#still he kinda lost cause like Sanji
misslovasstuff · 6 months
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His reaction to the kiss was far more normal than I anticipated
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revasserium · 1 year
Can i request OPLA zoro where he doesn't get along with reader but calls her my girl in front of a baratie waiter who was flirting with her.
my girl
zoro; 2,438 words; fluff, kinda enemies to lovers, fem!reader, straw hat!reader, lots of banter, slow...burn?
summary: just cause you don't see eye to eye doesn't mean zoro's down to watch you get hit on while he's in the same bar, either.
a/n: again. i've got no excuse. pls continue to send more requests feed my opla!zoro obsession u__u
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it is perhaps what therapists and psychiatrists would call an incompatibility of character. or maybe something about you and him that simply acted like two jigsaw pieces from completely different puzzles. or maybe luffy had just jinxed it when he’d said the first time that he sensed some “tension amongst the crew”, but it’s no secret that you and zoro don’t exact see eye to eye.
in fact, sanji thinks, it might only be a matter of time before you each try to take the other’s eyes out permanently.
“you’re really not worried?” he asked luffy as they’d watched zoro and you bicker all the way down the wobbling boardwalk leading up to the baratie, you sniping at zoro for getting in your way and zoro biting back something equally acerbic and childish about you being too clumsy to be a good pirate.
“huh? why would i be worried? they get along just fine!” luffy had laughed, eyes bright and round as he’d readjusted his hat and bounded off towards the entrance, whooping about being hungry enough to take down an entire sea cow.
“wh —”
“bit rich, since you and zoro are always at each other’s throats, no?”
nami bumps sanji’s arm as she strolls by him with a stack of empty crates. sanji squawks, readjusting his own bags before jogging after her.
“c’mon, you know that’s different!”
nami smirks but doesn’t grace that with an answer, instead, she lets her eyes flicker back to where you and zoro are still snarking at each other even as the bewildered looking fishman at the front leads you all around back to the kitchen entrance.
“— wouldn’t have been in that situation if you’d just —”
“yeah? and if i’d just stayed put like you said, the entire going merry would’ve gone up in smoke cause last i checked, wood is very flammable!”
“the merry’s not that fragile.”
“you wanna bet?”
“yeah, maybe i do —”
“what’s goin’ on here? didn’t i tell you lot to get lost?” zeff’s gruff voice interrupts your bickering as the peg-legged chef looks from zoro to you and then the rest of the crew, “gotta new one, didya? don’t remember you from the last time these idiots were here.”
“she’s barely an upgrade from the clown head —”
you slam your heel into the toe of zoro’s boot and he hisses, nearly dropping his armful of crates.
“what he means is that i’m the brains of the operation —”
“we don’t need brains —”
“oh, so you’re admitting that you didn’t have any before i got here?”
zoro glares, dropping the crates as luffy pushes past you both to clap zeff on the shoulder and offer him a huge stack of berry.
“we came to pay you back for the meal last time! and to buy a new one! and… maybe some extra food stuff if you’ve got it.”
zeff opens his mouth to answer but it’s drowned out by the sound of your voice as you jab a finger into zoro’s chest.
“— just because you can’t hold more than one cohesive thought in your head at once doesn’t mean that —”
“— what’s that even supposed to mean? like you can think about two things at once?”
“enough! you two — outta the kitchen, now! i won’t have your lovesick teenage yappin’ distractin’ my line chefs!”
you both jump at zeff’s voice, and an unpleasant heat creeps into your cheeks as you realize that the entire kitchen had indeed gone very quiet, most of the white-clad workers staring at you and zoro.
“i need a drink,” zoro says, rolling his shoulders as he sidesteps you and pushes his way out of the kitchen.
“look, sir, i didn’t mean —” you take half a step forward but zeff jabs a finger at the doors still swinging in zoro’s wake.
“i said out!”
you glance between zeff and the rest of your crew for a split second before turning and scrambling from the kitchen, looking abashed.
“oh no, c’mon zeff, you didn’t need to yell at her like that —” sanji sighs as he tries to go after you, but nami nails him in the stomach with one of her arms.
“nope. this is something they need to work out on their own. and you’re on grocery shopping duty with me, remember?” she flashes him a smile even as he deflates slightly and turns back to the work of haggling rations out of the baratie’s storerooms.
you find zoro already posted up at the bar, even though the hour is still early enough that there’s only a few other patrons, mainly keeping to themselves. you fight the urge to march up to him and give him an earful about embarrassing you in front of sanji’s old master like that but zeff’s words about making a scene keeps your lips clamped shut.
instead, you seat yourself as far from zoro as humanly possible and wait for the bartender to sidle over. he flashes you a winning smile, making no attempt to conceal the way his eyes drag from your hair to your face and then down to your cleavage, where his gaze rests for a beat too long before he clears his throat.
“what can i get you, gorgeous? something sweet and bubbly, perhaps? or maybe something a bit more dark and… seductive? i can have a custom drink whipped up for you in a few if you’d like… on the house, of course.”
he shoots you a wink that has your eyebrows hiking up your forehead.
“laying it on thick, are we?”
the bartender shrugs, seemingly unbothered by your lack of enthusiasm.
“place like this doesn’t exactly breed subtlety.”
you make a noncommittal noise before sighing, “i’ll have a dirty martini, shaken not stirred, straight, with a twist, please.”
to his credit, the bartender doesn’t miss a single beat, “ah, a woman of taste, though i’ll admit that i prefer my martini’s naked instead of shaken, hm?”
he waggles his eyebrows and if it weren’t for the loud cough from down the bar drawing the bartender’s attention, you would’ve rolled your eyes.
at the opposite end of the bar, zoro taps his empty drink glass against the waxy hardwood, a vein ticking in his jaw. he’d listened to the entire exchange with a growing annoyance festering in the depths of his stomach. and here he was, hoping for a moment of quiet without the sound of your voice yammering in his ear. he shoots the bartender a glowering look as the man refills his drink and tries to make his way back down the bar to you.
zoro tosses the entire drink back in one and sets the empty glass down with a loud clack, clearing his throat as the bartender turns to stare at him. he holds the man’s gaze for a full three seconds before looking pointedly down at his glass and the bartender’s face visibly reddens.
“here you are, sir — the last three are on the house.”
the bartender lines up five identical drinks in front of zoro before marching away and zoro has to give it to the guy. he does make a good, stiff drink.
still, as he tries his hardest not to glance down towards where you’re sitting, sipping slowly at your martini, he can’t help overhearing the stilted stabs at conversation floating down the length of the empty bar. the bartender lavishes you with questions, asking about your travels, who you came with, where you’re from. you, for your part, never give him an answer more than three words long — travels were good, my crew, an autumn island.
zoro briefly wonders why you don’t tell the guy off like you so often did him. then, he briefly wonders if the fact that you’re always so easily set off by him means something. then, he not-so-briefly wonders why, if he’s always been so bothered by you, that he’s still thinking about you in the precious few hours he has to himself.
he clicks his tongue and downs another drink just as you finish your first.
“c’mon darlin’ — just a hint — what about the first letter? shall i try to guess?”
you sigh into your now empty glass as the bartender asks your name for the third time in a row, though to no avail. suddenly, a warm, solid presence appears next to you and the next thing you know, zoro’s arm is brushing up against yours as he leans over the bar to bear down at the bartender.
“right, now if you’re done trying t’pick up my girl, i think i’d like the check.”
the bartender blinks up at zoro, uncomprehending for a second before a blotchy redness seeps into his cheeks.
“y-your — you haven’t said a word to each other since either of you got here!”
you swallow passed a bewildered laugh as you glance up at zoro to find a challenge clear in his eyes. you slowly swivel back to the bartender with a light smile.
“ever heard of a lover’s quarrel?”
the bartender sputters as he stares between the pair of you for another long second before scurrying off to fetch the check. zoro chuckles under his breath, his earrings clinking softly in the dim light.
“damn — i really wanted another drink,” you say, staring at your empty glass.
wordlessly, zoro plops one of his in front of you. it’s the second to last.
you bring it up to your nose for a sniff before making a face.
“god that smells awful!”
“fine then, more for me.”
“i didn’t say i wouldn’t drink it!”
you bring the glass to your lips for a small sip. it’s tastier than you’d imagined but it still burns a line down your throat as you shiver.
“h-holy shit —” you cough, wiping at your mouth, “how many of these have you had?”
zoro shrugs, sipping on his own glass with a careless ease, “dunno. don’t really keep count.”
“ugh… this could knock out a war elephant…” you make another face before you take a second sip.
“figures you can’t hold your liquor, drinkin’ whatever girly shit you ordered.”
you round on him, “martinis are not girly!”
“tch. whatever.”
you settle into a huffy silence. zoro’s arm is still pressed against yours and neither of you makes to pull away. for a while, the only sounds in the bar are the soft clink of ice on glass and the light, liquid splashing of the ocean waves.
“why didn’t you tell him off?” zoro’s voice is quiet and when you turn to look at him, it’s to find him staring. you hold his gaze steady and don’t look away.
“why should i? he’s no one to me.”
“you don’t seem to have a problem yellin’ at me.”
you shrug, your eyes flickering back to the too-strong drink in your hand.
“i don’t tend to waste my breath on people i don’t really care about,” you say, your voice soft and careful and honest. zoro sucks in a slow breath, his mildly alcohol addled brain trying to process what you’d just said but his thoughts are interrupted by a peel of loud, raucous laughter echoing in from the dining room beyond.
“c’mon, sounds like dinner is served,” you say, grinning as you push off the bar, jerking your head towards the dining room door.
zoro lets out the breath before downing the rest of his drink and leaving the empty glass on the bar to follow you.
at dinner, you bicker less than usual and zoro is even more quiet than he normally is. though he wastes no time ordering another round for the table. no one really comments till zeff comes round at the end with the check.
“dinner’s already paid for but i was told that this is for the ‘lovebirds from the bar’,” he says, as he drops the drinks bill in front of zoro with a deadpan sort of look.
for a full ten seconds, no one moves. and then, usopp’s jaws hit the floor as sanji’s eyebrows jerk towards the ceiling. nami sits back with a satisfied smirk as luffy nods happily at the two of you before turning to grin at sanji.
“see? told you they get along fine!”
sanji has the decency to sputter just as usopp leans forward to point between you and zoro.
“wait… whaattt?”
you make to tug out your wallet but zoro slaps a stack of berry on top of the bill.
“give our compliments to the bartender,” he says with a slight smirk as zeff takes the money, glancing up at the two of you.
“yeah? what’d he make that’s got you so impressed?”
you purse your lips as you make a show of shrugging, waving a nonchalant hand through the air.
“oh, just a mean dirty martini.”
zeff lets out a loud bark of laughter as he takes the berry and clomps back towards the kitchens, shaking his head. zoro chuckles beside you as he stretches an arm over his head and lets it settle casually on the booth back behind you.
later, as everyone is making their way back towards the going merry, nami catches up to you on the docks, looping an arm through yours and pinning you with a meaningful look just as sanji sidles up to zoro and bumps him with a shoulder.
“so…” nami says, grinning as she tugs you forward a few steps.
“so.” sanji clears his throat, casting zoro a sidelong glance.
“wanna tell me what that was about?” nami asks.
“care to elaborate on that back there?” sanji questions.
you and zoro both take a deep, long breath. zoro glances up to see the way you toss a lock of hair over your shoulder, your bright laughter carrying back on the breeze. you allow yourself a smile, and you don’t have to turn to feel zoro’s eyes on you as both of you turn to your respective companions and say —
“i’ve got no idea what you’re talking about.”
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opla!zoro reqs are (as always) open!!
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tofuxtea · 1 year
𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐌𝐎𝐊𝐄 𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐉𝐈 | 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙜𝙝 𝙧𝙞𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜 + 𝙨𝙚𝙢𝙞-𝙥𝙪𝙗𝙡𝙞𝙘
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𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 — vinsmoke sanji x fem!reader
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 — nsfw, thigh riding, semi-public, praise, but also sanji’s a fucking tease. at the fucking dinner table, lap-sitting, reader fucks herself on sanji’s thigh per his instruction and the strawhats are like five feet away, “love”, “sweetheart” and “pretty girl” are used.
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒 — 1k words. not thoroughly proofread, also kinda short. i was honestly just thinking about live action!sanji’s thick ass thighs and wrote this on a whim. also yes, this is with taz’s sanji in mind, but you can imagine either! [kintober m.list]
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“comfortable, love?”
sanji whispered lowly into your ear, his hands curling around your hips as he gently shifted you in his lap. you could hardly hear him over luffy and usopp’s boisterous shouts from across the room, but you nodded nonetheless.
the straw-hats were having a small celebration — for nothing in particular, though. luffy did that often. gathered the very diverse crew into the dining hall for a feast that sanji had cooked and led parties that often ran until the next morning.
the food had long been finished by now, and the party slowly started turning to silly games and drinks. luffy had usopp, nami, and zoro at the table on the other end of the room — nami and zoro observing more than playing — fully absorbed in some sort of charades game.
you and sanji were still at the dinner table; sanji was tired from all the cooking, you were tired from looking at the mess you knew you would be cleaning later.
at some point during your silent moping, sanji had pulled you onto his thigh, gently caressing your shoulder while he watched his captain fool around with the rest of the crew.
while his captain distracted the rest of the crew, more like.
your back straightened when you noticed sanji’s gentle, loving touches take a sudden shift in nature. the pads of his fingers abandoned the lazy circles they were rubbing into your back and trailed down to your hip, his hold tightening.
“sanji,” you whispered, an ounce of warning in your voice as you peered over your shoulder, flinching when you saw the mischievous glint in his eye. “what’re you doing?” you started to lift yourself off of his thigh, knowing that look all too well, when he yanked you flush against his chest, a small yelp escaping you in his haste.
sanji, enjoying himself a bit too much, slipped his hand over the expanse of your thigh and wrapped his arm tightly around your waist while you tried to convince the others that sanji had accidentally tickled you and that was why you yelled. nami and zoro seemed to be the only ones to hold some doubt towards you, especially when they saw sanji’s smug smirk, but they eventually lost interest.
you landed a harsh slap to his arm, turning to glare at him. “sanji, they’re right there.” you whispered, back over towards the group to make sure no one had decided to take a double take, but they were too immersed in usopp’s poor impression of a ballerina.
sanji took a quick look over at them, shrugging. “looks like you’ll just have to be quiet, hm?”
you couldn’t deny the whine that bubbled in your gut when he said that, his confidence somehow fueling into yours. “come on, i’ll help you with dishes later, how’s that sound?” he accepted your considerate stare as confirmation and snaked his hand further between your legs, easing them open over his thigh. “that’s it.”
part of you expected his skilled fingers to start toying with your clit over your panties with how eagerly he was behaving, but instead his hand retreated and wrapped firmly around your hip.
