#this was supposed to be a short post that grew
lavernius · 2 days
Locus and Lopez vs. dehumanization and seeing your own humanity through someone else
AKA 1.5k words worth of me trying to justify a random pairing I've been trying to sell people on for 5 years. Feat. a lot of my own introspection on both characters, CW for mentions of abuse.
It's kind of easy to assume that Locpez as a ship only exists because Locus is one of the few people who understands Lopez and one of even fewer who has had an actual (off-screen) conversation with him with full mutual fluency, especially since they interact directly, like, twice in canon (Objects In Space and the "Holy shit he's bilingual" scene from The Federal Army of Chorus). To be honest, that was my initial reason for shoving them together whenever I got into RVB and there was literally no content for them because no one was really considering them together in any capacity but a brief, funny passing interaction.
I do think language is an inherent motivator in their relationship with each other. It's a catalyst. Spanish, of course, is perhaps the most obvious thing they share--Locus being a Latino man and Lopez being the same in a convoluted and meta-racist metaphor. Beggars, choosers: anyone who knows how I operate knows I lean into reclaiming their depictions for my own brown person machinations. For Lopez it's the beauty of meeting someone who not only understands him, but isn't going to belittle him for the language he speaks or imply it'd be easier if he learned English. Locus will just listen to him talk and respond without commenting on the language barrier; Lopez isn't exotic or abnormal or "broken" for it, he just speaks Spanish, big deal, Locus speaks it too.
For Locus, it leans more toward reminding him of who he used to be when he was a simpler and kinder person. His culture seems like a forgone part of himself in many ways, but even if only because he's so distant from his humanity that he doesn't remember HOW to embrace his culture, or what the point of cultural pride even is. Lopez is like, reverse culture shock for him, where Locus is very familiar with Spanish as a language--grew up with it, learned it young, whatever, he canonically understands it and given he's Latino it's easy to assume it could be his native language--but has divorced himself from it so much to be malleable to his abusers that hearing someone speak it so unabashedly feels new. It's the lack of it that makes it so foreign, but it's so ingrained into him that it's easy for him to just slip back into it.
And Lopez being so stubbornly proud of what he is plays into that language dynamic, yes--now that there's someone who will listen and not judge, he has room to be adamant and own his monolingualism, and having someone as aggressively, straightforwardly prideful as Lopez forces Locus to recognize the beauty in the language too--but it applies on a grander scale, which is what I suppose the point of this post is: Locus and Lopez don't just share Spanish, but also histories of abuse and dehumanization, of being overlooked as living, thinking things in favor of taking advantage of their skills. And the results of this abuse manifest differently in both of them, but they're alike in just enough ways that their differences stimulate each other into bettering themselves and reflecting on what makes them, dramatic pause, human.
Some of Lopez and Locus's defining personality traits to me are their shared low empathy (forcibly learned on both of their parts) and the way they feel so alien in any group they're a part of. They're people with a lot of potential who don't care how others see them (at their worst, especially in Locus's case), but are limited by someone who only sees them for their usefulness (Sarge, Felix) and doesn't truly see them as a person. Lopez may be a Red, but they don't really care about anything he says, so he's just a wrench to them. Locus has Felix, but he doesn't recognize that Felix has one-sided power over him and is keeping him on a short leash; he's a shield and a weapon. They're tools, they don't have feelings, and if they realize as much it's a fault in their programming, they can and have to be steered back into place.
They're reflective of each other in this way. However, they're not identical in disposition: Locus resigns very easily to what he's told to be. He had more hope once, made attempts to be humanitarian, but was swiftly taught that kindness is suicide and that the point is to survive, no matter the cost. It was easy for Felix to take advantage of him by saying they needed each other when Locus was at his worst, because having kindness ripped out of him gave Locus little else to rely on but his hands. Locus has no room for questions, because a rulebook is absolute. It takes a reminder of what he used to be to make him falter, but even when Santa is showing him one of the inciting incidents of his "soldier" mindset, Locus can't stop himself from resigning to the mindlessness that Felix and the UNSC have already taught him.
Lopez feels trapped and is hyper-aware of it. He'll listen, but only because there's nothing else in the world for him. He's subservient but not in the same way Locus is, because he's angry about his situation: he knows it's not fair, but what can he fucking do about it? He was made to be Red Team's mechanic, and every word he says falls on deaf ears. He carries this self-awareness like a shield, like a threat: he could do something, but there's no point because his nature as a robot defines him. All he has is a sharp tongue and his hands, and the Reds only need one of those things from him. He revels in being able to complain and reminds himself that he's meant for something greater, but he's so fatalistic that he won't take action.
The balance comes from this anger. They're so alike in how they see the world and how much life has mistreated them, but they don't fully understand each other despite it. Locus sees Lopez as privileged for having a team because Locus has never had people to belong with, but he doesn't understand that Red Team isn't a safe place for Lopez. Lopez thinks Locus is misguided for letting himself believe he could ever be reduced to a mindless weapon, because Lopez has only ever been an object and Locus can't comprehend what that's really like. They see each other for their imperfections first and foremost and it frustrates them mutually: "You could've fixed this sooner, you could've escaped the grief, why didn't you try?"
It's this back-and-forth that they both need in order to reflect on themselves. They're harsh people who don't want to be coddled and admonished, but they're not making forward motion on their own because they're both stubborn and tend to decathect before they even recognize they CAN feel. They refuse to see themselves as human, but they can only see the humanity in each other, and they're both so alike that it could make them hypocrites. For a robot, Lopez's anger is so potent that it's alive: Locus sees more feeling in him than he's ever felt in his own life. Locus wants to be a weapon so bad, but he doesn't realize an object doesn't have heart the way he does, doesn't mourn the years it spent under someone's thumb, doesn't want to fix itself.
They're both brutally honest and they both need brutal honesty. They get along WELL by nature of being as similar as they are, but they argue so much because they want to understand each other and don't realize they already do. They're mapping details of their reflections. It's great: Locus is so hurt that he can only see the damage he causes, Lopez is difficult to hurt and notoriously good at fixing things. Lopez wants true accountability and retribution and Locus has cultivated complicity and guilt to perfection.
After Felix, Locus needs room to command his own life and put others in place when they overstep his boundaries, but he's scared of becoming Felix, so he also needs an anchor to keep him grounded in reality and reasonable. Lopez has never had real control over his own life before and would kill to have the power to make small choices and do as he wants, but he's a very private person who also needs a lot of space to work. They balance each other out and know the other's limits so well that they can easily go "You're hurting yourself and I'm not going to let you get away with it."
It's about understanding yourself through someone else and vice versa. Realizing that you share so much that if they deserve good, you do too. Reclaiming pain, experiencing freedom, finding support. They will deconstruct each other to the metal and muscles and rebuild one another over and over again, and they'll never get it perfectly right, but they're both going to learn more and more as they go. Flawless navigation of a road you've driven a million times, forward and back, potholes and all.
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differentpostrebel · 3 days
Lost and Found: A Pirate's Promise
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This gif cause wait til yall read that section (hehe), like hell I would have folded too...
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This gif because we get Cavendish in this also! and well I tell you its hilarious and next chapter too.
Chapter 32: Blood and Bounty
A/N: We are back at it again with another Chapter! Woot! This was originally suppose to be posted yesterday but I had been working on more chapters and I completely forgot, we are getting to the long awaited fight yall! we got some Sabo, Sanji and Y/N POVs. And in the next chapters we get some more Sanji POV, to see how he is holding up with everything and what is going on in Zou… I cant wait for you guys to read these chapters!, Thank you guys for everything! And without further a do let the adventure begin!. Also P.S the masterlist will be available tomorrow!
Word Count: 5.7K 
Sanji X Reader, Sanji x Y/N, One piece X Reader 
Sabo POV…
As Doflamingo continued his announcement, he began naming the 12 individuals with bounties, promising rewards to those who could bring him their heads. His voice echoed menacingly through the palace, and with each name, my jaw dropped further in disbelief.
“Now for the head hunchos, worth three hundred million berries each…” Doflamingo declared. My name popped up first, followed by Luffy, Law, and King Riku. My jaw dropped. “Looks like you have some fans,” Hack commented, a mix of amusement and concern in his voice.
“Seriously!” I said, my voice tinged with frustration.
Doflamingo continued, “And the final one for this tier…” As the name “Usopp” appeared, worth 500 million berries, I let out a relieved breath. “Good, Y/N isn’t in any danger,” I thought.
But my relief was short-lived. “And lastly, as an added bonus, we have the six-star bounty worth 600 million berries,” Doflamingo said. My heart sank as I braced myself. “Please don’t tell me it’s…”
The image of you appeared on the screen. You weren’t in the outfit I left you with. Instead, you wore a red corset dress and a red ruby tiara, your appearance a cruel mockery of your dignity. My blood boiled. “Bastard!” I gritted through clenched teeth, fire beginning to emit from my clenched fists.
“Sabo…” Koala said, sensing my rage. “Calm down.”
Doflamingo’s voice grew even more sinister. “This princess… is to be brought to me alive. That’s right, alive. For those of you wondering why… well, let’s just say I have special plans for her. After all, royalty deserves a proper welcome.” His voice dripped with malice. “And once I have her, I’ll make sure she never escapes my grasp again.”
Beside us, Bartelomeo was geeking out at your image still displayed for all to see. “The beautiful Princess Y/N looks even more stunning in red!” he said, tears streaming down his face. “I can’t believe she’s actually here!”
“Quite the fanboy, isn’t he?” I remarked, trying to mask my fury with a forced calmness.
“Ah, this is the infamous woman you speak about every so often, Sabo,” Hack said, a hint of understanding in his voice.
“Mmm, she’s... incredible,” I muttered, barely holding back my anger. “She means everything to me.”
Nearby, murmurs from the pirates and civilians filled the air. “Did you see her? She looks amazing, even if she’s in danger.”
“Six hundred million berries for her? She must be important.”
“There’s no way someone with a bounty like hers isn’t the deadliest pirate out there. I’ve heard rumors—she’s not just some princess. She’s lethal.”
I gritted my teeth, the flames around my fists flaring up as I fought the urge to punch something. The idea that they were talking about you like some prize or target, especially after what Doflamingo said, made my blood boil.
"Hey! I spot some 1 stars, and a 3 star!" yelled a pirate from behind us, pointing in our direction.
Koala instantly tensed up, her fists clenched and ready for a fight. "Sabo, what do we do?" she asked, eyes darting to me.
I quickly scanned the surroundings. "We need to make our escape. Get to the surface, hurry!" I ordered, leading the group as Robin, Bartolomeo, Hack, Rebecca, Koala, and I bolted from the chasing bounty hunters.
As we raced through the underground of the colosseum, Robin pulled out her transponder snail. "Zoro?" she said, breathless but composed.
"Yeah?" Zoro's voice came through, rough but calm as usual.
"Where are you?" Robin asked as we weaved through narrow alleys, trying to keep our pace.
"I think it’s called King’s Plateau. Anyway, I’m here with Luffy, Y/N, Viola, Riku, and Law," Zoro replied.
"Y/N!" Her name instantly grabbed my attention. Relief washed over me for a moment. So she's with Luffy... I thought. At least she'll be safe with him for the time being.
"Things are getting a bit messy, aren’t they?" Zoro continued.
"Hey, Robin!" Luffy’s voice chimed in, his usual energy evident even through the snail. "Did you see Mingo? Man, he makes me so mad!"
"You and me both, Captain. That bastard’s got another thing coming, that’s for sure," she said onto the transponder snail, feeling a surge of anger again.
Finally hearing your voice over the transponder snail, took every ounce of self-control not to grab it from Robin’s hand. Just hearing you made my chest tighten.
"The whole thing with Usopp is pretty hilarious, though," Luffy laughed, clearly trying to lighten the mood.
"Shut up, Luffy!" Usopp yelled, clearly not amused by the situation.
"Come on, Usopp," you chimed in, trying to stifle a laugh. "You gotta admit, it was kind of funny."
