#steddie but more for future stuff
naiad-r · 2 years
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Post-S01!Steve AU: Punk Edition
Art I made sometime in 2019? 2020?
I didn't think much of it. Just had a thought that it would be very nice if Steve's response to trauma was less 'suppress the shit out of everything and pretend everything is normal' and more 'cut his hair after a breakdown and reinvent his wardrobe, his whole identity even.'
(Now this image is giving me ideas about Steddie but with punk!Steve.)
[Image Description: Realistic drawing of Steve, from chest up, holding a bat and inspecting it, melancholic. He's wearing a leather jacket, with a Demogorgon's head stitched into the breast; a white t-shirt with the writing 'Hell is Real'. His nails are painted black and his hair is shaved on both sides, styled in a loose mohawk. His ears and nose are pierced.]
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cinematicnomad · 23 days
cinematicnomad's steddie fic recs
i've been reading a lot of stranger things steddie fics over the past 2 months so i've decided it's time for me to make one of my requisite fic reclists, both for myself, and for anyone else interested. here's my usual reminder that i prefer lengthy fics, and that i am also a sucker for canon divergent fics (which basically all of these are bc eddie is alive post s4 obviously unless it's a time loop fic—if i tag a fic as "canon divergent eddie lives", assume this means the fic is compliant through the end of s4 except for eddie's death) and happy endings. all these fics are complete, though it's possible that if the fic is part of a series the series may not be complete. i will try to always add appropriate tags!
T = teen M = mature Ex = explicit NR = not rated
bracing for impact by writersagainstwritersblock (1/1 | 9k+ | T) canon divergent eddie lives; wayne POV; steve has bad parents; outsider POV
wayne watches as eddie falls hopelessly in love, with of all people, goddamn steve harrington.
it's not a big deal by aidaronan (1/1 | 11k+ | M) canon divergent eddie lives; alternating POV; mutual pining; angst w/ a happy ending
eddie survives, but his entire life is locked away in the upside down forever (his books, his dnd stuff, his guitar.) everything that wasn't on eddie when steve carried him into the ER, gone. so naturally steve starts giving him things. handing eddie back those little outward markers of who he is.
you oughta know by thisapplepielife / @thisapplepielife (1/1 | 12k+ | M) canon divergent eddie lives; steve POV; future fic; angst w/ a happy ending
days stretch out, long and slow. steve tries to ignore the only thing he’s sure of: eddie ran. he ran from him, ran from all of them. or: steve's having a rough couple of years, thanks for asking. compliant fic: i'm brave, but i'm chicken shit (1/1 | 13k+ | M) eddie POV; eddie centric; 1990s; recreational drug use
introduced me to my mind by alchemystique (2/2 | 16k+ | T) canon divergent eddie lives; mutual pining; getting together; happy ending
"eddie," wayne says, and eddie fights the urge to scream, or laugh, or cry. "i'm not running," eddie tells him, even though that is a fucking lie. "you should call him more," wayne says, and eddie rubs the meat of his palm into his eyeballs until he sees stars. doesn’t think about what 'call him more' means in context—do they talk about him? series: sweet leaf (4/4 | 16k+ | T) outsider POVs; rockstar!eddie; period typical homophobia
steve harrington's guide to making it work by eggbertsheggbert (8/8 | 23k+ | NR) canon divergent eddie lives; steve POV; bad harrington parents; steve is kicked out; angst w/ a happy ending
steve harrington has never been good at asking for help. especially not since he started being seen as the protector of the group. so, when his parents kick him out after discovering his sexuality, he figures he can get extra shifts, save up, and get a place before anyone realizes anything is wrong. join steve as he takes on the weight of the world. he's got it figured out, he's definitely NOT struggling, and—above all else—he can make this work.
the power of love by lacerta26 (8/8 | 27k+ | T) canon divergent eddie lives; outsider POVs; series; post-canon; coming out
jim gets mostly to the end of the house and then someone speaks. "i came out here for a smoke," eddie, his voice low, hushed. "yeah, but this is much more fun," steve now, almost laughing but not quite. * jim had only stepped out for a cigarette when he learns something new about steve and eddie and if this was one of the boys bringing home a girl, he’d have the exact stern words to make sure they were being a gentleman but his usual shovel talk isn't quite going to cut it because he has to let them know it's fine, more than fine, for them to be who they are, here. 
hands where i can see them by SolarMorrigan / @solarmorrigan (12/12 | 29k+ | T) canon divergent eddie lives; multiple POV; established relationship; emotional hurt/comfort
eddie thinks that he and steve have a good thing going; being friends with benefits is honestly a pretty sweet deal. steve is a great friend, the sex is great, everything is great. except for the fact that steve hadn't realized they were only friends with benefits. except for the fact that steve thought they were in a relationship. except for the fact that eddie doesn't realize how much he'd valued that relationship until it's gone (and he's trying his damnedest to get it back).
it's alright if you love me by alivingfire (7/7 | 31k+ | T) canon divergent eddie lives; outsider POV; character study; 5+1; steve-centric; hurt/comfort
"oh, haven't you heard? steve harrington doesn't cry." in which steve harrington breaks up, breaks a few hearts (including his own), breaks free, and finally gets to break down. or: 5 times steve didn't cry, and 1 time he did.
off the beaten path by pukner (6/6 | 34k+ | M) canon divergent post s3; alternating POV; queer awakenings; cliffhanger ending (must read sequels)*
"i'm saying this," says steve, loudly, cutting him off, "because someone i love is, uh, gay. and i love them, but like, platonically. and also me calling you a queer might've been a little hypocritical, in retrospect." there is a long, baffled pause. "what," says jonathan, "steve, are you—are you coming out to me?" steve frowns, "oh, yeah, i guess i am. cool." or, post season 3, steve manages to figure out that he's bisexual, despite his best efforts to repress it, comes out to robin and jonathan byers of all people, and figures himself out. also, there's a cute guy who might be actually insane running the kids' dnd club and he's got his eye on him. and his bandana. too bad eddie munson hasn't had a similar revelation. he's still under the impression that he's a straight man obsessing over steve harrington for normal, extremely heterosexual reasons. OR: steve figures out he's bi before eddie figures out that he's gay. eddie still manages to fall first. series: *off-script (2/2 | 67k+ | Ex) eddie POV; internalized homophobia; mutual pining
a tattoo is worth a thousand words by writersagainstwritersblock (18/18 | 40k+ | M) canon divergent post s3; eddie POV; babysitter steve harrington; getting together
"ambidextrous, princess, it’s what makes me so good with my hands." eddie wiggled his fingers. "you mean for guitar?" steve asked, completely missing the innuendo, and also nearly knocking eddie flat at the thought that steve harrington knew he played guitar. "you stalking me or something?" eddie asked. steve frowned. "uh, no, but your band played in the middle school talent show, it's pretty hard to forget a thirteen year old screaming death metal before his voice dropped." eddie almost laughed at that. almost. "you saying i'm unforgettable, princess?" "if that’s how you want to take it, munson." eddie realized this was turning towards something far more dangerous than taunting a boy known for getting into fights, like flirting with a very, very straight boy known for getting into fights. OR after the events of season three steve shows up on eddie's doorstep asking for a tattoo... and then keeps showing up much to the dismay of eddie's traitorous heart. sequel: visible ink (12/12 | 57k+ | M) outsider POVs; firefighter!steve; tattoo artist!eddie; found family
the one in which a time loop is fucking exhausting. by badpancake (12/12 | 41k+ | T) canon compliant; time loop; steve POV; temporary character death; suicide; angst w/ a happy ending
it’s the first time in a while that he doesn’t know what comes next. he’s dove into the water hundreds of times. screamed as his flesh was torn apart, heard master of puppets in the distance and held back tears. felt max’s cold, small hand in his as she laid in the hospital bed. there are things that always happen, no matter how hard he tries: el doesn’t arrive in time. eddie dies. max is put in a coma. steve fails. they lose. "steve, how many loops have you been through?" his head is nodding, and his eyes are watery, and eddie has approached him like a spooked animal. "i lost count.” AKA: the one where steve harrington is stuck in a time loop, and eddie munson is really fucking hard to save, or: fuck volume 2, these bitches are in love.
steve the reluctant by rachtay13 (7/7 | 46k+ | Ex) canon divergent eddie lives; steve POV; oblivious steve; steve plays dnd
robin raised her brows.  "you know what, harrington?" she nodded her head. "yeah, you know what? i dare you to make a friend. i dare you." read for steve in denial, excessive d&d gameplay, robin as a mermaid, and eddie's glinting rings. as one reader said "the most frustratingly dense version of steve i have ever read and i am HERE for it."
you're so fucked up and i love it by genericfanatic (18/18 | 54k+ | Ex) canon divergent eddie lives; eddie POV; accidental relationship; hurt/comfort
eddie munson hated steve harrington. he'd apparently saved his life, dragged him out of hell and got him to a hospital while nancy rushed behind him working on alibis and half truths to prove he couldn’t have murdered chrissy. and here he was, doomed to live for the foreseeable future, in debt forever to steve fucking harrington. but eddie really hated how normal steve fucking was.
where do we go from here? (quietly fading away) by allandmore (9/9 | 60k+ | M) canon divergent eddie lives; steve POV; angst w/ a happy ending; non-graphic violence
"what's scarier than saving the world? figuring out what to do afterwards. i get it," eddie turns on his side, one shoulder on the wall, and grips the front of steve's shirt. His face is so close steve can feel the warmth of his breath. "but we've got time now. right, steve? we bought us all time. time to figure all our shit out. isn’t that what matters?" OR steve harrington struggles to find purpose after the upside down. (but maybe purpose doesn't have to be big. maybe it's helping dustin navigate sophomore year. maybe it's reminding robin to send in college admission letters. maybe it's eddie munson. maybe).
star of the masquerade by glorious_spoon (6/6 | 64k+ | M) canon compliant; eddie POV; time loop; temporary character death; angst w/ a happy ending
steve jerks awake, sitting up so quickly that robin almost topples over and staring wildly around the room. when his gaze lands on eddie, he blanches visibly. "oh, shit," he mutters. "come on, no. come on. not again." "harrington?" eddie asks slowly. he does not love the way that steve is staring at him right now. he really doesn’t. steve looks like he’s staring at a ghost, a bloodied monster, like eddie is something that should not exist in the light of day. "you good, dude?"
one size fits all by entanglednow (10/10 | 65k+ | Ex) canon divergent eddie lives; steve POV; fake/pretend relationship; misunderstandings; slow burn
steve just wanted to do something nice for a friend, he doesn't mean to get eddie's ring stuck on his finger, and it's definitely not his fault that everyone he knows is jumping to conclusions.
renegades (leave a light on) by queerofthedagger (13/13 | 66k+ | Ex) canon divergent s2; eddie POV; road trip; slow burn; strangers to lovers
eddie doesn't expect to get into trouble for his recent drug business, although he probably should have. even less does he expect steve harrington of all people to save his sorry ass with a nail bat that looks awfully at home in his hands. least of all, though, does he expect harrington to insist on skipping town for a while to avoid the fallout. the winter holidays of '84 seem intent on proving him wrong on all fronts. thrown into a spontaneous road trip-slash-cut-and-run to san francisco—just until things back home blow over, munson—eddie has all the time in the world to confront such questions as: why would harrington care to help him? why does he wake up from nightmares more often than not? and, maybe most importantly, why is the former king so ready to leave hawkins behind on a whim? or: idiot boys make impulsive idiot decisions, and along the way—reluctantly but inevitably—they fall in love. a story of endless winter streets, finding family, and leaving home to find a new one.
falling without caution (people watching) by super_skam310 (10/10 | 66k+ | NR) canon divergent eddie lives; eddie POV; slow burn; eventual happy ending
steve harrington is a man that demands your attention; whether your give it willingly or not is inconsequential. eddie's camp tended to be in the latter category. OR eddie's borderline obsessive watching of steve spanning from steve's freshman year to season 4, culminating in the unfortunate realization that the king had been dethroned the moment nail bat hit monster flesh and that maybe steve harrington was lovable all along.
in the margins by foxy_mulder (4/4 | 70k+ | T) canon divergent eddie lives; steve POV; angst w/ a happy ending; suicidal thoughts; hurt/comfort
steve is having a hard time adjusting to the new normal, after everything that went down. he doesn't want to bother his friends with his problems, though, when they've got so much weight on their shoulders already. steve stumbles on an alternate version of hawkins, where none of it ever happened. everyone’s alive, his headaches are gone, his friends actually want to hang out with him, and he’s…happy. (the party has to fight another monster. but this one doesn't prey on people's fears. it preys on their deepest desires.)