“you gonna move or do i have to do it for you, love?” he practically groaned into your ear, his leg impatiently beginning to bounce you in his lap, causing your breath to hitch in your throat. it almost gained the attention of the group yet again, but it seemed your gasp was covered by an especially loud laugh from luffy. “ah, what’d i say?” teased sanji.
gods, you wanted to sock him in his perfect face. “you’re not exactly making it easy for me, are you?” you snapped.
“then do it yourself, babe.” his encouraging hand left your hips and went straight in between your legs, slowly circling your clit through your already dampened panties.
you couldn’t help but rut your hips into his touch, biting back an especially loud moan when he brushed over a sensitive spot. bracing your palms against the table that thankfully shielded a lot of what was happening, you slowly rocked yourself back and forth on sanji’s thigh.
the man rested his forehead against your shoulder blade, a strained sigh pushing from his nose as he tried to keep his composure. his strong hands helped you roll your hips in time to a gentle rhythm that had your abdomen coiling already.
“that’s it, sweetheart,” sanji’s accented voice sounded so sultry and playful in your ear that you wanted to fire something back at him, but your senses were damn near fried by that point.
his fingers started rubbing at your clit faster, rolling over the sensitive bud and applying just the right amount of pressure that had your back arching. “sanji—” you whispered, but the rest of whatever the hell you were going to say got caught in your throat along with a sharp cry.
“c’mon, it’s alright, love.” he encouraged you further. the arm that had been locked around your waist slowly uncoiled itself and he used his free hand to hold your legs open when your thighs started to squeeze together. “don’t get all shy on me.”
“sanji,” you barely had control over your own voice, using whatever strength you had left in you to whisper his name against gritted teeth as you were thrown over the edge. your hips stuttered and your legs threatened to give out completely.
sanji kept you upright, his touch softening against your clit as you rode through your orgasm. “there it is, my pretty girl.”
you propped yourself up on the table, eyes fluttered shut while you tried to get yourself together. you could feel your cheeks burning at the thought of your captain and crew-mates being within earshot of you two, yet completely unaware of what you’d just gotten away with.
“all that and i barely touched you. you like having an audience or something?” sanji shamelessly teased you, gently bouncing his knee underneath you, which drew a loud gasp from you.
you threw a harsh smack over your shoulder, landing it on the top of his head. “don’t test me, sanji.”
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tbh i am thoroughly in love with this man. and his fucking accent. and like tell me he wouldn’t do some shit like this fr.
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turtletaubwrites · 10 months
Don't Get Lost ~ Part 2
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Pairing: Zoro x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2,570
This is part 2 of the Series 'We've All Got Needs,' linked below:
We've All Got Needs Masterlist
Ao3 Series Link
Summary: You’re still reeling from the amazing sex you’d had with your crew mate the day before, and the arrangement you’d agreed to. To help each other out. So you join the swordsman as he heads to town to pick up some necessary supplies. Can you keep yourself from getting flustered around him? You give it a try.
Rating/Warnings: Explicit Sexual Content, Reader Insert, Fem!Reader, 18+ Only, MDNI, Smut, Rough Sex, Penis in Vagina Sex, Blow Jobs, Face Fucking, Hair Pulling, Choking, Cunnilingus, Swearing, Casual Sex, Praise Kink, Overstimulation, Multiple Orgasms, Condoms, Aftercare, Alcohol, Oral Sex, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Shameless Smut, Friends with Benefits, Crewmates with Benefits, Zoro's a straight to the point kinda guy, and we love that
A/N: More Zoro smut for you! I swear I'm trying to write short smut with zero plot, but then my lil fingers keep tapping. I've got more plans for these crewmates with benefits, so I hope you enjoy this one!
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Last night, Zoro had helped you to your quarters and you’d passed the fuck out. Sanji tapped on your door after dinner to bring you a plate which you’d gratefully devoured. 
I can’t believe that actually happened. 
Every time you remembered Zoro’s hands, his mouth, his everything on you, you had to fight an audible moan, your eyes rolling to the back of your head.
I’m in deep trouble now. 
You’d managed to get ready and make it to breakfast. 
Zoro gave you a subtle wink as he sat down next to you before addressing the group.
“I’m heading to town, gonna pick up a few things.”
“You should have come with us yesterday! We’re leaving in the morning, I don’t want to spend the whole day looking for you when you can’t find your way back.”
You bit back a laugh at Nami’s valid concern.
“I’ll go with him, make sure he won’t get lost,” you caught yourself saying. Your eyes went wide as you worried it was pushing things with Zoro too far. Zoro’s thigh pressed against yours and you hoped your skin flushing with heat wasn’t too noticeable. 
“I’d like to get some air before we leave,” you lied.
Nami crossed her arms at you and muttered, ‘fine,’ before barking orders at Usopp to check the sails after breakfast.
The walk away from the docks toward the town was awkward. You felt embarrassed, like you’d pushed a date onto him when it was supposed to be casual. You wanted to explain, but everything you came up with seemed like it would make it worse. 
“I wouldn’t have gotten lost.”
Zoro’s low declaration made you snort, and you clamped your hand over your mouth. 
He turned to you, an eyebrow raised as if in challenge.
“Got something to say?”
You remembered how flustered he’d made you last night, and you didn’t want to be stuck in that quiet, desperate state every time he was around you. You straightened your spine a bit and responded, staring into his dark, dangerous eyes. 
“You would totally have gotten lost.”
Zoro’s lips twitched before he sucked on his teeth, eyeing you up and down. 
“You’re going to pay for that.”
He kept walking while you had to stop and catch your breath from the chills that tickled up your neck and shoulders at his threat. 
“You comin’?”
You shook your hands at your sides a few times as you sprinted to catch up. 
The condoms he’d promised to buy were easy to find, and your eyes almost popped out of your head at the insane amount he’d purchased. 
“What? We don’t know if the next spot we land will have any. We’ve gotta be ready for anything.”
His smirk didn’t match his casual tone, and you caught yourself unable to speak again. 
You started to head back toward the Going Merry, but Zoro tapped you on the shoulder.”
“You hungry?”
Once again, you were overthinking things. We’re just crewmates. That fuck. We eat together all the time. Just cause we’re eating alone together at a restaurant doesn’t change that. 
Zoro had ordered a few beers for lunch, and you joined him. You knew you couldn’t keep up with him, so you didn’t try at all. Just enjoyed the food and drink, even if it wasn’t as good as Sanji’s. 
You looked around the little pub, and enjoyed people watching. That was one of your favorite things about being a member of the crew. All the places you got to visit, all of the people you got to meet. 
Zoro leaned toward you over the small table, and his long legs shifted until his knees were between yours. You’d been mid sip and almost choked on your beer. You watched his knowing smile deepen as his knees pushed yours outward, spreading your legs under the table. His skin was so hot, even through the fabric between you. 
“Do you want to help me out today, Y/N?”
You bit your lip, trying not to move your body closer to his as you ached for more. 
“I could do that.”
He smiled, downing the rest of his drink. 
“Head to the bathroom. I’ll pay the tab and meet you there.”
Adrenaline pumped through you and you focused on walking nonchalantly instead of running to the bathroom. Luckily there were two, and you picked the nicer one. You raced to the mirror and mussed your hair how you liked it. You didn’t know what to do as you waited, so you sat in the little chair by the door. It felt like it was taking a while, and you chuckled at the thought that he might’ve gotten lost. 
Then he knocked before poking his head in, grinning when he saw you. He closed and locked it behind him, then motioned for you to stand before putting the chair in front of the door. 
You laughed at his overkill, but your laughter died in your throat when he turned to face you. 
“You said you’d help me out, how did you plan to do that?”
He stood close to you, his eyes even darker than normal. 
Your mouth watered, and you smiled before putting your hands on his waist, using them to slide down as you dropped to the floor. 
Zoro’s head fell back with a soft moan as your fingers pulled at his pants. He stepped away for a moment, removing his swords and placing them carefully within reach. Zoro walked back to you, watching as your tongue hung loose in your mouth and you bounced lightly on your calves. 
“Such a dirty little girl, so eager to feel my cock down your throat.”
You whined for him, feeling wetness already dripping between your legs. 
He chuckled as he freed his length from his pants. Your eyes rolled back for a moment, your memory of how long and heavy it was from the night before hitting you again.
You reached for him, wrapping your fingers around him, moaning as you felt him twitch. You licked his tip, looking up at him as you licked up the precum pooling there. His eyes rolled back, and then you hummed at his groans as you took in as much of his length as you could. You pulled back, dragging spit down his shaft so your hands could help you work. 
Zoro’s moans and shakes of pleasure sent chills along your skin, and you smiled with him still in your mouth. 
“Are you ready to help me out now?”
You looked up at Zoro with questioning eyes, only to see mischief in his own. He wrapped his fingers into the hair at the back of your head, you had a second to breathe and decide. You nodded and moaned your yes, and then choked as he shoved his cock down your throat. 
He pulled back to give you time to breathe, then tightened his grip on your hair more and continued his brutal thrusts. 
You held on for dear life, never having done this so intensely before. Tears and spit poured down your face, and you might have stopped it. Except Zoro’s grunts of pleasure and praise made your body clench in need, and you didn’t want to stop. You wanted to help him out, know that he was going to make you fucking weak with pleasure whenever you wanted him to. 
“That’s right, fuuck. Your throat feels so fucking good. I’m close, Y/N. Be a good girl, and swallow it all for me.”
You managed to moan under him, grasping at his thighs to steady yourself. You met his eyes, and seeing the feral heat the moment he went had you reeling. You did your best to relax, feeling his cock pulsing as hot cum poured down your throat. It was intoxicating, feeling his pleasure running through your body. Knowing he’d used you, taken you, and that your body had given him what he needed. 
Zoro pulled out slowly, and you swallowed, licking at him as he pulled away. He knelt in front of you and you gasped as he gripped your chin, sticking his finger in your mouth. 
“Show me,” he demanded in a near growl. You opened wide, sticking your tongue out as you whimpered and ached for him.
His satisfied smirk made you shiver as he kissed your lips softly. He pulled back, and you were breathless as he pulled you into the air. 
“Looks like you’ve earned dessert.”
Your eyes rolled back as Zoro pushed you against the wall. He tore you out of your pants and gave a low chuckle at the sight of your drenched panties. He shoved his fingers into your folds, and you bit your lip to keep from crying out. 
“Fuck, you’re so fucking wet, Y/N. You loved sucking my cock that much?”
“Mm, yes, Zoro. I loved your cock down my throat.”
He groaned. “Damn, you’re so fucking needy. I might need to fuck you again right here if you don’t stop your begging.”
You cried out, almost losing balance. His face was by yours, one hand pressing your shoulder into the wall, while his other hand fucked your dripping cunt. His fingers went so deep, curling and torturing that sweet spot inside you, while the heel of his palm rubbed along your clit with each push. He shifted his other hand to your neck, and started choking you lightly as he whispered in your ear. The feeling of his fingers around your throat getting tighter almost had you coming right then.
“Is that what you want, Y/N? You want me to fuck you against the wall? You’re that fucking desperate, aren’t you?”
“Fuck you, Zoro,” you breathed out, trying to gain some footing with this intense man.
He laughed as his fingers brought you closer and closer. 
“Well, is it true?”
You groaned, body betraying you, and you had to give in to his smug look. I’m so fucked.
“Yes, Zoro, please fuck me right here.”
He gave you a shit eating grin, and you whined as his fingers left you, leaving you just on the brink.
He chuckled at your panic as he dug in his pockets.
“Finger yourself, needy girl.”
You brought your fingers to your clit, wanting his long, powerful fingers back where they belonged. But your mouth fell open with need as you watched Zoro put the condom on. He smirked at you while he forced it down his length. 
“You really do want this cock that much.”
It wasn’t a question, but you nodded anyway.
“I want that pretty pussy of yours too, baby.”
Your eyes rolled back, and you heard Zoro hit the ground. By the time you’d opened your eyes, Zoro was on his knees, pushing your hand aside, and kissing your clit, then licking, sucking, and biting just as he plunged his fingers back in to attack your g spot. 
You chewed on your wrist, panting and drooling as you tried not to scream. 
His movements were so rough, but it just built your pleasure faster until you came on his face. His low chuckle rumbled through you as he licked you up, and it sent more pleasure and twitching through your body.
“Your pussy tastes so good, Y/N. I’m going to fucking ruin it.”
You moaned, then bit back a scream as he flipped you around, shoving your face into the wall. Your cunt was still throbbing from the orgasm he’d just given you, and he stuck his fingers in your mouth to muffle your screams as he shoved his cock into you. 
It was too fucking much, so much as he slammed harder and harder. With one hand gripped on your waist, he fucked you into the wall, it felt like he’d fuck you out to the other side. Tears streamed down your face as you choked on his fingers, about to tap out until you felt yourself there again. 
“Fuck yes, come on my cock. Show me how much you love it, dirty girl.”
Zoro’s own voice was strained, and you felt his punishing thrusts starting to stutter. You were so close again, the pain and pleasure taking you over. Zoro leaned toward you, growling against your skin.
“You want my cock again, you’d better come right the fuck now.”
His threat tickled along your ear, and it sent you over the edge. You felt your pussy milking him so hard, and his groans of pleasure as he came kept yours going. You thought you were going to shake out of your own skin with how intense the climax felt. He stayed in you, removing his fingers from your mouth as you both came down. Little twitches kept moving through both of you. He groaned as your body clenched around him again, then his cock twitched inside you, and you both laughed at the cycle. 
Finally, he pulled out, and helped you sit in the little chair. What a perfect little bathroom to fuck in. 
You giggled at your thought and he tilted his head at you while he removed the full condom. Your mouth fell open at the sight and he shook his head at you. 
“You really are something, Y/N.”
You managed to smile at him, still not able to move much else. 
“What am I?”
Zoro wet some towels and came toward you, kneeling before the chair as he started to clean you up gently. 
“Fucking needy, for one thing.”
You stuck your tongue out at his smug face.
“That’s alright though. Now I can take care of that for you.”
Your eyes fluttered closed at the promise of more of that. 
You had no fucking idea what time it was, as Zoro helped you walk through the pub. 
“Sorry everyone, this little girl couldn’t handle her beer.”
You wanted to punch him as your cheeks flushed red, but it sure looked like it with how he still had to help you walk. 
You finally managed to walk on your own, noticing it looked much later than you expected when you got outside.
“You’re gonna pay for that,” you muttered.
“Oh, what are you gonna do to me?”
Zoro’s teasing face looked very punchable, but you knew that would be an impossible task. 
You smirked back at him, and teased before trying to run for the ship. 
