#stream amnesia
classicsmosh · 11 months
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sharkblaj · 11 months
Graphic Designs: Me vs my partner
Small content creator here. My partner is the more responsible one and I'm the AuDHD.
My partner made me my logo and the static assets, which I love:
E.g.: banners
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Meanwhile, me:
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I love her to bits, but it only emphasizes the crackhead energy in me.
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teruel-a-witch · 1 year
i've seen a fair share of fic dealing with amnesia!steve but what about amnesia!danny? i just accidentally wrote this half headcanon-half fic
what if after the adrenaline runs out he actually collapses in steve's arms in 4x19 and when he wakes up the last and only thing he remembers is steve and him confessing their love for each other.
naturally with steve holding a constant vigil by his bedside and being his emergency contact and the one in whose care they release him to after the hospital stay and everyone calling them partners, he assumes they are together together and because of how they are with each other no one notices that that's the conclusion he came to for a while.
when danny first woke up, smiled flirtatiously at steve and said 'hey gorgeous' steve just laughed in relief with barely contained tears and made a crack about danny being really out of it.
then when it turned out danny has temporary amnesia while steve seems to be the only one he feels safe and familiar with, it's only natural that he took danny home after they released him from the hospital. a little selfish part of steve enjoyed that his connection to danny was stronger than melissa's which meant he got to have danny for himself but the bigger part of him just missed his best friend.
it doesn't help that amnesiac!danny dialed up his natural flirtatiousness but steve just explains it away as danny not having his usual inhibitions in check. the doctor said it was important to bring danny home and surround him with comfort and familiarity to speed up his recovery so everything falls away in the face of that.
the one thing that knocks steve off his rocker is when danny comes downstairs one morning and greets him with a peck on the lips before making a beeline for the coffeepot.
'what's wrong?' he asks, concerned at steve's dead stupor.
'why did you just do that?'
'what? kiss my boyfriend? is that not usually how i greet you in the morning? i know you've been careful with me because you didn't want to violate my agency or whatever but this whole physical distance thing isn't exactly going to help us reconnect as a couple.'
as realization hits, steve shakes his head with a sad chuckle, he's used to other people assuming they are a couple but it hurts extra that as an outsider even danny came to that conclusion, just steve's luck that the only circumstances that danny considers that possibility is when he's not himself.
it's danny's turn to be confused. he was so sure. 'but...but... everyone says we are always together and are partners wink-wink, i practically live at your house. plus, i've seen the way you look at me, i know I'm attracted to you and clearly you feel the same, not to mention my clearest memory is you telling me you love me and me returning the sentiment'.
'i don't know what to tell you, danny. we are not a couple.' '
'and why not?'
'because you don't feel that way about me.' steve's voice breaks at the end of that sentence.
danny puts his hand over steve's heart 'except I do, babe.'
steve shakes his head 'you don't mean that, you are not yourself right now. you are just confused'.
'i may be confused about most of things in my life right now, but not my feelings for you. our connection is the only thing that feels real right now, and from the way you don't deny it, i know you feel it too, so what's stopping you?'
'i can't take advantage of you, i care about you too much to do that. please don't look at me like that, I'm not rejecting you.'
danny sniffs 'sure feels like rejection to me.'
as he turns to leave steve grabs his arm 'can we please revisit this topic after you have your memories back?'
'what if they never do?? you just don't want me without them, admit it.'
steve presses their foreheads together 'oh, danny, no, i will always want you. i just need this to be real, please?'
the first time danny yells at steve about being a reckless idiot steve knows his danny is back. having a willing and affectionate danny in close proximity and not being able to do anything about it was torture, but not having the partner he knows and loves by his side was so much worse.
'i love you'
danny stops mid rant 'i love you, too'
'despite knowing me so well? really?'
danny puts his arms around steve's neck 'yes. because i know you, it's real.'
and then they kiss, finally. for real.
