#spoonie friendly witchcraft
esoteric-chaos · 8 months
Esoteric Chaos Masterpost - Online Grimoire
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Need help finding all of my personal posts on my blog? Look no further! Here is everything collected in one place for you.
If a link is not working please let me know and I'll fix it immediately. If you do not see a link and it's just text* those are upcoming posts scheduled.
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Spiritual Hygiene and Beginner Work - The foundations of witchcraft and spiritual upkeep
Grounding and Centering - How-Tos and Methods
Cleansing - The How-Tos and Methods
Banishing - The How-Tos and Methods
Protection - The How-Tos and Methods
Warding - The How-Tos and Methods
Low Energy Practices - Spoonie Edition*
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Basics in Witchcraft - The basics of witchcrafting
Energy Manipulation*
Safety in Witchcraft
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Spell Crafting Basics - The basics of spellcrafting
"How do I create a spell? Spell reversals?"*
"What is casting a circle? Do I need to?"*
"How do I Power my Spells?"*
"Planetary Timing? What’s that?"*
"My Spell Backfired! Help!"*
"I Think I Was Cursed. What Do I Do?"*
Wheel of the Year Masterpost - Spoonie Witch-Friendly
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Intermediate/Advanced Witchcraft - Types of more advanced practice
What is Intermediate and Advanced Witchcraft?*
What is Energy Work?*
Cursing, Hexing and Jinxing*
What is Ancestor Work? Breaking it down and how to start + extra
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Types of Magic - Different categories of witchcraft
Lunar magic*
Glamour magic*
Hearth magic*
Chaos Magic*
Energy Healing 101 Sympathetic Magic - History and Explanation
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Kitchen Witchcraft - Infused Cooking Oils, Dinner Recipes, Baking, Tea Blends, Syrups, Etc
Kitchen Witchcraft Masterpost
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Herbalism - Herbal Education, Recipes
Herbalism Masterpost
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Spells - Spells, Pop Culture Spells, Sigils, Spell Oils, Spell Powders
Spells Masterpost
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Spoonie Witchcraft
Low Energy Witchcraft - Chronic Fatigue Edition
Disability-Friendly Prosperity Magic
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Deity Masterposts (mostly the ones I work with)
Aphrodite Devotional and Masterpost
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Tips and Tricks
Low Energy Cleansing Tip
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Technomagic Masterpost
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Extra’s - Any extra reading material on different topics
Sustainability and Witchcraft*
Endangered and Threatened Plants and Resins*
Gnosis Within the Witchcraft Community
UPDATED: 9/01/24
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astoldbycrimson · 7 months
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✍️ Name: Crimson / Crim - (She/They)
✍️ Age: Adult (30+)
✍️ Location: USA
✍️ Hobbies ➡️ Reading, writing, drawing, gaming, crocheting, character creating, worldbuilding, roleplaying, and witchcraft
✍️ Fun Facts ➡️ I am a Hellenic polytheist (I worship the Greek gods), a witch, and a devotional writer/poet. I have a BS in Genetics. I am a wife and a mother to reptiles and cats. I started writing around 18 years ago. I enjoy writing poetry, devotionals, fanfiction, and varying lengths of stories.
✍️ Spoonie / Neurodivergent ➡️ I am chronically ill with a variety of health issues including chronic pain, chronic fatigue, chronic migraines, and also a few mental illnesses.
✍️ Contact ➡️ Asks, DMs, message me on Discord at DattebayoCrimson
✍️ LGBTQ+ friendly (I’m queer)
Examples of My Writing
Ko-fi ➼ MilliesMemory Main Blog ➼ DattebayoCrimson Crochet Blog ➼ MilliesMemory Witchcraft/Polytheism Blog ➼ CrimsonSongbird
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milliesmemory · 7 months
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🧶 Name: Crimson / Crim - (She/They)
🧶 Age: Adult (30+)
🧶 Location: USA
🧶 Hobbies ➡️ I enjoy reading, writing, drawing, crocheting, sewing, gaming, and so much more.
🧶 Spoonie / Neurodivergent ➡️ I am chronically ill with a variety of health issues including chronic pain, chronic fatigue, chronic migraines, and also a few mental illnesses.
🧶 Fun Facts ➡️ I am a Hellenic Polytheist (meaning I worship the Greek pantheon). In addition to that, I practice a variety of different forms of divination and witchcraft. I am also a devotional writer and poet.
