#stapler bullet
shirozen · 9 months
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A staple danger with every drop
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nosecondivelived · 11 months
having two different penknifes forcibly taken from you by two different friends on two different occasions has got to be top 10 most humiliating shit imaginable
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sarascamander · 4 months
Five's ability to displace objects is so underrated!! Like in s1 where he replaced the gun with stapler at the robbery scene and displaced the bullet in The Handler's gun before she could shoot him. And season 3 when he displaced that wire after Lila electrocuted him. I really would like to see that ability being utilized more, it would've been so useful.
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hana-no-seiiki · 2 years
Hi! I love your work and was wondering what you thought of platonic/romanitc yandere batfamily with a reader who's like five hargreeves???
My first request! Although I have not watched Umbrella Academy I’ll try my best to fulfill your wishes Anon (via research and several clips of this man-child). Advanced apologies for any inconsistencies.
Honestly seeing all these clips makes me want to watch the show itself so I’ll be doing that after posting this fic.
TW/CW: Yandere themes of violence, creepiness, overprotectiveness, manipulation. Uh mention of Tim and Damian creaming in their suits-
current status: unedited
In this version of events there is no Reginald Hargreeves and siblings (thus no Umbrella Academy as a whole) instead you were plucked from your biological mother by Bruce himself and adopted as a Wayne.
You were the youngest sibling, often called “Five” as a nickname.
Having dangerous abilities such as well- the power to manipulate space and time. Bruce was incredibly strict with his training and rules, but he knew not to push you too far. He has learnt from his experiences with your brothers.
Because of that you grew up pretty egotistical, sassy and cynical — not to mention pretty spoiled.
You’d often dangle your powers over Damian, who had become your rival throughout the years.
He, in turn, would slap you back with the fact that you’re adopted.
And boy did it take a lot of convincing from your father to not go back in time and smother the damn demon-spawn with a pillow when he was still a baby.
Otherwise your relationship with them is very much a typical sibling’s one. With the exception of their overprotectiveness that is real bad (You were surprised to see Damian in the mix as well. Was your brother a masochist of some sort?) and due to your powers and everyone’s overall occupations, a lot more violent.
They will try to sabotage any and all relationships you have whether it’s romantic or platonic.
But, jokes on them, you can just go back in time and stop anything bad from happening.
Really, you can’t help but laugh at their shenanigans.
Like whenever you see Dick disguised as a waiter trying to drug your date but it somehow ends up with him on the floor frothing at the mouth.
Or during this one time Jason tried shooting a friend of yours but found himself with a bullet up his ass instead. That is if you were feeling a little more sadistic than usual, you mostly switch his guns out for staplers.
You made sure to help him patch up though. As much as they were cockblockers, they were still family.
In conclusion, as much as the Batfam are capable superheroes/vigilantes I’m pretty sure they can’t really beat a trained space-time manipulator.
Bruce created a monster and he ain’t stopping it himself anytime soon.
“[Y/N] Wayne. You have to stop throwing your older brother around.” Bruce scolds you for the nth time this week. Though you knew better than any one else within the mansion you were in that is far as he’ll go with his actions.
“If this is about Tim— he was looking through my search history again, and my gallery, and not to mention every damn file I have on my computer—“
“Look, I was just checking up on you—“ Tim’s voice comes from the intercomms. Only to be cut off by a gasp.
From your brief blink in-and-out of existence, Bruce just knows it’s you slamming the poor boy’s face on a keyboard or something.
“I wonder if it’s too late to get unadopted.”
“Where’d you go?”
“The future. It’s shit by the way.”
You, much like the original Five Hargreeves, are a 50 something year-old person stuck in a young adult’s body as a result of fucking up the space time continuum too much.
You have the same origins as well, being born from a butcher who had shown no signs of pregnancy and being adopted by Reginald Hargreeves.
Let’s say you and your siblings were well known but after you disappeared, they all mysteriously died if not vanish like you as well.
You had close ties with the Teen Titans and were planning to join them after you’d master your powers of time manipulation. However that unfortunately didn’t happen.
In any case, you meet up with one of the only heroes you knew years ago and that happened to be Batman and his sidekick, Robin.
Except… it seemed that Batman was way older and Robin had already been replaced three times. The Robin you were friends now calls him Nightwing.
You bring news of the apocalypse and ask them to aid you in searching for your siblings.
Unbeknownst to you, Dick had been searching for you all over since your disappearance. It had partly been the reason why he chose to become his own independent hero so he already had a lead on where to look.
You meet the rest of the Batfam, who grow to enjoy your sassy, witty personality.
To Bruce, you were like a reminder of things before the trauma he’s had to face with his sons. In addition to that, you were roughly the same age mentally so having another “grown up” with him, albeit one that’s more chaotic, was definitely helpful.
To Jason, you were exciting. He’s seen people with powers before but none that seemed so elegant yet ruthless. You were mesmerizing in battle but your softer sides where you’d remind him of the life he has ahead of him and to take care, was even more captivating.
To Damian and Tim, you took a more obvious parental approach. Which was odd coming from someone close to their age in appearance. Unlike Jason who enjoys more of your soft side they enjoy the side of you that’s uncaring of those in your way.
And when they see you covered in blood after a heated fight? Absolutely gorgeous.
(They may or may not be creaming in their suits)
Now in the case of dear old Dickey, who has been helping you out investigating your disappearance. You two grew a lot closer. Even more so than before.
To him you were gone for almost 2 decades and to you it was twice that time. Still time didn’t stop you two from reconnecting quickly.
He takes the first step in asking you out. His brothers and father aren’t exactly discreet when it comes to their feelings so he (very reluctantly) lets them have a piece of you by moving back to Gotham for good.
In this timeline, Dolores (the mannequin) exists cause yes. So they don’t really have any real competition to fight with.
They are some times where Damian, Jason, and Dick want to destroy the thing for being so precious to you though.
In any case, like I said in the Platonic timeline. Not many things can go against Time/Space manipulation so if they want to take away your abilities or overpower it’s going to be a hard task to go through.
They much rather manipulate and/or coax you to not use it against their desires.
In time, you’ll be the perfect darling and partner in heroism for the batfam 💜
Hope you liked this Anon and thank you for requesting!
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greynatomy · 1 year
Who The Hell Are you?
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Yelena Belova x Fem!Reader
This is a chapter from my wattpad book that I haven’t had any motivation writing from, but is one of my favorite chapters so I wanted to share it on here.
I changed my oc’s name to yn so if you see a name that’s not natasha or yelena then that was my oc.
Let me know what you think!
Standing in the kitchen, Yelena hears someone trying to pick the lock on the front door.
“I know you’re out there.” She says to the person on the other side of the door.
“I know you know I’m out here.” She hears a woman’s voice muffled by the door.
The door opens, then slams shut. Yelena grabs her gun, waiting for the woman to come closer.
“Then why are you skulking about like it’s a minefield?” She asks, pointing the gun in front of her.
“‘Cause I don’t know if I can trust you.”
Chuckling, “Funny, I was going to say the same thing.”
“So, we gonna talk like grown-ups?”
Turning the corner, Yelena points the gun at the woman. “Is that what we are?”
Both women point the gun at each other, Yelena slowly walks backwards as Natasha walks forwards.
“Put it down before I make you.”
“You put yours down.” Natasha replies.Yelena trips, “Watch you step.” Yelena chuckles softly.
Standing in the middle of the kitchen, They both grab the others’ gun, quickly pointing it back at each other.
Yelena and Natasha are now impatient, starts kicking each other. Yelena grabs Natasha and slams her to the walls. Switching it up, Natasha then grabs Yelena’s face and lifts her up to crash into the cabinet over the sink. Pushing her face down, Natasha tries to get her to stop fighting.
“Stay down. Stay down. Stay down!”
Letting out a scream, Yelena grabs a plate and smashes it on Natasha’s head. Grabbing a towel, it quickly gets wrapped around her neck, but uses it to her advantage to flip Natasha over her into a door breaking the glass.
Slowly getting up, staring at each other to intimidate, Yelena grabs a knife from the kitchen and stalks towards Natasha.
Trying to find something to use, Natasha sees a stapler and grabs it just before Yelena swings the knife at her. Swinging their desired weapons at each other, the take turns, blow for blow, kick for kick, hoping one would give up.
Both weapons quickly get disarmed by the other, Yelena tackles Natasha into the wall, Natasha grabbing the curtains off its rod and wraps it around Yelena’s neck, Yelena doing the same to Natasha after dropping her on the floor.
Both laying on the floor, cutting off each other’s breathing, Yelena being the stubborn one, won’t give up first.
“перемирие.” Truce. Natasha says, holding a hand out.
Letting go, Yelena gasps for air, unwrapping the curtain from her neck. Both laying on the floor for a bit, Yelena tries to catch her breath.
“ты вырос.” You’ve grown up.
“Ни хрена.” No shit. Yelena says, getting up from the floor. She walks to the kitchen, grabbing the vodka from the refrigerator and some shot glasses.
“You had to come to Budapest, didn't you?” Natasha asks, following Yelena.
“I came here because I thought you wouldn’t. But since you’re here, what bullet does that?” Yelena asks pouring some shots, then pointing at the wall.
Natasha looks behind her. “Not bullets. Arrows.”
“Ah, right.” She says, taking a shot.
“If you didn’t think I’d come here, why’d you send me these?” Natasha ask, putting the familiar bunch of vials on the table.
“You brought it back here?” Yelena walks away, Natasha following closely behind.
“I’m not here trying to be your friend, but you need to tell me what that is.”
“It’s a synthetic gas. The counter agent to chemical subjugation. The gas immunizes the brain’s neuropathways from external manipulation.” She explains, grabbing a bag.
“Maybe in English next time?”
“Это противоядие от контроля над разумом.” It’s an antidote to mind control.
“настоящая зрелая.” Real mature. Natasha replies, rolling her eyes.
“Why don’t you take it to one of your super-scientist friends? They can explain it to you. Tony Stark, maybe?” She asks, packing her bag with clothes and weapons.
“Oh, yeah. We’re not really talking right now, so…”
“Great. Perfect timing. Where’s an Avenger when you need one?”
“I don’t want to be here. I’m on the run. You could’ve gotten me killed.”
“Well, what was I supposed to do? You’re the only superhero person that I know.”
Suddenly, they both hear the front door open and close. Natasha quickly puts a new shirt on, grabbing a gun, while Yelena freezes, wide-eyed.
“Yelena Belova!” They both hear. Natasha points the gun at the door.
“Дерьмо.” Shit. Yelena grabs Natasha’s gun, lowering it. Natasha looks confused as to why Yelena looks nervous and not grabbing a weapon.
“Что, черт возьми, ты сделал?” What the hell did you do? Yelena starts to chew on her bottom lip, not moving from where she’s standing. “Лучше тащи свою задницу сюда, прямо сейчас.” You better get you ass over here, right now.
Yelena slowly walks out the door, to the kitchen, Natasha quietly follows behind, still being alert.
“Привет дорогая.” Hi, sweetheart.
“Не говори мне "Привет, дорогая". Что случилось?” Don't 'Hi, sweetheart' me. What happened? Yn irritatedly asks, hands on both of her hips.
“Well, you see, it was not all my fault.”
“Oh, yeah? Enlighten me. Who else did this?”
“She did.” Yelena says, pointing at the wall behind her.
“Funny. No one is there.”
“Wha-” She looks behind her not seeing Natasha. “Come out from behind the wall.”
Natasha slowly walks from the other side of the wall, revealing herself.
“Ah, Natasha Romanoff.” Yn scans her up and down. “Do you usually come to peoples homes and destroy things?” She sarcastically asks.
Yelena let’s out a snort, seeing Natasha shrink from Yn’s intimidating gaze.
