#sterek dnd au
for the ask game!!! 8, 11 & 12? :D
Hiya friend! Oooo, some excellent fics q's. Let's see what I can come up for these, while it’s still fresh in mind! 8. Is there a story idea in your mental vault that you’ve never been brave enough to try writing? Is this the year? Can you tell us about it? Most definitely! You know, when I started poking at the idea of writing Teen Wolf fic, I actually had a pushed out of the pack + slow burn + Spark!Stiles that I outlined back in October. I realized it was going to turn into something gigantic and plotty, so I kind of shoved it to the side for now. One major part of it deals with fighting a monster of the week (a pair of them actually, and a species you can find in DnD), and the pack loses all hope when they try to fight. Stiles eventually finds out what’s going on through his own means and tries to help. I know in some fics, we see BAMF!Stiles coming in to save the day, but this magical Stiles is more conservative using his Spark. He does help with the combat (at a price), but I’ve slowly realized this story needs to be told in a way where Stiles needs the pack to understand he has powers that he doesn’t exploit left and right, and they need to be willing to understand how his Spark works. They also need to be willing to get to know Stiles for who he is, not just as the human and Spark, but as a friend and packmate. In return, Stiles tries to find his footing to see if he’s still part of the pack (and if so, where?), and he needs reassurance because he doesn’t give himself enough credit. He doesn’t even realize he’s the heart of the pack until that ultimate battle with Big Bads. Then, everything becomes obvious from there, especially when he discovers what anchors him (ahem Derek ahem). I’ll leave it at that. :P If this becomes a story for 2023, I’d be really thrilled, but we’ll see! I know my partner reallyyyy wants me to write out the monster combat scene so badly (he’s a DnD GM, so I’m not surprised). 11. Would you like to try any new fanfic genres or tropes this year? I don’t have any particular ones in mind, but I won’t say no. Something could easily pop in as a great idea that I need to run with, so I’m going to be open-minded. I mean, I’ve definitely opened up to more AUs, fluff and kinks this year, so 2023 could bring in some other things I haven’t delved into yet! 12. Will you change anything about the way you edit or rewrite this year? Yes and no? I think the reason why I write now vs. a decade ago has changed and I’m happy with that. It has been really nice to write for myself instead of others, because that’s where the passion and the best ideas come from. I’d say technique/strategy wise, my biggest thing I’d like to do is try to write first and then edit later. I know editing as I go causes major distractions, and it slows the writing process down by a lot. I’m trying to break out of that habit! For the current Sterek fic I’m working on, so far it has helped to throw all the words down and make notes to refer back to for later. Scrivener has saved my ass when it comes to making these notes, as well as bookmarks, and having the split view between my outline and the fic doc has saved my sanity. Since there’s a lot of dialogue in this fic to begin with, I’m using that strength of getting all of that down first before I start stitching things up with narratives in between. We’ll see how this strategy fares for all other WIPs I’ve got. Thanks for the ask! ___ Have a question? Send a q for fanfic asks for the new year!
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imagine-sterek · 5 years
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LAST ONE I SWEAR!! I drew this just for this event lol! I really wanted fashion disaster Bard!Stiles who only vaguely knows how to play the recorder. He’s better at poetry but he was told he had to pick an instrument besides his singing voice. 
(submitted by @loveyprophet)
It started in a pub, as all good adventures do.
The pub was lit by the warm glow of the overhead lights, the withered grain of the thick wooden walls gave the space a rustic and welcoming feeling. The heavy mahogany benchtop of the bar ran along one wall, stained by the years of drinks that had rested or been spilt over it. The wall behind it was lined with wooden shelves, bottles of alcohol and wooden barrels lying on their sides, spouts piercing the lids so that the barkeep could pour drinks.
Several tables were set up around the room, wooden booths lining the walls and stools lined up under the bar.
Groups of people sat in nearby, filling the building with raucous chatter.
Stiles sat at the bar, a tankard in his hand.
He got a lot of strange looks from those around him, and he knew why. He didn’t look like someone who belonged here; he wore a blue-grey plaid shirt over a black shirt, strips of fabric coiled around his forearms and thick red gloves with a woollen lining covered his hands.  A red cape with a thin fleece lining was pinned around his shoulders, his chest covered in brown belts that crossed over his torso and coiled around his waist. A blue bandanna was folded into a headband, pulling back the tousled mess of his chestnut-brown hair from his face. Strapped to his side, in one of the leather holsters fastened to the belt around his waist, was a recorder.
