#steven honey youre so much smaller than her
luveline · 1 year
Hi! I just read Prince steve's shot of the steampunk au and god, I loved it. I saw below it said you could make a request for it, so I wanted to know if you could do one about the how they met. I know it's mentioned, but I'd like to see what it was like at the time, if it's not too much trouble.
PS: qmo how you write, you are one of my role models 💕.
prince!steve au ♡ fem, 1.1k
Young people stand like dominoes in the sun, teetering, waiting to topple in on one another if given reason. Nine days of bated breath, the city waits in a ramping anticipation for Prince Steven to meet his soulmate.
You're almost hoping it isn't you so you can go home and rest your aching legs. Hours in the warm summer air, your worst dress sticking to the back of your clammy knees. You're not fit to meet the Prince. But… if you meet the Prince, and you were to somehow be his soulmate, you'd live an easy life. 
You'd live in a Palace, wear the finest clothes, eat the nicest foods (three times a day!). You could spend your days lounging under crystal chandeliers eating plates of fruit and expensive cheeses, air-conditioned and always smelling of vanilla, or sandalwood, or saffron. You've never tried saffron perfume, but it's the most expensive at the apothecary. 
The line mills shorter. You follow close to the heels of a girl dressed in better finery, a cherry red dress that looks like it's made of thin sheets of glass, her dark hair coiled in sweet cherubic curls at the back of her neck. They bounce with every step you take closer to the pedestal. You attach your attention to them, following the winding twist of them to the root over and over. 
You want very badly to be the Prince's soulmate. You'd be stupid not to want such luxury. But letting yourself believe that it's you out of the tens of thousands of eligible young people is asking to feel disheartened.
You convince yourself for the millionth time that it's not you as you follow the line inside of the royal gardens. Trees with weeping branches arc inward, their leaves kissing and sunlight dappled onto the people below. You feel it warming your skin as you take the final stretch. 
Apparently, for the King's soulmate search, he simply held out his arm and let women touch the inside of his palm with their pinky finger. He did this for two days. Prince Steven's search is taking much longer, as he's insisted on greeting and shaking the hands of everyone who's presented themselves. 
You wonder what that might feel like. He's a super pretty man, with exactly the sort of smile a Prince might hope to have. Whenever you see him on the holo screens you feel sick, wanting desperately to remain indifferent to him, but knowing you're just like every other silly young person in the kingdom. You want to be a special perfect royal. You want to take his hand and leave behind your disappointing life. 
Too bad it's a fantasy. 
"Next, please," says a young woman with red hair, looking at you pointedly. 
You bite your bottom lip between your teeth and walk determined to the top of the garden. Up three gentle steps and into a Palace of white, pearly stone. There's a long corridor lined with guards who eye you as you draw in. Deemed decidedly undangerous, they let you pass into a makeshift reception. You'd already had your name taken to be allowed in the line; nothing stands in your way of the Prince but chiffon pink curtains that shine like rose honey in the sun and a surprisingly small girl with a sword. 
And there, among an audience of officials and important people, sits the Prince. He looks smaller than you imagined, a little tired. The girl with the sword kicks his shin and he perks up, to the ire of the older members of his court. 
"Hey," he calls, "don't be shy! And don't be slow, either. Please. I missed dinner last night–" The girl clears her throat. Prince Steven takes on a more princely effect. "Please, come in." 
The audience isn't exactly paying attention. Any hope they had for a soul mate today has seemingly passed, and you can hear a few poorly muffled scoffs at your appearance. Surely the girl before you posed a more pleasing possibility. She looked like a princess. 
You stall a few paces from him. 
He frowns at you. In his garb, his neat clothes, a heavy platinum crown atop his head, he's strangely intimidating. You assumed he'd feel more familiar up close, like buying a gemstone from the catalogues and finding they've sent you zirconium, but it's the opposite. 
"Are you okay?" the girl asks. 
"She's fine," Prince Steven says, standing up from his ornate chair. He steps down from the short platform, even his steps a princely brand of perfection. "Well you're more than fine," he says to you, and you gather from the get go that he's not flirting with you, only joking to ease your nerves. 
He offers his hand. 
You take in a breath and approach him with measured steps. Being run through by his personal guards crystal sword isn't on your agenda this week. 
All you have to do is touch his hand and go home when nothing happens. You're nervous, but stalling any longer prolongs the awkwardness you've created. 
You step forward. 
Before your fingers can touch his palm, the feathered lines curled around your opposite wrists begin to glow. 
A silence falls. 
You take your hand back but the light doesn't fade. It's white, nearly cream in colour, with the density of fog but none of its cold. Prince Steven's eyes are wide and awash, the sun-kissed skin of his arm paled. "You–" he says, stepping forward again. 
You take his hand. You have to know. 
White light sears and then blooms, like petals unfurling, the source of it indistinguishable from your wrist or his. And then, when you're sure your heart might fall out of your mouth, the light dims. What remains is thin as fairy floss wrapped around your skin and his. 
He rubs the meat of your thumb with the tip of his, and that light glows soft pink, like flower jam. 
"It's you," he says. He sounds happy, as though you were a pleasant surprise. 
You tuck your hand behind your back, and the glow remains. It's you. You're Prince Steven's soul mate. 
"She doesn't look much like a princess," someone whispers. 
"I wouldn't say that," Prince Steven says, his eyes roving over you without apology. His smile is as authentic as they come. "I think you'd better meet my mother." 
"Now?" you ask. 
"Afraid so. Don't worry, though, you look pretty." He offers his hand again. "Come on."
He's a prince. You take his hand.
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fan-of-many24 · 1 month
It’s you I want
(George O’Malley x gn!reader angst Alex Karev x gn!reader fluff)
Details: Nurse Y/N has fallen for Dr. O’Malley, but is overlooked time and again.
(Reader is described as shorter than Karev and O’Malley)
Word Count: 3.28k
You worked as a nurse at Seattle Grace for the past four years. You’ve seen your fair share of interns, some have stayed, some left, some are obnoxious and arrogant, and others are so passive that they get flushed out.
At first, this is what you thought would happen with George O’Malley. There were many times when you were at the nurses station, watching him get overshadowed by his fellow interns. You felt bad for him, and there was his whole puppy thing going on, so there were times when you would help him with his scut work, giving him pointers here and there.
After a while, you felt your feelings grow from pity, to friendship, to admiration. George was sweet, and caring. He would tell you about his family during downtimes, and you would talk about yours. You felt a connection with him that you haven’t felt in a while. But he also talked to you about Meredith. He would talk, and talk, and talk some more. He would gush about her beauty and her intelligence, how funny she was, every single quality was attractive to him. She was everything you weren’t. You knew nursing was in no way lower than being a doctor, but you felt somehow smaller than her.
But even with his feelings for Meredith you couldn’t put aside your own feelings for George. How he would bring you coffee in the mornings, buy you a little snack whenever you were having a rough day, hold you while you cried if you lost a patient. It was so hard to not fall for George O’Malley, and tried as you might you did.
You were venting to another nurse about your feelings for George.
“I just can’t get George out of my head,” you sighed, “he’s just so damn cute and so caring.”
“Y/N, honey, you have to tell him.” your friend responded.
“I can’t,” you shook your head, “not when he has eyes for someone else.”
A sweet voice butted in, “Who has eyes for someone else?”
You jumped and swiveled in your chair to see George standing there, leaning against the station. The other nurse took the opportunity to get back to her work. Your cheeks heated and eyes widened, “How much of that did you hear?”
“Not much, just the end part about having eyes for someone else.” George explained, “So who’s the lucky guy?”
You breathed a subtle sigh of relief to this, “Nobody, really, it doesn’t matter.” You tried to go about your work.
“C’mon, Y/N,” he groaned, “this is the first time you’ve expressed interest in someone!”
That he knew.
You could tell he wasn’t about to let this go. You looked around, hoping to get an idea of what to say.
Eventually your eyes land on Dr. Karev talking to Dr. Stevens.
“Karev.” You stated, hoping he believed it.
George widened his eyes and shook his head quickly at that. “Alex? Really? He doesn’t seem like your type.”
He’s not.
“I don’t know something about him,” you lied, “he’s just so dreamy.”
You internally vomited. Alex Karev was a manwhore and hellspawn. He’s slept with half of the nurses, and insulted the other half. He hadn’t done either in his short interactions with you, luckily, but that didn’t help your opinion of him.
George was silent for a few seconds, blinking a bit rapidly, before he smiled at you.
“How about I set you up on a date with him?” he suggested.
Now you were gonna vomit.
“Oh no,” you shook your head and your hands, “no need, besides I don’t think he’d go for someone like me?” Your chest tightened in dejection.
“Someone like you?” George asked in surprise, “Y/N, you’re amazing! I can’t imagine anyone would turn you down.”
You bit your lip, chest tightening even more. George didn’t realize how he was squeezing your heart, threatening to destroy it. You thought about it for a second before you closed your eyes.
“Fine,” you sighed.
“Alright!” he jeered, “Y/N, I know what it’s like not to be noticed. You deserve this, even if I don’t really understand your interest in him.”
You sighed once more before George gave you two thumbs up and backed away before rushing off.
Once he was out of sight you groaned and dropped your head into your hands.
You heard the swivel of a chair once more, “you’ve gotten yourself into a big mess here, Y/N.”
You turned your head to look to your friend again, “Who knows, maybe Alex will help me get my mind off George.”
Not letting your mind linger on the thought much longer, you went back to work checking in on patients and updating charts. Before long you forgot about George’s suggestion, focusing completely on your work.
The end of the day came and you were getting ready to punch out before a knock on the desk alerted you to the presence of someone in front of you. You looked up to see none other than Alex Karev. Your eyes widened and you saw George not too far behind him giving you two thumbs up.
“Y/N,” Alex smiled, “a little birdie told me you may have taken a bit of an interest in me.”
You gave him a thin smile back, blinking at his boldness.
“Did they? And what do you think of that?” you asked, hoping for rejection.
“I think,” he leaned in, “I should take you out to dinner.”
Your cheek flushed. You weren’t used to someone taking an interest in you, let alone be so forward with it.
“Um, yeah, sure.” you stammered, smiling shyly.
“Drinks tomorrow? Meet here at 8?” he suggested with a sly smile.
“Sure,” you agreed, “it’s a date.”
Alex smiled and knocked once more, walking away.
Your heart was beating faster than you thought it would. Unexpectedly so.
“Sooo…” George inquired, worried.
“We’re getting drinks tomorrow.” you smiled a bit wistfully.
“You’re going on a date?” George asked incredulously.
You recoiled a bit at that, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing just…” he trailed
“No, go on.” you insisted, getting a bit heated, “what do you mean?”
“You just don’t seem like his type.” he admitted.
You blinked at him a few times and licked your teeth.
“Am I undateable?” you urged, nodding your head.
“What?!” George almost shouted, “No, that’s not what I meant.”
“That’s what it sounded like.” you countered, “I’m not a nun. Men find me attractive.”
“That’s not what I’m saying, Y/N.”
“No, you’re just surprised that he would go on a date with me.” you stated roughly, “You know what George, I’m heading out.”
You clocked out, grabbing your bag and rushed away.
The drive home had you stewing, angry punk music playing over the radio. When you got home you slammed the apartment door closed, thinking of George’s reaction to your date with Alex. He was the one who suggested a date, why would he do that if he didn’t think it would happen? Where did he find the audacity to tell you that you weren’t Alex’s type? You had listened to him go on and on about Meredith, so why was he acting like this when something romantic was happening to you?
All of these thoughts ran through your head before another solidified within your mind. You were going to treat tomorrow like an actual date. Whether you were originally interested or not, you are now. You went to the bathroom to prepare for the next day, shaving, exfoliating, and a face mask. You went to bed determined to make the date successful.
The morning came and you had a shift right before the date. You wore your scrubs but packed your best outfit for after, making sure that it wouldn’t get too wrinkled.
You went about your day as you would usually, except for avoiding George here and there. Any time that you would see him approaching you shot him a look that led him away. You were still pissed off and didn’t want to see him.
The day came to an end and you changed into your outfit. It fit you in all the right places, putting your best features on display. You looked into the mirror, fixed a few pieces of hair and sighed. You were actually anxious, and not in a I-don’t-wanna-go way but in a I-want-this-to-go-well way. Thinking about it throughout the day you realized that Alex Karev was attractive, and even though you had heard bad things about him, he hadn’t done anything to you. You were starting to get a bit giddy.
You walked out to the nurses station and saw Alex waiting for you in a nice pair of jeans, a t-shirt, and a flannel. When he looked up to see you, a small smile spread across his face. He took a few steps to meet you where you were, a small gesture but one you noticed.
“You look,” Alex breathed, “good.”
You blushed and smiled under his gaze, “you do too.”
Alex scratched the back of his neck and let out a small chuckle.
“Joe’s?” you suggested.
“Yeah.” he smiled, “let’s go.”
You both walked in comfortable silence, shoulders bumping now and then.
When you got to the bar it was a bit crowded but not too loud. You scanned the bar for seats and locked eyes with George, who was sitting with Meredith and Christina. You quickly looked away and found a booth in the corner, away from the crowd.
You tugged on Alex’s sleeve and nodded towards the booth. He nodded back before taking your hand and leading you through the crowd of people. The action was shocking to you, and made your heart race. Once you got there, Alex sat you down and asked what you wanted. You gave him the drink, he nodded before going to the bar to order.
You sat there and stared at the table, feeling your cheeks with the back of your hand, surprised to feel them flushed. You smiled to yourself, surprised. So far Alex was nothing if not a gentleman and you were a bit happy you decided to go on the date.
After a beat you could feel holes being bored into your skull, you turned your head to see the trio from earlier staring at you. Meredith was staring with amusement, Christina with curiosity, and George with an expression you couldn’t read. They all looked away quickly, Christina and Meredith giggling a bit and George silent. You shook your head, not letting them get to you, and Alex returned with your drinks and a basket of peanuts.
You thanked him as he set your drink in front of you and took a small sip. He nodded and smiled in response. You decided that if this date was going to be successful you had to be bold.
“So, Alex,” you started, “why ask me on a date?”
He looked at you curiously, a mischievous smile playing on his face.
“Well, one, you were interested,” he counted off, to which you rolled your eyes, “and two you’re… admirable.”
You blinked back at him, smile splitting across your face, “Admirable?”
“Yeah, I don’t know,” he shakes his head, “your presence is commanding. You have the respect of the doctors, of your peers, hell you have my respect. You advocate for your patients and you actually care for each and every one of them. You’re admirable.”
You sat there a bit stunned. Alex admired you. He respected you. He saw you. He saw you. For the first time in a long time you felt appreciated and proud.
“Now you,” he insisted, “why me? I mean I do have a reputation.”
You didn’t think he would ask you that, which was a bit stupid considering you just asked him. You thought for a second. Why were you excited earlier? Why not turn down the date? Thinking back on your interactions with Alex Karev, you had an answer.
“One,” you numbered, mirroring him, “you’re pretty easy on the eyes.” He chuckled at your admission.
“And two, you work hard. Harder than most. Sure you walk around all cocky but I can see that you don’t just want to be a doctor, but a good doctor.”
He looked away smiling, scratching his neck again, a nervous habit you noted.
As the night went on, the conversation flowed rather freely. You both talked about interesting cases, hobbies outside of work, traded funny stories. You didn’t expect it but the two of you clicked rather easily. He wasn’t afraid to express his attraction to you and you liked the attention. He made you laugh. Really laugh, even if it was teasingly at your expense. You ribbed him just as hard, to which he would laugh. You couldn’t tell if it was the alcohol or the attention or just Alex, but you were genuinely enjoying yourself.
It was getting late and as you were just getting off your shift it was time to go home. You and Karev walked out the bar together, arms touching, practically holding hands. He hailed you a cab and opened the door for you.
“Thank you for tonight,” you started, “it was… really great.” You smiled up at him, cheeks flushed.
“I had a good time too,” Alex admitted, “I would, uh, like to do it again sometime.”
“Me too,” you agreed.
You bit your lip a bit sheepishly before leaning forward and planting a kiss on his cheek. He looked a bit shocked but smiled.
“See you later, Alex,” you waved goodbye, closing the door and giving the driver your address.
You closed the door to your apartment and leaned against it, covering your mouth and smiling a bit. Being around Alex seemed… easy. He was more caring and thoughtful than he looked. It wasn’t hard to like him. The conversation never got boring. As all of these thoughts ran through your mind, you realized something. You hadn’t thought of George almost the entire night. Maybe, you didn’t need to.
You took a shower, letting the hot water run over you. All you could think about was Alex and when you’d see him next. You had the next day off, but you would see him when you worked next. The idea of it planted a smile on your face and butterflies in your stomach. That night you went to sleep content.
The next few weeks had you floating. You and George were talking again after he apologized but that’s not why. Alex Karev was the reason. He would come visit you at the nurses station, flirting and joking. On the occasion that you had lunch at the same time, you would eat together, sharing your food at times. You went on a second date and then a third. After the third, you felt bad about how everything started. About not being honest with Alex. After work one day, you pulled Alex aside into an on-call room.
Your heart was going to beat out of your chest. What if this hurt him? What if he thought you were pathetic? What if he wanted to break things off?
“Y/N? What’s wrong?” Alex asked, “are you okay?”
The concern in his voice made you feel even worse, you were pacing a bit.
“I have to tell you something,” you sighed, “I haven’t been completely honest with you. And it’s eating me up.”
“What is it?” Alex placed a hand on your shoulder.
You looked into his eyes and frowned before looking down.
“So our first date,” you started, “you know how George told you I was interested in you? I wasn’t. I had feelings for George and he walked up on me talking about it and asked who I was talking about and I said you and I didn’t expect him to set us up. But I really did want to go on that date with you and I really did enjoy it, and it’s not just me getting over him I really really like you, and I felt so bad not being honest.”
“Y/N-“ he interrupted.
“Please don’t hate me.” you pleaded.
“Y/N!” He put both of his hands on your shoulders, “I know.”
“What?” you breathed.
“I know you had feelings for George,” he confessed, “I could see the way you looked at him. I was surprised when he said you had feelings for me. I figured I’d ask you out, you’d say no, and that was that. But you said yes, and I had the best time. And then we went on a second date and suddenly, you didn’t look at George the way you used to. I don’t care if you had feelings for George, as long as I’m the one you want now.”
You smiled up at him wistfully, bringing his face down to yours for a kiss.
You had kissed before, but they were just a few quick pecks at the end of the date. This was something more, it was soft and deep. Passionate but not lustful. It was everything you could have ever hoped it would be. The two of you broke away and you looked up at him, arms around his neck, “Alex Karev, you are the one I want.” He smiled before leaning down and kissing you again.
That day was the day your relationship with Alex truly started. He introduced you officially to the rest of the interns, aside from George, who you already knew. You’d sit with the five of them during lunch from time to time. There were times when you would catch George looking at you weird or rolling his eyes at you and Alex.
All of this came to a head one day when George caught you as you were about to leave. You were going to have a movie night with Alex, the two of you holding hands about to walk out the door.
“Y/N,” George called as he jogged up to you, “I need to talk to you.”
You looked to Alex and told him to go ahead, giving him a kiss on the cheek before approaching George.
“What’s up George?” you asked.
He pulled you aside into a on-call room for a bit of privacy. He looked around and took a heavy sigh.
“Break up with Karev.” he stated, as if he were mentioning the weather.
“I’m sorry, what?” you almost shouted.
“Look, Alex isn’t right for you,” he explained, “I didn’t realize it before but.. Y/N I want you. I need you.”
You stood there, staring at the man in front of you, trying to find any hint of a joke in his expression. When you couldn’t find any you felt a wave of anger wash over you.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” you actually shouted this time, “you need me? I fucking pine after you for months, listening to you gush about Meredith, and now that I’m happy with Alex you fucking NEED me. No. No, I can’t, George. You are far too late. Alex actually sees me. He’s direct and makes me feel secure. He’s loving and caring and funny and I can’t go through what you put me through again. I can’t.”
You turned around and left the room, slamming the door behind you. You sped out the door and into the parking lot, seeing Alex waiting for you by his car. You walked up and wrapped your arms around him, pulling him close.
“What was that about?” he asked.
“I’ll tell you when we’re home, you’ll thank me later.” you smiled up, kissing him.
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julieloves074 · 2 years
Missing (Conrad Fisher x Y/n)
Summary: Conrad’s rejection to the Deb ball turned out not to be the hardest punch Y/n had to experience this summer, being forced to watch him show up for Belly was much worse
Warnings: swearing, drinking, kissing, sadness, pain, anxiety 
Words: 9.8k
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(Not my Gif :))
I knew mom was waiting for this moment since I was a little girl, in a way I was excited for it too, especially considering that I was going to be doing it with one of my best friends. Growing up during the summers next door to the Fisher’s and consequently the Conklins was the best thing that could have happened to me. These summers are my whole life, nothing outside them matters, it’s all a pass by, all the count down to summer.
This year I knew would be different, starting with the fact I was going to be a deb, I knew what the Fisher boys’ thought about the whole ordeal but I also knew how Susannah felt about it so I wasn’t worried. I knew I’d have Belly on my side too because she accepted Susannah’s pleas after a little persuasive work from me. It was a little strange to me because Belly is a year younger (16 years old ) than Jere but I also know Susannah knows how to pull some strings, able to get us to do this together.
The Fisher’s and my home may as well have been intertwined, everyone was always in and out of both, doors always open. This wasn’t just something our mom’s implicated though, my mom would always play with Susannah and Laurel when they came to the house when they were smaller as well, these were the kinds of traditions I wanted when I was older, this one specifically I wanted to upkeep.
We’ve been back in Cousins for three days now and everything has slotted right back into place. “Morning Y/n” Susannah said as I ambled through the back door into their kitchen, bright smile on my face, I searched the room for him. The boy that I had been hopelessly in love with since I can remember, also known as one of my best friends: Conrad Fisher.
“How are you feeling about your book party tomorrow Laur?” I asked turning to the women at the table.
“Well I asked Susannah and your mother not to make a big deal of it, but as always they never listen, so as ready as I can be?” she answered in a questioning manner. I knew what Susannah and my mom were preparing for weeks on the build up to this book release, Laurel deserved something big and exciting after all this stuff with the divorce and Susannah’s race against cancer over the last two year.
The two blonde women were not helping themselves though, Suze and mom sat beside Laurel like giddy little school girls, they’re always like this when they’re together, they forget about the whole world around them. In a way they’re like us kids.
“Well Grace and I thought you deserved it!” Susannah said pointedly before taking another sip of coffee and shooting my mom another few nods.
“What about you honey, are you ready for some Deb shopping today?” Laurel asked, more than ready to change the subject of the conversation, “Belly’s just upstairs getting some last bits ready,” she continues.
“You guys know I can never say no to a shopping trip,” I say, the end coming out high pitched, and the three women laughed along with me, but it was Susannah who never left my sight, she could look into anyone’s soul and figure out everything that’s going on with as much as a simple look.
“Jere and Steven left for work already but Con’s upstairs,” she says with a subtle nod, one side of her lips perked up too, mom and Laurel went back to their conversation so I gave Suze a small smile and she only winked back in response.
I jog up the stairs and hear the Belly shuffle around in her room, but decide to walk past her door, ending up a few doors further, from which behind the strums of a guitar fill my ears. I don’t knock just open the door enough to pop my head in.
“Morning Connie,” I say, his head snaps immediately to me and a smirk appears on half of his face, these half smiles run in their family, his an exact reflection of the one Susannah agave me moments  ago.
“Are you planning on being a flying head or are you gonna come in Y/n?” he says shaking his head, Con hates when you don’t knock on his door, or wait for an answer before coming in, but he should know we’re past that point now.
“You wanna hit up the pier in a bit?” he asks putting the guitar down next to him, he never wanted to play in front of anyone, not even me, but I knew he could play well, so sometimes it made me go mental in my head about the fact that he was so stubborn.
“How about surfing tomorrow morning? I have to go shopping with Bells and the mom’s today,” I say moving my hand up to push his hair out his face, usually he gets a haircut before the summer, never really short but just enough to make it stay out his eyes- I wonder what made him leave it this summer.
“Ah yes for the,” he switched to a posh voice, “Debutante Ball,” he laughed at himself and I pushed him down onto the bed shaking my head.
“It’s really not that funny,” I say, hiding the irritation in my voice, I knew he disliked these things, they were very stuck in the old ways but I explained it to him so many times, it was something nice for the mom’s and also looked pretty damn good on college applications.
“Come on little sheep, you have to admit it’s a little stupid,” he says, lifting his arm for my assistance, I smack it away with a playful huff, his smile widens and he moves the guitar off the bed before grabbing me and pulling me to lie down next to him. His face centimetres away from mine, we’ve been close like this before, in this exact position during many movie nights but the air tasted different now.
“I’m down for tomorrow, as long as you’re still good for the party tonight? Jere’s being dd,” he mused, brushing some hair out of my face, “so we can finally get hammered together!”
“Not sure we’ll wake up for surfing tomorrow,” I shook my head and turned my face away from him, all of a sudden the eye contact too much.
“It’s fine I’ll wake you up and you know it,” the confidence in his voice made the butterflies in my stomach expand. Conrad was a morning person through and through, no matter how much he drinks, how late he goes to bed or more recently (which I hate) how high he gets he will be awake at seven sharp, if not earlier.
“One of your traits that I don’t particularly love,” I muffle and stretched my arms out, letting out a laugh getting comfy on his bed, I could lie here with him like this for days.
“Shut up Y/n/n you love me for it too,” he says confidently once again, and again he wasn’t wrong but I couldn’t give him that satisfaction, so I scoffed and shook my head instead, “So you’re there tonight right? You’re not gonna stay in with the moms and watch Leonardo DiCaprio movies?” he pulled the puppy eyes and tugged at me to look at them, fingers splayed over my cheek.
“Don’t ever attack DiCaprio again,” I point my finger at him as if I was scolding a little child.
“My sincerest apologies, Leo is great, now say you’re coming,” he pushed, I give him another shove and agree. There was no question about it, I was going to go no matter what, I was not about to miss this party plus he was right the last few parties last year we couldn’t drink tigether because we were switching as designated driver, last year Jeremiah found his love of some new drink and drunk even when he was meant to be driving, it drove us insane.
“You know I’m there Fisher,” I say confidently this time, pushing to sit up.
Con grabbed my arm, “You sure you have to go? I’m sure my mom can find you some clothes,” he whined but I just shook my head. Just looking at him made my heart melt, the way I could easily fall into his arms now, confess this feeling, kiss him, if not for…
“Y/N! Get your butt down here right now we’re leaving!!!!” Belly screamed from downstairs. Belly, one of my childhood best friends, the only other girl in our little families, also had a huge, fat crush on Conrad Fisher, from the minute she knew what the word meant, and from before then I assume.
“See you later Sheep,” Con gave me a wave and a smirk before reaching for his guitar.
“Call me sheep one more time Fisher and you can send out new best friend applications,” I said jokingly, brows lifting accusatorily, he lifts his hands up in defence and laughs, I just stick my tongue out at him and head downstairs, when I arrive I painfully tried to think about anything but Belly’s sad face knowing I was with Con again. Part of my tried to not care, I mean what did she expect, we were friends before she was even born, well I was a baby and he was one year old but still.
Shopping took up a lot than even Belly and I anticipated, so by the time we got back the moms decided we should order pizza for dinner knowing that we wanted to go to a party and they had a long list of films to be watched tonight.
Following our normal regime Steven, Jere and Belly set out the table and after dinner me and Con were left to clean up, the moms insisted on helping us but we ushered them away, mainly because this was usually the only time Con and I would have alone. Yet now he wasn’t excited about explaining some new theory or gossiping about something that happened at a party in Boston. Today we walked around the table grabbing plates in silence, tip toeing around each other.
Confusion fused through my skin in my nerves, he was fine earlier, “You want to talk about it?” I asked trying to sound optimistic, staring at him in hopes of meeting his beautiful, ocean eyes- they were never as bright as Jeremiah’s but they were much deeper, like a hidden world at the deepest point in the ocean, I could never get tired of exploring them.
“What?” he asked looking up confused, rushing a hand through his hair, like waking up from some kind of trans.
“You wanna talk about?” I asked again this time more cautiously.
“Nothing to talk about,” this time he’s more defensive, looking back at the table grabbing the last few things and walking over to the dishwasher. I question prodding the subject further, but something tells me I don’t want to know what’s bothering him.
“I’ll finish up here you probably have to get ready,” he puts on a fake stretched out smile, that doesn’t suit him at all, but doesn’t look up from the dishwasher.
“Are you sure? I’m more than happy to help, we always do this together” I express, hoping, praying that he’ll ask me to stay but of course he doesn’t.
“I just want to get to the party, I don’t want to wait,” he mumbles, I don’t pick apart what he means, whether he’s throwing an insult at me taking long to get ready or whether the only thing that can cure his sudden sour mood is a drink. Either way I set myself ten minutes to get ready just in case it was the first thing- I didn’t need to but I want to prove him wrong.
All in all, I was downstairs ready to go before he was, bearing in mind that he came upstairs a few minutes after me. Con didn’t say anything to me after that, he just got behind the wheel offering to drive there since Jere was driving home afterwards. Jere and Steven quickly run to get in the back, Belly and I pace normally to the car. Slowing down even further when we spot the seat in the front, I think we both had an unspoken hope that this situation wouldn’t happen. I meet her hopefully eyes with dread, we pause for a second.
I think to let her sit in the front but a small part of me feels a sting of jealously so I’m about to take a step towards the front seat before my focus is torn away by Con’s voice “Belly get in the front,” he says patting the seat next to him. All of a sudden a sharp shock passes through my heart, to say I’m taken aback was an understatement, I lifted my head, gifted her a smile and got in the back.