“Next time I’ll just leave you somewhere, and you’ll get so lost you won’t be able to find another needy girl to fuck.”
Laughing, you almost tripped over your feet while sprinting. The ship was almost in sight, but Zoro’s strong hand caught your wrist, making you yelp. 
“That’s not gonna happen. I won’t get lost. I’m not done with you yet.”
Zoro gripped your hair and made you face him, then traced his fingers on your lips, drawing your lower lip down until it pulled back into place.
You whispered his name, heart racing at his intensity. His eyes seemed to refocus and he dropped his grip. 
“Let’s get back to the ship. We need to scope the place out to find the best spots. We’ve got a lot of condoms to go through.”
You choked with laughter, then followed Zoro back to the ship. You hoped the rest of the crew wouldn’t notice a change. 
And you hoped the swordsman would stay and keep his promise. Don’t get lost. 
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Thank You For Reading! 💜
TurtleTaub Fanfic Masterlist
Part 3: Does That Work For You, Needy?
Buy me a coffee ☕🙏🏼
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tourturestarradio · 10 days
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☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆
Pairing: Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Nami (more added later) x Mermaid reader!
Prompt: After your family jewels were stolen you were determined to get them back joining you closest friend Monkey D. Luffy on his adventure to become the king of the pirates.
Warnings: none, this follows the live action!!
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 Part 4
☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆☆ ★ ✮
⋆。°✩ ┊         ┊       ┊   ┊    ┊        ┊               ┊         ┊       ┊   ┊   ˚★⋆。˚  ⋆ ┊         ┊       ┊   ⋆                                                                                                         ┊         ┊       ★⋆ ┊ ◦ ★⋆      ┊ .  ˚            ˚★
𝐘/𝐍 𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐂𝐊𝐋𝐄𝐃 nodding her head "mhm! I thought you guys would have guessed that from the fins, gills, odd skin colors" she glanced over at Luffy "you got some clothes?" he handed her some with a faint smile happy to see she's ok.
She wasn't naked but she did have pretty much nothing but a swimsuit on. Zoro looked away feeling his cheeks getting hot while Nami blinked seemingly still in shock.
Y/n walked into the small room shutting the door.
The two looked back at Luffy who smiled friendly at them "so you just aren't gonna mention you're friends with a mermaid?" Zoro asked.
Luffy corrected him "I not friends with a mermaid, i'm best friends with a mermaid" Zoro rolled his eyes "yeah same difference, why didn't you tell us she was a mermaid?" Luffy shrugged "didn't think it was important."
Nami spoke sounding annoyed "of course that's important- oh my god." both Luffy and Zoro looked at her in confusion "what?" Nami looked like she came to a shocking realization.
"Angelfish...Luffy do you even know what happened to the Angelfish family?" Luffy tilted his head "you mean Y/n's family? No. why?" Nami sighed "they-" Y/n just so happened to get finished getting changed.
"Done! hey Nami have you got the safe open yet?" she asked sitting down beside Luffy, Nami gulped "uh yeah  almost." Y/n looked in between the group "what's wrong? D-Did I do something I'm s-sorry if I did-" "nope! you're all good" Luffy said wrapping his arm around her shoulder.
She fiddled with her necklace her eyes wandering around "you sure?" Luffy nodded his head with a cheeky grin. Y/n smiled back "oh well alright" going over to the edge of the boat Y/n looked out into the ocean watching as the water moved steadily.
She let out a sigh before turning away and plopping down she saw Zoro staring at her out of the corner of her eye but when she looked in his direction he looked away.
Y/n chuckled and played with her necklace "so does that always happen?" Y/n glanced up and over.
"Hm? what do you mean?" she asked tilting her head at Zoro's question, "faint when you don't get water" Y/n tilted her head from side to side "eh yes and no, it's just I can go a few hours without seawater then i'll get a headache, maybe get a little dizzy but then I might pass out if I don't get water, I could possibly even die without it." Y/n chuckled.
Y/n glanced at Luffy "first time it happened Luffy almost lost his mind, he thought I died...I mean I kinda almost did but it was funny, kinda."
Zoro hummed "uh wow that's morbid..." Y/n shrugged "I've been through worse" Zoro raised a bro looking at the girl questioningly, realizing what she said Y/n tensed up "u-um I-I uh m-mean-oh look at that! Nami got the safe open!" getting up Y/n went over looking into the safe.
Zoro stared at the nervous girl before going over to  the safe "isn't there supposed to be a treasure in there or something?" he asked, Nami looked at him as if he was crazy "this is more valuable than treasure. it's knowledge, this is the map to the grand line." Y/n couldn't help but get lost in thought as they talked.
She stared up at the sky looking at all the bright white stars when she spotted an odd red light "what's that?" she muttered to herself, it popped causing smoke to fall onto the ship "woah! w-what's that?!" she stumbled back, as another one popped causing more smoke to fall.
"The smoke smells weird" Luffy muttered, Y/n off in the distance saw a much larger pirate ship in the distance, thinking quick she grabbed a bag and stuffed some clothes into it as the other began to pass out Luffy stumbling into the room.
She jumped overboard, swimming deep into the ocean turning her legs into her tail swimming off into the distance she saw the other crew mates jumped onto the boat dragging the other onto the larger ship.
Y/n's heart thumped against her chest as she saw the ship start to move away deciding to follow the ship Y/n kept a good distance "I hope they're gonna be okay..."
Ducking her head under the water she swam faster "who's ship even is this...that flag looks familiar..." she muttered. swimming under the boat she looked around "hopefully they won't be sailing for a while."
They did in fact sail for a while.
By the time they made it to land the sun was coming up, poking her head up she swam to shore making sure it was safe for her to come up she switched her tail back to her legs taking the clothes out of her bag and changed into them sneaking around she poked her head around a corner.
As she did so she saw someone stare dead in her direction, "eek!" she backed up and hid 'they didn't see you...they didn't see you...' she repeated to herself in her mind, that was until she heard a snicker come from beside her, "what's a pretty thing like you doing around here?" she only had one thought in her mind 'crap!!'
Buggy stared at the black haired boy "hmm...I'm not asking the important questions here...need to dig deeper. What makes a boy want to grow up to be king of the pirates? Who are you trying to impress? A lost love, an absent parent, or was it someone that you worshiped a false idol?" Luffy looked away ignoring his words.
Without warning Buggy snatched Luffy's straw hat "hey give me back my hat!" but Buggy only ignored him "I used to know a pirate who wore a hat just like this...red haired Shanks." Luffy looked at him in confusion "you knew Shanks?"
"Ginger three scars left eye, kinda hard to miss." Buggy stated, he rambled about how Shanks "stole his spot light" Buggy slowly growing annoyed with him bad mouthing Shanks, "don't talk about him that way." Buggy smirked knowing he struck a nerve.
Luffy looked away only to spot a familiar mermaid standing behind some of the seated people, he smiled seeing her "Y/-" she held her pointer finger up to her lips shushing him he kept his mouth closed looking back over to Buggy "Boogy...I'm warning you." he stated, Buggy dropped his shoulders "it's Buggy! and you warning me? Now that's a laugh."
Without a second passing a harsh whip cracked against Buggy's back "ack-! what the- ow!" he dropped the kid he was holding, who ran back over to where he was sitting. Holding his back he turned around confused, but he didn't see anyone.
Another harsh crack hit his back "ah! shit!" this time he didn't even get to turn around he was kicked right in his stomach sending him flying back. Luffy took this opportunity to break out of those stupid bindings, Y/n ran over to her friend tackling him down into a hug "oh t-thank God you're safe!" Luffy hugged back "yeah, i'm fine but I don't know about Nami and Zoro go check on them."
Y/n looked conflicted "w-what about you?" Luffy patted her head "don't worry i'll be fine." she nodded and ran to find Zoro and Nami.
Buggy made a smug face "well don't just stand there! Go get her!" he stated to one of his crew members, they ran off to catch the girl he looked back at Luffy "...who's the fish face hm?" Luffy glared at him "that's none of your business, and don't call her that." Luffy stated, "Your girlfriend or something? I gotta say..." he circled around Luffy like a hawk watching it's prey.
"She looks a little too good for you if you ask me."  Luffy clenched his fist, "shut up." Buggy only laughed "ooh? Is someone getting upset?...it's true though. She is a fine piece of art." Luffy sick of hearing Buggy speak about his friend in such a way pulled his hand back and stretched it forward punching his head off.
It flew into a woman's lap causing the people around her to scream in shock. However his body remained standing "well, well, well, looks like we have something in common." he popped his head back on like it was nothing, Luffy looked confused "you ate a devil fruit?" Buggy smiled "the chop chop fruit." he specified.
Y/n ducked under one the freaks punches punching him in the stomach. She cracked her whip in another persons face before kicking their feet out from under him.
Running past them she listened for the sound of Zoro or Nami's voice. Soon enough she heard the two voices bickering following them she peaked her head inside the room seeing Zoro being questioned by a crew mate with a bad haircut.
Y/n slid off her shoes so they wouldn't make any sound as she slowly crept up behind the pirate. Zoro kept his focus on the man in front of him so he wouldn't get suspicious.
Y/n got close enough to him lightly tapping him on the shoulder he turned around only to be met with a hard punch to the face, although...it wasn't hard enough to knock him out.
He fell to the ground "you...you'll pay for that!" Y/n shrieked "you were supposed to pass out!" quickly she punched him again finally knocking him out. Y/n stood up going to untie Zoro "that was painful to watch" he stated, Y/n huffed "n-not everyone c-can be a brute like you!"
Nami picked the lock opening the cage "so what's your plan? That's your thing right?" Zoro asked, Nami smirked picking up her staff "I say...we beat up every clown we see." picking up his swords Zoro chuckled "not a bad idea." walking out of the room Y/n pouted "always fighting..." she slid back on her shoes hurrying to catch up to them.
Tapping the glass Buggy continued to toy with Luffy "you want out? you know the price you have to pay." smirking Luffy tapped on the glass, Buggy turned around wondering just who he was pointing at? Nami tossed her staff at the glass cracking it.
Buggy looked around panicked as the glass broke "where are my freaks?" as the seawater came pouring out of the tank Luffy coughed up some water along with the map he swallowed.
Buggy crawled to get the map, as Luffy grabbed his hat cradling it close to his chest. Nami, Zoro, and Y/n walked up prepared to fight the unfunny clown, Buggy smirked at the three "you want a piece of me?...Let's see what you got" Zoro tried cutting him up but he only pieced himself back together again "surprise shit heads!"
Y/n groaned "you have a devil fruit power...." Buggy began to separate his body up, circling it around the three while laughing "wait a minute..." Y/n looked over seeing crates she rushed over to the open crates.
"Ya'know Burpy! it's kinda hard to focus on what you're saying when you have that big nose in the way all the time!" she shouted, in an instant she saw him focus on her "did you just...i'll kill you, you brat! And it's Buggy!" he threw his body parts towards her, she ducked and let the limb hit the lid of the crate before falling shut.
Luffy was the first to catch onto what Y/n was doing, he shouted over to Nami "Nami the crates!" she grabbed her staff, as Zoro got up Luffy started punching the limbs over towards the trio.
Quickly enough Buggy caught onto what they were doing shouting "no!" but he stupidly kept throwing limbs at them.
When he was nothing but a head, hands, and feet he shouted "what have you done to me!" Luffy smirked "cut you down to size." As they talked Y/n put a weight on all of the crate moving them and hiding them around so it would be harder to put him back together again.
Luffy stretched his arms back "gum gum!" Buggy started to panic "hey! hey! woah, woah, woah!" launching his hands forward he threw Buggy out of the big top sending him who nose where. (get it? Nose instead of knows, okay i'll stop)
Picking up the map Luffy handed it over to Nami who looked mildly surprised "you're giving this to me?" she questioned "you're the navigator." Zoro sighed "let's get out of this clown show." Luffy stopped him "there's still one more this we have to do."
Going over to the people he undid the chains setting the people free, Y/n helped getting the chains off as she did a little girl stared at her, Y/n smiled warmly at her "don't worry we'll get you out of here" the little girl nodded "thank you miss." Y/n patted her head "no problem."
Heading back to the ship the people and their mayor followed gathering up all the food they could find  "we don't have much. but please take this as a token of our gratitude." luffy spoke "you need it more than we do." going back to the ship someone tugged on the bottom of Y/n's skirt causing her to turn around.
It was the little girl but she was crying, she hugged Y/n's legs "i-i'll n-never forget you!" Y/n smiled down at the girl, patting her head she knelt down to the girls height "here have this." taking the starfish hair clip out of her hair she carefully placed it on the girls hair "don't cry okay? we'll meet each other again someday."
The little girl hugged Y/n muttering thank you, Y/n hugged back for a second before letting go "okay goodbye!" the girl waved "bye bye!"
Y/n hurried and got back on the ship right as they were about to take off as she got on the ship Y/n let out a deep sigh. Watching as the left Y/n felt tears swell up in her eyes "what happened to not crying?" Zoro joked, "shut it! I get very emotional at times like this!" Y/n shouted.
Luffy went to the front of the ship pointing off into the distance "next stop! the grand line!"
☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆☆ ★ ✮
A/n: *awesome authors note!!*
Tag List: @luuffyswife @ghostlyworld @valen-yamyam16 @juhdoche
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unicreamuwu · 1 year
Some idea for the vinsmokes:
So they all had a childhood friend which they had a crush on and she was always hanging around with sanji
And since sanji left she left too (like a lost princess who they searched for forever)
Then they see her again in the germa kingdom after so many years because she is furious that they are using sanji for their advantages (and she sticks to sanjis side all the time because she also found out just now that he is still alive)
And yes i hope you like the idea! Keep going! :)
Sure. I love these types of things. I kinda got the writing idea from this lovely person @myonepiece who did the same thing as you requested.
Ichiji Vinsmoke
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Ichiji has to be the nicest out of the three.
Why? Well, because he treats you with respect and doesn't push you down random steps of stairs. (Niji...)
Sometimes, he would teach her how to fight and many sorts of other techniques to help her defend herself from any sort of harm.
If his brothers teased you, he would defend you.
One day, you accidentally saw him and his brothers beating up their other brother, Sanji.
You were so shocked that your friend was actually doing this.
He told you that he had a great relationship with all of his younger brothers.
Of course, this made you angry, but for now, you didn't confront him about it.
Instead, you went to Sanji and told him to explain everything that's been going on.
When he did, you made the decision that he should run away.
However, what you didn't expect is that he wanted to run away with you.
His reasoning is that you were basically one of the few people to actually care about him and his well-being.
At first, you were a bit hesitant because you didn't want to leave Ichiji, but you learned the dark truth about him abusing his own brother.
