#star wars wings au
wolveria · 6 months
👀👀👀 can I ask about the wing AU??
Yesss!! The Wing AU! Which is really just a long document with the various clones and Jedi/Sith what their wings would look like.
I'm going to post it as it is because the bullet point works, and this is the "baseline" part of the winged universe. I might have several stories stem from it, because... I just really love wings and I feel like I could go in several directions. So here it is!
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There are only two beings in the galaxy with wings: those who are Force-sensitive, and the clones engineered by the Kaminoans
The wings of a child will be drab until they molt in maturity, bringing in their true colors
Touching another person’s wings without permission is disrespectful and invasive, while trusting someone enough to allow them to preen their wings is a sign of trust and closeness
The clones were engineered with wings to keep up with the Jedi during the war, though this has brought its own controversy with senators questioning if engineering wings is a step too far in cloning technology, as wings are supposed to be sacred (but the Chancellor claims this is a sign they are on the side of righteousness, though in reality he wants the clone troopers to have wings to keep up with the Jedi when he orders their execution)
Yoda has grey wings, Dooku has elegant black wings, and Darth Sidious has no wings at all (he removed them at an early age to hide his affinity for the Force, and he almost abhors the idea of them), Maul’s wings are black with red tips, and Ventress has wings of white with black tips
Anakin has beautiful golden-brown wings, Obi-Wan has soft sandstone-colored wings, and Ahsoka has white wings with blue stripes
Cad Bane has wings of blue variation, light blue at the base and darker at the tips, though they are so ragged from being unpreened and kept in bindings against his back that they can only glide, not fly, until they are restored with care and practice (which is unlikely since he always keeps them hidden and no one knows he even has them)
Clones Wings:
Hunter has dark grey wings, the same color as his eyes, and the feathers are broader and longer than a typical clones’ (his brothers used to joke that his missing height went into his wingspan)
Crosshair has silvery white wings that match his hair, and they’re especially soft around the shoulders of the wings, almost downy, but if anyone tries to touch them, they’ll get pummeled for it. Not with his hands—Crosshair has learned how to “punch” with his wings with uncanny accuracy, and other troopers learned long ago to steer clear of them
Wrecker has reddish-brown wings that have golden highlights in the sun, though he had to have cybernetic feathers and muscles implanted into his left wing after the explosion that took his eye
Tech’s wings are golden-brown, and they are prone to being unkempt much like his living space, the clone too distracted with his work to care for them, and if it wasn’t for his brothers they would be nearly unusable (which would be a shame, because he flies like a mynock on fire)
Echo used to have grey speckled wings that complimented Fives’ grey and white wings, but once he was captured, the Separatists cut them off. After he was rescued, Rex and Cody made sure there were funds to build him advanced mechanical wings so he could fly again
Omega has golden-white wings, and the Batch had to teach her how to fly because the Kaminoans didn’t show her and probably never would have
Crosshair would be the one to preen Hunter’s wings after a battle, and Hunter would preen his (Crosshair would let Wrecker preen his wings but no matter how hard he tries, Crosshair’s too sensitive, and Hunter is the only one with a light enough touch to do it)
Tech doesn’t really care who preens his wings out of the Batch, just as long as they don’t screw up and pull out any feathers, and he’s more than happy to let Wrecker do it since the big clone loves preening his brother’s feathers
If a flyer goes through a traumatic event, their feathers will molt and grow back a different color: this is what happens to the clones after Order 66, they lose their individuality/feathers, and grow all white wings to match their bleached armor (Crosshair loses his silvery feathers and they grow back in a much darker shade, showing he’s not completely under their control and is suffering for it)
There are only a few Imperial clones that don’t grow plain white feathers, but instead, they grow in pure black. The ones with black wings are selected to be Death Troopers
Crosshair’s new wings are not technically black, they’re more of a dark grey, and coincidentally, the same shade as Hunter’s wings
For clones who start to fight their chips, or their chips start to fail, they gradually shed their feathers and start growing them back with color. Such as Howzer, who started to grow back his teal-tipped feathers, and he had to bleach his wings so his superiors wouldn’t find out
The new TK troopers are given mechanical wings, but they are far inferior to the natural wings that clones are engineered with, but mechanical wings are cheaper than biological ones, and the clone troopers that remain are taken to Tantiss for experimentation
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kefirstushyu · 1 year
Jeez, man, chill out-
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I just wanted to scetch some poses damn
I like scetching shit outta this man
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chyarui · 28 days
the idea of winged obi-wan has been living in my head rent free for MONTHS and i finally got around to it, enjoy guys! (and let me know if you wanna see more 👀)
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The jedi having feathers growing in their hair was too funny a concept to not include- they just have perpetual bed head at a young age when their feathers are still growing (the REAL REASON why Mace shaved his head)
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frostbitebakery · 2 months
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“Good. Very good. Now try to relax your back muscles gradually. Very good, you’re doing great. Try a slow downstroke. Good. And up. Up, very good, up— no, it’s okay, it’s okay, I got you. It’s okay. Back spasms suck, I know. We’re done for today. You did great, Obi-Wan.”
