#start a weird subfandom
lost-technology · 1 year
Does anyone know how to work that Ao3 thing where you can search for fics excluding a ship or tag?  (Or was that a fanfictiondotnet thing?)  I can’t remember.   You see, to find fics in the Trigun and Trigun Stampede section that I want to read, it seems like I have to do a long search through pages of labels and summaries I’m just not interested in by premise.  If I’m not running into AUs that take it out of the canon world that I like, it’s ships I don’t vibe with.  I’d like to exclude “Vash x Reader” stuff.  Sure, it can be cute sometimes, but I’m not really into that / the self-insertion thing.  I’ll read it sometimes, but I have a limited taste for it / have to be in a very specific mood to enjoy it and it seems like everyone in this fandom is horny for Vash while I’d like to just sit back and view a more canon-compliant world?  Then, there’s the Vashwood / Vash x Wolfwood, which comprises almost every fic in the current fandom and is not a ship I vibe with - I’d like to find *something else, anything else* after seeing summary after summary of that same thing.  No problem with anyone who ships it, it’s just one of those “I see this as a brotp / foils-to-friendship” things with me, personally.  Of course, I also know that if I exclude Vash x Wolfwood from a search, I’ll miss some Maswhood, which is sad, but a price I am willing to pay for a while to just see other things... (somehow, bringing Meryl in and making it a thrupple makes it more interesting for me.  Different dynamic, I don’t know why I like the three-part ship over a single-ship, but...yeah... I like it sometimes).   As it is, though, I really am more interested in reading genfic right now.  I’ve found a few that are “Vash’s life on Ship 3″ and “Vash and Nai with Rem” and I like those.  There seems to be precious little friendship fic with Vash, Meryl, Wolfwood and Roberto roaming the world.  I really want to find good gen in this fandom and it feels...difficult.   But, you know, it’s’ like... finding my small niche interests against the sea of the usual and I forget how to do exclude tags and it would be helpful if I got a refresher on that.  Thanks for the help if you can and are willing to.  
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rayofmisfortune · 2 months
Does anyone else remember having the batim, epic mouse and cuphead phase at the same exact time which kinda just evolved into there being this world where all these old timey style characters hang out and interact w/ eachother with a sprinkle of angst?
Just me?
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tyrantisterror · 2 months
I don't think of these as often nowadays because I left the site years ago, but every now and then I'm reminded of the weird legacies my deviantart account left in the niche subfandom of kaiju OC creators and redesigners.
The biggest one would be people who populate their kaijuverse with monsters that MOSTLY have standard monster names, but one or two of them have comically mundane human names like "Bob" or "Martin." That's my fault, I started that trend, you can blame that on me.
Another one I think I can claim is people who redesign Megalon to have two pairs of arms - the upper pair being larger and more muscular and bearing drills, one the lower pair are thin, gracile, and designed to do manipulative work with their claws. That was my concept, I did it first, and it's cool to see how many people now redesign Megalon with that exact arm arrangement. Are they copying me, or a person who copied me, or a copy of a copy of a copy? I don't know, but it's cool, I love it. You never know how far your stupid bullshit will ripple out.
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
As a Tomdaya on the bird app, who stans Tom and Z as individuals as well as their relationship, I’d thought I chime in. I agree with the anon that Z is treated very differently on the app than Tom and I find it weird. I think Z fans are very proctevtive of Z, rightfully so but they often fail to view her as a human being and put her on this bizarre pedestal that sometimes removes her humanity as an individual that I can only really compare to to Taylor swift. Disney is the starting block to ownership because a lot of fans either grew up with Z or rewatched her shows on the channel that they are the super fans today. Add in The Greatest Showman, MCU, Euphoria and Dune. Properties with big fan bases. Her music career was also very successful though cut short and had a huge impact. It’s not lost on me of the sheer volume of fame and fans she’s received being strategic and being one of a kind talent.
Tom on the other hand has MCU but really didn’t grow up in the public the way Z did at age 13. Another factor I think is a big contribution to this phenomenon is that Z encourages parasocial relationships with her fans. I didn’t think to much of this because most celebs have social media but most don’t really talk to fans unless their gen z or musicians.
They put Z on puritanical pedestals and remove her humanity.Sometimes I think they forget that they know she lurks on socials and might like or retweets accounts thus creating subfandoms that have relations to Z. Those fandoms are not bad and great if your a fan. But those ones like timdayas, hunterdaya or anyone daya who cut Tom out of everything is just so weird to me. They get annoyed if you make a Tomdaya joke cause she more than her relationship. They’re not wrong but she’s always more than her costars but they never see through that logic because it doesn’t fit their narrative lol.
Timothee used to be parasocial as well, especially at the beginning of his career. He would communicate with fans and actually create a bond with them on socials and real life. Club Chalamet is a result of that lol. After the Eiza situation, he stopped and mainly keeps interactions slim and mainly related to his next project because he saw that lines were being blurred and those fans at the time were judgmental. Idk if you remember the infamous Timothee I trusted you meme because despite general public coming for him, those stans really were doing too much lol. I think that’s why he hid his relationships from his fans because they built this idea of him when he’s just a man in his 20s figuring it out lol.
Tom fans are in three catergories mcu fanboys, Tomdayas like me lol, antis who don’t like Z. His fanbase on twitter is really an amalgamation of Tomdayas who both love Z and Tom but their small compared to Z’s or Timothee. When he gets hate Tomdaya felt the need to defend on his behalf. The reality is Tom doesn’t care. He only uses insta and avoids twitter. He healthy because he live in his own universe. However, he’s not a Paul mescal or Josh O’Connor where his work little or alot can stand out for itself whether he’s likeable or not. A lot of his fame comes from his personality or ip films. I’m aware I missed Billy Elliot, just don’t thinks it relevant on social media. Yes I loved tcr but when the rt score came it was brutal. It was shocking seeing critics who relatively have a niche on films come for him and I was just sad that ppl had this much vitriol despite the fact he’s not problematic. Both film twitter beloved Chris Pine and Chris Evans have critically failure and there’s not hate as much as Tom got that week. One thing as a Tomdaya that muted certain z fans who hate on him is that he really doesn’t care.
