#star-glow wigs
makhis · 2 years
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thinking about her a normal amount ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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rottenpumpkin13 · 4 months
we need more Tseng content
Out Of Context Things Tseng Has Seen Around The Shinra Building
• Reeve walking into a board meeting with a paintball gun, going "This is no longer a safe space."
• Sephiroth and Chadley playing darts with cutout of Professor Hojo's head as the target.
• Rufus, Cissnei, Zack and Lazard playing soccer with the decapitated head of the President Shinra statue.
• Cait Sith and Sephiroth wearing matching friendship bracelets.
• Zack Fair screaming, hanging onto Dark Star's leash, being dragged around the Skyview Hall after a failed attempt at walking them.
• Reno and Rude attempting to domesticate a raccoon that had collar with the name "Princess" on it.
• Lazard beating Heidegger with a rolled up magazine, also during a board meeting.
• Angeal, panicked, heading into the elevator holding a fully grown cannabis plant while going "shit shit shit shit shit shit shit"
• During an interdepartmental meeting in the auditorium, the turks and SOLDIERs sitting on opposite sides, trash talking each other. What shocked Tseng was Sephiroth flashing Reno the middle finger.
• Cloud Strife braiding Sephiroth's hair. Genesis approached and began teasing them for being childish. Cloud calmly finished the braid before beating Genesis with it (repeatedly).
• Lazard and Rufus carrying a coffin at either end. Fearing the worse, Tseng intercepted them and demanded that they open it. Inside he found Sephiroth (alive). When asked what he was doing, Sephiroth replied "serving as a practice dummy"
• Scarlett walking in Genesis' direction, followed by Genesis diving under a nearby table, followed by Sephiroth pointing at said table and telling her "He loves to play hide and seek."
• Sephiroth happily coming back from Reeve's office carrying a box of legos.
• Cissnei holding Zack's legs while Angeal holds Zack's arms. They're carrying him to medical while Zack squirms and and shouts: "RELEASE ME! I DON'T HAVE THE FLU! I JUST DRANK ORANGE SODA TOO FAST AND THREW UP! WHAT'S THE BIG DEAL?"
• Reno standing at a corner selling brownies. Fearing the worst, he intercepted, but found out that they were just regular brownies and Reno had just recently gotten into baking as a hobby.
Zack was standing in line and was very unhappy.
Zack: Aw, man. They're just regular brownies? This is false advertising!
Reno: What about the advertising indicates that they're edibles?
Zack: The fact that you're selling them.
• Cloud dropping down from the vents, followed by Zack, followed by Angeal, followed by Genesis, followed by Sephiroth. They're all wearing glow stick necklaces. When asked what they were doing, Sephiroth replied "friendship"
• The turks and SOLDIERs were made to put on a theater performance to promote interdepartmental bonding. Tseng was made to supervise the practices. Tseng gave up after he walked into the first practice and saw:
1) Cloud suspended from the ceiling, reciting Loveless boredly while a group of people panic, trying to get him down.
2) Reno and Zack fighting (loudly) over who gets to play the role of Tree #4. This argument quickly turned physical.
3) Genesis sitting in a director chair, shouting at Sephiroth through a megaphone, instructing him to sweep the stage better. Sephiroth grew impatient and thwacked the chair legs with his broom, breaking it. Genesis fell (violently).
4) Rude wearing a wig.
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msbigredmachine · 2 months
You Again (Roman Reigns) - Part 1
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That awkward moment when the biggest star in pro wrestling happens to be your high school bully…and he’s in your office. A 2-part series.
Pairing: Bully!Roman Reigns x OC
Word Count: 2,500
Warning: Hints of smut, stalking, bullying
FINALLY! I've fleshed out this WIP. I'm so proud of myself! Hope you like it. Enjoy!
Evelyn squeezed into the crowded elevator, relieved that she’d gotten in before the doors could slide shut. She combed her fingers through her wig, smoothed down her blouse and took a deep breath as another work day that came too soon was about to start. Stepping out on the fifth floor, she fixed her face like she didn’t wish she was back in Cancun sipping on some Piña Coladas at her beachfront cabana. 
The offices of Wow Magazine buzzed left and right, with employees and staff bustling about as the latest edition of the fashion Bible was published on print and digital media today. Evelyn plastered a smile on her face and accepted their glowing compliments on her outfit. Dressed in a cute off-white sweater blouse, a white pleated miniskirt with sheer Fendi ‘F’ tights and black stilettos, the ‘Editor-in-Chief’ nameplate pasted to her door reminded her every day that she couldn’t be caught dead looking a mess at any time.
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“Latte for Miss Ashton?” Her assistant, Faith, entered her office ten minutes later with her usual Starbucks order. “Welcome back, boss. You look refreshed and ready to go already!” she chirped, setting the Styrofoam cup down on the mahogany desk. "How was your vacation?" 
"Way too short. I wanna go back already," she replied. "So what's on my agenda today before I change my mind and get outta here?"
Faith laughed and scrolled down her iPad. "You got a meeting at ten with Tessa on September’s feature cover. Your lunch meeting with Roger from Finance is at noon, then there’s a couple of itineraries that need your approval. I’ve already emailed them to you."
"Sounds good." Evelyn took a sip of her coffee and chatted some more with Faith before she was left alone to get settled. At five to ten, she was walking to the conference room when she caught a glimpse of a tall, powerfully built man standing at the reception area, his back only visible in profile. His well-tailored pinstripe gray Gucci suit was a perfect fit on his big frame and all the musculature underneath. A jolt of interest pinged through her for this attractive stranger, but it was quickly replaced by shock as he turned around and his dark eyes met hers.
This was no stranger at all. It was her worst nightmare!
It had been several years, but there was no mistaking that face. It was bad enough that she’d had to look at it every single day for much of her teen years. Said face also haunted her TV on Friday nights, and given how he'd made her life miserable, she couldn’t forget it if she tried.
Oh no. No, no…no!
She felt her stomach drop when his eyes widened. Fuck! He recognized her, too! She couldn’t tear her eyes away from his fiery stare as his lips formed her name.
Hearing him address her by her shortened name snapped her temporary paralysis. Ducking her head, she almost stumbled in her heels as she rushed into the conference room and slammed the door shut. Flattening her back against it, she exhaled shakily, her heart racing at a million miles a minute as she struggled to process what she’d just seen.
More frightening was the sight of him walking into the conference room just a few moments later with Tessa, Wow’s Artistic Director, a cheery smile on her face as she announced,
“Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce to you the cover star for September’s edition, WWE Superstar Roman Reigns!”
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Focusing on the meeting was difficult. Staying professional was even tougher knowing her tormentor sat mere feet away, staring a hole through her the entire time. She wanted to throw up as Tessa gushed over the magazine’s newly-penned partnership with WWE, which came with a cover feature for its biggest star in their most popular edition of the year. This also meant that in just a few short weeks, Evelyn would have to see him again, as it was her job to oversee his photoshoot, wardrobe, and the interview itself. Even more nauseating was that Management was to hold a lavish yacht party this coming weekend celebrating the partnership with Joe as their special guest of honor. Clearly, a lot had transpired while she was away, and she didn’t like any of it one bit.
Neither Tessa nor Faith noticed her eagerness to get out of there when the meeting finally, thankfully ended. She quickly darted into the break room nearby and fought to catch her breath, hating that she was running around like a cornered rat. Luckily the room was empty, meaning no one could see her in her flustered state. She was known for her cool calm demeanor, but one asshole had just come into her world and turned it upside down. Again.
She couldn’t believe this! Why was the Lord testing her like this? 
Joe Anoa’i had single-handedly almost ruined her entire high school experience. For one, he made sure no boy came near her during her first three years. She was the constant butt of mean jokes thanks to his stupid football teammates, led by him and his twin cousins Jon and Josh Fatu. Her locker would often be spray-painted with derogatory names or overflowing with trash, and, at one horrific time, used condoms. She remembered the tears she’d cried after she had to clean up that disgusting stuff all by herself in front of everyone.
When her father was transferred out of state right before her senior year began, she had been beyond relieved. Most teenagers would have been devastated to be uprooted for their last year in high school, but Evelyn was ecstatic. She was never going to see Joe or his cronies again, and it was the chance to finally have a normal high school experience.
She could vividly recall the last time she saw him. She'd been so happy at the prospect of escape that, when he paused in the hall to watch her clean out her locker for the last time, she made full eye contact with him for once and laughed in his face.
"Sayonara, bitch," Evie cheesed, smiling smugly when a scowl darkened his irritatingly handsome face. 
"What are you doing?" he demanded, walking up to her, his expression intense.
"Gettin’ away from you and this fucking school forever. You’ll never see me again and I don’t gotta deal with your bullshit anymore," she replied coldly. Stepping past him, she almost fell over when he grabbed her arm and yanked her back, colliding their bodies together.
Joe leaned down, towering over her petite figure, and growled, "Oh sweetheart, trust me when I say you'll see me again. I’ll find you wherever you are, no matter how long it takes. That’s a promise."
Evelyn recalled his raspy last words with trepidation. That he had indeed found her, just like he’d threatened, spooked her to no end.
Behind her, the door clicked open, and the air in the room changed. Shifted. Charged with a palpable tension. Through the reflection of a nearby window, she saw Joe shut the door behind him. With her heart in her throat, she kept her back turned and did her best to ignore his approaching footsteps. But with only a few long strides, he was standing right behind her, boxing her in his much bigger body. She hated the way her skin prickled and the fine hairs on the back of her neck stood on end. Blood pounded in her ears as his familiar scent reached her nose, triggering memories of when he had mercilessly tortured her in school. She stiffened at the reminder and struggled with her body's response to his closeness. Close enough now that there was very little room for her to escape even if she wanted to.