I spent the drive awkwardly stuck between listening to two conversations, now I was the one needing a drink. We never usually had this problem, when Con drove to parties I was always in the front because Belly was too young to go with us, this was new and I didn’t like it one bit.
I headed to the drinks table the second we arrived leaving everyone else behind. I tip the shot of vodka down my throat and pour another right after ready for another pulse of burn.
“Slow down girl or you won’t even be able to hit up the dancefloor with us!” Nicole announced pulling me into a quick side hug, followed by Shayla.
“Stop, no because I need to drown everything out,” I say in an exaggerated way.
“Well in that case, I guess we’re all getting blackout drunk tonight,” Shayla said in her beautiful accent that I would never get over, “A sister never leaves a sister behind,” she raised a shot.
“I love you guys- seriously,” I say flashing them with a thankful look, joining my hands in a pretend prayer, then take a shot alongside them. I’ve known these two as long as the kids from our two houses, I keep in contact with them year round and they’re never not ones for a good time, in all fairness every year we become closer. Right now I’m thankful to my mom for forcing me to make friends outside of the Fishers’ and Conklins’.
Just because Conrad was ignoring me doesn’t mean I wasn’t going to have fun tonight. So that’s what I did, we had a few rounds of shots, then made some drinks so we could go dance, after the two hour mark hit I really thought Con was going to look for me so we could have that drink together he really wanted, but nothing. So, we had another round of shots before Shayla asked, “So what’s up? What are we trying to forget?” I just brush it off knowing that Nicole also thought she had something going on with Con.
“I’m trying to forget remember?” I ask lifting another shot and taking it straight, Nicole excuses herself to go to the toilet, Shayla uses this as an opportunity to grab me and rush outside to the back and question me further.
“Is this about Conrad?” the interrogation begins.
“No, he’s just in some kind of mood suddenly and we were meant to be getting hammered tonight so I’m just doing it without him,” I explain.
Shayla swallows down whatever she wants to say next, but then perks up again with a concerned face, how she’s so composed looking after all those drinks I could never tell but I’m sure as hell slurring my words, “You should tell Nicole nothing’s going to happen between them,” she said but that wasn’t what I was expecting, it pulled me to a stop, I blinked a few times to get a clearer look at Shayla.
“I’m in no place to do that,” I argue
“She’s your friend and your guys’ (Fisher’s and yours), families are practically one big family so I think she deserves to know that you like him, and that he definitely likes you back so she won’t have him,” Shayla explains in a hushed tone.
Shayla knew I liked him before I even told her, one weekend when we were fifteen her parents had to go to England for some emergency meeting so Shayla stayed with us for three days, those days we learnt a lot about each other including the fact that she had an eye for Steven Conklin but said she refused to make a move until he got his life a bit more together- and she pried out that I liked Conrad.
“He does not like me back,” I say with finality, “We’ve talked about this, and right about now I’m in need and dire want of another drink so whether you’re coming with me or not-” I say with a cheeky smile and start walking back towards the glass doors.
Shayla rolls her eyes and walks behind me, “Just think about the Nicole thing, we’ll talk about it when you’re sober,” she says before taking a shot, her eye darting to one of the couches in the front room. My eyes follow hers to spot Con and Belly sat really close to each other, sipping their drinks and whispering to each other in the admittedly loud room.
“Is that why you’re so determined he doesn’t like you?” Shayla semi-whispered into my ear, without as much as thinking about it I nod.
“They get closer year by year, I’m losing him like the grains of sand in an hourglass,”
“I forget you become a poet when you’re drunk,”
“I think he likes her back he’s just too…” I search for the word but fail to find it, “Too Conrad to say it,” I express taking a shot
“You guys have always been attached at the hip when we see you though!” she expressed grabbing passionately onto my arm.
“It’s because Belly was never allowed to go out with us,” I point out, “She’s different this year, everything seems different,” I start to ponder everything.
Shayla quickly realises I’m about to give an analogy on growing up and changing so she pushes another shot into my hand and says “You were right tonight is about forgetting!” we twisted our arms around each other and turned to the dance floor, Nicole was gone for quite a while, we assumed she’d gone to hook up with someone.
Taylor Swift’s ‘Better Than Revenge’ comes on and me and Shay decide to scream it at the top of our lungs while gripping onto each other and jumping around the front room, right in front of Con and Belly- not intentionally (but I was glad it happened) rather because that’s where everyone else was dancing.
It wasn’t for another hour and a half of drinking, dancing and belting out songs that we were interrupted by a tall figure, “Hey Y/n can I steal you for a drink,” the figure asks. I don’t need to look up from Shayla to know who it is.
“Uh a bit busy right now, really getting into ‘abcdefu’ by Gayle maybe later,” I shout over the music, exaggerating the ‘fu’ then breaking out into the chorus of the song, it’s a bit uncomfortable singing in front of him because I love his mom so the ‘fuck you and your mom’ line doesn’t sit right with me. Still he doesn’t move away, I try to ignore him but then the song ends and I’m praying for another one I know well enough to where I can use it as an excuse.
Just as if the universe hates me the next song is kind of dead and Shayla says she might pee herself if she doesn’t get to a bathroom right about now. I curse her for it, not quite sure if she was being honest or not.
“Come on let’s grab a drink outside,” he says laying his hand on my arm and pulling me towards the drinks table, I let him pour me some drink before pulling me out to the front, most people sat in the back so it was somewhat peaceful on this side of the house, he sat down on the swing but I stood beside it leaning against the wall.
“Wow not even going to come sit next to me I see how it is,” he says, usually this was the key to make me sit down but drunk Y/n was stubborn as hell, probably more than him, “Ow wow come on what is with you?” he runs a frustrated hand through his hair.
“Well I was having a fun time dancing with Shayla and you’ve made me come sit outside in the dead silence,” I comment looking out into the street filled with cars, spotting Jere’s jeep with no problem, still perfectly fine right ahead on the opposite side of the road.
“Thought we were drinking together tonight?” he asks
“Yeah me too,” My voice quick, sassy, snappy
“You’re the one who practically ran out of the car,” he accused turning his whole body my way
“You were ignoring me- and don’t act like you didn’t have company,” I say
“Fucks sake Y/n, you’re being jealous of Belly right now? Seriously?” he laughed and it boiled my skin over again.
“I’m not jealous I was having a good time,” I shrug taking a chug
“It’s her first party, she was hoping for someone who she knows to be there with her at least in the beginning,” he explained running a hand over his forehead, some guilt did flood my brain, I forgot that Belly has always stayed with the moms to the point where she didn’t really know anyone outside the circle. On the other hand in this state I couldn’t be bothered to use my brain- or well couldn’t focus on anything for too long or the fuzz started to ache.
“Come sit down and give me this deserved drink together,” I push off the wall at his words but then Jeremiah bursts through the front door with Belly and Steven in the middle of them, drunk out of his mind.
“There’s cops on the way, we need to get out!” he quickly announced I let out an annoyed huff and went for another chug of my drink, the bottom containing the most alcohol I pulled a face and threw the red cup on the floor. Attempting to stay up while walking down the stairs but failed quickly, Con grabs onto my arm and hooks it around his shoulder- I try to push him off but give up realising I’d rather avoid getting any drunk bruises this early into the summer.
“I think at least you’ve completed our goal- somewhat,” he laughs helping me into the back seat getting in beside me, Steven on my other side. Belly sits with Jere in the front. When we arrive the front room lights are still on but as we walk in we realise that all the moms have fallen asleep on the couch. Everyone’s getting their shoes off and heads upstairs but I head straight to the back doors.
Seeing the beach and ocean felt like a nice idea at two in the morning.
“Where are you going?” Con asks from behind me as I pull open the doors. I turn around and flash him a smile, that’s answer enough, the beach’s been our escape for years, “I’ll go with you,” I hear faintly from behind me as I run towards the beach.
The sand feels amazing under my bare feet so much so that I lift hands widely into the air and scream into the universe “WOOOOOO!” before turning around and running my hands through my hair, the rush of the night waves better than any music, Con laughs watching me.
I fall back onto the sand, sitting comfortably looking up at the sky full of stars, “I love the beach at night, it’s so much better than in the day,” I announce to no one particularly, apart from the fact that Con is right next to me now.
I turn to face him, his gaze at my face is so intense, in this light his eyes seem almost as dark as a blackhole, he brushes some hair out of my face, her fingers lingering there for a moment, I swallow down and look at his lips by accident and back to his eyes, biting into my bottom lip from embarrassment at how oblivious that made me look. His thumb fell down to my lips, he freed my bottom lip from my teeth.
“Conrad,” I whisper into his hand, he closes his eyes and his lips part, he moves forwards slightly to where I can feel his breath on me. I push forwards, nose to nose, breathing heavily, he’s the one to give the final push, bringing his lips to mine.
As if created to do just this my hands rush to his hair. His other hand places hold onto my hip squeezing it comfortably. It feels warm and amazing and comfortable. The butterflies in my stomach freed from their cage for the first time, running wild and free in my stomach, my hands, my lips. He pulls away fast, retracting his hands back to himself, I brush my hair behind my ears and run my hands over my face which was no doubt red as roses.
“Lets head back,” he says getting up, I assume it’s because he doesn’t want to do this drunk, the thought of this happening again makes me more sober, I jump up and follow him. He doesn’t speak, maybe he’s too busy thinking about what the hell just happened. He walks me to my back door and watches as I lock the door before leaving for his own house. As I take off my makeup the smile doesn’t disappear off my face, it does though when I retch before heading to bed, falling asleep in an instant, replaying the last few events over in my mind.
The next I wake up to the smell of pancakes, I take a deep breath in through my nose, the sweetness filling my body up whole. As I lay there with my eyes closed smiling, ready for my favourite breakfast a reminder of yesterday comes to me, the same smile clouded my face- for a very different reason though. Last night I kissed Conrad Fisher, last night Conrad Fisher kissed me. It was all like a fever dream.
Pulling my phone off the bedside table I notice the time, it was twenty to ten in the morning, this was late for me. Not that I was expecting there to be some huge love confession as a text from Con but there was nothing, not even a silly ‘good morning’. Maybe he was still asleep, though that would be rare, being a morning bird like myself.
“Y/n! Wake up honey!” I can hear my mom from downstairs.
“I am mom! I’ll be down in a sec!” I reply, brushing the lack of message on my phone and throw on some shorts and a cropped top before rushing down for a warm breakfast.
“This is delicious as always mom, how was the film night?” I asked eagerly hoping she wouldn’t ask me about last night, I hadn’t decided yet what I wanted to tell her.
“It was really good honey, you know I love eating with you but I’ve got to rush off- there’s still some things Susannah and I have to set up for Laurel’s book signing tonight,” she kissed my forehead grabbing the car keys and rushing out the back door through to the garden next door.
After I cleaned up I followed in her steps and made my way to the Fisher’s, which I would have done earlier but again… pancakes.
“Heyyyy Y/n!” Jeremiah shouts up from the pool where him and Belly are throwing around a beach ball “You coming in for a morning swim?” he asks with a grin taking a step towards Belly, my eyes narrowed the tiniest amount but I quickly shook it off.
“No- um I’m actually looking for you brother?” I say in a question tone, Jere’s brows furrow and he looks to Belly who simply shrugs.
“He left early this morning, none of us were even awake yet,” his tone apologetic, I stood there for another moment thinking of whether he’d told me he had anything going on today, I must have zoned out because when I come back into conscious I witness Jere being more touchy than usual with the younger Conklin, hands on her hips and all.
I don’t say anything more, they were clearly lost in some their own little world. Had something happened between last summer and now between these two- because last time I checked the dark haired girl was in deep for the older Fisher brother, I mean I was not about to complain if she decided that Jeremiah was actually the one for her.
Steven had also snook out in the morning according to Laurel, except they knew where he were, he asked Shayla if he could take her to see the sunrise this morning, he’d found an amazing spot near the end of last summer, where you could see the perfect glow of the oranges and yellows as the day began. How Shayla could be bothered to wake up that early especially after all those drinks last night I would never know.
So now it was just Laurel left in the house, I offered to bake something with her while talking about new book releases, it didn’t feel right to leave her all by herself on her day. After that we sat in the front room just talking, it was nice, Laurel and I hasn’t had a time to catch up like this, just the two of us, in a while.
Conrad didn’t come home for hours, to the point where I had to excuse myself and head home to get ready for the event, I offered to stay and get ready with Laurel so that I could catch Con when he’d come in but she said she’d be fine and  that she’d see me at the bookstore. I complied with a smile but let out a sigh of disappointment down my throat.
I put on a new red dress that mom and I found in an “side of the highway” shopping centre in the literal middle of nowhere, I curled my hair and put on some mascara- nothing much, we were in Cousins Beach after all and here everyone walked with surfing, beach wave hair and clear faces sun burned.
Mom came home just in time to get changed and drive us to the event. All of the other kids were already there when we arrived, I said hi to the owner before making spotting Conrad around the corner smiling at something, at first I thought it was at a book he was holding. I started coming up with every possible question about the book I could ask to get a normal conversation flowing- all of a sudden I didn’t know how to talk to one of my best friends.
Then I rounded the corner and saw Belly standing next to him telling something which consisted of her flailing her hands around animatedly, laughing and smiling. I strained my ear only to overhear “No that second song you played me on the guitar earlier was so much better than the other one”. My arms dropped dead at my sides- he played on his guitar for Belly, after refusing to play for me for years.
“Hey Y/n!” A voice called behind me before I could figure out what to say to the people in front of me.
“Hi Austin,” I said tying with all my might to give some enthusiasm, yet I could hear that I was failing miserably. Austin was lovely, black midnight hair, pearly white teeth and a golden smile but there was something about him. The poor boy didn’t seem to get a hint, for the last three summers he’s tried asking me out and I’ve been avoiding him. Not to be mean but I just don’t have it in my heart to wound his. Don’t get me wrong he’s hot and has the personality of an angel with a sprinkle of spice for flavour and adventure but he wasn’t- he wasn’t Conrad.
“How have you been?” he asked reaching out to touch my arm, I pulled away absentmindedly making it look as though I was fixing up my hair.
“I’ve been busy, you know all these extra after school clubs and voluntary events,” I said.
“Yeah you did mention over message back in… what was it… like March,” the point he was making was awkward but the way he said it was exactly the opposite, he was always optimistic and for some reason it was just too much for me. That started him off on a long rant- what he said was a ‘catch-up’ for all the missed texts- which didn’t stop until Susannah tapped a little teaspoon on her glass of champagne. I thanked the gods and Susannah in my head. This was my chance for an escape, so I took it.
“This is to my best friend and another of her wonderful achievements, Laurel you are a wonder so please enjoy this and here’s to your current book and the next one!” she announced picking her glass up, everyone within the small store followed, and everyone drank. I scanned the busy room again, this time to find Conrad sitting on the couch, drink in one hand phone in the other.
Belly, Jere and Steven were trying to pile as many books on Steven’s head as possible so I took this chance too. Sitting down next to Con I looked straight ahead.
“Hey,” I let out after a second of silence.
“Hi,” he said back.
“What were you up to today I came looking for you,” I started giving a second of space for him to say something but nothing came out so I continued “You know for our surfing session,”. He didn’t as much as look up from his phone.
“Hey can I ask you something?” I said into the awkward space between us.
“Shoot,” he murmured.
“I um- don’t know if this is coming out of nowhere or whether I’m totally overthinking this but I was wondering whether um-“ for some unknown reason, which I hated, I couldn’t get my words out with Con today, everything felt thrown of its axis within our little bubble, “Would you wanna be my escort for the Deb ball?” I got the words out quietly turning my whole body to face him.
He looked up startled at my question, “Y/n-”
“I mean I know you said you were never going to one of those but I figured that after we kissed last night that maybe you’d do it for me?” it all fell out of my mouth like vomit.
Conrad’s eyes opened wider, his mouth slightly ajar as if he was just spoiled for an upcoming movie, “We should talk outside,” he murmured getting up, at this I started to worry. The air was getting chilly now and I didn’t bring a jacket, Con was wearing one of his zip-up jackets pulling it closer as we stood in front of the window to the bookstore.
“I’m not going to be your escort to the ball, I said I was never going to go to one of those and I meant it-”
“You went with Nicole last year,” my voice perked up.
“Yeah because my mom forced me, I was the only one who knew the waltz, I’m not being a sheep” he argued somewhat defensively now.
“Ok that’s fine,” I say even though it’s not fine, another insult to my face “I just assumed that because we kissed last night you’d do it for me,”
“I don’t remember that, I was so fucked in the head drunk,” he interrupted
“What-” my brows furrowed in confusion and my throat felt like a desert all of a sudden so I shook my head, trying to clear my memory of the event, “You always remember everything when you drink, you said it yourself,” I challenge
“Well what do you want me to say?- Sorry,” his voice half-bothered looking anywhere but my eyes.
“No, what do you mean- I” I didn’t know what to say to him, my heart felt like it was made out of glass, like it was thrown angrily onto the kitchen floor in the middle of a fight, smashed into pieces so small that they couldn’t even be put back together with the world’s strongest glue.
“It didn’t mean anything, I’m not going to the stupid, sheep deb ball with you, I don’t know what else you want me to say,” he said in a final tone and finally looked at me, his eyes showing no emotion, it made me feel small and stupid. I was never one to foolishly believe in something so quickly and easily, but that kiss last night- I was sure it had meant something.
I couldn’t open my mouth to respond, even if I could I wouldn’t be sure what to say, I just shrunk beneath his gaze until I felt like I was in drowning in the concrete. Con turned around and made his way back inside, through the window I could see him pouring himself a drink and making his way to a hidden away corner of the store.
It wasn’t until he was completely out of my sight that I felt like I could breathe. What had just happened, this had to be a fever dream. Another strong breeze danced by pulling a shiver from my body. I made my way back inside, poured myself a drink and stood in the middle of the store. Everything foreign all of a sudden I didn’t know where to place myself, who to talk to.
Susannah always believed from the moment my mom found out she was pregnant that I was going to be destined for one of her boys, now I’m standing in the middle of the our only book store in town wondering whether she knew how wrong she was, or maybe if this is some cruel obstacle in the road.
After that night Con and I didn’t speak to each other very much, he didn’t try to reach out and I didn’t know how to speak to him without feeling a stab of pain and confusion and embarrassment. He’d be normal when our families were together, but there was never a moment when we were alone, if he could feel that’s what was going to happen he would evacuate the situation. It made me feel sick, ugly, like some kind of disease he was scared of catching.
By the time another party came around, literally like three days later I was drinking to my broken heart’s content, so wrapped up in Conrad’s rejection that I gave in and danced with Austin which quickly turned into drinking with Austin and sneaking outside with Austin. I thought he would try to kiss me, we sat on the person’s swing, my legs over his, his one hand on my thigh but he didn’t try.
He talked, about himself and asked questions about me, but I didn’t want to talk so I leaned my body towards his, hands to the back of his neck pulling him towards me like a siren enchanting a sailor but he pulled away. The rejection feeling a little too much like Con’s a few days ago- like salt in a fresh wound, I pulled away, my feet hitting the solid ground, arms on my knees, head in my hands- maybe it was about me.
“Hey, hey, hey-“ Austin said pulling my hands away from my face, moving closer to me, looking right into my eyes, then my lips and back to my eyes, “I want this- I want you, but not like this, not when you’re drunk. I don’t know what’s changed so that you finally gave me some time of day but if it’s just because you’re drunk I don’t want to kiss you like that,” he explained, his thumb soothing my hands.
This made me feel even worse, he was right I was just trying to get someone’s attention, to prove to myself that I wasn’t disgusting, that I could be liked and he was an easy target since he already liked me. Tears started falling down my face, I was embarrassed and hurt and drunk and my period was not helping my hormones, I told Austin I wasn’t feeling well and that I was going to go home. He offered to drive me home, “No you stay and have fun, don’t cut it short on my account,” I argued but he brushed me off, “You and your wellbeing is so much more important to me,” he expressed.
I was convinced I was about to throw up, why did he have to be so nice. I walked through the house looking for Jere, telling him that I was going home, he looked concerned and said he’d take me and come back for the others but I told him I had a way home and he gave me a reassuring smile, the whole time I felt eyes on me, I turned around and there was Con whispering to Belly. It was so loud I practically had to shout to talk to Jere but the thought of his breath on her ear was unpleasant, he wasn’t looking at me, neither was she. My unconscious was trying to torture me too.
The next morning I hoped I could forget about my stupidity from the night before but Austin rocked up at my door with my favourite drink and good muffins, I thanked him and we ate and drank out back near the pool. After this we started talking and hanging out more and more, but every free moment I still had someone else on my mind. When the time came for the dancing lessons for the deb ball I had no other choice, I brushed Fisher out of my mind (that’s a lie- I just tried to ignore the ache) and asked Austin to be my escort that was when he kissed me for the first time and I felt absolutely nothing. I didn’t say a word I just pressed a smile onto my face.
At the first rehearsal I spotted Jere coming in with Belly, that’s when they confirmed my suspicion, while Jere was catching up with Austin, Belly gave me a wrap up of the last few weeks including the steamy make out in the pool. This really made me realise I wasn’t very present in the Fisher household these last few weeks, I distanced from my friends, spent more time with Austin, hiding, pretending.
I gave Jere a nod and a smile he had mentioned to me about these feelings he was having for Belly last year, he said he wasn’t sure what they were and whether he would want to go there but now looking at his smile it was so obvious that he was in love with her.
It was the moment that I was dreading, waking up the morning of the ball. Mom was feeling the exact opposite rushing into my room at the ripe time of seven in the morning, I was already awake, the nerves didn’t let me sleep but I just wanted to stay hidden under the covers for the whole day.
“Come on honey, you need to get up, you’ve been waiting for this moment all summer,” she said, I peeked my head from under my covers and a smile spread over her face, she gestured a plate towards me “Your favourite,” she said before I reached out for. As quickly as she came in she was gone again. Usually, mom was pretty good at spotting when something was wrong but she was so wrapped up in Susannah and Laurel this summer that my summer life falling apart slipped passed her like august.
To this day Conrad and I still hadn’t talked properly, we shared small talk and he gave a few weak smile from across the room when the families were together, still seeing him made me ache. I didn’t drive with them to parties, Austin took me, not that I went to very many anymore I couldn’t face seeing Conrad make out with random girls in the corners of the room.
My phone buzzed on my side table, “Good morning bestie, today’s the big day- your white dress ready?” the text message from Belly read, we were still fairly alright, but she never once questioned why I stopped coming over so often, she didn’t make an effort either.
‘You’re making it sound as if we’re getting married,’ I replied shoving a load of pancake into my mouth, the syrup melting some of my distress.
‘Omg true, who knows maybe one day we’ll have a double wedding’ she wrote and then a few seconds later another text came through ‘Actually never mind neither of us want to share a special day like that haha,’ I didn’t answer her back just mulled around in bed for another half hour before finally getting up and packing up everything I needed to take to the Country Club today.
I thought it was silly we had to get there so early, I dressed in something good enough just in time for Austin to text me that he was waiting outside. When we arrived Paige was rushing us around with a rehearsal call out and pointed out who was sat where, Jeremiah never once took his eyes of Belly, at one point she tripped over Shayla’s foot when we were getting into the lines for the dance and the whole room burst into laughter- even Paige broke into something of a smile.
After three hours of this and that she had us gather and sit on the mini stage, Belly came to the sit next to me, Austin on my other side laying his arm around my shoulders, it felt imprisoning, I felt trapped with no way of escape. I took a deep breath in and closed my eyes as Paige started speaking.
“Well um, this has been a time of ups and downs ladies, but I am proud to say that I’ve had somewhat of a pleasant time getting to know each one of you, building on your strengths and turning your weaknesses into something to work on, you’re the best lot I’ve had in a few years” she starts and Belly turns to whisper into my ear.
“Nicole would not be happy to hear that,” she whispered with a giggle, Nicole was doing some workshop thing for her future university this morning so she wouldn’t be here until this evening, but the other older sisters clapped and laughted, I opened my eyes when Paige continued.
“So I say this with honesty, I may never break into huge grins or laughter but this was a pleasure, I will miss you all dearly so make me proud tonight, but most of all make yourself proud, you are all bright young women,” she finished giving us a little clap.
“What about us?!” Jeremiah asked with an appalled expression, this did bring out a small laugh in the Deb organiser.
“Yes Jeremiah how could I forget, you gentlemen have been fairly good partners, apart from the time Jeremiah decided he was tried of ballroom dancing and decided to get to know Alexa,” she gave him the side eye and everyone laughed again, I just felt Austin pull me closer at this. Like vines with pricks wrapping around my throat like a snake.
“Excuse me,” I said louder than I intended and rushed out the room, Austin tried to go after me but I head Jere say “Give her a minute, Belly will go,” before I was out the door.
Only when I was out in the fresh air could I breathe, what was happening to me? I never had problems like this, the feeling of a balloon blowing up slowly in my chest, taking over every edge of space- no space to breathe- and I can’t do anything about it. This build up, until- until. Then nothing.
I rubbed me fists over my eyes taking deep breaths in and out.
“Y/n,” the voice was gentle, and with my eyes closed I could almost pretend it was Conrad, laying a soft touch on my shoulder, my brows furrowed, I hoped it was my mom coming to my rescue but when I opened my eyes with was Shayla stood over me, “Let’s talk, we’ll drive to get coffee come on,” she suggests, tugging gently on my arm.
“We’re not meant to leave the property,” I say back, she brushes me off.
“Y/n you’ve not really been around lately,” her tone pleading and then I couldn’t stop it, the tears dropping, “Oh come on sweetie, I’m here,” she said wrapping her arms around me, running her hands down my hair.
After a few minutes we made it to her car, I rubbed the tears away and started explaining everything starting with the end of that stupid party where everything fell apart. Shayla just listened, exactly what I needed, what I didn’t realise I needed. She gave tips of advice when she felt was right and gave nudges of encouragement too.
By the time we got back to the Country club the girls were already getting ready, some already had their hair done, some their makeup but it was fine because we still had plenty of time. Belly gave me a looking asking ‘are you okay?’ and I just gave her a nod.
After we finished our makeup I did Shayla’s hair, curling up the end of her ponytail, then she twisted and turned mine into a beautiful bun near the nape of my neck. Time flew by before I knew it, soon enough I was changed into my dress and it felt a million miles away from this morning, but at the same time as though I was still laying in bed mere minutes ago.
There was a knock on the door and Paige’s voice came through, “Do you ladies want a group picture in the vanity room? We’re starting in a few minutes,” she communicated. Gigi excitedly opened the door and we had a little photoshoot even convincing to get Paige in a few on a timer.
“Now, let’s go,” she said ushering us out, Shayla and I at the end, she reached for my hand and gave it a tight squeeze, shooting a smile in my direction and giving me a nod.
“You’re beautiful, inside and out,” I whispered.
“You’re amazing too Y/n, now let’s kill this thing,” I nodded and meagre minutes later were stood in a line on the girl’s side of the stage’s wings. Belly’s in front of me, her name about to be called, and all of a sudden a feeling of pride and butterflies fulfils me, I was making my mum proud, and Laurel and Susannah, but most importantly myself, no matter how rough and isolating this summer felt I got through it.
Before I knew it Belly was walking out meeting Jeremiah who didn’t take his eyes off her, it made a piece of my heart melt. Then there was Austin, waiting to meet my eye, he gave me a reassuring smile and nod, I looked away waiting for Paige to announce us.
“Y/n L/n,” she called and then started listing my plans for collage and the charity events I’ve participated in, I walked out, not looking at Austin once, my sight searching for my mom. I spotted her to the left at our table, Susannah right next to her, then there was him. Conrad Fisher. I pleaded with my eyes to look away, even if only to Laurel who sat on the other side of him or to my dad who sat next to Belly’s. Con didn’t meet my eyes he was looking straight at Belly and Jeremiah and that’s when it hit me. It was Belly. It was always going to be Belly.
I was fine until I felt Austin’s tug on my arm, Paige was about to announce Shayla and Steven. After those two we were allowed to just wander around, greet everyone, my mom had a hold on me before I could blink, she had tears in her eyes.
“You’re growing up Y/n/n,” she said in panic, “You’re still my baby though,” she turned to my dad, “Are we getting old Michael, am I getting old?” she overexaggerated.
“No honey you still look fine like wine,” he complimented, I wanted to gag, how they were still so in love I didn’t know. Dad come to Cousins for the last two weeks of summer like he always did after a week trip with his old college buddies, it was nice having him here for again.
“Oh Austin don’t you just look gorgeous too!” mom exclaimed going to give him a hug too, my parents became very fond of Austin very quickly though dad did seem to express some confusion, I had been talking to and about the Fisher boys all year but after a barbeque with Austin and his parents he was sold.
“You’re a good young man Austin, I can’t wait to see your dance now, Jeremiah tried to teach me some of the moves yesterday,” he explained, Austin laughed while my dad tried to impersonate Jeremiah and I visibly face palm.
“Ok, ok, ok my turn to hug my adoptive daughter,” Susannah announced, mom and dad step away and quickly I’m in her embrace smiling into her shoulder, “You look beautiful sweetie, and even though you’re not here with a Fisher boy like I expected,” she paused awkwardly, hanging onto her last few words, “You have a wonderful time, you’ll have to invite Austin and his parents to our last night barbeque tomorrow,” she said excitedly.
“Susannah- I don’t-” I start but she flashes her puppy eyes first to me, then to Austin stood next to me.
“We’ll be there,” he said with a smile and guilty eyes looking to me.