Him liking that insta post about him forgetting he’s famous made me realise that as a fan I should not care and just curate my account for my own happiness. I don’t engage tweets about comparison with other actors, z’s exes or costars because I know it’s bait. Toms fanbase is small so I’m happy it’s not as big as other actors. That’s why I think those fans can repost his kissing scenes of intamite scenes cause he doesn’t lurk Twitter and it doesn’t start trending. Z does so when those fans post things about her boyfriend or her exes or costars, they know she lurks and I think that’s weird. Maybe that’s why Tomdayas get on defence lol. I’m aware though some Tomdayas can be cringe. I’m not rewriting history here lol.
That’s my two cents lol. Hope you have a good day xxx
Thnx for your input Anon. 😊
Another factor I think is a big contribution to this phenomenon is that Z encourages parasocial relationships with her fans.
I wouldn't say she encourages it, I just think she wants to try to stay personable with her fans and show them that she's still that kind, down to earth girl from Oakland that they've always known and loved, no matter how "famous" she gets. 😊
I didn’t think to much of this because most celebs have social media but most don’t really talk to fans unless their gen z or musicians.
Well Z IS Gen Z lol 😅
Timothee used to be parasocial as well, especially at the beginning of his career. He would communicate with fans and actually create a bond with them on socials and real life. Club Chalamet is a result of that lol. After the Eiza situation, he stopped and mainly keeps interactions slim and mainly related to his next project because he saw that lines were being blurred and those fans at the time were judgmental.
Well, honestly Anon.... MOST Celebrities (I feel) have realized over the years that the LESS they share of their personal life, the BETTER. If you go back 7 years....even just 5 years....and you were to go back in time and be on IG or Twitter as a fan back then, you would see that Z, Tom, Timothee, shoot....even Austin, Nadia lol, etc. ALL used to be waaaay more personable, engaging, and even posted WAY more on their social media accounts back then compared to now. I think over the years, a LOT of these celebrities (especially the ones who are fairly famous) have all realized just how toxic social media has become in just such a short time, and I think they have figured out that the less they share, the better.
Fans have definitely crossed the line, and these actors have realized that they need to put a boundary again btwn them, their private life, and their fans. That's just my own personal observation and theory. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Him liking that insta post about him forgetting he’s famous made me realise that as a fan I should not care and just curate my account for my own happiness.
I definitely think you should curate your online account for your own happiness and not worry too much about Tom. With that said, while he may have liked that post, we can't say with 100% accuracy that "he doesn't care" about what people say about him. He IS human after all. He might not care about ALL things, but certain things might def be hurtful.
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atopvisenyashill · 4 months
the way twitter stans don't get matt smith is playing up the blacks vs greens conflict like most of the actors have been in the recent interviews, like ofc as the person who plays daemon he's gonna say he doesn't like alicent lmao
(also i find it interesting how all of the crazy team green twitter stans had no problem when tgc called jace a dweeb isn't that hate too🤔)
no YEAH and like, obvious caveat it isn't the whole fandom but twitter does incentivise the absolute craziest people to get popular which means some of thee most annoying people to have ever existed in this world are popular in the greater hotd fandom, and what's been consistently frustrating is how many people who are either rhaenicent/girls focused or tg stans who just refuse to acknowledge the absolutely cracked behavior coming from their side. like, all this focus on olivia, basically with the implication that this is an isolated thing like with the hate lena got for playing cersei, but it's not because imo the internet (or at least twitter) has gotten infinitely worse since got finished, so it's not just olivia getting this insane behavior, it's the bulk of the cast! and it's coming from everyone, from the angry book fans, the targ nation delulus, the femslash enjoyers, tb, tg, every subfandom has had some insane and over the line behavior directed towards the cast that loves to default to either "well you're ugly and i hope you die" or just straight up bigotry.
like the amount of people (largely the "toxic yuri enjoyers" or the tb stans, i can whack the people i hang out with!!) going after tom for saying standard actor stuff like "I love my character" or "i feel bad for my character" and saying he's a rape apologist is crazy. people didn't even go after jason momoa for that real dumbshit "i get to rape beautiful women" comment this hard! is he supposed to not try to understand the character he's playing?? are people who play villains or antagonists just never allowed to feel sympathy for their characters? that's crazy, that's insane, but especially in a series where a) there are SO MANY villain protagonists and b) this series is known for exploring why bad people turn into bad people and why good people do bad things and what even a "bad person" or a "good person" looks like, so why are we mad that the cast plays into this??
and YEAH tbh like you say, i think there's a lot of in this case tg stans specifically who get so fucking angry whenever Matt Smith plays along with the "all must choose" angle but it's like - yeah of course he does, he's not the only one doing this, he clearly thinks it's fun to joke about how he's gonna decimate ewan mitchell, and i think a lot of his bts stuff throughout his career has gone from the two extremes of "having something amazing to say" and "being completely and totally unserious" because this is a job he does, and he likes to get goofy with it. it's fine!!! but no, apparently, it's such a crime to simply exist and like that he's playing this fun character with a goofy wig and a cool aesthetic that we've gotta dogpile every post about him calling him ugly!! but when The People We Hate In Fandom do something vile like call olivia a cunt to her face, that's the true evil! and when People We Are Friends With start saying really weird shit about fabien being ~violent~ we just look the other way even tho that feels just a lil racist!!!
it's more frustrating because you can't even say this is a fandom that skews young like a shitty teen show or a cartoon - this is a grown up show for adults, this is prestige tv, this is a show and a series you actually think "maybe i should wait a few years before i let my middle schooler dig into that one" but the fandom is SO INSANE. WE ARE ALL ADULTS WHY ARE WE ACTING SO JOBLESS. GO PAY YOUR CHILD SUPPORT. DO SOME YOGA SO YOUR BACK DOESN'T SEIZE UP BEFORE 40. TOUCH GRASS!!