His hard chest molded against her back. His thick, muscular arms stretched across the table she leaned on from both sides, trapping her. She could feel every inch of him, every muscle attached to her like steel to a magnet. Her breath caught, torn between shoving him away and giving in to the arousal that pulsed through her body. When she felt his mouth close to her ear, a shiver coursed down her spine. 
"Evie," Joe breathed. His low, husky voice uttering her name set off the butterflies in her belly and spread heat through her body. As his hands moved to her shoulders, her skin broke out into goosebumps and her nipples hardened into sharp little points, chafing almost painfully against the lace of her bra. Despite her body's involuntary reaction, she held herself rigidly, staring straight ahead, giving no indication that she could feel anything.
"I thought I was imagining things," he went on in that gruff, yet velvety tone, "But no. I'd know that face anywhere.”
“Oh look, the leader of N’Stink is here. Long time no see,” Evelyn finally spoke up, her tone cold and clipped.
“Leader of what?” he laughed. She didn't see what was so funny.
“That was my name for you and the evil twins. Jon and Josh. I remember you all,” she said.
Joe smirked. “Who knew little Evie Ashton was so creative.”
“I’m not ‘Evie’ anymore. I go by Evelyn now.” She dared to glare up at him and despised the way her knees weakened immediately. He was more gorgeous than he was twenty years ago and was still able to effortlessly awaken her body with just one look, with just his proximity. It reminded her how, as a teen, she had been so confused and embarrassed by the way she simultaneously loathed him and desired him. Unfortunately nothing about that had changed. 
"This is the other reason I knew it was you." His mouth was by her ear again. To her complete shock, he pressed himself against her, and she sucked in a breath as what felt like an impressive erection lightly prodded her backside. "All you had to do was come near me and you had me so hard I couldn’t walk straight sometimes."
Hold up!
Her eyes went wide. “What are you talking about?”
“You have no damn idea how much I wanted you, Evie,” Joe elaborated, licking his lips as he gazed at her. “I wanted a taste of them soft lips. Your tits. Your pussy. Hell, I still do.”
Evelyn clenched her thighs together, failing to stop the rush of warmth between her legs at his unexpected words. “You’re fuckin’ lying,” she stammered. This coming from the same guy who regularly made fun of her skinny frame and horn-rimmed glasses back then. Total bullshit!
He shook his head. “I'm not. You feel that, don’t you?” He grinded against her again, nudging the back of her skirt a little higher up her thighs. She opened her mouth to tell him to get the fuck away from her, but all that came out was a whimper. She glanced down, seeing his strong, tanned hands now grasping her hips, lining up her ass directly against his crotch. Mindlessly, she pressed back against him, her body giving into the urges despite her brain’s protests. Lust coursed through her, drugging her into docility. The same thing kept happening back in high school. Even when she was furious at him, he'd affected her so strongly on a physical level that she felt almost drunk when she was around him. What was worse, he was the first and only boy who had turned her on like that without even lifting a finger. Not even Chuka, her ex-fiancé, ever set her body on fire like this, despite his numerous attempts. 
As a teenager, she would daydream during the day, and at night, laying alone in her bed, fantasize about being with Joe Anoa’i…wondered what it would feel like, imagined the heights he could take her to if they ever had sex…
Encouraged by her complacency, Joe’s lips trailed the crook of her neck, and her head tilted back reflexively. His steel length felt like it was branding her through her skirt. She panted heavily, air expelling in short bursts from her lungs as his mouth trailed ever closer, ghosting over her jawline and her cheek before finally landing on hers, sucking her bottom lip. For the life of her, she wondered why she didn’t push him away. Perhaps it was because she was starved for a man’s touch which had been missing for the past year. Or maybe because it was a kiss she’d dreamed of; a kiss that would set her ablaze and burn her from the inside out. It was the kiss she’d wanted for two decades but never got. Until now.
Evelyn could hear her inner, mentally-scarred teen scream for joy as she turned in his arms and kissed his soft lips back with a defeated moan. The energy between them had amplified tenfold, making her heart race, urging her to dive into him. Joe seemed to read her mind and, pushing her up against the table, slipped his tongue into her mouth, his hand leaving her waist to curl around her throat. It was the simplest, yet the kinkiest of touches which unleashed a tsunami between her thighs and another moan against his lips. She felt his dick pulse against her belly as the kiss became more urgent, hungrier. With a gentle nudge of his foot, he spread her legs wider apart, and her body jerked with surprise when he shoved his other hand inside her skirt, boldly cupping the mound protected by her panties.
“Just like I thought, you’re wet as fuck. Did I make you wet like this back then? Huh?” Joe goaded, his lips an inch from hers, making her feel every word he uttered. "Tell me."
Evelyn couldn’t stop her eyes from rolling back, or her body grinding against his fingers as they circled around the dampness on her underwear before tugging the satin material to the side. His hand on her neck slipped lower to grab her breast, fondling it in his large palm as his lips latched onto the side of her throat. It was an attack from all fronts and Evelyn was very much losing the fight.
Until his finger dipped inside her wetness, which her brain computed as one lascivious act too many and finally snapped her back to her senses.
“Okay, stop! Stop it!” she hissed in a panic, pushing him off her. She glanced around the room, hoping no one else was there as she adjusted her clothes, and then raced out of the room as fast as her heels could carry her, desperate to get away. She slammed her office door shut and did not come out again until he left.
On her desk, the invite to the yacht party taunted her in its fancy, elaborate lettering and graphics, a craftwork that would have impressed her if it didn’t make her want to vomit and run away forever, or better yet, book another flight to Cancun never to return.
How the fuck was she going to get through the week? 
And where the fuck was her vibrator when she needed it?
Credit to the owners of the pics and gifs.
🏷️: @jxtina-86 @wrestlingprincess80 @fame-ass-ers @southerngirl41 @alyyaanna @jstarr86 @murrylove @thewarlordsworld @mzv11 @nayys-world @hunnidmilly  @tribalhoochie @cyberdejos2 @papireigns-05  @harmshake @niknakbucks92 @captainwithoutmakingitlove @sovereigngoth @aisharmi @kennedi0818 @alichesmi @thesamoanqueen @questionable-behaviour @tribalchiefreigns @2-muchsauce @thatbxtchsblog @raya-hunter01  @marchi36753 @lovelysuccess @christinabae @wooahmiri @thatonecarebear @tabletheofhead @rheaanddamianfan @vebner37 @hanley1577 @princessesareforsuckers @-naturally @joannasteez @bbygirlky18 @lilucey @theninthwonder @melaninsugababy @chocovibesonly @msbluehaz3 @shes2real @trippinsorrows @scarlettnoir01 @heerah34 @empressdede @tbmotw @darkangelchronicles @visionarymode @marasdeathnote @aintnorainbows @meggylynnloves @shantinextdoor @femdisa @harlemblipster  @trc-punzel @afterdarkprincess @nbanenefrmdao @sassginaswanmills @purplehairgawdess @holisticcoach @girlwhogaf @royalkay23 @heyitsnajabrinee @stoner2k @reci1996 @catxo @iamimanim @lookmais @ts1mp0ne @lizzyd1ish @m3llowww @skyesthebomb @final1miya @kia1996 @randomuser0711 @yourtribalqueen @katymae12344 @that-one-anxious-mango @yana3sworld @caramelcleopatraa @truefant4sy @thetribalqueen @bhjszsdxc @paigereeder @christinabae @justazzi @maknaehyucks @mindairy @headoftheetable @truefant4sy @mscarter213 @ariiaeltheedonn @sageispunk @xbriexx @heauxvibez
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incognito-duo · 4 months
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The turtles and Splinter all call him Da Vinci, hated it at first but then grew to love it.
Loves watching Octonauts, and made a video essay about it.
Likes going to Walmart
Watches Vine compilations at 2 am when he can’t sleep
Color codes his candy, for example, only eats all of the red Skittles then the purple ones then green, etc.
Cried over Roblox VC once, and his brother verbally harassed a 5-year bc of it.
After Scumbug got with Splinter, Leo tried to encourage his family to learn the language she spoke. He is the most fluent, but as good as Splinter.
Even though he's a snitch, Leo has blackmail/secrets that are brothers only. (Some things are sibling code fr)
Favorite Dcom is Z-O-M-B-I-E-S, and looks up to Zed.
Loves cheesy Rom-cons, and has a Tubi account just for it.
Head of movie nights, mostly watched anime movies but tried to find one the whole family would love.
Has his tent because he owns a bunch of merch, and needed a place to put it.
Simon, from Alvin and the Chipmunks, kinnie. Had a massive childhood crush on Jennet.
Def a Disney Kid, TOH, Molly McGee etc.
Got into Anime, and other fandoms, bc of AMV's.
Fandom wiki user, and a Tumblr user.
Studio Ghibli GEEK!! Made many video essays.
Chapped as hell lips, carries small Vaseline around (Forgets to use it)
Owns a diary
Info dumps and long study sessions a lot
Only wants bubble tea for the pearls
Had a small wig era... failed, and never did it again. (He only wears wigs in secret)
Has the best handwriting
He could wing a test if he paid attention in class because IMPROV!!!
HAS to sleep near one of his brothers, hence why he has a bunk bed.
Has glow-in-dark stick stars on his wall!!
Number one hypeman when you wanna ask your crush out. Definitely helped Leo with April
Writes in orange glittery pen
Likes to style his mask in bows or fun edges
Over thinks with giving others gifts, decorating, and hosting parties
He HATES the dentist
He is actually a big softie and dork (like we all know), so he yaps a lot with April, his brothers, and the people he's REALLY close with
Likes a few musicals because of Mikey, like CryBaby and Ride of the Cyclone
Loves to show off, mostly to impress people
Plays Valorant with Casey
Bullies little kids on Roblox voice chat
Childhood crushes were on Liv from Liv and Maddie, and Cat from Victorious
Likes to munch on waffle cones when bored
He's too loud or too quiet when speaking during certain times without knowing
Owns a journal, and has the most outrageous handwriting
Kids still bully her, but a lot have stopped after the events of the movie
She slowly learns how to get over her stage fright
the CUTEST handwriting when taking notes, the aesthetic school notes with the pastel highlighters
Doodles during class, and tends to doodle Leo when working on her newspapers (AprilNardo>>>)
Lowkey hated Casey before they became BFFs
Goes to her apartment roof when she needs to relax, or when bored
Listens to Lofi Girl when studying
Likes to make small, silly comics for the school newspaper
Loves tot bags, or duffel bags!
