#srsly this was very heartwarming
merakiui · 2 months
how do you manage to write for scaramouche so well?? ❤😭 it may be because i havent played genshin before. but. you srsly have me simping HARDCORE for this man, to the point that i wanna get in on the action too and write something of him for myself!!!- but as someone whose barely wrote before and struggles with dialogue sm, it feels impossibly difficult.. may i ask for some tips or advice abt this, if youre up for it ofc? and this is off topic but i also want to say that i enjoy reading every single writing of yours, and im very very thankful to you for even choosing to post them in the first place. reading something that you write will always make my day sm better and i appreciate you so much. im so sry this became so long rn, but i wish you a day as hardcorely wonderful as youve made me simp so hardcorely for scaramouche!!! (it was sounding better in myhead NOO. in all seriousness tho i wish you the best day ever possible, THANK YOU!!! you should be super duper proud of yourself for making these masterpieces and i srsly hope you are, even tho i know its hard to feel this way abt your own work!!!)
AAAAA this is so sweet... 🥺 thank you for enjoying my writings and the way I portray Scara!!!! (੭´͈ ᐜ `͈)੭♡ I'm glad you can love and simp for him!!!!!! He deserves many fans!!!! >3< and I'm grateful to know my works can make you happy!!! I wish you the most amazing, hardcorely wonderful day as well!!!!!! 💖💖
As for advice I'm not sure if it's advice for writing dialogue or Scara, but I can share my thoughts for both!!! :D dialogue is fun because, while it's still conversational, it can come in many forms depending on the context and dynamic/relationship between the characters. For example, dialogue between a boss and their secretary will be different from that of dialogue between close friends. Real-life conversations aren't perfect; we stutter, repeat words, trail off in what we're saying, ramble, interrupt, use fillers like "um" or "ah," and so on. Adding these elements into dialogue between characters can help it feel more natural.
With Scara, he has so many layers and can be written in many different ways depending on what era of him you're writing for. What I like most of all, though, is his ability to act so friendly. I feel as if this ability of his is somewhat forgotten, but in the Unreconciled Stars event he approached Traveler and company with such a friendly façade. Even his intonation was bright and kind (as opposed to how he later addresses the Fatui soldiers)!!!!! orz orz I adore this aspect of his character,, how he's able to be both a brilliant actor and an intimidating Harbinger all in one. His sharp, sarcastic tongue... the threatening aura he has despite being so short hehe. <3 there's so much to love!!
I like to imagine him as the stray cat they tell you not to feed often otherwise he'll continue to come around even when there isn't any food to give. Although it also helps that he's portrayed as a cat in Nahida's fairy tale. ;;; I love Scarameow with all of my heart!!!! It's also important to note that, as evil as he was during his era as a villain, there were also facets to him that showed some gap moe. How he cares for the elderly and children. How we know that he has a tendency to get attached to things, to seek a purpose, to know what it's like to be human and feel human, to be accepted and loved.
His misunderstanding with Ei also plays a role in how he views the world (and how he'd probably be wary in falling in love because he fears abandonment). Whereas Ei was hoping he could live his own life by setting him free rather than destroying him as Miko had wanted her to do, Scara mistook the gesture as abandonment and betrayal. And from his perspective it's hard to see the goodwill in what Ei did because she,,,, didn't exactly go about it in the best way. ^^;;;;
Aaaa there are just so many parts to consider from the timeline of his existence. As Wanderer, it's really heartwarming to see him gradually healing and accepting himself as well as letting go of past grievances (but also taking accountability for and acknowledging all that he did as well as all that he is). He still has that same sharp-tongued sarcasm and there are still rough edges, but he's not so harsh or vindictive. 🥺 I just adore him so much...
I rambled a lot and I'm sorry. T^T I hope it's helpful advice and not just my adoration for Scara shining through. ;;;;;
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seospicybin · 7 months
okay i was jp about the hyunjin ask BUT LIKE SRSLY JUST IMAGINE.
(this is a little way of me asking if u could litterally do a hyunjin vers of to hot to handle series cs like he so hot and like so cute and like so fine and im litterally foaming after reading the felix and hanji series of TO HOT TO HANDLE but litterally cant handle it cs the way u wrote them out siunded so like them esp han and when i read the part two i swear to u. i was. fucking. foaming. no like litterally foaming in the mouth. how do u write liek that? will obv could be about learning but im also thinking inspo from other writers? anyway thats off topic. ur writing is so hot and i love people that write similar ways to u bc like idk how to explain it but its cliche but also like sk hot and ur writing is so detailed but not detailed enough to be weirdly detailed its just detailed aboutsolutely justtttt right and i love the way people like u detail things like ugh jt just makes me morejj no in loce anyway im writing this in a () way bc im shy to tell ppl ab my true feelings lmao wtf im high rn mb anyway i love u so much booboo bear and make sure to eat faily and take many rest and also pls lmk if u wanna do the hyunjin vers of to hot to handle bc yk haha.. like. why not? ive litterally sent so much asks to writers and they never reply so slmetimes i get a little scared and think im being too overboard so u ditn evn have to reply to this ask but pls do like sk that way im not overthinkigng.. hehehehehhehehe… okay litterally this time. goodbye lovely pookehhh. ‼️‼️)
-anonie 😙
No, I get it. Maybe you missed the announcement of me saying I'll do the whole 8 members their THTH season and it's fine.