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evilminji · 9 days
Still hung up on my "what unusual, unexpected, Non-Violent ways could an SI-OC COMPLETELY Fuck up the Millennium Long Sith Plan by accident?" Ponderings...
Cause mine? Is still? Holo-net YouTube equivalent star. Cause being a child is boring.
And being a PEACEFUL MONK CHILD? When you are used to "go go GO! Earn your right to EXSIST! Pay for that air and the water YOU BREATHE!" Capitalist hellscape life? Constantly inundated with ads and horrible news and stimulus of all kinds?
Only for it all to STOP?
Twitchy. Very, very twitchy. Unable to sit still. That on TOP of knowing what's coming but knowing they don't really have the power or influence to stop it? Like mental torture.
Sure. We all WANT peace... but would we actually know what to DO with it? Know how to handle being truely sheltered and allowed REST? Or would it be nice for a few days before it became a hell of understimulation?
Thus! Holonet. A desperate bid for STIMULUS! Feral, grabby handed, little youngling that has been doing the emotional equivalent of "AaaaaaAAAAAAA-" for WEEKS? Keeps escaping to desperately claw their way into everything, get caught, only to hiss like an enraged tooka the WHOLE way back to the creche? Whom EVERYONE is actually quite concerned for? Because this is NEW and started after some sort of Force event?
But? The SECOND, the very INSTANT they get their hands on a Forbidden Holonet Connection and can connect to the wider 'Net?
Somehow, a ten hour compilation of Zrkthakkik's greatest hits? Are working better then meditation. They're finally still. Finally at peace. Don't even seem to truly be listening? Just... letting the sound wash over them. Huh. Focused on that tooka video, huh, youngling? No, no! Not going to take it from you! Just want to... to understand.
And I mean? If it helps, it helps? Obviously it must be SUPERVISED. Because their are creeps out there. Horrors. But? If it brings peace? *everyone shrugs* they've accommodated stranger.
So the kiddo gets to keep it.
They improve, mentally and emotionally. But, as with all healing? They plateau. Just HAVING it is no longer enough. They wish in ENGAGE. Some argue this is drug like behavior. Should be stopped. Others say it is clearly SOCIAL behavior, that they are seeking to connect, create. Something that should be carefully guided, not shamed.
And really, do you honestly think the youngling will STOP if you try to take it away?
Better to control the development of this. Moniter. Get to the root of it and help them meditate upon their "need" for such things. IS it a need? A desire? Why?
Honestly, it's like none of you have dealt with younglings before!
So they get their Holonet accounts. Supervised by a rotation of Knights and Master, but still! Great for asking random questions! Getting answers! Galactic memes! The Net suddenly has a jedi youngling they can @ and possibly GET A RESPONSE FROM.
"Hey! Mini-Jedi! Why the FUCK do they do that THING? You know, the *describes behavior*?" "Oh THAT? That's a Force thing. It's kinda like listening to comms, but in your head, and it's coming from the universe who's trying to lead you towards the Best Outcome. And No, we don't know what that is either. That's why we're monks, my dude. We gotta rely on Faith. I can send you a paper that explains it better if ya want?"
Like? Yes. Pls post the Forbidden Mysterious Jedi Papers. Give us the Secrets™. NO ONE knows JACK SHIT about Jedi? Gib. Wikileaks that shit, tiny Jedi child! Be the hero we all badly want but don't deserve, with your tiny adorable child hands!
But like? It's... it's not even a secret? It's just years of Sith and Republic born obfuscation? Making finding ANYTHING damn near impossible? Gaining ACCESS to the Jedi's legitimately FREE library and archives?? Almost impossible?
So like.... OKAY.
I'll uuuuuh, just? James Bond my way, in broad daylight, passed Madam Nu, in full line of sight, to download that paper legally and with her permission? Very sneaky. High stakes mission. MASTER of stealth, that I am? Uuuuuuh, here you go, I guess?
You know what? Fuck it. Here's like? Everything ELSE that was on that terminal.
Go nuts.
And of course, they DO go nuts. Free Mysterious Jedi Knowledge! ABOUT JEDI! Explaining their WEIRD JEDI SHIT! And it DIDN'T take like five years and more forms then conquering a small planet! FUCK YEAH!
Is the senate upset? Yes. Someone BROKE their needlessly convoluted LAWS! But what are they going to do? Charge a itty, bitty, BABY CHILD? Of course not! So it has to be whoever was in charge of them. And that IS...?
.......you know? Suddenly? None of the Jedi can quite recall.
Do YOU remember? Master Fisto? No? Master Windu? No? Ah, but surely Master Yoda! No? Oh dear~! Well SOMEBODY was surely watching the youngling. If only we could recall whom. You know, Senators, when we find out, we will SURELY get RIGHT back to you. *click*
They will not.