She is an only child, but loves to hang out with her parents and relatives. Every weekend, she goes to IHop with her family and invites the turtles and Irma sometimes
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Sweet Sweet Girl
Rating: Explicit 18+ (MDNI) Pairing: Incubus Max Lord x Female Reader Words Count: 1,400 Summary: Huh, what a weird dream. Warnings: NON-CONSENSUAL SEX (it's an incubus here folks), asphyxiation, unprotected piv sex, jedi mind tricks but make it for smut, i'm sorry he has the wig (justice for pedro's real hair), nocturnal orgasm, so many WW84 quotes
A/N: This is the darkest thing I've written along with writing a character from a movie I cannot stand. Guess what though... once I realized where I wanted to take this, I actually enjoyed it. So thank you to @quinnnfabrgay-writes and @hauntedhowlett-writes for the Monster Smash, I really loved stepping outside of my comfort zone. Thank you to @mothandpidgeon for letting me throw ideas at her and her enthusiasm. Also thank you to @jolapeno for holding my hand through some of my doubts.
🛌 🛌 🛌
Sweet sweet girl, I’ve loved you from the first moment I saw you, sweet sweet girl.  Sweet sweet girl, you won’t look at me, you won’t pay me mind, sweet sweet girl. Sweet sweet girl, your body belongs to me, you can't stop me. No one can.
You pretty thing you, slumbering away in your idyllic iron bed. Under a cover of delicate flowers, you lay. So peaceful, so relaxed. He has access to everything he’d ever want, power beyond belief, richer than Mammon. He can have it all, and he wants it, so he takes you. Lucifer, save you. 
Crimson petals line the walkway leading to your throne. It’s hazy here, light swirls and reflects in a different way. Your vision is wavy, as if everything you see is under a veil of amber liquid.
The heavy wooden doors of your fortress creak open, and he appears. 
Dark brown eyes framed by angled eyebrows lock onto you as he strides with purpose towards you. He’s adorned in golden silk that matches his complexion. He glows bright like a star. His honey blonde hair is always meticulously manicured, his face always perfectly smooth. He’s the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen. 
“My Lord,” you bow your head to the bishop. 
He kneels in front of your throne.
“Tell me what you wish for, Your Highness, and I will show you how it works.”
“You. My Lord. I wish for you,” you beg. “I wish for you to love me.”
“I like the way you think. You don't ever have to make a wish for me to love you. I'm here because I love you. Take my hand.” 
You take his outstretched hand, and your surroundings transform.
No longer in your castle, you’re somewhere else, the world swirls stronger. The walls are draped in rich, golden tapestries that shimmer as they catch the glow of the golden candles flickering all around you. 
A chill runs down your spine as a tinge of uncertainty grips you; your mind begins to believe that this is all wrong, yet your heart races with only desire for your Lord.
“My Lord,” you whisper with a hint of concern. “Wha-where are we?”
“We’re where we belong. Never accept the limitations of nature,” his deep voice rumbles through you. He places his lips against your ear. “You want to be here.”
“I want to be here,” you repeat, as a wave of passion and peace washes over you.
“Good, my Queen,” he leans forward, pulling the sleeve of your dress down to expose your shoulder. “Do you desire me?”
“Yes,” you moan softly.
“Yes my–”
“Yes my Lord,” you submissively correct yourself. “I-I desire you, and only you.” 
He leans forward, placing a heated kiss on your bare shoulder. It smolders against your sensitive skin, igniting your body. Your dress is far too warm against your overheating skin, sweat begins to bead as you claw and clutch at the heavy velvet that sits upon you. 
He kisses a path from your shoulder to your neck before nipping his way up the sensitive skin to your mouth. 
Your dress disintegrates when his lips meet yours in a searing kiss. He sucks your bottom lip into his mouth, luring you closer, his breath is hot against your skin. He slit hers his arms around you, capturing you against him. With each line his fingers run up and down your spine, the more the walls close in on you, the world fading, leaving only your Lord. 
He consumes you. Each lick into your mouth makes your heart less capable of beating for anything else but him. He pulls away, leaving you breathless.
He snaps his fingers.
The world spins underneath you, a tornado of golden swirls lifts you up and away from your Lord. Your body hovers above the ground cradled by an invisible force as you’re gently turned on your back, floating above the golden altar. 
Your Lord follows, his golden robes are gone, leaving him standing radiantly nude. Light reflects off of his skin, making him glow brighter. Your Lord is made of ethereal light, a halo glimmers around his flawless body. Wide shoulders, broad chest, a path of hair leads to his cock standing hard and golden nestled in between strong thighs. You want to pray and give sacrament to your Lord.
“Your highness,” he circles your body like he’s stalking his prey. He halts in front of you, his eyes lock onto yours. “Tell me, what is it that you wish for?” 
“You–only you–my Lord.”
He nods his head. Your body descends, softly landing on the altar. 
He crawls over you and puts his lips against your ear. His body and smell surrounds you–lavender and smoke–it’s heady and intoxicating. It’s the only aroma you ever want to breathe in.
“I’m your wish and you’ll never renounce me,” he whispers, his cock lays heavily against the slick of you that’s been weeping for him since he walked into your castle. 
“You’re my wish and I’ll never renounce you,” you repeat, wrapping your legs around his waist. 
“Your wish is granted,” he grits as he sheathes the full length of him inside you. Opulence fills you as your cunt stretches around your Lord’s wealth. 
He slowly rocks back and forth, grinding his hips against yours, earning a gasp from your lips. 
He finds the crook of your neck, lightly sucking your skin with each push in, marking you with each thrust. There’s nobody else in this world, just your Lord.
His tongue dances across your chest and pirouettes around your nipple before he sucks it into his mouth. He lets it go with a pop before kissing up to your mouth. 
He lays heavily upon you, burdening your body, heart, and mind. Your Lord and his cock spears and suffocates your soaked pussy, overwhelming you. 
“Sweet sweet girl,” his voice drifts through your mind, though his lips don’t move. “I’ve loved you from the first moment I saw you, sweet sweet girl.”
“Sweet sweet girl,” he leans back, his deep brown eyes bore into yours, his telepathic words tangling through your mind. “You won’t look at me, you won’t pay me mind, sweet sweet girl.”
“Sweet sweet girl,” now he speaks aloud, his plush lips graze against yours. “Your body belongs to me, you can't stop me. No one can.”
“No one can,” you moan, feeling your body thrumming underneath his power. 
He’s possessive with your cunt, taking you, owning you, enchanting you. It feels so familiar and yet you feel like you’ve never been fucked like this before. You’re breathless and trapped, crushed under his large presence, it’s holy. 
His cock pounds into you, intoxicating you under its spell. You’re golden, his luster shines into you with each thrust. You feel like the wealthiest woman in the whole kingdom as your core tightens around him.
Each shuddering breath your lungs heave overwhelms you, the burn of smoke suffocates you. You’re choking on his aroma, it feels so fucking good. You’re trembling underneath his mass, eyes rolling to the back of your head. The world turns hazier, your eyes cloud with golden hues, as your Lord smothers you. 
“Hand yourself to me sweet sweet girl,” he groans against your lips.
You obey, fallen under his spell and give yourself to him, pulsing ecstasy against his cock as your orgasm rips through you. 
Your body lights from within, glowing, bright and blazing. Rays of light emit out of you, shooting from your skin. Golden petals fall from the sky, raining onto you and your Lord as his thrusts drive into you harder.
“You can have it all. You just have to want it!” he grunts as his grandeur is bestowed within you, coating your walls with his cum. His face flashes for a split second, a sneering red demon shows itself underneath a veil of Max's face. “Sweet sweet girl.”
An invisible weight is lifted off your body, rattling you awake.
“The world belongs to me! You can't stop me. No one can!” A familiar voice you can’t place echoes through your room.
“Hello?” you call out, throwing the floral comforter off your overheated body. 
A phantom clench tightens your core, you’ve soaked through your sleep shorts again. 
“Fucking hell,” you collapse against your crimson sheets soaked in your sweat and involuntary orgasm, “must’ve been a good dream.”
A gold petal falls from your headboard onto your head… that’s the third time it’s happened this month.
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0mysticmidnight0 · 2 months
~Mystically Broken AU - Chapter 8~
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You don't even know how you got here.. Here you were, with a criminal, working to help another criminal.. has this really what your life has come to? You walked with Mikey as his brothers called him. Who was walking with his hands behind his head. It took you a moment to look at him fully.
He was wearing a skin tight long sleeved shirt under a colorful short-sleeved hoodie with black baggy pants and a pair of sneakers and a practiced smile that never dared to falter, he had a cold gaze that one could confuse for confidence.
He looked at you and you immediately looked away.
"Do you think he'll be okay?"
You ask this. He stops smiling for a moment but it appeared as fast as it left. He moved closer, not caring about your personal space.
"It's Donnie! He'll be okay.. I hope."
He added that last part. More of a plea, a beg. Instead of a knowing notion.
"I'm sure he will."
You replied. Almost in a comforting manner. His gaze faltered. He kept walking, keeping a steady pace as he looked away. His smile fading slightly.
"How can you be sure.?"
You just sighed and gave him a reassuring smile.
"Just like you said, it's Donnie."