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lakemojave · 1 year
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Tonight at 6 pacific: AMNESIA!!!
Here it is everyone, the game that spawned a thousand screaming let's players. I'll be trying this game out for the first time with friends of the channel and friends of the me @radiofreederry and @sexygaywizard! See y'all then!
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fnife · 3 days
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@h0nkshroom art bc I found them again on twitch!! I love seeing old friends :3
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gutsandeverything · 22 days
it is recommended that you play this game in a dark room, using headphones. additionally, stop taking your antipsychotics two days prior. and you have to be a little high
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h0nkshroom · 19 days
Do you know when your next stream will be?
(and question: why are you less active on tumblr? (not pushing ofc)
Was actually planning to stream sometime today!! probably around 5 - 6pm EST!
And the reason I'm less active, I'm not too sure! I wanna be more active, but i've been in a bit of a funk with my art.. I really wanna start making little comics and stuff for my au, I'm just unsure with how to make things look right-
But i'll figure it out dw :D
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convexicalcrow · 10 months
"The thing about possession by the Vex, Tango, is that you won't remember anything afterwards. You're just a body to obey Their will. And I don't think you've really understood that so far," Cub said.
"I mean, I do, I get it, I've seen what it does to you, but-" Tango sighed.
Cub offered him a Vex mask. "Put it on, Tango. This time, you're mine."
"Yes, yes, of course, I-"
The mask was on his face before he could finish speaking. It was a strange feeling, where his head felt suddenly empty and devoid of thought. He found himself laser focused on Cub, as if somehow he knew he was his master today.
"Very good. You know how to obey. This pleases the Vex," Cub said. "Now, come with me, Tango. I've got work for you to do."
"Yes, master," Tango said, trailing along behind him.
It was strange to be aware, but unable to remember. Well, he remembered things if Cub asked him to, but for the most part, he simply moved when Cub said, did whatever he said to do, was simply existing in his own body as it did Cub's bidding, both unable and unwilling to intervene.
The Vex were heavily present as a storm cloud in his mind. Along with the cooing voices when he seemed to please them, there was this sense of disassociation. Of the Vex simply puppeting his body. It felt very strange, but also very peaceful.
He didn't have to think. He had no pressing issues about Decked Out flooding his mind. Indeed, his mind was calm and quiet, stilled by the simple act of obedience. Perhaps he should do this more often. It wasn't often he was able to switch his brain off so completely.
They were sitting under Scar's tree when Tango was released. It was mid-afternoon, and the sun was out, shining in tangled waves through the leaves and reflecting across the water. The mask sat in his hands, lifeless, and he stared for a moment, coming back to his senses as his body was still and unwilling to move.
"Wiggle your fingers or toes, that'll get you back to right again," Cub said.
Tango focused on that. Wiggling his fingers. He could do that, right? Wiggle his toes? They were simple enough. He could do that, even though his brain felt like mud and he felt like Cub had asked him to dance a tango or something.
He felt Cub move a little closer to him and gently take his hands in his. "Just squeeze them gently. You can do it, Tango, come on."
Cub was squeezing his hands, as if showing him what to do. Having his hands move did seem to jolt something in his brain and he thought about squeezing his hands back.
"Yeah! Yeah, that's it! You're doing it, Tango!" Cub said.
Tango felt something of the fog lift, and he smiled a little. He sensed Cub shifting closer. A hand cupped his cheek, and he closed his eyes as Cub kissed him softly, nothing more than sweet sensation to wake him up. He turned his head to look at Cub after he'd pulled away, feeling a little better.
"Hey, there, Cubby," Tango said.
"Hey there, Tango," Cub said. "The Vex are very pleased by your obedience today. Well done."
"Thanks. I can't say it was all down to me if I was possessed, but I'll take it, sure," Tango said. "So will it be like that in the dungeon then? For what I have planned? They give me the hood, I become possessed, and obey their every word?"