skull rock era by chattrekisses (11/11 | 71k+ | Ex) canon divergent s2; steve POV; slow burn; internalized homophobia; fix-it
steve harrington never planned for eddie munson. steve was supposed to marry his high school sweetheart, have 2.5 children, and take over the family business. he was supposed to live a blissful life on a nondescript cul-de-sac, complete with a white picket fence and a closet full of tasteful polo shirts. he was supposed to make a graceful transition between being the golden boy and being the american dream. mediocrity was what destiny had designed for steve. reality had other plans. (or, steve and eddie, against all odds, fall in love.)
roll for seduction by spikeisthebigbad (37/37 | 74k+ | Ex) canon divergent post s3; steve POV; steve plays dnd; fix-it
when steve reluctantly agreed to play dungeons and dragons with the hellfire club he expected to hate every second. he did not expect to spend his friday nights flirting with eddie munson. what if eddie and steve were dating during season 4? starts after season 3, and eventually ventures into season 4. not canon compliant.
in over my head by staymagical (16/16 | 75k+ | Ex) canon divergent eddie lives; alternating POV; head trauma; temporary amnesia
one moment, steve is entering his room, ready for bed, and the next he's in forest hills staring at a very confused very concerned eddie and the run-down remains of the old munson trailer. three hours later. thus begins a secret shared between friends, steve leaning on eddie as they try and understand and navigate this new terrifying post-concussion symptom of steve's. with vecna dead and the gates closed, it can only be steve's own scrambled brain giving up on reality. it's a race against the unknown, trying to find answers and search for solutions before it happens again and steve isn't sure how long he can keep pretending he is alright when he is anything but.
leave the light on sometimes all night by anniebibananie (7/7 | 78k+ | M) au—no upside down; steve POV; hurt/comfort; slow burn; eventual smut
june 1986 steve is lonely. he’s always been lonely, honestly. an empty house, absent parents, friends that didn’t really know him. frankly, he probably doesn’t really know himself, either. it used to be easier to ignore—between sports and parties and searching for the next girl to hang around with. then nancy wheeler told him he was bullshit. in the wreckage of the storm, he realized she probably hadn’t been that off base to call his life bullshit. [life in hawkins, indiana is boring, ordinary, no supernatural entities. steve still changes. luckily, he still makes some new friends, too. certain people are simply meant to be in the same story.]
the lathe by palmviolet (13/13 | 82k+ | M) canon compliant; steve POV; time loop; fix-it; angst w/ a happy ending; implied self-harm
"this time, do it right. this time eddie won’t bleed out in his arms, in anyone’s arms. this time, steve will do it right." — or, steve relives the day they try to kill vecna over and over, and eddie just can't seem to stop dying. steve finds this totally unacceptable. sequel: disaster / lucky (1/1 | 7k+ | M) coda; eddie POV; implied/referenced self-harm; trauma recovery
it's got what it takes by rose235b (20/20 | 83k+ | T) canon divergent eddie lives; steve POV; friends to lovers; slow burn
“i can walk you to your car if you need to go though.” eddie’s hand stopped moving. robin’s eyes snapped towards steve as if it wasn’t a nice thing to offer. “i’ll just maybe grab the vest so i can leave it for tomorrow.” he was undeterred though. if he could help eddie munson after the worst period of his life by literally just walking, steve would walk across the entire state of indiana. eddie looked back at him, his eyes narrowing slightly as he seemed to search for something on steve’s face. “okay.” it came out softer than steve was used to eddie being. steve's on his never ending quest to make up for past mistakes. eddie's post-vecna mess of a life seems like the perfect place to start. - or, two idiots fall in love very slowly to the tune of 80s music.
(something happens and i'm) head over heels by gibbouslunation (11/11 | 94k+ | T) canon divergent eddie lives; alternating POV; head trauma; angst w/ a happy ending
eddie made a strangled disbelieving noise, expression flickering. "you are not apologizing to me right now, for like, feeling a normal way about stuff. i can’t believe you." steve pushed a shaking hand through his hair. his heart rate no longer in his ears meant he felt he could at least think a little more clearly. "maybe it was the heat. doesn’t always have to be something messed up, right?" eddie gave him a placating nod. "sure, heat exhaustion is a helluva thing." it had been happening a lot recently. the…forgetting. zonking out. whatever. he was pretty sure he was just extra exhausted, it had been a few weeks since everything but it might have just been the adrenaline or something finally wearing off. sometimes it was like he just forgot someone was speaking, or couldn’t remember for a moment what they’d been talking about. like blinking out of a fog maybe. it does not get better, in fact, it actually continues to get worse.
water closet by stillmadaboutpetra (7/7 | 103k+ | M) canon divergent eddie lives; steve POV; found family; slow burn; character study
steve's heard that a lot of life changing conversations usually happen in the kitchen or on the porch, but in his experience, it's the bathroom. a series of bathroom conversations (plus a whole lot of everything else) that slowly change steve, and his little world, in the wake of surviving vecna.
burned on the pyre by oklahoma (13/13 | 105k+ | Ex) canon compliant; steve POV; time loop; temporary character death; angst w/ a happy ending
"i’m gonna save your life, eddie munson." - caught in a time loop created by eleven where he is forced to relive the same day over and over, steve has to come up with a plan to kill vecna entirely while also making sure eddie and max don’t lose their lives in the process.
the beat has just begun by forgetthemoon (12/12 | 106k+ | M) canon compliant; steve POV; period-typical homophobia; fix it; slow burn
vecna dies. so does eddie. the world doesn't split open. in the aftermath, steve goes home to an empty house. well. almost empty. steve sighs, hanging his head. one more thing. then he can go to bed. the dirty towel can wait until later. he tosses it towards the bathtub without looking and turns to the sink, grabbing his toothbrush and toothpaste. when he looks in the mirror, eddie's staring back at him.
lonely is the night by intrajanelle (23/23 | 109k+ | T) canon divergent post s2; canon rewrite; eddie POV; hurt steve; angst w/ a happy ending
harrington had fallen, splayed in front of his preppy little beemer, like the jock equivalent of a fallen fucking angel. eddie, not having thought this through, watched harrington’s eyes roll to the back of his head, and said, "well, crap." or: post-season 2, eddie and steve get to know one another.
i can give you a heartbeat by soupbitchin (14/14 | 113k+ | T) canon compliant; eddie POV; ghost!eddie; happy ending; fix-it
being dead isn’t like eddie thought it would be. for starters, he’s a lot more alive than he expected. or, the ghost of eddie munson’s still hanging around, and he’d really appreciate if someone could notice him, thanks.
the end is here (and we do it a hundred times over) by placebythering (13/13 | 125k+ | M) canon compliant; steve POV; time loop; temporary death; suicide; angst w/ a happy ending
steve jolts awake, staring up into the dull beige of the camper’s ceiling. there’s a distinct brown stain, likely from a leak. the cushion of the back seat is hard against his back, and if he strains he could hear yelling and laughing from the outside. he wonders if he’s finally lost his fucking mind. —or, steve relives the day of the end over and over again.
caught in the middle, helpless again by margosfairyeye (14/14 | 131k+ | Ex) canon compliant; eddie POV; time loop; angst w/ a happy ending; canon-typical violence
fuck, eddie has been here before. the deja vu was bad enough but this is like, double, this is like deja deja vu or deja vu vu or something, this is unprecedented shit here. and eddie knows what comes next, knows like the roiling ache in his stomach that they’re going to go in, go though the portal and into the upside fucking down and didn’t they already do this? -- -- eddie loops through the time from lover's lake to his death, over and over again.
blood, love, and rhetoric by sourpastels / @lesbiansidney (18/18 | 143k+ | M) canon compliant; alternating POV; eddie lives; canon typical violence; accidental roommates
eddie believes three core things about the art of performance. 1. all the world's a stage. 2. performance is both a weapon and a shield, he wields it as both. and 3. you can’t act death. to quote stoppard: “it’s not gasps and blood and falling about—that isn’t what makes it death. it’s just a man failing to reappear, that’s all…” and eddie had gasped and bled and fell about, and was foolish enough in that moment to believe that was death. but he forgot a crucial step: he reappeared. or: steve is taking it day by day, flitting between the high school and the hospital and hopper’s cabin, locking any thoughts of eddie munson away at the back of his mind. meanwhile, eddie is just trying to get out of the upside down, with nothing but a nail-shield and the world's worst company.
sleight of hand by smithereen (19/19 | 143k+ | Ex) canon divergent post s2; alternating POV; internalized homophobia; slow burn
steve needs a weed dealer. he gets a bit more than that. (this is an AU set a couple months after the snow ball in season 2.)
take the money and run by thisapplepielife / @thisapplepielife (22/22 |143k+ | Ex) canon divergent eddie lives; alternating POV; road trip; getting together; future fic
"rules. like, there’ll be no eating in my car. you're not driving my car. no heavy metal," steve keeps listing, "you’re not picking up women and fucking them in m—" "i'll try to control myself," eddie interrupts with a quip, a smirk. fucking girls in steve’s car, or anywhere else for that matter, isn’t going to be an issue, unless something pretty fundamental shifts in him. steve continues, completely ignoring eddie, "you’ll wipe your feet. you're not dragging dirt all over my car. no hitchhikers. no cutesy road games. no smoking in the car. i'm not paying for all the gas." "ass, gas or grass, got it," eddie says, like he's taking this very seriously. he is not taking this seriously. or: road trip!
if your heart surrenders by asbealthgn (39/39 | 163k+ | Ex) canon divergent pre-s1; alternating POV; slow burn; secret relationship; angst w/ a happy ending
“that one’s on the house, okay?” eddie says, and steve opens his eyes to look back down at him. on his face is the slightest hint of concern, and something else steve can’t place. he’s still holding his hand. "thank you," steve says. he’s not sure exactly which thing he’s thanking eddie for, the weed or the hand in his or the lack of judgment at his fucked up head. he just knows that he’s grateful. eddie gives him a smile, a gentle curve of those pretty lips. "anytime, harrington."
tuesday's gone with the wind by thisapplepielife / @thisapplepielife (9/9 | 184k+ | Ex) alternate universe – no upside down; eddie POV; rock band; drug use; plane crash
corroded coffin's leased plane went down on june 13th, 1995 in the woods of louisiana. ten people on board died. eddie munson survived. before he survived, he really lived. companion series: wildflowers...and all the rest (15/15 | 151k+ | Ex) gareth POV; original female character; one shots; growing old; slice of life
gossip by jcmadgirl (11/11 | 213k+ | Ex) canon divergent eddie lives; steve POV; pre-canon; sexual assault; angst w/ a happy ending
steve's whole life story, told through multiple snapshots of the events that made him into the person that he is today. or, a rewriting of stranger things from steve's POV.
i never did believe in miracles (but i've a feeling it's time to try) by cuoredimuschio (26/26 | 215k+ | M) canon divergent eddie lives; multiple POV; slow burn; mutual pining; getting together
eddie is beginning to think that, somewhere in the helter-skelter of surviving the upside down, being swarmed by possibly rabid but definitely rancid demobats, and charbroiling vecna’s slimy ass, he accidentally tripped through the wrong gate and landed in an alternate dimension. well, a different alternate dimension than the one he was already in. because steve harrington is flirting with him.
vignettes of lost connections by hardlyhalcyon (halcyonfrost) (50/50 | 229k+ | Ex) canon divergent pre-s1; alternating POV; secret relationship; angst w/ a happy ending
steve harrington and eddie munson had met long before dustin henderson dragged steve down to reefer rick's cabin. hawkins wasn't a huge town, and there was only the one high school, but the two were never friends. didn't even like each other. in all their darkest moments however, they somehow found company together. or the one where steve has depression, eddie becomes his safe space, and when eddie encounters battles he can't fight, steve reminds eddie of his own strength. a pre-/peri-/post-s4 fic with steddie before s4 events, continuing through and after.