Just with that. His eyes widened with hope before looking away. He laughed a little. You could've sworn for a moment, his smile lit up the area as brightly as the stars did.
You and Mikey got inside, witnessing the auction. Most of the people here aren't your usual billionaires. They were all scientists or well known researchers.
They started bringing out exotic animals.. one by one they bid and bid and bid.. it took a while..you were starting to get bored.
it almost ended until they brought out Donnie. In a clear hovering ball, covered in scars and bruises. People started bidding.
You and Mikey hesitantly looked at each other.
"We have 20,000! 20,000 to the gentleman in the back!"
The guy was shot dead.
You both turned to see Leo, in a tuxedo and blue tie. He was wearing a blonde wig and all. He immediately glared at you. You turned to Mikey. He was nowhere to be found.
Leo gripped your hand.
"What are you doing here?! This place is dangerous! Is there anyone else here?"
"Well Mikey-"
He cut you off, his eyes filled with dread.
"Mikey's here?! Are you out of your mind? Both of you need to go home! I got this covered."
People started running out the museum and security approached us with taser guns, they glowed purple. It was Donnie's, without a doubt. They managed to replicate it.
You prepared yourself..
~Earlier that week~
"I don't think I'm cut out for this.."
"Yes, ya' are! It ain't gotta be flashy or over the top, whatever works, works. Ya' just gotta find what works best!"
You've been sparing with Raphael for a few days now, your cheek had a small bruise. He was about to punch. You dodged just in time and punched his side. Though.. there wasn't really any strength and he merely chuckled. Just like that, you were tackled to the ground. Defeated, again.
"Don't look so down! Yer' getting the hang of it!"
You dodged the tazer gun and Leo stood Infront of you, getting his Odachi out.
"Stay behind me. I can't lose you too."
For once, there was no smug, no confidence. He was.. scared. You took our your own weapon. (ANY WEAPON YOU WANT😍)
You two started fighting together. Dodging as many times as you could. You were handling one of the guards until you heard Leo's groan. Your face darkened. They got him. You ran to him. His arm was scarred. The surrounded you both. You had nowhere to go, no one to turn to.
"Did someone order some backup?"
Raph burst through the doors, holding two machine guns, with a pop of confetti.
"Of course you'd have a flashy entrance.. took you long enough, Raph."
This series is coming to an end very soon! Thank you for all your support!
From yours truly,
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espinosaurusrexex · 1 year
The Trap - Introduction
Worlds Collide Collection
BuckyBarnes x Female!Reader apocalypse au
summary: Welcome to the apocalypse. This is the introduction to the new world you're about to enter. Let's see what your life is like. Do me a favor and be open, and maybe there'll even be a handsome stranger to meet...
a/n: so this is heavily influenced by The 100 and Love and Monsters and I guess also Maze Runner, if it seems chaotic at times, that’s because it is. With that being said: have fun reading i’d love to hear what you think 
word count: 2.2k
warnings: grumpy/sunshine, mentions of death and misery, loneliness, dystopia, nuclear weapon and monster stuff, obnoxiously optimistic reader (give her a chance okay)
collection playlist | main masterlist | collection masterlist
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May 10th 2039
Hey Book,
Here are the things that happened today:
found a new pen (that’s great because this one is running out)
watched the acid fog from the building with the tall glass roof (pretty dope if you ask me!)
went to the west border and saw new tracks
finally got the nose right on that Gordon Ramsey sketch (it’s finished, yay!)
gave Berty a makeover
The day has been pretty sweet. I’m thinking of going out tonight to watch the meteor shower. Hope I don’t die.
Anyway, see ya tomorrow!
   ~You know who :)
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The notebook closed with a loud thud that made even you twitch. Your eyes went to the basketball on the shelf above the makeshift bed.
“Sorry, Berty.” The ball didn’t respond, obviously. Its plastic wig shifted slightly further over the marker eyes, making it seem all crooked and funny looking. You weren’t crazy. You just preferred not to talk to yourself. 
A look at the window told you that it had gone dark by now. The weather conditions weren’t too great for another acid fog so your plan was good to go. You grabbed your backpack and headed out to the cliffs where you had the best view. Ever since the apocalypse started, there were a lot more stars visible at night. Half the population had been wiped out with the Hydra nukes and the rest played survivor with the mutated animals roaming the earth due to the atomic bombs that had been fired on that day. 
You remembered it vividly actually: Bright beams shooting through the sky and then it rained down like hellfire. Green glowing stripes covered the horizon from where you looked down onto the city.
The world hadn’t been that great to begin with to be honest. People were suffering, water and food supplies had shifted into the negative, and don’t even get started on climate. Humans had collectively decided that their planet was going to waste anyway. So, where was the harm in a little more destruction, right?
It’s not like you or any other normal citizen had had a chance to decide on another outcome anyway. The united governments of the world had been infiltrated by an organization with fucked up values and no sense for common human decency. They didn't care that their bombs would wipe out half of the world’s population. Hell, you’d be surprised if they even considered this an argument for their ‘cons’ column. But, hey, it had one benefit after all: if this was the worst it could get, there was nothing left to lose.
You kicked open the door of the buried school bus that had become your temporary home for a while now. Temporary in the sense that there was no way of knowing what would happen or when something would attack. You tried to make them all as cozy as possible though. Berty was a big part of that attempt. The painted basketball had become a loyal companion in your ever-shifting habitats. And even though it was a pain to transport a so unfortunately shaped object, you would never dare leave it behind. 
The humid evening air hit you like a broken fan. It was springtime, but that had stopped to matter many years ago. The weather merely shifted between scorching hot days and bearable nights. Though the wintertime was making being outside a little more doable. The trees hung low over your head when you stepped past the traps you had laid out around your home. You lived at the edge of the forest, which wasn’t the most secure place of all the ones you’ve had so far, but it was a little cooler. Most of the dangerous things out there hid several miles from the tree lines anyway. 
A dark sky stretched over your head as your feet dangled off the cliff by the forest. You were munching off an old can of beans that you had found on your stroll through the cities as the bright streams of light shot through the sky. It was beautiful and thrilling. Teetering you on the edge of remembering the very day that made this whole shit show go down. The sky was lit up back then too, but it wasn’t half as beautiful as this.
You could have sat like this for hours. The meteors wouldn’t stop passing until the sun rose, but there was a danger of being tired in broad daylight in this world. You couldn’t risk strolling through the morning with half a working brain. Especially because the morning brought a routine acid fog with its sunlight. You took a look at the tactical watch on your wrist. It was 3:30 am - Probably best to head back to safety.
As you stepped through the dried ground, you hummed a song from the old record in your bus. It didn’t work great and it was broken in several places which had you always listening to a slightly messed-up remix of the actual song, but you liked it anyway. Close to the bus, however, there was rustling from the side. Your body went into surviving mode immediately. There was a routine: hide, listen, escape. Only idiots fought whatever was out there. 
So that’s what you did.
The tree you hid behind was wide enough to cover you whole, which gave you easy access to sneak your head past the trunk and see what was making the noise. It came from about 20 feet before the buried bus, but there was nothing to be seen. The rustling continued though and as you stepped forwards from your cover, you noticed that it came from underneath. Something had fallen into your trap! It was foolproof of course, but you still approached it with care, fearfully and intrigued all together as to what you had caught this time... well, it was the first time here to be perfectly honest. Even more exciting to say the least.
Your feet crunched the dried leaves beneath you as a mumbled curse reached your ears. That was weird. Last time you checked, monsters didn’t talk. You were even more surprised, however, to find a broad man tangled in the hole you had dug outside your home. Of course, a person had been stupid enough to walk into your trap. You had been so excited about something more dangerous. 
The man had not noticed you standing above the hole just yet. He was still working with the net you had splayed out beneath the fallen leaves, too busy cursing his life away in the dirty opening. You cleared your throat after a minute, though. And as amusing as the whole scene had been, the man looking up at you wiped the smirk off your face immediately. He was gorgeous. Bright blue eyes gleamed up in the moonshine, a deep frown on his face as soon as the surprise to see you had faded.
“You got caught in my trap.” You said blankly, still captured by his face. You had not seen another person in nearly a month. It was strange, to say the least. That’s why you weren’t really expecting your mouth to say anything smart.
“This is supposed to be a trap?” The brown-haired man huffed before cutting through the last rope to free him from his restraints.
“Well you can’t get out, can you?” There was a short silence in which you caught the slightest hint of disbelief in his eyes.
“If you wanted to catch a monster with that, you wouldn’t be making such snarky comments. It’s barely deep enough for them.”
Anger crept up your neck. Who was this stranger to not only fall into your - awesome - intruder trap but also criticize your work even though he was the idiot stuck in it? “Why do you think I wanted to trap monsters? Maybe my trap was for people, which, in that case, it is brilliant.”
“It’s stupid,” he grumbled. 
“Oh come on give me a little credit, I only had spare materials.”
There was the confused glare again, and you couldn’t really place it just yet.“Yeah, yeah. Trap’s great now get me out.”
“That wasn’t genuine.” Your arms crossed before your chest, but you couldn’t hide the small smile forming on your lips. This was fun.
“You know what’s gonna be genuine? My foot in your ass once I get out of here.” Oh, not so fun.
“That's not a really good way to make me help you, you know?” You were about to step away when you heard him sigh deeply beneath you. A triumphant smirk appeared on your face before you held your head over the hole again.
“Can you please help me out of this genius trap?” The Brunette was rolling his eyes, but it was good enough for you - after all, you didn’t want to make enemies just yet.
“Why of course! I love people that appreciate good handy work!”
You nodded appreciatively and reached for the net he held your way. It took a little bit to get enough momentum but then he jumped and dug his boots into the soil walls and within seconds, the stranger was pulled up from the ground. 
“Drop the bullshit.”
“What bullshit?”
