#storm x lucifer
dragonanon · 4 months
Death!Reader and God!Brother head cannons
Note: you can thank @sherlockhomies-42 for this, my brain hasn’t known peace since I read their stuff about the reader being Death in Hazbin Hotel. And if I don’t get my thoughts out right now I might honestly combust. 🙃
Lore HCs:
- Before Hell, Earth, and even Heaven existed, there was nothing….Until by some cosmic miracle, God popped into existence. God started by building himself a luxurious paradise; the same paradise that would eventually become Heaven.
- God relished in his wonderful new home for a while, but quickly grew bored with being alone. So he began creating animals and other small creatures to keep him company. At first, this worked out great! But to an ageless, immortal being like God, several years felt like mere moments to him; and before he knew it, his beloved creations had become incredibly old and were in ever increasing pain and discomfort as they continued to age, and there was nothing God could do about it. All he could do was create life, and once life had been created God was powerless to do anything to stop it or take it away.
- Just when it seemed God would be forced to watch his creations suffer forever, another incredible miracle happened; you popped into existence. Sporting six mighty black wings and a set of horns gracing your head, you gently touched each of the suffering creatures, and with your touch each one FINALLY had their suffering come to an end as they died, and their now freed souls traveled down to a newly created realm to rest and wait for whatever came next; Limbo.
- God watched in awe as you gave his beloved friends what he couldn’t; an ending. God realized quickly, based on an instinctual pull he felt towards you, that whatever force had created him had clearly struck again, and brought you into existence.
- God was now in the presence of a being just as powerful as him, but while you may have been his equal in terms of how you both came to be and the sheer power you both held, your powers were VERY different from his; almost like they were the opposite of his. That’s when it dawns on him, you’re his sibling! His counterpart! If his powers are to begin and yours are to end, then you’re meant to bring balance to everything! After all, there can never be a beginning if there’s no end, and there can never be an end if there is no beginning.
- It’s then that you’re given your name; “Death”, and as both the younger sister of God and the only one capable of bringing an end to any life he creates, your very existence leads to you both creating balance in the universe for the very first time.
- As the first order of business, God started creating ageless beings, like the Seraphim and other Angelic beings. And with your input, he gave them the gift of sentience so they could all think, feel emotions, and communicate with each other and you and your older brother, and the ability to create just like him.
- At some point though, God started getting more lazy and careless, given he didn’t have to do much now that he’d created ageless beings capable of thinking and creating things themselves. He suddenly had more free time than he knew what to do with, and it culminated in him pretty much just sitting back in his fancy palace, and allowing allowing his children do as they pleased while he casually observed from time to time from the sidelines. (Dude basically just became super depressed because now he essentially had nothing to do, and felt like he no longer served any purpose in existing. He hasn’t told you or anyone about these feelings tho, just drinks himself silly everyday and vibes in his palace.)
- This annoyed you GREATLY as you now had to essentially step up and provide guidance to the Seraphim and other Angelic beings when they needed it, because your brother couldn’t even be bothered to do that. You started to resent God for his “hands off” approach to running things, while God began to resent you for being “nagging and controlling”.
- The resentment eventually boiled over when Lucifer and Lilith inadvertently created Hell, and the other Seraphim and Angelic beings banished them both into the realm they’d created. Outraged by what God’s lack of involvement had caused, you got into a nasty fight with him as you pleaded with him to intervene and FINALLY put an end to the chaos he’d allowed to run rampant for centuries. God vehemently refused, insisting that the Seraphim and Angelic beings knew what they were doing and didn’t need his input. Furthermore, God believed that the punishment was justified given it was their actions that caused evil to invade the Earth.
- You were getting NO WHERE in this argument, so for the sake of your own sanity, you returned to Limbo to continue your work of bringing death to those who needed it. Along with the new task of taking dead souls back to Limbo, where they would stay until you determined whether to send them to Heaven or Hell based on how the soul had behaved while alive.
- That’s how it went for centuries before you decided you needed a little break, and informed Heaven and Hell that you would be taking a well deserved nap. This would mean that they would need to work together to sort souls in the meantime, as your reapers would ensure that death still continued appropriately on Earth while you sleep. Heaven and Hell agreed to this, and with that you curled up in bed and went to sleep.
- Speaking of reapers, reapers are permanent residents in Limbo. They are neither Angels nor Demons, but they’re ageless all the same. God actually made the first reapers for you, so they’re essentially the Limbo equivalent of Seraphim and other Heaven born angelic beings. These reapers, often called “First Ones”, have sentience and emotions since they were created by God himself. So you typically have First Ones lead the other reapers.
- All the reapers you’ve obtained since the First Ones are Limbo’s equivalent of Sinners, often called “Hollows”. Hollows are souls who in order to avoid eternal suffering in Hell, instead opted to willingly relinquish their humanity entirely and become an undead being working for you. In giving up their humanity however, the souls lose their ability to feel anything whatsoever. They’re little more than robots; doing what they’re told and not questioning it, all while feeling absolutely nothing. They’re called “Hollows” because that’s essentially what they are, hollowed out husks that now only exist to serve you.
- Regardless of whether they’re a First One or Hollow though, they all have the same job; find the humans whom you’ve given death to, reap their souls from their bodies, and guide them down to Limbo and care for them until you’ve sorted them into Heaven or Hell. The only real difference is the First Ones are usually in charge of the Hollows, ensuring that the Hollows reap the correct souls and are doing their jobs.
- If you had only known what your absence would cause, you would’ve NEVER went to sleep. For as SOON as you were out, Heaven took it upon themselves to decide where the souls went, completely defying your orders that Heaven and Hell work TOGETHER to decide that. To add insult to injury, Heaven also became incredibly elitist and picky about who got into Heaven, and this resulted in a vast majority of souls being sent to Hell for even the smallest infractions. The unbalanced approach of sorting souls eventually caused the over population problem and subsequent annual exterminations.
- With Heaven’s incredible arrogance and Hell’s complicity in this, both realms are in for a VERY rude awakening when you eventually wake up prematurely and see what they all have done. You’re gonna read Sera, Lilith, Lucifer, Adam, Lute, AND God the riot act for fucking your shit up
Okay lore time over, here’s the silly, more generalized, shit you’ve all been waiting for!
- When making the Seraphim, God made them in your image. He really just wanted to show his love and appreciation for you in some way, and he decided the best way to that was by basing the physical appearances of his first sentient creations on you. Hence why all the Seraphim are beautiful and have six wings like you do. It was literally like a kid excitedly making a piece of macaroni art of their sibling and being super excited to show it off to them
- All of the beings directly created by God are considered his “children”, so they all refer to him as “father”. Given that you’re God’s younger sister though, it also technically makes them your “nieces/nephews/niblings” and it makes you their “aunt”. You get called “Aunt Death” or “Auntie Death” by them a lot, but you’re cool with it because you think it’s cute.
- You weren’t supposed to have any favorites, but you always did have a soft spot for Lucifer in particular. He reminded you a lot of how God used to be back when you’d first come into existence; so energetic and excited to create things. You affectionately called him your “favorite nephew”.
- You haven’t seen God since the fight you had with him after Lucifer’s banishment into Hell. You actually miss your older brother dearly, but you’re still so pissed at him that you don’t feel like talking to him for the foreseeable future. You temporarily go back on this decision long enough to chew God out for allowing his children to make a complete mess of your realm, and destroying the balance you worked so hard to create and maintain. You’re back to giving him the silent treatment after that.
- Limbo is ONLY accessible by you, Cerberus, dead souls, and your reapers. No one else is capable of entering Limbo, hence why everyone assumed that the exterminations were successful in getting rid of excess Sinners. In reality however, all the “killed” Sinners were really just getting yeeted back into Limbo for re-sorting since something that’s already dead can’t die again.
- The persistent wailing and cries of the millions and millions of souls who were now trapped in Limbo was eventually what managed to wake you up early from your nap. You were not pleased in the slightest.
- Despite having a very gothic and menacing appearance, you’re incredibly gentle and kind. You feel great honor in being the one tasked with giving everyone the ending they need and deserve, and you take pride in caring for the souls that may have to stay in Limbo for an extended period of time whilst you decide where they will go next.
- You take no satisfaction in having a send ANYONE to Hell. It doesn’t feel good to know that you’re condemning someone to an eternity of suffering, no matter how deserving of that punishment they may be. Hence why it can sometimes take awhile for you to decide where a soul goes, because you want to be sure you’re really making the right decision.
- You’re saddened by how much like your brother Lucifer has become after his banishment, and you wholeheartedly believe that the ONLY reason he hasn’t completely turned into his father is that he has Charlie to think of.
- You and God are both fucking MASSIVE in your true forms. Like, “skyscrapers BARELY reach your hips”, massive. You’re both capable of shrinking down to be able to better interact with people, but even at your smallest you STILL tower over most Sinners.
- You’re low key salty that Lucifer went and had a baby while you were sleeping, because you missed out on getting to play the role of “doting great aunt” while Charlie was growing up. You’re trying really hard to make up for the lost time by visiting frequently. Much to the minor annoyance of a certain radio demon who doesn’t like the feeling of being in the presence of someone FAR more powerful than him. He deals with it and is polite tho because it’s FAR better to have someone as powerful as you be an acquaintance than an enemy.
- You can walk the streets of Hell with complete impunity because everyone either knows EXACTLY who you are and goes out of their way to stay in your good graces, or they end up finding out real fucking quick that you are NOT to be messed with.
- That being said, your presence is generally more accepted in Hell than it is in Heaven. In Hell, you’re far more likely to be willingly approached and have a nice conversation with a Demon. Whereas in Heaven, everyone is scared shitless of you except for Emily and actively tries to avoid even making eye contact with you. It’s like pulling teeth just trying to get someone to tell you what time it is. Of course you can ask anyone in Heaven anything and they’ll respond because they’re too afraid not to lol. But they’ll look like they’re on the verge of fainting then entire time you’re talking to them.
- The aversion to you in Heaven gets better over time as you’re seen having friendly interactions with Emily, but most Angels still get a bit uneasy in your presence. Sera is one of them because she knows that you’re BEYOND pissed at her and she’s one more fuck up away from getting dragged to Limbo and being made into one of your reapers to serve you AND the souls she hurt.
- Much like sending souls to Hell, you get no satisfaction in turning someone into a Hollow. Completely stripping someone of their emotions and sentience is not an enjoyable experience, even if it does result in you getting more help in Limbo. Despite this, you’re still required to make this offer to all souls set to be sent to Hell. You do your best to explain though what the consequences of this decision are though, and thankfully most souls see what becoming a Hollow entails and opt to keep their humanity. However every now and then you’ll get few who insist that becoming a Hollow will be a better fate, so you end up with new reapers.
- Vox is BIG MAD that his biggest rival is now rubbing elbows with the LITERAL Goddess of death. Dumbass had no clue who you even were at first so he didn’t care, but as soon as found out you were Death, the ensuing meltdown he had knocked the power out for the whole Pride ring. Alastor is aware of how pissed Vox is about this, so he purposely goes out of his way to play up his interactions with you when he knows Vox is watching. He can practically hear Vox’s apoplectic screeching when he does it, and it brings him immense joy every time.
- You’re often accompanied by Cerberus; a massive, three headed, doglike beast. God made him for you as a gift AGES ago to be a bodyguard and companion for you. Not that you ever NEED a bodyguard, but the thought was appreciated all the same. You ADORE Cerberus, he is the goodest good boy that ever did a good in your book. Cerberus loves you just as much and loves to give you kisses and cuddles.
- Lucifer was dog sitting Cerberus for you while you slept. Cerberus was a little shit during this time because he missed you, so he would often purposely ignore any commands Lucifer gave him. Charlie loved him though and he was actually great with her, so Lucifer put up with it.
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If you get it you got banger taste in music 😘
Bonus: MC (after the hellfire newt syrup incident): "My heart, my hips, my body, my love. Trying to find a part of me that you didn't touch"
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with-love-from-hell · 2 years
To be Proud
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Pairing: Lucifer x Storm
Written for my Mc (Storm, she/her)
Cw: perfectionism, OCD, mention of eating disorder (restricting), low self-esteem, negative self-talk, swearing, not proof read at all and I wrote this on mobile so probably lots of grammar errors
A/n: im in my feelings tonight, yall. This needed to come out based off a chat in which Lucifer that i got tonight where he said he's proud of you and it shot me in the heart and I cried for like an hour so enjoy this very self-indulgent ficlet that comes from a very wounded place.
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"...to say the very least, the human exchange student is outperforming many others in my class this semester, even beating out both Asmodeus and Leviathan in terms of marks."
The professor tapped his pen on his desk as Lucifer reviewed Storm's work from the first half of the winter quarter. Her first two quarters in devildom were outstanding, so Lucifer was surprised when he found out she was receiving lower marks in applied potions when she normally got all As in her classes. Whats more, Storm was running herself into the ground studying day in and day out to try to improve the grade, only to break down when she only managed to move her class GPA up .03%. He was more concerned about her wellbeing than the damned grade, but she wouldn't even spare a moment to talk with him about it. The perfectionism he saw within her was all too familiar to him, though. So he let her be until he found out she was skipping meals again- a trait that would rear its ugly head during extreme stress, or when she was feeling poorly about her body- but usually both occurred in tandem.
"I appreciate your words of approval for the exchange program and for Storm, but why call me in here if only to give accolade?" Lucifer raised an eyebrow, not seeing the logic the professor was making.
The professor sighed, leaning forward. "Lucifer, my expectations of the human were very low when she entered my class. I've had demons who've retaken this class upwards of 5 times. This class is difficult for even an intelligent demon, and you did not disappoint me by referring Miss Storm to this course. She's a wonderful student, and very quick to pick up on things, and it shows in her work."
Lucifer crossed his arms, irritated that the professor seemed to be dancing around the point. "If her grade is not indicative of failure, what seems to be the problem?"
The professor leaned back in his chair. "The problem is the way she is interpreting my scoring. It appears as if she is used to a normal A-F grading scale, which I don't blame her for. But my class is rated a bit differently, where 75% or more correct on an exam is seen as an 'A", and anything below 45% is failing. This course is rigorous, and I adjust my grading to account for that. Her getting 70% on the last exam put her in the range of a 'B', not close to failing like she thinks."
"So...it is the way in which she interprets the grades..." Lucifer nodded, understanding what he has now meant. "And she will not be aware of a letter until transcripts are distributed."
"Precisely." The professor stood, pacing in front of the black board. "And I worry for health due to this striving for perfection, which is not possible in my class despite how well she is doing. Just yesterday she nearly collapsed while standing up to hand in an assignment."
Lucifer nodded. "I have been aware of this and have been trying to find a way to approach her, but that is indeed alarming. Thank you for telling me."
"I called you here because I need you to relay this information to her for me." The professor sighed, dusting off some remaining chalk from the corner of the board. "I fear she thinks I think ill of her, which is why she refused my invitation to meet with me herself."
Lucifer stood, extending his hand toward the professor. "I will make her aware, and do my best to ensure her health is prioritized."
The professor shook his hand firmly. "Please tell her to take the next day or two to rest. I will excuse her from those assignments, she needn't worry about them."
Lucifer thanked the professor and hurriedly left RAD to return home. He kicked himself for not forcing confrontation earlier, but he knew how sensitive she was to direct conflict, even if she would be better for it. On the way home, he stopped to pick up some bufo egg soup- one of Storm's favorite dishes in the Devildom, and then continued on his path home. Once there, he immediately went to her room, silencing all of his brothers bombarding him with complaints along the way with promises of severe punishment should they not remain quiet the remainder of the evening.
"Storm?" Lucifer knocked delicately on her door, carefuk not to make too loud of a sound to startle her. Behind her door, he could hear soft indie music playing, and could see the flickering of candle light underneath her door. When she didn't respond to a few attempts at getting her attention, Lucifer allowed himself entry, closing the door silently behind him.
The room was dark spare for a few candles and incense burning, their flames casting intricate shadows on the wall. Storm lay on her bed, body trembling with her back facing him. She was awake, and knew he had entered her room, for the moment he called to her, she pulled a blanket up to cover her face.
Lucifer set the bag of food on her desk and removed his shoes and coat. Carefully, he slid underneath the covers next to her, wrapping his arms around Storm's midsection. He felt her body tighten for a moment, before an intense release of woe that she appeared to have been holding in. Her sobs were violent and intense as she curled in on herself.
Lucifer pulled her tighter against him, tracing his thumb over her belly as she cried. He hushed her, reminding her that he was here to support and care for her, so long as she would allow him to be. Featherlite kisses were trailed against her exposed shoulder and neck between the words of reassurance, reminding Storm that he loved and cherished her so much despite the intense emotion she was feeling.
After what felt like hours, Storm finally calmed down enough to turn her attention to him, but refused to look into his eyes. Lucifer kissed away the lingering tears that rolled down her cheeks before speaking, ensuring that all his attention was on her.
"Storm, darling. What has you so upset?" He cooed, rubbing her shoulders gently.
"Applied potions..." she murmured quietly, her voice unstable. "I just can't seem to do anything in that class right. I try so fucking hard, but no matter how hard or how long I study, I always seem to..."
Her voice trailed off as her lip began to tremble, more tears falling down her cheeks. She rolled onto her back, trying not to let Lucifer see how broken she felt.
"My love, there's no need to beat yourself up over what is actually a decent grade." Lucifer reached for her hand. "You are not a failure just because you can't get 101% in this class."
Storm snatched her hand away, hugging herself tightly. Her volume increased, though the stability of her voice continued to waiver. "Yes! Yes it does! I like to think im smart, but this proves that I'm really not. Maybe I've just somehow convinced people that I am by getting lucky enough, but-"
"Storm." Lucifer sat up, pressing a hand firmly to her shoulder. "None of what you just said reflects the truth."
Storm shrugged, hugging herself tighter. "You're so intelligent, elegant, and just...perfect...Why do you even want to be with me? What is there to like about some stupid, worthless human? How...how can I compare next to you?"
Lucifer felt his heart sink as storm burst into another fit of sobs. He knew she had low self esteem when he had asked her to be his mate, but he didn't consider she felt this poorly about herself.
He swiftly adjusted himself so he could lift her into his lap, hugging her tightly and cradling her head against his neck. He hushed her as she cried, feeling the weight of her tears hang heavy in the air. He rubbed her back gently, trying to come up with the words to say to ease her hurt.
"Storm..." Lucifer pulled away slightly, trying to look into her eyes. "From my perspective, you are the one who is perfect. I see a lot of myself in you, thats true. But you're worth isn't dependant on how well you can mimic my strengths. You have your own- some that I can hardly stand to compete with."
"Like what?" Storm mumbled into his chest, unconvinced by his words.
Lucifer cupped her cheek in his palm, turning her head up to face him. "Well, for starters, you are undoubtedly the kindest individual I have ever known, and your bravery is comparable to those in heroic novels."
Storm tried to look away, but Lucifer tugged her cheek back to place. "Second, I have never seen anyone more beautiful in my entire life. You may not be able to see it within yourself, but my heart skips a beat every time I look at you- from your ocean eyes, to your firelit hair, to the curve of your hips where my hand fits perfectly..."
Storm felt her face heat up as Lucifer's fingers trailed each of the listed physical attributes he enjoyed about her. Eventually, he stopped at her hand, curling his fingers over hers and holding it against his chest.
"Aside from the list that could go on, should it be warranted for me to, the most important thing is how I feel about you. If you were truly worth nothing, do you think you would make my heart feel so heavy when you're burdened with sorrow? Or make it skip rapidly when you're excited about something? Or make it burn hotter than the flames of the deepest layer of hell when you're not by my side?"