as the world falls down by daeneryske (36/36 | 245k+ | Ex) canon divergent eddie lives; steve POV; bad harrington parents; period typical homophobia; angst w/ a happy ending
after saving eddie from the upside down, steve hides him at his house while the party concocts a plot to clear eddie's name. what steve doesn't expect is how much he likes hanging out with eddie as they get to know each other. under the looming shadow of the mind flayer threatening to destroy hawkins, steve and eddie realize they're each grappling with their own darkness, from steve's father's impossible expectations to eddie's feelings of worthlessness. their friendship develops into something more even as the party prepares to fight Vecna and his monsters one last time. steve must decide if he's ready to shrug off the rigid roles assigned to him and become his own person. eddie must learn to embrace what steve has been trying to show him every day since nearly dying: that he's worth saving.
nothing else matters by bigskyandthecoldgun (31/31 | 279k+ | Ex) canon divergent post s2; steve POV; secret relationship; period typical attitudes; everybody lives
"you ask a lot of questions about me," steve tells him. "because you're interesting," munson says, quiet and honest. "you're a lot different than what i've heard." steve hums, eyes closed. "yeah," he says, eyes fluttering open when munson takes the joint from him again, "you are, too." or: steve ditches the prom to get high.
the man that i could be by ohstars (26/26 | 325k+ | Ex) canon divergent post s3; steve POV; secret relationship; period typical homophobia; angst w/ a happy ending
"steve harrington isn't straight. it's been a few weeks since he sat on that bathroom floor at starcourt with robin, where she shared her biggest secret with him and unintentionally unlocked an entirely new side of steve. since he’s had to come to terms with being open to exploring that side of him, but he's finally acknowledged that he's most likely, definitely, without a doubt into guys." -- after coming to terms that he may be queer, steve harrington does a little exploration on his own and meets the one and only eddie munson. just as things are going well and accepted the fact he's falling for eddie in their own little bubble, steve's world is shaken by a tragedy he can't quite talk about. and when the dust settles and he's nearly ready to put the pieces back together, his worlds collide when he realizes his eddie is the same eddie playing D&D with the kids. the same eddie who's now wanted for murder thanks to another upside down monster. how will he save the day when he can barely focus watching his ex mingle with his monster fighting team? series: the men we've become (4/4 | 45k+ | M) future fics; alternating POVs; domestic living
since you've gone (i've been lost without a trace) by steddieeddie (7/7 | 300k+ | M) canon divergent s4; multiple POV; comatose steve; grief; angst w/ a happy ending
may 31st 1986, two weeks until graduation. robin, eddie, and nancy are all set to walk across the stage, eddie being given a free pass after the whole ‘almost framed for murder’ thing. the three have been trying to be excited about their graduation, but it feels almost mundane to be excited when steve wouldn’t be there. they would be sat out on a football field in the blistering heat while waiting for their names to be called, with dustin and max in the crowd, cheering them on in steve's place. there would be fake smiles plastered to all their faces, no matter how realistic they tried to make them. none of them have genuinely smiled since steve got vecna'd. sixty-five days. steve had been in a coma for sixty-five days. the doctors keep telling the party that it doesn't look good, that steve's injures had been severe, and that they didn't know if, when, he would wake up. but they refused to lose hope. he'll wake up. it's just a matter of time. OR five times steve harrington didn't wake up, and one time he did.
the most dangerous thing (is to love you) by brokebeatle (21/21 | 304k+ | Ex) canon divergent eddie lives; alternating POV; shared trauma; slow burn; period typical homophobia  
"i know you care about what those little twerps think of you, and i can assure you they think way too highly of you," eddie says with a wink, and steve gives a half-hearted smirk for just a moment. "but look…i know i can’t ask you to stop worrying about those kids, so how about this? you worry about them, and you let me—actually let me—worry about you." steve pushes his hair back, and yet again, gravity instantly pulls it back down, since he’s looking at his feet. "…i don’t need anyone to worry about me." "too fucking bad. someone’s gotta do it, and it’s gonna be me." "why?" steve replies with a raspy laugh, shaking his head slowly. "why? why." eddie crosses his arms tightly across his chest, knocking his foot into steve’s again with a bit more strength. "because we’re friends, dipshit." —in which eddie's got a reason he's been planning on leaving hawkins since long before the world almost ended. the only thing keeping him in town at this point? his promise to be friends with steve harrington. and eddie doesn't break promises.
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This week’s writer spotlight feature is: indelicate/@steddielations ! They have 13 fics in the Stranger Things fandom and all of them are in the Steddie tag!
lees_musings recommends the following works by @steddielations:
A Cup of Good Intentions
Trouble Looks Good On You
Wrap Me Around Your Finger
"their fics are so heartwarming and tender, i read them like comfort food"
"a cup of good intentions was the first steddie fic i read, it has a little velvet box in my heart <3" -- lees_musings
Below the cut, @steddielations answered some questions about their writing process and some of their recommended work!
Why do you write Steddie?
They’re just a really fun ship that you can do so many different things with. Just guys who need some healing and loving and I like giving it to them!! Also I see a lot of myself in both Steve and Eddie, so there’s some catharsis in writing them too.
What’s your favorite trope to READ?
Friends to lovers, hurt/comfort, angst with a happy ending, friends with benefits
What’s your favorite trope to WRITE?
The same as above definitely
What’s your favorite Steddie fic?
These are all phenomenal and I think about them every day, they truly stick with me METAMORPHOSES by fastcardotmp3 A Certain Type by ann_anotherthing Sugar on my tongue by deadratz shake and sway me through the night by Craftnarok
Is there a trope you’re excited to explore in a future work but haven’t yet?
I feel like I’ve written all the canonverse stuff that I wanted to now, so I’m excited to try out some au’s. Maybe once I finish up my current wips, I have this batman Steve and comic book writer Eddie idea that’s been in my mind forever now
What is your writing process like?
I brainstorm by writing down all the ideas I have for a particular story, then I try to organize it into a plot. Sometimes I just plan scene by scene, but I always write the dialogue first and then build around it.
Do you have any writing quirks?
Usually the best things aren’t added until I’m editing at the end, going back and doing finishing touches. Like with Trouble for instance, I didn’t add the kitchen conversation or the porch swing conversation or the joking scene with Gareth originally, it was all stuff I just decided to add when editing. Same for a lot of my fics, usually the things I get comments about the most are things I almost didn’t add.
Do you prefer posting when you’ve finished writing or on a schedule?
I’m the worst at scheduling and posting so whenever it’s done is when it goes up
Which fic are you most proud of?
I’m most proud of Bleed Me Dry Before You Go because it’s the fic that I was really able to put the most of myself into.
How did you get the idea for Trouble Looks Good On You?
Well I knew I wanted to write a sub Eddie discovery fic, and honestly this just started as like a gag, just thinking about Steve’s jock habit of slapping asses and what would happen if he did that to Eddie, and that’s what awakens it. Then it gradually became something more serious and more thoughtful. I wanted to explore more of Eddie having this past where he’s had bad experiences with certain dynamics, and what it would mean for him to be comfortable enough to get to explore that side of himself with Steve.
When writing Trouble Looks Good On You, what was something you didn’t expect?
It started out as mostly crack so I didn’t expect it to become my longest, most character involved fic. Also I didn’t expect people to read it or like it because it was mostly for myself, so I’ve been very pleasantly surprised and grateful for the response to it.
What inspired Wrap Me Around Your Finger?
I realized I hadn’t written a virgin Eddie fic, and at the same time I wanted to explore more of what Eddie’s aftermath in Hawkins would be like, the full extent of his injuries and his reputation in the town, and maybe Steve helping him out, so it all meshed together. I worked on this for like a year so it had many phases, but adding in some Flight of Icarus lore also inspired me to make Eddie more gritty in this, very stubbornly attached to his independence, and I just love the depth it gave him in that fic in the end.
What was your favorite part to write from Wrap Me Around Your Finger?
Definitely all the banter, especially during the smut scenes, love a silly smut scene. Also can’t forget “I made sure there’s no stairs”
How do/did you feel writing A Cup of Good Intentions?
I cried so many times writing that. I just put myself in the position of Eddie and Wayne, thinking about my relationship with my dad. It was cathartic just writing that familial bond between Eddie and Wayne, and how deep that love goes through mourning and missing each other and then actually getting to reunite. It was an emotional one.
What was the most difficult part of writing A Cup of Good Intentions?
The fic had several different tones from grieving to yearning to suspense and also fluff and romance, so it was hard to blend that all together and make it flow without whiplash. Not sure if I succeeded but it was hard to do.
Do you have a favorite scene and/or line from any of your fics?
The cold open in Trouble, where it sounds like they’re hooking up but they’re actually moving an amp, probably the most clever innuendo unfolding I’ll ever make
Do you have any upcoming projects or fics you’d like to share/promote?
I’ve got some stuff for sub Eddie week but after that I’m just focusing on finishing up Trouble finally
Outside of these questions, Is there anything YOU would like to add?
At the moment that I’m writing this, I don’t know who nominated me, so I want to say thanks so much to that person!! I’m so flattered and I appreciate it!! Also to anyone who reads my fics, thank you genuinely. And to the mods of this blog, you’re all awesome for doing this and you’re so appreciated in the fandom!!
Thank you to our author, indelicate, and our nominator, lees_musings! See more of indelicate's works featured on our page throughout the day!
Writer’s Spotlight is every Wednesday! Want to nominate an author? You can nominate them here!
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afewproblems · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
I'm actually posting on WIP Wednesday, the stars have finally aligned in my favour!
Thank you to @outpastthebrakers for your tag today and @steves-strapcollection for your multiple tags before - its finally lined up today!!
Here is Part Two of my follow up to this Post (Steddie Breakup) hopefully with a Steddie makeup/fix-it future!
(Also! Important to note, season four - specifically the stuff with Vecna- Never happened in this AU)
Two Years later - 1987, Chicago, IL
Steve picks up another box from the back of the beemer. This one has, 'Steve's Obnoxious Hair Care,' neatly printed on the side in bold black sharpie --Steve snorts at the sight and vows to never let Robin help him pack ever again. 
He walks up the three flights and through the propped open front door to the two bedroom apartment.
It's small, just barely enough for two people, but in downtown Chicago, it's a steal at the price. 
And it's theirs. 
"Hey Birdie," Steve calls out from the kitchen, he sets the box down on the counter, turning his head to the left slightly to listen for her shuffling. The dull ringing in his right ear makes it more difficult, present ever since he left his parents house for good.
It had gotten even worse since their Russian encounter, but if he's weighing the pros and the cons of that night, he's glad he got Robin out of the deal.
Steve steps into the living room just off the kitchen, "Robin?"
Bright sunlight streams through the curtainless windows bathing Robin in a warm yellow glow. 
She stands in the center, facing Steve, with a pensive expression, her eyes scanning the space around her. 
"Hush Dingus," she mutters, holding up her pointer finger to her lips, "I'm visualizing". 
"Ah, of course," he concedes with a fond smile as Robin walks towards him slowly counting her steps. She lines her feet up as she moves, touching the toe of her right foot to the heel of her left. She wobbles slightly as she makes it to where Steve is standing, he reaches out to steady her with a laugh.
"I told you the living room was more than ten feet!"
"Robin, do you think that a 'foot' is literally your foot?" 
Robin sucks her teeth and rolls her eyes, before plucking the measuring tape from where it was clipped to her back pocket, "you have no concept of joy, you refuse to let me live".
"Yeah, yeah, so hard done by," he snorts as she sticks her tongue out at him and leans down to pick up one of the empty boxes.
She sighs and looks around the space again with a contented expression before looking at Steve, "well, Dingus, I think we did good".
Steve nods and tries to smile back but the expression doesn't quite meet his eyes, Robin tilts her head, turning the box over in her hands at the corners.
"What's wrong?" She says softly, anxiously, her blue eyes dart over his face, "is it a migraine? Do you need your meds?"
Steve shakes his head, wincing before he can stop himself, he knows Robin's brain would come up with the worst case scenario first. And, to be fair to her, she had seen the worst case scenarios and after effects of the Russian interrogation, she'd held his hand after spilling his guts from the nausea and halos in his vision, she'd insisted he buy blackout blinds for his room because, 'you never know when you'll need them Dingus, you won't always get one of these at night'.
Steve shakes his head, "no, it's not a migraine, relax Robs," he huffs as she levels him with a disbelieving stare.
"I just," Steve chews his lip for a moment as he drops his gaze to the floor. Robin steps closer, tilting her head to the side as he struggles to find the words.
"I love that you came with me, that we get to be here, but," Steve sighs and runs a hand through his hair. It's longer than it had been two years ago, the gold and copper from his time in the warm summer sun slowly fading back to brown.