“Uh, well, n-no.” Clearing her throat, Natasha puts her tough act back in front and asks, “Who the hell are you?”
“Yelena, it is very rude to not introduce me.” She says, poring herself two shots of vodka, downing each, right after the other. Natasha looks at Yelena, hoping to get an answer.
Yelena let’s put a loud sigh. “Natasha meet Yn… my wife.”
“I know. I can’t believe I married her either.” Yn say, walking up to Yelena to give her a peck on the cheek.
“Замолчи.” Shut up. She says, rolling her eyes, letting a small smirk show. “Okay, we are getting distracted.” Yelena says, becoming serious again. Turning back to Natasha, “I kept checking the news, expecting to see Captain America bringing down the Red Room.”
“What?” Natasha asks, shocked. “Taking down the Red Room? What are you talking about? It’s been gone for years. Dreykov’s dead. I killed him.”
Letting out a small laugh, “You don’t actually believe that, do you?” Yn asks. Seeing the look on Natasha’s face, she turns to Yelena, “She really does believe that.”
“Dreykov’s dead. It took almost destroying the entire city just to get to him.”
“If you’re so sure, then tell us what happened. Tell us exactly.”
“We rigged bombs.”
“Who’s ‘we’?”
“Clint Barton. Killing Dreykov was the final step in the deflection to S.H.I.E.L.D.”
Nodding and shrugging, “Simple as that?”
“Yeah, sure, ‘simple.’” She states, walking away from the couple. “That’s what I’d call imploding a five-story building and then shooting it out with the Hungarian Special Forces. Took ten days in hiding before we could even get out of Budapest.”
“And you checked the body?” Yelena asks, grabbing a gun off the floor, stuffing it in her pants. “Confirmed the kill?”
“There was no body left to check.”
“Oh, come on. You’re Natasha Romanoff. THE BLACK WIDOW and you don’t do something as simple as making sure he is actually dead. A body does not just disappear.” After a moment of silence, “You’re also forgetting about Dreykov’s daughter.”
The three of them freeze, hearing muffled footsteps. The ceiling suddenly explodes, creating a hole. Yelena snatches the vials, stuffing them in her bag. Yn follows her, pushing them both to the wall.
Widows are flooding into the door. Carefully peaking around the corner, Yelena sees two Widows jump down from the hole they created in the ceiling. Running across the room to a different room, Natasha grabs them both and slams them into the wall. Yelena reaches and turns the knob, making all the lights explode.
Momentarily distracted, Natasha, Yelena, and Yn take down a couple windows and makes a run out the front door. Peaking to see the other Widows, Natasha hides behind a wall as they start to shoot at her, same with Yelena. Yn grabs a grenade from Yelena’s bag and throws it downstairs to the Windows.
Running up the stairs Natasha asks, “Where are we trying to get?”
“Motorbike! East side of the building.” Yelena answers.
Jumping out the window, onto the roof, the trio try to run as fast as they could to the motorbike. Jumping and sliding down the roof. Finding a metal pole thing, Yelena quickly unlatches some screws and pushes her foot on the side of the roof, to disconnect it.
A Widow that has been chasing them jumps off the roof and onto the pole, slipping, but Natasha grabs onto her.
“I got you!” However, the Widow grabs her knife and slices Natasha’s hand, making her let go, so she falls. “No!”
The pole crashes to the side of the building, Yn and Yelena crashes into a window as Natasha falls off the side, crashing into the vents in the way.
Yelena groans and slowly gets up, using the wall for support. She limps over to where her wife is laying. “Yn, hey. Are you okay?”
“Lena, yeah. We have to go.”
Running down the stairs, out the door to where Natasha is, Yelena and Yn come to an abrupt stop, seeing her standing over a dead Widow.
Putting the vial back with the other’s being too late to free her, “Do you believe us now?” Yelena softly asks.
“How many others?”
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Me every time I read about Yves
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Bro, he made me fall in love, I like to overshare a lot so mf would have a FEILD DAY on me just telling him all my deepest, darkest secrets plus my entire childhood to present, hell, I'll even gift him all my pics from early childhood to ones I take some time with friends or when I feel good about myself 😭
You when every time Yves is within 10 feet of you:
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And he will have a field day listening to you, secretly going feral under his calm demeanor when you hand him deluxe edition media pieces of his obsession and hyper fixation (you). While you divulge all your embarrassing childhood secrets to Yves, he would hold you close and give your arms an assuring squeeze whenever he senses that you're beginning to think that you may have said too much.
It will subconsciously make you continue and erase the silly doubt in your head that you're bothering him with your blabbering. His smile will tell you that you're doing quite the opposite, you're such a sweet, sweet blessing to him.
If you're very observant and mentally strong enough to escape his mental spells, you will realize that you couldn't find anything that tells the time around you. His wristwatch is nowhere to be seen and anything that is used to digitally display the time (i.e., computers, phones, etc) will stop working. The blinds will be closed and there will not be any windows where you can peer out of and see the sun setting. Analog clocks will have their hands frozen in time, you wouldn't realize that an extraordinary amount of time has passed. Yves doesn't want you to realize that, he wants more of you, more of your voice and little adorable mannerisms that come with your chattiness.
He would coo praises and reward you with more kisses than you can count when you presented your collection of pictures that he already has copies of. But you didn't need to know that, he's welcoming of any and every gift from you- it's even higher in quality because it's the original. They will be displayed in a special segment of his underground museum for no one else to see.
Yves would feverishly update his database after putting you to sleep, secretly doing tiny hops of joy and clasping his hands close to his heart whenever he connected an observation of your behavior to a secret, expression of your thoughts, or an anecdote you told him prior. It's like solving a sentient, breathing, biological puzzle for him, and he loves puzzles. Not as much as he loves you, though- nothing comes close.
He would find he needed another hard drive or two, more writing pens, more printing paper, stapler bullets, folders and many more printer ink cartridges the next day.
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iamthekaijuking · 2 years
Even after 2 years I still see people getting a little confused over what happens in Godzilla Singular point, so I thought I’d explain some stuff.
Archetype is obviously a fictional material, but one made using our current understanding of the universe, which means that the existence of something with pretty similar properties isn’t exactly something we can confidently say doesn’t exist.
It’s specifically a 4 or 5 dimensional particle, which means it occupies length, width, height, and time. This is why there’s a lot of “time” stuff going on in the series. Materials made from it pull energy (electrons or photons… it’s not exactly specified I don’t think) from either the past or future to the present.
However, archetype also punches holes to other universes like wormholes punch through space between 2 locations, like a stapler connecting paper. So areas occupied by archetype particles punch through universes and time; I.E. the “Singular Points”. This is what likely makes it slightly 5D.
This means that the kaiju in the show are animals that at least partially occupy 4D and 5D space and likely originate from different universes, and need archetype to power their bodies. They also likely occupy multiple universes at once and some can manipulate archetype to an extent, like Anguirus looking through forth dimensional space to predict bullet projectory. Their 3 dimensional forms are, or at least partially are, “shadows” cast by their higher dimensional bodies like our 3 dimensional bodies cast 2D shadows.
Godzilla itself is a 5D animal with so much mastery over archetype that it functions like the supercomputer in the show. Pulling particles from the past and the future to fuel its atomic breath, existing in hundreds of universes at once, using archetype to “re-roll” whenever it makes a mistake and re-manifesting at another place and time in the multiverse, and merging and distorting universes intersecting within the red dust cloud he occupies to suit his gluttonous wants.
The Orthogonal Diagonalizer works by taking away the higher dimensional properties of archetype and forcing it into a 3D existence.
So basically the plot of Godzilla Singular Point is about autistic nerds stopping a greedy 5th dimensional theropod from fucking up the multiverse by neutralizing its pop rocks.
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object-obsession · 17 days
Mario franchise > multiple characters throughout the video games
Inanimate Object Characters List | Entry: 51
I have played plenty of Mario games (far from all, but I'm a not-so-often-gaming gamer in general) and I've been a huge fan of some of them, so naturally, I would not forget about the eligible characters from the Mario universe. However, since it is a franchise so immense, I doubt if I have even come across all of these characters. Thus, I will put all characters I know in this list and add new ones if I find them.
Please notify me if you find a character is/characters are misses.
Also, I'm skipping food characters, so Goomba etcetera don't count.
And to save space, I'm not adding the video games' cover images.
Now let's begin.
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Characters: Bullet Bill, Torpedo Ted, Banzai Bill, Chain Chomp
The Bullet Bill family (bullets) and Chain Chomp (wrecking ball) are definitely eligible for this list. Funny thing is that I actually had Bullet Bill as one of my most favourite Mario enemies before I actively realized it was, once again, an object. It may have been at that point that I concluded that it's not even a conscious preference. Haha.
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Characters: Thwomp, Whomp, Wallop, Walleye
These are guys made out of stone, so they are not actual objects, but they are sentient regularly inanimate "things", so I'm adding them.
The mighty Whomp King (with the design he got in Super Mario Galaxy 2) was my favourite among these. I once started writing a story about him (may still finish that one day). Also, Walleye is cute.
Now we go to the next set of eligible Mario characters, which are those that occur less often or solely in one video game. For this post, I went with the European release dates.
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars (1996)
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Character: Exor
Super Mario 64 (1997)
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Character: Mad Piano
Super Paper Mario (2007)
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Characters: Boomer (bomb), Thudley (weight), Fleep (window shade), Cudge (hammer), Picolo (music note), Sproing-Oing (slinky, I think, but it also looks like a hamburger - man's got seeds on his face), Mister I (eyeball) King Sammer (crown), Dorguy the First (door), Tileoids (tiles)
There's two more variation of Sproing-Oing [Boing-Oing, Zoing-Oing, Dark Sproing-Oing], one more variation of Mister I [Red I] and two more guardian doors [Dorguy the Second, Dorguy the Third].
Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time (2006)
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Character: Stuffwell
Paper Mario: Sticker Star (2012)
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Character: Kersti
Paper Mario: Color Splash (2016)
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Character: Huey
Super Mario Odyssey (2017)
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Characters: Cappy, Volbonans
Cappy can transform in different types of headwear. Volbonans come in different sizes [2] and colours [5].
Paper Mario: Origami King (2020)
Sounds familiar? Yes, that's right!
I already did this one before, because they deserved a seperate post.
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Characters: The Legion of Stationary [Jean-Pierre Colored Pencils the 12th, Hole Punch, Rubber Band, Scissors, Stapler, Tape]
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mamawasatesttube · 11 months
trick or treat!!
an idea from the wip folder: some kon & lois bonding and shenanigans, set early in kon's time living with the kents!!
kon gets a call from lois’s phone asking for a “mr. kent”; he quickly realizes they’ve mistaken "c. kent" as him being clark. the call is from people who have kidnapped lois and are now trying to blackmail clark kent (the reporter who's been digging into something they don't like him digging into) into handing over all copies of a certain drive containing incriminating evidence about their employers or something, using lois’s life as a bargaining chip.
lois is swearing up a storm in the background (hardly audible) but when she realizes it’s kon on the phone she gets calmer. kon, unreliable narrator that he is, wonders if that’s because she doesn’t trust him to save her as easily as she trusts clark to, and thinks maybe she needs to play it safer with her captors. (it's actually lois going oh shit. that's the baby. that's my lil squirt. i gotta be chill so he doesn't freak out.)
so kon's frantically trying to think “what would clark do?” and like, stalling while he starts to record the call. he doesn’t know how people trace phone calls though so he just has to strain with superhearing. demands to speak to lois as proof of life, she is able to give him some kind of hint as to where to look. (clark is off-planet or for some other reason just simply unavailable, or he'd obviously help, but this is about the kon & lois bonding.)
so it turns into a whole thing where superboy crashes the party to rescue lois, and they have to get out of there alive together, despite that lois's captors were kinda expecting superman to show up. ttk comes in handy bc they simply arent expecting him to be able to destroy their guns from across the room or glue them to the floor, etc, and lois compliments how creative he is and hes like omg 🥺😳🥺🥺👉👈😳🥺😳 you really think im smart???? whoa....
and at some point the head honcho or whoever tries to pull a kryptonite bullet on kon, only for lois to lose her shit and beat him senseless with a stapler she grabbed off his desk because "DON'T YOU DARE HURT MY BOY!" and then kon is just standing there like omg...... am i your boy????? omg.... 🥺🥺🥺🥺 she care me...
anyway they make it out and etc etc. the epilogue is lois taking kon out for some really late night ice cream as a thank you, once everything is settled and whatnot, and then letting him ramble at her about spirk. bonding experience!