Lucifer tilted her chin up to his, pausing his lips so they grazed against her. "No matter how many lifetimes we span, three facts will remain true. One, is that I love you- with my entire mind, body, and soul."
He paused, kissing her tenderly. He pulled away slightly, just so his lips grazed hers again. "Two, is that you mean more to me than you will ever know, and getting less than 100% on a stupid test won't change that."
He placed a quick peck on her lips, ready to get to what he was most eager to relay to her. "Three, is that I already am so, so proud of you. You don't need to do anything other than be who you are to earn that."
Storm felt tears well up in her eyes as he placed another tender kiss on her lips. After pulling away, she nearly tackled him off the bed in a tight hug, crying into the crook of his neck. This time, though, it didn't feel like tears of woe...it was more like tears of gratitude and deep admiration.
"T-thank you, Lu." She stammered into his collar, sniffling back more tears. "I love you... so much."
Lucifer kissed the top of her head, running his hand delicately through her hair. "And I you. Always."
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velvetydream · 5 months
꒰ :🥀 [ Till death do us part ] ”♡ᵎ꒱ˀˀ ↷ ⋯
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Summary : What if Alastors dear little darling wife, his partner in crime, the person he thought he'd never see again, turns up with Mimzy on the day of the visit of the big boss of hell.
Pairing : Alastor x fem! Reader
Word count : 1899 Words
Genre : Fluff , Drama , Angst
Warnings ➵ Mentions of death, you're shorter than
Vaggie, possessive Alastor, swearing
Prequel -> > The radio star lost <
a/n : I love this trope ngl, tried to not make him to much out of character, hope it worked.. T T
Also I'm rather new to Hazbin Hotel, so I say sorry if anythings seems wrong or out of character! ><
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The whole hotel was a bit chaotic right now, Lucifer himself would be visiting in just a bit and Charlie wanted everything to be perfect. Colorful decorations were hanging everywhere, a banner was hung up for welcoming the king of hell, how does one even welcome the king of hell into their hotel? Charlie was probably the most stressed of all, but Vaggie did her best to calm her nervous wreck of a girlfriend down.
The moment Lucifer stepped into the hotel was meant to make everything go down, Alastor and his Ego had somehow always a snarky remark against Lucifer. Charlie tried her best to keep them apart, introducing her other friends, before she announced how she would be needing his help. And again the banter between the king of hell and the radio demon started all over again. As if throwing insults at each other before wasn't enough already, now they were pulling at Charlie left and right, like two babies fighting over a toy.
But all things come to an end, which Charlie was thankful for right now, as Mimzy, apparently a friend of Alastor, which was interesting to know he even had any, came barging in with a grand entrance. As the woman now settles down at the bar, talking with the others, Alastor and Charlie took Lucifer on a walk around, Husker disappearing for a second too, but soon joining them at the bar again, a scowl on his face, but something else, undescribable behind his eyes.
A bang was heard through the whole hotel as the entrance door was slammed open and heard could be an angry voice. "MIMZY! You little bitch!" A demon, a slight bit shorter than Vaggie probably, walked in. A scowl evident on the face, as her eyes scan over the place, before falling on the woman she was looking for. "How dare you leave me in the shit like that?! You've got it coming if those sharks don't kill you, I certainly will!" Ignoring the questioning looks of Angel and Husker, you stomp over to the blonde, ready to yank at her hair, when suddenly a bit of debris was thrown through the window and landed beside you, barely missing you by a hair. "The fuck?" The demon's head craned around, looking out the window and there they were, those fuckers Mimzy was in debt to.
You didn't really have time to react much, as three people stormed into the entrance hall, all you could catch was a glimpse of red before the person ran outside, screams of the sharks could be heard, at least those were finally taken care of.
The loan sharks were gone and fought off quickly by that person, his voice now directed to Mimzy, your own eyes on her yourself with a scowl. She and that red demon apparently knew each other quite well, as Mimzy was walking to the door, you finally really looked at the demon. He had short red and black hair, ears sat atop his head, despite scowling Mimzy he was smiling, though a sinister smile it seems. His attire was almost completely red too, a cane was clutched in his hands, as he watched Mimzy walk off, you could only make out a small part of his face. The man seemed so familiar as if you had known him for a long time.. Your heart was running a mile right now, it was getting hard to breathe, and then...
"Thank you Alastor, really.." The long-haired blonde spoke up.. That name, it couldn't be right? Mimzy would've told you, she knew him, she would've definitely told you.. right? You must be mistaken right now.. Your eyes were fixated on the man called Alastor, the voices and sounds around you were all a mush, drowned out as your brain was going all around. Now that you could see his face, he definitely had some resemblance to him.. to your late husband, who had died before you. You were his assistant, his partner in crime, when the news hit you that he was shot, it broke your heart, but still, you continued on alone, killing. That's probably what also got you to hell, well sooner than later you were figured out and soon arrived here in hell.
"Yo smiles, this girly is gawking at you for minutes now." Slowly voices were coming back to you, the white spider beside you talked, pointing his thumb at you, the red-haired now meeting your eyes, his ears straightening and standing alert like the ones of a deer caught in headlight. What irony if he was your Alastor, the irony of dooming him with deer-like features, after getting shot assumed for a deer while hiding one of the many bodies. That day you decided to let him go alone, oh if you just hadn't done that, maybe you both would be alive or you would've at least arrived together in hell.
Alastor was taking slow steps to you, the smile on his face looking strained, yet it never disappeared, his hand was reaching out for you but stopped. Eyes moving over your form, taking in everything. Resemblance to his wife evident, but.. how did he never notice you before? Had he ever met you, walked past, maybe even taken a second glance but dismissed this feeling he has right now.
Swiftly he grabs your wrist, dragging you behind him, ignoring the calls of his name of the other residents, his mind plagued by one only thought, more like one only person.. you.
Stumbling behind him, his grip rather firm on your wrist, yet it felt comforting as if you knew he would never hurt you. Not in your lifetime and also not now in your afterlife. Eyes watching the back of his head, you were wondering what expression his face harbors right now. Was he happy? Was he confused? Disappointed? Maybe he knew where you were all this time but didn't want to meet you. No, he wasn't like this. He may have been distant sometimes while alive, but in the end, he was always a darling to you. Taking care of you, just as he vowed on your wedding day. A distant memory, yet one of the most beautiful ones you have.
A door was opened and as you were pulled inside, the door closed. Steps echoed through the room, you noticed a forest on the other side of the room, but that didn't rather faze you, eyes on him again.. and him only. "Al-" You were interrupted by laughter, the man before you was hugging himself, his arms around him, yet you still weren't able to see his face. "D-Do you know.. How often have I thought about you?!" His voice was loud, a static sound like from a radio accompanied it. One of his hands was tearing at his hair now. "That bitch never told me... I'll make sure to kill her for that.. She kept you from me.." The laughter got even louder, as if the man before you was going insane.
This behavior was nothing new to you, he used to be like this, high on adrenalin when another murder was successful.. Or when he was close to being figured out by the police and detectives, yet he always slipped away right through their incapable fingers.
"I always wondered what happened to you, if you grew old with someone new.." If you were able to see his face right now, you would be able to see the sinister yet possessive smile on his face, his eyes darting around the room.
This all ended in a second when he felt a soft hand on his. He knew this hand, he also knew the person it belonged to like the front of his pocket. "I would never, I carried on alone in your memories, yet I was never as skilled as you darling, so sooner than later they connected all the dots to me." A low chuckle could be heard again, the static radio sound calmed down again too. The tall man slowly turned around now, his hand engulfing your own, his fingers softly running over your own, before he linked them together. How he had missed this feeling, despite having a distaste for people touching him, you were different. Your touch felt warm, like the summer sun kissing his skin, it felt comforting.
"I've missed you mon amour.." His voice was soft, probably the softest it had ever been since he had arrived in hell. His hand guides yours up to his lips, as he closes his eyes and presses a soft kiss to the back of your hand, a smile, now softer, on his lips. He was never one for kissing you on the lips, he definitely favored kissing your hand, like the gentleman he has always been. "I figured with how you were talking seconds ago my dear.." A soft smile was creeping up onto your lips too, mirroring his own one. Red eyes open again, your hand still pressed to his face, but now he was rather holding your hand to his cheek. "Oh how I wished I could've stayed with you my darling, we would've been so successful.." Giggling at his words, with him at your side, you probably would have been going for a long time. "But who says we can't be successful now?" A smirk etched its way onto your husband's face, oh how he loved your daring little mind, always thirsting for blood. With you by his side again now, he would definitely be able to get everything done that he wanted.
"Shall we go back? I want to meet your friends properly." Wanting to pull away your hand, he softly gives you a tug, your head landing on his chest now. Wide eyes look the the side now, as you weren't really able to move, his arms having snaked around you and his chin resting on your head. This was unusual much physical contact, but figured that you hadn't seen each other for multiple decades he yearned for your touch just a slight bit. Your arms lying around him, embracing the hug. "Let's just stay here a few minutes more, we got enough time to introduce you to everyone down there but for now.. let me have you for myself." Nodding softly, your head rests on his chest, as your eyes close and you simply enjoy the presence of your dearly beloved husband.
"What do you mean 'married to smiles'?!" Angel, as he was introduced to you, shouted from his place on the couch now, staring at you flabbergasted. "We've been married for quite a few years before his death." Smiling you answered his question. Alastor didn't like all the attention you were getting, but sooner than later he would have you all to himself again when you two go back to his cozy hotel room or the radio tower. "So you two fu-" Angel wasn't even able to finish his question before he shut himself up as he noticed the look on Alastors face. This time he would've been dead for sure if he finished that question.
Overall everyone invited you happily into their little hotel family, it was amazing. Charlie immediately took a liking to you and if you're being honest she quickly was viewed by you like a daughter.
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jinkiezzsstuff · 4 months
Met The Devil
lucifer x human!reader
based on folklore about the devil, cause i thought that would be cool teehee
Part [2]
Warnings: SMUT 18+, implied fem reader (clit use), based on devil folklore so possibly ooc lucifer, so sorry but lucifer our boy ain’t that caught up on lilith here, penetrative sex, didn’t proof read so lmk if you see any mistakes, no mention of hairtype/bodytype/skin colour, swearing,
Word count: 4K
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Your shoes clacked against the concrete, water from puddles splashing out from underneath your feet. The rain poured down vigorously, and unforgivingly. Your hair ruined, your clothes soaked and your mood sour. It’s been a trying day starting off with a failed job interview and ending with bending over backwards for people who didn’t deserve it.
It wasn’t even like you couldn’t handle a problem, or a hurdle, but it seemed like every path you took led to a dead end. You were tired, broke, and felt drained, you would kill for just a break from the failure.
Your pace slowed long ago, not really wanting to return into a room full of loud family members with critical opinions. You dragged your feet through puddles of water, feeling the cold rain soak through. The storm raged on clouds continuing to pelt down fat droplets, you inhaled the smell of wet grass, damp concrete and mud as you strolled.
The amber street lights above you were dim, and your eyes danced around the street lazily, observing everything and nothing. Just a few feet away from you was a bus stop, with a shelter and a bench, figuring it’d be better to not be drenched completely, you decided you’d have a seat maybe the rain will dissipate.
You dragged your feet focusing down at them as you walked into the shelter. As you turned into it, you bumped into someone jolting you backwards slightly. Reflexively your head shot up from your feet to see a man’s back, he quickly turned to you. You observed his clothing his head held a rather out there looking white hat, shoulders holding up a long white chesterfield coat along with white boots to match his monochromatic look.
Meeting his eyes you admired the unique colour; they looked light brown, but they were such a concentrated colour it could’ve been mistaken for an amber or perhaps orange. He was very pale, and poking out of his hat extremely blonde hair you briefly had the thought of perhaps he just lacked in melanin; he was albino, and so you moved past it. Standing fairly short even with his boots, he seemed like a wealthy man, and perhaps a model too, there’s no way he couldn’t be with such a catching appearance. The man gave you a wide grin, showing off his sparkling teeth, perfect as you expected. “Hi!” The strange man shouted, a rich booming voice coming out of him. You didn’t know what voice you expected to hear from him, but the slightly unsure, sultry one definitely wasn’t it.
Stepping back from him lending him some personal space back, you smiled nervously. “Hi, i’m sorry i thought- well i didn’t see anyone in here, sorry.” The man ‘pfft’ at you, eyes closed momentarily, head tilted back. “It’s not a problem at all! Eh, i was just stopping by!” Waving at you he stepped futher in the bus shelter, opening his arm to welcome you in excitedly.
You watched him intently as you walked inside, you felt curious about him as he had an aura you couldn’t quite place. When inside you stood parallel to him, watching as his posture slowly decompressed like he was glad you were here. You briefly wondered what he meant by stopping by it didn’t seem like the appropriate term to use in this scenario, but you argued with yourself that he could’ve been flustered.
Gazing down at his arm a cane had appeared- one that wasn’t there before, you had to do double take, assuring yourself that you were seeing things correctly. As you did so, he leaned ever so slightly on it putting more trust in the cane then he probably should have. “An apple?” You questioned observing the handle that he grasped with gloved hands. His eyebrow rose with a confused expression gracing his gorgeously sculpted face waiting for you to elaborate. “Your cane, sir.” You smiled nodding toward it, feeling a strange sense of adoration him and for the far away look in his eyes, one you recognized. “Cane? Oh, OH! My cane, ha! Yes uh, apples. They’re, uh gods gift after all.”
Realization flooded his face, smirk reappearing as he leaned forward just a bit, as he did so you felt a sudden sense of familiarity that was almost sickening. You’ve never felt such a pull before to a person like you did in this moment. “Would you like an apple? It’s cold out, you must be tired after such a long tedious day.” Watching him as he dug into his pocket pulling out a decently sized apple- perfectly red as well.
Tilting your head to the side questioningly you ask; “How did you know my day was tedious?” The question came out gently, quiet, void of any accusation or fear. Instead you felt calm gazing from his captivating eyes to the apple, hand stallled just a bit away from yourself reaching toward. “It’s so evident on your face, you poor thing. Here go ahead sweetheart.” His voice that was once insecure, unsure and bouncing in pitch, was now relaxed, smooth and hypnotizing.
There was no malice or condescension in what he said, but rather an observation of what you failed to hide in your current state. Nodding with a short shrug, you reach further, the man meeting you half way to place the fruit in your palm. Your hand briefly touched his own gloved one, they were warm as ever, and you’d wish you could’ve gotten more of a feel.
Smiling at him you suddenly noticed his lids were covered in a lavender purple, perhaps you noticed because they were lidded at you now, unlike before when they were wide. His smile was lazy as he watched you bite into his fruit. It was probably one of the more fresher apples you’d ever bitten into, and as you swallowed the first bite your stomach growled, literally demanding more.
The strange man in white chuckled at the sound of your stomach, and before you could let embarrassment consume you he spoke. “See! So glad I found you, wouldn’t want you starving now would we?” It seemed he had gone back to his boisterous mood as he watched you crunch happily down.
“Thank you so much sir, this is such a good apple, really, did you grow this in your garden?” You asked him, he came closer standing beside you, the two of you now facing the road, looking out at the rain. “Mm, not my garden…” The man muttered under his breath, you quirked a brow humming at him barely hearing what he said. His eyes widened and he quickly shook his head. “Heh! Oh nothing sweets! Don’t worry, i was just, uh, remembering some stuff. From. Like, the past.”
It was as if he’d lost his cool for a moment, stumbling over everything that came out of his mouth, his gaze fixed ahead at nothing. You admired the side of his face as you chewed the last bit of apple, his head slowly turned to you, eyes catching your own.
“You’re eyes are ethereal.” You breathe eyes squinted in focus as you drank him up. You didn’t fully mean to say what you said, it was something just burst out of you without restraint because you felt so strongly about the beauty they held.
Stuttering, he blushed finding it hard to gather the words under the heated look you were giving him. “Thank you, YN.” The man finally said easy going smile once again present on his face. Before you could say anything in return- including questioning how the hell he knew your name, he again reached in his pocket this time pulling out a single playing card the king of hearts. Furrowing your brows you accepted the card but didn’t understand why he gave it to you.
“Love a good game of cards, always have! I think we’ll see each other some day soon!” The man exclaimed smiling brightly at you, behind you, you could make out the sound of a bus coming up to your stop. You smiled and thankedthe man regardless of the oddities, he returned the gesture smiling toothily at you. He rested himself against his cane again watching you intently as you glanced behind you. The bus lights lit up your figure, and you supposed you’d get on for the rest of the ride home. Turning with a smile to say your farewells to the mystery man, your stomach dropped. The man had vanished, and you’d only looked away a second. Stepping out into the rain, you peered up and down the long streets, unable to see his white coat or hat in either direction.
Standing next to the curb the bus whined to a stop, the compressed air blowing out warmly at your legs. When the bus driver opened his doors, you stepped on tapping your finger against the safety glass. The conductor looked at you exhausted by the night and the people he handled.
“Sorry if this is strange, but did you see anyone in the bus shelter with me?” The diver looked at you and it was obvious to him he couldn’t care less, but you stayed put waiting the vocal confirmation. “No ma’am, but if i’m being honest i wasn’t paying attention.”
You nodded quickly eyes casted down, thanking him you put your toll in and walked your way down the isle. When in your seat, you pulled out the card once more to inspect it in the light. Your eyebrows lifted looking down at the card, written on the back where there was nothing before, now had beautiful calligraphic writing with an address on it.
Typing the address into your phone, it directed you to what looked to be a website where people posted looking for house sitters. Turning your mouth in a disgusted manor, you silently questioned why the hell this man would give you such a thing. Scrolling through the different enlistings, you boredly read through descriptions and pay killing time until your stop.
Just a few stops away from home, your thumb stopped on a house, it was a pretty decent home appeared to be some sort of log cabin. The pay they were willing to give was generous, and it was only for three days, oddly enough. Clicking on it, you read through the description, they asked not to bring pets, eat their food, or sleep in their bedrooms asking to bring something to sleep on.
It was a two hour commute by drive, but seeing as you didn’t drive, it was a four hour commute with the train. You sent the owner a quick message telling them that you needed the pay and you were willing to comply to all the rules no issues. After sending your message, you stood mirroring the robotic voice as it called the name of your stop.
“Hi welcome!” Marie greeted you with a handshake, smiling at her you shook back. Walking into the cabin alongside Marie she explained that she needed to pick her husband up from a business trip from the middle east, and her house was too high maintenance for her to leave behind. “Occasionally, the pipes will freeze if the temperature drops, you the heat will need to controlled carefully. There’s a garden outback i am very proud of, i’d really appreciate you checking on it daily, just to make sure no pesky animals intrude.”
Walking through the house, you notice different things hanging, but no family pictures. The house was filled with mahogany and oak woods, which were really gorgeous, the house was dark and lit by yellow lighting from different chandeliers and vintage looking collectors lamps.
“Oh! Also if you need we have a prayer room! Don’t touch anything in there as they’re very expensive. Besides that, you’re good. Alright i gotta run, this willl be a very tedious trip. Call me if you have any problems.” Nodded as she spoke, you walked along side her towards the front door. You smiled at her assuring that all would be well, and if there was any problems you wouldn’t hesitate to call.
Another rain storm moved into the area thunder shaking the cabin. You had a cot set up in the living room per Marie’s request, and your food was put away in the fridge. You had gotten into shorts and a t-shirt now that you didn’t have to worry about being presentable and settled in the cot with your phone and laptop.
