athomeveg-blog · 6 years
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Dark soy sauce is my new best friend 🥘🥦🍃 #vegan #vegetarian #vegetables #stiryfry #fridaynightdinner #vegandinner #darksoysauce #greenveg #crueltyfree #eatyourveggies #healthy #noodles #whatvegetarianseat #govegan #veganmeal #veganfood #veganism #meatfree #vegansofinstagram #soysauce #delicious https://www.instagram.com/p/BojIFIBnIV2/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1knpmjg5jz600
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almostgraceful · 6 years
are AMV’s still a thing?
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variationinfood · 4 years
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Teriyaki Tuna Steaks
2 tuna or swordfish steaks (5 oz. each)
1 can (8 oz.) pineapple chunks in juice, drained
2 tablespoons teriyaki sauce
1/2 teaspoon grated fresh ginger
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup frozen mixed vegetables for stir fry (any combination)
PREHEAT oven to 450°F or grill to medium–high.
CENTER one tuna steak on each sheet of foil with non-stick (dull) side toward food; top with pineapple chunks. Combine teriyaki sauce, ginger and salt; spoon over tuna and pineapple. Arrange vegetables beside tuna.
BRING up foil sides. Double fold top and ends to seal packet, leaving room for heat circulation inside. Repeat to make two packets.
BAKE 16 to 18 minutes on a cookie sheet in oven OR GRILL 8 to 10 minutes in covered grill.
Sprinkle with salt and pepper and serve with hot cooked rice or couscous, if desired.
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yumyummyyums · 7 years
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planalittleeatalot · 5 years
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This super simple fried rice has a few of my favorite things: shiitakes, kimchi, and roasted salmon. . . . #planalittleeatalot #food #prep #stiryfry #friedrice #shiitake #mushrooms #kimchi #spicykimchi #salmon #roastedsalmon #rice #whiterice https://www.instagram.com/p/B0q6rBSpYxO/?igshid=4xh4w5y5jxtl
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yoolee · 4 years
Hey, so I’m thinking I may be ace but not entirely sure? I have zero desire nor interest to have sex nor do I see people in a sexual light (not very often anyways). I keep doubting myself that since I haven’t been in a relationship that perhaps I just “have to wait for the one” but I really couldn’t care less about who I get with (man or woman, I don’t really have a preference)or when. I think that I *am* ace but then again I keep doubting myself. Any advice on how to figure out such things?
TL;DR - BRAINS ARE WEIRD. BODIES ARE WEIRD. BOTH ARE INVOLVED IN SEXUAL ATTRACTION and both are dynamic - so try not to worry about fitting a single definition for all time, and go easy on yourself - your body feels what it feels and what’s right for you.
In this LITERAL SIX PAGE ESSAY I will ramble more:
CAN I CONDENSE THIS into bullet points let’s try:
It’s okay not to define yourself. We all learn things about ourselves as we grow and experience things, and (as a whole) sexual attraction isn’t a one-time-done-deal (though aspects may be)
It’s typically easier to know what we DON’T WANT than it is to know what we DO, so don’t feel weird about not knowing for sure
The media has NO IDEA how often or how little people think about sex and trust me the answer to that question varies WILDLY.
Check out AVEN to read about experiences and see if any of them feel like yours.
Know that level of sexual interest fluctuates over time based on all kinds of inputs (age, medication, other people, stress), so don’t worry too much about changes from your baseline limited/no interest - it’s a bucket, not a pre-measured dose.
If you DO decide to try a relationship or try physical intimacy, do it for YOU not because you feel like you should, and be upfront with your partner about your baseline interest levels before you make it to a bed (or wherever else you choose to instigate)
If you decide it’s not something you want to explore, but you still want an intimate or romantic relationship with someone - know that it’s absolutely possible, more common than you might think, and definitely doable. It may take a few tries, and a few awkward conversations, but those get easier. 
