#stranger things and chucky crossover
Unlikely Friendship-Child's Play (1988) and Stranger Things Crossover
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Warnings: Crossover AU, many apects of the ending of Stranger Things season 4 were ignored for this. Eddie Munson moves to Chicago and gets adopted by meets the Barclays. Background Eddie x Reader (reader is named). Happy fic with an A Nightmare On Elm Street-like open ending.
Summary: Little Andy Barclay develops a peculiar fascination when he meets the boyfriend of his substitute babysitter, a neigbor from his building that keeps an eye on him whenever Maggie is unavailable. His mother is highly skeptical of him due to his strange attitude and threatening appearance, but Eddie's kindness of heart would end up surprising her.
Notes: The name I picked for the reader (Lily) i did because I wanted a flower name to match with Maggie and I really like that one. Also, the flower represents a few things in her characterization and plot function. Not intending to make it even more of a self insert or anything
Tags: @losersclubisms
The neighbors of the building were for most living immersed in their own problems and Karen didn’t expect anyone to care for hers. Being a prideful woman herself, she wouldn’t have seeked any support networks among them. There was not much on their part besides some volatile offerings during small talk that often sounded more like charity than friendly help born from true involvement. A kind young girl on the down floor was the only exception, she had been babysitting Andy from time to time since the first moment she had to leave him for a job interview. The deal was arranged as a spontaneous thing meant to last just for that occasion, but it kept repeating sporadically. The little boy responded well to her and his adorable sweetness won her over, so she felt more than happy to help. As their bond became more stable Karen insisted on offering her payment almost every single time, but she would end up accepting only a minimal fraction attempting to show she truly cared for her family untill she would understand it.  
A cordial, reciprocal solidarity based friendship began to develop between both women. They were both struggling in their different ways, Lily didn’t have a good relationship with her mother and she would often come to her asking for advice on countless topics. From work problems to romantical advice, anything that would be floating around in her mind she would share it with her. Karen was quite concerned about the guy she was seeing, from the tales she heard he seemed quite eccentric and describing him like that would be an euphemism. It wouldn’t take much time for some of her guesses to be confirmed, since she got to meet him quite quickly as the relationship advanced. 
If she would have come across him on the streets, his threatening looks would have probably scared her. The long haired young man dressed in black leather and jeans carrying tons of jewelry with strange symbols didn’t inspire her much trust. Even less the first words she heard him say overhearing the couple talking before they noticed her and her boy coming in close to them.
“ I’m going to keep taking you home, babe. I have reasons to be worried, there is a maniac on the loose! Well, another one besides me, of course. “ He joked, making the girl chuckle. “ How long do you think it’s going to take for local metal bands to catch up on that? Every impactufll psycho eventually gets their song."
“ Until police would catch him, I hope. “ 
Their conversation got inmediately interrupted by Andy's pure excitement.
" Hi Lily!!!" He happyly saluted, quickly catching attention before his mother could say anything. " Nice to see you!!"
Her expression was brightfull for the cute surprise.
" Andy!!! How are you, darling?"
He was all smiles before replying.
" Good, doing all kinds of stuff. "
The curious eyes of the kid were fixated on the man beside her, his attention focused in his unusual appearance.
In the meantime, Karen followed with more kind salutes.
" Good evening, dear. Excuse us for the intrussion. "
The young neighbor was happy to see her.
" You are never intruders, i have wanted to do the presentations from quite some time. "
" I handle it from here, sweetheart. " The man followed her. " A pleasure to meet you, from all I have heard I guess you must be Karen. I'm Eddie, and i have the honor of dating this lovely lass."
Andy chuckled, the self introduction somehow reminded him of a Robin Hood he saw in a puppet show.
He once more spoke in advance
" Hi, Eddie! I'm Andy!!!"
Eddie responded while offering him a handshake.
" Nice to meet you, Andy!!"
There was no glimpse of fear in the boy, only a strange fascination. He was paying attention to all the details in his jewelery, specially the rings.
" Woooow! What's that?"
The kid had clearly pointed one of the skull shaped ones.
" Well, it's how all of us look from the inside. When we die, that's what's left. "
The answer was too disturbing and it weirded the mother.
" That's enough, honey. We are going home. "
As the small family followed its route, Eddie still intended to apologise.
" Sorry, Mrs Barclay! i'm not a big fan of lying to kids, I will try to be less terrifying next time."
It was hard for her to understand what was that girl seeing in him. The first awkard interaction didn't do much for his reputation, but she would notice her so in love and the whole thing was a mistery to her.
However, her son was another story. The strange man must have caused a great first impact in him, because he wouldn't stop talking about him. Everytime his neighbor would be babysitting him, he would ask her about Eddie. When was he coming to see her?, What was he doing? and Could he come to play? where some of the most usual ones. At one given time it occured to him that they could call him and she had to invent some excuse to avoid indulging him. During their next cassual encounter in the building the metalhead was carrying his guitar and the kid wouldn't let him be. He even attempted to beg his mother if they could invite him for dinner so he could show him his music.
When he saw him for the fourth time Andy came to him for a hug and asked him if he would be his friend. Eddie looked at Karen, bright smile in his face caused by the shocking reaction of the child, indirectly asking for her approbation before giving any answers.
She couldn't refuse, not when her son seemed so happy. That didn't mean she wouldn't bombard Lily with questions about her boyfriend. She already knew they have in the record store where he worked, only job Karen imagined that would have allowed him to keep that style. Admitting she was understanding of why she would find him a bit rough arround the edges, her neighbor promised he would surprise her if she would give him time. His kind heart and sense of humor had her infatuated since the first date, she had no doubt more people would be able to see the good in him.
Watching an instant on any of the interactions he had with the boy was enough to make one suspect there had to be more about him than what meets the eye. Eddie had managed to connect with Andy in such an unique form. He seemed to understand him in ways no one else in his close circle did, they somehow related to each other. His impressive, highly developed imagínation was doing great as a developmental stimulation source for the little boy either while telling stories or playing games. Karen saw it happening by herself on his first short visits coming to pick up Lily after the babysitting. The positive impact on her child slowly began to change her mind about him.
The definitive step that seiled a start of true bonding between them happened spontaneously and with a very strange timing.
It was the morning of Andy's sixth birthday and facing her son's dissapointment with the gifts she could buy for him had crushed her. She brought him clothes and the only Good Guy brand set of toys she could afford. An accessory playset, while he wanted the doll meant to go with it. A good while after the present unboxing Andy got the first birthday call of the day. Their happy couple of neighbors wanted to give their salutes early and Karen pretended not to hear the sadness in her boy's voice while telling Eddie about his presents.
Minutes afterwards they were at their doorstep and the smiling metalhead was carrying a huge wrapped box. Karen couldn't believe her eyes and the disbelief was evident. To the ' no way' in her expression, Eddie's complicit mischievousness seemed to confirm her it was, Indeed, very possible. The pridefull smile of his girlfriend showed it was probably his idea. She knew which presents the mother was planning to get for the kid and probably just commented to her boyfriend about it before deciding what they were going to do.
" Good Morning, Karen! Where is the birthday boy? I have this thing my princess has been hidding for him in her appartment."
Andy rushed to the sound of his voice, but remained skeptical to the sight of the package.
" We tricked you, little buddy!!! Do you think your mom was going to leave the big one in plain sight?" Eddie cheerfully encouraged him to approach, pretending he was carrying the box for Karen. " This is all an elaborated scheme to surprise you. The little one Karen gave you is ours, we were hidding hers all along. "
It was enough to get the kid excited again.
" Really? Woooow!!!"
" We have no idea of what's inside, but it's kind of heavy." The man followed, exaggerating with his mannerisms the effort of carrying the box to later support it at the floor level." Why don't you take a look for me?"
The three adults remained expectant and when the kid ripped off the paper mother and son were one in the surprise.
" A Good Guy, I know it!!" Andy cheered towards her. " I knew you would get me one!!!"
Karen gave a side look to Eddie while he played the fool, comical fake innocence almost getting a chuckle from her.
It was unbelievable, the excuse was so perfectly crafted that she had no time to object before he presented the doll in her name.
" A Good Guy doll for the nicest kid in the neighborhood. " Eddie spoke because Karen couldn't. " It fits, ríght? Your mom is a genius."
Andy glanced at him for an instant and smiled, then rushed to hug her.
" Ohh, mom. Thanks!!"
" You are welcome, honey. " She lovefully replied. " but you should also thank Eddie and Lily for helping me hide it. Without them, the surprise wouldn't have been so great. Don't you think?"