In short, he was a fashion disaster—and as such, he always looked out of place.
But his reputation proceeded him; Stiles Stilinski—the strongest bard in the Eastern lands. And the only bard to carry a recorder as a weapon.
He specialised in lyrical poetry and vocals, but his mentor had told him time and time again that he needed a weapon to hone his powers. The only problem was, he was never any good at playing an instrument. The only instrument he could play was the recorder or the drums, but it was hard to carry a drum kit into battle, so a recorder it was.
Stiles lifted his tankard, taking another drink of the lager.
A figure slid up beside him, sitting down at the bar. The man was dressed in a worn black leather coat that matched the black plated armour he wore underneath. The leather chest plate covered half his chest, fastened to the plates of armour that sat over his shoulder. Underneath his armour, he wore a soft grey shirt. Black leather belts were coiled around his waist, a quiver attached to his hip and a row of throwing knives holstered on the other side.
A Ranger.
The man pushed back the hood of his coat, revealing his short raven-black hair and stunning aventurine-green eyes.
Stiles felt his heart skip a beat, his breath catching in his throat as he blinked in surprise.
He forced himself to look away, lifting his tankard to his lips and taking another drink.
The barkeep – a tall man with dark skin and a heavy build – brought the Ranger his drink, sliding a beaten metal tankard in front of the man.
“You know a lot of people who come through here, right?” the Ranger asked., his voice deep and husky.
The barkeep, Boyd, nodded.
“I need a team,” the Ranger said. “The best of the best.”
“You want the best of the best, look to your right,” Boyd replied nodding towards Stiles.
Stiles looked up from his drink, surprised by the compliment.
The Ranger looked at him, his pale eyes looking him over.
“Bard?” the Ranger asked.
Stiles nodded.
“The best there is,” Boyd added.
The Ranger raised an eyebrow. He held out his hand.
“Derek,” he introduced himself.
“Stiles,” he replied, shaking the man’s hand.
The corners of Derek’s lips turned up in a charming smile.
“Are you up for an adventure, Stiles?”
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adrianfridge · 2 years
WIP ask meme
tagged by @clotpolesonly
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many  people as you have wips. I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? Dnd campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!!
Prepare to be awed and amazed by my fic WIP naming skillz
dark & horny steter
sterek cyoa pwp
stackson vampire au
stackson grudge
sciles a/b/o
stackson inception
jacksterek nlfang
(art) scisaac bed
(art) dread doctors in anime
Who is still active in fandom that hasn’t been tagged yet?
@nyxelestia @illbeintheend @softranswolves @teenwerewoofs @scribeoffate @wolfflock @split-syllables @smalls2233 @tarvera @just-another-busy-fangirl @lucky-bishop
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clotpolesonly · 2 years
WIP ask meme
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many  people as you have wips. I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? Dnd campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!!
Thanks to @dollopheadsandclotpoles for the tag!!
mummy’s mask character reference***
sterek gifts too expensive
lamen escape room
sterek For Shell And Safety*
sterek ace exploration
In The Absence Of Scars*
dallison R&J first meeting
i carve my name as i crash the gates/such a shame that we play strangers
aro stackson
for deli
cnc negotiations
stackson buried in rubble
stackson acappella
I’m Sorry That***
dallison 5+1
sterek Going Once, Going Twice**
gen pirate AU
stallison call me scheme
sterek grindr rejection
steather old friends
laurallison Thinking About Blue Skies*
sterek These Gordian Knots We Tie**
sterek hurricane
imagine Laura lives*
hale kidnapping
stackson christmas
steather kidfic
sterek REM-DAC*
merthian Practically Perfect
dallison Waffles and Fighting
* fics that are already posted, in part or as much as i’ve got written, to AO3 and i’m horribly ashamed of having abandoned because my brain hates me and refuses to finish them ** fics that i intended to write more of but then decided to consider completed as they are but also MIGHT still come back to continue in the future *** things that are not fanfics actually but are still unfinished writing projects
i’m tagginggggg @p1013 @adrianfridge @mad-madam-m @luulapants?? and anyone else who wants to do it!!!