“Fantastic!” Susannah exclaimed before turning to discuss details with my parents. Laurel hugs me then Belly’s dad makes sure to give me some motivational comment, Conrad give me something of a smile and a quick side hug which I don’t have the strength in my arms to reciprocate, when it comes to him I lose all control.
After everyone takes their seats again Austin whispers in my ear “I do love you parents,” he said.
“They love you too, actually they have obsessions with you,” I laugh.
“And now it’s time for a very special dance,” Paige announces over the microphone, everyone turns to her with excitement, “No not the dance where your little girls become young women, the boys have prepared something first,” she says and now everyone seemed even more excited.
The music come on and all the boys make their way onto the dance floor in beat, Shayla and I stand hand in hand, Belly on my other side and we watch, laughing, we were not allowed to see this dance before today, it was meant to be a ‘treat’ for us girls but Jeremiah was so excited that he practically showed us most of the dance moves already. Though now that it was all happening together before our eyes I couldn’t deny that it was actually pretty good.
Conrad’s eyes were stuck on his brother, I wouldn’t call the emotion jealousy but there was something there, he only just broke away to look at his phone, that’s where his sight stayed for the rest of the dance and into the conversation that broke out on our table afterwards. Shayla came rushing to the table saying that we needed to get more photos, which mom and Susannah were more than happy to take, I had some with Belly, then Austin and some of the other girls.
After a few minutes of taking pictures Paige was back on the microphone announcing that the main event was about to begin. The introductory music began to play, every was making their way to their place in lines Belly was stood looking around the whole room, searching.
“Has anyone seen Jeremiah?” She asked, looking desperately at me then Shayla, we both shook our heads, how did we not notice him slip away. Belly awkwardly played around with her glove before facing our table, was she going to sit out of the dance?
That was when it happened, Conrad stood up, it was as if time had stopped, he was making his way towards her, reaching for her hand. I felt the phantom pain in my palm as if it was me he was touching, I tried not to wince at the cold sensation.
Then we’re dancing, Austin’s body heat all over my space but my eyes don’t leave Belly and Conrad. Jeremiah is going to be pissed, as if on command in the corner of my eye I see him walk in, his jaw drops subtly as he watches the same scene unfold in front of him.
Even after the dances finishes they don’t move apart, they’re stood there like the only two people in the world, staring into each other’s eyes. A hand went to my heart, nails digging into my collarbone. It was one thing getting rejected about the dance- since he did say he wasn’t going to do it beforehand, but kissing me and now being here smiling at Belly like she was the only girl he ever had eyes for, after dancing with her felt like animals ripping at my heart, all trying to get a piece, shredding it apart. Why did he ever kiss me? It ruined everything I could have always lived in blissful ignorance.
Susannah always believed from the moment my mom found out she was pregnant that I was going to be destined for one of her boys, and then just a little over a year later when Laurel got pregnant too Suze said that she was also destined for one of her boys. Now I stand here wondering if she could have ever predicted that both the Fisher boys would fall in love with Belly and I would be the one watching, drowning in my own sorrow. Missing him.
After being frequently requested: Part Two
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whysodelirious08 · 2 years
New girl in town. Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader???
Knight in Shining Armour (part one/?)
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem! Reader
Summary: You're new in town and you meet the infamous 'Freak of Hawkins High' on your first day. A few encounters and a promise of a beautiful friendship...
Genre: Fluff! Minor friendly
TW: Swearing
Word Count: 3k
A/N: If you would like more parts and/or enjoyed this one please like, comment, reblog! Feel free to request too (for E.M x readers)!
"Ugh I can't believe we're moving! Again! Can't we just- I dunno…stay here? You've worked away for long periods before right? You said last time was the LAST time we would move…" You complained though you knew it was pointless, you just wanted to voice your frustration. Your complaint earned a guilty expression from your father which made you regret even saying anything, just a little anyway.
"Honey, I know. I said that last time and every time before that. But this- this is a huge pay rise for us. Bigger house. Smaller town. Cosy even! Just…this is the last time. I'm getting too old to move and I've honestly missed too much of you growing up. So I pinky promise, this is going to be the last time…unless you want to move of course" he smiled, he was trying and you knew that. You knew your father tried so hard to make things better for you after…anyway. You would rather keep your mind off it.
You sighed softly and stopped packing for a moment to form some kind of sentence though you knew you both were terrible for having a heartfelt conversation.
"I know, dad. I know. This is the last time because I think I'm starting to see some grey hairs" You joked, the corners of your mouth starting to twitch, going back to packing as you could almost see your fathers appalled expression start to form. You didn't stick around to hear any comebacks, grabbing the box and heading out to the car. You were going to miss the house; its creaky stairs, the hideaway nooks and crannies, the rooftop window where you could watch the stars without the trees in the way. Hell, you'd even miss Mrs Stevens with her crazy army of cats next door, okay…you'd miss her a little but not too much. You knew you'd be thankful to not hear all the cats fighting at midnight. New Town, new people and no more screaming army of cats in the garden. Hopefully.
It took a few hours to pack up and section the boxes up into what was going in the car and what was going in the moving van. Keeping everything you'd immediately need for the next few nights in the car as there was no one to drive the moving van for at least four days after your arrival. Stupid moving company had over booked and practically forced you to reschedule. You had been the one on the end of that call while your father was out, the entire morning was spent trying to book a day and that was the earliest you could get after threatening to leave a seriously assholeish review. You had to admit you did more of the driving than you had liked, your father claiming it was a 'great opportunity to try different roads out and refresh your memory'. You had simply rolled your eyes at the statement. You practically drove everywhere you could when you could, seeing as you and your father shared a car. You arrived at the house tired and sore, the four hour's drive gave your muscles and joints enough time to start to ache, especially while being sat in one position for long enough. You weren't looking forward to sleeping on the floor, without heating, without the TV. A loud groan slipped from your lips as you grabbed your suitcase and sleeping bag, as well as an abundance of blankets just so you could be comfortable for the next two nights at least. You knew that when your new bed arrived, you'd be in heaven but hell awaited for the next few days, unfortunately.
"Okay and do what exactly? I have to finish my last year of school at the age of nineteen! If not for all this moving I wouldn't have been held back! And I could be working! College! I dunno- something better" You said as you let your spoon carelessly fall against the bowl, your porridge getting cold and goopy. You were currently arguing about what you were to do in this town full of strangers and unfamiliar places.
"I know. I know, and I hate that you were held back, I do. But at least this is the last year and then you can do whatever your heart desires. I'll help you out. Just…try and make some friends? Perhaps get a weekend job? There's a video rental store I think" your father commented as you watched while he pulled the two hot Eggo's™ from the toaster before grabbing the maple syrup, your face turning up in disgust at the factory produced waffles. You let out a annoyed sigh and stood, throwing your porridge away and placing the bowl with the spoon in the sink.
"I gotta go. I'll swing by the video rental place on the way home" You commented in a less than pleased tone, grabbing your bag as you were just about to head out.
"Alright. Love ya kiddo" your father called as you walked out the door, knowing full well he was looking your way and waiting for a reply. You left it a few moments before speaking.
"Love you too, dad" you sighed and shook your head, hearing him chuckling just before the door closed behind you. The walk to Hawkins High wasn't too long, about ten minutes with a more pleasant journey that you had expected, you were used to either big cities or in the middle of nowhere towns with next to nothing around you, this seemed like a good balance. Still, Part of you still missed the city, the hustle and bustle even in the early hours, the endless options of takeout just five minutes down the street. You had some time to think on the way to school, and it started to set in just how much you'd miss riding your bike with your friends down the city streets, hanging out in some old abandoned house while you sang poorly and laughed at old memories. How you would all drive to see some small band gig on the other half of the city and try to sneak in the early hours only to be scolded by your father. Now there was just you here and your four friends back there in the city, part of you wondered if they had already replaced you, your anxiety creeping in though you tried to shove it away. You felt saddened that you wouldn't feel that here, the last move was the longest you had stayed at one place and truly believed it would be the last time, so you allowed yourself to actually make friends and get attached, only for it to be ripped away again.
You stood at the entrance, unsure if you actually wanted to go in or just skip, you hated new starts, the introductions, the awkward encounters. You wished there was some sort of forward button like on VHS players. That would make things a lot easier.
"Are you uh- waiting for the next end of days or something?" A voice popped up from behind you, almost, more off to the side than anything. You looked over to see a messy, bed headed metal dude. You took note of the smile that held his face and rolled your eyes.
"No. Just- don't wanna be doing this…again. " You groaned lightly before following as he led the way, holding the door open for you, bowing as if he were some sort of fancy Knight or something. Your eye rolling wasn't going to stop evidently.
You were dressed in an oversized baby pink patterned sweater with high-waisted blue faded jeans, a black belt, purple shirt barely visible under the sweater and brown shoes. Your hair was curled and teased with messy bangs. Ideally you should have washed your hair last night but you had been too busy preparing for the classes since you were starting later than everyone else and already behind. You didn't even know why the stranger was even talking to you, as you had found out over the years, guys that looked like him had a tendency to judge you as the bitchy and popular type and hate on you. This wasn't the case, as you had seen, he seemed nice. You weren't popular at all, always being the new kid didn't exactly scream 'popular'. Sure you might give off that impression as you were both super nice and yet also avoided people not in your immediate friend group, a bad habit picked up from not wanting to get close to people due to having to move a lot. You had trouble making friends, you always had which moving didn't help.
"Well…that's what happens to everyone who attends? Ain't it? Being a student and going to school every day?" He stated before you looked around with your eyebrows knitted together. You glanced down at their denim jacket for a moment.
"I mean being the new kid. I'm not even a kid! I'm nineteen and should be done with this" You stated as you slowed your pace down to walk alongside the guy. Your explanation gained a dramatic reaction of realisation.
"Oooh! Well, that's something we have in common. Being the same age I mean. But this year is gonna be my year. '86 baby!" He proclaimed as he raised his fist triumphantly, you laughed a little at his eagerness.
"For you and me both. I'm Y/N" You smiled softly, offering your hand and in return you watched as the guy took your hand, turning it from the side to where your knuckles were facing up, bringing it to his lips as if you were a princess.
"Eddie. Nice to meet you M'lady" you smirked and you playfully rolled your eyes this time as you pulled your hand away.
"Alright alright. If you want to be a Knight in shining armour, can you point me in the direction of my class?" You partially joke, showing him your schedule print out. Coincidentally you both had a pretty similar timetable.
English was dragging near to the end and you had done so much prep for the class the night before that you didn't really need to do anything, plus you had sat through several different versions of this class over the last two years. Your eyes settled on the back of Eddie's hair, silently studying his messy curls, your attention then moving to his ring clad fingers as he scratched the back of his neck. Perhaps because you hadn't ever been friends with a metal head, you were even more curious of the one in front of you. At some point your eyes had drifted to out of the window, gazing past the racing droplets and toward the thick set of trees.
"Hi? Hello? Wake up-?" You were forced out of your thoughts by fingers snapping and a hand waving in front of you. The voice coming after.
"Hmm? Sorry. I zoned out there." You laughed a bit as you looked to meet Eddie's eyes. You kept your eyes on his for a moment before you gathered your things, packed up and stood.
"You were real out of it. What're you thinking about?" He asked as he leaned back, almost sitting on his table, arms crossed over his chest. As he waited to hear your answer.
"Nothing really. Just wondering how I'm going to get through this whole year without going insane" You joked softly, a smile tugging at your lips, walking by him but stopped at the front of the class to look and see if he was going to follow; he did.
"You know what-" he started, his hands pointing sloppily toward you. "I was wondering the same thing just now"
You hummed sarcastically in response, bag on your shoulder, books in your arms.
Starting toward the door as he followed suit, staying close as a line formed behind the two of you while other students started to leave. Lunch was going to be awkward, hopefully you could find a quiet place to sit. You and Eddie parted ways unintentionally as the hallway became crowded. You headed to the bathrooms first before heading to the cafeteria, wandering down the central walkway before you heard your name being called.
"Hey! Over here-" you heard before you saw the ringed fingers motioning you over, everyone else on the table seemed confused that you were being allowed to join. You headed over nevertheless, standing awkwardly at the end.
"Uh…hi" You smiled at the table full of guys, finding it a little awkward.
"Dude are you seriously letting a girl-" a skinny, dark haired boy started but was told to shut up by a flick of Eddie's wrist.
"A Knight needs a lady, does he not?" He joked, his eyes never leaving yours. You simply blinked and gave an unimpressed stare and a slight purse of your lips before jokingly turning on your heel as if you were about to leave.
"That it-" you state before you hear a new voice call over from another table.
"Don't sit with the freaks newbie! Sit with us, we're far more interesting" a blonde haired boy called and you immediately wanted to back up just by his ego. You flinched as you heard a chair scrape and a thud followed by a loud voice behind you.
"We're the freaks because... we like to play a fantasy game? But as long as you're into band, or science, or parties, or a game where you toss balls into laundry baskets! It's forced conformity. That's what's killiiiiing the kiiiiids! That's the real monster." Eddie stated as he walked the length of the table. You frowned at the whole ordeal.
"Alright alright just sit down. I'll join. Jesus-" you chuckle nervously as you sat closest to Eddie on the same side as two younger kids who you would learn to be named Dustin and Mike.
"What? You think I'm gonna let Jason run his mouth and try and steal you away?" He asked as he stole one half of your sandwich and took a bite, while you said nothing. The rest of the table was still staring at you, probably because you had joined them and also because you let Eddie take your food without even a word.
"So newbie. How about you join our little club?" Eddie asked through an almost finished mouthful of your sandwich. You raised a brow at the fact there was a club and then you noticed the matching shirts.
"...club? I'm assuming that's what your matching shirts are about? Not exactly a…friendly looking logo" You state as you moved to eat a grape, the pop of the fruit being a bit louder than you'd like.
"Ah yes the devil. The demon's. The Dungeons and Dragons" he smirked and the others groaned at the hidden pun. You looked around at the others briefly before turning back to Eddie.
"Oh, that weird little fantasy game? My cousin is super into it. Has little models and an entire handmade map." You comment without much thought.
"Oh! So you've heard of the game? Have you ever played?" Dustin suddenly spoke up, causing Eddie to shoot him a glare for stealing your attention away. Stealing the only girl who's shown any knowledge or interest in the game away from him.
"Yeah. I've watched my cousin play a campaign. That was…a very long weekend" You sighed a little and went back to eating, not paying attention as some bickering amongst the group picked up in volume.
"No girls allowed, remember?" Mike stated as he half stood-half leaned over the table and toward Eddie.
"Well, I say she can try out at least! C'mon it'll be fun to have someone new!" Dutsin stated and others agreed while Eddie remained silent and Mike sat down with a thud in defeat, you noticed how he liked to get his own way. Both Mike and Eddie for that matter. Though you may just be misjudging as you didn't know the group that well. You let them talk and bicker and groan while you just silently ate, book in hand as you continued on the adventure of Frodo Baggins, the book catching Eddie's eye but you simply smiled and turned back to the book, turning the page and shifting to get comfortable until the bell rang.
You were walking out of the building, heading home when you were startled by Eddie's voice.
"So, Lord of the Rings, huh? S'pose you're a bit more of a nerd than I thought" he smirked, hands behind his back where his index fingers were hooked together. His rings clinked against the metal of his belt as he walked.
"Ah…yeah. My dad got me a few of the books for Christmas as he knows I like to read…I've been so busy I haven't been able to start them until now." You commented softly, the book in your hands before you held it close to you.
"You've read it then? No spoilers" you added and laughed a little, your feet dragging a little as you both kept the same pace, in no rush.
"Of course. Where do you think I get my inspiration?" You heard him chuckle before you shook your head a little.
"I don't think your friends are so keen on me. Perhaps I shouldn't join your group? Maybe if I just observe and not join in" You mention with a half smile, not wanting to intrude on what the group had already.
"What? Don't listen to them! It's gonna be awesome to have a newbie in the group. I can teach you and you'll be my right hand man…woman-?" He laughed, you got a good look at how his face creased when he laughed, his toothy smile which faded as he noticed your staring.
"What? Have I charmed you?" He asked with a smirk as he leaned down tauntingly.
"Shut up-! Don't be an ass. But you do have a nice smile. That's all I'll say" you stated and picked up your pace. Causing Eddie to have to run a little to catch back up. You didn't walk together much longer before you both had to part.
"Tomorrow, the trailer park, six pm. I'll give you a rundown on how to play and the campaign for Wednesday!" He stated as if you didn't have a choice. You made some sort of jumbled word of agreement and waved him off.
(If you've read this far please comment on if you want a part 2! Thanks!)
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cjsinkythoughts · 3 years
FATWS One Shot #2 - The Beginning of a Family
Word Count: 1804
Warnings: Cursing, Mentions of Human Trafficking (once, it was a mission Reader did), Minor Character Injury
Setting/Characters: The first half-ish of The Avengers in 2012; Reader, Steve Rogers, Nick Fury, Natasha Romanoff, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Thor, Mentions of Loki, Phil Coulson, and Clint Barton, OC!Agent Anderson
A/N: Here’s One Shot Number 2! I was thinking of making it longer and adding the actual Battle of Manhattan, but I dunno if I’m gonna do that. I just wanted these to be One Shots of first meetings and other smaller events. I didn’t want to do scene-for-scene two parters. If you want me to, I can, I don’t mind doing it, I just wasn’t planning on it. I’ve kinda been slacking today, which is why I haven’t cranked out more than this one, but I’ll see if I can finish one more for tonight. Tomorrow’s another late night for me at work, BUT! Tomorrow night FATWS comes out! So I will be doing the next Episode! I also don’t have Friday off this week, so the Parts might bleed into Saturday, but they will come this weekend!
Reminder that this has nothing to do with FATWS the show, but I don’t have a title for my FATWS Series, which is what these are based off of, so this is what they’re called for now! If you have any ideas for names, feel free to send them in! I’m just too lazy to come up with something clever for the whole Series.
Thank you so much for reading! As always, not beta’d so please excuse any mistakes! Be kind to yourselves and others! Stay tuned and enjoy!
FATWS Masterlist
cjsinkythoughts Masterlist
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You were exhausted, coming back from an assignment that lasted a little over two months. It’d been your first one since you were assigned to help Steve adjust, and you were guessing they’d keep you on desk duty for a few months before sending you back out again. Which frustrated you to no end.
But then you got back your personal cell phone from a fellow agent and, seeing you had a few  voicemails - which you never had - you flipped it on.
“Hi, Y/N.” Your lips turned up at the man you started growing close to over the past year. “I-I know you’re on a mission right now. I mean, you just left last week. Anyways, I just…I hope you’re doin’ okay. You probably won’t get this until later, but…still. I hope you’re safe. I, uh, I got that book. The one you were joking about me getting. The U.S. History for Dummies one. It goes farther back than I need to know, but I still read all of it. It helped. I wish you were here though. But I know you’re working. And that’s important. Um… I guess I’ll see you in a few months.”
The phone beeped before the next message played. “I took your advice. I got a sketchbook and some other stuff. There’s a ton of new supplies. I’m kinda excited to try them out. Maybe they’re not new but they’re more accessible now than they used to be. And I found a gym. In Brooklyn. It’s kinda run down - a hole in the wall type place - but they don’t do memberships and they don’t care how long you stay as long as you pay for your time. So that’s nice. I guess. Anyways…hi. I don’t think I said that earlier. It’s Steve, by the way. But you probably guessed that. Um…that’s all. I just wanted to let you know. Stay safe, honey. Abbyssinia.”
You listened to the next couple ones, all along the same lines. Steve telling you about his day; about the dog he was allowed to pet on his run or the different coffee he tried this morning at your previous suggestion. You snickered a little, shaking your head. You would never guessed that Hitler hitting, Nazi punching Captain America was so…soft. Cute.
His last voicemail was from earlier that morning, and it made her brow furrow. “Hey, honey. I, uh…God, I really wish you were here. I was told you’d be getting back last week, but then they said it might be another couple weeks because something happened? I hope nothing happened. Please be okay. I’ve really missed you. I know it’s only been a year, but…you’re the only familiar thing I have right now. I guess Fury was right to choose you since you were the first person I saw. There’s a, uh, problem. Fury’s got a mission for me. Some guy named Loki stole the Tesseract. Which was HYDRA’s secret weapon. That blue cube thing. I was just getting used to laptops and fast food and this…it’s just a lot. Overwhelming. You were always good at making things less intimidating. I’ve gotta go. Some SHIELD personnel are picking me up now. We’re going to…somewhere. I’m sure you would know, but they haven’t exactly told me. Hoping to see you soon, Y/N. Please be safe.”
You frowned at the information, looking up at one of your fellow agents, Anderson. “Hey.” He turned his head towards you from his conversation with the copilot. “Is something going on at HQ?”
“The Helicarrier.” Anderson corrected. “Fury just called it in. Something with the Tesseract. And some guy’s mind controlling people. He’s got Barton, apparently. The director is bringing a few people on board; Banner, Stark, Romanoff. Rogers, too, I heard. He wants you to be there ASAP, so we’re going there now.”
Letting out a sigh, you rubbed your eyes and nodded. “Alright. Let’s go see what’s going on.”
Fury met you as you walked off the jet, lugging your duffle bag over your shoulder. You were still in your clothes from the mission; a human trafficking ring in Guam. Dirty, torn up jeans along with a white tank top hugging your torso and a flannel, unbuttoned, over your shoulders. One of your sneakers had a hole in it, too, and you were walking with a slight limp from the dislocated kneecap you got a few days prior.
“Agent.” He nodded in greeting, passing you a file. “The others are waiting. We just brought in Loki.”
You chewed your cheek, narrowing your eyes as you scanned the information in the file. It had personal files of the others, but you didn’t need to look through those. You knew Natasha very well, considering she taught you half the things you know, along with Barton. You knew Stark - of course you did - especially after you helped set Natasha up to be his secretary a while back. Banner you were also knowledgeable about, seeing as you went undercover to find him when he first took off and had been part of the tracking team on him ever since. Thor you had learned about after his fiasco in New Mexico from Coulson. And, last but certainly not least, Steve Rogers, who you knew better than any file could explain.
“Walk me through this; Thor and Loki are the real Thor and Loki? Like, from Norse myths?”
“Apparently so. You know about the New Mexico incident with the two last year, don’t you?”
You nodded, pinching your lips together tightly. “Well, yeah, but I thought…I dunno. I guess it just didn’t click. So,” you tucked the file under your arm securely, raising an eyebrow at Fury. “We’re fighting a god? An actual god?”
“With an army of aliens.” He confirmed.
“Wonderful.” You huffed as the two of you turned a corner, making your way onto the bridge, just in time to hear Stark talking to Banner about him turning into the Hulk.
“Dr. Banner is only here to track the cube.” Fury butted in. You crossed your arms behind Fury, leaning on your good leg. “I was hoping you might join him. Before you do, this is-” 
“Y/N! You’re back!”
You shot a grin to the blonde, who perked up upon seeing you. “Hi, Steve. Just in time, too, huh.” You nudged Natasha slightly. “Hey, Nat. Sorry about Clint.”
She shrugged. “I’m just glad you’re here to help.”
“I’m sorry.” You looked over to find Banner frowning contemplatively at you. “Do I know you?”
You opened your mouth to answer, but Fury beat you to it. “Formalities later. Y/L/N, we’ll bring you up to speed-”
“I’ll get there, sir. How are you boys planning on tracking down the Tesseract?” You questioned, nodding in the two geniuses’ direction.
“I’d start with that stick of his.” Steve suggested, turning to look at the duo as well. “It may be magical but it works an awful lot like a HYDRA weapon.”
“I don’t know about that, but it is powered by the Cube.” Fury stated. “And I’d like to know how Loki used it to turn two of the sharpest men I know into his personal flying monkeys.”
A tall, broad as hell blonde looked at Fury, confused. “Monkeys? I do not understand-”
“I do!” Steve jumped in, pointing at Thor, before leaning back in his seat at the silence that came after his exclamation. “I-I understood that reference.”
You chuckled and shook your head, winking at Steve when he smiled bashfully at you. As the two scientists - was Stark a scientist? - started heading out, Steve hopped up, padding over to you.
“You’re back early.”
“Late, technically.” You shrugged, letting him pull you in for a hug, your hand rubbing his back. “I got your calls.”
He pulled away, his ears turning red. “Oh, yeah. I, uhm-”
You sniggered. “It’s fine, Steve. You can call me whenever you need to. I’m just sorry I couldn’t answer you sooner.”
“You were working.” He shrugged half heartedly. “Did it go okay? Are you okay?”
“Yes, Steven. I’m fine.” You rolled your eyes just as a yawn threatened to escape your lips. “If not a little tired.” You tapped on the star against his chest. “Nice suit, by the way.”
“Ha ha.” He grinned, eyeing your own clothing. “You’re matching me.” He tugged on the red, white, and blue flannel hanging from your arms. “You also look like shit.”
You snorted. “Wow. What a gentleman. Let’s get this whole Loki situation over with so I can go to bed, yeah?”
He chuckled a little with a nod. “Sounds like a plan, honey.” The two of you started out of the bridge. “You should shower first, though.”
“You’re a bully, you know that?”
“I’m just sayin’!”
“I’m just sayin’!” You mocked with a huff. “Leave me be, Rogers.”
His laughter was cut short, making you look over at him curiously, only to find his slitted eyes studying your movements. “Why are you limping?”
“Relax, Captain. I just dislocated my knee. It’s fine. Shit happens on missions, you know that.”
“Is that why you came back late?”
Shaking your head, you lead him to one of the private rooms the Helicarrier had so you could shower and change. “No. I just needed a little more time. That’s all. Now let’s focus on the problem at hand. We can talk more later.”
He hesitated, leaning against the doorway and watching you set your bag on the small cot.  “Okay. As long as you’re alright.”
Your heart jumped a bit at the concern laced in his tone, the apprehension in those blue eyes - which you found out had some green in them - making your breath hitch slightly. “I am.” You spoke softly with a firm nod of your head, trying to assure him and his worries. “I promise.”
“I’m gonna go check on Banner and Stark, then. Come find me when you’re done.”
You cleared your throat to recover yourself, throwing him a cheeky grin. “Aye, aye, Captain.”
He rolled his eyes with a smile, before turning and walking out, leaving you alone and confused.
What was that? You’d never had that reaction to anything. Your heart doesn’t race whenever someone walks in the room. Not like it did with him. What the hell did that even mean?
You shook your head, clearing your throats. You didn’t have time to dwell on that now. You doubted it was anything more than a fluke. You were just tired and seeing someone familiar, who was genuinely excited to see you was like a breath of fresh air after your operation. That’s all. Yeah.
With that decided, you headed to the shower, head spinning with new thoughts of this problem with the God of Mischief and that stupid blue cube.
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buckyownsmylife · 4 years
daddy issues - chapter ix
The one where Ransom doesn’t feel ready to become a father, but he should have thought about it before sleeping with a complete stranger.
When Ransom’s latest one night stand lets him know that he’s going to become a father, he finds himself looking for the qualities he never believed to have so he can become the parent he never got to witness as a child.
for general warnings and author’s notes, please go to the fic’s masterlist.
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Y/N’s P.O.V.
“Can’t believe you invited Ransom Drysdale to come to the bar with us.” I rolled my eyes, already used to Ana’s whining, and turned away from the bar to scoop my surroundings. Still no sign of him. But it was early, and he’d warned me he probably wouldn’t be able to get here until at least 8pm, so really, I shouldn’t be looking for him like some sort of lovesick teenager.
I didn’t even know why I was so eager to see him again.
“He’s the father of my child, what did you expect me to do?” That finally had Ana looking away from her shots to glance at my body, perfectly squeezed in one of my tightest dresses, showing just enough cleavage and legs to make it one of my favorite get-lucky items in my wardrobe.
“You’re right. I keep forgetting the reason he’s in your life is because you’re pregnant. Seriously, I was about to offer you a shot and everything!” I shook my head, chuckling to myself at her ways. “I mean, can you blame me? It’s not like you’ve started showing or anything!”
Well, she had a point there. It was also the reason why 1) I had agreed to come out with her tonight and 2) chose this dress to wear. I had to take advantage of this body while it was still like this. Soon enough, I’d be too heavy to handle high heels or crowded pubs, not to mention the fact that I would most definitely not fit into these already uncomfortably tight outfits.
“I’ll give you that,” I grinned, tapping her hand teasingly, like I was trying to calm her down. “Sometimes I forget it too. What the fuck is he doing here?” I added as a familiar man made his way into the bar, Ana’s head whipping around to look at where I was staring at a blond, well-built guy, grinning widely at me. 
“Who’s that?” I was too busy grinding my teeth together as I watched him approach, but as he came closer and closer to where we were standing, I knew it was better to let her know who he was right off the bat, so she could help me try to keep him away.
“Steven fucking Rogers.” Ana’s exclamation of surprise was cut short by his arrival, his stupidly handsome face going from me to her as if he waited for a formal introduction. “What are you doing here, Rogers?” My usual irritation at his presence was intensified by a thousand, and I had no idea why. Even he seemed surprised, if his eyebrows raised high were any indication.
As much as I made sure to avoid him, I’d never had any reason to be outwardly aggressive towards him before.
“Same as you, minus the dress.” He made a show out of undressing me with his eyes, and I rolled mine while fighting off the urge to dry heave. Why do men just assume our choice in clothing has anything to do with what we actually intend to do for the evening?
“You know, for someone who’s a university professor, you can be pretty daft.” Unfortunately for me, my comment only made the man towering over my smaller frame start to laugh. “Excuse me, I’m gonna see if Ransom texted me,” I told Ana, while giving Steve a side-eye as I made my way towards the back of the bar. 
