#sports doctor jaune
Question for sports doctor Jaune has he ever had to deal with anti vaccine protest outside his clinic
Jaune yawned as he proceeded to get ready for his day at work. "Not really, no. I'm a small clinic for the most part compared to more corporate medical centers, so I'm not usually a good target that would get a lot of attention." Jaune took a sip of his coffee and walked out of one of the exam rooms after finishing the brief set up for it and towards the lobby/waiting area.
"And when they do show up I don't really deal with them myself. It is private property so whenever protesters do show up for whatever reason, I don't really pay them much mind. It's only if they start bothering my clients that'll I just ask them to leave or I'll call the police. Some of my patients are in recovery and don't need the stress of dealing with getting around that kind of thing. If they want to protest for their beliefs, that's fine. Just do it by the sidewalk and not right outside my door where you'll be in random people's way."
"Doctor Arc, your first... several appointments are here early, would you be ready for them now?"
Jaune sighed as his receptionist, a young antelope faunus, caught him before he could actually get to the lobby. "Sure thing Ash, just finish up the opening work and I'll see to them. Hopefully this means we will be able to go on a bit of a longer break later." Ash nodded and went off to do as the doctor asked.
Jaune grabbed the door handle, but just before he opened it, another thought crossed his mind. "Oh and... well... most of my patients aren't the kind of people to be intimidated or influenced by a crowd of protesters."
Jaune opened the door to reveal the mixed kickboxer Yang Xiao Long and olympic decathlon star Pyrrha Nikos arm wrestling on his corner table while sitting on the couch that pressed up against it. Fencer and ballet star Weiss Schnee, heiress of the Schnee family casually reading a book from the nearby bookshelf. Several time gymnast and kendo champion Blake Belladonna stretching in a show of extreme flexibility. Powerlifter and professional wrestler Elm Ederne casually lifting up a two person couch with her friend/protege Nora Valkyrie helping her to move it to get a better view of one of the TV's, while Nora's fiance martial Artist and gymnast Lie ren casually sat on top of said sofa. All right as the door burst open to see top sprinters and marathon runners Harriet Bree and Ruby Rose come rushing in, panting from the race they just had on their way.
"Yup... not the easiest people to intimidate at all really."
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darksaiyangoku · 10 months
RWBY/Swords of Fate: Arc Kingdom
Chapter 1 - The Omen
Fairy tales. Myths. Legends. Stories with dashing heroes and sinister villains. Many of these tales share a common source and many diverge from their original tellings. No two versions of one story are ever exactly the same. They evolve, shift and adapt. This is one such a story. In two worlds of aura and magic, there was a young man who desired fo cherish and protect. He never imagined that he would be the one to pull the legendary sword from the stone. With that simple choice, he carved a new path for himself; the path of a hero and the path of a king. And so begins the story of the Arc Kingdom.
—1st June 734 AGW, Remnant - Kingdom of Atlas, Solitas—
Jaune and his team threw off their thick coats as soon as they entered Atlas Academy. Even in the summer, the bitter cold of Solitas still packed a punch. The heat from the generators hit them like a truck. Team JNPR all hummed delightfully as they welcomed the warmth.
Jaune: Woah man!! That's muuuuch better!
Nora: Ahhhhhh!!! It's good to be out of the cold.
Pyrrha: Oh my. *looks around* this place is magnificent!
Ren: *nods* It is remarkable indeed.
The inside of the building had royal blue marble floors, with ivory white walls, pictures of the various locations of Solitas and the alumni of Atlas Academy Huntsmen and Huntresses. Walking down the corridor was the headmaster of the school, General James Ironwood, sporting a five o'clock shadow. Accompanying him were two new faces. One of them was a young man with auburn hair, green eyes and who wore a white coat over an emerald green suit. Next to him was another man with long, white hair, light purple eyes, wearing dark purple suit.
James: Team JNPR, welcome to Atlas Academy. *smiles* It's great to see you again after so long.
Pyrrha: It's great to see you too, Headmaster Ironwood. Are you enjoying your summer break?
James: *chuckles* As much as I'd like to, I unfortunately can't. There's always work to be done if we want to stop the threat of the grimm.
Ren: Evil truly never sleeps, huh?
James: And neither do huntsmen and huntresses.
Jaune: *raises hand* Um, Headmaster? Who are your friends with you?
Dr. Roman: Oh sorry about that, *chuckles* I was waiting for Jimmy here to introduce us. I'm Dr. Romani Archaman, from Vacuo. Most of the students here just call me Dr. Roman. It's very nice to meet you.
Nora: Hi there, doc!
Dr. Merlin: And you may call me Dr. Merlin. I'm an old friend of Ozpin's. It's a pleasure to meet you all.
Pyrrha: Very nice to meet you too. *smiles*
Dr. Roman: James has told us so much about you and Team RWBY. I heard that you all managed to fight back against a grimm invasion in Beacon. That's insane!
Jaune: *chuckles* Well, that's a little exaggerated-
Dr. Roman: Not at all! For first year students to fight back, let alone survive is a fantastic achievement! You should all be proud of yourselves!
Ren: *shakes head* We were just doing our jobs as huntsmen and huntresses. Making sure everyone got out of there alive.
James: And it was thanks you, RWBY, SSSN, ARBN and the other students from all the academies that countless lives were saved that day. It's no small achievement, it was heroic. For that, I thank you. *bows*
Jaune: Well... uh... we're always ready to help out when needed.
James: I'm glad to hear that, because it's time I showed you what I, Roman and Merlin have been working on. Come with me.
Team JNPR followed James and the two doctors down the corridor. They approached the elevator and entered inside. Team JNPR noticed that below the buttons to all the floors was a keyhole. From his pocket, James took out a key and placed it in the keyhole, twisting it. The elevator started to go down and Nora's eyes sparkled with excitement.
Nora: Are we going to a secret basement?
Dr. Merlin: *chuckles* Something like that.
The further they went, the more ominous it felt. Pyrrha felt her skin crawl. She was reminded of what happened one year ago when she was led underground back at Beacon.
Jaune: *holds Pyrrha's hand* Are you okay?
Pyrrha: *shakes head* Not really. But thanks, Jaune. *smiles*
The elevator finally stopped and the door opened. As they stepped out, what they saw was almost otherworldly. The room was lit by a brillaint blue light. At the center was a large, blue holographic sphere floating above them. Surrounding it were several silver pillars. Team JNPR were in awe.
James: Team JNPR, I give you Project Arcadia.
Nora slowly walked ahead of her team and gazed at the sphere. She noticed something oddly familiar about it. There were shapes that looked just like the landmasses she saw on the maps of Remnant.
Nora: Is that Sanus? Anima? Menagerie? Solitas?
Dr. Roman: To answer all of that, yes. You're looking at Remnant.
Dr. Merlin: Though to be more accurate, it's a Remnant. But not your Remnant.
Nora: Wait what?
Pyrrha: I'm sorry?
James: What you're looking at here is another Remnant, one of many.
Jaune: One of many? As in like a multiverse?
James: Precisely.
Ren: Why would you have a projection of another Remnant down here? What's going on?
Dr. Merlin: *raises hand* I believe I can explain that. A few months ago, I had a vision of a great disaster that would befall the other Remnant. *deep sigh* Ozpin was dead... and the Kingdom of Vale had fallen. Nothing leff but ruins and scorched earth.
Team JNPR: What?!
Dr. Merlin: Yes, dead. At the hands of the dark witch, Salem. I believe you've heard of her?
Jaune: We've heard of her alright. She's an old enemy of Ozpin's. Ever since he's told us about the history between them, he's been training us to fight her.
Dr. Merlin: That's Ozpin for you. He's made the right decision.
Nora: O-Ozpin's gonna die? And Vale will... burn?
Dr. Merlin: That might be what the vision showed me, but I'm determined to avoid that fate as much as possible. This is where you four come in.
James: When Merlin told me of his vision, he mentioned that Salem gathered a group of rogue mages. Their magic was enhanced by a special Relic, of sorts; The Holy Grail.
Team JNPR: *eyes wide*
Dr. Roman: According to Merlin, this Relic is supposed to grant miracles. Perform feats of magic unattainable even for the most powerful mage. But if his vision comes true, that means Salem would get her hands on it.
Dr. Merlin: One way to avert this disaster would be to destroy the Grail. If that happens, Salem would be weakened. She could still be a formidable threat, but not enough to be invincible.
Pyrrha: Hold on... you want us to stop her, don't you?
Dr. Merlin: I'm afraid so. This is what Project Arcadia is; a form of multiverse travel.
James: *points to pillars* These are known as Coffins. Merlin and I were able to combine science and magic and use it for a new form of technology called Rayshifting. It transforms your body, breaking it down into its soul form, known as a Spritron. Once that's completed, you are then transferred into the universe. Or at least, that's how it's supposed to work.
Dr. Merlin: As this is a prototype, we cannot physically send you to this alternate Remnant. Instead, we can send your conciousness into the body of your alternate self.
Team JNPR couldn't believe what they were hearing. This wasn't an ordinary mission. Jaune was trembling.