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lucky-bishop · 2 years
WIP ask meme
Thanks for the tag, @adrianfridge!
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many  people as you have wips. I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? Dnd campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!!
Alpha Peter bitches Stiles
Baby Shifters
Creature Comforts
Creature Feature - S1 Crack
DILF Daddy Chris
FBI Trainee Stiles
Peter/Stiles forever knees
Petopher Pining
Pregnancy Trap Peter
Pretty Good Bad Idea
Smart Scott 5+1
Stalion/Peter College Fic
Stargent Painting
Sterek - Love Me More
Steter Hate Sex
Steterek Feminization Part 3
Stetopher Tattoo Artist/Florist AU
stiles is horny and has access to a 3d printer
Transmasc Stiles
TW/Buffy Fusion
Untitled Derek/Stiles
Wolf Warrior Remix
Writer in the Dark (Kira/Cora)
Guillermo - Waiting
I definitely do not know this many people to tag, lmfao. No pressure tags for @livvibee, @geekmom13, @allabouttheeffort, @mizzricki, @petersnarker, @punchedbymarkesmith, @protectlouandhazza, @mccutcheon121, @meggie-stardust, @asarcasticwitch (I'm sorry if you were already tagged and I missed it!) and if anyone else wants in, go for it!!
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aurevell · 2 years
WIP Ask Meme
I got tagged by @teenwerewoofs here and @mirrorthoughts here for this game!
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips. I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? Dnd campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!!
So I'm not gonna count the remaining WIPs to be posted for AU-gust, or my thousand WIPs with like 2 sentences tossed in a gdoc. Which leaves just a few with actual outlines or drafts. Their gdoc/scrivener titles are:
werecat!stiles (sterek)
mob 5 co-conspirators (steter)
nye party you must never ask this of me again (steter)
the champions / kingdom trials (sterek)
soulmates au-g sequel (steter)
I've already seen this ask game come through my dash from everyone I know who wouldn't mind a tag, so I'm tagging anyone with any kind of WIP ❤️ You know you want to share!
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fandomcares · 4 years
The Project Black Lives Matter Silent Auction IS CLOSED!!
@fandomcares​ is a support blog run by dedicated members of the Teen Wolf and Sterek community. Our goal is to help fans within the community who may be going through financial, emergency, or other hardships, be it through fundraising, providing resources, or just giving them a safe space to talk.
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The silent auction will start NOW and will go until 12:00 am PST (-5) on Tuesday, June 9th.
Fandom is full of creators that wanted a way to support the Black Community. This auction will be multi fandom and a percentage of the proceeds will be split between several charities suggested by our participants. Check out this post for more information: 
(Also keep in mind this is a living document, changes are made constantly so if something is incorrect or missing please message us and let us know!)
Our amazing fandom artists, authors, and creators have donated commissions for you to bid on!  If you see a post that catches your eye, please fill out the BID FORM.  The amounts on this post will be updated periodically so keep a close eye on the post you bid on!  
Feel free to rebid and bid on multiple posts.  Check out ALL of the entries! We have some AMAZING CREATORS who are waiting to fill your commissions.  
Fill out the form and during the day I will update the bid amounts. Keep an eye out to see if you’re still in the running! 
This whole thing was done with the help of @originfire and @auriette​. Please let me know if there are any mistakes!!
Questions?  Hit up our ASK BOX, or you can message @stickykeys633 for additional information.  
Please signal boost and reblog!  
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(Sometimes Keep Reading is wonky on mobile so here is the full link: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620135038600806400/the-project-black-lives-matter-silent-auction-is)
#1 >5k word fic: DiscontentedWinter - Opening Bid: $20
Current Bid: $30Current Bid: $50Current Bid: $100Current Bid: $110Current Bid: $150 Current Bid: $175  Current Bid: 200
Current Bid: 500
Fandom: Teen Wolf - Sterek, Steter // Offering:  1 -
Creator Profile: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620114718125932544/discontented-winter
Bid on Me!
#2  >5k word fic: BunnyWest- Opening Bid: $10
Current Bid: $30 Current Bid: $75  Current Bid: $100
Current Bid: $150
Fandom(s): Teen Wolf - Steter, Stargent, Stetopher, Dargent, Steter Senior // Writing (fics over 5k words) // Likes: fluff, HEA, domestic fic, arranged marriage, friends to lovers, nothing too dark // Dislikes: scat, watersports, incest, non-con.