There was a door to some sort of patio, and so that’s where I went, breathing in relief at the absence of loud music, as the walls made it pretty muted back here. The nice, cold air of the evening was also a blessing. 
I looked at the purse on my shoulder and considered if I actually wanted to reach out to Ransom. It was only half past seven, there was a lot of time for him to get here and absolutely no reason for me to make myself look like a clingy girlfriend. I just needed an excuse to put some distance between Steve and I.
But just as I thought that my mission had been accomplished, the sounds of the bar became louder, indicating someone had opened the door and joined me out here. Lucky as I was, I could imagine who that person might be.
“C’mon, honey…” Steve’s voice had me freezing every single one of my muscles, as I refused to turn around and look at him. “You can’t pretend to be some innocent little thing while you’re wearing a dress like that.”
God, I wish I could puke. It was times like these where my pregnancy sickness didn’t appear and for once, I wanted it to. So maybe then I could paint his pretty face or at the very least, his expensive shoes in a pale yellow color and erase that smug look on his face.
I didn’t even have to look to know it was there.
Ransom’s P.O.V.
“You know, I could get used to seeing your skin this exposed…” I stopped dead on my tracks behind the couple I’d followed into the back exit. I’d looked for her everywhere ever since I arrived, she had to be there or I would start to think she had been playing a prank on me.
But seeing Y/N didn’t bring the relief I was expecting, because there was a man with her. And I didn’t know why the sight made my blood boil, but it did. They hadn’t noticed me yet, and so I stayed back in the shadows, contemplating just turning around and going back to my car, but I wanted to be sure of what was actually going on.
“It makes me think about what you’d look like naked.” I saw her shook her head, back still turned to the man behind her (and to me), but then his hands reached out and captured her waist, and I saw her flinch. 
“You look so hot, I want to take you right here in this back alley…”
“Steve, let me go.” At the sound of the disgust in her voice, I sprung into action, barely processing my own feelings or noticing how she was squirming in his hands as I hauled his body from hers. 
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” I asked the guy, chest already heaving from anger. Beside me, Y/N looked scared, obviously startled at seeing me, and especially in this state. But I was too far gone to care.
“Who the fuck do you think you are?” If I wasn’t so angry, maybe I would have considered the next words that fell from my lips. But my track record wasn’t the best, even in a calm mindset, so not even I believed I would have been able to hold back.
“I’m her man. She’s mine and she’s having my baby, so how about you back off?” A cold hand wrapped around my wrist had me snapping back into reality, looking down to see her staring at me with wide eyes. Oh, shit.
“What is he on about?” The man yelled, this time directing his words to Y/N, who very patiently turned to look at him and say, “Would you care to shut up?” Finally, seeing as he truly wasn’t going to have a chance with her, he decided to leave, huffing to himself the entire time.
“Y/N…” I started trying to explain myself, but she cut me off with a simple shake of her head.
“Not here, Ransom. Can you drive me home?” I closed my mouth and stared back at her, a feeling of defeat filling my chest before I finally nodded. It was the least I could do, after all.
We walked back into the bar together, and together we went to say goodbye to her friend, to whom she very quickly introduced me to. I could barely find it in me to smile at the woman, too busy beating myself up for my behavior tonight.
The drive back to her place was silent. I was wrecking my brain for what I could say to justify my behavior, but couldn’t find anything. I’d failed. I’d apologized to her only this morning, and now I’d already screwed up again.
Why should she want me around? I wasn’t even capable of being a good friend, much less an actual co-parent with her. How could she rely on me if I kept letting my most immature instincts take over?
I stopped the car in front of her building, still struggling with what to say, but to my surprise, she didn’t make any immediate movements towards leaving. It seemed as if she was lost in her thoughts too, and the idea that I might have the chance to change this gave me just the push I needed to say something.
“I’m sorry,” I spilled out, and her eyes darted up to meet mine, slightly wider than usual. “For overstepping. I-I don’t know what happened. I just saw you with him and you looked scared and I… God, you must hate me right now.”
I had to cover my face so I could concentrate, I could feel a headache coming. But just when all seemed lost,  I felt a warm hand over my thigh, squeezing the muscle, calling for my attention.
“It’s alright, Ransom. This is new for me too.” I didn’t know relief could feel this relaxing. Finally finding the courage to look her in the eyes again, I chanced a small smile that she quickly reciprocated, her hand still connecting us.
“I- It was actually really nice to hear your voice when I thought I’d have to scream for help. You did good, you were… you were very good back there. Thank you.” Silence fell between us once again, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. For my part, I seemed to have forgotten how to speak. But she didn’t remain quiet for long.
“I just think we have to talk about what you said…” And that was all I needed to jump into explanation mode again.
“I know, I know. I don’t know why I said it. I didn’t mean it, obviously.” And to my surprise, she just smiled, not seeming bothered in the slightest by what I had done earlier that night.
“Believe it or not, I understand. I know I seem quick to jump into conclusions and that hasn’t been a good thing for our relationship so far… but this time I understand where you’re coming from.” It was a good thing that she did, I realized as she let go of my thigh to reach out for my hand instead. Because I had absolutely no idea why I’d said that she was mine. “But we do have to set some boundaries.”
I nodded, despite all of the confusing and conflicting emotions inside of me, starting with the feeling of warmth that appeared to be caused by her holding my hand. “You have to control yourself,” she continued, tone making it clear that she wanted me to give any sort of indication of my understanding of her words.
Deciding to hold back on the comment about how it was impossible, considering just the sight of her made me horny, I opted to go with a more mature, if slightly vulnerable response. “It’s not that easy… I don’t know how to keep those feelings in check. I’ve never felt them before.”
She nodded understandingly, and it didn’t seem patronizing. Before I could further clarify what I meant - or put my foot in my mouth, probably -  she filled in the blanks for me. “The feelings of protectiveness.” My mouth opened as I almost let the wrong thing escape, but I reeled it in at the last second.
“Yeah…” I trailed off. “Let’s go with that.” She frowned before her eyes widened in surprise, but then she started laughing, although shaking her head at my antics.
“You’re too much, Ransom Drysdale.” But instead of saying it in a disappointed tone, she just leaned over the console and hugged me, taking me by surprise. I didn’t even have the time to enjoy it, because in seconds she had leaned back and was unbuckling her seatbelt so she could leave.
“Hey,” I called out for her attention, wanting to get one last word in before she left. “You do look extremely hot in that little dress of yours. I didn’t have the opportunity to tell you before.” She narrowed her eyes at my words, but pursed her lips at the same time, like she was trying very hard not to laugh.
“As charming as that is, I think it’s a bit too late for you to try to flirt with me. I’m already carrying your child, aren’t I?” My smile dropped immediately, heart pounding in my chest with fear at her words.
“Shit, that’s not what I meant, I…” but she cleared all of my worries with a single cheeky wink, making me chuckle in relief as I slumped back against the driver’s seat.
“Thanks. I wanted to take advantage of my body while it’s still like this.” I watched as she gathered her stuff to leave, mind travelling to the future and imagining all of the changes she would go through because of this pregnancy.
I decided not to tell her that just the thought of her larger belly and heavier breasts was enough to get me hard. This version of her body, as hot as it was, wouldn’t be missed by me.
“Oh, hey,” she stopped just before closing the door, biting her lower lip as she pondered over something. “I have a doctor’s appointment scheduled for tomorrow. Would you like to come with me?”
The warm feeling that had appeared when she held my hand spread over my chest as I excitedly grinned at the woman before me, taking notice of the way she smiled back just as eagerly. I couldn’t help but notice there was a little bit of relief in the way she let her breathing escape after my affirmative answer, too.
“Text me the details?” She nodded.
“See you tomorrow, then.”
“See you tomorrow.”
I watched as she got safely inside her building, before finally allowing myself to think back on the events of the night - and particularly, on the way I felt seeing her in that dress, being touched by another man, and talking about the changes she feared she’d see in her body. One thing was perfectly clear to me then: being just friends with the mother of my child would be no easy task.
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ice-cream-nekogirl · 3 years
Borrowed from this: https://the-waterfowls-egg.tumblr.com/search/mc%20questions
1. What was the original concept for your Mc? I.e has their appearance changed much from the first picture, picrew or description you made for them?
MC is my original OC Amy, and the original concept for her was Louise Belcher (Bob’s Burgers) and Zoe Benson (American Horror Story). Her appearance has somewhat changed, she used to be small and a brunette for that matter, but now she is a lot more prominently chubby and has blonde hair. Personality-wise she’s also gradually developed, having been inspired by other characters such as Satoko Houjou (When They Cry), Wanda Maximoff (Marvel) and Lapis Lazuli (Steven Universe). Amy went from a slightly upbeat but cheerful wonder to an eccentric, free-spirited and strong-willed witch who actually has more issues than she lets on and I’ve touched on her mental health issues a lot to expand on how she views the world.
2. Before and after of the first and the latest picture/description you have of them?
Amy used to be brunette with shorter hair and a smaller build, while still short, she’s much stouter and thicker, and she now has longer hair that reaches down to her back and she’s a blonde now.
3. How do they show their love?
Amy is a giver, she shows her love by giving her friends or S/O gifts or acts of affection that include hugs, touches on the shoulder (as long as they’re comfortable with it) and reassuring words. And she often uses terms of endearments to show her love, calling friends “honey”, “sweetie/sweetheart” or “dear”, as well as adding cutesy additions to her friend’s names (i.e Levi-kins, Belphie-bear, etc.).
She also shows her love by taking her friends or S/O out to places such as the movies, the bookstore, the mall and bakeries, some of her favorite places and always buys them something special. Amy can’t really cook well, but to show her love she makes the genuine effort in trying to learn how for their sake, however she is a decent baker and so she bakes as another way to show her love.
4. What's something they need to improve on? (Personality and/or skill wise)
Personality wise… Amy needs to improve on her jealousy, and her anger. She’s so jealous it’s scary, because said jealousy leads to her anger getting the best of her. She has a comically short temper to the point where her friends are terrified of inflicting her wrath. When it all comes down to it, Amy is also very selfish and has a difficult time with sharing things or people she holds dear with others and realizes that she needs to work on that aspect of herself.
However, it all dials back to her insecurity, another thing she needs to improve on since she has serious self-worth issues that enables her to push people away and she’s not proud of it and wants to improve on that.
Skill-wise, she’s not the best at studying or organizing, and wishes she could keep things tidier and more organized. She’s also not a very good cook, the best things she can make are spaghetti and instant ramen noodles or soup, and she wants to actually improve on her cooking so she can feed herself better and her friends.
Amy also has little to no stamina, and physically she's comically weak even by human standards. She's not good at exercising but desperately wants to improve on it, especially martial arts.
5. What's something they're good at?
Amy is very good at magic! She is very good at coming up with spells and practicing new forms of magic because she’s so obsessed with it she puts a lot of time and energy into perfecting her spells and potioncraft, another thing she’s very good at.
She’s also really good at creative activities such as drawing, writing and singing. She loves to sing and is a pretty good singer, and she especially loves writing, although she draws inspiration from a lot of her favorite movies and shows, that’s part of her style. She’s also not bad at drawing, even if it’s mostly cute little doodles. Amy is also pretty good at video games, while she needs to practice games she’s never played, once she gets it, she becomes pretty good, especially in fighting or racing games. Her hand-eye coordination helps her with gaming, but it also comes in handy with shooting as Amy is also quite skilled with guns.
Amy can also bake quite well, albeit she’s somewhat one-note as she can make very good cookies and cakes, but doesn’t have much experience with other desserts.
Lastly, she’s scary good at pranking people, and having magic helps her act out some pretty good pranks that never fail to successfully trick someone.
6. What would make them fall in love? (Platonic or romantic)
This is for both platonic AND romantic, but what would make her fall in love is If someone is kind to her, it’s pretty basic but Amy is easily won over by someone merely being nice to her. However, what really makes her fall in love is if someone sees real worth in her and tells her that she’s better than she thinks she is. That’s what gets her in, someone who can see good in her while also accepting her flaws and still telling her that she can still be a decent person and do what she wants to do.
Other things that make her fall in love though are those who are brilliant and strong both in character and in body, she admires those who have that kind of strength because it makes her feel strong.
7. What would make them fall out of love?
Amy sometimes wears rose-colored glasses when she’s in love, however, when someone begins ignoring her, neglecting her or taking advantage of her kindness and never giving anything back in return, she’ll become increasingly disillusioned and angrily break anything off depending on the relationship.
8. What would make them end a friendship?
She can be petty at times, but usually what makes her end a friendship is if someone takes too much from her and never gives anything back in return. Although Amy also sometimes will end friendships if someone can’t be compromised with, or if they believe something that she personally can’t agree with and knows that they will never truly come to an agreement on.
9. What song best describes the relationship they have with the person they're closest to?
My Universe- Coldplay X BTS
Out of all the individuals she’s met in the Devildom, Mammon is the one Amy is closest to as he accompanies her the most and wants to protect her the most. Before Amy met Mammon and his brothers, she was very depressed as she had just gotten out of a bad situation, and it took Amy some time to actually trust the demon and she wasn’t pleased that she had to be babysat by him.
Likewise, Mammon initially had no interest in looking over her, but that quickly changed when she formed a pact with him, and they became fast friends. Since Mammon has never harmed Amy physically or emotionally, nor has he ever attempted to hurt her, Amy feels safest with him and even begins smiling more because of his influence.
Mammon clearly cares for her even when he tries to be all tsundere about it, he’s willing to do whatever he can to make Amy happy and wants nothing else but to be with her, even if it means taking her away from the others because he wants to spend the most time with her. Mammon puts Amy first and will go to great lengths to protect her, and Amy, a deeply insecure girl, takes comfort knowing how much he values her and gives her the emotional support she had been needing. Amy returns his feelings by treasuring their relationship and wanting to stay with him so she could make him as happy as he’s made her and give him all the affection and attention he wants.
Of course, there’s the fact that Amy is a human/witch and Mammon is a demon, but neither of them really care about that because Mammon only wants and loves Amy no matter what she is, and in return Amy loves Mammon, and doesn’t care at all that he’s a demon as she believes that love can extend beyond species and culture.
10. What quote best describes the relationship they have with the person they're closest to?
Giselle: “Is this a habit of yours? Falling off of stuff?”
Robert: “Only when you're there to catch me.”
-Enchanted (2007)
At first Amy and Mammon didn’t want anything to do with each other, and aside from Levi suggesting it in the beginning, Amy was interested in forming a pact with Mammon, and Mammon in turn began to care for her even if he continuously denied it. His care manifests in small but sweet ways, such as worrying about her well-being and physical safety, to the point of calling her an idiot for putting herself in danger repeatedly, whether it’s sending Levi in a jealous fit or protecting Beel and Luke from a murderously angry Lucifer.
Amy acknowledges her recklessness, but as her and Mammon’s friendship grows, she begins trusting that he will be there for her, especially when he tells her that he wants to be the one to save her and no one else. However, Amy also does her part to catch Mammon whenever he’s in a jam, such as untying him when Lucifer hangs him by the ceiling or bailing him out of trouble because he’s helped her more than he knows, so she wants to do the same for him.
Amy and Mammon’s relationship is surprisingly equal in give and take, with the two of them both giving each other emotional support and companionship, and Mammon of course giving Amy protection and Amy giving Mammon validation when his brothers go overboard with insulting him. Amy is especially thrown for a loop when Mammon proves reliable in coming to her rescue when she needs it, due to never needing anybody before until he actually saves her. And Mammon loves being with Amy because she also helps him out and protects him from Lucifer, and rarely mocks him like his brothers do. In short, anytime Amy or Mammon fall, they’re there to catch each other.
11. What song best describes the relationship they have with the person they hate?
Teddy Bear by Melanie Martinez
Lesson 16.
Nuff said.
Like many other MC’s, Amy’s suffered/DIED at Belphegor’s hands. She’s fine now obviously, but she’s certainly never forgetting that. Amy never forgets bad things that have happened to her, and especially never forgets the people who have wronged her. Amy doesn’t hate Belphegor, but out of all her allies in the Devildom, she is the most cautious around him after what happened. She often laments how her friendship with him was comforting even when he initially lied to her about being a human imprisoned by Lucifer, she still valued their friendship. At least until he succeeded in killing her.
They’ve mostly patched things up, but Amy still thinks about how it was nice when she could completely trust Belphegor until he killed her. She once found him an oddly sweet person and grew to care for him and truly wanted to get him out of the attic because she thought it was wrong of Lucifer for what he did, but once he was out of the attic the first thing he did was insult her, strangle her and kill her.
Amy hasn’t quite gotten over that, and although she doesn’t hate Belphegor, she does hate what he did, and even though she has befriended him and he’s improved on their overall relationship she still thinks about how everything before was nice until he killed her.
12. What quote best describes the relationship they have with the person they hate?
“It’s not about deserve. It’s about what you believe. And I believe in love.” -Wonder Woman (2017)
Hate is a strong word regarding her relationship with Belphie. Amy loves Belphegor just as much as the other brothers but it doesn’t mean she’s forgiven him completely. Out of all the demons, Belphegor is the one Amy is the most cautious around even if he’s become much kinder to her and even though she's affectionate with him, she hasn’t forgotten what he did to her, nor has she forgiven him for it but is at least willing to move on.
The reason why she doesn’t hate him is because she understands his grief and doesn’t blame him for hating humans and believes that what he says about them is true, but she also believes that humans are capable of being good too and can be friends with demons. Amy believes in love first and foremost, and she believes that it can be given to even a demon like Belphegor even if he may or may not deserve it after everything he’s done. Even if he himself doesn’t believe he deserves it.
13. Do they prefer to befriend people that are similar to them, or so they prefer those with different interests?
Amy prefers befriending people who are similar to her so she can have friends who will enjoy doing the same things she does and not get bored with her, and vice-versa, so she doesn’t get bored with others since Amy gets bored pretty easily.
In fact, one of the reasons she gets along well with Mammon is because she has a greedy heart. Similarly, the demons she befriended quicker than the others, aside from Mammon, were Levi and Satan due to their shared interests being indoor-related activities such as watching anime/manga and reading and it's because of that Amy considers Levi one of her best friends.
Amy also easily befriends Belphie and spends time with him (after Lesson 16) because she, like him, enjoys staying indoors and taking it easy.
Lastly, Amy also quickly befriended Solomon, not only because he was the only other human, but his skill and expertise in magic quickly caught her attention and so it was easy for them to become friends as Solomon took her under his wing.
14. What kind of dreams do they have?
Amy has mostly cartoonish dreams where she’s the star of a sitcom where she imagines her friends in certain roles while she’s the main character (pun intended). Although her dreams often spiral into a world of whimsy where magic is everywhere and she can do pretty much anything, and the clouds are made of cotton candy and there’s strawberry fields everywhere. Not to mention she often dreams of animals such as cats, dragons, horses, foxes and bears. However, she mostly dreams about flying because of her overall love for flying and she often flies by vast sceneries with the wind in her hair.
Her nightmares are hellish however, quite literally where she gets transported back into the worst moments of her life but with more monstrous beings present and she’s trapped in a loop of these horrible moments that she can’t quite get out of until she wakes up. Although sometimes her nightmares are where she’s in the same scenario as a horror movie or sci-fi movie she’s seen such as A Nightmare on Elm Street, Child’s Play, Orphan or It.
15. Do they look up what their dreams mean?
Amy always looks up what her dreams mean if she can remember them because she believes that they have some kind of meaning or can sometimes be a premonition due to some of her nightmares being too vivid for comfort. Overall, Amy believes that every dream has meaning especially when it comes to how she is feeling or what she may be repressing.
16. If your Mc is/was a demon, what would their sigil look like?
If Amy were a demon, her sigil would be reminiscent of the sigil of Mars, but with curved lines that also resemble butterfly wings complete with a small piece at the bottom that looks something like a rose. In terms of appearance, her sigil will look somewhat like Asmo’s, but with more of a butterfly theme, because Amy tends to be associated with butterflies.
17. Who do they trust?
Amy trusts her “first three” she made pacts with, meaning she trusts Mammon, Levi and Beel the most. They were not only the first demons she made pacts with, but also her first real friends. She trusts Mammon the most because he’s always been there for her, and also trusts Levi because he legitimately can understand her on an emotional level and became his best friend, and she can also trust Beel because he’s the kindest brother and a reliable demon Amy can place her trust in, even if he doesn’t trust himself. Although Amy also finds herself able to trust Asmodeus, another demon who hasn’t harmed her and because he knows how to comfort her on a physical level that makes her feel better.
However, Amy also trusts Solomon, and the two angels Simeon and Luke. Solomon because he’s the other human and a fellow magician that Amy feels safe with since he’s helped her out many times and even taught her more magic so she can protect herself. And Amy can naturally trust Simeon and Luke since they’re angelic beings who have also never harmed her and are always kind to her.
18. What's their worst nightmare?
Amy’s worst nightmare overall is being alone, or worse, being abandoned which will add to the fear of being alone. Even though Amy is used to being alone, she fears abandonment most of all. Her worst nightmare is if someone who actually loves her one day just decides to abandon her, especially if it’s for someone else or if they just get tired of her. However, losing someone she loves is actually correlated to being abandoned. Amy's lost many people who loved her, so losing yet another person who loves her is her worst nightmare, whether they mean to leave her or not.
19. What does their ideal life look like?
Amy actually just wants a peaceful, simple life. While she claims she dreams of fame and fortune, she actually just wants to have a comfortable life where she can easily afford things for her loved ones and also do what she loves, which is art and writing. She wants to have her friends and a significant other by her side so she can say “Good Morning” and “Good night” to them every day, cook them breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert. And then they’d watch TV, play games, dance in the living room and go out on the town together. That’s her ideal life, having her loved ones nearby where she never has to say “goodbye” and instead just has fun with them every day.
20. If they could have ANY kind of pet, what would they have? (Dinosaurs, mythical creatures and such are valid and encouraged options)
Amy wants a LOT of pets XD She’s an animal lover to the greatest degree, she wants dogs, cats, ducks, deer, chickens, geese and bunnies, however Amy also would want to have bears, a wolf and an orca whale.
However, ideally, she’d want an otter for a pet so she can name him ‘Harry’, a black cat, or a kitsune fox.
21. If your MC was turned into an animal, what animal would they be?
Amy would be a cat. She loves cats (like Satan does) and she does share some traits with cats, albeit a sillier one but because of her association with magic, aloofness towards others and sneaky disposition, Amy would be a cat. Particularly a blonde tabby cat.
22. Can they dance?
Nope. Amy can’t dance at all and instead has very awkward and silly dance moves but she has a lot of fun doing it, even if some of the brothers tease her for her complete lack of skill in dancing.
23. Do they collect anything?
Amy mainly collects sweet lolita fashion and other cute clothes that she keeps in a large closet, and she also loves to collect adorable plushies and figurines of animals. Amy also collects magical and witch aesthetic items such as spellbooks, vials for potions, herbs, jars and especially gemstones to help with her craft.
24. What would make them relaxed and comfortable?
Being at home is enough to make Amy relax and feel comfortable, or in the comfort of her room. She has her own anxiety and prefers being in her home because it’s the safest place she knows, but what really makes her relax is just watching TV and eating sweets in her pajamas. Bonus points if she has a friend or friends there to watch TV with her.
25. What would make them snap?
Amy has serious abandonment issues and doesn’t take the mere thought of it well, at all. Before the devildom, Amy snapped after her personal hero abandoned her and when the boy she had a crush on harshly rejected her confession. Personal envy however also encourages her to snap, because she always feels numb and cold, seeing other people happy or experiencing the things she wants, makes her become increasingly hostile to the point of lashing out either verbally or physically.
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This is Amy! My MC~!
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Imagine 😈
Erik getting caught fucking a sex doll and plus sized Reader catches him in the act/ Fic inspired by Tanerélle- Mama Saturn.
Warnings: Straight up SMUT. Nothing but smut.
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A sinful treat that Erik wanted to devour every single time he saw her. Sexy bitch. He likes a girl that’s a bit of a challenge to get into his bed. She didn’t wear her pussy power on her sleeve. Not a church girl exactly but one who’ll play mouse to his sharp-clawed cat. Y/N was exactly that challenge. She’s a plus sized model from Washington DC that Erik had the pleasure of meeting during a block party/ fundraiser in Oakland CA for the Wakandan Outreach Center.
She volunteered for one of the booths there and Erik couldn’t help but to talk to her. She compelled him. Erik found himself enjoying her east coast accent and how much she loved being a model. It was the only thing she’d ever wanted to do, and she was in it for the long haul. She was turned down plenty of times; denied opportunities because of her “shape”. Bullshit. Complete bullshit. Her shape, her overall beauty...Erik’s thoughts lingered on her pretty face and equally beautiful body even after he went home from the office, picturing her standing behind him while he showered, arms wrapped around his waist, her face nuzzled into the small of his back.
Okay...that wasn’t all he pictured. He’d pictured bending her over his California King Bed, her hands fisting the 800 thread count sheets while he plunged his fat dick deep inside of her throbbing pussy, making her cum almost instantly. He pictured her losing some of the calm control she exerted over every other aspect of her being, trusting him to be there to catch her as she trembled her way to ecstasy. From simple meet ups whenever she came around the Outreach, Y/N wasn’t the girl who threw her pussy around like a Frisbee. Fucking perfect. He liked inexperienced puss.
Good, Erik wants that. He wanted nothing more than to break that puss in hot and raw with his sizable appendage. A pretty puss that he could turn out. She’ll remember him in that pretty kitty. He’d never taken the time to actually become friends with a women without sex being involved. Y/N was just that. She would come over at times to chill with Erik, watching movies or chatting it up. Even though Erik wanted to fuck her, he still appreciates the times where they would just link up and bond. It got so crazy that Erik gave her a spare key whenever she needed a place to escape to when he was out of town with his cousin; the King of Wakanda. Every time he would come back home, her smell...nutmeg and vanilla bean would still be there. In his sheets. In his kitchen. On his couch. Ugh. He was half tempted to let her move in since she couldn’t stand living with her roommate.
“Have you ever had your big, juicy ass properly worshipped?”
That’s what he wanted to ask her while staring at her proud, thick, curves before him, imaging the luscious mocha color of her booty straining as she bounced gently up and down his big, fat dick. Her heavy bottom was the perfect roundness, a reward for Erik’s months without sex, of yearning to kneel down in front of her, to taste her sweet pussy and touch her beautiful voluptuous body.
This is all your fault, Y/N
Erik found himself doing something he hasn’t done in a long time. It was a late Thursday evening, he drove past a Sex Shop he’s been meaning to explore. Succulent was the name of it, one of the C’s blinking in and out from the faulty light bulbs. Big, read cursive letters over top of a sleazy adult toy shop in the heart of Oakland on a rainy Thursday evening. He needed a release. He hadn’t seen Y/N for a couple of days since she went to visit family in Atlantic City. She teased him with a few sexy pics in skimpy dresses and bikinis and Erik shamelessly beat his hefty dick to the images.
Parking his car, paying the meter to avoid a ticket, Erik pulled his windbreaker hood over his head to shield the rain drops, slamming his door shut before checking that the coast was clear to cross over. Once his left foot hit the cracked and wet pavement, Erik stood in front of the sex shop, rain hitting his lashes and the tip of his nose, his face illuminated by the LED lights that warmed his russet skin and sparked his nerves. In the display window, there are a few tall boxes with a picture of a very very titillating black women that looked like a cosmic beauty with an Afro and eyes that sparkles like diamonds. Her naked body glistened like some supernova sex goddess, skin like midnight. On the outside of the boxes there are big, bubble gum pink letters surrounding it.
Mama Saturn Kan Make U Kream!
Erik opens the door, a soft bell dinging above his head. The shop smelled like scented candles. The rug was a plush royal purple and the lights were dimmed to set the mood. Rows and rows filled with any and everything SEX. Occupying the register is a young black girl with long passion twists in her hair pulled up into a bun, a matching legging set colored peach with gold gladiator sandals on her feet. She’s currently standing on a step ladder, putting up the same sign in the window above a display behind the register.
Mama Saturn Kan Make u Kream!
She was upbeat and good-humored with a pretty smile and hazel eyes. Erik returned a half smirk, the dimple in his right cheek creating a deep hollow. He removed his hood before taking his right hand to shake out his tapered dreads.
“My name is Shay, if you need any help at all, let me know,” she looked Erik over with appreciative eyes.
“I’ll let you know if I need anything Shay,” Erik says before walking further into the store, his eyes moving from left to right as he took in the scenery. Smaller shelves filled with DVD’s and porn magazines were situated in the front. Erik picked up a few to look over. Ebony Lust, XXX Cocoa, Busty Mochas, Ghetto Booty Queens...
This store must be owned by a black male or female. Erik really liked that. He could see a few white men flipping through pages, eyes as big as saucers staring at all that chocolate, divine booty and pussy on those pages, the visuals popping out at them like 3D pictures. Erik bobbed his head to Megan Thee Stallion’s- Sex Talk while peeking down a few aisles to explore. What Erik hadn’t noticed until now is that there are booths in the back with a black velvet curtain as the only concealment. Curious, gait so smooth, Erik made his way down an aisle filled with male sex toys to see what was behind those curtains.
Finally there, standing before one of them, Erik pulled the curtain back. The booth was small and cramped. It was one of those booths where you put a quarter in a slot to watch a quick porn scene. The booth and walls were nice and clean, painted black like the curtains, but Erik could only imagine how it looked before. Cum stains on the floor and on the booths, women watching the thirty second flick while rubbing themselves down. Men slipping their dicks past the velvet curtains like a glory hole so they could provide something for the women to suck and slurp on. 
“You can go in if you like. It’s only a quarter.”
