#spotify numbers
dykehayleywilliams · 10 months
spotify wrapped polls!!! and follow up for the 450+ category
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notakugelblitz · 1 month
FERNANDO • Five Hargreeves x Reader
as everyone seems so sad since the release of season 4, i thought this could help :’)
it takes place during season 3, during Luther and Sloane’s wedding. as you spend your last moments with your siblings in law, you start to have some regrets about the life you could have had with Five.
NO WARNING, all fluff 😊 2341 words
i got inspired by ABBA’s song Fernando and it’s so Five x Y/N related I love it (well this is how I interpret it)
english isn’t my first language so sorry if you spot any mistake
enjoy ☂️
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It was only a matter of hours now. You were all staying at the Hotel Oblivion, the last survivors. The Kugelblitz was growing and yet, Sloane and Luther had decided to marry.
While the boys were having a bachelor party before the ceremony, you were wandering the corridors aimlessly.
Ever since you arrived in 2019 with Five, his family quickly became yours. They welcomed you so warmly and trying to save the world twice clearly forged something big. But when you met the Sparrows, the hate that they felt against them seemed rather excessive (apart from Luther of course). Probably due to your age, you felt more mature about it. Seeing Sloane and Ben loosing all of their family pained you grandly.
You even found in Luther’s future wife a friend, which was a surprise but you enjoyed her kindness quite much. Your feet led you to Sloane’s room so unhesitatingly you knocked at her door which was half opened. She answered and smiled as she spotted you.
“Y/N ! Come in !” Sloane said to you, her soon-to-be former Sparrow Academy sister, in a cheerful fashion as she closed the door behind her.
Then she turned to face her once the door was firmly shut. You smiled, noticing the dress Sloane was sewing herself.
“It looks flawless.” you said, pointing at the white dress laying on the bed.
Sloane smiled gently at your comment and walked over to it, caressing the dress lovingly with her hand.
“Thank you … I just hope it fits me.”
“I’m sure it will. Nothing you wear unfits you.”
You chuckled a bit falsely, feeling a pain in your heart but yet you managed to smile. It was the best day of Sloane's life, and probably her last, after all.
She seemed to notice the sadness in your eyes and immediately became concerned as she took a closer look at you.
“Y/N, what’s wrong ? You look … sad.”
You sighed and grabbed a vase, sitting on the chair as you took the flowers out of it. You started to tie the stems altogether to create a crown.
“I am not sad. I am just … seeing you all excited for your wedding … I’ve been there too … ” you let out.
Sloane smiled and sat down on the bed opposite you, watching you make a crown out of the vase’s contents.
“Yes, I am but … I get the impression that you didn’t enjoy yours ?” she said slowly, a hint of suspicion in her voice as she tried to make sense of your comment.
“Oh no, I loved it !” you exclaimed suddenly. “I had the most wonderful wedding. And I believe yours will be just as perfect.”
She smiled genuinely as she heard you say that you enjoyed your wedding.
“Well … I’m relieved to hear that ! For a moment, I thought you’d been married to an arsehole or something !”
“Five is an arsehole indeed, but he is a great man, I can assure you.” you laughed.
You then approached her to check the size of the crown on her head.
Sloane smiled as you placed the flower crown on her head carefully. Feeling the weight of it, she looked in the mirror, gently caressing the flowers and admiring the work that had been done on it.
“Thank you, Y/N. It’s beautiful …”
You looked at Sloane’s reflection and surprised yourself with a sort of mothering smile. It suddenly brought you nostalgia and sadness at the same time. Sloane checked over her shoulder, noticing your change of mood, a look of concern once again present on her face.
“Y/N … are you sure you’re okay ?”
You pinched your nose and sighed, trying to avoid some tears from falling. You couldn’t believe how weak your were but the tiredness and the end of the world wasn’t making it easy.
“Five and I married when we were 56. Secretly, as it was forbidden by the … by our employers,” you started to explain.