🧶 Contact ➡️ Asks, DMs, or message me on Discord at DattebayoCrimson
🧶 LGBTQ+ friendly (I’m queer)
TikTok ➼ @ Millies.Memory
Ko-fi ➼ MilliesMemory
Carrd ➼ MilliesMemory
Instagram ➼ Millies.Memory
Facebook ➼ MilliesMemory
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stygiantarot · 4 years
Tactile Witchcraft
(taught on The Alexandria Archives 5/16/2020)
Today we shall be exploring witchcraft from a specific sensory perception- touch. While there is absolutely no wrong sense to use to experience and practice witchcraft; I would say that sight and hearing are the most common; followed by scent. I’d like to offer an alternative inspiration with tactile focused witchcraft and show that it can be intermingled with a witch’s routine quite easily. This is especially helpful for those of us who have trouble with the common “visualizing” side of witchcraft.
Using my own experiences, I’ll explain how tactile witchcraft can be incorporated into the following routines and practices:
raising energy/charging
grounding and cleansing
ritual framework
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Raising Energy and Charging Objects
Raising energy is used for almost any focused activity in witchcraft. The act of awakening your focus and intention in a ritual way. Many use visualizing for this- imagining energy flowing upwards into their hands or outward from their body like an expanding bubble. There are some common tactile methods that you may not even be aware of! Such as:
rubbing your hands together until they’re warm
posturing in a certain way (a certain standing or sitting position)
stomping or dancing
touching certain favored objects (like on an altar or other tools)

This can be expanded on further into a more intense tactile action to raise your energy. Certain complex hand motions (think like the show The Magicians!), or physically connecting with objects that help you raise energy. You could run your fingers through a pot of dirt or sand, put your feet in the tub or a basin and run water over them, toss a special stone or coin from hand to hand (carefully of course), rub a particular lotion or oil on your face, arms, shoulders, or feet.
Notice tactile sensations rather than visual ones to know that your energy is being called forth. Feel the heat, the goosebumps or tingles, a tightening or adjusting of your body’s muscles or stance, a small breeze or touch perhaps.
When it comes to charging objects and tools- get into using your body to do so! My personal method is called “massaging the bones” and can be read about here.
You can also use your lips to kiss or blow your breath onto the object. You can jump or dance with it. You can hug it, cuddle it, wrap it in a special blanket, stroke it with a brush, feather, leaf, etc. Just the act of focusing your attention with this activities imbues the object with energy. It might be harder than raising energy to feel a direct effect but you can still get the temperature change or goosebumps/prickles sensation when charging objects like this. Especially if you take it slow and give it emotional depth during the process.
Do you have any special things you do to welcome a new special object into your home? Especially something emotional like a stuffie or sentimental decorative object. What about things you enjoy yourself when visiting a close friend or family member? Think about how you can incorporate those kind of actions in altered ways to charging objects and ritual tools.
Grounding and Cleansing
The act of grounding frequently involves a tactile element already. Touching the floor with your hands or feet is the most common. You can add onto this with having a bowl or pot of soil, sand, marbles/stones, or other substance (you could use salt or flour!) that you run your fingertips through. When you use food or drink to ground, incorporate observing the tactile element along with the taste- the texture and the temperature.
Grounding is basically using deliberate observation to bring ourselves gently back into focus with the mundane world. Stroke a pet, a blanket, a stuffie. Shuffle a deck of cards or shake and roll some dice. Stack or unstack a favorite pile of books. Flip through one of those books. What do the pages feel like? What about the cover and binding? And there is nothing wrong with branching out to include multiple senses at once when focusing on tactile grounding- while flipping through the book and observing the pages, notice what they smell like. What does the book smells like? You can also focus on your own limbs and body, give yourself a brief massage limb by limb (lotion optional). Or trace your skin with a brush or fingertip, even a pen if you like to draw or write.
What actions tend to help bring you back to yourself when emotions overwhelm you? That’s mundane grounding! Think about how to incorporate some of those into a practice for grounding after a ritual or working.
When it comes to cleansing, the easiest way to do it tactilely is to literal clean the space (or your own body) that you are wanting to cleanse. Create a floor wash with particular correspondences and ingredients and then wash your floor, walls, and doorways with it. Mix a scented powder to sweep into corners to collect negative energy and then vacuum it up after a couple days (make sure to check if it’s pet safe ingredients if needed; they love to lick their paws after walking all over!). But you can also do variations on this if you don’t have the ability or spoons to physically clean a room.
