#stephanie myer twilight
nivtee · 1 year
: ̗̀➛ COUCH. sam uley
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sam uley x gn!reader
fluff ! slight angst !
sam uley may not want you as his imprint, but you sure as hell want him
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the words had stung from the moment they left his lips.
it was almost like your lungs were filled with water, like you were drowning in shallow water that you couldn't pull yourself out of. nothing could have prepared you for the way the strings in your heart broke.
sam uley had pulled your heart out, placed it between his teeth and tore through it like a pomegranate.
he was panting, his shoulders lifting and dropping in the same pattern that you'd been infatuated with ever since you'd met, shoulders rolled back and eyes shut so tightly someone might have believed he was afraid.
"i see," you cleared your throat and shuffled slightly. "alright, sam, i'll leave."
you didn't give yourself another second to think, turning on your heel and swiftly making your way back towards the parked jeep at the top of the driveway. if he didn't want you here, you wouldn't be here.
staying away from sam was easy, considering he lived on the reserve and you were on the other side of the town. seeing as how he was the alpha of his pack, you knew his boys would follow his orders.
and so you hadn't expected any of them to show up to your door.
rubbing your forehead, you glanced between the two boys sitting on your couch and sipped at your coffee. your house was a mess, seeing as how you hadn't been expecting guests and you were currently sick with the flu.
blowing your nose into a tissue, you walked back into the loungeroom, taking a seat on the single couch and face the two boys. "sorry," you motioned to yourself, "i would have made myself more presentable but, as you can sick-"
"sam's a wreck." you blinked. "he won't sleep and when he does he wakes up, screams a bit and goes back to sleep. he doesn't eat, fuck, he's a husk." jared cameron may not have been a friend to you but he was a friend to same. your sam.
"im not asking you and him to get together and have a kid or anything, just, sleep near him. on the couch even."
you sighed, "even if it did help, he wouldn't let anywhere near him." you pointed out. paul, who'd been mostly silent, smirked and stood up.
"leave it to me, princess."
despite the fact that you did not like being called princess by paul lahote, you found yourself standing outside the small cabin just after a month of avoiding it. you found yourself trapped between the air of the house and the boys, both ushering you towards the house.
pushing open the door, you took note of the couch that had been pushed against the wall, with blankets and pillows draped over it. you knew that on the other side of the wall was sam's bedroom, not that you'd ever been in it.
you and sam had met only recently, and you had just simply been friends until he started getting somewhat handsy, and you didn't mind, you encouraged him.
and then he had told you about werewolves, vampires, the lot. you may have freaked out a bit, but you'd eventually placed your hand on his leg, and told him that it was okay, that you were still there.
he'd looked into your eyes and time had stopped. for you at least, he was the only thing that you could see, behind him blurring into a flurry of colours and sparks, your fingers feeling as though they were threaded with his skin and your feet no longer touching the floor.
then, he'd torn himself away from you and screamed for you to leave. you'd obeyed, and now you were back. and now you stood in the middle of the slightly run down shack, annoyed at the tug on your heart and frustrated with the boys.
putting yourself onto the couch, the boys promised they'd wake you up before sam saw you, and as much as you trusted them, it didn't stop you from staying awake all night.
that was how your nights went, sleeping on a couch in the room beside sam, getting around four hours of sleep and then being shaken awake so paul or jared could drive you to your workplace, promising to pick her up later that night.
you hadn't heard from sam, but the boys had told you he felt better, he was waking up and going on patrols. they said he was gradually getting better, and they thanked you over and over.
you weren't sure how long you'd been keeping up this routine, at least two months, and somehow it had been kept from sam.
in reality, it had not been kept from sam. he knew exactly where you laid at night, if the boys tried to hide your scent they were doing a horrible job. he could smell your perfume, the shampoo you used, he could see the rings you left in his bathroom and the shirt you'd accidently stolen, believing it was your own.
he would never tell you, he couldn't bring himself to look you in the eye again. he would continue to sit, lie awake at night and listen to your heart beat, your breathing, even your steps.
he knew he wasn't worthy of you, but he would be selfish.
and when you left in the morning, he would sink into the couch and get a final few minutes or rest for the night.
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nightingale2004 · 7 months
Can everyone who has seen all the twilight movies answer me one....simple.....question?
Someone please answer me this
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smokezkat · 3 months
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the twilight saga
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jonathanbyersphd · 11 months
No bc a twilight AU with either Byler or Jancy would work so well bc both Jonathan and Will are aloof weirdos and Nancy and Mike are inquisitive little dorks.