The boy nodded affirmatively and kissed her cheek before following her suggestion.
" Happy Birthday, buddy!!!" Eddie cheered while receiving him. " Aren't you excited to play now?
" Thanks, Eddie! Will you play with me?"
The metalhead didn't hesitate in reassuring him.
" Sure I will, we are going to play such cool story games that Good Guy Show will want to hire me to write for them."
The boy's eyes were open wide and the excitement accompanied him when he gave the girl her time to be hugged.
" Thank you, Lily, for my friends. " He sweetly said to her and she understood the phrase implied two different things.
Convinced of the tale they told him, he was thanking her for hidding the doll with her. However, in his childish way he also tried to thank her for bring Eddie into his life.
" You are welcome, sunshine. " She inmediately responded. " I love them too. "
A silent instant of shared smiles completed the moment, then she tried to create a good excuse to get him occupied so her boyfriend and the mother would have their needed space to talk.
" Hey, Andy! The box says your new best friend needs batteries. I have a singing rabbit plushie at home, so I know how this things work. Wanna follow me so we can power up your buddy?"
He happyly obbeyed, leaving Karen free to interrogate Eddie.
" So, you finally learned how to lie to kids … You didn't have to do this. How the hell did it occur to you? Do you know how fucking expensive that thing is?"
He tried to ignore the fact that hearing her swear was kind of shocking.
" Hell i know, but I was sure Andy would want it. Good Guy Show is all he talks about and the ads are everywhere."
The answer frustrated her, he would say that as if she wasn't already aware of that.
" Why couldn't you just wait untill I would get one for him? "
" He would have never ask you directly, he knows you can't afford it."
The ríght guess in his thought process felt a bit too personal. It was one of those moments where Karen felt as if the man would be trying to prove he knew Andy better than her even when that wasn't his intention.
" And how exactly did you got it?"
It was an important question he trully didn't want to answer, even less to her accusatory tone.
" A magician never reveals his secrets, just enjoy the magic."
She was not in the mood for more of his jokes.
" Eddie, I'm being serious. You are an adult and I shouldn't mess with your spending, but i'm older than you and I can't just allow you to commit this act of financial irresponsibility without having a say. "
She was showing true concern for him, so he was at least going to give him some of his reasons. Seeking to make her understand so he wouldn't have to explain more Eddie opened up to her like never before.
" Listen, Karen. I come from a trailer park in a small town forgotten by God in some corner of Indiana. My uncle took me in on his own and it was just the two of us against the entire fucking town. I know how your son feels, he just wants a nice toy and a friend to play with. Believe it or not, I understand your powerlessness too because i saw it happening while growing up. If i can make it better for another struggling family, one that by the way I really care a lot about, I'll do it even if I have to go broke for it."
It was then when she got to discover he trully had a heart of gold, the breaking surprise her neighbor prophetized.
" I'm so thankfull, but please take care of yourself. " She tenderly nagged him while approaching for a hug. " I promise I will find a way to repay you. "
" You don't have to, but if you insist, just think of me if Ozzy adds concert dates near here on his next tour. "
It was a joke, he chuckled to let her know he was just messing with her.
Her son and his girlfriend returned to find her kindly fixing the loose locks of his messy hair.
Andy was happyly showing his unboxed doll.
" Mommy, mommy!!! Come to see this!!! "
The three adults silently shared their relief for the accomplishment.
Andy wasn’t completely unaware of the implicit secrecy around him despite not being sure of its reason. It made his smile acquire a shade of mischievousness, wondering if there was another surprise. 
“ You tricked me again! ” He complained to the young man, slightly frustrated. “ How you do it?” 
Before he could get to answer, Karen did it for him. 
“ I invited him to your party, that’s the last surprise.” She announced, matter that was never discussed before. “ Lily can bring Eddie after work to play and have cake if that’s fine for them.” 
Trying the doll was the only thing that could have possibly redirected the kid’s excitement after getting to hear that. Fascinated as he was with its startup phrase introducing itself as Chucky, he encouraged every single one of them to talk to it. 
Chucky and Eddie were all he would be talking about for the rest of the day. Although his mom couldn’t be present for the occasion because work forced her to miss it, he would still comment on it with Maggie over and over. Best friend and coworker of Karen, she was his main babysitter and the most trustable emergency contact. Usually, the neighbor girl would come whenever she was unavailable.
They had met, so she was aware of her, but on the many times Andy would mention Eddie he referred to him as his friend and never specified he was the backup sitter’s boyfriend. In fact, the way he would speak of him didn’t differentiate him much from a child. Karen told her about the kind hearted lad showing up at her doorstep with the doll her son wanted, but the differential descriptions made her think she and Andy were talking of two different persons.
Opening the door for a threatening looking grownass man followed by his contrastingly sweet appearing girlfriend was not what she had in mind. 
The visits were initially unaware of the change and, since they were hoping to find Karen, seeing someone else confused them too.
" Sorry, wrong place. "Maggie said as soon as she saw him, almost shutting the door if she wouldn't have recognized the girl beside him. " Is this guy coming with you? Look, Lily. Karen isn't home because Walter forced her to take other shift to cover up for someone else. I have been warned Andy is waiting for a friend to show up, but i will be fine on my own dealing with the two kids. "
The couple shared a few chuckles, unsure of how they were going to explain the hilarious misunderstanding.
" Well, if you think so i'll pick him up at nine. "The girl responded, acting on purpose as if she would be leaving a kid at the birthday party of his little friend. " Have fun, Eddie! Listen to Maggie and don't get yourself in trouble."
He followed the joke pretending child like excitement.
Maggie got the message, but was still quite shocked.
" So, this is Eddie … If you would hear the way that kid talks of you, you would get why I was waiting for a child."
" My teachers used to say i'm one in spirit as some flattering, euphemistical replace for inmature as fuck. " He mocked himself, trying to overcome the awkwardness. " I guess I should let you judge by yourself. "
She rolled her eyes and let both in.
" No swearing in front of the boy. If I hear one curse word coming from Andy, I'm going to know he got it from you. "
He smiled and did a gallant reverence before stepping in.
" Worry not, Margareth, for I will keep the manners of a knight."
Lily chuckled as he guided her inside to later kiss her knucles and do the same for Maggie.
" Calm down, Shakespeare. " She mocked him in return. " Don't piss me off and we are going to be fine. "
" I could never not behave accordingly in the presence of such lovely ladies. " He insisted, sticking to the character for a little bit. " Margareth and Lily, the most beautifull flowers on the little prince's garden. "
She amusedly ignored the compliment.
" Andy, you friend is here!!!!"
In a matter of instants the presence of Eddie revolutioned the home. The quiet playtime of the little boy was over, since the energy of the metalhead would incentivate him to go nuts. It literally finished turning the situation into something closer to a birthday party, music incluided. Aware that Andy was super curious about his guitar, he would have preferred to play something by himself. However, since Karen just started to like him and he guessed that would be too much for her, he límited himself to bringing a mixtape with the most palatable music for a general audiencie that he owned. When questioned about it, he simply said there was nothing on it heavier than Metallica mixed with some radio friendly hard rock.
Maggie stopped caring for his strange excuses once she saw Andy jumping all over the place to Led Zeppelin's ' Rock and Roll ' while holding his doll so he could pretend it was doing the same. He was acting like a happy kid on a birthday should despite that was happening in a very unconventional way. In fact, she wished she could have videotaped it for Karen to see. The hairstyle of the doll was completely ruined during Andy's attempts of making it replicate the movements of Eddie, who would also try to encourage everyone else to join them.
She got more material for her self deprecating and ironical dating jokes. When asked about it she could say that at least part of her night involved being dragged to move by a twenty somethings and out of context it would work.
The calm part of it was still full of games that were more intense than what she would have expected from Andy's usual playing behavior. He tried to show Eddie the way that the Good Guy Show lore pre imagined for him to play with Chucky, but the man kept challenging it.
" We are going to think outside the box here, Andy, … literally speaking. " He was kindly explaining his point. " The Playpal guys say Chucky has only six options depending on the accesories we can buy for him, but he can be anything we want if we dare to imagine it and we don't need any more sets for that. "
Sat on the floor ríght next to him and in front of the doll, the kid was observing it as if he had the most amazing realization.
" But we have the construction worker set, what else can we make him be?" He asked in a wondering tone. " What do you think ?"
" I don't know, but we can have fun figuring out. " Eddie followed him. " For example, with that flaming red hair and the hammer, I believe he could be a dwarven blacksmith who craftes magical weapons and beautifull jewelery. "
The idea seemed appealing to the kid simply because he made it sound way cooler.