Take a small scrap of fabric and charge it with the rooms energy. You can do this by walking around wiping down surfaces or just by sitting in the room or area needed to be cleansed holding the cloth and focusing on how the room feels, smells, sounds, and letting it “collect” into the cloth. Now get a small bowl of water, add some cleansing herbs or even just a squeeze of lemon juice and sprinkle of salt. Now wash that cloth gently but thoroughly. Let the energy of that washing spread outwards from the cloth to tie to the room. The cloth is the space’s taglock. And it can be reused- hang the fabric to dry as the room is cleared of bad energy and then gently fold it and place it in a safe place until needed again. This can be stacked on in other purposes- painting or stitching protection sigils on it to protect the space.
It’s important that the tactile cleansing action is something you associate personally with removing debris and dust but otherwise be as creative as you like!
So much of mainstream meditation books, articles, and videos focus on auditory meditation. If any of you are like me, that can get old or lose it’s effectiveness on some days. I’m not a big meditator personally; especially of the type that’s “zone out and don’t think of anything” so this section will be short but here are a couple ways I do focused tactile meditations for inspiration:
Walking path meditations: I like to do cemeteries, but it can be parks, hikes, even just a walk in your neighborhood or in a shopping/urban district. The goal is mostly to not focus on any one thing too long and to observe your surroundings, especial natural ones. The weather, the vegetation, the structures/architecture, creatures, even energy/ vibes/feelings.
Strand or String based mediation: this involves knotting a long strand of string or rope, crocheting/knitting, braiding (even your own hair), sewing or embroidering, etc. Basically anything semi-repetitive that involves a fabrics, yarn, or string-like materials. It’s not about entirely zoning out, but about noticing the feel of your activity and how it makes you feel. You can include music as well if you like, again it’s okay to combine senses.
Kitchen based mediation: Kneading dough, mixing batter, combining a soup or stew, stirring a drink, chopping ingredients (safely of course), shaping cookies, tenderizing meat, rolling out and cutting pasta, etc. So many aspects of creating a dish in the kitchen have a meditative quality to them. Again, the idea isn’t to “think of nothing”, especially when working around heat and sharp objects. The idea is the almost repetitive action that you know is going to lead to nurturing sustenance. This can also be a good way to teach kiddos a gentler version of meditating without it being a huge chore. It was while kneading dough that my grandmother taught me to reflect on my day and what I wanted from the upcoming one- a version of focused meditation.
Self-care meditation: Soaking in a bath, smoothing on lotion, applying a face mask, brushing hair, massaging aching muscles, mixing up a favorite cuppa, etc. Give yourself that well deserved attention and gentleness while you let your mind also be soothed. Focus on the texture of your products on your skin, the feel of tea in your mouth and belly, the way you feel after giving yourself that treat.
Even divining has a tactile component that can be expanded! A deck of cards being shuffled is already about the feel, but you can also take the time to feel each card facedown before you turn them over. Do you notice anything different when you touch each one? If you take the time to truly shuffle your cards slowly and deliberately as a focusing activity to help get you in the zone of divining (before you even start considering a specific question or inquiry), you may be surprised to notice your ability to shuffle improve, especially if you do this daily. I encourage shuffling a deck at least once or twice a day regardless of whether you actually do a reading. Bond with that deck physically. Let your fingertips become so familiar with your deck(s) that you could pick it out of lineup, merely by the touch.
Other ways to divine with tactile focuses are: 

casting objects (throwing the bones: the feel of each piece should go into what associations it gets ascribed.
aleuromancy: toss, mix, or knead the flour with your hands. The shaping of dough for the paper slips is tactile. And you can use physical differences in each cookie in your interpretations as well.
wax divination: there is a variation on fire scrying that specifically uses wax and the way it melts. There is a physical aspect to this in holding the candle, feeling the wax when it’s still warm or after it has cooled. I’ve even kept interesting shaped drippings as charms or offerings on shrines
dowsing: using the touch and movement of an object in your hands to divine location of specific things (classically water).
palmistry: taking the feel and texture of the skin and lines into account
astragalamancy: feeling the dice and the act of throwing them
The act of protecting one’s practice and self is quite a varied one but most witches do practice some form of protection work in their practice. Whether for a space, self, or other persons they care about. It’s another practice that has a common visualizing methodology with imagining stacked bricks, hammered shields, pricking thorns, biting teeth, etc.