Erik was alarmed when he felt a small hand rub the tension from his muscles. Turning to look over his broad shoulder, Erik’s whiskey-colored eyes fell on a 5’5, caramel skinned baddie. It was Shay, the store clerk. 
“Just make sure you wipe up when you’re finished, okay?”
Erik chuckles, releasing the curtain so that it can close, “Damn...it gets that messy, huh?”
“Oh, yeah,” Shay shakes her head with a grin, “I can’t even begin to tell you what goes on beyond these curtains...some of the shit I’ve seen...”
“Wild,” Erik licks his lips.
“Like I said, you can go inside, the flicks are only thirty seconds but it’s worth it,” She says with a honeyed tone.
“Yeah...I need more than thirty seconds to bust a nut, ma. That’s not nearly good enough.”
“Oh?” Shay folds her arms across her small cleavage, “See...I can tell you’re no amateur. You’ve probably tried a lot of the toys in here with women.”
Erik’s lips twisted in thought, eyes heavenward, “I’ve tried a lot of things...I guess you can say I’m an expert...what? You got something that will spark my interest?”
“Just the thing,” Shay walks closer, making her voice smaller, “ Mama Saturn can make you cream.”
“Mama Saturn?” Erik blinks his eyes down at Shay before pointing towards the front of the store, “You mean the sex doll in the display window? Nah, that’s not my type of thing, baby girl.”
“You’d be surprised. Ten have already been sold and they came in today. They’re selling out in other sex shops too. Thanks to one of Tony Stark’s ex-employees that worked in his artificial intelligence department.”
Erik’s eyes squinted as he elevated a single brow down at Shay. If one of Tony Stark’s ex-employees created Mama Saturn it must be an impressive design, almost like the real thing. He knew it had to cost an arm, leg, and head. Erik wasn’t going to lie, he is curious about the sex doll. He remembers laughing about men fucking sex dolls. Who would want to stick their dick in a plastic blow up doll to bust a nut? The shit was comical. 
“Well, I’ll leave you to it,” Shay gently squeezes Erik’s bicep, “if you change your mind about Mama Saturn, you know where to find me, handsome.” 
Erik regarded Shay as she sashayed away down one of the rows filled with erotica before disappearing completely. It was midnight and he was standing in a sex shop. He came here to buy something he probably already has packed away in one of his heavy duty suitcases at the back of his closet. Toys he hasn’t used in FOREVER since he laid his eyes on Y/N. He’s been courting Y/N for months. Yes, Erik “the pussy monster” Stevens. He didn’t earn that nickname just for the fun of it. 
He could only imagine the women he used to sleep with seeing him again. They wouldn’t hesitate to give him the finger or an evil scowl  and for the most part he didn’t blame them. He was selfish, greedy and horny in his younger years, too full of himself to appreciate the true joy a woman could bring him on all levels. Erik has never been in a situation where he wasn’t in a hurry to get a girl out of her clothes, to figure out who she was by the way she writhed, the way she moaned his name into the pillow or his ear, the way she came on his dick or his tongue. 
Deciding to get something quick; some new BDSM toys, Erik grabs a basket, filling it up with handcuffs, edible lube, vibrating tongue covers, candles for hot wax play, nipple clamps, floggers, anything so he could get home for the evening. An evening he could be spending sitting up on the phone with Y/N, her sweet voice keeping him company while he was in bed. Erik trailed to the front of the shop, standing behind a few men. One of them he noticed carried a box with the sex doll inside; the long box in front of him. 
“That will be…$105.86,” Shay watches the customer insert his chip into the card machine, his transaction completed. 
“I can help you!” Shay called to the man with the sex doll. She began ringing him up, Erik’s eyes looking at one of  the boxes in the window.
Tell me all your names, baby
Tell me all your names, I need to know
Then I'll tell you mine, baby
Then I’ll tell you mine and we can go
To past the time
Shift paradigms
Align our bodies with the sky
'Til I am yours and you are mine…
The song began to play with the surround sound of the sex shop. The sultry voice called for him, tickling his ears and making the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. 
I'd do anything for you
Yeah, I’d do anything for you
Baby, just say the word
And we make perfect sense
God could not resist no
I can feel the urge
To drop defense
At my expense
Allow my body to ascend
Along with yours
Let love commence…
“That’s all for you today?”
Erik was the only one left in line now. 
“Shit, it’s late as hell,” Erik spoke in his defense, “Long ass day.” 
“No problem, handsome,” Shay rings in his items, “Candles?”
“You never know,” Erik chuckles with his signature half smirk.
Close my eyes, embrace my matter
Swing my hips as if they bear the rings of Mama Saturn
Stretch my vertebrae so we can climb it like a ladder
And step into our world…
“Who is this?” Erik asks with fondness in his voice.
Mama Saturn,” Shay says with a coy smile, “Well, she’s who inspired the design of this sex doll. 
Erik couldn’t keep his eyes off of the boxes in the windows. What was it that made this sex doll so compelling? Maybe it was because he was aching for a sexual release. Maybe because he wanted to know why this sex doll was so popular. Did it do tricks? Did it talk to you? Was it designed to feel like the real thing? A really pussy?
“...how much for one of those sex dolls?”
Shay tried to fight a smile but the corners of her lips couldn’t help but to turn up. 
“2,000.” Shay says flat out.
“Makes sense,” Erik didn’t flinch at the price, he expected it to be that much especially since it was created by an ex-coworker of Tony Stark. 
“Last chance,” Shay teases, all of his other items priced at $78.86.”  
“Shit, why not, add one to the total.”
Friday Evening
“hmmm what can you do?” Erik paced his bedroom in a pair of grey sweats and a plain white T-shirt. The manual for Mama Saturn rested between his fingers, the doll itself sitting in a recliner chair in his bedroom. The doll was indeed impressive. The skin felt so real, the face just as mind blowing. Erik honestly felt that 2,000 was a snag compared to what it should be retailed for. He had it charging since this morning since he planned on testing it out tonight. 
“Mama Saturn can make you cream...I act out live fantasies for you...charge me up and take me for a ride...you won’t even tell the difference between the real thing and me...”
Erik shakes his head before folding up the instructions. He looked over at Mama Saturn sitting in the chair, the eyes on that doll feeling more and more realistic the longer Erik gazed. Tearing his eyes away, Erik reached for his glass tumbler filled with cognac, taking a long sip. Was he really going to fuck a sex doll? The thought of it has him laughing into his glass. Wiping liquor from his chin, Erik’s phone began to vibrate in his pocket. Erik pulls it out to find Y/N calling him. Placing his drink down, Erik answers the call, resting on the edge of his bed.
He felt warmth creep up his belly.
“Hey,” He says with a soft spoken voice. 
“I missed you,” She sighs, “I had to cut my vacation short.”
“I missed you too,” He really wanted to tell her to come see him since her trip ended so quickly, “Wasn’t even there for 48 hours.”
“Well...my family is pretty broken. I was hoping to make amends but that didn’t work out. I was not going to be there for two more nights and deal with it.”
Erik lays back against his bed, sliding the instructions to Mama Saturn to the side, “If i were there to keep you company the trip would have been better...am I lying?”
She giggles, “No. you would have made it even better.”
Y/N grew silent on the other end, the sound of her turn signal blaring through the phone.
“Where are you?” Erik asks.
“I’m on my way home from the airport. I’m tired, I need some sleep. I have a lingerie shoot in the AM.”
“Jet lagged, huh?” Erik runs his fingers through his dreads, “Once you get in that house you’re ass is gonna be passed out on the couch.”
“I know! I was thinking damn it’s a Friday night and I’m usually eating Chinese with Erik intstead of by myself on his couch but yessss I am entirely too tired to stay up late. Rain check?”
Erik hopes he didn’t have disappointment in his voice when he responded, “Yeah, of course. If you’re free tomorrow you can come over.”
“I’ll hold you to that, Erik...let me get off of this phone, I’m almost home. Night, Erik!”
“Night, ma,” Erik ends the call, resting his phone against his chest, “Damn…”
Erik looks up and over his head at the sex doll. Lifting up, stretching his arms above his head, Erik exhales before removing his sweats and his T-shirt, sitting on the edge of the bed completely naked now minus the gold chain around his neck and his Nike socks. His dick was semi erect between his legs, resting against his inner thigh. The minute he went to grab his smooth, brown dick it thrummed against the palm of his hand. Erik rolls his tongue along the inside of his left cheek.
Standing, Erik walks over to his closet, opening it and grabbing one of his suitcases filled with sex toys. Opening the suitcase, Erik grabs a bottle of lube before closing it back up. Erik shook the bottle, the contents inside sloshing around. Erik with his lube in hand walked over to Mama Saturn seated on his recliner chair. He stood before the sex doll, his eyes dancing over it, wrapping his mind around the fact that he was about to fuck the shit out of this doll. Grabbing the remote control that came with it, Erik admires the different vibration and pulse settings. 
Erik grabs the sex doll, bringing it to his bed before resting it in the middle of it. Even caressing the thighs was bizarre. Eyebrows disappearing behind the curtain of tapered dreads resting over his forehead, Erik pulls the legs apart on Mama Saturn, eyes growing wider the more he stares at her “pussy”.
“No fucking way,” Erik was stunned. 
Before him is a pussy molded for him to deep-dive into. The ULTRASKYN material is smooth. He was going to need A LOT of lube to help his fat dick glide inside of Mama Saturn’s soft, fully detailed vagina. Erik takes his finger tips to stroke the outer lips of her mound. Erik cracked a smile when he used his finger to insert inside of the realistic sex doll. Flexible, walls covered with countless ridges to create a realistic sensation. 
“Shit,” Erik says barely above a whisper, “they weren't playing when they made you…”
Erik removes his finger, grabbing up his lube to cover his dick and balls generously before doing the same thing to Mama Saturn’s vagina and...how impressive, her asshole. Three holes to explore including her life-like mouth with lips so full. Mama Saturn is amazingly detailed from the smooth texture of her skin to her brown eyes with luxurious lashes, curly fro, and plump lips. Erik decided to try out the mouth first. His dick hasn’t been in a woman’s mouth for months. This will have to do for now until he finally gets a chance with Y/N. 
Using his fingers, Erik opens her mouth, amazed to see a smooth pink tongue and a deep throat. It’s a sex doll so he knew it would be never ending. His pipe would be able to go deep in all three of her holes without a barrier. Grabbing his dick at the base, jerking it, Erik lines his dick up with the mouth on Mama Saturn before pushing himself fully inside. 
“Ooh?” Erik shuttered, his gluteal muscles tight, “fuck...fuckk.”
Shocked, confounded, dazed, Erik stared down at the doll like it came to life and slapped him across his pretty face. What else can you do, he thought before grabbing the remote, pressing a random button. His body almost fell on top of the sex doll. Erik just knew that there was some man out there, lonely and undesired who would marry this fucking doll. Mama Saturn’s mouth and throat are lined with stimulators to make Erik bust strong and hard. The squishy, ribbed texture along with the way it pulsates and vibrates had Erik grabbing a fist full of the doll's hair that felt so silky smooth to the touch, the curls coiling around his thick fingers.
“Goddamn,” He whispered shallowly from his lungs, “ahhhHHH, fuck this fucking doll ain’t no joke!” He spoke through clenched teeth.
Who knew a damn sex doll would make his balls tight and heavy with cum and his dick so damn hard he could bench press a barbell. His thrusts became even more sloppy, hips smashing into the realistic face of Mama Saturn. So much room for him to swivel his hips, ram his dick in hard and fast, and yank and pull her hair. No teeth, just straight slippery ridges giving him an ultimate sensation. 
“Unh, shit,” Erik felt the muscles in his back flex, “Shit is so deep.” 
Deeper than the real thing. Nothing compared to the real thing, NOT AT ALL but Erik could understand in that moment while his dick went in and out with a gluttony to cum why this toy sold as much as it did. One thing for him to check off his list of sexual exploration. The sheen of sweat on his back trickled down over his ass and the muscles in his arms trembled the more he lowered that doll's mouth over his dick. 
“SHIT- oh my fucking God-“
Erik pulls his dick out, stroking it a good two times before his thick, tasty cum landed on the doll's face. It was the vibrations and the pulses. He’d never cum that quick from oral. 
“Mmmm,” He moans, before rubbing the last bit of his nut on the doll’s face, “This is so wild.”
Dick still poked out and nowhere near softening up, Erik pries Mama Saturn’s legs apart, staring down at the realistic vagina with horny curiosity. Once again, Erik slips his fingers inside, closing his eyes and imagining that it was Y/N’s pussy he was fingering. She had to have the fattest pussy ever, not to mention the wettest pussy ever. She would probably cover his entire hand with her slick juices. Biting his lip, Erik lines his sensitive, wide tip up with the tight opening on that damn doll. With a slight shake of his head, Erik’s dick slipped past the flesh-like labia before fully burying inside. 
“Ugh! Shit!” Erik’s head flew back, eyelids flickering, “Shit don’t make no sense…”
He was frustrated with himself for fucking a sex doll when he could be ten inches deep in Y/N’s pussy with his balls slapping her ass. Hips pistoning in and out of Mama Saturn while his sweat dropped from the tip of his nose, Erik kept his eyes closed as he imagined this doll being Y/N, staring up at him with her innocent brown eyes, confused and moaning. He imagined that he was with her, sliding hot and nasty against her sweaty body, watching her arch and stretch as he pulled his dick almost all the way out of her gorgeous, slick pussy, then slamming it back in and making her scream. 
“Y/N...damn...your pussy feels so good Y/N...I knew that puss would be nice and tight for daddy’s fat dick, baby...I just wanna make you cum, girl...fuck...I just wanna feel that sticky cum all over this big-fucking-dick-
“Yeah? I’m in that pussy baby? Daddy fucking that pussy?”
“Yeah, call daddy’s name like that, Unh fuck, girl...pussy is so damn good-
His eyes popped open almost instantly when he heard Y/N’s voice elevate. The vibration from Mama Saturn shot straight to his heavy sack before Bam!!!! His cum filled that toy to the hilt. Erik pulled his body away from the doll, staring at it with bewildered eyes while his dick bobbed up and down between his legs. Did it just speak? Now his mind was really playing tricks on him…
“Erik-Erik I’m, I’m so sorry.”
A jarring expression on his sweaty face, Erik turns towards the entrance to his room to find Y/N standing there in a fabletics outfit with a Nike cap covering her braided hair, white Nike huarache on her feet, and a take out bag in her left hand. She was frozen, her eyes dancing between the doll covered in his cum and his naked body glistening and still very much hardened. 
“I’m really fucking sorry Erik, oh, fuck, I’m so fucking sorry I feel so bad for walking in on you like this, Erik shit, I’m sorry-
“I...I thought you were going home?” 
“I...was...but...I…” she instantly stopped speaking. Y/N’s eyes could not stop looking at the doll and Erik’s body. She was half-tempted to drop the food and scurry away but the scene in front of her eyes…
“Y/N? How long have you been standing there?”
Longer than she would like to admit. When Erik hung up she decided last minute to surprise him with food. Y/N wanted badly to see Erik, hoping that tonight would finally be the night that he would take advantage of her but instead he’s taking advantage of a sex doll that he envisioned was herself taking his big ass dick. All that dick that he was giving to a sex doll…
“I’m just...I think...Erik I’m sorry,” Y/N turned on her heels, taking wide strides to his kitchen to drop off the food and rush out of his luxury apartment. She didn’t know that having his key would lead to her walking in on him having a blast with a sex doll. She felt embarrassed. Erik looked abashed for a second but then his body seemed to relax, his nudity and the sex doll with its legs wide open before him just another thing in his room. 
“Y/N! Wait!” She could hear Erik getting up from his bed. Looking over her shoulder, she could see Erik walking towards her, still naked, dick swaying, eyes soft and pleading for her to stay. 
“Erik, I’m sorry,” She couldn’t stop apologizing. She was at his door, twisting the knob when his hand grasped her shoulder. Y/N didn’t turn, she couldn’t bring herself to face him while his amazingly-built body and that beautiful, fat dick stares back at her, inviting her. 
“Stop apologizing,” He used force, turning Y/N completely, her back pressing against the door hard. She turned her head away from him, looking over his sweaty shoulder. 
“It’s nothing for you to feel sorry about, Y/N...I just wasn’t expecting to see you tonight…”
She could smell his sweat...it was an intensely masculine scent. The spiced nuances burned her nose, she could even smell a hint of cocoa. His entire atmosphere warmed her and electrified her body in ways she hadn’t felt since forever. Why was he doing this? Standing before her, looking down at her with his blazing eyes, fully naked and still as stiff as concrete. 
“Last minute decision,” she stuck her hand in a small pocket on the side of her athletic leggings, “Here...your key back-
“Nah,” Erik folded his hand over hers, “Keep it...I like it when you use it...makes me think you live here with me…”
She looked at him then. Their eyes matched the same compulsion. 
“What?” He asks with a whisper.
“...Erik, I should go,” Y/N went back to twisting the knob but her eyes stayed glued to his, “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.”
He closed his eyes before raising a single brow, “I really wish it was you instead, Y/N...I really wish it was you, girl.”
His eyes opened and THAT'S when things really turned up. His body pressed into hers, the flesh of his girthy dick resting against her stomach from their height difference. He was still sticky down there from using lube to fuck that doll. She swallowed spit, lower lip trembling as she watched his face get dangerously close to hers. 
“You don’t know how bad I need you,” He mumbles, “Stay, please? here,” Erik reaches for her hand, Y/N’s fingertips touching the swollen, wide tip of his dick. She gasped, eyes glossy. Erik made her wrap her hand around his dick, her fingertips barely touching. 
“Please?” His eyes swam with lust as he studied her face.
The urgency in his voice made her quiver. This was too much to unfold at the moment. The doll was still on his bed. Could she really have sex with him right now after he just ejaculated inside of a fake vagina? His fingers lightly touched her hips and Y/N’s lower lip rested between her teeth. While she nibbled nervously, Erik’s warm breath tickled her cheek. His lips were so close. 
“I wanna fuck you,” He whispered, “I wanna fuck you so bad, Y/N.”
“Not now, Erik,” Y/N pushed herself away from him gently, quickly opening the door, “I’m sorry.”
She didn’t look back, her mind was swirling with tremendous confusion. She did have an early shoot in the AM and she was indeed jet lagged. As he called her name, his voice desperate, Y/N decided to take the staircase so he wouldn’t follow her, or worse, pick her up and carry her back into his apartment, MAKING HER STAY. She stopped on the next level to catch her breath before deciding to take the elevators the rest of the way down. How was she going to face him the next day after what she just witnessed? She had to sleep it off.
Y/N sat down on a fluffy white sofa after shooting her last few pictures with her personal photographer. Dressed in a black leather lingerie set with matching leather gloves and a choker that spelled out Baby Girl in silver lettering, Y/N thought about what happened just six hours prior. 
She didn’t call or text Erik. She couldn’t bring herself to do it yet. He gave her space even though a part of her missed his silly texts. He liked to send her voice messages instead of typing. She didn’t complain, his husky voice was ear porn for her. 
“We did good today,” Her photographer, Bruce, a good friend and talented artist says while looking at her pictures on his camera, “You just get sexier and sexier every time I see you.”
She blushed, “Thanks, Bruce. When are you going to show me those sexy polaroids of your fiancé and all her thickness?”
“I’ll bring them next week, I promise,” Bruce walks away to put his camera in its designated bag.
“Let me get dressed,” Y/N stood up from the sofa, “I’ll lock up, Bruce, you don’t have to worry about it. Go home and take your fiancé to brunch.”
“You’re sure? Ain’t no rush for me.”
“I’m positive, go on,” Y/N waved him away while grabbing a robe from her vanity to put on, “Treat her to some food and have a good time.”
“Thanks, Y/N, I’ll see you next week, Aight? I got Jayla hooking you up with a sexy set of dresses. I’ll see you at 8 AM, next Saturday.”
“Can’t wait! Bye Bruce!”
Y/N gave him a final wave as she watched him leave the studio. She was just about to gather her things and get dressed when a knock came to the studio door. Y/N sat her things back down, walking towards the front of the studio and finding a man standing at the door, his head downcast as he typed on his phone. She couldn’t make out his face because it was shielded behind a hood. He wore a denim jacket over his hood with a pair of black cargo pants and black and white Jordan 13’s on his feet. 
Her phone rang. Reaching into her robe pocket, Y/N pulls out her phone. 
Her eyes shot up towards the door, his eyes staring back at her through the glass. There was no use in ignoring him, he could see her through the glass, wrapped in a robe. With an irregular breath, Y/N walked to the door, unlocking it before stepping away. Erik opened the door, pulling his hood off of his head before allowing the door to swing shut behind him. He turned, locking the door before facing her again with searching eyes. 
“How was the shoot?” He asks while placing his hands in the pockets of his denim jacket.
“It was great, always great,” Y/N’s eyes darted around the studio, “What are you doing here?”
“Figured I would try to show up and see you work but I’m too late,” Erik’s eyes burned into hers, “Then I figured we could get something to eat and talk about what went down last night before you ran away from me.”
She wasn’t getting out of this. Y/N motioned for Erik to follow her towards the back of the studio where Bruce’s backdrops and furniture were. Erik took a seat on the white sofa, Y/N right next to him, folding her shiny, chocolate legs. Erik couldn’t help but to glimpse a peek of her smooth legs and the little bit of cleavage that teased him through the small opening at the top of the robe. Beneath that thick robe was a body he wanted so deeply he shivered. There was so much to see and taste and touch. If he pulled that robe from her body he wouldn’t know where to start or finish. 
“I ain’t expect for you to see all of that,” Erik spoke with his hands, eyes glancing over at her from time to time, “how did you feel when you saw me fucking the doll?”
“Uhm…” Y/N adjusted her hips on the sofa, “It was shocking...I guess I was a little turned on by it…” she couldn’t bring herself to look at him.
“If you were turned on...why didn’t you stay?” 
Y/N batted her lashes as she gave him a once-over, “Because it was too much to deal with. The doll...your body…”
“Hm,” Erik observed her with his whiskey eyes, “I really wish you would have stayed with me…”
“I will tonight...I am right now,” She gave him a soft, timid smile.
“Yeah...you are right now,” Erik bites his lower lip, “I’ve been wanting you for months now, Y/N...you heard what I said last night while I was fucking the doll?”
She nibbled on the corner of her bottom lip before shaking her head, “I don’t remember.”
Erik scoots closer, grabbing one of Y/N’s hands, “I said that I wanna make you cum.”
With a shivering inhale, Y/N’s hand in Erik’s became sweaty. 
“I’m tired of playing games when I know you’re feeling me too...I know you want me just as much as I want you. I waited for months, I’m tired of fucking around, Y/N.”
“I do want you, I just didn’t want to rush into things. I didn’t want to get my hopes up about you so damn fast but I just couldn’t help myself...Seeing you like that last night I…”
Her brown eyes blazed into Erik’s. Y/N scoots closer, her hand nervously reaching out to tug on the collar of his denim jacket, “How long have you wanted to fuck me, Erik?”
“Since the first time I laid eyes on you,” Erik stared down at her hand pulling harder, the fabric applying pressure against his neck. His smile was that of a predator spotting its prey, victory assured. Pure, dumb-founded lust was painted on her beautiful, round face. 
“Same,” She says barely above a whisper, “Oh, Erik.”
That was an invitation to pull her on his lap. Erik wrapped his arms around her plump body, his left hand coming up to palm the back of her head so that he could hold her steady while his thick tongue slipped past her lips and into her warm mouth. Y/N reached up to grasp his shoulders, her breath halting each time Erik’s tongue would graze hers. 
“Take this off,” He spoke against her lips, “I need to see all of you…”
Without hesitation, lips still pressed against his, Y/N opened her robe before shimmying it off her shoulders, letting it fall on the floor.
“Damn...this is exactly what I pictured.” 
All her curves...all that chocolate skin...everything for him to bite and lick on. 
“You looking sexy as fuck in my lap, ma,” Erik’s hands couldn’t resist reaching behind her and rubbing her sizable cheeks.
“All this ass…” He wanted nothing more than to pull all of her weight down on his dick, “You don’t know how bad I want to fuck you right now-
“Please?” She begged.
“You remember how I put this dick in that doll? I was fucking that doll like crazy wasn’t I? with all this big dick you sitting on?”
Visions of him screwing that sex doll with all of his fat dick has her more than prepared to take him right there on that couch no matter how many times it needed to be. She’d fuck him and let him put her body in different positions. Anything he wanted, anything he imagined himself doing, he can do that shit. 
“Stand up,” Erik instructed with his hands resting on Y/N’s hips. 
She stood from his lap, the sexy lingerie making his mouth water. Erik rose from his seat, taking off his denim jacket and his hoodie. With a white beater stretched across his vigorously ripped body, Erik wraps his toned, bulging biceps around Y/N’s waist, kisses long and hot-blooded while he backs her against a nearby wall. Y/N fought for oxygen between kisses, releasing her lips to inhale but it only lasted a millisecond because Erik’s hungry lips were back on hers. 
As sexy as the lingerie was on her beautiful body Erik needed to see all of her before him. Reluctantly releasing his lips from hers, Erik presses his forehead against Y/N’s, his hands trailing over the patent leather of the bra and panties she wore. The set barely covered her breasts or her ass. Heavily breathing against her cheek, Erik reached around to unclamp the bra that was struggling to hold up her DD’s. She didn’t stop him, she didn’t tell him no, she simply allowed him to pull the leather from her smooth chocolate skin. 
“They are so fucking pretty,” Erik kisses down her neck, “delicious titties baby…” his lower lip poked out when he got closer to her dark brown nipples, “I ain’t even put your titty in my mouth yet and look what you got my dick looking like…”
She heard his zipper, his jagged, labored breath tickling her nipples, “Look what I got for you…”
She took in the sight of his big black dick and at the moment she could already feel her pussy expanding to take all of him. The throbbing deep inside of her itched to feel just how much that fat dick would pound her. Y/N isn’t nowhere near experienced with big black dicks but staring at Erik’s thick pipe made her want to learn with speedy delight. sucking a dick like that she just has to get that mouthful of sperm.  She wanted to slow down, take her time and really ENJOY the sheer pleasure of licking, sucking, feeling, smelling and just making him feel the best he’s ever felt before. 
“Damn, Erik…” Y/N licks her bottom lip, “that’s a big fella.”
Erik chuckles, “can you take it though? That’s the question,” His hands came up to squeeze one of her breasts, “big ass titties...you are just perfect.” He was amazed by her sheer motherfucking sexiness. Tongue dripping spit Erik lowers his head to suck one of her nipples into his mouth. Face in between her titties Erik felt smothered in the best way the more she squirmed. Staring at them now they looked bigger than what he expected which makes the situation even better. 
Y/N stroked his dick with a twist of her wrist while Erik’s hips thrust back and forth into her hand. She took the time to memorize his length and thickness while slowly jerking him into extreme stiffness. Erik has her breasts covered in saliva the more he nibbled and sucked. 
Hissing, Erik removes his lips from her hardened nipple, “put your hands up on the wall.”
Y/N turned, her back arched with her hips propelled back against his dick. Erik got down on his knees, her ass hovering about him, and pulled down her patent leather panties. The tight leather was a struggle to get over her big ass. The panties were digging into her thick thighs and she struggled to stay arched against the wall with her titties smashed. 
“Erik,” She called to him, trying to look over her shoulder, “What are you about to do to me?”
Her timid voice has Erik’s dick pointed straight up like a skyscraper. The visual before him, her plump pussy lips peeking at him from the back with her large, wide ass...Erik couldn’t resist giving each cheek a solid slap, the sound echoing in the room as the sting reverberated in his palm, “Have you ever had this big, juicy ass properly worshipped?”
“No,” came her muffled reply as Erik spread her open and let his thick, long tongue explore her sweet curves. His hands pressed painfully into her twin globes before spreading them as far as they could go, giving himself room to taste her sensitive pussy. 
“Unh, Erik,” she whimpers. 
Erik curled his tongue into a point and dove right in while his finger circled her asshole, teasing it. She took in a sharp breath, her ass jiggling from the pressure he applied. Erik could tell that she never took any dick up her ass and he would surely be the first to introduce it to her. 
“Spread your thighs, girl,” Erik commanded, “I’m tryna eat…”
“Fuck, Erik,” Y/N felt his thumbs stroke her wet pussy lips before they parted her pussy lips. Awaiting his assault, Y/N clawed the wall with her acrylic nails. Her mouth fell open wide when she felt his tongue dip in and out of her back door. He was tongue-fucking her ass on his knees, madly slurping and getting it nice and wet. She would have never imagined a man doing that to her, EVER. 
“Oooh, Erik! Oooh shit!” 
Erik worshipped Y/N’s ass like he would never get another chance, his tongue savoring her sweetness while her pussy juices dripped. Her pussy needed attention too so Erik moved his tongue up and down from her ass to her clit while his sturdy thumbs kept her pussy lips open. 
“Ugh, Damn, girl,” Erik swallowed spit, his face shiny, “don’t know where I want my tongue first...this big ass or this fat pussy…”
“All over me, please!” 
“Let me taste that clit,” Erik’s lips sucked her clit into his mouth. His eyelids fluttered the more he savored her. Her sweet, sweet pussy compelled him to bury three of his fingers inside of her pussy. When she felt the thickness of his fingers enter her, Y/N shouted, reaching back to hold one of her hefty cheeks open. 
“Yes, yes, yes!!!” Erik heard her cry, a little louder than before as he pressed his three fingers deep into her tight tunnel. With her hips rocking back on his hand, Erik feasted on her bottom, her strikingly soft mounds against his cheeks massaging him while he coaxed her into an orgasm. 