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lemonbxrry · 1 month
Doctor's Orders
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Season Two, Episode Two: Bloodletting
Season Two, Episode Three: Save the Last One
 I look at the cop that was lying on the gurney, checking his pupils and seeing that he wasn't responding at all. I expectantly looked up at my attending, waiting to hear the orders that they gave me.
"[Last Name], did the bullet go through or not," my attending, Dr. Fresk said, being on the opposite side of where his wound was. I quickly check, trying my best to not add more injury to him, finding that it did shoot all the way through. 
"Alright, what do we need now [Last Name]?" Dr. Fresk asked, making sure I knew exactly what we needed, the consequences were me being kicked off of this trauma. 
"We need to get an MRI scan, see if the bullet grazed any organs, and to see if there are any possibilities of shrapnel, we will then irrigate the wound and get some antibiotics, we need to also get a head CT to ensure there isn't any brain bleeding," I answered quickly. Dr. Fresk nodded his head in agreement, we waited as the MRI loaded.
"Alright [Last Name], we need a stapler, lidocaine, morphine, and an irrigation tray, you're gonna do it and I am going to oversee you do not mess up, got it?" I stare at him in awe, surprised he was even allowing me to do this, yet it was expected if I wished to go into trauma. I nodded my head quickly, asking the nurses around us to get what we needed as we headed to an operating room.
 I exit the operating room, heading to the waiting room where there stood another man in a cop uniform, having been with the man who we just did surgery on, he was anxiously pacing around in the same place, his hand in his hair. I gently call out to him.
"Are you here for Mr. Rick Grimes?" I pulled my surgical mask down, looking up as I got closer to him, he was slightly towering over me. He stopped his pacing, stopping in front of me.
"Yes, yes I am. Is he okay? He has a wife and a kid, he can't leave em," the man said, spilling out information from his anxiety. 
"Yes, he is, his surgery went well, we just don't know when exactly he will wake up since he didn't seem to be responsive when we got him, and when we took him to a CT it didn't show any brain bleeds," I explain to him, clasping my hands together gently, having a small sympathetic look on my face. 
"Wait, so there's a chance that he won't wake up?" the man asked, worry evident on his face.
"There is a possibility, slim, but there is a chance that he won't wake up, we won't know for a while," I tell him. He put a hand to his mouth, cupping it as tears seemed to pool into his eyes, as he bent over, putting his hands on his knees as his body shook quietly. Sympathy flooded my mind as I gently patted his back, bending a little bit to try and help him stand back up, "I'll be one of the doctors that are always on his case, okay? So if I find anything new or if you ever come in during these times I'll be here," he nods his head in reply, seeming to calm down from his emotions. 
"Thank you Ms., Ms. uh," he said, wiping at his eyes. I give him a gentle smile, taking a small step back to give him space. 
"Doctor [Last Name], you can call me [Name] if you prefer, however a lot of people call me [Last Name]," I put my hand out to shake.
"Deputy Shane Walsh, a pleasure to know that someone that is good is going to be taking care of him," Shane said, shaking my hand, I nod my head. 
"Well, visiting hours are close to ending, so let's get you to see him before it ends," I tell him, walking with him down the hall to Rick's room. 
 I race alongside Rick, having used my jacket to try and cover the bullet hole that tore through Carl. My lungs burned and I felt like I could pass out at any moment, yet all I could focus on was getting Carl any type of help. 
"Hey, you move shithead! You get us there!" Shane screamed at the man with the shotgun, yanking him forward. 
"Shane! That's not going to help us right now!" I yell at him, halting my run with Rick, turning to look back at the man, 
"How far?" Rick asked, fear and anger evident in his tone.
"Another half-mile that way, Hershel. Talk to Hershel. He'll help your boy," he wheezed out. Rick and I turned and continued to run, panting and struggling to keep running for as long as we have been. We soon reach the outskirt of the barn.
"Rick I can carry him, let me help," I tell him, he nods hesitantly, giving me Carl as we ran the rest of the way, watching as a family came out, guns in a few of their hands. 
"Was he bit?" the older man in front asked. 
"He was shot," I called out, blood dripping from the now-soaked jacket onto my black short sleeve shirt. 
"By your man," Rick added, having been by us the whole way.
"Otis?" someone asked, already knowing who was out there. 
"He said to find Hershel. Is that you?" Rick asked as the group got closer, "Help me. Help my boy," Rick begged, holding Carl's head, careful the boy was going to break even more. 
"Get him inside," Hershel ordered. 
"I can help, I'm a doctor," I tell Hershel as I carried Carl inside, following after. 
"Good, good, Patricia, I need my full kit," Hershel said, pulling his sleeves up, "Maggie, painkillers, coagulates, grab everything. Clean towels, sheets, alcohol," he continued listing off as we turned into the bedroom closest to the door. I set him down on the bed, immediately helping him get to work on helping Hershel with Carl, "Pillowcase," Hershel said.
"Is he alive?" Rick asked quietly, not gaining either of our attention. 
"Pillowcase, quick," Hershel repeated.
"Is he alive?" Rick asked, louder this time as he reached for a pillowcase by Carl's head, handing it to me. I quickly folded it, making a small pad out of it, and took my jacket off of his wound more fresh blood began to flow out I quickly press the pillowcase against his wound, Rick pressing with me. Hershel grabbed a stethoscope, listening for Carl's heartbeat, I could only hear my own though, anxiety eating away at my mind that we didn't arrive in time. 
"I've got a heartbeat," Hershel said after a moment, Rick took a shaky breath in, shaking, "It's faint," 
"Rick it's okay, I got it," I tell him, he slowly nods, taking a careful step back, "You gotta take a step back. Do we have an I.V.?" I asked, looking around at the other women here in the room. 
"Your name?" one of the women asked, gently pulling Rick back. 
"Rick," he answered, not taking his eyes off Carl. 
"And who's the little lady with you?" she asked, seeming to be asking about me.
"[Name], she was my doctor before this happened," he said, stumbling over some of his words. 
"Rick, [Name] and I are gonna do everything we can, okay? You need to give us some room," Rick only glanced at us as we bandaged Carl, I press my hand gently against Carl's back, trying to find an exit hole, "Now," Hershel said, seeing Rick didn't take a step back or attempt to leave. I glance up, seeing the teary and sweaty face of the sheriff, we held our gazes for a moment before he nodded stepping out of the room, seeming to be in a daze. 
I glance back up as Rick, Shane, and the man who I am assuming is Otis enter. 
"Do you know his blood type?" Hershel asked, looking up at Rick. 
"A positive, same as mine," Rick answered.
"That's fortunate," He said, glancing back down at Carl, "Don't wander far. I'm gonna need you. What happened?" Hershel asked, looking over at Otis and Shane, the two men standing behind Rick. 
"I was tracking a buck. Bullet went through it, went clean through," Otis said, his voice having pain in it and sadness. I glance back up at Shane and Rick, then back at Carl. 
"The deer slowed the bullet down, which saved his life, but, now it's still inside of him, it didn't go through Carl," I explained, giving a small sigh through my nose, "It broke into pieces, so we will need to do a small surgery here, Hershel, do we have anything that can help?" I ask, turning to look at the man. He shook his head in response. "I can count six so far, but I won't know until I go through the wound," I look up at Rick, feeling a wave of Deja vu hit. This felt like how it was before, except ten times worse. I started to tune out Otis, not wanting to hear how broken he was sounding, I keep the pressure on Carl's wound. 
"Lori doesn't know," Rick murmured, swaying a bit, he leaned into Shane, "My wife doesn't know. My wife doesn't know," he repeated, crying now. 
"Rick, you gotta be strong for your Carl, I know it's scary right now, but you gotta be as strong as you can be because he's just as scared," I tell him, trying not to cry myself, "He is strong just like you and he's going to get through, I just need to the right supplies," 
 "Maggie, go get Rick," I tell the brown-haired woman, looking up from my spot, having lost some feeling in my arms from pressing so long, trying to console the now awake and crying boy. Maggie comes back with Rick, explaining that he needed blood as Carl continued to cry and groan. "Shane, please help hold him down, he's moving too much and it's going to cause more problems," I explain quickly.
"Dad," Carl cried out, his face pale and sweaty, continuing to squirm under our hands. 
"Almost there," Hershel said, extracting one of the pieces out of Carl, the boy screaming loudly. 
"Stop! You're killing him! [Name] make him stop!" Rick screamed, trying to rush to where his boy was laying, Maggie having to hold him back. 
"Rick this is the only way that helps him live," I almost snap at him, cleaning the area where Hershel was extracting the bullet fragment. 
"He needs blood," Patricia reminded, telling Rick.
"Do it now!" Shane screamed at Rick, holding the boy close and watching Carl and me. I glanced between Carl and Rick, continuing my own side of work. 
"You are doing such a great job Carl, I know, I know it hurts," I tell the boy, pushing his hair back while trying to help soothe his mind, "You are so strong buddy, you're gonna be okay," I murmur, tears pricking my eyes, I blink furiously to try and stop them, only a few escaping. His crying soon stopped, his head falling to the side, causing an uncomfortable quiet. 
"Wait, wait, hey," Shane said worried, staring at me with worry. 
"He just passed out, he'll wake up again," I reply, just as Hershel pulled out the first shrapnel, placing it down into a bowl.
"One down, five to go," He said solemnly. 
 After bandaging Carl I sat in the living room, resting my elbows on my knees to prop my head up in my hands, breathing deeply. It felt great to be doing something surgical again but god did it hurt knowing that it was Carl that I was going to do it to. I felt the couch sink next to me, I glance to see Shane have a faraway look but have a small look of worry on his face.
"Are you okay?" he asks, putting his hand on my back. My body felt so warm and his hand felt so cold, it was nice, yet I knew it was just the anxiety that was making me feel so warm.
"Best as I can be, I really need that supplies," I tell him, rubbing my temples and groaning at the small headache that was forming, "Are you okay?" I ask after a moment. 
"Not really, but, Rick needs someone right now, or people who can support him," Shane responds, I give a small nod. 
"I'm gonna go talk to Rick, possibly go out and get the others, I'll be back," I nod, watching him get up and leave, I close my eyes tightly, finding a small moment to finally rest. Yet all I could think of is the fact that something was going to be wrong. 
 I awoke to Shane shaking me gently on the couch, I sat up quickly, panicking.
"What happened, is Carl okay? Did someone else get hurt?" I stumble up, almost falling, he quickly helps stabilize me, shaking his head.
"No, no, I'm going with Otis to find the supplies, doc says that one of his blood vessels got nicked, and Otis knows what it looks like. We decided it would be best if you stayed here, don't want anything happening to our only other doctor," Shane explains. I nod slowly, blinking as I try and remember where I was at. 