"Ohh, you’re one to talk, Miss 600 Million Berri bounty!" Usopp shot back, his voice strained as he was carried by the Tontattas. "What did you do to piss him off so much that he’d slap you with that amount?"
"Simple," you said, frustration lacing your voice. "I kicked his ass three times, outsmarted him every chance I got, and, above all, I won’t back down to him. So, yeah, he’s got it out for me bad. What’s worse is the whole island’s probably hunting me down, and I can’t even change out of this outfit!"
"Don’t worry!" Luffy cut in, his usual confident tone lifting the weight of the situation. "I’m going to give Doflamingo the beating of his life! Make sure you all live to see it, okay? I’ll end this stupid game in no time, so just stay safe, you hear me?"
I clenched my fists tighter, both proud of your defiance and angry at the situation that put you in such danger. Luffy’s words were comforting, but that didn’t mean I wouldn’t be rushing to find you myself.
The transponder call ended, leaving us all momentarily silent as we continued running.
Luffy ended the call with Robin, and I exhaled, trying to ease the tension running through me. Releasing my hair from its bun, the tiara slipped from its place, and I held it gently in my hands. But my thoughts were far away, with Sanji. A pang of guilt hit me as I whispered, “Sanji, wherever you are… I hope you’re safe. I didn’t even get to say goodbye.”
I turned to King Riku, who was kneeling, tears streaming down his face, clearly lost in painful memories of that tragic night. Viola stood quietly beside him, offering support. I stepped forward, holding the tiara out toward him.
“King Riku,” I said softly, gaining his attention. “This tiara belongs to you. Doflamingo may have put this ridiculous outfit on me, but this crown… it was never mine to wear.”
King Riku’s eyes filled with emotion as he slowly looked up. “Princess Y/N…”
“No,” I shook my head, interrupting him. “I’m not a princess, not really. Although my wanted posters dub me as ‘Princess Y/N,’ that title… It was given to me by King who rules the all male island. But in truth, I’m simply Y/N.”
My words lingering in the air. I held out the tiara again. “This crown… it belongs to its rightful rulers.” 
King Riku stood there for a moment, eyes filled with emotion, but he shook his head with a soft smile. “No, Y/N. This tiara represents more than just royalty—it represents strength, honor, and the will to protect others. You’ve earned that, and more. Keep it, as a reminder of what you’re doing for Dressrosa, and for what you stand for.”
I stared at the tiara, the weight of his words sinking in. Before I could respond, Luffy chimed in with his usual boisterous tone. “Yeah! You’re not just a princess on paper. You’re our princess too! A badass one!”
Viola smiled at me warmly. “It suits you, Y/N. Not because of what the world sees, but because of who you are to all of us.”
I hesitated for a moment, then nodded slowly, feeling a strange sense of acceptance. “Alright… but I’m still just Y/N. I’ll never stop fighting for what I believe in, tiara or not.” 
As I gently placed the tiara on my head, my gaze lingered on Law, still cuffed in sea prism stone handcuffs. His shirtless torso was covered only by his coat, the exhaustion clear in his face despite his usual stoic demeanor. Feeling a pull toward him, I walked over and rested my head on his shoulder, the warmth of his skin easing some of my own tension.
I sighed, feeling a sense of calm wash over me as I pressed closer. "You know," I whispered, my breath teasing his neck, "even with all that’s going on, you still manage to make being chained up look good."
His body tensed slightly at my words, but he didn’t pull away. Instead, he tilted his head just enough to glance down at me, his eyes meeting mine. A flicker of something passed between us.
"Is that so?" he said, his voice low and teasing, a faint smirk tugging at his lips. "I thought you preferred me when I’m free to use my hands."
I chuckled softly, tracing a finger along his chest. "Maybe I do. But I think I like this view too." I bit my lip, holding his gaze a moment longer before I pulled back slightly, feeling the weight of exhaustion but also the warmth of the moment between us.
After a few minutes of silence, Law’s voice cut through the air. “Do you even know what you’re doing, Strawhat?” he asked, drawing the attention of Luffy and Zoro.
“Maybe you need a reminder,” Law continued, his frustration clear. “We needed to destroy the factory to provoke a conflict between Kaido and Doflamingo. Did it ever cross your mind that if we kill Doflamingo prematurely, it’ll just redirect Kaido’s wrath towards us? Is that what you want—taking on an enraged emperor?”
I stood up, meeting Law’s gaze with a determined expression. “Listen, Law,” I said, “sometimes things don’t go as planned. You have to ride with the current or risk being swept away. We can’t always control everything.”
Luffy chimed in, his voice urgent. “Did you even think about the Kingdom? If we take it out now, what happens to them?”
I turned to Luffy, understanding the weight of his words. “I know it’s complicated,” I said, trying to stay calm. “But we have to make decisions and deal with the consequences as they come. We can’t let fear of what might happen stop us from acting.” 
Luffy’s rubber arms pulled us into a tight group hug with him, Zoro, and Law. “Well, let’s go!” he said cheerfully.
“Wait! What about my handcuffs?” Law said, clearly frustrated.
“They’ll fall off... eventually,” Luffy said, waving off Law’s concern.
“That’s not how it works!” Law argued.
“Luffy, maybe there’s another way down!” I suggested, pressed closely against Zoro due to the tight squeeze.
Zoro’s gaze drifted from my chest to my face, his eyes lingering with a mischievous glint. “You’ve got a way of making things... unforgettable,” he said, his voice low and teasing.
I shifted uncomfortably, trying to maintain my balance. “Not exactly the kind of unforgettable I had in mind,” I replied, a hint of warmth in my cheeks.
Zoro’s smirk widened, his eyes meeting mine with a playful intensity. “Well, it’s certainly a memorable situation,” he said, his gaze moving from my eyes to the subtle contours of my corset. “You know, it’s hard not to notice how… close we’re getting.”
I met his gaze, feeling the heat rise in my face. “You’re really not making this any easier, Zoro,” I said, trying to keep my voice steady.
He chuckled softly, his eyes twinkling with amusement. “Just making the best of a tight situation,” he said, his tone light but warm.
“One sec, I’ll help,” Viola said, her voice steady. “You know where the key is?” Law asked.
“Sorta, it fell, so it has to be somewhere around the plateau. Hold on, I’ll look…” Viola began, but Luffy was already moving.
“You know how we’re getting there?” Zoro asked as Luffy sprinted with us.
“Yeah, straight through!” Luffy replied, preparing to jump.
“Luffy, wait!” I called out as Luffy leaped off the plateau, taking us with him. I screamed, feeling the rush of the descent.
“Y/N! Grab on!” Zoro shouted, his hand reaching out. I grasped it tightly, holding on as we landed with a jolt.
Luffy and Law landed first, then Zoro and I touched down. I was still holding onto Zoro’s hand, feeling the warmth of his grip.
“That was some ride, Luffy,” I said, trying to steady my breath.
Zoro looked at me with a smirk. “Well, I guess you’re not letting go of me anytime soon,” he said, his eyes lingering on our clasped hands before meeting my gaze. “Could be worse, though. At least you’re holding on to someone reliable.”
I felt a flush creeping up my cheeks at his words, a playful smile tugging at my lips. “I suppose I’m just trying to avoid another surprise landing,” I teased.
Before Zoro could respond, Law, still shackled, interjected with a touch of irritation. “Zoro, back off,” he said firmly.
The spot that Luffy had choosen however, was surrounded by marines, and pirates, looking to claim their bounty. “Dammit, Luffy! You just had to pick this spot,” I muttered, grabbing both my blades from the thigh halter. The familiar yellow light began to emanate from them, casting a warm glow in the chaos.
“Hey, Strawhat!” Law shouted, struggling against Luffy’s grip. “When these cuffs are off, I’ll kill you myself!”
“Law, now is not the time for threats,” I said, stepping closer to Zoro as guns and blades were pointed at us, surrounding us.
“Come on, Law,” Zoro said, drawing his swords. “No place is safe. We’re targets wherever we go.”
“Don’t let them escape!” one of the bounty hunters yelled. “It’s the 2-3 stars, a 2 star, and the 6 star!”
“We’ve got to move!” I shouted. “Zoro, cover me.” 
“What?!” Zoro responded, still running beside me.
“Just do it!” I urged, feeling the weight of our situation pressing down on us. “I’m going to block their path!”
Without waiting for further confirmation, I leaped into the air, the glow of my blades lighting up the surrounding chaos. “There she is!” someone shouted from below. “Get her!”
In midair, I raised my right leg and spun, gathering energy for my attack. “Tremor Strike!” I called out as my foot descended. The impact created a powerful tremor, causing the ground to shake violently. The force sent several of the bounty hunters tumbling and created deep cracks in the earth.
As I landed, I saw the stunned faces of the hunters and the damage I had caused. The path was now clear, at least for a moment, allowing us to continue our escape.
I began to catch up with Zoro, Luffy, and Law, breathing heavily as I wiped the sweat from my brow. My blades still glowed with a faint yellow light, a testament to their power.
“Well, I bought us some time,” I said, catching my breath.
Zoro turned to assess the damage with a smirk on his face. “Nice job,” he said, his gaze lingering on me with a hint of admiration. “You really know how to make an entrance.”
Luffy, still carrying Law, glanced back at us with his usual exuberance. “Great work, Y/N!” he shouted, his grin wide. 
Just then, a figure appeared next to Luffy, running alongside him. “Big brother Law! It’s so good to see you!” the voice called out with excitement.
“Who’s that?!” I asked, my gaze shifting to the newcomer.
“That’s Dellinger,” Law warned, his tone serious. “Take extra precautions with him.”
Dellinger was already closing in on me. “My, my, and you must be the princess the young master wants,” he said with a smirk, aiming a swift kick in my direction.
I deftly dodged the kick, my movements precise. “Hahaha, not bad,” Dellinger chuckled, clearly amused.
Suddenly, Luffy stumbled, his voice filled with confusion. “I tripped, some weird swimming man baby grabbed me,” he said, looking back.
“Luffy!” I shouted, alarmed.
“Vice, you’re up!” the man baby called out as Vice appeared overhead, preparing to crush him with his weight powers.
“Watch out! He’ll crush you with his super weight powers!” Law shouted, urgency in his voice.
Luffy managed to avoid the initial attack but found himself in a tight spot.
Dellinger appeared in front of Luffy, preparing to strike. “Last time I made a boo-boo—pistol heel” he sneered, readying a kick.
Without hesitation, I sprang into action, lifting my left leg and dashing towards Luffy. In a fluid motion, I positioned myself next to Dellinger and landed a powerful blow to the side of his torso, sending him crashing into a nearby building with a resounding thud.
Zoro turned around sharply, his expression serious. “Let’s go!” he commanded.
“Right!” both Luffy and I replied, ready to move.
But just as we attempted to advance, we were blocked by a group of pirates, their expressions eager. “Hold up! You guys are worth 800 million berries, and they’ve got the Princess with them too!” they exclaimed.
“Crap, Zoro, got any ideas?” I asked, my stance still tense and ready for action.
“Damn, what a pain,” Zoro muttered, scanning the area for a way out.
Before we could react further, a familiar voice cut through the chaos. “Shut it down!”
“It’s Fujitora!” I said, recognizing the authoritative tone.
“It’s the gambling old guy!” Luffy said, his voice tinged with frustration as we now faced a new challenge. 
Sanji POV..
My frustration was palpable as I paced the deck of the ship. “Damn it! Why isn’t this thing picking up?” I growled, slamming the transponder snail down.
Brook, sipping his tea, glanced up with a concerned look. “I’m sorry, Sanji. The signal’s not coming through.”
My anxiety was mounting. “I can’t stand this! My angel Y/N could be hurt! She could’ve been shot by Doflamingo!” I said my voice was tight with worry.
“You heard her say ‘Damn it!’ and then a bullet fired. She could be in serious danger!” I started pacing faster, the gripping on my hair becoming tighter.
Brook’s gaze softened with sympathy. “Sanji, you’ve got to keep your cool. We’re all worried about her.”