" Mom sells jewelery, Chucky can make it for her. " Andy agreed. " Don't you, Chucky?"
Following the whole thing while trying to keep a conversation with Maggie, Lily was undone from tenderness feeling as if her heart would be about to explode holding all that love for Eddie. She couldn't help excusing herself and do an Intervention to help him out.
" We can make him look more dwarvish, we just have to make some little changes."
She attempted to transform Chucky into a fantasy dwarf using one of her boyfriend's bracelets as necklace for the doll and adding the touch of one of the pending chains from his pants circling the hip to represent a belt.
" I will add a few cool dwarvish braids in his hair and that's it." She pridefully informed. " He would be ready for forge work or battle. "
" He still needs a battle axe, but that one comes in the fireman playset. " Eddie joked, still admiring the work. " Be carefull with that, babe. Braiding hair is a marriage proposal gesture in his culture. "
Andy seemed quite surprised and she pretended to follow him for an instant.
" Well, I can play as Chucky's bride. Surely he will not mind."
" Over my dead body!!!" Eddie exaggerated on purpose, making the kid laugh. " I'm going to challenge him to a duel for your hand. "
" Andy should decide who I should marry, it's his birthday and you are his friends. What do you say, birthday boy?"
" I don't want them to fight. " He sweetly admitted. " Friends shouldn't fight."
Maggie couldn't help bursting into laughter many times while watching the madness escalate. Eddie convinced Andy of enacting the duel, but it ended up as playfull fighting between them while Lily finished braiding Chucky's hair.
Some of the fictional escenarios they were collectively coming up with were hard to follow, so the woman eventually got bored and sat on the couch to watch tv.
" Pardon me, Margareth, but we are in the middle of a quest to destroy a dark wizard and you are ruining the ambience!!" Eddie complained at some point. " Are you sure you don't want to be the wise witch guiding us? I'm offering you the coolest role."
He made her chuckle, she couldn't pretend to be upset anymore despite she would still make him a target of her sarcasm.
" That sounds great, but i think the dark wizard can wait untill after the cake. "
Once Andy blew the candles surrounded by happy cheering and had a piece of his cake he began to feel tired from all the exciting playing. Noticing it as well, Eddie explained him that they didn't have to complete the quest all in once. Relieved and happy, the boy finished the day with some of the standard playing with the construction set and his Good Guy back in the classical look. In the meantime, Eddie insisted in helping Maggie clean to compensate her for all the chaos of the night.
Bedtime was near when the little boy delivered one last weird occurence.
" Aunt Maggie, Chucky wants to watch the nine o clock news."
She shared complicit glances with Eddie as he pilled up the clean dishes that had to be saved, initially thinking Andy's plead was some joke to ignore the bedtime and keep playing with him.
"Sure, he does."
Lily tried not to chuckle, feeling almost sure of what the thing was about.
The news presenter mentioned the Lakeshore Strangler, Eddie's most recent fixation. He obviously wasn't talking about that with Andy, but he must have been aware of that because her boyfriend was talking about it with her the same day the kid meet him.
"Don't worry, sweetie. He can watch the repetition at twelve. " She tranquilized him in sweet whispers as Maggie approached. " You should go to rest."
His aunt turned off the tv and picked him up in order to carry him to the bedroom, while the substitute sitter carried Chucky a similar way. The kid obediently proceeded to go brush his teeth in the bathroom, when the sudden bombing of tv sound freaked them out. 
Eddie was sitting on the couch, staring at them innocently like a child that tries to deny doing mischief. 
“ I’m done with the chores … Can I watch the news, Aunt Maggie?” He pleaded by himself. “ It’s very important, I wouldn’t ask it otherwise. They are on the case I’m following.” 
“ Again with that? “ Lily wondered out loud. “ Charles Lee Ray is dead. It 's over, love.” 
“ His accomplice has escaped. “ He summarized for her. “ Police get the right Eddie this time and they let him escape. Can you believe it?” 
“ Why is it such a big deal for you?” Maggie seriously asked him. “ The hell are you talking about?” 
Following the conversation and remaining attentive to the screen was hard, especially because one of the women was in front of it. He didn’t want to explain his full reasoning, but she was cornering him so he had to say something.
“ I know it sounds creepy and I’m a total freak, just don't get upset with Andy. He must think that the Strangler is to me what the Good Guy show is to him, that’s why he said that. I never spoke about it with him, I swear. He must have overheard me and he just wanted to be nice. “ 
“ If you say so, I won’t deny it: you are a freak.” Maggie simply stated. “ … but you make that kid happy so I guess I have to get used to it.”
“ Eddie is not a weirdo obsessed with a killer just because his partner in crime has his same name, he has valid reasons to feel the way he does. “ His girlfriend interrupted, sweetly approaching to sit beside him. “ There was a series of ritualistic murders happening in his old town and the people wrongfully targeted him and his friends just because they looked suspicious to them. When things seem to work out, he moves here trying to leave everything behind and some guy starts doing a similar thing. He was terrified of being targeted by the police all over again, he would be trying to hide it from me through silly dark jokes.” 
He was very thankful of not having to explain the situation himself, unsure of how to present it in a way that wouldn’t ruin things. 
“ I elaborated an exhaustive list of reasons proving I could never be the Strangler just in case they would come to interrogate me, if there was going to be a second time I wanted to be ready.” 
“ Holy shit, that’s terrible!” Maggie exclaimed, feeling truly sorry for him. “ I can’t imagine how horrible it would be to be blamed for a crime I didn’t commit. Did they eventually catch the guy?” 
“ I like to believe I helped to serve justice somehow.” He vaguely explained. “ Charles Lee Ray was the most faithful reflection of everything people said I was, I felt relieved when they identified him as the Lakeshore Strangler and I followed his case intensely because I wanted to feel sure cops weren’t fucking up again. The dude who was shot in a toy store last night wasn’t an unlucky scapegoat and nobody will be coming after me again saying I’m a killer for the way I dress, the game i play or the music I listen to.” 
Maggie stopped obstructing the screen. 
“ I was kind of a bitch to you, sorry for that. You may be weird, but I can tell you are a great guy.” 
The recognition got a genuine smile from him. 
“ No problem, I’m used to it.” 
“ I tell him all the time that I feel lucky to have him, but he says I’m insane.” Lily continued, seeking to cuddle from her position beside him. “ He is wonderful, maybe I’m a bit guilty of trying to make the world love him as much as I do.” 
He gave her a soft peck on the lips and they smiled at each other before he proceeded to share bits of their story. 
“ I love this woman from the very first moment she smiled at me after having asked me for the dullest hair metal record that she wanted to buy mostly for the power ballad single. She was so lovely, I became a mess and I couldn’t care less for my artistic principles. For her I ended up listening to that damn Whitesnake record during the in-between dates time, closing my eyes to think of her to Is This Love because I knew she loved that one and I was becoming a lovesick fool.” 
Their tenderness was very surprising to the woman observing them. 
“ Girl, I’m going to end up asking you for dating advice.” Maggie mocked them, that time with plenty of good intentions. “ Should I start attending metal concerts?” 
“ We are on the same page, I follow Karen’s. “ She honestly replied. “ Well, except for that one time I didn’t and I kept dating him.” 
The women chuckled and kept chatting, but he missed most of it because he got lost in his own thoughts while the heat of his girlfriend’s body was relaxing him. Eddie’s imagination was starting to connect the dots in many strange coincidences surrounding him and the story he intended to follow. Lee Ray and Caputo were partners in crime named exactly the same as Andy’s partners in playing. From the many names the Good Guys could have, the one he got for the kid was a Chucky and Chucky was short for Charles. The serial killer was shot by police in a toy store, last hideout resource when his friend abandoned him.
“ Hey, handsome. It’s your mind on the moon again?” Lily teased him sweetly, noticing he got very distracted. “ What’s wrong?”
“ I’m gonna write the song, babe … and I know what I’m going to do.” He revealed, with determination. “ I’m going to write about the killer from the point of view of his friend, and it's going to be wrapped in a metaphor about childhood. Andy just inspired it to me, you know? We have a Chucky and I’m an Eddie … that ‘ My best friend Chucky ’ thing. It 's perfect! “ 
“ What do you mean?” She stopped him before the rambling could escalate because she wanted to follow him. “ Slow down and share it.” 