Now that he was standing in front of you like that, you noticed how tall he was, and built, too. It was a wonder you had managed to pull his weight out of there now that you thought about it. He was really handsome, too. His dark hair fell into his face and his eyes were bright blue, staring down at you with a gloomy expression. It didn’t scare you, though. You were more... fascinated by him, really.
He looked at you for a second, and the gears were literally turning behind his eyes. But he caught himself quickly, shaking his head and making his way out of the forest. You weren’t ready to have him leave, though. It was rare to meet people now, and this one seemed entertaining enough.
“Hey, where are you going?”
“Away.” You barely heard him over the heavy footsteps he pressed into the ground.
“You can’t go!”
That made him stop. The stranger turned around with an unfazed expression, his shoulders hanging low with annoyance, but you wouldn’t let up. “And why’s that?”
Shit, you hadn’t thought it would get this far. Your hands wrung the net as you stood there looking for an explanation. But the guy turned around with a condescending clicking of his tongue. “Wait! You haven’t told me your name.” You shuffled over to him in haste, you steps faster than his, but it was difficult to catch up to him, still.
“I don’t have to.”
“You do, actually. It’s a rule.” He stopped again, and you almost fell at the abrupt halt.
“A rule,” he repeated in disbelief, his face still unimpressed, but he was quite pretty this way.
You smiled. “Yup. You fall into my trap, you tell me your name.” To be honest, you were a little proud at how fast you had come up with the idea, but it seemed the stranger was still not impressed. He just crossed his arms and raised his eyebrows at you almost amused.
“That's not a rule.”
“It’s my rule.” Was that a tiny smile creeping onto his features? You liked it - looked way better than those broody anger lines.
Then he huffed and shook his head. “Bucky.”
“Gesundheit,” you answered immediately, but that seemed to stick that annoyed look right back onto his handsome face.
“No. Bucky is my name.” Oops.
“Oh. Sorry.” You tried it out in your head, then. And it suited him quite nicely. It was a little odd but witty - just like him. 
“Whatever.” His arms untangled before his broad chest and Bucky looked ready to leave again. You didn’t want that, though.
“Would... uh.. would you like to come in?” Why were you so nervous all of a sudden? Your hands were a little sweaty, but talking to someone that actually responded felt so good...
You earned another look with that question. Really, you’d already gotten used to those in the three minutes you knew him - seemed to be his M.O. 
“What?” He wasn’t confused this time, at least you didn’t think so. It sounded more like he hadn’t heard you.
“You know... be my guest.” A bright smile spread on your lips, but Bucky wasn’t buying it, and frankly, you were running out of ideas to keep him here. Normally, people were happy to see others around here, but Bucky? He didn’t seem to like talking very much.
“Sorry, gotta go.”
Your eyes found the ground as you heard his steps distancing from you again. “Oh, ok.” You mumbled to yourself, and with a last wash of hope, you called out again. “Will I see you again?”
“No.” He was already by the tree line, now. And Bucky didn’t seem like the type of person to run back the distance in slow-mo like you had seen in those old films. 
It didn’t discourage you, though. “Okay, you know where to find me!”
“Not gonna visit you!”
“See ya soon!” You waved and bit back a triumphant smile when you heard him chuckle before he disappeared out of the woods. 
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Hey, Book, It’s me again.
And, man, what a great day!
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laurolive · 4 months
Paul McCartney and family meet Dolly Parton and Porter Wagoner at Opryland in Nashville, Tennessee, June 16, 1974
How great is this picture? Both parties look genuinely thrilled to meet each other. Dolly, 28 here, looks absolutely lovely with that glowing smile.
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And boy, did 1970s country music love big hair or what?
The possibilities for humourous photo captions focused on yesteryear’s hair and wig styles abound. Some fashion eras are timeless, while others… well, you can’t help but look back and laugh.
😄 Pokin’ Fun at Fashion, not People😃
So let’s salute high hair and bouffant wigs while still admiring this photo for the bonhomie it captured. As funny as those poofy wigs seem today, Dolly really rocked them in her time. Nothing could stop that woman from looking good.
Now let the captions begin.
Dolly (whispering to Porter): If we can never be bigger than the Beatles, at least our hair can be.
Porter Wagoner: You’re not from around here are you?
Paul: I guess you can tell from our accents.
Porter Wagoner: No, I can tell from your normal, flat hair.
Paul (to himself): And people made jokes about my mullet and Linda’s. 🤷‍♂️
Paul (to himself): Whoa, I bet you could hide a lot of cannabis in a wig like that. I wonder how Linda would feel about wearing a Dolly Parton wig on tour…
Linda (whispering to Paul): I don’t care how much pot you can hide in it, don’t even think about asking me to wear a Dolly Parton wig on tour.
Notice how Linda knows Paul so well, she can practically read his thoughts. 😊
Dolly Parton Wigs: Great for Smuggling
Paul (to his daughters): Smile, girls. We lost the big hair competition; but as sure as corn-on-the-cob at a county fair, we’re not gonna lose the big smile competition!
Heather and Mary: Dad, why are you talking like that?
Daughter Mary (whispering to her big sis): Heather, why does that lady have a big pile of cotton candy on her head?
Heather: I think it’s a wig, but I’ve never seen one that’s inflatable before.
Daughter Heather (whispering to her little sis): Hey, we could dress up as country music stars for Hallowe’en. We can go as Porter and Dolly!
Paul (overhearing): Uh-uh girls. Your mother and I are calling first dibs on that one.
Porter (whispering to Dolly): Hey, we could dress up as rock stars for Hallowe’en. We can be Paul and Linda!
Dolly: I don’t know Porter… I just can’t picture either of us with a mullet.
Linda (whispering to Paul): Paul, I think Dolly’s wig and Porter’s pompadour are scaring the girls.
Mary: I think I’m going to have a nightmare about that wig swallowing my head.
Scary movie idea: The Wig That Ate Nashville
Paul (afterward to Linda): How about I get you a Dolly Parton wig for your birthday?
Linda: Sure, but you’ll be getting a Porter Wagoner toupée for Christmas.
Just for the record: Porter didn’t wear a toupée. That was his real hair, but I’m sure a pompadour toupée could be found if one wanted the look temporarily.
©️ laurolive, laurolive.tumblr.com, www.tumblr.com/laurolive, www.tumblr.com/blog/laurolive, 2024
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thatonesquintern13 · 8 months
📺 | the way home - season one
live blogging a season one rewatch so i can remember everything for season two 🫡
episode one - mothers and daughters:
• i hope this show goes on forever bc they clearly have a full story planned for this witch hunt
• honestly forgot about this private school situation
• dad’s suck!
• do we learn about the “one hit” orrr
• chyler leigh in glasses. that’s it that’s the thought.
• “fReEs yOu Up fOr sOmE hOmEsChoOliNg” hey why don’t you hush.
• nah bc these two are like… not even divorced yet and his gf already moved in with him? i’d set the fire alarm off too
• oh the one hit was last year’s showcase
• hallmark letting a “damned” into the script. big slay
• i do really appreciate that young dell is just andie macdowell in a dark wig.
• sorry but it’s kinda a dream to have a farm in ‘nowhere canada’ to escape to, alice.
• i love generational mommy issues 😌
• one thing about andie macdowell, that accent’s gon’ be thicc
• wet dog foreshadowing 👀
• moving in the middle of the school year is wild
• omg and a “what the hell” !!
• mystery letter 😈 (i only vaguely remember how it got sent so excited to relearn that)
• the glow-in-the-dark ceiling stars 🥺
• LMAO OKAY dell was wrong for sending her out in her pjs but it was funny hehe 🤭
• ELLIOT!!!!
• “you got a lot in common… what with your divorces.” dell that’s so southern of you
• “and me?” OOF
• dell landry: bee keeping age 😗
• fair that kat wants to talk about her brother and dad but didn’t she also…. like. leave?? 🥴
• “if you ever need to talk i’m here. any place. any… time.” very subtle elliot thank you
• ohp. guess that’s why i don’t remember the bracelet. so rose from titanic of her
• wait that’s literally how she gets in the pond ?? okay that’s on me then.
• baby kat!! (A+ casting btw 🤌🏽)
• i could not imagine sitting on TIME TRAVEL for over 14 years. good on elliot
• elliot and kat better get back together in like the first 2 minutes of s2 🤧
• baby elliot!
• as someone who lost their grandpa when i was really young, alice meeting her grandpa and their whole relationship just hits different 🥺
• no bc the 90s ARE totally back in style.
• “alice will be fine.” “jacob wasn’t.” he was 6, girl 😭
• the white witch 😟 (me: wait why am i gasping i already knew that.)
• the blurry picture is actually very clever!
• elliot just standing over the pond ominously 🧍🏻‍♂️
• idk why but i love that kat called him to yell at him.
• kat, he just knows, okay!!