Jaune: Wait a second... I don't get it. Why do you need us to help you with this mission? What's so special about us?
Dr. Merlin: Those are fair questions, my boy. In the vision, Ozpin was surrounded by the bodies of knights. Among those were you, your Team and Team RWBY. Clearly, he sees great potential in all of you. Why else would he train you to fight Salem? Or choose one of you to be the host of the Fall Maiden?
Pyrrha: How did you-?
Dr. Merlin: Nothing gets past me, Miss Nikos. *smirks*
Jaune: *slowly backs away*
Pyrrha: Jaune!
Nora: Woah there! *gently grabs him*
Ren: Do you mind if we think about this for a moment?
Dr. Roman: Of course. We understand that we're asking a lot from you. Take one of the vacant dorms and rest up for the night.
Pyrrha: Thank you, Dr. Roman. Come on, let's go.
[Atlas Dorm]
Jaune sat on his bed and stared at the ceiling. The more he stared, the more he could feel an overbearing weight on his chest. Beside him sat his friends, unsure of what to do.
Pyrrha: Is everything alright, Jaune?
Jaune: *turns to Pyrrha and sighs* I dunno, Pyrrha. I just... this is a lot to take in. I mean, we're talking about a multiverse here! On top of that, they want us to go inside... ourselves to prevent Vale's destruction? That's a lot of pressure!
Nora: You're telling me. I mean, they expect us to just drop everything and say 'yes' to this? We're dealing with unfamiliar technology here. What if something goes wrong?
Pyrrha: These are friends of Headmaster Ironwood. Ozpin seems to have put a lot of faith in them. If he trusts them, then so do I.
Ren: Just because Ozpin trusts them, that doesn't necessarily mean we should. Something about Merlin doesn't seem right. For all we know, he could be lying.
Pyrrha: Ren, you're being ridiculous.
Ren: Am I? I don't think it's wise to just take what Merlin is saying at face-value. The fact that they want us for this mission and not have Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang or anyone else join us is pretty suspicious if you ask me.
Pyrrha: Look, I'm not saying that it isn't weird or that we shouldn't be cautious. I agree that something doesn't feel right. But think about it for a moment, what would Merlin have to gain from lying to us? And why would Headmaster Ironwood, a friend of Ozpin's, want to go along with it?
Nora: Agh! This is making me my head spin! Jaune, what do you think we should do?
Jaune: ...I need some air. *promptly leaves the room*
Jaune slid down the wall in complete exhaustion. He felt like he was letting his team down. He was the leader and he knew that they were counting on him to make a decision right now. But he was struggling. No matter how many times Jaune thought about it, there wasn't an easy answer to this. He reached into his pocket and took out his scrollphone. He dialed the number of the one person who understood the most; Ruby. Facing the camera, he waited until he saw her face. He felt a wave of relief upon seeing her again.
Ruby: Hey there, Jaune! How's Atlas?
Jaune: Hi Ruby. Uh, yeah... it's... okay.
Ruby: *frowns* What's wrong?
Jaune: *sighs* It's kind of a long story.
Jaune explained to Ruby about the dire situation he and his Team were in. His fingers were trembling so much that he nearly dropped the scrollphone.
Ruby: Hm. That's pretty rough. Do you think you can trust this Merlin guy?
Jaune: I'm not sure. I mean, if this other Remnant's survival hinges on us, shouldn't we go and help it?
Ruby: Well... what does your heart say?
Jaune: *small, nervous chuckle* It says I should go. I've always wanted to help others and protect those who need it. Even if that Remnant isn't my own, I should go and protect everyone there. Heroes go and fight the battles make sure we all live a better tomorrow, right?
Ruby: *giggles* Well if that's what you feel, then you have your answer. Good luck, Jaune and tell the others that too.
Jaune: Thanks Ruby. You're the best.
Ruby: *shakes head* No, you're the best. Make sure you come back in one piece, we still need to hang out at the Sweet Shack. *giggles*
Jaune: You can count on that, no problem. See you, Ruby.
Ruby: See you, Jaune.
Jaune hung up the scrollphone and held it close to his chest. Seeing Ruby made his heart flutter. He put his scrollphone away and opened the door to come back inside, only to see Nora, Ren and Pyrrha tumbling onto the floor.
Jaune: What the?! Were you guys evesdropping?
Nora/Pyrrha: ...no?
Jaune: Even you, Ren?
Ren: ...I got curious.
Jaune: *shakes head* Never mind. Look, I think we should help out Merlin and Ironwood. We all signed on to be huntsmen and huntresses. That means we do everything we can to save people from grimm and other evils. It'd be pretty irresponsible to just back out.
Pyrrha: That's a very mature decision, Jaune. I'm with you.
Nora: You can count me in too. If we can handle an invasion in our world, then a witch from another world is no problem at all.
Jaune: Ren?
Ren: I still think something's off about this... but if you feel it's the right thing to do, then I'm with you all the way.
Jaune: Thanks guys. *smiles* Now come on, we've got a cup to destroy!
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juanarc-thethird · 2 years
has anyone else tried to spank jaune?
Unfortunately yes. There was a victim who spanked Jaune as a silly prank, but as you already know, this ended very badly for the victim.
Friday xx of xx22, 4:30pm. Training room.
Pyrrha: Ok Jaune, now I want you to try to break my defense with your shield. Ready?
Jaune: Ready.
Pyrrha: Ok... go!
Jaune runs towards her and hits her with his shield causing her defense to wear down and Jaune to have an opening to attack. Jaune uses his sword to attack, but stops inches from hitting Pyrrha.
Pyrrha: *Smiles* Good job, Jaune.
Jaune: *Moves his weapon away form her* Thanks.
Pyrrha: Well I think this is enough training for today. Do you want to go get something to drink at the canteen?
Jaune: Sure.
Jaune turns around and notices that his shoelaces are untied.
Jaune: Oh shoot, give me a moment Pyrrha. I have to tie my shoe.
Jaune walks towards a bench that they had brought to sit down to rest. He puts his foot there and he ties the shoe. Pyrrha stares at him but her gaze moves to a certain area.
Pyrrha: *Looking at his ass*
Devil Yang: *Pops up on her shoulder* Touch his butt, I know you want to~
Pyrrha: (What?! I would never do that!)
Devil Yang: Don't lie, you know you want to~
Angel Weiss: *Pops up on her other shoulder* It's true, she would never do that.
Pyrrha: (Thanks!)
Angel Weiss: You should spank him instead~
Pyrrha: *Red* (What?!)
Devil Yang: Oh~ Great idea.
Angel Weiss: Thank you.
Pyrrha: (I can't do that!)
Devil Yang: Of course you can. Everybody does this. Especially when you play sports and your partner did a good job, wink wink~
Pyrrha: (Wha?!)
Angel Weiss: It's for good sportsmanship. Come, do it~
Pyrrha: (Um...)
Devil Yang/Angel Weiss: *Chanting* Do it, Do it, Do it~
Pyrrha tries to hold back but she gives in to the demands of her two little friends. She slowly walks over to Jaune, raises her hand and….
Jaune: Tell me straight up Doc, will she be okay?
Doctor: She will be fine, but it will take a some time for her to return to her normal self.
In front of them is a window with a view to the room on the other side. In it, Pyrrha is in bed and sedated, she mumbles how much she wants to touch Jaune's ass again.