“ Chucky IS Chucky.” He replicated with excitement. “ Chucky is short for Charles, so doll Chucky is my metaphor for dude Chucky and Eddie is his best buddy. Committing crimes is like playtime for them, until the police arrive. Waking up from the fantasy of their murder spree is like growing up. Eddie becomes aware of the consequences and trying to escape those he leaves Chucky behind to die in the fucking toy store like a forgotten toy. “ 
It was a bit too much, but she was quite impressed anyway. 
“ It’s … twisted, but brilliant! And you are going back to writing! That’s good, I’m just so happy that Andy managed to inspire you somehow.” 
“ Are you planning to launch your musical career with a lawsuit from Playpals? Because that’s what you are going to get. “ Maggie warned him. “ Just try to keep yourself out of trouble, allright?” 
The casual demonstration of concern was well received by him. 
“ Yes, Aunt Maggie!” 
They intended to stay until Karen would return, but Maggie told them over and over that she was going to be alright on her own and they didn’t have to. They were going to be in the building anyways, so if she needed anything she could just call them and they would be there for her. 
Lily seemed uneasy, there was something else her boyfriend hadn't discussed with her and coming down from all the excitement surrounding them once they were back in her apartment made her aware of it. 
“ Where did you get the doll, Eddie?” She questioned him. “ I had no money for it, as far as I know you didn’t have it … So where did it come from?” 
The ask was very rational, but at that point he would have preferred to avoid it.
“ Why does it matter? Andy is happy and Karen will not have to lose all her savings for it.” 
“ It matters to me because I’m afraid you could have endangered our friends “ 
She meant she feared he could be messing himself and others into something illegal and she had a point. 
“ It was alley money for a clean doll, alright? I got rid of the last shit I had left and with what I got from those sales I bought him a brand new doll from the store.” He finally confessed. “ I paid in cash so there is no way to track it, just don’t tell Karen. “ 
There was no inmediate reaction, but when it came, her reply was way deeper than a moral objection.
“ Andy told me something very curious today when we were unpacking the doll from the box.  I kept calling it his best friend because that’s the slogan of the brand, but he corrected me. He said Chucky is not his best friend, you are.” 
She held his hand holding back tears. 
“ If something happens to you, it would crush that kid. I want you to take care of yourself and I’m not even doing it for us, but for him. He already lost his dad, he can’t lose you in the most shitty way possible.” 
Eddie hugged her and began to caress her hair in a calming way. 
“ Easy, princess. it’s going to be ok, nothing bad will come to them or to us.” 
For once in his life, that seemed to be true. With some ups and downs, but things were working out. He had a day job that didn’t suck while he could still keep working on his music, a wonderful girlfriend and one more friendship with a kid bringing out the best of him. Aware of Andy’s frustration for wanting to get little friends of his age, Eddie was slowly starting to teach him how to socialize in the way of the weird kids. He would constantly tell him about his younger friend from Hawkins who had three friends to play with since many years before meeting him. In some ways, he could be blamed for talking too pridefully about Dustin presenting him and his experience as the horizon for lonely freaky kids. To be fair, he would also comment with excitement to Dustin about the baby steps the little boy was making from time to time on their phone calls. 
His first visit was an important event for everyone involved.By that point Andy had heard so many amazing stories about him that he hero worshiped Dustin despite the teenager was initially unaware of it. 
" You are completely sold to that cute little brat, it is unbelievable. " Dustin concluded in whispers after observing an interaction between his friend and the kid for the first time. " I finally understand how Steve felt when I befriended you. "
Andy couldn't hear the talk because he was distant enough from them searching for some thing he desperatedly wanted to show them.
" We are lucky he isn't here. He would loose his shit over how tiny and cute that kid is, Msrs Barclay would never get rid of him."
They laughed because of how accurate that sounded to both.
" Karen could use one more free babysitter. " Eddie concluded. " C'mon, Dustin! I can't believe you are jealous of a six year old kid. "
" Well, he says you are his best friend and i thought WE were best friends. "
They were just messing with each other, but he still wanted to give him a good reminder of how important their friendship was.
" I owe you everything, you are practically my little brother. "
Eddie hugged him ríght away and Dustin chuckled through it.
" Don't try to make me tear up!"
Briefly afterwards Andy returned proudly holding a piece of paper.
" I made this for you. " He explained to Dustin while handing him the paper. " … and your friends. "
A drawing, classical little kid present. The teenager managed to distunguish at least four human figures in it surrounded by strange shit that was coming after them.
He smiled, unsure of what to say, so Andy provided a clarification.
" It's you fighting the monsters with them."
" Did you told him about the Upside Down? " He asked to Eddie, midly panicking. " How much does he know? "
" Chill, Karen and Maggie think is just nice tales I tell him. " Eddie defended himself. " Andy knows you are a hero."
Without any gestural warning the little boy rushed to hug Dustin.
" I want to fight monsters with my friends like you. "
The kid managed to awake his sentimental fiber.
" I wish you and the friends you will make will never have to, Andy. "
They all were awaiting for more introductions to be made. Since Eddie was introducing Dustin, Andy wanted them to meet the very first friend he managed to make in school. Lily was in charge of bringing him in, acting as trusting sitter and bridge between both families.
Eddie was particularly excited about it, from all comments he had heard the child was an old school freak in the making. He was a loner with an interest in fantasy and a labelled troublemaker.
The first impression didn't dissapoint.
" Nice shirt." The kid complimented him ríght away, pointing at the Iron Maiden cover art in the shirt Eddie was wearing." Great taste. "
" Aren't you a bit young to know what this is?"
The questioning didn't bother him in the slightlest.
" Is she your girlfriend? "
" Yeah, she is. " Eddie confirmed. " She is Andy's sitter and i heard she will become yours soon too because everyone else has given up. "
He smiled at her, then replied.
" … I like her. "
" Well, Lily is lovely so I can't blame you. " The metalhead added before introducing himself. " it's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Eddie. "
The boy was laughing, a bone chilling cackle that threw everybody off.
" What should I do with your Good Guy, sweetie?" Lily asked him, trying to overcome the awkward moment. " I wouldn't want to mix both by mistake, Andy has a Chucky too. "
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barclaysangel · 7 months
This morning I woke up from a dream of Eddie Munson and Tiffany Valentine being together
So like any other sane person, I had to do research on their ages. Wiki says Eddie was born about 1965 and Tiffany in 1967.
Eddie would’ve been 21 and Tiffany 18/19 in 1986 aka Stranger Things season 4.
Take that as you will, Stranger Things and Chucky fans~
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pinkposies · 4 months
Heyy! Please send requests :)
Send Love Letters
What I will write:
Smut Fluff Angst Polyamorous Reader inserts Headcanons Crossovers
This I will not write:
↳ rape, necrophilia, incest/stepcest , age play/regression, innocence kinks/pedophilia, (pee/vom!t/scat), anything with animals!
The Vampire Diaries/The Originals, True Blood, Supernatural, The Walking Dead, Supernatural, Stranger Things, Lab Rats, Euphoria, Teen Titans, Cobra Kai, Teen Wolf, That 70s show, Amerian Horror Story, The Umbrella Academy, Steven Universe, Miraculous Ladybug,
Twilight, Jennifer's Body, MCU, Harry Potter, Scream Franchise, Heathers, Descendants, Halloween, Chucky, House of Wax, American Psycho, Lost Boys, Ginger Snaps, Carrie, Interview with a Vampire, Challengers, and IT
Tokyo Revengers, Diabolik Lovers, Saiki K, JJK, MHA, AOT, Death Note, Kakeguri, Hunter x Hunter, Ouran High School, Vampire Knight, Tokyo Ghoul, Servamp, Blood Lad, Hellsing and more that I can’t think of the name
The Last of Us, The Walking Dead Game, The Quarry, and Resident of Evil Games
Motley Cure and Guns and Roses
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leagueofdccm · 5 months
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PLEASE LIKE THIS IF YOU WISH TO BE MAINS WITH MY MUSES The only thing I do ask of you is that if there is a certain muse you want, please write in the comments on who you want. It doesn't matter how many you want. but least i know if i ever send memes, or starters for y'all i know WHO YOU WANT already.
DOING THIS BECAUSE if anything needs organization it's this damn blog. lmao. Hello yes, to have things going on this blog I think i gotta make it organized, and see who wants to do things with my muses. If we are mains it means i will work on our threads first, the memes you send me will be worked on as well. any ideas you want, you can throw it my way without an issue ! also forming ooc connections along with our ic connections. if you want to ship, we don't have to go through the process of friends,or strangers-- we can establish the relationship between our muses. I am doing this to be more organized on my blog, and seeing who actually wants to interact with any of my muses to begin with.