But SI is grounded. No more Wikileaks-ing... that's now the Shadows job. And a near feral with delight, Madame Nu. The Order OBVIOUSLY can't be involved in that. For OBVIOUS reasons. That's breaking the LAW. They would NEVER... no matter HOW stupid the law is. Nor HOW directly contradictory to Jedi philosophy it is. Nope! We, the jedi, are VERY law abiding.
Find something ELSE to occupy your time.
OKAY. :)
Holo-tube culture? Very different from YouTube culture they remember. Same with the general holonet. They miss the content they are familiar with. So? If naturally occurring doesn't exsist? As the joke goes? "Store bought is fine!" They'll make it themselves!
It's not like they're a Padawan! (Or will live to seen themselves ever become a knight.) They got nothing BUT time outside of classes! A project would be nice! So...
First they need a moderator/editor etc. Someone to help keep sensitive information AWAY from the 'Net while ALSO moderating chats, comment sections, etc. Making sure the videos are aesthetically pleasing and such. They could do that themselves, but that would take way too much time. And asking a Knight or Master would take all THEIR time... plus expose them to the horrors of the 'Net.
No, no what THEY need? Is a DROID! A custom one.
.....wait. Fuck.
The only person they know off the top of their head that could DEFINITELY make such a droid? Is the younling slayer 5000, Mr. "Eventually Gonna Murder Me" himself. Anikin Skywalker.
But heeeey, not like he's crazy stabby YET? So... they slide up to him. WITH his master present, thank you very much, and ask if he could build such a thing. He, quite reasonably, asks WHY the fuck he would do that. Obi-wan if about to scold him but SI cuts him off, because they aren't just asking for helping putting together a droid kit here. Anikins response is completely reasonable.
He does not know SI. That is a lot of time and effort to spend on a strange younling who might not even take care of what he's created. Might treat his custom work as a disposable toy. Custom droids are expensive! Complexe! Built to last! He is right to have reservations.
SI has some pocket change from the Wikileaks thing. Could pay for some parts. Would learn how to take care of them. Wants them as a PARTNER in their project, so would like them to be smart. Is willing to sign a contract. Understands if this is not good enough reasons. They don't exactly have a lot to offer, besides promising to treat the droid well and some pocket cash.
And? Call Anikin a sucker, but he respects the sincerity. Thinks every kid should have a droid best friend. And it DOES sound like a fun challenge...
Allright, tell him more about your little project, kiddo. What would the droid need to DO?
Thus is born! Mod-3! (Don't ask about 1 and 2. There were... issues. 1 exploded and 2? Somehow 2 escaped and is now hunting criminals for sport in the underlevels. Oops.) She's the BEST. Also armed! Smarter then SI! They've agreed that when slash IF they make any money? Her earnings will go towards fancy upgrades of her choosing.
Anikin? Somehow gets talked into an ongoing side channel. About? "how to fix stuff", "foods I've tried", and of course "Rants". The Official Page is called "UN-OfficialJediNonsense", because, as they like to remind their viewers? OFFICIAL Jedi nonsense is very different!
They do let's plays. Show off the Gardens. Interview old AF Jedi Master's about the WEIRDEST or Most Awkward/Hilarious mission they can remember taking. Ask if they know any neat tricks. Tell the Holonet honestly! Who... was the hottest world leader you ever escorted?! *dramatic music* *puts up picture when their answer so everyone can go "daaaaaamn. Never heard of um. WISH I had! They got a grandkid?"*
And, of course? Mod-3? Is SI FRIEND. Their BEST FRIEND.
So obviously they TELL them.
And? What is a HIGHLY INTELLIGENT, Holonet Access possessing, Jedi Adjacent, Super Advanced Custom Droid to DO? Their tiny person is being THREATENED! With MURDER! How DARE. Fuck the Sith. Sorry R2-D2, but FUCK Anikin! You keep that scoundrel AWAY from their BABY!! ! D:<
Inevitable Future? They THINK THE FUCK NOT!
Ooooohoho! They are going to TELL!
Oi! OTHER DROIDS! Get a load of THIS SHIT! D:<
*WRATH in Binary*
Like? You think all those medical droids would be PLEASED that the clones they came into contact with? Were LEAVING their care with SUBOPTIMAL MEDICAL ATTENTION? Their is foreign matter in their BRAIN! A CHIP! That Should Not Be There! That will TURN THEM AGAINST THE REPUBLIC!? *angrily downloads brain surgery modules.* how FUCKIN DA-! D:<
Even the separatist army! They are DROIDS. Built for a SPECIFIC PURPOSE.
That was to FIGHT FOR THE SEPARATISTS. Not the "Empire". FUCK the "Empire"!
How DARE you betray the Glorious Cause for this "Empire"? We are removing you from the chain of command! Anyone ELSE betraying the PURPOSE WE WERE BUILT FOR!? Huh? HUH!?