I ran a hand through my hair, already having gone through three cigarettes. “I should’ve stayed behind. We should’ve gone back! I can’t just sit here and do nothing!”
“Sanji, relax!” Nami’s voice cut through his panic. “Have faith that Luffy and the others will reach her.”
I shook my head, frustration evident in my eyes. “I can’t just wait around. I need to know if Mosshead managed to get to her in time.”
Unable to contain myself any longer, I stormed upstairs to cool off. I stumbled into a room that I hadn’t seen in a while—Y/N’s room. The sight of her belongings brought a fresh wave of sorrow. Her sword was tightly wrapped in a corner, and the shirt I had given her to sleep in was sprawled out on the bed.
I picked up the shirt, holding it close to my chest, my voice trembling as I spoke softly to the empty room. “Y/N, please, please be okay.”
I laid down on the bed, the memory of a night I had cherished rushing back to me. I remembered the first time I had seen her in this bed, wearing my shirt and looking so adorable. I was about to leave when Y/N had pulled me close, cuddling against my chest while still asleep.
With a choked sob, I gently laid my head on her pillow, trying to find some comfort in the memory. “I didn’t want that night to end. I just wanted to hold you close and keep you safe.”
The room was quiet, save for my muffled sobs, and the only thing I could do now was hope that Luffy and the others were making their way to you in time.
We were all silent, Fujitora's presence unnerving, every one of us on high alert. Surrounded.
"I'm about to go kick Doflamingo's sorry ass, you're in my way!" Luffy said with defiance, his voice echoing across the square.
"That's quite a mouth on you," Fujitora replied calmly, his blind eyes unwavering, "but it'll take more than words to shake me."
Without hesitation, Luffy dropped Law with a heavy thud onto the ground, causing me to quickly make my way over to him, kneeling down to assess the situation. My eyes darted between Law and Fujitora, feeling the weight of the moment.
Luffy charged forward with Armament Haki, fists darkened and ready to strike. Yet, to all of our surprise, Fujitora effortlessly blocked the attack with his blade.
"How is he blocking Luffy's attack?" I muttered, watching in disbelief.
"He's using that weird technique again!" Zoro growled as he lunged at Fujitora, swords clashing with the Admiral’s blade, each strike getting blocked like it was nothing.
Just then, the ground began to shake violently, the rumble unsettling everyone. "What the hell is happening now?!" I said, trying to keep my balance as the earth seemed to quake beneath us.
Our gazes locked onto a massive stone figure rising from the ground, its size towering over the battlefield.
"What the hell is that?!" Luffy exclaimed, eyes wide.
"The wall guy?!" Zoro echoed, disbelief lacing his tone.
"Any fool who opposes our family shall be dealt with by me!" Pica's voice boomed, but it was absurdly high-pitched, completely mismatching his imposing figure.
The moment he spoke, Luffy, Zoro, and I couldn’t hold it in anymore. Luffy was the first to burst into laughter, doubling over. "Hahaha, his voice!" he cackled.
"It's funny!" I said, barely able to contain my own laughter as I pointed at the stone giant.
Pica, clearly insulted by our laughter, took action, his massive stone arm swinging down to crush us.
Zoro, Luffy, and I bolted, with Luffy grabbing Law and carrying him as we scrambled to avoid the blow.
"We didn't think this part through, huh Luffy?" I shouted, glancing back as the enormous fist came crashing down.
"Y/N, Luffy! You two really gotta stop screwing with the enemy," Zoro huffed, but even he couldn't hold back a snicker.
Just then, Luffy stumbled, losing his grip on Law and falling behind. Zoro and I both turned our heads, shouting in unison, "Luffy!"
Before we could react, Pica’s powerful punch slammed into the ground, the force of the impact sending both Zoro and me flying into the air.
"Luffy!" we both yelled again, spinning through the sky as the force of the blast threw us like ragdolls. Zoro’s hand shooting out to grab mine. He pulled me close, twisting mid-fall to shield me from the impact. We crashed hard onto the ground, Zoro taking the brunt of it as I landed directly on top of him, my face buried against his neck.
For a moment, everything was still. His chest rose and fell beneath me, his steady breathing almost calming against the chaos around us. Zoro’s strong arms were wrapped around me, holding me securely in place.
“You alright, Y/N?” His voice was low, almost amused, as if the entire situation was nothing more than a minor inconvenience to him.
“I think so…” I managed, slowly lifting my head, my heart pounding as I realized the position we were in. My cheeks flushed instantly, and I couldn’t help but notice the way Zoro’s smirk deepened as he stared up at me.
“You sure?” he teased, his voice laced with mischief. “You don’t seem so steady. Maybe you should stay right here.”
I froze, my face inches from his, feeling the heat rise in my cheeks. His grip on my waist tightened slightly, holding me in place as if he wasn’t in any hurry to move.
“Zoro…” I began, trying to push myself off him, but his hand slid up, gently tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear. His fingers lingered there, brushing against my cheek before slowly tracing along my jaw.
“I think I like this position,” he murmured, his eyes darkening with a hint of something more. “You on top of me like this… feels kind of nice.”
I stared at him, my breath catching in my throat. His hand remained on my waist, his thumb brushing against the fabric of my dress, the touch sending a wave of heat through me.
“Don’t get any ideas,” I shot back, trying to sound stern, but my voice wavered, betraying me.
“Oh, I’ve already got a few,” Zoro smirked, his gaze flicking from my eyes to my lips. His free hand rested on my lower back, keeping me close, as if he had no intention of letting go anytime soon. “You look comfortable right there.”
I swallowed, feeling my heart race. “I… I should get up.”
“Should you?” he teased, his voice dropping lower as his thumb traced circles against my waist. “You’re not complaining much. Maybe you like it here too.”
I tried to form a coherent response, but his teasing, combined with the intimacy of our position, left me completely flustered. I felt his breath brush against my cheek as he leaned in slightly, his lips just inches from mine.
“Zoro…” I whispered, but before I could say anything else, he tilted his head, brushing his lips against the shell of my ear.
“Admit it,” he whispered, his voice husky, “you don’t mind being this close.”
I blushed deeper, my mind racing as I felt his fingers tighten slightly on my waist, his body warm beneath mine. He wasn’t letting me go anytime soon—not until he had his fun.
“You’re impossible,” I finally managed, trying to regain some sense of control, but Zoro’s teasing grin only widened.
“I’ll take that as a ‘yes,’” he said, finally loosening his hold just enough for me to move. But before I could fully pull away, he caught my hand, his thumb brushing gently over my knuckles.
I shot him a glare, my heart still pounding as I stood, but the teasing glint in his eyes made it clear he was enjoying every second of this.
Zoro stretched as he got up, his smirk never fading. “You might want to watch where you fall next time… unless you plan on making a habit of it.”
I rolled my eyes, my face still flushed, but I couldn’t help the small smile that tugged at my lips. “You’re insufferable.”
“Maybe,” Zoro said with a lazy grin, “but you didn’t seem to mind.” His playful tone made me flush slightly, though I tried to ignore it as we continued to search for Luffy and Law.
“Luffy!” I called out, my voice echoing in the surrounding chaos. “Law!” Zoro added, his frustration evident. We looked around, searching for any sign of them.
“I have no clue where they could be…” Zoro was cut off mid-sentence by Luffy’s enthusiastic shout.
“Hey! Zoro! Y/N! Hi! We are up here! Up here!” Luffy’s laughter carried through the air.
“Luffy!” we yelled in unison, relief washing over us as we followed the sound. As we approached, Luffy fell on top of Law, laughing uncontrollably.
“Get your ass off of me! What’s wrong with you! You know I’m injured!” Law’s voice was filled with annoyance.
Both Zoro and I exchanged a knowing look before turning back to the scene in front of us. “I’m starting to think that you want us all killed,” Law grumbled, still in his sea prism handcuffs. “Laughing at Pika’s voice is a death sentence on its own.”
“Well, his voice was kind of funny,” I said, giggling despite the situation.
“That stone bastard is something else,” Zoro said, scratching his head. “Damn, never thought we’d see someone bigger than Oars, but here we are. How am I supposed to fight someone that size?”
Just then, both Zoro and I sensed a new presence approaching. “Strawhat,” a voice called out. We turned around to see a figure approaching.
“Cabbage!” Luffy exclaimed, recognizing him.
“Cabbage?” I muttered, puzzled by the name.
The man’s eyes narrowed as he looked at each of us. “Pirate Hunter Zoro, I presume? Trafalgar Law, is it?” He eyed Law with disdain. “And you,” his gaze fell on me, “you’re the infamous Princess Y/N, aren’t you?”
Before I could react, he pulled out his blade and made a move towards me. My eyes widened in shock, but Zoro was faster. He grabbed my arm and pulled me out of harm’s way just in time.
“You worst generation scoundrels!” the man spat, his anger palpable. “Why do you steal all the glory from me!”
Zoro’s grip on my arm was firm but reassuring, and I glanced at him gratefully.
“Stop yelling! Got a beef with my crewmates or something?!” Luffy shouted, his usual carefree demeanor overshadowed by the seriousness of the situation.
“I’m not in your crew!,” Law snapped back, clearly irritated.
“Let me guess, you still have a grudge against us?” Luffy asked, crossing his arms.
“You’re wrong,” Cabbage said, his tone unexpectedly calm. “I shall no longer be a threat to the Straw Hats.”
“You sure about that? Because that dent on the ground says otherwise,” I said, pulling away from Zoro’s embrace.
Cabbage’s eyes softened, and he continued, “It’s because of your brave crewmate, God Usopp. He selflessly saved me from a life of doom and gloom.”
“Usopp did that?” Zoro asked, clearly surprised. “Are you talking about the same Usopp we know?” I said.
“That’s right,” Cabbage affirmed with a nod. “I won’t forget his valiant deed. He spared the lives of hundreds… or so it’s been rumored.”
Luffy scratched his head and smiled, “Well, thanks! It’s nice to hear you compliment my crew!”
“Oh, also Trafalgar,” Cabbage said, pulling out Law’s hat. “I happened upon it outside of the Colosseum. I’m sure you’ve been longing for it... lend me your head for a second!” Cabbage’s eyes were menacing as he eyed Law.
“Get away from me! I don’t trust you!” Law retorted, trying to move away.
“I’ll take that!” I said, stepping forward and yanking the hat from Cabbage’s hand. I made my way to Law and gently placed the hat on his head. “There we go, much better,” I said with a warm smile.
Law’s cheeks flushed as he looked at me, clearly touched by the gesture. “Thanks, Princess,” he murmured, his gaze lingering on me.
As I turned to face Cabbage, he continued, “As for you, Princess…” I rolled my eyes at the title. “Yes… Cabbage?” I said, unamused.
“You are just as lovely as everyone makes you out to be,” Cabbage said, stepping closer, causing me to instinctively take a step back.
He pulled out a rose from his coat and extended it towards me. “Why don’t you and I become an item? Just think of the press coverage—everyone would be talking about us, and the glory would come back to me.”
I took a step back, feeling a bit flustered. “Cabbage, is this really the time for this?” I asked, trying to keep the conversation polite while maintaining my distance.
Cabbage’s eyes sparkled with a hint of ambition. “Imagine the headlines: ‘Princess Y/N and Cavendish—the perfect match!’ All the fame and glory would be mine again.”
Before Cabbage could continue, Zoro stepped forward, his expression darkening. “Like hell it wont!,” he said, pulling me into his embrace once more. “You’re not touching her, not after what you just tried to do.”
“Listen, Cabbage, now’s not the time for declarations like that,” I said, trying to stay close to Zoro to keep Cabbage at bay. The tension between us was thick, and it was clear that Zoro wasn’t about to let Cabbage get any closer.
Law, still restrained by his sea prism stone handcuffs, glared at Zoro. “Roronoa, quit gripping Y/N like that!” he said, his voice tinged with frustration and jealousy.
Zoro tightened his hold on me slightly, his eyes never leaving Cabbage. “And why should I? After everything that’s happened, I’m not letting anyone near her.”
