daniellelevsky · 5 months
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A Return, Anew: Into Nurturing
Greetings World!
I'm dusting off this old Tumblr after nearly 7 years to start a new project. And the timing feels meaningful - in Judaism, 7 is considered the number of spiritual fullness and completeness.
So here we are, in 2024 - 7 years after I last posted here regularly. It feels like the right time to pursue new depths of self-knowledge and balance. I want to understand how the different pieces of my life puzzle fit together; where my energy flows and where it's blocked.
Each year, I choose a new quote to guide me for the year to come - for 2024, I chose a quote from Buddhist-Vietnamese monk and one of my teachers, Thich Nhat Hanh, to carry me forward:
"Walk as if you are kissing the Earth with your feet."
I look to 2024 as a chance to sink deeper roots into this beautiful, blossoming life I’m building for myself. Thich Nhat Hanh's words will remind me to walk steadily yet lightly upon this precious Earth, embracing each breath as a gift. There is much more love to cultivate, still and despite.
In this coming year, I aim to be more rooted, intentional, and connected - to my new home in Philadelphia, its land and community, my body and spirit, my creative work, my relationships. After so much movement and flux these past few years, my goal for 2024 is to sink in deeply and mindfully, and pour my energy into what serves my raison d’être.
I'm divvying up my time and energy amongst different categories of creative pursuits and personal development goals:
Producing/performing theater and clown
Writing essays, poetry, and fiction
Navigating my day job in instructional design
Opportunities for teaching (clown, Jewish studies, yoga)
Travel and adventure
Building community and relationships in my new home
Nurturing my health and wellbeing
In times past, I have felt energized and focused by what I brought into my life; other times, I felt drained and overwhelmed by it all.
So this year, I'm going to document it - how I spend each week across these different areas. What activities feed me, versus take from me? When do I give too much and have nothing left for myself?
I'm reminded of a teaching from yoga philosophy around sthira and sukha - finding equilibrium between strength and comfort, effort and ease. I want to find that sweet spot, where I can walk the line between sthira and sukha in how I pace myself across all these different pursuits. Grounding down into steady effort when needed, while also cultivating softness and spaciousness.
So, once a week, I'll tally up the previous 7 days - what projects got my time and energy, what didn't, how balanced did I feel, what do I need more or less of, etc.
I'm hopeful this reflection will help me find alignment, purpose, and sustainability across the many beautiful puzzle pieces of my life.
As the Jewish tradition says, 7 is the number sitting at the center of it all, binding together the physical and spiritual worlds.
So, let the journey begin...
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oshishira · 2 months
Ganesha, Salutations to YOU, YOU are actually A Brahma
Tattvam. Only because YOU bless an action, it happens.
Only YOU are the ONE who holds us from falling, Only
YOU remove obstacles and ignorance. YOU are the Brah-
man, the ultimate divine power. YOU are the soul that is
part of everything.
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Ganapati Atharvashirsham Meaning,
By Dr. Vasant Lad
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sharvamarket · 1 year
Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan
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badarchitectrecords · 3 months
Listen to this new fantastic new track by Mira Sthira - Up and Down (Lyrics)
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blessed1neha · 1 year
Zodiac signs and Professions
The present world is extremely different from Vedic civilization, when everything was based on people's Varnashrama-Dharma, which came from their nature and showed itself in both a person's innate character traits and some of his acts, or guna-karma.
Teachers at gurukulas carefully studied their pupils' interests from an early age, preparing them for careers in the three higher varnas of vaishyas, kshatriyas, and brahmins. Shudras, if trained, often learned their trades within the confines of their families.
Being born into a certain family did not automatically make you a member of that varna; rather, as you became older, you had to prove your qualities. In contrast to the so-called caste system, there were four varnas in the Vedic society: brahmins, kshatriyas, vaishyas, and sudras.
Many new professions that are not mentioned in the Vedic treatises have emerged in our time along with the advancement of materialistic science and technology, but the science of jyotish provides the answers for figuring out a person's inclinations because it is based on the energies of the planets, horoscope houses, zodiac signs, and nakshatras.
12 signs of the zodiac are divided into several categories:
1) by gender (male and female);
2) according to mobility (mobile, immobile and dual) and 3) according to the elements (fiery, earthly, airy and watery).
The location of the planets in the signs of a certain category enhances certain energies in human nature and encourages him to engage in certain activities in society, in the outside world - which often becomes the native's profession.
Male and female signs
All odd signs (1, 3, 5, 7, 9,11) are masculine: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius.
The dominant of male signs, that is, when most of the planets or key planets (lagnesh, Sun, Moon) fall into male signs, this makes the native more decisive, active, proactive, inclined to make decisions quickly and be a leader (leader).
In the case of women, this gives a more masculine type of psyche and a masculine model of behavior.
Creates difficulties in personal life.
All even signs (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12) have a feminine nature: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces.
With the dominance of female signs, when either most of the planets or key planets (lagnesh, Sun, Moon) fall into female signs, gentleness of character, indecision, and a tendency to follow rather than lead are manifested.
In male charts, this gives either very suave and gentle men, or a creative, dreamy and compassionate nature, or a weakness of character.