You’d been in the house for ten hours now, and you weren’t able to relax, paranoia filled your mind as you felt off about being in a strangers home. The urge and need for money fueled you in the beginning, but now alone in the middle of the woods, in a cabin that isn’t your own with a thunderstorm overhead, yeah you were filled with anxiety.
Just as you felt a bit of tension release from your shoulders, three knocks sounded from the door making you jumped from the disruption of silence. Standing cautiously you walked to the fire place grabbing one of the pokes that sat off to the side, and went to the door. Peeping through the hole you were surprised to be greated by the man from the bus stop. He held the rim of his hat down over his his face that held a scowl of discomfort, slumped over and soaked.
Opening the door you stood the fire poke off to the side against the wall. Despite your apprehension and confusion, something in you felt compelled to open the doo. “What the hell?” You exclaim, watching him perk up at the sound of your voice, eyes naturally finding your own. “Oh you! Y’know i had a feeling you’d be here, uhh, mind helping me out. It’s freezing!”
Grabbing his bicep you tugged him in, him letting out waohs as he stumbled in letting you do as you pleased. Slamming the door behind you, you grabbed his shoulders gently looking into his eyes. “What the fuck are you doing all the way out here? God, you’re soaked.” You saying eyeing him, he was wearing the white outfit he had on nearly two months ago.
Walking to your suitcase you pulled out a towel, t-shirt and joggers for the man. Turning you walked back to the entry to see him already half naked, gasping you spun on your heel. “What the hell dude! Put this on!” You screamed tossing all the items behind your back.
The man laughed, it sounded charming and he seemed delighted at your shock. “Don’t worrrryyy, its no biggie. Look as long as you please.” Scoffing you turned seeing him with the joggers on, hat tossed to the side drying his hair. “You look very good tonight,“ The man trailed eyeing you up and down.
You felt hot at such a statement making you feel like a horn dog. You crossed your arms and gave him a grin. “Can I help you by the way, maybe call you a car? I’m uh, house sitting.” You explain walking up to him, he shook his head smiling coyly at you. “No no, thats, fine.” You went to question further but he had other ideas and brushed past you wandering into the house.
“I don’t even know your name!” You say speedily following him as he observed everything in the cabin he passed. He glanced back at you briefly before muttering; “Lucifer,” Quickly before you could get a word in edge wise he turned aburptly stopping, you bumping into him lightly. “And I only ask that you spare me a few hours, maybe a meal?”
So there you two sat, you had ate with the man, and now sat listening to the stories of a man who swore up and down his name was Lucifer. He explained his predicament while you ate, saying that he just took a wrong turn and drove into a ditch.
You laughed along he told you interesting and funny stories of his life and the people around him, telling you about his crafting hobby. Which captivated you the most, honestly you were mesmerized by the man, and he seemed to feel the same about you.
His eyes lidded and relaxed, his chin rested on his hand, leaning forward completely encapsulated by your presence. You never had a man so focused on you, he hung on every word, and you felt that framillar tinge once again, pulling you into him.
The magnet kept pulling you in, and you were ever so hungry for the man in front of you. “Yeah, my daughter uh, she’s like me with the ambition. I’m just afraid she’s gonna end up like me.” Lucifer said shrugging while looking off to the side. You wont deny you felt the slightest bit upset at the statement, daughter implies mother. “Even if she does fail the only thing can do is be there for her through the trip. It’s harder to fail alone, i think.”
Nodding in contemplation the blondes eyes came back to you, his hands came the the middle of the table causing your gaze to drop. His hands twisted, flicked and your focus was now on a gold circle spinning on the table. His wedding band.
“She’s been alone a long time, my wife, she left seven years ago, we’d been divorced since Charlie was a toddler, heh, kept hoping she’d return. I left Charlie alone too, kinda thought it was for the best. Not anymore. We work together.” He explained smiling at the mention of his daughter. Slapping his hand atop the ring ceasing its momentum he looked at you watching as you placed your hand ontop of his, gently caressing him as you did so.
The two of you stared at each other silently, for how long you weren’t sure. It wasn’t until he pulled himself to his feet sluggishly that the staring spell broke. The confidence returned to him, as did his mischievous smirk. You were under the assumption be was ready to go so you stood with him.
Just as you were about to speak, thanking him for the unique experience he granted you, he grabbed you by the arms and tugged you into him. You fell forward hands flying to his chest, meanwhile his head tilted and softly his lips met yours. You didn’t have time to question a thing before your lips danced in tandem with his. Perhaps you should’ve been less willing than you were but how could you not be? It was like a gift from god, this man.
You wrapped your arms around his neck pulling him to your chest, his hand moved from your arm to your hips grinding himself into you needily. You whimpered at the contact feeling how excited he already was, when you whimpered he took the chance to sneak his tongue into your mouth. As your own tongue slid past his you stuttered feeling how long he could reach, and moaned at the way he tried to swallow you whole so nastily.
Pulling back slightly, Lucifer paused as you felt the fork of his tongue. Shocked you pulled back fully looking at his lustful expression, it was almost as if his eyes were a darker shade.
“What’s wrong?” He asked hands slowly travelling from your hips up to the hem of your shirt, toying with it. “Your tongue?” At your inquisitive tone, he stuck his tongue out. “Thish?” He spoke through is tongue that stuck out to your, normal sized and unforked.
Smirking at him you shook your head gently you must’ve been nervous. Pulling him toward your make shift bed you two crashed down on it haphazardly, he leaned back on his elbows watching as you crawled on top of him meeting his lips eagerly. His hair was slightly disheveled, his breathing jagged under you.
You slid yourself up and down, gliding yourself purposely right on his hard on. Pulling away from the sloppy make out session you two were in, Lucifer looked at you with glassy eyes. “Let’s make deal,” He breathed panting to catch some of the breath you stole straight from him.
“What?” You whispered inches from his lips. “Let me have you, all of you and when the time comes you’ll be a queen, you’re just a diamond in the rough.” There was almost a saddness you could detect, maybe something you could describe as mournfully lonesome. You felt the tug; the pull to him you couldn’t deny, so you took his hand away from your hip, and shook it. “Deal.” You say mocking something that would be business offical.
With a sly grin, he pushed himself up to you, your lips crashing into his instantaneously. You bit his lip gently as he grinded himself into you enjoying how unashamed he was of showing his desire. You met his grinding with your own, dragging your hands down his warm chest. Lucifers breath stuttered at your touch, his nails sinking into your flesh with anticipation.
You stopped at the band of the joggers pulling away from the kiss. As you did Lucifers eyes were wide, pupils blown and he robotically lifted himself by his hips, awkwardly shuffling his joggers down. You lifted yourself so he could get them the rest of the way down before tossing your shirt to the side.
Grinding down on his uncovered cock you moaned head thrown back, he was all consuming and the air felt so hot after the deal. It was desperation that was evident on both your faces, Lucifer hypnotized by you as you greedily grinded against him. Lucifer whimpered laying back down flat on the cot trying to stop himself from violently bucking up.
“Tell me what you want Lucifer,” You purred lifting your hips from his boner rotating your hips round and round while just barely touching his dick beneath you. “Fuck please, get on me.” Lucifer gritted out teeth clenched, eyes closed sparkling at how tight he had them sealed.
Manurvering yourself you pulled down your shorts and urged him to sit up. Lazily he followed your pull sitting up straight toward you. You liked this position way more, face to face as your sunk yourself down on his cock. His legs jerked, spreading out falling off each side of the caught causing you to bottom out, slipping right down to his balls.
“Oh shit you’re an angel, fuck, you feel so good, oh,” Lucifer whimpered voice wavering, although he smiled through the pleasure. Unwillingly he fucked up into you, your body unmoving jerked up with his hips, you were too busy getting used to him girth and size not to mention his all consuming presence. He was so hot, smug, and it made you feel hornier than you already are.
Sliding your hips forward you whimper and moaned. Face in your neck he breathed you in, whimpering as he continued to fuck up into every now and again, still trying to hold back for you. You wrapped your legs around his back clenching on unable to speak as Lucifer had your brain wiped of all thought.
Lucifer bit down holding back a groan, effectively drawing blood from the wound, licking it right up after. Suddenly like a madman, he gripped you like a life line, gently but swiftly flipping you over onto your back. He looked down at you with red eyes stunning you into silence. “Lucifer?” You whispered breathlessly as he smiled down at your form, his tongue darting, out forked once again, and dragged his devilish tongue against his no longer normal teeth.
Without responding he sunk himself into you, your legs on their own accord flew up around Lucifer as he slowly plunged himself into you. You cried out in pleasure as he picked up the pace slamming his hips into you, skin slapping filled the room as well as Lucifers gravel groans and growls.
Your eyes were closed as you reached up to him, your body jerked at his thrusts the cot creaking. You pulled him toward you, he made no effort to pull away from your tugging. His lips met yours pulling you into a hot kiss, you met him with need, teeth clashing and tongues twisting. You being to fucked out in bliss to realize the razor sharp teeth that nicked your lips and tongue, or the snake like tongue that explored your mouth.
You moaned at the sensations you felt all around you, your heightened senses picking up the cold snake like skin that whipped by your calf. Opening your eyes you clenched coming face to face with Lucifer, the devil, the literal devil.
Long red horns stuck out from his pale skin, red eyes lidded and glowing down at you, sharp teeth evident by his smirked. His pace never slowed as he watched you stare at him, and his pride swelled at the fleeing of you clenching him tightly, legs simultaneously pulling him in closer.
“Like what you see angel?” You mewled at his words grabbing his shoulders as he looked down at you eyes full of desire and pride. “Yes,” You gasped as he hit a pretty little spot inside you that made you sing to him.
“Please Lucifer!” A rumble sounded in his chest a noise you couldn’t describe. Attempting to stabilize your jerking body, your hands moved to grip his back but paused at the feeling of feathers. Lazily your mouth fell open, body jerking as your head tilted to the side getting a better look at the red and white wings that cascaded far across the room.
“O-oh, my god, fuuuck.” You moaned trying to make sense of the display in front of you but Lucifer pressed his finger down on your clit making you loose control of your mind once more, bucking up to him, begging him.
You pleaded to Lucifer like a chant to him, looking into his red glowing eyes. His smile was gone his eyes lidded eyebrows pinched as he fought off the urge to cum just a little longer.
With a shout your body shook tensing, toes curling, Lucifer muttered your name over and over worshipping your name as you did to him. His hips halted deep within you and he bit down on your neck leaving several different bite marks.
Pulling away he stared down at your sweaty body his demonic form shrinking away, his eyes going yellow with his natural red irises. You stared shocked at him, but he only coyly smiled at you. “How was your date with the devil?” He smiled brushing his hand down your cheek.
“You’re really the devil?” You asked in disbelief and astonishment. “Well y’know,” He coughed looking away, pulling away from you effectively pulling out of you. “Yeah that’s what they call me.” Another charming smile graced his face.
Your lurched upward eyes wide. “I made a deal with the devil?!” You exclaimed not feeling the way you expected if you were to meet the devil. Y’know fear.
“Yep, and, you promised yourself to me,” Popping his ‘p’ as well as accentuating the ‘and’, he tossed the ring at you. Swiftly you caught it, and by the time you looked down at it, and then back up to him, he was redressed in his suit, coat and hat.
“Speaking of which, I’ve got a kingdom to run.” Thunder rumbled shaking the cabin making the lights flicker out ominously, and in that brief moment, the devil himself, disappeared. Leaving you alone, with his ring, naked in the cabin.
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deadghosy · 4 months
Okay, I saw the part in the noob!reader post about Kirby. I love Kirby and would love a Kirby!reader in hazbin hotel. Like how he is cute but can consume worlds and everyone is just like *pikachu shocked face*, same with him being able to pull out random weapons from his abilities. I can imagine he got there from a new weird portal and meta knight is like “where is he NOW?”.
Kirby is a being of chaos and I love him ❤️
prompt: you lost the sight of your best friend only to be somewhere completely different.
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Meta knight was walking ahead of you as you picked up flowers with your cute smile. “Poyo!” You said smiling ready to show meta knight your flowers you picked up into a bouquet. 
When all of a sudden, you were getting pulled into a red portal as you screamed out to meta knight who seemed to be in his own world.
“POYO! POYO!” You then get sucked in as meta knight turns to see nothing. “Reader/Kirby?…..where is he NOW!” Meta knight exclaims, his accent thickening in worry as he runs around the area calling out your name.
Meta was basically that Brandon rogers meme when he lost his “child” 😭
You swirl in the portal to get thrown out and roll into the feet of a person. “Oh my! Are you okay sweetie?” The sweet voice says as she picks you up. Charlie looked worry seeing you dizzy. “Poyoo..” you said with a dazed out look from your trip of the portal.
Charlie took you in her hotel, getting you water and suited to rest as vaggie checks up. After 24 hours, they kept you as you became part of the hotel staff.
I headcannon you once accidentally swallowed Angel because you saw him as a regular spider. You literally transformed into his color palette before Charlie made you cough him up.
Angel was so traumatized 😭
I imagine you literally almost ending hell’s population by yourself cause you were hungry..you dead ass ran through the streets eating random shit. Thank goodness Lucifer picked you up and ran.
You once walked into Lucifer brain storming and he saw you…he immediately had a new idea for his duck creation. He made you stay in his room until Charlie said it was your bed time.
Vaggie always keep tabs on you so you don’t cause trouble around the pride ring and the hotel.
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The egg boiz
Nahh cause you definitely had swallowed up the egg boiz to have a egg shell around you to hide in the egg shell like an ability.
Sir Pentious is always scared of the fact of you just eating him. But you don’t cause you literally get fed chips by the bar. So Pentious calms down and lets you have some time with him
Lucifer would probably make you inhale one of his rubber ducks so you can have a duck beak and wings just so he can chase you around with heart eyes excited that his hyperfixation became real
I can see you always following Alastor like the egg boiz did in “scrambled eggs” 😭 except you just waddle beside him cutely
“Poyoooo… poyoooo..” you said softly as you tug on Alastor’s pant leg. Alastor looks down slightly entertained by your language and gesture for him to look at you.
“Well aren’t you an eager little thing…” alastor says picking you up and taking you to show Rosie his new found friend.
Husk once
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You definitely stood outside of the Vee’s tower holding the knife with a smile as Valentino looks so scared closing his curtains.
Angel dust loves you to the point he might adopt you as a sibling since you are pink like him.
Charlie and vaggie are the parents who maintain what you eat and sleep. Dead as you were gonna eat a butterfly when vaggie picked you up like “NOPE! NOT TODAY!” And took you inside for the rest of the time-
See I can personally just imagine that Kirby gif where Kirby eats the whole ass meal on the table. So imagine the crew’s face seeing you do that shit 😭
I can see you getting on fat nuggets and just start to ride fat nuggets like a cowboy 😭💗
Angel definitely recorded it as you just smile while fat nuggets runs around the hotel freely.
I headcannon you bought a bunch a flowers for the crew and the was so adorable how you just picked each flower matching the cast’s colors
Imagine you just watching a hell cartoon and Vox is like “kill them! Kill your entire family” as you jolted shocked and cry at the scary tv man
Niffty once fed you dust particles thinking it wouldn’t affect you…it did cause you coughed and got sick. Niffty cried, not thinking it would harm you as she sniffles giving you soup in your room.
Niffty was banned from making lunch for you😭
Alastor be trying to troll you into eating cannibal meat, like dead ass he would make you a sandwich with “turkey” meat. But you could already smell THE MUSSTTT 🤮
So he failed with that mission. But at least you like his radio station and his jazz music.
Charlie brought you to her meeting with the first man so she can feel comfortable as you are kinda like her service animal.
Adam actually would like you cause you love to eat endlessly and you are pick up size. This mf will literally pick you up with one hand and dribble you like a basketball or treat you like a damn football💀
“Hey lute! Go long!” “Yes sir!” Lute replies back as she moves back far. Adam launches you making you scream as lute flies up and catches you.
“GOALLLL! FUCK YEAH!” Lute says accidentally throwing you off of the cloud floor they were on. “LUTE WTF?!” Adam yells looking at you fall before a portal had eaten you up. “Well damnit…I was gonna miss that lil pink shit.” Adam says before walking away with lute close behind him
Meta knight is back at home was tweaking out as he literally sobs eating with a picture of you on the table. He misses you deeply as he stares at the photo before looking down. “My friennnd…” he says with a sniffle as he covers his face.
Good ending was that you plopped down on the table from the portal as meta immediately hugs you as you smiled happily, showing him the flowers. You guys ate dinner happily!
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ohbother2 · 4 months
Hi! I don't know if you write for Adam, but this man has me in an unholy choke hold and I've literally read through all the Adam fics on this site already. I am begging, on my hands and knees, for you to please write an Adam x female reader smut oneshot. Literally anything you want.
I absolutely loved your Lucifer close proximity fic btw!! You're writing is literally insane and I just know you'd do Adam's character justice!
Thank youuuu
Thank you!! Sorry this is coming out so long after you sent it in, but hope you guys enjoy!
Also to other ppl reading this! I've seen your lovely messages in my inbox and I 100% intend on responding to them I'm just swamped with Uni work at the moment. But thank you all so much!!
This is literally pure smut btw, minors DNI!! Adam is very Adam in this. Lmk what you guys think I love to hear your thoughts! Especially because Adam is so hard to write!
Tag list - @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx
Adam x f!reader - After a Shitty Meeting with the Blond Short-Stack
To put it bluntly, Adam had had a particularly shitty day, and that was saying a lot considering there were absolutely no bad days in heaven. This day, however, had seemed to drag on for an eternity, and by the end of it he felt like punching a whole through every window that he walked past on his way home from work, having to walk instead of fly because he was too furious to trust his wings not to give out on him if he became too lost in thought. 
To summarise, he had had to meet Lucifer today, the pompous, prideful, wife-stealing piece of short-blonde-shit that lorded about Hell as if he wasn’t banished there purposefully for his sins. The meeting wasn’t in person, with him attending from Heaven and Lucifer attending from Hell, but simply being within any sort of presence of the blond gnome had his blood boiling and his fingers itching to grab the nearest weapon and shove it through his chest. And today, well, Lucifer had gone too far.
Sure, Adam may have started it with some comment about Lucifer’s daughters failing redemption-business, and how the timer was ticking until the upcoming extermination, but really, who was Lucifer to dare let your name spill from his lips? In a mockery of your and Adam’s relationship no less. 
That self-entitled little shit-eating smirk had graced Lucifer’s ridiculously rosy cheeks, and he had dared insinuate he could steal you right from under Adam’s nose the next time you went down to Hell, just like his two previous wives. He was thankful for his mask which had concealed the utter shock-horror that had overtaken his features at the insult, but he also wished Lucifer would have seen his absolute unbridled hatred once he had rebounded from the insult: if looks could have killed, Lucifer would have been incinerated on the spot. The comment had riled Adam up so much that Lute had had to step in to steer the meeting back on track, and it had taken all of his self-control, and Lute’s, to stop him from immediately teleporting down to Hell and blasting Lucifer to whatever the fuck came after Hell. He grumbles to himself angrily, hand rubbing at his temples as he finally reaches his front door. God, he just wanted to have a drink and go to bed, where hopefully he would dream about murdering Lucifer and lording it up with you above his grave. Maybe you guys could make out right next to his grave, that would really prove a point. 
He slams the front door shut harsher than he should have, and immediately storms through the house, desperate to just see you in one of the rooms – he’d even break into the bathroom even if you were mid-shit if he had to, he just had to see you. 
