#still this in love at ur big age…disgusting…..(i love them i love them i love them)
sapphic--kiwi · 1 month
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i’m somewhat of an old man yaoi enjoyer myself 🤎💙
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teapartyprincess4two · 4 months
hi i love ur older sister oneshots. i was wondering if you could write one of the sister and matt? like maybe it’s a flashback of when matt was like 17 or 18 or something or even in the present but he kinda becomes really protective over the sister after seeing one of his friends or maybe influencer friends like flirt with her? he starts like throwing his arm sound her and not letting her leave his sight etc and the sisters just confused because obviously she’s married but matt still can’t help but be protective or maybe this is when matt is in high school i don’t know 😭
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Big Sister PT.3- Sturniolo Triplets
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pairing: BigSister!Reader x LittleBrother!Triplets
classification: platonic fluff, sibling banter
warning: use of Y/n, slight cursing, mention of jealousy, overprotective brothers, Sam and Colby are in this ofc, short
inspiration: requests^^, Ghost Hunting at Haunted Driscoll Hotel (ft. Sturniolo Triplets)
summary: Your brothers have always been overprotective of you, and they do a good job of showing it while filming with Sam and Colby.
Big Sister PT.1, PT.2
“Okay, Y/n and I will share a bed. And you and Matt can share a bed,” Nick instructs pointing between Chris and Matt as you all entered your shared hotel room. He was always so bossy towards the rest of you, feeling no shame in directing every situation.
“Umm no, how about you three share a bed and I sleep all by myself,” you say. You’re only half-joking, this is your the first time away from your husband in a while and the last thing you wanted to do was share a bed with one of your brothers. But, seeing as there’s only two beds, you’re going to have to share with one of them whether you wanted to or not.
“Ew don’t be sassy,” Nick replies, dumping his bags on one of the beds. You roll your eyes, dumping your stuff onto the same bed.
“No, since you don’t wanna share with me get your dirty things off my bed,” Nick says, grabbing your things and throwing them onto the other bed dramatically. Chris and Matt are watching in amusement, you and Nick always managed to get into an argument no matter the situation.
“Me and Matt are sharing, you guys can sleep on the floor,” Chris comments, plopping down on the mattress and kicking his shoes off. The flight from L.A to Texas was exhausting, mostly because he had Nick yapping in his ear about the week’s itinerary. Then Matt wouldn’t stop getting up to use the restroom, the anxiety of flying hitting him like a ton of bricks.
Matt joins him on the bed, kicking his shoes off and propping his feet on your things. “Matt! Get your stinky boy feet off my stuff!” you exclaim, slapping his feet dramatically. He erupts in a fit of laughter, wiggling his toes inside his socks to taunt you. Chris laughs too, joining Matt and rubbing his feet on your bags.
“You two are disgusting,” Nick comments with a small chuckle, grabbing a few things as he heads into the restroom. You pinch Chris’s pinky toe, causing him to yelp in pain and move his feet immediately. You send a warning look towards Matt, ready to pinch him too if he doesn’t stop.
“What? My feet are clean!” Matt protests.
The long awaited day has finally arrived, your brothers were collabing with Sam and Colby. At first you were content with watching from the sidelines, only accompanying them because they invited you. But, they were successfully able to persuade you into being a main character for the video. Ever since your appearance on the Cut The Camera podcast, the fans have fallen in love with you. Every time the triplets mention you in a video, their comments are flooded with requests for them to bring you back.
You’ve been a fan of Sam and Colby for as long as you can remember, following them since their days on vine. Also, because you’re close in age with them, you can easily relate to their content. Not to mention that you had the biggest crush on Colby when you first became a fan. Your brothers knew how big of a fan you were, so of course they had to invite you along.
When Sam and Colby mentioned that the filming would be done in the Haunted Driscoll Hotel in Austin, your brothers jumped at the opportunity to invite you, it was the perfect opportunity for you to finally meet two of your favorite content creators. Plus Austin was extremely close to your small town, so the drive wasn’t too long, and you were more than happy to spend some quality time with your three brothers.
The four of you are currently meeting Sam and Colby at a barbecue restaurant near the Driscoll Hotel. First impressions are important, so you’ve dressed your best and even done your makeup. It’s not that you want to impress them, it’s just that you’ve been a fan for so long that you want them to remember you at your best. Your brothers can sense how excited you are, rolling their eyes at your fangirl-like behavior.
You pull up to the restaurant parking lot, an excited expression written all over your face. Matt, who’s sitting in the seat behind the passenger seat, is the first to notice this, “Calm down, buddy.” You couldn’t help it though, you felt like a middle schooler finally getting to meet her favorite celebrity.
“I am calm,” you reply coyly, sending him an annoyed look through the rear view mirror. Chris who’s sitting in the passenger seat speaks as he lowers the radio, “You’re literally squealing like a little girl.”
You scrunch your nose, you don’t like that word it made it sound like you were an animal, “ew don’t say that. It’s weird.”
“Don’t say what?” Nick asks, finally tuning into the conversation.
“Squeal. Chris said I’m ‘squealing,’ “ you do air quotes around the word, each time you say it it sounds more and more cursed. “Cause you literally are. Don’t forget you’re a MARRIED woman,” Matt chimes in, becoming annoyed with your behavior. In reality you weren’t even being weird, you were just excited, your brothers were just making it weird.
You roll your eyes at them, they’re overreacting. Your left hand comes up from your lap, wiggling your ring finger so they could see the diamond ring, “pretty hard to forget.”
Matt’s about to reply, but Nick notices Sam and Colby approaching your vehicle. They’re squinting their eyes, trying to see through the dark tinted windows. “Shush! They’re coming!” Nick exclaims, making a quick hand signal in front of Matt’s face to shut him up. Matt slaps his hand away, “Nick get your hand out of my fucking face.”
Another argument is about to begin, but Nick opens his car door before anything else can be said. The three of you follow suit, joining Nick as he walks towards Sam and Colby. With each step you felt the nerves bubbling up in your stomach, they were really right there! It felt so surreal, it felt like an actual dream.
As the pair walked closer they greeted you all, unafraid and without any hint of awkwardness in their tone. This made it easier to meet them and you couldn’t help but let your hug linger a little too long. Your brothers watched intently, eyes closing in on Colby’s hand’s that wandered too far south for their liking, but they didn’t say anything.
When you all finished eating, the conversation between the group came naturally. Most of the questions were directed towards your brothers, seeing as they were the famous ones, but Colby managed to create a linguistic flow between just the two of you. It was easy to talk to him; you two were close in age and had so much in common because of it.
“So you live in Texas?” Colby asks, his finger pinching his straw so he can stir his drink around. He has a big, cheeky smile on his face as he locks eyes with you, mindlessly flirting with you.
You didn’t even notice he was flirting, you were just so excited to be meeting him. Plus, you weren’t flirting, you were just fangirling. “Yeah, I moved down here not too long ago. I still travel a lot back to Boston and sometimes I’ll go visit them in L.A,” you reply, motion towards your brothers who are deeply immersed in a conversation with Sam.
Colby hums in response, taking a sip of his drink. His eyes are trained on you as he replies, “Which do you like more? Texas, Massachusetts, or California?”
You send him a look of hurt, pretending to be offended by such a difficult question. “How could I ever choose?” you reply playfully, a small laugh following. Each place held a different significance for you and was special in its own way, but you’d definitely choose Massachusetts over anything. It was your home base, the place that you and all your brothers, including Justin, called home.
“C’mon just one,” he teases. His hands inch slowly towards yours that are resting on the table, but you’re too innocent to notice that he’s actively trying to make a move on you.
“Okay, fine. Massachusetts.”
Colby hums in response as his hand finally reaches yours, squeezing it tightly in his firm grip. You look down in shock, finally realizing what he was doing. Your diamond wedding ring was on full display, but even that didn’t stop him.
As soon as Colby’s skin comes in contact with yours, your brothers notice. Their focus goes from their conversation with Sam to the horrific scene on the table. Sam notices the shift in attention and follows their gaze, mentally facepalming at his friend’s boldness. Leave it to Colby to flirt with someone they barely met, someone who is directly related to their soon to be ‘business partners.’
Sam kicks Colby from under the table, trying to signal that he needs to stop whatever he’s doing, “So, should we start heading to the hotel?”
Colby let’s go of your hand reluctantly.
“Yeah we should go,” you say, pulling your hands off the table and into the pocket of your sweater. Your mind was racing, did THE Colby Brock have a crush on you? You look towards your brothers expectantly, hoping they’d chime in so you can leave this awkward situation.
“Okay. We’ll meet you there,” Colby comments, standing from his spot across you and patting Sam on the back, leading him out the door as they briefly wave you all goodbye. He steals one last look at you, a smirk on his face. You all wave back while watching as they walk to their car, waiting until they’re fully inside to talk about what just happened.
Nick is the first to speak, “What the FUCK was that?” His finger motions erratically where your and Colby’s hands were previously intertwined. A disgusted look is etched all over his face. You didn’t even know what just happened, so you don’t respond.
“Did he fucking hold your hand?” Chris asks, pinching the bridge of his nose. He was fighting to keep professional, for some reason it really bothered him that Colby was ballsy enough to pull a move like that on you in front of them.
“I think so. He was just being friendly,” you try to reason, twirling your wedding ring on your finger from under the table. “That was NOT just a friendly interaction, Y/n. He was literally eye fucking you,” Nick comments again, gathering all the trash on the table onto his tray. Your face goes red, had he really been flirting with you?
Matt’s face scrunches in disgust, “Nick don’t say shit like that. It’s fucking weird.”
“What! It’s true!” Nick replies, getting up and tossing his tray in the trash. “Nick just shut the fuck up, you’re being weird,” Chris interjects, sending Nick a warning look. Nick was placing an image in their head that they didn’t want to imagine.
“That’s not true, Nick. He was just trying to include me,” you say, getting up from your seat and throwing your own tray away.
When your brothers had first invited you to be a part of this collaboration you were anxious to enter a hotel surrounded by paranormal activity but excited to meet two of your favorite YouTubers, now you’re just nervous to be around Colby again.
“Yeah trying to include you in his bed,” Nick jokes in a dramatic tone, leading the way back to the car.
“Nick, actually shut the fuck up. I’m going to punch you,” Matt speaks this time. He’s so uncomfortable with this conversation, mainly because you’re his sister and he hates how Nick is talking about you, but also because he doesn’t know whether to take on the roll of the overprotective brother or to let it slide for the sake of the video.
All four of your brothers have been overprotective of you for as long as you can remember. It started with Justin, he’d protect you from bullies at school, stray dogs when you were walking home, and when you got older he began chasing away any boy that got too close. That’s one of the reasons why he completely shut you out when he found out about your relationship with Jack, he felt like he failed as an older brother to protect you and the worst part was that it was with his best friend.