Please, I ask of you-- trust it's annoying I know lmao. but do leave which muses you want for your muses if you are a multi-muse. As much as you want. I do crossovers do please throw in something you always wanted to do ! and those who aren't multi-blogs well just comment on which muses you want for your muses as well. To anyone who wants to be my main you will be my priority !! All the edits, all the love and all the plotting we can work on together !! ooc chit-chats and forming many amazing dynamics ! Headcanons, you name it !!! So please like this, and comment on who you want. I will also list names of my muses below to make it easier for y'all. go nuts. toss your oc's at my muses. whatever you want.
boys :
twd male muses : rick , daryl , oc jack smith , alden The boys : soldier boy, homelander, a-train, boomer ( ppg adapted to the boys ) you male muses : joe riverdale male muses : jughead , sweetpea , archie horror series muses : chucky , ghostfact caos male muses : nick until dawn : mike soa : jax taller last of us : joel Got : ramsay
girls :
twd female muses : maggie , rosita , michonne, beth the boys : starlight, bubbles ( ppg adapted to the boys ) you female muses : beck , peach riverdale female muses : betty horror series muses : tiffany caos male muses : sabrina got : sansa
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stanfordprepped · 10 months
Blog List aka where to find Jared.
Here. @offorester [Dean Forester. Gilmore Girls. Low activity] @cordelliism [Cordell Walker. Walker. High activity] @ofmidnightrain [Emily Winchester/Walker. Walker. SPN crossover. Low activity.] @stellabluewinchester [Stella Winchester. Crossover blog. Low activity] @averygoodgal [Tiffany Valentine. Chucky/DBD. Moderate activity] @decisivestrxke [Laurie Strode. Halloween/DBD. Under construction.] @micronappings [Quentin Smith. Nightmare On Elm Street/DBD. Moderate activity] @stopthecarrrr [Steve Harrington. Stranger Things/DBD. Under construction.] @emptyleftbehind [Soulless sam winchester. SPN. low activity.]
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welcome-to-maniac · 2 years
I had to type me these on my comp cause they're so much LMAO
But these are the HC's I had~
WTM && LAL Crossover HCs:
They started off as drinking buddies
Joo would come to the bar often and they would make conversation
That's when Joo asked him to be his plus one for his fancy party and they just hit it off from there~
Emilia and Bin met because of Joo and Min getting closer
Once they started dating that's when they were introduced
I feel like they would toe at each other a lot
Like Em would be uncertain of her feelings and get a bit scared
But eventually Bin would show her how much she truely means to him and they get together
They just give me strangers to lovers type of vibes
Our residential best friends to lovers ✨🥰😍
They just started off as good friends mainly because of Jay constantly going to the bar to see Sung so he would tag along and it just happened
I feel like at one point Lix spoils him so much to one up Di and Jay
And he doesn't know why, like he spoils him to get the reaction he wants, which is Ace's big smile and loving looks, but he doesn't know
He also gets jealous of others when they get too close to him and he also doesn't know how
I can imagine Lix being the one who ends up blurting it out
Like Ace is talking about someone and Lix gets so annoyed and just let's it out like: "Notice me! I'm right here!"
AnuSung [funny name lmao]
I can actually see Anubis and Sung getting together
Anubis can get really caring and protective of people
And since Jay is so close to Sung he feels like he needs to give that protectivness to him as well
I feel like he would also have a soft spot for his chaotic nature
Like he would stand there with a blank ass face but in his mind he's just 'Yeah I'm actually in love with this fool'
I feel like these two are idiots who wouldn't realize they like each other
Like Sung just flirts with him but doesn't know that he likes him he just thinks it's fun to make him flustered
Anubis just gives him caring touches and acts of service cause he doesn't talk and he's also very iffy and selctive when he wants to be touched or wants to touch someone
I also think Sung is the only person in the bar that Anubis would talk to
Bonus points if Sung learns Sign Language for Anubis 🤧
Friends with Benefits to Lovers™️
They start this little tip toeing around each other
They fuck around and just have fun
Until they start falling-
"Oh shit-"
I think Hyun would be the one to break it
Like he's just I can't do this anymore and kind of leaves Di high and dry
I feel like Hyun didn't want to gain feelings so the minute he did he just left
Di hurt to death cause he's used to the whole 'leaves in the morning' the minute feelings are brought up
They eventually make up though 🤧
Actual FWBs
That's it. That's the whole post.
AriSeung [another funny name lol]
I honestly don't know why but I see this happening
Like originally I thought Jeongin and Jay cause fire- but I can see them more as friends
This just made sense-
Am I grasping at straws?
I just see Seung being soft for her and idk they just seem to mesh
It's like those things that just...work LMAO
ChanLe [idk lmao]
Okay this one is strange...but hear me out!
Leo is like flirty as hell and also scared of commitment
But I feel like Chan's caring nature would bring him out of this
Also club bouncer with club worker; this needs to be some type of trope
I feel like this is another one that just works
Like idk Set likes to push on people's buttons but he can be a real softie
He's also insane-
I feel like they would be that chaotic couple that's in flames all the time
In a nontoxic way
Chucky and his bride type of vibe mixed with Gomez and Morticia 🤔
I have family and friend ones too~ have fun with these and give me ya opinion~
💼. Tell me why I'm grinning and kicking my feet at 2 am—
Oh god these are all perfect 😭😭
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c0smicjayy · 11 months
Not Maria from silent hill 2 being there with nicolas cage and chucky LMAO. what are these crossovers?
KSJSJABD dbd does a whole lot of crossovers. Halloween, hellraiser, stranger things, resident evil, etc etc you'll see a whole bunch of well known characters just thrown together
nic cage is still the funniest though
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schibi12 · 4 years
Disney Spooktacular Halloween-a-thon & Review/Reaction for "The Trickening!"
"What is this a crossover episode?!?" Well yes my Halloween-a-thon and Review/Reaction have crossed so you get a special post yay!
Jokes aside i was very excited for this episode and it didn't disappoint i LOVED it and the references, the references, Fun fact about me dear Tumblr user i love horror movies, well im more of a suspense/psychological thriller kinda gal but i have seen a few slasher films since gore kinda disgust me. But yeah i think this is one of the few episodes that i got most of the references so Let's Do this!!
Spoilers! Read at your own Risk!
I loved all of the costume the kids wear from Webby being a Demon King that nobody gets but its a cute costume, Huey being Gizmoduck which he obvioulsy did himself, Dewey's half-baked costume of a pirate on vacation and then the laziest of lazy halloween costumes Louie as Huey its so in character of him, and i also like that kids sometime say or act as the thing that are dressed of is so adorable. And i of course loved Donald and Della being an angel and devil respectively matches their personality, oh and Scrooge being a skeleton simple but elevated by the glow in the dark effect and come on Scrooge don't you think you're a bit old for trick or treating just saying not judging.
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Love the spooky version of the intro.
And of course Scrooge isn't giving candy he goes for the candy oh wow an empty bowl what a greedy jerk and oh my gosh he is doing the skeleton dance. Aw Donald just want to give candy what a sweetheart.
Oh my gosh this episode is a haunted house episode yes and ok Hazel House reminds the House on Neibolt Street from It, so im already getting creeped out.
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If there is a fabled motherload of candy in that house from previous halloweens that candy is moldy and nasty plus its a creepy abandoned house you're just gonna pick it up from the disgusting floor Ew.
Oh and fun fact about me dear tumblr user i have a fear of dolls, yeah childhood trauma of watching Chucky as a child so you better believe that i got quite scared watching this and i think it's a Poltergeist reference but still kinda creepy and oh dear its the puppet from Saw
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Then we got The Good, The Bad and The Himbo probably one of my favorite teams of this episode i love their interactions and how they each have a different form of celebrating halloween Della wanting to scare and traumatize, Donald just wants to give candy and well Launchpad and his silly and dramatic take on halloween is hilarious and creative.
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But honestly we need to see more of these three cause they where hilarious and worked well off of each other.
And Launchpad telling his childhood trauma per say, that he believes that he spawned soul-eating demons that come every October 31st is so funny and little child Launchpad is adorable and i know Frank Angones said that his design was inspired on himself but he kind of reminded me of Dustin from Stranger Things, nice and funny detail that everytime LP crashes a fire starts
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Also Della and Donald fighting as children was funny and reminded me a lot of me and my sister.
And sheesh Launchpad really beat up Scrooge no fear, no regrets Calm down LP.