“Yes! Erik yes! Please keep doing that! Oh God! Erik I’m cumming!!!!!!!” 
Quickly, Erik’s fingers left her pussy to spread her ass cheeks extensively, his entire mouth wrapped around her pussy as best as he could since she’s so damn fat down there. He could feel her sticky syrup coat his tongue. He could eat her ass and pussy all damn day but now he needed to be inside of her. Slow stuffing, balls deep, make her cream. That was his motto. He wanted to make her cum on his dick so damn bad. 
“Come here,” Erik barked out, picking Y/N up and carrying her to the sofa. He lays her down on her back, spreading her legs wide open for him while she leaned back on her elbows watching. Erik couldn’t wait to get his dick inside of her. The second her pussy lips parted and her tight, wet hole winked at him Erik fisted his dick, dipping his hips low before sliding inside of her. Her head fell back against the sofa, braids resting over her eyes and a steady moan escaping her mouth. 
While her head twisted from side to side, Erik watched the way his dick went in and out of her pussy. He loved the sounds her pussy made whenever he pulled his dick all the way out to his wide tip before sliding back in. She was the wettest. Each time he pulled out her juices would gush out. 
“This pussy is swallowing this big dick, girl...you ain’t tell me it was this deep...ain’t flinch at all when I got up in this fat pussy.”
“No,” She moaned.
“It’s cuz this pussy needed my dick, huh?”
“Yes,” She closed her eyes, savoring the way his curved erection bounced off her walls, “yes...yes...yes.”
“Yes yes what?” Erik asks while pounding into her on the edge of the couch, “you got my balls heavy with this nut, what’s that yes for, huh?”
“Your dick is just so big inside of me...all up in me…”
Erik threw her legs over his shoulders and rocked into her with a force that has her ass lifting off of the couch to meet his thrusts. It was like magic to her the way her body reacted to him. She grasped his biceps, her bouncing breasts hitting her chin the more he picked up speed. He would thrust fast then slow, repeating that, making her tip over the edge.
“Can I cum please?” She pleaded.
“As long as I get to cum in this pussy, girl,” Erik pulled all the way out, his eyes staring down at her stretched hole, “Can I cum in this pretty pussy?”
“Cum in your pussy, Erik.”
That was all he needed to hear. Erik angles his hips so that he could stroke her G spot with his wide tip. Y/N’s toes curled, her thighs squeezing Erik’s neck. She felt her body shaking and convulsing while his pulsating dick reached depths inside of her she didn’t know existed. 
“Oooh, I’m gonna cum,” She mumbled, mouth opening and closing with no sound coming out. She hit Erik’s chest with weak blows before her heavenly pussy pulled his dick into a tight embrace. Erik growled as his glutes tensed. He could feel his veiny dick swell inside of her like he was ready to pop. Erik watched his big dick spurt thick load after thick load into her pussy. 
“Damn, Y/N, FUCK GIRL, look what you got this dick doing! Let me see all of it.”
Erik pulls out watching his jizz ooze out and on the couch. She rubbed her clit while pushing his cum out and Erik’s eyes rolled shut at the beautiful view. 
“Lift that ass up...Turn the fuck around I need some more pussy..waited too long for this...watch how I handle you girl.” 
Y/N turned around on the couch, whimpering when Erik’s hands came down on her ass hard to force her to move. As soon as she was on her stomach, Erik yanked her hips hard, pointing her ass into the air before slamming back inside of her pussy. She didn’t throw it back on him, too eager for him to do all of the work inside of her pussy. 
“Just lay there and let me take care of this pussy…”
Erik kicked off his pants, his hands slapping her ass before they grabbed hold of her plush hips so that he could bang into her. Erik watched her face, wanting to see every single reaction his fat dick gave her. He had her for sure, especially with the way she drooled on the couch. 
“Fuck yeah this pussy is good-
“Yeah? You feel me digging this pussy out? Huh? This dick about to bust…”
She gasped when she felt Erik’s heavy balls hit her clit. He was pulling all the way out and slamming back inside of her with so much force her body would shake. She spaced out when he arched her back more, his hand reaching around to grab her neck from the front. 
“You ain’t going nowhere,” He spoke harshly, “You were doing so good taking my dick, baby...DON'T disappoint me.”
She heard his warning, her arms trembling the more she stayed still for him to use her pussy. 
“Think I’m playing with you? Huh?” Y/N moaned sharply, cumming on Erik’s dick again, “There you go… creaming all over this dick baby…”
“Erik,” She felt him swelling inside of her, “Erik I feel your dick! It’s stretching me!”
“That’s because I’m about to nut, stay just like that.”
“Oh, my-“
Her fat pussy lips gripped him tightly while his thick cum coated her walls again. Erik didn’t pull out, He kept thrusting until he was satisfied. She made little noises, her eyes droopy while his thick pipe covered in his white cum slowly left her pussy. His release had him shouting curse words to the ceiling in that studio. Erik’s hands left her hips, stepping away to allow her body to relax. 
He was glad he waited to have her. It was even better than what he expected. She laid back on the sofa, staring down at her pussy covered with his cum, all swollen and thoroughly beat up. 
“I can’t wait until tonight to see you, Y/N.”
She looked up at him through her lashes with her thighs still wide like she was silently telling him to get up in her some more. Bottom lip pulled tightly between her teeth, Y/N admired Erik’s cum-covered dick. 
“I wanna suck your dick,” Y/N asked but she didn’t wait for a response. Y/N was on her knees crawling to him. His glistening dick rested on her lips before she opened wide with her tongue covered in saliva, her lips drawing him in. Breathing through her nose slowly, Y/N took her time sucking more and more of Erik’s dick. 
“Shit, baby! Okay,” Erik licks his lips, “you tryna’ make me cum again, huh?”
Y/N didn’t respond to him she was all in: locked and ready to take off. The consistency in the way she sucked him even though she couldn’t take all of him...the crease in her brow and the way her head moved in sync with her warm, wet mouth made Erik moan. 
“I NEED THIS...suck daddy like you mean it.”
Y/N tried to go lower but ended up gagging, her lips pulling back so she could breathe comfortably.
“Don't worry if you can’t manage as long as you're kneeling down you will practice until you do...Ooh that’s nasty,” Erik’s mouth fell open when she went down to show his balls some attention, “you better get sloppy on this dick and stop playing.”
“Yes, Daddy,” She knew that would make him growl when she said it. 
“Got them brown sugar lips on my big black dick, mmmmm,” Erik started panting, his hands twisted in her braids, “damn...some beautiful sexy lips Unh I’m cumming baby...I’m cumming… Unh, get this nut baby…”
Erik found himself shooting off on her face because his hips jerked so frantically that his dick slipped out of her mouth. His cum hit her eyelids, trailing down to cover her cheek. Erik watched his cum drizzle down her neck, thinking about buying a ring for her after the monster head she just delivered. With an uneven breath, equally shocked by how much nut his balls produced, Y/N cleaned herself off with her fingers before doing the same to his dick. 
“Daddy didn’t even have to tell you to clean me up, such a good girl,” Erik pulled Y/N up before grabbing her neck, his fingertips applying just the right amount of pressure before pulling her close so he could taste himself off of her tongue, “You’re coming with me, no need in going back home when you were coming to see me later anyway.”
“True,” She blushed before sucking on his bottom lip, “When we get back to your place...more fucking?”
“You’ve been teasing me all these months...it’s time you make up for that shit...yeah, we’re fucking, girl...still gotta get in this ass.”
“I’d try it with you...I’m a little nervous though-
“You’re gonna enjoy it so much, trust me,” Erik gives her a reassuring smile with his dimples, “get dressed, baby girl.” 
Y/N slips away, walking to her vanity to get dressed while watching Erik do the same. Going back to his place this time around knowing that it’s going to involve more sex has beaming and while she rushed to get dressed. As he ties his Jordan’s Y/N thinks about the sex doll. She wouldn’t mind watching him fuck the doll while she sat in his recliner chair and fingered her pussy. She’d wait to ask him about it. 
“You’re ready?”
Y/N looked around at the studio. She could come by tomorrow and clean up a little.
“I’m ready,” She says while running her hand through her braids, walking forward to grab Erik’s hand. He lead the way to the front of the studio, both of them inflamed and fighting the urge to fuck again. 
@tgigoldie @soufcakmistress @chefjessypooh @chaneajoyyy @pananegra @theblulife @becincere @blaqwidow91 @fish-outta-watah @eyeknowmywrites @crowngold @njadakillthiscookie @blktinkerbell @luvanxi @sheisexcellent1 @chocolatedippedinhoney @brandithecrystalgem @dababydababydababydababy @soulfulbeauty19 @btitannaaa @sunkissedebony97 @youngblackndgifted @harleycativy @rbhp @thee-germanpeach @thadelightfulone @palmstreesallday @skylahb @bakaris-shorty @nizzle-mo @truglori @queenflaws @ljstraightnochaser @theegoldenchild @scrumptiouslytenaciouscrusade @nickidub718 @vikkidc @thehomierobbstark  @abluesforlyssa @abeautifulmindexposed @fd-writes @chasingsunlight @sickaddiktions @munteanhore @xo-goldengirl @tiava143 @33kiara@honeytoffee @asiasblackworld727 @momobaby227 @informalmelancholy @soulshinechronicles @hearteyes-for-killmonger @goddessofthundathighs @soulfxll @whazzzupmyhitta @seyven89 @lahuttor @janelledarling @shewritestheblues @fanfangal @kreolemami @thoughtsoftheantagonist @luvwitoutlimit1 @mygirlrenee @hippiesandpeacesigns @alittlejd @jaysaidhi @thewaysheis--awkward–awkward–awkward @walkrightuptothesun @shawnstacksss @theesotericqueen @mareethequeen @browngirldominion @ceeverse @therealmrsrhodes @sensitivelegend @teheeboo @yomiloo @msreshel-blog @bbygirrll05 @fahi0nanart @afteracouplepuffss @shaelyn102 @yaminax-kuss-a @lackbbaby @amyhennessyhouse @thattruckinwitch @dameshaemonique  @glittermakesmesmile @justgetitoverwith0  @notavintagecliche @pariahcolored @cydneyrenee4 @ajjiiaaahhhh @naeelyniecee @ambthegamer​ @efonteno​ @mikesteel20​ @wisenerdcreator​ @draggingstxns​ @eevolsidog​ @xoxomyaah​ @asweet-serendipity​@therealmrsmbjordan​ @ajspencer1892​ @queengodiva619 @niqui87 @quietpoeticheart @itsjustyazz @dasia21 @woah-express @bbgiirrll @backandbetter2 @megabriahall @forbeautyandlife @queenflaws @cecereads209 @queenbetter @yomiloo @daddys-baby-girl-t @lovinthemelanin @ladymac82 @ambitionwood @t3mporaa @toniilaney @iv0rysoap @sinfully-dope @lovehatecritique @chocolategirl605 @naysianaee
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Red Alert
Thanks to @youneedsomeprompts for this prompt! Color Symbols: Angst: Red: Danger On a side note, Tumblr PLEASE stop ruining my formatting from google docs to tumblr.
Sam and Natasha both make a suggestion for Steve to talk to a new therapist that might be more on his level of understanding his situation.
 There was a prickle in the back of his head that he couldn’t quite shake. An itch that he couldn’t quite scratch. Nothing he did would stop it, even for a second. It practically lived in the back of his head, active every second of the day. It didn’t care if he was on a mission, running drills, helping citizens, out with friends, or trying to relax at home.
   Steve Rogers always felt like he was on guard. That there was constant danger around him. That he couldn’t quite relax fully. That prickle in the back of his head never allowed him to relax either. At the slightest noise, rather it was the ice settling in the freezer, a cough down the hall, or an odd-sounding car passing by his apartment, Steve felt like he had to investigate the noise. He had to check it out and make sure the ice wasn’t a bug listening in on him or the cough wasn’t an intruder trying to attack him.
 It interrupted him at all hours of the day, never allowing him to truly sleep. He slept, a few handfuls of hours here and there when his body allowed it. When he was truly exhausted, when the serum was on its last legs and scraping the bottom of the barrel, Steve found he would pass out for hours. Days even, if he was exhausted enough.
 He couldn’t sleep. He couldn’t remember the last time he had a true, peaceful night's sleep. Actually, he could. He’d just rather      not    remember it and feel the hallow guilt and pain erupt in his chest. He’d rather focus on the here and now because that’s all he’s had left.
 It’s Sam who approaches him about it when Steve shows up after a group therapy session to join him for lunch. He looks exhausted, he knows he does. There are bags under his eyes, he’s pale, and his focus is waning. He has to force himself to listen to what Sam is talking about, watching his mouth move and taking in the words without truly listening.
   Steve jumps as fingers snap in his face, blinking. “I-I was...I was listening.”
 “Uh-huh.” There’s no frustration or anger on Sam’s face, just concern as he settles back against the metal seat. He watches a few people walk by, fingers drumming on the table. “You haven’t been sleeping again, have you? Feelin’ on edge?”
 Steve shrugged, which was his way of saying yes without truly saying it. It was hard to ask for help, but he didn’t need help. He just needed to rest.
 “Figures. You’ve been watching that office window for the past ten minutes.”
 “I...wasn’t,” Steve tried to weakly defend, but it fell on deaf ears. “I was just… There was a blinking light up there. Thought it was…” He shrugged, letting the sentence hang off.
 “Morse code or something? I get it. You’re stuck in danger mode. You’re on edge. You’re strugglin’ with so much, Steve. It’s      okay.”  
 There was no arguing with him, he was right and Sam knew he was right too. Steve just couldn’t think of anything to counter it, to help his friend not worry so much about him. “No, you’re right. I just...I can’t sleep. I can’t relax. I find myself waiting for the danger, constantly on edge. Nat says I had a panic attack the other night when Bruce accidentally flashed a light in my eyes. I don’t remember it.”
 “I can’t imagine what it’s like being you, Steve. You got this...superhuman abilities. Your strength is one thing, but your senses? They’re so advanced and even for back then, all the new sounds and smells and sight. But compared to today where it’s all flashy and you didn’t grow up with it. It’s overwhelming. You’re overwhelmed, you’re…” He paused and looked up at his friend, trying to find the right words before settling on being blunt. “You have PTSD, Steve. We’ve talked about this, remember? Can’t keep workin’ yourself stupor. You deserve a break.”
 PTSD - yeah, Steve knew all about it. Once Sam had told him it, in the kindest manner possible, Steve looked up everything he could. Everything matched - the symptoms, the exhaustion. How he was constantly on edge. He’d talked to a few people about it, even a therapist that Pepper had recommended but how could he get to someone’s level who wasn’t him?
 Who didn’t understand him? Someone who had lived through one of the worst wars in history, who’d lived and lost hundreds of people he considered friends, crashed a plane into the ocean, and woke up in a new century? He’d lost everything. His sense of a home, his friends, his family.
 Nothing could compare to that. No one could get on his level to understand beyond the war. Yet his understanding of war differed from others and while they’d matched on a level about it, it wasn’t      fully.    It wasn’t to a full degree that Steve could latch onto.
 “You know,” Sam was saying, drawing Steve out of his thoughts. “There’s someone in Shield that Nat was talking about that might be able to help you. You might want to ask her about it.”
 “Sam, no offense, but I’m not sure there are many who can help a hundred and one-year-old soldier from World War Two.” Sam rolled his eyes at him and Steve shrugged again. “I just need a break. I need to try to relax. Get out of my head. Get this stupid prickling to stop.”
 He’d scratched the back of his neck raw a few times because of it, just to have it heal over an hour later.
 “The options are there, man, alright? You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. Just...just call if you need anything, alright? You gonna be good?”
 There was the concern, the near pity in Sam’s expression as he got up to leave, coat was thrown over his arm. Steve squeezed his hand and forced himself to nod. “Yeah, man, I’ll be fine. Go back to work.”
 Three missions later, two training accidents resulting in him breaking a finger, three sleepless days, and five skipped meals later, Steve found himself staring at an office door with the placard reading      Dr. P. Carter.  
 She came highly recommended by Natasha who refused to say more on the matter of who this P. Carter was. He’d tried to google this Peggy but got nowhere with results beyond obituaries.
 This was ridiculous. There was no way she could help him. Or anyone could. He’d just needed to go, making take that horse tranquilizer Tony was teasing about and go to bed.
 The second he went to turn away, the door opened. Steve almost kept walking until he heard her clear her throat.
 “I was wondering if you were going to come in, Mr. Rogers. If that’s...okay I call you Rogers?”
 The accent is what caught his attention. Enough to make him curious to turn around. Peggy Carter was...gorgeous. Sharp high cheekbones, honey-coated eyes behind black-rimmed glasses, brunette curls running down her shoulders. She looked amazing in her jeans and a white t-shirt - the last thing he expected a therapist to wear.
 “You knew I was out there?” he mumbled.
 That was a stupid question, of course, she did. She possibly had cameras and it’s not like he was a quiet person in this big body. Sometimes he felt so huge in this body, wishing he’d been smaller. Just without the ailments.
 “I heard some muttering and you were my only appointment today. I figured it was you.” She replied gently enough, leaving him a little more curious about her. She didn’t treat him like others had like he was a sleeping bear about to be poked.
 Something about her      eyes    told him she understood him. Or he was imagining it so much because he was desperate to have someone who could understand.
  He had to give his friends credit. They tried. They fully tried to help and he was grateful but if something didn’t work out for him, Steve almost instantly lost hope.
 It was always Cap or Captain. Rarely was he called Steve outside of his friends. Everyone saw him as this guy on the mantle and not himself. Not Steve Rogers, a man who's hurting and doing his best to pack it all in for another day.
 “Didn’t realize I muttered. I…” He swallowed, tongue darting out as he looked her up and down. She was a few inches shorter than him and posed herself in a manner that was inviting. She wasn’t dangerous, but she could be, he figures. “How do you know Natasha? She...recommended you.”
 “Natalia? Oh, she’s a personal friend of mine. We’ve worked on a few cases together.” Peggy’s hand held out to him, an invitation. “I’m Margaret, by the way. But my friends call me Peggy. Would you like to sit down? You look like you’re about to fall over.”
 He could run, he could bolt out to his bike and run for the hills, but he didn’t want to. Strange enough Steve found himself taking Peggy’s hand and giving her a firm shake, just as she did him. “My friends call me Steve.”
 “Well, Steve, it's a pleasure to meet you. Let’s get you to sit down at the very least. We don’t even have to talk. I just don’t want you riding that death trap like this.”
 Steve snorted as he followed her and eased into a comfortable couch in her office. “It’s not a death trap. It’s my pride.”
 “Oh, I can certainly see that. Personal custom work to resemble a bike you must’ve used before? Very rarely do you see that, but it’s still a death trap. Excuse me for liking the cushion of walls when I’m speeding down the highway.”
 Peggy’s red lips twitched into a smile at his snorting laugh, handing over an unsealed bottle of water. Steve took it without question, taking a few sips.
 “No wonder you like Natasha...she says the same despite loving a bike herself.” Steve sighed as he took a few sips, grateful to have something to do with his hands. “Look, Miss Carter...I’m unsure of what Natasha told you or what you want to do with these sessions but they never...end well for me. Sure, the other people are great, but they don’t      understand.    ”
 “Excuse me for interrupting, Steven, but you do make a great point. They don’t understand because they’re not on your level. Your closest group of friends outside of those you serve with are the vets down at the center, right? Men you served with but perhaps were not close to?”
 At Steve’s nod, Peggy smiled. “I’ve been there - I mean I see you there. I…”
 She looked almost frustrated, eyes darting to the window and closed-door before pulling out an old file from her drawer. It was stained with coffee and yellow with age, a familiar symbol stamped on top.      SSR.  
 Steve’s heart leaped to his throat as he looked down at it, but didn’t dare touch it when she held it out to him. “What is...this?”
 “I figured to get you to trust me, we need to be on the same level, correct? I need to be open and honest and while I haven’t lied yet, Natasha and I haven’t been fully honest.” She sighed when he didn’t take the file and opened it up, handing him a page stamped with a date, shortly before he joined the military.
 “I don’t understand,” he mumbled, looking over the information. “You were an SSR Agent, but... you’re…” He waved his hand over her. “You have to be ninety-eight!”
 “Excuse me, ninety-seven, thank you,” Peggy snorted. “Didn’t your mother teach you not to comment on a woman’s age?” Oh, she shouldn’t find that blush attractive, but she did.
 “But to answer your question, Steve, yes, I am...old. I was an SSR Agent. You see, shortly before you joined Project Rebirth, I was the prime candidate. After rescuing Doctor Erskine from Schmidt’s clutches, I received the serum in private. Colonel Phillips, Erskine, and Howard Stark, and I all agreed this shouldn’t be public because we were unaware of the consequences, and well - you know how they saw women in those days.
 The serum, we thought, did nothing. I was shipped off to war shortly after, so we had never met. It seems fate kept it that way, even as I joined Phillips and helped the 107th. I’ve met other Howling Commandos - Dugan, Jones, even Barnes. Yet, somehow never you.
 Still, the serum, before I ramble off. We thought it did nothing until after the war. I wasn’t aging. I could...heal faster than normal, but it wasn’t to your level. I had been shot with one of Schmidt’s weapons, it should’ve vaporized me on the spot, but instead, it activated the serum.
 Then...then you died. Or so we thought. Howard used me as a near experiment to see if you could survive and I agreed because you deserved to be found, dead or alive. You deserved some sort of burial at the very least, but we...as you can tell, it went nowhere.
 So time went on, we went on to form Shield. I left shortly before you were found - as fate would have it seem so we did not meet. I left because...I wanted to do things outside of Shield. I wanted to help people. Of course, if they need me, they call me, but I would rather not play Director at this moment. I enjoy doing my own things - I rather ask for forgiveness than permission. When the Battle of New York happened, I was out of town. Once again, fate decided we shouldn’t meet. When Natasha found me, she wanted to introduce us right away. She thought...I could be of assistance. I could be friends with you but I didn’t want this forced. I wanted to meet you, Steve but I wasn’t sure      how    without fate deciding we aren’t worth it.”
 Steve sat there, stunned, pillow in hand. He found himself kneading it, staring down at the files. Every single thing matched up with what she said. The serum, a more watered-down version. Going to war. He could remember Dugan pouting because some lass named Carter ‘stole’ his whiskey - aka won it in a bet. He could remember Barnes insisting he meets this Carter. He could remember a red dress in a bar, a kiss of fire whiskey on his lips. Her soft body…
 “We had sex,” Steve spat out, blinking down at the paper. He heard choking and his head snapped up, watching Peggy cough into her arm.
 “Excuse me? I think I’d remember if we had sex, Rogers!” Peggy half-shouted, her face turning a shade of red.
 “Apparently not. It-it was...it was before I died. The only time I’d truly slept in years. The night before I died. We met at the bar, but both of us were so tipsy. I’d have...something Howard invented that...that got me feeling a bit tipsy. We shouldn’t have done it, I should’ve said no but your kisses were so addicting. It’s not that I didn’t want you. I just...didn’t want you under the influence of alcohol for us both. I wanted to remember it clearly.”
   Peggy stared down at the cold coffee, red nails drumming on the table in thought. “I remember now. It was your first time. You were so...so awkward. In the most charming manner. I had to teach you everything, including how to undress me. It was...It was charming, Steve. One of the best nights I’ve ever had. If I had known it was you…”
 She gave a weak laugh and shook her head. “You were so loving and careful, especially for your size. I wanted to protect you, strangely enough.”
 Steve found himself standing, the papers falling to the floor. He found himself standing in front of her, mind racing. She understood him on a level he’d thought he’d never find. They were the same, they had the same serum. They’d lost and loved. They just weren’t destined to meet until now.
 “I know this is supposed to be a therapy session,” he mumbled, still standing awkwardly in front of her. “But can we drop that and...and just go talk? Outside of here?”
 “Because you want to nail me on my desk?” Peggy teased, making Steve’s cheeks heat up. That wasn’t a no. She stood and held his hand, being gentle with her touch. “Of course, darling. I think we have lots to catch up on. I’m glad for once fate has decided we deserve to meet and it wasn’t with one of us dying on the battlefield.”
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sylvie-writes · 4 years
here’s what i’m thinking. it’s the 1940’s. y/n is on her first date w the lovely steve rogers. it’s lots of shy giggly fluff. syd, my fabulous companion, can you write something along the lines of this and i’ll swim across the atlantic to shower you and mags in kisses. love u xx
First Date Jitters
“Becs, what if he doesn’t like me. What if I annoy him?”
Bothered, you laid your arms on the vanity and groaned, annoyed by the mere thought of ruining this first date. Steve Rogers seemed like a dreamboat and the minute he asked you out on a date, your eyes formed hearts and you were floating on cloud nine. 
“Honey, he asked you out on a date, didn’t he?
“Yeah, but y’all pushed him! Maybe he felt pity for me and-”
Tired of your rambling, Rebecca ran the brush through your hair a bit too harsh for your liking.
“Geez! What was that for, Barnes?”
She smirked and went back to brushing your hair, returning to gentle strokes from before. 
“To shut ya mouth full of lies.” Her strong New York accent came through and you giggled. When Rebecca spoke with a said accent, she meant business and was going to get her point through regardless if you listened or not.
Eventually, you zipped your mouth, letting Becca work her magic with your hair and makeup. As she did so, your mind drifted off to the first time you had met Steve.
“Pleaseeeeee, Bucky’s bringing a friend for dinner. Don’t leave me in a room full of testosterone.”
Becca was down on her knees, clasping the hem of your dress. Currently, you were standing in the middle of a busy sidewalk, people passing and shooting funny glares. Embarrassed, you pulled at her arms, but to no avail, she wouldn't budge from her spot on the cement.
“Rebecca Barnes, get off the ground! You look like a fool!” 
“Not till you say, yes. You know how many dinners you’ve turned down?”
Groaning, you agreed to go just this once. The last time you went to dinner, you made a complete fool of yourself, even though Rebecca said otherwise. Bucky’s naturally flirtatious nature and secretive winks made you read into the situation a bit too much. From then on you vowed to never show up at a dinner of theirs. You’d known Rebecca for almost five years, yet you still couldn’t forgive yourself for that first night. 
“You know why I always refuse, Becca.”
She linked her arm in yours, now off the ground and ready to walk around town some more.
“I know, but Bucky does that to every friend I’ve brought home. Don’t worry, the other girls did way worse than you. In the end, Bucky just likes to hook, line, and sink em kind of thing.”
Rebecca laughed, punctuating her sentence, and at her words of assurance, you felt a bit relieved. 
That night you knocked on the door, and within seconds it flew open. Rebecca, flour covered hands, held out her arms for an awkward hug. 
“You didn’t chicken out this time!”
You gave her a set of squinted eyes and she lightly giggled, waltzing back to the kitchen. Just as you were about to follow, a certain someone stopped you. Blocking the doorway, a young man you had been trying to avoid stood before your much smaller figure.
“Hey! You showed up this time, angel! Sorry I know I kind of scared you off last time. I’m sure Becs has given you her opinion on me.”
Bucky scratched at the back of his neck, shyly looking into your eyes.
“No hard feelings, Buck.”
You gave the man a tight lipped smile and started to maneuver past him, when his arms reached out for your waist.
“Becca told you I brought a friend, right?”
Confused, you cautiously nodded.
“Well, I want you to meet him. Hey Punk! Get out here!”
Suddenly, a man, no smaller than yourself rounded the corner and smiled bashfully at you.
“Hi ma’am, name’s Steve Rogers.”
The man, Steve, held out a hand for you to shake, which you did. All of a sudden, you two started talking and before you knew it, Bucky had left to go tell Rebecca their plan had worked. As implied, dinner ended with Steve asking you out. 
“Hellooooo, any one home in there?”
Rebecca playfully tapped your head, shaking you from your thoughts.
“I’ve been trying to get your attention for the past five minutes. Thinking ‘bout Rogers, aren't ya?”
With a timid smile, you nodded, soon standing from the vanity seat and going to change. Your friend had done an amazing job on pinning up your hair and fixing your makeup. You almost felt like a million bucks. To compliment it all, your mother had even found you a little baby pink number. Quickly changing, you stepped out of the closet, twirling in the sea on the pink fabric. Rebecca gasped at the sight and immediately reached for the camera, taking a picture of you, mid laughter. 
Checking your wrist watch, you suddenly heard the doorbell and practically ran for the door with Rebecca who was laughing so hard that she couldn’t keep up.
Swinging open the door a bit too excitedly, you found Steve’s grin dissipating. A bit disappointed with his reaction, you toned down the excitement, hoping he wouldn’t notice your sudden change in demeanor.
“Wow, doll. You look,” The young man swallowed the lump in his throat, “stunning. Absolutely gorgeous!”
At the words, your disappointment morphed into satisfaction, and you stepped out the door, hitching onto Steve’s arm, waving goodbye to your best friend. 
“Don’t keep her out too late, Steven!”
Rebecca’s words followed you both down the hallway, causing some laughter from Steve, who seemed a bit uncomfortable. Worried once more, you decided to pry a bit.
“Is everything ok, Steve?”
He turned to you with wide eyes and shook his head to dispute your many apologies.
“I’m just a bit nervous, it’s not you! It's just that no girl as pretty as you has never gone out with me before.”
Steve’s cheeks turned rosy red, before he looked the other direction, not wanting you to see him like this. In his mind, one wrong move and you’d leave him for another.
Humbled at his comment, you took your free hand and turned his face in your direction. With a big smile, you planted a soft kiss on the corner of his lips, leaving the young man almost breathless.
“Don’t worry about me, Stevie. I’m not going anywhere, except where you take me.” 
Confident by your actions, Steve stood a bit taller and led you out of the apartment building, excited for his first date with you. 