Pyrrha: I want that delicious ass~ Give it to me daddy~ I want to take a bite out of that cake~
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pompadourpink · 4 years
Fluent Forever’s 625 words
Animals: chien, m (dog); chat, m (cat); poisson, m (fish); oiseau, m (bird); vache, f (cow); cochon, m (pig); souris, f (mouse); cheval, m (horse); aile, f (wing); animal, m (animal);
Transportation: train, m (train); avion, m (plane); voiture, f (car); camion, m (truck); vélo, m (bicycle); bus, m (bus); bateau, m (boat); navire, m (ship); pneu, m (tire); essence, f (gasoline); moteur, m (engine); billet, m (ticket); transports, m (transportation);
Location: ville, f (city/town); maison, f (house); appartement, m (flat); rue, f (street); route, f (road); aéroport, m (airport); gare, f (train station); pont, m (bridge); hôtel, m (hotel); restaurant, m (restaurant); ferme, f (farm); école, f (school); tribunal, m (court); bureau, m (office); salle, f (room); université, f (university); club, m (club); bar, m (bar); parc, m (park); camp, m (camp); magasin, m (store); cinéma, m (theater); bibliothèque, f (library); hôpital, m (hospital); église, f (church); marché, m (market); pays, m (country); bâtiment, m (building); sol, m (ground); espace, m (space); banque, f (bank); localisation, f (location);
Clothing: chapeau, m (hat); robe, f (dress); costume, m (suit); jupe, f (skirt); chemise, f (shirt); t-shirt, m (t-shirt); jean/pantalon, m (trousers); chaussures, f (shoes); poche, f (pocket); manteau, m (coat); tache, f (stain); vêtements, m (clothing);
Colours: rouge (red); vert-e (green), bleu-e (blue), clair-e (light); foncé-e (dark); jaune (yellow); marron (brown); rose (pink); orange (orange); noir-e (black); blanc-he (white); gris-e (grey); couleur, f (colour);
People: fils, m (son); fille, f (daughter); mère, f (mother); père, m (father); parent (parent); bébé (baby); homme, m (man); femme, f (woman); frère, m (brother); soeur, f (sister); famille, f (family); grand-père, m (grandfather); grand-mère, f (grandmother); mari, m (husband); femme/épouse, f (wife); roi, m (king); reine, f (queen); président-e (president); voisin-e (neighbour); garçon, m (boy); fille, f (girl); enfant (child); adulte (adult); humain-e (human); ami-e (friend); victime (victim); joueur/euse (player); fan/supporter (fan); foule, f (crowd); personne, f (person);
Job: professeur/enseignant-e (teacher); étudiant-e (student); avocat-e (lawyer), docteur (doctor); patient-e (patient); serveur/euse (waiter); secrétaire (secretary); prêtre, m (priest); police, f (police); armée, f (army); soldat-e (soldier); artiste (artist); auteur/trice (author); manager (manager); journaliste (reporter); acteur/trice (actor); métier/emploi, m (job);
Society: religion, f (religion); paradis, m (heaven); enfer, m (hell); mort, f (death); médecine, f (medicine); argent, m (money): dollar, m (dollar); billet, m (bill); mariage, m (marriage/wedding); équipe, f (team); race, f (race); sexe, m (sex); genre, m (gender); meurtre, m (murder); prison, f (prison); technologie, f (technology); énergie, f (energy); guerre, f (war); paix, f (peace); attaque, f (attack); élection, f (election); magazine, m (magazine); journaux, m pl (newspaper); poison, m (poison); pistolet, m/arme à feu, f (gun); sport, m (sports); course, f (sports race); exercice, m (exercise); balle, f/ballon, m (ball); jeu, m (game); prix, m (price); contrat, m (contract); médicament, m/drogue, f (drug); signe, m (sign); science, f (science); Dieu, m (God);
Art: groupe, m (band); chanson, f (song); instrument, m (instrument); musique, f (music); film, m (movie); art, m (art);
Beverages: café, m (coffee); thé, m (tea); vin, m (wine); bière, f (beer); jus, m (juice); eau, f (water); lait, m (milk); boisson, f (beverage);
Food: oeuf, m (egg); fromage, m (cheese); pain, m (bread); soupe, f (soup); gâteau, m (cake); poulet, m (chicken); porc, m (pork); boeuf, m (beef); pomme, f (apple); banane, f (banana); orange, f (orange); citron, m (lemon); maïs, m (corn); riz, m (rice); huile, f (oil); graine, f (seed); couteau, m (knife); cuillère, f (spoon); fourchette, f (fork); tasse, f (cup); petit-déjeuner, m (breakfast); déjeuner, m (lunch); dîner, m (dinner); sucre, m (sugar); sel, m (salt); bouteille, f (bottle); nourriture, f (food).
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drunkdragondoes · 5 years
Prompt - Yang x Jaune
Prompt: it doesn’t hurt too much
“So,” she called out from her seat on the cot, “you’re a doctor now? What made you try this stuff out?”
Yang still remembered the teenage boy she went to Beacon with. A little scrawny at first before he built himself up, slowly becoming a hunter in his own right when she last saw him. His starting point was lower than anyone else, but he was successful in what he did. So what made him change now?
“Field doctor, technically. As you can see, I don’t really have an office, and I really don’t want to sit through hours of lectures and getting degrees.” Jaune’s back was still towards her in the tent. “But as to why I changed… well…” He reached for something to his left - a long rod that looked familiar.
Ozpin’s old cane.
When they were all done with Salem, Oscar didn’t want it. No one really did. But it was the key that kept Salem in her eternal slumber. It wasn’t something that they could just leave lying around. And it’s not like Jaune was actively limping in front of her. So why was it out here?
“Technically I shouldn’t be putting myself somewhere dangerous. But at the same time, it felt like it would be a waste of my semblance to just stay off the field, so after some thought I went for the next closest thing. And if I stay in shape, then I can at least do a decent job of keeping myself alive and this thing out of the wrong hands.” He walked over, cane in one hand and cotton swabs and rubbing alcohol in the other. “Let me look at your arm again.”
Yang held out her right arm with a smirk.
Jaune sighed. “Your other arm please? With the bleeding fleshy bits?”
She complied and let him look at the other. Sporting a long gash down her forearm, a lot of the blood had scabbed up since she let others in more critical condition get seen first. Both of them were sure that it was superficial but it was still a bit sore for some reason, so Jaune wanted to make sure it was just that.
“Doesn’t look too deep,” he muttered as he swabbed away some of the bits. The rubbing alcohol was an inconvenience, but that was it. “Alright, this should be fine. Hold still.”
Setting his items aside, he placed a hand onto her shoulder and the other over her fingertips. Then a familiar warmth coursed through her arm, soft and gentle. And it was like they were back on the trail again, laughing and arguing and figuring out how the hell they were going to pack enough food for all of them.
She was smiling at the thought.
“Feeling any better?”
“Yeah, it doesn’t hurt too much anymore.”
A/N: I didn’t want to do a regular hurt/comfort thing, so I took a bit to weave a bit of history between the two and overall canon. Hopefully it turned out nicely!
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razorblade180 · 5 years
The Real You
[Jaune’s Apartment]
*Neo waking up in a sports bra and shorts in Jaune’s couch. Bandages across her arms and stomach*
Neo:(I knew he was good at first aid but I didn’t know he was this good. Might as well have seen a doctor.)
*Sees he clothes bloody a tattered beyond repair*
Neo:(Guess I’m gonna need new clothes. I wonder if he-) *door opens*
Jaune:*walks in agitated* Oh....you’re awake.
Neo:Yep and feel refreshed. *rubs his face I’m curious to know how I got into these short.
Jaune:*moves her hand away*
Neo:.....Something the matter? You look like you want to scream.
Jaune:Maybe that’s because I do. What the hell happen to you?
Neo:Just got a little bit dicey on a job. *hands behind head* I guess I’m not as fast as I thought I was.
Jaune:*firm* Would you get serious?
Neo:*annoyed* What’s your problem?
Jaune:My problem is I found you on my floor clinging to life in my apartment; and you don’t seem to be concerned.
Neo:*shrugs* It could’ve be worse
Jaune:Do you know how many stitches I gave you?
Jaune:Try jumping and find out. For a moment I thought you were gonna bleed out.
Neo:Okay, I’m sorry I was reckless. Next time I’ll be careful; is that better.
Jaune:I don’t want there to be a next time.
Neo:*groans and rolls her eyes* Here we go with this again.
Jaune:Neo, you have to stop doing this before you get killed.
Neo:Hmph, I think we both know asking something like that is insa-
Jaune:I’m not asking, I’m telling you. This isn’t happening again.
Neo:I’m sorry, since when do I have to listen to you!?
Jaune:Since I started being your personal doctor! You don’t just get to walk into my home...into my life and do this. Nuh uh, not happening.
Neo:You knew what type of person I was when we met so don’t act all high and mighty! You let me into your life blondie.
Jaune:I let you in because I thought you could change; I still do. I was hoping maybe if someone just finally gave you the attention you deserve. *reaches out* you could be a better you.
Neo:*smacks hand away* grow up......
Neo:*grits teeth* I’m exactly who I’m meant to be and I’m damn sure not your little pet project.
Jaune:I didn’t mean-
Neo:Save it! I’m done with your nice guy act. It’s as fake as your transcripts.
Neo:You think I didn’t know about those? Let me tell you something real important; you may think you’re doing this for me but your not. Deep down there’s a dark and twisted part of you that’s waiting to get out *points to his chest* waiting for someone to tell it that it’s okay to hate.
Jaune:That’s not.....
Neo:Don’t feel bad, I have an invested interest in seeing it myself too one day. That’s why I’m here; not because I think I can change got it?
Neo:I’m not your next Pyrrha.... *turns away*
Jaune:*spins her back around*
Neo:Let go of-
Jaune:Shut up and listen for once like the mute girl you pretend to be.
Jaune:I don’t have to let you in my home. It is not my responsibility to patch you up. I do it cause I’m not the one chasing some stupid fantasy like a hopeless kid *nudges her back*
Jaune:All that confidence and defiance is gonna get you killed and dying without doing anything important. I never tried to make you like Pyrrha, I tried stopping you from becoming another Roman.
Jaune:He’s dead and you can’t let it go!I tried to help but frankly, you don’t care. It’s not my job to look after you like he did; so if you’re gonna keep pulling this stunts then do me a favor..... get out of my house.
Neo:.....*walks to the window* You know, I thought you were different. Maybe you can’t change after all.
Jaune:Maybe I’m not the one who should be trying to.
Neo:*tsk* Whatever, good bye Jaune. I doubt’ I’ll see you again. *leaves*
Jaune:*somber* I hope you’re wrong.
[on the street]
Neo*tearing up while walking* Hmph, I’m not chasing ghosts of the past...*sniff* I’m not....