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bedlamsbard · 1 year
I totally understand your rage quitting now, although it's exactly the opposite for me! I was *very* into the Asgardian storyline in MCU and I hated Ragnarok with a passion - and the fandom sure made certain I knew everybody who didn't like the movie was an Idiot. Then IW and EG happened and killed all my joy for the MCU. I kinda sorta look at it without flinching nowadays, but it took somewhere around 5 years...
I think I know more people who went MCU --> Star Wars than the other way around! Weird couple of years for both fandoms. I'm a little bit of a weird outlier because I got back into Marvel well after Endgame, but a lot of what people criticize about the MCU is what I find interesting (the puzzle piece aspect). I am well aware that if I'd been consistently in Marvel since 2014 (which is when I drifted off) I'd probably have had the same rage reaction as like...everyone else I know.
I guess it's been a minute and my SW history isn't common knowledge to people who weren't around here between 2013-2021, so the lingering fury is probably confusing to people who only know me from the MCU. I was big into Star Wars from 2013-2021, from 2013-2015 on the PT/TCW side, then from 2014-2021 on the Rebels side (there's crossover), though I was also familiar with...everything. I have forgotten more about Star Wars than your average SW fan has ever known. (I was also in and out from 2007-2013, which is when some of my earlier fic like Oxygen and Rust dates from, but this is a period of time when my big fandom was actually Narnia) I'm quote-unquote "known" for Wake the Storm and Queen's Gambit in the PT/TCW, which have very consistently garnered negative responses since Wake started in 2013, and On the Edge of the Devil's Backbone in Rebels; I also used to do liveblogs of TCW and Rebels and the comics, for a while, so some of those posts are still floating around. I had a very, very bad breakup with a close fandom friend in 2016. I bounced off the ST, had an extremely negative reaction to Rebels S4 (to this day I have refused to do a full reaction post because I hated it so much I can't think about it coherently, and there were years where I couldn't think about it without spiraling), was okay with Resistance, R1, and Solo, hated Mando, hated TCW S7, hated the comics, hated the High Republic, and was still grimly hanging onto the fandom in utter misery in 2021 when the combination of hating TBB's sheer mediocrity (and the way they retconned Rebels) and the first episode of Loki hitting all of my favorite tropes like a fucking train finally knocked me out of Star Wars, to the extreme relief of everyone who knew me.
to this day I have fannish friends (who I met through Star Wars!) ready to stage an intervention if I ever seem even vaguely interested in getting back into Star Wars. I am the only person I know who looked at the Marvel fandom post-Endgame (and the Loki subfandom at any point in time, but especially while the show was airing) and went "this seems like a nice soothing place to immigrate to!" and honestly it is, people aren't as crazy anymore as they were around CW and Endgame. (Except in the Loki subfandom, which has made even me go "hmm. that's a bit much," but then I remember the egg genocide and you guys are fine, actually.)
very amusingly I actually speed-ran the Rebels experience with the Loki show -- really liked the first half, really disliked the second half -- but by that point I'd already gotten back into the rest of the MCU. I hadn't had a dramatic MCU breakup at all; I'd kept up with the films from 2008-2014 (CATWS was the last one I saw in order), but I just hadn't gotten around to seeing more than three odd ones out between 2014 and 2021 (Ragnarok, Captain Marvel, Ant-Man and the Wasp, and then I saw WandaVision early in 2021). I fandom osmosed some weird stuff that turned out not to be true.
anyway for those that don't know, that's the short version of my sordid Star Wars history! also sorry, you didn't actually, uh, ask for this.
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byfurries4furries · 1 year
The Fandom (Documentary)
So for this post, we're going to do something different. Instead of just a piece of media made by a furry, we're going to do a piece of media made by furries about furries. The Fandom is a documentary film based on a web series by the same director, Ash Coyote. The film takes an in-depth look at the history of the furry fandom from its inception to its modern form. The soundtrack is also done by Fox Amoore and the guy who made the "No Cock Like Horse Cock" song who I'm not naming here, because he turned out to be a weird transphobe.
Now it's important to note there's a lot of ways you can approach the history of the furry fandom, because the fandom as it exists in its current form is the result of many convergences with other fandoms like the "funny animals" fandom of the 70's and 80's to the Lion King fandom of the 90's and early 2000's. So the story of the furry fandom can either take the approach that it started out as the "funny animals" fandom with the release of Fritz the Cat or it started separately in the 80's sci-fi/anime fandom or that both were started separately before merging. The film focuses on the second approach for the sake of simplicity, but if you want to see the first approach, you can try out the Down the Rabbit Hole video on furries.
Anyways, the film goes over the furry fandom's roots in the sci-fi fandom, and its even more niche anime subfandom, of the 80's. Not only that, but it draws attention to its history in the context of its queer presence. It does not shy away from the fact that the fandom's abundance of queer members starting in the 90's can be pretty clearly linked to its subtly queerphobic backlash. It also shows the history of how it's successfully kept fascists out with the history of the Burned Furs, a queerphobic hate group within the furry fandom who wanted to "cleanse" the fandom of kink, queerness, and vegetarianism weirdly enough. It also tackles the fandom's reputation, its recent efforts to be more inclusive, and what people can learn from it. It also features interviews with important figures like the founders of the first furry convention, Confurence.
This is a really strong recommendation for anyone who likes documentaries. It's really so refreshing to see the furry fandom's history told by its own members and not from just some Youtuber who decided to research it for a video. That isn't to say there aren't really good videos that do a good job of teaching the history of the fandom without being in it. I again point to Down the Rabbit Hole's episode on furries. However, it's nonetheless really great to see our story told by us in such a beautiful love letter to the community. Also, it's completely free on YouTube, and Ash is currently working on a sequel of sorts. I don't know a lot about it. I could maybe take a guess that it focuses on the furry fandom during and after the internet boom, which is where the Lion King fandom would actually play a large role. Still, the original film is good to watch, so until next time, keep on yiffing
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onewomancitadel · 1 year
hey i wanna ask, did you know about the rwby manga anthology? theres a short comic in it thats actual knightfall entirely from cinders side, which was both validating and also hilarious
Yes, it caused quite a stir when it came out, and I only soberly don't post frames from those manga panels all the time to evade allegations of shipping bias. I make posts like these infrequently.
