to walk the planet. you wish their initial outfit was actually accessible in the game. you’ve probably only played splatoon 3
cap’n cuttlefish: you’re an og who’s been around since splatoon 1 but still know next to nothing about the lore. you don’t main a weapon, and instead prefer to bounce around. you are… an inscrutable crackhead who i want to study
dj octavio: you’re willing to die on the hill that he is not a villain and only did what he did to support his people [you’re right btw]. you’re actually really chill and fun and i have a lot of respect for you. also, i’m liable to believe that you ship him with cuttlefish, don’t you? DON’T YOU?!?
commander tartar: you’re… ME??? villainous characters are always your favorites. you think octo expansion is a masterpiece [and you’re entirely right]. you’re a splatoon scholar and scour every obscure twitter post and artbook note to satiate your hunger for that sweet sweet lore. there’s something deeply wrong in your head.
mr. grizz: you play a lot of salmon run but are actually kinda bad at it [shhh i won’t tell]. you suffered through after alterna just for his backstory log and the bear ears. i’m going to go out on a limb here and say… you have daddy issues
smollusk: you LOVE the idea that marina and pearl are its adoptive moms. you’ve beaten side order with every palette. you overuse the “🥺” emoji. you miiight be a little annoying, but your heart is in the right place… probably
acht: either the chillest person you’ll ever meet or the most insane. probably both. you’re 100% queer and probably neurodivergent too. i bet you listen to will wood and / or tally hall. i wanna be your friend
harmony: you know every chirpy chips song by heart. you’re probably really sweet and i know you make banger fanart. you have an affinity for cute things and i bet your favorite pokémon type is fairy. DEFINITELY neurodivergent.
cq cumber: ???you both confuse and frighten me!!! what can i even say? you’re a cryptid! but honestly, you’re kinda iconic. i salute you, you freak of nature🫡
iso padre: I LOVE YOU. you’re accepting of all people and are just an absolute saint in general. daddy issues, but you’re coping way better than the grizz fans. also, i’m betting that you’re neurodivergent
sheldon: i didn’t think you existed, but turns out that you do? you actually listen to his rambles. splatoon 2 is your favorite game in the series. you’re able to see the value in things that others tear down and y'know what? i respect that [not saying i approve of your character choice though]
judd: wait, why him? ohh wait, i know! you probably just don’t care about splatoon’s story at all and / or love cats. there, that’s totally it, right?
lil judd: you either DON’T know his lore and just like the cute little kitten, or you DO know his lore and you’re unhinged. i’m scared of you
spyke: you’d bark for him without hesitation and DON’T pretend you wouldn’t. you clown. you absolute freak. i know what you are. /j
murch: if i had to bet, you’re probably the shy type who prefers to let others do the talking for them. you might secretly be a little freaky though, and i think you should embrace that side of yourself. you’re safe here. be free.
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cupcraft · 1 year
Ranboo rebrand stream important stuff in one single post!:
if anything i missed pls rb and add on!
chat etiquette! They are going to be more strict with this (but not for new chatters honest mistakes).
Ban 101 -> the number 1 rule:
racism, antisemitism, homophobia, transphobia, discrimination. Instant ban, no excuse. Even bigoted jokes! 0 tolerance! you will be banned from even viewing the streams. This even counts on doing it on other streamer's chats/platforms if found out!
More rules: be funny (please!) and chill and kind and use emotes (including BTTV), dont spam chat (will be fixed/enforced bc of past issues),
other tidbits/news:
the vtuber/stuff will evolve over time, there are different vtuber outfits/costumes planned (ex they have an mcc outfit already!), the room in the background will change, they will be reaching out to ppl for collabs (feel free to recommend people but do not spam their chats!), planning to do more irl streams (will be weird/experimental and they will go wild! They will be making weird stuff!), they also have plans that they are excited to tell and its been a long time coming (this may be the cake video but i couldnt tell in stream), ranboo bakes a cake 2 will be coming TOMORROW on youtube (23 mins and incredible! they laughed at themself), ranboo plans to do experimental stuff on youtube (they have gotten into film lately!), founder's cut of gen 1 of genloss will be coming out 2-3 months ?? date/end of year, the vtuber ranjacket will be a part of the merch drop prototype at vidcon (physical jacket!), will be doing competitive/events with people (like organized little thing) (content/what it is undetermined) and he wants it to be obscure and random, ranboowaslive will start to ramp up a bit (more clips/compilations to come esp if you dont enjoy long vod watching), ranboo will be eating a nintendo DS cartridge live on stream (a joke!), MORE SURPRISES KEPT AS A SECRET + tiny plans in the works, they are moving into the new place/still have boxes to unpack (vtuber lore), he may finish the last of us part 2, subathon (really like back to back fun streams/long streams/playthrough of long games like omori) in january probably, splatoon may return,
What does the new era mean/qna stuff?
talking about old content is fine as long as you recognize that it is the PAST and not the kind of content ranboo makes now. Do not "put them back in the box".
Vtuber: will not be used all the time. They will do facecam streams too. Depends on how he feels.
why the r800: the 8 looks like a b LMAO
this is just the start of rebrand. He will re-establish a lot, things will be easier to find/reorganized, slowly over the weeks things will be changing.
what will happen tothe alt twitter (ranaltboo)?: new pfp, same energy (see below my shitty sc). art creds to mochi!
Tumblr media
not only just a rebrand for him and the look of the content. But also it is a rebrand of how they act around and view their own content. they may not be as in the community as he has been (liking fanart/in chat/etc.) out of recommendation from people! If ranboo needs to be aware of something THEY HAVE PEOPLE to make him aware of important issues/emergencies and they will be focusing more on themself and the content overall. they are thankful to be allowed to do this, as they dont want to keep seeing things they dont want to see/have that anxiety. Less scrolling = more content!
They will probably have longer streams again!
will move to more mature jokes/phrases and may have content labels on the streams. Overall, streams will be pg-13 mostly.
TITS stands for twitch integrated throwing system [insert ranboo's giggle here]
All proceeds donated to ranboo's channel only go to charity! Not to them at all! They have a list of charities that he supports and will be changed 1-3 months at a time like usual!
Please make stuff. This is how he gets ppl who edit and the emote makers/artists. Not forced. Just encouraging ppl who make stuff to make stuff and he appreciates it and loves it! Even if it is not about him just make it! AND SUPPORT ARTISTS BOOBERS!
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