*creates new clothes*
Neo:I’m not the one who should change! I’m....*sees her reflection in a puddle*
*sees herself in a trench coat and a very familiar hat. Now with a pink ribbon around it*
Neo:*crying* I’m.....*sniff* I’m......
*drops to her knees*
Neo:What am I doing with my life?
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helaas--pindakaas · 6 years
Another post inspired by @asian-lang-stubyblr‘s post about learning 625 common words in your target language, this time in French (my previous one was in Dutch). Note that I am learning, so if you have any corrections, please tell me and I’ll fix them.
(le/la) chien/chienne – dog (le/la) chat/chatte - cat (le) poisson – fish (le) oiseau – bird (la) vache – cow (le) cochon – pig (la) souris – mouse (le) cheval – horse (la) aile – wing (le) animal – animal
(le) train – train (le) avion – plane (la) voiture – car (le) camion – truck (le) velo – bicycle (le) bus – bus (le) bateau – boat (le) bateau – ship (le) pneu – tire (la) essence – gasoline (le) moteur – engine (le) billet – ticket (le) transport – transportation
(la) ville – city (la) maison – house (le) appartement – apartment (la) rue – street/road (le) aéroport – airport (la) gare – train station (le) pont – bridge (le) hôtel – hotel (le) restaurant – restaurant (la) ferme – farm (le) tribunal – court (la) école – school (le) bureau – office (la) chambre – room (la) ville – town (la) université – university (le) club – club (le) bar – bar (le) parc – park (le) camp – camp (le) magasin – store/shop (le) théâtre – theater (la) bibliothèque  – library (le) hôpital – hospital   (la) église – church (le) marché – market (le) pays – country   (le) bâtiment – building (le) sol – ground (le) espace – space (outer space) (la) banque – bank (le) emplacement – location
(le) chapeau – hat (la) robe – dress (le) costume – suit (la) jupe – skirt (la) chemise – shirt (le) t-shirt – T-shirt (le) pantalon – pants (la) chaussure – shoe (la) poche – pocket (le) manteau – coat (la) tâche – stain (les) vêtements – clothing
rouge – red vert/verte – green bleu/bleue – blue   jaune – yellow brun/brune – brown rose – pink orange – orange noir/noire – black blanc/blanche – white gris/grise – grey (la) couleur – color clair/claire – light (colour) foncé – dark (colour)
(le) fils – son (la) fille – daughter (la) mère – mother (le) père – father (le) parent – parent (le) bébé – baby (le) homme – man (la) femme – woman (le) frère – brother (la) sœur – sister (la) famille – family (le) grand-père – grandfather (la) grand-mère – grandmother (le) mari – husband   (la) femme – wife (le) roi – king (la) reine – queen (le) président – president (le) voison – neighbour (le) garçon – boy (la) fille – girl (le) enfant – child (le) adulte – adult (le) humain – human   (le/la) ami/amie – friend (la) victime – victim (le) joueur – player (le) fan – fan (la) foule – crowd (la) personne – person
(le/la) enseignant/enseignante  – teacher (le/la) étudiant/étudiante – student (le/la) avocat/avocate – lawyer (le) docteur – doctor (le) patient – patient (le/la) serveur/serveuse  – waiter/waitress (le/la) secrétaire – secretary (le) prêtre – priest (la) police – police (la) armée – army (le) soldat – soldier (le) artiste – artist (le) auteur – author (le) directeur – manager (le) journaliste – reporter (le/la) acteur/actrice – actor (le) emploi – job
(la) religion – religion (le) paradis – heaven (le) enfer – hell (la) mort – death (la) médicine – medicine (le) argent – money (le) dollar – dollar (la) facture – bill (le) mariage – marriage (le) mariage – wedding (la) équipe – team (la) race – race (ethnicity) (le) sexe – sex (act) (le) genre – sex (gender) (le) meurtre – murder (la) prison – prison (la) technologie – technology (la) energie – energy (la) geurre – war (la) paix – peace (la) attaque – attack (la) élection – election (le) magazine – magazine (le) journal – newspaper (le) poison – poison (le) pistolet – gun (le) sport – sport (la) course – race (sport) (le) exercise – exercise (la) balle – ball (le) jeu – game (le) prix – price (le) contrat – contract (la) drogue – drug (le) signe – sign (la) science – science (le) Dieu – God
(le) groupe – band (la) chanson – song (le) instrument - instrument (musical) (la) musique – music (le) film – movie (le) art – art
(le) café – coffee (le) thé – tea (le) vin – wine (la) bière – beer (le) jus – juice (la) eau – water (le) lait – milk (la) boisson - beverage
(le) œuf – egg (le) fromage – cheese (le) pain – bread (la) soupe – soup (le) gâteau – cake (le) poulet – chicken (le) porc – pork (le) bœuf – beef (la) pomme – apple (la) banane – banana (la) orange – orange (le) citron – lemon (le) maïs – corn (le) riz – rice (la) huile – oil (la) graine – seed (le) couteau – knife (la) cuillère – spoon (la) forchette – fork (la) plaque – plate (la) tasse – cup (le) petit déjeuner – breakfast (le) déjeuner – lunch (le) dîner – dinner (le) sucre – sugar (le) sel – salt (la) bouteille – bottle (la) nourriture – food
(la) table – table (la) place – chair (le) lit – bed (le) rêve – dream (la) fenêtre – window (la) porte – door (la) chambre – bedroom (la) cuisine – kitchen (la) salle de bain – bathroom (le) crayon – pencil (le) stylo – pen (le) photographe – photograph (le) savon – soap (le) livre – book (la) page – page (la) clé – key (la) peinture – paint (la) lettre – letter (la) note – note (le) mur – wall (le) papier – paper (le) plancher – floor (le) plafond – ceiling (le) toit – roof (la) piscine  – pool (le) verrou – lock (le) téléphone – telephone (le) jardin – garden (la) cour – yard (la) aiguille – needle (le) sac – bag (la) boîte – box (le) cadeau – gift (la) carte – card (le) anneau – ring (le) outil – tool
(la) horloge – clock (la) lampe – lamp (le) ventilateur – fan (le) téléphone portable – cell phone (le) réseau – network (le) ordinateur – computer (le) programme – program   (le) ordinateur portable – laptop (le) écran – screen (la) caméra – camera (la) télévision – television (la) radio – radio
Body Parts/Parties du Corps:  
(la) tête – head (le) cou – neck (la) face – face (la) barbe – beard (les) cheveux – hair (le/les) œil/yeux – eye(s) (la) bouche – mouth (la) lèvre – lip (le) nez – nose (la) dent – tooth (la) oreille – ear (la) larme – tear (drop) (la) langue – tongue (le) dos – back (le) orteil – toe (le) doigt – finger (le) pied – foot (la) main – hand (la) jambe – leg (le) bras – arm (la) épaule – shoulder (le) cœur – heart (le) sang – blood (le) cerveau – brain (le) genou – knee (la) sueur – sweat (la) maladie – disease (le) os – bone (la) voix – voice (la) peau – skin (le) corps – body
(la) mer – sea (le) océan – ocean (la) rivière – river (la) montagne – mountain (la) pluie – rain (la) neige – snow (le) arbre – tree (le) soleil – sun (la) lune – moon (le) monde – world (la) Terre – Earth (la) forêt – forest (le) ciel – sky (la) plante – plant (le) vent – wind (la) terre – soil/earth, (la) fleur – flower (la) vallée – valley (la) racine – root (le) lac – lake (la) étoile – star (la) herbe – grass (la) feuille – leaf (le) air – air (le) sable – sand (la) plage – beach (la) vague – wave (le) feu – fire (la) glace – ice (la) île – island (la) colline – hill (la) chaleur – heat (la) nature – nature
(le) verre – glass (le) métal – metal (le) plastique – plastic (le) bois – wood (la) pierre – stone (le) diamant – diamond (la) argile – clay (la) poussière – dust (le) or – gold (le) cuivre – copper (le) argent – silver (le) matériel – material
Maths + Measurements/Mathématique + Mesures
(le) mètre – meter (le) centimètre – centimeter (le) kilogramme – kilogram (le) pouce – inch (le) pied – foot (la) livre – pound (la) demi – half (le) cercle – circle (le) carré – square (la) température – temperature (la) date – date (le) poids – weight (le) bord – edge (le) coin – corner
Misc. Nouns/Misc. Noms:
(la) carte – map (le) point – dot (la) consonne – consonant (la) voyelle – vowel (la) lumière – light (le) son – sound oui – yes non – no (la) pièce – piece (la) douleur – pain (la) blessure – injury (le) trou – hole (la) image – image (le) motif – pattern (le) nom  – noun (le) verbe – verb (le) adjectif – adjective
(le) haut – top (le) fond – bottom (le) côté – side (le) devant – front (la) arrière – back (le) extérieur – outside (le) intérieur – inside en haut – up vers le bas – down gauche – left droit – right tout droit – straight (le) nord – north (le) sud – south (le) est – east (le) ouest – west (la) direction – direction
(le) été – Summer (le) printemps – Spring (le) hiver – Winter (le) automne – Fall (la) saison – season