Cinder staring at Jaune and finding him lovely and beautiful (after an arrow hits her in the chest... à la Cupid's arrow which made him fall in love with Psyche when she was supposed to fall in love with someone ugly) changed me. It was well after I had started shipping Knightfall so I definitely never expected something like that, because there's basically no subfandom for it, so it's not like it was a fanservice.
I otherwise don't take it too seriously for reading canon, but it does make me puzzled. I don't know if the shoujo joke were supposed to be on Cinder, but it's just weird.
My problem is that people who have dreams of each other before they meet is my favourite thing ever, and a dream that unsettles someone especially with romantic set-up is amazing, and a dream that is something soft and lovely which Cinder's never had and soft lovely and Jaune, and a dream that makes her act awkward around him, and a dream is a wish your heart makes...
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timetravelstudies · 6 months
whats a good starting point for a guy who wants to get into led zeppelin!!
Tumblr media
HEHEHEHEEHEHE… hello anon, come in come in….. sit on this nice cozy chair dont mind the leather straps on the armrests heheeh……..
ok in all seriousness. And ill try to keep this as short as i can. theeee lz experience is hearing them play live, rather than the studio recordings. This may sound weird to hear from a guy born 20 years after lz stopped doing shows lol but theres a LOT of material out there that u can watch/listen to if u wanna get (what i assume is a fraction of) the experience. Probably the easiest thing to find and in best quality (though in my exp the quality of online streams is still atrocious, maybe theres some hq torrents though?) is “the song remains the same”, a concert film of three dates they played at MSG in 1973. but theres also videos floating around of their concerts at Royal Albert Hall 1970 and Earls court 1975 (you can check yt for these) plus a few odds and ends here and there (im a big fan of this tv appearance in france 1969, though this was super early on so their performance “style” isnt yet well defined, esp wrt plant, but the actual playing is still peak imo)
as far of audio-only live recordings go, theres of course the album version of TSRTS, the BBC sessions album (of various radio appearances they did through the years), and the album called “how the west was won” with live versions of many of their more popular songs taken from a couple dates in california in i believe 1972. These are all on spotify or yt or wherever else u listento music. Theyre also really well mastered (and remastered, and re remastered…) bc Jimmy Page is anal like that. So even if theyre live theyre great quality and u can hear every instrument distinctly.
ALSO theres like a million lz bootlegs out there, which is like its own niche subfandom(?). A bootleg is an illegal recording that fans made back in the 70s and then spread around and/or sold for money. the digital versions of many of these are available on yt and archive.org but theres also a huge marked of selling them, the og 70s vinyls are especially prized. idk much about lz bootlegs bc i never could listen to a single one all the way through as all the noise bothers my brain lol so if anyone reading this does and has tips please share<3
I spoke about live stuff bc in my opinion, and also according to members of lz, fans, various music critic type people, basically everyone agrees lol lz studio songs were just kind of the first iteration of what would then mutate and stretch into a more loose, longer, live experience. Imo lz, studio or live, is some of the best music ever made point blank period, but its definitely not for everyone, in that you have to be able to get in that classic rock/prog rock* type of mood of songs lasting anywhere from 6 minutes studio to 35 minutes live, and taking you on this weird journey with ebbs and flows, rather than having a tight structure that is easier to follow and listen to like all pop music ever. i mean this in an entirely value neutral way: a pop song, whether from 1965 or 2015, is easy to listen to bc IT carries YOU through the listening experience, whether you want to or not, whereas for instance a 20 min version of dazed and confused live requires you to willingly be there. Its not work or effort, exactly (at least not to me) but it definitely requires a different type of attention.
and btw maybe you knew all this already lol but i said it incase you or anyone else who ends up reading this doesn’t know a lot about rock
ANYWAY, of course theres also the actual studio albums. i dont think theres any specific way you should listen To them, like my friend has been going thru them chronologically but back in the day when i was just getting into lz i just jumped from one song or album to another as the mood struck me (which is how hoth ended up being the first lz album i ever heard… i think itd finished torrenting first and i liked the cover and took it on my ipod on holiday with me, and now its my favorite album of all time & engraved on my very soul lol). If you want MY recs of the stuff i like best, i have this recruitment playlist where i put a mix of my fave lz songs and the ones i think are must-listen for any new fan.
Ok so i ended up writing a bunch anyway LMAO. ty for the ask lmk if u have any specific questions ❤️
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A little self-discovery
Heyyyyyyy! It’s....b-been a bit! Truthfully, I....I haven’t been completely OK this week. I’ve been dealing with some stuff, but....I’ve been though worse at the same time, so it’s not a super big deal. But.....I wanted to talk about this, cuz I.....kiiiiinda alluded to it before....? Dunno if anyone saw it, tho, but..y’know.......
I-I still wanted to talk about it....
This is something that no one but me will care about, but....s-screw it, I'm already here, and this might be something I'll mention again in the future, so....here goes....
So....this has to do with....family history and stuff, so if that doesn’t interest you, keep scrolling, nothing to see here.....XD
So, I’ve had to do some CRAZY stuff in order to get over post-Eurovision depression this year. I still dunno why it got SO bad this time, cuz it’s usually not, but....yeah. I was doing pretty much nothing but rewatching Eurovision videos for weeks last month. On top of that, my favorite idol/comfort person has been on hiatus for health reasons, and his fanbase is collectively miserable and missing him horribly, which brought down my mood really badly, making it harder to move on from Eurovision which makes me happy. But....I FINALLY did something that got me over it for the most part.