And I think it's cute that you're ranting and telling me all about these sweet words and kindness you have in your message.
Thank you, you are very cute and not overboard at all, you must tone down the cuteness though, I can't handle it 😂
Thank you once again for the heartwarming message, you made my day. Have the loveliest day, sending you tons of kisses 😘 💕
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Thoughts on the Furry pop quiz
because I played it only hours before it ends, also as usual
even if I'm actually indeed a furry and have been since I was two, I'm kind of tired of furries in this game. Just how many animal and bunny events are there going to be.
locked route actually makes sense if you go through it platonically! The length is comparable, some interactions are longer when kept platonic. Episodes don't get cut immediately after opting out of romance! It's becoming a pattern because I've been enjoying events recently mostly due to them being actually not boring me to death anymore
if you go platonic, there's often something interesting about the dynamics between the boyos, so if you're playing for them and not for generic romance, there are some nice crumbs if you ask them about it
I have an impression that kiss quests will be back because I suspect that the fanbase has already started stirring shit about events having plot and not being all about kissing. But tbh I don't mind romance/harem choices actually have a kiss
I actually like this event a lot
give the boyos some lie detector animal ears and watch the show how they try to tsun around not to admit they care about each other
spoiler: it's not working and they're exposed
also Lucifer legit going "I want to sit out Feelingz", and showing that his usual high and mighty better than thou attitude is pure bullocks. Every 5 seconds, whenever he opens his mouth
but also these guys are disasters, the event wouldn't have happened if one question was asked at the beginning lmao. Aka "did anyone see [the lost thing's description]"
but srsly Solomon, that's not how research works
in conclusion, hilarious and heartwarming, a very cute event, I hope the trend continues
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viharbinger · 2 years
bee ! happy birthday ! ( ALSO i read the bday hcs,,, YOU DESERVE MORE LIKES the way you tailor each scenario to match with the characters' personalities is very heartwarming to read ) i hope you enjoyed your day ( pls you deserve that sm after all the bs tumblr pulled 😭 ) we haven't really interacted other than being moots n being in a discord server together but i just wanted to say take care on your hiatus, take care of yourself 🫂
tysm for caringg 💟💟 honestly its good i took a little break cause i feel a lot better and a lot of things have been resolved. I'll try not to whine anymore when something inconvenient happens to me and stop giving too much effort in fics because i srsly dont wanna go thru that phase again T^T
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riverswater · 4 years
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I finished HitoriBocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu… Please read it! I took like 1000 pictures and read 100 chapters in a few days(which for me, is FAST) …! It’s so so good !! 😭💖💖💖💖
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It will be relatable(to shy ppl and more), make you smile, laugh and maybe even cry, just a little.
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roe-sesandthorns · 2 years
super salty thoughts about Dr. Strange MoM, spoilers + rant under the cut  warnings: spoilers, duh. really long. not very complimentary. 
did wanda face no consequences for what happened in westview? legitimate question cause i haven’t seen it and only know the plot + story through osmosis. I thought this was the point of the accords and the oversight and the damn civil war.
it physically makes me puke to hear mcu refer to themselves as earth-616 like no. sweeetie, sit back down, ok? you’re earth-1999999  
they went to one other universe, it was a huge waste of potential BUT I can excuse that cause I understand the limitations from a storytelling/runtime/budget pov but still, disappointing 
ok I loved peggy as the first avenger, monica rambeau as captain marvel, and it’s always a pleasure to see patrick stewart and the inclusion of black bolt was cool (idk if he’s been in other marvel media before but that was my first time seeing him)   
but and that’s a big but, the scene where wanda takes on the illuminati and bodies reed + black bolt and then proceeds to fight peggy + monica felt... off. 
like did they remove the two male members deliberately cause? is it sexist? is it a very shallow, trite attempt at #girlbossing? whatever it was, it felt cheap and weird. and completely disrespectful to all those heroes. especially professor x.