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chrissdollie · 6 months
i giggled
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euphorial-docx · 10 months
“no one wants a twilight remake” i do
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threads-of-gold · 6 months
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edits I haven't posted: Twilight by Stephanie Myers
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cullen-by-choice · 2 years
First Impressions
‘Healing Supersitions’ Fic Masterlist
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Carlisle Cullen X Fem!OC
Warnings and Tags: Some Language, Aesthetic Appreciation, Forks is Small, Injury and Healing
Notes for this universe: This is also partially a Fix It Au. The Cullens aren’t gonna be pretending to be high school students, and while Carlisle is sort of the head of the clan, he isn’t portrayed as anyones father. (Though he may be Daddy.) Carlisle is also not with Esme here and are portrayed as siblings.
She didn’t care what anyone said. Carlisle Cullen was not only a recently graduated medical student.
Something was off. Fishy. Elise Dumont took a drag of her cigarette, staring up at the cloudy sky. The town of Forks was under a damn near constant drizzle, and if not, then covered in clouds. People there always rubbed shoulders, tangling each others noses into drama. The smallest affair was a scandal. Bored eyes tended to create stories.
Elise Dumont wondered if she was one of them, this time.
The new doctor entering residency had alerted their sleepy eyed community. A new family- all graceful and alarming. Nothing like the overzealous performative warmth that these people here had.
She for sure knew she was intrigued. She glanced down at her finger, rubbing over the raised skin there.
Ten days prior, Elise had made a mistake with harvesting her herbs. Her garden sheers were far too dull to be used. She knew it. Still did it anyway.
Suppose that was why blood was spilling all over her shirt as she had rushed herself to the Forks’ doctor office. No matter what she used to heal herself, it wouldn’t make the wound close. She had to get stitches.
Oh, how she loathed not being able to do it all.
She had simpered into the building. The receptionist, Jessica Stanley, was immediately on her feet, “Oh my Gosh, Elise. What did you do to yourself this time?”
“It’s fine, it’s fine,” she waved her uninjured hand. The stinging, almost nauseating pain from the other clouded her mind. Yeah. She couldn’t even heal herself right now if she tried.
“Well, Jesus, let’s get you back there. You’re lucky we’re slow right now.”
Elise answered with a nod- yeah, yeah, it’s not like this place was ever busy anyway.
The walk back to the observation tables was alarming. The whole place covered in a stale, pale pastel colors made her calm down a tad. Nothing too interesting to see, after all. A few people in here like her- hurting themselves on accident. She had been back here a time or two. It almost felt natural.
She sat down upon her assigned table, legs hanging over the bench.
“Well, stay put and try not to embarass yourself, yeah? I got to get back to work,” the receptionist rolled her eyes.
“I love your confidence in me,” Elise said to her retreating back.
The slight beeping was the only thing in the room heard.
Jessica then paused, turning around, “You got the new doctor, by the way.”
“New doctor?”
The young woman’s eyes widened, walking towards her, “You’re telling me you haven’t seen any of the new people in town?” When Elise shook her head no, Jessica scoffed, “You are in for a treat. They’re all siblings- and gorgeous.” The last word came out in a hushed tone.
Elise sighed. Jess was dating Mike Newton- the man was great and all, but he tended to look a bit plain for her own tastes. She doubted this doctor was anything different.
“They moved into their grandparent’s estate in the woods, this big beautiful-“
Jessica’s eyes flickered over the injured woman’s shoulder. Her posture immediately straightened. Elise looked back as well.
Well… holy shit. Jessica had taste this time.
This man was beautiful. This marble skin glistened under boring fluorescents. Haunted eyes.Not a face you would find in a magazine at all, despite everything. His hawklike gaze cut into them as he approached, giving a smile that Scott F. Fitzgerald would’ve praised.
This was the type of man you wouldn’t find in the magazines, but in some romantic, invigorating piece of art.
Elise had to remind herself that she always was a sucker for aesthetic, and to get it together.
Her mouth finally shut as the doctor approached.
“Hello, Miss…?”
His voice was liquid amber.
“This is Elise Dumont,” Jessica chirped in, all too helpful.
His gentle gaze swept over to Jessica, who reddened a tad in response. He then went back to his patient at hand, his smile containing that same, breathtaking charm.
“I’m Dr. Cullen, Miss Dumont. It looks like you got yourself pretty good there. Mind if I look?”
Elise could do nothing but nod. Jess dismissed herself with a secret wink.
He worked deftly- a sort of precision she hadn’t felt from a traditional medical doctor. It had more heart to it- the calm and steady movements, the concern in his touch. He checked in on her time to time. His hands were icy, but when weren’t doctors ice cold?
“You seem to be handling this well,” he had said, keeping his eyes on her wound as he made his stitches.
“It’s a regular day for me,” she said, deciding against shrugging at that moment. For obvious reasons.