"Eddie always talked about leaving Hawkins someday, and I always thought it would be with me".
"This was our plan," he says softly, lifting his eyes to meet Robin's own, her brows pinched in a small frown.
"And I managed to screw that up like everything else," he trails off softly.
"I just don't understand why you have to go to this thing, you aren't even interested in his stupid job?" Eddie growls as he tosses the pencil up at his bedroom ceiling, it stays for just a moment before falling back into his waiting hands. Pock marks litter the tile from previous throws and Steve is sure Wayne's told him to knock it off more times than he can count.
"It's complicated," Steve says lowly, he pictures his dad's thunderous face, the same square jaw and straight nose that Steve has, they could be identical but for their ages and the cold grey eyes his father has. 
Steve took after his mother in that area, inheriting her large hazel eyes and long lashes. 
"No it's not," Eddie says stubbornly, he throws the pencil with more force this time and it hangs in the ceiling between them, "you could tell him to stuff his job up his ass".
"No, no, you know we had a show tonight, and you're choosing to go to your dad's fundraiser instead?"  
Steve sighs and bites the inside of his cheek, tamping down the urge to argue with his boyfriend.
But, they've never really had this talk before, Steve's never told anyone about his father and his homelife. 
Right now he wishes he had.
"It's not like I have much of a choice," he huffs as Eddie rolls his eyes and scoffs, "and not all of us have someone like Wayne to encourage us to do whatever we want".
"That's such bullshit and you know it," Eddie hisses ignoring the slight flinch from Steve, "you always do this". 
"You never want to come to our shows, you never want to sit in on Hellfire--"
"That's not true," Steve growls, crossing his arms over his stomach, he hunches in on himself slightly but Eddie shakes his head.
"Yes it is! When was the last time you came to a show?"
Steve wracks his brain, trying to remember the name of the bar they had played at, it wasn’t the Hideaway, it had been a bit of a drive to get there. It was a dive bar that had sounded like it was straight out of Robin Hood, The Red Lion?
"See!" Eddie takes his silence as victory and throws his hands up in the air, "what did I tell you?"
"Jesus, it was a bar show just like all of them Eddie, it's not like you guys were playing on MTV or something," Steve snaps, the last threads of his patience wearing thinner and thinner. 
"Oh fuck off, MTV is part of the problem, do you not listen when I talk?"
"I always listen to you!" Steve cries out, his voice climbs in volume and his hands shake as adrenaline spikes, "sometimes you just talk and talk and talk and you say nothing important but I always listen to you!"
"Woooow, fuck you," Eddie scoffs as he turns on his heel and opens his bedroom door, Steve follows him, fuming but wary.
"Since everything I say is bullshit, apparently, and you don't want to come to our shows or spend time with me then maybe you should just go!"
Steve halts in his tracks.
Eddie stands by the open front door to the trailer, his cheeks are red and his mouth is a flat line carved in the middle of his face.
Steve feels his heart rate tick up as he stands there frozen.
They've had disagreements before, small petty arguments but this feels big. Much bigger than any fight they've ever had. 
"Nope, unless you tell me you're coming tonight, we're done".
And just like that, it hurts just as much as when Nancy had told him she didn't love him the previous year. It's too much, he needs to leave.
"Yeah, you know what Eddie, I don't need this," Steve says so softly that Eddie leans forward to hear before reeling back as though struck, "I don't," he shakes his head and walks past Eddle towards the open door. 
Eddie's hands twitch as though he wants to reach out to Steve, to pull him back into the trailer, but they remain at his sides.
"You're right," Eddie yells after him as Steve walks down the gravel drive to his car, "you don't need us, we don't need you, go crawling back to daddy just like always".
Steve stops walking and looks back at Eddie. The metal-head's wide brown eyes are shiny with angry tears. 
Steve feels his own angry tears pooling along his lash line.
He gets in the car and drives away, ignoring the tightness in his chest as he heads home.
"Okay, first of all," Robin says sharply as she drops the box at their feet and pokes him in the chest with a rigid pointer finger, "you're damn right you're happy I came with you, I am a catch!" 
Steve rolls his eyes as Robin clears her throat imperiously until he raises his hands in surrender.
"Second, he found out about your dads shit, saw you beaten to hell and back, and didn't even want to have a conversation? Fuck that noise".
"Birdy, you weren't there, and you don't even know Eddie--"
"I know you though," she continues, staring him down, "and I know if the roles were reversed, you would have at least heard him out".
Steve holds back a wince, attempting to keep his expression as neutral as possible. He knows she isn’t right, he knows he made a mistake that night walking away, they should have talked, they should have had it out. 
Steve should have told Eddie the truth. 
Then again, Eddie dropped him like it was nothing so maybe he was better off in the long run.
Strangely enough this thought doesn’t make him feel better.
"Robin," Steve sighs wearily, crossing to the wall of the living room before leaning his back against it to slide down to the floor. 
"Tell me I'm wrong," she says softly, walking towards his spot on the floor, she settles beside him and nudges his shoulder with her own.
"Tell me I'm wrong and I'll drop it," she says again, firmly this time.
Steve breathes out a sigh and brings his knees to his chest, looking towards the window. 
The view isn't much, just the street and other buildings, but the Chicago skyline seems to stretch for miles ahead of them.
"You’re not wrong," he says eventually, ignoring the crow of triumph Robin makes, "but you're not right either".
She scoffs and leans her head against his shoulder, the soft waves of her hair tickle the skin on his bare arm but the weight and warmth of her is comforting.
"Besides, it was years ago," Steve mutters, "I'm sure he's forgotten all about me by now".
tagging: @strangersteddierthings @flowercrowngods @steddierthings @steddie-there @henderdads and anyone else that would like to participate! (Please tag me with your wonderful creations! Also I apologize if you've already been tagged - feel free to ignore this!)
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sidekick-hero · 6 months
✨ fic writing review 2023 ✨
tagged by my homies (and as always fashionably late to the party): @judasofsuburbia @steddieas-shegoes @steddieasitgoes and @thefreakandthehair 💜💜💜💜
rules: Feel free to show whatever stats you have. Only want to show Ao3 stats? Rock on. Want to include some quantitative info instead of stats? Please do this. Want to change how yours is presented? Absolutely do that. Would rather eat glass than do this? Please don’t eat glass but don’t feel like you have to do this either.
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words & fics
263,365 words published
40 fics published
Finished 3 multi-chaptered fics
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top 5 fics by kudos
You know I'm a show off (I would let you get some): Pure, self-indulgent smut. My love letter to Steve Harrington's, well, everything. He's a goddamn tease in this and Eddie is along for the ride. Quite literally.
Louder: While laying in bed, the two of them can't help but overhear their upstairs neighbors going at it rather loudly. Eddie turns to Steve after a while, and asks, You wanna fuck louder than them to establish dominance? And that they do.
I’m tired of asking to settle the debt: my first ever steddie fic, written for Lex first seasonal challenge. 5 times Eddie warms Steve's hands and that one time Steve returns the favor.
Run Boy Run: Another self-indulgent smutty piece. I'm a passionate runner, and so is Steve in this one. Turns out, he had been running towards Eddie all along.
 Will you cleanse me with pleasure?: The obligatory monsterfucker, pardon me, monster love making fic. Eddie is a lake monster with way more appandages than Steve can handle. Or can he? 
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fandom fic events in 2023
@thefreakandthehair's holiday challenge (2022) but finished 2023: I’m tired of asking to settle the debt
lex's spring challenge: Catch me like the falling rain
Steddie Big Bang with @legitcookie: Suitcase of Memories
Kinktober: we tangle endlessly like lovers entwined (also Eddiemonth), on the tip of my tongue, on top of my thighs, tell me it's love, tell me it's real and wear me like a locket around your throat (last two with @yournowheregirl)
steddiemas and steddieholidaydrabbles: I want you to want me,  let the impulse to love and the instinct to kill entangle to one, we were meant to be (we live happily in my fantasy) and  tangled with what I never said
lex's winter challenge (upcoming)
STuad fic exchange (upcoming)
Reverse Big Bang (upcoming)
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continuing wips into 2024
The next chapter of hold me close (I’m shaking apart) in which Steve asks Eddie if he wants to experiment. Eddie wants so much more, but he takes what he can get and tries to not let it break his heart.
Pickup Note, a collab with @thefreakandthehair and @firefly-party about Steve joining Corred Coffin as a sub drummer. Inspired by Kei's fanart HERE and HERE.
Dear Future Self: Eddie is in love with Steve, who has become a fast friend after saving the world together but he's too afraid to make a move. Good thing his future self decides to help things along.
Take your time (I wanna cross some lines): Steve wants to try something new: getting used by strangers. He asks his best friend Eddie to watch over him while he's doing that so he can feel safe. But who watches over Eddie's heart?
History throws its shadow over the beginning: B-side to @legitcookie and my very first collab, I wore his jacket for the longest time. It's the same story, but told from Eddie's POV.
Closing Time with @legitcookie: After the worst date in a long while, Steve decides to take home the cute bartender who cheered him up.
Stranger Things Reverse Big Bang
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tagging (with ZERO pressure): @legitcookie @yournowheregirl @starrystevie @scarcrossdlvrs, @henderdads, @stevethehairington, @starryeyedjanai, @cranberrymoons, @steddielations, @maxinemaxmayfield
Thank you to everyone who read my stuff and let me feel loved and cherished by liking, reblogging and commenting on them. It's been such a wonderful experience to be part of this fandom and I wouldn't want to miss it in the world. Here's to hoping for many more fics to come in 2024 💜🥰
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Steddie Corpse Groom AU (1)
I'm sorry if there are any typos, I'm hardly able to focus because I'm in a fuckton of pain, but I wanted to share because hey, it's the spooky season! I'm also writing most of my stuff in hospital waiting rooms, so that's great. My brain is already planning this as a fanfic, but I'm too distracted to do any proper writing these days, so have a Burton-esque Steddie AU.
Hawkins, a small town in Indiana, undefined time. Steve Harrington and Nancy Wheeler are childhood friends of two well-established families. There is an expectation that they are going to get married - only the best for the Harringtons, the family line needs to continue and so on and so forth. Steve's parents are lawyers and, frankly, tyrants. Nancy's mother is a wonderful lady, but her father has no spine and Mr. Harrington basically announced that it would be beneficial for their families to merge via marriage. Both are respected, Mr. Wheeler works for the government, the Harringtons deal with law, their kids know each other...it's perfect.
It's not. 
Steve and Nancy are friends, they used to be together, much to their parents' happiness, but they broke up a few years back. They just wanted different things in life and while it hurt, Steve has to admit they actually work better as friends. He still pretends to be with Nancy to help her conceal the fact that she's head over heels for the local librarian, Robin. Robin doesn't come from a prestigious family and she's a girl, so Steve takes Nancy on "dates", drops her off at Robin's and spends the rest of the "date" sitting by the piano, his restless fingers traveling over the keys and producing melancholic melodies. He wishes all the happiness for Nancy, he just hopes that one day he'd find companionship too. He's lonely, no one wants to talk to a Harrington. He sometimes thinks about a boy with wild hair and a wolfish grin he used to know, who taught him to play in secret because Steve's parents considered the instrument too soft for their only son. "I didn't raise some artsy weakling," scoffs Mr. Harrington when Steve mentions he'd like to take lessons, maybe even teach in the future. Hunting and sports, that is appropriate. Music? Useless in the world of the Harringtons.
The fragile balance continues for a while, but not long enough. One day, the parents sit Steve and Nancy down and tell them it's time, the wedding will happen soon. It doesn't matter when Steve and Nancy tell them they've broken up, marriage is a union of families, it cannot be based on something as fickle as feelings, Mr. Harrington says. Mrs. Wheeler looks like her heart is breaking for Nancy and Steve wonders if she maybe knows. But her marriage isn't about love too and her protests fall on deaf ears. The wedding is on.
Steve, Nancy and Robin, who also became Steve's close friend, try to come up with a plan. Maybe if they botch the wedding rehearsal badly enough, the Harringtons will back off, the threat of public embarrassment too severe to go through with their plan no matter what. 