So, you ran away with Sanji.
And it was not a good moment for Ichiji.
When he came back, he saw you gone at the spot where he would always tell you to wait.
He searched for you everywhere in the castle and the kingdom.
It was then that he noticed that you were gone.
Ever since then, he has pretty much been isolated from almost everyone around him.
After many years, Ichiji heard about the news of you returning from his sister, Reiju.
When he sees you for the first time in a long time, the first thing that happened before he tried to interact with you is a hand colliding with his.
He was slightly taken aback, but he narrowed his eyes to see Sanji standing in front of you.
"Stay away from my wife."
He tells him coldly.
Then, Sanji took you away from him and brings you somewhere.
Ichiji was a bit shaking in anger as he watches the two of them leave.
He WAS going to get you back away from that failure.
Niji Vinsmoke
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Even though you were Niji's first friend, he treats you like shit.
If you ask, "Oh, well, he can't be THAT bad to us!", um, yes, he will.
When you wear something, he would make at least one critical comment about your appearance.
If you bring him some food, he would say that it tastes disgusting and throws them at you before he requested you to bring him some chocolate.
Of course, he will take any chances to push you down the stairs cause that's his habit.
There will be a VERY few moments when he's nice to you.
For example, he would give you some of his chocolate, so be thankful that he's being very nice to you.
However, what he didn't know is your crush on Sanji.
For you, you kinda hated Niji when you were around him.
He's nothing, but a bully to you.
So, when you met Sanji for the very first time as you were walking around the castle, he was nothing like your "friend".
The two of you would spend time together almost all the time whenever Niji goes out to train or do some other things with his brothers.
On the day Sanji decided to escape, he took you with him.
When Niji found out, he was not happy about it.
Ever since your disappearance, his attitude turned worse.
It was at the point where he started to physically abuse the servants.
The news of you coming back to Germa made him stop doing whatever he was doing and quickly ran to the spot you were currently standing at.
However, he notices you pushing him away which made him slightly shocked.
"Stay away from me! I don't want anything to do with you anymore!"
With that, you walked away from him.
Niji was livid.
Not because you pushed him away.
It's because of the engagement ring on your ring finger that is given by his useless brother.
Yonji Vinsmoke
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Just like Niji, Yonji does tease you a lot.
After he does his daily training, he would get terrible damage to his body because he's basically a robot.
So, he would make you patch him up.
If you ask him if you could help him with training, he would just laugh at your face, saying that women can't fight.
Whenever you come over, he would request you to bring at least some food only for him because your family owns a bakery.
What he didn't know is that you also bring food, that is for him, for his brother, Sanji.
Sanji would always appreciate the treats you give him and it makes him smile.
So, when he asked you to run away with him, you accepted.
However, Yonji wasn't pleased at all when he heard the news.
From then on, he tried to move on, but he couldn't.
He couldn't stop thinking about you.
When he heard about you coming back to the kingdom, he came to see you with Sanji, holding him by the arm.
As you and Sanji were walking down the halls of the castle, Yonji came over to the two of you.
He started to make snarky remarks to his brother which he was to back off.
Then, he started to make harsh remarks to you because of you leaving him and Sanji defended you.
The words that Sanji said about you now married to him made him shake up with rage.
Yonji tells his brother that he will take you back after he takes his chance to kill him before he walks off, fuming with rage.
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You were only on the crew because of your Nami's twin sister. You sat there on your knees and asked for Luffy's help which of course he did, he's going to be King Of The Pirates and Arlong isn't going to stop him.
You didn't, not like Luffy he was just your polar opposite. He was loud and obnoxious compared to your quiet introverted nature. Until one night it was your night on watch to ensure the Log Post didn't drift off course. You didn’t even hear him coming before he was sitting next to you crisscross applesauce.
“This is my spot,” he said gruffly sleep still invaded his voice. You look down to at the figure head when realization hit you, no one but Luffy sits here is there some unspoken rule that you should know.
You get up quickly almost falling into the ocean before Luffy grabs you quickly. “I am so, so sorry Captain, I didn’t even realize I’m always in the library or crow’s nest I didn’t know,”
Luffy pulls you back down to sit by him. “You can sit here, you just have to answer my question,” This was the most serious you’ve ever seen the Captain and anxiety filled your stomach, wondering what you did wrong.
You nodded waiting for what he had to say sitting beside him.
“Why don’t you like me,” he said his demeanor changing into an almost pout. “You hang out with Robin and Zoro, but you barely hang out with Nami and you ignore me,” he crossed his arm like a toddler.
You look sadly towards Luffy not realizing you had hurt his feelings. “Robin and Zoro don’t talk to me when I hang out with them we just exist together,” you say simply.
"Ok that's easy I'll just talk less," he says to you in a matter-of-fact tone. Crossing his arms in front of his chest he wrapped you with his legs pulling you closer ready to start.
You put both hands up shaking them while giggling trying to get some space between you. "No Cap it's not that I need to get out of my shell more and you're the perfect person to help with that"
The two of you spent the rest of the night talking and laughing nearly waking the crew on several occasions. Luffy can't help it he heard you laugh one time and now he can't stop.
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You were Sanji's little sister Zoro didn't like you on principle. He didn't like Curly Brow and he didn't like Pipsqueek. You didn't do anything to him, but he blew you off every time you tried to be nice. So you got tired of it and walked away from him causing him to get lost horribly.
The door to the bar we set as the meeting place slammed open and there stood everyone's favorite moss head.
He didn't phase you, this was a regular Thursday for you.
"Yeah Zoro most people don't enjoy being told to shut up every time they open their mouth, you at least yell at Sanji," You stand taking a step with every word. "Maybe you'll learn to be nicer to people,"
You turn around and gesture for him to come sit by you. "Now come have a victory sake with me,"
He followed you like a lost dog at the sound of sake. "You know Pipsqweek you're not half as bad as your curly-browed brother," Slowly the rest of the team filed in and there was a noticeable shift in the dynamic like everyone could breathe a little easier without Zoro's confusion for having a crush. Zoro hated that he cared so much for you when you offered no gain to his dream to be the greatest swordsman.
Slowly but surely the two of you decided for ‘safety reasons’ you should hold hands for so no one got lost.
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I don't think Sanji can hate a woman
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bluegalaxygirl · 8 months
Hiiiii!! i’m so glad your back and i hope your doing well!!
I was thinking if you could maybe do a one shot/hcs about if zosan found their partner reading a spicy book???
Hope you have a great rest of your day!!
Thank you and that sounds like such a fun idea, i also thought id spice it up a bit so i hope you like. Also love the kitty with the Santa hat profile pic so cute.
Warning: Bad language, Sexual content but no smut and Making out
Reader is GN, Poly relationship, established relationship, Zoro X Sanji X Reader.
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^ Your not a spicy book kinda person but you know who is? Sanji, even though he's in a relationship with two people he still has those magazines. The cook doesn't hide it from you and Zoro, you both know that he keeps them under the bed.
^ It some times bothers You and Zoro that he has those magazines but on the plus side the cook hasn't bought any new ones since he started dating the two of you. You know that since Sanji isn't shy about it, if you ask he will show you his collection.
^ Zoro never had an interest in that kind of thing, he always says how disgusting it is when ever he catches a glimpse of them or finds the cook looking at one. The swordsman does love to tease the cook about them though, making Sanji blush and babble much to your amusement.
^ So with all that said it was surprising to you when you found a hidden untitled book while cleaning your room that you share with the boys. Pulling out the bottom draw to put some clothes away something pink caught your eye on the floor right at the back.
^ It was a struggle to reach it, having to bend your arm over the back of the draw you pulled out to tease what ever it was forward and then having to reach under the chest of draws to pull it out completely.
^ The book was pink with a single rose on the cover, there was no title or description on it so you opened finally finding the title "Inferno Hearts", your first thought is that it's Sanji's and maybe he lost it but the book didn't have any dust on it.
^ You placed it on the side thinking you'll talk to Sanji later and see if it's his but as you were cleaning curiosity got the best of you so during your break you deiced to read some, it was deferentially romance but the content made you blush bright red.
^ You found yourself laughing, smiling and gasping at the content becoming enthralled with it, unable to put it down until you got to the spicy part. You froze but couldn't stop your eyes from reading the most intense and romantic seen you have ever seen or read, your hole face goes red just as the door opens.
---------- Story ----------
You were so enthralled by the book in your hands that you didn't hear the yelling from outside until the door to the bedroom flung open, you gasped from your spot on the bed as you looked up to see Zoro and Sanji yelling at each other, their shirts wet "Just say your sorry, it's not that hard" The cook growls undoing his stained tie while Zoro rolls his eyes shoving past the blonde to get into the room while taking his top off "You weren't watching where you were going" The swordsman growls throwing his shirt to the side before freezing in place looking at you on the bed with a bright red face holding a book in your hands. Sanji goes to yell back angry at Zoro for bumping into him when leaving the kitchen causing the try of drinks he was holding to cover both of them but stops when seeing the swordsman's wide eyes. Raising an eyebrow the cook looks over to you on the bed and gives you a smile, he couldn't help but blush at your cute flustered face "Hello my love, i'm sorry for disturbing you" Sanji takes a new shirt out of the draws starting to take his shirt off to put the other on. His words manage to snap you out of your frozen state and slam the book closed "Oh no, I'm sorry Sanji i should have asked before reading it" You try to laugh away your nerves as you move to sit on the edge of the bed, Sanji changes his shirt and throws on a new tie before walking over to you and looking over the book you hold out to him "My love you don't need my permission to read your book" He laughs a little while pushing it back to you.
Confusion strikes you while watching as Sanji does his tie, once he's done you hold the book out for him which he takes "It's not mine, i found it under the chest of draws while cleaning. I thought it might be yours" You state keeping your focus on Sanji as he flicks through the book but in the corner of your eye you see Zoro going into the draws and pulling out a shirt in quite the hurry "It's not mine, i'm more of a visual person than a reader of this sort of thing" Sanji laughs with a slight blush handing you the book back. Zoro rushes to leave the room while throwing his shirt on but is stopped by his name being called by you and Sanji. With a sigh the swordsman slowly turns around his face bright red while avoiding any kind of eye contact with the two of you "Zoro... Is this yours?" Sanji asks with a smile already knowing the answer by how the green haired man is acting, the flustered look, the rush to get away and the frozen state he was in as soon as he swore you reading the book told him everything. "N-No" Zoro rubs the back of his head while looking away from the two of you. A smile forms on your face as you stand up, the swordsman has never been the romantic type so you never thought he would read something like this. "It's ok Zo, it's actually really good" You state while walking over to the man with the book held to your chest, he still refused to look at you but somehow his face went redder "I mean it Zo, you don't have to hide things from us." You try and reassure him only to hear a snicker from Sanji behind you.
A quick look at the cook told him to shut up, Sanji jumps at your look before freezing in place and clenching his teeth, so he won't say anything. Looking back at Zoro his eye's shift to look down at you seeing a sweet smile and loving eyes "I know you don't want to be teased over it or for the others to find out so i won't do either and Sanji" You turn to glare back at the cook who looks down in shame "He won't tell anyone either but i know he will tease you over this" You sigh smiling back up at Zoro who relaxes at your words, Sanji nods as he walks over to stand next to you "Yea Zo, i won't tell the others but i will be teasing you over this, lets call it pay back for all the times you've teased me over my magazines" Sanji laughs while poking Zoro's side causing the swordsman to growl and grab the cooks tie pulling him closer "You two better not tell anyone" he growls as Sanji puts his hands up in defense and nods along with you. "As for the teasing, i can take what ever you throw at me" The swordsman gives a cocky smile while letting go of Sanji's tie, you hold the book out to Zoro, but he pushes it back to you "You can keep reading it since you seemed soooo into it" The swordsman leans down to be eye level with you causing your cheeks to go red "I mean it is good but... That scene" Your blush gets worse at just the thought, Zoro chuckles at you before pulling you into him by your waist "If it makes our Y/N blush then it must be super spicy.. Didn't know you were into that kinda thing Zo" Sanji starts to tease wrapping his arms around Zoro's free arm.
The swordsman tries to ignore him but when Sanji whispers something in the green haired man's ear the cook is shoved away "D-Don't say shit like that" Zoro's face goes bright red once again as he stutters stepping away from the cook and letting you go, Sanji smiles wide as he walks closer until the swordsman's back is up against the door, Zoro reaches for the handle to escape but Sanji grabs it first stopping the door from being opened "Oh come on Zoro. If you like the book so much, why don't we recreate it" Sanji teases making you blush but hold back at laugh at how flustered and panicked Zoro has become. "My love, why don't you read a part out to give me an idea of what to do" The cook gets close to Zoro's face who is almost frozen in shock and embarrassment unable to move as the blondes hand runs over his hip. You shake your head while walking over to the two, you wanted to save Zoro but then Sanji turns to look at you giving you a cheeky smile and a wink, you knew this was his payback and a good way to have some fun so you open the book. Deciding to go gentle on the swordsman you read out a kissing scene getting Zoro to stutter trying to tell you to shut up but you continued until that part was over. Sanji nods at you before brushing his lips against Zoro's "Your eyes are the light to my darkness, oh how i adore them" The cook whispers quoting the man from the scene as he presses his lips lightly onto Zoro who tries to push the cook away but can't seem to muster up the strength to do so. You blush at the two before putting the book to the side and walking over running your hand up Zoro's arm.
You can't let Sanji have all the fun plus the swordsman looks too cute all flustered. Leaning into the swordsman's neck you blow lightly in it causing the man to shiver while Sanji slips his tongue into the swordsman's mouth humming a little and letting his hand run up to Zoro's ribs. "I will always shine bright for you, so even in the darkest of night, you can find your way home to me" You quote the mans partner in the scene before lightly placing your lips on his neck, kissing up and down it in slow long kisses. Zoro can't help but let out a slight moan from the feeling, his heart pounding in his chest as different conflicting emotions run through his body. Sanji soon pulls away panting for air while placing his forehead against Zoro's who's eyes are still slightly wide while his whole face and neck are bright red "My dear, my angel of light -" Sanji whispers as his hand travels up your back getting you to stop kissing Zoro's neck and look up at him, the cook didn't need to say anything, you already knew what he wanted so you leaned in closer to Zoro's face letting your hand run up the swordsman's arm to rest on his shoulder while Sanji pulled away slightly his hand running through the swordsman's hair "I have always and will forever love you and follow your light" The two of you say in unison before kissing Zoro's lips, the three of your lips moving together as the swordsman's hands quickly wrap around the two of you holding you all close together. Zoro relaxes into the kiss letting out a hum of satisfaction, he may still be flustered but maybe the teasing wouldn't be too bad after all.