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grundos-cafe · 9 months
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[ image description: a smiling blue Jelly Aisha from Neopets wearing a mechanical Cone of Shame, mechanical suit, and glowing blue contacts. In front of him is a hologram projector displaying a green arc-shaped grid with symbols representing an alien, a space station, a spaceship and a planet. In the background is a spaceship hangar bay filled with snow with a transparent ceiling showing the stars and planets. Clouds in the shapes of Neopets fly by. ]
[ image description: a smiling yellow and blue Plushie Aisha from Neopets sits in a wheelbarrow full of autumn leaves and pumpkins. She is wearing a blonde wavy wig with nuts and sprigs of seeds on it. There are leaves on her face and tail. In the background is a street with Tudor-style houses showing autumn foliage. One of the houses has a sign shaped like a pie hanging from it, while a broom with a pile of leaves is leaning against another. ]
[ image description: a pale blue-grey Halloween Gelert from Neopets is holding a purple teapot in his fanged mouth. He has white hair that covers his eyes. He is wearing a black cape, white shirt, and gold embroidered vest. In the background is a dark castle with cone-topped towers. Lightning crackles across a dark sky with a red full moon. There is black mist in front of the castle and bats flying in front of the moon. The gelert is inside a circle of candles and candelabras float in front of him. His front paws glow with blue fire. ]
[ image description: A grey Elderlygirl Orgrin from Neopets dressed in a pink turban, purple earrings, purple horn-rim glasses, and white dress with a purple polka-dotted skirt. In the background is a grassy area with trees and a black, spiky castle. In the foreground are camping supplies including a picnic blanket, a lantern, a grill with hotdogs, soda cans, cooler, and tongs. A bee-like creature perches on a nearby branch. ]
[ image description: A purple 8-bit Scorchio from Neopets under a trellis of purple wisteria flowers. There are purple bubbles floating in the air and potted flowers and neggs in the foreground. ]
[ image description: A green Faerie Eyrie from Neopets dressed in a braided brown wig, denim jacket, ripped blue jeans, and plaid shirt tied around her waist. There is green makeup on her face. On her right is a plushie of AAA the Blumaroo. In the background is a cafe with hanging plants, brick walls, large window, and a lighted green tent with clothes hung over it. There are books and pillows in the tent. ]
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weneverlearn · 8 months
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Mary Weiss, me; outside Magnetic Field, Brooklyn, 2008 (photographer unknown)
Mary Weiss, R.I.P.
It was 2005, and I'd lived in NYC for less than a year. I somehow finagled my way into a listening party for the incredible new Rhino Records box set, One Kiss Can Lead to Another: Girl Group Sounds Lost & Found. It was at some small event space in midtown, I don't remember what it was called. Cool joint though...
I felt a bit overwhelmed in this packed room of esteemed scenesters, aging industry big wigs, and the incredible original performers from the box set they were able to round up and sing a few songs.
Luckily the ever-fun couple of Miriam Linna and Billy Miller (Norton Records) were there, scanning the room with eyes as wide as anyone's, and the two introduced me to a few heps, like Richard Gottehrer -- the amazing producer/songwriter who sprung form the Brill Building and ultimately produced some of my faves, like Richard Hell, the Go-Gos, and Marshall Crenshaw, among many.
Then I saw Sune Rose Wagner, singer/guitarist of the Raveonettes, one of my newer faves of the moment, and he was crying. I'd interviewed him over the phone a couple years earlier for a Cleveland mag, so I re-introduced myself and asked what was wrong. We hugged. He said that earlier in the week they'd played and had all of their instruments stolen afterwards, and he was so distraught he was thinking about quitting music. I told him no way, maybe they'll find the stuff, etc... He kind of perked up, and then once the women started singing with a live band, his teary eyes started shining from the glow of the stage taking over the pretty dark room. These women -- and I can't remember which acts they came from, but they were all on the box set -- were resplendent in glittering dresses, hair done big, and smiles wider than 5th Avenue.
I saw Billy and Miriam again, and they were chatting with Mary Weiss lead vox/face of the Shangri-Las -- arguably one of the top three acts of the whole mid-60s "girl group" scene. I was introduced quickly, but I let them get at their convo as I assumed the Norton nabobs knew Mary from way back.
However, Billy comes up to me later and tells me he had never met her before, that she was his first female musical star crush, and he absolutely sounded like a 16-year old trying to cram his melting heart back into his chest. I was pretty floored myself -- I always loved the Shangri-Las from first hearing them slip out of oldies stations growing up to when I first started diving into girl group sounds as a record-amasing teen. They, the Ronettes, and Darlene Love were the cream of the dreamy crop in my book.
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The whole night was not unlike making your way through a Shangri-Las compilation: every emotion possible heaving up and down, surrounded by sounds lilting, swelling, crumbling, but always with that Big Beat bubbling, ready to shove you out of the sadness...
After the news of Mary Weiss' sad passing yesterday, of course many acknowledged her teen stardom of the mid-60s; the influence of the Shangri-Las' street-tough image and emotions on the New York Dolls (who used Shangri-Las producer, Shadow Morton, for their second album) and much of the early new wave of the mid-70s; the respect of her keeping a singing career going through the years, and the glorious third act she had in the late 2000s with the help of Norton Records and the great album, Dangerous Game, where Weiss, in excellent voice, was backed by the rulers of garage pop of that era, the Reigning Sound.
No, it wasn't some top 10 album, but it just oozed with a kind of vintage-to-ever cool that is so rarely captured in a "comeback." (And it definitely got her press and new young fans.)
In fact I think that album, and especially that incredible Rhino box set, brought back that '60s malt shop-meets-back-alley girl group ouvre to a whole new generation.
This was not front page news. Nevertheless loads of acts like King Khan & BBQ, Peach Kelli Pop, Shannon & the Clams, Hunx and His Punx, the Vivian Girls, Baby Shakes, Black Lips, A Giant Dog, and even the re-emergence of Nikki Corvette and Ronnie Spector to the stage brought the cloud-bound reverb and scruffy riffs of vintage girl groups back to prominence in the underground garage rock scene. And again, due to their sounds and looks, the Shangri-Las and the Ronettes were the template.
It has since dawned on me many times that Mary Weiss -- and the Shangri-Las as a whole -- have a nearly singular place in R'n'R history. Considering the admittedly limited catalog of songs, their outsized influence has spread from radio hits in the '60s to the underground proto-punk not ten years later; to the CBGB scene; early '80s new wave and power pop shadow-pep (like Blondie, Go-Gos, and many more); Aerosmith covered "(Remember) Walking in the Sand," and others of the big coif/high dramatics of hair metal had some Shangri-Las DNA in the hair spray; from transgressive filmmakers like John Waters to drag queen blueprints; to 2000s female neo-soul hitmakers -- arising at the same time as the aforementioned garage pop underbelly -- and even up to the recent talk/sing busted romance stylings of mega-popsters like Taylor Swift.
I saw Weiss at a couple shows over the next year or so. She was always so excited and grateful for all the accolades and thanks people laid on her. She played a remarkable show in Brooklyn that Lee Greenfeld booked, at the Atlantic Antic street fest in September, 2007 -- right outside Greenfeld's madly-missed club, Magnetic Field. We felt the Antic gig would be the first of many, but there were just a few more local gigs, if memory serves.
Somewhere in 2008, at an A-Bones / Yo La Tengo show at Magnetic Field, I chatted with Weiss for a bit afterwards. I can't express enough how inspiring was her love of music and hanging out at a small bar with a bunch of music obsessives knocking back cheap beers. At the 1 a.m. chime, she kissed my cheek, I laid one on her's, I walked home, and I will assume that if there is a Heaven, that moment should get me into the meetings where they discuss how to improve Heaven. It's a cinch it's improved today.
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Variety obituary here.
From obituary:
The group’s tough-but-vulnerable New York City teen image was genuine. “Overall, the girl groups had very sweet images, except for the Ronettes and the Shangri-Las, who had a tougher, harder attitude,” Greenwich told the website Spectropop in an undated interview. “By today’s standards, they were as innocent as the day is long. Back then, they seemed to have a street toughness, but with a lot of vulnerability. Mary Weiss [had] the sweetest long straight hair, an angelic face, and then this nasal voice comes out, and this attitude — the best of both worlds.
“In the beginning, we did not get along,” she continued. “They were kind of crude, with their gestures and language and chewing gum and the stockings ripped up their leg. We would say, ‘Not nice, you must be ladies,’ and they would say, ‘We don’t want to be ladies.'”
From Chapter 33 of The Downtown Pop Underground — order online, or from a local independent bookstore
THE SHANGRI-LAS’ INFLUENCE ON PUNK LOCATION Brill Building The Shangri-Las were one of the common musical denominators that Blondie shared, and Clem Burke explained the Shangri-La’s proto-punk appeal: “They had their black leather vests and their tight black leather pants, and they sang ‘Give Him a Great Big Kiss.’ They sang about dirty fingernails, wavy hair, and leather jackets, and things like that.” The Shangri-Las cast a long shadow over glam and punk rock. The New York Dolls’ “Looking for a Kiss” borrowed the spoken word intro from their “Give Him a Great Big Kiss,” and another Dolls song, “Trash,” copped the campy “How do you call your lover boy?” line from “Love Is Strange,” a catchy 1956 hit by Mickey & Sylvia. The group’s final album, Too Much Too Soon, was produced by Shadow Morton, who had crafted the girl group classics “Leader of the Pack” and “Remember (Walking in the Sand)” for the Shangri-Las. As Burke recalled, “Bubblegum rock was part of the roots of the New York music scene. Some of the old-school guys like Richard Gottehrer or Marty Thau—who had some money and success in pop music—they understood the music because they were coming from that Brill Building mentality.” Thau was the New York Dolls’ first manager before McLaren took the job, and he had previously made a living as a record promoter for late 1960s bubblegum groups the 1910 Fruitgum Company (“Simon Says”) and the Ohio Express (“Yummy Yummy Yummy”). Thau recorded the Ramones’ first demos and released Suicide’s debut album on his independent label Red Star, and also formed the production company Instant Records with the old-school industry hit maker Richard Gottehrer. “Richie was part of that whole Brill Building rock thing,” Leon said, “which had a lot of nostalgia for us because we grew up with it on the radio when we were kids.”
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westeroswisdom · 8 months
Matt Smith is rehearsing for an unusual new production of Henrik Ibsen’s An Enemy of the People directed by Thomas Ostermeier.
He pivots from talk about the play to House of the Dragon. He has glowing words for Freddie Fox who portrays Gwayne Hightower in HotD Season 2.