They give it all they've got. Nancy spills the ceremonial wine on Mrs. Harrington's white blouse and when "panicking" (Steve finds it hard to keep a straight face, the only time Nancy's nerves of steel ever experienced panic was when Robin confessed she loved her and Nancy blurted out "thank you" as a response), she sets her father's trousers on fire with a candle. Steve trips on the carpet and falls into the priest, ripping off his robe. Then he messes up his vows beautifully ("with this candle, I will...burn your sorrows?" he tries and very pointedly looks at Mr. Wheeler), but it's all for nothing. The fire is put out, the blouse is changed, the robe is put back on and Steve is sent away to practice his vows because "your lack of intellect isn't a sufficient excuse for your unwillingness to commit to the right thing", his father says.
And so Steve leaves. He walks around the woods around Hawkins and mumbles more and more ridiculous vows to himself ("with this hand I will punch my father’s perfectly shaved face. Your cup will never empty because we'll become alcoholics together if this stupid wedding ever happens"), tossing the ring into the air and kicking random branches and moss. Of course, he could just marry Nancy and continue the ruse, being the eternal third wheel to the girls' romance. They've talked about it at length, but it just wouldn't be fair, not to Nancy, not to Robin and definitely not to himself. Steve dreams of meeting that one right person, someone who'd make him feel truly alive, make him discover who he really is, although Hawkins probably isn't the place for that...if anywhere is. 
He sits down by an old oak tree, the trunk and its roots long destroyed by lightning, and he starts humming a song. It takes him a while to remember the melody, but he does eventually, his voice gaining confidence and strength. It's the song the long-haired boy taught him, his own creation. Eddie, Steve remembers, his name was Eddie and he loved spending time together, until his father found out about them and forbade them ever meeting again, threatening the livelihood of Eddie's uncle. Steve often watched the boy walk past the Harrington residence, waving at his window, but he never dared to wave back, he couldn't bear to be another Harrington to destroy people's lives. The best he could do for Eddie was to pretend he didn’t exist, no matter how painful that was. Eventually, Eddie stopped coming around and Steve didn’t see him in their fancy part of the town anymore. Perhaps he moved away, away from the town’s bigotry, the threat of Harrington influence...away from him. 
He's so caught up in the song he doesn't notice the slight movement of the ground. He just hums the song and wonders if Eddie ever published it, if he ever became famous, enchanted crowds with his dark eyes and wild personality. The boy he knew was ready to take on the world, no matter what life threw at him. 
As the last note fades into the silence of the forest, Steve finally notices that something is shifting underneath his feet. He jumps up and tries to take a step to safety, he's so sure he just stepped on loose soil or something, but then a dirty claw grabs his ankle and tugs. No, not a claw - a hand. Steve screams, scrambling back, but the grip is strong and as he retreats, he doesn't just drag the hand with him, but a whole body. A corpse. Its clothes might have been black once, but they're dirty now, its long hair matted and tangled. He doesn't even know if it used to be a man or a woman. He can't see the face, but the skin is pale, with a blue tint (surprisingly intact, his brain supplies and he can't believe this is what it decided to focus on). 
And when he thinks it couldn't get much worse, he’ll just run to Chief Hopper and report the weirdest discovery of a body possible, the corpse coughs, spits out a mouthful of soil and clambers to its feet, tossing its mane back. Steve probably forgets to breathe at this point and he drops the ring to the ground. He watches in horror as it rolls quietly towards the reanimated figure. 
Eddie wipes his face and picks the ring up. "That for me, Harrington?" he grins through his dirt-covered teeth. "I expected at least one date, perhaps a dinner first, but beggars can't be choosers. I do."
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h3rmitsunited · 2 years
Steddie one-shot (Inspired by this drawing of Eddie with some Steve induced scratches on his back) (Robin finds out something interesting about Steve and Eddie that she maybe didn't need to know so much about, but ifs her own fault for being nosy. Lol)
Tiger Stripes on Ao3
Words: 1810
The Party gets used to looking out for signs that Eddie is hurt. He doesn't like talking about it, likes to pretend things are okay, that he doesn't still get hassled when he goes to the grocery store or shoved up against the side of his van when he goes to get gas. It doesn't happen all the time, but they know it happens enough to matter. He doesnt like them to worry, so they make sure to be subtle about looking for bruises and scrapes and that wild, frantic look in his eyes he gets when something happened recently.
It wasn't enough to keep him safe, but it helped him feel a little less alone when something did happen.
And when Steve seemed to appoint himself Eddie's unofficial security guard, constantly watching, always vigilant, quick to offer a bottle of water or a bandage or ice pack, Robin wasn't surprised at all. Steve was always a bit of a mother hen and after dragging Eddie out of the Upside Down on the brink of bleeding to death, his instincts to protect and fuss seemed to hit overdrive, and Eddie was at the center of that even after his wounds had pretty much healed.
They were at Family Video on a boring and slow Wednesday morning. Steve was reshelving some movies, patently ignoring the steadily rising volume of the argument Robin and Eddie were having about some random detail of the Back to the Future movie, as it played quietly on the TV in the background. Robin is practically vibrating as the scene they were arguing over came on, and their argument went silent for a brief few seconds before Robin exploded in a victorious shout.
"Yes! See! I told you!!" Robin grinned, slapping her hand across Eddie's back, excitedly.
Eddie yelped and flinched away, the genuine pained sound ceasing Robin's victory tour in an instant. Steve looked up from the aisle, frowning.
"Shit, Eddie, sorry. Are you okay?" She hadn't slapped him that hard. It shouldn't have hurt him enough to warrant that reaction unless... he was already hurt. Eddie's expression shifted quickly to a tight casual mask and he grinned, waving a hand. He was backing up a bit, clearly uncomfortable.
"Fine, Buckley. You got some arm on you! You should really be on the drums, not tooting your little horn." He laughed brightly, shaking his head. Steve had wandered over, his lips pressed into a tight line, eyeing Eddie carefully. Robin could tell he was worried with the way he was watching him. She was too.
"You sure? We've got some ice in the back, if you need it." She tried to keep the worried tone out of her voice, knowing how it triggered Eddie's urge to deny and run. If he was actually hurt, she didn't want him moping alone at home about it.
"Yeah, good. Great. I'm fine." Eddie rubbed a hand over his neck, but she could tell from the uncomfortable way he was standing, and the fact that he wasn't wearing his trademark leather jacket, just a thin band tee today, that his back was bothering him.
Something had definitely happened.
Steve was always better at getting him to open up about this stuff, and usually by now he would have said something, but he was suspiciously quiet. Robin sent him a pointed look and he flinched, pressing his lips tighter together. She widened her eyes at him, sending a telepathic message for him to get his shit together and make Eddie confess or she was going to shave his precious hair off his big dumb head. By the huff of breath and the slight clearing of his throat, she was pretty sure at least half the message got through.
"You sure you don't want some ice, Eds? You do seem a little... sore." Steve asked, his question sounding more like an apology than an interrogation. He even winced softly at the end, like he already knew the extent of Eddie's injuries.
Robin frowned. Where was inquisitor Steve? Eddie was never going to tell them which Hawkins dickhead had beat the hell out of his back at this rate, and if he was really hurt... well, they needed to know! They were his friends! He could trust them with this stuff, and he had trusted them before, so why was this any different?
"I'm good, Steve." There was a soft warning in his tone, the barest hint of a smile followed by a slight raise of his eyebrows, and Steve seemed to back off, turning back to Robin with a shrug.
"See, he's fine. Can we go back to work?"
Robin frowned, deeper and angrier. Seriously? Steve was just giving up!? 
She groaned, shaking her head. "No! Eddie, come on. I know you don't like talking about this stuff, but you're clearly in pain. What happened? Was it those basketball kids again? I thought Hopper was going to sort them out, but if they're chasing you down again, we can call him and-"
"It's not them, Buckley, relax, okay!"
Eddie and Steve seemed to realize Eddie's mistake at the same time, but it was too late.
"So, it was someone! I knew it! We're your friends, Eddie. You need to tell us what happened, so we can help you! Are you okay? What'd they do? Can we see your back? We should probably look at your back, in case you need like stitches or bandages or whatever. Are you cut? Bleeding, infected?" Robin started reached for Eddie's shirt and he backed up, putting his hands up between them, laughing awkward and nervous.
"Robin, leave him alone, okay? He said he's good." Steve reached a hand over the counter, resting it on her forearm. His expression was soft, pleading, insistent. He glanced over at Eddie, that apologetic look on his face again. Robin shook her head.
"You're saying this, Steve? You're usually the first to be on Eddie about this stuff!? He's clearly hurt and hiding it, and he knows we want to help, so just... let us help. Please. We all worry about you because we love you." She turned back to Eddie for the last sentence.
Eddie glanced at Steve, who let out a soft sigh and shrugged. Robin could recognize that there was a conversation happening like the conversations that she and Steve have, but felt like she was definitely missing half the vocabulary to know what was being said. Eddie grinned and rolled his eyes.
"Alright. But you can't say shit to anyone about this, okay?"
Robin huffed, internally cheering herself for winning this verbal battle. She rolled her eyes. "Who would I tell? You're basically my only friends."
Eddie smiled again, a mischievous little smirk and then he turned, reaching around carefully to tug up the back of his shirt.
Long red scratches covered his back like claw marks... like he'd been attacked by something. Robin's face fell and her heart started pounding, her mind instantly going to demodogs and bats and monsters, and she looked to Steve to gauge his reaction, expecting panic and urgency on his face too, but there wasn't.
He was...
He was looking at Eddie's back and... Blushing. And smiling, like he was... 
Like... like...
Robin turned back to the marks, focusing her attention on the way they were angled, not like something had slashed at Eddie from behind, but... like something had been wrapped around his front and...
"Oh my god."
Robin felt her face burning and dropped her head into her hands. Eddie snorted and lowered his shirt back down. Steve pointedly not looking at either of them.
"Yeah, turns out your little platonic soulmate here, is a bit of a tiger in the sack. Kitty's got claws. Mrow." Eddie clawed the air, grinning.
"Oh my god, Eddie," Steve groaned and dropped his head against the counter dramatically.
Eddie snickered. "Funny, that's kind of what it soun-"
"OH MY GOD. STOP. PLEASE." Robin slapped her hands over her ears, shaking her head. "I love you both and I'm happy for you, but, oh my god! I can't believe I'm being punished for being nice and worrying about you!" 
Eddie laughed, dragging her into a tight hug and pressing a loud kiss to the top of her head.
"You sure you don't want to hear all about it? You were so curious about all those nasty bruises on my neck last week."
Robin gasped in betrayal, eyes wide as she looked between the two of them. The traitors! She jabbed a finger at Steve.
"You! You fucking liar! You said you beat the guy that did that!"
Steve flushed darker red, clenching his jaw.
Eddie shook his head and tutted with a frown. "Oh, Stevie, really? Lying to your best friend? For shame."
Steve waved a hand out. "No. No no, technically I didn't lie, okay? What I told you was that I knew the guy that did that... and he'd been-" Steve swallowed, rolling his eyes at the amused anticipation on Eddie's face- "punished." He let the final word slide out like he knew it was coming, but he couldn't stop it. The embarrassed flush deepened.
Robin's eyes somehow grew wider and she let out a half-shriek, half-groan as Eddie literally collapsed to the floor in laughter.
"No. Nope." She stepped over Eddie's prone and cackling body, shaking her head. Steve straightened up, pouting like a sad embarrassed puppy. "You-" she jabbed Steve in the chest- "can finish our shift today because I need to... I don't know. Read some girl magazine or take a long bath or something." She shuddered and pinched her brow. "Don't like... do anything... in the break room..."
She rolled her eyes at Eddie who had shuffled up on the floor and was peeking over the counter, only his head up to his collar showing. She pointed at him, glaring.
"I mean it, Munson. I use that couch."
"Rob, look, I-"
Robin cut off Steve shaking her head. "Whatever you're going to try to apologize for, dingus, save it. I'm not mad... I'm happy you two figured your shit out, but I really do not need the... details or what you're getting up to and I need to scrub the image of- "she waved a hand at Eddie- "your animal attack out of my brain, 'kay?" 
Steve seemed relieved and still embarrassed, which Robin could live with. They could do with a little bit of lighthearted shame. From the proud look on Eddie's face, he might need a little bit more, but she'd let them have their fun... for now. Hopefully, not too much...
She clocked out, giving them one more pointed glare before heading out and keeping her thoughts away from that weird stain she'd noticed appear on the couch cushion last month. 
Ugh. Boys.
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stevesbipanic · 1 year
B's 5k Celebration
Omg guys! 5000 of you like my stuff that's insane! To think only 7 months ago I started this blog just to get out some frustrations, which lead to headcanons which lead to drabbles to ficlets to full fledged fics is crazy! I'm honestly so thankful for all of you and every hilarious tag or comment of sobbing in my inbox or even just a like.
