#sth to keep in mind next time
nikkiissleepy · 1 month
raincoat nikki & genie momo in index
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neonvqmpire · 1 year
we need to talk about how close aziraphale actually was to saying no to the metatron after the kiss and why:
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he's extremely conflicted and keeps looking out of the window to crowley in the car.
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he previously said "nothing last forever" when crowley told him that he cant leave the bookshop (crowley also meant "you cant leave me"; the bookshop is a metaphor for their lives on earth for him) and he states exactly this as the first objection here. obviously the metatron shuts it down by appointing muriel as the next owner of the shop.
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now he's stuck between wanting to be with the being he loves & who he now knows loves him back and his deep inner need/duty to do good. crowley's confession and kiss clearly made him question his decision and change his mind because here is when he actually decides for both.
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you can see how he does not want to join heaven alone. he keeps looking out the window when asked if he needs anything to take with him.
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he desperately needs crowley there but he can not have him so he lies and says no.
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i this moment he tries to say no to heaven one last time. he starts saying "i think i-" and then looks out to crowley one last time. he's really considering crowleys offer here. i think the decision that he makes instead is actually FOR crowley as well.
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he decides to join heaven not as he was previously convinced by the metatron to do good and rule together with crowley (which he did not want to do) but instead to go and keep a close eye on heaven FOR crowley.
aziraphale isnt stupid, he remembers what crowley said about heaven being toxic.
i think the confession and kiss makes him question heaven. crowley, who fell for asking questions made aziraphale question heaven too. something that he was always too scared to do. he has started to rebel in his head. he realised that something has to be up with heaven/the metatron bc they offered him the position. he decided to go but with a completely different purpose than before. 
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he puts on a smile and it seems fake because it is. he wants to appear like he hasn't just fundamentally changed his position and decided to go against the one force who he was always afraid of yet dependent on. 
this is sth extremely relatable to someone who is queer and autistic and was raised by very conservative family members. even the thought of supporting queer people felt rebellious, terrifying but also extremely exiting and powerful because i knew it was the right thing to believe. 
aziraphale was being so brave here. he saw a glimpse of the life he wants and can have and choose to join heaven anyway to fight for this life. he is convinced it will not be possible for them to be together if heaven is still kicking about and making him feel powerless and scared. he wants to secure their future by changing or possibly even destroying the system from the inside out. 
unfortunately he didn't have time to tell crowley about his change of intention and i think it really breaks his heart. crowley would probably not understand it anyway. they still have a lot to work through and learn but ultimately they will find each other again. they always do.
i am so so interested to see where and how they meet again in s3, if we get it. after everything i just really want them to be happy and to spend their eternity together. they deserve it after all they went through.
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writingforstraykids · 5 months
Keep it together
Pairing: Chan x femReader
Word Count: 2199
Summary: You come back to an empty home, overwhelmed after a shitty day. Once Chan's there he makes sure to take care of you.
Warnings/Tags: angst, fluff, cuddles, emotional hurt!comfort
A/N: My dear friend and editor Miya @miyaluvvsyou wrote this beautiful comfort fic for Channie, trying to make me believe that it's "just a lil sth and probably not good"...please, help me prove her otherwise🤭🖤
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Pushing the front door to your home open, you drag your tired body inside and let it slam shut behind you, ignoring the sound that normally makes you flinch. You slide off your shoes, drop your bag and keys on the nearby table, and take off your jacket to hang it up on the hook next to the door. You turn towards your living room, taking a few steps into your home. The air is still, silence clouding the air as you realize no one is home besides you. The sunlight peaks through your windows, and subtlety illuminates the space just enough to see the features of your home. 
You walk past the living room and towards the stairs to your bedroom, stripping the clothes from your body in the process. As you reach your bedroom, you drop your clothes in the laundry basket by the door and head into the master bathroom, leaving the door open. Standing in front of the sink, you look into the mirror and you inhale a shaky breath, exhaling as you examine your features while only standing in your bra and panties. 
Your hair, now frizzy and all over the place from its neat style this morning, is the first thing you see. The dark circles resting under your eyes threaten to deepen with one more sleepless night. Your eyes were red and puffy from rubbing them all day, also ruining your makeup you put effort into this morning. Your skin was slightly paler than normal. As you take in the sight, tears begin to brim your eyelids, and you take a shaky, deep breath to center yourself. You were drained in every sense of the word, and it was very apparent in your appearance, though you tried to hide it. 
And all you wanted was him.
A tear escaped and rolled down your face, but you wiped it away quickly with a sniffle. Moving towards your shower, you turn on the hot water and let the steam envelop the room for a couple of minutes while you continue wiping away the tears still escaping your eyelids. 
Keep it together just enough to shower. Wash the day away, and you will be fine…
You repeat the same words in your head as you strip from your underwear and step into the scalding water, letting it welcome you with a deep sigh. You try not to waste any time and energy getting to work on washing your body. With every scrub of the soapy cloth, you imagine every single worry and inconvenience from the week being taken away. But no matter how hard you scrub, your mind can’t seem to relax. The flowing hot water only giving you temporary relief from the icy atmosphere in your mind. And you can’t stay in the shower forever, as much as you want to sink down to the floor and let the water consume you. You resist the urge and continue cleaning your body until you’re satisfied. 
Finishing your shower and getting out, you wrap a towel around your body and walk back to the bedroom. Grabbing your lotion, you sit at the edge of the bed and moisturize your body as you get lost in your thoughts again, staring at the floor and spacing out. Your body moves on autopilot, making sure to cover every inch of skin with the sweet-scented lotion as you’ve done countless times before. If anyone were to walk in, they would think you’re just doing your normal routine. But they’d have no idea of the depressive storm brewing in your head.
Keep it together. You’ll be under the covers and away from the world soon…
As you continue your routine on autopilot, you tug one of his t-shirts over your head, slip on a pair of panties, and sit on your side of the bed, facing the window. Closing your eyes, you inhale deeply and hold it in. The tears that were in your waterline begin to slide down your cheeks. You exhale shakily, and before you can stop it, the tears fall faster. You begin to cry, feeling your mind and body give in to the breakdown you have been avoiding all day. As your sobs get louder, your body slides down onto the floor, leaning back against the bed, and your hands reach up to cover your face. You cry your heart out, trying to keep your heart from racing out of your chest. 
You don’t hear Bang Chan come home almost an hour later. He’s humming to himself as he closes the door, guiding it so it won’t slam, and puts his keys in the bowl on the table. As he takes his shoes off, he notices yours and smiles to himself, putting his bag next to yours. “(Y/N), I’m home, love!” He calls out to you. Taking off his hoodie and hanging it next to the door, he turns towards the living room, expecting to see you. 
But he’s met with nothing but the still silence of the home. There weren’t any lights on, just the few rays of sunlight coming through the window. There wasn’t any movement coming from the kitchen. As he walked further in, he noticed the tv wasn’t on either, couch unoccupied. 
“(Y/N)? Are you home, baby?” Chan called out again, his eyebrows raised as he awaits for a response. But none came, and he frowned. 
Taking his phone out of his pocket, he opens it and calls your phone, listening to the ringing. A couple of seconds later, he hears the vibration from your phone and looks around to locate the sound. He follows the vibration back to your purse, where he sees your ringing phone with his name on the screen. He looks around once more before ending the call. He softly hums and begins to make his way upstairs, 2 steps at a time. Maybe you were in the bathroom or in the shower.
Chan notices the bedroom door open and looks inside, standing in the doorway. His eyes scan the room before he sees the top of your head poking out from your side of the bed. He exhales with a small smile and slowly walks in, trying not to make noise to surprise you. But his smile fades as he gets closer to you and hears your small sniffles. Are you crying?
“Baby?” Chan speaks gently to get your attention. Your head snaps up to meet his gaze, and his heart drops at the sight. You’re sitting on the floor in his t-shirt, one shoulder exposed and crossed legged. Your eyes are bloodshot red and puffy, tears flowing. Your chest rises and falls rapidly as you sniffle but struggle to breathe. My poor baby..
He’s kneeling down in front of you not even a second later, his hands cupping your cheeks and wiping away your tears with his thumbs. “(Y/N) what’s wrong? Are you hurt? Did something happen?” Chan rattles out questions as he closely examines your body. You shake your head and sniffle, more tears flowing from your eyes. 
“C-Chan I-“ You struggle to get out between sniffles. You put your hands over his and close your eyes. He leans forward and kisses your nose softly, then your forehead, and finally pecks your lips so delicately. It causes you to still, taking a deep breath and inhaling his scent. It calms you enough to finally open your eyes and meet his gaze. 
He looks at you with a pained expression and rubs your cheeks with his thumbs gently. “What’s wrong, princess? What’s upsetting you, hm?” He asks sincerely. Chan hated seeing you upset, especially if he’s the one that causes it. But since he’s just gotten home, he doesn’t think he might be the cause this time. 
“I don’t k-know, but hold me p-please” You whimper and wrap your arms around his neck. Chan sits back against the wall and pulls you into his lap, holding you close to his chest as he rubs your back. You bury your face in his neck and sniffle, trying to steady yourself in his arms. 
Chan rubs soothing circles on your back and shushes you softly. You instinctively pull him impossibly closer, taking deep breaths. “It’s okay, babygirl. I’m right here. I’m right here, I’m not going anywhere.” You nod at his words. “We can sit here as long as you’d like, okay?”
“O-okay Channie.” You whisper into his neck, steadying your beating heart as you find comfort in his arms. 
The two of you sit like that for 2 hours. Once your sniffles died down and the tears stopped flowing, you curled up in Chan’s lap, subconsciously trying to shrink yourself. He continued to rub your back while planting soft kisses on your head every now and then. He even started to hum one of your favorite songs to help steady your heartbeat. He didn’t complain about being on the floor for so long, he just wanted you to be okay. Once the silence was in the air long enough, he spoke up. “How ya feeling, love?”
“I’m okay…” You shyly reply, shifting a little in his lap. “I’m sorry I couldn’t-“ You begin to try explaining yourself, but Chan interrupted you almost immediately. 
“Shh hey, don’t apologize to me. My concern is you, no matter what.” He looks into your eyes as he speaks reassurance to you, letting the hand that’s not rubbing your back gently caress your face. “If you’re not ready to talk about it, it’s okay. I won’t pressure you.”
You nod and your eyes flutter as he leans forward to plant a kiss on your forehead. With a sniffle, you begin to speak. “I just had a really tense work week and once I got home, my body just…broke down. It’s just been so-“ The tears begin to rim around your eyes as you explain, and you take a pause to take a deep breath. Chan notices and kisses your forehead, running a gentle finger underneath your eyes to wipe away your tears. You take his hand and look into his eyes. “Thank you, Channie.” You speak lowly, but sincerely. 
“Don’t thank me, it’s my job to make sure you are okay baby.” He speaks softly with a smile. You match the small smile resting on his face and nod. “Do you wanna sit here for a little longer still?”
“Can we lay in bed and cuddle? You’re probably uncomfortable from sitting like this for a while. Especially with me sitting on top of you.” You give him an apologetic look, while an adorable pout rests on your lips.
Chan shakes his head. “You know I’ll never complain when you’re sitting on my lap, princess.” He says, wiggling his eyebrows. You gasp softly and slap his shoulder playfully, smiling as he giggled. “But we can lay down and cuddle baby, whatever you want.” He chuckles and kisses you. You kiss him back, wrapping your arms around his neck and moving to straddle his lap. He wraps his arms around your legs and stands up with ease, causing a squeal to leave your lips in the middle of the kiss. He chuckles and kisses you again as he takes a few steps towards the bed and lays you on your back. 
You keep your arms around his neck and wraps your legs around his waist to keep him close. He smiles and kisses your forehead and cheeks, going back to your lips for a soft peck. You whine softly and try to connect your lips again, but he pulls back just enough to be out of reach, a grin that flashes his dimples rests on his lips. “Channieee” 
“Uhn uhn, cuddling only princess. That’s what you asked for.” He raised an eyebrow, still grinning. 
You sigh and pout at him. “Just a little kiss?” You give him the best boba eyes you can manage. 