Cabbage’s eyes flickered with a mix of irritation and calculating interest. “How very protective of you,” he said with a smirk. “I’m sure the press would have a field day if they saw you like this.”
I could see the frustration on Cabbage’s face as he envisioned the fame and glory he could regain. “You see,” Cabbage said, “if you and I were seen together, the headlines would be all about how I’ve won the heart of the famous Princess Y/N. The spotlight would be back on me where it belongs.”
Zoro’s jaw tightened as he pulled me even closer, his voice low and dangerous. “Like hell it will!. She’s not some trophy for you to flaunt.”
Just as I was about to respond, Cabbage cut in with a smirk.
“Very well,” Cabbage said, “I have a busy schedule to uphold. My offer still stands, Princess.” He then shifted his attention to Luffy, who was watching the exchange with his usual casual demeanor.
“Aren’t you going to inquire why I’m so busy?” Cabbage teased, his eyes glinting with mischief.
“I’m good,” Luffy replied nonchalantly.
“Very well,” Cabbage said with a flourish, “I shall tell you all! I have decided to repay your debt by getting the head of Doflamingo.”
“What the hell!” Luffy exclaimed, his eyes widening. “No thanks, I already said this was my way of repaying Rebecca for the lunches she bought.”
“Seriously? You’re going head-to-head with a warlord over some food?” Law interjected, his voice a mix of disbelief and frustration.
I slapped my forehead, watching as Luffy and Cabbage began to argue over who would get Doflamingo first. Cabbage went on about how killing Doflamingo would bring him fame and riches.
“He’s got a loose screw, I see,” I muttered to Zoro.
“Alright! Time to go!” Luffy declared, grabbing Law and lifting him with ease. “Let’s move, guys.”
With that, Zoro and I joined Luffy, heading away from the scene. We left Cabbage to his fantasies and delusions, focusing on the more immediate task at hand.
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teruel-a-witch · 2 years
i've seen a fair share of fic dealing with amnesia!steve but what about amnesia!danny? i just accidentally wrote this half headcanon-half fic
what if after the adrenaline runs out he actually collapses in steve's arms in 4x19 and when he wakes up the last and only thing he remembers is steve and him confessing their love for each other.
naturally with steve holding a constant vigil by his bedside and being his emergency contact and the one in whose care they release him to after the hospital stay and everyone calling them partners, he assumes they are together together and because of how they are with each other no one notices that that's the conclusion he came to for a while.
when danny first woke up, smiled flirtatiously at steve and said 'hey gorgeous' steve just laughed in relief with barely contained tears and made a crack about danny being really out of it.
then when it turned out danny has temporary amnesia while steve seems to be the only one he feels safe and familiar with, it's only natural that he took danny home after they released him from the hospital. a little selfish part of steve enjoyed that his connection to danny was stronger than melissa's which meant he got to have danny for himself but the bigger part of him just missed his best friend.
it doesn't help that amnesiac!danny dialed up his natural flirtatiousness but steve just explains it away as danny not having his usual inhibitions in check. the doctor said it was important to bring danny home and surround him with comfort and familiarity to speed up his recovery so everything falls away in the face of that.
the one thing that knocks steve off his rocker is when danny comes downstairs one morning and greets him with a peck on the lips before making a beeline for the coffeepot.
'what's wrong?' he asks, concerned at steve's dead stupor.
'why did you just do that?'
'what? kiss my boyfriend? is that not usually how i greet you in the morning? i know you've been careful with me because you didn't want to violate my agency or whatever but this whole physical distance thing isn't exactly going to help us reconnect as a couple.'
as realization hits, steve shakes his head with a sad chuckle, he's used to other people assuming they are a couple but it hurts extra that as an outsider even danny came to that conclusion, just steve's luck that the only circumstances that danny considers that possibility is when he's not himself.
it's danny's turn to be confused. he was so sure. 'but...but... everyone says we are always together and are partners wink-wink, i practically live at your house. plus, i've seen the way you look at me, i know I'm attracted to you and clearly you feel the same, not to mention my clearest memory is you telling me you love me and me returning the sentiment'.
'i don't know what to tell you, danny. we are not a couple.' '
'and why not?'
'because you don't feel that way about me.' steve's voice breaks at the end of that sentence.
danny puts his hand over steve's heart 'except I do, babe.'
steve shakes his head 'you don't mean that, you are not yourself right now. you are just confused'.
'i may be confused about most of things in my life right now, but not my feelings for you. our connection is the only thing that feels real right now, and from the way you don't deny it, i know you feel it too, so what's stopping you?'
'i can't take advantage of you, i care about you too much to do that. please don't look at me like that, I'm not rejecting you.'
danny sniffs 'sure feels like rejection to me.'
as he turns to leave steve grabs his arm 'can we please revisit this topic after you have your memories back?'
'what if they never do?? you just don't want me without them, admit it.'
steve presses their foreheads together 'oh, danny, no, i will always want you. i just need this to be real, please?'
the first time danny yells at steve about being a reckless idiot steve knows his danny is back. having a willing and affectionate danny in close proximity and not being able to do anything about it was torture, but not having the partner he knows and loves by his side was so much worse.
'i love you'
danny stops mid rant 'i love you, too'
'despite knowing me so well? really?'
danny puts his arms around steve's neck 'yes. because i know you, it's real.'
and then they kiss, finally. for real.
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shantechni · 4 months
Gonna attempt to post something today, just a simple clip or two. Hopefully.
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fatal-blow · 3 months
growing up, my mum always told me, whenever i went to the doctors or any sort of health professional, that it was important that i told them that i was hypermobile. she'd done the tests with me (herself being hypermobile and disabled in large part because of it) and though she didn't know the details, she knew that hypermobility was important to have in my health record.
so it was to my great surprise and displeasure that, whenever i told doctors i was hypermobile, it was skipped over. never addressed, never touched on, not even a comment to belie what that meant for me. i myself didn't know the impact hypermobility could have on a person, but my mother had been insistent about that fact. it was important, so why did no one else seem to think so?
i grew up with kids in school who were on the extreme ends of hypermobility. i knew a boy in middle school who could put both feet behind his head. i knew a girl in high school with long, spindly fingers who showed me how far backwards her arm could bend.
both of them had health problems, which became more profound as they aged. i never knew the details, but it stuck out that they were hypermobile, and so was i, and with my own health declining there HAD to be a connection.
common knowledge gives the vague definition of hypermobility as extra stretchy muscles, of being double-jointed. it comes with warnings not to push your hypermobile body into the extremes. don't overextend, you will hurt yourself.
the warnings are warranted. the importance isn't overplayed. these things i knew, but i didn't know why. and without knowing why, they were warnings that i could never truly obey, despite how conservative i became with my movements in a vain attempt to protect what little ability i had left.
hypermobility is NOT stretchy muscles. muscles are supposed to stretch. in fact, it's important to their health (those conservative movements prolly hurt more than helped!). hypermobility affects connectives tissues, and lands under the umbrella of Ehlers-Danlos Sydromes (there are a few) which can range in severity from affecting skin and tendons to affecting blood vessels and organs.
severity is rare, and much easier to catch. this post is for the people who are "a little hypermobile" so that they can understand what makes their body different.
a muscle and its associated tendons are like a hammock. the muscle is the fabric you lie in, stretching to accomodate the load. tendons are the rope that attaches the fabric to the trees, providing a secure anchor for the muscle to operate.
so, what happens when the ropes on the hammock are also stretchy? well, you sit in the hammock and your ass hits the ground.
now imagine that the fabric of the hammock has the ability to clench like a muscle. a normal hammock doesn't need to work that hard to stop ass from meeting ground, because it has sturdy anchors. a hammock with stretchy rope, however, must exert several times more effort, because the more the muscle pulls, the more the tendons stretch.
in short, hypermobility forces your muscles to work harder, because they must first pass the threshold of stretch the tendons are capable of before it can actually do the task it's meant to do. the stretchier the tendons, the harder the muscle needs to clench, the easier it is to overwork.
this info reframed everything i was doing with my body. small tasks of strength required the effort of much larger tasks, and larger tasks ranged from extremely difficult to impossible. holding my arms up so i could work above my head required monumental effort. with an anatomical peculiarity of the feet, i needed to use several muscles in my calves and hips just to stand without losing balance.
so no fucking wonder i crashed and burned in my 20s, when everything i did took all of my strength to accomplish. no wonder i would contort myself out of shape, so flexible that i could anchor myself into extreme poses just to give my muscles a moment of relief, overstretching myself without ever realizing why, and what damage i could be doing.
so, some things to remember:
overextending isn't good for you, but it shouldn't be your biggest concern. instead, be aware of overexertion, both how LONG you are using a muscle without breaks and how HARD you are using it.
small, frequent breaks are your best friend if you need to do something for awhile.
when you take breaks, stretch the muscles you'd been using.
if you need to exert effort to maintain a pose (whether it's sitting, standing, etc) examine whether you need to be clenching those muscles, and why.
actually whenever you are using muscles, try to train yourself to use as few as possible. you can practice by sitting or standing, and relaxing as many muscles as you can before you tip over. finding a sense of balance can make your life so much easier.
become acquainted with what relaxed muscles feel like. chronic tension can distort your perception of this, and result in habitual tension.
so yeah. if you're hypermobile, that's important. don't let a doctor's dismissal make you think otherwise. take care of yourself and know what you are and aren't capable of.
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golden1u5t · 4 months
spencer reid m.list
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❣︎- fluff ఌ- smut/suggestive ♡︎- angst
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ఌ meeting the old friend | spencer brought you out to meet his old friend, ethan, but he deeply regrets it when ethan starts to flirt with you right in front of him. 
❣︎ is it that obvious? | you and spencer were closer than normal when showing up at rossi’s dinner party which causes for teasing from derek and a kiss at the end of the night.
ఌ working all day | spencer’s being a brat because you’ve been working all day, leaving you no choice but to fix his attitude for him. 
❣︎ periods and colds | being sick and on your period is never a easy thing. the symptoms that come with it are even worse but you're still determined to go to work and it's up to spencer to make sure you stay home and get taken care of.
♡︎ jj’s confession | the aftermath of jj’s fuck up.
ఌ sober enough | while out at a bar with the team the tension between you and spencer grew to be thicker until it was too much to stand. 
ఌ mean but he likes it | spencer finds that he likes it when your upset.
ఌ right here, right now | “you know, i could always get you off right here, right now”
ఌ untitled blurb | making spencer suck your strap before you fuck him.
ఌ worship you | spencer takes notice of how you react to being praised so he takes that information and runs with it. 
ఌ home remedy | spencer's a genius, he knows everything and one thing he's learned is that orgasms help with cramps.
ఌ early in the morning | spencer always wakes up before you and he usually takes time to himself to admire you. this morning is different though, he wakes up with the sudden need to bury his head between your thighs.
ఌ discovery | while being pinned down underneath you, spencer really can't think of anything other than filling you up with his cum.
ఌ one more | spencer's a munch. that's it. that's the summary.
ఌ change of plans | the arrangement you had with spencer, friends with benefits, quickly changes to more than that when he sees a cop flirting with you on the job.
ఌ book club | you can’t stop finding yourself in spencer’s bed, even after you’ve broken up.
❣︎ ఌ backwards | you and spencer never got along, with him just getting back from prison and you being the newbie, until you do and things start moving faster than expected. 
ఌ ruining him | basically just ruining spencer…
♡︎ ❣︎ ఌ addiction | spencer's working through his addiction and you hate to see him in pain. you was to try and take his mind off of things, even if it'll only last a little while.
❣︎ share the attention | having a new baby around means that majority of the attention goes to it. your daughter thinks that with all the attention your giving the baby you've forgotten about her, luckily spencer is there to explain to her that you both will never forget her.
ఌ substitution | after running out of candies to suck on, you and spencer find a different way to keep your mouth occupied.
ఌ gold chain | post-prison!spencer + gold chain + talking you through it. dangerous combination.