He nodded, finishing off another knot, “You seem like you know how to find trouble fine, then.”
Her cheeks went hot. Those words were playful. Playful... She cleared her throat, “My family has always said so.”
“Strange. Mine seems to share the same sentiment, time to time.”
She watched as he started on the next. His movements went smooth, the fine structure of his knuckles distracting her.
He had said something. Don’t make this awkward.
“You’re new in town, yeah?”
He paused, then nodded, “Guess you could say so. I haven’t been back here since I was much younger.”
“Same, actually. I moved back about two years ago.”
“Back, huh?”
She found herself talking. It was odd- all those days of tight lipped small talk had seemed to mean nothing at this moment. “My mom grew up here. When she passed, Dad couldn’t stand the sight of this place anymore.”
“Does he still feel that way?”
“It’d be pretty hard for him to feel anything.”
He paused. As he looked up, she felt the slight shame cross his eyes, “I’m… I’m sorry, I wasn’t aware-“
“No one is. No harm done.”
He nodded, clearing his throat, “Well I’m glad.” His golden brown eyes shone in the lights around them. Man. It was out of this world how dreamy his gaze was.
She kept her composure the best she could through the rest of the session.
In the present, Elise put out her cigarette, gazing over her finger once more. She had to get the stitches out in a few days- she dreaded the interaction.
He had been so striking. Something had to give.
What was there under the surface?
She chalked the hunger to know up to mere curiosity. It wasn’t a complete lie.
In the parking lot of the local bookstore was empty- she went there on her breaks. Or when it was slow. Which is was, and quite often. It’s not like she couldn’t afford it.
The rain trickled down. The constant buzz of the water kept her brain calm.
That and the nicotine.
Elise blew out a plume of smoke, watching the street across the way.
The door to the boutique opened across the way, revealing the source of her newest obsession.
Two of the Cullens walked out of the shop. They moved with grace, as if the choreography ebbed with each member.
A smaller woman approached first. She was striking. Her pixie cut was sharp enough to pierce a passerby. Her angular face surveyed the land before he— like she had seen it all before, and knew the steps by heart. Alice Cullen- the most unnerving of the whole family. Elise had made that distinction after passing her by the other day.
Her boyfriend, Jasper Hale, followed close. He always seemed to be on the edge of some sort of pain. Over the two times Elise had seen him, he had this sort of twist to his lip. One that reeked with disgust, that he would rather be doing anything else. Despite that soft, golden messy hair and sharp features, he looked offputting. His gaze was softer with his love, of course. Even then, as he gazed down at the much shorter woman, he looked like he would take a knee with no complaint. Elise tore her eyes away from the intimate moment.
She took another drag of her cigarette.
Elise knew only a handful of things about the illustrious family. Carlisle, Esme, Alice, Emmet and Edward were the core siblings. Their family used to live in this town years and years ago- fifty years. No Cullen had stepped foot in this part of Washington for eons. Until they came back. The Hales- Jasper and Rosalie- were the partners to Alice and Emmet.
Carlisle had graduated from medical school, and was serving a residency here. It was odd his whole family joined- but Elise had no family to draw comparison to. Some families liked to be around each-other, and she had forgotten that long ago…
“I don’t know whether to reprimand you about the smoking, or ask about your hand.”
Elise straightened her shoulders, looking back. Carlisle stood, smiling. The soft blue material of his shirt draped across his shoulders, the planes of his muscles hinted. Man…
Holy shit, Elise, stop ogling the guy. Talk. Anything!
”The smoking is a habit I plan to break, Doctor. Pinky promise.”
”Hell of a promise to put on an injured finger,” he joked, his smile subtle and soft.
Right. She glanced back down at her hand. It was healing nice- if not a bit itchy here and there. “Hey, it’s better now,” she protested.
He hummed, moving around the bench she sat on.
”May I?” he asked, holding out his hand. His fingers were even more elegant out of the latex gloves.
She nodded without a word, giving her palm to him.
His fingers were still cold. She noticed they had been as chilled as before. The feel of his skin was immaculate- like pressing your cheek to a window on a winter day. He turned her wrist this way and that, observing his work. He gave a different kind of grin, one that reached his eyes. She had a hard time looking away.
He met her eyes. The honey in his gaze made her breath hitch. That type of look- one that felt some intimate and real. One she had the urge to squirm away from… and to.
Elise had to know. Anything. Something that could explain why she knew he was more than ordinary.
“You seem to be healing well. Nice to know someone follows a doctor’s advice.”
”I do my best, Dr. Cullen,” was her only response. If there was something that Elise knew, it was that she took the healing process serious.
His smile spread wider, going to speak-
Elise couldn’t even process when the new presence when it got there- only that it was there.