You checked on her, wanting to know if she was ok with you opening up like this. Her eyes saying like “Go on, I’m listening.” and her hand grabbing yours relieved you suddenly.
“I am 58 now. I just wish I had met him sooner …”
You looked down at your feet. It might sound weird for Sloane as you also had the appearance of a teenager. But still she kept holding your hand, gently rubbing the back of it with her thumb as you spoke, trying to give comfort in any way she could.
“Is that why you’re sad ? Because you wished you’d had more time with Five ?”
“When we got back here, we thought of a well-deserved retirement..” you sighed deeply. “But then he decided to save the world again because he’s addicted to it. And I wouldn’t blame him for that, he spent his life doing so. I just …”
You bit your lips, looking down at her hands, young and soft.
“And you just … want to be able to grow old with him … like normal people who marry and have a family …”
You looked up at Sloane, surprised that she’d understand that easily. You slightly opened your mouth because of the astonishment but shook your head.
“I know that everyone expect me to say that I have no regrets because I had time, unlike you … no offense of course. But coming back in 2019, both of us teenagers again, I thought … it sounds stupid, but I thought we had another chance, you know ? To grow old normally, without any Commission nor Kugelblitz.”
“I get that … you feel like you’ve been robbed.”
You nodded and looked up at her, cupping her cheek with your free hand.
“I shouldn’t bother you with that. Let’s enjoy this night, shall we?”
Sloane seemed to freeze.
“Would you like to be my maid of honour ?” she lets out suddenly.
You arched an eyebrow and smirked.
“I mean … you’re the only friend I’ve got here and … Ben is a dumbass. And a boy.”
“Yeah right … I’d be honoured.” you chuckled.
Without warning, Sloane hugged you tightly, resting her chin upon your shoulder. This felt good actually, and you got a bit moved knowing that you both needed it. At this moment Sloane’s wedding became your last most important mission. You wanted to ensure that it’ll be the night of her life and all the happiness she could feel, the same you felt back then, shan’t be disturbed.
• • •
The Hotel Oblivion had never been as beautiful as it was now, with the Hargreeves being the last survivors on earth. Celebrating a wedding a day before the end of the world had something rather beautiful.
You were standing by the aisle, beside Sloane, as you were her maid of honor. You looked at her and Luther with a kind of nostalgia, smiling a bit sadly while Klaus was pronouncing some vows.
As Klaus’s speech continued, Five kept his eyes on you. He couldn’t help but feel a pang of nostalgia himself as he took in the moment. All the people he loved most were here with him, yet he knew deep down that these would be the last moments they’d get to spend together like this. The thought was more than a little concerning to him, and the hand holding his glass subconsciously clenched into a fist.
At the end of the ceremony, everyone went their separate ways, some dancing on the dance floor, some at the buffet. You headed directly to the bar where all the alcohol was, serving yourself a glass of whisky with the same nostalgia and sadness in your eyes.
Even though you had moved to the bar, it was as if Five’s eyes had never once left you. So he grabbed another glass and joined you at the bar.
“Are you just planning on staying here all night ?” he asked, taking a seat next to you.
Just by his tone, it seemed as if he was trying to hide his concern under his usual snarky demeanor.
“Aren’t you ?” you asked, pouring some whisky into his glass.
You sighed and lifted your glass to raise a toast with him, your smile a bit off. Five raised his glass as well, clinking it against yours.
“You’ve got a point there.”
He took a rather large gulp of the drink before setting the glass down. Five glances at you as a look of concern crossed his face again.
“You’ve got that look on your face. You alright ?”
You sighed and drank your glass bottoms up, then filled it up again. You then turned to see Sloane and Luther dancing happily.
“Do you have any regrets ?” you asked monotonously. “I mean… we never had the time to really enjoy a happy married couple life, you know ?”
He turned his head towards you and raised an eyebrow skeptically.
“Are you being serious right now ?” he quipped.
“That’s what you’re worried about ? Really ?”