Movable, fixed and dual signs
Movable (Cardinal) signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn are Chara-Rashi
Immovable (Fixed) signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius - this is Sthira-Rashi
Dual (Dual, Mutable) signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces are Dvisvabhava-Rashi
Understanding a person's manner of life can be aided by knowledge about the degree of mobility of their indicators (moving, sedentary, harmonious).
A dominating mobile indication makes a person more likely to engage in sports, movement, work in transportation, and travel.
Mobility represents the guna (energy) of action and passion.
The state of being immobile represents conservatism, extreme inertia, and stupidity.
The native becomes nomadic, prone to danger and change, and able to bring in money from far-off regions when all or the majority of the planets are in moveable signs.
Such people typically select a line of work that involves travel, athletics, risk-taking, tenacity, and frequent change.
If the natal chart's planets are distributed primarily or entirely according to fixed signs, then this combination occurs:
Such locals like education and information acquisition.
They frequently obtain owing to long-standing social links and enjoy well-deserved respect in society.
Natives frequently pick pursuits that emphasise stability, consistency, and predictability.
These indicators provide patience and the capacity to carry out everyday tasks in conventional and traditional settings.
When most or all of the planets are in dual signs, the following occurs: These locals frequently have dexterous hands and excel in a variety of artistic mediums.
Additionally, they frequently pursue careers in knowledge-related fields such as accounting, editing, economics, education, law, counselling, psychology, and spirituality.
- where the processing and sharing of information and knowledge is required.
They frequently attempt to multitask since they find it challenging to concentrate on just one thing at a time.
Signs of fire, earth, air and water
The dominance of different elements induces the native to seek refuge in the activity that corresponds to this element.
It is traditionally believed that the element of Water gives birth to brahmins, the element of Fire - kshatriyas, the element of Air - vaishyas and the elements of Earth - shudras. In reality, everything is much more complicated now, because.
all varnas in our era are mixed.
(when many planets are in the signs of Fire - Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) makes the native a revolutionary, a leader, a transformer of ideas, a passionary.
Just as fire transforms other elements, fire people are catalysts for change.
(Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) makes the native a conservative, not prone to change, stable, practical and pragmatic.
These people are good at developing structures and giving shape to ideas.
(Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) makes the native fickle (windy), unstable, intellectual, easy in relationships, easily adapting to circumstances.
They are easy to remember and easy to forget.
Not vindictive.
(Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) makes the native emotional, creative, deep, intuitive, sensitive, inclined to make decisions based on feelings rather than reason.
Professions of the twelve signs of the zodiac
Of course, if each profession were clearly represented by a single zodiac sign, life would be a lot simpler. However, in reality, we must deal with a variety of combinations and identify the main influences of the energies of the signs - the rising sign (where the ascendant or lagna is), the sign of location, etc. The sign of the Moon (Chandra Lagna), the sign of the Sun's position (Surya Lagna), the sign of the owner of the first house or Lagnesh (Paka Lagna), the sign of a group of planets (from three or more), the sign of the tenth house (career, profession), the sign of the tenth house's owner, etc.
All of these things go into making a person, and the astrologer's job is to distribute and synthesise all of the aforementioned energies in the proper order of significance. They need tenacity, stamina, and response.
These include members of the armed forces, athletes, first responders, firefighters, ministry of emergency personnel, police officers, soldiers in special operations units, mechanics, electricians, builders, travellers, chemists, pyrotechnicians, security guards, shooters, managers, workers in the metallurgical industry, cattle slaughterers, carpenters, repairmen who are constantly sawing and drilling, etc.
Aries: In Aries, all planets develop a sharply concentrated piercing strength.
Aries connected to the soil, flowers, plants, real estate, the arts, beauty, cuisine, money, stocks trading, fashion and apparel, and the entertainment business that calls for patience, consistency, and good taste.
Taurus: The character of planets in Taurus is one that is obstinate, sluggish, and steady. in fields including data, facts and numbers, statistics, media, translation, literature, editing, publishing, and advertising.
Gemini: They frequently engage in marketing, trade, air transportation, logistics, mail, Internet projects, computers, bookkeeping, secretarial labour, education, courier services, diplomacy, intermediates, and mediators.
Planets in Gemini become as information transmitters.
Cancer: fishing and all marine occupations, including the military and trade.Car washes, laundry services, and the commerce in other liquid substances are all tied to water. Doctors, nurses, furniture and interior designers, purveyors, warehouse workers, restaurants, hotels, nurses, "mother" professions including care for others, social workers, historians, psychologists, teachers, and preachers are examples of occupations that fall under this category.
Planets in Cancer become sentimental and softer.
Leo: Leos are  public employees, politicians, ministers, leaders of all ranks, performers ranging from musicians to theatre directors, investors, physicians (if the Sun is strong), soldiers, conservationists, farmers, real estate experts (fixed sign), well-known TV hosts of entertainment programmes, impresario.
The planets in Leo have a regal colour.
Virgo: Analytics, accounting, auditing, economics, arithmetic, medicine, pharmacology, counselling, psychology, agriculture, education, computer science, astrology, paperwork and papers, critical analysis, creation of curricula, methodologies, algorithms, and systematisation are all Virgo-related fields.
Planets in Virgo have a graceful hue, refine their characteristics, and develop irrational and obstinate traits.