And that’s that....I, uh....I revisited an old special interest of mine. I’m not sure if I’m getting back into it necessarily, but I’ve been looking at old things and having a nostalgia trip. I was last into this in early 2013 (it was one of the last special interests I was into before Total Drama and me getting this blog), so it’s been a while. And....yes, it does have ties to Eurovision for me. It's how I first discovered Eurovision, which....is a really weird story. KeepinmindI’mAmericansoIHADtolearnthroughaweirdway*cough*
Now, I’m not gonna say what this is, cuz it’s not SUPER important to this topic. It’s just the catalyst for it. This is its own can of worms. And honestly, altho I look back on this thing very well (and I consider it one of the best fandoms I’ve ever been in), I’m also embarrassed by it in the present day. This isn’t something I’d really recommend to people. I’m happy it exists, but I’m worried if it’s.....aged well enough to point new fans toward it, is what I’m saying.
All I’ll say for now is that....it has to do with world history, and leave it at that.
(If anyone is interested in me talking about this, and don’t mind me potentially talking about weird stuff, I AM more than happy to explain. There’s a LOTTA stuff I can talk about, seriously. XD I had a lotta great experiences in that fandom, and could basically talk about it all day if I could. It was one of those fandoms that I had multiple phases of. It basically ruled my life for many years, and it helped me learn certain things about myself that are....still getting mileage today.....and again, it’s the reason I got into Eurovision, which I STILL love today, so....NEED I SAY MORE? It’s very close to my heart. I just don’t wanna talk about it RIGHT NOW cuz it’d lead to a huge tangent.)
Point is.....I’m revisting it. I’m looking at old stuff I saved, and even stuff related to it that I made myself. It feels like I’m 18-21 again......and, through that....I remembered that.....there was something I’d started to do, that I’d stopped when I moved on.
I was.....learning Croatian. In 2013....
And I stopped....
I had a whole list of words I’d learned even, and I- I forgot all about, it-
So, uh...I know that sounded REALLY REALLY RANDOM, so- uh-
The same time I was in this fandom, I was part of a subfandom for this group of OCs I really liked, and- g-gosh, this is going all over the place, pffffff- b-but, these OCs, had to do with the history of Yugoslavia and the countries it became and- I sound so stupid right now- P-point is, it was a really weird coincidence, that this happened, not that long after I learned that I’m one-quarter Croatian!
So......family-related rambling time:
So, I knew that my dad’s side of the family was Greek. And that my paternal great-grandparents (none of which I got to meet) were immigrants. But....I didn’t know everything for the longest time. I knew I was Greek, cuz fun fact my last name is VERY Greek, and we celebrate Greek Easter instead of regular Easter (I’m PRETTY SURE I’ve mentioned this on my blog before?). We also follow a few other Greek traditions, and I was taught a few words. And indeed, SOMEWHERE in my grandparents’ house, we still have my grandpa’s parents’ Ellis Island papers when they came to America from Greece. My grandpa is very much Greek.
But.....what about my grandma? Through my childhood, I thought she was also Greek, she’s always just fit in with the traditions and stuff.....I knew that I was told her maiden name when I was young, but I forgot it....and no, turns out she isn’t Greek. Turns out, as I learned randomly as a teenager....she’s actually Yugoslav. But wait, that country doesn’t exist anymore! It DID exist when her parents left it, but....not anymore. I was briefly curious about what she’d identify as in the modern day, but never asked and promptly forgot for a few years cuz it wasn’t a big deal.
BUT, in 2012-2013, somewhere around that time, in a random conversation with my grandpa and uncle, things finally came together. She was playfully poking fun at Greeks, and my grandpa made a joke about Croatians in response.
And it came together, exactly where she was from, and I could say what every part of me was without using outdated words. I was like....”that’s neat” at first, but I didn’t really dwell on it for a while.
But THEN, this fandom happened again! And it got me interested in world history, and I hyperfixated on this group of popular OCs from it, and.....i-it led me to blogs, and art, all dealing with.....all this history, through the lens of characters I liked, and I realized that I was kinda.....learning about a p-part of myself? And through it, I got....curious about it.....? It seemed so interesting to me all of a sudden.....?
I’m....one-quarter Croatian. Yet, I was raised as if I was half Greek. I....didn’t KNOW anything about Croatia or Yugoslavia. My grandma never taught us anything about her family and how they lived. She just took on the role of my Greek grandma with my Greek grandpa and she was just fine with that. And I am too, don’t get me wrong, cuz I love my Greek side, but.....I’ve ALWAYS known and have been in touch with my Greek side. And, for once, I was like...VERY curious all of a sudden, sparked by fandom of all things, to discover my Croatian side.
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Through this RP account I used to follow (RIP Formspring), I got interested in the language. I taught myself the alphabet and a few phrases. I also watched a YouTube documentary on the history Yugoslavia once (dunno if it’s still up) and hooooly crap Croats are badass (there’s no other word to describe that, pfffff). That country has been through a LOT and WON. The fact that I probably have distant relatives over there that fought through all that for their independence REALLY interested me. Ashamed as I was to admit it, I got really into learning about Croatian history, all thanks to this really weird coincidence of discovering I’m part Croatian and then almost immediately after, discovering a Croatian character I liked that talked about his history a lot. All the while, jumping between this and a historical comedy anime. It was probably one of my weirdest summers interest-wise. One day, I’d be looking up art of ships I like, and the next, I’d be learning a new thing about Croatia. A fun fact, or a not-so-fun fact, or a new word or phrase, or something completely random from this blog I followed, pffff....
I was super into learning about this seemingly-random country that I was slightly embarrassed about it, and didn’t really talk a lot about it to others. It would’ve been easy to say “my grandma’s from there”, but I dunno, part of me didn’t feel like that was a good enough excuse to admit I’d watched war documentaries. Guess I felt....guilty, so I hid it.
And then.....I stopped.
I got into new interests. It happens. I couldn’t stay fixated forever. The fact that it was a short Kirby’s Return To Dreamland phase, and then Total Drama of all things happening, that led me away is kinda funny to think about......but, eh, with how problematic my old fandom....could PROBABLY be viewed as, I guess I’m happy I avoided having a Tumblr while I was an active fan? Again, it was probably the best fandom I’d ever been in, but.....y’know, with time, things could’ve gotten uglier if I was actively gushing over it, so it kinda does feel like I dodged a bullet. I could easily see myself pissing off a hatedom.