Creator Profile: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620062358022291456/bunnywest
Bid on Me!
#3 Digital Art/Traditional: RubyRedHoodling- Opening Bid: $20 Current Bid: $25 Current Bid: $35 Current Bid: $45
Current Bid: $50
Fandom(s):  Teen Wolf - Sterek, Steo, Cordia, Allydia, Allira, Berica, StoydHaikyuu!!, My Hero Academia (BNHA), Fruits Basket, Ace of Diamond (Daiya no A), Demon Slayer, FF7R (Final Fantasy 7), FE3H (Fire Emblem 3 Houses), DnD, Critical Role, Animal Crossing and more // Offering: Digital Art, a single full body chibi character (fanart or Dnd/ Animal Crossing OC), a chibi couple
Bid on Me!
#4 Opening Bid: $10
Current Bid: $15 Current Bid: $50
Current Bid: $100 
Fandom(s): Teen Wolf - Sterek, Steter // Likes: darkfic, angst, fluff, AU or canon, anything // Dislikes: none // Offering: Writing (fics 5k words and under)
Creator Profile: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620062418906890240/cookie
Bid on Me!
#5 Opening Bid: $5 Current Bid: #10
Current Bid: #15
Current Bid: $25
Fandom(s): Teen Wolf - Sterek, Berica, 911 - Buddie // Likes: fluff, angst, mystical/fantasy (with sterek) // Dislikes: non-con, graphic violence, self harm, suicide mentions // Offering: Writing (fics 5k words and under)
Creator Profile:  https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620118576220733440/mila
Bid on Me!
#6 Opening Bid: $15
Current Bid: $25
Fandom(s): please visit Artemisa's showcase at https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620119057099866112/artemisa // Likes:  To explore the dynamics between character dynamics that stand on opposite sides just as hunter/werewolf, imperial/rebel, pureblood/muggleborn, mutant politics in general…), Kid fics and mpreg // Dislikes: Smut, Time Travel AU or full crossovers, but open to discuss AU where characters live in a different universes (please talk to the author about specifics) Bad Peter Hale or Bad Hale Family. // Offering: Moodboards
Creator Profile: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620119057099866112/artemisa
Bid on Me!
#7  Opening Bid: $10
Current Bid: $15 Current Bid: $20 Current Bid: $50
Current Bid: $60
Fandom(s): Teen Wolf, Supernatural // Likes:  Sterek, Destiel, open for other pairings, happy endings, fluff,  smut, crack and angst as well or a little bit of everything // Dislikes:  Peter, Theo, and Crowley MCD where character stays dead, and some kinks (please contact the author for a list) // Offering:  Writing (fics 5k words and under), Writing (fics over 5k words), Depends on story idea/prompt for length
Bid on Me!
#8  Opening Bid: $5
Current Bid: $5 
Current Bid: $25
Fandom(s):  Teen Wolf - Steter, Sterek, Stoyd, Voiles, Stalion, Stargent, Steopher  // Likes: fluff, angst //Dislikes:  Non-con, dub-con, drug use, graphic violence, infidelity // Offering:  Writing fics around 1k and lower
Creator Profile: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620119682067922944/bxdcubes
Bid on Me!
#9 Opening Bid: $10  Current Bid: $20  Current Bid: $30
Current Bid: $40
Fandom(s):  Teen Wolf - Sterek// Likes:  fluff, hurt/comfort, angst, crack fics // Dislikes:  non-con, incest, abuse // Offering: Writing (fics 5k words and under), Writing (fics over 5k words)
Creator Profile: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620117416667643904/rachel
Bid on Me!
#10 Digital Art: Paws - Opening Bid: $20
Current Bid: $30 Current Bid: $50  Current Bid: $75 Current Bid: $80  Current Bid: $95  Current Bid: $125  Current Bid: 130  Current Bid: 135  Current Bid: 150
Current Bid: 160
Fandom(s): Any Fandom // Likes:  Portraits, figures, soft romance // Dislikes:  non-con, underage, sexually explicit // Offering:  Digital Art
Creator Profile: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620119907407921153/paws
Bid on Me!