But he doesn’t crack, giving your pouty lips a quick peck before he playfully slaps your thigh. “There’s your kiss. Now get under the covers while I change my clothes.” He says, giggling at your stunned face from his movement. He gives you one more small peck before standing up and going into that closet to change. You smile to yourself and crawl under the covers, grabbing the remote and turning on the TV. 
Chan comes out of the closet in a pair of sweatpants but his chest bare. He climbs into bed and underneath the covers, pulling your body close to his. You lay your head on his chest and intertwine your legs, feeling safe and sound in his arms. He kisses your temple and smiles. “I love you darling.”
“I love you more, Channie. So much more.” You speak, placing a kiss on his chest and smiling to yourself. You turn on Netflix and you watch that K-Drama you both have been waiting to watch, feeling that much needed peace you craved just hours ago. 
Taglist (Please let me know if you want to be added to or removed from the taglist):
@atinyniki @galaxycatdrawz @silverstarburst @aaa-sia @lilmisssona @kthstrawberryshortcake @channieaddict @soullostinspaceandtime @rebecca-johnson-28 @lixie-phoria @kibs-and-bits @xxstrayland @ihrtlix @pheonixfire777 @mellhwang @palindrome969 @michelle4eve @harshaaaaa @rylea08 @heeyboooo @manuosorioh @gisaerlleri @andassortedkpop @lailac13 @bbokari711 @kazuuuaaa @rssamj @wolfyychan @stellasays45 @chrizzztopherbang @ionlyeverwantedtobeyourequal @silentreadersthings @myforevermelody143
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hoshifighting · 2 months
so I had this idea about switch!joshua
idk why but I kinda have this fantasy in my head about Joshua and his partner having a power play during sex. they keep tryna a dom each other but they also enjoy being each others sub yk
could you write sth like this? I would love to read it :]
— Synopsis: You and Joshua both have strong personalities, resulting in power play whenever you're having sex. It's like witnessing a battle to see who can assert their dominance over the other. — WC: 2k — WARNINGS: Smut, power play, switch!reader&joshua, bickering, overstimulation, sex toys - (vibrator, handcuffs, blindfold), bondage, sensory deprivation, penetrative sex, degradation, clit stimulation, choking, face slapping, the fight for power.
the first time you met joshua, it was like striking a match in a room filled with gasoline. his confident, almost arrogant smile was mirrored by your own stubborn determination. you could tell right away that this was a man who was used to being in control, someone who thrived on dominance. and, ironically, that was the exact reason you were drawn to him.
you never asked about joshua’s past relationships. honestly, you didn’t want to know. you liked the mystery, the untold stories that lingered in his eyes. but one thing was clear: you were the first to challenge him, to refuse to let him take the lead without a fight.
the first time you had sex, it was a battle. every touch was a negotiation, every kiss a test of wills.
joshua, so accustomed to being the dominant force, found himself facing someone who was just as strong, just as determined. it took him a while to process it, to wrap his mind around the idea that he wasn’t the only one in control.
afterward, you lay next to each other, breathless and sweaty. the silence was heavy with unspoken words. finally, joshua turned to you, his eyes searching yours.
“so,” he began, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth, “this is new.”
you laughed, a light, airy sound that filled the room. “you didn’t think i’d just roll over and let you take charge, did you?”
“i was hoping,” he admitted, his smile widening. “but i guess i should’ve known better.”
today was one of those days where neither of you was willing to give up control. joshua’s hands were cuffed above his head, muscles straining against the restraints as you teased his swollen cock with a feather. his abdomen tightened with every agonizing brush, and his frustrated moans echoed through the room.
“you’re enjoying this way too much,” he groaned, his voice tinged with a compound of irritation and arousal. outside these four walls, joshua was a sweetheart, but here, he was your plaything.
you got up to retrieve a vibrator from your drawer, enjoying the sight of him writhing, desperate for more. the moment you turned your back, you heard the click of the handcuffs. spinning around, you saw joshua ripping the blindfold from his face, with a dark grimace.
“oh, fuck,” you muttered, knowing you were in trouble as he strode toward you with large, purposeful steps.
he wrapped his arms around you from behind, pressing you against the dresser and pinning your arms to your chest. “you don’t think you’ve teased me enough?” he growled through gritted teeth, his breath hot against your ear.
“you can’t handle a little feather?” you taunted, your voice dripping with sarcasm. “poor baby.”
joshua’s response was a low, dangerous growl. he yanked your head back by your hair, forcing your neck to arch painfully. “you like pushing me, don’t you?” he snarled. “you’re nothing but a slut who loves to be put in her place.”
you grunted at the sharp pain, feeling his cock slide inside you all at once. your legs threatened to give out, but joshua held you steady. “steady yourself, slut,” he commanded, his voice harsh and unyielding.
you had no choice but to comply. one hand escaped to brace yourself on the dresser, your moans strangled by the way he pulled your hair. despite your frustration at his breaking the rules, you couldn’t deny how much you loved being railed by him, being his pathetic slut. just as much as he loved being your toy when you needed it.
he pressed himself deeper, your balance faltering as your chest hit the dresser. the vibrator in your hand buzzed to life, and you cursed yourself for letting it slip. joshua paused, the sound catching his attention.
“well, well,” he teased, taking the vibrator from you. “look at you, thinking you could use this on me. what a desperate little whore you are.”
he turned the vibrator to its highest setting, the buzz loud and threatening. “no,” you pleaded, shaking your head. “please, joshua—”
“you don’t get to beg,” he interrupted, his voice dripping with disdain. “you’re just a slut who takes what she’s given.”
his cock stretched you, the burn from your unpreparedness mixing with the relentless throb of your heartbeat. when joshua turned the vibrator to its maximum setting, you gulped, knowing exactly where he intended to place it. your eyes widened in panic.
he lowered the buzzing device until it reached your clit, and you screamed, grabbing his forearm, your nails sinking painfully into his skin. the intense pleasure made him groan, your tightness around his cock almost causing him to lose his balance.
your clit felt like it was on fire, tears springing to your eyes. joshua started to move, thrusting into you with a new fervor, amplifying the overwhelming sensations. another scream tore from your throat as you whimpered, "josh, josh..."
as joshua's grip on your arm loosened, you felt your body slowly disassembling against the dresser. each movement seemed to send new shocks of sensation through you, your heightened sensitivity turning every touch into an electric charge. joshua didn’t seem to notice your extra-sensitive state, his focus entirely on his own pleasure.
you were torn, debating whether to let the knot inside you unravel and risk overstimulation or try to hold back and risk edging yourself too much. but as you wrestled with your thoughts, the decision was made for you. you felt the wave cresting, and with a sob, you realized you were cumming.
your sobs echoed off the furniture, a raw sound that combined with the rhythmic slap of joshua’s thrusts. his cock split you open, and you felt yourself dripping onto the wooden floor, the vibrator splashing the proof of your orgasm everywhere.
he resumed his thrusts, slower now, more calculated, each stir developed to push you further into overstimulation. the vibrator’s relentless buzz against your clit was torture, and you cried out, your body fluttering with the power of it all.
“please,” you begged, your voice breaking. “i can’t… i can’t take it.”
joshua leaned down, his breath hot against your ear. “oh, but you will,” he whispered. “you’ll take it, and you’ll love it, won’t you?”
you sobbed, your body betraying you as another wave of pleasure crashed over you, your legs buckling. “joshua, please…”
his grip on your hips tightened, and he pushed deeper, hitting that spot that made you see stars. “you’re such a good girl,” he taunted. “look at you, falling apart just for me.”
your nails scraped against the wood of the dresser, leaving marks as you clung to it for support. “i’m… i’m cumming again,” you gasped, tears streaming down your face.
“good,” he growled, thrusting harder. “cum for me, show me how much you love it.”
your body obeyed, another orgasm ripping through you, leaving you a trembling, sobbing mess. 
everything started to feel like too much—the relentless vibrator, joshua’s tight embrace, his cock buried deep inside you, his overwhelming presence. it was suffocating, and in a moment of clarity through the haze of overstimulation, you felt a surge of strength. you needed to take charge.
your spasms gave you the energy to pry his forearm away, sending the vibrator flying across the room. it stopped buzzing the moment it hit the ground, and you didn’t care if it was broken. you turned joshua around, pushing him onto the bed and straddling him, your hand finding his throat. you pressed your fingers into either side of his neck, watching his breath hitch and his eyes widen in surprise and pleasure.
a nasty smile spread across his face, taunting you. you slapped him hard, his head snapping to the side. when he turned back to face you, his grin was even wider.
you knew. he loved it when you lost control, when you took what you wanted. this was how the two of you thrived—fire and fire, clashing and igniting.
“you think this is funny?” you hissed, your voice low and dangerous. “i’m going to wipe that grin off your face.”
joshua’s eyes gleamed with excitement. “is that so?” he taunted, his voice rough with anticipation.
you tightened your grip on his throat, leaning in close. “you’re going to beg for mercy,” you whispered fiercely. “i’m going to ruin you.”
his breath hitched again, his smile faltering slightly. “do your worst,” he challenged, his voice barely above a whisper.
you didn’t need another invitation.
you moved with intent, your hand slipping from his throat to his jaw, forcing him to look up at you. your other hand trailed down his chest, nails scraping lightly, leaving red lines in their wake. joshua’s breathing grew ragged, his eyes never leaving yours.
“you like this, don’t you?” you murmured, your fingers tracing patterns on his skin. “being at my mercy?”
“yes,” he gasped, his voice strained. “i love it.”
you leaned down, your lips brushing against his ear. “good,” you whispered. “because i’m just getting started.”
you shifted your hips, taking him inside you again, but this time you were in control. you rode him with an enthusiasm that surprised even you. 
you set the pace, slow and willful, driving him wild with every move. joshua’s hands gripped the sheets, his knuckles white with the effort to keep still.
his hands gripped your hips, trying to match your rhythm, but you swatted them away.
“no touching,” you commanded. “you don’t get to touch until i say so.”
he groaned in frustration, his head pressing back into the mattress. “please,” he begged, his voice strained. “let me touch you.”
you leaned down, your lips hovering over his. “not yet,” you murmured. “not until i see that smile disappear.”
you increased your pace, your movements becoming more inconsistent, more desperate. his face contorted with pleasure, his cock twitching inside you. you knew he was close, and you wanted to push him over the border.
“beg for it,” you commanded, your voice firm.
“please,” he moaned, his hips bucking up involuntarily. “please, y/n.”
you slapped him again, the sound echoing in the room. “louder,” you demanded.
“please!” he cried out, his voice desperate. “please, i need it.”
a triumphant smile spread across your face. “that’s better,” you purred, increasing your pace, your movements more forceful. “you’re mine, joshua. all mine.”
“yes,” he panted, his eyes wild with submission. “all yours.”
you felt the power surge through you, the thrill of being in control. joshua’s moans filled the room, his body trembling beneath you. you rode him harder, pushing him to the edge, watching as his composure crumbled.
“cum for me,” you ordered, “now.”
with a final, desperate cry, joshua followed, his body convulsing as he came. you watched him, your eyes never leaving his, taking in every moment of his surrender.
joshua doesn't know exactly how much time he spends trying to catch his breath with his eyes closed. how do you do this? he had you overstimulated, railing you on the dresser, yet somehow you still ended up defeating him on the bed. 
every. single. time, he was amazed. amazed by how much of a freak you were, and how much he loved being your sub
he's pulled out of his thoughts when you emerge from the bathroom, a towel wrapped around you. your skin is still damp, and you leave a faint trail of steam in your wake. you glance at him, still sprawled out on the bed in the same position you left him.
"i've won this time too?" you tease, a playful glint in your eye.
joshua opens his eyes and watches you walk, noticing the funny, slightly limping gait you have now. he scoffs, a smirk playing on his lips. "do you think so?"
you pause, one hand on your hip, and arch an eyebrow. "well, i did end up on top, didn’t i?"
he laughs softly, the sound rumbling from deep in his chest. "only because i let you."
"sure, keep telling yourself that," you retort, walking over to the bed. 
he props himself up on his elbows, his eyes never leaving you. “and you’re barely able to walk straight. who’s the real winner here?”
“still me,” you say, leaning down to kiss him lightly on the lips. “because i always end up on top.”