But.....here I am again. I came back. Not to the fandom as a whole, but just feeling nostalgic and looking back at old stuff. And lo and behold, I remembered my old project eventually. I kinda felt bad that I stopped for dumb reasons, but then again, I started for dumb reasons too......
I still remember the alphabet, and a few words. Part of me still wants to learn how to speak in...even small sentences at one point. Not enough to wanna take lessons, but...step-by-step by myself. It’s a “what if” situation. Maybe I never will be able to speak it, but one can dream.
So....yup, that’s what I’ve been up to this past month or so. I’m not watching war documentaries this time, thank god (seriously, 21-year-old me went to the darkest places first, huh >__> Dang history fixation), but I’ve been looking up videos on several locations in Croatia, for one. Gorgeous place. If I could, I’d try to go there, but social anxiety makes it REALLY HARD to bring it up to my family, especially when I’ve NEVER brought it up before. But even in videos, I am immersed when I look at it. It’s my dream vacation (well, one of them). Split is one of the prettiest places I’ve seen in my life. Which, again, I did NOT expect. I’ve heard multiple people talk about the prettiest countries in the world, but did anyone mention Croatia? Nooooo! But it’s a very touristy country for Europe, it’s just that Americans don’t talk about it. Hmph! >__> Not only that, but.....Croatian music. SO much music. SO MUCH. I’m mainly using music as a way to learn new words, and....I got hooked. It’s REALLY WEIRD to say that the music I’ve been listening to has been one-third Eurovision, one-third K-pop, and one-third random Croatian songs from playlists I found on YouTube.
It’s been....a LOTTA Eurodance, actually. I didn’t search for any specific genre of music, I just looked up “hrvatske pjesme”, found a playlist, and it was mostly Eurodance, which I did NOT expect! From the kinda songs Croatia sent to Eurovision, I didn’t really associate them with dance music, but....turns out, they’re REALLY GOOD at dance music? Who would’a guessed.....Seriously, I’m tempted to queue up some of the best songs I’ve been listening to to prove this. I might still do that....
(This doesn’t mean I’m gonna be developing a bias when it comes to Eurovision, tho. I’m still unbiased at heart =P I’ll be happy to have a good song, but if it’s mid, I’ll still say it’s mid. If anything, I might be HARSHER since I know how good their music can be now. And I’m not gonna hold back if 2022 happens again, Hrvatska. Oprostite. =P)
(D-don’t get me wrong, I’m not MAD that they don’t send the stuff I’ve been listening to to Eurovision, cuz.....well, it’s junk food. It’s not for everyone, especially here in the 2020s. XD Going the Balkan route makes more sense. Even this year, when they were taking the piss...still, that song was clever and had a message, which is more substance than Eurodance has, pfffff)
To think that this was all sparked by a fandom....that THAT’S what it took for me to fixate on learning this part of myself. But it’s true. It’s....e-embarrassing, yes. And it really only is one quarter of myself. I really could’ve went the rest of my life without doing any of this. But....my brain works in weird ways. And my interests can be super unpredictable. That’s a fandom that, again, I might talk about another time, but.....it really is super important to me for multiple reasons, and this is one of them - leading me to learning about my grandma’s country and its culture and history.
Why am I sharing all this? Cuz.....for one, I might be following this up with sharing Croatian songs on here in the future, or referencing E.T (Electro Team) or Colonia next Eurovision season, or even something else might pop up. It might seem super random, cuz, again, I’m American.....so I wanna explain where it came from. And also, cuz this started before I joined Tumblr, I...never got to talk about this weird interest of mine before. So...it feels good to finally get it out.
Again, it’s only a quarter of myself, but it’s something that makes me unique, and I’m still happy discovering it.
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limerental · 5 years
i vaguely missed being in one of those limited content fandoms that fractured randomly into related material and latched onto it for dear life. it’s good
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lesbianremu · 2 years
stranger things + fandom spaces
idrk which fandom spaces typically cross over with the stranger things fandom, but as someone who is an avid marauders stan, joining this fandom has genuinely given me whiplash. 
for those who don’t know, the marauders fandom is like a subfandom within the harry potter fandom, and it’s a predominantly queer space, much like the byler subfandom of the stranger things fandom. 
the source material the marauders fandom have really isn’t much (because *spoilers* these characters are side characters, and most of them are dead when they’re mentioned in canon), so technically its a bunch of queer kids making shit up about their fav characters (like right down to their basic personality traits because we literally know NOTHING about them). which doesn’t have to be a bad thing — i personally find so much beauty in this little community and ik i’ll always cherish it — but the fact it exists at all, speaks to much more pressing issues that i’ll get into later. 
but look... idk wtf is in the water where the stranger things’ GA lives, but i’ve never seen a group of people so openly and unequivocally bigoted in fandom spaces. maybe it’s just my luck being in the marauders fandom (we do have shitty incidences, don’t get me wrong), but it so blatant in the st fandom. 
like people COMPLAINING about max being disabled after vecna’s attack, and saying outright that she’s better off dead. people using the 80s as an excuse to justify not having quality queer representation on the show. people JUSTIFYING billy’s abuse and racism just bc he’s hot. people sympathising with jason despite PULLING A GUN ON LUCAS. people saying will should contract hiv/aids and die because it’s accurate for him in 1980s america as a queer boy. people denying will’s sexuality (even AFTER noah confirmed it) and insisting he’s in love with el. people saying robin will “wake up” and realise her feelings for steve. people having no issue being outright racist, homophobic, and ableist to the few minority characters we have. 
it’s genuinely fucking insane. 
and i think maybe it’s so surprising to me specifically is because i purposefully avoid mainstream media. the marauders fandom basically just consumes fanfic (all hail lord zeppazariel). it’s kinda our new “source material” ig, because who wants to read what stinky terfs have to write? but what i love most about it is the fact i don’t have to worry about the quality of representation or whether there will be explicit representation at all, because in fanfic, it’s written by us, for us. 