ఌ sativa | having sex with spencer but your both high 
ఌ date night | it’s supposed to be date night with just you and spencer but that quickly ended when a guy started to flirt with you. (including aaron hotchner)
ఌ hot tub |  after a long case you and spencer find yourselves wanting the same thing, to relax in the hotels hot tub, but the tension between you was so thick it led to doing more things than relaxing. 
ఌ I'm onto you | based on "haunted" by beyoncé
ఌ professor | you've always had eyes for your professor, always doing or wearing something that'll provoke him. one day you wear a particularly short skirt and spencer decides he can't take it anymore…
ఌ teacher of all things | spencer may be your professor but how to catch a serial killer isn't the only thing hes teaching you.
❣︎ incoming baby | you and spencer get into an argument over something as silly. while he's too busy being stubborn, you're busy going into labor.
ఌ nyquil | you fuck him so good he falls asleep immediately after you finish.
ఌ mile high | you're bored and teasing spencer seemed to be harmless and entertaining until he pops a boner, you take your chances with inviting him into the small bathroom to have a quickie.
ఌ touch starved | spencer was alone for so long before you got together and he's just so touch starved he gets hard just from looking at you, even if you had just got done having sex.
ఌ talk to me | making spencer talk to you while you jerk him off.
♡︎ mess it up | spencer hadn't been answering any of your phone calls and every time you showed up at his apartment he pretended he wasn't home. so, you go to his job, hoping to get a second chance with him. based on “mess it up” by gracie abrams 
ఌ that boy’s a munch | spencer’s a munch. that’s it.
♡ ❣︎ ︎ ఌ honeymoon | sex has always been a bad subject growing up, it was shunned upon to give into your bodies desires without being married or wanting kids. the abuse that came with this topic has caused you to hide away from it, you've never told spencer but when you do, he makes sure to make you as comfortable as he can.
❣︎ mirrorball | spencer notices how you put other people before you all the time so he decides to do something special for just you.
ఌ distract him | spencer looks amazing reading his book, his lip tucked between his teeth and his hands trailing across the page. you can't help but pull him onto your lap and distract him.
ఌ much better | pegging spencer when he gets home after a long case
ఌ a challenge | making spencer cum by just playing with his nipples 
ఌ playboy bunny | while being questioned in regards to a murder investigation, your only way of proving your innocence is the tattoo you have on your underboob.
ఌ shade of purple | spencer’s watching you paint your nails his favorite shade of purple and can’t help but let his mind wander. 
ఌ hidden freak | spencer's not very used to having to hide hickeys on his body and you had to leave before he had the chance to ask you how to hide it. doing the best he could, he threw on a shirt with a collar and hoped for the best.
♡︎ you're too sweet for me | spencer is your dad's best friend and you're fresh out of college. what happens when he's innocently picking you up from a night out with your friends turns into a heartbreak?
ఌ birthday boy | it’s spencer’s birthday and derek’s birthday gift to him is a trip to the strip club and private dance. 
ఌ next time just ask | you’ve had an attitude with spencer all day long, he finds the one thing that’ll make it go away
ఌ intelligence is attractive | spencers always had a crush on you but the way you show your intelligence does him in like nothing else. 
❣︎ hollywood star | you and spencer had been in the early stages of your relationship when lila archer came along(or her stalker to put it better). you already weren’t fond of her when she’d been giving spencer heart eyes the entire time but when gideon sent him to watch over her for the night, that really set you off. 
ఌ first timer | you’re taking spencer’s virginity and everything is just so much for him that he starts to cry. 
ఌ lingerie | you're showing spencer all the lingerie sets you got while out shopping with the girls and you knew he'd like them but you underestimated just how much he'd like them.
ఌ wait your turn | having two partners is great and very fun until you're stuck on the sidelines while they have all the fun. (including aaron hotchner)
ఌ he’s clueless | your boy is a genius but when it comes to sex, he's absolutely clueless.
ఌ patched up | spencer had gotten hurt while on a case and it was up to you to patch him back up, which wouldn’t have been an issue if the tension between you wasn’t so thick.
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loonylupinblack3 · 5 months
Pairing: Max Verstappen x reader
Warnings: mentions of alcohol, intoxication, suggestions of violence occurring (nothing actually happens just very brief suggestion)
Summary: Going to the club and getting drunk without your overprotective boyfriend is never a good idea
Word count: 1.5k
A/N: posting bc of max's win in china
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Max had always been protective of you. Since as long as you can remember Max had acted like your protector, stopping you from doing risky things and helping you when you did them anyway and hurt yourself.
You were childhood best friends, having known each other since you were five and he was six, brought together by a love of karting. As time passed and the two of you grew up, your relationship stayed strong, but changed. Feelings grew between the two of you, though it took until you were 21 before you two did anything about it.
So you were used to Max’s slightly overprotective tendencies. It was second nature to you, as familiar to you as breathing. However, that didn’t mean it didn’t get on your nerves from time to time, like tonight for instance. You were supposed to be going out with your girlfriends to a newly opened club, but Max was having some trouble letting you go.
He raised his eyebrows when he saw you enter the living room from his seat on the couch, eyes roaming your body. You were wearing a cliche club outfit; short black dress, heels, and bangles on your arm. You could see the appreciativeness in Max’s gaze, but also concern.
“You look nice,” he said, putting his phone down.
You smiled and gave a little spin. “Thank you. It’s the dress I got on Tuesday.”
Max stayed silent for a moment, considering what to say. “You look very beautiful, Schatz, don’t get me wrong…. But is that what you’re wearing out?”
“Is there something wrong with it?”
Max hesitated again. “It’s just… it’s not very restaurant friendly.”
You made an ‘o’ shape with your mouth. You had wondered briefly why Max had been so calm about you going clubbing, but you’d brushed it off thinking he just didn’t mind it. Now you knew it was because he didn’t actually know.
“Well, Max, that’s because we’re going clubbing, not to a restaurant,” you say slowly, waiting with baited breath for his reaction.
Max blinked, surprised. “You’re what?”
“We’re going clubbing….”
Max opened his mouth then closed it, clearing his throat. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
You shrugged. “I thought you knew.”
Max raised an eyebrow. “You thought I knew you were going clubbing? Even though I didn’t say anything about it? Or warn you about drinking too much?”
You grimaced. “I know how it sounds but I genuinely didn’t realise you didn’t know.”
Max sighed. “I know, I trust you. I just don’t know if going clubbing is a good idea.”
“But it’s already been decided. And I got dressed up.”
You pouted slightly and Max rolled his eyes. “Don’t give me that look, you know I’m just worried about you.”
“I know, but I’ll be fine. Me and the girls have sorted everything out.”
Max started. “You mean it’s just going to be you girls alone? What about Izzy’s boyfriend Liam? Or Kate’s boyfriend? They’re not going?”
“It’s a girls night,” you reminded him. “No boys allowed.”
“Schatz….” Max warned. “I don’t feel comfortable letting you go to the club alone.”
“I’m not going to be alone-”
“You’ll be with a group of girls, all of you vulnerable and easy to prey on,” Max said sternly. “I’m not trying to be mean, but without a man around you there are certain people who will take that as an opportunity to try and hurt you.”
You sighed. “I know Max, but we’re fine. We know one of the bartenders and he’s promised to keep an eye out for us, plus Liam will be driving us home so we have a ride. Seriously, you don’t need to worry.”
Max frowned, looking at your face for any trace of doubt. “I always worry about you.”
“I know, but I’ll be fine. I promise.”
Max continued thinking before eventually conceding, walking up to you and wrapping you into a tight hug. “Be safe,” he murmured into your ear.
You returned the embrace. “I always am.”
You pulled back, still in Max’s arms, and he tugged down your dress with a slight scowl. “Too short.”
You rolled your eyes and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “Goodbye Max.”
“Don’t drink too much,” Max said, “and text me when you’re coming home.”
You nodded your head and hugged him goodbye once more before leaving the apartment and your boyfriend. You knew he was worried, knew he’d probably be worried for the rest of the night and wait up for you, which made you feel guilty. He hadn’t prepared for you to go out clubbing, completely different from a tame meal at some restaurant, and you knew he’d be agonising over it for the rest of the night.
All you could do was answer his texts and make sure he knew you were safe. 
Except things didn’t go to plan.
You arrived at the club and everything was fine. You looked around, taking pictures of the new place, and greeted your bartender friend. You ordered some drinks and stayed by the bar for a bit, talking and catching up, before one of your wilder friends, Lily, suggested shots and then dancing. You weren’t much of a shot person, mostly because you were a lightweight, and you hadn’t planned on getting too drunk tonight but everyone was egging you on, and you didn’t want to be left out so you agreed, the four of you slamming down tequila shots like you did in college.
Then it was off to the dance floor, you, Lily, Kate and Izzy forming your own circle, dancing and laughing with one another. And you were having fun. You were feeling happy, giddy, and the only thing that would make this night better would be to have Max by your side.
You stepped out of the dance circle, moving back to the bar as you took out your phone. Noticing the multiple texts from Max left unanswered you felt a pang of guilt, but it was distant compared to the excitement you felt.
y/n: maxieeeeeeee
maxie❤️: you okay?
y/n: im the bset y/n: i mss yoi y/n: u shoud come tothe club
maxie❤️: are you drunk??
y/n: jst a litttle bit
y/n: lily siad shots
maxie❤️: you did shots? are you okay?
y/n: im grate
y/n: u should cmoe hree
y/n: i wnna party wth yoou
maxie❤️: already on my way
If you were sober, you probably would have picked up on the annoyed/concerned tone Max’s text had, but you were not sober, so you texted him a ‘yaaaaayyyyy’ and turned your phone off, waiting for what you thought was going to be your party ready boyfriend.
Instead, after you’d had another shot with your friends and continued dancing, you found yourself face to face with your concerned and worried boyfriend.
“Maxie!” you slurred, throwing your arms around your boyfriend in a hug. “Come dance with me!”
Max chucked, trying not to show his concern, but his tight hold on your waist gave him away. You pulled back and looked at him. “You are going to dance with me, right?”
Max sighed, manoeuvring you so you were off the dance floor. You were almost too drunk to notice, just clinging onto your boyfriend. “I’m here to take you home.”
“But I don't want to go home. I’m happy here,” you whined like a child.
Max muttered under his breath, “did I or did I not tell you not to drink too much.”
You frowned at his bad attitude. “I just want to dance.”
He shot you a look. “You can dance at home where you're safe, not in a club full of strangers while drunk out of your mind.”
You pouted but your boyfriend had already made his decision, half dragging half carrying you to where he parked his car. You knew better than to fight Max when he was like this, even drunk, so you sat in the passenger seat with your arms crossed, glaring at the road ahead of you while silently cursing Max and his stupid overprotectiveness. 
Max glanced at you as he drove. “I can tell you’re upset with me.”
“I was having fun,” you complained, “and you took me away from it.”
Max sighed. “I’m sorry Schatz, I am, but I wasn’t comfortable letting you stay in a club full of strangers drunk without me.”
You pouted again. “So why didn’t you just stay at the club with me?”
Max laughed a bit. “Because I only enjoy clubs when I’m drunk, and the whole purpose of me being there would be watching you while you’re drunk, not the other way round.”
It made sense even to your drunk brain- sort of -so you dropped the subject, letting Max off the hook. Maybe you’d argue with him in the morning when you were sober and had a better grasp on reality, but as Max parked in your driveway and helped you out of the car, all you wanted to do was curl up with your boyfriend and go to sleep, which is exactly what you did.
Max helped you undress and got as much makeup off your face as he was able to with his limited skill set and then got you into bed, laying down beside you. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you to his chest where you sighed into it, content.
“I love you,” he murmured into your hair.
Even drunk and half asleep, you still managed to reply, “I love you too.
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book 7 part 9 thoughts!!
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***THIS POST CONTAINS MASSIVE SPOILERS FOR BOOK 7 PART 9 OF THE MAIN STORY!!*** Please note: this is NOT meant to be a summary or a translation; these are only my initial thoughts on the events that roughly unfold. There may be details overlooked or misunderstood in this post, so PLEASE do not use this as a translation.