Eventually, when Justin moved away, Matt and Chris assumed the role of protective brothers and would do the same. At first it was cute, just your two little brothers trying to protect you from small things like a scary movie, a stormy day, or a hot pan on the stove. But eventually, as they got older, it turned into them sending dirty looks at any man who looked at you for too long. They might’ve felt this way towards Jack, your husband, if they were aware of your relationship, but because you two kept it a secret for so long it bloomed without the protective watch of your brothers. Once you got married, they felt a sense of responsibility and loyalty towards Jack, wanting to protect you from anything and everyone, especially when Jack wasn’t around to do it. It felt like their duty was to announce to the world, ‘our sister is married and we will fight any guy who comes near her!’
Nick was more laid back about these things, he knew you were fully capable of defending yourself if needed and he honestly didn’t see the big deal in mindless flirting. It’s not like you were constantly flirting with random strangers, it’s just that he knew you were fully capable of taking care of yourself. Plus, as a gay man, he was better able to distinguish between a man who was flirting and a man who was just being polite. Also, growing up you would always give Nick the best boy advice, so he knew you had a good head on your shoulders. But, in this specific case, he was able to tell that Colby was definitely flirting and for some reason he felt a little weird about it too. Sure he was cracking jokes about it, but he still couldn’t help but feel the need to sling an arm around your shoulder and pull you away from any further conversations with Colby.
The drive to the hotel was awkward and quiet, the only sound being Chris’s music over the car stereo. Matt insisted on driving, mumbling something about needing a distraction, earning you a seat in the back. They all knew that as soon as you arrived to the hotel, Colby wouldn’t cease his incessant flirting and they’d be forced to be on guard. This was meant to be a fun, safe hangout, but instead they’re on edge at the thought of a stranger putting the moves on their sister.
Finally you arrive to the hotel, Matt grumbles an almost inaudible “we’re here” before turning the car off and hopping out. You all get off, but as an older sister you can’t let them go in there in a bad mood, it would ruin the fun and definitely wouldn’t look good on camera, “wait guys, come here.” They were walking up to the hotel already, but stop in their tracks to join you in a quick group huddle.
“Let’s get rid of all this nasty, bad energy,” you instruct, pretending to dust the bad energy off and throw it away.
You always used to do this with them growing up, especially on days when you had to drive them to school and they would let their sour moods ruin their morning. Nick and Chris look at you with goofy smiles, reminiscing on childhood memories of you cheering them up before school.
“That’s so embarrassing, I’m not doing that,” Nick laughs, watching as you begin doing a small dance to get rid of even more bad energy. Chris, who’s unashamed to partake in anything, immediately copies you. He’s doing a random, silly dance that puts a smile on his face right away, washing away any previous lingering ill feelings towards Colby. “Chris you’re actually insane,” Nick laughs again, watching as Chris twirls his arms and kicks his feet.
“It’s working though, all my bad energy is gone,” Chris comments with a laugh, using his arms to figuratively push the bad energy off of him. Nick decides to join, stomping his feet loudly on the floor before hooting, “Oh yeah! Woohoo!”
At this point you, Nick and Chris are dancing around Matt like crazy people and he’s trying his hardest not to laugh. He holds a tight lipped smile, his head tilted upward and away from you all. “Come on Matt, let those bad energies go,” you tease, poking his sides. He’s pretty unrelenting, not wanting to embarrass himself in front of any wandering eyes. Chris and Nick join you in encouraging Matt and after a while he finally gives in, doing his signature double dutch move, a stank face forming on his face.
“Yeah Matt! Get in to it!” Chris exclaims, hyping his brother up.
The vibes are completely different now, going from dark and moody to light and playful. “Okay guys, let’s forget about whatever happened at the restaurant and just try to have fun,” you say, smiling at your three brothers. The last thing you wanted was to ruin their chance at an awesome collaboration.
They hum in unison, the four of you walking up to the hotel, mentally preparing for the night ahead.
The hotel was eery, if you would’ve come alone you might’ve been more scared, but your brothers are here which makes it less scary. The tour guide walks you through the most haunted areas of the hotel, explaining its backstory in great detail as you all joked around. Throughout the tour Colby kept sneaking subtle glances at you, brushing past you, leading you into rooms with a hand on the small of your back, and directing many of his questions your way. Of course your brothers noticed, but the cameras were rolling so there wasn’t much they could do.
The room you all are currently exploring is lined from wall to wall with mirrors, Sam and Colby explain how each pair of mirrors is rumored to create a vortex to an alternate dimension. The guide explains that the mirrors were a gift from a man who used to live in the hotel for his beautiful wife Carlotta. Colby is quick to comment, “If she looks anything like Y/n, she must’ve been gorgeous.” Sam, who’s holding the camera, pans it towards you to catch your reaction. All you can manage to do is smile awkwardly and mutter a small, “thanks.”
Matt, who still held some resentment from earlier, instinctively slings an arm over your shoulder and pulls you into him. Chris stands closer to you too, trying to remind Colby that even if he did find you beautiful, you were still their sister.
After a while, the tour guide leaves and lets you guys examine the mirrors in further detail. They’re so beautiful and intricate, if they weren’t so expensive you might ask for one in your own home. Matt still holds you close, the four of you walking in a group around the room.
“I love these mirrors,” you whisper to your brothers, brushing your fingers on the delicate, ornate designs of the frames.
“I bet Jack would’ve loved them too,” Nick comments slyly, raising his voice a little to ensure that Colby hears him. Sam pans the camera to him, “Who’s Jack? Is that like another one of your brothers?”
You’re so embarrassed you want to shrink into the floor, disappear into thin air, maybe even fall through the floor and into the core of the Earth. “Yeah, our brother in law,” Matt replies, pulling you in even closer to his side.
“Oh cool, so like another sister’s husband? Or… Nick, are you married?” Colby asks, completely obviously. He looks between you and your brothers, trying to decipher who Jack was to you all. Sam, who understood from the get go what Matt was getting at, wants to facepalm at his friend’s stupidity.
“What? No. Y/n’s husband,” Nick replies, pointing at you.
“Oh… Ohhhhh,” Colby’s face flushed a bright shade of red when he realizes that you’re married. You send him an apologetic smile, both for not telling him earlier and because your brothers were being so embarrassing.
For the rest of the night Colby keeps his distance and even apologizes to you off camera. He makes a comment along the lines of, “I’m sorry, I didn’t know. That doesn’t make you any less beautiful though.” You accept his apology, thank him and Sam for inviting you, and gush slightly about how long you’ve been a fan. Colby makes sure to apologize to your brothers too, he didn’t mean any disrespect with his flirting, but he still feels the need to make amends. Chris and Nick are quick to forgive, but Matt takes a little more convincing.
Overall, you guys had a lot of fun despite Colby’s flirtatiousness and they’d actually love to collab with them again.
On the way back to the hotel you can’t help but comment on their behavior, “you know I didn’t need you guys to speak up for me, right?” Your eyes are trained on the road, hands firmly gripping the steering wheel.
“Mhm sure,” Chris replies from the passenger seat, scrolling on his phone and working towards tuning you out. They defended you and protected your honor, why were you getting I pset?
“Sometimes we can’t help it. We see something we don’t like and we just wanna body slam everyone to the ground,” Nick replies jokingly, looking at you through the rearview mirror. He’s hoping that you’ll laugh, or even crack a joke in return, but you just keep your eyes trained on the road. That’s when he realizes you’re actually bothered.
“Okay, but it was a bit much. Matt with his arm over my shoulder, Chris standing in front of me like some type of guard dog, and then you making snarky comments.”
Nick rolls his eyes, his comments weren’t that snarky. Chris finally looks up from his phone, “did you just call me a dog?” You side eye him, holding in your laughter.
“Should we just let a guy be creepy next time?” Matt asks, watching as you pick at the steering wheel.
“It wasn’t just some guy though, it was THE Colby Brock.”
“Doesn’t matter, he was still being creepy,” Matt’s response is quick. He was usually quiet and reserved, but when he knew he was right he didn’t back down. “Whatever,” you grumble, there’s no point in arguing with someone who thinks they’re right no matter what you say. Especially when that person is Matt.
The car goes quiet for a while, the hum of the engine being the only buffer between you and the awkward silence. Chris is still thinking long and hard though, had you really compared him to a dog? He couldn’t decide if he found it cool or if he was offended.
“Did you call me a dog?!” Chris exclaims, breaking the silence abruptly and earning a round of laughter from the rest of you. No matter what, you and your brothers always bounced back, you could never be mad at each other for too long.
A/n: Thank you for the requests! This sat in my drafts for a while because I wasn’t sure what direction to take it in, but after watching the Triplet’s collab w/ Sam and Colby, this felt fitting.
Also this was so odd to write because MY name is Sam so I kept getting tripped out lolol
I’m writing other requests and stories at the moment, but when I finish those I’ll come back and write in the whole shopping trip vlog into this ✨BIG SISTER LORE✨
Hope you enjoy. Luv youuu!! Kk bye thanksss
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p-antomime · 2 years
KIKI MY LOVE ❤❤! What's ur thoughts about atepdad!Osamu and Uncle!Atsumu?
nonnie you're a one, and i have a few thoughts about they both so, listen, listen carefully.
୧ : tw.: stepcest, hints of voyeurism, breeding!kink, threesome, age gap.