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shidousprincess · 7 months
Hello my sunflowers welcome to my Galintines Day Cafe
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Happy Valentine’s Day my Sunflowers 💖
I originally wrote like 5 of these cause l've had a shitty week because of my "friend" of 2 years decided to break our friendship off because she accused me of something I didn't say but turned it around to make it look like I did ."friend" am I right? And a bunch of other things But enough of my life events how are you guys hope yall are doing well 💜.i locked in at like 5pm yesterday and I decided to write a few more but not all 20 something i apologize for that..the others will be written separately on another day when i feel better 💜🫡
Also you can check my pinned post on my blog for requests 💜
Characters: Zoro,brook,Kidd,corazon,crocodile,sanji,robin,nami,Cesar,gojo,toji,choso,megumi
Also you might can tell that I gave up on the Valentine’s Day plot in some 😭I’m srry for that I was just so over it and it might be shitty but I tried I’m still playing around with my writing
And beware my writing will probably be ooc
But Without further ado enjoy my sunflowers
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Ah Valentine's Day was coming to an end y/n figured Zoro forgot today was special little did she know he didn't ..you were setting on the rails of the thousand sunny overlooking the sea while everyone else went drinking you decided to stay back not wanting to bother with a hangover.. Zoro stayed back with you to keep you company "hey y/n how about you and I take a stroll around town ?"
.."sure that doesn't sound to bad " so you both walked off the sunny after about 30 minutes of walking Zoro brought you to a nice little mountain side that overlooked the sea "oh Zoro how beautiful how did you come upon this ?" ..well earlier when we were in town I kinda got lost and found this place " he said rubbing the back of his neck looking away from you .."oh and here happy Valentine's Day pumpkin " he then handed you the f/c bag of homemade chocolate .."awe Zoro did you make this just for me ?" " yeah sanji helped me a little " ..thank you babe i really appreciate this "you said and walked up to him and engulfed him into a hug after a moment you pulled back and pulled him down into a loving kiss "I love you Zoro " .."I love you too y/n
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"Happy Valentine's Day y/n my lovely..I've got something very special to share with you! " .."happy Valentine's Day to you to brook my love what might you have to share?" You said as you put your book down that you were reading.."well let's just say I'm taking you on a little date " ..oo sounds fun when are we leaving?" "Whenever you want my lovely !" So you got up from your seat and told brook you were going to change really quick and then you both could head out .."alright brook im ready !" He then turned around to see you .. you were adorned in a blouse with hearts all over with black jeans and some tall combat boots "you look so beautiful y/n !" .."now let's get going " he held out his hand and you took it he quickly told the crew you two were heading out for the day ..after walking through town you both went to a restaurant and ate then stopped at a ice cream parlor and got some yummy ice cream and to conclude the evening you both went into a shop to browse around brook spotted a beautiful hair tie and ring he knew you'd like you had already looked around the whole store so you told brook to take his time that you'd wait for him outside so he quickly went back to grab both items and paid for them and got the nice lady at the counter to put it in a small box ..brook somehow hid it from you the whole time back to the thousand sunny you both stood to watch the sun set
"What a wonderful Valentine's Day don't you agree brook ?".."yes but " he then got down on one knee and pulled out the ring "but what ?"and you turned to look at him you seen that he was proposing you started crying as the crew cheered in the background "y/n will you make me the happiest skeleton in all of the world and please be my wife ?" .."yes brook yes !" He slipped the ring on your finger "now I can safely say today was a wonderful Valentine's Day Yohoho!"
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You had been sick for a few days now and you'd hoped you'd be better by today which was Valentine's Day you wanted nothing more but to spend today with Kidd but your plans got soiled by your own immune system "curse you immune system!" A few tears fell from your eyes that soon turned to full on sobs the whole crew distanced themselves from you even your own boyfriend didn't even bat an eye in your direction .."Kidd where are you headed ?" Killer asked as he seen his friend stauntering off the ship he didn't answer he just kept walking..Kidd knew today was a special day because you had it marked on the little calendar in the kitchen so he went in a bunch of shops to pick up different things he thought you'd like so he fixed the little basket he had up looking as cute as possible not his type of thing but it was for you so it was a exception so he started his trek back to the Victoria punk but he stopped at a restaurant and ordered some food for the both of you ..when he got back he went straight to your room and barged in "y/n you up ?"...... no answer so he flicked the blanket off of you seeing you with tears falling down your face "y/n what's wrong ?" His rough demeanor crumbled when he seen you crying "well to start off everyone has been avoiding me like the plague second of all you have been avoiding me aswell and I just feel like shit because I'm sick third it's Valentine's Day and I really wanted to spend it with you but I can't " .."yes you can here happy Valentine's Day baby " he gave you the basket he prepared for you .."awe Kidd thanks for this I love you !" It was nothing baby and I love you too now let's eat so he went and retrieved a small table and a stool for him to set on and a candle after he got everything set up you both started eating after you both got done you started dozing off after you completely fell asleep Kidd cleaned up and came back and picked you up and brought you to his room and you both went to sleep
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“hey Cora-San"law asked pulling on Cora's coat "what is it law ?" "Since today is Valentine's Day can we make y/n something?".."how sweet of you sure we can !go get the craft supplies from the closet "so law brought all the supplies they needed to make some things for you he made a few paper flowers,and a card "how does it look Cora-San ?" ..he then handed him the card ."she'll love it law good job" he handed it back and law smiled at the card "now how about we run to town real fast and get some flowers and some chocolate?" "Sounds good " so they walked into town and found a flower shop and Cora let law pick some roses for you to put with the ones he picked for you and they made a beautiful bouquet and they grabbed a box of chocolate and payed and went back home to wait for you to get home from work .. "Rosi,law I'm home !" Cora ran over to give you a hug and tripped on a book law had laying on the floor "oomph" ..law had been in his room reading when he heard you were home so he grabbed the things he made running to show you but you were busy helping Cora up "welcome home angel how was work ?" .."same old same old .how were you guys day ? "Well let's just say it was pretty fun huh law ?" Law then ran up to you both "happy Valentine's Day y/n " he gave you the homemade flowers and card and you read it "awe law you are so sweet "you then picked him up and hugged him "now for what I got you” he brought you over to the counter where the chocolate and vase of flowers were "happy Valentine's Day my angel " "Rosi this is beautiful thank you both so much "you pecked them both on the cheek and sat down and shared the chocolate between the 3 of you
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After a long exhausting day at work my shift is finally over and I can finally go home to see my amazing husband crocodile .
I grab my bag and phone and head out as I'm leaving I wave at the secretary and tell her I'm taking my leave.
As I'm headed home I quickly send him my location  because he likes to make sure I make it home safely
. He texted back and said he was home waiting on you. You texted back and said you should be there in 5-6 minutes if you weren't home in that time period something probably happened.... (Due to you being his wife ) .(yall live 5 minutes from your job)
I pocket my phone and keep walking after walking for about 3 minutes
I get a rag put over my face and drug into and ally before I passed out I noticed that this person was one of makiyokos men that I seen on the news and are one of the cross guilds rivals.
I try my best to fight but the drug on the rag worked faster .
Timeskip to makiyokos hideout
"Boss we got her like you asked" isamu said
"Awesome now we can draw the cross guild in with her missing" his boss Akari said
As I open my eyes I see 2 men infront of me I recognize them and Aoki Akari and his #1 sato isamu
Akari speaks up and says with a laugh ... "you were the perfect target to draw the cross guild in to us.
You wondered when crocodile would notice you weren't home on time ..
A few hours go by and I started hearing gunshots.. already knowing who it was you waited patiently while still being tied to the chair...
Akari and isamu waited patiently next to you with their guns drawn waiting for whoever walked through the door
You hear mihawks voice from outside the door saying "this is the last room boss "
You sat watching in fear tears falling from your eyes .. fearing that mihawk would get shot
He breaks down the door you shut your eyes and no gun went off oh look up and see that both of their guns jammed.. what luck you thought..
Then crocodile and buggy along with mihawk walked in and buggy shot Akari and Isamus leg making them fall down ...
"You son of a bitches I thought you'd never get through my guards "said Akari
"Well they were pretty weak in my opinion said "mihawk
Crocodile then announced to buggy and mihawk to take them to the hideout
Crocodile then untied you from the chair and you immediately locked your arms around his neck and put your legs around his waist and he held you for a few seconds while you cried
Then he started walking out of makiyokos hideout headed back home
Timeskip to y'all getting home
You slept a little on the way home waiting till you were in the privacy of your own home to talk to croc
As he picked you bridal style out of the passenger's seat he took you inside and took you to the bathroom he then set you on the granite countertop and drew you a bath
You undressed yourself and got in the water he then told you to scoot up where he could get in behind you
He then asked how all this happened and you began to explain
As you were explaining he started to massage your shoulders a lil
After you finished explaining you both sat in silence for a moment then washed yourself off then got out of the tub and headed to y'all's shared bedroom
After you got dressed you walked back into your shared room croc was already dressed waiting on you in bed he throws the sheets back and pats his body and says "come here sunshine" and you layed on him and buried your face in his chest
He wraps his arms around you  and holds you for a few moments before letting go and making you look at him
He then pulls you in for the most soft kiss that was full of love
You both pulled away and he spoke up saying that you wouldn't be going out for a while without having him or  a guard by your side
He then said since it's the weekend tomorrow he was going to take you on a date
You smiled and said thank you for everything he did today and kissed him again
He smiled and said "your welcome I'd do anything for my dearest sunshine "
You asked him to sing the song my only sunshine to you and he did
You slowly drifted to sleep happy and listening to crocodile sing as he played with your hair
and after he knew you were asleep he then drifted off to sleep himself
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Y/n had been friends with Gojo and geto for 3 years now and 2 years ago she and geto started dating y/n loved geto and enjoyed when they hung out ..but geto just dated her because of a bet he had going with some of his friends...they told him if he dated her for 1-2 years they would pay him a lump sum of money and he agreed..Gojo never found it entertaining to watch his best friend date y/n and then talk shit behind her back ..Gojo always hung out with her when geto wasn't around but she never noticed how much geto was using her ...until now you and Gojo were walking around the park because Gojo thought it would be fun to spend Valentine's Day together until you both seen geto making out with some random girl .. Gojo panicked and stood infront of you and embraced you he then went on saying..."y/n I can't keep this a secret anymore.. hell I'm sorry I even kept it a secret from you but geto is only dating you for a bet insane am I right?"... it finally hit you as to what geto was doing while he was gone is he was hanging out with this random girl he never loved you .. you hugged Gojo tighter and a few tears escaped your eyes you then let go of him and he gave you a sorrowful smile you then grabbed his hand and turned back around and asked Gojo to take you on a drive...after about 20 minutes of driving around in silence you told him you wanted to go home .. when you arrived at your house you told gojo to come in ... you both sat down on the couch waiting for geto to come in
15 minutes later
"Y/n I'm home happy Valentine's Day !... oh Gojo what are you doing here at this time ? "
"Geto tell her the truth even though I've already told her "
"Tell her what? "he said with a panicked tone
"About how you're dating her just for a bet and that you're dating another girl for real "
Geto just sighed and said "I got bored 2 weeks into our relationship and just decided to go to her she's way better anyway" and after that he left
Gojo turned to y/n and just looked at her
Y/n spoke up "I can't believe I was oblivious to the fact that he didn't love me and that he was cheating on me wow im so stupid aren't I Gojo ?"
"No y/n you aren't stupid Geto is"
"He was an absolute idiot to cheat on an amazing angel like yourself "
He then took this moment to confess
"Y/n I know you and geto just broke up or whatever but I've held this in ever since I met you "
"Y/n I love you so much please take my confession seriously and think about it ok ?"
You nodded
He got up and walked to the door and you quickly stopped him and asked if he wanted to stay for the night
He then said " ok sure anything for you my angel "
He then asked "hey don't you have a spare set of my clothes? "
"Yeah go in my room and they are on the top shelf of my closet"
He went in and got them stopping before he left your room because he spotted a picture you had on your dresser by your door .. it was a picture of you and him at the Christmas festival last year he picked it up "geto was such an idiot to cheat on you y/n don't worry I'll take care of you "he thought as he put the picture back down
He then went and took a shower
After he got out he walked to the living room to find no one
He then walked to your room where he found you laying in your bed he then climbed in and held you from behind
"My Angel whatcha thinking about hmmm??"
"everything "
He then sat you both against the headboard and set you on his lap and put your head on his chest and held you there
For once you actually felt the love you seeked
Gojo then started singing a song
You slowly dozed off before you fully fell asleep you said "Gojo thank you for today I love you "
He then looked down at you in his arms and kissed your forehead and whispered "I love you to my angel I promise to treat you with all the love and care you deserve and if your up for it I'll take you on a proper Valentine's Day date tomorrow "
And he slowly fell asleep aswell
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You and megumi were strolling the streets of shibuya for Valentine's Day megumi mentioned you and he should go on a mother son date so you both bought some ice cream and sat outside and ate it enjoying each others company until you heard a familiar voice your ex husband toji fushiguro "y/n,megumi ?" You froze and megumis eyes widened "what are you two doing in shibuya ?" "Shit" you cursed under your breath "we're just having a mother son date why do you ask? " ."well I was on the way to your apartment to talk to you " .."oh well I guess we can go I'll drop gumi off at Gojos place " so you two headed to gojos to drop megumi off .so when you both got to your apartment Toji was the first to speak "y/n I know I shouldn't have left you for 5 years because of my shitty job but I just recently found out that I had a son so I decided to give up that life to try and reconcile with you and be here for both you and megumi " .."it'll take some time for me to accept you again but you can rent an apartment next door and come visit but I'm not gonna let you in my heart again that easy got it ?" .."100%clear got it " then there was a ding at the door you got up seeing that it was Gojo "hey y/n I have to go on a mission for a week can you please babysit yuji for me ?" .."sure Gojo no problem.im sure megumi will enjoy that aswell huh megs?" He knoded holding onto gojos pant leg obviously nurvous of the strange man setting in the living room ..so after Gojo handed both kids over to you ..you introduced Toji to him and megumi didn't like his vibe at all so he just walked off with yuji in tow .."well looks like megumi won't crack that easily huh ?" ..."looks like it ..welp i better get going where i can pack my stuff and move in soon ..I'll see you in a week  ..adios " and then he left and you went to start cooking dinner for you and the 2 kids
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As y/n sat down to do a makeup look for Valentine's Day just for fun but her boyfriend choso walked in and sat behind her on her bed
As y/n finished the last touches on her makeup she turned around and asked choso how it looked
"It looks amazing sweetheart but i want you to do mine now" he said as he looked you in the eye and crossed his arms thinking you wouldn't
"Of course babe I'll do your makeup "
He then smiled
You told him he needed to relax his face and he did as he was told
You picked up some Foundation and applied it to his face
After you blended it out you then grabbed some concealer and applied It
After you got the base makeup put on
You moved on to eyeshadow and eyeliner
After you got that put on and perfected you smiled and said all done
But then you thought......
