#sprinkle some trauma in
jellfishjellfish · 6 months
Spoilers! ✨
Branch singing for the first time in canon: I’m finally happy, thank you Poppy 🌈 🎶
Branch singing for the first time in Dereliction: everyone I love is going to die.
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afterthelambs · 2 months
i adore Maruki as a character because he's simultaneously the most relatable depressing character that will make you cry with empathy, and the goofiest wettest cat loser in the game like what do you mean youre a licensed therapist and your first response to trauma is to brainwash a girl, project ur relationship issues onto a 17 yr old boy, and then rule the world in a golden leotard? bro went from 0 to 100 so fast??? anyway he's like 30% of the reason why p5r works as well as it does
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 11 months
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Collection of edits from this comic with Disco Elysium dialogue.
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haveihitanerve · 2 months
Stephanie couldn’t remember grabbing the man, wrenching him away from the cowering girl. Couldn’t remember hitting him, just that it felt so good. And then she couldn’t stop. “Robin!” Batman’s voice was hard, and final. Steph froze, fist drawn back, her other hand on the man’s collar. He had stopped fighting, stopped moving, actually, and his face was a bloody mess. Steph spun, ignoring Batman, ignoring her failure, not yet ready to look at him and see the anger, the reprimand, the sadness in his eyes that he had known he was right and she didn’t deserve to be Robin, choosing instead the girl. He couldn’t be any more mad at her anyway, and he couldn’t begrudge her choosing the civilian. “Hey,” she said softly, but her voice shook. “You okay?” The girl looked at her, eyes terrified, eyes darting back to Batman. Batman reached out a hand and she practically ran to him, huddling in his cloak. Steph felt her heart beat slow. It was a rare day indeed that someone felt safer, picked Batman over Robin. Batman’s voice was rough, and he pushed the girl to the end of the alleyway, advising her to stay safe and stay off the street at night, before turning to her. “Let’s go Robin.” He ordered, grabbing the man’s collar the way she had before and dragging him to the street light, chaining him to it for the police.
Steph wasn’t a coward, she couldn’t be, otherwise she wouldn’t have chosen this line of work, but the moment his back was turned, she fled. She knew he’d find her, he always did, but she needed some space, a little bit of time to collect herself, to pick a thought, a memory, something to focus on so she wouldn’t cry when the inevitable lecture came, but her heart was pounding too hard, and tears were already building, and she only made it to the next roof over before she collapsed against the AC unit, gloved hands pressing into her eyes. Batman’s grapple sounded a second later and she felt rather than heard his presence on the roof as he stood next to her. “Robin,” he said quietly. Steph shook her head, refusing to look at him. “Robin,” he repeated, and his knees popped as he knelt next to her, tugging her hands from her eyes. “You’ll get your eyes dirty.” He said softly, and gently, with a care Stephanie wasn’t sure she deserved, tugged her gauntlets off, tucking them into his belt. Steph inhaled shakily, but left her hands in her lap. Bruce, because that’s who she realized was on the roof with her, sank down next to her with a soft groan, and Steph finally looked over at him. He seemed fine, better, actually, than he did after most patrols, but the sound… Steph reached for him, slowly, and Bruce eyed her warily as she slowly touched his cowl, pressing the buttons on the side to slide it off his face. It was a testament to the night that he didn’t stop her, just watched her curiously, sighing lightly as the cool Gotham night air brushed his bare face. His face was the same as she had always known but… it was wrinkled, and Steph could see a smattering of white in his dark black hair. She drew back, folding her hands in her lap. “I’m sorry.” She whispered. Bruce sighed. “I just… I got so angry.” Bruce didn’t say anything, just listened. He was good at that, she had been surprised to find. He didn’t talk much as it was, but silence rarely ever translated to listening. But for him it did. He was always listening, always seeing. Gathering, analyzing, collecting data on everyone and everything.
“I was twelve.” Steph whispered finally. Bruce stilled completely. He hadn’t been moving before, but now there was an unnatural stillness to him, as though his very heart had stopped beating. “I- it was stupid to be walking home alone, so late. But I didn’t want to stay the night at… her name was Bethany. Not to mention she didn’t. Her dad…” Steph inhaled shakily. “Well he was the sort of guy my father would’ve hung out with.” Bruce moved again at that, but only enough to let out a breath in the form of a growl. Steph smiled faintly at that. Arthur Brown was dead and buried, but still Bruce would never get over what he had done to his daughter. Steph loved him just a little bit more for that. For avenging her even in death. “But uh,” she cleared her throat. “It was only one block.” She whispered. “One block. But it was enough. He was- he was big, and he wasn’t kind, he was rough and it-“ Steph squeezed her eyes shut, tears burning her cheeks as they streamed out in rivets. “It hurt. B. It hurt so much.” The concrete under his hands cracked. Steph didn’t notice. “He was… I never want anyone else to go through what I did.” She looked up finally, looking at him. “And if beating them to death makes me as bad as them, so be it. But I won’t-“ she shook her head, hands fisting in her lap. “I won’t stand by.”