"you know," he murmurs, "one of these days, i'm going to turn the tables on you."
you scoff, nestling against him, your fingers tracing idle patterns on his chest. "i'd like to see you try."
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petew21-blog · 4 months
Let's run some tests
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"Won't let her get away this time" I said to my new reflection
My girlfriend of two years decided to split up right before I was ready to propose to her. All that cause she was working as a veterinary nurse with this guy, Dr. Omar. She said she didn't cheat, but she said she fell in love like never before. I couldn't let her get away. She was the best woman I ever met. I had to do everything to get her back
Maybe it was luck, maybe a trickster god, but I do owe him. I woke up as Omar the next day that Alisha moved out. I was shocked, everyone would be.
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He was not a bad looking guy. But in my previous body I was a bit... how do I say this. Well, maybe slighty against some minorities. So even thought it was meant for me as a blessing, I was having a hard time at first, waking up with a different skin tone. So what a guy from Nebraska like me might not have a great mind set
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That changed when I discovered I could be grateful for the body I was now in. Slight hairs over the chest, veins popping out everywhere. Damn, chicks are gonna dig this. Especially Alisha. If my balding head and belly fat was the thing that made her not love me, than so be it. I am improved now.
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As I proceeded in my examination, revealing a very nice surprise in the boxers. A message from my ex-girlfriend popped on the screen. "Hey, wanna meet later. I am at the beach now, but I am up for dinner or sth."
"Hey, sure. The beach sounds better tho" I sent to her. She rewarded me with a photo in her swimming suit, revealing the beautiful body I already knew
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I took a photo of myself in a vest with a sthetoscope. Even if she won't like it I may keep the photo for myslef. The chicks love animals and they love doctor. Man, being an animal doctor must be like a lottery for them
Another message popped up on the screen. It was my old body. He wanted to meet up and talk about what happened. Great. Right on time
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I met him at the edge of the town. He was nervously stepping around the car. He then approached me, being scared what might happen to him in my body. I stayed confident. He can't hurt me now. I don't have to do anything. I threatened him, that if he was gonna say anything to anyone, I will find. Not that anyone would believe him. I was almost ready to leave, but then he stopped me
"If you won't fix this, I will reveal everything I did in my body that will ruin your career and drive Alisha away from you"
Fuck. Maybe he does have advantage after all. Or maybe not
"Ok, stay here, I'll go get my phone and we can discuss how to revert this. Ok?" he agreed with me and stayed at his car.
What he didn't expect was that I prepared a dart gun with anesthaethic and shot the dart at him. He screamed in pain, cursed at me, while I just laughed. He stumbled and fell on the ground, still trying to get up
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I got over him, enjoying how he was trying to fight the effects.
"Sorry, for that. I might have given you a higher dose. I gotta get used to being a doctor now haha. But before I do anything else to you know this. NO ONE! IS GONNA GET BETWEEN ME AND ALISHA! SHE IS MINE!!!"
The fear in his eyes remained even as his body's heart failed. Atleast he won't bother us anymore. Now, gotta fix everything before my date tonight with Alisha. I am lucky that I already know her and know what to say in advance. I am so excited!
Story submitted in inbox: Would you do a story with an man swapping bodies with the hunky doctor currently dating his ex girlfriend?
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forbebeandjam · 4 months
hi, can you pls make smutty fluffy fic with stalker bada x reader where like reader is regular customer of bada’s cafe or sth and bada gets obsessed day by day then stalked reader without knowing reader has a crush on her. Then they ended up together!! thanks in advance!xoxo<3
The Perfect Stalker | Bada Lee x Fem Reader | 21+
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Summary: you met a beautiful barista who turned out to be your stalker.
Word count: 2.1k
Warnings: fingering, stalking, thigh riding MDNI
Readers discretion is advised!!
A/N: might be a bit rushed but I think you will like it. Love you!!
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"Welcome in. What can I get for you today?" Bada said as a customer walked through the door.
Working at that coffee shop was part of her usual routine. She used to dread every time she had to clock in since dealing with customers wasn't really something she wanted to do every day.
"I'll have a latte with three pumps of vanilla and a splash of heavy cream and make it a decaf with oat milk," The woman said.
"Sure thing. Would you like that hot or iced?" Bada said but the woman wasn't paying her any mind as she looked at her phone.
"Ma'am?" Bada asked once more.
"Uh, no iced. I'm here every day, you should know this. The name is Yujin. Keep the change," the woman tossed the money on the counter and walked off.
Bada took a deep breath. She clutched the money and threw it into the register.
"I swear I can't do this any longer," Bada said to her coworker.
"Those dance classes won't pay themselves, Bada," He replied with a smile. She rolled her eyes and turned to the bar to begin making a drink.
The cafe was very empty. Rush hour was over and Bada began to clean the counters when she heard the door open.
"Hi, welcome in," She said and looked up to greet the person but she froze.
You stood before her with a warm smile. Dressed in ripped jeans with a white crop top and sneakers, your hair was up in a claw clip and a few strands were loose at the front you walked into the register.
Bada was mesmerized by you. She was frozen in her spot and just looked at you as you looked at the menu above her.
"How good is your lemon pie? I heard good things about it but I'm not really into lemon flavors," you said diverting your sight to her.
she swallowed hard and didn't answer until the guy next to her nudged her shoulder.
"Oh, um... sorry. I am not a fan of it but you could try our chocolate and strawberry pastry. It's balanced so it isn't too sweet," she replied not daring to look at you.
"Oh, I'll have that and a regular black coffee," You said as you handed the car to her. She nervously reached out and took the card from your hands exposing her wave tattoo at you.
"That's a beautiful tattoo, miss. What's your name?" You asked wanting to know more about the gorgeous girl before your eyes.
"I'm Bada. Lee Bada," she said still looking down.
"Oh, hence the tattoo. I love it. Your eyes are pretty too," you said with a giggle making her look up at you.
"Ha, made you look," You said and she finally smiled.
"Here is your card back," she said and you took the card in your hands.
"Y/N, do you want to go to the beach this summer or should we go to the countryside?" A male voice said as he walked up to you. He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and you saw Bada's face turn sour.
"I'm busy, Min. Can you wait for me out there?" You said as you pushed him off you.
"I was going to say... I really like your tattoo. That wave is so cute," you smiled and she blushed.
"Bada... make that drink," her coworker said making her turn and almost slip. You giggled at her clumsy actions finding it cute how flustered she became around you.
So for the next couple of days, you would show up to buy a coffee and just sit in the lobby to watch her work. What you didn't know was that over the course of the days, Bada would leave work and follow you around.
She followed every step you took from a distance all the way to your home. She would sit at a bench in front of your house and she would watch who walked in and out.
Her blood would boil every time she saw Min walk out of your house late at night. She wanted to rip his head off and then present it to you as a trophy for your love.
A few weeks passed by and you had caught Bada following you. You knew you were head over heels for the girl, but you didn't know she also felt the same way. Why else would she be following you, right?
"Min, grandma needs you to go to take care of her for a few days. Mom has to travel to her new job. Please?" You asked your brother on the phone as you waited to order.
Bada popped from under the counter and smiled at you.
"What can I get for you?" She said.
"I'll take a regular iced coffee. Black," you said.
"Are you at that coffee shop again? Are you there to see your girlfriend, the barista, Bada?" He said and you thanked the seven seas you didn't have him on speakerphone.
"You know what? Mom should've given you up for adoption when we were born. Having a fraternal twin sucks. Go take care of grandma, Min before I rip your hair out," you said into the phone and hung up immediately.
"Here is that coffee for you," Bada said as she placed your drink on the counter. You looked at the cup and noticed that it wasn't a regular glass cup and it was in a plastic cup.
"Oh, what happened to your glass cups?" You asked.
"Nothing. We still have them but I just thought that you might have something to do after and you wouldn't want to be late," she said not looking at you.
"Um... are you kicking me out?" You said while grabbing the cold drink.
"No! Oh my gosh... I mean... I'm sorry," she said as she picked up the mess she made while panicking over your words.
"I'm kidding. I do have to go to the gym and I'm always late so, thank you for the drink. I'll see you later," you said flashing her a wink.
She melted. Everything about you made her go crazy. She knew following you around was probably wrong but she couldn't help it.
So you went to the gym and then headed home. You looked back once when you heard footsteps. Then you felt a presence behind you but there was no one. You knew Bada was probably hiding behind a wall or a bush but decided to ignore it and simply giggle while you walked.
When you reached the door to your house, you carefully unlocked it and stopped. You turned back and looked around when you saw a pair of shoes behind a bush.
"So, are you going to keep following me around like that?" You asked but she didn't move.
"Bada, I know you're right there. Come on out," you said once more and her shoes slowly moved.
"Do you want to come in?" You asked and she fiddled with her fingers walking slowly towards you.
You huffed and walked to her holding her wrist and pulling her into your house. You asked her to sit on the couch and offered her a cup of chamomile tea when you saw how tense she looked.
"So, why have you been following me from afar?" You asked.
"I'm sorry. I know it's creepy and you have a boyfriend so I don't want any problems. You're really pretty and I wanted to be close to you but I can't bring myself to talk to you," she said quickly.
"Whoa! Why do you think I have a boyfriend?" You asked.
"The boy that comes and leaves your house. Isn't that your boyfriend?" She said.
"Ew! Gross. That is my twin brother. Fraternal twins, so we look nothing alike. Bada, you know how much I've been meaning to flirt with you but you never look at me? It was honestly driving me insane..." you said taking a sip of your wine glass.
"Wait... what?" she said and tilted her head like a curious puppy making your heart flutter.
"What? You're a cute, and very attractive dancer. Though when you dance, you are extremely hot... but I have been watching you as well. I am attracted to you, Bada. In every possible way," You drank the last of your wine and put the glass down walking towards her.
You saw how she flinched back and you furrowed your brows at her reaction. Sure, you were being too direct and you didn't know how Bada would react but you need to know if she wanted you like you wanted her.
"Is that not why you followed me around the neighborhood? I caught you in the bus, the gym, the grocery store, and the alleyway. For Pete's sake, Bada. You sat in front of my house for hours. If not, then what was the reason?" you asked waiting for an answer as you sat closer to her.
You saw how nervous she was getting and decided to back off.
"Sorry. You know what? I can be too much at times so just ignore me. I'll call you an Uber to take you home," You said but as you were about to get up you felt her grip on your wrist.
You turned and met with the most gorgeous eyes looking up at you ever so innocently but hungry for one thing. You.
"No, let me talk. I have been dying to talk to you because I... well, I've never dated or been with a woman before but you're so pretty and I was just drawn to you. Please don't let me leave. I'll regret it if I do," Bada said almost pleading.
Your heart softened at the sight of the tall girl looking up at you but there was something more.
"What do you want from me, Bada?" You asked and she pulled you making you fall on top of her. You ended up in her lap and her hands went around your waist.
"I want you. In every possible way," Bada responded and you immediately clashed your lips with hers hungry for a kiss. She bit your bottom lip and her hands moved up and down your shirt.
Soft groans escaped her lips when you began to move down her neck. Her grip on your waist tightened and you could feel her nails dig into your skin when you used your hand to squeeze one of her clothed breasts.
"Y/N~" she moaned and you smiled.
"I'll give you what you need," you said. You moved your leg so you could straddle her.
Your hand was already sliding into her pants and her legs parted willingly allowing you full access to her now-wet cunt. You inserted a finger inside of her with no warning causing her to yell out.
"Fuck... you're so wet for me, huh?" Y/N said as she pumped slowly in and out of the girl. She was already a moaning mess. You didn't stop your moments and you sped up by the minute searching for her spot. 
"I- I never thought- I would end up in this- AH! Please, don't... stop..." she said between moans. 
"Wouldnt think of it, Bada," you said curling your finger inside of her making her yell out in pleasure. You found it. You kept pressing down on it as your thumb rubbed her overstimulated clit. 
You had already came just from watching her and riding her thigh but you didn't care about yourself. You were in ecstasy just from being able to touch Bada. You had been longin in desire of her in every single way.  
With one last stroke and her body already shaking, she came on your hand and you brought it to her lips for her to taste herself shoving your finger deep down her throat making her moan even more. 
After a few seconds, you both finally came to your senses.
"Holy shit, how are you so good?" Bada asked and you giggled without saying another word. 