"Hey choso can I do your hair ?"
"Of course sweetheart make me look cute"
You then grabbed 2 ponytail holders and put his hair up in 2 braids
You giggled at how cute he looked
He then asked if he could see you said of course
He giggled and hugged you and gave you a kiss and said he loved it
Then all of a sudden choso got a call from his friends saying they wanted to go out drinking
Choso really didn't care if the guys seen him with makeup on and pigtails
He asked if you wanted to come with him and you obliged because this wouldn't be the first time you went drinking with choso and his friends so you both hopped in the car and headed out
After a good majority left you and choso stayed to chat with his 2 other friends and some locals
the guys gave choso a few looks but never said anything
Until your best friend showed up with her boyfriend and seen you and choso had your makeup done
Oh look how cute your makeup is choso I wish my man would let me do his like that one day she said with a smile and a short giggle
Her boyfriend then scoffed and said I would but I don't want to be judged by the guys ..maybe in private one day
You then thought of an awesome plan you smirked and looked at her .."hey how about we have a day soon and do their makeup ? "
"Sure y/n that would be great but we really have to go I have to go check on my puppy " then you all bid your goodbyes
After you and choso got home you took his makeup off for him and you both got showered and got ready for bed "I love you y/n " "love you too choso"
It was 1am when you felt Robin moving around a lot so you set up and turned the bedside lamp on ..seeing Robin having another panic attack you woke her up "Robin honey wake up " she opened her eyes jolting up "come here honey let me hold you " so she relaxed into your arms "do you want to talk about it ?" You asked as you kissed her head "no not really it's just my past that's all " .."I promise Robin nothing like that will ever happen again ".."can you sing me a song please y/n ?" .."sure anything for you " you then started singing her favorite song and she slowly started to drift off to sleep
You and Nami had broken up a week ago and things weren't quite well for either of you ..you both wanted to make up again but couldn't find the courage to ask the other person ..until you talked to robin about it she told you you should give it a try that it should most definitely work so you took her advice and shoot your shot "hey Nami can I talk to you for a minute." .."sure what's up ?" .."well you know how we broke up a week ago .. could we maybe get back together?" .."sure y/n we can it's been the worst without you ".."omg i know right its like I couldn't function without you " .."I've missed you Nami " .."I've missed you too y/n "
"Hey Cesar want to make some cupcakes with me ?" You asked as you poked your head through the lab door "sure y/n just give me a second " .."ok I'll be in the kitchen waiting " so you went and got all the ingredients for tonight's dinner and the cupcake mix and ingredients and after you had grabbed the eggs from the fridge Cesar came up to the kitchen island watching you put the ingredients on the table "I'm here y/n what are we doing first?" .." let me preheat the oven real quick and we can start with the cupcakes .grab me a bowl from the cabinet please" he sat the bowl down on the table as you heated the oven "alright now cupcake time “you said with jazz hands you poured the batter into the bowl and Cesar cracked the eggs and poured the oil and he mixed it so you prepped the pan with liners and let Cesar spoon the mix in the pan you then got some batter on your finger and smeared it on his nose you couldn’t help but giggle “hey why did you do that “ you then stopped giggling and kissed it off his nose “that wasn’t to bad was it ?” .”hmph” ..”awe don’t pout “ you put the cupcakes in the oven as he went over to the island and sat down watching you as you prepared some pasta you then pulled the cupcakes out of the oven and set them on the counter to cool after you got done cooking it was time to ice them and you made them as cute as possible and you plated you and Cesar’s food and set them down at the dinner table and got some drinks and you both ate enjoying each others company and sharing a short conversation and you went back to the kitchen and grabbed the cupcakes and sat them infront of Cesar “try one “ he picked one up and took a bite “these are delicious y/n “ ..”of course they are you made them yourself “ .”thank you for the dinner y/n I appreciate it I know we don’t get to spend much time together but I greatly appreciate when we do I love you “ ..”awe Cesar I enjoy every second we get aswell and I love you too “ and you walked over and kissed him
Today yuji invited you over for a date but he forgot to tell Gojo so when you arrived yuji answered the door as Gojo was cooking and that’s when it hit him he forgot to tell Gojo “shit y/n I forgot to tell Gojo you were coming over “ ..”he should be fine with me right ?” “I’m not sure we’ll just have to see “ so you walked with yuji to the kitchen where Gojo was in a pink apron humming a tune “uh Gojo I forgot to tell you I was inviting y/n over for dinner “ Gojo then turned around to see you “now yuji you cold have told me and I would have. Made myself more presentable “ “besides that hello y/n how are you ?” “I’m doing great thanks for asking sorry to come in unannounced “”it’s no biggie I hope you’ll enjoy todays dinner “ “I sure will because I know you can make some of the best food “ “now you tow love birds go chill while I finish cooking “ …so you and yuji went upstairs and chilled until Gojo called you both for food and you 3 sat and ate and made conversation and all in all had a awesome time
“Hey megumi ?” “Yes y/n what’s up ?” “Have you ever wondered what it’s like to dance in the rain ?” “Yes why?” Well can we dance in the rain please ?” “Sure let’s go “ he grabbed his speaker and his phone and brought you outside and put his speaker and phone down and played a love song and you both went in the street and began dancing enjoying the small thing in life
I hope you enjoyed 💜
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danwhobrowses · 8 months
One Piece Chapter 1105 - Initial Thoughts
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So we are back again, after a big impactful chapter last week we're looking to reach full incident territory now
Buster Call No. 3 here we go...
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release
Carrot cover page is welcome but also reminds me how I wish she was Nakama
With the buster call summoned everyone is fleeing the scene, most of whom unaware of the situation
Doll suggests that Saturn and Kizaru leave too, but Saturn states they're staying
It seems that Doll is unaware of the regen, but she doesn't question Kizaru's reaffirming to do as ordered
Vegapunk confronts Saturn again, imploring him to call off the Buster Call due to how it will hamper the world's technology by a century
Saturn notes though they don't need more advancement, and can't trust that Vegapunk's hiding something else...which he kinda is but still
Apparently a ship also left Egghead, guessing it was the former inhabitants during the Labophase Among Us situation we didn't see
But Saturn had it hunted down, on the threat that they may know something about the Void Century, Akainu tactics there
Vegapunk once more is appalled but Saturn rebukes that he dug their graves by seeking forbidden knowledge
Everyone's in movement though, except the Mark IIIs who are the perimeter for the island
Sanji directs Kuma, Bonney, Franky and Atlas to the vacuum rocket, assuring Bonney that Vegapunk will be safe
He also briefs Nami on what's going on above, surprising the group that there's yet ANOTHER buster call to go through
After several months we finally see Robin alive and well...mostly, she's on a hoverbed and in clear discomfort, probably from wounds and trauma
Jinbe has been sent to get Zoro so he doesn't get lost, but apparently he's still fighting Lucci
Lilith meanwhile didn't even make it to ground, she was still with the ship and got assistance from Brook
And he's found a clever way to get the ship to the rendez-vous, using his ice powers to freeze the clouds and skate on them
There is however the matter of braking, which Lilith quickly rescinded her praise for Brook after he had no ideas, plus the Vega Force 01 is still not an option for flying out
They make a point in saying that the Labostratum still has its barrier, meaning that the place will have some safety from bombardment, but the first barrage begins even with soldiers still evacuating
As Vegapunk laments the loss of another island, the Vacuum Rocket shoots off
But once again, Kizaru's here for the intercept
Sanji sees the intercept and goes to rescue Bonney, while Saturn orders the Pacifista to fire at Bonney and Kuma
Internally he sickly enjoys the irony that Kuma gave away his life to protect his daughter, only for his clones to be the cause of her death
Vegapunk meanwhile looks on in horror, remembering his worry that even though Bonney's Kuma's daughter, a pacifista won't hesitate to kill her if ordered
And Oda makes it clear there'll be no Luffy save, the navy have found him again stuffed and unable to move right now as he lays next to the vending machine thing we saw earlier in the arc
Aren't these soldiers supposed to be running from the Buster Call though?
HOWEVER, we also flash back to the alleged sunken ship Vegapunk sent out yesterday, except it's not!
The destroyed ship is in fact the warship Saturn sent, and they have no idea how they're gonna report their failure to Kizaru
But another player is about to enter the game, they are on their way to Egghead
Until the very end there it seemed like a simpler albeit dire chapter to follow the heights of the Kuma punch, the Buster Call is here and most of our heroes are tied up in some shape or form; Zoro is still uncharacteristically dealing with Lucci, Robin our queen who I'm glad to see alive but sad to see still hurt is forced to rest, Luffy overate and is once again surrounded by marines, Sanji is running towards the line of fire even though Kuma is literally shielding Bonney anyway, Vegapunk is alone to the mercy of Saturn, Franky's falling, Brook is skating the Sunny without a brake, Kizaru's still being a government cog, it's all meant to feel like it's gonna go wrong.
But there are still the outside factors to play; the giant mecha will still have to help in some way, and there is still the slight possibility that the Mark IIIs do in fact hold an echo of humanity that resided in Kuma - which'd call back to the weaponized sea beasts still having their animal instincts - to not fire at Bonney. And now we have this other player that's coming, unless it's the Blackbeard ship from before. I do wanna hope it's Smoker but chances are low on that, why would you want to contact an admiral directly about that? Another Yonko ship on the move or the Revolutionaries seems like the Fleet Admiral would be warned so I'm still wondering if it's someone else we've not seen much of; Law & Bepo or maybe Perona & Moria.
The goose is not cooked yet of course, but our Straw Hats could do with a bit of gritting their teeth and stepping up, escaping a buster call doesn't quite have the same impact it did in Enies Lobby, stopping a Buster Call is yonko-level.
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swampstew · 2 years
Can I ask for a short sexy first time seeing each other naked for female chubby reader x sanji, reader x zoro, reader x ace, reader x kid, and reader x shanks please? I was thinking maybe they have liked each other a lot for a long time but have only casually flirted, becayse reader is painfully shy, so lots of built up Sexual tension. Maybe they found an island with a waterfall or just walked in on each other by accident. Your choice but that would definitely lead to the tension finally braking and some fun time happening and mutual bathing after.
Sorry if that's to much, you can choose any of the characters mentioned. There my favorites. I also like Hawkeye but not sure if you do. Anyway I live your writing.
Hi @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore ~ Sorry this took me a minute to get to, life be crazy sometimes. I had to scale back your request cause you wanted a fair bit. Hope you like these bedtime stories! Happy holidays :)
Eustass Kid - WC: 666 LMAO
Roronoa Zoro - WC: 601
Vinsmoke Sanji - WC: 742
CW: Spicy; AFAB reader; suggestive scenarios; naked walk-ins; voyeurism kinda; consent is applied wholeheartedly; insecure reader; female/chubby reader.
M!n0rs DNI - you will be banned.
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Kid is slumped in a hot spring, several sake bottles cluttered around and alone when you come up on him. "Oh sorry, all the other baths were full."
He looks at you with a drunken smile, "s'all good, doll. You can join me if you can handle your sake well." He picks another bottle from behind him. "Unless you're -hic- a lightweight," he laughed obnoxiously.
You were usually too coy to have more than a few words with him but he had been visiting the area a lot and you couldn't help but be attracted to him. Your little flirting was fun but he was still a pirate. Maybe the sake would help you shake your nerves.
Little did you know, he had been visiting a lot because of you specifically. Today he had drunken more than he meant to while he waited, what's a little more booze now? You walk over to him and take the bottle, kneeling down to be closer to him, taking a generous sip. Then a few more. As you hand it back, your eyes can't help but peek down. OH...he's naked in the spring.
You squeak, "oh um, not wearing your towel?" backing away to the opposite edge, easing down the steps. You clutched your towel around your frame.
"Hmm? Oh guess I lost it. Whoops."
"It's against the hot spring rules--"
"HAAH?" He shoves the bottle towards your face. "What're you gonna do? Tell on me?" he leered. When did he get so close to you?? You take a few more sips, dizzy from the alcohol, steam and the sudden close proximity.
"I'm no snitch!" you protest. "Just didn't want you to think I was taking advantage or anything," you tighten your hold on your towel as it clung to your body in the warm water.
He burst out laughing, taking the bottle back and standing to his full height. His head fell back as he drained it, you were so thankful that his well endowed self had stayed under water. You could see it just under the surface and it looked...menacing, just like him. The heat between your legs rivaled that of the water temperature.
"As if you could take advantage of me," he chuckled, reaching around you to drop the empty bottle. "You seem to be keeping yourself under control," he leered as he looked down at your flushed face. "Why don't you take the towel off? If you're so concerned with fairness and all."
"Ohhh, maybe another time," your blush creeps down your neck and chest.
"What? Ya shy, kitten?" Fiery eyes fixed on you so intently, he did not miss the way your hands ducked underwater to tighten your hold on the towel, over your waist. "Ahhh...you are shy. And maybe a little...hmmm," he almost purred as he crouched down to be at your face level.
You can't breath, he is too close, you feel too hot, he's way too hot and this is too much and---
"As if I give a shit if you have a little meat on your bones," he growled softly in your ear. "As if that takes away from how sexy I find you," his lips ghosted over your skin as he hovered in front of your face. Now in your opposite ear, "don't hide from me, just let it float off."
Kid has no right being as attractive as he is, the way he wiggled his hairless brows to convince you. And its for that reason, you suddenly find yourself able to let go. The wrap didn't move at first before it gently folded down, gentle water pulsing pushing it off your frame until you were exposed in front of him.
His smile made it worth it, the way it lightened up his face. He held out a hand for you and he made you stand. His eyes widened as the droplets raced down your curves.
"Want to have some fun, kitten?" his eyes gleamed as you nodded.
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"God damn it!" you heard an annoyed shout from beyond the trees. It sounded familiar but you weren't expecting company. This was your secluded spot after all. This private lake oasis with a short waterfall was your one true paradise and you didn't want to share it with anyone!
Pushing through, you first mistake the green hair for moss as the man burst through the foliage head first as he tripped over a root.
"Ugh this isn't the way back to the Sunny!" he shouted again, not even noticing you.
Oh, its him. The green haired pirate from the ship that had docked on your island two weeks ago had stumbled on your turf. You had briefly flirted on and off with him and that was fun, but uh...you were buck naked in the middle of the water, nowhere near enough your clothes. Maybe if you slip down from the rock and swim silently he won't notice you.
Too late. His eye meet yours and his previously angry expression morphed into shock.