You were tucked into Steve’s side, enjoying a small conversation with him. The two of you were quite the pair, nervously asking the other one a question, trying to get to know each other since this was your first date. They say opposites attract, but that was not the case with you and Steve. So far, he had told you of the endless days he’d spent in the hospital, and a part of you longed for him to be healthy, as that sounded like his one wish. Steve would go on and on about how Bucky had set him up on dates and it normally ended with Bucky having two girls around his arms instead of one. You could see Steve’s self-confidence faltering, so you decided to share your many failed-date stories, eliciting a laugh from the man at the few comedic ones. 
The whole walk, you were so caught up in talking to the man, that the two of you almost passed the first place you were going to stop. Of course, you were clueless as to where Steve was taking you, so you would have kept walking if Steve hadn’t stopped and gently placed his hands over your eyes. You felt the man turn you around and walk you a few steps when finally he removed the makeshift blindfold that was his hands.
“We’re here! Rebecca told me how much you loved chocolate, so I figured you could pick a box of your choice.”
He smiled lovingly at you, as you squealed like a child on Christmas morning. Thrilled, you ran into the store, seeing a case of a variety of chocolates. Steve caught up and enjoyed your cute facial expressions as you scanned over the options. There was an endless amount of chocolate, all in different forms and unthinkable flavors. About to order, you pulled out your clutch when Steve halted your actions.
“Now you think I’m gonna let my girl pay for her own box of chocolates?”
“But Steve-”
Your date stood strong in his statement, and demanded that you pick whatever chocolate you wanted. After scowling at him for a bit, you finally caved and picked from the overwhelming selection behind the glass case. You and Steve shared a few samples, laughing at how you both were acting like wine samplers. Since your date was buying the box, you told him that you’d only allow him to do so, if he selected a few chocolates himself. Begrudgingly, Steve agreed and you both might’ve held up the line a bit with your indecisiveness.
Walking out, you were once again wrapped into Steve’s side, this time his jacket on your shoulders as the sun had gone down and the night chills had creeped out. So far, you could feel Steve becoming more and more comfortable as the two of you started to talk about whatever came to mind. Just as you thought the man was done with the surprises, he stopped in front of the movie theater.
“Nope, this is our first date, and we are going to make it memorable!”
You chuckled at his persistence and decided to play along.
“Well what about this lovely chocolate, we can’t just toss it out yet?”
Steve took the box and stuffed it in the pocket of his jacket that was still hanging on your shoulders.
“Oooh is Steve Rogers breaking the rules?”
A cheeky grin formed on his lips, “Only because I really like you.”
The minute the words left his mouth, Steve’s ears started to turn cherry and you shyly giggled.
“Well, I really like you too, Steve Rogers.” With that, you kissed him, but this time on the lips. As you did so, you could feel his cheeks warming and a big smile twisted onto your lips, breaking the kiss.
“Oh Steve Rogers, what am I going to do with you?”
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the-melting-world · 4 years
🐚About Kipling🐚
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portrait by @artsyaprilmr​
“A humble gardener with a thirst for knowledge”
Full Name: Kipling Sophia Bronne
Age: 26 
Height: 5′2
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Most likely to... vacation in a treehouse.
Occupation: Gardener 
Favorite Food: Ackee and Saltfish
Favorite Drink: Lemongrass Tea
Flower: White Hibiscus
Patron Arcana: The Empress 
Upright: creation, nature, abundance, pleasure
Reversed: neglect, resistance, disconnection, emptiness
Zodiac: Cancer Sun, Capricorn Moon, Libra Rising 
Love Languages: Quality time, physical touch
Familiar: An energetic purple pygmy lemur named Taro (looks like a cross between a ring-tailed lemur and a sugar glider)
Warm brown skin (hazelnut is probably the closest shade). Has a light smattering of freckles across her nose
Golden brown eyes that are often described as looking like raw honey or homemade syrup when the light hits them
A curvy, athletic build 
Light brown, voluminous, afro-textured 3b/3c hair. Is typically worn half-up in spacebuns.
Ghost lock at her right temple. Wears it braided or loose.
2 visible piercings, nose and navel. Both are made from turquoise stones.
Personality: Kip has a very warm and gentle nature. She’s naturally introverted, quite friendly and she easily bonds with new people. She does have a tendency to be mischievious, especially if she’s interested in someone and wants to learn more about them without giving too much away. Kip’s a gardener, so she enjoys the outdoors and is constantly trying to expand her understanding of plants and landscaping. She also loves books and cuddling up to read, but she hardly has time because of her job. Kip has a tendency to daydream and get lost in her thoughts just about anywhere. In her free time, she likes to be out in nature with Taro, collecting herbs for new recipes to try out. She writes poetry in her spare time as well. 
Main LI: Asra!
Outside Character Influences: Garnet (Steven Universe), Winry Rockbell (Fullmetal Alchemist), Rikku (FFX/FFX-2), Katara (The Last Airbender)
Summertime vibes, practical, island aesthetic
Flirty, but functional. Likes to show off her midriff and her legs. Not a big fan of cleavage or formalwear (unless it’s like a really comfy cotton dress with lots of fringe)
Wears a lot of cowrie shells because they make her feel closer to her island homeland.
Terrain boots when she’s working in the garden, gladiator sandals when she’s not
Magic: Kipling is a wielder of grey magic. You may have noticed her lock of gray/silver hair (that’s often referred to as her ghost lock). This is what physically identifies her as an umbra, or in other words, one who practices grey magic. Grey magic, in a nutshell, is a form of teleportation (from one point in your reality, to a different spot in the same reality/plane). You can use it to teleport objects/animals, other humans, or even yourself. Anything that passes through one of these portals is influenced in some way by whatever alternate planes/dimensions they may brush up against during their journey. When they appear on the other side, they are slightly (or sometimes significantly) altered than when they first entered. This usually manifests as having temporary powers or a feature of some kind. For example, if Kipling were to send an apple through one of her portals, it might come back a different color or slightly smaller. But if she/someone goes through, they might come out with sharper senses, super strength, or a keener understanding of their own magic. Once again, these effects are temporary and will eventually wear off. Of course, after Kipling loses her memories, what little she does understand of her magic is completely erased as well. While Asra (and sometimes Muriel) are able to help her reconnect with her earth-based magic, all the knowledge of how to properly wield grey magic is locked away in ancient scrolls or thousands of miles away in Kipling’s homeland. The more Kip’s memories return, the more she realizes that she doesn’t want to go back to the days of suppressing her magic. She’s ready to embark on a journey to learn how to embrace and harness her power.
Pre-plague Background: Kipling’s origins are not shown on the Arcana map. She’s from a small cluster of islands far off the coast of Prakra where the climate is very warm and tropical. Kip’s homeland is commericially known as The Republic of Floating Isles, but to anyone familiar with the territory, it goes by a different name: The Melting World. The culture there is predominantly inspired by the Caribbean / West Indies. Long before the Red Plague, Kipling grew up on these islands under the care of a council of elders. At the age of sixteen, she was encouraged to leave and seek refuge from the ongoing persecution of umbras (those born with abilities to command grey magic.) The Elders gave her enough money for a safe passage and a few nights of room and board. Once Kipling reached Vesuvia, she buckled down and found work as fast as she could. At first she was willing to do anything to stay on her feet. She watched people’s pets while they were out, did housecleaning - whatever she could to save up enough for some gardening tools and a space to start her own business. It was rough for a while, but she managed to scrape enough to open up her business at the age of 21. This is around the time when she met Asra and they bonded very quickly. They decided that combining their businesses and becoming roommates would relieve them both of some of their financial burdens. Having suppressed her primary magic for so long, Kipling was just starting to understand it again the more time she spent with Asra. She also learned how to read cards from him and she taught him everything she knew about green magic. Things for Kipling were starting to finally stabilize, but then of course the plague hit, forcing her to make some tough decisions. The rest is history.
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world-of-aus · 4 years
Behind the Screen - (Part 9)
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Word Count:2,825
Warnings: smut 18+ fluff all the fluff.
Author’s Note: this was a little late, but i am still on time in a sense and i am so proud of myself lol. Tag-lists are open for both Behind the Screen and Family Matters if you all are interested in being added just send me an ask or a message! Also again if you’d like to be removed from my tag-lists you can always message me privately. Thank you all for reading and enjoying the content i put out words truly can’t describe how happy your comments, reblogs, and likes make. This goes for just the ones reading as well, thank you! - xoxo
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Bucky couldn’t keep his eyes off of you, it’s not like he was able to before, but there was something about you now that was just absolutely glowing, injury or not you were ethereal.  
“Alright y/n well it’s not broken but I wouldn’t put too much pressure on it, and I definitely recommend taking a good two weeks off from doing any strenuous activities if you want to be able to join the others on missions sooner rather than later,”
A groan left your lips, “anyway I can get you to push that to a smaller time frame?” You questioned.
A smile tugged at the doctors lips, “sorry, but no can do, unless you want that foot to continue to be a problem I’d advise you stay off of it and keep it elevated at all times,”  
Another groan left your lips, Bucky chuckled from beside you, you turned your head slightly to give him a playful glare, “laugh it up Barnes, we all can’t be super soldiers” you muttered like a petulant child.
“Barnes make sure y/n gets to her room, relaxes, and keeps that leg elevated,” Bucky nodded, “ oh and one more thing, next time you break your nose you might want to come to med bay just in case, I know you all tend to heal a little quicker but it’s advised you get seen by a doctor and not your teammate,” she grinned.
His cheeks flared with heat as his eyes slid to you, you held your hands up in surrender, “I was busy fixing you up, it wasn’t me that ratted you out,”
“alright you two,” she chuckled, “Barnes, can I trust that you’ll take care of y/n, the way that she took care of you last night?”
“no worries Doc, she’ll be in good hands,”
The doctor chuckled helping you from the bed, Bucky sidled up to your side, his arm wrapping your waist supporting your body. You two were almost out of the room when the doctor was calling out again, “oh and Mr. Barnes, please make sure y/n actually gets rest, remember no strenuous activities, she needs to keep that leg elevated,”
Your lips parted open, cheeks going red in embarrassment, Bucky chuckled lowly, “no promises doc, but I'll make sure that leg stays elevated,” he grinned pulling you out of the room and into the hallway.
“James Buchanan Barnes!” you hissed smacking him in the chest.
Bucky chuckled, “what, words going to get out, and be careful doll, I just might pull a you and leave you behind without warning,” he teased.
You glared up at him though a smile pulled at your lips, “you know I'm beginning to think I maybe didn’t mean what I said earlier,”
Bucky stopped abruptly in the hall, eyes looking down at you, “oh really now,” a cheeky grin pulled at his lips, “you should really watch your words sweetheart,”
“why, you gonna make me eat them?” you questioned.
“oh, I'll make you eat something, but it won’t be your words,” he grinned, a loud laughfalling from his lips at the red hue that painted your cheeks.
“You’re insufferable,” you muttered into his side as he continued to drag you along.
“my room is that way,” you muttered into his shoulder as he dragged you down your corridor but in the opposite direction of where your room was.
“m’aware sweetheart, but I thought I’d change things up,” he grinned placing a kiss to your hair.
“are you expecting me to limp back to my room?” you questioned with amusement.
Bucky stopped the two of you in front of his door, his body turning to face yours, his hands came up to grasp at your face, “didn’t plan on sending you away,” he murmured thumb running along the peaks of your cheeks, “was kinda hoping you’d stay,”
“you sure about that, you okay if the other’s find out about us?” you questioned teasingly.
He smirked, his head closing in, lips hovering just above yours, “let them find out doll, m’ tired of always having to leave you behind,” he murmured his lips connecting with yours.
A soft sigh left your lips, your fingers curling into the material of Bucky’s gear at his sides, “So I'm assuming you told her?”
You groaned as you pulled your lips away from his to look over your shoulder, a laugh left your lips, your head falling to Bucky’s shoulder, “It just had to be you Steve, didn’t it?”
“at least it’s been me and not one of the other’s,” he shot back, “buck I know I said to help y/n out but I didn’t mean in that way,” he teased.
You groaned a laugh slipping past your lips, “Steve stop!” you whined.
“alright, alright, I'll leave the two of you alone, but be prepared for this to be happening for a good while, especially once Sam finds out,”
“please don’t remind us,” you laughed.
“anyways I'll leave the two of you,” he replied walking past, “oh and one more thing,” he paused the two of you looking over at him, “make sure you keep the noise down,” he winked.
“Steven Grant Rogers!” you gasped.
He threw out a hearty laugh, waving at the two of you as he disappeared into his room, “sure we can’t keep us a secret a little longer?” you questioned looking up at Bucky with amusement in your eyes.
He pressed his head against yours, “not a chance doll, now let’s get you taken care,” oh he murmured pressing his lips to yours, “doctor’s orders”
Bucky’s fingers danced along your curves, his fingers hooking under the hem of your shirt, “lift your arms for me babe,” he murmured.
“You know I don’t think this is what the doctor or Steve meant by helping, I think I can handle a shower, Buck,” you teased, lifting your hands up.
“m’sure you can but I don’t want to risk something happening to you, if you go in there by yourself,” he replied giving you a cheeky grin.
“my hero” you cooed, “though if you plan on actually getting in with me, I think you need start shedding layers,” you murmured fingers crawling up his chest.
“Say no more,” he whispered leaning down to place a kiss to your shoulder.
Moving away from him you moved to the shower turning the knobs, yours fingers reaching out to test the water. Content you reached for the buttons on your pants eager to feel the warmth of the water on your battered skin. Trying not to hurt your foot anymore you wobbled on unsteady legs as you wrangled them off.
You could hear Bucky chuckle behind you, warm and cool fingers found their way to your hips steadying you, his broad chest presses against your back, “shoulda waited for me, I could have helped you,” he murmured pressing a kiss to your skin.
Your head fell onto his shoulder a soft moan falling from your lips, “i can think of other ways you could help me,” his lips paused on your skin, his lips paused on your skin, “how about we get you in that shower first and we’ll see in what ways my hands can be of assistance,” he grinned nipping at your skin.
Needing to feel more of him you wasted no time in ridding yourself of the rest of you clothes. Bucky’s arms stayed wrapped around you as he helped you into the shower a content moan falling from your lips as the warm water cascaded down your body.
Bucky’s lips once more found their way onto your heated skin, “mmm,” you groaned head falling to his shoulder, “what are your hands going to help with first,” you murmured placing an open-mouthed kiss to his chin.
He chuckled against your skin, his hands gripping your hips to turn you in his hold, his hand came up to push the hair back from your face, “how about we get cleaned up and I promise, ill put my hands to good use once you’re all lathered up and washed off,”
Leaning up on your toes as best as you could without hurting your injury further, your lips came to a stop in front of Bucky’s “I’m going to tell Steve you were a sucky nurse,” you murmured.
His hands reached for something behind you, his arms pulling you in closer as he reached for the object. You heard the squirt of a bottle, his hands came up weaving their way into your hair, his fingers working the soap into your scalp “Honey I promise when I'm through taking care of you, you’re going to wish Steve had assigned you anyone else but me,”  
“I don’t know Barnes, you’re a lot of talk,” you murmured your head falling back into the cascading water, the lather of shampoo washing away from your hair.
“ouch, y/n, I'm a man of action you should know this, turn around for me,” he murmured once all the suds had cleared.
Turning in his hold your back pressed to his front, his cock heavy with arousal pressing into your back, you couldn’t help leaning into him further, your body reacting to his.  
“you want my hands or the loofa?”
“your hands please,” you whisper body thrumming in anticipation.
Bucky leans forward once more, hips grinding into your backside as he grabs the soap, he squirts a generous amount into his hands, lathering them up before he's coming back to your body. His hands work over your shoulders first, making their slow descend down the valley of your breasts, cupping them in his hands he lathers them up with soap, his thumbs running over your hardened nipples. A moan tumbles from your lips, as his hands descend further, fingers scraping softly against the expanse of your stomach, “Buck please,” you murmur the need for his hands to go where you need them to growing.  
His head find its way onto your shoulder, the farther his hands go, you wait in anticipation the second his fingers meet the curve of your hips. His hands work over the skin there, sliding towards your heat, a groan slips past your lips as his fingers deflect now making their way down your thighs, “Bucky,” you whine.
A low chuckle falls from his lips as his fingers slide between your thighs, inching up painfully slow, finally you think. Your walls clench in anticipation, “Bucky, no!” you whine as he turns you in his hold.
He’s pushing into you, his hands shutting off the water behind you, his eyes clouded over with lust, “ m’gonna need you to hold on real tight to me doll, don’t want to drop you and injure you any further,” he murmured leaning down to press his lips to yours.
Your hands find their way around his neck, wrapping around him tightly, his hands descend down the curves of your ass, hooking under your thigh as he lifts you up. In that moment you’re grateful you’re standing in a shower and not a bathtub.
Bucky swallows the moan that falls from your lips as he walks the two of you out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. He’s leaning down, your body gently falling onto the cold sheets below you, he’s screwed he thinks as his eyes drink in your naked form, he’s screwed because he loves you so much, and it scares him because he’s never felt this strongly for someone before.
He leans back over you, body covering yours as his lips connect to yours once more, a soft sigh falls from your lips, your hands snaking their way around his back to pull him closer. Lips pressing further into his, you deepen the kiss, tongue running over his lower lip.
Tongues dancing slowly with one another, his hands roam down the curve of your body, fingers press into your waist as he pulls his lips away from yours, a gasp falling from his lips as he pulls air back into his lungs. Your hips are rocking against his needing to feel the weight of his cock against your aching core, a shiver rolls through him at the low moan falling from your lips, his dick twitching with want. His head presses to yours eyes connecting, a warm smile pulls at your lips, fingers sliding across his face, finding their way into his hair as you pull him down. “i need you Buck,” you whisper lips brushing against his.
His hand at your waist slips further down hooking around your thigh as he brings it up to rest around his hips. A moan is falling from both your lips as the new position allows for the head of his cock to press into your folds, his hips roll forward the tip brushing against your aching clit.
Hand leaving your thigh it snakes it’s way between your bodies to grab a hold of his cock. Dragging it through your slick folds he presses into your warm heat, a moan is falling from your lips as he bottoms out, your lips connecting with his.
“Fuck sweetheart,” he moans against your lips, “always feel so good around me.”  
He doesn’t move at first enjoying the feeling of you fluttering and clenching around him. He’s lost on you and how you feel around him, everything about you is so damn beautiful. His hands come up to cup your cheek, thumb running over the swell of your lower lip, “so fucking beautiful,” he murmurs.
Your breath hitches in your throat, heart swelling in your chest, “please move, I need you to move, baby,” you reply your own hands running over stubble of his beard.
His hips retreat from yours, cock sliding out from within you till only the tip is left. His lips are pressing to yours, hips surging forward as he builds up a slow rhythm. Your hands leave his face to wrap around his back, fingers digging into the warm skin there pulling him impossibly closer to you. Low grunts are falling from his lips as he fucks up into you, your other leg hooking around his waist to get him deeper.  
His head finds its way to your neck lips searching out that hidden sweet spot that will have you coming undone in his arms, his thrusts have picked up speed, a steady speed which draws the sweetest groans of pleasure falling from your lips. He could listen to those sounds falling from your sinful lips for the rest of his life if you would let him.
His lips draw away from your neck needing to see you fall apart from him as he continues to bring you closer to that sweet release. Your lips are parted open, eyes covered over in lust, but there’s something more there, something that has his heart stalling in his chest, because he swears, you’re looking at him like he just hung the stars for you.
“gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous,” he whispers to himself, “look at you sweetheart,” he grunts hips picking up speed, “you’re an absolute angel,”
A moan is catching in your throat, now you’re the one who’s heart is stilling in their chest, “Bucky I-” but you stop yourself. Bucky understand then, picks up on those words that wanted to fall from your lips, because god did he want to say them too. His hand searches for yours on the bed grasping it in his as he pushes you deeper into the bed, his whole body consuming you.
He’s thrusting hard, deep, burying himself in you, your walls fluttering around him as your orgasm approaches. Your head pushed forward , lips finding his shoulder as you kiss the scarred skin there, an intimate motion that has Bucky’s head reeling.  
“Bucky please,” you whine low in your throat, pressing warm wet kisses into his skin. He picks up speed needing to bring you to that release, a particularly deep thrust has you falling apart around him, your body falling over the edge, your orgasm washing over you. Long low moans are falling from your parted lips, fingers clawing at Bucky’s back as he fucks you through the pleasure. His name falls from your lips in a silent prayer, you’re pleading, you need to feel him, you need him to cum for you.
Bucky pushes your further into the mattress, his jaw clenching as his orgasm washes over him, his stomach muscles tense, as he spills into you, warm spurts filling your core, he never wants this feeling to end. Not wanting to crush you he goes to move away but your legs keep him locked with you, “stay,” you murmur in your post orgasmic haze.
Your arms pull him down, his head falling to your chest, your heart beating away wildly in your chest. Your fingers run through his chocolate locks, lips pressing into his hair.  
He loves you he thinks, he really loves you.
Part 10
Behind The Screen Tag-list: @ladifreakingda @georgialeighc13 @racewife2004​ @multy-fandom-lover​ @otvlanga​ @sailorstupidsblog​ @n1ghtsh4d3-67​ @wantingtobekorra​ @gazzan-a​ @clarinette07​ @amanda-the-fangirl​ @im-sure-its-fine​ @sagechanoafterdark​ @heyywestman @runaway-escape​ @ilovesupersoldiers​  @unlistedpond​ @rayofdawnworld​ @badassbaker​ @spookyanairwin​ @fandom-basurero​ @krabby-tentacles​ @sassy-pelican​ @lizlepuffs​ @jaywolf840​ @xoasalxo
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tapestry 👑 X
Warnings: eventual dark elements (tags to be added as fic continues)
This is dark!(king)Steve and explicit. 18+ only.
Summary: King Steven had a wandering eye but you never thought it would fall upon you.
This Chapter: The court celebrates the last hunt.
Note: Okay, so I called in today because of my anxiety at the suggestion of my boytoy and he told me to sleep in a bit. He’s not a doctor, but he’s got a PhD (pretty huge dick) so I have to listen. But I got this chapter done last night so y’all still get your fix, lol.
Also, I have to thank you guys, I really can’t thank you enough. I am in love with this fic and truly in your discussion of it bc yall seem as invested as I am and I just love all the possibilities and how these characters are turning out and it’s all been so much fun. So please, enjoy and remember that I love you (but I will not leave my wife for you, sorry).
(also open to new moodboards for the fic or even playlists for inspo if anyone’s interested. memes always welcome.)
I really hope you enjoy. 💋 You guys rock!
<3 Let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply! Love ya!
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You were never one to stand out among a crowd. Were it not for the sling around your shoulder, that would still be true. You suspected, without the king's interest, that would be even more true. But despite your simply cut gown, you could sense the eyes as you entered the hall.
The trestles were set with scarlet cloth and silver plates. You followed the other unwed ladies to the table opposite the lower lords. The king would sit at the high table with several favoured lords and ladies and those of the council not among them would sit along the next. 
You were surprised to spot your father along that group of men, though he did not wear the pin that the other counselors wore. He nodded at you from across the room as he took his seat. You were stopped before you could go behind the trestle by a servant in royal colours. The other ladies glanced over but quickly hid their curiosity.
“My lady,” The servant said. “You are to take the place of honour at the high table.”
“Pardon?” You stepped aside to let Joan pass behind you. 
“The king has declared you the Maiden of the Forest. You must take your proper seat,” The servant insisted. “If you would follow me, my lady.”
“Um,” You glanced to the ladies as they sat along the bench then to the table where your father sat. His eyes narrowed at you as he listened to Lord Callum. “Certainly. As you will.”
You waited for the servant to lead you. You climbed the short steps up to the dais that held the king’s table. Diana and Mable sat with their husbands, Anthony and Samuel, and Lord Barnes stood next to an empty chair to the right of the king’s. The royal couple themselves were upon a short platform that held them another half foot above their guests. 
The servant gestured towards Barnes. “Just down there, lady.” He explained. “With Lord Barnes.”
“Thank you,” You nodded to the man and he quickly departed for his other chores.
As you walked along the table, behind chairs both occupied and not, you stared at the king’s chair. The thought of spending the feast next to him filled you with dread. A blur of movement caught your eye and you found Lord Barnes awaiting you with a smile as you drew nearer.
“My lady,” He took your hand and bowed to kiss your hand dramatically. “The venerable Maiden of the Forest.”
“You mock me,” You accused. “Though I should wonder how a man in such a smock could find the gull to do so.”
“Oh but any silk not dull as stone would seem gauche next to your attire, my lady,” He quipped. “As a second daughter, I am certain you expected a convent but you’ve escaped the habit of yet.”
“I thought you the king’s man, not his jester,” You returned. He politely shifted the chair back for you to sit. “Though perhaps a fool’s cap would suit you better.”
“As much as a bolder shade would bring out your complexion, my lady,” He remarked as you sat. “Do you truly seek to deter the king or is this truly what you consider fashionable?”
“This is what an earl’s daughter can afford,” You said sharply. 
“If only half this court was as self-aware as you, my lady,” He sat beside you, “Perhaps then it would not be so turbulent.”
“Oh, if only,” You agreed.
“The sling, however, does brighten the look,” He added. “How does your shoulder fair?”
“Tender but not so insufferable as my company.”
You looked across the room. Rose was not among the ladies. You hadn’t seen her since before the hunt and heard even less of her. ‘I will see that she is dealt with’, those were the words the king had spoke. The promise he’d made to you though you could not untangle his meaning.
“Oh my lady, I do remember the scene in your chambers,” He intoned. “I am not the worst you must suffer.”
He grinned as you looked to him. Your retort was curtailed by the sound of a horn. You stood at the announcement of the king’s arrival and all bowed as he entered. He wore a rich green brocade slitted with gold silk. The queen’s dress was a similar shade though she did not bear the same poise. Her sharp eyes scanned the hall and fell on you. She pushed her shoulders back and averted her gaze with detest.
Barnes shifted on his feet and peeked over at you out of the corner of his eye. You raised your brows and shook your head. He was not so unconcerned as he pretended to be. The king and queen made their entrance to the blaring of the horn and ascended the dais as their subjects waited and watched.
You kept your head forward as they passed behind you and the queen’s skirts brushed against the legs of your chair. “Snake.” She snarled under her breath for you to hear. You struggled not to flinch at the word and listened as her heels clicked up the step to her perch.
“You handle it better than most.” Barnes whispered as the royal couple sat and their guests followed suit.
“What else can I do but bite my tongue and keep my eyes forward?” You returned as he reached for the decanter and filled his goblet. 
“Wine?” He offered but did not await your answer before he poured it in your cup. “And let me say, I’ve seen a dozen or so women in your position and they often resort to boasting, arrogance even.”
“In my position? And you think--”
“Oh, I know of your modesty,” He assured you as he sipped and servants appeared with platters and began to set them out between silver plates. “Though such restraint is almost unknown at this court. I suspect that’s why the king has remained so persistent.”
You drank from your cup and glanced over at the king. You worried he would overhear. He was entirely distracted by Eleanor’s whispers though barely entertained. He scowled as his eyes swept the ceiling and he huffed in response.
“He has persisted before, has he not?” You kept your voice low.
“A month, maybe two, and only after he obtained his prize.” He paused as a platter was set between you. “You only expedited Rose’s downfall but you didn’t cause it.”
“Is that your expectation? A month, maybe two for me?” You wondered. “It is not that I do not expect the same treatment, only that I’d hope to avoid the same end.”
“I don’t know what to expect,” He shrugged as he speared a slice of venison from the platter. “For so long as I’ve known the king, I’ve not quite seen him as I did in your chamber.”
“Surely he must’ve promised the same to other ladies.” You took a smaller piece and scooped some roasted veggies upon your plate.
“Jewels and fancy baubles only,” He said. “Eleanor is a princess herself, even without the marriage. What he intends is not so easily done as said.”
“And you think he truly means to do it?” You hovered your fork above your plate as you stared at him. Despite the edge of his tongue, he proved to be the most honest at court.
“I think he means to have you,” He cut into his venison, “And there is little that can stop him once he has his mind set.”
You looked to your plate and pushed a piece of potato around the silver. Your stomach knotted as you pondered cutting your meat with one hand.
“My lady,” A whisper distracted you. You looked over as the king leaned down. “I should ask after your health.”
“I am well,” You assured him. “My arm does not bother me so much but I must avoid straining it further.”
“Well enough to dance?” He ventured as his eyes lit up. “Being the Maiden of the Forest, it would be expected you take up the boards.”
“A dance.” You assured him, “But not many more. I fear the sling would make me far more ungainly than I already am.”
“A dance, a smile, I relish in all that you allow me, my lady,” His eyes flicked down for just a moment. “And what of the gifts I have given you?”
Your eyes rounded for a moment before you recalled the opal necklace still hidden in your trunk. “Oh, your highness, how forgetful I am. It has all been so hectic I’ve not even the thought to wear it, though it is the finest piece I’ve ever owned.”
“I should like that you would,” He reproached. “As a marker of my love for you.”
You looked down and nodded. “I will have to remind myself,” You said quietly. “I do forget myself so often.”
“Oh, but lady, do not punish yourself,” He said softly. “For I bear you no anger, I only wish to see you well.”
“And I do thank you for your concern,” You looked up at him. “It means very much.”
“I think of nothing else,” He assured you, “No one else.”
He bowed his head and sat up. The queen’s eyes glared across the room as she ignored her husband’s conversation with you. You sat back and took another drink. Barnes was smiling as he swallowed his mouthful.