Libra: Lawyers, judges, sociologists, marketers, middlemen, merchants, mediators, advertising professionals, musicians, fashion designers, stylists, decorators, photographers, artists, actors, dancers, models, pilots, stewardesses, drivers, perfumers, restaurateurs, hotel workers, sexologists, and event planners are all members of the Libra family.
Planets in Libra develop elegance, pliability, elasticity, and lightness.
Scorpio: Scorpio is suited for all work with liquids, chemicals, drugs, poisons, and the funeral industry. Scorpios frequently work as mechanics, scientists, researchers, police officers, sailors, physicians, mediums, astrologers, fortune-tellers, magicians, philosophers, secret service operatives, jailers, notaries, and insurance agents. Scorpion-ruled planets become "biting," tense, and reminiscent of a warrior being ambushed.
Sagittarius : Military, leadership, working with horses, extreme sports, shooting, tourism, making and selling shoes, all legal professions, teaching, philosophy, international relations, diplomacy, finance, religion, spirituality, preaching, foreign trade, geography, cartography, geopolitics, and the exploration of new lands are all favoured professions for the Sagittarius sign.
The planets in Sagittarius have a noble, resolute air about them (like an arrow shot by a shooter).
Capricorn: who resides in the 10th house of the zodiac, has a thirst for strength and leadership roles. Due to his patience and consistency, he does regular job successfully. Coal, metal, minerals, timber, garbage, and commerce in all of these have a relationship to Saturn and the earth element.They might be agricultural labourers, plumbers, carpenters, builders, geologists, archaeologists, miners, or geologists.
Capricorns frequently build systems, methods, strategies, trade networks, and structures.
The sign's portability makes it useful for travel-related jobs. Planets in Capricorn develop qualities like pragmatism and earthiness (element of the Earth).
Aquarius : Public relations, social activities, charitable work, altruism, sociology, philosophy, computer science (particularly hardware), electronics for television and radio, information projects, IT, astrology, advisory work, theoretical science, and ground and air travel are all ruled by the sign of Aquarius.
psychological analysis, travel, publishing, and literary pursuits.
Pisces : Pisces physicians, nurses, resuscitators, representatives of humanitarian and charity organisations, sanatorium staff, commercial fisherman, rescuers, musicians, poets, and composers.
Priests, monks, preachers, ashram abbots, travellers, astronomers, astrologers, fortune tellers, explorers, scientists, and traders from far-off nations (export/import from across the sea) are just a few of the people that may be included in this category.
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atharvyogshala · 9 months
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The concept of Sthira and Sukha in yogic philosophy alludes to exactly that; the polarized yet completely balanced nature of life. These two concepts are found in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, a collection of 196 Sutras (aphorisms) on the theory and practice of yoga.
This sentence can be roughly translated as “postures should be stable and comfortable”, and it is also often reworded as the balance between “effort” and “ease.
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shinymoonbird · 1 year
Guru Paduka Stotram glorifies the “sandals of the Guru” and the presence of Guru in one’s life. This hymn talks about how a seeker’s life transforms within the presence of the Guru. Guru Paduka Stotram was composed by Adi Shankaracharya during his first meeting with his Guru, Govinda Bhagavatpada.
Adi Shankara was traveling across ancient Indians Kingdoms in search of his Guru. When he was walking around the banks of River Narmada, he saw the Padukas in front of the cave of his Guru, Govind Bhagavatpada. When Adi Shankaracharya saw the Paduka, he instantly recognized them as his Guru’s. He was filled with abundant joy.
Having found the master he had been searching for, he was thrilled; tears welled out of his eye, and his heart jumped with joy. He composed Guru Paduka Stotram honoring the Paduka of His Guru, Sri Govind Bhagavatpada.
Many saints say that when the disciple is ready, Guru will appear, and one will instantly feel the divine presence. Guru Paduka Stotram is an expression of such experience of a true disciple in beautiful words.
🌟Guru Padhuka Stotram🌟
Anantha samsara samudhra thara naukayithabhyam guru bhakthithabhyam, Vairagya samrajyadha poojanabhyam, namo nama sri guru padukabhyam.
The crossing of this Endless ocean of samsara (this mundane world) is enabled by the boat that is sincere devotion to Guru Showing me the way to the valuable dominion of renunciation, O dear Guru, I bow to thy holy sandals.
Kavithva varahsini sagarabhyam, dourbhagya davambudha malikabhyam, Dhoorikrutha namra vipathithabhyam, namo nama sri guru padukabhyam.
Like a full moon for the ocean of the Knowledge, Like downpour of water to put out the fire of misfortunes, Removing the various distresses of those who surrender to them, O dear Guru, I bow to thy holy sandals.
Natha yayo sripatitam samiyu kadachidapyashu daridra varya, Mookascha vachaspathitham hi thabhyam, namo nama sri guru padukabhyam.
Those who prostrate to the blessed sandals of their Guru become possessors of great wealth and overcome the curse of their poverty very quickly. To such sandals my infinite prostrations.
Naleeka neekasa pada hrithabhyam, nana vimohadhi nivarikabyam, Nama janabheeshtathathi pradhabhyam namo nama sri guru padukabhyam.
Attracting us to the Lotus-like feet of our Guru, removing all kinds of desires borne out of ignorance, fulfilling all the desires of the disciple who bows humbly To such sandals, I humbly offer my obeisance.