zéro – 0 un – 1 deux – 2 trois – 3 quatre – 4 cinq – 5 six – 6 sept – 7 huit – 8 neuf – 9 dix – 10 onze – 11 douze – 12 treize – 13 quatorze – 14 quinze – 15 seize – 16 dix-sept – 17 dix-huit – 18 dix-neuf – 19 vingt – 20 vingt-et-en – 21 vingt-deux – 22 trente – 30 trente-et-un – 31 trente-deux – 32 quarante – 40 quarante-et-un – 41 quarante-deux – 42 cinquante – 50 cinquante-et-un – 51 cinquante-deux – 52 soixante – 60 soixante-et-un – 61 soixante-deux – 62 soixante-dix – 70 soixante-et-onze – 71 soixante-douze – 72 quatre-vingts – 80 quatre-vingt un – 81 quatre-vingt deux – 82 quatre-vingt-dix – 90 quatre-vingt-onze – 91 quatre-vingt-douze – 92 cent – 100 cent un – 101 cent deux – 102 cent dix – 110 cent onze – 111 mille – 1,000 mille et un – 1,001 dix-mille – 10,000 cent mille – 100,000   million – million milliard – billion premier – 1st deuxième – 2nd troisième – 3rd quatrième – 4th cinquième – 5th (le) nombre – number
(le) janvier – January (le) février – February (le) mars – March (le) avril – April (le) mai – May (le) juin – June (le) juillet – July (le) août – August (le) septembre – September (le) octobre – October (le) novembre – November (le) décembre – December
Days of the week/Jours de la Semaine
lundi – Monday mardi – Tuesday mercredi – Wednesday jeudi – Thursday vendredi – Friday samedi – Saturday dimanche – Sunday
(le/la) an/année – year (le) mois – month (la) semaine – week (le/la) jour/journée – day (la) heure – hour (la) minute – minute (la) seconde – second (le) matin – morning (le) après-midi – afternoon (le) soir – evening (la) nuit – night (le) temps – time
travailler – work jouer – play marcher – walk courir – run conduire – drive voler – fly nager – swim aller – go arrêter – stop suivre – follow penser – think parler/dire – speak/say manger – eat boire – drink tuer – kill mourir – die sourire – smile rire – laugh pleurer – cry acheter – buy payer – pay vendre – sell tirer – shoot apprendre – learn sauter – jump sentir – smell entendre – hear écouter – listen goûter – taste toucher – touch voir – see   regarder – watch embrasser – kiss brûler – burn fondre – melt creuser – dig exploser – explode s’asseoir – sit se tenir – stand aimer – love passer – pass by couper – cut combattre – fight se coucher – lie down danser – dance dormir – sleep se réveiller – wake up chanter – sing compter  – count épouser – marry prier – pray gagner – win perdre – lose mélanger/remuer – mix/stir plier – bend laver – wash cuisiner – cook ouvrir – open fermer – close écrire – write appeler – call tourner – turn construire – build enseigner – teach grandir – grow dessiner – draw nourrir – feed attraper – catch lancer – throw nettoyer  – clean trouver – find tomber – fall pousser – push tirer – pull porter – carry casser – break porter – wear accrocher – hang secouer – shake signer – sign battre – beat soulever – lift
longue – long court/courte – short   grand/grande – tall court/courte - short (vs tall) large – wide étroit/étroite – narrow gros/grosse – big/large petit/petite – small/little lent/lente – slow vite/rapide – fast chaud/chaude – hot froid/froide – cold chaud/chaude – warm frais/fraise – cool nouveau/nouvelle – new ancien/ancienne – old jeune – young vieil/vieille – old (age) bon/bonne – good mal/mauvais/mauvaise – bad humide/mouillé – wet sec/sèche – dry malade – sick bonne santé – healthy bruyant/bruyante – loud calme – quiet heureux/heureuse – happy triste – sad beau/belle – beautiful laid/laide – ugly sourd/sourde – deaf aveugle – blind joli/sympa – nice méchant/méchante – mean riche – rich pauvre – poor épais/épaisse – thick mince – thin cher/chère – expensive pas cher/pas chère – cheap plat/plate – flat courbe/courbée – curved masculin – male féminin – female serré/serrée – tight lâche – loose haut – high bas – low doux/douce – soft dur/dure – hard profond/profonde – deep peu profond/profonde – shallow propre – clean sale – dirt fort/forte – strong faible – weak mort/morte – dead vivant/vivante – alive lourd/lourde  – heavy léger/légère – light   sombre – dark clair/claire – light (dark) nucléaire – nuclear célèbre – famous
je – I tu – you (sing. inf.) vous – you (form.) il – he elle – she il/elle/ça – it nous/on – we ils – they (masc.) elles – they (fem.)
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vcllichors · 7 years
tujhko bhool jaun kaise || aaranya
general notes; this dumb idea spawned from something else entirely, and i just had to write it. i haven’t written anything this long in a while so i sincerely hope it doesn’t suck.
Tanya stood in her gallery, surveying the artwork before frowning. She thought she’d already asked the maintenance to fix the flickering lights in one corner of the display and they said that they had, so why was this light still flickering? She pinched the bridge of her nose, closing her eyes. The migraine medication remained in her bag untouched, despite having been prescribed it nearly a month ago. It didn’t matter that the doctor would be mad, would look at her with those pitiful eyes as she slid Tanya a name of a well-known psychiatrist. She exhaled, finally opening her eyes. There was work to be done.
The clicking of her heels echoed in the gallery, as she opened the blinds and flipping the sign on the door to OPEN. Most days she could rarely believe that she had her own gallery. It had been a dream that she had willingly let go of when she was due to be married to Aarav Roy – the only man she’d ever loved. Even now if she shut her eyes, the only face that appeared in front of Tanya was him. The ring he’d given her she still wore, maybe not on her finger anymore but in a slim silver chain as a pendant. She wouldn’t admit it to anyone but having the ring so close to her heart, constantly slamming against her chest made her feel as if she was still close to Aarav. Tanya’s hand reached up to clutch at the ring, a certain warmth seemed to spread through her – a warmth she only associated with Aarav. Her gaze fell to the window, to the rain pouring outside; its relentless pitter patter reverberated against the roof and even the windows.
Perhaps that was why she was clinging to the memory of Aarav today; days like this had always been his favorite. In fact, he’d asked her out on a day like this. Of course the rain in Delhi was much more torrential, with the ability of destroying everything in its path. A sardonic smile upturned the corner of her lips: no wonder Aarav liked the rain so much, he too was torrential, and he’d destroyed her. She remembered seeing him outside her uncle’s halwai shop, a windcheater over his head which did nothing to stop the rain considering he was drenched. She’d been working a shift, ladling various sweets and delicacies into boxes for impatient customers. There were beads of sweat forming at her forehead, which she used her forearm to wipe away. Her dupatta had been knotted across her body, the tiny red bindi determinedly stuck to her forehead. There was a wild look in her eyes as she tried to balance tasks that were clearly meant for multiple people. When she saw Aarav however, she smiled and looked back at her masi, eyes asking for permission to go see the boy.
The smile only grew when the woman nodded with a roll of her eyes and Tanya undid the dupatta, tossing it carelessly on her side. She reached into the display, grabbing a plate of moong dal pakoras with the famed pudina chutney that her uncle’s shop was known for. Her eyebrows furrowed when he nodded to one of the few tables that were covered by an umbrella. Tanya could see him mouthing something to her and so covering the plate with her hand, Tanya rushed over to where he was.
“Yeh li jiye Aarav ji,” Tanya teased, handing him the plate. “Fresh, just for you.” What she wouldn’t tell him was that she’d made them this time and hidden underneath the full sleeve of her kameez was a nasty burn she’d gotten from the hot oil while frying the pakoras.
“I want something else from you today. Karogi? Mere liye?” There was a sort of vulnerable look in his eyes, one that Tanya had never seen before; one that made her heart race faster than she ever imagined it could. Her resting pulse probably sounded like a drum solo or the dhol that would play in the streets during Lohri.
 “What happened?”
“Go out with me.”
Tanya nearly spit out the pakora she’d been eating, “What?”
“Go out with me. For dinner.”
She hesitated; her heart was urging her on, telling her to say yes. How many times had she dreamed that he would come by the shop, and instead of asking for pakoras – he would finally ask her these same words he was saying now? Of course, in her head he said I love you before any of that, but this was a close equivalent. “Yes.”
If only Tanya had known that he would burst out into the biggest grin she’d ever seen: eyes all scrunched up and a crooked smile that had stolen her heart. She wouldn’t have hesitated for that millisecond. Of course if she knew then what she knew now, as she stood alone in an art gallery in Mumbai – Tanya wouldn’t have said yes either.
She heard footsteps echo around the gallery and turned; the force with which she was knocked out of her memory left her slightly breathless. A kind of breathlessness she only ever felt around Aarav. Of course Tanya had never imagined that she would come face to face with the same man who had plagued her thoughts, her memories ever since she’d left Delhi for Mumbai.