"Ohh sorry! Didn't think there was anyone out here! D'you know where the hell the dock is?!"
"Its uh...the opposite direction of here. Almost entirely," you cough out.
"Damn, how did I get so lost?!" he scratched his head. He knelt by the water's edge, placing his swords on the ground and leaning to cup water in his hands; drinking quickly. You couldn't help but marvel at the way the water ran down his sharp jaw and thick neck muscles. Further down to a ripped body that was glistening in sweat. His disheveled state would suggest he had been walking around for a while.
"Are you taking a dip? Mind if I take one? Hot as hell out here!" he called out to you.
You watched him begin to undress, not really processing his words until he was down to his underwear. Half your body is submerged but the feeling between your legs was a different kind of wet.
"Well lady?!"
"Ohh sorry, sure but don't get too close," you call out.
He whipped his bottoms off and dove in the water, leaving you with a gaping jaw you were trying to pull back up. Holy shit.
You were startled when he popped up about 8 feet away from you.
"AUGH! I said don't get too close!" you splash water as hard as you can.
"I'm not anywhere near you!" he shouts back, also splashing back. He had more mass and was able to splash back further and with more volume. Now your hair was wet again, after you'd been partially sun bathing on a sole rock just off the waterfall's range.
Having nothing to lose, you rise and taking a leap off the rock. Cannon balling into the water and showering him. You let yourself sink as you settle with the realization you freely exposed yourself to him for a petty thing. Needing air, you swim back towards your rock, hands on the wet mass, unable to face him.
"Well played," he chuckles. You freeze, he came up closer behind you. "No really, that was bold of you. I like bold," he husked.
Two hands brace themselves outside of yours as he cages you against the rock.
"Can I uh, pay you in advance to lead me back to my crew?"
Your face is flushed as you look back at him, "I-uhm..."
"What's wrong gorgeous? Am I coming on too strong? Can't help it, you're just too pretty."
You turn to face him fully. "I'll take you back, pirate," as you trace a finger down his chiseled chest.
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You were having such a nice day. Laying on the sand, feet in the gentle tide as waves curled around your thighs. The sun was peaking behind a wave of clouds, the perfect shade on such a nice day.
You liked this spot on the beach because their was a wall of rocks that separated your spot from the main tourist spot. The other side housed a semi-abandoned dock that hadn't been used in months.
So you didn't expect the Thousand Sunny to dock, nor did you expect the Germa Kingdom Prince to stumble on you as you tanned, in the nude...
He sat down next to you and held his head up to staunch his nosebleed. Sanji was a gentleman so he offered you his shirt, which you grabbed and quickly covered yourself with. He was tall so it reached down enough to cover over your sex. You adjusted your position as he stripped his pants, handing them to you. You simply cover yourself with the fabric - you don't want to flash him while putting them on of course.
"I promise I wasn't peeping, I swear! I was just trying to clear my head, a stupid crewmate of mine made me really angry," his voice was nasally.
"It's...it's ok, it wasn't like I tried to make it harder to access, this was always a possibility," you mumble out, embarrassed. This was your private spot where you cast away all your inhibitions and immersed yourself in nature. It didn't feel ruined but you feel...like you can't enjoy it as much anymore. Sanji notices your dampened spirit.
"But I want you to know I think you're very, very beautiful! Not that I was looking!!" Hands raised in surrender and blood flowing freely again. He slapped his hands back to his nose.
"If you go towards that rock wall, I hid my bag over there. Can you please bring it?" hiding your face under your hand, an attempt to cover up your fierce blushing, tears in your eyes.
Sanji darted to the location and was back in an instant. Holding out the bag for you, you ruffle through the contents and pull out your bathing suit bottoms.
"Can you turn around?"
"Of course. Oh I could also hold up your towel as a screen?"
You nod and wait for him to turn his head and close his eyes before you drop his pants and pull up the high waisted bathing suit. You let his damp long sleeve top flutter around your waist as you bend down to pick up his pants.
"Heh, now your bottom is dry while mine is soaked!" he tries to lighten the mood, not realizing the double entendre.
"Hah, I swear this doesn't happen often," you try back, appreciative of his efforts and decency.
Looking around the area, "is there anywhere I can walk you? and a place to get dry clothes?"
"My house is down this way, there's an outside shower and I can loan you my older brother's clothes," you offer.
Walking side-by-side, you become better acquainted with the man and he was a shameless flirt. You like that a lot, you indulge him just as shamelessly. Its just words right?
You show him the shower since he squeezed into the wet pants to make the walk. Running inside, you find clean clothes that can accommodate him and race back outside. Maybe Sanji didn't hear you come through the door but then again you didn't make it past the threshold...for he was standing naked in all his glory under the water spout.
"I uh brought you clothes," you stutter out, clothes out to try and cover some of the view.
"Oh thanks so much! Here your turn!" and he walked to grab the bundle, giving you a helpful nudge towards the shower.
Not facing him, you take off his shirt and let it drop as you stand under the spout and let the water rinse you of your thirst, dispel the sinful feeling in your gut.
"You have really nice hair," he cooed as he walked up to you." Hands reaching over your head to collect water, he splashes your behind. "You have some sand stuck to you, trynna help out," he smiles kindly at you.
Fuck it.
"Oh? Maybe I should use the inside bathroom, it has better water pressure. Can you maybe show me where else I have sand?"
Sanji's nose started to bleed again.
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revasserium · 5 months
i’m CRAVING a sanji fic rn 🤤🤤
maybe something on showing affection with him? cause i feel like he’s kinda superficial with his affection when first trying to get with u, but then as the relationship progresses the affection becomes so much more.
well ur in luck bc i do have a sanji fic cookin currently but who knows how long it'll take me to actually finish... in the meantime... here are some sanji domestic/affectionate!headcanons bc why not
in the beginning, it would be the grand gestures -- always waking you up with a kiss and coffee (or tea, if you're sick, or just don't feel like coffee that day) and your favorite foods; a bouquet of fresh flowers (do not ask him how he obtains these in the middle of the ocean; he will not tell you and robin remarks loftily one day that you might not like the answer)
in the beginning, he'd tell you he loves you every single hour, lest you forget for even a minute, even though it's only been like... a week and you're not entirely sure what "love" means quite yet
and then, it'd taper off, not because the 'honeymoon phase' is over, but because he'd find other ways to show you -- other ways of tellin you he loves you without telling you in so many words
there's still breakfast, but sometimes instead of coffee or tea, there's a book that you mentioned you'd been wanting to read, there's an origami crane folded out of the napkin with such excruciating care it almost breaks your heart, there's a note written in his sloppy, slanted handwriting that he dreamt of you last night and couldn't figure out if he wanted to wake up to tell you or keep sleeping not to break the fragile dream
and the "i love you"s become something else too -- they become "how did you sleep, love?" and "i knew you'd be craving that" and "c'mon, drink up -- there's more where that came from" and "tell me about your dreams" and "funny, those sound an awful lot like my dreams too".
it'd solidify, this kind of love -- his kind of love -- into something much quieter than anyone might suspect. this kind of love that simmers, the kind of love that curls around you like a hot bath, that draws you in
it's the way he always saves the wishbone whenver he cooks up any kind of bird, how he always waits till everything is done and the kitchen's all cleaned up before pulling you toward the counter, to the tiny little bone with it's winged flanges, him holding one end, the other offered out like a promise (or a wish)
you've pulled so many between you that you've lost count of how many wishes you've made, until you're laughing and complaining that you're running out of things to wish for
"what do you wish for?" you ask one day, when you've tugged and sanji gets the wish, to which he only looks at you and says, "always the same thing, actually. always... just another day with you."
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moxie-girl · 11 months
I wanted to just put together a post with all of my ideas so far for the straw hat Uta au… (under the cut cause it's long)
the gist of the au is that the main strawhats are all replaced by other characters from their backstories/islands/etc? it's a little confusing to explain but here's what I got so far: (list is in recruitment order, not by role)
Luffy -> Uta (Captain) Uta in this AU ate the gum-gum fruit instead of Luffy (who then ate the sing-sing fruit.) her dream is to be the pirate king, but she doesn't have quite the same deal with Shanks as Luffy does, mostly because I think it'd be funny if the crew was ambushed by Pirate Emperor Shanks and Uta was just like "oh!! that's my dad!!! :D" Uta also grew up on dawn island in this au, because after she ate her devil fruit, Shanks thought it was too dangerous to keep her on the ship (since the WG was kinda after her.) she's a little less than a year older than Ace+Sabo b/c I messed w/ the ages a bit and I wanted her to be the older sister (like half of the crew in the beginning are all older sisters lol but that wasn't even on purpose…) Uta's fighting style is pretty similar to Luffy's, but she has a bit of a head-start on Haki since she spent so much time with Shanks.
Zoro -> Kuina (Swordsman) Zoro's not actually dead in this au, just fyi, because I didn't want to kill off any of the canon strawhats, but his accident did put him in a coma for a while, and he kinda lost most of his ambition and is still struggling with his lost dream… Kuina picked up 3-sword style to "take him with her" and prove to him that it's not an unachievable dream. she's got a bit of a complex still from some of the stuff her father said, and insists on being a "swordsman", not a "swordswoman," which is why when Uta approaches her and says she wants to be the pirate king, that is part of what convinces her to join. Kuina also uses Wado Ichimonji more than Zoro does - I noticed in canon he typically uses his two other swords and only uses Wado when he needs to use three-sword-style, so Kuina is kinda the opposite - she uses one-sword style more as well.
Nami -> Nojiko (Cook) I wanted to not keep all the switched characters' roles exactly the same as their canon counterparts, so I decided to play more with cocoyasi island's tangerine groves and make Nojiko a cook who specializes in tangerine dishes. I imagine she learned to cook to try to make the simple foods she had growing up more appetizing, and continued after Belle-mere died because she had to keep Nami fed. She still worked as a thief for Arlong, same as canon Nami, but instead of his navigator, her role was basically his servant in that she cooked for him and the other Arlong pirates. she fights with Belle-mere's rifle, mostly a mid-range fighter, but she can also use it as a blunt weapon Benn Beckman-style, and does this more after Uta mentions that her dad's first mate fights like that.
Usopp -> Kaya (Doctor) this one's kinda a no-brainer role-wise, and also I really can't believe the canon strawhats didn't get a doctor until like 90 episodes in like?? how are they not dead tbh. Usopp in this au grew to hate Yasopp for leaving instead of admiring him, but Kaya as a kid would also listen to Usopp's mom's stories about Yasopp and was excited by the idea of being a pirate. Kaya also wants to be a doctor because Usopp's mom died from a disease that was potentially treatable, but the doctors on syrup had no idea how to. this Kaya also chafes a lot more under Kuro's strict rules, and he was particularly upset because she kept "squandering" her family fortune on things like medical textbooks and expensive tutors. Kaya fights mostly with scalpels, because I'm an absolute sucker for characters that use scalpels like knives, and at some point on their journey (maybe Drum?) she learns to coat the blades in poisons/paralytics.
Sanji -> Reiju (Navigator) Reiju in this au is the sibling who the enhancements didn't work on, which Judge hates even more because Reiju looks so much like Sora. Sanji is technically Stealth Black, but he actually secretly does have emotions, the physical enhancements just worked on him. He still wants to be a cook, and one of the reasons Reiju wants to map the world is so she can find the All Blue for him. Reiju has a pretty similar backstory to canon Sanji, as in dungeon -> escape to a passenger ship -> shipwrecked with attacking pirate, etc, but the (currently unnamed) pirate she was shipwrecked with wanted to map the way to raftel, and instead of being stuck on a rock, they're stuck in a wrecked lifeboat, where they could theoretically get to an island if they had any navigational gear, but they didn't. Reiju is a bit paranoid about getting lost, the same way Sanji is about wasting food, and she aslo fights with kicks, because how could she draw detailed maps if she damaged her hands? (the only difference is that she wears sharp stiletto heels and tends to stab people with them.)
Chopper -> Vivi (Strategist/Diplomat) (+ Karoo) When this au's strawhats go to drum, they technically already have a doctor, but since Kaya can't treat the bug bite they still need help. Kaya learns a lot from Kureha, but since they don't need a doctor, Chopper stays on drum (for the time being.) Instead, at the end of the alabasta saga, Vivi entrusts her kingdom to her father and Kozha, and decides she'd rather be free and joins the strawhats. her job is kinda vague, but it's basically to try to deal with any situation the strawhats get into diplomatically, though they end up resorting to violence most of the time anyway. she's also the crew's planner, since Uta has a little more respect than Luffy for a well-thought-out plan (but not much!) Karoo also joins the crew, and is their "cute animal mascot" in place of Chopper. I imagine the fact of Vivi having the "will of D" is better-known or leaked somehow in this au, because there has to be someone on the crew who's a "D." Vivi fights using her peacock slashers, obviously, though they get a couple major upgrades at some point.
Robin -> Bon Clay/Bentham (Intel Officer/Entertainer) Robin still betrays Crocodile and helps the strawhats, but she runs off and joins the revolutionaries for a time instead. Instead, Bentham also betrays Crocodile, since he's grown to like Uta and the others, and joins the crew. he has two roles: his devil fruit allows him to gather intel when the crew needs it and confuse enemies, and he enjoys dancing and storytelling and does this in free time on the ship. the crew doesn't have an official musician, since Uta still loves music and grew up with this au's Luffy, who has the sing-sing fruit, so Uta and Bentham both play that role in a way. since both he and Vivi were in baroque works for a while, they often make references to that time like: "hey remember that time we did [super fucked up mission story none of the crew are willing to ask if is actually true]." Bentham's dream is not only to find the okama kingdom, but also to spread the okama ideal around the world so that more people understand it, which stems from his backstory - his parents disowned him because they weren't accepting of his identity :(. he fights with the okama kenpo style, and often trains with Reiju since their fighting styles are very compatible.
Franky -> Paulie (Shipwright) Paulie also wants to build a ship that sails the world, though he's less open about this ambition for fear of ridicule. after enies lobby - where Franky and Iceburg are captured to find the pluton blueprints - Franky decides to stay (for now) to help rebuild the galley-la company and fix up the sea trains with Iceburg. the ship the strawhats get built isn't the Sunny (if/when this au's Luffy sets sail, he'll eventually end up on the Sunny.) since I'm discarding most of the movie canon, their new ship is the Tot Musica: the figurehead bears a resemblance to the demon, and it's a bit more steampunk in design, since Paulie draws more inspiration from the sea trains and his style isn't the same as Franky's more high-tech designs. the Tot Musica's special features draw from stored solar power to work steam engines (like those in the sea trains) and to make an allusion to the sun since the ship isn't named after it. Paulie has a hard time at first on a ship with so many girls since he's so easily embarrassed lol… also he fights using a variety of ropes of different widths/strengths and with different weights/other objects tied onto them.