Bruce’s breathing was shaking, and Steph looked back at him, not too surprised to see that he was practically shaking in rage. He had two daughters after all. His fingers unfurled from the edge of the roof and Steph almost gasped at the spiderweb of cracks splintering from where his hand had been, but when he took her hand it was gentle and soft, and safe. “You will never be as bad as them.” He said, voice deadly low. “Never Stephanie. Do you understand? Do you hear me? You are a hundred times them, they are the scum of the earth and you are… you are a goddess. Do not ever believe otherwise.” He snarled fiercely. Steph nodded, and was embarrassed to find new tears in her eyes. Tears at finally having told someone, tears at the anger in his eyes, not at her, but at what had been done to her, at who had done it to her, tears at being seen. “Gods,” she rasped, offering an awkward chuckle. “Well,” she sniffled, taking her hand back from him. “I guess that was a fun trauma dumping huh?” Bruce nodded slowly, and got to his feet, also slowly, extending her a hand. She took it, letting him help her up, but before she could step away, before she could take her hand back, he pulled her closer. “I am always here for you Steph. If you ever need to talk. And I will help you bury every one of the men you chose to beat to death.” He swore. Stephanie's eyes widened. Bruce Wayne, Batman, going against his code for her. He, of course, wasn’t killing, but he was giving her leave. Permission. She smiled then, surprising him as well as herself, full and wide and true. “Thanks, Bats.” She returned. “But I’ll just need your help with the handcuffs. We have a code don’t we?” Bruce let her pull away then, pride gleaming in his eyes. “Yes.” He agreed, sliding his cowl back over his head. “We do.” Steph laughed, wild and free, and pulled out her grapple gun, cocking her head at him. “Well, come on Old Man! Keep up!” And she jumped, grinning, safe in the knowledge he was there, watching her back, ready to catch her if she fell, ready to support her when she faltered.
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agentcricket-art · 7 months
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happy valentine's day!!! 😘😘😘
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amuseoffyre · 1 year
Me: That's enough Good Omens meta for now Also me: YES BUT WHAT IF...
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so. i was thinking. in generation loss, why was charlie given the moniker “The Villain”?
because ranboo and sneeg’s titles make sense: Ranboo “The Hero” was showfall’s hero, no problems there, and Sneeg “The Taken” was taken prisoner in the first episode, taken captive when he tried to escape the carousel in the episode two, and was taken for granted had his life taken permanently (maybe) in the finale.
however, Slimecicle “The Villain” feels like it only really applies to the first episode, with him playing the antagonist to the hero in the form of the slime demon. in the second and third episode, he didn’t really play a villain, just mega chet and then himself.
unless, of course, charlie slimecicle was labeled the villain because he was the one that got the hero killed in the end.
be it intentionally or not, at the start of the trail of dominoes that leads to ranboo being crucified, sits charlie. in a mockery of his streaming set up, oblivious to his surroundings, unaware of the horrors around him until our dear hero saved him. an act of kindness that gave the employees the time they needed to lock the doors and seal the exits. had ranboo not stopped for charlie, they would’ve made it out and been free, they would’ve lived.
instead, our hero wanted to save their friend and in turn they were strung up and slaughtered for their good deed.
and what kind of good person would lead their friend to getting killed? who would let such a cruel fate befall his own brother? no, that’s something only a villain would do
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radioactive-cloud · 11 months
idk why i decided to become sappy on a random monday evening but i remembered about the existence of can't help falling in love and thought about it in the context of jan and nace and now i'm smiling like a loon
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lilalbatross · 2 years
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donutcats · 2 years
[aggressively knocking on the door that holds all of rei’s childhood trauma] hey what the fuck is going on in there for rei to see a note that essentially says “be back later” and immediately come to the conclusion that him and miri have been abandoned??
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clowndensation · 1 year
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(picrew) this is aja, he's mentally well and also normal. and there's nothing wrong with him.
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mathclassd00dles-blog · 10 months
Some more doodles of Rise Alopex
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Bonus: Foxes love pumpkin 🦊🖤🎃
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(drew this after I baked some chocolate chip pumpkin bread)
100000/10 definitely recommend, it's so freaking good!
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jmeslovr · 10 months
forever fighting the urge to give jegulus my specific brand of mental illness just split in half
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musical-chick-13 · 8 months
.......I have been thinking Too Hard about my childhood experience in The Church™ lately because I am just barely refraining from putting in gratuitous Catholicism References in this fic for the sake of subverting them through the lens of romantic idolatry.
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sapphicyanli · 5 months
ok but reimagining of the talented mr. ripley where themes of canibalism or the actual act of is being included
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mythology-void · 6 months
watching S2 of ATLA and why did no one tell me zuko had them pretty pretty man titties
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