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oh, stepdad!osamu & uncle!atsumu.
osamu would be very affectionate and would even try to be a "father" in the sense of providing security and being present even for some things that were very silly to him, but for you would be very important — he could tell how important they were by the way your eyes sparkled and a wide smile appeared on your face when you talked about them. however, osamu wouldn't know how to handle the day that you would meet his brother because he thought that atsumu would still be a little immature, even though he was much older than before, and this would result in: a family lunch in which osamu felt the need to stare and analyze the way his brother acted, just to make sure that you were comfortable, that his brother wouldn't talk or do something impertinent.
or he, your stepfather, thought so. until he felt strangely uncomfortable with the way atsumu took too long for his liking in the goodbye hug you exchanged at the door of the house.
after that day, stepdad!osamu has become a little more secretive about the boys in your life. crush at college? osamu wants his name and wants to know what he does for a living. crush at the bus or the subway? osamu wants to know, too, and will pray to god that you don't run into him more often when you come home from college. someone who has picked up your phone on the street? osamu will walk out with you more often, with his arm around your shoulders, so that everyone think you are just a couple with a bit of an age difference.
before you could even realize it properly, stepdad!osamu would be running his eyes down your exposed thighs through your pajama shorts for seconds too long. and in almost every shower his hand would be around his cock pumping it not only while he fantasizes about your palm there, but also imagines how much tighter your pussy would be. he needed the real thing, as time went by his hand wouldn't be enough and neither would any other woman's holes.
he just didn't know that your favorite uncle texted you almost every day, atsumu liked you. not like osamu did, yet, but did! he would constantly be walking around the city and when he found something you liked, he would think about buying it for you and would definitely deliver the gift as soon as possible.
and then atsumu would find himself needing to put out of his mind your smile & face when he was alone, at night, under the sheets.
while it was a torture for your uncle to spend days trying to control himself and convince himself that it was no big deal, it was all too easy for your stepdad to put his hands on you when it was just the two of you alone. it started with just the typical caresses he left on your shoulders every day, it didn't seem like a big deal because you were already used to it, and then osamu started purposely wanting to help you a little more with the housework, coming up behind you and maybe unintentionally letting his cock and pelvis rub against your ass; you could feel it underneath the shorts, even the underwear. you could feel him underneath all of that, but you didn't allow yourself to feel him filling you up inside because it was so wrong that you were disgusted with yourself.
and it got worse when your stepfather gave you an adorable smile after whispering that he loved you and leaving a little kiss on your forehead before you went to bed.
it was on one of those nights that he stayed up late without knowing that you had also stayed up late. you intended to get off alone, without help, he intended to slide into your room and fuck you with your face smothered in pillows so as not to make too much noise. and your mistake was to use headphones when your slid a hand into your pajamas to play with your sensitive clit. it was too obvious the skin change between your delicate fingers and his touching your pussy and you didn't even think to close your legs; it was the only sign osamu needed to know that you were a slut for your stepfather and had always been there to be used until your holes were leaking with his thick, sticky cum.
unfortunately, not for you, it turned out to be a routine. osamu would spend the whole day just waiting for night to come so he could eat you out like he hadn't eaten in days, so he could hold you by the waist while fucking you so hard until he left little fingerprints on your skin.
it was on one of these "fun" nights, one when your mother had to stay late at work, that atsumu thought it would be nice to give you one of the gifts he bought during the week — and osamu didn't remember that he had given him a copy of the house keys, in case of an emergency.
and atsumu knew very well how your moans would sound, he had fantasized about them several times. even so, the most obvious choice was to lock the door, go up the stairs in silence and slowly go in search of the ajar door that hid you and your stepdad with fingers knucles-deep inside your pussy, the loud wet sounds of kissing and your entrance being stretched made both of their dicks painfully hard.
the door opened, you immediately tried to pull away from osamu and his brother let out a mocking laugh before he finished entering, closed the door and spoke, "never thought you were the type to ever fuck your stepdaughter, brother."
osamu's eyes fell between his brother's legs and the response came quickly, "you say it as if you weren't the one being so horny over us, atsumu."
you could barely think, your stepfather's fingers kept thrusting and rubbing your clit with just the right amount of pressure to make you melt and whimper. and atsumu preferred to just move closer in silence, each time getting a better look at the way your tight hole clenched around his brother's digits with no intention of letting them go.
"Can I?"
"Just wait— a second, hold on," osamu spoke curving his fingers once again and hitting your sweetest spot.
you couldn't hold on and in a matter of seconds your body was shaking, your pussy was squirting and making a mess, and your eyes were locked on atsumu's. you could feel how much he wanted to touch you just by the way his eyes were eating you, dripping with desire and need.
Your high took long seconds to disappear and your stepfather pulled you against his body, leaving you leaning against his chest with legs spread and your pussy on display still dripping, "Shh, sweetie, it was good, wasn't it? I could feel you throbbing a lot, needin' a break, hm?"
atsumu knelt exactly between your legs and you tried to close them, to which osamu held them open with one hand and spoke again, "Keep them open for him, yeah? He's goin' to treat you so well, don't you trust your family?"
and all you could do was nod the head in agreement, completely out of breath and with your legs still trembling. your stepdad's brother smiled sideways and planted a kiss on your belly, his fingers ghosting up the inside of your thighs and his eyes glued on yours.
"don't worry, angel, your daddy is here, your uncle 'Tsumu is here, nothing to fear, right?"
atsumu asked rhetorically and immediately, before you or osamu could answer, slid his mouth to eat you out almost as well as he did.
it was a pity that his tasting your sweet pussy didn't last long: neither of those two men was very willing to spend any more time without making you feel a cock from inside, which means that double breeding is coming right the way and the neighbors would think you had got a new boyfriend.
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— haikyū masterlist.
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wolfpawzjakey · 22 days
Jercy but the Roman big three continued to give birth to demigods as if nothing had happened, so Jason, Nico [except Hazel] and Percy have full sets of siblings.
And the children of Neptune, who passionately loved Percy as their brother, are not very enthusiastic about his boyfriend.
the younger children do nasty things to Jason, the older ones look disapprovingly, pursing their lips and all the time trying to talk to Percy on the topic "maybe it's not worth it after all."
Displeasure of the gods is one thing, but displeasure of your sibblings is quite another... and I don't think the children of Neptune would support their brother's relationship with the son of Jupiter - Lou June 🪷
When Percy learned he had sibling, many actually, at Camp Jupiter, he was surprisingly excited. He was happy to meet and mingle with them. He’d become close to them, their perfect middle brother, but he’d never quite realized how tricky being in this position would be. His siblings at Camp Jupiter were unrelenting when it came to their distaste and distrust of Jason, even worse acting when they realized just what sort of relationship they had. His older and similarly aged siblings were made of ice, always looking at Jason like he was the scum of the planet, they never shifted away from that. When Percy’d introduced them personally to Jason, he’d been met with the silent treatment, a harsh glare and a weighed down feeling of “really? This is the best you could do?”.
His younger siblings never fall short of acting incredibly childish about Jason too. They were louder, more openly disrespectful toward the son of Jupiter. They expressed their disgust openly and freely, with no filter. Even the littlest were made to misbehave around Jason, screaming and squawking if Jason tried to get on their level to play, hitting and kicking at him. It did damage to Jason, nothing physically of course, but mentally, he’d been so wrung dry by the interactions that he’d begun to doubt himself. Percy, still, held no doubt in his relationship with Jason, but seeing his boyfriend so out of sorts, it made him take pause. He took all the information and interactions into mind and quickly ejected himself and Jason from the situation, he’d just barely met these siblings, sure, maybe they cared about him, but if they acted this way blindly to his boyfriend, a relationship with them was maybe not so important.
Percy is a Jason stan just like the rest of us, sorry new family, ur just not chill enough to vibe with the rest of us.
I think Percy having siblings at CJ would be such an interesting concept because he does have such a strong concept of family, but he’s also insanely dedicated to his friends. He’d struggle really hard with conflict like this, but his brain is so wired toward niceness and justice that I feel like he’d wind out and take Jason’s side no matter how much meddling and manipulation they tried to win Percy over against Jason. His siblings would fs hate Jason, but Percy would probs just be like “kk, byeeeee”
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lilpotatjj · 1 year
helloo so i have a request
could you write a bella ramsey x reader (romantic) where bella comes back to their shared flat late due to filming (could be for tlou or something else) and finds the reader crying because people on social media have been rude since they have a 5 year age gap between them (the relationship is legal)
maybe a wee bit of angst but nothing to bad, tyyyy!!
(make sure to get plenty of rest and stay hydrated!!)
A/N: Here u go Hope u like it and thanks for the great request. ppl can somtimes be really rude. no questions ask. don't let ur guard down my sweet Readers <3 you are precious the way u are!
Warning: rude comments and stupid acc names, fluff and sweet words for comforting reader
I don't care cause I love you always <3
Weirdo23: *Mom complex*
Duckface: *You don't deserve Bella, she's too young for you.*
JuStAtRoLl: *there's money that makes the music….don't love! you weirdo. As if she loves Bella*
Grudge666: *that will never last! Bella's too busy with everything and you're taking full advantage. shame on you!*
Bananaaaa: *wanting attention. the main thing is to be the centre of attention. How can Bella find anything to like about you? True love comes from both sides. Poor Bella, she really doesn't deserve this. I hate people like you!*
The horrible comments go on and on without really ending. Snuggled up with a blanket around you and tears in your eyes, you read through most of the disgusting comments. You shudder at the thought of stepping outside the door and feel that if Bella reads this, she won't love you anymore. People on the internet are too violent to write such nasty things…protected by anonymity.
One after the other, tears run down your face as you suddenly hear the crack of a key.
"I'm home babe!" You quickly try to wipe away the tears but the pain is too great and deep inside you, a sob slips out. "Y/N?" Bella asks while comming into the room you share together with them.
"Oh darling!? what happened? Are you okay?" Actually completely exhausted from filming the new season of the last of us, Bella comes straight to you and takes you in her arms.
You try to pull yourself together but when you feel her tender warmth you lose yourself completely in your grief.
"oh baby ssshhh…it's ok…….I'm here" Tight in her arms they lets you cry it out and just stands by you.
"I….I'm so s…sorry." You sob again and don't manage to look at her at all, so they hold your face in their hands.
I would really like to know what happened" Bella looks deep into your eyes. "What are you apologising for?" your Tears flow down their hands. You swallow hard and take her hands away from your face. Your phone is still vibrating, one nasty message after another in one of your collaborative posts with Bella, in which you give her a kiss on the cheek. They read some of the bad comments and look at your face wordlessly. "oh Dear….I'm so sorry! please don't let things like that get to your head!" she looks at you comfortingly.
"is that true? is there any truth about the comments? am i too old for you?" you look at her almost blankly.
"no, not at all. why? it's only 5 years, nothing big. besides, i'm almost 20! i think i'm mature enough to decide for myself who i love!" She looks at you with a serious look and means every single word.
Tears come to your eyes again at all her words. "I really don't want to lose you…..I love you too much. you are everything to me…"
"i love you too and i would never leave you because of such comments. let them talk! most of them are only unhappy with themselves!"
You just look at them silently and slowly come to your senses. "I'm so lucky to have you Isabella May Ramsey" You manage to smile a little, which makes her laugh too.
"That was sweet" she says and kisses you softly on the mouth.
"They'll just have to get used to me having you" she smiles proudly.
