#spot conlon x race higgins
emmedoesntdomath · 1 year
no, but you see, I don’t care that the way I wrote the ship isn’t technically canon. I don’t care that I changed the dynamic slightly to make it funnier. I don’t care that character a is supposed to be protecting character b and not the other way around. I don’t care that I gave them more fluff than their story probably needed, because dammit, they deserved the happy ending. I don’t care that their relationship is borderline codependent in all the best ways. I will write it that way, because I know that there’s an audience that wants to see the same things I do, and I will continue to write it this incorrect way, so help me god, and there’s nothing. you. can. do. to. stop. me.
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military-newsboys · 1 month
Davey: you must have been dropped on your head as a child Jack: i couldn’t have been, i wasn’t even held! Davey: i can’t tease you when you say things like that
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i-politely-disagree · 21 days
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bwaybby09 · 2 months
During a Tornado Warning:
Les: What do we do if the tornado hits us?
Spot: Uh, what do we do if the tornado hit us? I'm not sure, maybe get blown away by it?!
Race: No, no, you hide under a doorway.
Katherine: No, no, no. That's an earthquake.
Davey: Actually, they say you're not supposed to do that anymore.
Albert: Who cares what they say not to do for something that's not happening.
Jack: They say that you should go towards the eye of the storm.
Spot: Where’s the eye of the storm, Jack?
Jack: I don’t know…
Spot: That’s what I thought.
Crutchie: Tell someone you trust.
Jack: No Crutchie, that's only if the tornado's molesting you.
Race: Okay, this is just a drill! Everyone grab a clutch buddy!
(Race grabs onto Spot)
Spot: Oh, get off me! No!
Race: Hold on to me!
Spot: Get off me!
Race: I am saving your life!
Spot: I don’t wanna be saved by you!
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knockoff-conlon · 3 months
modern javey and newsbians are THE food shares ever. they're on dates and steal bites of everything from each other's plates.
modern sprace and redfinch threaten to stab each other with their forks for stealing food off their plates. sill not share anything.
modern blush don't share food willingly. they just casually sneak food from the other's plate when the other's not looking.
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buriedstarlightjar · 4 months
Sprace headcanon: they keep their relationship a secret not for homophobia reasons or because they’re scared but because race finds it absolutely fucking thrilling. Like every time they meet spot is like “why is this a secret again” and race is like “it’s fucking fun” and they both have great poker faces so it’s a secret until race kisses the top of spot’s head and jack loses his shit
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Spot: Did it hurt when you fell-
Race: From heaven? Aw th-
Spot: No I mean when you fell off the table you were standing on. I watched you fall and lay on the ground for ten minutes.
Spot: We all saw.
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kwazykay · 10 days
I desperately need a fanfic of either Spot or Race with vertigo, and the other comforting and taking care of the other, keeping them company, helping the other walk because they're too dizzy to walk, and the other doing the little head thing that somehow always helps.. please
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atticusredwood · 1 month
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@the-realest-spot-conlon you seemed to like the last fan art I made of this so here
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shutup-andletme-go · 3 months
okay poll time to find out which of my fics you want to know about first
please please please ask me about them if you're interested!! if you ask I promise I will write *extends my pinky to you*
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emmedoesntdomath · 1 year
sometimes, I’ll accidentally find a really cute fanart, or a incorrect quotes that makes me laugh, and I’m not in the fandom or I don't ship it, but I’ll save it or like it anyway, right? and then I forget about it for a couple months, find new stuff, whatever. then I see it again, and I’m like, oh yeah! and I look up the characters because I’m a curious asshole with no form of restraint to speak of, and then I look up something else, and something else, and something else- and now if you insult that fandom or character you die and no jan it doesn’t matter that I’ve never seen or read the actual thing but this is now my life support and I need them and I can’t live without them and-
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military-newsboys · 8 days
Jack: Race? Race: Huh? Jack: Give me the kazoo. Race: Why? Jack: You've been playing it for six hours straight. We need to sleep. Race: *hands over the kazoo* Jack: Thank you. Jack: *leaves* Race: *pulls out another kazoo*
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i-politely-disagree · 3 months
I really wanna write a fic where Jack and Spot are equally overprotective of Race, so when Race and Spot start dating, Jack becomes a weird sort of helicopter sibling and Spot is just over it.
(half the story would honestly end up being weird filler but I felt the need to share the hc)
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joeythefrog · 4 months
Spot: what the fuck are you doing?! Race: trying! Spot: your best Race: god I fucking hope not Spot: what- Race: but yeah, probably
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knockoff-conlon · 3 months
spot gets a reputation eventually for always being covered in little bruises. literally everywhere (neck, wrists, arms, jaw, etc) and people think it's cause he's always getting into fights and being beaten up by the bulls. he lets the theories and ideas run rampant even though it's not true.
only race and spot know that it's actually race leaving hickeys everywhere on spot because he's real possessive.
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amelka-anxiety · 1 year
little modern sprace comic
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first attempt at a comic so forgive me if the formats a bit off!!
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