“What grabbed me about Stockmann is the idea of playing someone who’s on the right side, saying the right thing and fighting for the truth, but who is ultimately like a star turning into a black hole, enveloping himself in his own ego and velocity and opinions. And then, for people to be able to put up their hand and say: I think you’re like this, and the world out there is like that… They’ll actually be able to talk to him.” Won’t that be terrifying? Such jeopardy, it seems, is half of the point. “I hope people do ask questions. It’s such a volatile time. You only need look around to see all the steam coming out of people’s ears, and the theatre has always been a space historically, almost like a church, where a person can go: look, I feel like this. I’m genuinely interested to know where the audience feels the morality of the play lies.” Why do actors with TV or film careers return to the theatre? Week one is doubtless thrilling, but what about week seven? And the pay, my dears! “That’s a good question,” says Smith. “I was talking about this, as one does, to the wonderful actor Freddie Fox, who is not only astoundingly beautiful but also a creature of the theatre, and he said: ‘Well, darling, you know, it’s where one sharpens one’s tool.’” We hoot at the innuendo, and then he says: “But he’s right, of course. What you say about it being repetitive, that’s one way of looking at it. But Lindsay Duncan, another wonderful actor I did a play with, said to me it’s about being consistent and developing, and that… robustness.” The challenge is what he relishes – that and, in this instance, a change of pace from the Games of Thrones prequel House of the Dragon, the second series of which he shot last year (Smith plays Prince Daemon, in a wig that makes him look, as I said when I reviewed it, like he’s on tour with Sigue Sigue Sputnik).
BTW: As for what "Sigue Sigue Sputnik" is, I did a search and found this image.
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Not sure if George R.R. Martin was a fan of them in the 1980s. 😛
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carmenthabaddie · 9 months
I am that bad bitch period. Reclaiming my time from messy, toxic fucked up people. All I need is me and spirit and my beautiful black ancestors period. I deserve success and happiness. Shitting on my enemies all day everyday.I’m gone tell the dj play my song and go clubbing more in my 30s.
It’s my time to shine and prove my enemies wrong. I got big plans. I’m be a ten when I’m done glowing up. Everything I want I always get. Nothing about me is basic. Going hard all 2024 and encouraging black women follow my lead. If you want something you got to get up off your ass and not let time pass you by. I believe if you want something you should pray for it, affirm and work for it.
I love all my curves and refuse to crash diet to lose weight. Hate people on social who promote fast weight loss crash diets. Losing weight is fine. But killing yourself to lose weight isn’t good and makes you feel shitty. Everything in moderation and workouts you love and can do for least for 30 minutes. If you struggling it’s okay cause I use to struggle but therapy, self books, law of assumption coach and be committed to better myself has helped me stop struggling. If I did it you can too. It’s blessing to inspire other black women to be themselves, ignore people’s hate for us, be happy, and make all they dreams come true.
It’s my time to put me first and others last. Don’t stop shinning ladies. I got more money than these broke bitches who hate and pick me women. I stand alone cause most of society is mediocre sadly. I refuse to be mediocre period. I always get what I want. Dark skin women are beautiful and gone be celebrated more in society. I’m so happy I love my brown skin. Listening to Aaliyah try again and that is so true. Always try again when you fail.
It’s nothing I can’t have. Spirit and ancestors in me and shows me unconditional love. I wouldn’t be who I am today if it wasn’t because of them. I’m so grateful for everything they done for me. They have opened so many doors for me 2024 is the year of success stories. I’m stay winning all day everyday period. I’m a star. I ignore hoes who throw shade. David and me will be rich and famous and I’m ignoring my doubts and negative thoughts. He will be back. They always comeback because I’m the truth.
Everything I touch turns into gold. I can manifest anything or anyone. Manifesting is a breeze for me. My future is bright. 2024 I’m booked and busy. A man has impress me to get the key to my heart and keep his word, provide, protect and honor me. Do what he wouldn’t want me do to him.
Life is so good. I’m finally realizing it’s my time to shine. It feels good to be on top of my game. Learning from my mistakes and stopping bad habits and limiting beliefs. I don’t need a man to make me happy I can do that myself period.
Had habachi today and worked out for 40 minutes today. And felt cute today. Nothing or no one can stop me and my dreams coming true. Today was good. Waiting for my 3 wigs get delivered. I am such a bad bitch and everyone knows it. 💖💖💖
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bubble-tea-blossom · 2 years
The Soldier and the Smuggler
1. The Pick Up
Pairing: Joel x f!reader
Rating / Warnings: Explicit for Eventual smut so 18 + only please. Canon-typical violence. Kidnapping.
WC: 2.1 k
Summary: An illegal deal goes south when you're used as a pawn in some sort of game you have no intention on playing. You're getting out of this, and you won't let your stupidly handsome captor slow you down either. 
A/N: Cross posted to my AO3        
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      Ok so maybe you wouldn’t be exactly doing your mother proud at this very moment, but it’s not like you have much of a choice. Orders are orders, and you’ll continue to keep your head down and out of trouble thank you very much, and do what’s asked of you without any hint of thinking otherwise. That’s probably why you’re sitting in this fucking van.
You weren’t even a senior in high school when the world went to shit. And quicker than people expected, with the entire country panicking and shutting down, the military took rule.
Everyone in your age range never finished school. By the time some level of order returned in certain zones and programs were being set up again, you were too old to go back to high school. So you, along with most of the other people your age were volun-told to join the military. Wasn’t like there were lots of other options if you wanted a guaranteed spot in the QZ with a steady food supply. You wanted to keep your mom safe, and in a somewhat decent place, this was the easiest way.
Your QZ’s FEDRAs ruling division was certainly not above illegal methods to get what it wanted. And you doubt that is an abnormality across the remaining American QZs that haven���t been taken over by militia groups. It’s why you wear a flag on your shoulder while waiting for the smugglers to arrive. And no you’re not here to catch them.
Quite the opposite in fact, and you’re here on orders. Some big wig needs some special package, so you’re here while on duty. Still better than killing Fireflies. However there is still some effort put into discrepancy which is why you’re alone on this mission.
Yeah, nothing could go wrong.
We'll first they’re late.
At least it’s a nice night. The air is warm as it rustles through your hair while you sit and wait. The chirps of crickets in the field you’re parked in are your only companions for two whole hours.
They’re very fucking late.
It gets to the point where every added minute you wait your anxiety increases. You just want to be done with this bullshit assignment. You can’t even enjoy the stars through your windshield anymore and you’re somehow fogging it up with your hot and rapid breath.
You step outside and lean against the hood, crossing your arms tightly against the slight chill of the outside air. You tip your head and take in the full beauty of the dark sky, wishing you were a lightyear away from here.
You lose track of how long you wait like that, but when you hear the engine of a car in the distance and look down you neck aches.
A few hundred feet away the warm illuminating glow of headlights make their way toward you. Like a creature in the dark, only it’s eyes visible and it’s purr hearable until it crosses into the realm of your own headlights.
It’s a van, like yours. So maybe what you’re picking up is big, or multiple things. Some more ammunition would be nice. For some reason, in the back of your head you doubted it was any of those.
You stand up off the car hood, back straight and you put on your professionally pissed off face you see your superiors wear and wait for the van to come to a halt. When it slows to a stop you stay where you are, the weight of the gun on your hip a comfort at the actual sight of the smuggler.
There’s only of them apparently. And you can’t make out anything other than he’s a man until he kicks the door open and plants both feet squarely on the ground before standing to his full height.
Ok so he’s big, and he looks strong, older than you but not so old age would be a disadvantage. When he looks at you, he’s intimidating. But you can be intimidating too, so you school your face so there’s no change traceable. You’re a soldier for fuck’s sake, your completing a business deal that you aren’t even really a part of. There’s no reason things should get ugly and if they do that’s why you have a gun.
You couldn’t help but to laugh at yourself even as you thought these things through.
The smuggler casts a quick glance around your car behind you, “There’s no one with you?” he sounds a little bit confused. Like he was expecting someone else.
“Nope. There’s no one with you?” you ask him back, you had been told “Meet the smugglers” like plural. So what gives.
“Nope,” his voice is deep, and his accent makes you think Texan. You wonder what he’s doing all the way over here. He steps away from the door, shutting it behind him, gesturing to the back of the van with a flick of his chin. You take your first steps away from your car to follow, and for some reason feel like you’ve left the warm shallows of a lake past the drop-off into the cold deep.
He waits for you to join him by the rear doors. You step closer to him than ever and actually get to see some details of his face in such low lighting. He’s actually not bad looking, pretty eyes and thick hair, a small scar on the bridge of his nose that’s long healed over. You feel your traitorous eyes flick a glance at his lips before returning to his eyes where they’re watching you back.
You nod your chin at the van impatiently, hoping to hide your slip up.
“You got the payment?” He asks you, hand hovering on the handle.
“Yes, and you’ll get it once it’s loaded in my van.” you say squarely. He pauses one moment longer, before a sigh escapes his pretty lips. Alright you’re getting impatient now, every second this moment lingers makes you more uneasy.
He flings the doors open so suddenly you flinch back, but you don’t react fast enough to even lower your hand to grab your gun before you hear the sound of someone pumping a shotgun and your blood freezes. A quick verdict from your eyes and they confirm a second man inside the van, pointing the barrel of a shotgun at your chest, about a foot away. You don’t even raise your hands you just freeze, fingers splayed out in submission.
Your mind gets a moment to catch up with your pounding heart as you process everything a split second later, and once you’ve fully processed what just happened you’re the one who lets out a sigh this time.
“Fuck.” you breathe out, feeling your lip curl in anger. Someone must have know something, that’s why you of all people got sent on this meet up.
“I’m afraid so, kid,” the man standing besides you says, but you don’t dare move your head to look at him. Instead you glare at him through the corner of your left eye and see without much surprise he’s got his gun pointed at you. His arm is pretty relaxed but you can’t even be insulted at his nonchalance, you’re not even planning on breathing too big with that shotgun a hairbreadth away from your sternum. You’d like to end this evening with a torso still.