He looked much more different than she remembered; for starters there was the scruffy look he seemed to be pulling off with ease. Tanya had never really seen messy stubble on Aarav before, or even the floppy hair he was now sporting, strands falling constantly in his hair that he pushed back by tossing his head back. He was dressed differently too: a simple plaid shirt, scruffy, ripped jeans and a jacket bunched up in his hand. There was a large, oversized backpack she could spot peeking out from behind him, stuffed to the brim with god only knew what. His eyes were red, as if he hadn’t slept for hours and it didn’t slip Tanya that he was now wearing silver studs in his ear as opposed to the black ones he was always sporting when they had been together. And there was the hint of the tattoo on his forearm, peeking out from the rolled up sleeves.
“Hey stranger.” Aarav gave her a lopsided smile, one he knew she could never resist and gave a little wave.
God, it had taken her two words from him for her knees to go weak again and it took all the energy in Tanya to not smile back, to not fall back into their routine. “What are you doing here?” Her voice was harsh, choked even as she forced the words out of her mouth, her fists clenched. “Who even told you I was here?” Then the most important question, the one that was eating her away slowly. “Why are you here?” 
Her pained voice pierced through the silence, through the distance between them as he stood at Point A in the gallery and she in Point B. All it would take to get to him would be a few steps, a few steps and another one of his smiles before she realized that he was the destination. He wasn’t just some point on the map, he had always ben the destination.
Aarav shrugged, his hands in his pockets as he walked around the gallery. There was an aura to him, one that had never been there before and one that someone could only acquire after spending so much time by themselves. Or if you were Aarav? Knowing how much of an effect he had on the girl in front of him. To Tanya of course, he struck her as a douchebag, or perhaps even too mellow. She wanted to scream at him, to force him to answer her question. And yet she didn’t.
He pulled out the newspaper from his bag, and Tanya detected that it seemed wrinkled, but at the same time perfect in its creasing. It was how she knew he’d picked it up at the airport. Aarav waved the paper in front of her, Tanya’s own picture glaring back up at her. “I thought you said you didn’t want this job? That you were happy to stay with me in Delhi?”
“Things change Aarav,” Tanya squeaked; her throat was already dry. She could focus on nothing but how close he was to her, how she could smell the hint of Fahrenheit wafting off him: a gift she’d got him on their second year anniversary.
In no time, Aarav had her pressed against the wall so tightly that he could hear her heart thumping in her chest; it beat so loudly, so clearly that he knew he already had his answer. She wouldn’t look at him however, her gaze on her floor instead. His fingers hooked under her chin as he forced her to look up at him. Another lopsided smile, a shake of his head. “Come on shona, who are you trying to fool? You know,” his voice lowered to a whisper, lips at her ear. “You know you’ll always be mine.” 
She’d almost agreed, almost said yes and given in. “You’re insane,” Tanya let out, her voice ragged as she shoved him away. “Why now?” She let the words ring through the room before continuing, “Why do you suddenly remember that I exist? You seemed to have forgotten this fact when it was our wedding day!” Even mentioning it made Tanya feel as if she’d been punched in the gut, all the air forced out of her.
Aarav only frowned at that, hoping she’d forgotten, hoping that her anger had subsided over the two years since it had happened. He had obviously been wrong. “Shona I…” He broke off, unsure of what exactly he could tell her, what would mend her still broken heart. He obviously could not tell her that he had taken off to discover himself, that he had been fine up until the day of the wedding when the panic had suddenly kicked in. It gnawed at him, as did the insecurity – the insecurity that he wasn’t good enough for her. But things were different now, and he was here. He still loved her. That should have been enough.
Perhaps it was this reasoning that forced his hand as he surged forward, trapping the girl he loved against the wall once more. His one hand pressed against the wall next to her head as Aarav looked into Tanya’s eyes, searching for the love that he had always found, a weight lifting off his shoulders when it was still there. Of course the engagement ring glinting against her shirt should have given it off better than anything else. He heard her breath hitch, and leaned in – his lips against hers.
Tanya too kissed him back, already lost in him, already making excuses for him; he was back now. That was what mattered. Her arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him even closer and only pulled away once they were pressed for air. She looked at him with that dazed look in her eyes, lips swollen and hair mussed.
“There’s your answer,” Aarav whispered, leaning in to kiss her again.
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Question for Sports Doctor!Jaune: between Yang and Pyrrha, who has the stronger heartbeat?
Jaune was looking down at the two sheets of paper in front of him and compared the results between Pyrrha and Yang's fitness test. "Uuuuh that depends what you mean by stronger. I'd also say they're about the same, but I think Yang's is a bit louder or more forceful if that's what you mean. Though Pyrrha's seems to need Pyrrha to exert more effort than Yang's to actually start beating faster, so I think it can definitely take more stress from workouts or competitions. Again, not sure which you were referring to when you said 'stronger'."
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reseau-actu · 5 years
Par Hugo Micheron chercheur doctorant à l’Ecole normale supérieure; Bernard Rougier membre senior de l’Institut Universitaire de France;, et Gilles Kepel Professeur à l’université Paris Sciences et Lettres – auteur de Sortir du Chaos (Gallimard).
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Dire que les motivations de Chérif Chekatt, auteur de l'attentat de Strasbourg, étaient sans lien avec l'islam constitue un enfumage qui nie les liens entre salafisme et jihadisme ainsi que l'ancrage européen de l'islamisme.
Les dénégationnistes du jihad
Tribune. A en croire certaines opinions parues dans la presse, le tueur présumé du marché de Noël à Strasbourg n’aurait rien à voir avec l’islam. «Chérif Chekatt ou le faux jihadiste», écrivait le sociologue Farhad Khosrokhavar dans les pages Débats du Monde. Dans la même rubrique, le sociologue de l’université Paris-XIII Daniel Verba surenchérissait dans cette rengaine dénégationniste: «Il n’y a en quelque sorte que de faux jihadistes» (15 et 18 décembre 2018). Selon eux, le crime aurait été commis «par désespoir», dû à la «souffrance psycho-affective» d’un «jeune de banlieue» faisant partie des populations «racisées» – ce dernier terme relevant du lexique militant du Parti des Indigènes de la République, soudain hissé par certains universitaires à la dignité de concept des sciences sociales. En vidant son chargeur dans les rues de Strasbourg au cri de «Allah Akbar» («Dieu est le plus grand»), il n’aurait cherché qu’à «attirer l’attention des médias» pour donner une résonance religieuse superficielle à un geste criminel essentiellement motivé par le désir de «revanche sociale», et assurer sa rédemption en «martyr». Le propre père de celui-ci, lui-même salafiste assumé a pourtant témoigné de l’admiration de Chérif «pour Daech, qui agissait pour une juste cause». Mais pour les dénégationnistes tout cela est sans pertinence: il n’y a «rien à voir» – et donc à savoir ni à apprendre – sur la dimension idéologique de pareil terrorisme.
Pourtant, les recherches minutieusement conduites sur le terrain, des quartiers populaires aux prisons en passant par la Toile, démontrent exactement le contraire. Prétendre que «les nouveaux terroristes ne connaissent pas bien l’islam» traduit l’ignorance de la réalité sociale et notamment de cet angle mort des sociologues dénégationnistes où s’élaborent, entre mosquée, librairie islamiste, salle de sport, marchés et connexions numériques, les dispositifs idéologiques et existentiels du salafisme d’imprégnation communautaire exclusive et de rupture avec la société globale «mécréante». Cet espace sociologique et idéologique demeure inexploré par la majorité des chercheurs faute d’accès à un terrain difficile et d’une connaissance éprouvée de la langue arabe et des cultures musulmanes dont elle est le vecteur principiel. En connexion avec des foyers religieux et militants moyen-orientaux et maghrébins, parmi lesquels le «califat Islamique» (la dawla) de Daech entre 2014 et 2017 a constitué le référent le plus grisant, un système de normes a reconfiguré les contours de l’identité sociale par un codage salafiste –poreux dans nombre de cas au répertoire jihadiste.
Salafisme et jihadisme
Quantité d’exemples illustrent cette interpénétration. Le cheikh Abou Qatada, figure du «Londonistan» des années 90, sommité intellectuelle du jihadisme mondial, est passé par les réseaux fondamentalistes du Tabligh (organisation prosélyte qui prône auprès de ses membres l’imitation littérale du prophète) en Jordanie avant de s’engager dans le jihadisme en Afghanistan. Plus près de nous, Fabien Clain et son frère Jean-Michel, aujourd’hui soupçonnés d’avoir joué un rôle cardinal au sein de Daech dans l’organisation des attentats du 13 novembre 2015 à Paris et Saint-Denis, ont également fréquenté le Tabligh, puis les milieux salafistes de la mosquée dite de Basso Cambo, dans le quartier de Bellefontaine à Toulouse dans les années 2000, avant de basculer à leur tour dans la violence jihadiste.