It’s okay not to define yourself. We all learn things about ourselves as we grow and experience things, and (as a whole) sexual attraction isn’t a one-time-done-deal (though aspects may be)
I don’t think how you feel about sex is something you figure out once and are done with, so I’d encourage you to be open to the idea that your definition for yourself may flex a little or change with factors like age or medication that you’re on or the people you’re with, and that’s okay! And it may not, that’s also okay! Bodies and brains are weird and also dynamic, sometimes things are hard coded (whether or not cilantro tastes like soap!) Some things vary over predictable pattern (generally, kiddo taste buds are wired to prefer sweet and this, generally along a predictable sort of timeline, decreases as they age) and sometimes WHO THE FUCK KNOWS (why does person A prefer A dark roast coffee and person B a medium roast and person C thinks both taste like mud and would like to stick to their peppermint tea, please, which person D - Lee - can’t even stand the barest, faintest, tiniest sip of it?) and sometimes the right circumstances make the difference (Person F may hate brussel sprouts - unless grandma makes them with her magic balsamic vinegar, but it’s not the same when Aunt E tries) point being - give yourself some grace if you don’t feel like you perfectly fit one single bucket at all points in your life.
 Consider, to go back to food - Sally KNOWS she’s allergic to peanuts and that cilantro tastes like soap. These are hard coded. So even without trying a Thai stiryfry with peanut sauce, she knows it’s not for her. Less clearly life or death, she’s not a fan of catfish, just because the texture is kind of rubbery, even though her sister loves it. How does she feel about seabass? Dunno, she hasn’t had it. If she has a general idea that seafood’s not her thing, cool - plenty of other things to eat (in this metaphor, plenty of other kinds of relationships to have with people! Physical intimacy is only one) if, one day, she decides to try it, she may learn she likes it, and she also may learn she likes seabass EVEN LESS than catfish. But she can also live her whole life not knowing for sure, and--who cares what her seafood preference is? Why does she have to tell anyone - unless she’s going over to someone’s house and they ask what she likes so they can serve it, and she can tell them, definitely no peanuts or cilantro, not a huge fan of seafood (or, not a huge fan of seafood but if you have a recipe you really like, I may be willing to try it? Both are okay). It may also turn out that the first time she had it, she kinda liked it, but then she had it prepared by someone else and, nope, gross and weird. There’s all sorts of reasons why what tasted one way today will taste different tomorrow. Not everything changes like that (see, peanuts - or, in this metaphor, your kind of baseline) but it may fluctuate a bit in a number of directions, based on a number of factors, internal and external (who prepares the seabass! Is it fresh?) 
 The internet is often one of the few safe spaces for people to openly, proudly define themselves from a sexual identity perspective, so you see a lot of folk doing so - and that’s GREAT. But I PROMISE YOU there’s a HUGE POPULATION who is right there with you going...am I this? Or that? Why don’t I know? 
It’s typically easier to know what we DON’T WANT than it is to know what we DO
Seriously. It is. Maybe you aren’t sure if you want to kiss someone or not. I bet you DO know that you DON’T want to kiss rusty chainsaw blade dripping mysterious green goo. While there are personalities that are very good at clear decisions and classifications (I want to eat at Restaurant A because I want tacos and Restaurant A is the first restaurant I know of that serves tacos) there is also an equally common personality that is wired towards possibilities. (I could eat tacos. But pasta also sounds good, and so does baingan ka bharta.) For the latter, it’s usually easier to focus in on, I don’t know what I want but I know I do NOT want a sandwich. And that’s okay
(related - sometimes our bodies don’t even know we’re hungry. Are we? Or are we thirsty? WHO KNOWS) 
Hopping back to Sally and her seabass. Sally knows for sure she’s not into catfish. She’s never eaten catfish, but they freak her out and her stomach flips over just thinking about it. Cool. But seabass? She doesn’t feel that immediate stomach flip aversion. But her mouth doesn’t water either. She KNOWS her sister tried it and love it. But you know what? Her sister also likes reality TV so her judgement? Different than Sally’s. 