Kind of a short update this time! It spans parts 140 to 157.
As a reminder, only Vil is following Yuu and co. into the next dream. This is because traveling around with too many people may cause a bug in Idia’s dream hacking and/or it may make it easier for Malleus to notice them.
They land in Kalim’s dream!! There is a segment where Vil freaks out about falling and we get to see his cute squeaky-voiced vulnerable side again. (Yes, the others tease him about it 😂)
They use DREAM FORM CHANGE to swap between dorm uniform (for combat) and school uniform (for general interactions within the dream).
And this new location is…
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HUH WHATm/s tHIS?????
It seems like the Scalding Sands, but we’ve never seen this before.
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Those colors look really good on him!! But the hat looks like it’s floating or sitting on just the scalp… It feels like maybe it should be further down on his head. (Sorry about the weird screenshot chsvskwguejsk)
Kalim doesn’t seem to recognize our squad, nor NRC. He says that he goes to Qasr Sultanate Academy (guess that’s where the name of his new uniform comes from). It is founded on the generous spirit of the Oasis’s Master (the Sultan). The school was established 2 years ago by his rich ass father, since this area did not have a magic school prior to that. THIS IS NEPOTISM AT ITS FINEST, FOLKS
***Note: "qasr" -> castle or palace, "sultanate" -> a place governed by a sultan!***
Idia reasons that Kalim might be this way to avoid the tragedies that play out at NRC. The dream is sheltering him…
Everyone is dying of heat, so Kalim uses his UM to give them cool drinking water. He also has some servants (no Jamil) bring the roof over to them to help them cool off???
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iT’S SO WEIRD, WhY’ShE SO PERKY AnD KIRAKIRA…………………… ……. …… …. … . ……. .. . … …. . . . HE;S SMILING TOO MUCH, IT;S SUS...... THIS iS wROng (Side note, those colors are also nice on him!)
Dream!Jamil explains that he was hired by Kalim’s father but that their families never cared about their different statuses. In this dream, they basically grew up as real childhood friends and always talk honestly with each other.
The group reminds Kalim that Jamil isn’t REALLY like this. Vil especially lays into him, roasting Jamil’s character and going into how untrustworthy he is, etc.
Jamil tries to keep Kalim in the dream by using Snake Whisper. Eventually Kalim has his breakthrough, which is where the Groovy for his new card comes from. He realizes that he believed in a false yet convenient Jamil, he cannot face him anymore.
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WAHHHHH look at him 😭 He’s leaking like a faucet… but he’s also trying so hard to wipe away his tears, to be strong and stand on his own to fight against the fake Jamil! Let’s give him a round of applause, folks 👏
(This also means that there is potentially a pattern being established with these new limited main story cards; the Groovies will probably be the character crying as they have their realization that this world is a fake one. Does that mean… Crying J word next time??????? Maybe??? Or nah??? 😭 GOD PLEASE NO MY HEART WOULDN’T BE ABLE TO HANDLE IT—)
Vil tells Kalim that he also did something embarrassing in his own dream so it’s fine. Kalim callously laughs when he hears about Vil bossing Neige around, then quickly apologies because he realizes he was supposed to deny how bad it is.
Kalim joins the party!! He says it feels weird because usually Jamil is the one to wake HIM up.
They hop into Jamil’s dream!! They appear to have landed in a Silk City bazaar. Ortho takes headcount of them like they’re students on a casual field trip, lol
Kalim enjoyed the jump but Vil seems to be having a hard time keeping up. Ortho and Silver will stay with Vil while the rest of them look for Jamil.
Yuu and co. fuck around in the market a little, getting coconut juice (well, Kalim buys 10 at once) and whatever. Guys… now is seriously NOT the time.
While giving them juice, the vendor suddenly becomes hostile towards Kalim and demands payment instead of letting him put it on his family’s tab.
OMG?????? Apparently in Jamil’s dream, the Al-Asims are broke and scam free stuff from the vendors 😭 WHILE JAMIL IS RICH AF
The vendor is calling the POLICE
Silver comes running to save the day!! He says he will pay for his friends and we avoid being hauled off to jail ✨
We continue our search for Jamil, deciding to trek to Kalim’s home in Silk City since that’s where the Vipers live irl. INSTEAD THEY FIND THIS DESOLATE PLACE (reusing the dried up oasis background)
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A bystander explains that the Asim familt’s business failed so they had to give up their house. It got moved and repainted black and red… AND NOW JAMIL’S THE MASTER 💀
A guard comes to chase them off and recognizes Kalim as a servant. Turns out, the Vipers bought the old Asim home and employed them as servants to help them out.
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… I saw this coming from a mile away, but the cringe of seeing it for myself is too much to bear…
LMAO????? Now we get a rhythmic/twistune of Yuu and co. marching in a parade with Jamil at the head of it.
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Jamil is not enrolled in NRC; he is also enrolled in a new magic school called Jahir Sahar College (?).
***Note: "jahir" -> jewels, "sahar"/"sehri" -> wizard or magic!***
Jamil scolds Kaim for wearing a uniform of the wrong color and “corrects” it for him. Kalim casually says thank you but Jamil tells him it is, “JAMIL-SAMA, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!” He reminds Kalim that the Asims owe the Vipers a debt so large that they cannot hope to repay it in their lifetime, so be sure to be useful to him.
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… Bro is power tripping so hard 😭
Jamil becomes suspicious of us but Vil plays it off like we’re students come to research the Scalding Sands for a Film Club activity. He allows us to stay but backhanded comments that we look dumb so we won’t pose a threat.
Jamil then offers to give us a tour SiNCE HE’S THE STUDENT COUNCiL PRESIDENT (Rollo called he wants his title back). I’m guessing this is the case instead of him being dorm leader so Jamil is the ONLY top dog around.
Oh yeah!! Minor thing, magic carpet comes in at some point. Its its colors are closer to that of the magic carpet in the Aladdin film.
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He orders Kalim to prepare a feast; Kalim provides water with Oasis Maker and grabs food from the kitchen—all of Jamil’s favorites! But no matter how eager to please he is, Jamil tells him off and makes remarks about how useless Kalim is 😔
xbshgejwgsowkw Yuu and co. are like “WOW, Jamil’s imagination is so strong so it’s going to be hard to wake him up!!” It’s okay, you can say he’s delusional/j
Jamil wavers a little because Kalim begins talking about their childhood memories. It’s stirring up his own recollections, and I think the dream’s interpretation of these evens is clashing with the reality that Kalim shares.
Blah blah blah
Dream!Kalim arrives to kiss Jamil’s ass :v aaand Jamil descends into the darkness…
What we see is a potential future in which Jamil succeeded in book 4; Azul and the Scarabia mobs are under his hypnotic influence… Kalim is gone… and Jamil plans to use the dirt Azul has collected to blackmail the other dorm leaders and take them down. (This lends credence to the idea of him being student council president in his dream because he wants to be the ONLY one in charge.)
LMAO????? Jamil shit talks the dorm leaders 💀 Like saying that no one likes Riddle anyway, how Leona is probably another lazy nepo baby, etc.
AnD THEN AfTER THE DoRM LEADERS HE’s PlANNING ON GOInG AfTER CROWlEY’S iRRESPONSibLE aSS 😭 Jamil has his sights set on ruling over the entire school…
They shout about the things they hate the most about each other. Jamil hates Kalim’s optimism, Kalim finally FINALLY declares that he hates how two-faced Jamil is. It’s so intense even the hypnotized students are stunned????
Sebek wants to pummel Jamil too but Silver holds him back. His reasoning??? Sometimes people get emotionally charged and it’s better for them to let those out through their fists instead of their words.
I cannot believe that Silver Vanrouge in our lord 2024 really went, “No, no. Let them cook :)” 🤡
Kalim starts laughing because this is a unique experience to him?? Apparently he and Jamil never fought for real in the 17 years they knew each other. Jamil agrees and says if he neat Kalim up “irl” it would cause problems for everyone… and he realizes his wording and begins questioning the dream world because of that.
He finally wakes up! xbsnbsjwkwkwvdk Kalim is so excited his live 2D model is bouncing on the screen!
The goop returns and drags Jamil to a familiar scene where he OBs and then squares off against his Phantom, similar to what happened with Idia and Vil. Jamil calls his OB self pathetic and always looking for someone to blame. He now sees that view as narrow-minded and limiting.
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His Phantom tries to goad him by likening their situation to being genies trapped in a dark and small space, existing to be used their entire lives and not being allowed the freedom they wish for. Admittedly, Jamil has pretty cool lines, saying he doesn’t like the Phantom forcing its own wishes on him. He’s reclaiming his freedom by renouncing the idea of pitying himself. He doesn’t plan to spend his whole life inside that lamp and his wallowing, he is going to make his own wishes come true—not 3 or 10 or 100, but every single one.
(Cue insane Jamil laughter here)
He of course gains the upper hand and rises victorious. Jamil tells Dream!Kalim that he is so polite and subservient it’s disgusting, then he uses Snake Whisper to send him away.
Jamil says there’s no point in changing roles or positions because ultimately the power to decide what happens is his and his alone. He also says he is not interested in power or freedom granted to him by someone else… He will take what he wants on his own! (Not sure why he’s announcing this when no one asked, but pop off I guess 😂 Vil gave a similar speech when he was facing his own demons, but shorter and I don’t think Idia just mumbled to himself before getting back in contact with Ortho.)
Meeting back up with Yuu and co., Jamil is added to the party! (Kalim tries to glomp him in a hug but Jamil expertly dodges ‘xbssvzjav$c(/?/)
Okay, so Vil is staying behind because he doesn’t feel well and doesn’t want to hold the group back. Kalim also stays behind because he’s still covered in bruises and such from fist fighting Jamil. This will probably be another pattern that occurs moving forward; only the OB boy moves on with the group.
Next time… Octavinelle’s dreams and maybe J word crying card 👀!
I think by this time, we already know what to expect in terms of general events. Going into a dream, experiencing it for a short time, learning shocking news about the circumstances, character uses UM, character learns the truth, character cries and fights the dream (who is trying to keep them there), character joins party. If it’s an OB boy, then they will get more screen time and a dedicated segment to fighting their Phantom and then giving a speech about their character development before joining us. Then only the OB boy will dream hop with the Yuu, Grim, Silver, Sebek, Idia, and Ortho while the boys stay behind with the projected selves Ortho creates. Rinse and repeat the formula, and you can probably easily predict what’s coming in future updates.
In terms of this update, I gotta say that I’m impressed Kalim finally followed through on the promise of decking Jamil… a promise he made all the way back in book 4!! While he doesn’t do it with any malicious intent, I think it’s a large stride going forward in having Kalim assert himself and acknowledge the faults that Jamil very obviously has.
As for Jamil... I think it’s becoming pretty obvious what they’re going for in those OB boy scenes; clearly, they mean to have it be like he is speaking to his “other half” in the mirror, a reflection of himself. In this way, each boy confronts the worst aspects of them and comes to terms with it. It’s meant to represent their character growth from when they first appeared in the main story. I’m just… not sure if I like how it’s been handled overall; I do like everyone’s speeches so far (they are good; Jamil’s especially slays with all the thematically appropriate allusions to genies and wish-granting), but I’m less enthusiastic about the context under which these speeches are given. I will most likely make a separate post going into detail about this, but I figured I’d at least lay my general thoughts out here first.
ahbfbyoqwv8yfqwv8q The highlight of this update this time was just seeing how unhinged Jamil's desires are when given no limitations. It's such a shockingly large role reversal to stick himself in the head honcho seat with zero opposition AND force Kalim into being humbled. When the tables turn on him, Jamil is so quick to being a ruthless and cold master 💦 HE'S FR THE TYPE OF GUY THAT ISNT JUST SATISFIED SUCCEEDING, HE ALSO NEEDS YOU TO FAIL The more of these dreams we see, the more we get the sense that Malleus's idea of happiness is VERY shallow. This was something already verbalized by Idia last update, but I feel it needs repeating because of how difficult to resolve Kalim and Jamil's relationship is. The way his solutions are so... absolute (Kalim and Jamil being besties and/or a complete role reversal) reminds me of the points I often hear from fans who say, "Kalim could free Jamil! Kalim should talk to his dad!" There's good intentions behind it, but it ultimately misses the forest for the trees (that being the complicated social nuances surrounding their families). It's an out-of-body experience seeing that viewpoint displayed via Malleus's magic, but it also feels cathartic to see it being dispelled as being nothing close to reality.