S’il est vrai que les grands noms du salafisme saoudien condamnent le terrorisme jihadiste au nom de l’obéissance au détenteur de l’autorité légitime (wali al-amr, en précisant toutefois que celui-ci doit être musulman), ils ne prohibent pas pour autant toutes les formes de violence (dans son best-seller international la Voie du musulman, le cheikh algérien Abou Bakr al-Jaza’iri, décédé quasi centenaire en août dernier après une interminable carrière à l’université de Médine, s’appuie sur le hadith [propos attribué au Prophète] pour justifier l’élimination physique des homosexuels, «passifs ou actifs» – ce que Daech mettra en œuvre en jetant les coupables du haut des immeubles – de même que la possibilité pour le mari de frapper sa femme désobéissante «sur les parties molles»).
Au niveau de la fréquentation des mosquées, les trajectoires militantes illustrent une grande perméabilité entre salafisme piétiste et jihadiste, ce qui n’a rien d’étonnant au regard de l’identité des sources doctrinales s’agissant des normes morales, de la pureté corporelle, du rapport à l’altérité et aux institutions. La bibliothèque numérique d’Abdelkader Merah mélangeait les deux genres, l’intéressé justifiant cette curiosité lors de son procès en octobre 2017 par la «recherche de la science». Le balayage des sites religieux en ligne suggère que les deux publics, jihadiste et salafiste, se lisent mutuellement, quitte à s’excommunier réciproquement sur les enjeux politiques, tout en se disputant l’interprétation la plus fidèle des mêmes auteurs canoniques (Ibn Hanbal, Ibn Taymiyya, Mohammed ibn Abd al-Wahhab). Les jihadistes se réclament d’une meilleure cohérence que leurs frères salafistes, car ils tirent quant à eux les conclusions politiques de leur engagement religieux en passant à l’action terroriste.
Mi-délinquant, mi-jihadiste
Le cas de Chérif Chekatt est riche d’enseignements. Il va bien au-delà de«l’individu stigmatisé», et de son «besoin inassouvi de reconnaissance». Il ne s’est pas «radicalisé» en prison (pour employer un terme qui fait écran à l’intelligence du phénomène), mais a été signalé comme prosélyte, ce qui indique qu’il avait déjà acquis de fortes convictions idéologiques qu’il tentait d’imposer aux autres détenus. Son profil hybride, mi-délinquant, mi-jihadiste, correspond à une catégorie (parmi d’autres) de militants, spécialement valorisée par Daech –ceux qui savent manier les armes, participer aux basses besognes du groupe en Syrie, et fournissent planques sûres et appartements conspiratifs en Europe grâce à leur passé criminel. Il évoque irrésistiblement le cas de Mohammed Merah, lui-même délinquant et jihadiste (nul obstacle théologique à vendre de la drogue aux mécréants, puisque cela les affaiblit).
Strasbourg s’inscrit, avec Toulouse, Nice, Lille, dans une géographie nodale du jihadisme qui ne doit rien au hasard. Le Groupe islamique armé (GIA) y avait mis en place des cellules en lien avec la ville de Francfort et ces expériences forment des jalons sur la piste des nouvelles générations, comme en témoigne le projet d’attentat sur le marché de Noël de Strasbourg dès 2000. A l’été 2012, les Strasbourgeois, comme les Toulousains, sont les premiers à faire leur hijra en Syrie et l’un d’eux, Fouad Aggad, originaire du Neuhof, dans la banlieue sud-est de Strasbourg, a participé au massacre du Bataclan. Le jihadisme, dans son idéologie, ses modes d’action, ses dispositifs militants, s’inscrit dans un cadre beaucoup plus large, dont la chronologie remonte à la guerre en Afghanistan dans la seconde moitié des années 80, et n’est pas intelligible sans prendre en compte les modes d’inscription de ce phénomène global dans les contextes locaux. Depuis des semaines, les sites jihadistes francophones animés depuis la Syrie invitent à frapper les marchés de Noël, symbole de la mécréance, pour accroître le chaos dans une France fragilisée par la crise des gilets jaunes et s’immiscer dans ses failles.
Invoquer ici «faux débat» ou «faux jihadistes» constitue un enfumage qui ignore les liens entre la constitution d’enclaves idéologiques à l’intérieur des quartiers populaires et les socialisations religieuses conduisant à l’acte terroriste. Face à pareil dénégationnisme, il importe plus que jamais de décrire les phénomènes dans leur complexité au lieu de les occulter par dogmatisme. L’objectif n’est pas «de faire peur à la société», mais de fournir à celle-ci les outils de compréhension d’un phénomène résilient susceptible de bouleverser en profondeur les équilibres politiques à l’échelle nationale et européenne – dont la conséquence la plus prévisible est la montée en réaction de l’extrême droite dans les urnes et dans la rue. L’acte criminel de Strasbourg met aussi la recherche face à sa mission scientifique.
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howlingday · 2 years
Ruby: Ugh... Where am I?
A light casts over Ozpin as he smules. Around him, screen flash to life around him, featuring videos, scripts, and images of countless content. The man spread his arms wide.
Welcome to the Schnee-Net! Have a look around.
Anything that brain of yours can think of can be found.
Ozpin waves an arm to one side, showcasing an image of a woman slaying a Grimm. With his other arm, an image of the same woman and the same Grimm in an entirely different role.
We've got mountains of content. Some better, some worse.
If none of it's of interest to you, you'd be the first.
Weiss: What in the world- Ah!
Another light flashes before Weiss, as her father stood before her. A seat tripped her backwards into it. Jacques Schnee lifted an arm to show recent Dust developments, and with the other a photo of very familar toes.
Welcome to the Schnee-Net! Come and take a seat!
Would you like to see the news or any famous women's feet?
Weiss struggled to stand, but found herself stuck. Bound by some invisible restraints, she was trapped. Her father chuckled, waving his hands out to reassure her.
There's no need to panic. This isn't a test.
Just nod or shake your head and we'll do the rest.
Jaune: Yang?
Yang: Jaune? What is going-?
The two spun as they were bumped into by two running figures. Professor Port and doctor Oobleck stood across from each other, and tipped their hats to the blondes. The doctor gestured to a Pro-Faunus petition board, while the professor gestured to a Blather post about "human scum."
Welcome to the Schnee-Net! What would you prefer?
Would you like to fight for equal rights, or bleat a racial slur?
The two danced in a circle as images of Nora, Pyrrha, and Ren came to life. Nora was ecstatic, with stars in her eyes and cheeks in her palm. Pyrrha chewed her lower lip as her eyes burned into whatever her gaze fell on. Ren's face was red with cheeks puffed and eye twictched.
Be happy! Be horny! Be bursting with rage!
We've got a million different ways to engage!
The four men danced around Blake as she whirled about in confusion. Screens came to life around them all. Information and lights flooded the black room, nearly overloading her sight and hearing. Mundane to morbid, the blood of the Cross-Continental Communication Network flowed endlessly.
Welcome to the Schnee-Net! Put your cares aside.
Here's a tip for straining pasta! Here's a twelve-year old who died!
The variety of the information ranged as ceaselessly as the numbers themselves. Blake was offered it all, right in front of her, and she didn't know how to respond. One second, she was looking at fantasy Grifball teams, the next, she was watching a trailer for a new Pumpkin Pete movie, and the next, she was staring crudely drawn fan art.
We've got movies, and rabbits, and fantasy sports!
And a bunch of colored pencil drawing of Red Versus Blue characters fucking each other. Welcome to the Schnee-Net!
The team was reunited, but all trapped in seating. They simultaneously moved through the flickering screens, with a large screen in front of them all. Ruby shut her eyes at the first image, along with everyone else. Jaune dared to peek, only to regret it when worse images followed. All the while, the men's song continued in the background.
Welcome to the Schnee-Net! Hold on just a sec!
Here's a random guy who just sent you photos of his dick!
They're grainy, and off-putting. He just sent you more!
Don't act surprised, you know you like it, you whores!
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Dr. Jaune Au: Yang; how did you feel after your blatant flirting with Dr. Jaune had the man investigated to see if he had been abusing his authority over you?
Yang’s eyes seemed to flash red for a brief moment. “I marched right up to those investigator assholes and told them what was really happening! Back then I was WISHING that he would actually do something with me! How was that not clear that I was the one trying to seduce him!? Was my game that off?!?”
Jaune chuckled awkwardly and gently pushed Yang out of the way. She continued to steam and grumble off in the corner of his waiting area though. “The case was dropped pretty quickly when a majority of my other patients also came to my defense. I was actually kind of touched by some of the nice things they said about me.” Jaune blushed a bit pink again just thinking about the big crowd of people that showed up at his building just to yell their support for him at the investigators. 
“Anyways they stopped investigating after about three days and apologized, saying they had just gotten a tipoff that he’d been taking advantage of his patients and wanted to make sure. I told them no worries and that they were just doing their job. I actually thought it was a good thing they took such an accusation so seriously and commended them on it. But yeah, that was definitely a crazy weekend.”
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Yang, how much stress could your heart take at Dr. Jaune's cardiac stress test?
I feel like I’ve definitely answered this kind of ask before several times... so I’m putting a bit of a spin on this one. 