My masterlist
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stevie-petey · 1 month
YAYYYY THANK YOU STEVIE PETEY!!!! Also am I delusional or am I sensing a lil jealousy from my lil baby Robin? Maybe Steve did miss his chance and it's rugs/ bobins era now. I need to know what Steve has been saying to Dustin about bug!?!? Like what do you mean he likes her in white?? How do you know this you mysterious little man? Hopper and bug have my whole heart you don't understand. I totally understand how bug could be a little disturbed by the kids relationships cause when she was their age she was looking for lizards in the woods with Jonathan and these kids are making out? She'd be so weirded out. Like imagine your younger brother having his first kiss before you, that's gotta sting a lil. It sucks that bugs probably gonna be stuck in the elevator when the mind flayer comes back cause will needs his big sister😭. And Steve's jealous ugghhh it's what I feed off of. Steve and bug both having the same worries about each other is so soulmate of them Jesus Christ. Bug knowing that Steve is struggling with his father, and how she wishes she could show him how smart and amazing he is is so sad and sweet. He's really so amazing. And I know he's gonna feel all cool and sexy when he wins that fight with the Russian guard. Which is he is, he's 100% right. Dustin being disgusted with stug being cute is so real of him. Steve being a flirty little shit while being too scared to make a real move makes me wanna shake him. He knows she won't reject him, but he wants to make it special for her. Now that Steve has mostly given up douche bag ways I can see him as the kind of guy to remember every anniversary. First kiss? Yup, first date? Definitely. When he realized he was in love with bug? How could he forget it!? I need them to get together, better yet throuple with Robin. There's room for three, plenty of bug to go around. But honestly I can't wait for Robin and stug to become the ultimate friend group. I think Robin would make fun of Steve for having a girlfriend who's still in highschool, even though it's only a year between them.
mayhaps ur sensing something from robin 🤭🤭
and the scene with hopper n bug ugh i cant say a lot but that scene is suuuuper important n foreshadow-y they were so fun to write and theyve come so far since season 1 <3333
steves and bugs insecurities being DIRECT parallels of how jon/nance made them feel :((( my babies just need to kiss already. theyre so dumb like wdym ur scared u missed ur chance when ur KISSING EACH OTHERS NECKS ???? imbeciles i tell ya
speaking of imbeciles: steve blabs a lot and poor dustin just hears everything he isnt supposed to rip. and poor bug id also be so baffled by all the kids making out and dating like yall are CHILDREN go play video games and hide and seek get ur mouths away from each other (bug definitely is also a lil bummed dustin got his first kiss before her, it IS a tad embarrassing lmao)
and steve will 1000% he the bf who remembers the first time he even made EYE CONTACT with bug and shes just gonna be like ????? hello ??????
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kuyurasu · 1 year
Do's + No's
A/N ; this will be edited as I continue to use Tumblr but this is what u get for now. This is basically guidelines for my page. Purely genshin btw, so if you are looking for some other fan base you won't find it here.
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Reading? Np
Comment whatever you want. I do not care, as long as it's not racist, sexist or any generally bad shit.
You can literally comment you hate my work, just don't go bullying each other and making my comment section an argument. Go text that to each other or whatever.
Don't say go k-ll yourself or whatever bs bc I will block you, simple as that.
Comments like compliments will be nice but again you probably won't get a response, same with questions. Personally DM me if you have such an important question. I probably will respond then. You can do whatever but actions have consequences. That applies to anything you do negatively on my page.
I don't say this to be mean, just that I am a busy person with a life outside the internet that just loves writing in spare time.
I do not care as long as you don't change anything and stuff and give me credit. Other than that, go for it.
Go for it.
I do not care what your age is. I don't care what gender you identify as. Nor do I care about what your sexuality you orientate with. Don't make it weird. What you decide to do in your free time holds no consequences to me as long as you don't drag me in your business.
Feel free to comment, request, share, or whatever, just as long as you don't make a big deal out of it.
If you're a shy person that wants to request no biggie. Just privately request in my messages and I'll see what I can do.
These are my boundaries, respect them and I'll respect you and your requests.
This is more do's and no's list and probably the most important bc Ik how desperate y'all can be with ur imagination haha
Any requests should be specific and clear.
I will DO this ;
The more the merrier I say. Yummy. Just label how spicy you want it with 1-5 🌶's.
1 🌶 for mild, words like "length, appendage" will be used. For example,
'He pinned me to the bed with a tender look, his pants straining at his length. I knew where this would end up as I slid my hand down.' And that's it. Very mild.
2 🌶🌶's will be still mild but maybe a kink or two. No example because what you request for kinks is up to you! The word pens will probably be used but you can request it without.
3 🌶🌶🌶's will be gaining in heat. Up to 4 kinks and whatever else you describe but know I won't put my back in it. Cock, and dick will be used from here on out.
Use your imagination for 4 🌶s and 5 🌶s.
You can use scenarios for each.
I also do not give a flying fuck if you're a minor. Literally, it's not my business what you do online. And if that makes anyone uncomfortable that's your personal thing.
If you want smut mixed in with anything, I will do it.
I will also do safewords used during intercourse and fluff/comfort is used. Most likely the smut part won't be described much and will heavily lean on comfort.
Somnophilia is only permitted with consent.
I will NOT do this ;
Any toxic or controlling or negative yandere. Prob one of my most important. This also applies to any work whether it be no smut or smut. I won't EVER do abuse or rape. Maybe abuse for like an ex-relationship for Angst but absolutely not for current relationships. Fuck that.
No piss kinks, no furries, no kinks that involve bowel movements/bodily restroom business, or feet. It disgusts me.
That includes a sweat kink.
Probably won't do any Hard-Core pain kinks, it just makes me uncomfortable. Like fisting.
No CNC, or any dubious content.
Fuck pedophilia, or any minor and adult shit. Don't request any incest bs. No beastality or zoophilia.
If you fail at staying within my smut rules then I will assume you haven't read my rules and won't respond.
then we can talk about maybe switching up.
I will DO this ;
Any amount of Fluff is good Fluff. If you specify just Fluff in a request and maybe a tad bit suggestive, I will take it as you don't want any smut so be careful with wording.
I will NOT do this ;
Any and all yandere that is not healthy and safe. If you want a Fluff where a character is a yandere but not in a healthy, safe, and consensual atmosphere, I will ignore you.
If you don't specify I will assume it will be PLATONIC, especially if it's not even remotely suggestive.
I will DO this ;
Sobbing in pillow type of shit.
Could convince me to do a full on sad ending but prob not. I need happy endings usually. I'm a sap.
I 100% will do pt 2s in the case some want completely sad endings and some like me who want happy endings.
I will NOT do this ;
Major Character death is a no no. Not as big as my other rules but still,,,, hurts too much lol
Yanderes that are toxic. I've prob said it enough.
I will DO this ;
Anything really. Up to 8 characters.
I will NOT do this ;
Will add in future if anything comes to mind.
PLEASE STATE (for requests) ;
Please state in your requests what plot you want, or if you want complete smut.
Pronouns. I don't want to get any pronouns wrong so here are my available ones for all types of genre, purely because I cannot trust myself with editing and slip ups. Don't wanna offend anyone.
As I write, I may add some more once I get more practice.
It's also easier to write a full request if ik some sort of personality. It's honestly hard to write anything if I don't know what the base of a person is. If you'd like, give me some dislikes and likes so I can truly know the request.
Character(s). For requests that are for numerous characters, I only will allow up to 3 characters. The list of characters I write for currently is at the bottom of the page.
If you want a full on fic with xreader, meaning not a short little skit, one character, and I'll do a max of.... 10k? Idk, and idc. Depends on if you get me inspired tbh.
Whaddya want?
1st person (I, Me, Myself, We, +)
2nd person (You, +)
3rd person (He, She, They, +)
Vision? Yes? No? Surprise?
BE CLEAR. Assume I'm oblivious to all your wants.
Avaliable Characters ; (different color for personal favs)
Albedo, Al-Haitham, Arataki Itto, Beidou, Cyno, Dehya, Diluc, Dottore, Eula, Ganyu, Kazuha, Kaeya, Shinobu, Lisa, Pantalone, Ei/Raiden, Rosaria, Kokomi, Shenhe, Heizou, Tartaglia, Tighnari, Traveler, Venti, Wanderer/Scaramouche, Xiao, Yae Miko, Yelan, Zhongli, +
Good luck.
Requests are open.
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temporalreverie · 6 months
Im bored & i saw an ask game so I just answered them all for fun~
1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged?
2. You talked to an ex today, correct?
I don't have an ex
3. Have you taken someones virginity?
4. Is trust a big issue for you?
Eh, it's complicated
5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently?
Yes :3
6. What are you excited for?
Just having fun
7. What happened tonight?
???? It's morning. Hi.
8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted?
I support women <3 be safe with alcohol though
9. Is confidence cute?
10. What is the last beverage you had?
11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust?
Im paranoid but like mostly my dad & brother. But Aidan for sure.
12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans?
Yes but my jeans phase died when my thighs came in
13. What are you gonna do Saturday night?
Idk hopefully play katamari and talk to friends
14. What are you going to spend money on next?
15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed?
I kiss my parents goodnight so no.
16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months?
Im always changjng
17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?
Either my marefriend or Aidan depending on the subject
18. The last time you felt broken?
Hmm sometime in the past few days I think i had a tiny moment but not seriously for at least a month.
19. Have you had sex today?
Im still drinking my coffee calm down..
20. Are you starting to realize anything?
Just spam out job applications low care style and make it their problem. Waste the companies time not ur own
21. Are you in a good mood?
Kind of but I'm soooo sleepy
22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks?
My parent have swam with whale sharks once that would be nice
23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s?
Yes! Mine are maybe a little more colorful but we both have gray with a ring of hazel orange
24. What do you want right this second?
To hug my girlfriend & fall asleep
25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy?
Im in a unique situation for this question where my GF is poly and already is with a few other ppl before we started dating and I'm the most comfortable talking through being BPD triggered with her so like we could talk through it if I got bothered
26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color?
I haven't dyed my hair for a few years. going pink could be fun
27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?
I laugh at a lot of things rlly easily so probably no. All sorts of jokes even bad puns, and just like cute or charming behavior
28. What was the last thing that made you laugh?
I don't remember laugh out loud. Probably something my girlfriend said last night
29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now?
Long distance is hard but I don't feel like that's exactly the same as missing someone. I was thinking about my late childhood dog the other day and how I can still image the feel of petting her in various places, the shape of her body and the texture of her hair on like her back and in front of her ears and her neck.
30. Does everyone deserve a second chance?
31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to?
My dad is nice
32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do?
We are marefriends!!
33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda?
Yes. I had a pespi for the first time in ages a couple days ago and it knocked me the fuck out
34. Listening to?
Just noises rn but I've been playing We <3 Katamari so various variations of the main theme keep playing in my head.
35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore?
I go through phases of using a little note book for organization but not recently.
36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is?
I kiss my parents goodnight so yeah
37. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Not rlly, it's like infatuation & good first impressions. Love of everything is like built up over time.
38. Who did you last call?
My marefriend <3
39. Who was the last person you danced with?
I don't remember, but Im always dancing alone with myself
40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed?
Saying goodnight to my parents
41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake?
My mom bought cupcakes and a scone a month ago and we all agreed the cupcakes were pretty bland #sconesweep
42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today?
Not this morning no
43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush?
Maybe years in the past? Not rlly recently.
44. Do you tan in the nude?
I don't want skin cancer </3 or a tan
45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss?
46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night?
Close to. Very sleepy
47. Who was the last person to call you?
My dad
48. Do you sing in the shower?
49. Do you dance in the car?
50. Ever used a bow and arrow?
Probably in some boy scouts thing years ago
51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
Maybe graduation?