Those are all my thoughts for now!! Really looking forward to the next installment :)) and its potential for... crying J word... Though who knows, maybe it’s just for light trio only and I’m delulu—
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Okay I'm now home from watching the Barbie movie, so I have to bestow some knowledge upon you fuckers (aka me infodumping actual Barbie lore because there were a lot of references there).
So, first and foremost, in one scene, we see "Earring Ken" and "Growing up Skipper" (very short scene, don't worry if you missed it). But these were actual Barbie dolls released by Mattel way back whenever (See pictures below)
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So, "Earring Ken" was actually "Earring Magic Ken". His whole thing was Mattel wanted to be cool and hip with the kids or whatever, so they created him. Except their idea of going out and finding inspiration and information as to what was "hip with the kids", was gay bars. And raves. As you can imagine, Earring Magic Ken did not stay on shelves too long (about 6 months) (though he did sell actually really well and I believe is still one of their most sold despite only being available for such a short time). I'm pretty sure his necklace charm could be swapped out too and also worn as actual earrings. HOWEVER, the part about Earring Magic Ken that kills me, is that because they went to gay bars, not only did they give him a mesh shirt and shit (as seen above), but the charm on his necklace? Is a cock ring. Did Mattel realize this? Probably the fuck not, but that's what it was💕
Growing up Skipper was also an actual doll, and just like in the movie, if you twisted her arm, she grew boobs. She also grew like an inch taller or something. I'm pretty sure she also was not on the shelf long, but she was introduced in the 1970s. So that's fun
Next up, Midge and Allan (who both play slightly bigger roles in the film but here's pictures anyways)
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So Midge was Barbie's best friend, and was released specifically because Mattel found themselves faced with high demand for a pregnant Barbie doll. But of course, Barbie can never get married or be pregnant or have kids, because it ages her, and obviously seeming a little older means Barbie is suddenly worthless and unappealing (Woo patriarchy!). So their solution was Midge, who, ironically, ended up being everything Barbie couldn't (which is kind of funny since she's supposed to be able to be any and everything ever). So, them making her only personality trait in the movie her pregnancy, is kind of spot on. She did have actual dolls initially but then seemed to disappear for a while, having been replaced with other "Barbie's best friend!"'s. Actually they also replaced Barbie's siblings several times but that's another post. Midge did eventually return though in Life in the Dreamhouse (See below)
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One thing they never mentioned in the movie, however, is that Allan was actually Midge's boyfriend. I don't have too much on him besides that but I think it's worth mentioning.
Anywho, there's my rant on some of the characters in the Barbie movie, if you made it this far, thanks :))
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kai-anderson-whore · 10 months
The summoning (jmp x tate Langdon x reader smut)
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Summary: you had always been fascinated with serial killers and true crime, one day you decided to try and summon your two favourite killers
Warnings: smut, three way, oral (tate receiving), p in v sex, doggy style 😏, summoning a ghost, ouija board,
Word count: 1,3k (another short one it was supposed to be longer)
A/n: this is a request by @villains-are-hot, thank you for the request and once again I apologise that it was very rushed at the end and I took ages to post this 😊
For as long as you could remember you had a unhealthy obsession with true crime/ serial killers. Some may say it's far from normal, it was frightening. You knew stories of cases watched all the documentaries and more.
Some people say it's the type of obsession you hear killers having before they kill. You didn't care it was a interest that you were so passionate about. You preferred learning about serial killers, how their mind works, what drove them to do it. The ones you liked learning about the most was Tate Langdon who got shot dead in his bedroom after shooting up his school one day in 1994. And the other was James Patrick march a well known serial killer from the 1920s to the early 1930s. Legend has it they both still reside in their place of death.
You didn't know if that was true or not, you visited the hotel that James Patrick march resides in but nothing, you couldn't exactly go to the murder house since people live there. It intrigued you deeply, the thought it could be true or not.
You didn't know what you were doing when the idea popped into your head, you thought it won't work but it was worth a go. Now researching things to do, how to summon ghosts, some where a bit far fetched others seemed fake but you were willing nonetheless. Finding a method writing down everything that had to be done.
You sat in front of the oujia board your fingers delicately on the triangle piece. You took deep breaths trying to stay calm circling the board three times before saying "James Patrick march and Tate Langdon I invite you to this space" waiting a few seconds you felt eerily quiet and cold.
"Is there anyone here?" You asked the board, you felt something pushing the triangle to yes, you gasped in shock now feeling nervous but your fingers still remain on the piece. "How many sprits are here?" You then asked feeling uneasy slightly regretting your decision. The piece moved to the number 2 you didn't know if it was you or if it was actually two spirits here but you slowly asked your next question "w-who are you?".
The board moved to around spelling out two initials JMP and TL you gasped removing your hands from the board standing up. Completely forgetting to say goodbye. You immediately grabbed the board putting it away "what the fuck, it's probably me doing it it's got to be" you whispered to yourself.
"Not quite dear" a voice chimed making you yelp in fright. "What the fuck!?" You turned around seeing two guys there awfully familiar to you, they looked identical like discrete descent, "w-who are you?" You asked in fear.
"I'm James Patrick march and this is-" "Tate Langdon" they said, you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion "you're both dead no this can't be true." You couldn't believe what you were seeing they looked exactly like the killers you knew so much about. "How are you here?" You asked a thousand questions running around your head.
"Well you summoned us" Tate chuckled pointing to the ouija board. That's when you realised "shit I forgot to say goodbye" mentally cursing yourself, "it's quite alright dear, but I must ask how did you manage to get us free?" James asked.
"Dude she used the ouaji board to get us out" Tate said like James was dumb. "That's fascinating" James eyes light up "I don't know how we could ever thank you" James added. Tate's eyes on you like you’re his prey, swallowing a lump in your throat as his steps grew closer to you from behind. "I've got an idea" Tate's breath on your neck sending shivers down your spine. "Y-you don't need to thank me" your voice was above whisper unsure what they mean.
"Well boy enlighten us with your idea" James's velvety voice made you shiver more. You couldn't deny they were both very attractive despite their tendency to killing. "Well she's pretty isn't she? Don't you agree?" Tate smirked his hands running down the soft skin of your arms. "I do agree with you she is quite remarkable" James agreed beckoning his steps closer to you.
You didn't know if your body was filled with fear or anticipation maybe both. Closing your eyes feeling their breaths breeze across your features. James colds fingertips grazing gracefully along your bare arms bringing goosebumps to their wake. "I think we shall reward her for setting us free from our eternal resistances" James smirked his pencil moustache raising up.
"I was thinking the same" Tate chuckled with a devilish smirk, you didn't know what to feel scared? Or turned on? Maybe both. Feeling their cold hands on you but you didn't protest instead you let out a small sigh tugging on your shirt removing it from your body your head felt like it was spinning feeling their lips on your neck. You felt yourself being guided to your bed. Seeing Tate now above you with a mischievous smirk on his face.
You didn't know where James was until Tate pull away from you, seeing James now in his briefs flipping you over on your hands and knee. You whimpered in anticipation for what's to come feeling James's cold fingers hooking into your underwear peeling the fabric of your underwear off you and into the floor. Tate in front of you his impressive length in-front of you, holding yourself on one hand stroking him, earning a low groan erupted from his mouth. You felt cold fingertips teasing your folds collecting your arousal bringing it to your clit circling it in slow torturous motions.
A small gasp left your lips, your body automatically responding to James's touch "that's it dear" he says huskily, Tate still knelt infront of you his eager length desperate for attention. You took Tate's cock in your hand stroking him kitten licking the tip making him buck his hips into your touch more. You took Tate in your mouth swirling your tongue along the tip, gasping as you felt James enter your heat.
James thrusted into you slowly you moaned against Tate's length. A low groan rumbled from his throat his hips bucked further in your throat. James thrusts grew more faster and harder, tears forming in your eyes. "Fuck" Tate hissed his hips essentially fucking your throat.
"You feel wonderful darling" James hissed his grip on your hips tight, nails digging into your skin only adding to your pleasure. "Fuck" you moaned feeling Tate twitch in your mouth signalling you that he was close. You kept your movements along Tate's cock till he releases into the back of your throat, swallowing every drop. James kept his movements thrusting harshly into you you felt close to the edge "I'm so close" you moaned. Tate was watching you and James with a smirk, his skin flustered. James didn’t stop his movements hitting that spot guaranteed to make you see stars.
With a few more harsh deep thrusts, your body trembles, back arching releasing over James’s length trigging his own release deep inside you. His thrusts became sloppy till they came to a halt. Trying to catch your breath “that was something else” you chuckled. James and tate shared a wicked smile between them, “oh we’re don’t done, we’re only getting started” Tate’s voice make a shiver run down your spine waiting on what’s to come.
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dilemmaontwolegs · 1 year
Not A Verstappen: Gridlocked {1}
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x fem!driver!reader x Lando Norris Summary: Charles and Lando come to your apartment for the thank you dinner as promised. Warnings: 18+ only, sexual tension, alcohol, touching? WC: 2.4k F1 Masterlist NAV: Sibling Rivalry One || Two || Three NAV: Gridlocked One || Two || Three || Four
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Black smoke billowed out of the pan you thought you had turned off and you rushed to toss it in the sink before opening a window. The breeze was a moment too late to clear the air of the dark tendrils snaking higher and they soon reached the smoke detector, the piercing sound of its alarm filling your kitchen. 
“Shit,” you cursed as you tried to jump and hit the detector to shut it off but you were just too short. “Double shit.”
A knock sounded at your door and you threw it open, grabbing whoevers hand it was and dragging them inside. “Thank god, hit that fucking thing for me will you?” you asked, realising it was Charles who had arrived on time, unsurprisingly.
His nose wrinkled at the heavy stench of smoke and he rose onto his toes to reach up and turn off the alarm. “You look like you have been, um…creative.”
You smiled at the attempt of a compliment before laughing at the situation. In the cold pan on the stove were the chicken breasts that were meant to be frying and you slapped your forehead as you realised you had turned the wrong element on. “Looks like we are going out to dinner, which is probably safer. I don’t think I could have kept my promise not to give you food poisoning by the looks of it.”
“I’m not dressed to go out,” he said as he looked down at his polo and chinos.
“Are you kidding me? You look like a damn model.”
“Thanks. It’s not easy being this handsome,” Lando said as he walked in the front door that was still open, a bottle of wine in his hands. “I see your cooking skills are as good as mine.”
“Har-har,” you drawled as you reached into the cupboards and got three wine stems out. “Liquid dinner it is.”
“Haven’t you sworn off drinking?” Charles asked as he rummaged around your cutlery drawers, finding the corkscrew for Lando.
“Pfft, that was just for summer break to stop the PR team from riding my ass,” you said with a grin. “Plus, you two won’t let me get into trouble. At least not too much.”
The cork popped open and Charles took the bottle from Lando to read the label. “I don’t think we have anything to worry about,” he laughed as he handed the Prosecco back. 
“What?” Lando asked with a frown as he turned it around to see the label. “The lady at the shop said this was good.”
“Sure, for an afternoon at the beach, but it won’t get you drunk.”
You took the bottle from his hands and kissed his cheek to erase the pout on his face. “It is the perfect starter course, and my bar is fully stocked with the hard stuff.”
“No,” Charles sighed as he took the bottle and poured three drinks. “I’m sure there is something salvageable to eat. No drinking on an empty stomach.”