“Plenty!” Yang paused to catch her breath as she kept running on the treadmill almost at top speed, probes to heart monitor attached to the exposed parts of her..... well endowed chest in her bright orange tank top. “The Doc has been helping me,” pause for a breath, “increase my endurance! Gotta last as long as I can in the ring.” Breath, breath. “And in bed. Ain’t that right Doc~?” Yang sent a wink in the mentioned doctors direction.
Jaune hummed at Yang having missed what she said. He wasn’t sure when he’d learned how to tune her out so easily, but he was thankful for it. “Oh, by the way Yang. I noticed that you missed your appointment to get your flu shot a few weeks ago.”
The heart monitor that had been at a near constant rate the entire time Yang had been running suddenly jumped up. The increased beeping caught Jaune’s attention and dragged it away from Yang, who seemed to be sweating a bit more than she was a minute ago. “O-oh y-yeah? W-whoops. I guess. I’ll just go this season without one!”
Jaune looked away from the monitor at her. “You shouldn’t do that. The flu could put you out of commission for weeks. You really want to risk missing that much training and several of your matches?”
“N-no...I guess not...”
“Then you need to get the shot.”
Yang kept sprinting at an even pace, and her heart rate seemed to go back to normal too. “O-okay fine... I’ll schedule another appoint for it.”
“There’s no need to. I got plenty of flu vaccines here. I’ll just give you it to you when were done with your training today.”
And just like that, the heart monitor picked right back up again. Yang started sweating even more again. “O-o-oh? Y-you do? G-great!” Yang gulped down her spit, her throat suddenly dry. “Y-you know I forgot! I have to pick up Ruby from the track in a few minutes! Oh boy silly me! Looks like I’ll be heading off!” Yang shut off the treadmill and stood on the sides while it slowed down.
“Oh, well that was kind of irresponsible of you. Oh well, can’t let you be late for Ruby. Okay we can pick up your training next week.”
Yang let out a sigh of relief, having dodged that bullet with her quick thinking.
“Let me just give you your flu shot now before you go.”
Nevermind! She dodged nothing! Her thinking was very flawed! “W-what?”
Jaune didn’t answer and simply walked out a door. Less than ten seconds later, definitely not enough time fore Yang to make her escape, he was back. His hands now had latex gloves on them and in one of those hands he had the flu shot.
The heart monitor started beeping even faster than before. Yang pressed her back against the treadmills control panel, trying to keep as much distance from the needle as possible. Thankful Jaune was not blind nor stupid and could see how Yang was reacting, and what she was reacting to. “Oh come on Yang. You can’t seriously be afraid of needles!”
“W-whaaaa? No! Of course not! Whatever would make you think that!?” Yang was trying to sound calm and collected, but her actions, volume, and the increasing beeps of the heart monitor easily betrayed that.
“Uh huh. So you would mind coming over her for your flu shot then?” Jaune’s question got no response. “Okay, how about if I come over there?”
Three steps was all Jaune took before Yang cracked. “Okay yes! I don’t like needles! There! Happy?!”
“Happy? No. Surprised? Absolutely. I mean you FIGHT people for a living! You punch and get punched repeatedly on a nearly daily basis. How can you not deal with needles?!”
“They’re scary okay! And they really hurt!” 
“They do not! It’s so small you barely even feel it!” 
“Liar! You can’t trick me! Needles are why babies cry!”
Jaune had a retort ready, but stumbled when he heard that. “...Okay not entirely false, but that doesn’t mean that babies only cry because of needles. They cry for everything pretty much. Now let me give you your vaccine!” 
“No needles!” Yang turned around and leaped over the handrails of the treadmill, ripping the probes off her chest in the process and making the monitor flatline. She quickly bolted for and out the door, slamming it behind her before Jaune could hope to catch her.
Not that he needed to. Jaune deadpanned at the the door, then nonchalantly shifted his gaze over to the duffle bag against the wall on the opposite side of the room. The bright yellow and purple duffle bag that belonged to Yang Xiao Long, and currently had her street clothes, wallet, and motorcycle keys in it. Jaune let out a sigh, and decided to just wait. Jaune swore that all these girls were gonna make him age quicker someday.
Sure enough, the door to the room slowly opened again and Yang stepped in, looking quite embarrassed. “Ummmm... could you pass me my duff-”
“Thought so.”
Jaune motioned for Yang to come in, and she reluctantly did. Jaune pointed at a chair and Yang sat with a pout. He went over to a draw and pulled out some cotton balls and rubbing alcohol. He kept some of this stuff in almost every room of his office just incase. It was seriously useful.
Jaune walked back over to Yang and started desterilizing her upper arm, all while Yang tried to bargain with him. “Y-You know. W-we could be doing something else right now. L-like a date or if you want we could-”
“Yang. Close your eyes.”
“W-what? Why?!”
“Just so it.”
Yang gulped but did so. She was just hoping it wouldn’t be as painful as she thought it’d be. “O-okay there. Y-you know if your doing this just to get a kiss from me, you just need to ask. Haha ha haaa.” The silence from Jaune didn’t help calm her down. “L-look Jaune, c-can you please just let me know when your about to do it!”
“Sorry, I can’t do that.”
“W-what! Why not you jerk!?”
“Because I already finished.”
Yang’s eyes shot open and she looked at her arm. She saw a little tiny red drop of blood before it was wiped away with a cotton ball and covered with a band-aid. “Whaaaaaa-”
“See, told you wouldn’t even feel it. I honestly don’t know what could have made you so scared of needles in the first place.” Jaune stood up and went to dispose of the dirty needle in a biohazard bin. When he came back, Yang was still staring at her arm in disbelief. “Something wrong Yang?”
“How!” She suddenly yelled. “My dad always told me that needles would make my arms or legs shrivel up!”
“The same dad of yours that always tried to do everything himself? Even his own dental work and work on you bike?”
“And how many cavities does he have and how many times have you had to sneak your bike of to a repair shop anyways?”
Needless to say, Yang felt somewhat lied to at that moment. And also very embarrassed. “Oh.”
“Yeah. Something tells me he always had home remedies for you growing up to.” The silence from her told him he was right. “Well I hope that’s a fun conversation you have with him, but you need to get going for now. That little episode of yours took a while and Ruby is probably waiting.”
Yang’s embarrassment only continued to grow it seemed. “A-actually Jaune, I kind of made that up....to get out of the shot.... We can continue todays training if you want.”
“Nope. Go home.”
Yang looked at him somewhat stunned. “What why?!”
“You might not be ready to be done with today, but I am. Think of this the next time you ask me for a favor on my day off, especially when you were one of the people who pushed me to start taking some in the first place!”
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Does anyone ask Jaune on a date? (Doctor Jaune AU)
Yang nodded. “Actually, yeah, a few already have. Aside from me, Blake, Arslan, and Nebula have gotten dates with Jaune. As far as I know though, no one has slept with him.” Yang smiled and picked up her scroll to make a call to set up an appointment with a certain doctor. 
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Has Yang tried to go on a date with Dr. Jaune??
“Tried to? I have!”
Yang stood up triumphantly with her hands on her hips. “It took some time to wear him down, but yup! I got the doc to go  out an get lunch with me! We went to a Mistralian restaurant just down the road from Jaune’s building.” A smug smile spread across her lips.
She completely disregarded the fact that she was still standing in the middle of Jaune’s waiting room which was full of patients there to see Jaune. Said man had just come out of the door that lead to the examination rooms and stopped dead in his tracks when he heard what Yang said. 
As for the patients, most of them were shocked by Yang’s proud declaration, and Jaune’s newer patients just decided to just go back to what they were doing before Yang’s outburst. 
However, Jaune’s usual patients such as Reese, Weiss, and Blake all looked over at Jaune with determination shinning in their eyes. Like their eye’s were saying “challenge accepted” to him.
Jaune just groaned and rubbed his forehead. “Thank you for that Yang. Now please leave. Your physical finished ten minutes ago and I have more people to tend to. Next patient please...”
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Sports AU: Hey Jaune how did Yang convinced you to go on a date with her? Cause usually it sounds like you are against the idea of dating one of your patients yet here you are.
“She just wore me down.”
“Took a while but yup! I did! Told ya I would doc~.”
Jaune sighed lightly. For almost a month, Yang would ask him out to eat through text, call, or paying a random visit to his office. Finally, he’d just gotten fed up to the point he said, and Yang quoted him on this later, “Fine! Now get out of my office!”
“I did enjoy the lunch together. And I’m not against dating my patients just because they’re my patients. It’s more because I’m still so busy with my practice and I don’t want to ignore them for my job. I also don’t want to have to ignore my job and other patients for the one I’m dating.”
Yang pulled Jaune into a headlock under her right arm. “And I, along with all the other girls, keep telling him he can’t keep overworking himself and not take some time to enjoy life.”
Jaune stopped his brief struggle and submitted to being Yang’s captive. “You know, it’s still kind of strange how all of you girls are okay about going after the same guy.”
“Eh, what can we say. We all love a bit of competition. Besides,” Yang released Jaune and let him stand up. As he straightened out his shirt, she lent in and placed a kiss on his cheek. “It seems like I’m winning~.”
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