You stood up and took her to your room where you both got cleaned up and in bed. 
"You know... you could've just talked to me," you said as you looked at Bada. 
"No... I couldn't have," she said and you sat up. 
"Why not?" You questioned
"When you walked in the shop... you were so surreal. You were just so perfect and I am too shy for my own good," Bada replied. 
"You're so cute. Come here," You said pulling her into your chest and stroking her hair.
"I'm here for you now,"
Thank you for reading 🩵
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leclerced · 10 months
I love blindfold anon I can make a fan account even because it’s so fucking hot I can’t stop thinking about it.
I bet first would be Carlos because I just get certain vibes from Carlando.
Lando’s been teasing her for a little while and he makes her come with the names of people she’s attracted to on her mouth. So they know they want to invite someone they just have to decide who and fate does it for them when Lando is fucking her in his driver’s room and Carlos comes in and Lando is like “Well I guess you’re first up. You’re going to join or just stand there and stare? We’re good whatever you choose”. So of course Carlos joins because have you seen Lando’s girl? Everyone’s attracted. They make her cum so many times she’s out of it when they end the fun and they’re talking like she’s not there and Lando’s like “yeah mate, she’s a slut for it so u know just a call and if she’s in the mood we can always arrange sth”
i’m crying 😭😭 blindfold anon u have created a universe
carlos hears “you’re up first” and he’s so confused like hello?? this has been talked about?? like who else is on this secret list to fuck lando’s girl?
he’d be shocked into silence while his mind replays that sentence and he watches lando keep fucking her, and then lando’s saying “are you just gonna stand there? i guess that’s fine too. watch how it’s done.” something snaps in him and suddenly carlos is sitting on the couch next to her so he can pull her in for a kiss because there’s no way he’s going to miss this opportunity when he doesn’t know if it’ll ever happen again.
then its like four orgasms later and she’s so fucked out of it, and carlos’s alarm is going off that he has to go do something but he doesn’t wanna give up the spot he’s got between her thighs. lando’s grinning next to her while carlos is eating her out again and lando’s just talking about all the things she lets him do to her, how she’d let carlos do them to her, that all he has to do is ask and she’s moaning in agreement even though lando’s words are going in one ear and out the other and she can’t comprehend what he’s saying when all she’s thinking about is how good carlos is at eating pussy
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lawbin-archive · 3 months
Chapter 1117 Thoughts
Oda never disappoints. I saw someone on twt saying that people feel low about recent chapters because it's information based?? like wth?? Personally I think these chapters are the best T-T keep blowing my mind
I couldn't recognize Gin and Don Krieg lol I'm sure Sanji will meet them soon again, maybe when saving Pudding?
Smoker is pulling something with his bike?? what could that be?? I think it might be Kidd's crew since there are no sign of them.
The Jinbei x Zoro fight scenes are amazing, I can already see the anime is gotta be so good for this
And The D thing!!! OMG I knew vegapunk is gonna mention that but it got cut off (as expected) otherwise I will flip my shit. no way vegapunk just spill out the whole D thing when Law and Robin spent so much time to look for. In my opinion, they NEED to be the one who found out the D meaning themselves.
AND FINALLY!!! We saw Bepo!!!!! OMGGGG T-T they are probably safe somewhere and got treated. I'm SO HAPPY. But still didn't reveal the location!!! >< Maybe next chapter?
But we are missing Robin right now :'( Seems like she really got hurt the most...I hope she's fine, Oda didn't even give her a reaction panel when vegapunk mention the D. Sigh :(
Edit: Also it feels weird to me that Robin’s injury is that serve but Oda didn’t say anything about it…I think he might be hiding sth about Robin
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fandomestuff · 7 months
I've seen many people shit on the live action atla ((as we should this is such a bad adaptation and honestly a mid show in itself)) but I haven't really seen people talk stuff about Sokka and Suki
And I want to point out a couple of things that I absolutely hated about what they did to them in live action.
1. The kiss
I hate that they made them kiss at the end of the episode. I hate it so much. Like yes, in the original they both clearly had feelings for each other (especially that later Suki talks about losing sb very important to her, who we know was Sokka), but they weren't rushed like that.
In the original they both grow so much between their meetings. Sokka finally gets together with a girl (not the first girl he meets that's his age, like Suki), kisses sb for the first time, travels the world, meets new people and in general matures.
We don't know much about what Suki is doing during that time, but we know she finally does sth that helps people during war, sth that she said was important to her. She can finally put her skills in leadership to greater use and she feels great about it. She also matures during that time and we know that she still thinks about Sokka and misses him.
Them kissing immediately makes their relationship so much more bland and just... flat.
2. If they make all three seasons, we will probably not get the most iconic line of the show...
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Because now Sokka's first girlfriend is technically Suki...
3. The whole scene with Suki teaching Sokka
I cannot empathise enough how important Sokka's sexism is in their relationship. It's something that Suki fixes in him, something she manages to show him... by absolutely kicking his ass. In live action... the fight scene next to those melons was a joke not a fight scene if I can be honest. Idk if it's the writing or the choreography or the actors but it looks so fake and just so bad 💀 And she attacked him while he was still "stretching"??? Suki would never.
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What is this 💀💀
But the most important scene, and the one I hate the most in live action, is the one where Suki teaches him a very sacred and traditional and important to Suki and to her culture way of fighting.
In the original, Suki highlights that no man should learn their art and only after Sokka begs Suki to teach him does she agree.
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But not without a very important piece that was fully missing from live action which baffles me so much.
The entire armor, the dress and make up.
Not only is it incredibly important to upholding the traditions and keeping the cultural aspect important, but the beautiful, might I add, outfit gives us the depth of Kyoshi Warriors that is just missing from the live action.
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"The silk thread symbolizes the brave blood that flows through our veins. The gold insignia represents the honor of the warrior's heart."
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It's beautiful. It's meaningful for both of them. It's important. And it's also a way for Suki to mess with Sokka which we love and stan.
I ALSO DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY SUKI TOOK OFF HER MAKE UP FOR THE ALMOST KISS AND THE KISS. It's not like being a Kyoshi Warrior is sth that's bothering her. NO. She's incredibly proud of it!! So. why. take. an. important. part. of. it. away. for. some. stupid. kiss.
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WHY NOT GO THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION?? Instead of her taking off her make up for the romantic scene why not just... put make up on Sokka... honestly what's more romantic than putting make up on your crush.
They could have made such a beautiful and intimate scene between these two.
Them sitting in front of each other. Suki putting on Sokka's make up, while either talking about herself or about how important this whole set up is for her and her culture. I wouldn't mind it then because it would give their relationship some depth instead of "omg he's so pretty" "omg she's so pretty." *kiss*
But no. Instead they kissed right next to a group of people (including Suki's mother which just makes is so much more weird) after Suki said sth about Sokka showing her a bit of the world.
And I hate it so much.
It takes away the part where Suki teaches Sokka something very important, something that changes his personality, helps with his arc to Sokka "showing her a bit of the world". How?? With what?? It's not like he took her away from the Island itself or introduced her to his culture. No. He just... showed up and kissed her.
Great writing.
And don't get me starter on the "I'm not just a warrior. I'm a Kyoshi Warrior" line. It's a good line. It really is. But it would be better if the producers actually focused on Suki being a Kyoshi Warrior and not just a girl that has a crush on Sokka.
And while it's compared to "I'm a warrior. But I'm a girl too"... gods I... ughhhhhhh
So yeah. I hated it. I hated the show. All I have to say is:
They ruined my favourite couple. They ruined many great characters. They completely missed the point of the original story.
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doxypsychlean · 2 years
Hi <3
I loved everything you wrote about Aegon. Could you please write some oneshot/headcanons (you decide) in wich Reader is Rhaenyra’s daughter and Aegon always loved her since childhood but they had a enemies to lovers relationship (she is a girl just like Arya/Lyanna personality and is always teasing him). But in episode 8, she is bethroed to Aemond and he needs to say to her his feelings. You can decide the ending, thank you :)
(Sorry my bad english :/)
Quick up 📅 - I kinda forgot abt the part where she's Rhaenyra's kid. It may have slipped my mind as soon as I read Arya's name lol. Anyhoo-
The Wolf And The Dragon
Aegon II Targaryen x Stark!Reader
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Warnings: Explicit language
Thou shan't repost/copy/ translate any of my work or I'll sneak into your home late at night and bite your nose off! Maybe indulge in a battle to the death with your sweet ol' granny. Probably steal your beloved pet.
English isn't my first language. I don't proofread. I slap commas wherever I feel they're needed.
A/N: It's kinda long ngl, but sickeningly sweet! Oh, yeah. Aegon isn't married to Helaena in this one. For my own sake, she's with her loving husband, Lord Sth-Sth of Sth-Sth. Cheers!
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One of her father's men was dragging the young lady through the training grounds as the boys trained with Ser Criston and Ser Harwin. They all stopped to stare at her and the knight. She was biting, scratching and kicking at him.
"What do you care?! Seven Hells, let go!"
The man stopped and grabbed her by her small shoulders. He'd had enough of the little lady's antics for one day. He shook her as he opened his mouth to speak.
"Child, I've been there for all your life, I won't stand to watch you try and get yourself killed." The knight's face was turning red with anger. "You're of one and ten, you can't be walking around the capital without anyone to keep you safe! Do you realize what could have happened?!"
"Fuck. You." The girl hissed as she stomped down on the man's foot and spat in his eyes. She bolted, the man following close behind, while still trying to wipe the spit from his eyes.
"You wild beast, get back here!"
"She truly is a beast..." Aegon whispered to his brother and nephews as they all watched the knight tackle the kid to the ground.
"Ser Karstark, don't you think that's enough!" Harwin yelled out.
"Oh, want to come and deal with this thing yourself, Breakbones? It's not as easy as I make it look." Ser Brennard Karstark choked on his last few words, a small elbow slamming into his neck.
The girl got back on her feet, making a run for it once more.
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On the next day, Ser Karstark was dragged the girl in the opposite direction, towards the training grounds this time. He was sporting a big purple bruise on his neck.
"I've told you so many times now, cub. You want to train, fine! I'll teach you! But picking attacking the guards is not the way to do it!"
The little lady only huffed in response as she reached down to her blade. She turned her head to the side, then struck.
Ser Karstark took a step back, the tip of the dagger almost making contact with his face.
"It is customary to wait for your opponent to bear arms before you try and chop his head off, wildling."
"As if anyone would wait for me."
She struck again, the knight dodging once more. Lady Stark circled around her opponent, her small eyes sizing him up.
To everyone's shock, the knight actually swung at her with his sword. The girl fell to the side as she rolled over, her silk tunic now covered in dirt.
"Good, good!" The knight nodded before he swung sideways.
She lowered her head, the blade of his sword passing right above it.
"Don't stay close to the ground for too long, cub..." Brennard warned as his took ahold of his sword with both hands. "The enemy will catch up on it eventually. And maybe do this!"
He yelled out as he put his whole strength into trying to lodge the sword into the girl's skull. She got back up. Her dagger was quick to find its target, slicing the knight's hand open.
Brennard looked at the blood that was spilling out of his hand, then at her.
"You play dirty, girl..."
"I do not wish to fight with honor when I can just do this."
Her small fist was now aiming for Brennard's nose. He let go of his sword, leaving it to stand there with the tip lodged into the ground below their feet. He caught her small hand by the wrist and punched her instead. The girl fell on her back, head slamming into the ground.
"Karstark!" Both Criston and Harwin yelled out, making their way towards the student and her teacher.
"Stand back! She wants to fight, so she'll fight!" Brennard yelled in return."Get up!"
Lady Stark jumped to her feet, eyes narrowing as she wiped the blood from her mouth. She used the moment to tackle her opponent to the ground.
"Finish the job." Brennard whispered to the child. "Do not let your enemies walk away. Do it!"
The girl's fingers found their way around the dagger that was hanging on the knight's side. She pulled it out and put it to his throat. The child was smiling down at him, eyes glowing.
"I win?"
Brennard laughed out as his hand ruffled through the short locks of hair on her head.
"You win! We'll make a fine soldier out of you, you'll see."
The two got up, each sporting a warm smile.