Much like what was discussed in the raising energy section, there are a lot of actions that can be done to focus your energy on protection without needing to invoke a sense that doesn’t work as well for you. Braiding a belt or bracers with protective colors or materials and affixing to a taglock or poppet. Creating a sympathetic magic wall of legos or blocks for a personal shield or property ward. Stitching protective sigils onto your clothing or on curtains in your home. Sympathetic magic is when a “stand in” object or representation of your goal or person is used to connect the will of influence. It’s very useful for tactile witchcraft and I find it especially effective in protective magic.
As with the gentle massaging mentioned in the charging objects section, the emotional side of your tactile action is important. When it comes to protection, if you need to smash, squish, stab, tear, flush, or stomp your sympathetic magic object during this process, go with that desire! (safely of course) Using a nail to puncture a potato over and over before you pour a withering potion over it is doubly effective at hex or curse breaking.
Protection doesn’t have to be something violent either; you can tap into loving feelings and give a protective bath or massage to a popper or taglock. You can gently weave a protective square of material as a shield. You could sculpt something out of clay or dough. Feeling where your protective strength and comfort stems from and build upon it!
Ritual Framework
This last section will outline how to tie a lot of what has been discussed together into a longer ritual framework. Multiple tactile actions during a ritual when it something you find effective in raising and directing your energy will only pack a stronger punch, so to speak.
Start by choosing a method of energy raising that involves touch and texture but relates well to your ritual goal. For example; if doing a ritual to heal a friend I wouldn’t choose something like stomping or throwing objects. The lotion or oil anointing would work well; or even the running water over the body. It might be hard to do with a faucet since I’d have to move from my bathroom to my ritual space afterwards but this can be accounted for either in mindset or by altering it. Bring a large basin of water and bowl or cup to your ritual space and pour the water over your feet and hands.
Then you might use some sympathetic magic to send healing energy to your friend. Create a poppet for the loved one that you can literally massage or give a soothing bath to. You might go beyond simple tactile actions and tuck the poppet into a comfy spot to sleep, read it a favorite story or sing a favorite song. Paint a healing sigil on the scrap of fabric you use as a blanket.
Use some tactile divination if needed to help guide you and your friend to the most ideal way to deal with this time while they heal. The fortune cookie variation of aleuromancy would be a good choice; you and your friend can reap the rewards of the baked goods together.
Grounding yourself after is important- don’t forget! This ritual would take a lot out of your, especially emotionally, with it being focused on healing a loved one. You might stroke a special blanket, stuffie, or pet to bring that soothing connection along with your grounding. Or stacking some favorite books that you might even pick from to unwind is a good choice too.
You can see from the example laid out how building on all these suggestions can work in tandem together for various forms of witchcraft and intentions.
What sort of ritual do you think could be built with a tactile focus? If you don’t usually do traditional rituals, what sort of working have you been inspired to add a new tactile element to?
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My New Moon ritual was creating enrichment for my cats.
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astridthewitch · 3 years
:・゚✧:・゚♡ ✧ ♡ :・゚✧:・゚
𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑙𝑦 𝑏𝑟𝑜𝑜𝑚 𝑐𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑡 𝑤𝑖𝑡𝑐ℎ𝑦 𝑟𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟 : 𝐼 𝑤𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝑤ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑖 ℎ𝑎𝑣𝑒 𝑎𝑐𝑐𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑡𝑜, 𝑡𝑜 𝑑𝑜 𝑚𝑦 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑐ℎ 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑝𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑒 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ. 𝑖 𝑤𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑛 𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑏𝑦 𝑑𝑜𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑡𝑟𝑢𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔/𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡𝑜 𝑚𝑦 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑢𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑛 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑏𝑎𝑐𝑘 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑤𝑎𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑒 "𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑓𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒" 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑚𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑖𝑚𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑙𝑦 𝑖 𝑤𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑏𝑒 𝑠𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑡 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑐𝑎𝑢𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑢𝑠 𝑡𝑜 𝑘𝑒𝑒𝑝 𝑚𝑦 𝑝𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑒 𝑎 𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑡.