ok, i get it, wanda is supposed to be the Big Bad but the way the superheroes in the mcu become totally powerless in other people’s movies just rubs me weird. like she took barely 30 secs to demolish the entire team. and these are the supposed leaders of the illuminati
why the fuck did wanda of earth-834 or whatever have powers? did she have the same arc as mcu-wanda (i’m not using 616 to describe mcu people cause hell no). but then everything in this world was completely different so how does it compute that this wanda had powers and a normal life. did she have her kids with vision? where was vision? if he died like in infinity war then why was this wanda mentally stable? like what changed?   
why the fuck did stephen from the incursion universe and mcu-stephen have the same damn backstory of both having a sister who died? like how is that something that is constant in multiverses? or was it just a lucky coninkydink? 
i have a lot more, but basically i hate their treatment of the multiverse. i think i prefer any other fanfic writer writing about the multiverse cause they do it so much better. 
i’m not even surprised they tried to give wanda a redemption through death/sacrifice arc cause she changed her mind in the last 2 minutes of the film; disappointed but not surprised. 
like girlie has not even redeemed herself for westview, instead she went full on evil supervillain 
fuck off with the “heartwarming” music and there is NO reason for christine to ask after wanda with concern (other than the fact that christine is amazing and a saint and i love her) but contextually she should’ve been like “the scarlet witch?” (scared shitless) 
also, basically, moral of the whole story: stephen strange can only be happy if he has christine in his life. which seems toxic af, like bro. y’all broke up YEARS ago. you tell her at her wedding that you wish she was still with you, or imply it at least. I would’ve decked him if I were her. Like Christine you’re a saint. I mean you invite your friend (whom you dated a long while back) to your wedding and want to introduce him to your husband and he’s like “im sowwy i miss you” like fuck the fuck off, stephen strange, you ass. don’t make this day about you. 
also can we please kill with fire the idea that you need a relationship to be happy. like, srsly. the whole movie reiterates that if he only “got the girl”, he’d be happy, like no honey. go to therapy. find happiness within you. and in others around you. relationships are amazing and i can totally get pining over Chrsitine cause goddamn i’m doing it too, brother, but really. she’s not gonna fix you or fix your life. i want to engrave kate winslet’s speech from eternal sunshine onto the marvel headquarters entrance cause fuck u marvel. 
another beef with the multiverse, no stephen ever dated anyone other than christine? like my dudes, prime opportunity to really explore just how different the universes are, i mean, come on! 
additionally, it makes the ending seem like a queer ending with stephen and wong reiterating their love for e/o and continuing their cohabitation as they raise their teenage adoptive daughter together. like maybe marvel is saying queer-platonic relationships and aro-ace rights. (hahahahhahah as IF.) 
america chavez was the only ray of hope and the only good thing about this movie and that’s only because her character hasn’t had the time to be handled by 12 different pairs of hands and the mouse overlords’ meddling
also can i just say, 0 character growth all around, great job, guys! 
also also, did i miss an entire movie where mordo goes after stephen? no, so that was just supposed to be one of those things that happened in the interim that we just know because of dialogue. great. so, no emotional arc for stephen having to fight mordo, for the clash of their philosophies, for the consequences of stephen’s actions. 
wait, speaking of consequences, what the fuck were stephen’s consequences for no way home? did he have any? he almost fucked up the entire world on a teenager’s say so. like. i mean. it ended ok but ?????
some technical things: the score was overpowering, there was no room to breathe between moments, the effects gave me a damn headache, and there were some weird transitions thrown in that just felt.... one-note. one or two were cool from a story telling point of view but otherwise it was just. meh.  
tldr; the whole mcu is just like, “consequences? don’t know her” and the mcu multiverse is bland, convenience-based, arbitrary, and boring. also, this wasn’t a dr. strange movie, this was a “look shiny cgi, shiny multiverse, isn’t this fight scene cool? omg that’s professor x, look people from other marvel movies/media! how cool!, we’re self-referential! and COOL!” mess
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marchenmusika · 2 years
#ThankYouA3En Day 4: First Oshi/Current Oshi
I immediately fell in love with Yuki and I am still in love with Yuki.
Even at just his first appearance in act 1 episode 16, I already love him and knew that he will be my favorite. I like his character a lot. His sharp-tongue personality, the way he always stay true to himself despite the environment that surrounds him, his prodigious skill when it comes to making clothes and how he took pride in them. I always loved characters who breaks the stereotypes, I always aspire to be like them, and Yuki, is definitely one of the best examples of that. And just look at how cute and awesome he is, damn this boy really do be rocking anything (இ﹏இ`。)
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I still have a whole lot more reasons on why he’s my favorite and as much as I want to keep this short because I suck at writing, I’ve always been itching to share my opinion on A3 or just about anything to someone for a very long time, so I’ll be writing all my pent up thoughts on Yuki here and whoever is seeing this is free to ignore it (•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑✧
For me, he’s one of the strongest characters in the game and a tough nut to crack, not physically but his mentality is. He’s a character full of personality and depth, but he’s really mysterious at the same time, and I don’t mean his character setting, but because we never got to delve in deep into that ‘depth’.