Nrupali mouleebraja rathna kanthi saridvi raja jjashakanyakabhyam, Nrupadvadhabhyam nathaloka pankhthe, namo nama sri guru padukabhyam.
Shining like a precious stone adorning the crown of a king They stand out like a beautiful damsel in a river infested with crocodiles They raise the devotees to the state of sovereign emperors, To such sandals, I humbly offer my obeisance.
Papandhakara arka paramparabhyam, thapathryaheendra khageswarabhyam, Jadyabdhi samsoshana vadawabhyam namo nama sri guru padukabhyam.
Shining radiantly like the Sun, effacing the endless darkness of the disciples sins, Like an eagle for the snake-like three-fold pains of samsara (this mundane world) like a conflagration of fire whose heat dries away the ocean of ignorance To such supreme sandals of my Guru, I humbly surrender.
Shamadhi shatka pradha vaibhavabhyam, Samadhi dhana vratha deeksithabhyam, Ramadhavangri sthira bhakthidabhyam, namo nama sri guru padukabhyam.
They endow us with the glorious six qualities like Shama (tranquility) They vow to bless the initiated ones with the ability to go into Samadhi (state of meditative consciousness). Blessing the devotees with permanent devotion for the feet of Lord Vishnu To such divine sandals, I offer my prayers.
Swarchaparana makhileshtathabhyam, swaha sahayaksha durndarabhyam, Swanthacha bhava pradha poojanabhyam, namo nama sri guru padukabhyam.
Fulfilling all the wishes of the disciples, Who are ever-available and dedicated for service, Awakening the sincere aspirants to the divine state of self-realization, Again and again, prostrate to those sandals of my venerable Guru
Kaamadhi sarpa vraja garudabhyam, viveka vairagya nidhi pradhabhyam, Bhodha pradhabhyam drutha mokshathabhyam, namo nama sri guru padukabhyam.
They are like an eagle for all the serpents of desires, Blessing us with the valuable treasure of discrimination and renunciation, Granting us the knowledge to get instant liberation from the shackles of life, My prostrations to those holy sandals of my Guru.
Guru Paduka Stotram Lyrics in Sanskrit
गुरु पादुका स्तोत्रम्
अनंत संसार समुद्र तार नौकायिताभ्यां गुरुभक्तिदाभ्यां। वैराग्य साम्राज्यद पूजनाभ्यां नमो नमः श्री गुरु पादुकाभ्यां॥१॥
कवित्व वाराशि निशाकराभ्यां दौर्भाग्यदावांबुदमालिक्याभ्यां। दूरीकृतानम्र विपत्तिताभ्यां नमो नमः श्री गुरु पादुकाभ्यां॥२॥
नता ययोः श्रीपतितां समीयुः कदाचिदप्याशु दरिद्रवर्याः। मूकाश्च वाचसपतितां हि ताभ्यां नमो नमः श्री गुरु पादुकाभ्यां॥३॥
नाली कनी काशपदाहृताभ्यां नानाविमोहादिनिवारिकाभ्यां। नमज्जनाभीष्टततिब्रदाभ्यां नमो नमः श्री गुरु पादुकाभ्यां॥४॥
नृपालिमौलि ब्रज रत्न कांति सरिद्विराज्झषकन्यकाभ्यां। नृपत्वदाभ्यां नतलोकपंक्ते: नमो नमः श्री गुरु पादुकाभ्यां॥५॥
पापांधकारार्क परंपराभ्यां तापत्रयाहीन्द्र खगेश्वराभ्यां। जाड्याब्धि संशोषण वाड्वाभ्यां नमो नमः श्री गुरु पादुकाभ्यां॥६॥
शमादिषट्क प्रदवैभवाभ्यां समाधि दान व्रत दीक्षिताभ्यां। रमाधवांघ्रि स्थिरभक्तिदाभ्यां नमो नमः श्री गुरु पादुकाभ्यां॥७॥
स्वार्चा पराणामखिलेष्टदाभ्यां स्वाहासहायाक्ष धुरंधराभ्यां। स्वान्ताच्छ भावप्रदपूजनाभ्यां नमो नमः श्री गुरु पादुकाभ्यां॥८॥
कामादिसर्प व्रजगारुडाभ्यां विवेक वैराग्य निधि प्रदाभ्यां। बोध प्रदाभ्यां दृत मोक्ष दाभ्यां नमो नमः श्री गुरु पादुकाभ्यां॥९॥
ऊँ गुरुवे नमः।।🙏🙏🙏
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santmat · 11 months
Light and Sound on The Path: Mystic Poetry of Baba Somanath, Sant Namdev, Soami Ji Maharaj, and Huzur Maharaj Rai Saligram -- Sant Mat Radhasoami
Master Blog Archive RSS Feed (for those wishing to subscribe and follow via RSS): 
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Mystic Poetry (Bhajan, Hymn) of Baba Somanath: O beloved ones, repeat the Simran of Naam, Otherwise your life will be spoiled.
Naama sumirana karale pyaare
Nahi to hoya khuwaari (refrain)
O beloved ones, repeat the Simran of Naam,
Otherwise your life will be spoiled.