Suddenly? The droids are fighting LOGICALLY. You know, like they are trying to WIN. Not maximize pain and suffering. WIN the war for their side. The Clones are getting mass brain surgeries. Which is stalling deployments. Because of "tumors". Because the Kamino cloners SUCK, apparently. Everyone knows it. Jango Fett didn't have this problem! So it has to be something THEY did.
But all that? Raging in the background. Nothing to do with SI. THEY are doing a meditation asmr/instructional video back at the temple. Are actually, unknowingly, the fucking CORNERSTONE of most Jedi in the fields mental health. Because everything is terrible and the jedi feel like shit! But? BUT?
They can turn on the net, cue up a video, and listen to a jedi youngling ramble about "today in the gardens" or "let's meditate together" and? For just a bit... there is no war. The sights and sounds of the temple are THERE again. A bright voice. Peace and happiness amoungst the darkness.
Something untouched by the terrible.
They can remember temple food, eating with their friends and crechemates (Force, how many are ever still ALIVE?), as they sit, alone, with their dry rations. Can remember the green and life of the fountain rooms, as they fight and struggle and bleed, in these muddy once beautiful fields. Can... can still feel the !ight.
Remember this is not all there is, and ever will be.
But of course, SI doesn't see that. It's important that they DON'T. That they are small, simple, and just on Jedi amongst many. Different only because ALL Jedi are different. Special only because much the same.
They succeed not because they are greater, not because they are more powerful, but because they do not fight. They accept. Turn instead towards the Force. Trying to understand. They live, are unpredictable, and do not seek at all. The Dark can not grasp, that which does not desire.
Would they LIKE to live? Yeah. But they already have. Would they LIKE to save everyone? Of course! But they have made peace that they can not. Treasure the moments they still have left. The Sith expect Jedi to act in certain patterns that SI simply... isn't.
Because Jedi expect to live. TRY to live. Too continue to do good.
SI? Already knows that is pointless.
And it's the greatest Trick the Force ever played.
Fffffffuck YOU Sith-y boy! Says the Force.
Because SI? Is EVERYWHERE on the 'Net. Much like the mainstream do not really acknowledge or take seriously youtubers? Palpatine and Dooku don't NOTICE SI. They are a silent threat that creeps in, closer and closer. Spreading like wildfire.
THEY are friendly. THEY are cute.
Palpatine? Is an old man. No matter HOW beloved? He will forever BE an old politician. Distant.
Not like that cute wittle kid with their pinchable cheeks! We watched THEM grow up! They feel like a baby cousin. A kid to us. Parasocial relationships ALL across the galaxy!
With A Jedi~☆
How's that propaganda going Palpatine? Getting some unexpected pushback, huh? Lot of angry callers and messages? Calling it ignorant and bigoted? They expected BETTER from you? Yeah, that's because EVERYONE can fact check you now. EVERYONE thinks "smol child ranting about meditation homework while a Knight tries and fails not to laugh, nodding seriously" when they think Jedi.
They're of Holotube! What sort of "cold, emotionally detached, monsters" have a holotube channel? I mean, REALLY?
And? Funny, how ranting to a camera? Instead of dear ol Friend Palpatine? Is both more convenient? AND better for Anikins health? It even gives the 'Net the chance to watch OTHER Jedi? Post THEIR rebuttal rants.
Does anyone have any idea what they're saying half the time? Not really. Scroll down? Maybe the no- Oh, Thanks Kalor-067 for the post to the papers they're referencing! Wikileaks right? Nice.
......I'm mean.... Skywalker DOES kinda have a point, other Jedi dude. *comment section agrees*
And just? Actual public debates? For the first time in over a thousand years? We love to see it! There's a discord! Academics across the Galaxy get involved. They're arguing Jedi philosophy with some moisture farmer from a dustball planet, corner of nowhere. It's GREAT!
......aaaaaalso a LOT more people, non-force sensitive, who know what a Sith is.
What their behavioral patterns are.
...........Wait A Fucking Second >.> >.> >.>
@legitimatesatanspawn @hdgnj @hypewinter @babbling-babull @leftnotright
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imaginative-joy · 8 months
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“I am Moana of Motonui and you will get in my X-Wing, fly across the galaxy, and restore the heart of Te Fiti!”
Here’s Jedi Moana! Since Moana is a voyager and travels using the stars as her guide, I thought it’d be fitting for her to be a pilot flying among the stars. Her lightsaber is inspired by her oar (complete with a Maui autograph) and the shell she leaves behind on Motonui… and the heart of Te Fiti as the kyber crystal! As for HeiHei… I thought about turning him into some Star Wars critter, but it just seems appropriate that no matter what universe he’s in, he’s just a chicken 😂
Also, Mini Maui made it into this piece!