Throughout the story we can see how all of them progresses. As their friendship grows and as they help each other up. All of them shared parts of their background or their own problems, this can also be said for the other troupes not just summer troupe. They all started opening up to each other, but Yuki was the only one who never really did. We never got a clear understanding of his background unlike the others. He never mentioned anything about his past aside from some small moments, like the fact they moved out and that he was Taichi’s first love, though Taichi was one who mentioned that. We do know that he experienced a lot of prejudice base on the scene where he had a small breakdown in front of Muku, which was probably the only time he did open up. But that’s just it, we never got to know more than that.
Each one of them got their own attention whenever it’s their turn to be the lead of a play. That’s what I meant by all them opening up to each other. The whole story and event will focus around the leading role, sometimes even the co-lead, and some sort of conflict will arise. Most of the time it’s their own personal problems and self-issue, and it’ll be about them facing it. We will get to know more about the character and by the end, the conflict will be solved with the help of others which leads to them having some development and changes in their characters. Since this (absolute mess of a blog) is centered on Yuki, I’ll only be limiting the examples to summer troupe. Though as much as I want to limit this only to the events that also happened in the A3 en, there will be some few mentions of some events has only happen in A3 jp that we’ve and we’ll never experience in the en server.
Starting with Tenma in Act 2. There he revealed his past experience with theater, and by the end of Act 2, you can see how he overcame that fear and the great development in his character especially as a leader. Misumi in Captain Sky Pirate. There we touch on Misumi’s feeling of loneliness, and his fear of forgetting his grandpa who have been the only one that didn’t abandon him. It got resolve in the end and in addition we got to see more of Misumi’s family issues which was later fixed in the story (I won’t go into detail about that, but Sky Pirate was srsly heartwarming). Muku in Floral Prince and Phantom Thief, there, his problems about the Track and Field club that he used to be part of and his low self-esteem was the main issues, It was resolved and you can also seen just how strong he grew because of those two events ( Both of which will never be experience in A3 En, I was rlly looking forward to Floral Prince, that event srsly made me cry T-T ). Kumon in Act 6, there the whole focus of the story was also his lack of confidence and that he gets nervous easily, which leads to his condition triggering. It was eventually dealt with, with the rest of summer troupe helping him and reassuring him throughout the story. Kazunari in Shinobi, there we got to see more of how Kazunari was in the past, the total opposite of the current Kazunari. Kazunari’s conflict is his trouble on making a decision and expressing his opinions, and honestly I think part of it was already resolved around some time in Act 2 and The Great Sardine Search, seeing as how he expressed his opinion on the costumes Yuki created. Then there’s Yuki.
During the Great Sardine Search, the problem was Yuki being in a slump and being too self-reliable. It was resolved in the end like the others, but there is still some differences. The others either got a huge character development or a disclosure of their past, however Yuki got neither. Compare to others whose changes can be seen in the events that happened later in the story, we never got to see any changes nor did we get know more about his past. Even as he accepts Kazunari’s help and realizes that it’s okay to ask for it, he never really did that much(except for when it comes to actual sewing, but that’s not the point^^). Instead the growth he had was that he became more reliable to others due to the experience of being the lead, but that doesn’t erase his real problem.
His tendency of carrying most of his responsibilities alone and how blunt he can be with his words proves that Yuki is still shutting himself off. He may have already accepted everyone as an important part of his life(and that is definitely the same for the others) that doesn’t mean that he has let down his walls, up until now there is still a barrier preventing the others from actually entering and knowing more about his life. Even as the current environment around him had started to know how to accept his true self, seeing as how he got himself some fanboys, he is still probably clouded by doubts and hesitations. Maybe some fear of what is to come if he does open up or probably the fear of letting anyone see him in his weakest point. Though looking back again to Muku and Yuki’s scene in act 2, if Yuki were to open up, Muku will probably be the first one he’ll confide to. Seeing as how Yuki had allowed himself to look weak in front of him despite his personality, shows that he had started to trust Muku. That at some point, now that he has finally found a place that accepted him for who he is, he also probably wants to let down the burden he carries even just for a second and let out what he feels.