“Did we, Five ?” you asked, looking right at him with pain in your eyes. “I mean, yes, we got married, but for what ? Working two years at the Commission with your name after mine and then coming back in 2019 to save the world and have no fucking break.”
You sighed and drank your glass again, bottoms up, not disturbed by the strength of the alcohol.
He sighed, running a hand down his face as he spoke.
“That … that’s not a very fair question. It’s not as if we could’ve helped it.” he started off, trying to reassure you as he picked up his glass and swirled the alcohol around. “Things just happened that we had to deal with. Like you said, we were more focused on stopping the apocalypse than ... anything normal couples would usually do.”
“I dreamt of a retirement, Five. I truly did,” you let out. “Reappearing here with damn teenage appearances, I… I thought we had a second chance, you know ? Having a whole life for ourselves. But no.”
You sniffed and poured yourself another glass. A look of hurt and concern spread across his face even more at this. He knew how badly you had wanted to experience life like every normal people did and all that came with it, and seeing you admit how disappointed you were … it was crushing for him.
He put his hand on your shoulder, gently squeezing it as he tried to find the right words to say to console you.
“You know it’s not too late, right ?” he said, his voice uncharacteristically quiet.
“We only have a day left, Five. Don’t mock me.”
He grabbed you by both shoulders and turned you to face him, gripping them tight.
“I am not.” he said defensively, his voice regaining its hard, blunt tone. “You’d know that if you’d just listen to me for a minute. What I’m trying to say is … you want to experience being a normal, young adult ? Fine. Well, there’s nothing stopping us now, is there ? So stop sulking and start enjoying this while it lasts.”
You looked at him with surprised eyes, rather shocked by what he said. You didn’t have the words, mouth slightly open. The music stopped and another song started : "Fernando" by ABBA. You felt shivers down your spine hearing it. It was the song that played during your first dance … well, it played on the car radio, and you danced somewhere on the side of the road on your way back from your little clandestine marriage back in 1977.
As soon as he heard the opening beats of this special song, he couldn’t help but smirk and internally snicker, already anticipating his next move. He grabbed your hand with a slightly tight grip and started to pull you to the dance floor.
“Five, what are you doing ?” you gasped, leaving your glass on the table.
You were still a bit shocked but let him pull you anyway.
“Oh my ! Five is going to dance !” Lila exclaimed.
“Awwwww, that is way too cuuuuute !” Klaus chuckled.
“Gross.” Ben added.
Five glared at the others as he dragged you towards the dance floor, ignoring their teasing. However, the death glare changed back into a smirk once he got onto the dance floor and pulled you into his arms.
“Just shut up and dance with me,” he quipped.
“But you never dance …” you whispered.
But you didn’t say a word when he placed your hands on his shoulder and in his palm.
“You’ve been wanting to have your time to enjoy yourself as a married couple, right ?” he asked, his voice quieter now. “So then … why not spend our last night doing exactly that ?”
You huffed, touched by his words. It seemed like the end of the world had opened his eyes somehow, and enjoying every last minute with the people he loved felt more important now, ever since he met his old version saying that he shouldn’t save the world and all that awful stuff …
You smiled at him widely.
“Thank you …” you almost whispered.
His heart felt both heavy and warm at your words. Heavy in the fact that he was suddenly very aware of how limited their time was … but warm in the fact that it seemed like you’d finally come back to your senses.
“Save your thanks and enjoy yourself for the night, okay ?” he replied quietly, a small smirk on his lips. “The only reason I’m doing this is so you’ll stop moping and complaining, just so you know.”
“Yeah, right.”
You chuckled, knowing that he was doing it for himself too.
“Though we never thought that we could lose, there's no regret.” you quietly hummed along.
Five spun you around, and he couldn’t help but laugh a bit, enjoying himself much more than he thought he would. Seeing him smile like this, being truly happy after a long time, moved you a bit. Those dimples, his glimmering eyes …
As you hummed to the lyrics of the song, the smirk on his face widened, and he began to sing along.