52. Do you think musicals are cheesy?
I love music
53. Is Christmas stressful?
A little but mostly fun
54. Ever eat a pierogi?
Yes they r my best friend
55. Favorite type of fruit pie?
56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
Engineer, artist
57. Do you believe in ghosts?
58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
Too much
59. Take a vitamin daily?
Probably should
60. Wear slippers?
In this season
61. Wear a bath robe?
62. What do you wear to bed?
Soft pants + white t shirt
63. First concert?
Green Day probably
64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?
65. Nike or Adidas?
Esos son Reebok o son Nike?
66. Cheetos Or Fritos?
67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?
Im ageric to peanuts & i love sunflower.
68. Favorite Taylor Swift song?
My fortnite parody of Romeo & Juliet I wrote this January.
69. Ever take dance lessons?
Hmmmm probably not
70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
71. Can you curl your tongue?
72. Ever won a spelling bee?
Never been in one but i probably could've done well
73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
Yes, i cry easily
74. What is your favorite book?
Idk reading is for losers. Sorry that's a lie
75. Do you study better with or without music?
76. Regularly burn incense?
No, I'm a good cook so i don't burn stuff <3
77. Ever been in love?
78. Who would you like to see in concert?
Vylet Pony i guess
79. What was the last concert you saw?
Ummmm idk. I feel like it was something eh with my parents we just passed by. Like third eye blind
80. Hot tea or cold tea?
Not rlly a tea person. Cold?
81. Tea or coffee?
82. Favorite type of cookie?
Smirking dog
83. Can you swim well?
Decent. I love water
84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?
85. Are you patient?
86. DJ or band, at a wedding?
Idk. I guess DJ has more powers so DJ
87. Ever won a contest?
A few. I won a jellybean guessing one like 15+ years ago
88. Ever have plastic surgery?
89. Which are better black or green olives?
Green but all 'lives are beautiful
90. Opinions on sex before marriage?
Im gay..
91. Best room for a fireplace?
Under chimnie
92. Do you want to get married
Down the line
Link to original
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dasomlimie · 3 years
mayhaps could you write some sanzu and rindou bf headcanons pls ur mitsuya one was so cute
character ; aged up!Sanzu Haruchiyo
a/n ; i only write one character for bf hc sorry ! in this hc Sanzu would be a normal person who leave his delinquent era, if we're talking about bonten!sanzu as your bf man i don't think it would be a healthy relationship 💀
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sanzu as your boyfriend he would be that i hate everyone except you bf (?) or that soft bf you would die to protect him no in between OHHH OR THAT BF WHO IS VERY ELEGANT AND CALM BUT ACTUALLY A DORK
from how i see him, in the manga, ofc he's very loyal *cough*
in the beginning of your relationship, he would actually treat you like sort of royalty
and is not much a talker he love to listen more than talking so most of the times he would listen to your little rant with his closed eye smile
when he loosen up he would be a noisy boyfriend but in a good way like he open up to you telling you how was his day with Toman, how he dislike someone or something its actually very cute when he talk about something he dislike with that little frown and more can you imagine it? cuz i can
anyways you know how he always wear mask right? in the beginning of your relationship he would refuse to reveal his whole face you rarely see him without mask and sometimes he overthink what if one day you saw his scars and leave him
but when then when you accidentally walk into his room while he was not wearing mask he start panicking while you just stare then walk toward him cupping his face ignore all of his empty threat toward you
"woah is this how you look like without mask?" you said stare at him while he shut his eyes then feel you place a kiss on each of his scars, then he open his eyes, he noticed no sign of disgust nor any other negative emotion other than adoration he start to relax a smile appear on his face
"you're not disgusted?" he ask you frown heart a little hurt from his words "why would i be? you look absolutely stunning and beautiful and handsome with this scars damn you're even hotter with this scars" you gushes he giggle before shutting you up with his palm
HE HAVE THE PRETTIEST GIGGLE AND LAUGH EVER so its your goal to make him laugh :( because he rarely laugh even if you joke about something ( he only give you his closed eyes smile )
he's also very insecure of his scars so when you start praising and gushing how pretty his scars is he blush or have a smile on his face then shut you up when the compliment start to overwhelm him
he also let you braid his hair yk his hair is long right? he also didnt mind walking around with whatever hairstyle you made even with little butterfly clip and shinny clip he did not care if anyone dare to say anything he would beat them up yay!
date with him would either be a regular date or home date with both of you watching movie ( dont even ask this i feel like he prefer being indoor more than outdoor )
OHHHHH he let you dress him up in any type of clothes cuz Sanzu said "its just a clothes they doesn't have gender" yes Sanzu say it louder so the one at the back can hear you
anyways~~ he would also let you paint his nail only if you wear matching colour as him ( he didnt mind you paint his nail he just want to match with you tbh )
he's also the type that get you a matching bracelet and he would never take it off ever
he'll get sad when he saw you not wearing the bracelet but will never tell you he try to ignore it but end up asking you why you didn't wear it when you were cuddling
he's also very possessive, not in unhealthy way but in unhealthy way, he would always to tell anyone you're his and he's yours, either kissing you in public or have his hands around your waist or shoulder
he's just afraid you would leave him :( please reassure him you're not
anyways he's also be that type of boyfriend who get jealous easily but will never admit it but you'll always knew from how petty he is
"Haru are you jealous?"
"pfft no why in the hell i would be jealous?"
"then will you help me with this?"
"ask (random name) to help you"
"wait no!-"
ok lets say the division captain, vice division captain, the president and vice president of Toman was very close with each other and have a scheduled hang out twice a month and they were allowed to bring their s/o
then when one of them *cough* Mucho ideas *cough* try to make him jealous just for fun and start taking your attention from him
then him noticed what they were doing and start bring you close to him glaring at them "she's mine dumbass find you own s/o" yk like that one horimiya scene this as preference how he and maybe Mikey or Baji or even Emma 'fight' over you
he love tickle fight!!! because he love to hear your laugh no matter how ugly you think your laugh is he would still think its beautiful
when cuddling he prefer being a small spoon but he didn't mind being a big spoon if you wanted him too but most of the time he want to be a small spoon because he love the feeling of feeling safe
what else let me think
oh he would be that type of boyfriend who bluntly turn anyone down or just ignore them if they tried to flirt with him then when he saw you he would have this adorable smile and jog toward you talking about how someone was annoying him *cough* that person who flirt with him *cough*
he would also be that type of boyfriend that need to touch you all the time when he's start to getting comfortable with you
his love languages are physical touch and act of service
he would be that yk type of boyfriend who literally drag you away from anywhere when he find put you overwork yourself like training or whatever you did because he doesn't want his precious s/o to get sick
speaking of getting sick he suprisingly have a low antibody (?) and always get sick especially during winter so he love it when you come over and take care of him
when holding hands he love to intertwine your hands together or holding one of your finger—like yk how babies hold your finger yeah that one idk how to explain— or both of you would link your pinkies together <33 so cute
love to have you on his lap while his head resting on your shoulder and both of his arm wrapped around your waist or shoulder he didn't mind your size
i think he's secretly a sweet tooth but will never admit it—i just got the vibe from his hair colour—he love it when you bring sweet for him
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!%! © HNEULWH— i did not allow my work to be used or adapted in any form without my permission !#//
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toshio · 2 years
beloved i don’t know how im still in school lol like i’m a junior in college and my academic trajectory has wavered so much cuz i’m so indecisive and now i’m worried i wont graduate “on time” and i say that in quotes bc i know that everyone lives at their own pace but i feel like ppl just say that to b nice and when they see someone like me taking their time there’s like. an undertone of disgust or pity LOL where’s the tru support for us bitches who are at the “big ages” of early 20s and STILL have no idea if this is right for them 😭 anyways . u + ur blog makes living less awful ❤️ love u for that
naw naw listen up cuz ima give u some REAL tea. so listen up. the "everyone goes at life at their own pace" ain't bs, it's true. whatever college plan you're under, just make sure you can get reimbursed/get tuition refunds - OR get a salary/hourly job that can reimburse your tuition for working full time and stuff.
the main thing i see kids your age struggle with is going through college and getting perfect grades and stuff but being a complete SOCIOPATH with no social skills and stuff. like, you hear this all the time, but you gotta be a socially outgoing person or just at least be able to fake it/talk to people enough to survive.
i don't think there's any "disgust" or "pity" that you mentioned against early 20 year old college students taking their own time. that's just maybe your own negative perception of it, or projecting. the main thing you gotta do right now is focus on yourself, your future, your career path options, whatever makes you enough $$$ at the moment without completely breaking you mentally. and at your age, i was in a 6 month relationship at age 21 and it completely changed my perception on life, i personally don't think relationships are worth your effort, so just focus on money + finishing school - you've already finished a majority of college i'm assuming so just figure out what you wanna do after you finish your bachelors. and whatever your family says, chances are they don't know what's good for you, because they're usually boomers and think you're supposed to be chained to the typical 9-5 after college. if you see that for yourself, go for it, but just try your best to live happily, not to please others. LIVE YOUR TRUTH BITCH!!!
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papers4me · 3 years
Hi, I have always read your furuba reviews and I'm very curious about which are your favorite characters and why?
Thank you for reading my posts<3. I know I've been slow lately, but I'm not in a right emotional place right now, but I'll be back to posting soon. Actually talking abt furuba & story-telling here in tumblr is such a peaceful outlet that I'm thankful for.
While I love 97% of furuba characters, my faves kept changing while I watched the anime. I decided to have 5 top characters as faves & number one kept changing as the anime progressed.
Since I'm all abt story-telling, I think I need to separate the anime from the manga cuz no way in the anime that tohru would be on my top 5, heck not even top 10! I really don't like how her character was reduced to yuki's mommy-tohru, then angel-tohru, then villain-fixer tohru. The real individual tohru with her own personal story is just two eps long, so meh~. Also, while yuki is in my top 5 in the anime, I don't like how he's too perfect & prince in the anime while his own theme is the imperfect non-prince. Kyo's, too in my top 5 but I dont like how his own story is intentionally messed up by the anime with the stupid "I forgot" that contradicts the anime's own canon plot...
So, I'll tell you my top 5 fave character in the manga so fat with no particular order.
Tohru, while I'm yet to uncover her own plot in the manga, so far she has way more character exploration & depth!! She really feels like a different character from the anime! I'm shocked! The facial expressions, the occasional doubtful self-talk, even the "fake-smile"mask she puts is so expressive. She is treated as a character with a personal plot , regardless of being the protagonist. Her own plot is not reliant on being yuki's mommy, or the sohma's shrink, or a fixer. Her own plot line is abt grief & being lonely. It's the most common struggle that we all share regardless of our gender, race, financial status. Death is the ultimate fact & we'll face loosing a loved one & feeling lonely is not related to social skills nor being loved. I'll forever hate the anime for passing on such unique universal theme in favor of emphasizing the most popular shonen-themed coming of age story ( a boy becoming a man) "yuki" or the over-exaggerated drama in "kyo's". Like I dont want them to pass any of the 3 characters plotlines, but the anime made a choice & forever cemented anime tohru as the most "fixer"character in anime history like 98765678 of other female protagonists.