#11 Opening Bid: $10
Current Bid: $25 Current Bid: $30Current Bid: $50Current Bid: $51
Current Bid: $60
Fandom(s): Check, Please! - Zimbits // Likes: Fluff, domestic fluff, meet cute, AUs,  Zimbits fluff, Zimbits AUs, flirty meet cutes // Dislikes: Infidelity, Kent Parson anything, non-con, A/B/O // Offering: Writing (fics 5k words and under)
Creator Profile: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620119997898981376/wrathofthestag
Bid on Me!
#12 Opening Bid: $5
Current Bid: $10 Current Bid: $15
Current Bid: $25
Fandom(s):  Marvel (MCU) - Steve/Bucky, Captive Prince - Damen/Laurent // Likes:  angst, fluff, smut, getting-together, first kiss, mutual pining, UST // Dislikes:  non-con, A/B/O, hardcore BDSM // Offering:  Writing (fics 5k words and under)
Creator Profile: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620122054562398208/disraeligears
Bid on Me!
#13 Digital Art: happyzimm - Opening Bid: $15
Current Bid: $25 Current Bid: $30 Current Bid: $40 Current Bid: $41 Current Bid: $45  Current Bid: $46  Current Bid: $50  Current Bid: $55
Current Bid: $57
Fandom(s):  Check Please (zimbits) // Likes:  portraits (no background, digital illustrations/drawings // Dislikes:  nsfw, violence // Offering:  Digital Art
Bid on Me!
#14 Opening Bid: $10
Current Bid: $10
Current Bid: $15
Fandom(s): Teen Wolf: gen or Sterek, Supernatural: gen or Wincest, Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Spuffy, Spillow, Spangel, or no pairing // Likes:  gen, fluffy, dark, angsty, Sterek, Winchest, Spuffy, Spangel, Spillow // Dislikes:  cheating // Offering:  Writing (fics 5k words and under)
Creator Profile: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620062661373296640/astus Bid on Me!
#15 Digital Art: Poetry-Protest-Pornography - Opening Bid:
 $15 Current Bid: $25 Current Bid: $30 Current Bid: $35
Current Bid: $40
Fandom(s):  Teen Wolf (Sterek, other ships can be discussed),  OMG Check Please! (Pretty much any ship that doesn’t involve Parse), The Witcher // Likes: Sterek and Zimbits // Dislikes:  non-con, graphic violence/gore, bestiality // Additional Info:  Poetry-Protest-Pornography is open for other fandoms as well as OC’s. // Offering:  Writing (fics 5k words and under), Digital Art
Bid on Me!
#16 Digital Art: BEERWOLVES - Opening Bid: $20
Current Bid: $30 Current Bid: $50 Current Bid: $65 Current Bid: $75  Current Bid: $80
Current Bid: $100
Fandom(s): Sterek (Teen Wolf) // Likes:  Fluff or anything SFW // Dislikes:  Non-Con or anything NSFW // Offering: Digital Art/Sketches
Creator Profile: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620062720027459584/beerwolves
Bid on Me!
#17 Opening Bid: $10
Current Bid: $15
Current Bid: $50
Fandom(s):  Teen Wolf - Stiles/Derek, Stiles/Peter, Stiles/Derek/Peter // Likes:  romantic, fluffy, angst // Dislikes:  non-con, humiliation, major character death // Additional Info: Devilscut is definitely into ‘happy ever afters’ or at the very least into hopeful, positive endings. // Offering:  Writing (fics 5k words and under)
Creator Profile: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620120197360156672/devilscut
Bid on Me!
#18 Opening Bid: $10
Current Bid: $20
Current Bid: $35
Fandom(s): please visit LadyMerlin's showcase https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620061333557280768/ladymerlin // Likes: fluff and angst but fine with any genres, happy to do smut too // Dislikes: graphic violence, non-con // Offering: Writing (fics 5k words and under)
Creator Profile: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620061333557280768/ladymerlin Bid on Me!
#19 GIFs and/or GIF sets: Klam - Opening Bid: $15
Current Bid: $20
Fandom(s):Teen Wolf (any and all characters prior to season 4)// Offering: 1 - GIF or GIF Set // Likes: Dark fics, fluff, angst // Dislikes: Non-sterek, super sweet fics
Creator Profile: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620120341660991488/klam Bid on Me!