"If I had to do the same again, I would, my friend, Fernando."
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dizzybizz · 1 year
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back together but at what cost...
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ashennflame · 10 days
I decided to make playlists for each of the Greek students in The Secret History.
A few things to note about each playlist:
I purposefully made it so that each playlist has exactly 100 songs in it so that I can force myself to discover new music in order to fill out the playlists as well as properly capture an exact vibe while still having diversity in each playlist.
I wanted each playlist to be completely unique, therefore there are no exact overlapping songs in any of them, with the exception of different covers of the same song being in multiple playlists.
This is how I personally interpret each student to an extent, and it may be a bit different compared to others.
The playlists are mostly based off of vibes. There are songs whose lyrics as well as vibe fit the character (in my mind), but there are also songs that are based solely off of the vibe even if the lyrics don't fit.
The songs in each playlist may change over time as I find new music that I feel better fits over another.
I hope that these playlists can be thoroughly enjoyed!
[Characters associated with each playlist in order]
Richard Papen
Henry Winter
Bunny Corcoran
Francis Abernathy
Charles Macaulay
Camilla Macaulay
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autie-j · 2 years
Autism wrapped
1. You interacted with your special interest: 10,508 times
2. Infodumped: 512 times about your spin
3. Misinterpreted a social situation: 425 times
4. Took a joke/sarcasm seriously: 1783 times
5. Unintentionally came off as rude without realizing it: 1246 times
6. Said the "autism wins today" meme: 594 times
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breakingb4tz · 1 month
so is this an original thought or
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radiumjuice · 3 months
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the umbrella academy doodles
a few mischa sneaks
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nerdsandbabyteeth · 2 years
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‘Little sister’ Nico
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crushpdf · 10 months
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thetarotwitch111 · 3 days
What’s their biggest secret? - pick a pile
Spotify reading: taylor’s version
Here’s to show you my spotify readings, is like tarot but using music! I interpret the lyrics of the songs that start playing, connecting them to your life.
✨help me keep bringing you free readings with some TIPS.
Thank you in advance.
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T.S 1:
Don’t Blame Me + August
They’re caught up in a love they probably shouldn’t be. It’s one of those intense I can’t get enough feelings, even though they know deep down it’s not going anywhere. They might play it cool on the outside, but inside? They’re totally obsessed. Like, they know it’s bad for them, but it feels too good to walk away from.
And then there’s the fact that this whole thing is probably long over, but they just can’t let it go. It’s very August, where they’re holding onto a moment that was never meant to last. Maybe it was a fling, maybe it was a situationship that burned out fast, but here they are, still thinking about it, still waiting for something to happen that just won’t.
They’re stuck in the past, replaying it all in their head. They act like they’re fine, but they’re secretly waiting for this connection to come back around, even though they know it’s a long shot.
Let me know if it resonates!
T.S. 2:
Lover + Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me
Your person is dreaming of a perfect relationship. They’re imagining a future with this person, but they’re not being fully real. They’re hiding parts of themselves because they’re scared that if they show who they really are, it’s going to mess everything up.
On the outside, it’s all Lover vibes, like they want the romance, the closeness, all that. But on the inside, they’ve got some stuff they’re keeping hidden. They think if their person saw the messy, complicated sides of them, they’d leave. So they’re playing it safe, showing only the “””best”””version of themselves, but it’s draining them.
They want deep love, but they don’t believe they can have it if they let someone see all their flaws. It’s like they’re living in this balance between being loved and being scared they’ll ruin it.
Let me know if it resonates!
T.S. 3:
Anti-Hero + Cardigan
They’re really hard on themselves and they’re constantly overthinking everything, feeling like they’re not good enough, or like they’re always screwing things up. It’s Anti-Hero all the way. they might joke about it or act like they’re fine, but deep down they’re their own worst critic. Every little mistake feels huge to them, even if no one else notices.