Yuki has way more character & realness in the manga. He doesnt come off as narrator-y as he does in the anime simply cuz the anime only chose the parts where yuki narrates as a voice-over & told us how to feel & dropped all the parts where he's interacting & actually talking to other characters not just the audience. His own personal story is abt "observing, learning & having the guts to make a move & embracing his own imperfection". I love this! Anime yuki is not imperfect. no. he's the icon of perfect prince, he even initiates a set of fanclub girls into the world that they float! He's so perfect, he "heals" a girl simply by talking to her once. That's all it takes him to fall in love & find his soulmate. While in the manga, I'm starting to see yuki display signs of "kind jerk" in the making, that's refreshing!
I admit that I didn't include kyo into my top 5 until se02. Don't get me wrong, he's so endearing since ep1, but didnt seem to be complex nor refreshing as the others. but se02, ep 9 was the first glimpse into his own character depth & I got hooked! I'm so in love with the theme of "repeated mistakes & guilt". it's such a mature theme & speaks to a much wider audience. The more we repeat the same mistakes, the more we self-sabotage our lives. Also, I love the love isn't a magic healing element in his story. He's the most loved character by tohru, yet her love only hurt him more due to his guilt. Moreover, the romantic element itself wasnt a cliche "love at 1st sight, nor lovers since childhood, nor girl fixes a guy, nor guy protects the girl from danger". Not at all. It was "love blooming subtly, little by little by mundane daily life". I cant express how much I applaud Takaya-san for such complex writing. In the anime, kyo only comes when it's his ep, other than that, he's absent or characterless. I hated that. So far in the manga, kyo has an existence even in other plotlines & has different aspects of his character. Also, I'm shocked at how much inner dialogue he has! like no too much that it involves other character nor too little that you dont understand him. It's just the right amount.
Momiji. He's the most balanced character. He isnt fixed by tohru, but isnt perfectly fine either. He's the definition of the right amount of kindness. He doesn sell himself to make other happy like tohru or kureno, nor puts himself in danger to save others like haru. He does help others but also helps himself. He helped his mom forget him cuz honestly that wasnt even his choice. it's the dad's. He participated willingly tho in avoiding her, but he didnt dwell in self pity & locked himself emotionally. He let go of loving tohru & encouraged kyo, but while he genuinely loved kyo, he didnt just back off cuz he's kind & a sacrificial angel. He stood like a man & challenged kyo for tohru's heart, but let go when he realized the choice is tohru's. not them. They can love her aromatically, but she's the one who decides who to be with. I love the theme of "not competing for love". it's not a competition really. never was. Still, as love sick & heart-broken as he was, momiji didnt dwell in self-pity & after allowing himself to heal, he bounced back & smiled. Momiji is no foolish traveler.
The spot is reserved to a certain character that I want the manga to prove their worth. I dont want them to be as shallow as the anime made them to be. I want to see depth. I dont know if the manga writes them better, but once I finish the manga, I'll know.
I wanted to add shigure but no. Despite all the complexity & the unique roles he has & despite how much I love characters with big giant flaws & ugly characteristics, shigre fell from my top 5 long ago. Look, this seems petty but I can't get over the fact that he slept with akito's mom. ewwwww. It makes me wanna puke! so disgusting. yuck yuck yuck! I dont mind that he "cheated"or wanted to "hurt akito by sleeping with ANOTHER woman". As a matter of fact, such acts create drama, ugly feelings & emotional struggle. I love such things in fiction. but he did it with the mother. He actually laid with both mom & daughter in his life. ewwwwww! This level of eww is so revolting to me! Some ppl are disgusted by bugs & worms that they want to puke, me.. when ppl sleep with both parent/off spring, or both siblings. Yuck! & it's even more yuck that it didnt stop their "love" from being real/ happy/ perfect/ passionate! & that it worked in making akito "want him more & be a "woman" for him"... ew!
lol, so yeah~here's my super long answer to ur super short qs. but I dont be "papers"if I didnt write till my fingers hurt, now would I? XD. I enjoyed ur question so much! thanks<3.
Anon, Don't get offended ny my shigure-rant! XD. its petty, I know. if u read this, tell me who's ur fave?
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yuichi-ro · 2 years
you are so much smarter than me w the timeline shit u certainly stole my braincell;;; thank u
thinking about getou picking up shoko’s smoking habit because it helps numbing the disgusting taste of curses. reader is not too big of a fan because she wants getou to live a long and healthy life as much as possible but understands while getou argues it doesn’t matter because they’re jujutsu sorcerers and will most likely be dead in 10 years anyway.
reader still carries an extra lighter around for him though. which soon extends to extra hair ties as he neglects his hair and lets it grow longer and longer which in itself begins to extend itself to being for baji as well, while the lighter finds use for hanma. fucking freeloaders.
reader always teases getou with having to stop smoking once they have kids and for a long time he just brushes it off, but the older he gets, the harder it gets to brush off. before he eventually replies with “i will”. its quiet, nothing more than a mumble as he can feel himself growing embarrassed and smiling to himself bashfully.
also not me thinking about the emotional toll it would take on the reader knowing she can perfectly adjust her behaviour to whoever she is talking because she is aware of their emotions and intentions and it makes her question who she even is herself at her core and who she wants to be. and then there is getou. the only person in the world she feels comfortable just being herself with. and getou encourages her to be whatever she feels like at the moment with absolute no regard because reader deserves to be just as selfish as everyone else constantly is. they are humans after all.
getou falling asleep with his face either buried in her chest or tummy with her hugging his head and her legs enclosing his body to make him feel safe and protected.
getou always ready to wreck havoc on any elder or other stuck up person who dares to criticise or threaten reader (gojo would so be onto that as well lolol) but a soft call of his name and a tender touch is enough for him to settle a small curse to terrorise them a little instead
getou seeing formal traditional wedding/couple clothes and he cannot help but feel like a blushing school girl as he imagines reader and him wearing them together
anyway whipped getou has been feeding away at my brain and he will not leave it darn it my apologies for the rant anejkekw congrats on ur fire force hubby making it in life
smarter? not so much. But tokyorev just seems less important in the grand world scheme of things. Fuck those bitches they can fight in their little gangs at any age it doesn't matter when the jjk group is defending the world thats more important 😂
AND THE FREELOADER COMMENT ASDFGHJKL I'M SCREAMING just vividly the idea of a cold early morning where everyone can see their breathes. Could have left twenty minutes ago but Hanma and Getou wanted a smoke. They both look like shit this early in the morning. But honestly you and Baji aren't winning any beauty pagents either looking like a raccoon just woke up. But Getou and Hanma silently suck on their cigs while Baji nudges you without a word. Knowing you'll give him a hairtie bc you have so many on you at any given time. Just the quartet of reader, hanma, baji and getou has me sobbing in my hands don't look at me while I ugly cry
ugh but the "i will" now that carries the weight of whatever sanity Getou still has left to him. He means it. He's looked at the wedding attire. Gone past the baby sections in stores. Looked at couples young and old together. He means it when he says that you. As much as the taste of nicotine makes him bearable to the rest of the world. It isn't worth loosing the only world he cares about, one where he gets to stay in love with you. Ugh yes my heart rip it to pieces
the way I'm so fucking excited for this. Just Getou in general I can't wait to read this 😩😩😩😩
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ushiwakaout · 4 years
WARNINGS: age gap, student x teacher (platonic then romantic) SPOILERS FOR MANGA CHAPTERS 280+
probably really bad spelling
Ok bitches, it’s midnight and my mind is ROLLING.
This obviously has to do with bakugo. I’m a bakugo kinny so don’t @ me plz.
I really do be thinking that he’d fall in love with his teacher. But like let me explain.
You’re one of his teachers but you aren’t a hero, 100% a vigilante bc you don’t believe in the Hero morals bc you think they are a little twisted. You’re the only teacher in UA who’s not a “real” hero, personally i think Aizawa is a vigilante bc in the beginning we see that he doesn’t like Toshinori and i think it has to do with his Hero ways.
ANYWAYS, getting out of pocket here.
After the UA festival you have a big soft spot for bakugo and midoriya (especially bkg but don’t tell deku). One day he accidentally fell asleep in class bc he’s been having nightmares and you notice. Ofc you do- he’s basically your kid smh. You don’t even bother to wake him and you threaten the ones who try, especially denki and mineta. Your quirk revolves around blood manipulation but u can make it into a physical form (i guess like elsa but w blood/ u can manipulate not just yours) So when they try to wake up bakugo you just put two scary blood creatures beside them and they threaten them for you. If class is over and he’s still asleep, deku looks a little worried but you pat his shoulders and let him know it’s okay.
not you waking him up with a blood figure bc your scared of him 😔 just a lil
he obviously wakes up startled with the blood beside him, unknown to you, it reminded him of the Sludge villain. you rush to his side and start to apologize, stroking his hair but he just slaps your hand away. He’s not used to this type of affection. “Bakugo.... Are you sleeping alright?” He obviously doesn’t crack under the first attempt and decided to leave, calling you an old hag nun the less. He’s muttering “Why should you care?” and “Mind your business old hag.” Mind you, youre only like 7 years older than he is. (Bakugo is 16, aka the oldest of the class making you 23, one of the youngest teachers too) You only stop him seconds before he’s out the door to let him know that he can talk to you when he wants to. Obviously flips u off bc he doesn’t see you like an elder like Aizawa or All Might.
The fourth time Bakugo is distracted or falls asleep, he slips up. You wake him after Iida complained to you about not waking him up, low key threaten him too- u know that he almost murdered stain 💀 shuts him right up. You stroke his hair this time, trying to be gentle and not startle him like last time. You ask if he’s okay again and that’s when he slips up, “Just nightmares n stuff...” He is NOT fully awake or conscious, so he kinda frazzled up again and we are back to our regular program of Bakugo barking in your face to mind your business. But you don’t expect him to say thank you right before he walks out the door. You’re like ????? that’s new.
It’s probably the last time bakugo falls asleep is when he starts developing a crush on you. You run your hands through his hair again and he kinda rubbed into it like a cat being pet behind the ears. Both of you are like 👁👄👁
He BOLTED. No way he had just developed a crush on his teacher. No fucking way. Try’s to distance himself from you. Doesnt sleep in you class anymore. Doesnt ask you for your help or anything. You don’t mind since it seems like he’s getting by better than he was before.
But when he gets captured by the LOV and youre at camp w aizawa as extra help and you don’t see bakugo back with the rest it’s like a piece of your heart was ripped out. ( BTW in this point in time the feelings you have for bakugo ARE NOT ROMANTIC, it’s kinda like Eri and Aizawa situation, you unintentionally took bakugo under your wing and care for him a little bit more than the rest)
You don’t sleep until you find him. You’re at the press conference and you’re blood begins to boil when they said bakugo would become a villain. You spoke over Aizawa “I can assure you that you can drop those theories and accusations of my student. Bakugo Katsuki is talented and strong willed. What you saw during the festival was a mier fragment of who he really is. He’s a good kid who wants to be the number one hero one day... he wouldn’t give that up to be a villain.”