To celebrate I wanted to create a prompt list for you guys to send requests to me.
Choose a prompt number(s)
Choose a vibe (fluff, angst, mixed, etc)
All fics will be Steddie based
You can request as many times as you like <3
Be patient with me getting to your request.
Follow the prompts with the hashtag #Bhits5k
Dialogue Based
"Just give me a little time"
"What do you want?"/"I want you to choose me!"
"She's pretty"
"The only things worth doing in life are the things that scare us"
"Accidents happen....and everyone makes mistakes"
"Sorry, it's just that I get very nervous when someone else is driving."
"Go and live with her, then! See if I care."
"Am I supposed to be scared now?"
"A boy needs his father."
"You got a package for me?"
"Are you taking his side against me?"
"I miss moments like this more than anything."
"You had time to call the police. Why didn't you?"
"What do you remember about your mother?"
"For some reason, I'm attracted to you."
"You were always the loud one."
"I'm sorry if it upsets you, but I'm going to marry her."
"H-how long have you been standing there?"
"Quick, hide behind the sofa!"
"You embarrassed me this evening."
Situation Based
21. First Valentine's Day 22. Meet the Parents 23. Buying a House 24. Visiting a Grave 25. Break Up/Make Up 25 Part 2. Adopting a pet 26. Holiday abroad 27. Going to Pride 28. Scoops Visit 29. Birthday 30. Graduation
AU Based
31. Teacher 32. Famous 33. College 34. Vampires and/or Werewolves 35. Future 36. Single Parent 37. Different Season 38. Flower Shop and/or Tattoo Artist 39. Soulmates 40. Ghost
Big thank you to some of my friends I've made on here who helped me with some of the prompts and just in general being awesome and supporting me on here, I wouldn't write if it wasn't for you guys <3
@steveshairychest @stevethehairington @henderdads @strawberryspence @withacapitalp @unclewaynemunson @thefreakandthehair @thelastwalkingsoul @undreaming-fanfiction @corrodedcoughin @steddiealltheway @babyboymunson @yournowheregirl @steviesbicrisis @navnae and a bunch of people i've probably missed i love y'all
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somnambulic-thing · 9 months
I'd love a Steddie drabble from you.
Maybe it's fluffy, maybe smutty,
whichever you prefer.
Alright, alright, Somna's first Steddie. Just threw something together that scratched a few itches for me. You also get a good dose of Robin because I don't write her nearly enough. This is a little love letter to Steve, really.
I have no idea what I'm doing. Enjoy.
Eddie Munson x Steve Harrington & Robin :3
Words : 1.3k
||slice of life, basically: everybody lives but Vecna (yay), mention of choking-related neck bruising (but no bat bites. nope), mention of periods (yeah, you'll see), fluff with just a tiiiiny bit of angst, eh?, not proofread, domestic||
And then shit is suddenly over. He’s a free man again.
Vecna is dead, rotting away somewhere in a different dimension. If that’s how it worked over there. Eddie slides his fingertips over the bruised skin of his neck, flinching at the pain but unable to stop touching the tender flesh because the pain meant he was still alive.
The snack-sized gates have closed again but fuck, the trailer is ruined. More on a mental plane than talking actual material damage. Smelled fucking weird now too. Eddie had no desire to spend another ten minutes in there if he could help it.
“Feels… fucking haunted,” he says, forehead pressed against the backseat window of Steve’s car. He would be residing at Castle Harrington for the foreseeable future and that’s where they are heading right now.
“I can help you pack your stuff,” Steve said and exchanged a quick glance with Robin on the passenger seat. “We, I mean. Right, Robin?”
“Oh, yeah. Totally. We’ll be in and out in no time operating with joined forces. If your uncle approves.”
Eddie couldn’t but smile a little. Such a weird contrast to the dull ache where he presses his thumb against his throat. “Yeah sure,” he chuckles. “You’ve seen where everything is already… was… whatever.”
From the corner of his eye, he can see Robin turn her head back to look at him. “If it helps…” she says, shielding one side of her mouth with a flat hand and whispers in that hoarse manner that he starts to really like. “I have stains on my mattress too. Like… a lot--”
“What the hell, Buckley-- You know I can totally hear you?” Steve blurts out and Eddie can almost hear him rolling his eyes. But there is something in this scene that makes him smile again and he takes the hand away from his throat at last.
“What? Having an irregular menstrual cycle and being a klutz is a lethal combination in the bedding department.”
“Oh, okay…” Steve sounds weirdly reflective all of a sudden and Eddie sits up straight, craning his neck to get a glimpse of him in the rear-view mirror. “That’s… that sounds really difficult. Sorry about that, Rob. Didn’t mean to be an ass.”
Robin snorts and pats Steve’s shoulder. “You’re good, Stevie. No ass-ery detected.” In the mirror, Eddie sees Steve’s eyes go from worried to soft. That kind of soft that usually comes in combination with an even softer curl of his lips and—
“Just wanted to let Eddie here know, that there is nothing to be ashamed of. Since we involuntarily but brutally invaded his privacy and all.”
Suddenly, something stings in Eddie's chest and he tries to rub it away, aiming for casual rather than flustered. “Uhh, thank you, Robin… that’s… nice to know.”
“You’re welcome.”
There is a moment of silence and Eddie is about to put his forehead back to the window when Steve clears his throat, so instead of hiding, he leans over and meets Steve’s gaze in the mirror. Just a few seconds, which he is equally grateful for - since Steve is driving the car - but also frustrated about. He’s not entirely sure why.
“I… uhm. My mattress is stained too, “ Steve says, the words flowing out of his mouth as one. “You know just… in case… you know… that helps."
Silence again. Steve’s eyes stay on the road and Eddie is grateful again because shit suddenly got weird and his palm is pressed against his lips in an effort not to laugh at this oddly sweet but awkward gesture. It’s hard. Robin finally lets out a laugh. It’s affectionate, the way she ruffles Steve’s hair with it and soon they are all laughing.
“So we’re all disgusting,” Eddie says, keeping his eyes on the mirror. “What a relief.”
“Totally,” Steve chuckles and Eddie can spot a blush on his cheeks.
When they arrive at Dingus Mansion, as Robin calls it, Steve vanishes pretty instantly, ordering Robin to give Eddie the tour that turned out to be the equivalent of a real estate sales pitch.
“Why is it you know so much about this house?” Eddie asks as they leave the upstairs bathroom with authentic brass faucets.
“Oh, you know, just the average interest in architecture and design,” she says with a wink and reaches for a different door handle. “And this is where you’ll stay— Jesus, Steve!”
Steve had ripped the door open right before Robin could touch it, startling all three of them.
“Shit, sorry. Didn’t mean to scare you,” Steve mumbles, looking down at a stack of neatly folded clothes in his hands. “Just finished freshening up the room a bit, new sheets and such… uhm… was just going to look for you two. What took you so long?”
“You have a big house, Stevie,” Robin says.
“Not thirty-minutes-tour big.”
“I got the Buckley special,” Eddie says, putting a hand on Robins’s upper arm with a smile. “Won’t get lost now in the vast halls of your very nice home.”
“Honestly, it’s not that big… right?”
“Uhm…” Eddie hesitates and bites back a smart remark. He doesn’t particularly care for that crease between Steve’s brows and really, Steve was doing him such a favor letting him stay here, the least he could do was not be a smartass, right? At least for like, a few hours. “It’s comfortably… roomy…”
“Dude, really?” Robin chuckles.
“You also have very nice brass faucets. Original, so I heard.”
“She’s been on about those again, eh?” Steve shakes his head, shaking loose a strand of hair that drapes right down between his brows and over the bridge of his nose. Eddie has a sudden tingling in the tips of his fingers. Steve sticks out his bottom lip and blows upwards, achieving nothing.
“Anyway,” he says, holds out the stack of clothes for Eddie to take and then swipes his hair back and his hand all the way through it before leaning against the doorframe with his elbow still raised.
“I estimate that we’re roughly the same size so I got you something to change into… until we got your stuff… if you like...”
“Uhm, cool, yeah, thank you, you didn’t have to do that.”
“I know,” Steve says shuffling weirdly, jamming his hands in the pockets of his pants. “I picked the darkest stuff I could find.”
“The clothes,” he gestures and puts his hands on his hips. “I thought, maybe you’d feel more comfortable that way. You know? In dark stuff?”
Eddie pulls up his brows and adds this moment to the list of unbelievable things that had happened in the past week. Next to him, Robin grins in an irritatingly radiant way. Eddie has to clear something hot out of his throat before he speaks again. “That’s… really thoughtful. Thank you, Steve.”
“Ah, that’s nothing,” he waves his hand through the air and moves out of the door frame and slowly down the hallway. “I’m going to see what kind of food we have left. Anything you don’t like? Any allergies?”
Eddie has difficulty to not let his jaw hit the floor. It must show.
“What? When you’re juggling two dozen kids all the time you kinda just…” Steve whirls a hand in the air. “You know.”
“No allergies. I’m no picky eater, whatever you find is cool with me.”
“Cool,” Steve repeats with a smile.
"Cool," Eddie agrees.
“Cool,” Robin echoes and Eddie jumps a little. He had completely forgotten her for a moment.
“If you want to shower or something, I put out a set of towels on your bed.”
My bed.
Steve seemed to wait for a response and when there was none, started towards the stairs.
“Uhm, Steve?”
“Yeah, Eddie?”
“M’ really, like, grateful, like… you know… you letting me stay here.”
“Sure, yeah,” Steve says softly and touches the bruises on his neck in a way that’s familiar to Eddie.  “It’s… good to have you around… see you downstairs.”
Eddie just stares at the clothes in his hands, his thumbs rubbing over the fabric. That shit is really soft. It also smells nice. Kinda like Steve, but without the Steve part--
“Well, well,” Robin says, startling him again.
“Shut up,” he grins and enters his room.
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devondespresso · 20 days
Writers 20 questions tag game!!
tagged by the beloved @eriquin 💕💗💖 i haven't been able to participate in a lot of tag games lately (as evident by this being at least a week late ahnsgdsynkd)(edit: its been way more than a week) but i still really really appreciate the tags!!
divider by @/saradika-graphics
Tumblr media
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
7 !! I think i still need to put one up there but i haven't yet cause i wanna edit the ending a tad
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Stranger Thingssssss, and i think its fair to say the Steve Harrington fandom specifically gdnzngxngxgn
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Sweet and Spicy (the one steddie drabble tdnydyndny), My Sunshine, I Can Only Hope Now, Never Again, and Mr. Crayola Henderson
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes absolutely!! its usually a lot of heart emojis and keyboard smashes mixed in with my actual response zgnzgbzgnzng
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
uhhh itd probably have to be Never Again still, i usually like to lean positive with my endings, that whole love-being-alive thing, so whenever i don't its usually because the focus is a different strong emotion that'd conflict with blatant positivity.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
oo okay also hard to decide for the same reason, I'd say the ending that feels happiest is probably from either I Can Only Hope Now (the Claudia prompt) or Now That We're Alive because both go from sad to happy and hopeful for the future. My Sunshine ends on a good note but its less "aw yippee!" and more "AAAAAAAAAAAA". I like my drabbles (under 400 words) to end pretty fluffy so far, and stuff like Mr. Crayola Henderson stays a pretty consistent light and fun so I don't think the happy end hits as hard.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
no, thank god, not yet anyway
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
nopeeee tho Never Again has an E and M version it's not exactly fun enough to be smut i don't think
10. Do you write crossovers?
also nope
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that im aware?? I'd be pretty pissed if it was but also like. is it doing well? is it popular? 👀
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
not that im aware but i give full permission if anyone wants to
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
nope, most ive done is bounce ideas or beta, but I'd be down to try it!