They’re also carrying around a lot of nostalgia. Cardigan is their whole mood because they miss feeling truly loved and seen. They’re comparing what they have now to what they had before, whether that’s a relationship, a friendship, whatever. There’s this past connection that made them feel safe, and now they don’t feel like they measure up, like they’re not anyone’s favorite anymore.
They’re stuck between their own insecurities and the memories of a time when they felt better about themselves. They want to feel that love again, but they can’t scape the feeling that they’re not enough.
Let me know if it resonates!
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the-chelseahotel · 10 months
Spotify wrapped
Reblog with what the total number of minutes you spent listening to music was and what the total number of minutes you listened to your top artist was
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goldrushwoman · 10 months
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spotify wrapped season >>>>
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sona-verse01 · 7 months
Random things about your Future Spouse
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Check out my Masterlist for more.
It can resonate with you instead of ur FS too.
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Pile 1:
Initials: R, T (highly possible), A, V
Sun Signs : Scorpio ♏, Taurus ♉, Aquarius ♒
Dominant element: none!
Number: 1, 2, 6, 12, 26, 16, 21, 11, 22; (Date of birth/meeting/marriage)
Month: January, February, June, November, December; (Month of birth/meeting/marriage)
Arrange Marriage
Imp. colour: Sky blue, Red; (can be ur/their wedding outfit colour/decorations/fav. colour)
Were you attracted to pile 3? This is ur sign to check that out.
Pile 2:
Initials: I, O, E, U, L; (they can have 3 or more vowels in their name)
Sun sign: Gemini ♊, Libra ♎, Leo ♌
Dominant element: Air
Number: 2, 5, 20, 25, 22; (Date of birth/meeting/marriage)
Month: February, May; (Month of birth/meeting/marriage)
Love Marriage
Imp. colour: Orange, Turquoise; (can be ur/their wedding outfit colour/decorations/fav. colour)
Were you attracted to pile 3/4? This is ur sign to check that out.
Pile 3:
Initials: H, L (highly possible), F, A
Sun sign: Aquarius ♒, Gemini ♊, Leo ♌
Dominant element: Air
Number: 1, 3, 9, 11, 13, 19, 31 (Date of birth/meeting/marriage)
Month: January, March, September, November (Month of birth/meeting/marriage)
Love Marriage
Imp. colour: Purple, Pink (can be ur/their wedding outfit colour/decorations/fav. colour)
Were you attracted to ANY other pile? This is ur sign to check that out too.
Pile 4:
Initials: C, Z, F, M, K
Sun sign: Aries ♈, Sagittarius ♐, Libra ♎
Dominant element: Fire
Number: 5, 6 (Date of birth/meeting/marriage)
Month: May, June (Month of birth/meeting/marriage)
Arrange Marriage
Imp. colour: Red, Pink (can be ur/their wedding outfit colour/decorations/fav. colour)
Were you attracted to pile 2/3? This is ur sign to check that out.
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Take what resonates, leave that doesn't.
It will not match with everyone.
Mehndi images are from Pinterest. The moodboard is made by me.
Divider: @saradika-graphics
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ladyyatexel · 1 year
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it's crazy, it's party, some other people's relevant lyrics from the eurovision season are coming along for the ride
I will never get the sound of that crowd screaming his name out of my head
Fuck it up, king
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readrantannotate · 8 months
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shepscapades · 2 years
I have to ask. 69.
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69. Destruction - Joywave
So. Erm… happy Etho Tuesday? (Looking Away) Yeah so this song is supposed to represent the point in the timeline after Etho shuts down at the end of s8, at the beginnings of s9 when doc and xisuma are trying to get him to come back online, which they finally manage! But… Etho is. Not Right. There’s some missing lore I haven’t talked about yet, but… because of what he was thinking about when he shut down, his programming is hyperfixated when he reboots, hellbent on anger and revenge and grief and… he’s mega broken. Doc and X end up having to shut him down/wipe him because he’s too dangerous. And thusly, he is reset when he finally comes back to s9.
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