Kaama kalpanaa chora jaga se, hoya raho tuma nyaari
Cast out fantasies of desire from your heart;
Remain detached from this outer world.
Dhyaana guru kaa dhaara tu, jaise chandra chakoraa
Nirakhata raho nisadina, aatha hi praharaa
Hoi hai dyaala to kari hai nihaala
Pala me deya ubaari (1)
Contemplate on the Guru as the moonbird gazes at the moon;
Maintain your watch all the hours of the day and night.
When He becomes gracious, He showers His blessing on you,
And in an instant you attain salvation.
Dhru, Pralhaada, Vibhishana, aur Bhilani Shivari
Ganika Ajaamila jaise paapi naama anekana taari
Patita paavana naama nirmala
Tuma kyon chale bisaari (2)
Dhru, Prahlad, Vibhishana, 30 and Bhilni Shivari were saved.
His Naam liberated countless sinners like Ganika, the prostitute, and Ajamila, the sinner. 31 
The Immaculate Naam is the purifier of the fallen ones.
Why do you persist in your forgetfulness?
Nita nema kara prema se, svaasa svaasa ura dhaari
Chita dvai nainana madhye, sthira kara samhaari
Dhuna dhadhakaara hotaa jahaa
Ghantaa naada jhanakaari (3)
Constantly meditate with true love; with each and every breath, cherish the Naam in your heart.
Fix your attention between the two eyes; become firm and concentrate within.
Where the Dhun is resounding,
You will hear the peeling of Celestial Bells.
Dala sahasra kanvala ke paarachala, kaala kalaa saba haari
Sthula sukshama kaarana shariraa, mana na maayaa thahari
Sthaan trikuti brahma langa ke,
Manasarovara naahari (4)
When you travel to the regions beyond the Thousand-Petaled Lotus, the tricks of Kal are all conquered.
Rising above the physical, astral, and causal bodies, neither mind nor Maya remain.
Crossing over Trikuti, the region of Brahma, bathe in the waters of Mansarovar.
Hansa hoya sataloka sidhaare, satta purusha hi nihaare
Nita hota bina dhuna jahaa, satta hi satta pukaare
Bhaja Somanaatha naama niraamaya
Guru prataapa te huye nyaare (5)
The swan-bird of the soul departs for Sat Lok, where it beholds Sat Purush, the True Lord.
The music of the veena reverberates perpetually on the air.
In that Realm, the Truth of Truth calls forth.
Somanath says: “Repeat the Immaculate Naam.
Through the glory of the Guru, you will become free from this world.”
Hear It Being Sung by Baba Somanath: Audio: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/19h5GIfdiAx0tonC4-lzlma5gabOZSUoh
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Mystic Verses of Sant Namdev from Three Sources
Namdev advises to accept divine instruction so that humanity may be contented and happy:
When I sing of God, then I behold Him;
Then I, His servant, obtain contentment.
Accept divine instruction, 0 man;
the true guru shall cause thee
to meet God.
Where the heavenly Light shineth,
There playeth spontaneous Music.
'God's Light is all-pervading'--
By the guru's favour I know that.
In the chamber of the heart are jewels
Which glitter there like lightning.
God is near, not distant,
And His Spirit completely filleth mine.
Where the inextinguishable sun of God's Word shineth,
There earthly lamps grow pale:
Through the guru's favour I have know this.
God's slave Nama hath been easily absorbed in Him.
-- Sant Namdev, Vani of Namdev quoted in, "Sant Namdev -- The Facts of His Religious Ideology", O.P. Ralhan, Anmol Publications, New Delhi
I Shall Never Forget the Lord Now
I shall never forget the Lord now,
I shall keep him clasped to my heart.
Were I to forget him, I should indeed lose all I have.
Every moment I offer my body and mind to the Lord,
Never for a moment do I let him go from my mind.
With every breath I drink the nectar of his remembrance --
This beggar thrives on the nectar of the Lord's Name.
Engrossed in his love, I keep repeating his sweet Name.
Were I to forget him, I would certainly come to grief.
Says Namdev, I shall never fix my hope on any but him.
I shall lay down my life to attain the wealth of his Name.
-- Sant Namdev, "Saint Namdev", translated by J.R. Puri, V.K. Sethi
It is your Music
I hear
0 Lord.
The rhythm of drums
and vina.
The supreme moment
has come.
I had chains around
my feet.
But now I have no fear
of this ocean of samsara [world of changes].
I looked within
and perfected devotion
says Namdev.
Govind [God] is right
My heart dwells
at his feet.
Never will I give up
my love for him.
Let people laugh
all they wish.
Govind's [God's] name
will take you across
the ocean of samsara.
Why work yourself
to death
for the falsehood
of maya [illusion]?
A man will stake his life
for his money.
Should a bhakta [lover of the Beloved] not cherish
his love?
All that I want
is to please Ram [God]
says Namdev.
-- Sant Namdev,
"The Hindi Padavali",
Winand M. Callewaert translation
Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi
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Beloved Radhasoami (Lord of All Souls) is Your Protector
Some selections of Radhaswami hymns found in the book, "Niyamawali," published in Agra, India:  
Guru is my Father and Mother. Who can describe His glory and eminence?