"Okay, be safe, if you find anything else, like medical books, please bring me, I don't know every single surgery and I don't want to have to go in blind someday," I tell him, following him outside, Rick catching up with us, "You better be safe too, Carl needs one of his favorite people coming back in one piece," I try and lighten the mood, making it seem like I am still completely on his side. 
Stepping to the side we watch the two men drive off in the blue truck. I head back inside with Patricia, Rick, and Hershel following after as we go to check on Carl and see how he's doing. 
 I stay in the bedroom with Carl, holding onto his small clammy hand. I place my forehead down on the edge of the bed, praying to whatever higher being was out there. 
"I'm so sorry Carl, we should have just had you go with your mom, none of this would have happened to you," I tell the sleeping boy, soon watching as Rick and Lori came in, her expression breaking at the sight of her boy. 
"My boy, my baby boy," she quietly said, crawling into bed with him. I took that as my queue to leave, nodding to Rick as I watched them hold hands, holding one another tightly. Rick gave a small nod back, about to reach back but pulling his arm back, going to hold his wife instead. I walk outside, taking in a deep breath of the warm summer air, and closing my eyes. Hershel seems to be taking care of him for now. I stay outside for a bit before coming back inside, coming in during a conversation between Rick, Lori, and Hershel. 
"Well, yes, in a sense," Hershel answered, I pop in next to Rick, confusion going through my head. 
"In a sense?" Lori asked, turning to look at me, "Have you done this surgery [Name]?" she asked, looking between Hershel and me.
"I didn't ever have it happen like this, the only recent one that I got to do was with Rick's surgery," I answer her honestly. 
"Honey, we don't have the luxury of shopping for two surgeons," Rick told her, taking her hand in his. 
"No, I understand that. But I mean, you're a doctor, right?" She asked Hershel, giving him her attention. 
"Yes ma'am, of course. A vet," he said, nodding. 
"A veteran? A combat medic?" she hurriedly asked. 
"A veterinarian," Hershel looked her in the eyes as he said this, glancing at Rick and me. I place my hand over my mouth, shock filling my body. 
"And you've done this surgery before on what? Cows? Pigs?" Lori asked, taking a shaky breath in. 
"I have to, I have to sit," Rick said, falling into a chair, I carefully catch him on his other side, careful to not let him fall onto the floor.
"Completely in over your head, aren't you? At least [Name] is here, she can help," Lori said, looking at Hershel. 
"Ma'am, aren't we all?" the man replied. I gave a sigh, gesturing for Rick to continue drinking his orange juice. 
"You should get some rest [Name], you got a big surgery to do tonight," Lori said, sighing, she gently rubbed my shoulder, "Thank you for helping," she said, honestly, bringing me in for a hug. I freeze for a moment, surprised, before going to hug her back, closing my eyes. It felt like my mom's own hugs. It felt like family and warmth. I take a step back and go to the living room. I take a seat on one of the couches and close my eyes, finally finding a moment to rest.
The Walking Dead
        I look out at the field from the porch, having decided to stay outside while I wait for Shane and Otis to come back with the supplies. I barely even moved when Maggie came and sat down next to me, having a sandwich made, gently holding it out to me. I hesitantly reach out for it, holding the plate in my hand, and giving a small nod of thanks. 
"You doin' okay, sweetie?" she asked, looking down at me from where she was standing. 
"Oh, I'm doing the best I can right now. Thank you guys for letting us in, haven't really had the time to be civil, y'know?" 
"Of course, Otis didn't mean to shoot your brother," Maggie said, giving a small sympathetic smile. 
"I know, Otis was simply lookin' for some food, not gonna blame a man for that, it was a freak coincidence that we were both there," I tell her, not bothering to even say that Carl and I weren't related. The Grimes family was the closest thing I had to feeling like a normal family, and I wasn't gonna let that go. I eat half of the sandwich and it was silent for a while before a car decided to pull up, and two figures came into view. I put my sandwich down, eyes wide with recognition of who the two figures were. 
"Did you close the gate up the road when you drove in?" Maggie asked, looking at Glenn and T-Dog. Glenn held his gun close to him, seeming to be dumbfounded. 
"Uh, hi. Yes, we closed it. Did the latch and everything," he said, gesturing back, "Hello, nice to see you again. You too, [Name]," Glenn said with a bashful smile. Maggie stayed quiet, only raising her eyebrows a little. I took a glance at T-Dog, noticing how he was shivering, and it was not from the cold. "We, um, we met before briefly," Glenn elaborated. 
"Look, we came to help. There anything we can do?" T-Dog asked, I stood up from my spot walking over to them with Maggie. 
"T-Dog, what's happening with your cut, did it get infected?" I asked worriedly, gently taking his arm and looking at the makeshift bandage, lifting it up and seeing the pus leak out a bit. I scrunch up my nose, shaking my head, "This isn't looking too good, you can't help when you have an infection like this," I tell him. Maggie took a step back, eyes darting between the three of us. 
"Like the ones out there type of infection?" she asked, fear evident in her voice. I quickly shake my head.
"No, no, he cut himself on a car out on the highway," I explain quickly, "We're also waiting on Shane and Otis to come with some supplies, so hopefully they get here soon for you and Carl," Maggie nods. 
"Alright, I'll let them know you both are here then," she replies, heading inside, "Come on," she said, gesturing for the two men to follow after us. 
We go in a line into the room where Carl was laying, Patricia, Hershel, Lori, and Rick were sitting around the young boy. Glenn took off his hat, glancing at the three of us standing behind him. 
"Hey," he called out softly, a look of pity on his face.
"Hey," Rick replied, glancing up at the four of us at the door, and looking back at his son. 
"Um, we're here, okay?" Glenn said, trying his best to sound supportive. 
"Thank you," Lori said, nodding at Shane, glancing at her husband then putting her attention back to Carl.
"Whatever you need," T-Dog rasped out, before I gently took him by the arm, leading him into the living room, Glenn following after, Maggie leading him. 
"Let's get this bandaged correctly and redone with antibiotics," I tell him, taking the bandage off, Maggie has already gone off to get fresh bandages and ointment. When she came back I began to apply more of the ointment, watching as Lori exited the room, heading outside seeming to be crying. My heart clenched in sympathy, before putting my attention back once I saw Rick go after her. 
"So, how'd y'all meet?" Maggie asked, looking at the three of us. 
"Found each other on the highway, trying to get out of Atlanta, some awful traffic," I told her, finishing T-Dog's new bandage, patting him on the shoulder, and looking at the painkillers Glenn brought, saying it was from Daryl. I give him the amount it says to take, passing them to him, "I'll hold onto these, can't have you getting addicted," I explain, putting them into my pocket. 
"Well, [Name] and I kind of knew each other since I was always somehow delivering to her apartment," Glenn said shrugging. 
"Oh yeah, you found me when I needed to finish my studying for my board certification," I tell him, him nodding. 
"So you're a real doctor then? Not like a nurse?" Maggie asked, sounding surprised. 
"Well I mean, nurses are also trained, they just don't go through the same training as surgeons, both are tedious," I pop my neck, "I'm gonna see if they need any help inside, you will know where to find me," I said, giving a small wave. I lean against the door frame, watching Carl sleep until he started coughing and gasping, waking up, his eyes frantic and looking everywhere. 
"Where are we? [Name]?" Carl asked, his voice full of fright as he tried to sit up, shaking.
"Whoa, whoa, calm down, it's okay," I tell him, ushering him to stay laying down, Rick and Lori came out of the bathroom, rushing to Carl's other side. 
"Hey little man, that's Hershel," Rick said, trying to help calm him down. Hershel gave a small smile, passing a small look toward Rick. "We're in his house. You had an accident, all right?" 
"It hurts, a lot," Carl gasped out, reaching to touch his wound. 
"It's good that it hurts, means that your nerves are intact still," I reply, smiling at the three of them softly. 
"You should have seen it?" Carl said, smiling up at his mom. 
"What?" She asked, playing with her son's hair.
"The deer. It was so pretty, mom. It was so close. I've never been..." Carl trailed off, stopping mid-sentence. My heart dropped, a feeling of dread filled my entire body. 
"Carl?" Rick asked, his voice cracking. Just as he called out to the boy, Carl started convulsing on the bed, grunting. I quickly flip him to his side, making sure his head doesn't snap in an awkward direction, holding him up. 
"Stop, don't hold him down, you'll hurt him," Hershel instructed Lori and Rick, seeing as the two parents tried to hold him down. 
"You can't stop it?" Lori asked, glancing down at her son and then back up at Hershel and me.
"No, he has to go through it. We can't stop it, we can time it, Rick, make sure it doesn't exceed five minutes," I quickly tell him, still keeping Carl on his side. Carl continued to convulse, Lori sobbing, soon Carl stopped convulsing, falling limp. "Brain's not getting enough blood. Pressure is bottoming out. He needs another transfusion," I say out loud. 
"Okay, I'm ready," Rick said, about to sit in the chair where he had been getting his blood drawn out for the past day. 
"Rick we can't, you've already drawn out two liters, you could go into a coma or cardiac arrest," I explain, looking up at him from watching over Carl. 
"You're wasting time," Rick pleaded, sitting in the seat next to Carl. Hershel grabbed the device, beginning to set it up and get ready for the next transfusion despite my warnings. 
 I pace out on the porch of the house, biting at my thumbnail, glancing out to the field and back to the floor, having just hooked Rick up to do the transfusion for Carl since Shane wasn't here yet. All I could think about was how this was all caused because of a deer. A deer stopped for Carl and stared at him. I take a deep breath in, finally stopping my pacing and just looking out at the field we came from. I enter back inside the house, making my way to the bedroom, and passing a small glance at Glenn, who seemed to be absolutely in a trance with Maggie, I look away, biting the inside of my cheek. 
"He's losing blood faster than we can replace it, and with the swelling in his abdomen, we can't wait any longer or he's just going to slip away," Hershel said, gently placing Carl's arm down, "We need to know right now if you want us to do this," He said, looking at Lori and Rick, gesturing to himself and me. 
"He might be out of time, we have to do it now or he won't make it," I solemnly tell them, tying my hair back up, having taken it down in between working on Carl and taking short naps, "You have to make a choice,"
"A choice?" Lori asked.
"A choice," Rick echoed, turning to face his wife fully, "You have to tell me what it is," Lori placed her hand on Rick's face gently, her lips twitching in a frown, she then turned to face Hershel and me.
"We do it, you save our boy, [Name]," she tells us, giving a small nod of her head. 
Patricia comes in with a metal moving table, wheeling it into the room, we carefully place it at the front of the bed. 
"Okay, get the corner of that bed. Let's get the sheets down, and get the I.V. bag on the sheet. Okay, on three," Hershel instructed, I stay at my corner of the bed, "One, two, three," we carefully and quickly pull Carl up, placing him onto the table, Patricia pulling out the tools and getting a lamp to help light our area better. 
"Rick, Lori, you may want to step out. This isn't going to get better," I tell them, looking up from the other side of the table. Then the sound of a truck approaching filled the air. Rick quickly strides over, pulling the curtain of the window, revealing the blue truck we saw hours before leave comes back, "Hershel, I'll stay, go help them get everything in, we don't have much time," I order out, they all quickly run out of the house, a moment passes before Hershel comes back inside with a bag, and we quickly set to work. 
 Hershel and I step outside to where everyone was waiting on the porch, wiping our hands off on some towels they had laying around that were clean. Rick and Lori stand up quickly turning to us with expectant eyes. 
"He seems to be stable," I tell them, giving them a smile, Rick lets out a small hopeful laugh, tears in his eyes he hugs Hershel, Lori comes up and hugs me tightly, pressing a small kiss on the top of my head, holding me close, I quickly hug her back, not wanting to let go. 
"I don't have words," Lori tearfully said, almost laughing in joy. 