“While I admire your grace, I know you are rather adept at rancor. Perhaps you would be best to prove the same to him.” He mused. “Oh, it might solve many problems should you speak with more than a lamb’s tongue.”
“I am honest--”
“Oh but you coat it in honey,” He interjected. “Our king is wise. Should you bite him once, he might just leave you alone.”
“And should he choose to swat me down instead?”
“Despite what you’ve known of him, he is not entirely irrational,” He said coolly. “Perhaps he might realize his wife is not so vile after all.”
“Perhaps,” You mulled as you prodded a slice of carrot, “Or perhaps it is too late for even that.”
The night wore on. Your shoulder ached; from the tension, from the stiff chair, from your general discomfort. The king would lean down to speak to you every now and then and as he did, all in the hall would notice. Though they tried to be subtle, you did not miss their intrusive eyes.
Lord Barnes did not hide his awareness either. At times, he'd lean back and speak to the king around you. The queen's malice radiated from the other side of the king but she would not acknowledge her husband's obvious disregard.
When the meal came to an end, the horn sounded once more and the platters were cleared. Several courses had left guests joyous and half-drunk.
The king stood before the band could begin to pluck. He held a hand up as he waited for silence. His subjects hushed their chatter and looked to him. He smiled back, a beacon of kingly grace.
"And so we close another season. This marks the beginning of winter and the end of our most bountiful season." His voice carried easily across the hall. "As is tradition we must crown our Maiden of the Forest."
You gulped and looked to Barnes. He smirked at the king's words and scoffed. He leaned back and watched nonchalantly as Steven continued. A servant appeared at the wave of his hand.
"If you would, my lady," He nodded to you as he took a circlet of vines and petals from the servant.
You rose stiffly. He offered his free hand and you took it as he guided you up beside him. The queen kept her head high and you peered out across the hall. Your father was turned around in his chair watching proudly. The servant helped remove your cap.
"In the name of the hunt, I name you our Maiden of the Forest." The king announced as he placed the crown of flowers upon your head. "May you reign this night with grace and joy."
"Thank you, your highness, " Your voice was brittle as your head swayed.
"And to close the old season and open the new, let us dance." He declared. "Maiden, would you grant me your first dance?"
You nodded. At first, your throat was too tight to speak. The queen's hand was balled in a fist upon the table. "Yes, your highness," You managed, "If you can forgive my shortfalls, it is yours."
"Then let us dance!" He boomed.
For a moment, no one moved and then all at once, the band picked up and the nobles began to rise from the tables. They filtered out to the floor as the king led you behind the chairs and from the dais. Barnes did not rise and poured himself another cup.
The king pressed his palm to yours as you came to face each other. You felt awkward and unbalanced with your other arm in its sling. As he moved his feet, you shuffled around him. You hadn't thought your dancing could get worse.
"My lady, I am glad to see you well." He cooed. "I admit I was restless with worry for you."
"Your highness." You said curtly and looked around at the other dancers.
He was silent for a moment as you followed the music.
"Have I wronged you, my lady?" He asked.
"Have you? Oh, how can you not see what you do to me? This court reviles me due to your humiliation of the queen. Your declarations that would allude to adultery."
"My lady, I only mean to honour you and your virtue--"
"What you mean and what you have done are not the same. You would crown me with your wife at your side. You would overlook her for me. You would sully my virtue as you claim to protect it." You glanced over at Barnes as he remained at the table. He looked into his cup as he sloshed it around. "And I have treated you with nothing by reverence and yet you persist."
"I have promised you anon that the woman who claims herself as my wife is none such." He hissed. "But I must gather my evidence before I can make it known. Before I can right what is wrong."
"You promise me what you cannot give. You would rob me of my future for your present desire. Your highness, I cannot hold my tongue further and tolerate you as you are so blatant in your disregard." You pulled away from him. A little bite to warn him; to scare him away. "Your majesty I must return to my former chambers and return to you your gift accepted only under duress for I cannot demean myself for you any longer. Not so long as you sit in sin."
He reeled as if you had struck him. You stepped away as he stared at you, his nostrils flared as his eyes searched you. He lingered between fury and despair.
"My lady, you do mistreat me."
"The truth is not always painless, your highness," You said sternly. "And I do not wish to remain the victim of rumour." You lowered your hand. "It cannot be… good night, your highness. "
You bowed and spun on your heel so quickly you nearly slipped. You lifted your skirts to scurry between the bodies. Your flesh was afire as you fled into the corridor.
You took a breath and continued along the stone floor. You heard the door and looked back to the shadow that followed you. The king found you through the flicker of lanterns and turned to trail you. You rounded the corner as you picked up your feet. 
"My lady," He called after you as his boots echoed on the stone. "Please, do not run from me."
You moved as quickly as you could, the motion jolted your shoulder painfully. He was close as you reached the next corner and he caught your hand before you could evade him. He drew you to face him as he looked down at you.
"Why do you spurn me? Why do you accuse me of spite when all I've shown you is kindness?" He pleaded. His grip slid to your wrist and he squeezed. "Why do you delay me if you do not yearn for what I promise you?"
"You're hurting me," You gasped as his hold grew firmer. "Your highness."
"I give and I give and I give," He stepped closer until you were against the wall. "And you withhold yourself from me."
"You scare me," You breathed.  
"I promise you a union, a crown, and all you could desire and yet you reprimand me and let me suffer so," He was against you. He pressed his body to yours and you felt a hardness beneath his belt.
"And I have not pushed you. I have not violated you. I have waited." He ground his pelvis into you as he crushed your injured arm. "I have not taken you as I have dreamt. I have not come into your chambers as you sleep and taken what I desire." 
He let go of your wrist and grabbed your chin. He forced you to look at him. "Because, my lady, I have decided that I will have you. Not just as my mistress, but as my wife, my queen. Because I don't just want that treasure you hide beneath those skirts," He bent so that his breath was upon your face."I want everything you have because you would deny me of the one thing I asked. "
You gaped up at him and trembled. You winced as his weight pushed on your sore shoulder. He leaned in until his nose touched yours.
"And though, at this moment, I could gather your skirts and take you against this wall, I will not," He pushed his hips harder against you. "Because when I do take you, I will be certain that you shall never elude me again." 
He pressed his lips to yours as he held your jaw in place. You struggled as he seemed like to devour you. You were trapped against the stone; terrified and helpless. He pulled away slowly and rubbed along your cheek with his thumb. 
"My lady, remember my benevolence for my restraint frays." He growled. "Though in the end, my desire will not."
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fanfoolishness · 5 years
Growing Pains thoughts
I’ll be frank... this episode destroyed me in ways I think I’m gonna still be processing for a while.
But hey! Dogcopter’s gay and in love and good for him!
Everyone’s getting married but me!
*drops carton of ice cream he was eating for lunch*
I feel like poop
honey, Steven, maybe that’s all the ice cream
Don’t you remember the creamed corn debacle???
Also all the cheesy puffs?
Also all the mess?
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This face is funny because it hurts ;_;
and he INSTANTLY cheers up when calling Greg. Oh, honey.
I’m glad Greg is still a band manager out on the road!  What a great thing for him.  
Though it’s another case of Steven nudging a guardian into self-care, it’s a much smaller nudge and a much more mentally stable guardian, and it’s in line with what could be a normal teen-parent interaction
Like when my brothers and I cheered on my mom for getting her teaching degree
But Steven’s anxiety eyes as Greg ribs him for things that should be part of being a normal teenager hurt my soul
I spy potato chips, cheesy poofs, and spilled ice cream just on the fucking floor in his room.  And a laundry hamper in easy reach but with clothes everywhere.  Steven is really, really hurting.
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Steven has Greg’s old picture in his phone.
Another sign of wanting to hold on to the past, perhaps. Connie’s picture is updated.
Steven... tears off the freezer door. Those expired Cookie Cats in the back are definitely gonna be inedible.
Steven: My body keeps randomly growing! It doesn’t hurt so it’s fine!
Connie’s faces are the exact correct response to the badness unfolding in front of her.
The way Steven persistently tries to deflect and shove down his own needs and fears with both Greg and Connie is heartbreaking.
OKAY, so realistically, I was worried that it would just be too weird having Steven’s best friend’s/kinda girlfriend’s mom be his doctor.
But Steven’s messed up enough that maybe boundaries don’t matter right now eeeeeh
anyway. I love Priyanka. I love how rational she is.  Let’s rule out human causes for the problem, shall we?
CONNIE you are so mature and reassuring to Steven and also respecting his privacy and ALSO being like HEY FELLOW HUMAN BEING GREG GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE thank god
I’m glad he is still such a round boi <3
I’m pleased Priyanka even thought to auscult it
Poor Priyanka about to start on a righteous path of “kid you should have been going to the doctor” and then Steven just BLOOORPOPS
Is... that one of those blue things that doesn’t cover your butt?
I love her. she is so fucking single-minded. You see where Connie gets her determination from.
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Just imagine Priyanka thinking about how little Steven seemed when she met him.  She and Connie both thought he was about 8 until his 14th birthday.  She thinks of that little boy being smashed, being broken, and she just... she aches.
That doesn’t change the fact that you experienced trauma.
But you were hurt! Badly hurt!
I... was badly hurt.
wow wow wow this all hurts me okay
Priyanka’s voice is so calm. So measured. She is trying to present this information in a way that won’t scare him.
You think there’s something wrong with my brain?
This scares him so much :(
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They did it... they really did it... everything I’ve been saying for months, everything I’ve been thinking would come back to haunt him, so many things over the years.... it’s here.  They really did it.  And I’m emotional, and I hurt for him, and I’m amazed at how many of these moments I pinned down and put in my animatic weeks ago. And I feel terrible for Steven, and I feel terrible for my childhood self, and for my baby brother who died of a drug overdose from an addiction that likely stemmed from the cumulative effects of his own accumulated adverse childhood experiences.  Our shared childhood.  Except I’m still here, and he’s gone.  And why was I lucky enough to be strong enough to come through that without a fatal coping mechanism when he wasn’t?  Why did he reach for something that would kill him?  Why did our childhood have to include my father’s suicide attempts and poorly medicated bipolar disorder and days where we were so scared to see his car come home?  Why did we have to be screamed at and have our things destroyed by our dad smashing them in a rage?  Why did we have to go through this? Why did Steven have to be so harmed in so many ways?   What fractures do I carry under my skin, invisible, like Steven?
Oh. Maybe this is why it took a full day to collect my thoughts on this episode.
Oh, Steven. Your heart is broken ;____;  I love that he’s mature enough to not be angry at Connie for her choice, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t a terrible, terrible blow to him.
You haven’t told your mom?
oh Steven this is rich coming from you
Did you EVER tell Greg ANY OF THIS STUFF
Did you EVER tell the Gems what White Diamond did to you???
But maybe he hopes that since Connie HAS a real mom that they at least can be close
and maybe he fears that if Connie didn’t tell her mom, then that means she thinks it’s really bad :(
oh no oh no he’s a mostly naked pink giant boy and we DO NOT NEED ANY MORE SKULL FRACTURES 
“I... can’t... BE AROUND YOU RIGHT NOW!”
I can’t
I’m so sorry Steven
ZACH how the FUCK do you do this
If that man does not get an Emmy for this season the whole system can die in a fire
“Connie? .... thank you.”
somehow that’s even MORE devastating than the other line
just the acknowledgement of the pain and the fear and the confusion he’s going through
and that she knew what had to be done
“It’s fine, Dad.”
another amazing delivery
I just... fuuuuuuuuck
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“I proposed to Connie!”
Those TEARS, that FACE, there is so much AGONY in every line and syllable of this scene, he’s so ashamed and embarrassed and hurt and sad and there’s just so much, too much, he can’t --
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Sometimes, you look so much like her.
he’s the dad we should all aspire to be to any young people in our lives honestly
he still makes mistakes
but the fucking HEART he has
The house is all cleaned up by the time Steven gets to bed with the hot cocoa.
You know that Greg INSISTED Steven not lift a fucking FINGER to clean it.
You KNOW that man schlepped all the garbage downstairs, cleaned the ice cream off the floor, started the laundry, all of it.  You KNOW he cleaned his son’s house like his life fucking depended on it.
I’m writing it.  This fic is gonna happen.  
And it’s gonna hurt.
I need to go sit and be awhile.
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bitchardhendricks · 4 years
Well I’ve Never Been to Heaven (But I’ve Been to Oklahoma) pt 17
I know it’s been a terribly long time since I last updated - to be frank, the last couple of weeks have been almost too full to bear. Wife and I foster dogs through a local shelter, and our most recent was a hospice foster whom we had for the last 6 months (aka all of quarantine and beyond). He finally declined to the point that we had to make the call, and we said goodbye to him last weekend and honestly? I’ve been too sad to do much writing or thinking about writing, because this loss, even though it was an expected one, has left a massive hole in my heart. Unrelated, but I am now in the remote wilderness of Colorado in a cabin for Wife’s 30th birthday - essentially sheltering in place, but with a hot tub and mountain views. It finally feels a little easier to breathe and the getaway has done me a lot of good. Here’s an extra-long update of Tulsa fic for an extra-long wait. I hope you all are taking care of yourselves out there and giving yourself breaks where you can. Catch up on past entries here, and come say hi and tell me about the pets that you’ve loved.
When Richard opens his eyes on Saturday morning with his face smushed against his pillow he suffers a dizzying moment of time travel - he’s in his childhood bedroom wearing one of his old high school t-shirts and seeing his Ninja Turtle sleeping bags rolled up on the floor. But there’s no Big Head playing N64 at the foot of his bed, and his sheets smell like detergent and some familiar floral scent he can’t quite place, not spilled Red Bull and teen boy sweat. 
He flops over onto his back and closes his eyes for a moment, breathes deeply through his nose. Hears his sister’s voice, teasing but not mean: mooning over someone, that’s what he looks like. His mother’s voice. He’s a million miles away, like always. Jared’s voice, hushed in the dark. All I wanted was to find a place that I belonged, where I was wanted. Isn’t that what Richard always wanted too? Jesus, how many nights did he spend in this room, in this bed counting down the days until he could finally fucking escape, trying with all his might to think himself away from this place. “Creation is an act of sheer will,” after all.
And what did you create, Richie? 
You made a shitty music player that no one fucking wanted, and you gave away your one good idea to your competition. What does that leave you with - a great company name? Shit, if Jared hadn't seen the potential of the algorithm, you wouldn't even have a company. Jared sparked the idea for middle-out. Without him, you wouldn't have middle-out, you wouldn't be a CEO. You wouldn't have anything at all.
Maybe Jared knows what he's talking about. 
Diane’s already awake, a coffee cup cradled in her hands at the kitchen table, when Jared carefully and quietly emerges from Richard’s bedroom and shuts the door. 
“Mornin’ sugar,” she whispers and gestures for Jared to sit next to her, which he does. "I didn't expect anyone to be awake yet on a Saturday. You must be an early riser, like me. Here, sit you a spell, lemme grab you some coffee. Did you sleep well?” she asks, as she gets up to fetch him a mug of his own. This force of Diane's maternal energy continues to catch him off guard, and he reaches for an answer like a man in an unfamiliar hotel room groping for the light.
“Oh yes, they were all nightmares I’ve had before so I knew my escape routes. I feel fresh as a daisy!”
“Mm, that’s good,” she replies, sounding far away as she rummages through a cabinet and pulls out a mug, then pads over to the coffee pot to fill it. “You take cream and sugar, sweetheart?”
“Black is fine,” Jared says, and gratefully accepts the cup she offers him. It says HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY in comic sans font surrounding a faded photo of the entire Hendricks family, sometime in the mid-90s from the look of the boldly patterned oversize knit sweater on Steven and the perms sported by both Diane and Caitlyn. They’re standing in a verdant field in front of a split rail fence, Steven and Diane in the back, Caitlyn and Richard in front; Richard is a skinny, coltish boy, those auburn curls still a riot around his head, his father’s hand clapped firm over his left shoulder. 
“Somethin’ wrong, sugar?” Diane asks him, and Jared startles from his reverie. He shakes his head, quickly takes a sip, “Mm, no. This is good, thank you, Diane.” He tries very hard not to think about his strange, alien presence in the warmth of this woman’s home, with her powder blue terrycloth robe and her commissioned family mugs. They sit in silence for a moment, listening to the birds chirping outside the kitchen window. 
“Jared, honey, can I ask you somethin’?”
“Of course,” Jared says, caught off guard. His fingers play with the collar of his plain white t-shirt. 
“Richard has always been...sensitive. He acts standoffish, but he - he takes things hard, you know? I thought he might grow out of it. He was such a sweet little boy...used to pick dandelions for me on the way home from school, almost every day. Can you believe that?” 
Jared looks at the unabashed grin on 9-year-old Richard’s face, standing in a field and squinting into the sun, laughing with his family. He can believe it. “Yes,” he says, but Diane doesn’t seem to really hear him as she continues.
“But you know, high school and hormones, and my lord did that boy get moody!” She laughs a little, but it sounds sad. “I just...ever since he went off to college, I feel him slippin’ further and further away from me. Does he - well, what does he say about us, exactly? Does he ever talk about us?”
Jared’s expression must reveal more than he intended, because she nods before he can speak. “Ah. That’s what I thought.”
“But it’s not,” Jared hurries to reassure her, “I don’t think it is what you think. Richard doesn’t talk about his past really, or anything altogether personal.” Except this weekend, his mind whispers and he tries not to flush. He’s full of stories this weekend. And those long nights in the garage, in the bathtub, in bathrooms of VC offices; all those fears, all those anxieties. It feels so terribly personal, but listen to what his own mother is telling you and give up all those fantasies that it could be anything else - it’s just business, Donald. He rushes on, “You have to understand, Diane, the tremendous pressure he’s under. There’s not really time or, or room for - “ but he falters, unsure how to proceed when he doesn’t really believe what he’s saying. 
“Oh I know, he’s busy, always so busy. Off being a big shot CEO, I get it. I just wish...” she shakes her head, looks down into her coffee mug. 
“I know you must miss him terribly,” Jared says, grimly picturing the ragged hole in his chest that would remain if Richard ever left him behind. 
“Sometimes I wonder if...does he hate me, Jared? Is that why he won’t come home?” 
“Oh gosh in heaven, no!” Heedless of houseguest decorum, he places one of his hands over her smaller one on the table and squeezes in an attempt to comfort her. Her only crime is loving Richard too much, an infraction he is all too familiar with. He can’t help but offer her a balm to soothe, even if it’s not his place. “He misses you, and he loves you. I think...I think Richard is someone who tends to live inside himself a great deal, and doesn’t always pay attention to the effect he can have on other people.” Jared can feel his ears pinking, but he soldiers on. “He’s like a shark, always moving forward, never pausing to rest because he has to attack the next problem and the next. And while that means he can stay focused on creating wonderful things, it also means he doesn’t always notice the little remoras swimming around him, taking care of him so that he can keep on swimming and avoid deadly parasitic infections.”
Diane looks at Jared, her face drawn and tight, an expression so like her son’s face when he’s working out a problem. Her eyes search his, and for a moment, Jared has the terrible urge to shrink before her, a child under scrutiny. “And is there someone,” her voice falters, “takin’ care of him?”
He’s caught, his heart thrumming like a rabbit’s in a snare, but he’s helpless against those wild blue eyes, and he nods. 
“And is he happy?” She has turned her hand so that her fingers are now clutching at Jared’s, feverish. A woman holding onto a lifeline. 
Jared wants to say yes, wants to say it’s terrifying and exhausting and every day is an uphill climb but we are building something magical together and he wants to say I am doing everything I can to make him happy because he said no to Gavin’s money and I didn’t know people could do that. What he actually says is, “I - I want him to be.”
She searches his face, her expression unreadable, then releases Jared’s hand immediately as Caitlyn pads down the hallway in an oversized OKC Thunder t-shirt and plaid sleep pants, yawning loudly. “Hey, mama, did you make coffee?”
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youcantkillamutant · 4 years
Earn It
Author: youcantkillamutant
Fandom: Marvel (Black Panther)
Pairing: Erik Stevens/Killmonger x Black!OC
Summary:  Some things have to be earned
Warnings: Cursing (Is ‘hell’ a bad word anymore?)
Words: 1.6K
A/N: Joining in on the Quarantine Writing challenge hosted by the lovely @shaekingshitup & @chaneajoyyy. Thank y’all for getting me writing in this time of corn teen lol. I only own my original characters of course, Marvel don’t sue me I’m broke.
Listening To: Earned It Instrumental By The Weeknd, Earned It by Jasmine Thompson, When I Get My Hands On You by The New Basement Tapes
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Tea, check. KimoyoPad, check. Earbuds, check. Blue-light glasses, check. Kay had everything she needed. The sun was streaming through her office pod in the palace, window open to let in the breeze, but something was missing. Ideas. She needed ideas. After working on this project for a week straight, Kay discovered that she had no more inventive energy. All of her creations had been wrung out of her within the week, and now she sat at her desk, pouring over everything she had imagined, and it just wasn’t working.
She’d bought a few more hours to pull something together to present to Shuri and the board, but the clock was ticking and she wasn’t getting anywhere. Kay pushed away her KPad. Seeking out distraction would only make her feel worse, only remind her of the work she wasn’t doing.
To be fair, Kay had been particularly hard on herself during the work on this project and she knew it. Shuri and the other girls in the lab had noticed it. Feared it is probably more accurate. when Kay asked Shuri for a few more hours on the presentation, she was met with wide eyes and furious nods. And Kay couldn’t figure out why exactly she was wound so tight about this, but it felt important.
It was her first presentation in Wakanda that she’d make without training wheels. No project lead to report to, just her. When Shuri and the Board had approved her initial proposal, she’d been elated. Called everyone back home in the States to report that after 8 whole months working in Wakanda she’d finally scored her own project. It was exciting, even when the work set in she was excited, but now, a month later and three-quarters a preliminary presentation complete, Kay had to wonder why she’d wanted to do this in the first place.
It wasn’t like she had a ton of work to finish for the presentation anyways. But the part she had to finish just wouldn’t come. She’d been brainstorming for the last week on this portion of the project and she could barely string two sentences together for the presentation because there was nothing. Just as Kay was about to go give herself a bathroom break in which she would stare at herself in the mirror for ten to fifteen minutes, the door to her office pod slid open. Crap.
“Shuri, I thought we agreed that you’d give me at least three hours to go over these—”, Kay stopped short when her earbuds were out. A warm breath brushed over Kay’s shoulder, she knew it wasn’t Shuri. Great.
“N’Jadaka. I thought you were on a diplomatic mission with the Jabari.” Clove and honey floated to her senses, mingling with sand and oak; N’Jadaka’s scent wafting through the air.
“Keeping tabs on me Kay? I’m touched.” He huffed another breath over Kayana’s cheek, so close he could kiss it. Kay didn’t bother answering. Blowing out a breath instead, so get N’Jadaka’s smell out of her mouth.
Ever since she’d come to Wakanda N’Jadaka had been…overly familiar. Maybe it’s because they were the only Americans in Wakanda, but Kay didn’t spend five years doubling majoring in architecture and agriculture to be distracted by a lost prince. especially not on her first big presentation.
“Don’t flatter yourself N’Jadaka. I read the daily news blasts.” Kay waved her right wrist, heavy and strong with the kimoyo beads she’d received her first week working with Shuri.
“Everything is easier with these, I promise! It’s synced with your Pad so you’ll never have to worry about lost files. You’ll be able to chat with me, send video messages about the site visits and…”
“She reads! I knew you were smart. Could tell by the way you—” Kay shot him a sharp look then, one brow raised, daring him to go on.
Around Kayana, N’Jadaka Udaku had a knack for saying the wrong thing. Well in her opinion. All the girls she worked with in the lab and in the field utterly adored the man, but to Kay he was a pompous, arrogant, admittedly smart but incredibly irritating Golden State Warriors fan. Another glance at Kay told Erik to move onto another subject.
“I thought I told you to call me Erik?”
“I thought I told you to call me Ms. Benton.” Another gust of air, this one followed by a kiss of his teeth. Kay could just barely see it in her periphery. Pink tongue caressing his pearly whites before being swallowed by gleaming gold canines.
“Fine Ms. Benton. What are you working on then, Girl Wonder?”
“That’s your cousin’s name.” Erik rounded the table and pulled a chair out smoothly, settling into it and gazing at her expectantly. “I’m working on the proofs for a few smaller eco-house concepts. We’ve got the ecology of it down, solar panels, self venting spaces, and recycled fibers are easy enough to incorporate, but it’s just the…size.”
“What about it?” Kay ignored the way her stomach flipped when N’Jadaka’s face scrunched together in confusion. She’d been doing that for weeks.
“Do you know how difficult it is to turn a 20 meter space into a fully functioning apartment? I mean, sleeping quarters, laundry, kitchen, and living area. Not to mention it should all be ‘mod-chic’ or whatever brief T’Challa gave to the Board. Shuri was supposed to send someone from product development to help me but—” Kay caught sight of Erik’s grin. Her stomach flipped again and she backpedalled. “But I’m sure I can handle this. I probably don’t need help anyways.”
“Now come on Ms. Benton, you were practically begging for help.”
“I can’t imagine why Shuri would send you.” Any time the two had to work in the same vicinity, Erik spent most of his time trying to distract her and no time on whatever it was he was meant to be doing. After her first week, she’d actually never seen Erik in the lab again. According to Shuri, he wasn’t allowed in anymore.
“I’m the last one to say men and women should be separated, but my cousin…well he’s not helped his case much. Besides, T’Challa’s been gunning for his own lab near the top of the palace, this’ll make things easier for everyone. For now at least.”
N’Jadaka had found his way to Kay outside of the lab; sliding into the seat across from her at lunches, and always suspiciously on her off-site trips, trying to play tour guide. Initially she felt annoyed, she didn’t need a tour guide to do her job. Now-a-days, she was feeling a little different anytime N’Jadaka found her. He was getting to her, as much as she hates to admit it.
“Because I’m probably the only person who’s lived in a 20 meter apartment in this country. Seriously, I know how to live small Kay.” Kayana shot him a glare for the nickname and tried to ignore how genuine he sounded. Erik smirked at the way her lip curled in annoyance. He’d always found that cute.
Kay wasn’t stupid, she’d heard the stories about King N’Jadaka. Ruthless, power-hungry, practically foaming at the mouth for control. It was why she’d avoided him in the first place. But this N’Jadaka was nothing like the stories. He was kind of nice. Still cocky and arrogant, but surprisingly sincere. At least he was with her.
“The key to this is to break up the space. That and you’ve got to use any and every piece of furniture as storage. Hell, use the space under the steps as storage. If something in the space doesn’t have at least two functions, it doesn’t belong.”
For the first time since she’d started working in Wakanda, Erik had brought something useful to the conversation. Not that he wasn’t smart, the guy was brilliant and everyone knew it, especially him. It just seemed that every time he came around Kay, all he could spew were cocky remarks and nicknames he hadn’t earned.
“Are you telling me you’ve found more than one use for a pillow?”
“Ms. Benton, there are plenty of uses for a pillow.” Erik waggled his eyebrows and Kay rolled her eyes, but something in his expression felt wicked and her face heated. “But in all seriousness, yeah. If you get a large enough pillow, they can be used as couch cushions. Hell you could turn the whole bed into a couch and transform the sleeping space into the living space.”
“Do you think we could turn them into curtains instead?”  
It went on like that for two hours, Kay and Erik brainstorming. Mostly Kay was questioning how something could serve more than one function and Erik answered back with three different ways to transform the singly-functional to multi-functional.
“I’m impressed.” Kay was loathe to admit it, especially with the way Erik’s full lips pulled up into a smirk. By now they were both standing, they’d both paced the circumference of the office pod ten times. N’Jadaka approached Kay arms wide in victory.
“And the Girl Wonder begrudgingly admits I know what I’m talking about. You flatter me Kay.”
“Ms. Benton. And I never said you didn’t know that you were talking about.” At least not out loud.
“Seriously? After all that help I still can’t call you Kay?” This time N’Jadaka was a few steps away. “What is it with you and nicknames?” His gaze was calculating and Kay met him head-on.
“Names have power, you of all people should know that N’Jadaka.”
“Bullshit.” N’Jadaka took a step closer. “I’ve heard the girls call you Kay.” Another step. “You even let mean old Mrs. Oyinke call you Kay.” N’Jadaka had made it right in front of Kay, close enough to touch. Kay stood her ground.
“Nicknames have to be earned.” Erik’s brow shot up in surprise. Then he leaned in. Close and closer. Between one breath and the next he was so close that Kay could see his golds glinting through barely parted lips.
“And what exactly do I need to do to earn it then?”
A/N: Hi everyone! I hope y’all are doing okay in Quarantine and staying safe. I obvi haven’t been writing much, but I’m hoping to change that once I finish a few more projects. 
I started a new job last month and somehow get to work from home so there’s really no reason why I can’t keep working on The Advocate after I fix a few things around the house. I’m excited about that! 
I hope y’all liked this one. Pretty sure I’ll never write smut but I like to tease the possibility of the chance of a kiss like an 80 year old victorian spinster lol
I was inspired by the Youtube channel Never Too Small. Even if y’all aren’t into design you should check out a few videos because what people can do with small spaces is literally ingenious!
Let me know if you’d like to be added or taken off the taglist :)
Taglist: @princessstevens @muse-of-mbaku @k-michaelis@queenamaniii@dreadedphilosphy@killmongurl@thelovelyliterary@elaindeereads @thedom223 @muse-of-mbaku@bidibidibombaclaat@panthergoddessbast @writingmarvellousimagines@someareblindtoitsbeauty@jozigrrl@iamrheaspeaks @purple-apricots@thadelightfulone@janelledarling @killmongersgurl @fd-writes 
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