Beloved, merciful to the humble, Radhasoami, does good to my soul every moment. (Prem Bani Radhasoami, Huzur Maharaj)
0 Jiva [soul]! Why do you worry? Beloved Radhasoami is your protector. When you were born, He arranged milk for your feed and had your mother bring you up. He took care of you in every way and attracted you to His Holy Feet.
He provided you with all the pleasures of the senses and showed you the transitory nature of the world. He then drew you to Satsang and gave out to you the secrets and mysteries of the Nij Ghar (True Home). By His grace and mercy, go up and open the Tenth Door.
He improves your understanding by His discourses. He lets you examine the true nature of the mind, enabling you to give up your entanglements, delusions and adherences to past beliefs. He applies your Surat [Soul's Attention] to Shabd [inner Current of Sound and Light]. Ascend to higher regions and see beautiful scenes.
He makes the bell and the conch audible to you in Sahas-dal-kanwal [Thousand Petaled Lotus]. He shows you the splendor of Guru in Trikuti [Causal Plane, second inner Region]. See moonlight in the expanse of Sunn, and, reaching the perfect region beyond Bhanwargupha, perform Arti of Sat Guru.
Taking a telescope from Sat Purush, proceed to Alakh and Agam. Beyond lies the infinite Radhasoami Dham. Behold it and be enriched place your head at His Holy Feet. (Prem Bani Radhasoami, Huzur Maharaj)
Have patience. Do not be dejected. Fix your Attention on, and absorb yourself in the Holy Form of Guru. Always sing His praises. Make no excuses. This should be your aim, just as the Papiha (the sparrow hawk) patiently waits in expectation of the Swanti rain with a fixed aim.
Direct your Attention inward, do not allow it to flow out anywhere else. Put up with every thing inwardly. Accept nothing but internal joy. Have patience. Do not divulge acts of grace of Sat Guru to others. Live with Radhasoami like a fish in water. (Sar Bachan Radhasoami Poetry, Soami Ji Maharaj)
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god-tiermeulin · 2 years
Astanga Vinyasa Yoga Astanga, or sometimes spelled ashtanga Yoga is actually taught today by a man named Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, in Mysore, India. He has brought astanga yoga to the west about 25 years ago and still teaches today at 91 years of age. Astanga yoga began with the rediscovery of the ancient manuscript Yoga Korunta. It describes a unique system of Hatha yoga as practiced and created by the ancient sage Vamana Rishi. It is believed to be the original asana practiced intended by Patanjali. The Yoga Korunta emphasizes vinyasa, or breath-synchronized movement, where one practices a posture with specific breathing patterns associated with it. This breathing technique is called ujayyi pranayama, or the victorious breath, and it is a process that produces intense internal heat and a profuse sweat that purifies and detoxifies the muscles and organs. This also releases beneficial hormones and nutrients, and is usually massaged back into the body. The breath ensures efficient circulation of blood. The result is improved circulation, a light and strong body and a calm mind. There is a proper sequence to follow when practicing Astanga yoga. One must graduate from one sequence of postures to move onto the next. The Primary Series (Yoga Chikitsa) detoxifies and aligns the body, purifying it so that toxins do not block. The Intermediate Series (Nadi Shodhana) purifies the nervous system by opening and clearing the energy channels, allowing energy to pass through easily. The Advanced Series A, B, C, and D (Sthira Bhaga) integrate the grace and stamina of the practice, which calls for intense flexibility. It is best to find a trained and knowledgeable teacher to assist you through this discipline. It is an intense practice that is rigorous, six days a week. You are guaranteed to find inner peace and fulfillment with each breath you take.
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kapilagita · 1 month
కపిల గీత - 329 / Kapila Gita - 329
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🌹. కపిల గీత - 329 / Kapila Gita - 329 🌹 🍀. కపిల దేవహూతి స���వాదం 🍀 ✍️. ప్రసాద్‌ భరధ్వాజ 🌴 8. ధూమ - అర్చిరాది మార్గములద్వారా వెళ్ళువారి గతి - భక్తియోగ విశిష్టత - 12 🌴 12. ఆద్యః స్థిరచరాణాం యో వేదగర్భః సహర్షిభిః| యోగేశ్వరైః కుమారాద్యైః సిద్దైర్యోగప్రవర్తకైః॥
తాత్పర్యము : వేదగర్భుడైన బ్రహ్మదేవుడు సమస్త చరాచర ప్రాణులకును ఆదికారణుడు. మరీచ్యాది మహర్షులు, యోగీశ్వరులు, సనకసనందనాది మహామునులు, యోగప్రవర్తకులైన సిద్ధులు, మున్నగు వారితో గూడి ఉండును.