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And ok im on Huey's side what's wrong with some normal fun trick or treating not everything has to be a great adventure but true he shouldn't have lied to his family.
Oh look another Childhood trauma the creepy well girl from the Ring. Yay 7.7
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i know a lot of people have been saying that Louie was being to mean to Huey with his teasing but honestly that's how sibling and i've teased like Louie and felt like Huey so honestly i don't see it that bad well from my perspective. But they do have a nice and wholesome resolution.
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And the creatures being classicc monsters was a nice twist and oh god Launchpad is a perfect combination between Michael Myers and Jason Vorhees and he crazy, and all the Shining references from the Twins, the picture at the end, to the "Here's Johnny" good stuff
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I like the conclusion, loved seeing Mrs. Beakley dressed as Darkwing Duck (im so excited for the special), Dewey got his 24 hour Candy Store and Donald got to give candies to the kids what a cinnamon roll and Poor LP all these years without celebrating Halloween.
Animation amazing as always and also the musical score really set the spooky tone.
Doug Jones, Selma Blair,James Marsters and Clancy Brown did an excellent job as the voices of the Wereduck, Witch Hazel, Nosferatu and Frankenstein respectively.
I love that this episode combines the old and modern horror creatures and cliches and the story was really creative, clever and funny. So i give this episode 5 out of 5 ducks.
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pipocacompequi · 5 years
Brinquedo Assassino
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Olha ele de novo! Chucky está de volta e, dessa vez, nas telonas com seu remake oficial, nada de continuação grotesca como as que tivemos nos últimos anos para decepcionar os fãs da franquia do boneco (estou falando de mim mesmo, inclusive). Depois da trilogia clássica, eu considero esta repaginada a melhor parte da franquia toda. Confesso admirar algumas características de “A Noiva de Chucky (1998)” e “O Filho de Chucky (*2004)”, mas, por serem satirizadas demais, detestei muito mais coisas dentro dos títulos.
O fato é que o Chucky sofreu uma repaginada, que tirou todo seu tom sombrio se comparado com o clássico, no qual temos uma transferência de espírito em um ritual satânico. Já neste temos uma AI (Inteligência Artificial), que dá errado e gera toda merda que ocorre no filme.
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Vou começar elogiando o marketing do filme que foi fantástico. Jurei que seria uma falha desde que fiquei sabendo que iria para os cinemas e não direto para home video. Como o filme estreou após o quarto filme da franquia “Toy Story”, que carrega a mesma temática de brinquedo, o pessoal pegou um gancho e postou vários cartazes do Chucky assassinando os brinquedos da animação, o que ficou muito engraçado e inteligente. Um dos melhores crossovers que vi.
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Uma das coisas a se aplaudir no novo filme do boneco é o elenco que eu particularmente amei, mesmo mesclando atores poucos conhecidos e uns rostinhos mais vistos em alguns filmes. Principalmente para o Andy (Gabriel Bateman), que tinha, ao meu ver, o papel com mais responsabilidade, pois carrega o protagonismo de ser um dos personagens mais queridos da franquia. O ator se entrega em cenas super fortes, até mesmo falando com o Chucky enquanto boneco. A sinceridade e veracidade das cenas são super agradáveis. 
O núcleo de crianças na verdade dá um novo tom à franquia que jamais teve uma tonalidade, que inclusive está em alta, que é essa de crianças sobrevivendo ao sobrenatural como na série de sucesso “Stranger Things”. O diretor mirou em inovação e acertou em muitos aspectos, este foi um deles. 
O boneco não perdeu o senso de humor, claro, e solta algumas piadas, mas a seriedade dos acontecimentos não é satirizada como nos anteriores. O fato é que a ideia do roteiro enquanto “porque o Chucky é mal” é genial e eu previ desde o começo que isso seria um universo expansivo, que iria além do corpo do Chucky.
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Já que neste novo universo do boneco ele tem uma “Inteligência Artificial”, por que não fazer com que ela afete mais do que o Chucky? Isso mesmo, o boneco que tinha a promessa de comodidade para quem adquiri-lo, controla todos os eletrônicos de casa e até automóveis, que são da mesma marca que o fabricante dele. Imagina o estrago que isso causou? Inclusive as mortes foram bem feitas, se encaixando bem na narrativa, ao meu ver.
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Outra observação, e não deixa de ser um elogio, inclusive, é a parte em que o Chucky está aprendendo a ser “mal” e assiste ao clássico “Massacre da Serra Elétrica (1974)”, reproduzindo uma das mortes mais conhecidas do cinema de horror até os dias atuais. Isso foi outro crossover inesquecível que temos no novo filme do diabinho.
Tudo acontece devido a um dos funcionários de uma das fábricas dos produtos que criaram o Chucky retirar todos os modos de segurança do boneco, depois de ser humilhado pelo chefe dele, lembrando que o trabalho lá é escravo, naqueles países famosos com mão de obra barata. A retirada de toda a segurança do boneco juntamente das aulas educacionais que ele teve em casa com Andy, e tudo que o rodeava, só poderia dar merda. Para mim, as mortes desnecessárias foram as do gato e da senhora, mas eu entendo que o gatinho foi o passo inicial do boneco para se tornar um serial killer.
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Outro crossover das propagandas foi ele com a boneca sobrenatural mais famosa do mundo, Annabelle. Dizem as bocas por aí que vai rolar um filme só para este confronto acontecer. Será?
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Mas tudo vai além de crossovers, tocando a inserção da atualidade no filme. A tecnologia desenfreada remete à série “Black Mirror”. A diversão vai justamente nas críticas sociais que ele carrega, como o fato de Chucky não ser do mal instantaneamente e sim depender de ações e vontades humanas para desenvolver todo seu lado obscuro, já que, pra ele, o real e a ficção são a mesma coisa.
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Eu vou ficando por aqui, assistam ao filme e tenho certeza que irão ter a mesma perspectiva que eu tive, não de fidelidade ao clássico, mas sim de repaginação.
 Até mais!
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lovemesomesurveys · 5 years
What is something you’ll never eat again? Why? Tangerines because I’m allergic, oranges because they’re disgusting, and seafood because BLECH. What is currently happening that is scaring you? Pretty crazy we’re having earthquakes like this in California. I know people experience a lot worse, but we’re not used to this. Well, actually, it’s not uncommon to have small ones often that typically go unnoticed, but we’ve had two big ones lately and it’s not the end. Plus the aftershocks. There’s been some damage done. I’m not even in the area they’re happening in and I’m kind of nervous, so I can’t imagine what those actually experiencing are feeling. I’ve never experienced an earthquake or even felt aftershocks before yesterday. Such a trippy feeling.  What would be your personal hell? Drowning over and over or being in deep ocean water surrounded by killer whales, being surrounded by bugs.... not being able to escape any of the scenarios. That’s just some that I can think of. What made the ‘weird kid’ at your school weird? People seemed to deem someone weird based on how they dressed or look and what they were into. Those who kept to themselves.  What is a word you personally find offensive? I haaate the p and c word. I will not say either one. 
What instantly puts you to sleep? Nothing instantly does, but ASMR helps. What song is in a language you don’t speak, but you love it anyway? La Tortura by Shakira.  What is something you would like to do if you weren’t judged for doing it? I don’t know. What’s a movie you think everyone should watch? Why that one? All the Marvel and Star Wars movies cause they’re awesome. What was the most unexpected good thing that’s ever happened to you? Hmm. What is the funniest fact you know? *shrug* What is your biggest nightmare? Things never getting better, or even worse if they get worse, and just never amounting to anything or doing anything with my life. If you didn’t have to sleep, what would you do with the extra time? I really like the time I’m asleep and wouldn’t want to go without that. What’s the kindest way a stranger has treated you? Uhh. What is the biggest design flaw of your body? Everything. What age are you afraid of turning and why? I’m turning 30 soon and I hate it. Where is your happy place? The beach. What makes you really angry? Abuse of people, especially children, and animals.  What’s the simplest way you can be pleased? Bring me coffee. What is a crossover you want to see? *shrug* What is the strangest thing you have ever felt? Feeling the aftershocks yesterday was something strange that I felt recently. Where do you see yourself in 1 hour? Here in bed. What makes someone immediately unlikable? If they’re cocky and arrogant. Who’s a villain you sympathize with and why? Chucky the doll, ha. He just wanted a friend. He did those horrible things because he didn’t know any better and wasn’t taught to do right. He didn’t understand that, “I can’t stand this person, I wish they were out of my life!” didn’t mean to kill them and remove them permanently. Whoops. lol. What is something you regret to NOT have done? I regret not taking better care of myself. What’s the weirdest thing you put in a microwave? I can’t think of anything weird. I put things that meant to go in there. What movie changed your life for the better? A movie hasn’t had a profound effect on me like that. What book you think should be directed as a film? Hmm. Of all the decades you’ve lived in, which one have you liked best? 90s and the early part of the 2000s.  How are you doing today? Currently I’m hungry. What’s something your relatives don’t know about you? That I smoked weed a few times. Doesn’t sound like a big deal to some, but my family would be surprised to find that out about me. What’s the worst song to strip to? I don’t know? What’s something your parents did, which you have sworn never to do? My parents did a great job raising my brother and I. I don’t blame them at all for the mess I became. What did you eat a few minutes ago? I haven’t ate, yet. I’m going to soon. Have you ever found a stranger’s note somewhere? If so, what did it say? No. What’s the most annoying thing your pet does? She still picks up random things off the floor like a piece of paper or anything that happens to fall on the floor, no matter how small, and eat it. Like she’ll spot it across the room and go for it. I’ll be like how the heck did you even find this??  No matter how many times she’s been told no, she still does stuff like that. She mostly does it when she’s in a bratty mood.  What’s the biggest sum of money you’ve won? I haven’t won any money. Have you ever had Pac-Man fever? No.