The man besides you reaches behind him with the other not preoccupied with holding you up, and a the rustle of rope makes your night go from bad to even worse. This time you do slow turn your head to look at your captor and he holds the rope up, gesturing to turn around.
You can’t help but glare at him almost petulantly before shuffling your feet to turn your back to him, every hair on your body standing up with having him behind you out of sight. But you stay still and obedient with his silent buddy watching so intently. In fact, you feel like you’re going to be very obedient tonight. You don’t even move when he reaches towards you, slow and steady so you can see what he’s doing so you don’t startle. Fingertips just above your belt line, flicking your jacket out of the way so they can wrap around the handle of your gun and remove it from your holster. And just like that you’ve been declawed.
When the man finally puts his hands on you, he’s surprisingly unrough. His big hands take your wrists from the air one at a time to cross them behind your back. His touch is firm, confident like he’s done this a thousand times, but it’s not cruel. A nurse delivery a shot, quick and efficient. You feel the rough fibers of the rope drag around your wrists a few times before it’s being tied down.
“You got anything else on you?” the man asks as he begins patting you down. He’s respectful enough to be quick about it, not lingering anywhere as he removes your utility belt that held a satellite radio and your other equipment along with it. He reaches around your waist to deftly unclip it, slinging it somewhere behind you into the van. Next revealed is the knife in your boot and it’s removal makes it feel like he dug into your soul and took away a handful. His hands go to your shoulders, turning you and pressing you forward into the van where his partner makes room, finally setting his gun down.
Despite being shoved into a van, you can’t help but breath out in relief at being shot being lowered on your current most likely futures.
Getting into the back of a van with your hands tied behind your back is awkward goings as it turns out. You successfully climb into the elevated back, but crouch shuffling further in inevitably ends with you flat on your front.
You inchworm your knees up under you to push yourself up just before someone grabs your shoulders, lifting your torso up off the ground for you. You hate that immediately and once you’re on your butt, you wiggle the hands off, glaring up at the pretty-eyed man.
Fuck why does he have such nice eyes for such an asshole. You make your feelings seen through your dagger like glare and the man at least looks a little put off before he shrugs and backs up a step.
“Where’s the payment.”
“I don’t have it here,” you scoff, a little too eager to throw something back in his face and you scold yourself mentally for your brashness. Maybe you could have used that information to your advantage. Maybe you still can. You remain silent, waiting for his turn to speak.
“Where is it?” he prompts when you don’t say anything.
“Back at the compound. You were going to be paid after drop off.” you answer curtly, you can’t help but feel the need to goad him on for some reason. You have no idea where this urge is coming from. “You still could be, not to late.” you finish, forcing your tone somewhat lighter.
All he does is look at you, the barest twitch of a smile on his lips as he shuts you down, “Cute.”
Then he stands back up and leaves you. Hopping out of the van, he looks at you one last time before the doors swing closed.
“Dick.” you grumble as the two men on the outside of the van walk around to the front, someones pats the back in passing as response and it echoes terrifyingly loud inside.
Well, you might be truly fucked this time.
You’re too late to blink away the tears before they fall. The engine starts up, and a few seconds later you feel the van moving.
Ok now’s the time to start thinking of how you’re going to get out of this. For some reason you’re doubtful of a swift and heroic rescue. So the best way to weasel your way out of this one unscathed is to figure out why someone wants you, you don’t think it’s you personally, which is comforting and uncomforting at the same time. But you can feel it in your bones that you were set up by your own team. The whole thing felt weird from the start, but what were you supposed to do?  It definitely didn’t feel like a personal set up, soldiers of your rank were disposable. This felt like a ‘throw in the pawn and see what happens” move. Which pisses you off even more than those bastards driving you to god knows where.
Spite courses through your body as you vow to get out of this, just to throw it in everybody’s face. Particularly that pretty-eyed smuggler.
A/N: Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for part two coming soon :)
Part Two
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kumamoto-division · 1 year
"It is sometimes an appropiate response to reality to go insane"
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Kururi Yamamura is the biological younger sister of Aoba Yamamura the leader of Kumamoto's division team strange magic
A highschool student and DJ aspirant with a great passion for theater and art he look like someone cheerful and eccentric (especially in things referent to her art) she is well know for carry with her a antique doll with who talk (and sometimes her doll talk for her)
looking at first glance not so smart than her brother she is more smart and manipulative than he look,having a indentity as the serial killer "Saika" her alter-ego is infamous by her sadism and brutality even called and considerer "the second coming of the sweetheart killer"
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Kururi is a short girl with blue hair long to his upper back with asymetrical bang and and a purple lock,his eyes are yellow with a childish glow
In the school she wear a seifuku with her own modifications, black leggins under the blue skirt and two socks of different colors, (one purple and other blue) with victorian black boots to the knee,a black corse with grey laces and a white shirt and a black jacket
Out of school she wear a sleeveless mini black dress with a aspect similar to a nightgown over a long sleeve purple shirt and black ripped jeand with combat boots and a black headband
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As Saika Kururi wear a long black wig with purple tips and a bang that cover one of her eyes and (like Aoba) a black lace mask but her have little pink gemstones
She also wear clothes type "goth victorian", a black long sleeve shirt with gray stripes and a black corset with a black mini blazer,her lower half is covered with tigh black pants and victorian black boots,her accesories are a black fingerless glove on the left hand,a black choker with metalic detailes and different earrings
Ruri (by Ryu, Kunio,Natsume)
Rui (by Aoba)
My apprentice (by Kunio)
"Saika" (serial killer name)
"Hellfire" (alternate alias as "Bluefire's partner in crime")
Valkirye (artistic name)
The puppeter and artist (by herself)
Mademoiselle (second personality)
Biographical info
Birthday-september 21
Hair color-blue (natural) black with purple reflects (wig)
Eye color-yellow
Height-163 cm/ 5'4
Star sign-virgo
Piercings-lobes, tongue
Markings-stab scar in the torso,scars of needle in the fingers
Mother (desceased)
Father (desceased)
Older brother
Younger half-brother
Voiced by-Mayaa Uchida (rapping and singing)
At first glance eccentric,passionate and joy Kururi seems the complete opposite of her melancholy,earnest and calm (at first glance) brother and she is, she's consider herself an artist over all and have fascination for anything (or anyone) she found "beautiful" although her passion is centred on theater, music and marionettes She's know in highschool for being someone eccentric but nice (only with certain people) but some students are scare of her because Kururi is also energic and unpredictable (like the time when she attacked a classmate only for boredom or when she bombed the locker of a bullying with ice explosives )
She is smart like Aoba but instead of his knowledge Kururi is more centred on analyzing people and discover all of them (and their secrets) she can make it very fast (she consider pshychoanalyzing people as a habit of her) enoughly to notice that her brother have a bipolar disorder before anyone else
Her passion for art exteneds even as Saika, talking abou it as Saika Kururi is not very different but she's more sadic and brutal but also a bit more childish,her passion for beauty things and art is presents even on her murders,she let the bodies cut or mutilated in specific forms using their own organs,clothes or accesories as "materials" of a "piece of art" and she also hangs then with threads like marionettes,for Kururi the people who she killer not are different to a paint cans or canvas
Even with all it she's nice with peope important to her, Kururi admire and respect Natsume and Kunio as people and "artists partners" and was overjoyed when Kunio proclamed her as his "apprentice" and with Aoba She's very protective despite being the younger beetwen both and she's worry for him only wishing Aoba could be happy again and if anyone try anything againt her or them Kururi would be more than happy of turning them a work of art
Kururi have a strange friendship with Touya Kisaragi of Katsushika that started when he catched her as Saika in meedle of one of her "pieces of art"
Her alternate personality mademoiselle is a mix of her pain for not noticed Aoba's sorrow on it moment,the memories she have about her father and her hidden wish for a mother
Kururi go to highschool but she leave early due her job in the theater
Kururi was the first who notice Aoba's bipolar disorder
Strangely, Kururi feel affect for Kanon hojo of shizuoka 'cause she reminds her to Aoba
The doll with she express her second personality "Mademoiselle" was a gift from Aoba
Kururi have a personality disorder but contrary to Aoba's bipolar disorder she have TID
Kururi call her teammates and friends "her marionettes"
She's the leader of Kumamoto's secret secondary team. "Double Face ace"
Kururi have a rivalry with the scorpion den member trickster due his fascination for Bluefire. But the truth is that she have feelings for him
Kururi is the only person who can calm Aoba when he suffer a maniac or psychotic episode
She is the creator/writer of a supernatural yaoi manga/light novel serie named "Blue:TOUCHSTARVED"
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saltwukong · 2 years
That episode was a goddamn chore.
Recap for you guys:
The raccoon dude mentioned in the trailer is holding a scam auction. Thanks to the mouse stealing shit, RWBY get Yang's arm and one of Penny's weird black ice knives with relatively little trouble.
Barring a moment where some weirdo in a black wig started making arm puns and hanging off of Yang (but not enough to actually hold her hand, the cockteasing bastards), Blake has been reduced to babbling on and on and on and fucking on about the book she thinks they're in now. It happens eight times. Eight. It's beyond annoying.
The choppy cartoon gags are even more present than the first episode and still primarily star Weiss, and no, they're not funny.
Ruby gives a heartfelt, glowing speech essentially glamorizing Penny and what she died for, which pissed me off because she was referring to things that a) were railroaded into happening, b) things that are quite literally her fault, and c) literally never got resolved, like Amity Colosseum and whatever the fuck happened to Pietro and Maria.
Oh, and one more thing.
There is no music at all in this episode. There is a tiny sound clip in the very first few seconds of the episode, and Ruby's aforementioned speech is set to a single repeating piano line and a somber violin hum. That's it. The score's entirely silent the other 14 minutes comprising the episode.
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