“Babe?” He calls, wings tucked tightly against his back as he prowls the corridor, poking his masked head into each room he came across, finally relaxing when he saw you relaxing with a book curled up in the loveseat in the living room. 
“Adam!” You grin over at him, and the tension in his shoulders shifts at the sight, releasing a tight breath as you perk up as he approaches, tucking your bookmark back into place and waiting for him expectantly. Of course you would be here, he reprimands himself, furious that Lucifer could get to him in such a way; where else would you be? “How was your day? You had that meeting right? Did it go well?” You rapid-fire your questions, and you suddenly frown as he approaches. “You’ve still got your mask on, it didn’t go well.”
“Yes, hello sugar, it’s nice to see you too, damn.” He mutters, frustrated at himself for being so easy to read, and frustrated at you for reading him so easily, finally coming to a stop before you. “Can’t a man just wear his cool-ass mask? I just forgot, okay?” 
“You can do anything you please, I’m just worried.” You look up at him sympathetically, and he immediately knew his tough-guy act was immediately lost on you. Who was he kidding? Today had been particularly shit, and he just wanted to be with you. Not to ease his worries, no, no, he was secure in his relationship, confident in his charm (he was fucking Adam, who could compare?) but just… because he wanted to be with you.
He wasn’t even convincing himself. 
“Want to talk about it?” You ask softly, watching as he tugs the mask from his face and places it against the coffee table. His hair was a mess, and you could see the way his brows pinched into a light frown as he attempted to hide his frustration. 
“Fuck no.” He shakes his head. “You’re right, the meeting went shitty. That pompous little prick-“ He cuts himself off, pursing his lips lightly as he stares down at you. He didn’t want to tell you what Lucifer had said. He knew you wouldn’t suddenly act on what he had said, but still, he daren’t even breathe the possibility into existence. “I just want to be home, with you.” 
“I think I can help with that.” You grin, shuffling over on the love seat and staring up at him expectantly, an absolutely lovely smile on your rosy lips.
"What would I do without you?" Adam questions, sitting down next to you heavily and leaning in for a proper kiss. One of his large hands falls to your waist as he leans in closer, your back leaning against the arm of the armrest as he approaches, slender fingers weaving into the locks at the nape of his neck to hold him closer. He pulls away for a moment, pressing heavy kisses against your jawline, eyes closed to the world and enjoying the feeling of your fingertips against the nape of his neck. 
"Is there anything else I could help with?" You utter softly, head tilting back to expose your neck. A sudden grin takes over your features. You were about to play with fire, but you couldn't help yourself. "Perhaps give Lucifer a talking to?" 
"Why," he growls, pressing one last kiss beneath your ear before he pulls back, both hands falling to your twisted hips. "would you mention that old fucks name when I have my lips against you." 
"Just trying to help." You bats your eyelashes playfully, a laugh escaping you at his furrowed expression. 
"I seem to recall you saying 'anything I please' not only five minutes ago." He leans closer, a hand grasping the armrest you leant against, caging you in with a devilish grin. "This is how you can help. Distract me." 
"Adam!" You mock, palms sliding up his biceps and resting against his chest as you lean further back, further from his lips. His eyes narrow in frustration. "I fear you have misunderstood-"
"You know exactly what you were doing, babe." 
A flash of pearly white teeth as you laugh again, fingers pulling at his lapels to drag him closer. "I'm afraid I don't."
His lips cover yours as a hand slides beneath you, a hand grasping firmly at your ass as he sucks all air from your lungs, a moan rewarding his efforts. Adam moans as a hand tugs at his locks, pulling your waist closer as he bores down, a knee sliding up your skirt and forcing your legs to part, falling freely without encouragement. Your red silk skirt bunches up around your waist, guided by his hands to expose your milky thighs to the cool air. You gasp against him.
"You going to be good for me?" He mumbles against your lips, large hands guiding your hips, thigh rubbing at your heat through the thin layer of your underwear. "You going to be a good girl and distract me?" 
You hum in response, vocalising your pleasure as his tongue slides into your mouth, not even bothering to put up a fight as Adam hungrily licks into your mouth, grip forcing your hips to shift against his own as you grasp at his biceps. 
"You’re such a fucking tease." He moans between kisses to your skin, hands tugging fabric from your collarbone as he kisses lower. "If I wasn’t as generous, I’d make you do all the work tonight." He presses another deep kiss to your lips, caging you between his arms and nestling between your parted thighs. "Lucky for you I’m fucking pissed." 
"Adam." You groan quietly, eyes fluttering as he licks his way down the column of your throat, teeth grazing your hot skin as he yanks your top down your shoulders. He doesn’t bother unhooking your bra, splitting it down the middle with a grin and ignoring your complaints with a harsh bite into the skin of your breast. Adam grins against your reddening skin as his free hand comes up to grip your other breast, rolling the bud tightly between his fingers as he sucks and bites around the swell of your breast. He groans at the feeling of your hands gripping his broad shoulders, fingers edging closer and closer to his wings, hips rolling forward and cock twitching in his garments. He delves forward, warm mouth wrapping around a pert nipple without warning, Adam pays you no mind when you gasp at a particularly hard nip, suckling hungrily as his left-hand travels lower to press your hips up and against him. Your head lolls back as he groans around your bud, thrusting his hips against your clothed core. He continues, on and on, until the pained groans turn into pleasured whines, your thighs quivering around his hips and hands carding through his locks.
He pulls away for air, pressing sloppy kisses along the wet skin at your chest. "Look at you, I’ve not even touched you and you’re whining like a bitch." He groans, pressing a kiss to the swollen nipple pinched between his fingers. "I know I’m good, but this is pitiful babe. Fucking desperate.”
You had half a mind to remind him that he was the one that had stormed into your living room and practically demanded you attention after a shitty day, but with his mouth against you and hands gripping your thighs like his life depended on it, you were happy to remain silent, breathing airily as he sucked harshly at your skin. 
“I’d be a pretty shitty husband if I just left my wife like this, huh?"
“Adam-“ You go to warn at his mockingly coy tone, him having played this hard-to-get game before and leaving you wanting until it was actually you desperate for his touch, and not the other way around. This time, however, he didn’t have the patience for such games, your voice dying with a hitch of breath as he latches onto your other nipple, free hand travelling beneath your skirt to the damp spot growing against your underwear. He circles the damp fabric, feather-light and teasing, not yet touching the place you craved the most. 
"Adam, baby," You breath heavily, chest heaving as he continues to lavish a pert nipple with his tongue, hands tugging at his robe and sliding down the smooth skin of his chest. "Adam, please."
With a harsh nip he unlatches from your chest, peering down at you with dark eyes, the gold barely glinting in the dim light of the room, breathing heavy. A smirk tugs at his lips, brunet locks falling in front of his eyes as you continue to work yourself against his thigh, wide eyes shining and whining pathetically. 
"Please, what?" He shifts, clothed cock pressing harshly against your groin, rutting once, twice. "Fuck you? Make you feel good? Feel better than anyone else ever could?” He rolls his hips again, you whimper. "Or, please stop? Leave you in this state? Return to my duties?"
"No, no- please," your breath hitches as he bites at the soft mound of flesh below your right nipple, a trail of red and purple left behind as he nips lower. "Please, fuck me." Your hands finally dig into his wings, close to where they joined at his back, fingertips digging into the feathers and tugging lightly. You can feel the way his hands tighten either side of your ribcage, and you can see the way his pupils dilate as a red hue creeps up his neck and flushes the skin of his cheeks.
"Fuck," he moans, cock twitching in his breaches. His thumbs dig into your abdomen as his hands clench against your hips, stopping you from moving against him. God, this was exactly what he needed after this shitty day. You must have been some sort of Saint in disguise. "You fucking tease, fucking hands in my-“ He has to stop when you tug again, and he glowers down at you as your nails scratch their way down the centre of his golden wings, the tips twitching as he tries to remain in control. 
“Oh yeah, baby? That's how you want to do this?" His voice had deepened to the familiar gravelling husk that you loved so dearly, and you can do nothing but nod fervently, the sound going straight to your core. You knew exactly what you were doing toying with his wings, and he knew just as well as you what that meant. Adam takes in the sight before him; the heaving chest, the perfect slender column of your exposed throat, the exposed milky-white of your spread thighs, the wide glossy eyes just pleading for him to move. He breathes deeply at the way your skirt bunches around your waist, your whole body on show except from a pathetic soaking pair of underwear. "Fucking perfect."
A rough hand suddenly against your throat has you falling boneless against the armrest, eyes rolling as Adam’s fist tightens, his wings twitching upwards as your hands fall to noncommittally pry at his fingers around your neck. 
"Hng, please-" You rasp, spreading your legs as far as the backrest of the loveseat would allow, hands clenching into the fabric of the sofa beneath you. 
"You'll get fucked," Adam whispers harshly against your ear, free hand sliding your ruined pants down your thighs. "but not until I'm done with you."
"It’s been a fucking shitty day," he begins, a singular finger sliding between your folds and gathering the wetness that had gathered. You whine, straining against his hold on your neck. "and the one thing that’s gotten me through it is knowing I get to come home to this perfect piece of ass." He grins, feeling your pussy clench at the tip of his finger. "So I’m taking my fucking time with you."
A singular finger finally enters your swollen, aching, core, mouth falling open in a silent moan at the contact, finally. The sounds that echo around the room are obscene, wet and thick as his fingers curl, digging against that sweet spot inside of you. 
"You hear that, sweety?" Adam murmurs mockingly against your lips, the pet-name dripping with irony as he kisses down harshly, a kiss you could only hope to keep pace with, never mind reciprocate. "You fucking filthy girl." A second enters, easily, coated in your slick within seconds as he draws moans from your lungs. He leans back, watching you flush and gasp beneath his hands, fingers pulling non-comically at the fist he had around your neck. A third finger enters, and this time, he feels the stretch. 
"God, Adam-" You squeal, hips raising from the loveseat as he continues, the sinful sounds only getting louder and louder. You moan with every thrust of his fingers, hands gripping at the material of your shirts beneath you. You groans at the fiery pain in your walls, but your eyes roll at the pleasure that had started to build. 
"So fucking wet, and all it took was the thought of being with me. At least you know how lucky you are babe, fuck-" His grip tightens around your neck, a fourth finger entering, and you scream, or would have if you had the oxygen to. A pathetic choking wail comes from your throat, and you clench tighter around his digits, hips chasing his hand with every thrust. 
"I'm- I'm going to-" You sob as he picks up his pace, the sounds omitting from you downright sinful. Your thighs shake as your body goes rigid, mouth falling open in a silent scream.
Adam doesn't stop, eyes trained on his wife's face as you come undone beneath his fingers, hips jerking wildly as he thrusts and curls inside of you. It is only when your eyes flutter and legs fall slack that he stops, pulling his hand out from between your thighs with a sickening pop, fluid coating his hand and your inner thighs. 
You blink heavily, gasping for breath as you finally return to your surroundings, feeling devastatingly empty but more than satisfied. Adam barely gives you a moment before he’s kissing you deeply, teeth tugging at your swollen lips and a hand winding into your hair to tug your head exactly where he wanted you. He doesn’t break the kiss as he scoops you into his arms, your hands grasp at his neck and shoulders as he carries you towards the bedroom.
He throws you down roughly on the edge of the side of the bed, shucking off his robe, trousers and pants quickly, hard and weeping cock springing free, red and painful at the neglect, balls heavy and painfully sensitive. You wiggle out of your red skirt, kicking it onto the floor as Adam clambers over you, knees pressed against the mattress. He slides his hand along your inner thighs, which part without question, gathering the wetness that coated them. He pumps his cock lazily, once, twice, abs clenching as he breathes deeply. 
"I'm gonna fuck you so good you forget that cunts name.” He mutters more to himself, and it takes you a moment to realise who he was talking about. Ah, he hadn’t taken your comment about Lucifer earlier well. He never did. You can’t help but feel excited, as exhausted as you already were, Adam always got so competitive after a comment like that, and you always left the situation just as smug and satisfied as Adam felt. “Hope you haven’t got any important shit tomorrow, babe,” He comments, leaning over you and shrouding your smaller form with his large body, grinning down at you with a wickedness better suited to hell than heaven. “because it’ll be a miracle if you can walk.”
"You’re talking an awful lot." You comment, but your panting doesn’t give it the mocking you were hoping for. His wings flatten when your comment registers, and the golden feathers bristle as you continue. “You’ve yet to actually fuck me, I wonder if Lu-“
Without warning he thrusts forward, groaning hotly against your throat as his wings raise. You whine at the stretch, and your hands quickly burrow back into his wings as he bullies his way into you, forcing himself down to the hilt and not allowing you time to adjust. “Don’t you fucking dare say his name.” He hisses against your throat, biting at the skin harshly. He draws back, tip resting just inside your opening, and then surges forward, burying himself to the hilt, setting a brutal, staggering pace. You whimper in pain and pleasure at the abrupt pace, but fall into it as he thrusts, legs winding around his hips and anchoring him in place. 
Adam groans into your skin with every thrust, unabashed and unashamed, the wet warmth between your thighs melting away his worries. His fingers dig painfully into the divots of your hips.
"You're my girl, no one else’s, my fucking girl." He groans, balls slapping against your ass as he thrusts, seizing your thighs and pushing them up towards your chest, folding you in half and giving you no choice but to breath and take it. "Clearly I’ve not been doing my job if you’ve had time to think about him, don't worry baby, I'll fix that."
"Adam," You moan at the new angle, his cock hitting that special spot inside with every thrust, legs shaking with every thrust. "please, please, please, I don’t-"
"Fucking slut, begging for my cock." He punctuates his sentence with a particularly hard thrust that has you keening, back arching from the crumpled bedsheets. 
Suddenly, without warning, he pulls out completely and your high dissipates violently as you gasp and shoot upright, trying to tug him back down by his wings. "No, no, please-"
Large rough hands grab at your body as you are flipped around, hands scrambling for purchase and legs like jelly as you’re repositioned, locks falling into your face as Adam thrusts back in, hands gripping your hips as he pounds. 
"You wanna act like a slut?" He drills his cock into you from behind, large hand pushing at your tail bone to force your back to arch. You comply easily, and you’re rewarded with a fist grabbing at the globe of your ass and slamming you back towards him with painful force. "I'll fuck you like a slut."
A tender hand runs up the column of your spine and you shiver, gasping into a moan as he gathers your hair in one tight fist and yanks. 
"Oh! Oh Adam-"
Every slap of your ass with his hips has your head lurching back with the grip he has on your hair, eyes rolling into the back of your head as he thrusts, the harsh sound of slapping skin filling the room. 
"Adam, ‘s too much," Your moans cut your sentence short, fists gripping the bed sheets as he pounds relentlessly, scalp stinging and pussy aching at the unforgiving stretch. "Please, I can't-"
"You fucking can." He growls, releasing your hair and shoving your head forward with a hand at the back of your neck, leaning forward to place wet kisses at the centre of your spine as he thrusts down. "I’m not done with you, so you're gonna fucking take it."
You moan pathetically into the bed sheets, fingers curling into the fabric either side of your head as your pussy throbs, a familiar searing heat coiling in your abdomen and tingling along your spine.
"We’re not done until you get that you’re mine, my bitch, and no one else can give you this, understand?" His large hands anchor themselves at your waist as he thrusts impossibly harder, sweat beginning to bead down his chest and stomach. No doubt bruises would be left behind, the thought of your perfect flesh, your perfect ivory skin, marred by his fingerprints only drives him further, his balls beginning to tighten.
"I'm- I'm - wait!" Adam doesn't listen to his wife's pleas, supporting your shaking hips with his large hands as he fucks you into the mattress, grinning past his exertion at seeing your thighs begin to quiver. 
Your cracked voice mewls into the bedsheets as your second orgasm builds, panting pathetically as you brace yourself, tears of pleasure beginning to stream down your cheeks. 
"Good fucking girl." Adam groans, feeling his own orgasm build, cock twitching within your walls. "Does my bitch finally get it? Huh?” Your lack of response doesn’t please him, and one of his large hands slaps the globe of your ass painfully as he continues his brutal pace. ‘'you gonna take it?"
"Please!" You finally wail, pussy clenching at the sheer anger in his voice, and beneath all the brovado, the desperation to know he’s doing a good job. And by God he was doing a phenomenal job. "So fuckin’ good Adam. I’m yours- yours.” You choke into the mattress when you feel his grip tighten against your hips, his hips stuttering at the praise. “Don’t stop. Adam, please, please-"
You wail pathetically, second orgasm crashing over you as you convulses beneath Adam’s cock, toes curling, legs only propped up with his large hands as you cry. “So, f-fuck– good.”
"Fuck." Adam groans as his own orgasm hits, balls tightening as he thrusts again and again, jerking uncontrollably as he empties inside of you, pumping his hips desperately. You can feel the air around you shift as his wings twitch, flapping powerfully with the concentration he pours into his final few thrusts, impossibly deep and hard as his arms flex against your lax figure. "Ah." He grunts, thrusting once, twice, collapsing on top of his shaking wife, cock buried to the hilt. His sweaty forehead presses between your shoulder blades, breathing hotly against your damp skin as you breathes shakily beneath him, catching your own breath as the aftershocks of your orgasm course through you.
"Fuckin’ perfect." Adam mutters gruffly against your skin, kissing tenderly as he straightens, hands landing on the globe of your red ass, slowly pulling his cock from you with a hiss. He watches with dark eyes as his cum gathers at your entrance, pushing a small trickle back in with a slick finger, causing you to gasp in surprise. 
Large hands, far gentler than they had been mere moments ago, grasp your waist and manoeuvre you around, laying your panting frame back onto the edge of the bed. Adam leans down to kiss you sweetly, rough hands grabbing a thigh each and pulling them up towards your chest as he leans, tongue slipping into your mouth and licking into your cavern as he repositions, a soft sigh falling from your lips and your hands dangling leisurely from his broad shoulders. 
He pulls back from the kiss, and you watch him with hooded eyes, unaware of the position you had found herself in until a thick cock-head presses at your weeping entrance once again. You look up, still panting, and Adam cannot help but feel utterly devoted to the sight in front of him, cock twitching back to full capacity; your cheeks shining from the tears that had spilled, lips puckered and swollen and invitingly red from the way he had nipped at them, the smattering of bruises that decorated your neck and chest. You were truly a vision, not a holy one, but absolutely divine to him.
"Adam, wait - I can't." You whimper breathily, hips pulling away from his cock. Too sensitive, too raw. Despite your reservations, Adam can see the way you breathe in suspense, the way your fingers flex against the bedsheets in anticipation. Hell, you weren’t even trying to close your legs in his grasp. You really shouldn’t have mentioned Lucifer’s name if you didn’t want this. He was nowhere near done.
"No?" He questions sarcastically, hands still pinning your thighs to your chest, golden eyes staring deeply into your own. "Looks to me like you can still talk back, that won’t do babe." Hands still grasping your milky thighs, Adam leans down, grinning before pressing a soft kiss right against your clit. You jerk, a cry falling from your lips. "Come on, sugar, you’re really tapping out so soon?" He rubs his cock against your folds, his cum coating his own flared tip, and your pussy flutters around him; you hiss out a whine. "What a shitty husband I’d be if I left you wanting, and from the look of you, I know you’re not done." He rubs his cock against you again, balls gathering the cum that had dribbled from your opening. You look up at him fervently, and you can see the determination in his heated gaze, and oh how that look had your core tightening as he leant impossibly closer. "Is my wife really done? I think she can take one more, one more, for me." 