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streets-in-paradise · 4 years
Fanfiction Masterlist
  Note: I keep requests permanently open for the less popular fandoms I write for. Media or characters hard to find fics for get this priority because i write for some that very few people or no one else are currently writing reader inserts for. If you want to request but are unsure because it’s not for my rare fandoms, don’t be afraid of consulting anytime. I don’t update the masterlist frequently, so the request states for all the rest may differ.  
I love to answer asks, so don’t be afraid to pass by my inbox. Send me as many as you want or message me anytime :)
Complete masterlist for all my fics and request state indications per fandom.
Pending Requests: Haven’t recieved any yet
Regardless of the Dangers  - Sam Winchester x Reader 
Chucky (2021) 
Pending Requests - 1
Andy Barclay x Fem Ray!Reader where they adopt GG after they leave Tiffany the end of Season 2 
Requests for this fandom are currently open
Can’t Help Falling in Love with You - Andy Barclay x Reader (female)
A Personal Cheerleader - Andy Barclay x Reader (female) 
Best Friends Till the End - Andy Barclay x Childhood Friend!Reader (female)
Part 1 - Part 2  Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7
Unwilling Resemblances - Andy Barclay x (Fem) Reader 
Untill Death Tear Us Apart - Andy Barclay x (Fem) Reader, Chucky x (Fem) Reader 
Part 1 - Part 2 
Relaxing Amazement - Andy Barclay x (Fem)Reader (Requested)
Birthday Wishes - Barclay Wheeler Family AU (Requested)
The Touch of an Angel - Feral!Andy Barclay x Reader (Requested)
Child Soldiers in a Secret War . Teen!Andy Barclay x (Fem) Teen!Winchester Reader 
Ready for the Good Times - (post Child’s Play 3) Andy Barclay x (gender neutral) Reader ( Requested)
Even If I Can’t See You - Andy Barclay x Nica Pierce 
Testing the Waters - Teen!Andy Barclay x (Fem) Teen Winchester!Reader 
Dulce de Leche? - Andy Barclay x (Fem) Reader 
Certified Paranoid - Barclay Wheeler Family Au ( Andy adopts the Wheelers AU) + BarclayPierce 
The Original Child - Andy Barclay x (Fem) Ray!Reader (Requested)
We´re Best Friends as Friends should be - (Cult of Chucky) Andy and Chucky centered Oneshot 
The Road so Far - Andy Barclay x (Fem) Winchester!Reader 
Waiting - Andy Barclay x Reader (Requested)
Three times they told you Andy was gone ( and the one he came back) - Andy Barclay x Reader 
Doing the Barbie - Andy Barclay x (Fem)Reader 
Their Princess - Andy Barclay x Reader (requested)
Clothing Thief - Andy Barclay x Nica Pierce 
Risking It - Andy Barclay x Nica Pierce 
Reality Check - Andy Barclay x Nica Pierce 
Just the Two of Us - Andy Barclay x Nica Pierce
Andy Barclay x (Fem) Friend!Reader Smut 
Andy Barclay x Witch Reader Dating Headcanons
Showing Andy that you believe him ( Gender Neutral Reader) 
Being Nica’s girlfriend and trying to help her save her family - Nica Pierce x Fem Reader 
Horror Crossovers 
Child’s Play and Stranger Things 
Unlikely Friendship
Chucky, American Horror Story: Hotel and Supernatural
Part 1 - No Warnings.
Part 2 - The Good Guy. 
Note: This fic is on pause and I’m not sure if I’m going to continue it. I didn’t delete it just in case someone still wants to see it, but is most likely i’m not going to carry on. 
Mutual Promise, Cursed Prophecy - Platonical Corey Cunningham x Sister!Reader /Platonical menthor Laurie Strode x protegee Cunningham!Reader
Christmas Headcanons - Corey Cunningham x Sister Reader 
Friday 13th (2009) 
Hope - Clay Miller x Reader 
Horror Characters Preferences
- How they celebrate Christmas with you ( Includes: Chucky, The Walking Dead and Stranger Things) 
Netflix’s Daredevil 
- Matt, Foggy and Karen with an argentinian friend.
The Real Deal - Matt Murdock x Witch!Reader 
X Men
Feel Like a Star - Peter Maximoff x Mutant Reader ( Requested)
Where Are All the Gods? - Thor x Quill!Reader / Loki x Quill!Reader 
The Halls of Freya - Thor x (Fem)Vanir!Reader 
Stained - Thor x (Fem)Servant!Reader (requested)
Of Palaces, Princes and Magic - Thor x (Fem)Reader
Stranger Things
Being Dustin’s older sister, a nerdy metalhead, and becoming closer with Eddie and Steve Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
Like a Witch and her Familiar - Eddie Munson x Henderson!Reader 
Our Shithead  - Steve Harrington x Henderson!Reader 
I’ll Wait - Eddie Munson x Henderson!Reader. 
Ice Cream Man -  Steve Harrington x Henderson!Reader / Eddie Munson x Henderson!Reader. 
The Cheer Factor - Eddie Munson x (fem) Plus Size!Reader 
Friday the 13th - Eddie Munson x (Fem)Henderson!Reader 
Prince of Persia
Requests for this movie are permanently open
Pending Requests - 0 ( updated 08/14/2023) 
Becoming Dastan’s first wife
New Moves - Dastan x (Fem)Plus Size! Reader
Spoils of War - Dastan x (fem)Secret Assassin Servant!Reader (requested)
Nightfall Enchantress - Dastan x (Fem)Servant!Reader (requested)
A Fair Trade - Dastan x (Fem)Reader 
Lord of the Rings 
Courage - (Platonic) Eowyn x (Fem)Gondorian!Reader 
Secret Presents - (Platonic) Faramir x Sister!Reader, (Platonic) Boromir x Sister!Reader 
Work of Love - Sam Gamgee x (Fem)Hobbit!Reader 
Troy (2004) 
Requests for this movie are permanently open
Pending Requests -  1 ( updated 08/24/2023) 
- Paris x Male Reader Modern AU Horror themed
Battle Scars  - (Platonical) Hector x Sister Reader 
Our Strenght Lies in Family -  (Platonical) Paris x Sister Reader x Hector 
Imaginary Feats - Patroclus x Trojan Princess Reader 
Silent Pray  -   Part 1 - Part 2 - Chryseis and Odysseus centered movieverse retelling of the Illiad’s startpoint / oneshot spreaded in two parts. 
The Daughter of the Priest -  Part 1 -  Continuation for “ Silent Pray.” 
Fool - ( Pre War) Paris x Healer Reader 
Songs of Sailors -  Platonical (Family) relationships of the trojan royals and allusions to different romantic pairings. 
Pairings Mentioned: Helen x Paris (most mentioned), (Implied) Patroclus x Trojan Princess Reader, (Implied) Achilles x Briseis, Hector x Andromache. 
Faith or Facts - Hector x Greek Seer!Reader (Female) 
The Insolence of Beauty - Post quarrel, Agamemnon centered. 