"Ya promise?"
Brennard nodded his head.
"But your training is not over yet." He turned to look at the two knights that stood close behind him. "We've seen you can tackle a grown man down to the dirt, but how will you manage with someone closer to your age and speed? Perhaps you should go against one of the young princes?"
Criston nodded. Him and Harwin went back to the boys.
"Prince Aegon against lady Stark then." He said as he motioned for the boy to take a step forward.
Aegon didn't move an inch towards the younger girl that was now staring at him with a devilish grin on her face. She scared him. She fought dirty and wasn't scared to take a blow to the face, even when it came from a grown man that was thrice her size. The girl didn't stand above stealing her enemy's weapon and using it against them either. On the contrary, if it were a real threat in front of her, she would have sliced the man's throat. The young prince realized everything he'd learned from both Ser Criston and Ser Harwin was useless against someone like her. Aegon had only heard of tales of the northmen, of their cold hearts and brutal ways. But now there was one in front of him. A child of winter and ice. A ball of rage with unruly, short hair. If Aegon didn't know her already, he would've thought it was a boy that stood in front of him.
There were no lavish dresses for her. No needlework. No singing. She was dirty nails. Unkempt hair. Grime. Blood. Sweat. Dirt. Adventure. Flying arrows. Hiss of daggers. Clash of swords.
"Ye fighting or what, aye? Don't have a whole day to wait ye." Her strong accent came through. She'd gone over and picked her weapon back up. The girl was waiting for the prince to come back to his senses, foot tapping impatiently as she twisted and turned the blade in her hand.
The fight was over pretty soon. The lady had knocked her prince down, elbow to his face. Ser Brennard knew what was going to happen, but made no move to stop his student. She broke his nose with that hit.
"I'd say ya fight like a girl, but... ya know..." She shrugged her shoulders at him as Karstark dragged her away with a proud smile on his face.
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Eight years later Aegon had grown into a handsome young man. He'd grown into his soft features. His pale blue eyes stared at his feet, as kicked at some small rocks. Short strands of silver-white hair framed his face perfectly. He kept his hair on the shorter side. It was easier to manage.
Him and his brother stood next to the wide open gates that led into the castle's grounds. Aemond, unlike his older brother, had his hands folded neatly behind his back, waiting patiently.
"I don't understand, why did mother have to send us..."
Aemond nodded his head, signaling to his brother to look ahead. A group of sturdy looking men, covered in steel from head to toe, were coming fast towards them. At the front,just a few feet in away from the rest, a hooded rider. The jet black stallion this mysterious person was riding held its head high. The stomping of the horse's hooves had stopped.
"Prince Aemond! Prince Aegon!" A melodious, yet strong voice rang from underneath the hood.
"Lady Stark." Aemond greeted. "Welcome to the capital!"
The stranger hopped down from the horse and took their hood off. Aegon stared at her slack-jawed. There, in front of him, stood the most magnificent creature that had ever walked the earth. Porcelain skin w a scar here and there she'd most definitely got in battle. Sharp features, almost as sharp as the sword she had on her. Two big, bright eyes that shined with laughter. The only thing that reminded of the girl she once was, was her short dark hair. And her clothing. She'd never been the one to wear dresses. That hadn't changed either. Her long legs were covered in threadbare black pants that matched with her black tunic and boots.
"I trust your journey was pleasant?" Aemond asked out of politeness.
A short "aye" left her full lips, eyes trained on Aegon.
"Yer nose healed well, me Prince. Though it would seem there's something wrong with yer jaw..." She pointed towards his face, calloused fingers showing from underneath the sleeve. Her northern accent made a shiver run down Aegon's spine.
He couldn't bring himself to say something, the words refusing to leave his mouth. He nodded with a faint smile.
"Shall we?" Aemond's voice could be heard again.
"If ye don't mind, me and me men had spent long time on the road without a good challenge. We need a good fight"
Her men had jumped from their horses too, now waiting for their lady. Ser Brennard Karstark was standing next to her.
"Training grounds are that way, aye?" She nodded to the left, her eyes never leaving the older brother.
"Right, let's get ye to the stables, big boy." She finally looked away as she turned towards the stallion and ran a hand through his black mane.
Lady Stark handed the reins to the stable boy that had approached her with a soft smile and a nod of her head. The lad melted at the sight, tripping over his feet as he walked away.
"Ye two comin'?"
The woman walked away, her father's bannermen following close behind.
"Would love some audience while I kick this old bastard's arse to the ground." She pointed towards Ser Karstark as she and her men laughed.
"We'll see about that, Young Wolf." Ser Brennard said, even though he knew that was going to be the most likely outcome.
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Two weeks had passed since lady Stark had arrived to the capital. For Aegon, it felt like it was years ago. They'd been spending most of their time together, much to the Queen's dismay. At least they had the decency to drag Aemond along.
On the first night in the capital, the young woman suggested they go for a drink. When the second born son of Viserys the Peaceful suggested they stay in the Red Keep, both Aegon and her laughed in his face.
They snuck out of the castle later that night in search of a tavern. Aegon, being a frequent visitor to most of them, made the choice.
Soon after they'd entered the establishment, lady Stark challenged them to a bet, saying she'd drink them both under the table. Aemond, being Aemond, refused. Aegon accepted almost immediately.
He was in shock. The woman that sat in front of him was perfect. She cursed like a sailor. Told all the dirty jokes she could think of. Even challenged some stranger to a fist fight to celebrate her winning the bet. The Young Wolf didn't even bother to take his hundred gold dragons she'd won fair and square, but instead slapped his hand away.
"It's not about the money, me Prince!" She laughed out as she punched the stranger square in the jaw. "It's the thrill!"
The three returned back to the castle only when the light of the sun had started to bounce off the waters of Blackwater Bay. Aemond walked in front of them, impatient to get as far away from the two drunk idiots. They walked with a slow pace, hands thrown over eachother's shoulder and words slurring.
"One of them cods got ya good, me Prince, no offense meant" She said to Aegon with a grin. "If it weren't for me, that arse would'a split yer head open."
"Good thing you were around to save me then, my fair lady..." Aegon responded. He came to a sudden stop, his face contorting in agony. His hand unwrapped from the woman's shoulders as he bent forward and let out all he'd consumed right where they stood.
Instead of cringing in disgust, the Stark laughed hard, tears pricking at her eyes. She ran a hand through her short hair.
"Now from that yer knight in shinin' armor can't save ye, I am sorry."
Aemond grabbed his brother by the scruff, pulling him back up.
"We'll get caught with all the noise you're making, we have to go. My lady..." He looked at her, hoping at least one sober thought would make its way back into her head.
The Young Wolf howled again, hand patting Aegon on the back as he choked.
"What got yer knickers in a twist, hm? We've got all the time in the world."
" 'Tis but the truth!" Aegon said through coughs. "Do not worry, brother. I'll escort my, how did you say it...Ah, yes! Knight in shining armor back to her chambers."
Aemond didn't need to hear much else. He turned his back to them abruptly and left. The two snickered as they watched him walk away.
"Yer brother-" The woman threw her hand back over his shoulders as they began walking once more.
"Tell me about it." Aegon interrupted, doing the same as her.
After a detour that led them to the Kitchen Keep where they stuffed their faces with whatever was left from the dinner, Prince Aegon and lady Stark made their way towards her chambers. He'd promised to escort his savior back and he intended to do it.
As they neared the door, Aegon stopped her.
"This was the most fun I've had in a long while. Thank you, my lady."
"Aye, same here. Hanging around those old farts ain't as fun as it may look." She snorted.
The two laughed once more, then she dissappeared into her chambers, ready to sleep off the remainder of the day.
Aegon felt the same. He flopped down on his bed the second he found himself close enough to do it without smacking his head in the floor.
The same thing repeated the next day. Except Aemond wasn't with them. As the good prince he was, he'd ran to tell his mother about what his older brother and the lady Stak were busying themselves with.
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The lady found herself sitting between the two brothers on that feast. She'd pulled her chair as close as possible to Aegon. On their last "walk" around the capital, she'd introduced him to the Skull and Dice game. The two now sat close to eachother, whisper-shouting the word "skull" as they rolled the dice and drank from their cups.
Aegon's grandsire and Hand of the King, Otto Hightower, was sitting across them. He smiled softly. The two were perfect for eachother. They shared the same interests- be it in books, hobbies or drinks. Why his daughter refused to give her oldest to the Young Wolf, he had no clue. She came from a great house, was trained in battle and proved to be quite intelligent, from what he'd heard her say. Sure, she liked drinking and venturing out of the Red Keep, and would also pick fights left and right. But so did his grandson.
Otto had come to the realization that the woman that sat next to his grandson was the way she was, not because she got to grow up in a castle where servants tended to each and every need of hers, but because she was raised amongst soldiers. Something her father had made sure of, once he agreed with the fact he won't be getting a proper lady out of her. The soldiers' ways had simply rubbed off on her.
Another thing that Otto had come to realize was how observant lady Stark was. She could be laughing and telling jokes, enjoying herself and her youth, but her trained eyes and ears were always turned to what was going on around her. She was a true northerner- rough and savage, but also loyal to the core and honorable. She'd be the perfect match for Aegon. If only his daughter would come to listen...
"This is an occasion for celebration, it seems." Everyone's attention turned to the King. His gold mask was shimmering in the light of the candles as he spoke. "My grandsons, Jace and Luke, will marry their cousins, Baela and Rhaena..."
Viserys turned to face his second son, eyes darting to his first one and the Stark girl. He could sense it, all Hells were about to break loose with next couple of words.
"And my son, Aemond, will marry lady Stark, further strengthening the bond between our houses. A toast to the young Princes..."
They all raised their cups, except the silver haired man and the woman that was sitting next to him.
"Hear, hear!" Came from the Prince Daemon as he turned to smile at his brother.
Aegon didn't hear him. He was now staring at the Young Wolf, silently asking if what his father had said was true.
"If you'd excuse me!" He damn near shouted, eyes trained on Aemond, who in turn was staring in shock at their mother. Unlike Aegon, he knew a third betrothal would be announced on this feast. What he didn't know was that he'll be the one marrying the Stark.
"Aegon! Come back!" Alicent yelled after him, ready to follow.
"Don't, me Queen. I'll bring him back."
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"Did you know?"
The halls were silent, all that could be heard were the muffled, hushed voices of his family, as the lot tried to listen in on the conversation.
"Did you know about it?!"
The woman stomped her booth on the ground, the sword that was hanging on her side shaking with the intensity. It was a warning for the prince to lower his voice.
"Aye, my father sent me for a reason. I didn't know I'd be marrying yer brother though..."
The young woman had shut the doors as she made her way out and into the corridors. There was no point, the whole room was now sitting in silence, listening on Aegon scream his lungs out.
"You can't!You won't!" The prince yelled out.
"Oh, what do ya care? Yer not the one gettin' tied down against yer will! Yer free to do as ye wish!" She said, her voice booming over his.
"So you don't want to marry him?"
"Are ye fuckin' jokin' , Aegon, yer brother is a twat and a half!"
Inside the room, Daemon could be heard laughing without shame. Aemond's jaw clenched, his smirk dissappearing as he stood up. Rhaenyra slapped her husband's arm, even though she herself was sporting a smile.
"Then don't fucking do it!"
"And what am I supposed to do, huh? Get back in there and tell yer father, my King, that I don't approve? That I, the daughter of the man that had sworn an oath to him, will not do as I'm commanded?"
"You and your oaths and orders... Is your pride so important that you'll willingly go against what your heart desires?!"
"Pride?" The word came out as growl." If it were for me pride, I wouldn't even be here. But I gave a word to me father and did as I was told... And what do ya, ye spoiled cod, know of what me heart desires? Hm?!"
"I know I've come to love you. Just as you have." Aegon took her hands in his, soft thumb rubbing over her rough skin. "I know that I love spending time with you. Just as you do."
Silence fell upon the halls once more as the prince thought of his next words.
"I've never met someone like you before. Someone that is so...me. You like to drink, you curse, you fight. You know all the dirty jokes and all drinking games. And even with all that, you know when to put an end to it, even if you don't want to. You're not afraid to sock me in the face when you know I'm being an arse. Or drag me all the way to the small council meetings, so I could fulfill my princely duties. Sit with me through those never-ending history lessons, even though you'd rather go outside and train. You keep me grounded. You always know what to do. You always know what is right. I'd like to think that I, for once, know too. It's you. But if you insist on carrying out this order..."