You groan as he enters again, slowly, cock dragging against your slicked walls, and a squelch emitting from your conjoined bodies as he finally bottoms out again. Your legs twitch in his hold, and he grinds his hips, fighting the urge to thrust. 
Your mouth hangs open silently, eyes fluttering at the stretch to your over-sensitive core. Your nails tear at his shoulders uselessly, trying to distract yourself from the all-consuming pleasure, and the delightful sting has Adam clenching his jaw as he tries to remain composed. You can hear the shuddering breath he takes as he fights his instincts, pulling back just as slowly as he had entered, until the weight of his cock presses just inside your opening, and then thrusts back in, setting a slow, steady, hard pace. 
He recaptures your lips in a searing kiss, biting at your lip until you allow him to snake his way inside, sucking the little air from your lungs as he pants into you, brows furrowed in concentration as he fucks into you with his hips and licks into your mouth hungrily. This time, he allows your hands to dig into his wings from the start, his own hands remaining perched on your thighs and pinning you down to take his harsh thrusts. He grunts when your fingertips delve back into the ruffled feathers, stretching them out beneath your touch and covering your body possessively beneath his larger frame. 
"S-Shit babe.” He groans between thrusts, pace increasing silently. You can do nothing but moan pathetically, pussy aching and throbbing as your fingers dig deeper into his wings, and his shoulders tense at the intense pleasure that sparks all along his spine. "Fucking careful.” He tries to battle back his control that had begun to slip, and decides insulting you would mask the way your simplest of touches nearly had him finishing then and there. “F-fucking whore." 
You simply groan, eyes rolled into the back of your head and hands blinding searching for purchase as that tight coil begins to wind in your abdomen, hips beginning to shift against his quickening thrusts. Your voice pitches and cracks as he pummels that special spot inside of you, and your hands clench into fists in his wings. "Oh God- Adam, right there, fuck – so fucking good."
“I know baby, I’m fucking good, I know.” He grits through clenched teeth, ever the egoist. Despite his parroting of the compliments as if they were simple facts, the compliments go straight to his head and his cock, and something in his chest tightens at the way you continue to babble his praises. 
A particularly hard thrust has you gasping. "Adam, you’re so- so-" You couldn’t finish the sentence, but he got the message, and nearly cums with his next thrust, biting into your collarbone to distract himself from the praise.
Adam groans, balls already beginning to tighten. He yanks you closer as you continue to beg, forcing you in half as he pounds into you, cum spilling from around his cock as he thrusts again and again, your thighs slick with it. 
"Adam, please." You pant, all air forced from your lungs as he drills into you over and over again, pussy struggling as Adam’s cum is forced from inside you to make room for his cock. "I'm all yours."
"Fuck, baby." He groans, balls slapping against your ass with every thrust. He releases your right thigh, free thumb pressing into your swollen clit and rubbing hard. "Cum for me, I know you've got one more. One more and I'll fucking fill you, one more."
You shriek at the pressure on your clit, head thrown back as your legs shake. Chanting 'yes, yes, Adam, fuck.' between wails.
"You can take it, 'fuckin' take it."
He swallows your scream with a kiss when you finally tip over the edge, your hips shaking against his own as your stomach erupts in a fiery jolt of pleasure that travels from the tips of your toes to your fingertips, back arching from the bedsheets. Adam swears against your lips, nails almost breaking the skin of your thighs as he cums, shoulders and wings tense as he humps tightly, burying himself to the hilt and pressing as much of his weight onto you as he could. 
"Fuck, there you go." He groans, thrusting lazily, pressing you into the bedsheets, all of his weight forced onto your hips. "There you go."
You moan pitifully as his cock fully burrows itself to its hilt, both hands coming up to cradle the back of Adam’s head and shoulders as he allows his full weight to rest on top of you, face pressed against the crook of your neck, soft lips gently mouthing against a blossoming hickey, hips finally ceasing their aborted thrusts. You wrap your legs loosely around his hips as his hands curl beneath you, resting flat against your spine and securing you in his embrace. You sigh at the new angle, finally able to breath fully, and relaxes into the sticky sheets below, allowing Adam to lick at the bruises covering your neck and chest.
"You okay, baby?" Adam mutters softly, voice still unusually deep and gravelly as he comes down from his high, warm palms sliding against your sticky skin in some semblance of comfort, blunt nails scratching a light comforting pattern against your skin. He lifts himself up lightly, still burrowed within, sweaty brunet locks falling across his face and tickling your forehead. 
"Never better." You grin, exhausted and blissed-out, a familiar ache beginning to settle deep within, but uncaring for the discomfort after seeing the poorly-masked worried devotion in your husband's eyes. "You’re amazing, you know."
"I know.” He hums cockily, and you swat at his arm playfully as he grins. “I supposed you aren’t half bad, too.” 
Your head tilts in mock-offence, but the exhaustion and complete and utter satisfaction cloaking your eyes has you looking seconds away from passing out, and he chuckles at the sight. He studies you for a moment, mapping the flush to your cheeks and chest, the fraying of your elegant hairdo, the wet streams on your cheeks and the puffiness of your lips. His eyes travel lower, following a stream of bruises that caress your ivory skin all the way down to where your bodies conjoin. His eyes flicker back up and he grins cheekily, unapologetic and somewhat proud. 
With a comforting pat to your thighs, Adam leans down for a far more tender kiss, grunting against you as he removes himself from you, dick falling free as he clambers up the bed and carefully tugs your spent body along with him, nestling you tightly into his side as his wings drape off both edges of the bed. He grunts, tugging you further onto his chest, and you giggle as you swing your arms around his chest and neck, cheek pressed against his shoulder and his own pressed against the top of your head, strong arms encircling your waist and pinning you close.
“I should rant to you more about my shitty days if you’re willing to cheer me up like this.” He grumbles to himself, eyes closed as he breathes deeply, and you feel the rumble of his chest beneath you. “I can feel you looking at me. Shut your mouth and enjoy the moment unless you want to piss me off again.” 
“I didn’t even piss you off in the first place,“ You defend, rolling your eyes playfully at him. “but if you fuck me like that when you’re angry I’ll have to get you angry more often.”
“You want to go again?” Adam questions deftly, the exhausted surprise yet underlying giddiness in his voice almost making you laugh, if not for the fact that you were utterly and completely spent. 
“No, no, I’m more than happy. I was going to say we should shower.” 
He ‘humphs’ like a child, heavy arms not moving as you try to wriggle away from his grasp to begin running the shower. “What’s the rush? Give me ten minutes.”
“We’re disgusting.”
“Five minutes.” He mutters, rightening his hold on your waist. “You never know, in those five minutes you might want to go again, and then we’d save having to wash ourselves again, save the water bill and all that shit, y’know?”
“You’re disgusting.” 
“You married me.” He backhands childishly, pulling you in closer to his chest. “So that we can be disgusting together. Now shush and stop talking, I was enjoying the moment.”
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hellbornsworld · 7 months
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💗 polarity | yandere!jungkook x reader | Series | @darkestcorners
💗 Cosmic Balance | Jungkook X Reader | OneShot | @explicit-tae
💗 My tears ricochet | soldier!jungkook x fem!reader | OneShot | @rkivepetals
💗 Pen Pal | Yandere/Prisoner Jungkook x Reader | OneShot | @laughing-with-god
💗 Yours Insanely | Yandere Killer! Jungkook×Reader | OneShot | @smileyoongle
💗 Redemption and Regression | babydaddy!jungkook x exgirlfriend!reader | OneShot | @bleuside97
💗 Stockholm Syndrome | Jungkook x reader | Series | @taleasnewastime
💗 Aggressive | Prince ! Jungkook × reader | OneShot | @rialikesbts
💗 destined | ceo!jungkook x figureskater!oc | Teaser | @nochukoo97
💗 CYBER BOY | Android! Jungkook x Grad Student! Reader | OneShot | @httpjungkookcom
💗 Falling | Fallen Angel Jungkook X Angel f!reader | Series | @ahgasegotarmy116
💗 best friends! | BFF!Jungkook X naive/shy reader | OneShot | @trivia-yandere
💗 Control You | Supreme leader/cult yandere possessive Jungkook x force wife Yn | OneShot | @kangmoon27
💗 SINFUL DESIRE. | churchboy!jungkook x fem!reader | OneShot | @jkriots
💗 When I Say Forever | jungkook x reader | OneShot | @kookslastbutton
💗 The Art of Etiquette | Etiquette instructor Jungkook X Reader | Series | @ahgasegotarmy116
💗 You owe me | Mafia!Jungkook x psychologist!reader | OneShot | @piedinthepiper
💗 Crashing On Crush. | crush!Jungkook x reader | Series | @margotw10bis
💗 of bones and gods | Jungkook X Reader | Drabble | Series | @adonis-koo
💗 close ღ | Jungkook X Reader | Stepsiblings AU | OneShot | @aft3rhrs
💗 SWEET NOTHINGS | husband!jungkook x wife!reader | OneShot | @2hightocare
💗 By Its Cover | Jungkook x reader | OneShot | @gimmesumsuga
💗 seven storms | Jungkook x Reader | Forbidden Love AU | OneShot | @wintaerbaer
💗 Toxic. | Yandere!Jungkook X Reader | OneShot | @aajjks
💗 𝕽𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 | Demon!Jungkook X Human!Reader | Teaser | @bonny-kookoo
💗 Lucifer | demon jungkook x (f) reader | @elijeon
💗 still don’t know my name | jungkook x fem!reader | OneShot | @dollfaceksj
💗 Silent Desires | Jungkook × F!Reader | Series | @theblackworkshop
💗 ASK | ceo!jungkook x fem!reader | ask | @letjungcoook7
💗 sharp teeth | wolf shifter!jungkook x human!reader | Series | @dearly-somber
💗 standing next to you: | dancer! jungkook x f. reader | OneShot | @euphoricfilter
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another-lost-mc · 1 year
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For Your Ears Only: When MC sends them audio porn
Featuring: The Demon Brothers x gn!Reader
NSFW // Content: Explicit smut. Mentions of sex toys, masturbation, sexting (audio/photos), oral sex (m! and gn!reader receiving), teasing, light dom/sub undertones, consensual recording of sex acts, penetrative sex, phone sex, mutual masturbation, pet names, praise kink, sex acts/masturbation in semi-public spaces, strip tease, oral fixation, cum eating, creampie, overstimulation, light degradation, dream sex, consensual somnophilia. 4.4k words.
For Your Ears Only series: Part II (the Dateables + Side Characters)
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You: for your ears only 😘 ▶️ Attachment: missingyou.mp3
You relax into the mattress with a sigh and let the D.D.D. slide from your grip onto the sheets. Your breathing is finally back to normal, and you swallow thickly as nerves and lust and a hint of embarrassment wash over you. You’ve sent your lover dirty texts and teasing photos before, but this was different. You sent the audio clip—roughly two minutes' long—without listening to it first; you were worried that if you did, you might lose your nerve and scrap the whole idea.
Curiosity gets the better of you, and you finally listen to it yourself. The quality is impressive and better than you expected since you’ve never tried making something like this in the past. (You're slightly aroused listening to yourself too, so you can only imagine what their reaction will be.).
Thanks to some careful planning beforehand, your soft sounds and whimpers and curses are crystal-clear without any background ambient noises. The toy you used squelched obscenely with lube and cum as you moved it against and inside your body. The recording even picked up the faint sounds of your squeaky mattress creaking under your weight when you came so hard, your trembling body shook the bed.
You still feel an inkling of desire not yet sated, and you resist the urge to reach for your toy again. You squirm imagining your lover storming through the door and finding you like this, or maybe they’ll call you and you can listen to them get off too? You rub your thighs together as your body tingles with all the possibilities. 
Your glance at the phone in your hand and ponder what to do while you wait for a response.
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LUCIFER // a test of patience
Lucifer puts his phone to his ear, and after a few moments of staticky silence, he finally hears you. He's memorized all your sounds, having drawn them from your body so often by now, and he can perfectly imagine the way your body moved as your fucked yourself with your toy. He wonders which toy you used—he gifted you several in your collection— and whether you did this in your bed or his.
It's only his sheer stubbornness and force of will that keeps him on the RAD campus, instead of abandoning his responsibilities to rush to you.
When he returns home, you notice that he seems mostly like himself, and maybe if you didn't know him that well, the subtle changes would escape you. His eyes are darker when he looks at you, and he finds silly excuses to touch you: a hand on your shoulder as he passes you at the dinner table, pretending to pull a stray piece of fluff off your shirt. He leans closer to you when he speaks to you, pressing his chest against your back while he murmurs quietly in your ear. His lips brush against you when he speaks, and you can feel him smile against your skin when you shudder.
You understand that this has turned into some kind of game. He’s teasing you and testing your reactions, and you know he’s waiting for you to break first. You refuse, no matter how much you might want to, and neither of you bring up the recording you sent him earlier.
He finally seeks you out in the library after dinner. "Come to my room in thirty minutes," he says quietly when he cups your cheek with his gloved hand. He brushes his thumb across your bottom lip. "Such a lovely gift deserves a reward."
When you stand up and try to follow him immediately, he looks at you sternly and it freezes you in place.
"I've been patient all day," he reminds you with a gentle rebuke, "so I think you can wait a little longer, too."
His footsteps echo down the hall as he walks away from the library. You try to focus on your book, but you keep re-reading the same passage and your eyes dart impatiently to the clock across the room. Time passes so slowly, and by the time you’ve waited half an hour like he asked, you’re nearly vibrating with anticipation and the inside of your underwear is damp with your arousal. 
You knock on his bedroom door and slip inside. The room is dark, but you can see Lucifer sitting on the bed with his legs crossed. Candlelight from the mantle flickers across his skin and bathes him in wispy shadows and his deep, red eyes glow as he stares at you. You might’ve started this game between you, but his hungry smirk tells you what you both know: you’ve lost, and he’s won.
He pats something next to him on the bed, and you nearly gasp in surprise when you realize he fetched the toy you used earlier from your room. How did he know which one—?
“I was so impressed by your gift earlier, and I was hoping for a repeat performance," he murmurs casually, ignoring your shocked expression.
It’s not that you don’t want to, but his request catches you off-guard. He stands from the bed and reaches for the hem of your shirt so he can tug it over your head and toss it aside. His eyes roam your bare skin and you melt into him when he pulls you flush against his chest. Your nipples harden against the fabric of his shirt, and you shiver in his arms when he kisses your jaw.
“Unless you don’t want to?” he asks quietly. He pulls back and tries to read your expression—he can sense your hesitation, and no matter what he might want, he would never dream of forcing you to do something you’re uncomfortable with.
“I’d rather have your cock instead,” you admit, and it comes out as a needy whine that makes your cheeks warm.
It’s a brutally honest honest answer, but you’re not capable of anything else: Lucifer wants your honesty, and you’re so riled up from his subtle teasing this evening that you can’t seem to filter your thoughts.
“Perhaps I can give you a little taste for motivation, hm?” he drawls, and his gloved thumb runs along your bottom lip. His eyes glitter wickedly when you lower yourself to your knees and reach for his belt. 
He fishes something out of his pocket as you undo his fly, and you realize it’s his phone. “Let’s see how beautiful you sound with your lips around my cock. I would love to see how it compares to your solo performance,” he admits quietly, and you can hear the eagerness in his rough voice.
You nod slowly to give him permission, and his eyes glitter with wicked excitement. He taps the Record button on the screen just before you swallow him down and moan greedily at his taste.
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MAMMON // doesn’t care how, he wants you now
It doesn’t matter where Mammon is—the club, the casino, a photo shoot—as soon as he starts listening to that recording you sent him, he’s already abandoning his plans so he can come to you. He bites his lip to keep himself from groaning your name, unless he’s somewhere noisy where his frustrated exclamations will go unnoticed.
(Fuckin’ hell, baby, you’re so fuckin’ hot—)
He doesn’t even have to listen to the full thing, either. When the first soft moan falls from your lips, his cock is already stirring in his pants. He rushes to his car and speeds home, playing the recording on repeat over and over until he can see you.
He’s never felt so desperate, but he’s greedy for more of you, all of you. All your little whimpers and sighs, and the obscene squelching sounds as you fuck yourself and beg for him—they’re all his.
He rushes through the front door, gliding past your bedroom and marching straight to his own. When he opens the door, the scent of your arousal and cum makes him stagger in the doorway like he's intoxicated by you. You’re naked and writhing on his bed, thrusting the toy in and out of your greedy hole, while you whimper his name. The wet noises your body makes are even more visceral in person, and he can’t wait anymore.
He rips open his belt and tugs his pants down enough to pull out his cock. He crawls onto the bed and kneels between your legs. He stares at the toy that disappears in and out of your body. Your skin is wet with cum and lube and you sound so hot and you smell so fucking good. 
He wraps his hand around yours so he can move the toy with you, and it's a little faster and deeper than you managed on your own. You’re so close and you don’t want to stop, but Mammon stares at you with his mouth hanging open and it's almost enough to undo you and he's barely touched you.
“I’m so close,” you whine. His eyes glow like molten gold as he moves his hand a little faster, grinding the toy inside you and brushing against that soft, spongy spot that makes your whole body tremble.
“Yeah, c’mon babe, lemme hear you,” he pleads, and he doesn't care how desperate he sounds because he wouldn't trade this for all the fuckin' grimm in the world.
His bed frame rattles when you come with a hoarse cry. He teases you through the aftershocks until you whine try to clench your thighs shut around his hand. He finally lets the toy slip from your greedy hole, and he tosses it aside so he can kneel between your legs instead. Your legs are still shaking, and he guides them to rest on his hips. 
“Ready, babe? Nice and stretched for my cock?” he groans as he teases your entrance with the head of his cock.
You nod and roll your hips to encourage him, and you both moan against each other's mouths when he finally plunges inside you and claims your body for himself.
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LEVIATHAN // dirty little secrets
Leviathan isn’t a stranger to porn. He pretends he doesn’t have a collection of videos and adult games with characters that look suspiciously like you, and you pretend you don’t know he has them. He doesn’t really need them anymore, and he’s slowly replacing his collection with videos and photos of you instead: you're the real deal, the attractive-as-hell human that wastes their time with him for reasons he’ll never fully understand.
There are nights when you can’t be together, like tonight—he doesn’t want to keep you awake with the all-night gaming event he's taking part in. You reassure him that it's okay and you understand, but you go to your room and lay in bed, thinking about him and missing him. You send him your little gift anticipating he'll listen to it at some point tonight before you fall asleep.
When his guild calls for a break, he listens to the recording through his gaming headset and he’s hard almost instantly. His body burns with embarrassment, and he hates how desperate he feels when he scrambles to pull down his pants and palm his weeping cock. Your first whimper of his name makes him whine.
He fumbles with his phone so he can call you, and you answer almost immediately. He groans when he hears the familiar sound of your creaky bed springs in the background as you continue touching yourself without him.
“My greedy little boy,” you coo breathlessly in his ear when you answer his call. “D’you want more already?”
He nods even though you can’t see, and his throat bobs when he swallows around the lump in his throat. “Yeah, fuck, you sound so good—“ he trails off into a long moan.
He doesn’t even realize he’s stroking his cock in time with the wet, slick thrusts of the toy plunging in and out of your hole. He knows how shameful and pathetic and weak he is, but he's so fucking hard and needy for you that he can't bring himself to care. “Wanna come, make me come, please, I want you so bad—” he babbles in your ear.
Your airy chuckle is punctuated by your own whimpers and moans. “Come for me, baby, let me hear you come too.”