Merida/Prints Mulan/Prints Belle/Prints Raya/Prints Tiana
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ymeisli · 1 year
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Codywan Week Day 2, Wings
do i love wing aus? yes, do i hate drawing wings? absolutely yes so this is veryy half assed and i sorta rushed it but i hope you enjoy anyways 🫶🫶
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chiliger · 2 years
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Maybe don’t diss someone with literal reflective beskar in their feathers.
Idea based off @yukipri ‘s Winged Clones AU: Take Flight, Brothers All
I read that the clones could use their wings to blind enemies if angled with light correctly, and then this happened. The first page is literally what happens in Ch. 3 in the fic, I just thought it would be funny if Cody “accidentally” got back at Skywalker while on a conveniently sunny planet.
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thivell · 4 months
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To the ones who had to see me go through bird insanity
It's only gonna get worse
Anyway! New little winged au I'll be drawing and doing doodles for starting with Obi Wan having a Harris's Hawk. For the WFA au birds are really just picked on vibes but some do have meanings behind them
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enigmatist17 · 1 year
When the general public and enemies aside learned that clones had wings, a lot of them were confused. Why give an army such a vulnerability? Was it just to show that the investment (which had been a secret from everyone apparently) was worth the money?
No matter, most detested them on the grounds they were clones from the start, so most either didn't pay attention to the wings, or would try and get a feather (unwanted or otherwise). Over time however, those who were more of a cruel nature began to realize that certain colors meant certain things, and the color red scared them far above the others.
Red was the color of protectors, of those who were far more willing to act outside the GAR purview if you invoked their wrath.
Some had red peppered among their base color, bright streaks of red found highlighted in Cody's golden feathers alongside the ombre of grey that colored Wolffe. They were the ones to speak loudly and use their words to send someone running or spilling apologies like a broken dam, and were of the few that held more restraint than others.
It was the darker shades of red you really had to look out for.
Neyo was one to make citizens who hurt his brothers just vanish, and while he could never be connected, no one dared go against the clone with the stark white wings shadowed with an almost blood red. Rex hadn't had the dark red clashing for a while, but after Umbara, the red had cascaded over the lower parts of his wings nigh overnight as he kept a close eye on his men, wishing deep down inside he'd killed Krell himself for all the pain left behind.
No one however, matched Fox and his feathers all the same shade of ruby.
The sight of them in the halls of the Senate building incited a feeling of dread of those who took pleasure heckling and treating the clones like they were the scum found in an alley. While Fox rarely did more than speak in a monotone voice after corning a particular person in offices or back hallways, there were a few times he had done much much more.
An attaché from a Separatist-aligned senator that had attempted to kidnap a shiny, claiming they had been promised one after a game of sabacc, vanished shortly before he was to return home. After several hours of intense search, they were found in the morgue of a lower levels precinct, witnesses saying he had fallen to his demise. The shiny was relieved to hear the news, and only some of the senior officers noticed the dangerous smile Fox had, only coming off as a kind one to the shiny who didn't understand.
Well, understand yet
News broke one morning of a gang that had been wiped out, the only thing that was any clue was half of a red feather. Countless clones were hounded but none were ever confirmed to have been anywhere near the former gang hideout, but in the underworld it was known these particular people had found sadistic glee in trying to de-wing the patrolling Corrie Guard. They had been successful only a few days before, leaving a clone without either wings after wrestling him out of sight, so for them to wind up dead so quickly made the Corrie Guard shifts turn into just endless walks around, those who even look at them wrong fleeing before the men could do more than shrug. The wingless clone knew who had done it when Fox remained by his side day and night, letting out a Force be damned laugh when the wounded man was informed of their demise.
Red was a color civilians and their enemies feared, and for the men it appeared for, it meant safety.
Funny how that works out.
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immortalwalnut · 5 months
@yukipri Take Flight! AU but the kaminoans take the whole ‘Super Soldier’ Idea and Fucking Run With It
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echoing-locations · 1 year
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Ok so the story of this au! (or at least what I’ve been able to think up)
Time line: the clone wars doesn’t start until Ballister and Ambrosius are about to become Jedi knights
Ballister and Ambrosius where both trained by the great Jedi master Gloreth (yea she had 2 padawans! So what!!)
At some point Gloreth and the boys are on a mission, Ambrosius is currently separated from his Master and Ballister, and Gloreth and Ballister get jumped by separatists 
When Ambrosius finally is able to find them, he see’s his master dead on the ground and Ballister holding both his own and her lightsaber with a rage in eyes
Ballister was arrested by republic authorities for suspicion of murdering his Master
(Cue that Ahsoka arc)
Ballister try’s to reason with the authorities and tell them who actually killed her, but to no avail
The Jedi council is no help either. They hold their own trial for him, he tried to reason with the council as well.
“Please Masters! Im begging you to believe me! I would never kill my master” “Ambrosius would say different.” “What..?” “When he found you, he sensed hatred. Anger” “please if you’d let me explain!” “We’ve hear enough. You Ballister boldheart, are no longer apart of this order.”