"I don't either, wish I did," Hershel said, once Lori broke our hug, he glances around at us, "How do I tell Patricia about Otis?" I blink, looking around at my group with furrowed brows, not knowing what happened, I stare at Shane, who had an unreadable look on his face as he stared right back. 
"You go to Carl," Rick says, turning to his wife, "I'll go with Hershel," he says, following Hershel inside, Lori glances back at Shane before coming inside, the two of us watching as Patricia breaks down in sobs in the kitchen. I pat her gently on the back, making my way back outside, sitting down on the porch steps, T-Dog sitting down next to me. 
"You did a good thing today," he says, I glance out the side of my eye, giving a small shrug.
"It was scary. Especially with the fact that we barely even got the supplies in time, pure luck," I tell him, running a hand through my hair, taking it down from its up-do. 
"You still saved Carl's life, I know you would do anything for us, especially them," T-Dog says, patting my shoulder, throwing a glance at the front door, I already know who he is talking about, which is the only whole family left within our group. 
"Yeah, they remind me of my own family back before this whole, epidemic started," I explain, closing my eyes and putting my head against the pillar on the stairs. "I don't wanna lose them to anything, so of course, I'll try my best to make sure they stay connected and together. Within my couple years of being a resident at the hospital, I saw so many families be torn apart because of so many things, it kind of leaves you fearful of losing your family," I elaborate. 
"I'm sure that you won't lose them, not for a while," T-Dog said, patting my shoulder and standing up, "Let's get some rest now, we'll be seeing everyone else tomorrow," he says, I nod, standing up and walking in after him, giving one last glance back outside. 
"I think I need to take a shower, I got too much blood on me," I mutter, pulling at my shirt which was slightly solid from all the blood. I walk around, looking around for Maggie, finally finding her. "Hey Maggie, do you have any clothes I can wear? And if there's an available shower?" I ask her, giving a small thinned smile. She nods, heading into a room and coming back out with a flannel and a couple of towels.
"Flannels were Otis's, so that's why it won't fit, didn't want you to be in too small of clothing, sadly don't think we have any pants for you that'll work," I shook my head. 
"No, no, that's okay, my pants are okay to wear, it's just the shirt, thank you," I tell her, she nods, pointing to a door down the hall.
"That's the bathroom," she said, soon walking away. I walk into the bathroom, and set my new shirt and towel down on the sink. I looked at myself in the mirror as the shower heated up, I wash away all that had happened, scrubbing until my skin felt raw.
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ariaphantomstuff · 5 months
Ok so since I just had a midnight infodump session with a friend, I'm gonna throw it all here
Object head worldbuilding!!
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First some designs I did for that world (will introduce them properly when I develope them more)
About the world
This takes place in a hollow planet where gravity push you to the outside instead of pulling you to the inside. So you are actually walking on the planet's walls but you don't notice this. Also their world is very small, it can barely be considered a planet due to it's size and also the crust¿ is like hundred of thousands kilometers thick to keep everything inside. 
Then, how they fit their people inside? Well, they have built some kind of platforms that goes closer and closer to the center the more they build. And yeah, their civilization is like a multi-tiered city but global. Things also get funky here cause the closer you get to the core, the harder it is to live so you can say that the top tier is actually at the center.
The core is actually a big big machine that keeps the planet working, which is also a machine on it's own. It provides the energy and that's were the object heads are built. However, nobody knows how it really works (if there's someone who controls it or if it has a mind on its own), but as long as it works, doesn't matter.
About the object heads
Anatomy is really funky.
Bodies are not actually visible. Most object heads depend on clothes to be seen so long sleeves and gloves are common. Another option is wearing some kind of make up on extremities so it can be seen. The only part that are completely visible are the heads. Sometimes the heads can also expand to the rest of the body (like smoke heads having it wrapping around their bodies, plant head with roots sliding down their bodies).
The heads are also completely functional. A paper stapler head will staple as long as it has staples, a lamp head will light, a gun head will shoot if you have bullets that size. The complementary object is not included but that also some customizable options.
Their ages also depends on the type of head. Old objects will be older and modern ones will be younger. The life span also depends on the object and how good they take care of themselves. This is were head transplants comes in. By changing your head for a younger one, it allows you to extend your lifespan
I have so much more to share, like the type of heads, eating habits, body language, culture, death, lots of funky things!!! but my mind can't stand writing too much at once akdjbfkand
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freedomfireflies · 4 months
404 Harry is my Roman Empire. I could talk and think about him all day everyday (I already do). Was thinking of the tiktok trend where girls were “selling” their boyfriends because they didn’t ask them to be their valentine or if they were fighting. And in bullet points it lists the “features” the guy comes with or the perks of dating him and the cons with a price.
This (like all other things) got me thinking of Tink and Harry. At any minor inconvenience he causes her in or out of work (like “fixing” her code, taking the stapler off her desk and not returning it, not letting her finishing as a punishment, etc.), she’d do the trend but she wouldn’t call him her boyfriend she’d say “selling my annoying coworker” she’d price him for “ill pay you $5 to take him” for his features she’d write:
“-no pros” or “he comes with glasses”
And for his cons: “he’s annoying, poor coding skills, he’s Harry” and make the caption: “ran out of room for the cons :(”
He would definitely retaliate by selling her and using the worst picture of her he could find (which would still be cute, but he wouldn’t admit that). He’d write her pros being “she’s been in my presence” and her cons being “she’s dumb, she doesn’t wear glasses, she can code about as much as a chicken can fly, did I mention she’s dumb?” And he’d list her for “$5 so i can make some sort of profit” he’d caption his as “yard sale, final sale, store closing, all must go. NO RETURNS”
I'M CRYING HAHAHAH they really would, especially when they sneak the compliment in there but then hide it beneath snark 😭😭 I love this, this is so spot on I'm OBSESSED!!!!
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c0ffee-stain · 1 year
Five Hargreeves x f!reader
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Warning: Contains: fighting, blood, the usual swearing
Nothing But a Puppet
Stay calm. Stay calm. Stay calm. Stay calm.
The shattering of glass rattled the Commissions first floor and everyone nearby. I reached for anything closest to me, in this case a stapler, and threw it with a great force through a large glass barrier dividing a few analysts and their seniors.
I dragged the back of my hand across the gash cut along my cheek bone and winced slightly after discovering yet again another bruise.
My tongue throbbed slightly, trying to distract my mind from formulating a well-planned murder that involved two people. A blonde with no wish other than to make my life a living hell, and- I couldn’t even finish the thought as it seemed so ridiculous in the first place. Not my plan that’d bring me nothing but glee, but the fact that I had to deal with this asshole in the first place.
I scoffed as blood slowly pooled into my mouth, the rich metallic taste forcing the corners of mouth to twist upwards in rage, forming a smile which didn't reach my eyes.
I took my gun out of my pocket and sighed inwardly, quickly remembering I was out of bullets. But that was fine. It wasn’t like a certain Handlers office was a fully loaded arsenal.
Plenty of weapons to use in there.
With every step I took, a group of eyes would avert my way, whispers of gossip accompanying their intrusive stares as they layed their eyes on my bruised, battered, and bloodied body.
Envy of my past reputation overtook my mind and any ounce of self-respect I once had left was long gone. Before, those pathetic workers didn't dare lay their eyes on me for too long in fear of my reputation and I was able to slip under the radar unnoticed and undisturbed. But it seemed that my previous engagement had circulated around the headquarters faster than I could've disposed of the evidence.
Finally reaching her office, I slammed my bruised fists against her door, repeatedly, trying to keep myself from wrenching the door out of its place and grabbing her by the neck. I slammed my fists once more until the door was pulled open, my eyes meeting the woman’s stare that was clearly trying to hide her irritation. Whether it was the fact that I was alive or that I had interrupted her beauty sleep, I would never know.
“Oh, It's you.” She looked me up and down, forcing a smile onto her red coated lips. “Come in. Or are you unable to control yourself with so many weapons present? It’ll be a shame to cut our deal short.”
“If I didn’t have any self control you would’ve been six feet under from the very moment I met you.”
The woman chuckled bitterly, her eyes drifting to the crowd now roaming behind us, waiting eagerly for her response.
“Why don’t we take this to my office. I’ve got a jar of candy calling your name.”
I followed her in, The Handlers white glossy heels clacking audibly before taking a seat behind her desk.
“You’ve got something on your teeth.” She spoke, watching her nails momentarily after inspecting my dishevelled figure. “Blood, to be precise.” With a manicured hand, she pushed a crystal vase that held mountains of hard candies towards me.
"I'm hoping you're here to tell me how..." The woman's lips faltered into a smirk as she tried to keep her expression neutral. "successful you're assignment went."
“How successful my assignment went...” Exasperation was clear in my voice.
"Yes, I suspect that everything went according to plan."
My teeth clenched as I seethed, "So being on the receiving end of an assassination order from one of your henchmen was part of my fucking mission?"
“Whatever do you mean? I helped you. Put one of the Commissions best assassins by your side.” The Handler leaned back, brushing invisible lint off of her 80’s styles dress. Her electric blue eyes narrowed as an annoyed smile pulled slightly at the tips of her mouth. She watched as I menacingly leaned in and planted my hands firmly onto her desk.
I dragged my tongue along the red staining the white of my teeth. “Now tell me,” A mocking smile adorned my lips. “why the fuck did you send one of your puppets to kill me?”
— ONE HOUR AGO - Date: 2nd of April, 2002 Location: Unknown Location, England Time: 23:55
I tied the cord around his plump neck, watching him squirm and gasp to get as much air as he could into his lungs, his blue veins bulging against the papery white of his skin. The moment the newly lifeless body dropped onto the filthy carpeted floor joining the 5 others, I wiped my forehead with the back of my hand and sighed.
Here they were. The main members of the Lionheart Mob.
I looked around the damp living room, signs of break in and fighting evident in the knocked over and broken furniture, and blood splattered along the walls and already dirty carpet. My nose scrunched automatically at the stench.
I picked up my weapons and slid them back into my pockets, letting my eyes wonder around the crime scene once more after wiping down and ridding any evidence for the police to use from the house, except from one particular strand of hair.
I had instructions to leave the bodies as they are to let the police find them. Two of them had died from strangulation, three from blood loss from stab wounds to the kidney, and the other dying from blunt force trauma to the back of the head.
Just as I was ordered.
I, on the other hand, suffered no injury of any sorts. Some may say silently bragging to the dead would bring one horrible misfortune and fate. Not that it would stop me.
With light movements, I exited the house and closed the door gently behind me, finally being able to breathe in the fresh country air.
The sky had darkened from a soft navy blue to near black, the only source of light being the distant gleams of stars and the half crescent moon hanging idly in the sky. I covered my head with the hood of my jacket and proceeded to walk down the street that dipped downhill, stuffing my hands into my pockets to hide the blood splattered over my palm and under my nails.
For a while, my near silent footsteps were all that could be heard in the midst of the abandoned countryside of England, apart from the occasional drunken screams and wails. But no matter how peaceful the country posed itself to be, the eerie feeling that someone or something was watching me never faltered once.
The blade of my dagger was placed strategically under my jacket, and my gun strapped against my side. Funny how even my most useful and deadliest asset came nowhere close to the sturdiness and swiftness of my weapons.
‘So you think a few rusty pieces of metal compares to the abilities of a God?’
My body jumped at the sudden deep vibrations rattling at the back of my skull.
“Then you shouldn't be surprised that a human like me can't control a God like yourself.” I retorted, my words dripping in sarcasm. "At least I have control over those 'rusty pieces of metal'."
No matter how satisfying it felt to snap back, I immediately regretted my decision as millions of laughs, each barely above a whisper, echoed off of the walls of my skull.
It felt like millions of needles being stabbed into my brain repeatedly.