Those words trigger his own release, and he bites his lips to muffle the shout as his cock shoots thick ropes of sticky release up his belly. He keeps going, hips jerking from the sensitivity, until you groan out his name and all the other noises on your end of the call go silent.
“How d’you feel, baby?” you murmur in his ear when his breathing calms down. “Did you make a mess for me?”
He winces at the mess covering his shirt and his hand. “Y-yeah, it’s…a lot.” He sounds so uncertain. He's doubtful that you like how out of control he is when he's with you, and he wonders if his desperation is what might eventually drive you away from him.
“Send me a picture of how sloppy you are, then clean up and go play your game.” The call disconnects and he scrambles to do as you ask. He sends you a photo of his cum-soaked shirt, his sticky, wet pelvis, and his half-hard cock resting against his thigh.
He worries that you might be disappointed when he hits Send. His phone pings with a reply, and he sighs with relief as your praise warms him though and he basks in your love and approval.
You: Good boy.
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SATAN // self-care
Satan has a bad habit of overworking himself and denying that he does it. He spends long nights hunched over the desk in the library while he studies, or he holes up in his room when he reads.
Today, he skipped lunch at RAD and now he’s shrugging off dinner, too. He gives you a weak excuse about needing to study some more. You want to be supportive, but he needs a break. You know that if he were in your position, he'd be saying the same thing to you.
You go to your room and think about how lonely it's been without him these past couple days. You lay back on your bed with a satisfied hum and hope your little surprise entices him to finally indulge in some much-needed self-care.
It doesn’t take long before he knocks on your door and lets himself inside. He’s panting like he just ran down the stairs from his room. The front of his pants are tented and you can’t help the breathy laughter that bubbles out of you when you imagine him rushing through the house looking like that.
“Oh, you think this is funny, do you? You little tease—“ his words are pointed but his tone is playful. He tries to smother a wicked grin when he steps to the edge of your bed; he admires the sheen of sweat glistening on your skin, the discarded toy still slicked with lube and traces of your release, and your half-lidded, bright eyes that promise him more.
You reach for him and run your hand over the outline of his cock and you smile when his hips buck towards you. You’ll give him anything he wants as a reward for finally listening to you, and he knows it. He asks you to swing your legs over the edge of the bed, and he kneels on the rug and pushes your thighs apart. His tongue licks long, slow stripes against your tacky skin and he moans when you run your fingers through his hair.
He unbuckles his belt and slips his cock free so he can jerk off while he chases the taste of your cum that still stains your skin. All your little noises sound so perfect even when he’s buried between your legs. He cleans up the mess you made of yourself while he makes one of his own.
By the time you whimper and tug at his hair from the sensitivity of coming more than once under his sinful mouth, he’s hard again and ready to fuck you properly.
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ASMODEUS // a game for two
Asmodeus adores these little games you play together. He’ll send you a picture, you send him one back that’s just as naughty. It’s a nice way to build anticipation throughout the long, boring days when he can't sneak you away for some alone time.
Most of the time, it's not a problem. He’s the Avatar of Lust—he knows how to keep some semblance of self-control. Or he did, until he made the mistake of listening to that video you sent him between classes. He’s stuck at RAD while you’re waiting for him at home. He knows his options: he can skip class and go home where he knows you're waiting. Or, he can give you a taste of what you want and let the excitement simmer until later when desire finally boils over.
Being a student council officer has its perks. Asmo can walk into an unused office in a quiet part of the building without being hassled. He can lock the door and hop onto the edge of the large desk without being lectured about propriety or manners.
He lets your recording play on loop while he switches to the camera app on his phone. It's not loud enough to draw too much attention from outside, but he can still hear each lovely sound you make; they send little jolts of pleasure shooting down his spine.
He leans back on one hand while he takes a photo and sends it to you.
Asmodeus: Like what you see, darling?
His grin sharpens and becomes more feral with each new picture he sends you. In the first photo, the collar of his uniform is unbuttoned and the shirt hangs loose across the top of his chest. In the next, his uniform jacket is gone and his shirt is completely unbuttoned; he makes sure you can see how his nipples hardened in the cool classroom air. The third photo is focused on his lower belly and the outline of his cock straining against the zipper of his slacks.
He waits for your enthusiastic response before he unzips his fly and tugs his boxer briefs down. In the next photo, his hand is wrapped around his cock, and you can just see the tip that's trickling a stream of pre-cum onto his fingers.
You send him a new picture—your hand between your legs, mid-stroke along the edge of your arousal—and he starts jerking himself off too. Fuck it. He's too impatient to stave off his desire for you any longer, but it's so hot that he knows you're doing this together.
After he comes, he sucks one of his sticky fingers into his mouth and sends you one last picture; he bites his lip and stares when you send him a picture of yourself doing the same.
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BEELZEBUB // impulse control
Beelzebub struggles with his insatiable appetite. If there's something he wants, he’s willing to rampage through the Devildom to get it. You’re careful about timing the little treats you send him to whet his appetite for you. When you send Beel something teasing or provocative, it’s not about driving him into an uncontrollable rampage (you’ve already learned that lesson)—it's about showing him how much you love him and miss him and want him. (And to keep him from getting too distracted by food on his way to see you.)
He doesn’t usually skip meals, especially after Fangol practice, but tonight he walks past the dining room to your bedroom door. After he lets himself in and locks it, he stares at your naked body laid across the bed. The musky scent in the air from your earlier activities makes his mouth water. He starts drooling from the corner of his mouth; he’s too distracted to notice, and you’re too enamored to care.
You make room for him between your legs, and his large, warm hands wrap around your ankles. He tickles you gently and glides his hands up your calves and over your knees. He rubs his hands over your soft, fleshy thighs; he spreads them apart even more while his gaze lingers on the glistening skin between your legs. He salivates even more at the sight of lube and slick and cum on your toy, and he licks his lips.
The only message he sent you after he listened to your recording was a request to keep your toy the way it is. It's beside you on the bed, and his eyes darken with lust and hunger when he sees that you did as he asked. He picks it up and examines it; it's not nearly as girthy as he is, but it's still an impressive size. He makes a show of licking it clean, and after a few greedy swipes of his tongue, you’re squirming with desire rather than embarrassment.
He hums and groans at your taste, but it's not enough. He swipes at the sticky mess between your legs with his fingers and sucks them into his mouth. He makes an impatient noise in the back of his throat when his fingers are clean and he's still hungry for more.
He lowers his head so his mouth can finish what his fingers started, and he shifts your legs onto his shoulders while he sucks on your arousal and flicks his tongue against your entrance. He stretches you with his thick fingers while your thighs tighten around his head and keep him in place. He finally raises his head when you tug at his hair and beg for him; you feel so empty and he's the only one that can fill you the way you want.
He watches his cock sink into you, and he finally fucks you with powerful, deep strokes that shake the bed. He holds onto the headboard for leverage, and each snap of his hips punches the air from your lungs in shaky moans and keening whimpers of his name. You come first and your walls milk his cock until he fills you to the brim.
His cock slips from your body and he lowers himself between your legs again. His tongue laps greedily at your release mixed with his. He does it over and over again, fucking you senseless with his cock and eating you out after, until your throat is hoarse and you can't possibly come again.
He looks satisfied when he finally raises his head from between your legs. The lower half of his face is warm and sticky, and he kisses you so you can taste how delicious you are on his tongue. He lays down next to you and gathers you into his arms.
While your breathing tapers off into quiet snores, he smacks his lips with satisfaction; the only thing that tastes better than you is the combined taste of both of you together.
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BELPHEGOR // sweet dreams
You send Belphegor the recording you made for him, but you still haven't heard from him by the time you start getting ready for bed. When you check on him, you find him fast asleep in the room he shares with his twin. You smother your disappointment and hope he’ll still appreciate it when he wakes up tomorrow.
“You’re so fucking horny for me sometimes, aren’t you?” he whispers into your ear from somewhere behind you. He suddenly pulls you tightly against his chest and hooks his chin over your shoulder. His hand dances along the waistband of your pants and his cool fingers dip underneath and tickle the soft skin of your belly.
Your mouth opens soundlessly in surprise, but quiet, muffled moans echo around you. The sounds play on loop over and over, and you realize that they're yours.
“That pathetic little toy of yours can’t satisfy you the way I can,” he states matter-of-factly because you both know it’s true. “How many fingers do you want tonight?” he asks teasingly as his hand slips into your underwear. “One? Two?” You gasp at the cold, slick sensation of his fingers teasing your entrance. “Or three?” he breathes into your ear, and when you nod shamelessly, you cry out as he thrusts them inside and your hole stretches around him.
You reach behind you and fist one of your hands in his hair, and he hisses as a jolt of pleasure-pain shoots through his body. He smirks against your shoulder and nips at your throat in retaliation. You start rolling your hips and fucking yourself on his greedy fingers; he grunts when your ass rubs against his cock that’s hard and pressed into your back.
“See?” he taunts you as he coaxes you towards the precipice of pleasure, but his fingers are thrusting shallowly into your hole now and denying you the friction you crave.
“I’ve been here the whole time, you could’ve had me instead. I’ll fuck you however you want.” He tugs on your earlobe with his teeth. “You beg so prettily for my cock.”
“You were sleeping,” you whimper, and he clasps his hand over your mouth to muffle your frustrated cry as he pulls his fingers from your body completely. He wipes them on your shirt with a huff of laughter.
“Even if I’m asleep, I’ll still fuck you better then your fingers or toys ever could.” He licks away a bead of sweat trickling down your neck and sighs hotly against your skin. “You have my permission to do things, just like I have your permission, too.”
Suddenly you’re both bare and he pushes you down so you’re on all fours. He leans over you, and you feel the head of his cock slide between your legs and press against your entrance. “You riled me up with that little message you sent me, and now it’s time to wake up so I can fuck you properly.”
You gasp as your eyes fly open when the dream ends, and you moan into your pillow when he finally sheathes himself inside you.
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Read more: Obey Me! Masterlist
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atsumou · 1 month
— satan x f! reader MC feat. lucifer
syn: the avatar of wrath knows just what would infuriate the prideful demon the most—that is, fucking you against the door to lucifer’s secret office, all while he’s inside it.
18+ MDNI; nsfw, smut, semi-public sex (inside the HoL library), unprotected sex, creampie, masturbation (m), horny luci, satan being a lil shit to lucifer, pet name (darling), not proofread.
word count: 1.9k
notes: hello! this is a repost. this fic was previously posted on my old deactivated account so i’m not plagiarising anyone. enjoy :>
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this was wrong. sinful. lewd. hell, those words were far beyond what you and satan were doing right this very moment—there weren’t any words to describe how naughty your actions were but with every single thrust of the fourth-born’s hips, those thoughts of hesitancy slowly slipped from your mind. buried with the surge of lust clouding your thoughts as satan’s pace didn’t let up, not even once. his hips pushing into your own with such drive, and desperation that your lower back painfully digs further into the edges of the shelves.
that’s right. you were inside the library, most importantly, your back flush against the door to lucifer’s secret office—satan made sure of it. the worst part wasn’t even having sex in the library, it was the fact that you two were doing it right outside lucifer’s private study while he’s inside. oh, satan has seen the way his eldest brother looks at you with intent. the way lucifer’s scarlet eyes hungrily trace your figure with each opportunity he gets, not even trying to hide the fact that he’s practically eye-fucking you. satan still remembers the swirling storm inside him, the anger that bubbled at the pit of his stomach from the way his older brother eyed you. now, he just can’t help but remind lucifer who you belonged to.
the soft ember glow from the fireplace cast the side of satan’s handsome face, sweat glimmering from the fire, painting the colours of the sunset upon his fair skin—golden hair that stuck to his forehead tinged with streaks of reds and oranges; emerald irises full of lust mixed with a scarlet hue, his features fading into an angry red. wrath. you were sure that’s what he was feeling, he always did. your nails dug into the fabric of his shoulders, legs wrapped around his slender waist tightening with every jolt of your body. “s-satan—ah!” you moaned, heated and desperate just how he liked it. the corner of his mouth tugged upward, satan was sure that your erotic sounds were loud enough to reach the other side of the door. enough to disrupt lucifer from his work.
satan bit his lip from the way you felt around him, your warm walls hugging his cock so tightly, so deliciously that it made his emerald eyes roll to the back of his head. he knew he wasn’t going to last much longer with how you squeezed him, and that was fine but he needed to make the most of it—he needed you to be louder. satan’s nails painfully dug into the edge of the bookshelf, heavy balls slapping your ass with every thrust of his hips. arousal dripped down to his balls, creating wet noises that filled your ears—a white ring forming at the base of his cock. fuck, it was naughty. the vast library was filled with your’s and satan’s sounds mixed with wet squelches, and the crackling of fire. you didn’t need to worry about being caught by the other brothers; belphegor was up in the attic, fast asleep, and leviathan was having a TSL marathon while the rest of them had gone out, leaving satan and lucifer down here.
thud. thud. thud. the door to lucifer’s secret office cried from satan’s unwavering pace. inside the private study, a blanket of blush covered lucifer’s face, cheeks heating up from the obvious activity happening outside the room. he didn’t know whether to curse his younger brother for vexing him like this, or to feel flustered at the lewd noises coming from your throat—the way you cry out satan’s name every now and then with such desperation, such passion that he almost wished it was his name rolling off your tongue. that he was the one making you feel pleasured. lucifer’s free hand curled into a fist, the papers beneath his palm crinkling at the movement. the tent in his pants grew with every sound you made, erotic images of you clouding his mind; imagining the way your brows furrow in pleasure, lips parted, completely lost in lust.
lucifer’s heart pounded against his chest, the half-done report before him sprawled on his desk, already forgotten. “satan. . what will i do with you. . ?” his voice was quiet but it seethed with fury. he knew his younger brother disliked him but not to the extent of fucking you right outside his private study. lucifer didn’t exactly know what satan gained from . . this but he wasn’t surprised with how territorial his brother was. especially when it came to you. the thuds of the door mixed with your heated moans engulfed lucifer’s ears. he didn’t even notice his eyes were closed—relishing in your sounds—until he snapped them open, startled from the wooden ink pen breaking in half from the tight grip.
dropping the broken pen on the desk, he leaned back into his chair, placing a forearm atop his closed eyes while the other rested on his thigh. it tingled. his palm tingled against his clothed thigh, as if urging him to do something about the growing problem at the apex of his legs—urging him to relieve himself with the help of your sounds. it wouldn’t hurt anyone, right? merely fisting himself at the thought of you wasn’t going to be the most sinful thing he’s done. lucifer had already committed the gravest sin of his life, it led to his downfall. this is nothing.
back in the library, your soft moans didn’t satisfy satan, he needed more from you. removing his hands from the shelf behind you, satan snaked them down to your ass, palms flat against the heated bare skin. a string of loud moans and curses left your parted lips as he bounced you on his cock. “o-oh my—fuck . .! aah! just like that, satan!” “y-yeah? you like that?” satan’s lips ghosted over your own before sealing you into a kiss. the kiss was messy, spit coating the corners of your mouths, teeth clashing—he chased your parted lips with every bounce of your body. satan made sure not to swallow your whimpers down, he needed lucifer to hear how good he was making you feel. he needed lucifer to know that he’s the only one who can make you moan like this.
your eyes rolled to the back of your head, bottom lip trapped between your teeth from pure bliss. the slight change in angle enabled his cock to reach much deeper into you, allowing you to feel every ridge when you clenched around him. satan’s cock had a slight curve to it, and the way it repeatedly hit your cervix over and over again made it more pleasurable—sending electrifying shocks up your spine. goosebumps formed under the fourth-born’s lips as he pressed open-mouthed kisses along your jaw, and down the side of your sweaty neck—sucking and biting at the supple skin, leaving a hues of dark red and purple. satan marvelled at the masterpiece peppered on your skin before licking a long, flat stripe up your neck and nibbling at the lobe of your ear.
he didn’t shy away from groaning directly into your ear, harsh pants escaping his parted lips, mixed with broken, endless praises. satan knew the effect his voice had on you, especially when he sung praises to you—he didn’t miss the way you squeezed around him with every praise muttered into your ear. he cursed at the pleasure, a heated gasp and a desperate whisper of your name coming from him. this spurred him on, harshly bouncing you on his cock with all his strength—you swear he’s about to leave handprints on your ass with how hard he’s gripping them.
it was getting too much, you could feel the coil deep in your stomach beginning to unravel. your body grew limp from pleasure, simply leaning onto satan’s front and letting him have his way with you. all you could really do was cry out his name and run your nails down his clothed back. satan groaned, relishing at the way your moans travelled straight to his ear—specs of white slowly clouded his vision, and his fingers dug into the supple flesh of your ass. he was close. “s-satan—ngh! fuck fuck fuck! ‘m cumming!” broken shallow pants left your lips. holding his emerald gaze, lids heavy with lust, “that’s it—haah! let go for me, my darling.” satan breathed out, knees buckling from pleasure. he was close too.
leaning against the other side of the door was lucifer, pants unbuttoned, and pulled down just enough to take his cock out. his wrist between was between his teeth to muffle moans as he fisted his cock to your sounds. it was heavenly, even the angels up at the celestial realm couldn’t compare to the way your voice sounded. he let out harsh breaths, each one shaky from how his fingers curled around his hard cock. lucifer teased the sensitive slit with his thumb, knees almost giving in from the immense pleasure. with his back against the door, he could hear things much better—the skin slapping, the wet noises, the heated gasps, all of it. how lewd but lucifer didn’t care, he had one thing in mind: cumming. he sped up the pace, synching it with your shallow pants and hoping to reach his orgasm the same time as you.
both of you sung in unison, cries of pleasure filling the entire library as you reached your orgasm. your legs tightened around satan’s waist, every muscle in your body turning taut as shocks of hot, white pleasure ran throughout your body, making your toes curl. satan let out one last cry of your name before sheathing his cock deep inside you and letting go—thick ribbons of white shamelessly painting your insides as he came. he rode out both your orgasms by giving you shallow thrusts, fucking his cum deeper, and earning a small whimper from you.
lucifer couldn’t believe himself—he came to the sound of you desperately moaning his younger brother’s name. white, hot liquid dripped coated his digits and down to his wrist; chest heaving up and down, attempting to catch his breath. lucifer stayed that way for a while, leaning against the door to try and compose himself as his head spun with pleasure. his lust-clouded mind soon cleared, pleasure that coursed through his body faded into fury. he was seething with rage—enough for satan to smell the scent of wrath. his brother dared to disrespect his private space, not only that but also by performing such a brazen act.
he knew. lucifer knew this was just to spite him, that was part of satan’s personality—to defy, and vex him. it was fine, he handled everything satan threw his way but using you? oh, that’s a whole different story. lucifer felt like satan has got him wrapped around his finger with how he practically jumped at the opportunity to fist himself to your sounds. it mocked him—putting him in his place, and letting him know that he was never going to experience the pleasure of being inside you because you were satan’s.
satan smirked into the kiss as he caught a whiff of the familiar smell that emanated from the other side of the door—the smell of wrath. the essence that he was more than familiar with; the essence that embodied his very own existence. pulling away from the kiss, his emerald eyes traced your features, giving your sweaty forehead a chaste kiss, “you did so well.” satan breathed, eyes glimmering with adoration. you didn’t miss the hint of mischief behind it, though.
but before you could reply, satan parted his lips to speak once again, a smug look on his handsome face,
“isn’t that right, lucifer?”
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writing-fanics · 4 months
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Lucifer Morningstar x Reader
[Before Lucifer got cast out of Heaven]
[prompt by: @saturncodedstarlette
[warning: self-harm: major angst: blood: mentions of panic attack]
You were angry and heartbroken, and felt betrayed by someone you thought to be yoursoulmate. Feeling used by them, having just found out that Lucifer and Lilith are together.