#20 >5 word fic:  Halehathnofury : Opening Bid: $10
Current Bid: $15 Current Bid: $20 Current Bid: $30
Current Bid: $50
Fandom(s): Sterek, Stucky, Hannigram, any Sterek side ships especially Berica, Clintasha  // Offering: 1 - > 5k word fic // Likes: Anything goes // Dislikes: Non-con, female Stiles, self insert, oc insert with main ship
Creator Profile: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620120820925235200/halehathnofury Bid on Me!
#21 Opening Bid: $10
Current Bid: $20 
Fandom(s): Check Please, Star Trek, Teen Wolf, Harry Potter, Leverage (Please check the creators ost for more information) // Offering: 1 -
Creator Profile: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620120526501920768/thereoncewasagirl Bid on Me!
#22 Digital Art/Traditional Art- Gwen- Opening Bid: $15
Current Bid: $25
Fandom(s): Hetalia (Fruk; Gerita; Spamano; Prumano; AusHun; PruHun; Ameviet; open to discuss other ships; open to general fics and brotp)  // Offering: 1 -
Creator Profile: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620121138941558784/gwen Bid on Me!
#23 Opening Bid: $ 10
Current Bid: $15 Current Bid: $25
Current Bid: $50
Fandom(s): Sterek, Stony  // Offering: 1 -
Creator Profile: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620121321217605632/yoda Bid on Me!
#24 >5k word fic: HolyCatsAndRabbits - Opening Bid: $10
Current Bid: $20 Current Bid: $35 Current Bid: $55 Current Bid: $70 Current Bid: $85  Current Bid: $150
Current Bid: $200
Fandom(s): Good Omens (please check the creators post for more information) or Original Characters// Offering: 1 - >5k word fic // Likes: low-fantasy romance, erotica, pining, fluff, adventures & misadventures, SFW and NSFW, with characters in a variety of gender identities and sexual orientations, including aro/ace.  // Dislikes: No horror, graphic violence, torture, non-con, dub-con, underage, & other really dark stuff. For the erotica, kinks are negotiable: most common kinks are fine, and I will do light consensual non-consent with safe words and after care.
Creator Profile: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620121431708172288/holycatsandrabbits Bid on Me!
#25 Opening Bid: $10
Current Bid: $15
Current Bid: $25
Fandom(s): Yuri on Ice (Viktuuri, Salami, EmiMike, Leoji, Seung chuchu), The Magnus Archives (Jonmartin, What the Girlfriends), Fullmetal Alchemist(/Brotherhood) (canon ships, Royhughes), Sherlock Holmes (Holmes/Watson) // Offering: 7 - >5k word fics // Likes: shippy fluff, domestic moments or slice-of-life, or single-character introspective pieces // Dislikes: Noncon/dubcon, underage, heavy angst/angst without a happy ending
Creator Profile: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620121795702472704/the-walrus Bid on Me!
# 26 Opening Bid: $10
Current Bid: $30
Fandom(s): YuGiOh DM & GX (not Abridged or dub), Hetalia, Babylon 5, Mo Dao Zu Shi / The Untamed, Persona 4 // Offering: 1 - >5k word fic // Likes: Fluff, h/c, unusual AUs, crossovers (if both fandoms are known), dark or mature themes, rare pairs // Dislikes: Explicit NSFW, ABO. Dark themes discretionary to be discussed
Creator Profile: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620060934002655232/sixy Bid on Me!
#27 >5k word fic: Gia (outtoshatter) - Opening Bid: $10 Current Bid: $15
Current Bid: $25 
Fandom(s): Sterek, Teen Wolf // Offering: 3 - >5k word fics // Likes: AUs, fluff, action, adventure, romance, plot driven, world building // Dislikes: non con, graphic sex, incest, drug use
Creator Profile: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620060976948117504/gia Bid on Me!
#28 Digital Art: hillnerd- Opening Bid: $15
Current Bid: $40 Current Bid: $55
Current Bid: $60
Fandom(s): Harry potter "I prefer canon pairings but am willing to do almost any", marvel, dc, broadway shows, jane austen, anne of green gables, avatar tla "Really any fandom I'm happy to draw- as long as I don't have to do mechs/furries." // Offering:  2 - Digital Paintings // Likes: "I'm best at cute fluffy moments- sweet romantic ones, character moments- check out my art and see for yourself :)"// Dislikes: non-con, gore, anything like pedo/chan works.