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
i don't know if i have one?? just in general for stranger things i enjoy steve ships a lot. big fan of Vi and Caitlyn from Arcane but im not really in fandom for that show cause what would i change?? im very much a gen fic enjoyer and if i had to list all my fav platonic dynamics... we'd be here a while xgnzngzgn
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
oh irony my cruelest adversary. a few months ago i was happy and ignorant in my haven of only one active wip. Now there's a small handful, and unless i get possesed with the same emotions i was venting in it, i fear the short Robin-centric letter style thing won't be finished soon. its decent so far but there would be a good bit of editing trying to actually articulate the feeling in a realistic way plus fitting it to Robin's first-person writing style. I don't intend to drop it but lately it just calls to me the least, but that could change
16. What are your writing strengths?
i think its a strange mix of intuition and a technical understanding of writing that works really well for the way i think. Its very broad and basically has no rules, just a understanding of how my favorite stories work, how most writing rules are really trends that tend to work better and then you can dig deeper behind a lot of them to see the *why* behind it. that plus trusting the nagging feeling that something's off makes editing my most productive stage, i can vibe check the area and then start digging dgnxnhxngxng
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
god this changes every time i revisit this draft xumxhmxmxhm this time its probably character introspection. i love writing like a movie and having character action or dialogue or setting or symbols communicate things, but putting down what the characters thinking with similar tact is soooo harddddddd and especially in angst or emotion moments, i want my readers caught in the same thought process as the pov character, i want it to feel so real that even if they never experienced the situation the characters in and even if they know logically the characters wrong, they understand. and that unfortunately involves bypassing their stance as an outside perspective on the matter, which is uhhhhh very very hard xhmznhxhnxhm
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Depends on the intent, i think it works best when the author speaks the language themselves, and especially with stuff like asl it helps clarify the grammatic differences. I think if its a language the pov character isn't supposed to understand then "said something in x language" works better for universal immersion.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Stranger things babeyyyyyy, i actually started writing the Steve Henderson au first, tho the first drafts of chapters are very different from current ones
20. Favorite fic you've written?
MY SUNSHINE!!!!!!! i am so open about my favouritism with that one, its the most contemplative and atmospheric and emotional and its short enough that i was spending time on every word, every line to make sure it felt right and contributed to the picture i wanted. they say its more achievable (compared to long fiction) to make a perfect short story and that's what My Sunshine feels like to me, the perfect little taste of themes I'm enjoying most in writing rn, specifically with the Steve Henderson au (my second favourite fic xgnxngxgn)
i forget how many ppl im supposed to tag so im gonna do 20, no pressure ofc!! @marvel-ous-m @acasualcrossfade @pearynice @imfinereallyy @tinytalkingtina
@klausinamarink @puppy-steve @queenie-ofthe-void @eyesofshinigami @stellarspecter
@dreamwatch @lightoftheseraph @withacapitalp @findafight @hbyrde36
@vegasol @carolperkinsexgirlfriend @lingeringmirth @momotonescreaming @sourw0lfs
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
Posting Schedule
I do better when I give myself deadlines, not to put pressure on myself, but mostly to keep my own mental schedule straight (what brand of ADHD is it when you have most minutes of your life scheduled out mentally?), so I'm gonna post a rough schedule for all my planned chaptered fics.
Steddie Microfic Challenge: Every month is a new prompt and new strict word count, and I usually do at least a few of these every month. I'm also a co-mod for the challenge, so GO DO IT! @steddiemicrofic
this place is such great motivation for anyone trying to move the fuck away from hibernation: this post started a riot within me and within a lot of you so I've decided to expand on it! Mechanic dad Eddie, long time crush and future stepdad Steve catching up and falling in love with bonus supportive Uncle Wayne (thanks to @piratefishmama's tags). There will be so much pining and fluff, but there will still be some angst. All good stories have it, but I always resolve it, so don't get too worried. subscribe on ao3
far off places, daring sword fights, a prince in disguise: Based off of an anonymous request, single teen parent Steve (it's a secret though) is dyslexic, but knows reading to his baby is important. He goes to the one person he thinks would help: Eddie. A sort-of slow burn full of mutual pining, Eddie being cute with a baby, Steve being cute with a baby, Steve and Eddie being cute with each other, and more supportive Uncle Wayne (it's like a drug to me okay).
Steddie Holiday Drabbles: Ongoing daily posts for the month of December! @steddieholidaydrabbles
camboy steve series: vibe check mask on dom drop pretty woman trophy husband
I hope you guys are excited like I am! I will add this post to my masterlist and continue to update the dates if I know there will be any delays.
THANK YOU ALL FOR ALWAYS BEING SO KIND AND SUPPORTIVE OF EVERYTHING I DO!!! Writing in this fandom has been the first time I really felt like I was part of a fandom, and it's been nice to have a community of people to scream with. So many of you are so creative and I draw so much inspiration from everyone here. I hope I continue to improve with everything I write, and I hope that I keep giving you all the type of stuff you want to read after a long day or as a bedtime story.
ALL MY LOVE - Mickala ❤️
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thewolvesof1998 · 8 months
20 questions for fic writers!
Tagged by the talented @jesuisici33 @hoodie-buck @wikiangela @spotsandsocks
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I want you to be selfish with me (4.6k M)
Tapping Morse Code into your heart (2.8k E)
You bring me comfort (4.2k T)
You with the dark curls, you with the watercolour eyes (1.6k M)
I Can See You (3k T)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yeah, I love getting comments, it literally makes my day so I always take the time to respond. Though I sometimes struggle with what to say so I might respond slowly but that's because I overthink everything 😂
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh, it's either I ain't proud of all the punches that I've thrown (826 T) in which Eddie's in Jail and he almost calls Buck (Coda for episode s03e05 Rage) OR Under the Guise of Violence (3k E) Eddie can't touch Buck unless it's to hurt him, after a sparring match Buck confronts him and it leads them back to Eddie's bedroom- I had a lot of people comment about the angsty ending 😂
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I'm kinda a sucker for happy endings, this might be cheating as it's not finished yet but when it is Alright, Cowboy, Go Get 'Em (17k E) is probably going to have the happiest ending.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I've had someone comment some criticism which I didn't think much of at the time because what they pointed out was something I was unhappy with myself and it did actually help me fix it but I realise now after talking to my friend who got me in to fic writing that that wasn't cool since I hadn't actually asked for any feedback.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Oh yeah, mostly just smut with a few kinks thrown in, playing around with light sub/dom stuff. I definitely want to write some more hardcore stuff in the future.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I haven't, I'm not opposed, since I only write Buddie atm it probably would be a Lonestar cross over, maybe Tarlos? But I have so many WIPs that it will be very far in the future.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope, that would be pretty dope!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, I would love to try one day.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Buddie's pretty much up there, but I do love Steddie and Anidala
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
God, none of them I hope but the one that's the furthest from being done is probably either my MMA Rivals AU or Mafia Husbands AU.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Ahhhh maybe dialogue and plot.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Uh, finishing? It's probably the biggest one atm, I just keep losing the mojo and struggling to stay focused until the end.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I love to but I have to make sure I'm using it right and appropriately.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Technically Sharkboy and Lava Girl when I was 8. 1D was the first I ever posted tho.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Probably one I haven't finished or posted yet called You make bad days infinitely better I'm really trying to make the writing pretty, you know? And I love it and I will finish it at some point.
Tagging: @wildlife4life​ @eddiebabygirldiaz @disasterbuckdiaz @try-set-me-on-fire @bekkachaos @buddierights @forthewolves @911-on-abc @hippolotamus @shitouttabuck @911onabc @exhuastedpigeon @eddiediaztho @your-catfish-friend @loserdiaz @ladydorian05 @watchyourbuck @king-buckley @chaoticgremlinwholikescheese @daffi-990 @fortheloveofbuddie @steadfastsaturnsrings @mangacat201 @theotherbuckley  @eowon @rainbow-nerdss @nmcggg @pirrusstuff @evanbegins @giddyupbuck @sammy-souffle
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steddieunderdogfics · 2 months
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This week’s writer spotlight feature is:  MuseumGiftShopEraser! They have 9 works on AO3 in the Stranger Things Fandom, and 6 of those are in the Steddie tag!
Our anonymous nominator recommends the following works by @museumgiftshoperaser:
Paint the Devil on the Wall
Conversations About Love
Now I'm A Stranger
An Exercise In Denial
Baby, You Were Meant To Follow Me
Her fics are BEAUTIFUL. When I first read Paint the Devil on the Wall I was so obsessed I immediately recced the fic to everyone I knew who would be vaguely interested in a steddie fic. -- anonymous
Below the cut, @museumgiftshoperaser answered some questions about their writing process and some of their recommended work!
Why do you write Steddie?
I stumbled into it immediately after season 4 came out. I’ve felt very attached to Steve as a character from the beginning of the show and I think I was subconsciously waiting for someone to pair him up with. I think they’re both such great characters to explore themes of dealing with expectation (either by conforming, or fighting against it) and that’s something I always love to write about.
What’s your favorite trope to READ?
Absolute sucker for fake dating. Can’t get enough of it.
What’s your favorite trope to WRITE?
Enemies to lovers! Though now that I’m looking through my AO3 I haven’t actually written that much of it. It doesn’t have to be very intense enemies, though. I just like it when characters don’t immediately get along.
What’s your favorite Steddie fic?
My brain has been forever rewired by took you for a working boy by pukner. It’s such a gentle, nuanced queer story. It feels vulnerable to me in a way that really only fanfiction can be. Can I sneak in another one?? Because everyone should also absolutely read the shame is on the other side by scoops_ahoy. It taps into this very specific kind of queer compartmentalizing, that I’ve never seen written this well. It broke my heart and patched it right back up.
Is there a trope you’re excited to explore in a future work but haven’t yet?
I’ve been stupidly busy with my masters lately so there’s probably not a lot of writing on my horizon. I do have a wip called Doll that I’m slowly chipping away at. It’s a little darker than stuff I’ve written before. I know ‘dark’ isn’t really a trope, but I’m excited to see if I can push these characters a little further. 
What is your writing process like?
Absolute chaos. I write non-chronologically, without an outline, all in the same document. I keep writing snippets and scenes until the whole thing slowly comes together. 
Do you have any writing quirks?
Italicizing words for emphasis. I love it so much, you can rip it from my cold dead hands. It accidentally makes its way into my academic writing for my degree sometimes which is a little embarrassing, but I just love the flair of it. 
Do you prefer posting when you’ve finished writing or on a schedule?
I don’t really do schedules, it doesn’t work for me at all. I try to make sure I have a decent amount of the story written before I start posting to give me a bit of a head start, but forcing myself to finish something by a certain date is a surefire way to kill my motivation.
Which fic are you most proud of?
Probably Paint the Devil on the Wall. It was the first time I’d written the entire story before I started posting so it went through way more rounds of editing than normal. I think you can really tell. It’s also the longest story I’ve ever written (in general, even outside of fanfic). The whole project gave me a lot of confidence as a writer.
How did you get the idea for Paint the Devil on the Wall?
I knew I wanted to participate in the Bigbang and the deadline was coming up, but I still didn’t have an idea. I decided to work backwards and try to think of something that would be fun for the artist(s) to draw. I had a vision of Eddie wearing dungarees without a shirt, absolutely covered in paint and I knew I had to write something to make it happen. I set the story in 80s New York because neo expressionism is really the only kind of art I could see Eddie making. I think it suits him very well. I do actually have a background in art, though! I’m currently getting my MFA, but I’ve worked full time as an artist for several years before that. I had a lot of fun working my passion for art (and all those art history classes I had to take) into the fic.
When writing Paint the Devil on the Wall, what was something you didn’t expect?
All of Steve’s character, to be honest. The fic is written from Eddie’s POV and for a large part of it he has a very hard time figuring out what Steve’s deal is. Right alongside him, I also had an incredibly hard time figuring out his character. It wasn’t until I was working on the final chapter that he finally clicked for me. I realized very late, just like Eddie, that Steve liked him from the very beginning. Most of the enemies to lovers premise was all in Eddie’s head.
What inspired Now I'm a Stranger?
Oh boy, that was forever ago! I remember I started writing it while I was camping with friends because I liked having something to do after everyone went to bed at night. I think I had the idea for that very first scene where Steve doesn’t remember Eddie and it all sort of spiraled from there.
What was your favorite part to write from An Exercise in Denial?
That was the very first fic I wrote, right after season 4 came out! I’ve never written something that fast, I think the whole thing took me less than a week. My favorite part was probably Robin being completely exasperated with both of them. They’re such complete idiots in that fic.
How do/did you feel writing Baby, You Were Meant To Follow Me?
Ahhh… I never got around to finishing that one. I probably never will, to be honest. I wrote the first two parts quite quickly and then the idea I had for the plot spiraled out of control and I realized I didn’t actually feel like writing the rest of it. There were going to be a lot of misunderstandings and I learned that I find that an incredibly frustrating trope to write (when done for drama at least. For comedy, I’m a sucker for misunderstandings.) So I guess I felt a little in over my head.