In conclusion, we only know more or less about Yuki, and we know very little of what has transpired in his past, only that it centers around bullying due to him being part of the minority. It probably happened a lot to him and definitely not just the type of bullying that can be brush off. That what he has been through cause him to shut himself off to whoever tries to enter his life. So yeah, right now all we know is that Yuki has always been wearing an unseen armor ever since, but once again, that’s just that, we don’t know what lies behind that armor, the scars he bears, wounds that are still open, and if he had let down that armor for even just a second.
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This is what makes Yuki as one of the most mysterious character in the game, which is one of my many reasons of why I find Yuki’s character to be appealing and interesting. I’ve been thinking about this, but never really got to share it with anyone. Now that I was able to finally put it in words, I do hope it doesn’t come out as a mess, though at some part it’ll probably will. I’m not really good with words but I tried my best to put my thoughts together nicely. So I apologize for my unorganized writing and my weak vocabulary.
I really thought that around some time after the Muku and Yuki scene, Yuki’s background will be somewhat mention, so it was a little bit frustrating that it was never really explain. Don’t get me wrong though, I love every content about Yuki and how he just keeps on moving forward without letting anyone dictate him on how he should be, but this boy is still probably carrying whatever his past is and is still shutting himself. He just deserves to have all those weight off his shoulders, and as a Yuki stan, I’m also really curious about his life, it feels like what I know about the others is more than what I know about him. So I really hope one day, I’ll get to know more about his character depth ^∀^
Did I over analyze Yuki’s character? Maybe?? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Do I care? Nopey dopey ◝(⑅•ᴗ•⑅)◜..°♡
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hebescus · 3 years
so,,,some of you wouldn't mind some fic recs so here's me recommending my favorite lawlight fics you probably have read before but i ramble about it anyway. here you go :
and indeed there will be time (incomplete/abandoned?)
Soulmate AU where you stop aging at 18 until you meet your soulmate. I'd say this is my favorite fanfiction of all time. Seriously. Doesn't make me cry hard but makes me cry repeatedly. The emotions, the bitterweetness, the writing, the characterization, the yearning UGHH. It's just out of this world. Every morning I check on this fic in case it's not abandoned after all bcs I have more hope on an update of this fic than life itself.
white chocolate roses (completed) & romance (oneshot sequel)
AU where Light is a cardiologist and L is his terminally ill patient. I didn't know what I expected, but I did not expect crying so hard that i still cry sometimes when i think abt it. The characterization is AMAZING and don't get me started with the writing. If you can tell what's gonna happen just by looking at the description and you can't take heavy angst, I don't think this fic is for you (srsly if someone warn me i'd never read it). But the last paragraph of romance tho....
This is How I Disappear (completed)
Canon divergence where L wins and Light is executed. You might know about this one, as you should. It's a genfic, but holy shit FEELS. Pure pain and beautiful writing, amazing characterization and oh my poor little heart. Even the description of light's bedroom made me weep. The relationship between soichiro and light really hits hard. It also explores L's feelings towards light, and it's very very canon. Simply one of the best dn fanfiction out there, really.
(more under the cut bcs it's long)
Seeking His Hand (incomplete)
Historical AU where L is a gentry seeking Light's hands for marriage. Regency era hoes come get your juice. Seriously, I'd sell my left lung to read this fic for the first time again. It'll bring you so much happiness for being the most romantic lawlight fic ever, and is really good. It's in character as far as historical au can go. the sexual tension between this two oh my god I can't wait, this one is amazing.
Of Music (incomplete/abandoned?)
AU where Light is a stressed college student who loves orchestra shows and meets L, their relationship grows through every show they attend. There's a lot of complication but not too dramatic, it's like enemies to lovers and friends to lovers being mushed together perfectly. Very interesting and oh my god the sexual tension between them and the teasings...i can't even. Misa's only here for like 5 seconds but holy shit i want to marry her. Probs abandoned but you can see the last chapter as an ending or open ending at least.
sugar and pumpkin spice (oneshot)
The best lawlight coffee shop AU. Seriously, you'll love it. As you can tell, I'm a fluff person and this...this is my comfort fic. The one that makes me slam the table after reading and screamed "I WANT MORE OF THESE KIND OF SHIT". Really heartwarming, really sweet, probably not for everyone because of that, but it is def written for me.
Silver Bells (oneshot)
About L and Light spending a real fucking soft christmas day as a married couple. You know i have a certain weakness for ships being married AND christmas. It is a win win but very fucking underrated. I love that it still includes the kira past but don't specify the redemption (the way i love my fix it/happy canon divergence). This is just golden and domestic and soft and i cried reading and rereading it.