His hands reached for her face.
"Marry me instead. You came here to a marry a dragon, right? There's one in front of you right now. Begging, pleading for you to take him."
Silence. Again. Aegon searched for her eyes, searched for an answer in them. But found nothing. He sighed heavily, hands falling to his sides. The prince walked around her, head hanging low in embarrassment. He reached for the door handles, ready to get back inside and drink himself into a stupor. Or untill the high-pitched ringing in his ears went away.
"Ye sure talk a lot... It's a good thing though, I won't have to waste my breath no more...with ya around."
Their eyes met.
"What? Ye plan on standin' there all night?"
The doors swung open before Aegon could reach her. He turned back around, his eyes meeting those of his father.
"Or both of you could just come back inside and sit down? Your King is to make a new toast..."
Rough fingers wrapped around Aegon's. She was standing right there, next to him. He looked up from their intertwined hands. A toothy smile had found its way on his future wife's face.
"As me King commands..."
Viserys turned his back to them as he slowly made his way to his seat. The two followed close behind.
"We're finishing the game, right?" Aegon whispered to her.
"Go find the dice, ye threw it as ya stormed out." She laughed quietly.
The Wolf and her Dragon entered the room once more, hand in hand.
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What’s in it for me?
Chapter 5/?
Chapter 1 Masterlist
Pairing: Kyouya Ootori x Reader Author: see-the-fandom-imagines   Warnings: None at all.   A/N: Let me know if you want to be tagged in the upcoming parts! Or if you want to read sth in particular!
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Once you had arrived in the club no one came up to you, for your expression showed everyone not to mess with you today. Breakfast with your aunt had resulted in so many awkward questions that you had left a little early for school, where you had written your second exam of the week. You then had studied for roughly an hour, before you arrived at the club. The exam didn’t go amazing and now you knew that you also had to deal with … “Kyouya-sama?” One of the girls stepped up to him. “I really liked the video and picture book you sold last week. Do you know if something knew is going to come in? Will it have pictures of (y/n), too?” You cringed at the memory and didn’t wait for his reply. Instead, you just stomped over to him, having to somehow get rid of all the pent-up emotions you had built up over the day. “What were you thinking?” Kyouya kept a pokerface, although it seemed a little more expressionless than usual. “We have a guest”, he said, smiling at the girl who had begun to blush. You sighed. “Excuse me”, you said to her, “but I really have to talk to Kyouya-senpai for a second, would that be alright with you?” It took you all your strength to smile, but she nodded, blushing even harder and stepping away to give you some space. “That was not necessarily polite.” “And it wasn’t impolite either. She didn’t seem to mind.” Silence. “Fine I’ll apologise later, but don’t think you’re getting out of this conversation. You cannot just call my aunt like this.” Kyouya looked at you, his smile from earlier had vanished now. “It is my duty as director of this club to keep your parents …”, you avoided his gaze as he used that word, “… or legal guardians”, he corrected himself, “know where you are and what you are doing.” You opened your mouth to retort something, but then contemplated whether or not discussing any of this with Kyouya even made sense. Eventually, you determined you were simply too tired. You would get back at him somehow, but now was not the time. Exasperatedly, you sighed and nodded, before you just trotted off to work. There was no use in arguing and what was done was done. This time you’d let him off easy.
“So what”, you heard Kaoru say a little later, slightly annoyed. “So, I have a bad English grade, it is not the end of the world.” “It might not be the end of the world, but the principal only allows our club activities to go on if we manage to keep our current grades.” You barely listened. This had nothing to do with you, anyways. Yawning, you calculated how much more cake Honey needed this week, when you heard your name. “(Y/n), will you come here for a second?” Oh no. “What is it”, you asked as you stepped next to Kyouya. You were still a little mad at him for calling your aunt without your permission. Also, you were deadly tired and one more exams scheduled this week and between classes, work and host club you barely managed to study let alone sleep properly. “(Y/n), you have foreign origins, isn’t that right?” You didn’t even question anymore how he knew that. “So, your English must be quite good, correct?” He smiled at you sweetly. You sighed. This had nothing to do with any origin, you were absolutely sure he had just somehow managed to check your grades. You knew exactly what he wanted “I really don’t have time, I got my own exams and if Kaoru needs help, he can ask me himself. No offence.” Kaoru shrugged as if he agreed with you. Before you turned around you added: “Also I told you not to use that smile with me.” You walked a few steps, but you could hear how Kyouya had gotten up to follow you.
“Would you mind joining me outside for a second?” His voice was soft, but you could hear the threat lying underneath. This wasn’t a question. It was an order. You considered briefly if it would make sense to just make a run for it, but you knew there was no outrunning Kyouya, so you sighed following him outside. Once you arrived in the empty corridor, Kyouya closed the door behind you. You leaned against the wall, too tired to stand without the support while listening to his lecture. He positioned himself in front of you, pushing up his glasses. “As you know grading is fairly important for our club. As you wanted to help us out, this would be your easiest task so far.” “So, what if I don’t want to do it?” Kyouya scoffed, but a tiny smirk appeared on his face. He wasn’t used to anyone talking back at him this bluntly. He seemed to think for a while, but then he lifted his gaze, looking directly into your eyes. Your breath hitched a bit, and you could feel your cheeks turning red. You kept the eye-contact, but your heart began to flutter. Wait, what, no, commando back. Must be the tiredness, you told yourself. The talk with Haruhi must have gotten you all confused. He stepped in front of you, and although he wasn’t that much taller than you, he seemed to tower over you. A spark appeared in his eye as he bent down to you. “Do I need to remind you that we have accepted you in the club for a reason?” He almost whispered these words, and a shiver ran down your spine. “And that reason is to teach English to your members?”, you tried to keep your calm, but you noticed a slight shiver in your voice. “That reason…”, he said, coming a little closer to your ear, “is that you do whatever I tell you to do.” Your breath hitched in your throat. “You wanted me to be more myself, no?”, he asked lifting his head away from your ear again to study your expression. You tried your best to keep your feisty look, but he knew he had won. And he was right. You had wanted him to be himself. And you were almost embarrassed to say that you enjoyed this moment a little more than you should have. You locked eyes with him. Due to the proximity of his face your gaze flickered over his lips, just for a short second, and you forced yourself to look away again. “Glad we agree”, he said, sending you a last smirk, before vanishing again in the Music Room. You stayed outside for three more seconds, trying to calm your heart and breath. Damn you, Kyouya Ootori.
The next day you sat down at one of the tables of the club, next to Kyouya. You had only escaped your aunt due to your diligent studying and her convoluted work schedule. Your last exam was scheduled two days from now on Friday and you actually much rather would be studying at the moment. But you had other duties today. In the end you had to accept the task Kyouya had given to you, but that didn’t mean you couldn’t still whine about it. “I just don’t see what all of this has to do with me”, you complained, earning you nothing but a strict gaze from Kyouya. A squeezy feeling crept in your stomach as you remembered how he had looked at you earlier. He acted like he wanted Kaoru’s grades to go up again for the club, but somehow you knew that wasn’t the only reason he was so adamant about you helping out Kaoru. It were tiny things that betrayed him, but you had come to realise that he cared deeply about his friends in the club. You didn’t know a lot about him, yet, but you somehow got the feeling, that there was a lot more to Kyouya than what he showed. Tamaki wanted him to join the club for a reason, after all and you doubted that he would have let someone join who wasn’t essentially good at heart. And after all, sometimes Kyouya could actually be actually nice. Sometimes. Somewhere deep inside. His cold gaze met yours. Deep, deep inside. “You just want me here to…”, you started again, but got distracted as Hikaru sat down at your table, school bag in hand. Confused you looked at him. “What?”, he asked. “I’m ready to study some English.” “You want classes, too?”, you asked, looking at him, completely having forgotten about Kyouya for a second, who was watching what unfolded in front of him. “What do you mean, too”, he said, getting out Kaoru’s notebook. “I’m supposed to teach Kaoru.” “I am Kaoru.” “No, you’re not”, you said, looking around the room, searching for the real twin who was just entertaining some guests. You sighed and got up. “Do I look like a charity”, you mumbled, which, to your discontent, made Kyouya smirk, while Hikaru still looked after you, highly confused. “Oh, (y/n)”, the younger twin grinned at you. “Decided to ditch English and be entertained instead? Is Kaoru boring you already?” But you didn’t give him time to reply and instead grabbed his ear and pulled him towards your table, ignoring the gasping girls. “Ow, ow, ow”, he complained but followed you. Well, he didn’t have much of an option. “What are you doing?” “Don’t even try to screw me over”, you said. You really weren’t in the mood. You hadn’t slept properly for three days now. “I am tired enough as it is. So, sit down and study with me like a grown-up, Kaoru.” “But I’m not –“ “Yeah, yeah and I am Haruhi. Sit down”, you ordered, holding out his chair for him. You couldn’t help but notice the small smirk on Kyouya’s face. You shot him an angry glance – how dared he laugh at this. “But”, Hikaru started, visibly taken aback. “How did you know?”, Kaoru finished, but he wore an interested smirk on his face. He didn’t seem to be as insulted by the whole thing as his brother. You sighed. “Seriously, guys do you think I'm blind or stupid? I’ve known you for a few weeks now, I can tell you apart.” Haruhi and you had often talked about the small differences the twins showed and the more you talked about it the clearer it all seemed to you. Kyouya chuckled behind you. Oh, no, it was his fault that you were in this situation in the first place, he wasn’t allowed to make fun of you now. "What's there to laugh?", you asked turning around and he just looked at you with the same spark in his eyes you had noticed the day before. “Nothing. The only other person that can tell them apart seems to be Haruhi.” Confused you turned around. Wait, really? Haruhi did tell you about a day where they had played that game and got really mad at each other just a few days ago, but… “Wait”, you said, turning around. “Does that mean that you”, you pointed at the boy with the glasses, “actually cannot tell them apart, either?” You refused to believe that. Sure, they looked alike, they were twins. And to be frank, you needed a few weeks and a few talks with Haruhi to actually get the hang of it. But once you did, they did look so distinctive. Especially when standing next to each other. Were rich people just freaking blind? Kyouya chose to remain silent. “She’s right, Kyouya-senpai”, Kaoru started, happy to have gotten an excuse to get out of English classes. “You always act like you know everything, but you never played.” Kyouya sighed, shutting his notebook. “I never played, because there is absolutely no gain for me in any way.” He got up ready to get away, but you got in his way. “Alright then”, you said. “Let's make this a bit more interesting.” You looked straight into his eyes, ready to meet his challenging gaze. He raised an eyebrow, smirking. But this time you knew, you had won. You had successfully caught his interest and he confirmed your suspicion. “I'm listening.” "If you win, I'll do whatever you want. But if I win, you owe me.” “You already do whatever I want”, he reminded you, and for a second you could see the gaze from yesterday come back to life. You tried to ignore that it made your heart flutter. “Without complaining”, you added. “And I’ll put in some hours for free.” He considered your offer for a moment. “If I win, you’ll work an entire month for free, and without complaining”, he started, but seemed to hesitate for a second, and suddenly you realized that he was actively scanning your features. He looked at you intently, before replying. You tried to suppress the blush forming on your face from his intense gaze. But then he cleared his throat. He had made a decision. “And if you win, I owe you one favour of your choice. It has to be a relational one.” You nodded. That seemed fair enough. Especially since you were sure you were going to win this and a favour from Kyouya could come in handy one day. “Well then, let’s get started!”