:・゚✧:・゚♡ ✧ ♡ :・゚✧:・゚
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psy-witch · 5 years
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Hey ya'll! I found this really cute witch grab bag on Etsy I wanted to share. I don't have the $10 to afford this at the moment so I can't buy it, but the shop owner is very sweet and does customize them (I messaged about no incense as it triggers migraines and she said she customized them and could easily avoid that for me) Also! It's only $10 and you get 10 items on average. She has bigger ones for those who need them AND free U.S. shipping :)
UPDATE: My brother bought it for me + I messaged the seller a lil bit abt my craft n I'll show you guys what I get once it's here :')))))
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Hi there
I can’t believe this is going to be my first original witchy post but I gotta say it. I see a bunch of witchy poos making cocoas and all kinds of yummy elixirs while they’re sick and using milk. If you’re sick (I’m gonna get stabbed for this) use water or even soy milk or almond milk for your cocoa instead of cows milk. Dairy products increase mucus production and let me tell ya having a whole bunch of snot sitting in your stomach isn’t a fun time and could add stomach issues (vomiting) on top of your cold symptoms 🤷🏼‍♀️ stay safe you beautiful and handsome witches 🌒🌕🌘
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crimsonsongbird · 2 years
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☾✩☽ Name: Crimson / Crim (she/they)
☾✩☽ Age: Adult (30+)
☾✩☽ Location: USA (EST)
☾✩☽ Hellenic Polytheist ➡️ Devotee and “Daughter” of Hekate and Hades. Currently working with Hermes, Aphrodite, Poseidon, and Ares. Have worked with Hephaestus, Hera, Zeus, Thanatos, Hypnos, Apollo, and Dionysus.
☾✩☽ Divination ➡️ Oracle cards, Runes, Pendulum, Osteomancy, Stichomancy, and Shufflemancy.
☾✩☽ Devotional Writer & Poet ➡️ I compose devotional prayers, poetry, and hymns. Hoping to publish a book of them soon!
☾✩☽ Witch ➡️ Eclectic. Currently working with sigils, crystals, herbs, candles, and colors. Pursuing an interest in death witchcraft as well as pop culture witchcraft.
☾✩☽ Spoonie / Neurodivergent ➡️ I am chronically ill with a variety of health issues including chronic pain, chronic fatigue, chronic migraines, and also a few mental illnesses.
☾✩☽ Contact ➡️ Asks, DMs, or message me on Discord at DattebayoCrimson
☾✩☽ LGBTQ+ friendly (I’m queer)
| Follower Server | Website | Devotional Masterlist | Commissions | Divination |
Other Social Media:
TikTok ➼ @ Millies.Memory
Ko-fi ➼ MilliesMemory
Instagram ➼ Millies.Memory
Main Blog ➼ DattebayoCrimson
Crochet Blog ➼ MilliesMemory
Writing Blog ➼ AsToldByCrimson
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fluttorinaa · 2 years
♡ directory
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This post will serve as an index of sorts for all of my posts as well as others I may find. I will also link resources I find helpful, all organized by subject.
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╭──────────────────✎ ╰─➤ WIP
natal chart
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╭──────────────────✎ ╰─➤ WIP
closed practices (post from strawberrycauldrons)
Belief Systems
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atheism / theism / pantheism
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╭──────────────────✎ ╰─➤ WIP
sabbats / wheel of the year
esbats / full and new moons
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╭──────────────────✎ ╰─➤ WIP
Deity Work
╭──────────────────✎ ╰─➤ WIP
Entities + Spirits
╭──────────────────✎ ╰─➤ WIP
fae folk: seelie and unseelie courts
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╭──────────────────✎ ╰─➤ WIP
developing your path
color magic
lunar magic
solar magic
energy work
shadow work
low energy / low effort witchcraft - spoonie friendly
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Spells + Rituals
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╭──────────────────✎ ╰─➤ WIP
General Resources
╭──────────────────✎ ╰─➤ WIP
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cottageshadowwitch · 4 years
Witchy Mutuals Wanted
My dash is way too dead and I'm also looking to (maybe) broaden my practise while definitely looking to expand my online grimoire.
I would love to get in touch with the witch community and maybe find some friends doing so.
I'm queer, support trans* people, support POC, curse friendly, not Wiccan, but I do follow at least some Wiccans. My main Gods are Apollo, Freyja, Hades, and Loki. My tumblr is information heavy and I prefer other blogs to not be aesthetic only.