Ah. The gloomiest face of the Cullens was standing next to them, gaze solemn. Did the guy know how to smile? Edward Cullen seemed content to scowl, or look miserable. She had seen him around town scarcely- only once before now.
His eyes focused on her for a moment, then Carlisle, “I hate to interrupt.”
No he didn’t. She could feel it— something in the air was tense.
Carlisle sighed, giving his brother a look,. The doctor gesture to Elise, “I was just speaking with-“
The other man didn’t seem to much care that there was another person in the vicinity, “We need to be getting home soon.”
The blonde man clenched his jaw.
Edward kept a plain, bored expression, “We have to get back home for our camping trip.”
Elise blinked. Suppose the weather was supposed to turn this afternoon…. It might’ve been a good time to camp. But in all that mud… and with it almost getting to be bear season…
She could sense a lie. Something was off.
She felt Ed flex next to her.
Carlisle sighed, nodding down to Elise, “I’m sorry to cut off our conversation so shortly, Miss Dumont.”
“Call me Elise. Don’t worry about it,” she gave her own sort of smile.
She watched the pair of men walking away. Blonde and red headed- both tall. Both graceful. They glided over to the Jeep. It was kept in immaculate condition, and as were the people were slipping inside.
Something was off about the Cullens.
Elise wasn’t just gonna let it become speculation. She had to know.
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bluedollasoraus · 1 year
I need help finding the post about little bear being written by Stephanie Myer my boyfriend doesn't believe me and I can't find it
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themiserablechick · 1 month
I think Stephanie Myers main problem is that vampires are gay and she made the like superrrrrr straight
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bunnyb34r · 5 months
Nooo Sony is rereleasing the spiderman movies on mondays and the first one is this Monday, which I'm working AT NIGHT and they're only doing 7pm/8pm showings 😢
Even if I was able to go thats still so late for me to go bc I go to bed then 😭 yeah I have the DVDs but I wanted to be able to see TASM in theaters bc I saw TASM 2 in theaters TWICE
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duckysprouts · 2 months
ab ur svsss! twilight au: who did stephanie myer transmigrate as? considering airplane/sqh transmigrated alongside sy :3
i have no idea… i was discussing with the wife and she suggested one of those cannon fodder vampires. but i never read twilight so… idk yet lol
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nightingale2004 · 7 months
All my twilight and team Quileute wolves people gather around. Cause I got something to say here and something to bring to the Fandoms' attention.
(If you are a wolf shifter hater, and team Jacob hater. Then please ignore this post)
Alright, my twilight fans. I realized something a while back while rewatching the twilight movies. So I read and heard somewhere that the longer the Quileute pack's hair grows while they are human, the longer their fur is in their wolf form, which makes things difficult for them. Right?
Well, I rewatched Twilight Eclipse and the scene where Billy Black is telling the story about the "cold ones" to the Elders and members of the Quileute tribe. During the flashbacks of the story, did anyone notice that the hair of the natives was long? And when he shifted, His fur WAS FINE?!?!
Then, of course, the chief, when he transformed into his wolf form, HIS WOLF FORM WAS FINE! NO ONES FUR WAS LONG!
I'm sorry for being extreme. It's just how I feel.
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madebyrolo · 8 months
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𝗜𝗳 𝗜'𝗺 𝗮 𝗱𝗼𝗴, 𝘆𝗼𝘂'𝗿𝗲 𝗮 𝗯𝗶𝘁𝗰𝗵
Y/n Lara moves to Forks the summer before her senior year. She decides to explore the town on her own and while having dinner she meets a boy. Who knew the moment he laid eyes on her she wouldn’t
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I do not own any of the rights to the original characters apart from the book series twilight by Stephanie Myers.
I do not own any of the pictures added to my stories.
Credit to all of the people to made these.
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mcroutfits · 3 months
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05/2010 nylon guya
what do you think of their fashion sense as described in this? 🧢
stephanie myers lost twilight poster
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nightcolorz · 5 months
my toxic trait is when i encounter someone talking about vampire media as a genre in some intellectual way and they don’t mention/haven’t read Anne rices vampire chronicles I get a bit angry then immediately disregard everything they have to say. Yes I am petty and autistic but also she reinvented the vampire genre, is single handedly responsible for changing the popular perception of vampires from Dracula to soppy tragic romantics, and created 99% of the tropes twilight is given credit for (that Stephanie myer ripped from her). also she put queer vampires in popular culture and was a huge deal in the 80s-90 queer community. Like if ur trying to talk about vampires LET ALONE gay vampires and u don’t know Anne Rice beyond the movie or the show then I’m not listening 💔💔💔 genuinely sorry I’m a bitch lmao
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