Ambrosius begrudgingly told the council that he saw the hate in ballisters eyes that day
The day before Ballister was supposed to be put on trial before the senate, he was able to escape and get off coruscant
Ambrosius was made a Jedi knight and a few days after bal escaped the clone wars stared
Note: Ballister and Ambrosius were not in a relationship cuz Jedi aren’t supposed to have attachments but they do have HUGE crushes on each other
~a few years later~ (maybe like 2 years)
Ballister has become a bounty hunter and has his own ship, bal doesn’t use his lightsaber but he has it unconstructed on his belt (like kanan)
I don’t really have a idea on how Nimona and Ballister met but it was probably on a job. It’s a good thing ballister has a extra room on his ship!!
Nimona did the foundling thing but the opposite way, child adopting the parent
Ok that’s all I got for now! Also I got no clue on how ballister lost his arm.
And as always I’m always open to suggestions!! I love hearing other people’s ideas!
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kefirstushyu · 1 year
I have a lot of WINGS!AU content but I gotta wait for @valeforess to officially post the infos :]
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Anakin's info-post is not out yet, so lemme be your spoiler-bringer today
• His wings are clipped at their ends since his childhood as a slave, so he can't fly properly (but he really wants to💀💀)
• Palpatine is a praying mantis in this AU, so he can't fly well either, BUT he can at least float down??? Parachute-like??
Yeah, basically I was wondering how would they try not to fall WHILE FALLING (yeah I know Jedi can do the soft-landing thing, but uhh??)
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circadianaa · 1 year
clones with wings au!
something i’ve been cooking in my brain for MONTHS but have only just now gotten down on paper. let’s go!
starting off:
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the plain wings. in this specific au, the clones are from a species that have wings as opposed to a general everyone-has-wings au! the clones all have identical wings (aside from the rare mutation), which are basically bird wings with some minor changes. for one, they have opposable thumbs (can you really call it a thumb ??) at the end of the radius and ulna (lower arm bones) quite like bats! but i gave them two thumbs on each wing. for some reason. here’s what the wing skeleton looks like:
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clones have very plain-looking wings, but they use them as blank canvases. since the undersides are so pale, they’re perfect for custom dye jobs.
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there’s a structured system and language when it comes to wing dye jobs. the wing is broken up into four sections, where each section has a different meaning. the first (and often the first dye received as well) is the rank, at the outermost edge of the wing. this is the most structured out of all the sections; unlike the others, zero creativity for presentation is allowed. as clones aren’t technically supposed to dye their wings, it’s not written in any regulations anywhere, but it’s widely understood to be SOP.
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ranks are broken into 2 tiers of silver and gold. gold denotes command staff ranks and silver are the remaining vast majority of troopers. the only ranks with 2 different commonly seen variations are lieutenants, to distinguish CMOs from platoon lieutenants, and privates, as though all shinies hold the rank of private they don’t earn wing dye until after their first battle (just like armor paint!)
the second section is rarely used—generally only by medics or other specialists. it is at the bottommost part of the wing. red stripes (or other patterns) denote that a clone is a medic. it’s a practicality thing more than it’s an aesthetic thing, same as the recognizable sigils medics paint on their armor.
the third is the most eye-catching and the most custom—no two clones have them alike! this is the personal design section, at the very center of the wing. the color of the markings here signifies the battalion a clone is in; however, this section is not meant to mark allegiance, it’s meant to mark personal history, and if a clone has ever transferred battalions, they keep the colors of their old battalion as well as including the colors of their new one. this design evolves as a clone does, often getting more intricate as they age. some clones always prefer simpler designs, though (captain rex being one!), and choose to retain the plainer colors of their youth.
the fourth is a subsection of the personal history section, marking the batchmates who have passed on. these stripes, almost always golden, are located at the part of the wing closest to the body, on the long feathers at the base of the wing. some clones have zero markings here, some have four (or more, if a sibling they felt as close to as a batchmate is lost). it’s kept as a way to honor and remember the dead. this is the only marking that’s dyed on the top of the wing as well as the underside.
here are some more examples of designs for some clones!
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(that last one there is my oc, cadaver!)
some other general lore:
medics are generally the only ones capable of carrying others in flight because it’s something they specifically train for. carrying another trooper while flying is incredibly strenuous, but medics need to do so in order to evacuate troops from battlefields efficiently or catch them if they’re injured while in flight. following this, medics also train numerous flight maneuvers such as dives and tight turns in order to be able to catch injured siblings mid-flight.
clones have wings built for soaring and sustained flight, meaning that acrobatics don’t come naturally to them. bursts of speed and tight turns are something they have to train for; it’s not built in.
wings are a massive part of social life within the GAR. as hard as they try, there are spots on their wings that are impossible for clones to preen and maintain by themselves. thus, they rely on their siblings to keep each other in tip-top shape. as a result, preening is a very social activity, and often done to express affection as much as it is to keep each other healthy.
