kawaiidoodles95-blog · 9 months
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narkonianews · 10 months
Londoneri (londonske štanglice) VIDEO RECEPT kako napraviti
Londoneri (londonske štanglice) VIDEO RECEPT kako napraviti Vreme praznika je jedno od najlepših perioda za kolače i brojne slatke đakonije. Jedan od kolača vrednih pomena su i londoneri. Lepog izgleda i još lepšeg ukusa, sa puno oraha, nema koga neće ostaviti bez daha. Predstavljamo vam recept za londonske štanglice (londonere). Potrebno vam je malo vremena za pripremu, a napravićete fenomenalnu…
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sadsoftserve · 6 months
You can't tell me he's on a cheer team and not expect me to do smth abt it
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I need more flamethrower content Jello. Where is he? Where's my boy????
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pseudo-satisfaction · 2 months
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marclef · 1 year
i made my beautiful son out of minky fabric
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look at him.
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oldsardens · 10 days
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Anna Stangl - Schläferin mit Hund
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terminusantequem · 2 years
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Reinhard Stangl (German, b. 1950), Inside, 1994. Mixed media on canvas, 190 x 240 cm
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gregor-samsung · 11 months
" Nella lettera del 1963 scritta al figlio di Eichmann, dopo il processo e la condanna a morte di suo padre in Israele, Anders, nel tentativo di andare alle radici di quella mostruosità che fu lo sterminio di sei milioni di ebrei, scrive: «L’inadeguatezza del nostro sentire non è un semplice difetto fra i tanti; non è neppure soltanto peggiore del fallimento della nostra immaginazione o della nostra percezione; essa è invece addirittura peggiore delle peggiori cose che sono già accadute; e con questo voglio dire che essa è persino peggiore dei sei milioni [di morti della Shoah]. Perché? Perché è questo fallimento che rende possibile la ripetizione di queste terribilissime cose; ciò che facilita il loro accrescersi; ciò che probabilmente rende addirittura inevitabili questa ripetizione e questo aumento. Infatti a incepparsi non sono solo i sentimenti dell'orrore, della stima o della compassione, bensì anche il sentimento della responsabilità. Per quanto possa sembrare infernale, anche per quest’ultimo valgono le medesime cose che valevano per l’immaginazione e la percezione: esso si fa tanto più debole quanto più aumenta l’effetto a cui miriamo o che abbiamo già raggiunto; diventa cioè uguale a zero. E questo significa che il nostro meccanismo d’inibizione si arresta del tutto non appena si sia superata una certa grandezza massima. E poiché vige questa regola infernale, ora il ‘mostruoso’ ha via libera» [G. Anders, Wir Eichmannsöhne, 1964]. L’esperimento nazista – non per la sua crudeltà, ma per l’irrazionalità che scaturisce dalla perfetta razionalità di un’organizzazione che cresce su se stessa al di fuori di ogni orizzonte di senso, dove, come nel caso di Stangl, “sterminare” assume il semplice significato di “lavorare” – può essere assunto come quell'evento che segna l’atto di nascita dell'età della tecnica. "
Umberto Galimberti, Il libro delle emozioni, Feltrinelli (collana Serie bianca), settembre 2021. [Libro elettronico; corsivi dell’autore]
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staydandy · 2 years
Island (2022-2023) - 아일랜드 - Whump List
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List by StayDandy Synopsis : Evil took its first step to destroy the world. On the mysterious Jeju Island, Ban, a mix of human and monster; Won Mi Ho, the one in the center of fate; and Johan, the one who exercises God's power, come together. A strange, yet captivating, action-packed exorcism fantasy in which they fight evil, share the fate of saving the world, and defy their own. (P1: MDL, P2: MDL)
Whumpee : Ban/Van played by Kim Nam Gil (left) • Johan / Kang Chan Hyuk played by Cha Eun Woo (right)
Country : 🇰🇷 South Korea Genres : Action, Thriller, Horror, Fantasy
Notes : This is a Full Whump List for both Parts 1 & 2 (it was seriously wholly unnecessary for them to split it into 2 parts) • Adapted from the webtoon "Island" (아일랜드) written by Yoon In Wan (윤인완) and illustrated by Yang Kyung Il (양경일). • Ban is almost an immortal being - he has the ability to self-heal. I did not include moments when Ban heals immediately & doesn't show pain; like it didn't even remotely bother him .. I don't really count stuff like that as whump ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Episodes on List : 6 Total Episodes : 12 (6 per Part)
*Spoilers below*
Part 1 : 04 : Johan is strangled … Ban is tied up, the restraints burn him … Johan is choked
05 : … continued from previous ep. ... Choked … Ban stabs his own arm
06 : Johan is thrown against a wall … Ban is hit by a fireball, choked against a wall … collapses, coughs up blood.. passes out … Johan is stabbed ( ? or rather, punched through his stomach), thrown against a wall, coughing up blood
Part 2 : 04 : Ban is in a fight, spits blood.. stabbed in the back
05 : Johan is in a fight; coughs up blood, choked … found, hanging pierced through the chest on a broken piece of steel, bleeding heavily, passes out
06 : Bandaged, on a ventilator, nightmare of being beat in the fight … Ban is stabbed … (YAS!! I've been waiting for some bad-ass Johan!! Go get 'em!) Johan, still heavily bandaged, joins the fight, gains new wounds throughout … Ban forces his way through a magical barrier that continuously hurts/burns him … stabbed through the chest … killed/destroyed by the magical barrier successfully being built … Johan now wears a hearing aid after his hearing was damaged during the fight
More Whump Lists for this show: love-me-a-lotta-whump
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kawaiidoodles95-blog · 9 months
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Gangle in the background: “Whoa this looks like something out of the ‘alpha’ fanfics I read :D.”
Bro this version of Stampy actually looks pretty epic.
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Harvey woke up in an abandoned barn with a court mask on and blood covering his hands.
He woke up. With blood. On his hands.
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waywardtyrantpirate · 2 months
Tw: attempted murder, overdose, strangling, child death
I was attempted murdered for being disabled as a young kid by my own mother. I'm angry, im pissed. I'm still processing. I can't fucking get over how I was almost murdered for what? Ugh, there's no fucking reasorces for this shit.
I've looked everywhere for support groups for people who've been attempted murdered by their parents but nothing.
There's no fucking help. There's no advise. I can't afford a therapist. I can't even fucking afford my medication.
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picote · 6 months
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Germany, 2024 // designer: Katrin Stangl.
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murmansea · 2 years
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Katrin stangl
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oldsardens · 8 months
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Heinz Stangl - Flotsam
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fundieshaderoom · 1 year
Which Fundies Share Your Birthday: January 14
@mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn requested Jan 14 in my comments! You share a birthday with these fundies and fundie adjacents!
Lucille Houston (1985)- daughter-in-law of Brian Houston
Shiloh Ballinger (2008)- little sister of Bobby Ballinger
Wedding Anniversaries:
Emily Haight and Justus Stangl (2023)
Nathan and Zephyr Pearl (2001)
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