i only started watching stranger things THIS year in 2022 (bc my gay ass saw an edit of nancy wheeler and i binged the entire show in a week for her but moving on) and i kinda already knew the show was going to have a white cishet majority. but it’s just insane that even GA isn’t satisfied with being the majority. they want to push out any scrap of representation the show gives minority audiences, as if the show isn’t literally about OUTCASTS.
like this show, called STRANGER THINGS, at its core, is about minorities. it’s about the “weird”, it’s about queerness. it’s about those pushed to the sidelines, those on the periphery. it’s about the nonconformists, the marginalised — ITS ABOUT US.
just seeing so many white, able-bodied, cishet people treat it like it isn’t, just astounds me. it really just reinforces how much i despise being outside of queer spaces like the marauders fandom, because this behaviour? it would never slide there.
and like i said, im beyond thankful to be part of a community where a bunch of queer people create and share art, purely because we love these characters and we feel seen by them. i love the marauders fandom and the people in it. but the reason it exists at all is because we were initially excluded from the canon.
it’s bittersweet, because whilst i’m so proud of the people in the fandom creating these beautiful stories and fanarts, the fact we have to write our stories in the first place to feel represented is fucked. we deserve better than that — the byler subfandom deserves better than that.
i have no doubt in my mind that even in the VERY RARE occurrence byler doesn’t happen, this subfandom will prevail like the marauders fandom (which is 20 years old btw!). but it shouldn’t be like this. this shouldn’t have to happen. ever.
it’s exhausting having to draw representation from subtext. it’s exhausting having to create our own representation FOR FREE. this is not something we should have to do, and i hold out so much hope for s5 because it will make or break the entire show.
we deserve to be included in the canon. we shouldn’t have to do the labour that showrunners were too scared or indifferent to commit to. we deserve to sit back and enjoy like GA has the privilege of doing.
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literaphobe · 2 years
fanon chloe can be either rly good or rly like,,, cliche mary sue. there’s also like a whole weird subfandom thing of people shipping marinette with robin like. from batman. but like 99% of them have ever read any of the comics it’s weird
ik like they retconned whatever character development they were starting to give chloe but man in the current narrative i feel so bad for zoe like 😭😭 ur mom just deciding to listen to ur half sibling in ostracizing u and cutting you off from family events? so fucking weird this mom sucks
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trillgutterbug · 3 years
Fic Writer Questions!
tagged by @palamedessextus 😊 thanks friend!
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
64! only five more to the magic number ayyyyy and then i’m legally obligated to never post another one.
2) What’s your total AO3 word count?
289,575 apparently??? which seems way way way higher than i ever would have guessed, wow. who knew!
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
31 on ao3, although that’s lumping, eg, all marvel subfandoms together. but i have a ridiculous amount of wips in all kinds of other fandoms that i haven’t/won’t post, soooo.... more than that! and i don’t want to list them all bc that’d be a long boring read!
4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
it serenely disdains to destroy us, a magnus archives fic that, i somewhat vainly note, has been orbiting in the top few top kudosed fics in the tag since i posted it womp womp.
concerning flight, because we all thirsty for thor/loki+gender and i for one support us.
untitled porny snippet (yes that’s actually what it’s called), because same as above. (i see u, kudos-to-comment ratio and i aint mad but.... i see u. all you dirty birds out there shamefully yet silently jerking it. kudos to YOU.)
an experiment in posthumous subsistence, a batman/joker zombie au i wrote fucking TEN YEARS AGO ALMOST. why???? why is this fic so popular?? i’m barely a good writer now and i sure as shit wasn’t one a decade ago! the terrible title alone should disqualify it from being read, but i guess the people want what they want. and what they want is batman and joker handcuffed together, trying to escape the zombie apocalypse  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
all good things, some stucky hydra trash party-adjacent smut regarding piercings. i stand by this one 100%, it deserves every kudo(s?) tbh.
5) Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
i do, depending on the comment! i don’t think comments like “loved this!” / “thanks for writing!” are written with the intent to receive a response (or at least, when i write them on other people’s fics, i certainly don’t expect one). they’re like an extra kudo(s?), and i appreciate them a lot, but they’re not really an invitation to Discuss. whereas if someone clearly has put a lot of thought into a comment, or asked a question, or made some observations that i jive with, or just seems like they want to engage, then hell yeah i jump in there. love that shit. 
6) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
i guess arguably thine own self, which is some hydra husbands abo. laugh all you want, it’s one of my fave of all my fics lmao. probably specifically bc of the unpleasant/open ending.
7) What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
probably moderation is a memory! since it, unlike 99% of all my other stuff, isn’t just total smut, and the whole point of writing it was to wallow as deep as possible in the sauce of giddy teenage infatuation, it got the opportunity to have an actual emotional arc (more or less). furthermore i could not possibly bring myself to break johnny lawrence’s tender little heart ever, that would hurt me far more than it would hurt him.
8) Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
i only realised while answering this question that apparently.... no i don’t write crossovers! which is not at all a deliberate choice, i guess a compelling enough one just hasn’t occurred to me yet! 
9) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
shockingly no! by some accidental miracle i’ve managed to fly under the radar so far, despite some of the really buckwild stuff i’ve posted. however, considering some of the stuff i’m probably ABOUT to post.... that clean track record might soon come to an end lmao.
10) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
lmao. uhhhh. almost exclusively, and i guess??? all kinds? this is clearly a question composed by someone who does not write smut.
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of, and i wouldn’t really care if i did. 
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
yeah i think a few....? a number of people have asked anyway and i always say yes, so probably there’s at least one floating around out there somewhere.
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
i have! just once, and we really made it count. it’s called a reptile dysfunction, which should tell you all you need to know. 
14) What’s your all time favorite ship?
thorki, probably. i always have and always will come back to it, no matter what. it’s got such a ferociously timeless staying power and so much potential variation, i don’t think i could ever get bored of it, regardless of what level of marvel-exhaustion i might feel at a given time, or what tropes, kinks, or stage of literary pretension i’m at. truly the oh tee pee. 