One Last Night (oneshot)
Divorce. That's it that's the plot. But oh it will break your heart, build it, and break it again. This one is just...beautiful. the wording...the characterization- the pain. I'm not feeling the best while writing this so...i dont want to explain further i ignore tw for this i almost say it's worth it but pls don't do that so just go read it yourself, it's 👌👌
Change Of Circumstances (oneshot)
Another comfort fic. About Light being a Wammy's kid, building a friendship with L over the years until they fall in love. Seriously, we(me) need more Wammy!Light. This one is just cute. I don't know what to say other than it's just sooo adorable how they build a really strong connection and then fall in love. Childhood friends to lovers isn't the best au for lawlight imo but this one nailed it.
Wedding Date (oneshot)
About L and Light in Sayu's wedding. It's romantic in a lawlight way yknow. I just can't describe it but this fic makes me feel good. I mean, what a dream, to be in a wedding date amirite? And damn the yagami siblings really love the english (yes im quoting a song).
so there you go...i really am rambling. they're my favorite favorite lawlight fics and i have MORE (oneshots bcs it's hard to read multichap these days). but lmk if you want another one. you can tell my fic taste in here lmao but yeah that's all for me exposing my sappy ass.
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nyanggk · 2 years
Mirai one of my very close moots (I think?) I don’t know what time of day you have while in typing this (it might for me rn) but I wanted to pop in again for the millionth time and say I’m just so grateful you are on here. No matter how annoying I may be you are always by my side and no matter how bad my works are you encourage me. Please don’t let these stupid people (aka hate anons) tell you otherwise. They are wrong they are hella wrong you are one of the sweetest people on here and I wanna cry every time we talk you’re just so sweet and kind I’ll melt. Although you don’t know my OCs groups you still encourage me and check them out when you want too anyways I’m writing this because I think you just need a positive message here and there and I’ll write one every day if I have too. Mirai I’m always here for you forever and always I’m so happy we’re moots and our interactions were just the best duo I swear. I love you so so so so much please never change thank you for being one of my moots and I’m so happy we can talk and catch up ❤️
bae you're legit my sweetest moot and yes, bijj don't even think about, I AM one of your closest moots🤬🥺 you aren't annoying and I will never find u annoying cause like I said, you're such a sweet and kind moot to me. I'm honestly in love with you🤩🥰 I'm so thankful that your always there to protect me as well even though I legit only got ONE hate anon, u immediately sent me sm love😭😭🤧 AND IM SORRY I DONT KNOW YOUR OCS RODKRKDOE IM ENHYPEN TRASH 😐🤡🌞
BUT SRSLY THO,,, luna thank you so much for sending this😭 this is so heartwarming and sweet that even though I'm sweating my balls off here bcs of how fucking hot the weather is, I'll still take this extra amount of warmth u give me🤧 I love you too and I hope u never change for the worst— only improve and grow as you age :3 ♡
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nautiscarader · 3 years
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Very adorable, very hug-filed Hanukkah/Christmas special :) Srsly, so heartwarming :)  
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rubypond · 2 years
I follow you because you leave the most heartwarming tags on my posts and you have impeccable taste that also reminds me of my dad's -- but in like a good way (srsly springsteen + batman + house you like...really hit the Liz's Dad Trifecta) idk your blog is just comforting in like the nicest way? you are a gem <3
Even before you specified that you meant it in a good way, I was already smiling in a Natie Sunflower Sunshine way 🥺☀️ This means so much coming from you since you've been my role model mutual for such a long time just!!!!! Every time you come to my inbox I feel the way Jo March would have felt if she got to interact with Shakespeare or Dickens jdjdkdkdkdkdk You're my perfectly bookish magical mutual with excellent taste in literature :') (see? BELLE!!!!)
Fun fact: Springsteen + Batman + House is the Jo's Mom Trifecta actually. She's the coolest person EVER, like the perfect mix of Lorelai and Blair which is a strange, but a very fun combo djdjdkkddkkd
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artsy-alice · 3 years
Ok...lemme just start with the fact that I absolutely adore you. Like srsly. Your fics are a blessing and SangCheng is so SOFT and I was crying throughout every single one of your fics. And wangji's friendship with a-sang is heartwarming and honestly i just lov evrything you write. can't wait for your nxt fic.