‘What makes you think you don't have control?’
I kissed my teeth and tried to distract that little part of me that wanted to reply and engage with its forbidden words. I could hear the amusement in its question. "Everything", Was what I wanted to say. But I kept my mouth shut and looked ahead.
They laughed once again.
I didn’t reply but pondered quietly. I had never been religious. My mother had always believed in a higher power. Whether it was the all-powerful being we call God, or many more of His names, or something different all together. Nevertheless, she believed. Something I just couldn’t find myself doing.
The only person I could have faith in was myself. A proportionate fate for someone like me.
It could tell I was deep in thought, my mind wavering from one conclusion to another, oblivious to the threat mere metres away from me. Usually, the voices would warn me when something strange was afoot or of any potential dangers. But it wanted to wait. To see how long I could go without the assistance I had gotten used to having my whole life.
An experiment.
Just like my thoughts, I couldn’t keep my eyes fixed on one place for too long. Every moment my gaze was fixed on something new as if expecting something to jump out from the shadows and swallow me whole.
Finally my suspicions were confirmed once my gaze ended its useless wavering and locked onto another a pair of eyes. My mind immediately flashed back to my case file of known associates of the Lionheart Mob.
The man I was ordered to frame.
The man and I kept eye-contact longer than intended, thoughts of fight or flight running through each of our minds.
There was nothing I could do or say to prevent this from becoming a tiring chase through the isolated region of the country, so I decided on the next best option.
Before the target could give into his flight response, I removed my gun from its once strapped position and began to shoot, a bullet just grazing his cheek before he could make a run for it.
My legs had a mind of their own, sprinting towards the target the moment he ran with my arm stretched in front of me, gun in hand. I took a shot, then another, then another, each missing as the man swerved with the endless streets branching off of the main road.
I was quickly out of bullets.
For every step I took forcing me further into the chase, the feeling of danger deep in the pit of my stomach only grew. My breathing began to deepen as drops of sweat slowly pooled down the side of my head, only to be dried by the ruthless wind whipping against my face.
I watched as he jumped over a fence, and I quickly followed, a grin curving on my lips once a large gate came into view. The man was rather short, so it should take him a few seconds extra than normal to cross the barrier. More than enough time for me close the gap between us.
I grabbed the back of his collar and pulled him harshly towards the ground, smirking as his sliced cheek broke his fall. I threw my foot back and slammed it against his ribs. He released a pained groan and I kicked him again, and again, and again.
“A well deserved punishment for someone making me run for so long, don’t you think?”
The man began to cough violently after another strike to his ribs, blood splattering onto the ground with every cough.
“Seems like I’ve broken several ribs.” I kneeled beside him. “They’ve punctured your lungs. Soon you'll start to drown in your own blood, and well... die.”
“I can help you. Relieve you from your pain if you tell me how you knew I’d be here.” The man watched me cautiously, flinching as I held the back of his head, gripping his hair tightly. “All I need is a name.”
The man swallowed thickly and averted his eyes from one side and back. “It…” He opened his mouth, hesitation clear. I dug my nails into the flesh of his skull, breaking through the layers of skin.
He winced as tears threatened to spill from his eyes.
“It was...”
His eyes shifted to the side.
I spun my head around the direction the bullet was shot, only to be blinded by a flash of blue and a foot being swung at my face. I barely had any time to react, but was able to evade just in time.
I fell on my back and quickly leapt onto my feet waiting to be greeted by another attack which never came. I furrowed my brows and my forehead creased, letting my eyes scour the area only to come up empty handed with a mutilated corpse right beside me.
The common feeling of blood had drenched my palms in an instant once the bullet was shot through the side of his skull. My brain hadn't fully registered the moments part of his ear were blown off, making way for the bullet to exit his body. I peered down at his mutilated head, the only emotion consuming my body being annoyance and hatred for the man.
This situation, right now, right here, was supposed to be impossible. This mission was crucial to the deal. It was the only chance I had left. Without it, I was back to being The Handlers little bloodhound on a leash, ready to execute all orders with no hesitation. Back to being a creature of sin that couldn't possibly stray any further from God.
In the midst of my endless train of thought was when I saw it. The dim light from a lamppost hit against a small piece of metal a few metres away from me. I approached the bullet, taking it into my hands and held the bloodied object towards the light.
My lips parted as my gaze met a familiar imprint. "You've got to be kidding me..."
The words left my lips in a hurried whisper while I inspected the awfully familiar crest imprinted on the reddened copper. There it was, clear as day like the thousands of alter-egos that bitch of a Handler was housing.
The Commissions crest.
My lips pressed into a sneer. I dug my canines into my tongue to stop myself from saying three specific words that would end this fucked-up situation I've been living my whole life. Three simple commands and the beasts I've been housing for a lifetime would shred The Handler into pieces.
'What are you waiting for, bloodhound? Her permission? Just end it all.'
No matter how much my mind craves to see The Handler kneeled before me and begging for her life, I couldn't do that to him. I had to remind myself that I was doing this for him. Not for my own selfish gain.
It was for Jasper.
I took a deep breath in attempt to reel in my thoughts.
My fingers travelled through the knotted mess of my hair. I couldn't help but scoff. "Of course it was a fucking set up."
"So then you know what happens next." A voice spoke behind me, followed by a cock of a gun.
I didn't bother turning back to meet the hard stare of my attacker, but proceeded to watch the crest deeply, as if trying to fool myself into thinking I was dreaming. But the stench of the corpse, and the rush of the wind yanking me back to reality said otherwise.
I threw the bullet to the side and wiped the blood on my hands against my sides.
"No, I don't know actually." I slowly turned around on my heels to face the man, confronting his hard glare with my own uncaring one. I cocked my head to the side, challengingly. "Why don't you remind me?"
I felt a rush of adrenaline sore through my veins as the whispers began to get louder..
The click of his tongue rang through the alleyway. The man scoffed in agitation.
"Gladly," He began, slimming his deep green eyes, and watched my reaction once the distance between his finger and the trigger narrowed.
A familiar source of power devoured my body. The shadows that stretched against the concrete and towering brick walls shifted manically, dancing in celebration to be alive once more.
My hazed stare flickered from one thing to another as I relished in the tingling sensation burning through me.
'Kill him.'
My pupils dilated.
'Kill them all.'
My heart was racing.
'We know you want to.'
"Any last words?" He called, as if taunting me.
I snapped my head up and focussed my eyes on the target, then at the collection of abandoned buildings a good distance away.
"I think I should be asking you the same thing." My body moved on autopilot, my mind too preoccupied on the sensation burning through my veins. I was now a few measured steps closer to the assassin. "So tell me, then,"
The hardened gaze that I kept sternly focussed on the male hadn't faltered once, opposing the restlessness and unease of the shadows "any last words?"
My wrist snapped upwards before I could properly register what I was about to do. The shadows beneath the mans feet rose around him and the world seemed to stop spinning.
My eyes were pulled wide while I watched in anticipation. The shadows merged into hands as they rose from the depths of the darkness and latched themselves onto the agent, covering his body faster than I could blink. I stepped forwards, pulling my arms back before pushing them in-front of me. The shadows followed suit, launching the man they held captive into the buildings nearby.
Dust and rubble exploded from the collision, along with splatters of blood on the loose debris.
I licked my lips and sighed glad to have squished another pest crawling around in my way.
Next was The Handler.
I picked up the gun he had dropped and walked towards the collapsed building, releasing the bullets on top of the bloody debris while strolling to the agents 'burial site' as I doubted he would be anywhere but smashed under the concrete.
"Rest in pieces, asshole."
I took in several deep breaths to level the adrenaline I felt myself drown in. I couldn’t lose control. No matter how much I itched to dive deeper into the ins and outs of my abilities like I did years ago, it was too risky.
It was too soon. But it wasn’t too soon to kill The Handler as I did to her puppet. I turned around, the taste of freedom fresh of my tongue and my guard lowered.
A fatal mistake.
A hand slammed into my shoulder blade from behind to stop me from moving any further.
"Now, where do you think you're going..." A raspy voice spat behind me. "...bloodhound?"
I twisted my neck to the side just enough for my peripheral vision to catch the large pair of green eyes bearing into mine. Blood dripped from a large gash on his forehead, painting his whole face a deep crimson. His laboured breaths hit the back of my nape making my hairs stand.
"What do you propose we do then," I licked my lips. "number five."
His grip on my shoulder tightened, and I could practically feel the rage radiating off of him through the wide smirk etched across his lips. My body began to respond to the adrenaline pulsing through my veins as the corners of my mouth and fingers twitched in anticipation for another fight. Another excuse to use my powers. The only thing I wanted to do right now, right this second, was-
A flash of blue light engulfed the area, blinding me for a moment before I was able to notice the large piece of concrete being launched towards me, held tightly in his cut hands.
I shifted out of the way, relishing in my increased reaction time, and span on my heel, sending a spinning hook kick to the back of his head. I made contact but it was short lived with his fist suddenly in front of my face and punched my jaw forcing my head to snap to the side, small pools of blood building up in my mouth.
Before his knuckles could leave my face, I latched my hands onto the assassins arm, spinning on my heels so my back faced him and threw his body over mine, slamming him onto the ground. I reached for my knife and towered over the boy, ready to plunge it into his heart, but in a blink he was gone and behind me, holding a long metal pipe and smashed my head in. I stumbled forwards but quickly regained balance before he could repeat his action.
The agent was now in front of me and aimed the pipe to strike the side of my head. But I was faster.
I blocked the pipe with my lower arm and palm-striked the assassin in the nose simultaneously, preparing an elbow to his face only for him to disappear into the air leaving me to bathe in frustration once more.
Blue then caught my eye in the distance. I rapidly slammed my palms onto the earth beneath me, raising an arsenal of shadows and launching them towards the light, smirking with the thoight I had dealt serious damage and possibly killed him.
But a hand latched onto the back of my collar and I knew I had fallen for a trap. Suddenly, a gut-wrenching feeling flooded my senses and my head was being smashed into something hard. Calloused palms were wrapped around my neck as Five prepared to jump again after slamming my head into a wall as many times as he could.
"You won't escape them." Was all I said before the mans grip was torn off of me from the missiles of shadows following his silhouette and launched him into the distance.
I got up, flexed my jaw and sneered at the sight of the man still standing, covered head to toe in blood, bruises and cuts. I could tell he was tired. His shoulders were slumped and head tilted downwards. His Adams apple bounced as he swallowed thickly and took in several deep breaths.
Number Five finally looked up, and I had never been more excited in killing someone than I had now.
I raised my arm and slashed it through the air, sending a rapid wave of darkness slicing towards him, allowing myself to succumb deeper into the web of voices echoing off of my skull, each of my strikes increasing in power and precision for every time he'd teleport out of the way and into a wave of new danger.
Tired of the constant game of cat and mouse, Five blinked above me, carrying yet again another large piece of rubble and released it. I sent another cut through the air for the shadows to follow, shattering the rubble into pieces.
A gasp left my lips as another gut-wrenching sensation overtook me while a pair of hands grabbed my ankles tightly. My eyes widened and jaw dropped in a mixture of shock and confusion as I felt myself being dangled upside down and mid-air from the roof of a building that was over ten stories high. I tore my eyes away from the daunting scene several hundred metres below me and snapped my head up to see the man dangling me by my ankles.
The first thing I noticed was the slyness coating his eyes as he knew he had the upper hand- literally.
"I'll ask you one more time," Five spoke calmly, trying to contain the anger desperately trying to rip through his throat. The grip on my ankles faltered slightly but tightened just as fast. "Any last words?"