Creator Profile: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620017264783196160/hillnerd Bid on Me!
#29 >5k word fics: Neche - Opening Bid: $10  Current Bid $15
Current Bid: $30
Fandom(s): Teen Wolf (Sterek)Marvel MCU (Stucky) // Offering:  2 - >5k word fic  // Likes:  fluff, one shots, get together, canon compliant // Dislikes: rape, no main character deaths, no drug use, no incest (this includes adoptive & step siblings), no paedophilia
Creator Profile: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620061125051072512/neche Bid on Me!
#30 $15
Current Bid: $20
Current Bid: $50
Fandom(s): TW, Sterek, Supernatural, Harry Potter, Buzzfeed Unsolved, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, MCU, crossovers, Rare Pairs (please check their creators post for more information) // Offering:  1 -
Creator Profile: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620060896844234753/stormlyht Bid on Me!
#31 >5 word fic: cleo - Opening Bid: $10 Current Bid: $20
Current Bid: $45
Fandom(s): Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) (please check the creators post for more information)  // Offering:  1 - >5k word fic  // Likes: smut, dark, au, fluff, crack // Dislikes: Hard DNWs: Foreplay and sex involving food scat, watersports, emetophiliaUnrealistically happy endingsHigh School AUA/B/OCalling a partner Mommy or Daddy (or variations) during sexAnimal abuse/animals in peril
Creator Profile: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620061570378153984/cleo Bid on Me!
#32 >5k word fic: deathsweetqueen - Opening Bid: $10
Current Bid: $15
Fandom(s): Marvel - anything with Tony (please check the creators post for more information) // Offering: 1 - >5k word fic // Likes: Racebends Tony as Indian, Tony or fem!Tony centric, poly relationships, soulmate AUs, canon AUs, canon divergences, genderswaps, horror movie AUs, Skrulls, pirate AUs, daemon AUs, time travel, historical AUs, A/B/O AU, supernatural bonds // Dislikes: Non-human (except supernatural) sex, tentacles, scat, urine, age play, mpreg, Zombie AU, Hogwarts AU, Coffee Shop AUs, bodyswaps, Steampunk/Cyberpunk AUs, apocalypses, fake dating, incestuous pairings
Creator Profile: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620061517301366785/deathsweetqueen Bid on Me!
#33 Opening Bid: $10
Current Bid: 10
Current Bid: 15
Fandom(s): Steve/Tony, MCU  // Offering: 1 -
Creator Profile: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620061270009380864/neb Bid on Me!
#34 Traditional Art: Alby ( artgroves) - Opening Bid: $15
Current Bid: $50 Current Bid: $75 Current Bid: $80 Current Bid: $100  Current Bid: $200
Current Bid: $215
Fandom(s): Merlin, Marvel (any fandom), X-Men, The Eagle, TW (Sterek)  // Offering: 1 - Pencil sketch or paste painting // Likes: "Happy to draw any rating, including fluff, angst, porn and romance, would prefer something shippy" // Dislikes: character death, violence, complex armour, mecha or furries
Creator Profile: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620122286012399617/alby Bid on Me!
#35 Opening Bid: $10
Current Bid: $10
Current Bid: $15
Fandom(s): Marvel - Bucky/Tony, Loki/Tony, Stephen Strange/Tony, Gen // Offering: 1 -
Creator Profile: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620016483950592000/calmena Bid on Me!
#36 Opening Bid: $10
Current Bid: $25
Current Bid: $50
Fandom(s):  Teen Wolf -  Steter, Stetopher, Stargent, Chris/Lydia, Derek/Lydia, Corydia (Cora/Lydia), Lucifer, Tidelands - something Cal-focussed; preference is Cal/Corey/Dylan, but Cal/Corey, Cal/Dylan, and dark Cal/Adrielle is also on the table. Also willing to do Lucifer/TW crossover pairings // Likes & Dislikes: please visit Twist's showcase at https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620116913977180160/queerfictionwriter // Additional Info: Twist is disabled, so there’s a good chance they won’t be fast in completing your prompt. They also do not, as a general rule, take prompts, so if you’ve ever wanted them to write something for you, this is your chance! // Offering: Writing (fics 5k words and under)
Creator Profile: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620116913977180160/queerfictionwriter Bid on Me!