“And how do you know this fire sure, (hero/name)”
“I know my student better than anyone.”
When you hear that Midoriya, Iida, Momo, Kirishima and Todoroki went on a rescue mission to save Bakugo- you freak out. You paced all night until All might won the battle against AFO. Shota called you in the middle of the night to let you know that Bkg was gonna be in the hospital for the night. You rushed over there and once again your blood began to boil- you overheard the converstantion with him and his mother. Her calling him weak. What kind of mother was she?
you purposely walked in, “Oh sorry... You must be the Bakugos, I’m H/N- his teacher.” Mitsuki shook your hand and so did Masaru. You guys chatted a little before they left. “Your fathers such a sweet guy... how’d he end up with your mom?” Bakugo chuckled, “Old hag basically jumped on him at work.” You two chuckled together.
A very long chat between you too happened. More on how he was feeling and how you worried about him. At this point Bakugo knew that he could confide in you... He looked down at his lap and he began to sniffle. Something you where NOT expecting. “It’s all my fault... All might lost his power because of me... Becahse i was weak.” You heart ached for him UGH. Taking his hand in his, “Bakugo you are not weak... You’re the strongest kid I know. This isn’t your fault. If anything it’s mine... I couldn’t protect you kids fast enough... I’m sorry.” Caressing his cheeks. “It’s getting late. Get some sleep bakugo.” Youre about to let go of his hands but his grip gets tighter. “Don’t make me say it old hag.” He mutters before you chuckle a little and sit back down. You fall asleep you head on the edge of his bed, still in your chair while he finally began to drift to sleep. Your hand now in his.
When he figured out Deku’s secret he has one condition. “We tell L/N”
Deku’s like ??? “You mean H/N??? But kacchan!”
“No buts deku! We tell L/N or i tell everyone.”
“All Might! Do something!”
“I trust her”
“HA! Stupid deku!”
Bakugou’s kinda excited to tell you while y’all have tea and discuss Deku’s quirk but your sipping your tea when they tell you and your like “Oh, yeah i kinda figured that out myself... You guys are really bad at hiding a secret.” Bakugo calls the irresponsible and the rest is history 💀
Also you side intern w a 1-B student Shiozaki bc y’all have manipulation quirks and he gets mad jealous 💀💀 also hates that u intern w Vlad King and hang out w Hawks WAY TOO MUch
If he’s ever around you guys and Hawks starts flirting OH MAN bakugou with start to bark.
Hawks is the first person to notice his crush and he tells you and your like “Pft BAKUGOU?? You’re crazy!” but then you low key begin to notice small things that you didn’t before and your like oh- Oh shit.... this ain’t good
“Bakugo, have lunch with me will you?”
Denki and mineta make dirty jokes and you slap both of them w your shadows before the exit class.
You’re both mid into your bento box as you just blurt it out “Do you fancy me Kacchan?” yes u intentionally call him kacchan bc he chokes on the spici bento u made him. “Oh wow... hawks was right...”
“Just told me you had a crush on me... Didnt believe him until now...” You eat a little more bento and just put it down bc ur don’t like the tension in the room. “Bakugo you know nothings going to happen between us right? You’re my student and i care about you. I obviously favor you but that’s all it’s gonna be.”
“Watch your mouth old hag. I’m 18 in two years, let’s see if i don’t come back and bite you in the ass.”
you burst out laughing and he just barks at you for laughing at him. “You will not my dear bakugo. Unless you graduate top of your class, turn 21 and make an image for yourself, then we’ll talk.”
“Mmm i promise ima gonna follow you till u love me too, L/N.”
“you’re disgusting, eat your bento.”
You’re horribly injured. Gashes and blood spilling from your wounds as you watch Midoriya fight a battle alone with Shigaraki. Bakugo is sitting you up between his legs, making sure you don’t pass out. Your blood isn’t regenerating your wounds like it usually would. Your body has its limits and you’ve almost passed them.
But when Aizawa goes out cold, Deku claims Nanas float quirk, it’s up to you and Endevor to keep everyone safe, even if your body is screaming at you to sleep and rest.
There’s a moment when you see bakugo look at you when he sees that his child hood friends is in grave danger. “Don’t... BAKUGO!” He’s already in the air and your blood whips aren’t fast enough to move them. Shigaraki is faster and pieces through his chest and abdomen... It’s like you could feel it. “NO!!BAKUGO!!!” Everyone around you can hear the horror in your voice as you push yourself up in the air w the rest of your energy and catch him in your arms before anyone else does, but your body feels limp, luckily enough Todoroki Shoto is seconds behind you and catches the both of you safely.
At this point you can’t even tell who’s blood is on your hands. “You idiot.... Damn it ... Hey, hey you’re alright, look at me Bakugo. You can’t leave me too kid.” If it weren’t for your regeneration you’d probably be passed out the way he is right now. “We’re gonna get you to safety alright.... You gotta keep your promise... as stupid as it is.”
The second your feet step into a medical, everyone is looking at the both of you in horror. You tears a falling onto him and you just look like a tired mess. “Please take him. No- No not me, him! He needs help not me, please.” The doctors are quick and they try to help you but you keep screaming that it’s bakugo that needs help and when he’s not in your arms anymore and you see him getting the help you need that’s when your body collapses into the arms of a doctor.
Once everything is over and everyone is safe. You’re the last one out of the group who wakes up, which frightens bakugo. He’s in his room and he’s nagging you at his nurse to let him see you (your legit a curtain over) but she keeps saying that you need rest and blah blah. “Let the kid in nurse.” You croak and bakugo almost falls off his bed to get to you.
he regrets his decision. you look pissed. “You could have died.” was the first thing you tell him when you see him. “Do you know how selfish that was Bakugo? You could have died in my arms? Did you even think about that-
“My body moved in it’s own...”
“I had to do something...”
You start tearing up, “get over here you stupid pomeranian.”
After that you watch Bakugo from afar, you give up you job in UA. You felt unworthy to have that position especially when you couldn’t save your student for the second time. Sometimes bakugo calls you and ask where you are while he’s on a grocery run. “I’m a lot closer than you think Kacchan, now get home safely, it’s getting dark.” You hang up in him and follows him back to UA, making use he’s fine.
This goes on for two year until he graduates. He’s taking pictures with his friends and aizawa gives him a box. “What is this?” he shrugs. “She just dropped it off.” He walks away leaving bakugo confused.
He opens the box and it’s a picture of you and him that Toshinori may have taken while you laughed together eating your bento. Behind the picture, there’s ink w your hand writing “give it back in 3 years” and inside there’s ring hanging on a necklace, he chuckles while reading the next note “p.s i’m not proposing. i just want something else to look forward to other than your presence”
“stupid hag.” he mutters before pulling the necklace over his head and tucking it into his graduate uniform. his hand is over the necklace and you see his smile from the top of the UA roof. When he looks up, he sees you. You smile softly and disappear when he blinks- he was afaid that would happen.
the next three years go by a lot quicker than he realizes. He’s interning under the agency you created w hawks but your no where to do seen. You’re never. in office.
and when april 20th hits, it’s the first time people see you in the office in three years and you go directly to Bakugos cubicle. You place a white box in front of him and smile “Happy birthday Dynamight.” His eyes widen when he locks eyes with you. Your hair is different, you look more like a woman than you did 5 years ago. he’s speechless and u just chuckle and roll your eyes. “My necklace, Kacchan.”
“I want my birthday present first.”
“What are you talking about, the box is your present now hand over my neck-“
“that’s not what i’m talking about.”
“the what-”
all eyes are on you two when pulls you into a kiss that he’s been holding onto for five years. “This necklace is mine now, just like you are. I promised you didn’t i?”
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davidsons89 · 3 years
Toxic Turner - part 12
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WARNINGS: this story contains signs of a toxic and manipulative relationship. also contains smut, mentions of drugs and alcohol. some scenes contain forms of abuse. read at ur own risk :)
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all you could think about was that open window. you looked over to see it again, but alex grabbed your face and roughly forced you to look at him. "stop looking away" he hotly whispered right against your ear, sending shivers down your spine. "asshole" you grin, you purposely tease him. "what was that?" he asked, slapping your cheek again, but harder. you bite your lip and smirk at him. you loved it. he always managed to take it too far, but you're somehow liking it this time.
the stinging sensation in your cheek gave you adrenaline. alex noticed your cheek turning red, making him smirk. he loves leaving physical marks on you, it's like marking his territory. especially when they're visible to other people.
"you heard me. you're an asshole" you giggle. "you think you're so funny huh. you're pathetic" he says, leaving harsh slaps wherever he could. he was roughly pounding into you, he was in so deep too. you could swear he was in your guts.  he slid his hand to the side of your head, grabbing a tight fistful of your precious hair. he yanked it, making your head move to the side slightly. "you gonna continue being a bad girl? or do i have to teach you the same lesson twice?" he whispered evilly, raising his eyebrows at the end. you knew what he meant. inflicting sexual pain, but not in your vagina...
“no.. no i'll stop.." you say. "good. now shut up and take it" he whispers, pulling out of you just to harshly force himself back in. you moan and whimper under his grip. his hands moving from your hair, to your throat, to your mouth, and so on. the marks on your cheek became more visible the longer you went on.
your legs began to vigorously shake. your hands pressing against his chest. you did this when you were about to cum. "you need to cum?" he whispers, pinning you back down to keep you still. you nod and moan. "good. do it" he smirks, watching your cum face appear. "fuck" you moan, covering your own mouth with your hand to quieten yourself. he quickly grips your wrist to push it away. "no" he chuckles and shakes his head. he was a tease. you didn't want your family to hear you, but he lowkey did.
"i love that pretty cum face of yours.. so precious" he whispers, leaning his face down to yours to kiss you. you pull away and turn your head. like always, you hated when he was still inside you after you came. it felt gross. "i'm not done. you'll lay there and take it, won't you?" he whispers, harshly pulling your face back to look at you. "if you look away one more time i'll make sure you cry" he gives you the daggers. his dark brown eyes piercing right through yours. he intimidated you deeply. you nod to show your understanding. "good" he whispers, caressing your cheek with his firm fingers. you smile uncomfortably as you patiently wait for him to finish. it wasn't long before he did.
once he was done, he let out a long exhale which sounded like a low moan. you loved him making noises. you knew you made him feel good. "you're a good girl, aren't you?" he smiles, petting your head like a dog before rolling over next to you. you both lay on your back and look at the ceiling, breathing heavily. he turns his head to look at the side of your face, before you also turn yours to look at him. you both stare directly into each other's eyes and smile.