Whether she wants to try it one day or not doesn’t change anything except what tense she can use when talking about it. If she tries it, maybe she’ll learn she LOVES seabass. Maybe she’ll learn she only likes it when a particular chef makes it, and only if it’s seasoned with chili flakes first. And, also, honestly, maybe she will try it, and it will make her sick and lead to a miserable 24 hours in the bathroom and a wish she’d never tried it. That’s a risk. It’s up to Sally if she wants to take it, and whether she does or not, NOBODY ELSE’S BUSINESS except hers and the potential chef making it.
Society is weird about this SO WEIRD and puts SO MUCH PRESSURE - ignore it. There is no ‘normal’ when it comes, specifically, interest level in engaging with sexual activities
If you find yourself pressured to ‘try’ - ask yourself how much of it is YOU and how much of it is SOCIETY. It’s okay to try if you want to, or you’re curious. BUT if you’re trying because you think you ‘should’ I’m gonna tell you flat out and point blank that you are probably going to be in for a very uncomfortable experience, literally and figuratively. And y’all listen. Media does NOT align with reality. It does a lot of people a hug disservice with its prevalent narratives about sex drives. Some of the horniest people I know are cis women in their forties, and I knew teenage cis guys embarrassed and worried that all they wanted was to cuddle when movies were shoving down their throats that they should be thinking sex 24/7. Don’t assume anything about your potential partners.
You don’t have to try something if your gut says, not for you. 
Personal experience? I’ve had to break off relationships with some good people (and some shitty ones) because I was hoping for something to click into place and it never did. Those were harder to end than the ones where the other person did something bad or dumb or stupid, because there wasn’t any one thing I could point to. But as much as it sucked to dump people I liked but didn’t connect with on levels I had hoped, I think we both learned stuff, and it wasn’t time wasted. Others, I was better prepared to say up front, and we explored other options together that we both got something out of, and they ended for other reasons (....usually me being like, ugh, other people and their emotions, no thanks, but, I’m also kind of a self-centered bitch, full disclosure, which you could probably guess from the fact I am STILL TALKING)
Communication is key
To that point, if you ever find yourself in a relationship that seems to be drifting from casual to serious, COMMUNICATE. Tell your partner up front that hey, you’re not sure sex is for you, you’re not into intimate touch, are they okay with that. If NO, you’ve saved both of you some future heartache, if YES, then it’s on the table to talk about later and explore--or not--together. And you don’t have to worry about how or when to bring it up for the first time. The earlier you do it, the less stressful it will be, promise, because you can lay that casual tidbit, and it’s out there. Communication is key. 
You don’t owe society sex, and you don’t owe your partner sex, not even to see if it’s for you or not. But you do owe them communication and honesty. If physical intimacy is something your partner needs to feel fulfilled in a relationship, and it’s not for you - then a romantic relationship may not be right for you both. It’s okay not to know that up front as long as you communicate it may be a possibility and get their buy-in, and communicate when you ARE sure. As much as that sucks, it’s a thing just like any other (like, person A wants kids and person B doesn’t - there are some things were there isn’t exactly a compromise, and everyone ends up miserable - baseline expectations around sexual needs can be one of them).
It’s easier than it sounds - Hey, not gonna lie, you’re cute and this is fun but kissing is as far as it goes for now. Hands there don’t really do it for me. Before this goes further, I just want to be upfront that I consider myself ace, so I don’t really see sex happening. Before this goes further, I’m pretty new at the whole sex thing and honestly not sure it’s really for me, so I need you to go slow. Etc etc etc. Most of the time you get an ‘okay’ and life goes on. Sometimes they ask questions in which case, shiny! Communication! Answer honestly, and ask in return. 