వ్యాఖ్య : బ్రహ్మ ముక్తి పొందడం అందరికీ తెలుసు, కానీ అతను తన భక్తులను విడిపించలేడు. బ్రహ్మ మరియు శివుడు వంటి దేవతలు ఏ జీవికి ముక్తిని ఇవ్వలేరు. భగవద్గీతలో ధృవీకరించ బడినట్లుగా, భగవంతునికి శరణాగతి చేసిన వ్యక్తి మాత్రమే మాయ బారి నుండి విముక్తి పొందగలడు. బ్రహ్మను ఇక్కడ అద్య స్థిరా చరణమ్‌ అంటారు. అతను అసలైన, మొదట సృష్టించబడిన జీవి, మరియు అతని స్వంత జన్మ తర్వాత అతను మొత్తం విశ్వ అభివ్యక్తిని సృష్టిస్తాడు. సర్వోన్నత భగవానుడు సృష్టి విషయంలో అతనికి పూర్తిగా ఉపదేశించ బడ్డాడు. ఇక్కడ అతన్ని వేద-గర్భ అని పిలుస్తారు, అంటే అతనికి వేదాల యొక్క పూర్తి ఉద్దేశ్యం తెలుసు. అతను ఎల్లప్పుడూ మారిచి, కశ్యప మరియు ఏడుగురు ఋషులు, అలాగే గొప్ప ఆధ్యాత్మిక యోగులు, కుమారులు మరియు అనేక ఇతర ఆధ్యాత్మికంగా అభివృద్ధి చెందిన జీవులతో కలిసి ఉంటాడు, అయితే అతనికి భగవంతుని నుండి వేరుగా తన స్వంత ఆసక్తి ఉంది. భేద-దృశ్యా అంటే బ్రహ్మ కొన్నిసార్లు తాను పరమేశ్వరుని నుండి స్వతంత్రంగా ఉన్నానని లేదా మూడు సమానమైన స్వతంత్ర అవతారాలలో తనను తాను ఒకరిగా భావించుకుంటాడు.
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🌹 Kapila Gita - 329 🌹 🍀 Conversation of Kapila and Devahuti 🍀 📚 Prasad Bharadwaj 🌴 8. Entanglement in Fruitive Activities - 12 🌴 12. ādyaḥ sthira-carāṇāṁ yo veda-garbhaḥ saharṣibhiḥ yogeśvaraiḥ kumārādyaiḥ siddhair yoga-pravartakaiḥ MEANING : My dear mother, Lord Brahma is the origin of all living beings. Marichyadi sages, Yogiswaras, Sanakasanandana Mahamunus, Yoga practitioners Siddhas and Munnagu are nested with them.
PURPORT : That Brahmā becomes liberated is known to everyone, but he cannot liberate his devotees. Demigods like Brahmā and Lord Śiva cannot give liberation to any living entity. As it is confirmed in Bhagavad-gītā, only one who surrenders unto Kṛṣṇa, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, can be liberated from the clutches of māyā. Brahmā is called here ādyaḥ sthira-carāṇām. He is the original, first-created living entity, and after his own birth he creates the entire cosmic manifestation. He was fully instructed in the matter of creation by the Supreme Lord. Here he is called veda-garbha, which means that he knows the complete purpose of the Vedas. He is always accompanied by such great personalities as Marīci, Kaśyapa and the seven sages, as well as by great mystic yogīs, the Kumāras and many other spiritually advanced living entities, but he has his own interest, separate from the Lord's. Bheda-dṛṣṭyā means that Brahmā sometimes thinks that he is independent of the Supreme Lord, or he thinks of himself as one of the three equally independent incarnations.
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chaitanyavijnanam · 1 month
కపిల గీత - 329 / Kapila Gita - 329
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🌹. కపిల గీత - 329 / Kapila Gita - 329 🌹 🍀. కపిల దేవహూతి సంవాదం 🍀 ✍️. ప్రసాద్‌ భరధ్వాజ 🌴 8. ధూమ - అర్చిరాది మార్గములద్వారా వెళ్ళువారి గతి - భక్తియోగ విశిష్టత - 12 🌴 12. ఆద్యః స్థిరచరాణాం యో వేదగర్భః సహర్షిభిః| యోగేశ్వరైః కుమారాద్యైః సిద్దైర్యోగప్రవర్తకైః॥
తాత్పర్యము : వేదగర్భుడైన బ్రహ్మదేవుడు సమస్త చరాచర ప్రాణులకును ఆదికారణుడు. మరీచ్యాది మహర్షులు, యోగీశ్వరులు, సనకసనందనాది మహామునులు, యోగప్రవర్తకులైన సిద్ధులు, మున్నగు వారితో గూడి ఉండును.
వ్యాఖ్య : బ్రహ్మ ముక్తి పొందడం అందరికీ తెలుసు, కానీ అతను తన భక్తులను విడిపించలేడు. బ్రహ్మ మరియు శివుడు వంటి దేవతలు ఏ జీవికి ముక్తిని ఇవ్వలేరు. భగవద్గీతలో ధృవీకరించ బడినట్లుగా, భగవంతునికి శరణాగతి చేసిన వ్యక్తి మాత్రమే మాయ బారి నుండి విముక్తి పొందగలడు. బ్రహ్��ను ఇక్కడ అద్య స్థిరా చరణమ్‌ అంటారు. అతను అసలైన, మొదట సృష్టించబడిన జీవి, మరియు అతని స్వంత జన్మ తర్వాత అతను మొత్తం విశ్వ అభివ్యక్తిని సృష్టిస్తాడు. సర్వోన్నత భగవానుడు సృష్టి విషయంలో అతనికి పూర్తిగా ఉపదేశించ బడ్డాడు. ఇక్కడ అతన్ని వేద-గర్భ అని పిలుస్తారు, అంటే అతనికి వేదాల యొక్క పూర్తి ఉద్దేశ్యం తెలుసు. అతను ఎల్లప్పుడూ మారిచి, కశ్యప మరియు ఏడుగురు ఋషులు, అలాగే గొప్ప ఆధ్యాత్మిక యోగులు, కుమారులు మరియు అనేక ఇతర ఆధ్యాత్మికంగా అభివృద్ధి చెందిన జీవులతో కలిసి ఉంటాడు, అయితే అతనికి భగవంతుని నుండి వేరుగా తన స్వంత ఆసక్తి ఉంది. భేద-దృశ్యా అంటే బ్రహ్మ కొన్నిసార్లు తాను పరమేశ్వరుని నుండి స్వతంత్రంగా ఉన్నానని లేదా మూడు సమానమైన స్వతంత్ర అవతారాలలో తనను తాను ఒకరిగా భావించుకుంటాడు.