shajkfhjsa omg this is so sweet! thank you! <3 <3 <3
i’m glad you enjoy my fics! they are very self-indulgent and just... all feel-good mushy soft bc that’s what i like to read in these trying times hahahah
my next fic is umm snippets in a really vague AU kinda deal. it was one of those “i wanna write this scene between 2 characters but now i have to give it context and now it has a plot wtf” things haha!! it’s just passing ideas really. i hope to post it up soon! ^^)/
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mingyou · 7 years
will i ever shut the fuck up about gabe bondoc on this blog? the answer is no
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hargrieve · 3 years
hargrieve’s fic recs — january
I fell into Haikyuu!! hell and it is almost 100% the fault of @cherrytreebridge for egging me on. I’m trying to recommend recently-posted fic but I’ve also been reading a whole backlog of good fic from like 5-6 years ago, so send me an ask if you want older recs! also most of these writers are on twitter not tumblr so I can’t tag them rip
i might be a little tipsy on your love by @sirensokka
kiyoko/yachi + others mentioned: rated T+; 4k words; 1/1
hufflepuff yachi tries to use amortentia on ravenclaw quidditch captain kiyoko!!! cavity-inducing fluff ft. yachi’s social awkwardness and soft yamaguchi as her bff
you guys it was so cute
in arcadia by keishn
iwaoi + some iwa/kageyama + side ships; rated M; 100k words; 18/18
black mirror nosedive au! where people are ranked out of five according to their social status. your literal social rank determines your place in society and the places where you’re allowed to go
bulk of the story happens nine years after pre-timeskip canon. oikawa (rated 4.9) is on the japanese volleyball team, while iwa owns a physical therapy practice with daichi. iwaoi are estranged and oikawa is trying to invite iwa to his wedding with the girl he ditched iwa for.
VERY GOOD CHAPTER FIC. clean and consistent writing that focuses on the iwaoi emotional arc. also they *just* updated the final chapter a few weeks ago
pivot step by strawhatmikans
kagehina; rated Gen; 7k words; 1/1
high school lacrosse au! hinata has an acl injury but he’s practicing with kageyama over the summer anyway
beautiful gorgeous spectacular heartwarming heartbreaking prose; this fic made me yearn for summer and sports and high school
Unfortunately No (But Actually Yes) by Kicon @kiconwrites​
tananoya; rated E; 10k words; 1/8
tanaka walks in on noya jerking off (and catches feels?) 😳
the author characterizes both tanaka and noya so well!! like srsly that’s exactly how it feels to be in tanaka’s head probably
they just published the first chapter and it is very good so far
Haikyuu!!/Legend of Korra fusion
(and a special shout-out for this, which was based on some twitter discourse I was involved in! exciting stuff)
Selfless to a Fault by spoonfuIIofsuga
main character kita; rated G; 2k words; 1/1
kita is a nonbender from an airbending family, and osamu, atsumu, and suna are a team of probenders
a kita shinsuke character study in the post-legend of korra universe, and she writes him so beautifully
definitely recommend this one if you like korra and atla/lok
as usual, this series is pretty much a secondary bookmarks page for myself, but I do think these authors deserve for so many other people to read their work and I hope I can get just one person to click on one of these recs :)
send me more recs!
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xxskycrystalxx · 4 years
Mystic Pop Up Bar Thoughts - Ep. 12 [FINAL]
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Ahh, the last episode of MPUB has aired, and I’ve finished it with a heavy heart, filled with emotions. The last episode has basically answered all the questions, theories, and hopes that we had, and ended the drama off as a masterpiece. I was going to right a full on review of MPUB, but I think my thoughts are enough review, so I’ll end off my last thoughts of MPUB with a small review.
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In the beginning of ep.12 it gave us more insight on the sacred tree, and further solidified the fact that Kang Bae IS Weol-Joo & Chief Gwi’s child. I wanted to see a bit more of the sacred tree, but we get what we get. Anyways, the sacred tree is rlly powerful and gave Won-hyung a run for his money in like .0001 seconds, the sacred tree clapped back! After the confrontation with Won-hyung, Chief Gwi & Weol-Joo bring Kang Bae back to his house, and Weol-Joo drops the baby bomb on Chief Gwi. His reaction is definitely not surprising, and his emotions are called for. I mean imagine finding out that you did have a child with the person you loved, but stuff went sideways and basically realizing that they’ve been there the whole time. After realizing that they’re both the parents of Kang Bae, their parenting radar went up, becoming protective parents, parenting 101. Then, of course, Won-hyung comes to mess everything up and kidnaps Kang Bae, while the whole squad puffs up and is ready to rescue him. Yeo-Rin stepped up big time and was being a g, while Chief Gwi, cool as always, brought out his glave and wreaked havoc with it. Can I just say tho, Chief Gwi is serving them looks. Give Choi Won-Young an Oscar, cuz he did an absolute stellar job as Chief Gwi. Once again tho, the drama showed off some amazing CGI effects and choreography! The fight between Chief Gwi & all the possessed people, was cool to watch + the fight with Won-hyung, and of course, cue the catchy action themed music to make it all the more epic! He was just completely bad*** in this episode!