What was the most difficult part of writing Conversations About Love?
The ending! That fic is so incredibly personal to me and I knew from the beginning that I wanted it to have a very sappy, happy ending. It was important to me to write an aromantic character getting everything they wanted, but I realized as I was writing it that I don’t actually fully know what that means. So it took a bit more soul searching than fics typically do, but it was very much worth it. 
Do you have a favorite scene and/or line from any of your fics?
I still think the short little prologue for Paint the Devil on the Wall is the best thing I’ve written. “You don’t draw on things that aren’t yours, baby” is probably the best summary I have for that story.
Do you have any upcoming projects or fics you’d like to share/promote?
Not really!
Thank you to our author, @museumgiftshoperaser, and our anonymous nominator! See more of @museumgiftshoperaser works featured on our page throughout the day!
Writer’s Spotlight is every Wednesday! Want to nominate an author? You can nominate them here!
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sevenmerrymagpies · 9 months
I swear to god, I have not been this inspired by a fandom in so long. Instead of getting a few fics out of my system, the plot bunnies just breed.
My Stranger Things WIPs that are at least partially published: Steve's No Good, Terrible, Kinda Perfect Senior Year - Steddie Steve has powers AU. Last chapter and probable sequels. At least this one doesn't end on a cliffhanger.
Like Nostradamus with a Magic Eight Ball - Steddie, Eddie is 10/has powers AU. Last story in the trilogy. Mash up of season 3 and 4.
Everything I'll Ever Do I'll Do With You - Platonic Stobin become friends in season 1 AU. Last story in the trilogy. I've got a few bullet points and some vibes.
Robin and Mr. Wolf - Platonic Stobin, Steve is a werewolf. Generally more oneshots. I've got a few more planned including a potential cryptid road trip set after season 4 (Eddie may or may not be included IDK). One oneshot is nearly done.
The ones just hanging out in my WIP folder: One Week - Mrs. Hagan takes Steve home after his concussion at the end of season 2. Tommy & Carol & Steve feels. I'm nearly done with the first draft. [ETA: Posted]
Dragon Eddie - pre-HellcheerScoops, was part of a larger story that I'm not going to end up writing - I want to turn the actual premise into a professional novel and not fic - but there are a few scenes set during season 4 that I want to turn into a one shot. The rough is done, just needs to be edited.
Byers Dog in the Upside Down - What happened to the Byers dog from season 1? Did he get pulled into the Upside Down and turned into a good boy/monster? Does that monster befriend Eddie/Kas? Do they make it out of the Upside Down? Technically would be Steddie. All told from the dogs POV. All ridiculous. Nothing written expect for some bullet points. I could easily see this being a collection of short oneshots.
Changeling Robin - Robin is a changeling and doesn't know it. The Russians drugging her doesn't go well (for the Russians). No idea where it would go expect that Stobin would be telepathically linked. Potentially monstrous Steve too, not sure. I have a few thousand words written.
Ideas that have nothing else but a will to live: HellcheerScoops with accidentally a Dad Steve. This wouldn't mean Chrissy getting pregnant. It would be more like they all start hooking up before season 4, Chrissy and Eddie survive Vecna, in the aftermath Steve finds out he's a Dad. How can be be a parent and love two people at once? How does this messy stuff work now that the world is saved? Nothing more than a desire for more HellcheerScoops and Dad!Steve vibes.
10 years in the future fic, someone uncovers the Upside Down coverup. Suddenly everyone's pictures are on the front page of the NYT as child soldiers and heroes who saved the world from another dimension. How do people deal with the fallout now that the 24 hour news cycle is starting up? Second chances Steddie.
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roosterbox · 6 months
The Secret Bonus October Drabble: Cider
Pairing: Steddie
Wordcount: 500
Additional tags: Tooth-Rotting Fluff, my first time writing for this ship, implied future sexytimes
Info: this was one of the random word drabbles (or attempts at drabbles) I wrote for October. This one, however, didn’t end up getting posted because I was unsatisfied with the end result. Especially because it was my first real attempt at writing for this ship. Since I’m working on putting the other drabbles into their own little fic for AO3, i figured I’d reread this one. And you know, it’s not actually too bad. Might put it in with the others in fact. Either way, it was just languishing away in my notes, not doing anything for anybody so… here we go!
At the first bite, Eddie made a face.
“Steve, babe, I think you cooked this cake a bit too long.”
Steve’s brow furrowed. “What? Is it too dry? It looked okay coming out…”
“No it’s-“ Actually perfectly moist, he thought. If it were any other flavor, he wouldn’t have said anything. But-“You let all the alcohol bake out of it.”
Steve rolled his eyes. “That’s because there is no alcohol, dummy. I used the sweet cider instead.” At Eddie’s surprised look, he continued. “Like I was gonna serve the kids a boozy cake, come on now.”
“It matters to me! The taste is all wrong!”
“And what, exactly, is wrong with it?”
Eddie opened his mouth, but found that he had no actual reply. The cake, an experimental recipe from Steve, was absolutely delicious. A triumph. One they would likely be repeating for many a Fall season to come. And really, what his boyfriend said made sense. But Eddie was in a contradictory mood.
“Baking makes the alcohol content almost negligible, you know. It burns off.”
“Were you planning to get drunk off of a cake?” Steve’s eyes were twinkling despite his serious expression. He chose not to comment on Eddie avoiding his earlier question.
“No! I just-“
“Did you forget about the non-alcoholic stuff?” At that, Eddie pouted.
“No, quit teasing me.“
Steve took his own bite of the cake. Even though he’d had the chef’s privilege of tasting it at every stage of the process, he couldn’t help groaning in pleasure at the flavor.
Eddie was watching him quite intensely. He must have heard the noise Steve made. Which was fine by him.
“So tell me,” Steve said, speaking slowly. “Alcohol aside. What, exactly, is wrong with my cake?”
They stared each other down. Steve knew the answer was nothing. He’d just tasted the damn thing and it was perfect. But he also knew that Eddie, in addition to being stubborn to a fault, was very creative. If anyone could invent a problem that wasn’t actually there, it was him. After a few moments, however, the other man visibly deflated.
“Nothing. Absolutely nothing. It’s delicious. You’ve outdone yourself, sweetheart.”
“That’s what I thought,” Steve leaned over to kiss Eddie’s cheek, right where he knew a dimple would be. His boyfriend looked away, obviously fighting a smile. “Don’t worry, big guy, I’ve still got plenty of the good stuff. Just for you.”
At that, Eddie turned, raising an eyebrow. “Oh yeah?”
“Oh yeah.”
Now he was fully smiling. “What kind of good stuff are we talking about?”
Steve took Eddie’s hand and brought it to his lips, leaving a lingering kiss on the knuckles. He then moved it to his hip where Eddie, ever bold, immediately reached a bit further back to grab a handful of his lover’s ample backside.
“All kinds of good stuff.”
Eddie growled, more of a purr actually, and pulled Steve closer. The hand on Steve’s ass squeezed tighter. “I like the sound of that.”
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steviewashere · 18 days
20 Questions For Writers!
I was tagged by the awesome @puppy-steve thank you <3 I like to talk a lot, so this is kind of long-winded and I'm so sorry.
How many works do you have on AO3?
I currently have 95, which is a lot! But also, I have too many ideas.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
I'm currently at 436,999. Again, I'm insane and have a lot of ideas and things just get away from me lol.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Stranger Things! I've written Steddie, Platonic Stobin, Stommy, and a couple Platonic Stancy, and Ronance once. I honestly don't see myself writing for another fandom in the near future. I've thought about maybe doing some for Baldur's Gate 3 with Bloodweave or Tav/Astarion, but we'll see.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Words Like a Bullet, Wounding My Soul
Rusted Silver Spoons and Empty Pockets
I Want You to Love Me, No Obligations, No Strings Attached
Love, Rest Your Head
I Am Vulnerable and I Am Wanting
(People love Steve angst, which I do too, so this list makes a lot of sense.)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes, I typically do! Unless it's one that I just am not sure how to respond to. But I tend to respond within the first two to three days the comment is left—unless I'm down for the count due to chronic illness.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Okay, my answer is Death Embraces You as I Kiss Your Skin because both Steve and Eddie die in the end (not really spoilers). And it's just very melancholy, gross, and world-ending. But if you had to ask the people who read and comment a lot on my works, I've heard that Love, Rest Your Head is the one people are upset and mad about the most, lol.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
A lot of them do end up having happy endings, so it really depends the flavor of angst leading to that happy ending that you're in the mood for. But, my personal choice would be Balls in Laundry Baskets: An Apology or Everything and More (though the series that work belongs to does not have the best of endings, oops. But every work in the series is standalone).
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I have only received hate once on a fic, surprisingly. They commented, I responded, and then a few weeks later I deleted the thread entirely. But I've received hate on here for some of my Steve headcanons. And I've received hate on Twitter for writing Trans Stevie Harrington. So...Sort of.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes, I do. Though, not a lot. I've mainly written emotional/tender/gentle sex. I've done a T4T Steddie fic that's smut with some plot called Be My Lover. Take Care of Me (Sodomy) is physical fighting that leads to rough sex that turns emotional and tender (read tags, obvs). And, I don't really post about it on here because it's the kind of stuff that gets hate (because it's a kink that is usually hated on a lot already), but my weight gain kink fic Indulgence and Discovery is a mixed bag. (If you read that last one, just know it's don't like, don't read. And I don't wanna hear you complain about it.)
10. Do you write crossovers?
I don't currently. And I'm not all that familiar with them, as I don't usually read them. But I'd like to do something, maybe, that involves Steddie x Doctor Who or Steddie x Star Wars. The logistics just don't work all that well in my brain.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No, thank goodness. But if it does happen and I'm unaware, I'm hoping someone will reach out to me.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope, but I'm open to it! If somebody wants to translate my work, they just gotta reach out and ask. Honestly, that would be kind of cool.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No I have not. And I don't know if it's something I'd like to do. I'm not a hard person to work with, but sometimes I am kind of hard headed. (Big old character flaw.) So I tend to get argumentative really easy. And I don't want to scare people off just because I'm being an ass.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Steddie, of course. But I've also been a big fan of Steve Harrington/Tommy Hagan (Stommy), Astarion/Gale (Bloodweave, Baldur's Gate 3), and Markus/North (Norkus, Detroit Become Human). And I've recently liked the idea of Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker (Dinluke, The Mandalorian).
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you will?
Probably my first ever trans Stevie Harrington work, My Girl, Your Girl. I just lost interest with the work over time. But I'm thinking of doing one more chapter and calling it finished. And We Share This Life is one I'm thinking of orphaning. It's just such a big boy project that I am just over with at this point. I don't even want to link them because I don't want to get y'alls hopes up.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think dialogue is a current strength of mine. May be from experience writing speeches and monologues for public speaking and theater classes. But that's a big one for me. And then I've been told numerous times I'm great at writing very human, realistic, disgusting crying scenes. Which is great because I do that frequently. (Cry, that is.)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Writing action. Not like bullets flying, explosions going off action. I mean just the simple act of kissing or hugging or being in a space. And also writing smut. I've never had sex and sex isn't all that interesting or necessary to me, so all of my smut feels kind of stiff. Except for my work in Indulgence and Discovery—that one in particular is written when I'm in the mood, it's written from personal fantasy/desire. So it flows just a little better than my other smut works, but still. Not great at it.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I only know two languages, English (which is my first and is what I'm fluent in), and American Sign Language (which I'm intermediate to fluent in). Obviously, I write English dialogue. But I've written sign language in fic before, it tends to write like this: 'WHISPER OKAY?' (an example taken from Words Like a Bullet, Wounding My Soul). And I'm moderately good at writing ASL grammar, as this is how I've seen it written and been taught to write it. So as long as the language is something I know or am fluent in, I'm good to go.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Stranger Things and it'll most likely be the only fandom I write for.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
Hard question. I have quite a few that I like, so I'll give my top five. Just because I'm indecisive.
The Bow on a Gift (Steddie)
Lighthouse (Platonic Stobin)
My Boy (Eddie Munson & Wayne Munson)
Be My Lover (T4T Steddie)
In it For the Long Haul (And Then Some) (Pre-Steddie/Steddie)
I don't know how many to tag for this:
@ataliagold @pearynice @scoops-aboy86 @hotluncheddie @sidekick-hero
And anybody else because I have a brain the size of a pea <3
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