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🌹 Kapila Gita - 329 🌹 🍀 Conversation of Kapila and Devahuti 🍀 📚 Prasad Bharadwaj 🌴 8. Entanglement in Fruitive Activities - 12 🌴 12. ādyaḥ sthira-carāṇāṁ yo veda-garbhaḥ saharṣibhiḥ yogeśvaraiḥ kumārādyaiḥ siddhair yoga-pravartakaiḥ MEANING : My dear mother, Lord Brahma is the origin of all living beings. Marichyadi sages, Yogiswaras, Sanakasanandana Mahamunus, Yoga practitioners Siddhas and Munnagu are nested with them.
PURPORT : That Brahmā becomes liberated is known to everyone, but he cannot liberate his devotees. Demigods like Brahmā and Lord Śiva cannot give liberation to any living entity. As it is confirmed in Bhagavad-gītā, only one who surrenders unto Kṛṣṇa, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, can be liberated from the clutches of māyā. Brahmā is called here ādyaḥ sthira-carāṇām. He is the original, first-created living entity, and after his own birth he creates the entire cosmic manifestation. He was fully instructed in the matter of creation by the Supreme Lord. Here he is called veda-garbha, which means that he knows the complete purpose of the Vedas. He is always accompanied by such great personalities as Marīci, Kaśyapa and the seven sages, as well as by great mystic yogīs, the Kumāras and many other spiritually advanced living entities, but he has his own interest, separate from the Lord's. Bheda-dṛṣṭyā means that Brahmā sometimes thinks that he is independent of the Supreme Lord, or he thinks of himself as one of the three equally independent incarnations.
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dfoxmedia · 2 months
Essence of Seven Mukhi Rudraksha:
As per our scriptures, The 7 Mukhi Rudraksha is of Anang form. Even a poor person becomes Ishwar (Full of Possessions) by wearing it. The 7 Mukhi Rudraksha is blessed by the Saptamatrikas and provides the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi. The 7 Sages known as Saptarishis, Sun, Mahasen, Anang and Ananta, the snake also bless this bead.
The word “Ananta” (infinite) actually gives an insight into the several powers the wearer of this bead can access. In the scriptures Lord Vishnu has told that of all the snakes he is Ananta. Lord Vishnu is often depicted with Sthira (stable) Lakshmi on Ananta. Thus this bead carries the power of Goddess Lakshmi in her most stable form. The blessing of Goddess Lakshmi brings in wealth, fame, progress and removes bad luck. This power is experienced by the wearer of this bead as per texts.
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sharvamarket · 1 year
Good Friday
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fitnessandmoregurgaon · 2 months
“Sthira Sukham Asanam”
Sukhasana or easy pose is one of the most common sitting postures, which people have been using for ages. It is also one of the most basic yogic poses, used for meditation. As the name suggests, it is the simplest asana and can be performed by people of all ages.
Earlier, we used to sit in this posture, not as a Yogic activity but to perform our day to day activities such as eating, sitting, working etc. and due to its day to day use, it was very easy for people to sit in this posture and probably due to this reason it is called an Easy pose.
However, contrary to its name, now a days lot of people find it difficult to even sit in this posture or to hold this posture for a long time. One of the major reasons is that with western influence, a lot of people have started using chairs and tables, resulting in lean back, tightness around the hip area, and the tension in muscles around the back making it relatively difficult for people to sit on the floor in a cross-legged position.
Click here to learn more about Sukhasana and fitness and more.
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yoga-studies · 3 months
Whatever is called Yoga...
“Whatever is called Yoga must have some characteristic of Sthira and Sukha, whether it is Āsana, Prāṇāyāma, Pratyāhāra, or Dhāraṇā.” – TKV Desikachar on Yoga Sūtra Chapter Two verse 46 – TKV Desikachar Yoga Sūtra Study Quotes Collected and Collated – T Krishnamacharya Yoga Sūtra Study Quotes Collected and Collated
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sistersinmusic · 3 months
SIMRADIO is honored to share songwriter and recording artist, Mira Sthira. Join us for Mixing It with Nicki Kris on March 11th, 2024 at 8:00PM ET/5:00PM PT. Connect with Mira Sthira on Facebook, Instagram, and follow on Spotify Connect with Nicki Kris on Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram Connect with #SIM on Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram Thanks to our Podcast partner “Chatting with Nat” Mixing It theme music, ‘October Sky’, by Nicki Kris #SistersInMusic - Together We Are Stronger
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