"Yeah," I breathed out in a ragged breath as a plan slowly began to form in my mind. I pulled myself up as much as I could towards the man and seethed between bloodied gritted teeth, "Suck my d--"
The man released his hold before I could finish with a disgusted expression as if he had just killed a bug, sending me plummeting towards the ground.
I raised my hands beside my body as I approached closer to my demise and quickly raised an army of shadows. I twisted to face the assassin, mid-air, throwing my arms towards him with the shadows following suit.
I looked back down and landed on a cushion of molten energy raised from the patches of shadows hovering just above the ground. The shadows had plunged into Five's stomach and forced him off the roof, his body being tackled towards the ground only for a blinding flash of blue to consume him.
My eyes slimmed in annoyance and brows furrowed to the sight of the assassin stood before me with a large knife pressed against my neck.
"You look tired." I eyed him up and down, very clearly mocking him, while I admired all the damage I had inflicted as if it were a piece of art.
Five's black suit was dirty and torn in several places, more prominently at the front, revealing the blood and bruises on his stomach and muscles. His red tie was barely hanging by a thread and the white blouse underneath was all torn up and practically non-existent.
His nose was purple and blue from the palm-strike, with smudges of red streaked across his forehead and upper lip.
Five stepped dangerously close towards me and pressed the knife deeper into my neck, almost drawing blood. He was less than a few small steps away from me and by the looks of it, he seemed eager to close the gap and assert the power he desperately yearned to hold over me.
I looked up at him with a devious grin, daring him to do it.
"How about I slice those lips off of your face. Will you be grinning then?" The man snarled and glared daggers.
I raised a brow. "How about I carve out your larynx so I won't have to listen to that aggravating voice of yours?
My neck began to sting from the knife cutting deep into my flesh, drops of crimson now gracing my collar bone.
The assassin forced out a low chuckle and shook his head slowly while his hold on the knife stiffened. His forest green eyes followed the blood pooling down my neck and raised them to meet my stare.
"Who are you."
"I thought you knew who I was, number five. I'm a bloodhound, remember? Or has all that damage affected your memory--?"
I was caught off guard. Five grabbed my collar and slammed me against a brick wall, pressing the knife deeper into my wound. My nose scrunched in disgust to the smell of blood radiating off of him and the sudden boldness washing over the man.
"Listen hear you piece of shit." Five seethed. His veins bulged against his neck and his teeth were clenched and bare. "As you see, you have no fucking where to go. So you better answer my questions if you want to live the rest of your vulgar, pathetic life in peace. Got it?"
A tense silence fell between us. I felt the mans warm breath fan over my lips and his knuckles press against the end of my neck as he held my collar tightly. The distance between us was almost non-existent, causing discomfort to stir in my stomach.
I wanted to vomit.
But I did the next best thing.
I held eye contact with the assassin before I descended into laughter right in his face. I took a deep breath in and titled my head up towards him, watching his expression slowly unravel through hooded eyes.
"Even after beating you relentlessly, you still don't have the slightest idea of how dangerous I actually am. I seem to have overestimated your intelligence, Hargreeves." I neared my face up towards his, smiling cruelly at the anger he poorly contained.
I spoke before he could cut in. "Yes, I do know who you are, and you don't know who I am."
"And we're going to keep it that way."
"Did you kill him?" The concern was evident in The Handlers voice, making me raise a brow. Nevertheless, I knew her concerns were directed at her future plans, not the welfare of some field agent. But then again, Five Hargreeves wasn't just some field agent.
My lack of response seemed to fuel her agitation, my eyes noticing the quick clench of her jaw and flex of her fingers as she awaited my reply. In retaliation to the assassination attempt, I decided to not ease her fears.
Not one bit.
A deep sigh caught her attention, followed by an amused scoff.
"You're seriously asking me, the bloodhound, if she spared some second rate assassin?" A twisted smile pulled at my lips and I sighed again dramatically. "After years of working together and you still don't know me at all."
"Stop playing these games and answer my question." The Handler, who usually handled things with a certain measure of grace and passive aggression, snapped clearly annoyed at my antics. She quickly realised her mistake however. The woman cleared her throat and took a long drag of her cigar, blowing the toxic fumes right at my face.
With a few steps towards the display of weapons sitting behind The Handlers figure, I decided to test the already fragile boundaries of the situation.
I traced my finger along the surface of the weapons. "I've always been jealous of your collection." My voice held a certain playfulness. One I knew the woman behind me despised. "Especially ever since I saw this glorious artifact hanging on your wall and collecting dust, never to be used again."
The sound of a blade being unsheathed echoed through the room. "The very Turkic-Mongol sabre used by Genghis Khan in battle."
The Handler flinched ever so slightly at the press of the cold blade against her exposed neck. A significant movement that most would miss.
She proceeded to look ahead, not faltering once as she said, "You know very well that even if you kill me, I'd just be replaced by another desperate senior waiting to have their shot at such a powerful position in such a powerful organisation." The woman turned to face me and a shiver ran down my spine. Even when confronted with death, her expression was void of emotion. And for a moment I saw someone I wished to have long forgotten. And The Handler knew that. "Take this cog out of a machine and it will soon be replaced by another. But they won't give you the same leniencies as I have with your dear Jasper. So I recommend you consider your decision very closely, darling."
She took the weapon from my hands as I stood there, mimicking a child frozen in a trance, realising they were in no control of their fate.
A hand crept on my shoulder and a pair of lips whispered against my ear, "Because this is the best you'll get."
She took her seat and released a relaxed sigh. "Now then, you were about to tell me what you've done with little Number Five?"
“His heart is beating.”
“Good.” She purred, coating an extra layer of lipstick on her lips. “Did you use—”
I felt her tense for a split second before her shoulders relaxed once more.
This time her voice is serious. “Does he remember your… abilities?”
“So he remembers the fight but not the powers. Interesting.”
A loud alarm screeched from outside the commission, followed by a woman's scream and the slam of a car trunk. That's when an echo of a recently familiar FWOOSH rang in the room, revealing the asshole I longed to kill.
"You." His voice came in a growl. The mans eyes were wild, like those of a predator stalking their prey. His hair was a mess with random strands stuck onto his skin from the sweat and blood in his face.
"Five Hargreeves," The Handler's voice pulled the assassin back into reality. "Meet your new partner."
I could hear the smirk and utter joy in her voice as she spoke my name, forming the deadliest partnership the Commission had to offer.
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Tag List for Whispers 🏷
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Thank you all for your support and patience waiting for the next chapter. I know how annoying it is when fanfic writers are on some hiatus for ages but I'm finally back!
I don't have a strict writing schedule but I will notify you as accurately as I can for when the next chapter comes out.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you find any errors let me know.
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112 notes · View notes
lover-girl-estxx · 1 year
Crush¡Joel Miller x Crush¡Reader¡Chubby
(have crushes one each other)
Angst I guess +Fluff
Age gap (28 and 56) TLOU STUFF.
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I sat in the back of Frank and Bill's truck while Joel drove "I don't know it's only my second day in a car man" Ellie said "Y/n find off where we are" Joel said "last time I was in a car I was 8 I don't know-" "help! HELP ME!" A guy came out covered in blood limping "hold on" he said "are we going to help him?" Ellie asked "no!". "JOEL!!" I yelled when a cinder block fell on the truck shots firing at us.
"can y'all fit through there?" Joel said bullets flying over us "yeah but wh-" Ellie was cut off by Joel "I won't let them I promise, they're not going to hit you" "okay.." " I'll tell you when" she nodded "okay...go," she ran making it in the room "are you ready?" He looked at me "no I don't know if I'll fit" "you'll fit honey, I'll watch you. Okay?" "Um yeah okay.. "you trust me?" "Yeah" "I promise" I ran across the garage, going into the hole in the wall head first getting the worst pain of my life in my thigh before I had it in. I made it to the corner, my hand going over my upper thigh red coming through my fingers "oh my god y/n" Ellie whispered coming over to me "don't worry about me check on Joel". I pulled my pants down a bit to help the bleeding but it didn't, Ellie left and then I heard a gun shot. Then she opened the door for him.
"shit Y/n," he said getting down next to me he lifted my leg a bit "you don't end an exit wound...listen" he laid me back moving some hair out of my face "I have to get the bullet out, it's gonna hurt" "Joel then what I'-l-ill slow you down, you can't left me y'all need to go" "y/n I'm not leaving you here to bleed out so..put your jacket in your mouth for you to scream into" he put pressure on my thigh, Ellie coming to my side rubbing my shoulder, he ding his fingers into my leg blood going everywhere. I grabbed his wrist as hard as I could "I know I know honey" he pulled out the bullet with more blood going everywhere "Ellie grab the stapler now!" He said putting pressure on my thigh "just a little bit more pain okay?" He wiped some tears going down my face, I nodded. He wrapped my leg then picked me up as Ellie opened the door and he sat me behind a car while he checked the building next door.
"you're just a kid" she shrugged, I pushed myself up against the wall next to Joel "can you make it there you look like shit" "thanks Ellie " I replied "eat build your strength" Joel handed me a pack. "You help her go as fast as you can" Joel told Ellie, Ellie nodded.
Joel pushed Ellie up in the window for her to open the door "Joel?" I leaned on the wall and said quietly "yeah?" He came right next to me with his hand on my hip "I think I popped my stapler...I-i think I might pass out" I laid my head on his shoulder he picked me "Joel I'm to heav-" I faded into black.
I sat up slowly, looking to my right Joel was sitting up his head asleep on his hand. I pushed the blanket off me to look at my leg which looks like Joel fixed up. I went to get up to get some food from my pack, I sucked in a heavy breath "lay back" Joel pushed me down "I need water" I said in a whisper "I'll get it" he handed it to me "thank you," he nodded "for everything I wouldn't have made it this far" "yes you-" "no I wouldn't" he laid down on the floor. "Joel?" "Mmm" "lay with me?.. not on the floor. On the cushions" he sighed laying next to me, wrapping his arm around me. I rubbed his cheek and neck "I think I may be in love with you.." I said looking up at him, he came down kissing me softly "that came out of nowhere but I love you too" I smiled.
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sunshinerapmonster · 2 months
The Saregeant's Daughter - Chapter 24 Madeline
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Chicago Med S4 EP9: Death Do Us Part and S4 EP 10: All The Lonely People
"Got a John Doe. GCS 3, intubated in the field" she said.
"Going to Baghdad," I said rushing towards the EMT.
"Okay, BP 90/60, heart rate 140s sats 99% "
"Took three bullets–one to the head, two to the torso. Looks like some kind of targeted hit" he said.
"Trigger the MTP," I said as we pulled into the room, "All right, on my count, we get him over"
"Roll him," I said lifting his coat to see his back, "Got one through and through. Don't see a second exit wound. Back"
I put on my stethoscope and checked his lungs, "Bilateral breath sound. Let's get a fast scan for his chest and belly" I said removing my stethoscope.
"And the headshot?"
"Wound is tangential. Looks like he caught a break" I said grabbing a wand for the fast scan, "There's a lot of fluid around his heart. Same in the belly. I got to open him up, page Dr.Rhodes now, tell him to prep the hybrid OR"
I stood outside the OR looking through the door as Conner was doing the surgery and then Ava rushed into the room all dressed. A hand tapped me on my shoulder, I jumped and turned and saw Jay standing in front of me.
"Jay!" I said wrapping my hands around his neck.
"Hey," he said kissing my lips, "I can't talk much today I'm looking for Dr.Rhodes, do you happen to know where he is?"
"Yeah, right in there," I said pointing behind me.
"Thanks," he said. I pressed the mic and nodded at Jay to talk, "Dr.Rhodes, is your patient stable at the moment? I need to speak to you"
"He is but now's not a good time, Jay," He said.
"This really can't wait"
"I'll be done in an hour. We can talk then"
"Now, Connor. Right Now" Jay said.