It didn’t take long for everybody to prepare the room for your game. Two chairs were moved so that Kyouya and you could sit down in front of two huge drapes that hung from the ceiling. “Have they always been here?”, you asked Haruhi, but she just shrugged. Nothing seemed to surprise her anymore. The entire Host Club had gathered behind you, minus the twins who were hiding behind the drapes. “Did you really have to make it so dramatic?”, you asked, but no one reacted. Instead, Tamaki stepped infront of you, opening his arms and looking at both of you with a serious look. "Round 1!" he proclaimed and made space for you to look at the drapes the twins would appear from. "Kyouya, you start!" The twins stepped out, grinning at the both of you. Kyouya hesitated for a second. "Hikaru is right, Kaoru is left." "Wrong", you interrupted before they could reply. "Kaoru is on the right." "That is correct!", the twins proclaimed, and you could feel Kaoru’s proud gaze linger on you for a second, before they disappeared again. You side eyed Kyouya. "1 - 0 for (y/n)!", Honey proclaimed, walking past the curtains while holding up a sign showing the current score. Where did he get that? "Round 2!" The twins stepped out again. "Since the point went to (y/n) you may start again, Kyouya!" He eyed both twins, watched them for a moment longer, before sending you a really quick gaze and then pointing casually to the left twin. "You're Kaoru!", he moved his finger. "So you're Hikaru." Goddamnit. Was it something you did? You decided not to look at anyone next time it was his turn. "Correct!" The twins proclaimed. "Lucky guess", you shrugged. But Kyouya didn't react. He suddenly didn’t seem so happy anymore, despite having just scored a point. Sometimes you really didn't understand him. "Final Round!" This time just one twin stepped out. "Kyouya! Who is the first twin?" He thought about it for second, while the twin was looking at you, from the corner of his eye. "That is Kaoru." You kept a pokerface as the twin disappeared again, and the other one stepped out on his behalf. "(Y/n), your turn to guess. Afterwards we will tell you who won. You looked at the twin in front of you who grinned at you. You smiled back. Only one of the twins grinned at you like that. "You're Kaoru", you said, turning back at your opponent. "And before that it was Hikaru." “Again correct!”, they both exclaimed. “Wow, you really can tell us apart!” “Told you I could”, you proclaimed happily, before looking at Kyouya, who seemed weirdly relaxed about his loss. “You owe me, I guess!” The twins appeared on your side grinning, but they didn’t have a lot of time to celebrate your win, because immediately after they appeared, you turned your head to the side again, looking at Kaoru. “Don’t you think you get out of your English lesson this easily.”
You felt a little better after your win, so much was true and so the English lesson with Kaoru went smoother than you had thought it would go. Despite his unwillingness at the beginning of the day, he was actually trying now and you were sure he would do just fine in the exam. After a while of going through the basic grammatical forms with him yet again, you found yourself staring at him for a little too long. The younger twin noticed that of course. “You can take a picture, it will last longer”, he said, grinning, and raised an eyebrow. You rolled your eyes, but smiled back. “I’m sure Kyouya still has some to sell to me.” You both giggled. You really got to like Kaoru a lot. His brother, too, of course, but Kaoru was a lot calmer and a bit more mature than his brother – although there was still room for improvement. You finished copying a sentence into your notebook while speaking up again, this time a bit more serious. “But say, Kaoru…”, you started, and from the corner of your eyes you noticed his expression becoming a bit more serious, too. “Why did you not want to study with me at first?” Kaoru hesitated for a second, but then replied as nonchalantly as he could muster. “Because I don’t like to study, why else?” You shook your head. “You could have just refused then. Or showed up and not work with me. But you sent Hikaru. There is more to it than just that, isn’t there?” Surprised he looked at you, but then his expression softened and a small smile appeared on his face. “Would you believe me, if I said, we just wanted to mess with Kyouya?” “No”, you replied but smiled back and waited for him to keep talking. He sighed and his smile turned sad. “You’re right. The truth is…", he averted his gaze from you, as if he was a little embarrassed about the whole situation, "...Hikaru and me always studied together. I help him with some stuff and he helps me with other stuff like English. We switched roles in class a few times actually to see if anyone would notice, but no teacher ever did.” You chuckled a bit, but immediately turned serious again, when you realized, how disappointed he seemed about no one being able to tell them apart. “Sorry.” He shook his head and continued. “It’s just that lately …”, he trailed off and you gave him the time, “… things seem to change. It was always just as two against the world, but now…” He looked at his brother who was poking Haruhi with a coloured pencil. You nodded and understood. “You didn’t want this to change, too.” He looked back at you and nodded. You placed your hand on his. His eyes widened a bit at the touch, but he didn’t pull his hand away. “You know…", you began, looking into his eyes, "Sometimes change can be good. And I can imagine how you feel. I was always alone until I found Haruhi and she was my only friend throughout Middle School, so when she left to come to the Ouran High School, Iwas really sad. And worried." You could see the surprise in his face. He hadn't known. Of course he hadn't, you hadn't told anyone this before. "People entering your small world is a big thing, but no matter what happens, I am entirely sure that you will always have each other. And maybe you can even gain from that, too. Like I did, getting to know all of you." You smiled now and he reciprocated. "Kaoru, you and Hikaru have a bond no one can destroy and maybe all of these new things just make it stronger. You know?” He seemed to think about your words for a moment. “You really believe that?” You smiled at him. “Absolutely.” He smiled back. You pulled your hand away and closed your book. “I think that’s enough for today. You’ll definitely pass and what I couldn’t explain well enough…”, you winked, “you can ask Hikaru later.” Kaoru grinned at you, but also closed his book. “Yeah, you were a terrible teacher, really.” You shrugged. “I guess we should tell Kyouya I am just not made for this job.” The two of you began to laugh, until you heard someone clear his throat behind you. Slowly you turned around to see Kyouya stare down at you, one eyebrow raised and definitely not happy. Oops.
Club time was ending and the girls were already gone, including most of the hosts. Only Haruhi and Kyouya were left in the room, getting ready to leave and cleaning up the last few things that were strewn across the room. Which actually should have been (y/n)’s job, but she had vanished some hours ago. Kyouya assumed for studying and he had accepted it. He rather had a rested help than an unconcentrated one. He picked up a few used tea cups, and stared at it, remembering when she had dropped the cup a while ago. She had not been herself for a few weeks now he wondered. He had noticed the dark circles under her eyes and had actually begun to worry a little. He sighed, packing one of his notebooks in his bag and tried to ban these thoughts from his head. They were really not productive, and he had more important matters to focus on. “Kyouya-senpai”, Haruhi’s voice suddenly spoke up next to him, taking him back to reality. He had been so deep in thoughts that he hadn’t even heard her coming up behind him. “Say… you did that on purpose didn’t you?” He raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?” Haruhi looked up at him with her innocent eyes that often were surprisingly insightful about everything but her own personal matters. “That game. You lost on purpose, right?” He smiled, going back to closing his laptop and getting ready to leave. “Now, dear Haruhi, why would I have done that?” Haruhi was quiet for a while. “Because I think you care about (y/n).” Kyouya halted in his movement. He had expected a lot of replies but not that one. His mind flashed back to the game, on how she had grinned at him, when she had won that first round. And then he thought about how Kaoru grinned at her, the one thing that had made him so easily recognizable for Kyouya. He clenched his jaw at the thought, but immediately went back to his calm self again. “Of course, I care about the members of this club. What kind of director would I be if I didn’t. If I lost on purpose, then it was only because every now and a while an ego boost can work wonders. Especially, if the spirits have been low.” He smiled at Haruhi, the way he always did when he tried to hide his actual motives. To his surprise, though, she wasn’t reacting to him. “No”, she simply said. “That’s not what I meant.” But before she could actually tell him, what she had meant her gaze fell on the huge clock outside the school building. “Oh god, is it so late already? The stores are closing in twenty minutes and I don’t have anything for dinner!” She grabbed her bag but stopped, before she could run out. “Could you do me a favour?”, she asked, while hectically gathering her stuff. “I’ll repay you.” That was everything he needed to hear. “Of course, my dear Haruhi, what is it?” She was almost half out the door, when she yelled. “Could you wake (y/n)? Sometimes she needs a while to wake up and I really have to run!” Wake (y/n)? But before he could ask, she had already run out of the room, leaving him standing there alone. But he wasn’t alone. Now that the room had gone silent, he could hear someone breathing quietly. Surprised he walked over to the noise to find her on one of the sofas, obviously having fallen asleep while trying to study. Her geography book was lying open on the floor in front of her and she was breathing regularly, obviously in a deep sleep. Quietly, he walked over to her sleeping form, picked up the book and placed it gently on the table in front of her. For a second he just looked at her, letting his gaze wander over her face, her shoulders, her body. She seemed a little pale, he noticed, and she had lost a bit of weight. He had first noticed how exhausted she actually was, when she had let him go that easily for calling her aunt. He knew that she was usually a lot feistier, but she barely had had any energy left. He sighed, sitting down in the chair facing her sofa. He checked his watch. He should leave for home as well, but for some reason, he had decided to just sit down and give you a few more minutes. So that you could rest a bit and do well in your exams and keep up with your work in the club. That’s what he told himself at least. He lifted a hand and propped his chin on it, gaze fixated on her sleeping face, while he was lost deep in thoughts. He started to become frustrated with himself. Here he was, just wasting time, because this girl had decided to fall asleep during club times. And still, he didn’t get himself to wake her up. She got him to do things he would have normally never agree on. He thought about her challenging grin. He hadn’t had seen too much of that side of you, this challenging one, yet, but he would be lying if he said, it hadn’t caught his interest. In this moment he had also realized that he had never actually seen her participate in any of Tamaki’s or the twin’s games before. She was usually just watching how things unfolded, only that no one seemed to realize it. She was a lot more insightful than she let show, he noticed. He sighed, shaking his head. Could Haruhi be right? Did he maybe care about her? He knew he did somehow, she had become part of the club and although he barely showed it, he was fully aware that he actually cared deeply about every single member. Still, she had an entirely different effect on him. And what did Haruhi mean when she said these words. That’s not what I meant. His gaze fell on her geography book and then back at her. She had been working really hard these last days and he respected that. He nodded slightly. That was the reason he let her sleep for a few more minutes. Working part-time next to school and coming here just to help out Haruhi … She was a lot stronger than he sometimes liked to admit. He checked his watch. He would give her ten minutes more, he decided, and after their exams they could all use a little break from everything.
Chapter 6
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gyarucoded · 1 year
quick loki preview bc i have fallen down the rabbit hole since i have nothing else new to watch
the way loki used his magic was such a serve omg
i'm still in love with b-15 ♡
i appreciate the subtle humor, the jokes in other new mcu contents (minus the guardians of the galaxy) annoy me but here it's well balanced yet funny👍
when brad said "playing dress up" to loki idk what he fully meant but my mind wandered to teen loki switching fem presenting & borrowing [stealing] frigga's clothing to try them on for funsies n shit (i used to do that w my mom's wedding clothes as a child 2 lol)
when brad was messing w/ loki he had the opportunity to do the most suicidal thing ever and add sth like "who isn't even your real mother" after bringing up frigga (bro would have gotten ANNIHILATED Ijbol)
the slap was so funny & satisfying at the same time. i didn't saw it coming but i love this side of mobius
this ep's genuinely the most TERRIFYING loki has been in the mcu. in the chase scene and both of the interrogation. i absolutely support it idgaf !! he was more intimidating then he was in the first avengers movie which says a loooot
when loki mentioned the new york incident that was either lazy writing or babe got brain damage cuz i am pretty sure when he was mad at thor & odin that was in new mexico?? when he sent that metallic shit down or wtvt💀 to prevent thor from returning. but i forgive only because he mentioned tony lmfao
i love seeing sylvie finally being content. even if it was thru fuckass mcdonalds. i hope she won't be reduced to the "weird love interest" cuz her chara has potential and you can tell she's tired of this bs as well...
another episode of sylki being forced, toxic, keep disagreeing with & avoiding each other with rather tense chemistry instead of a romantic one they supposedly meant to have & being one sided as hell. their "romance" makes zero sense in this series' context & i could go off for longer regarding this topic but i'll save it for a seeperate post, later!
o.b & casey are so wholesome
bro i'm starting to ship lokius i think? (not in a fetishzing way i just like their dynamics and they just both happen to be dudes/male presenting) cuz i am sensing romantic & soulmate-ish undertones. sad that disney is a coward to make it canon...
overall i loved the 70s-90s vibes they seem to be going for. this show deffo has the best aesthetics we've seen in marvel phase 5 so far and i can't wait to see what's coming next.