You stormed over to Lucifer outside the gates of the garden, hands balled up into a fist. “You lied to me!” You shouted angrily, and he turned to look at you.
Lucifer who you thought to be your soulmate, a red string tying the two of you together. Your face red and tears rubbing down your cheeks, “You told me that I am your soulmate!” You screamed, and he just stated at you almost annoyed that you were, taking his time away from being with Lilith
You guarded the gates of Eden, and Lucifer flirted with you and toyed with you just so he could see Lilith. “Just get back to that other woman!” You were angry fuming and felt used.
He just stared at you arms folded across his chest, as he raised an eyebrow and scoffed. “Don’t you understand? You’re the other woman.” said Lucifer, looking at you.
You shook your head vigorously, your frustration apparent. "No no!" you exclaimed, your voice rising in anger. "You're supposed to be with me!" You pointed in the direction of the garden, your true form as a seraphim revealing itself with multiple eyes on your head and wings.
Your figure seemed to grow in size and stature, towering over him and filling the space around you with an awe-inspiring presence.“She’s the other woman!” you shouted, glaring at him.
Lucifer rolled his eyes and saw Lilith in the distance. She had heard the commotion and was walking closer to the gate. "Why can't you understand?" he said, looking down at the ground and clenching his fists. He glanced over at her for a moment.
“It was a mistake, I would never be with you—” He said, Your entire body froze in shock, and you stood there motionless with your arms falling limply to your side. Your lips slightly parted, forming an 'O' shape as you struggled to comprehend what he had just said.
As soon as the words left his mouth, you could see the regret in his eyes. He looked like he wanted to reach out towards you, but then suddenly pulled his hand back and turned away. He entered the garden and walked away with Lilith, leaving you alone.
You couldn't help but fall to your knees, gripping your chest where your heart is. It hurt so much - not just the physical pain, but the emotional pain of being betrayed. You had broken the rules to let him into the garden, thinking that he cared for you. But this is how he repays you - by ripping out your heart and leaving you to suffer.
The words seemed to rip your heart out of your chest, leaving you feeling completely devastated. As tears began to trickle down your cheeks, you couldn't help but sniffle and sob softly. Your lower lip quivered as you looked at him, trying to make sense of the situation and find a way to process the overwhelming emotions coursing through you.
He used you. He fucking used you just so he could be with Lilith, he toyed with your emotions your feelings and your desires. To get what he wanted in the end. You saw a future and hoped he'd be there to fill that empty spot, in your immortal life. Be he saw as nothing but a obstacle, for his true goal. Lilith.
Your angelic weapon dug into your flesh drawing yellow blood. As you tried to carve the L off of your hand, the inital of your soulmate. That was on your hand when you were first made by angels. Your very own soulmate wanted nothing g to do with you, he never wanted to be with you. Only wanted to use you for his own selfish needs.
Your wound would just heal and the initial stayed, as much as you tried to dig it out. Nothing, it would appear again and again. You screams and cries of frustration being heard by Lucifer and Lilith, but he did nothing just sat there with his lover underneath the tree.
You wailed, staring yo at the sky and sobbing. Yellow blood seeping from the gash in your hand, you couldn't breathe unable to take a full breath. All you wanted was for Lucifer to comfort you, but he didn't. Your vision started to blur as you breathed heavily, gripping the fabric of your clothes.
“I would never be with you”
“I would never be with you”
You whimpered, curled up on yourself, and cried. You didn't know how long you were there for and eventually passed out. When you opened your eyes, you saw a bracelet that you had given to Lucifer a while ago. You stared at it blankly for a moment, not noticing someone approaching you from behind. Suddenly, you felt cold and shivered.
As you turned around, you heard a giggle coming from behind you. Suddenly, the grass around you withered and died, and an ominous presence leaned over you. "Has that little dreamer shattered your heart?" the voice asked as you looked up to see the personification of evil itself - your sister, Roo. She had a Glasgow smile on her face as she stared down at you.
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scoutswritingcorner · 2 months
Can I request how the Hazbin cast would deal with their partner being afraid of storms?
Storming Troubles
Hazbin Gang x GN!Reader
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TW: Fear of storms!
A/N: Female Reader for Vaggie and Male Reader for Angel Dust as always! 
-👑 She’s immediately hugging you and telling you how brave you are for telling her. Because telling people in hell about your fear is not always a good thing.
-👑 She’ll do everything in her power to help you. When it starts storming? She’s holding you close.
-👑 Need noise canceling headphones? She’s got you. Just want to be held? Her arms are already open for you!
-👑 Will stay with you the whole night. All in all she’s very understanding and kind.
-🎀 Also very understanding! 
-🎀 If she knows it’s going to starting storming later that day? She’s preparing everything for you!
-🎀 Blankets, pillows, your favorite plushies. She’s not complaining. -🎀 It also gets her out of work too for a bit, she’ll hold you all night if it helps!
-🍎 I feel like he also has a fear of storms or just doesn’t like them much!
-🍎It reminds him too much of when he fell and how he could hear the roaring winds around him and then the boom when he hit the soil of Hell.
-🍎So when it does happen? He’s got a whole blanket fort full of comfort items and snacks just in case!
-🍎 Big on the cuddles! It comforts him so much and it keeps him grounded when his mind starts to wonder.
-🕷️Angel Dust🩷-
-🕷️ Angel doesn’t mind the rain but when he sees how distraught you were he immediately holds you close.
-🩷 He doesn’t want his boyfriend shaking in fear or crying all night thinking he’s alone. He’ll press kisses to the top of your head and softly whisper to you telling you how brave you are.
-🕷️ If you want to get your mind off of it, he’ll definitely start gossiping or will make you laugh. Either one works. 
-🩷 He will 100% tell Fat Nuggets to “attack” you with Kisses to make you laugh and smile.
-🎰 He loves the rain and storms, it reminds him alot of when he was alive and just watched the rain hit the windows of whatever bar he was in.
-🎰 But when he realizes you are terrified of them? He picks you up and takes you to your shared room for cuddles.
-🎰 He’ll help you take your mind off of it by talking to you or with you! 
-🎰 He purrs loudly while laying on your chest, head in your neck as you slowly drift off. Didn’t you know purring heals the soul? Also his wings drape over you as an additional barrier of protection!
-🦌 Now this man. He is an asshole, he means well but he’s an asshole.
-🦌 He doesn’t like storms either. But because they can fuck up his broadcast.
-🦌 He’ll let you hide in his room with him as he reads, he’ll hold you close to his side and occasionally kiss your forehead. Also makes snide remarks.
-🦌 His shadow is the one that comforts you the most, it will curl around you and snuggle you all night long while giving your own shadow kisses.
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reticent-writer · 5 months
Hi! Feel free to reject but can I get Lucifer having a male (or female if you feel more comfortable writing that) best friend that everyone pretty much assumes they are together? Like JD and Turk friendship from Scrubs.
Example in this video: https://youtu.be/lgeoL_QV3y0?si=aupEDU2dD98aBklr
Lucifer x male best friend reader
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Lucifer is obviously JD in this situation
You used to be an angel untill Lucifer fell
U threw your halo off and fell through the clouds so he wouldn't be alone (even though he was there with lilth)
In hell you took on the roll of his assistant/advisor
You even lived with him and lilith
You like his other half
He cannot function with you and vise versa
Lilith couldn't believe that as straight as the two of you are completely gay for each other
When Charlie was born it was like she had 2 dads
"Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N!" Lucifer came storming into your room, practically jumping out of his skin.
"WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT!" You matched his energy.
"CHARLIE INVITED ME TO THE HOTEL!" He squealed like a school girl.
"OH MY GOD! when?"
"In an hour.... We gotta get ready."
Que Lucifer and you rushing to look presentable (even though you already do)
From the moment you two arrived at the hotel a certain spider demon took notice of your peculiar relationship.
You sat yourself at the bar along with mimzie.
"Soo you and the short guy fuckin'." Angel bluntly stated.
"Oh no no no. I'm straight. He's straight. But he's 100℅ mine." You explained.
"Oh like a bromance shorta thing, that's cute." Mimzie said while sipping on her drink.
"How long you two been together." Angel insist on considering you a couple.
"From the start."
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with-love-from-hell · 2 years
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5 Sides of Human
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{Part Nine}
Genre: Mixed
Character profiles for the Mc’s featured in this series
WC: ~5k
CW: time skipping from main plot (I’m not doing certain parts of the canon story and/or are doing them out of order because I didn’t like them the way they were and it’s my story so there lol), anxiety, depictions of anger and verbal aggression, sarcasm,  hurt, implications of past abuse, suggestive, gossiping, love triangle, Storm has a stutter but I am not depicting it with written word consistently, pining, spoilers for season 1&2!
Part eight   <<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>    Part ten
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“Hmmm...A play you say?” Diavolo rubbed his chin thoughtfully. 
Storm both nodded, awaiting the prince’s thoughts on the idea for the festival. Storm had spent the whole week gathering ideas, most of them not very good. The brothers either gave ideas that only fed into their own needs, or we’re way too complex to complete in merely two weeks. Storm fidgeted in her seat, stealing a nervous glance toward Beelzebub, who gave her a reassuring thumbs up. 
“I think it’s a splendid idea!” Diavolo’s voice boomed through the Chambers, followed by a hearty laugh. “I do think fitting the theme of the play after the Princess Diavolo and Sir Lucifer stickers is also a clever idea! And Simeon had already agreed to be involved, and Levi was so generous in offering to make the costumes!” 
“I thought I made it clear that those stickers were to be banned from-” 
“Oh, come on now, Lucifer.” Diavolo punched the first born in the arm rather hard. “Have a little fun for once!” 
Storm chewed her lip nervously as Lucifer scowled, rubbing the spot on his arm where Diavolo had hit him. He vehemently opposed the idea when it was brought up by Simeon during lunch the day prior, but the more she thought about it and talked it over with everyone, the more it seemed to plan out perfectly in her head. Having 15 days to come up with an entire play was difficult, but not impossible with the help of the brothers. Simeon had even offered to script the entire thing, having the first act done within the evening. 
“It’s settled!” Diavolo grinned. “I knew you wouldn’t disappointment me, Storm. Though, may I make one request in regards to it?” 
“What’s that?” She tilted her head curiously. 
“If I act as the lead, I would like you to be by my side in that as my supporting actress.” His smile spread to his eyes as he watched her blink in surprise.
“Oh...I mean, I’m not much of an actor...” Storm rubbed the back of her neck as a blush spread to her face, “...o-or singer for that matter.”  
Diavolo chuckled. “Well, the love interest would sing in a duet and would be acting along side me- so there’s no fear of being alone on stage, is there, now?”
Storm folded her arms over her chest, avoiding Diavolo’s prying eyes. “Well...I suppose-”
“Wait a minute!” Mammon jumped up from his seat, anger and jealousy radiating from his body. “T-that ain’t fair! We didn’t agree to that ‘n...’n our thoughts should be taken into account too!” 
The brothers began to murmur their oppositions to a play where Storm plays the primary love interest, causing the room to erupt into side conversations about who the lead of the play should be instead. Storm hugged herself, embarrassment building in her chest as the brothers argued over her.
“Shut it! All of you!” Lucifer roared, face red with anger. “If this is the conditions set by Diavolo and Storm saw no other appropriate alternative to bring before the council-” Lucifer glanced at her, the frown on his face telling her that he too loathed the idea, “-then we are doing it with the conditions set by Diavolo. Is that clear?” 
The brothers groaned in reluctant agreeance. Mammon folded his arms and slumped in his seat, murmuring about how Diavolo was just taking advantage of an opportunity to kiss Storm without consequence. The rest of the meeting went by with little interruption as the logistics were discussed. The meeting was dismissed early after Diavolo received a call from Solomon, requesting his presence to discuss something urgent. 
“Storm, I trust that you have all that you need to make this play successful then?” Diavolo quickly sorted his paperwork, ignoring Lucifer’s question as to what he was rushing off to. 
“Uh, yeah. I think we can figure it all out within a couple days.” Storm nervously rubbed her forearm, unsure of how it would work out given the usual chaos the brother’s would bring into the mix. “I’ll do my best to make sure it all comes together.” 
“I have the utmost faith in you.” Diavolo smiled, squeezing her shoulder as he walked past her. He leaned down and whispered into her ear. “I look forward to getting to spend more time with you the most.”
Storm blinked, snapping her attention up to the devious smirk on Diavolo’s face. He winked at her, causing a her to swallow nervously. 
“Aye, watch how close you’re gettin’ to her!” Mammon grumbled, nearly tripping over a chair as he rushed to Storm’s side. Diavolo laughed, offering a quick goodbye as he exited the chambers. Mammon strolled up to her, stopping at her side with his arm around her shoulder. He began leading her out of the chambers, discussing the gal Diavolo had in suggesting such a role for her to play.
“What did Diavolo say to you?” 
Storm instinctively jumped, the sudden voice without warning causing her startle response to heighten drastically.  Lucifer unexpectedly appearing behind her nearly made her collapse on the ground in fear, if not for Mammon holding her steady at his side. 
Mammon rubbed Storm’s back as she tried to regain her breath. “Jeez, Lucifer. Ya tryin’ta kill her? Ya know better than to sneak up behind her like that!” 
Lucifer swallowed the shame he felt in scaring the poor human unintentionally. He didn’t mean to scare her, but he did know better- like Mammon said. He was just so eager to hear what Diavolo had said, or if he gave any insight into what called him away, and why he refused to tell one of his most trusted advisers about it. “My apologies, Storm. I suppose I just wasn’t thinking.” 
“I-its fine.” she breathed, giving him a forced smile. “What did you say?”
Lucifer paused, internally debating if he should ask again given the stress he had just caused her. “Nevermind, it’s not so imperative that you should stress out over it.” 
She nodded as he breezed by her, leading the pack back home. Curiosity filled her mind at what could have possibly got him so nervous. 
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“No, no, no! It’s all wrong.” Simeon snapped, throwing his hands in the air in exasperation. “Let’s try this scene again.” 
Beelzebub drooped his head in shame, feeling discouraged for not being able to meet Simeon’s expectations. Sarah and Fern both let out an exaggerated sigh, clearly annoyed by how many times they had to run the scene back. 
“Once more, Beel. Let’s hear the line again from the beginning.” Simeon flipped the script back a few pages, the others following suit. 
“But...I’m so hungry...” Beel whined, glancing between Fern and Storm for support. Before either could reply, Simeon approached Beel, shoving the script in his face. 
“I don’t believe that line is from the script, now is it? Do it right, or you won’t be having anything to eat, is that clear?” Beel whined once more as Simeon turned his attention to Asmodeus. “Asmo! Watch where you’re standing! You’re completely blocking Sarah and Fern from view.” 
“Hey, Simeon...” Asmo frowned. “What do you say we take a bit of a break, huh? We’ve been rehearsing nonstop for hours...” 
“I’ll consider break requests from actors that can actually memorize the lines from at least the first act.” Simeon whipped around, snapping his fingers.  “We’re starting again, from Beel’s line.” 
“What has gotten into Simeon?!” Luke whispered loudly to Storm and Diavolo, who were sitting in the back awaiting their turn to practice. “He’s acting so tense and irritable...It’s so unlike him.” 
Storm shrugged, reading along as Sarah began her lines. “I guess he’s a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to his own writing.” 
“I find it a bit refreshing.” Diavolo chuckled, relaxing back in his chair. 
“Hey...isn’t this stuff completely different from the first version of the story that Satan and Storm were talkin’ about?” Mammon asked, flipping through the script frantically. “I have to learn so many new lines after practicing so hard for the last 5 days?! What gives!” 
“Oh, that.” Luke sighed. “Simeon was awake for days with writers block...and then he just up and decided to scrap a ton of pages and re-write them.” 
“It’s hardly anything like what we had initially planned.” Satan crossed his arms, annoyed that the embarrassing lines that were given to Lucifer were no longer included in the story. 
“Will you all be quiet?” Lucifer hissed back at them. “Otherwise I’ll-” 
“Pipe down back there!” Simeon shouted, turning and giving Lucifer a fierce glare. “Mammon and Lucifer, you better pray that you were paying attention because you’re on next.” 
Mammon groaned and Lucifer dropped his head back to his script, gritting his teeth. The play was proving to be more work than initially anticipated, and Simeon was getting on all of their nerves, especially Vivi. She had even strong-armed Diavolo into letting her drop out of the play and work on the music portion with the school orchestra instead due to how much she hated Simeon’s way of directing, which was worsened by the fact that she already had a strong distaste for him. Storm sighed, stepping out of the room for a moment to get some air away from the tense atmosphere created by Simeon’s harsh directing.
“Oh! Storm!” Levi nearly collided with her as she rounded the corner, unable to see over the piles of fabric in his arms. “Perfect, you’re just who I was hoping to see.” 
“Whatcha got there?” Storm pointed to the variety of different colors and materials bundled in Levi’s arms, along with a few measuring tapes, white marking pencils, boxes of pins, and a scissors. 
“This is for costume fittings. I read Simeon’s new script so I’m completely rethinking the costume for a few of the scenes! Isn’t Christopher Peugeot a genius!?” Levi dropped the materials to the floor, immediately snatching up a teal line of fabric and hurriedly wrapping it around her body. “I need to do new fittings to see some ideas for silhouettes- so hold still!” 
“Hey, wait a min- AH!” Levi sinched the fabric under her breast, immediately marking the fabric. Storm squirmed as he moved around her body, invasively marking the fabric for the dress she would be wearing in the play. “Levi, would you quit calling him Christopher? You know that’s just a pen name. He’s still just Simeon.” 
Levi gasped. “Just Simeon?! Storm, he is a literary artist! He should be held to the highest accolade a writer of his caliber should have, and that would be referring to him by the very pen name that signed the work he is most famous for!” 
Storm rolled her eyes as Levi continued making his marks for later, and taking a second measure of her figure just to be sure his design would fit her perfectly. What was supposed to be a quick walk around the corridor turned into a 30-minute lecture about Simeon’s work on TSL, followed by pokes and prods from the pins as he set the fabric in place. Finally, he took the fabric off and folded it neatly atop to chaotic pile of fabric, scurrying to follow her back into the council chambers. 
“Storm!” Simeon shouted, stomping over to her the moment she re-entered the room. 
She gulped. “y-yeah?” 
“Where were you?! We need to rehearse the kiss scene with you and Diavolo!” He crossed his arms, tapping his food impatiently. “Are you trying to make me look like a fool?”
“What??” Storm shook her head, feeling panicked. “No- I- Levi, he-” 
Simeon scoffed and grabbed her wrist, pulling her roughly to the front of the room. She hissed at the tension felt by his grip on her, feeling scared of the calloused way Simeon had suddenly begun to operate under. 
“Now, both of you. From the top- Say your lines.” 
Storm took a deep breath as she bent at the knee, taking Diavolo’s hand in hers and acting up the moment in the most dramatic way possible. Storm tried to give a performance that matched her character, but felt awkward in having to swoon for the demon prince when she had no real feelings for him. She also couldn’t get over the fact that Diavolo was clearly using the play as a blatant opportunity to flirt, the knowledge of which very obviously getting under the brothers’ skin- with the exception of Lucifer, from what she could tell- which ultimately felt disappointing. 
Just as their mouths neared to kiss, the council doors burst open and Solomon jogged in, shouting for a pause in the performance. 