"I will be over there," I said and kissed his lips then walked away from him.
"Natalie it's okay, Will should be here soon," I said holding her hands.
Maggie rushed towards us, "Nataile, Will is outside" she said.
Natalie picked up her dress and rushed outside, me and Maggie looked at each other and followed her outside.
Natalie and Will were hugging and Jay was standing next to the women, I walked down the steps toward Jay.
"Babe, what's going on?" I asked him.
"I can't tell you much but Will is being taken into protective custody," he said.
"B-B-but Will can't miss his wedding, can't you stop it or take him after they become husband and wife" I mumbled looking at him and then at Will and Nataile as they cried in each other's arms.
"Sorry, I can't do much this is the feds case," he said.
"Dr.Halstead, we gotta go" the female agent yelled out.
"I'm sorry babe, I will see you at home later," he said kissing my lips and walking towards the car
Me and Goodwin walked into the ED to see a man yelling and April holding her arm.
"Dr.Choi, I need you in Baghdad now," Maggie said.
"What about April?"
"I got her," I said holding April's arm and walking her toward a room.
I used a cotton pad to clean up the wound, "I'm so sorry, April" I said looking up at her, "It's terrifying to be shot at. I still can't believe you were hit"
"I'm fine, really. Will you sign me off to go back to work?" she said.
"Really?" Monique said.
"I don't even need stitches. I...I'd feel better"
"Okay," I said nodding my head, "Just take it easy. All right?"
I took off my gloves and left the room.
"Dr. Sanchez, you're going to six," Maggie said.
"Page OB," I said putting on gloves.
"On it," She said.
"She can't have this baby right now. You have to stop it" He said as walked towards treatment six.
"She has a pre-existing aneurysm"
"If she pushes, it could kill her"
I grabbed her arm and Monique her other arm, "All right, help me get her onto the bed." I said as got her onto the bed," Why wasn't the aneurysm treated earlier?" I asked her husband.
"It's small," she said moaning out in pain.
"She not supposed to be in labor right now."
"We have a C-section scheduled, but not for two more months," he said as I checked her eyes with a flashlight.
"Heart rate 97. BP 128/73" Monique said.
"It's okay breath"
"Let's start a magnesium drip, embolus 4 grams," I said putting on my stethoscope, "And 12.5 milligrams of betamethasone IM, and 100 milligrams of indomethacin PO. Ivy, we need to give you this pill, okay? It's gonna help stop your contractions." I said checking her heart.
"OB said that they'll be down as soon as they can," Maggie said.
"Okay," I mumbled.
"Okay, hold on. You're okay. You're doing great. Just breath"
I grabbed the gel and placed it on her stomach as he moaned and screamed.
"Don't push, don't push. No, no, no, no!
She screamed out before she fell back, "Dr.Sanchez, no pulse" Maggie said placing her finger on Ivy's neck.
"Bag her," I said and started doing chest compressions.
"Still no pulse," Maggie said.
I started doing chest compressions again.
"Take over compressions," I said and grabbed my pen to check her eyes.
"What's happening?"
"Her pupils are fixed and dilated," I said looking at Maggie, "I'm so sorry, but her aneurysm must have ruptured," I said looking at her husband.
"No, but she's still–she's still–"
"I'm sorry. Your wife is gone. But we need to get the baby out. It still has a chance. Okay" I said looking at her husband, "We got four minutes."
"Start the four-minute clock" Maggie yelled.
"Where is OB?"
"Can't wait. I need to do the C-section myself" I said.
"Angel, take over compressions," Maggie said, "Diana, get OB here right now"
"Sir, please get out. So we get this baby out"
"Please, Please, Please save my baby"
"Get me a scalpel," I said.
Maggie closed the curtain and moved the small cart towards the bed, "Scalpel" she said handing it to me and placing a sheet on the belly.
I cut a line done her belly and blood started to pour out. I pushed my hand inside her belly and pulled out the baby, "Suction" I said as I grabbed the scissors to cut the umbilical cord, "She's cyanotic"
"She is ready to transfer," Maggie said.
I followed Maggie to the bed grabbed the mask and placed it on the baby's face.
"Angel?, Sats at 78"
"She is still unresponsive. I might need to intubate" I said giving Monique the mask.
"Hold on. Sats at 88 and climbing. Heart rate at 160"
"She's coming around," Monique said.
"Call Neonatology. Have them come meet us in the NICU" I said removing my gloves.
"I'm on it"
"Keep stimulating. I want this baby alert and moving" and walked out of the room to the husband.
He sighs, "Tell me"
"You have a baby girl. We were able to get her out in time, but she does need to go up to the NICU. If you would like to spend some time with your wife...Monique can take you up when you're ready" I said and brought my hand to his arm, "I'm so sorry for your loss"
"Despite the intubation, she's still not oxygenating"
"I'm hearing a grade 3 systolic ejection murmur," I said removing a stethoscope from my ears.
"EKG shows left ventricular hypertrophy," the doctor said, "Samantha, transducer"
She placed the wand on the baby's belly and we looked at the screen.
"Tricuspid atresia," I said.
"And an atrial septal defect," she said removing the wand, "Do you want to tell the father, or should I?"
"I will," I said and walked out of the room.
I walked towards him and took a seat next to him as he stared ahead.
"We never should have tried to have kids," he said turning to look at me, "But Ivy wanted a baby so badly. And now she's gone."
"I'm so sorry. There is something I need to discuss with you. We've examined your little girl–"
"Sophie. We were gonna name her Sophie"
"There's a problem with Sophie's heart. It's missing its tricuspid valve. Normally the valve opens and closes like a door. But Sophie's door is closed. So when she's a little bigger, she will need surgery. But in the meantime, she needs an operation called a pulmonary artery band. It's urgent"
"Urgent" he mumbled.
"Do we have your consent?" I asked him.
"Yes. Thank you"
"Yeah," I said placing my hand on his arm.
"Doctor Sanchez, please save my little girl"
"Sophie did well. She'll need to stay here for a couple more weeks and then you can take her home. Until she's big enough to tolerate the surgery" I said.
"She's so little," he said.
"Yeah, but she's gonna be fine," I said and walked out of the room he followed behind, "Is there anyone you like for us to call for you? Family? Friends?"
"My wife's family, I....I still have to tell them"
"Do they live close by? Can they come to be with you?" I asked.
"No, we just moved to Chicago."
"Is there anyone local who can help you with the arrangements?"
"No. I know hardly anyone here"
"I'll get you some information. Okay?"
"Thank you"
I walked out with Jay following behind me.
"Jay, give me a minute," I said and walked towards Mr.Davis.
"Mr.Davis?" I said touching his arm and standing in front of him, "Here is some funeral home information. They'll handle everything" I said handing him the paper.
"Thank you"
"There's really no reason for you to stay here tonight. Why don't you go home? Try and get some sleep"
"I don't wanna go home"
"I will get better, I promise you," I said.
He started to cry into my shoulder as I ran my hand down his back. Jay stared at me as I stared back at him.
I lay in bed staring at the cell as Jay slept soundly on my chest with his arm warped around me, I kept thinking back to Mr.Davis and his daughter Sophie knowing she would grow up with her mother and Mr.Davis raising their daughter alone.
A tear slid down my cheek I quickly wiped it away but more came out, I covered my mouth to stop the gasp from leaving my lips.
"Babe" Jay whispered.
"Jay, i-it-it's okay go back to bed," I said shaking my head.
He got up and turned to turn on the table lamp and faced me again.
"Madeline, what's wrong babe?" he said cupping my head in his hands.
"I just thinking back to Mr.Davis who lost his wife while she gave birth and it made me think what if-if-if one day I get a call saying you're dead–"
"You don't ever have to worry about that okay, I will always come home to you," He said kissing my lips.
"Promise?" I said
"I promise my love," he said, "Now let's get sleep"
Jay Master List
intro 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Book Two
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cheesemenace · 2 months
Everything Has A Memory
Chapter 5 - Escape
Nausea intensified just as the need to leave did. 
        A few quick and stark movements. I somehow found the strength to tear and rip the wires away from my skin. Red overtook my vision but not from anger. Blood flowed down my body. The cherry colored substance weaved through and rippled over the shredded skin and tissue.
        As soon as I was disconnected from the chains the wires created my legs fumbled from underneath me. My body was clumsily lifted up. I staggered, my legs not being used to the weight and demand suddenly put on it. Swaying, I made my way to the door. My hand met the cold metal.
        Red, why is it red? 
        To mock me? 
        My vision started to blur white like the void once again.
        No, no, no. 
        I don’t want to know.
        I don’t need to know.
        I just want to leave.
        I need to leave.
        I need to leave. 
        I need to leave-
        My mind chanted, over and over again. I turned the handle while mouthing the words that I refused to speak out loud. Too much of my body's weight rested in my arms as it happened and I went tumbling to the ground. 
        Once again I pulled myself from the floor. Glancing around I noticed I was now placed in another room that seemed to be an observation deck. Buttons, switches, and other controls were placed against a console closest to the room I had previously escaped from. Adorned the wall was a dirty one way mirror. Ironic, I thought they were all about upkeeping the sterile atmosphere. 
        Dim light radiating through the mirror allowed me just enough visibility to see and enough darkness to mostly cure the headache and nausea that had taken over me. A large digital clock placed above the exit informed me that it was currently ten twenty at night. 
        One more glance at my former location allowed me to see many locks placed on the door. 
        My hand grazed over one of the locks. 
        Why are these all unlocked?
        White void once again. This time it was much less painful. 
        Quiet rustling and soft footsteps is all I heard.
        “Hurry up!” A loud voice boomed. 
        My hands- no, not my hands, someone else's- increased speed as they violently searched through a gray metal drawer. Loose papers, small devices, a stapler, paper clips, junk-  that’s what I would call it- filled the drawers domain. The right hand finally grasped a small lusterless metal object. 
        “Aha, I found it!” I- the person- exclaimed excitedly to themself.
        A key.
        They spoke again, “I’ll be right there just give me a minute!” 
        Legs carried us over to the door. I felt much lighter in this body than in my own, dammit to whatever medication they put into my body. I also failed to feel nauseous. Maybe I could get used to this whole vision thing.
        “I told you five times, get the hell over here! We can’t be here after ten; It’s not safe after that!”  A different voice from earlier. It sounded more feminine.
        “I’m coming, I’m coming,” repeated my own. Hands fumbled with the key trying to lock the mass amount of locks while their eyes glanced anywhere but the locks. Almost as if frightened something would jump at them through the bonds of existence. 
        The lights, which I hadn’t noticed until now had been bright as day, completely shut off. 
        The person pushed and shoved at the key as it refused to turn in the lock. 
        “Come on, please turn. Just one. Please, please, please.”
        Their fear screamed in my own head, It shot through my brain like a bullet. 
        The now warm silver key slipped through my- their- fingers and dropped to the ground. A soft yet sharp jingle rang out as it skipped across the floor.
        Half a second passed before the person started across the floor to the exit. 
        My consciousness sank through the floor. Once again surrounded by the harsh bleach white of the void.
2.1 pages · 676 words
The protagonist is slowly gaining a bit more personality as the story goes on don't worry! Them not having a whole lot of thoughts on stuff other than confusion is important to the story. If you see any grammar, spelling, plot, or consistency mistakes let me know! I try my best to read it all over, but I do miss stuff. Also I suck with knowing when to use ,;: and such so if you are sensitive to reading those kinds of mistakes I am so sorry. Another thing is I don't have a schedule for posting and my life can get pretty busy so my posts will most likely be a lot at once and nothing for a while. 
You can find the rest of the chapters by looking at my masterlist linked in my pinned post or by checking out my story on quotev!
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