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vodika-vibes · 9 months
Oh I have an idea for Mereel x Reader ! So he is always flirting with Reader (as he does) and they brush it off because it’s Mereel and he doesn’t mean it. But! One night they’re at like 79‘s or sth similar, either by plan or they meet by accident, and reader gets jealous seeing him flirt with other people so she starts flirting with someone and then Mereel kinda snaps and 💋
I hope this isn’t too detailed or stifling your creativity, feel free to change whatever you like!
I'm Not Jealous
Summary: You're bothered at how much Mereel flirts with everyone, including you, but when you flirt with someone else, Mereel decides to change things.
Pairing: Mereel Skirata x Reader
Word Count: 808
Warnings: None
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
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Mereel is going to be the death of you. 
He’s always there. Leaning against your desk, leaning over your chair, flirting with you, teasing you. Making your face heat with his suggestive comments and the way his gaze sweeps across your body, like he actually means the things that he’s saying.
He doesn’t. Of course he doesn’t. 
This is just what Mereel does. He finds a new target and flirts with them until he gets tired of them and their reactions, and then moves on to the next woman.
You’re just his most recent fixation.
It’s fine. He’ll get bored of you soon enough and move on to the next person. 
Which is the problem. You don’t want him to flirt with other people. You want his eyes on you and only you. You want him to keep flirting with you.
Honestly, you want more. You want all of him.
You sigh silently as you pack up your work for the day. Castles in the air. Never going to happen. You’re hardly pretty enough to keep his attention for long periods of time, let alone for a proper relationship.
Whatever. It’s fine. All you need is a night out. To get your mind off of Mereel and his charming smile and his deep voice and-
Yeah. This isn’t helping.
You exhale slowly, and push to your feet. You already have plans to go to the club tonight. You just need to get there.
Yes. This is going to fix everything.
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When you arrive at the club, dressed in a new black mini-dress, and leather boots that come up to your knees, you think you’re going to have a good time for all of thirty minutes.
And then Mereel shows up with his brothers.
He finds you with an ease that shouldn’t really surprise you. He seems to have a sixth sense when it comes to finding you in a crowd, and yet when his gaze lands on you and a blinding grin crosses his face you are surprised.
You smile back at him, slightly weakly, though the smile fades when he turns his blinding grin towards a woman who approached him. You watch, almost absently, as the woman giggles and brushes her fingers against his chest, and you feel sick.
Of course he came here to hook up with someone. Someone prettier. Someone better.
You absently stir your drink and jump when someone leans against the table near you. He’s handsome, you suppose, with long hair and a blinding smile, and he seems very interested in you, so you offer him a small smile.
And when he flirts with you, you hesitate for a moment, and then flirt back.
And then you nearly jump out of your skin when a hand slams on the table between you and the stranger. Mereel beams at you, though he seems to be glaring daggers at the man who was flirting with you. You press your hand against your racing heart, “You scared me, Mereel.” You scold.
“Ah, sorry cyare! I didn’t mean to.” His gaze softens as he looks at you, and he smoothly slides into the booth next to you, pushing himself between you and the stranger with such ease that you don’t realize what he’s doing right away, “Is that a new dress? You look amazing.”
“Oh, yeah.” You smooth the skirt, “I used my bonus to buy something nice.”
Mereel’s fingers slide against your shoulder and you shiver, “You look stunning.” He says quietly, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you dress up like this.” 
“Oh, well I normally don’t,” You don’t even realize that the blond man has left, you’re so distracted under Mereel’s attention, though by the smug little grin playing on his lips, he has and he’s thrilled by it. “I just wanted to try something different.”
“Something different?” He prods.
“I…well…it’s not exactly like my work clothes are overly attractive, so if I want a boyfriend-”
Mereel’s smile falters, “You’re hunting for a boyfriend? Here?”
“I-I mean, where else am I going to look? It’s not like anyone at work is interested-” You say with a self-conscious laugh.
“I am.”
“I’m interested. Why do you think I’m always flirting with you?” Mereel asks.
“I just…that’s just what you do-”
He huffs out a frustrated noise, and crashes his lips against yours, his hands coming up to cup your face. And you react immediately, leaning your whole body against his and pressing your hands over his.
He breaks the kiss slowly, and lightly presses his forehead against yours, “Be my girlfriend?” Mereel asks, “Don’t flirt with anyone other than me.”
“Are you jealous?” You ask, sounding slightly breathless.
“So kriffing much,” Mereel mumbles, “Please, cyare-”
“Yes,” You interrupt, your voice soft.
He smiles at you then, and then his lips are against yours again.
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gashotbox · 1 year
alternatively, i've also always found the idea of a "dutch oven" (which is basically the same as hotboxing) arousing. especially when it's treated like sth casual and not kinky for the parties involved but obviously the audience/ readers may get off on it.
there's this teen wolf fic on ao3 called "Good Books" (M/M tho) that drives me wild. imagine a dom/sub undertone between best friends that's barely even noticable where the "dom" uses farts as a non-sexual punishment for his "sub" and best friend. in my scenarios, i'd add some ass worship and the like.
you've told your friend you'd be there on time for a movie's premiere but end up missing the entry by a few minutes? then you'll be spending a feature length film under the covers with your nose in their clothed crack as they get to enjoy another movie while blowing viscious gas in your face.
you've promised to act as their chaperone and matchmaker when they wanna ask out a girl, but your advice actually backfires completely? well, guess who's gonna kiss and lick some booty tonight, seeing how you prevented your friend from their own booty call. they'll make sure to keep you practicing your kissing techniques on their wrinkly pucker while they sleep peacefully, knowing you'll be slaving away like it's your fulltime job even though they won't even be awake for it.
you've gotten into a big fight with them and now, all you want to do is make up? luckily, you're not above being subjected to the silent treatment as they ingest all sorts of food that make them gassy. as they sit on the couch with their thighs spread, still giving you the cold shoulder, you plant your face between their cheeks. to ensure you're close enough, they press your head even harder against their ass before covering you with a blanket and reclining with their phone in hand. their farts hit you point blank and soon, it reeks inside the humid space but you don't complain. you accept your punishment and don't hesitate to keep your face close to their butt even when they stand up and walk around, causing you to shuffle behind on all fours. in the end, you're forgiven and you place a conciliatory smooch on their ass and are greeted with an amiable, smelly toot in turn.
after all, holding others accountable is important, even amongst friends.
this is driving me so fucking wild it’s not even funny. like holyy shit🥵. the unspoken agreement too? pissing them off and with one look you know to get under their ass? and that you better get comfy because you’re about to be there for the next several hours😵‍💫. christ.. the possibilities.. them smothering your face with their barely clad ass bc u broke something of theirs; so it’s only fair you’re their new gaming chair for the rest of the night. arguing during a group hang-out and them saying they’ll drive you home - except it’s a four hour ride and you all just had taco bell, and you can hear their stomach gurgling🥴
also side note absolutely don’t mind whatever slash pairing anyone sends to me is! the situation is more than enough for me. also fuck.. beggars can’t be choosers
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Napoleon - Ikevamp - Crimson Corsica
Pairing: Mitsuki x Napoleon
Word count: 695
Warning: blood sucking, NSFW
A/N: it’s a napoleon’s POV. I'm trying sth diffrent today to celebrate his birthday :D. Love you Napoleon <3. Btw, my napoleon masterlist is still a mess but I'm probably going to rearrange it tomorrow
Oh, also, there may be a spoiler from Napoleon's Act 2.
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I’ve been invited to dinner at my friend’s house, Jack, in Corsica. 
While I don’t care much about fancy dinners and all of that, as I had enough of them when I was an emperor, I couldn’t say no to this one, as this friend of mine helped me a lot to buy a summer house in my hometown a few years ago.
Mitsuki just loves coming to Corsica. Every time I have free time to leave Paris, I always take her here. It's also a great opportunity for both of us to enjoy a married life outside of the mansion.
Don't get me wrong, I love living in Comte’s mansion, but it’s hard to have private time with my wife when you live with so many people there - who by coincidence love to gossip.
Besides, today is my birthday, but only Mitsuki knows that here in Corsica. I don’t mind if people eventually find out, but I just prefer to keep this little secret to just the two of us as I will have all of my time for her.
Because it’s my birthday, she decided to buy a new dress for this occasion, and I gotta say that she did a great job with that.
The cleavage of her yellow dress is driving me insane to the point I'm having a hard time right now paying attention to their conversation during dinner.
I’m trying my best to keep it cool, but I don’t know how much longer I can take. I’d say that I’ve been doing a pretty decent job fighting against my bloodlust, but every time we come to Corsica I don’t know what it is but I just feel way more horny than usual. I wonder if something in me changed after I came back to life again.
I still feel like the same man Mitsuki met when she saw me the first time, but it's as if my vampire and my human side are unbalanced when she is around.
Her sweet calm voice made me snap back to reality.
“I was saying I think we should be going now. It’s getting late.”
“Yeah, of course.”
Somehow, I managed to survive this dinner. I have no idea what they talked about all night, but I think Mitsuki didn't notice I spent all night staring at her.
Mitsuki seems interested in walking on the beach before going home, but I do not wanna do that. I gave her some lame excuses and, although she was a bit suspicious, maybe because it was my birthday, she didn’t protest. Perhaps I’ll have to come up with better excuses next time. She is a sharp opponent.
A few minutes later, we finally got to our summer house. While she was opening the door, I seized the opportunity to whisper in my wife's ear, commanding her to follow me to our bed.
After sitting on the bed, I immediately helped her to take her dress off. She better thank me later for not ruining her beautiful dress. 
Wearing only her also yellow underwear, Mitsuki sat on my lap, her tights rubbing on my cock, making things even more enticing. Not knowing if I wanted to fuck her first or suck her blood, I followed my instincts, so I went for her neck.
I licked the left side of her neck to hear a soft moan inviting me to keep going.
My exposed fangs penetrated her burning skin and, in no time, I got access to her sweet blood. 
I was sucking her so hard that a few minutes later I could not only hear her now loud moans but also feel that her underwear was getting more wet. Then, with one hand holding her waist, I used the other one to put Mitsuki’s underwear to the side to expose her.
Every inch of my cock was now inside of my beloved. I wanted to take my time to admire her while we fucked, but I couldn’t help myself. Her wetness was so intoxicating that I lost control of my body, filling her with all I had, with the power of a once emperor.
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leclerced · 10 months
Just read sth and it gave mi inspiration for Lando playing detective about Oscar. He tries to get his girl into it but she just rolls her eyes and says that she’s definitely NOT going to follow Oscar around and then report back to Lando. But Lando needs to know what’s Oscar up to because he’s been disappearing lately and coming back all flustered even if he hid it well from the team there is no hiding it from Lando. So one time he actually follows him and finds Oscar and Logan’s girlfriend making out in Logan’s driver’s room. Lando the drama queen he is ofc gives them an earful on how they can do this. That they should think about their morals because they’re clearly fucked. And in the middle of it all Logan comes out from the shower and is like “I thought you’d make her cum already and I haven’t heard anything…” and he sees Lando. They just stare at each other and don’t know what to do really until Lando’s girl comes barrelling into the room and starts reprimanding Lando and just when Oscar thinks she’s gonna finally take his teammate out of there and he could come back to what he really wants to do she starts shouting at him too and he’s sitting there perplexed because why the hell is he the receiving end of her anger too?? And idk what happens next but it’s just so funny in my head hope for you too😂
oh my god this would be so funny.
logan’s girl is still on oscar’s lap when lando’s girl comes in and first reprimands lando for acting like a stalker, then reprimands oscar for putting the moves on his friends girl. and logan is just standing there wondering, what the hell is going on in my room? lando’s girl thinks the look on his face is over what’s going on on the couch, not over her and lando, she feels so bad for him until he finally shuts her up, “um- we’re about to fuck her together. it’s fine.” queue lando’s girl staring in shock, looking between the two drivers and the mortified girl that oscar is holding in his lap. lando’s laughs at her shocked stare and says, “yeah. i know, right?” then she’s swatting lando and telling him he needs to mind his own business. she apologizes to the thrupple as she tugs her boyfriend out of the room and tells him again and again he needs to keep his nose out of other peoples private lives. lando’s probably like, “would you ever want a third person??” and she’s telling him to shut up and not everything has to be a competition between him and his teammate.
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