You’re not drawing up a legally binding contract about you will or won’t do - you’re just aligning expectations, and check in with them when they change. 
 Check out stories!
Check out AVEN. Even within asexuality, there’s a lot of variability in how people define themselves - read some of the experiences and see if any of them feel close enough to yours that the definition feels ‘right’ for you. If not, don’t sweat it! Just means you’re still exploring. Some people find they can masturbate but once another person is involved, it’s a no-go. Others find that it takes a long time to ramp them up but it’s possible with a patient partner they trust. Others never feel anything. Others are okay with it in the moment, but don’t spontaneously feel their own desire to instigate it. Asexuality is a pretty welcoming variety!
 Sex drive is impacted by a lotta things
Know that lots of things impact sex drive in particular. Like. Again, for cis women, the data suggests the more you have sex the more you want it - it can ramp up like that. Also, some people get going with visuals (pictoral imagination, porn, naked people in front of them) but a LOT of people need WORDS (legit, why do you think romance novels are such a booming business?) this can come in things partner says or, you know, written erotica (Just like with porn though you have to be careful - recommend Smart bitches, trashy lit) 
It doesn’t necessarily remain static over time. For example, medication and age are both two big inputs to this (ask any nursing home staff - I’m deadly serious. It’s honestly a little concerning because of dementia and consent issues, but like, it’s a thing for sex drives to WILDLY SPIKE in 80 somethings) you could be in a lull, or impacted by meds (for example, hormonal BC is pretty well known to suppress sex drive, and yet, being pregnant--which hormonal BC supposedly mimics to an extent--tends to make some folk absolutely and unexpectedly nutters for physical sensation)
It can be kinda shocking to go, like, years without any interest in sex as an activity or people as sexual partners, and then all of a sudden hormones whallop you upside the head and scream at you do something about them - that doesn’t mean WHO YOU ARE has changed. It just means your biology is responding to something. ANd listen 
If we knew HOW, consistently, to turn attraction on and off? That would be a thing.
We don’t.
Like. One of the weird ass symptoms of SLEEP PARALYSIS of all things, which is basically, a nightmare you have where you think you’re awake but you aren’t (you ARE semi conscious) and you can’t move, is the idea of an incubus hanging out in the room, because people feel like spontaneously aroused. And we have NO IDEA WHY. And it’s NOT ALL THE TIME. ANd yet it’s documented across CULTURES across TIME, it’s a THING. 
If your body is not doing something other bodies are doing - well, it’s doing what it needs to to be your body. If your body suddenly stops or starts doing something, and it concerns you (sudden appearance of sex drive! Sudden vanishing of it!) talk to a doc. 
Otherwise - your hair gets longer, sometimes you get freckles where you never had them before, your tastebuds change. This is just one more thing on the list of shrug.
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verse50 · 5 years
What do you lIke about cooking? Do you enjoy the process? I feel like it’s a waste of time for all the trouble. I eat, I promise! It’s just that you can’t just eat and be done. There’s tons of work that takes forever. Do you prep on weekends?
I prep on weekends or days off. Not every meal is complicated. I’ll probably make an effort meal (like lasagna) and a bunch of simpler things like a stiryfry, curry, or salad. I do enjoy cooking. It’s sensual and rewarding. Anything to do with the body should be so. Food, sex, sleep, exercise...we try to cut these short for other things. Why? Our body is how we experience the world. We should put these things first.
Now, there are times I wish I didn’t have to worry about food or cooking. Humans invest so much time, energy, money, and effort into...eating. It would be nice to divert all that into something else. Food does absorb so much of our existence. But that’s the way it is on this planet. Can’t change it, may as well enjoy it.
You might want to check out subscription food services like Green Chef, Blue Apron, Hello Fresh, etc. I don’t use them but I have friends who do with great success. You can choose your meal plan, subscription level, customize for allergy needs, and it all gets delivered to you. Some plans are even pre-made you just heat them up. I think if you weigh the cost of unique ingredients like spices and exotic grains, delivery is about even to homemade.