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mrdcoolblue · 3 years
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I posted 1,245 times in 2021
9 posts created (1%)
1236 posts reblogged (99%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 137.3 posts.
I added 431 tags in 2021
#kitties - 238 posts
#omg - 34 posts
#animal crossing - 26 posts
#teen wolf - 23 posts
#batman - 23 posts
#pokemon - 22 posts
#long post - 18 posts
#tumblelurker - 18 posts
#my dnd character - 15 posts
#anytownrory - 14 posts
Longest Tag: 76 characters
#my old boss legit carries a tiny rhino and puppy plushie everywhere she goes
My Top Posts in 2021
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Luc is the man she dreamed of when she was young, and then the one she hated most, and the one she loved, and Addie missed him every night that he was gone from her, and he deserved none of her pain because it was his fault, it was his fault no one else remembered, it was his fault that she lost and lost and lost . . .
I just finished The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V. E. Schwab, and this one is going to stick around in my brain for a long time.
The writing is beautiful; the characters are vibrant. But what got me the most was the dynamic between the main character Addie and her Faustian devil Luc, so here’s the two of them with a Klimt twist.
4 notes • Posted 2021-01-17 03:07:44 GMT
6 notes • Posted 2021-07-15 17:47:31 GMT
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A quick drawing for my current WIP fic. Just trying to motivate myself, so I’ve wrapped myself in a blanket and will be snacking on Christmas cookies as I try to finish this darn draft.
6 notes • Posted 2021-01-01 21:47:54 GMT
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8 notes • Posted 2021-06-05 02:39:55 GMT
Together in a Hopeless Place Story by @mrdcoolblue, art by @fanficmakesmehappy Coming September 21 on Sterek Big Bang 2021 @twsterekbigbang
Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Teen Major tags: fantasy royalty AU, angst with a happy ending, prince Derek Hale, magical Stiles Stilinski, gothic story elements, alternating POV
Prince Derek is eager to foster relationships with Triskelia's neighbors, even under the very specific attention of an Argent princess and the occasional annoyances of a talkative spark from Beacon—that is, until tragedy strikes and Derek loses his mother, his uncle, and his kingdom’s security all in one night. With dwindling options, maybe moving to Kate’s remote castle at the edge of a lonely forest will be his best chance to help his kingdom.
Stiles followed Derek’s gaze to the head of the table, where Princess Laura sat near the alpha queen herself. Then it dawned on him. “Holy crap, you’re Derek Hale,” he said eloquently.
Derek frowned, but he didn’t look as grumpy as he had before.
“So if your mom’s the alpha queen, does that mean you’re a werewolf? You said you’ve never met a spark. Well, I’ve never met a born wolf.”
“Well, yes—” Derek started.
“How often do you shift? Does your whole pack go running during full moons? Did you know that certain plants can be imbued with special energy during the full moon?”
“I actually—”
“So what does it mean that your mom is the alpha queen? Does that imply the existence of a beta queen? Or an omega queen?”
“Stiles—” Derek said, pinching the bridge of his nose.
Stiles stopped. “Too much? Sorry. I get kind of carried away when I’m interested in something.” He looked back down at his plate. “Tell me to shut up whenever. Please.”
But Derek didn’t tell him to shut up. “There are thousands of alphas in Triskelia, and not just wolves.”
Stiles’s gaze shot up from his plate. “What?”
Derek’s brows were furrowed, but it still wasn’t his grumpy expression. He was staring off into the distance in concentration. It almost looked like he was adorably self-conscious. “Most of the alphas in our kingdom have their own packs. But my mother is alpha queen because she is alpha over them all. She leads and protects the whole kingdom like her own pack.”
Stiles smiled. “That sounds kind of nice actually. I didn’t realize that pack dynamics extended across the whole kingdom like that. It makes it sound like what your mother does is more . . . maternal . . . than just a normal queen.”
Derek’s own answering smile was soft. “Sometimes it feels like we’re pack first and royalty second. I really like that.”
24 notes • Posted 2021-08-10 21:46:47 GMT
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