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Then here comes the angst, like HEAVY angst. When Kang Bae was confronting Won-hyung we learn that he already knows that he is Weol-Joo & Chief Gwi’s child. I was a bit surprised at first that Kang Bae knew, but then he said he knew after he fainted and I realized that, that was the same for Chief Gwi’s mother. So it made sense. Then Won-hyung put him in the dream world so he would be able to exterminate him, while Chief Gwi & Weol-Joo are trying to protect Kang Bae from the outside, with Chief Gwi dying in the process. He’s done so much already, and here he goes getting impaled by his very own glave, protecting the ones he loves. Ouch. Uh like excuse me, I didn’t ask to be hurt like this. Out comes the waterworks. Then there’s that “I love you” confession before Chief Gwi died, and that hit HARD. Like I cried more on this scene than the other scenes I cried on. But srsly, you writers should’ve given them more happy moments together before they got ripped apart from each other and making us all sad over it 😞 He didn’t even say I love you back tho, what blasphemy!!!
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Going into Kang Bae’s dreamworld, Won-hyung is pushing Kang Bae over the edge when mama Weol-Joo comes in, real pissed. I mean the man she loves just died in front of her, and her child’s life is being threatened, who wouldn’t? She tried to push Won-hyung down, but he got a grip on her and dragged her with him, not before Kang Bae managed to grab onto Weol-Joo’s hand. The way Kang Bae was just crying and finally said “mom,” well thanks for that arrow. Weol-Joo letting go and falling into the darkness was just messed up, and my heart broke for this separated family. 🥺😭
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Then some time passed, Kang Bae still not over the fact that Chief Gwi & Weol-Joo is gone, but I’m glad Yeo-Rin was there to help him through it and provide comfort and love. I was really hoping for a happy ending for the three of them, and my wish was answered. Weol-Joo was back, and plot twist! It was her grudge that was solved, and was able to fulfill the 100,000 grudges quota, and honestly that was a good move, so good job writers! Yeomradaewang came through, and wanted to reward Weol-Joo with someone that a) took her punishment unconditionally & b) rescued her from the void/darkness. Can you guys guess who it is? MY BOI CHIEF GWI 🙌🏻 He comes in with a smile on his face and his arms open wide. The hug was the best reunion I could ask for, we don’t always need a kiss to make a couple/ship work or show how strong they are. The way they connect, work with one another, actions, and sacrifices is what proves their love for one another. Get a love story like this. Precious bby’s 💕 Also, this is just my way of interpreting how Chief Gwi was able to come back, but in the end, it talks about how the heavens can be moved by even little things, and honestly, I’m pretty sure all the self-sacrificing Chief Gwi did, was what changed their minds, and they were moved by his love and determination to keep his loved ones safe and being good to his promises.
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Their reunion was so heartwarming to see, the way Chief Gwi & Weol-Joo look at Kang Bae, like the adorable and loving parents they are, and Kang Bae is like “I’m home.” Ugh, my heart 😣❤️ I cried a bit here too, but who wouldn’t am I right? 😂 It was a good and happy ending, that I’ll take, and I’m glad the writers were able to do these characters justice and bring about MPUB to what it was.
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Btw, is it just me or did I not see this scene like anywhere in the last episode? I wonder if it’s a deleted scene or if I really just missed it in a blink of an eye, but Chief Gwi with those sunglasses... 😳 Just hits differently you know?
Anyways, wrapping up, MPUB was an overall amazing drama from start to finish. It had me engrossed from the first episode to the last episode, and the attachment I have with the three characters is saying a lot for me, since I don’t get attached as much. The only times I get attached to a drama and their characters is because I rlly rlly like it, and because I like it, it grows on me. The OST’s, cinematography, CGI effects, characters, story, and basically everything else was well done and crafted! The writers did an amazing job on the story, and being able to deliver plot twists and revelations that actually make sense, and for the actors and actresses that were able to make the drama for what it is. I mean, just spectacular performance to the main actors/actresses, especially Choi Won-Young! I’m really going to miss MPUB. It made me sad, happy, relieved, thoughtful, and surprised all at the same time. Chief Gwi & Weol-Joo is my fav couple at the moment, and them with Kang Bae is the most adorable and loving family ever, our found family/chaotic family trio. The only thing I’ll complain about is the fact that there was only 12 episodes. In all honesty, I rlly wouldn’t mind if there was a second season. I also wish they explored the sacred tree a bit more, and gave us a scene or two of Weol-Joo & Kang Bae finding out that Chief Gwi took her punishment instead, but that’s just me nitpicking out of an amazing drama. It was a wonderful journey to go through while watching MPUB, and I’m also thankful for the MPUB fandom. So very wholesome and filled with lovely people! Thanks to all who have read my thoughts and enjoyed my content! 💕
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