I'm interested in the following topics (in no particular order) so if any of those are parts of your practise, please reblog this so that I can check out your blog (following me would be very appreciated too to get in touch)
cottage witchcraft
kitchen witchcraft
green witchcraft
shadow work
hearth witchcraft
spoonie witchcraft
pop culture witchcraft
books about witchcraft
Oracle Cards
Grimoire/Book of Shadows/Witch Journal (inspo)
witch experiences
pagan experiences
bath witchcraft
urban witchcraft
norse paganism
hellenic paganism
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deadlydop · 5 years
Types Of Witches series: 🥄Spoonie Witches🥄
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Spoonie Witches are witches who use ways of witchcraft that are friendly to their own disabilities and chronic illnesses. They practice things like low-energy spells, self care spells, and overall low-sensitive spells and practices.
 Spoonie Witch resources:
🥄 Spoonie Witchraft: What Does It Mean?
🥄 Low Spoons Witch Tip
🥄 Witchy Ideas For Those With Low Energy
🥄 Spoonie Witch Tip
🥄 One-Worded Spells
🥄 Spoonie Acts Of Witchery
🥄 Autistic Witch Tips
🥄 “Peaceful Atmosphere” Sigil
🥄 Spoonie Witch Tip
🥄 Witchy Things To Do When You’re Low On Spoons [Part 1]
🥄 Witchy Things To Do When You’re Low On Spoons [Part 2]
🥄 Spoonie Cleansing
🥄 Herbal Tea For Anxiety And Depression
🥄 Low Spoons Spells
🥄 Spoonie Self-Care Tips
🥄 Spoonie Magic Tips
🥄 Anti-Anxiety Tarot Spread
🥄 Witchcraft And Meds
🥄 Witchy Positivity Journal
🥄 Quick Magic Tips For Fatigue
🥄 Spoonie Sigils List
🥄 Spoonie Witch Reminder
🥄 Tips For Witches With Anxiety
🥄 Intrusive Thoughts Witch Tip
🥄 Meditation For The Wild-Minded Witch
🥄 Bed Magic
🥄 Healing Tea Recipes
🥄 Spoonie Devotional Tips
🥄 Charging A Stuffed Animal For Comfort
🥄 Magical Batteries
🥄 Witch Tip
Bedridden Witch Series:
🥄 Nature Edition
🥄 Worship Edition
🥄 Divination Edition
🥄 Stale Energy Edition
🥄 Elements Edition
🥄 Pastel Edition
🥄 Kitchen Edition
🥄 Winter Edition
🥄 Ocean Edition
🥄 Love Edition
🥄 Weather Edition
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urghost-andurboo · 4 years
accessibility products i’m in love with
eye buy direct in general - just ordered pink tinted lenses to see if they help with light/screen time migraine triggers
triple bristle tooth brush
shower chair
large rolly cart for groceries and laundry
comfy shoes
ninja blender
costco pre packaged snacks (especially clif kids bars, guacamole cups, yogurt and yogurt drinks. trying to like trail mix and cheese sticks but it’s def forced at this point)
salt lamp, string lights, nightlights, lamps
lower brightness feature on roku tv display
weighted blanket
comfort objects, very in love with small stuffed animals right now
multiple journals and many pens
tarot deck and book
coloring books
really just. books. i love books so much
organizing my house to be adhd and spoonie friendly (this is a work in progress but basically putting things as close as possible to where i actually use them)
simplifying my wardrobe and relying on a specific set of clothing that fits different sensory needs while still matching my style enough (also a work in progress)
social media in general. tumblr for memes and silly expressions of my thoughts. messenger, signal, snapchat, text for pictures or just talking or making plans. zoom and teleparty and facetime and phone calls for hanging out. reddit for disability and queer’s very vague sense of solidarity. i hate instagram but i might start using it again for sharing artwork.
youtube, academic journals, google, books for learning health information
procreate and notability
different thicknesses of socks, lots of different kinds of shoes to slip on
a pop socket with lip balm - that way i always have chapstick bc i always have my phone
heat wrap and ice packs
yoga mat, blocks, yoga wheel
these aren’t products really but just things that help:
a cuddly partner and a lovely introvert roommate friend who understand + accommodate my access needs
physical touch in general
financial stability, stability in general — generous grad student financial aid and good insurance from my parents
being part time in school
therapy (individual and group)
psychiatry, neurology, endocrinology
general self knowledge, empathy, compassion
knowing what makes my pain worse and better. knowing that chronic illness is an illness that i can’t control. i can make it easier but i can’t make it go away. accepting and appreciating that life is worth living always, despite the rough times.