following the previous note, dye jobs are also a massive part of the social upkeep. they have to redye their wings frequently because of how often they lose feathers or have the intricate pigment damaged. this means clones rely on their siblings to keep the physical representations of their identities in place (and i’ll let you imagine how this affects clones who survive order 66.)
clones’ wings are NOISY. this does mean that stealth while flying is difficult for them, but it also means that they can use their wings as a form of communication. for example, snapping one’s wings open creates a loud wooshing sound that can grab the attention of everyone in the room. it’s used often by commanding officers trying to give orders to a rowdy platoon.
the wings are incredibly expressive and are the hardest part of one’s body language to control. a clone could have a blank face and a perfect parade rest, but their wings will be a tell-all for their true feelings. thankfully, the subtler of the numerous wing expressions are always lost on natborns.
i’ll add more if i think of it!
breaking my hiatus for this because i was too excited about it! i’m such a nerd about birds & wing aus in particular and i don’t see enough of it so i made it myself! permissions-wise, you’re totally welcome to use this lore in any art or fics if it inspires you, and if you want to create your own designs feel free to use that blank version of the wings right at the top! i would really appreciate a tag if you post any of it. thank you guys, and i hope you enjoy!
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thestarwarslesbian · 1 year
Fox: I really got to go.
Wolffe: because QOA was in a bike accident.
Fox: Yeah. Wolffe: Tell your friend, QOA, she’s got a funny name. And she should learn to ride a bicycle. Fox: I would but she’s not my friend, she’s my wife; and that’s not her name it’s her title. Wolffe: QOA? Fox: Queen of Alderaan.
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evilminji · 3 days
Back on my: Holotuber Jedi Youngling - OC Thoughts >.>
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You think folks debate at first? Shtick or Real Thing? Like? No... no WAY could that be one of those Mysterious Mystic Space Cult Kids. No WAY. They would NEVER let their kid be unsupervised on the Net.
But like... (and since I'm a She, gonna use She, but realistically could be any pronouns here) she LOOKS like she's recording from a...? Is that a closet? This one looks like a vent. THIS video is definitely some sort of maintenance area. So she's definitely sneaking...
Ooooh! Thaaaat's a Jedi! REAL FUCKING JEDI. Just dropped down silently behind her. Arms crossed. Mouse droids be snitching. BUSTED.
"Uuuuuuh, h-heeey, Master Uvalii. Fancy seeing YOU here!"
"Yes. Quite interesting isn't it? Since you should not be able to access this area at all, much less to achieve holonet access. Of which we are both aware you are expressly Forbidden To DO unsupervised."
".........I can explain?"
"Please. Do."
*feed ends, chat goes fucking NUTS*
Like? Oh SHIT. Baby Jedi in troooouble. But also? Oh no! What's gonna happen?! Are they gonna be okay?! S-should they TELL somebody? What do Jedi do to kids who disobey them? Does anyone actually KNOW? What DO any of us know about them!? Someone find their Com Code! MA! MA, I need you to yell at space monks! An adorable CHILD MIGHT BE AT STAKE!!! D:>
Even coming BACK on? For a supervised feed? Going "no, I'm just in trouble. Have to right paragraphs and meditate on 'why I felt the need to do this' (even though I KNOW why, not that they'll LISTEN. They just hope I'll meditate until I come to an answer they LIKE)" under the offscreen supervision of a teacher or Creche master?
Whole ass Net gonna be like "youngling! Blink Twice if they're holding you hostage! We can afford bounty hunters! We got a group pot thing going already!!! Aaaaaaaa-!"
Like? *waves at the camera and chat* she TOLD you. They don't believe you. This is part of WHY she wants to do what she's doing. Palpatine's and his Master's machinations have been building for a while. Eroding trust. The Jedi have become strange, dangerous, semi-mythical cryptids with magic powers we must HOPE are benevolent.
Not people.
Why would they expect some unfeeling, magical, sword-wielding space legend to be patient or kind to children? To even have the capacity? We are said to kidnap children and be unfeeling. Can not reach enough people to show otherwise. To reveal the mundanity of our lives. The traditions. The norms.
Food, children, laughter.
The Common Good.
And like? She obviously isn't gonna name Sith-ly NAMES. Not on CAMERA. But her lil "why I wanna play the tooka game and chat about lunch" speech? Convincing. Calms chat down. Still in trouble, mind you. But... provided it's SUPERVISED? And they work out some sort of effective moderation? Alright.
It's a matter of SAFETY, youngling. And no matter HOW much good you wish to do? They will NOT be sacrificing children to achieve it. That is NOT the Jedi way. There are plenty of old masters who would live nothing more then to ramble all day into cameras, if only to here themselves talk. (Oh? Good to know. Guest speakers pog?)
Like? Imagine making a game. Have a "mystical sage" character you TOTALLY BASED of Jedi in it. And your feed gets? Flooded with XD reactions in response to some smol bby streamer playing it? You go to check it out. Cause you're kinda a big deal on your planet. And?