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shemararae-blog · 6 years
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Stir fry night! Cashew garlic chicken and Chinese cabbage and bacon 🥓 I made the cashew chicken with garlic, coconut aminos, fish sauce, and a little tapioca starch. #asianfood #stiryfry #eatclean #glutenfree #healthyfood #autoimmuneprotocol #autoimmunepaleo #autoimmunewarrior #paleo #primalkitchen #primalblueprint #keto #ketopaleo #pegan #whole30 #realfood #eatcleantraindirty #fitgirl #healthcoach #eatinghealthy
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tshelburn · 6 years
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Time for some pad thai! I love using a wok on the @biggreenegg. It’s super easy with the Pro Zone from @auraoutdoors. #padthai #stiryfry #chickenandshrimppadthai #chicken #shrimp #thaifood #bgewok #biggreenegg #bgenation #bge #auraoutdoors #fogocharcoal #jjgeorgeoutdoor
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lagomlikeminds · 6 years
Seven more days... • • • #lagomlikeminds #stiryfry #artists #artshow #march #joinin #migos #paint #music #live #talent #photography #dance #actor #perform #poetry #spokenword #springbreak #sevendays #countdown #teamworkmakesthedreamwork #workhardplayhard #partytime #losangeles #downtown #lagom #cultivatewhatmatters #comedy #newfriends #community @missing_artist @missingtreasures @thechenchenshow @theoldsoulhfp @honorflowproductions @jenslow66 @ahorseaspoonabucket @msgenemu @ezacheeza @lydiarenes @kiratotherescue @anafricanamerican @jonclough12 @eleshabarnette @cold_wrld @onceanangel9 @joss.tm (at Los Angeles, California)
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athomeveg-blog · 6 years
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Friday night stir fry 🍲🍄🥕🥦🍆 #vegan #vegetarian #dinner #crueltyfree #veganmeal #vegetables #stiryfry #fridaynightdinner #meatfree #whatvegetarianseat #veganism #carrot #noodles #mushrooms #veganfood #delicious #healthy #broccoli #whatveganseat #govegan #vegandinner #easymeal #vegansofinstagram
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caribbeanfooddiary · 6 years
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Chicken Noodle Stir Fry #caribbeancooking #fooddiary #jerkchicken #stiryfry
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thefoodieluv · 7 years
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Stir fry green beans with minced pork, mapo tofu and kung pao chicken 😍😍. Luv family time and eating Chinese food 😚 . Seafood palace in Monterey Park, CA . Tag a friend and  #shareurfoodieluv . #foodie #foodieluv  #foodporn #foodielove #food #yummy #yum #foodie #foodgasm #nom #foodpornshare #instafood #foodstagram #hungry #tasty #delicious #foodpic #love #instayum #chinesefood  #bonappetit #chicken #stiryfry #mapotofu #foodphotography #kungpaochicken #vegetables #family #igfood #picoftheday
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ricewinesake · 7 years
The video is too daaaaark! 😣 ah, well... it was delicious 😊 #stiryfry #cooking #veggies #food #choppedaudition #ironchef #dullknivessuck
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🍜 #stiryfry #homemade #chowmein #vegetarianstirfry #quorn #quornchickenpieces #student #uon #northampton
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carlaeatsplants · 5 years
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Basmati rice and chickn stiryfry with all the veggies. So yummy! That new Rügenwalder chickn is scary real... #vegan #plantbased #plantbaseddiet #plantstrong #wfpb #basmati #rice #stirfry #rügenwalder #veganchicken #veggies #asparagus #whatveganseat #vegansofig #veganfood #veganfoodshare #veganfoodporn #foodporn #starch #hclf #gemüse #gemüsepfanne #veganeshühnchen #mockchicken #spargel https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv6jRMYjH9J/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1rx2kg1uad722
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