"I'll need to tweak the spells a little, but yes, that's how it'll work. As a safeguard against you using knowledge the players shouldn't have access to, which is what you wanted, right?" Cub said.
"Yeah, yeah I did. It's not that I don't trust myself, but better safe than sorry, right? Takes the subjectivity out of it," Tango said.
"Of course, of course. Now, do you really want me to rig it for amnesia? Because if you're using this as your way of playing Decked Out without playing Decked Out, me wiping your memories seems counter-productive," Cub said.
"You think so? Well, I mean, mostly I asked for it to be sure I'm properly in the moment, you know? Totally focused on them and only using whatever knowledge they give me. I'm not meant to be anything more than a body they can feed to ravagers or whatever, you know? But if you think the amnesia's too much, don't include it, I don't really mind. You're the one making the hoods," Tango said.
"It's not that it's too much, I'm just not sure it's really worth it for you if you never get to remember any of your dungeon runs, you know? What if I ran the dungeon with you, and some absolutely amazing shit went down, and when I went to talk to you after, you didn't remember what happened? Like, that's not what you want at all, you get me?" Cub said.
"Ohhh, yeah, you're right, yeah, no, cut the amnesia. You make a good point there," Tango said.
"Alright, will do. Give me a couple of days and I'll have another one for you to test," Cub said.
"Sounds great. Now, have you got any food on you? I'm starving," Tango said.
Cub laughed and handed him some cake. "I brought only the best for you, Tango, here. Enjoy."
Tango smiled, feeling much more grounded into his body as he took a bite of the cake. Was this plan stupid? Sure. Was it going to result in him dying many, many times? Probably. Would it be worth it? Of course it would be.
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btw if ur first reaction to seeing that centuries hit 1B streams is 'wahhhh why That song tho ;(' ur sooooo lame and boring and should be quiet bc centuries is like. unbelievably deserving of that many streams
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ayeforscotland · 11 months
Part 1 of Amnesia: The Bunker. We play a French solider in WW1 trapped in a trench bunker system with one super angry boy. Also just want to say a big thank you to everyone who has been watching and subscribing! Not only have we reached 200 subscribers but my views also get tracked by game platforms and based on my views I am now eligible to apply for game keys I couldn't have previously!
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phisnom · 1 year
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-Saturday: Amnesia A Machine for Pigs w/ Nikson!
-Sunday: More Pokemon Nuzlocke w/ Caco!
also planning to get some highlight videos prepared for this weekend, but no promises!
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bayrad · 7 months
Feeling a bit nostalgic? Wondering where all the Amnesia: The Dark Descent LPs went? What about Draw My Life?? DIY arts and crafts???
If not, then join my stream anyways! My stream will be the scariest costume on twitch: 2010 YouTube Era!
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softersolace · 4 days
Day 2 of 100 Days of Wellness Challenge
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self-care choices I made: ✅ took medicine 💆🏻‍♀️ had a massage
symptom stats 💤 9hrs sleep 👟 movement... decent! Probably an hour or two of movement combined. It definitely ‘cost’ me something… but felt good!
+ made espresso martinis with my pal + and he cooked the most amazing dinner - spilt espresso martini all over myself, welp...
🕹️ Played Amnesia: Dark Descent with split controls. It was so fun. 10/10 need to stream. 🎬 watched Twilight 🎧Clair de Lune - Claude Debussy
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gai-theblackbard · 2 months
"Art and Aesthetic blogs, probably misspelling that, FTW"
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knadire · 2 months
Streaming on Twitch - Vampire Saga: Welcome to Hell Lock
Streaming on Twitch with guest @clericofmadness - Is this the return of the mummy? Find out! Join us at the link below!
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goostiebee · 8 months
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We're kicking off Goost's Month of Spooks with Amnesia! hahah...ha...please have mercy on me
Streaming Amnesia: The Dark Descent @ 6:00 PM EDT/3:00 PDT on Twitch!~ https://twitch.tv/goostiebee
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