“Solomon, this better be good.” Simeon snapped as he reached the front of the room. “We are trying to rehearse here!” 
“I need to discuss something with Diavolo.” Solomon gasped for air as he tried to regain his breath. “It’s urgent.” 
Diavolo immediately straightened his posture and nodded, abandoning Storm at the front of the room. Before Simeon could protest, Diavolo gave him an apologetic glance. “I apologize for the inconvenience, but Storm and I know our lines rather well by this point- we are hardly worthy of your concern. Besides, the kiss would be better off authentic on the night of the play, don’t you agree?” 
Simeon sighed. “Very well, but I expect your performance to be immaculate during our crunch-time rehearsals.” 
The two hurried out of the room under the watchful eye of Lucifer, who was growing more and more suspicious of the closeness of the two of them every day. His mind raced at what they could possibly be hiding, figuring that Diavolo had planned on revealing it all to him at some point this evening when they investigated the Casino at the traveling carnival later this evening. 
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Mammon sighed, throwing his arms into the air in exasperation as Sarah and Asmo disappeared around the corner. “I can’t believe those little shits left us.” 
Storm shook her head, pausing to catch her breath, giving up on chasing Beel down the street as she lost sight of him. Mammon approached from behind, leaning down to see if she was okay as she hugged her stomach and gasped for air. “M-me...N-neither.” 
“Even Levi took off lookin’ for somethin’. The fuckin’ nerve!” 
Storm nodded. “I-I thought this w-was important to h-him.” 
“Apparently not as much as his anime girlfriend.” Mammon rolled his eyes, offering Storm his arm to take as they mindlessly wandered through the street, “’n Levi had the list, so we’re straight screwed.” 
The trip to the market square with Levi, Beel, Sarah, and Asmodeus to get more supplies for costumes and props started out fine, but soon enough each of them caught sight of something that interested them, they all left in their own directions. Storm and Mammon were left to themselves, trying to pick things off the list from memory and text the group when they were gotten. So far, the only thing Storm and Mammon were able to find was black and beige rolls of lace, fabric paint, felt, and rhinestones.
“Gahh this is stupid!” Mammon grumbled, coming to a stop at the market square lookout point. “five of us came out here to buy stuff for the play, ‘n now all that’s left is you ‘n me. It’s bullshit, I tell ya!” 
Storm shrugged, as she sat down on a bench timidly. She felt saddened by Mammon’s reaction to spending time with her being seemingly negative. “I mean, yeah...but you don’t have to act like it’s a punishment.” 
Mammon’s face flushed. “Wha- no! I don’t think it’s a bad thing...jeez...I mean, it’s nice we get some alone time, ya know?” 
Storm let out a small laugh. “Yeah, it’s just how you were wording it I guess.”
Mammon shook his head, plopping down next to her. “I feel like we haven’t had a chance to hang out much since ya’ve been back.” 
Storm nodded, staring off into the brightly lit homes and shops that surrounding the castle. 
Mammon chewed his lip for a moment, trying to think of something to say. Then, in a stroke of genius, it hit him. “Oi, whaddaya say we forget the rest of this shoppin’ business and go have some fun. jus’ you ‘n me!” 
Storm glanced up at him, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. “Oh yeah? What do you suppose we go do instead?” 
Mammon stood up, gesturing out into the city. “Whaddaya mean ‘what do we do’? The whole city is ours for the taking, baby!” 
Storm doubled over laughing as Mammon spun around, shooting finger guns at her. He sauntered toward her, trying to act as suavely as possible. He took her by the hand and pulling her to her feet while she giggled, amused by Mammon’s change in attitude. 
“Just think- The Great Mammon and his stunnin’ human accomplice tearing up the town! We can do anything!”  Mammon spun Storm around, dancing giddily with her in the moonlight. “ We could go to the fall...or maybe head to a show, go play some laser tag...We-” 
As Mammon lead Storm into a dip, he paused. Their noses were close to touching and he felt feeling his face heat up as his nerves of asking Storm on what could be considered a date caught up to him. He cleared his throat as his cheeks burned red, trying to muster up the courage to say something. “Uh- we could even head back to my room...and-” 
Mammon stopped, turning around and trying to figure out where the almost scream-like voice was coming from, and why it was referring to him as ‘papa.’
Storm blinked at him in confusion, stuck in the dipped pose. “What the hell?”
Just as the words left her lips, a tiny demon rushed forward from the darkness and pounced onto Mammon’s back. Mammon shrieked, dropping Storm onto the ground in a panic, trying desperately to get what had just caught him off guard off of his back. 
“Ooh papa! I missed you so much!” The tiny demon squealed, holding on for dear life as Mammon bucked him around like a mechanical bull. “How could you wonder off and get yourself lost like that!”
“WHAT?!” Mammon yelled as he finally got a grip on the scruff of the demon’s neck and yanked them off angrily staring at them as they purred in delight. 
“You’re supposed to be an adult, and yet I’m the one worried about you!” The demon squeaked, clasping their hands together and fanning their eyelashes at him. “I can’t leave your side for one second, can I?” 
“What the hell are you talkin’ about, ya menace!” Mammon growled, causing the tiny demon to erupt in a fit of giggles. 
“Uh...’papa’...?” Storm raised her eyebrows, looking between Mammon and the tiny yellow-eyed demon. 
“Hey, whoa hold on now!” Mammon dropped the demon to the ground and turned toward where Storm lay on the ground, rubbing her back. He waved his hands in front of him in denial. “It’s not like that, okay! Don’t go believin’ that thing. I ain’t got no kids or anythin’, so don’t ya go gettin’ the wrong idea.” 
“Of course you don’t, ‘cuz you’re a virgin, HAHA.” The demon’s voice changed to a less forced cackle as he mocked the second eldest. 
Mammon’s face burned deep red. “Oi! I ain’t-” 
“Oohoho, who do we have heree?” The tiny demon approached Storm, taking her by the hand and kissing her knuckles before taking a long lick of her exposed arm. “She ain’t bad lookin’. Maybe you’re not as hopeless in the bedroom as I thought.” 
Storm ripped her hand away as the demon cackled again, her face draining in color. “E-excuse me?!” 
“Oi, now that does it!” Mammon picked the demon back up by the scruff, holding it over the edge of the look out. “I won’t hesitate to drop ya, now apologize to the lady for insultin’ her like that!” 
“For...saying she’s in your league?” The demon stifled another laugh as Mammon scowled, loosening his grip on the back of the demons neck. “Anyways, I’m just yanking your chain. You’re Storm, aren’t you?” 
Storm nodded warily, finally standing up and approaching behind Mammon.
“Ahah! I thought so. Long time no see, babe!” The demon yanked itself free, tumbling onto the ground and striking what was an attempt at a sexy pose. “It’s me, remember? No. 2!” 
Storm groaned, remembering a small demon that she had caught trying to spy on her during her first stay in the castle. “Ah, how could I forget.” 
“What are ya doin’ wanderin’ around here? Barb will have yer head if he finds out ya left yer duties, runt.” Mammon growled Stepping between No. 2 and Storm, unconsciously swinging out a protective arm to shield her. 
“Oh I’m so glad you asked!” No. 2 shifted themself, sitting with one leg propped over the other. “You see, I was doing my duties until Mr. Lucifer and Lord Diavolo left the castle on an investigation and giving some stupid excuse about the play to Master Barbatos. So I followed them to see what sneaky sneaky business they’ve gotten up to-” 
“Glad to know you don’t get off just creeping on humans...” Storm muttered under her breath, crossing her arms over her chest.
“-but then we got separated and now I can’t find them! I can’t call for help since Master Barbatos doesn’t know I’m here, and Mr. Lucifer would kill me if he found out I followed them! So you gotta help me find them and just say I wandered out and got lost so they’re bring me right back home, got it?!” 
“Sounds like that’s not our problem, bub.” Mammon growled, turning and taking Storm by the hand. “C’mon Stormy. Let’s go home.” 
“B-but...please!” No. 2 got on their knees, scooting forward to tug on the tail ends of their pants. They altered their voice to make it more high pitched, almost like that of a child. “Mammon...Storm...please help me find them! I’d be so grateful...”
Before Mammon could offer protest Storm interjected. “Fine.” 
“What!” Mammon shouted, dropping Storm’s hand. “You’re really gonna help this thing?!” 
Storm looked at the ground, shrugging. “I mean, what if something bad happened to them?” 
“And!? It ain’t our problem!” Mammon sighed in frustration, folding his arms and kicking a rock over the edge of the lookout. “Ya just can’t bring yourself to say no when someone needs help, can ya Storm? And you wonder why we haven’t gotten to hang out yet...” 
Storm was taken aback by the comment, but was interrupted by No. 2, who was smirking mischievously.
“Aww, whatsamatter? Trouble in paradise..?” 
“Listen pipsqueak.” Mammon snarled, yanking up No. 2 by the scruff. “We’ll help ya find Lucifer and Diavolo, but if ya don’t shut yer cake hole in the next 5 seconds I’m gonna smack that stupid smirk right off yer face!” 
“Alright alright!” No. 2 flailed, almost as if they were an unruly cat being held by it’s owner. “Deal!” 
Mammon dropped them again. “So ya said they’re off investigatin’ somethin’...well, where’re they headed?” 
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“So you’re saying you’re not jealous?” Sarah smirked as she finished applying the dye to Fern’s hair. 
“No!  I’m not,” Fern scowled, “I’m just saying that it just seems like the prince is a bit too ballsy in pulling some flirtatious stunt like that. Like, really. Putting Storm in the supporting role just so he can kiss her? Can you be more obvious?”
“I agree- it feels like a snake-in-the-grass move, especially considering how Lucifer feels about her.” Heart added, checking his own hair in the reflection of the window to see if the purple dye had been applied evenly. 
 The other two humans paused, turning to look at Heart in confusion. After a moment of silence, Heart caught the reflection of their curious eyes, realizing they had no idea what was occurring between the first born and Storm. 
“Oh come on, really? You’re telling me you guys haven’t noticed?” 
“No...But I do need this tea.” Sarah waved the applicator brush in Heart’s direction. “What haven’t we noticed?” 
“Yeah I’m especially curious because if Grandpa-Buzz-Kill is tryn’ to get with my girl I gotta put a stop to that ASAP.” Fern added, clearly displaying disinterest in anything related to a relationship between Lucifer and Storm.
“Well...” Heart started, swiveling his seat around to fully face the other two, “have you seen the way he watches Storm do quite literally anything? It’s like he’s in this weird trance. And the way he’s especially lenient with her...I think each of us had been in trouble with him at least 6 times our first two days, and I don’t think I’ve ever even seen her get punished since she’s been here-”
“Part of that reason is because Storm is a goody-two-shoes.” Vivi commented as she entered the music room. “Also, why are you guys talkin’ shit about her?” 
Sarah grinned. “Oh, why, Vivi? Are you saying you’re friends with her or something?” 
Vivi blushed, crossing her arms tightly over her chest. “N-no. I’m just saying that it’s better to tell someone shit directly to their face- not this passive aggressive fake nice bullshit that you do.” 
“Heheh. Suuree.” Sarah winked. “I believe that just as much as I believe Fern isn’t jealous that Storm gets to kiss Diavolo in the play.” 
“Doesn’t Fern have a thing for that lazy hot-topic employee?” Vivi raised an eyebrow, not being able to comprehend Fern’s type at all. 
“Oh yeah, they do!” Sarah giggled. “They wanna bone both of them!” 
“Shut up!” Fern snapped, flailing their arms at her. “You just think everyone is horny for everybody. You can’t tell me you’re not jealous too!” 
“Oh of course I am.” Sarah replied immediately. “But not of Storm, I’m jealous of everyone else. She certainly is a snack, that’s for sure.” 
“Gross.” Vivi murmured, trying to ignore the way Sarah was wiggling her eyebrows at Fern, making them laugh. “Anyways, do you have to have your gossip session here? I want to play my bass.” 
“Yes, because this is the only place the brothers wont bother us.” Sarah noted. “And it’s human time! Come join us, pleeeasseee!” 
Vivi groaned, but obliged, plopping down on the piano bench a bit further away from the group. 
“Anyway, as I was saying,” Heart continued, “He also spends an unusual amount of time with her in his study. I walked in to ask him something the other day and she was practically sleeping in his lap. And Storm’s no better, really. She’s always staring at him too, and I’ve heard from Asmo that they’ve even kissed- and maybe have done more than that.” 
“Ooooooh saucy!” Sarah squealed in delight. “I can’t believe it! Storm and Lucifer... such an odd couple, but honestly they would be pretty cute together.” 
“How does Asmo know they’ve done...stuff?” Vivi asked, clearly uncomfortable by the assumption being made. “I doubt Storm would tell him about this stuff. He clearly cant keep his mouth shut, like Sarah.” 
Sarah winked and stuck out her tongue and Vivi rolled her eyes. 
“Apparently he can feel it in their pact mark. Like, it has to do something with the sin I guess, so I’d assume it happens with the other brothers too.” 
“Huh. Interesting.” Vivi noted, pondering how Satan would react to her anger if they had formed a pact. 
“Well, I guess Storm is spending a lot of time with him...” Fern groaned, dragging their face down with their fingers. “What am I gonna do?! I can’t have that shit happening in my house.” 
“It’s not like they’re dating.” Heart remarked, wiping off the lingering streaks of dye on their ears. “I don’t really know who would make the first move. They both seem to be in denial, or scared, or something.” 
“Well, It’s pretty obvious Mammon likes her too, right?” Sarah noted, shrugging her shoulders. “They would honestly be cute together too. Why not try to set them up?”
“SARAH YOU’RE A GENIUS.” Fern shouted, squeezing her into a tight hug. Sarah whined as green dye smeared all over her face and hair in the process. “Setting those two up would be perfect. Plus, if it makes Lucifer jealous or something, maybe he’d be more distracted so we can get away with more shit!” 
“Oh, that is a good point.” Vivi nodded as she thought aloud. “I’ll get Satan involved. He knows how to do romantic shit, I’m sure he’d have some good tips on how to make that all workout. Plus, he loves pissing Lucifer off so he’d probably do it for nothing.” 
“Oooh this is so dirty- I love it. We’re like a group of spies.” Sarah giggled. 
“Well, count me out.” Heart shook their head. “I don’t think it’s right to pry into someone’s love life like that.” 
“You’re such a party pooper for someone who’s head over heels for the Avatar of Lust.” Sarah pouted, poking heart in the arm aggressively. 
“W-what!” Heart’s face grew pale. “How did you know that!?” 
Sarah grinned widely, booping Heart on the nose. “Asmo tells me everything, darling. And he’s got quite the crush on you too.” 
The room grew silent for a moment, interrupted by loud yelling could be heard from downstairs about Mammon being on a date with Storm. Vivi groaned, and Sarah’s eyes grew wide with excitement. 
“Well, better rinse your heads, guys.” Sarah stood, wiping her face with a towel. “Looks like we got our opportunity to play cupid right in front of us.” 
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chifuyudck · 10 months
the brothers being caught jerking off content is sooo good, would you be down for writing a reverse where MC gets caught jerking off thinking of the brothers? (and the dateables!)
the brothers + dateables (minus luke) reaction to walking in on MC touching themself.
the brothers + dateables x gn!reader
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summary: caption guys.
warnings: embarrassment, masturbating, stuttering, cocks, eating out, fingering.
a/n: guys school started so i didn't really write a lot and my laptop crashed a few mins ago while i was almost done with writing and it didn't autosave, i'm so thankful for all the love on my other posts. i tried to keep this as genderneutral as possible. requests are still open!! --------------------------------- LUCIFER
he knocks on your bedroom door but doesn't give you enough time to fix your pants.
you stare at each other for a bit until he clears his throat and looks away so you can fasten your pants again.
while waiting for you to fix yourself a tent is forming in his pants, thinking back on the way you laid splayed out, hair stuck on your forehead, cheeks rosy colored, making his clothed cock twitch.
might as well call you to his office later to talk about it, maybe add some physical touch too, since his cock won't stop bulging in his pants at just the thought of you.
knocking? what's that?
when he catches you in the act, hand still on your private part, he needs some time to realise what just happened.
shakes his head in disbelief, thought you were a saint who would never do this, will not stop thinking about it when he's alone in his room.
secretly hopes you're busy with yourself again, every time he enters your room, so he can ask if he can join you, since he regrets he didn't ask it the first time.
doesn't knock either, and just storms into your room.
he doesn't even realize what you were doing until he sees how red your face is, the way your eyes are glossy from embarrassment, your pants still open, and your intimate part still visible.
literally just runs away and stays in his room the whole day, doesn't go to dinner either, just because he's embarrassed to see you.
all that time alone with his own thoughts about you has his dick going hard, he might as well be fisting his cock the whole day while thinking about you, alone in his room.
normally does knock, but of course, the one time he doesn't, this happens.
''oh... how unfortunate.'' 🧍‍♂️, he says that while he knows he loves it, sees how embarrassed you are so he just leaves you alone.
when he tries to read his books, he catches himself re-reading the same sentence four times now. he just can't stop thinking about you.
will definitely make remarks, and tease you but more in an indirect way, so it stays between you two.
of course he won't knock, why would he? what do you have to hide from him anyways?
''you were doing this, without me?'' he pouts as he comes closer, closing the door behind him.
if you allow him, he'll show you how good he is with his hands, fingers softly stroking and teasing.
if you don't he'll just watch you masturbate, since you look so cute when you do so.
ended up in your room after following the amazing scent he had been smelling.
is a bit shocked when he realizes where it's coming from.
''can i try it out?'' he asks you with puppy eyes, he was so excited to feel it in his mouth after he's been so eager to find this scent of your arousal.
is unsurprisingly good with his mouth, tongue lapping around, swirling, sucking and he won't stop. it's like endless plates of food for him, it isn't until you have to beg him to stop, that he stops.
suddenly he's wide awake when he sees what's going on.
loves the view, stands with arms crossed in the doorstep as he licks his lips, tells you to keep going, no matter how embarrassed you are, and doesn't even understand what you're so embarrassed of since you look so damn good.
his pants start pressing up against his crotch, so he'll have to release his hard cock now.
whenever mammon brags about how he's your first man, he'll definitely ask him if he ever saw your private part too, now he has something to be first in with you too.
stands there for a bit, not sure of what he's supposed to do.
when he sees how embarrassed you are he leaves.
but comes back in your room fully naked, now you won't have to feel embarrassed anymore, right?
wrong. you feel even more embarrassed, this will now forever remain as a core memory.
knocks, definitely knocks.
the way your appearance looks messier than usual doesn't go unnoticed by him, and he quickly connects the dots and realizes what you've been doing.
he smiles softly, happy that you're feeling comfortable enough to do so.
will add a light aphrodisiac in your tea, so you can continue where you started off when he leaves.
''oh, mc! i'm so sorry!'' he says as sweat buds appear on his forehead, he's in so much distress and embarrassed about what happened.
after you calmed him down and told him it's alright he still doesn't leave. ''you can continue, i don't want to be a burden.''
you awkwardly continue masturbating after he's been so eager for you to do so.
will chant your name and cheer you on when you climax.
there's no way you didn't do this on purpose. that's what he thinks even though he is the one that walked in on you.
he tells you how cute you look when you masturbate, and doesn't even care that you're super embarrassed.
a bulge starts forming in his pants and he swiftly releases his cock with a soft groan.
''mc, wanna help each other out here?'' he asks with a big grin.
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bad-comic-art · 6 months
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Uncanny X-Men (1963) Issue #361
This picture of Storm caused me physical pain
submitted by @lucifers-favorite-child
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