For Honor and Love - Helen x Paris (requested) 
Into a New Life - Paris x Spartan Servant!Reader (requested) 
For a Love Like This - Paris x (fem) Warrior!Reader (requested)
Undying Legends - Achilles x Princess!Reader (requested)
Accomplices - Patroclus x GN Reader (requested)
The Last Challenger - Ajax x Fem Reader (requested) 
Borrowed Bride - Achilles x (fem) Trojan!Reader 
A Thousand Times - Paris x Fem Reader (requested)
Anonymous Hero - Hector x Fem Warrior!Reader (requested)
Personal Guard - Eudorus (Fem) Shy Reader (requested)
Third Fate - Achilles x Fiancee!Reader (requested)
Things that will grant me your love - Paris x (Fem) Reader (requested)
The Curse of Poseidon - Paris x Helen Merman AU (requested)
Concealed Fighter - Hector x Wife!Reader / Achilles x Captive!Reader 
The Veiled One - Ajax x (Fem)Reader (requested)
Our Fight - Hector x (Fem)Reader (requested)
Artists of Deception - Odysseus x Wife!Reader (requested)
Eternal Courtship - Achilles x (Fem)Captive!Reader (requested)
Matured Desire - Achilles x (Fem) Reader smut (requested)
By Duty and Chance - Hector x (Fem) Reader (requested)
His Weakness - Achilles x (Fem)Reader 
A Man of Honor - Odysseus x Trojan Princess!Reader (requested) 
From the Deepness of the Sea - Hector x Siren!Reader (requested)
The Wave’s Caress - Achilles x (Fem)Reader (requested)
-Achilles’ Type (requested)
-Achilles + Patroclus’ turnoffs/dislikes (requested)
- Reactions to your singing
- How they comfort you when the war is bringing you down 
-Their Types (Fem partner version)
Multichapter Precuel -  ( Achilles x Mycenaean Princess!Reader fic ) 
Part 1 - The Bride’s Misery 
Part 2 - Fame and Tales
Part 3 - The Veil Trick
Part 4 - To Make a Difference
Part 5 - Family Matters. 
Part 6 - A Curse, a Plot and a Rushed Farewell 
Part 7 - Invisible Influence
Part 8 - The Rejected Side
Part 9 - Consecration. 
Part 10 - Royal Treatment
Part 11 - Aligned Improvements. 
Part 12 - The Weight of Words. 
Part 13 - Occulted Relic
Part 14 - Goodbye Encounters 
Part 15 - Separations, welcomes and the story of an avoidable disaster 
Part 16 - Service to Good Judgement. 
Part 17 - Galatea and a Maenad fighting in the second front
Part 18 - The Enygm of the Horse Emblem
Part 19 - No Space for Loneliness. 
Part 20 - The Games.
Part 21 - The Man of Aphrodite 
Part 22 - Diverted Course
Part 23 - Golden Chains
Part 24 - Loving in the Shadows
Calm After the Storm - Odysseus x Reader 
Divine Beauty - Paris x Reader 
A Breath of Life - Patroclus x Gender Neutral Reader (Requested)
The Right Way - Achilles x (Fem)Reader (Requested)
American Gods 
Zeus x Vanir Demigoddess OC 
Note: This is a is a two parts story that has Sean Bean’s Zeus from the Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief movie as part of the universe of the American Gods series. 
Part 1 - Roadside Bet
Part 2 - The Greek of New York 
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barclaysangel · 6 months
Young!Tiffany Valentine x Eddie Munson aesthetic
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Did this because of my dream. This is ridiculous. Yet the ship is in my mind. I vv low key wanna write something based on this but I have 0 ideas, not even for a headcanons post. But hey, if anyone wants to take a go at this crossover ship, pls be my guest!
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pinkposies · 2 years
Send Requests !
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I want to be more active on here so send a request or more.
Send Love Letters
What I will write:
Reader inserts
This I will not write:
↳ necrophilia, incest/stepcest , age play/regression, innocence kinks/pedophilia, anything with animals!
If a fandom that you want me to write for isn’t here still send the request just in case I forgot to add it !
Movies and shows I will write for:
The Vampire Diaries/The Originals, True Blood, Supernatural, The Walking Dead, Supernatural, Stranger Things, Lab Rats, Euphoria, Teen Titans, Cobra Kai, Teen Wolf, That 70s show, Amerian Horror Story, The Umbrella Academy, Steven Universe, Miraculous Ladybug,
Twilight, Jennifer's Body, MCU, Harry Potter, Scream Franchise, Heathers, Descendants, Halloween, Chucky, House of Wax, American Psycho, Lost Boys, Ginger Snaps, Carrie, Interview with a Vampire, IT
Tokyo Revengers, Diabolik Lovers, Saiki K, JJK, MHA, AOT, Death Note, Kakeguri, Hunter x Hunter, Ouran High School, Vampire Knight, Tokyo Ghoul, Servamp, Blood Lad, Hellsing and more that I can’t think of the name
The Last of Us, The Walking Dead Game, The Quarry, and Resident of Evil Games
Motley Cure and Guns and Roses
And Celebrities
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BLOODSTREAMS: New Horror Streaming for October 2017
New Post has been published on https://nofspodcast.com/bloodstreams-new-horror-streaming-october-2017/
BLOODSTREAMS: New Horror Streaming for October 2017
It’s finally October! Let’s take a look at what our favorite streaming services are bringing to the table for the spookiest month of the year. These films are all new, and most are (at least temporarily) exclusive to their respective platforms. Here’s New Horror Streaming for October!
  Still from Cult of Chucky
If you’re not a Netflix subscriber, chances are pretty good that your brother’s ex-girlfriend hasn’t removed you from the account yet, and you still have access to the streaming giant. Here’s what’s new!
October 3rd
13 Demons – Picture Jumanji with adults, and Hell itself instead of a jungle. With any luck, this will lead to a Netflix crossover called 13 Demons Why. Cult of Chucky – The latest installment in the Child’s Play franchise is coming straight to your TV! Or computer, or video game console, or cell phone, or whatever you use to watch Netflix.
October 13th
The Babysitter – A young boy spies on his babysitter, only to find out that she’s a psychotic killer.
October 17th
Slasher: Guilty Party – There aren’t many details on this release, but all signs point to it being a special for the Slasher TV show.
October 20th
1922 – What seems to be the millionth release based on a Stephen King story this year. 1922 follows a man and his son as he plots to kill his wife. One of Us – A journalist infiltrates a commune for a story, only to become entangled in a cult’s plot.
October 24th
The Mist Season One – Surprise, another Stephen King adaptation! This time as a TV series, not a movie.
October 27th
Stranger Things Season Two – What are those kids gonna get into this season? I’m already hearing synthwave soundtracks!
  Still from Seoul Station
Often called “Netflix for Horror,” Shudder brings genre films both new and old to subscribers every month. The new releases for this moth include:
October 5th
Seoul Station – Impress your friends with your knowledge of Korean cinema! This is an animated feature about a zombie apocalypse.
October 12th
Can’t Take It Back – Not much information on this one, but it looks to be a subtle, slow-paced zombie film.
October 26th
Found Footage 3D – A horror mockumentary following a film crew that runs into evil while shooting their found footage film. Spookers – This New Zealand documentary details the ins and outs of the haunted house industry.
  Still from Spookers
Legendary independent film studio Troma updates its lineup this October with more horror movies and fewer Japanese softcore flicks. Not none, but fewer.
October 1st
The Nobodies – This mockumentary tells the tale of an independent film so bad that its creators were shunned by their community and subsequently comitted suicide. The Nobodies presents the film in question, as well as the people behind the project and affected by it.
Also available on Troma Now! this month are the short films Teenage Bikini Vampire, The Amnesia Party, Nosferatu The Friendly Vampire, and Revenge of the Killer Meat.
IFC Midnight brings small titles to large audiences with their VOD platform. There’s only one new film coming to IFC Midnight VOD this month.
October 13th
78/52 – An in-depth documentary about the iconic shower scene from Psycho.
  What are you most excited to stream? Let us know!
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barclaysangel · 2 years
…would anyone be interested if I wrote something involving Junior Wheeler facing off against Vecna like Max Mayfield did in Stranger Things? 
Like, I have a lot of ideas for it. Including having Lexy, Jake, and Devon being the ones to try and save Junior (and with “Running Up That Hill”, ofc). I can visualize this somewhat ST/Chucky crossover so perfectly in my head…
But I’m not sure if people would be interested in that sort of crossover. Or if it would be good enough and/or make sense. It probably won’t make sense…but it’s still so tempting. 
Soooo…who would be interested if I did this? And should it be a long oneshot or a long headcanons list? 
If plenty of people comment, then I’ll do it. I don’t wanna do it and then just watch it flop so…yeah, go off and have fun, feel free to share it around.
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