"i love using your pretty body whenever i want to" he smirks. you frown at him. "you're so easy. you're a whore" he chuckles. then the humiliation began. he definitely has a degradation kink. he loves putting you down, proving he's in charge of you. "shut up" you say, moving your head away to frown at the ceiling. his words are harsh sometimes, he doesn't care. as long as it upsets you.
"it's pathetic. get up, come on." he continues to chuckle as he stands up to put his clothes on. "no" you shake your head. "i said get up" he raises his voice slightly, not too loudly though. "i don't want to" you shake your head again. "y/n, get up now" he begins to get frustrated at you. you can tell, simply by how he's speaking. "go away" you moodily say without looking at him for a single second.
"if you don't get up, you won't see your family again for months. you don't want that, do you?" he says, raising his eyebrows dominantly. you look at him innocently. you roll your eyes, sighing as you roll out of bed. your area is extremely sore. your throat is hurting and your cheeks are stinging. all because of him.  alex is now completely dressed. you're yet to put your underwear on. "let me help you" he kindly says. he holds your underwear near your feet for you to step into, you hold onto his shoulders as you do so. your legs are shaking. he chuckles lowly. "what?" you ask, frowning down at him near your legs. "you look like a fucking slut" he mumbles at your weakness. "oh, fuck off" you say, snatching your underwear from his hands to put them on yourself. you quickly shove your jumpsuit back on and storm towards the door. "you might wanna cover that up before you throw a tantrum" alex laughs at you, pointing at your neck. you frown and look in the mirror to see a dark hickey on it. you groan loudly and storm out of the bedroom, slamming the door behind you. you genuinely didn't care about any marks on your body right now, you just wanted to get away from him.
alex shrugs to himself as he stays upstairs for a few minutes, giving you chance to cool off before seeing him again. now in the kitchen downstairs, you grab a drink and angrily force it open, taking a big gulp. your sister is stood in the corner with her boyfriend, she's a bit tipsy. "what's wrong with you?" she asks. you look at her and move your drink away from your mouth, holding it firmly in your hand. you look rough. "my cunt of a boyfriend. i fucking hate him" you moodily say, storming off outside. you don't really want to speak to anyone. you aren't allowed to rant to anybody about alex, otherwise the consequences would be bad. extremely bad.
your mom notices you sitting alone on a wall in the yard. she frowns and walks over to you. she's also tipsy. everyone in the house has been drinking, so it isn't a surprise. "you ok my angel?" she says in a bubbly attitude. drinking made her overly happy. she notices the hickey on your neck almost straight away. "ugh, that's what you were doing." she jokingly says, pretending to be disgusted with you. realistically she didn't care, she would if she was sober.  "love bites at your age is pathetic" she continues to say. "ok be quiet" you awkwardly giggle with embarrassment. the hickey wasn't exactly your choice though, was it?
every mother knows when something is wrong with their child. she notices your mood quickly. she sees you're upset, she sees it in your eyes. "are you ok?" she asks, sitting down next to you. she looks into your eyes and sees pure sadness, like you were going to cry. "y/n?" she says as you didn't respond before. you look up to see alex walk outside. you quickly act happy and tell your mom everything is fine before standing up to walk over to him.
"what did you say to her?" he whispers in your ear as he secretly grips onto your forearm like you were in trouble. "i didn't say anything actually." you look at him in disgust, yanking your arm away from him. "you're causing a scene. stop being childish" he quietly says to you as he notices a few people looking at you. "if you weren't such a dick i'd be fine" you angrily say to him, storming back into the house. a few eyes were on alex, making his blood boil. you've caused a scene, making him seem like the bad one. which he is, but he doesn't want to admit that.
he follows you into the house, into a room where nobody else was. he immediately slaps your cheek, making you gasp and press your hand against it. "ow" you say, giving him the 'puppy eyes'. "if you ever draw attention to me like that again, you're never fucking leaving the house" he angrily points in your face as tears form in your eyes. "go ahead, cry. you little bitch" he sarcastically laughs at you, making you feel humiliated and worthless. "go cry about it." he says to you as you exit the room. you need to get away from him completely, so you lock yourself in the bathroom. he leaves you be, he needs to calm himself down more than anything. he's just yelled at you, your relatives outside definitely heard, but they were all either too drunk or tipsy to do anything about it.
you stay in the bathroom for at least 30 minutes until you heard a knock on the door. "go away" you say, thinking it was alex. "what?" you hear a female voice say. you quickly recognize that it's one of your cousins. "oh.. sorry" you say, sniffling as you opened the door. she walks in, locking the door behind her. you're both girls, so you didn't care about peeing in front of one another. you leaned against the wall as your cousin did her business in the toilet.  "what's wrong? why're you crying?" she asks, looking at you. she sees your cheeks stained red, one cheek redder than the other. she sees how much of a mess you look. the stains on your outfit, the hickey on your neck, the makeup running down your face.
"nothing just.. nothing" you begin to say, but stop yourself to brush it off. you wipe your tears and fake a smile. you didn't want to even be around your family anymore. you want to go home. that's rare. you were home for weeks, and now that you're finally out, you're homesick. everyone there was drunk, you didn't fit in with the crowd. "if you see my mom, tell her i've gone home" you say, quickly exiting the bathroom to find alex. you head outside to see him laughing and drinking with your family. it made you jealous, and feel a bit worthless. that should be you, not him.
"alex" you say from afar, grabbing his attention from the back door. you motion your head for him to come to you, and so he does. "what, love?" he asks, stumbling over his feet and placing a hand on your waist. he's been drinking again, so of course the alcohol had its effects.
"i want to go home" you cross your arms across your chest. "i can't drive, i'm fucked" he laughs, talking about his drunkenness. "we'll stay here for the night" he says, taking another sip of his drink. "then i'll drive us home" you innocently say. you'd do anything to get out of here. "no. just go upstairs, you'll be fine" he reassures you, leaning down to kiss your cheek before walking away to remain partying with your family. you exhaled deeply through your nose, walking back through the house. you walk upstairs, where you remain alone for the rest of the night.
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finnythepooh · 3 years
Taking this here so we don't argue pointlessly in OP's notes. We can argue pointlessly here instead! :) Don't tell us how to react to things. You don't know us. Don't act like things are universally experienced the same way for everyone. I didn't attack OP. I didn't tell them they couldn't have their opinion. Hell, I wasn't even the alter that sent the initial message but I still apologized for his outburst! So don't act all high and mighty like you're bestowing some mystical knowledge "It's just a roleplay" because how their take affects us is different from how it affects you. /mad You walk up to the person asking for their trigger to be tagged and go "It's not that big of a deal 😊💙", man how's it feel to be the best person around? /s
Tagging critical posts is a common courtesy in this fandom to protect people who just genuinely cannot mentally handle someone expressing a negative take on their comfort character. Maybe you interact differently, that's perfectly fucking fine, but you do not get to tell us how we prefer to interact. And as for your "Just don't read it" comment, we do not have the self control not to eat the poisoned apple if it is sitting amongst the oranges at this moment. We're working on it, but we will consume that which harms us if it is right out in the open, unless it's filtered through our blacklist. The temptation to look is decreased greatly and if we click it then there's nobody to blame but us.
And in the end, if OP didn't want to tag their post as critical, that's fine and dandy. It's their blog. I'd just block and move on. But don't tell us not to ask someone to tag something that triggers us just because "it's a roleplay." God, fuck off with that. /disgusted
howdy! i thought we were over with the convo, didnt even know you considered it an argument so i apologize if i sounded aggressive because that was not at all my intention D: ! i never said u couldnt ask for them to tag it, i said i didnt read that part of the reply and thought u were just mindlessly getting upset with op for having an opinion. i apologized for that already, and ill apologize again! im very sorry for misreading ur reply, didnt mean to sound rude when i was replying to you and i apologize for that as well! i am someone who definitely has more filtered tags from the normal, and understand how u feel. i only said "it's just a roleplay in the end" because u were unnecessarily being aggressive towards op, and me. only asked for u to try and be a little less rude when asking for someone to tag posts. because people forget. as someone with the worst memory in the world and can barely even remember my own age half the time, its hard trying to remember to tag posts. so a simple "hey could u please remember to tag critical posts :)!" would be alright instead of cussing them out, eatting their dog, and offending their mother haha
moral of the story, dont be unnecessarily aggressive on the internet, life's too short to get upset at every little thing. and try rereading someone's reply to fully understand it in case u misread it, i think both of us need to remember to do that :]
have a lovely day, stay safe! <3 /gen
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elytrafemme · 2 years
Cghostboo is literally two halves like floating around while his legs run around somewhere else. It was quite a shock for ctubbo the first time they met after saving Micheal_B to see only a single floating half of his husband.
Micheal_B hides things in his eye socket. Just it’s a good place to hide the jewelry he steals. He also like stealing gold. He’s a piglin after all
When cTommy got back from exile he hogged and stored food away. Often having it in his pockets. He also looked like he had aged seven years and he didn’t sleep well. Alone especially. He would constantly stand in the corners of rooms so he could see everyone and would jump/wince if someone caught him off guard. He still isn’t one hundred percent out of most of these habits.
Ctubbo has multiple toes. And on of his eyes glows. Because of an accidental toxic nuclear spill when he was building those nuclear weapons. He hides both his eyes because cjshlatt used to say that eyes are the window to the soul and he feels exposed when people can see them. Also doubles as a fashion style with his long bangs covering his face and hidig his burn scars. Also when cranboo was alive they didn’t need to worry about accidental eye contact.
Ctubbos burn scars are extensive and he used to wake up from nightmares about getting them. The eye on that side is only half functional and his ear is completely deaf.
CWilbur can’t see the color blue.
CTommy wears a blue sweater that he made for himself from friends wool as well as many patches on it given to him by Tubbo Ranboo and Niki.
Cdream always has had long hair and he’s very narcissistic about it. Constantly taking care of it but while in jail with the lack soap and hot water it has become sort of disgusting. Also it’s white. Result of revival book usage/exposure.
I have more but if I don’t send this it’ll delete so
king shit tbh i mean if you have the space might as well
this hc hurts me personally and i'm calling my lawyers /j no but you're right like. the trauma response of making sure you can see everything 1000% makes sense and. yes you're so right basically.
oh i actually think that's really fucking cool like. yeah that's really fucking cool. i had never heard an hc about like nuclear damage to his body before and i can't say i know much about the medical side of that aside from inherited complications but all in all yes. and i agree as well with the c!tubbo scarring
see you guys drop small sentences and i think oh this is a light hearted hc and then i think about it for two seconds long and im like. wait Blue. wait c!wilbur and blue. Wait
OH MY GOD YES PATCHES... so much love can be stored in the patches u wear on ur clothes fr
vain is probably the better word for that but yes i think c!dream with long hair is a kind of neat hc. plus im a big fan of him having really white hair as well
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