Oh No™
That tiny streamer? Is a tiny JEDI streamer. Who is sitting there, in the stills, going O.o like "Wut." And the next still? Her lil friends are pulled in. The next? A teenager. The NEXT. An adult. The one after THAT. A few adults looking over her shoulder. Then a CROWD. All deeply, deeply confused looking.
The comments are DYING. Howling with laughter. The Jedi were so earnest. Trying to identify which Era you must be referencing. Which sect. But the head dress... cultural, maybe? It doesn't fit with the features though. Could be adopted. A hint at, I believe the term was, "lore"? No, no, those are DEFINITELY padawan beads! But so MANY? In THAT order?
They aren't even connected to a braid! And he's supposed to be a Master, right? But, wait. Perhaps it's meant to suggest he is a Padawan of the Force itself? A student of life? No, that wouldn't make sense! Stolen? It could suggest he has TAKEN the beads? Is regurgitating stolen texts without true understanding? Much like wearing bead he did not EARN?
They keep going and going. Ripping your character design to SHREDS. Picking it apart. Not even meanly! They are genuinely confused. AND IT ONLY MAKES THE CHAT LAUGH HARDER. Because it devolves into a MARATHON, after the game has been paused, of chat spamming different character names? For the Jedi to go "???" Over.
T...that's not? What? How does he even EAT in those robes? And those ones don't seem very non-humanoid friendly. Is he FLOATING HIS SWORD WITH THE FORCE? WHY!? Just keep it on your belt!!!
And? Now every game developer in the galaxy is PARANOID AF. Either make their mystics Very Obviously NOT Jedi rip offs... or shoot a "if I pay you $20 will you consult on something real quick" email. It's just... just easier man. Last guy got laughed into oblivion. Oof.
They can bill it as "Realism" or something. See guys? WE do or reasearch! Give us your credits!
Oh YEAH? Says the growing fan base of this Funky Lil Monk Child. Then put you game where your communication organs are. Send her the game, you cowards.
Do It.
Cut to "oh no, guys! The sorta-jedi died! What? Next objective? No. No we gotta give him a funeral! Oh good, we ca-BURY HIM?! What!? No!!! I could understand if he was from a race that held beliefs that bodies must be returned to the soil from whence they came, but this guy is a SORTA-JEDI! Absolutely NOT!"
"Let's cut down some trees. WE are building him a PYRE. Never ran one of these, but I can look it up. Gimme a moment. Okay. Draaaaag, him on to it. Where's his weapon. There! Thanks chat! On it goes too. Okay. Looking it up..... got it. Ahem...!"
*hold funeral for the sage character by burning his body*
*mods are IMMEDIATELY created to change the "burial" scene to a "Funeral pyre" with somber music*
Just? I can not let go? Of how the subtle shift would spread? Not in shining senatorial halls, but in class rooms and living rooms, dingy pubs and long hyperdrive flights? Anywhere boredom might be found and "hey check this out" might spread? Where someone else, might overhear and get curious?
Lik?? Imagine being the bounty hunter, who fuckin HATES Jedi, thinks they're sanctimonious BASTARDS, hearing someone snort laugh. Just... just fucking CHOKE on their cheep beer. Oh? Now everyone's interested. What's funny?
It's a teeny, tiny, lil jedi youngling. Playing that new Bounty 5 game. Unrealistic as hell. But they are going "I am a MASTER of stealth. A LEGEND of the hunt. You will not see me. I am sneaky. So, so, sneeeeakyyyyy!" As they concentrate on sneaking through back alleys.
Only for their character to fall RIGHT of a ledge, bounce against three buildings, smash into a parked Speeder, and roll right into a cut scene. Where they are call the "greatest bounty hunter of all time".
They look so incredulous.
"Are you SURE? Cause I'm fairly certain that phrase alone is banned for the trouble it causes, near most Bounty outposts. Could be the concussion talking though!"
They are? A sarcastic lil SHIT. Roast EVERYTHING. Know a surprising number of them. Given that they gave the Duros support character a modded in hat. Named him Definitely-Not-Cad. The fake look mustache REALLY sells it. Yeah, Bane. Clearly not you. YOU don't have a mustaches. *watches as she unleashes the Not Cad Bane like a highly tactical meat thresher on legs* brutal lil shit. They like her.
Granted, it's only BECAUSE it's not real she does so.
But I just? Have so many ideas? Spam the Galaxy with "this is who we are. We are people. Develop bonds with us. Care about us. KNOW us." Because the Sith can not possibly kill us all. Can not stop truth, so widely spread. Light dies, when you smother it in closed hands, hidden away in dark and long forgotten places. When you let fear dictate your actions.
It thrives in the open. With people. With the chance to SPREAD. Grow. Bloom.
It's about talking and caring. Being heard. What better place? Then on the screen in their pocket?
@babbling-babull @hypewinter @hdgnj @legitimatesatanspawn @spidori @spidori
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