15) What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
ohhhhh all 836575927 of them, but. there’s this one thorki fic i started almost ten years ago as an experiment with a new-to-me style, which turned out over the intervening years to become my main style, and looking back on that fic, which for many years was a touchstone of writing-to-aspire to for me, it’s actually Not Very Good lol. but i still love the core concept, which is a canon divergence berserker thor au, but not only is it a somewhat inaccessible (admittedly less so since the deadpool movies came out, which was a hilarious pipe dream back when i started writing it) x-force comics crossover, but i wrote myself into a bunch of corners and have yet to dig up the energy to write myself back out of them! i go and reread it every year or so and think “hmm... maybe now...” but tbh it’s just not really good enough to bother! perhaps someday i’ll repurpose the best elements of it into something new.
16) What are your writing strengths?
man, it’s so hard to say. in much the same way that you can spend hours every day staring at yourself in a mirror, yet be utterly incapable of picking yourself out of a lineup, i spend a lot of time eyeballing my writing, but stepping back it seems like a chaotic mass of nonsense with few cohesive throughlines. i’m good at writing smut, i know that much! and in that vein, i think i am good at smut bc i am very good at committing to the bit, as it were. getting into the nitty gritty of experience and sensation (physical or emotional) and rendering largely abstract internal concepts in fairly comprehensible ways. i think my prose is quite decent on a sentence level too.
17) What are your writing weaknesses?
utterly incapable of finishing anything! or plotting anything! can’t mange a cohesive emotional arc! write myself into overly structured corners or out onto a vast plain with no structure in sight! all the macro elements of storytelling totally elude me, which is very frustrating when i have all this tasty fleshed out micro-level character stuff, but no narrative skeleton upon which to drape it.
18) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?   don’t! unless you are very sure you know what you’re doing, and the other language bits are a) very few, b) easily contextually understood, and c) actually adding something other than a weird flex that you know google translate exists.
19) What was the first fandom you wrote for?
11yo me wrote spock/kirk/janice rand and thought she invented the concept of a threesome. brand been stronk since day one 🤘. (the vulcan salute is right next to the devil horns in my emoji list, so....)
20) What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
i love the (ongoing) better with you series very much, not least because i’m still absolutely flabbergasted that i wrote something that long. i think it’s actually pretty good all things considered and it’s very dear to me on many many levels. but the fic that i just viscerally adore, that i love the style of, and that i had such a transcendent, invigorating, organic Experience writing, is temper its strength, adding honey until quite cold, which is a terror fic with the inexplicable pairing of edward little/hartnell, featuring crossdressing and gender stuff. it just burst out of me fully formed one day and i don’t think i’ve managed to top it yet! 
lowkey tagging @lingua-mortua @pitcherplant @kaasknot @froggy-babyy @deputychairman @nomercyonlytears @clockheartedcrocodile
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bedlamsbard · 1 year
what are your favorite tropes and fanon bits to see in marvel fics?
I've mostly hit the point where I can't read Marvel fic anymore -- this always happens in my writing fandoms, but Marvel is especially weird to me because I was reading in it for more than a decade before I started writing in it and I got to watch my ability to read in this fandom absolutely disappear. Which was actually very distressing! Some of those are WIPs I've been reading for eight years and I'd open up a new chapter in 2022 and spend the whole time going WRONG WRONG WRONG I DISAGREE WITH EVERY DECISION HERE. (There aren't that many MCU fics that have been continuously updated since 2014 so it is absolutely possible to figure out what fic this is, but I'm not going to be the one to say it.)
anyway. the answer to your question is none because I disagree with 95% of popular fanon in this fandom. I think the only stuff I don't virulently disagree with is some detail worldbuilding fanon I picked up early on in the Loki subfandom when I got back in in 2021, and which also pops up in my own fic as a result (shapeshifting, dimensional pocket, etc.), but I disagree less in general with most Loki fic than I do with most or all Captain America fic, which is where my real problem lies. (why are you all WRONG. did we even watch the same movies????)
this is a very negative response to a well-meant question which should have gotten a positive response! I'm sorry. :(
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hotgirlrry · 4 years
Larries are going crazy. Sorry but I'm embarrassed to be one and to follow everyone. Like.. you would think Harry Styles killed 10 people or something? Maybe it's because I live in a country where nobody wears a mask but how hard is it to make one post and move on? Why even make on? He ain't gonna see your shit on tumblr? People want to feel important and act woke and that's the only reason. And it's because of Olivia, no matter how much people want to deny it. Not one post was made about
sorry this is long. part 2. " rich white man Louis", "disgusting Louis" "He is completely out of touch Louis" when he was traveling with Eleanor, when he was said he was in america recording. People were happy that someone saw him on his way to America before Olivia, because it meant that he would be with Harry. People got mad at Harry for being seen around his neighbourhood in December ( in LA) because he wasn't in London close to Christmas. Nobody gave a shit about traveling then and about
part 3. and about how bad that would be? Like...I'm supposed to take those people seriously? Larries are embarrassing on so many levels and it's time for tumblr people to look at their action instead of putting the blame on instagram and twitter ones. What is the reason for 1000 post about it from every larrie? Like? There is no point. People just love the sound of their own voice.
this was smth i def thought abt before. i think that a good majority of larries have a talent for turning their personal grievances into moral issues. like you said where were the posts abt how louis just went to a strangers house and took pics maskless and -2 feet apart??? im not defending harry and the scooby gang but ALL celebs have been out of touch since march and ppl haven't kept the same energy w him unless it pisses them off lmao i have the anons to prove it, and really if you think their whatevership is a stunt bc harry is a gay man who’s been in a committed relationship with louis for 10+ years why does this matter?? why does any of this matter to anyone if you know if your heart its fake??? not to defend some guy and his white woman but the things ppl have said about her.. y’all weird down like why bring her ex fiance into your conspiracy?? or want her to face “consequences for her actions”, it’s the same song and dance is it not?? idk some of these people need to start reevaluating their relationship with the subfandom and the boys
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