being forced to stay at home because of pandemic
i made a little box of low spoon activities to do (a crossword book, coloring books, tarot deck, kids book)
i made another smaller box with a little journal, a pen, one comfort object and one stim toy, and two pill bottles — one for holding positive affirmations and another for putting away dark thoughts (i feel like dried herbs could amplify this actually. i’m thinking rosemary and chamomile, for remembering kind words and soothing energy for first pill bottle, and garlic for banishing bad thoughts for the other.) ((side note: i think it would be such a fun project to apply herbalism/kitchen witchcraft to dnd magic items and spells))
special interests, media in general
school is something i care about and want to learn about and like learning about. and it’s directly applicable to a career i’m interested in. and it is online which is so helpful
living outside of the city - it is so quiet and we have so much space
things i want:
to find my headphone charger so i can use my favorite headphones again 🥺
extras of everything. but especially pens and another glucose monitor
more chapstick
continuous glucose monitor !!!!!
headphones i can sleep in
a cushion that somehow makes sitting on the floor comfortable (is that a thing?)
more organizational space. maybe just shelves that fit in the hall closet!!! or just intentionally organizing things using the storage things we already have
easier access to migraine meds
to not have the looming anxiety of losing insurance and therefore access to meds and treatment that have allowed me to make my life so comfortable
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heatherwitch · 5 years
Hi, my name is Barb and I'm 17 y/o baby witch. That being said it's hard to get my hands on almost anything, I won't get to stores on my own as I live quite far away from big town or even a village + I spent 5 days a week in dorms that are also rather cut off from town or city. Do you have any tips on...well on how to witch like that. Reading everything I do feels so overwhelming and I deal badly with things like that. Thank you much for your reply, have a blessed winter solstice. -B
Hello Barb! While a lot of witchcraft tools, supplies and ingredients are neat, I typically don’t use too many things other than what I can find outdoors or in my kitchen. Here’s some examples:
Wards. Oftentimes, it’s helpful to have a physical component that grounds your wards. This could be something as simple as a stone in each corner of your warded space.
Herbs as spell ingredients. Most common kitchen herbs/spices are also common spell ingredients (basil, mint, cinnamon, etc.). This makes them affordable and easy to find, which is fantastic!
Teas as pre-mixed correspondences. You can also use tea contents in spells as well, and I’ve found that specific teas already have herbal blends a witch might make themselves (for example: I’ve use the contents of a sleepytime tea bag in spells associated with sleep/relaxing). 
Don’t underestimate the power of using things you find and discovering their magical properties yourself, that’s how it’s been done for years and it’s what most witches gravitate towards when they become more experienced. 
Here are some posts that may be helpful to you:
Common desk supplies in witchcraft
Spells that use just water and one other ingredient
Altars on a budget
Advice on budget/restricted witchcraft
Post with some dorm friendly witch things
Candle alternatives for a dorm
I’d also highly recommend checking out a lot of the posts in my spoonie witch masterpost. They’re designed for folks with lower energy levels, but often involve using minimal/accessible ingredients. Especially the bedridden witch series and the witchcraft in the hospital post, it may help give you some ideas!
Spoonie witch masterpost
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icantsaycaduceus · 5 years
If you’re a spoonie and a witch, reblog this! I have a chronic illness that causes me to be dizzy and fatigued often, as well as depression, which makes me very unmotivated. I’d really like to follow more witches I can relate to and maybe see some more low-spoon friendly witchcraft ideas?
Especially reblog if you’re a hellenic, crystal witch, chronically ill, do any potion-making, or have executive dysfunction!
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Found this Recipe through Pinterest today and it is a total game changer!
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I added rosemary and (dont laugh at me) Italian seasoning (since it has a lot of good herbs like basil, sage, thyme, etc.), for a little booster spell.
Honestly, as someone who has a really hard time keeping motivated when doing big things this is really helpful. I will definitely be using this a lot now!
(P.s. you can use any kind of flour you want. Regular flour if you can or tapioca flour if you're gluten free (or broke like me!) Most Asian stores sell tapioca flour for a dollar or two a bag)
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