Brook -> Perona (Archeologist) the crew still help Brook out, but he decides he wants to sail a bit on his own to see how the world has changed. instead, they pick up Perona on thriller bark and she decides to join! I'm playing around a bit with how Perona's devil fruit works, and saying it also allows her to speak with ghosts to some extent. Perona gained an intrest in history because of this, and at one point in her childhood asked a ghost she knew to teach her lots of languages - this ghost was an oharan who died before the island was destroyed, so they taught her how to read poneglyphs without thinking it was a big deal. this ghost taught her enough that she is considered an honorary oharan archeologist, and she meets up with Robin at some point in the story and they get along pretty well. Perona's personality is still pretty close to canon, like her obsession with cute things (she loooves Karoo) but her dream is to find out more about the void century, since not even any ghosts she talks to can tell her about it. she fights using her devil fruit pretty much the same way, but she also has a tendency to see ghosts following people around and comment on it to unsettle them, like "oh your grandma is so disappointed in you :("
additionally, while most other canon characters stay the same, there are two other characters I'm adding, who also serve the purpose of rounding the supernovas up to an unlucky 13…
Lami Lami and Law both live in this au, and they're unhealthily codependent and attached at the hip. Lami is the Heart Pirates' first mate, though she's basically the co-captain. she and Law were both rescued by Corazon, since while both he and Doflamingo saw Doffy in Law, Cora saw himself in Lami. she's more of a medicinal/chemical based doctor as opposed to Law, a surgeon, and she fights using chemical concoctions and bombs - think a little like Honey Lemon from BH6? Lami originally doesn't have a devil fruit, but during dressrosa, since I haven't worked out how but I know Ace lives, the coliseum prize is Cora's devil fruit, which she obtains and eats.
Vicky "Punk Vicky" Victoria (the girl from Kidd's backstory who died & he named his ship after) is the captain of the Kidd Pirates, who are called the Punk Pirates in this au. Killer is still her first mate, and Kidd is the shipwright/mechanic/main fighter(?). Kidd still has the biggest bounty, due to property damage - something she's very frustrated about. I don't have much to work with for her, considering there's only one canon doodle of her, but to fit in with the punk-rock designs of the rest of the crew, I imagine she wears heavy/dark makeup, dyes her hair different bright colors (the mental image I have is her having a different hair color every time the strawhats meet her) and wears clothes with lots of spikes and patches. Vicky's main weapon would be a spiked baseball bat, and she's also skilled in hand-to-hand combat.
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m-i-c-drop-doodles · 10 months
One Piece AU idea - Fallout 4 Crossover Part 1
general premise is as follows (subject to change)
Railroad -> Revolutionary Army
Railroad splinter group -> Heart pirates
Enclave -> Celestial Dragons -> Gorosei are influencing the NCR
NCR -> World Government
Institute -> Germa 66 -> has a alliance with the Enclave
SRB -> CP9 etc.
Nukaworld Raider/bosses -> Pack (Beast pirates), Disciples (Big Mom pirates), Operators (Donquixote pirates). -> Blackbeard is trying to be the Overboss.
Nukaworld splinter group -> Kid pirates (was a small time gang that got absorbed)
Gunners -> Cross guild/warlords
Previous Minute Men -> was led by General Gol D Roger
Post-Minute Men splinter groups/allies -> Red Hair pirates, Whitebeard pirates
Strawhats -> New Minute Men (kinda)
Mayors -> Goodneighbor (Buggy), Dimond City (Cobra), Bunker Hill (Iceberg)
Plot? -> the NCR is invading the Commonwealth (under orders of the Enclave) to "bring order" to Boston. The Minute Men tried to fight them off but failed (Rodger was executed, the one piece is exists).
Devil Fruit are replaced with mutations (can still be caused by fruit) known as Genos ,and are considered the 4th generation of super mutants but no one is entirely sure how it works.
Characters (in development)
Sanji (Synth - Gen 4 Prototype) - Was previously at the Institute as a prototype of a new generation of synths, with initial plans for him to be a new type of Courser. However was 'Born' with emotions/sentience. Fled with the help of the Railroad and Reiju. Had a mind wipe and now lives in Dimond City with Zeff (ex-raider) and works at Power Noodle (he can understand Takahashi like how Nick Valentine can). Friends with Usopp (runs Dimond City Radio and is the Railroad agent who helped Sanji escape and relocate after his mind wipe), Takahashi (is secretly relived someone else can understand them), and Nick Valentine (helped Zeff after he left the raiders, knows Sanji is a synth and acts like a weird uncle at times).
Robin (Synth - Gen 3 - Ex Courser) - Prior to gaining her sentience, was previously at the Institute operating in the Synth Retention Bureau. However slowly gained emotions through interacting and later saving Chopper and Jinbe who were both imprisoned experiments of the Institute. Now on the run from the Institute and currently hiding with Chopper and Jinbe, where they meet Franky who takes them in to live at GoodNeighbor. is now working at The Third Rail as a bar tender/back up singer for Magnolia. Is still haunted by her actions as a Courser.
Chopper (Intelligent mutant reindeer) - Was born in the Institute as a experiment to test the mental capabilities of a herbivorous mammals when exposed to a modified form of FEV . Was kept in captivity and raised by Dr Hiriluk and Dr Kureha in secret, as he was more emotionally intelligent then what the experiment allowed along side Jinbe. Was then discovered and befriended Robin who found the secret lab by a teleportation glitch. After the lab was raided by SRB looking for Robin, was assisted by Dr Hirluk in escaping who sacrificed himself to let the others escape the facility. He is now on the run from the Insitute with Robin and Jinbe, currently living with Franky at Goodneighbor working at the Memory Den. (Dr Kureha is alive and assisting the Railroad at the Memory den with Chopper).
Jinbe (Intelligent Deathclaw (quantum deathclaw)) - was captured and experimented on by the Institute. Was kept hidden in the secret lab with the help of Dr Kureha and Fisher Tiger (who was also an experiment). Helped the doctors to raise Chopper (he is pretty much Chopper's uncle/dad) and Robin with her new emotions. Tried to help the other Intelligent experiments escape but was unable to save Fisher Tiger, lost track of the others during the SRB Raid. Is now on the run with Robin and Chopper from the Institute, currently living with Franky at Goodneighbor. Works part-time at Daisy's Discounts (buys Chopper and Robin books with Daisy's help finding them)
Feed back is appreciated as I have no idea what I'm doing but this idea is consuming me
it was either a Fallout au or a Pokémon au (with original characters) as I'm bouncing hypefixations at the moment with One Piece taking over my life.
send help, this was cooked up in just one afternoon
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Some of my favourite lines from my plans for shitty One Piece / Zosan drawings + fanfics Part 5
Oh noooo, I'm still here. (You can't kill me) law kinda interrupts like 'if you would do the honour of cutting your argument short, we have to depart soon, and your captain is starting to gnaw on the grass out of sheer gluttonous hunger, so if everyone could get to their posts before your navigator's head starts erupting with lava, that'd be great' - Bro's just tired, man. He didn't ask for this shit. sanji's kinda bleary as he comes to and he's like 'first of all, why the hell have you bastards kidnapped me?! second of all, why am i tied to a chair?' - This wasn't intentional but now every time I go back to this all I can think of is Sam from TGWDLM goin "Charlotte, baby, where am I, why am I tied to a chair?" the dude's like 'alright, slow down swirlylocks' sanji's like '…my hair isn't swirly' the dude's like 'shut up.' - Guy just needed the pun, leave him be. the other three are kinda like oy vey and one's like 'go get that damn manual, you buffoon. you must'a did it all kinds'a wrong if the person you tied up is complaining about the quality of your work!' - He's trying his best, alright? sanji's like '…that's a porn book. the naked people are naked cause it's porn.' the dude's like 'ohhh…' then he's like 'oh!' and chucks the book/comic thing away - Egads! after a few seconds he can only kinda weakly mutter out 'you're gonna... pay for... this' before he blacks out again as they all laugh insert full house music - Everywhere you look, everywhere you go, there's a face, of somebody who needs you- the childhood friend dude shows up at the railing off'a like, idk a fucking jetski or some shit - probably just a boat idk - Guy's a little wacky with it, shit happens. the childhood friend dude raises an eyebrow and smirks bemusedly like 'seriously, you're a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an igneous, dude' - Literally just quoting mlp at this point, boys 👍
zoro's fuckin dumbfounded and is just kinda dimly like 'y… you said all that about me, cook?' sanji turns to face zoro and is still bright red like 'shut the fuck up right now or i'll shove my foot so far up your ass you'll think you grew a second spine and i'll be wearing your tiny, mossy brain like an anklet' zoro huffs an amused breath, although still a bit shell-shocked, while ray's like 'oh yeah, he also said that your shoes are untied' zoro looks down at his shoes like 'huh?' - 1. Ray's the 'childhood friend dude' 2. He listed off a bunch'a shit Sanji had told him in letters. 3. 🤨🤨 nami just puts up an a-okay sign like 'don't care, sanji' robin just smiles and goes 'i can say with utmost certainty that they are in fact pieces of clothing that you are currently wearing, sanji' - R.I.P then law just fuckin shows up outta nowhere and they're all like 'wtf' - Uh-oh, surprise Law event. law just kinda grimaces, briefly glancing at luffy who's sorta struggling like a cockroach - He's a creature. A li'l guy, if you will.
luffy just mopes like 'but namiiii~ it looked like food, and i was hungryyy' usopp's just exhasperated like 'it was clearly made of polystyrene' luffy's like 'so?!' usopp's like 'polystyrene is not food!' luffy's just like 'you don't know that! just cause it made me throw up doesn't mean it wasn't food! lots of things can make you throw up! lobsters, crabs, goats!' - Nothing will stop me from constantly referencing everything all the time. (The 'lobsters, crabs, goats' part is in reference to TTO). 'also who're you calling uptight and swirly?!' zoro gets annoyed as well, smirking, and they do the head bonk grr thing, like 'who do you think, ammonite brows? you've got a stick shoved so far up your ass it got lost and bent itself over your eyes!' - Oof. and it's just a bit like crackaboom uh oh we can't deal with this well - Hate when that happens. and the dude's like 'not much' then he calls over this servant or whatever from their gang and bites his fucking fingers off - Really hate when that happens. then his eye gets like, sparkles in it, and he straight up explodes - Lost another one 😔
and zoro just kinda looks at his ass then narrows his eyes sorta fry-like and goes 'mhm…' - I call this piece 'Contemplation of a posterior.', the bidding will start at [REDACTED] zoro's off to the side having heart palpitations or some shit - Bitches and their heart problems, I swear. usopp, luffy, chopper and franky are just annoyed screaming while sanji's like 'JUST DIE ALREADY!' - Zoro is no longer held in high esteem by the council. then sanji's got a gun in one hand and it's straight up in zoro's mouth and he's still gripping the robe with the other hand and he's like 'I'M TELLING YOU-' - The idea of everything being relatively normal before one character suddenly has a gun and is threatening another out of nowhere is a brain worm that I can't remove. snooj blush more die sink down floor dead zoor like wha - wha then sanji goes 'so how'd you meet levy?' gajeel's like '…' then kinda like '…i crucified her' and sanji's just like 'excuse me-' - And that's how I met your mother. sanji just groans in agony and slumps down further before melting into goo (lesgooooo) - Lesgooooo and they flip over to brook and rip his whole fucking outfit into two equal sides and he's like 'yoho?!' then tiny text 'oh my?!' - Oh my. then he does like that fist pump thing and exhaling out his nose komi-san style and he's confident < - fool - 🫵 Fool.
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Hi lin just wanted to say that I read your : Yandere merpeople strawhats x gn reader 
And it’s so good !!💗
Honestly I don’t blame the reader being scared of the sea , it’s frightening!! 
We know nothing about it and good luck trying to fight a shark cause ha!  You have a better chance fighting a lion XD (Me when I read Luffy would be bull shark : 👀😰💀 Luffy I love u but omg keep your distance cousins away from me please )🙏😭
‘Oh my God. Merpeople. This is a merman and you’re surrounded by more of them. Every rumor you’ve heard about them comes to find instantly in one big violent pang. That they love nothing more than to drag any poor unsuspecting human they come across out into the ocean to drown them. That they would eat you after you died. That they could curse humans into becoming like them.’
Oooh yep reader is in trouble especially if there do turn them into one ? I wonder what type of fish the reader would be ?? Sea bunny, a seal ,maybe even a jellyfish 🥰
Pfft why can I now imagine the reader just yeeting Luffy of them XD !! Just YEET !!! 
Oooh Luffy got their scent 👀 good luck reader your gonna need it ~ 
Ooh Luffy as a bull shark good choice , pfft I didn’t know bull sharks fight crocodile’s 🤣 
Green moray eel for Zoro is spot on XD Zoro please go take a shower 🙏
Ooh Nami as a flame angelfish very pretty , excellent choice😍 
Usopp as a indo-pacific sailfish , is a really good choice , I didn’t know what a indo-pacific sailfish was till I typed it in and omg yess Usopp would look amazing as a indo-pacific sailfish!!
Sanji as a pelagic thresher shark is pure genius especially since we all know kicks are Sanji fighting style and wow I can see why pelagic thresher shark use there tail as a weapon it’s massive !! 
Chopper as a blue spotted pufferfish I can really see happing in the show , I wonder can he travel on earth since he used to be a reindeer ? Or is this like one piece devil fruit users can’t go in water makes them weaker , but for this Merpeople can’t go on land cause it makes them weaker or would there be alright for awhile🤔👀
Robin as a mimic octopus is pure genius!! Especially since it works well with her devil fruit! Rollin you done amazing job with the fic and amazing choices for type of fish the strawhats would be !😎👌
I really enjoyed reading this , hope your doing ok 💗
Thank you!
I actually loosely based their fear after my own fear of the ocean. Being lost at sea is genuinely my worst fear, I refuse to do more than wading in the ocean because of it.
I'm not really sure what kind of fish to make the reader, I'm still debating if I even want to specify it or leave it vague so readers can choose their own fish. I might go with an aquatic mammal though, something that still requires air and can't exclusively live underwater. I think that would be interesting given their fears.
I'm glad you liked the choices I made for them! It took a while, but I had a lot of fun picking them out. Thresher sharks are my favorite fish, so I'm very happy I was able to use them for Sanji.
Regarding Chopper, he can change forms to go on land, but only very briefly. It's pretty risky, so he usually avoids it when he can. I imagine that since merfolk are already in danger on land, the devil fruit would just kinda speed it up. Like they dry out faster than a regular merperson would.
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