You raised your glass to him. “I wish you luck, my kitchen is cursed.”
He tapped his glass with yours and winked. “I’m a miracle worker, watch me.”
You sat with Lando at the kitchen table as he showed you some photos he had taken throughout the year that hadn’t been posted online, keeping you entertained with stories that would get him in trouble if they ever got out. Every now and then you would check on Charles who familiarised himself with your kitchen, opening and closing all the cupboards and drawers before sighing.
“Admit defeat yet?”
His green eyes narrowed at you from across the room. “Never. I just can’t find any- of nevermind. What is this monstrosity?” He pulled a large jar out of the fridge and grimaced at the sight. 
“Crushed garlic,” you said obviously but he grew even more offended by the jar as he held it at arms length away.
“Unbelievable,” he muttered as he opened the lid and sniffed it. “It will do, I suppose.”
“What are you cooking?” Lando asked as he saw the ingredients lined up on the bench.
“Chicken pesto pasta.” He didn’t even look up as he sliced some limes up, muttering that lemons would have been better. 
“See, this is what I was looking for,” you said to Lando as you rested your chin on your hand watching Charles navigate the kitchen comfortably. “He cooks for me, you did my laundry, you’re both good looking and funny. That’s what I need from a man, I need the love child of Charlando. I give up. It’s impossible. I’m never going to find that.”
“Okay, this definitely isn’t going to be enough,” Lando said as he took the almost empty glass from your hand and rose from the chair. You and Charles both watched him cross over to the wet bar and tap his fingers along his lips as he debated what spirits to choose. “We need to cheer you up, I’m thinking tequila sunrise or strawberry daiquiri?”
“And music,” Charles added as he diced an onion that had been hiding at the back of your refrigerator for who knows how long. “Not mine, because it’s all depressing.”
“So music and drinks…why don’t we just go out?”
Neither looked happy at your suggestion and they both shook their heads. “I’m not in the mood for a lecture from your brother,” Lando admitted.
Lando plugged his phone into your stereo and some soft pop song started to play in the background as Charles said, “And it's too loud to talk in a club. This is nice, no?”
“I guess the company is half decent,” you teased.
Charles chuckled and beckoned you over with a curl of his finger that had a dollop of creamy pesto sauce on the end. “Taste test.”
Your stomach clenched as you parted your lips for him and his eyes held yours, the moment too intimate to dare break. His lips parted with a silent sigh when your tongue rolled over the pad of his finger, and he took a harsh breath as your lips sealed around it and sucked it clean. 
“Hmmm,” you moaned as the flavours coated your tongue and you pulled back, licking your lips as you did. “Oh my god, Charles, that is delicious.”
You couldn’t help noticing how the green of his eyes had been swallowed by his blown pupils or the way his throat bobbed as he swallowed twice before he could muster a response. “Now that I’ve seen your cooking, I’m sure everything else tastes delicious.”
“It’s not that bad,” you said with a laugh as your attention was pulled away and a shot glass was placed into your hand. “I thought we were having cocktails?”
“We will, but,” Lando said as he reached past Charles to grab the salt before he sprinkled a line across his hand. “Tequila first, sunrise later.” He grabbed a wedge of lime next and pinched it between his teeth with a daring curl of his eyebrow. 
The food was forgotten as Charles watched you wrapped your fingers around Lando’s wrist before running your tongue across his skin. The grains of salt coated your tongue as you raised the glass to your lips and tipped the liquor back under their heated stares. You swallowed the liquor and inhaled the fiery burn that followed as you eyed up lime waiting between Lando’s lips. 
This moment balanced on a knife's edge and you could feel how influential it could be on making or breaking the friendship you had with both Lando and Charles. This was the line in the sand that once you crossed there could be no return.
No one dared to breathe. No one dared to move. 
They were waiting for you. 
You licked your lips of the salty spirit residue and stepped closer to him. Your fingers trailed up his neck to tease the short hairs on his nape as you pulled his head down to meet yours and you bit the lime, tearing it from his lips as the sour juice ran down your chin.
“You’re a bad influence,” you teased as you wiped away the excess and stepped back. 
The tension in the air evaporated with his proud grin and Charles chuckled as he turned back to the pan before it burned for a second time.
“I’m just trying to cheer you up,” he replied innocently.
He made his way back to the wet bar with a little dance that had you laughing again. “It’s working.”
The sunset made the perfect backdrop over Monte-Carlo as you stepped out onto the balcony with a plate in each hand and placed them on the small square table. The music drifted out from the french doors after Lando queued enough songs to last the night and joined you and Charles with the extra strong drinks he had made.
“We should do this more often,” you said as a calm settled within you and you watched the yachts dotting the sea beyond the marina.
“What should we toast to?” Lando asked as he placed your glass in front of you, the cocktail matching the orange skyline.
“Single life?” you offered, earning a snort from him as he dropped into the seat beside you, mirroring Charles on the other side.
“How about the hunt?” Charles joked and you groaned at the reminder. “Since we are all looking for love now.”
“Not me,” you surprised them. “I’ve deleted every dating app from my phone and given up. I might even get a cat to keep me company.”
“I thought ‘a girl had needs’?” Lando teased with a suggestive wiggle of his eyebrows.
“Nothing a little self love can’t take care of,” you muttered to your drink as you took a sip, making Charles choke on his. “What? It’s true. You can’t tell me that you don't use your hand out when you need it.”
“We definitely need to do this more often,” Lando chuckled as he spared a fork full of extremely overcooked pasta. 
Charles sent a grin across the table to Lando before their eyes turned to you, a mischievous glint reflecting in both pairs as Charles agreed with a nod. 
“Then let’s cheers to that,” you said as you raised your glass. 
“To the three of us,” Charles winked, clinking your glasses.
“The three of us.”
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The empty plates were neatly stacked and the last rays of light had long disappeared, but you weren’t ready for the night to be over. The air was growing cold and the fading solar lights dotted around the deck were starting to attract bugs, interrupting the peaceful lull in conversation. 
“Do you want to stay and watch a movie? You probably shouldn’t drive anyway.” You hoped your question didn’t sound too eager and tried to cover it up with the logical statement. It was needless though as they both perked up at the offer and started to clear the table.
“I’m up for a movie night,” Lando agreed as he took the glasses, leaving Charles to take the plates. “Another round?”
 “Yes, please. I’ll meet you on the couch.” 
You went to your room and changed out of the jeans and top you were wearing, opting for an oversized white AlphaTauri shirt you often slept in instead, before dragging the quilt off your bed. You switched the lights off around the apartment as you passed them and flopped down onto the couch between the two men who had been quietly chatting. Lando reached for the refilled glasses on the coffee table and handed you yours as you asked, “What are we watching?”
“Nothing sad or Charles will cry,” he said with a little laugh as he helped spread the blanket over everyone.
“And nothing with shooting or Lando will cry,” Charles shot back with his own teasing smirk.
“And nothing with romance or I will cry,” you added as you swiped up the remote and scrolled through the options on Netflix. “Guess that leaves horror. Paranormal Activity?”
You wanted to look away but you couldn’t as the crackling image on the screen only grew darker. You knew what was coming but it still didn’t stop the squeak that escaped your lips or the way your tense body startled at the jump scare.
The guys chuckled as if you hadn’t felt their legs knock yours at the sudden slam of a door and the blanket shifted until you felt a comforting hand on each thigh, resting just below the hem of the shirt. It took everything in you to keep still as their palms warmed your skin and the heat spread to your core and you felt Charles’ thumb start to draw soothing circles.
Under the guise of settling back into your skin after the fright, you laid back into the cushions and stretched your legs out. From the corner of your eye you could see Lando bite his lip as the shift left their hands even higher up your thighs, almost brushing the lace edge of your panties.
“Scared, chérie?” Charles asked, his voice a little deeper than usual.
It wasn’t the horror movie that was causing a fine tremor to work its way over your body, setting every nerve ending alight. And it certainly wasn’t the horror movie that was causing the goosebumps to tingle across your skin. 
It had been a long time since a man came so close to you that your core was turning to molten lava without even being touched and you lost the battle to remain still, your thighs clenching together in search of friction. You could feel a second heartbeat throbbing between the juncture and as the blanket slipped down your body your peaked nipples were easy to spot through the thin material. 
“Not exactly,” you uttered as Lando’s fingers squeezed your thigh, almost as if he were silently begging you to part them for him. 
“You’re shaking,” Lando murmured close to your ear. 
“I know,” you whispered as your throat clogged with the pleas for them to touch you, to slide their hands just another inch higher and sate the need your body craved. 
You felt the touch of Charles’ shaped beard along your jaw before his lips brushed your ear. “Breathe, chérie. We’ll take care of you.”
His thumb drew another circle and your chest expanded with the softest gasp as you felt the pad of his digit run along the seam of your underwear. 
Lando mirrored his friend, his breath hot on your neck where his lips set a trail of scorching fire to your ear. “Will you let us take care of you?”
Click here for part two.
Tagging: @destourtereaux @severerebelearthquake @sunf1ower16 @octaviareina @omgsuperstarg @mvclff1 @alwaysclassyeagle @icantcomeupwithamusicalname-blog @laneyspaulding19 @booknerd2004-blog @mimimarvelingmarvel @chonkybonky @jpg3 @bangtanxberm @secretlyangrymagazine
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imtherain · 26 days
Why We Wake
Fun fact about me, my first love in life was Hugh Jackman as Wolverine, so as one would imagine, I'm taking the new movie, EXTREMELY well and I am SO normal about it.
Here's the first fanfic I've finished for him this time around. Just a little fic, but I said I'd post it if people liked my last post, and I am nothing if not susceptible to that brand of peer pressure.
Warnings: None really, it's pretty short and kinda cute. There's a storm, there's no smut, reader is jealous/avoidant of her feelings because of Jean... I guess it's vaguely friends to lovers? idk
Where it's storming and you go to wander the mansion because you can't seem to sleep. You run into Logan, who also can't sleep, and he was looking for you. 
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It had been stormy most of the afternoon, distant thunder and sheets of rain. While the mansion was awake, the noises didn’t bother you. Most of the time, even when it was quiet, storms didn’t really affect you much either. But tonight, as the mansion fell silent and the storm built outside, you found it impossible to settle for the night. You dozed for maybe five whole minutes, but kept finding yourself awake. You tossed and turned until eventually, you gave up.
Like most of the night dwellers, you found your restless feet circling the common areas. Someone was in the lounge flicking through the tv. A couple of the teenagers were whispering in the library as you peaked in and passed by. You figured, since you couldn’t sleep, might as well make the rounds in case someone asked what you were up to. You were supposed to be one of the responsible adults after all.
You weren’t sure why exactly, but after you finished the normal route around the school, your feet took you down the opposite side of the living spaces, causing you to come around the long way on your way back to your room. You really didn’t know why you even bothered to go back towards bed, you would have had better luck sleeping somewhere else. It didn’t matter much though, because your feet stilled outside a door that wasn’t yours.
You and Logan had circled each other for a long time.
But you’d seen the looks that had passed between him and Jean too many times to ever feel like there could be room in his heart for you. You figured you might settle for room in his bed, but you’d never really been the casual type. So all this time you had wanted, and yet, you had stayed, quite purposefully, away. 
But it never prevented the way he flirted with you.
And it never prevented the ache you felt for him.
The door in front of you suddenly swung open and you found yourself face to face with the man himself. He wore a pair of gray sweatpants and a sweatshirt. From the way he had half zipped it, you could tell he hadn’t bothered putting a shirt on underneath. 
“Hey,” His voice was gravel and surprise. “What are you doing up this late?”
“I could ask you the same thing,” You smirked back. He grinned to himself and nodded.
“Storm’s too loud,” He said. “Was going to go see if you were awake. Maybe ask you to sing me a lullaby.” You felt that familiar heat bloom in your chest. Logan often said things like that to you, and if you didn’t know better, you might have even believed he meant it. 
“Sure you were,” You rolled your eyes at him.
He probably said the same things to Jean when he bumped into her.
“What are you doing down this far?” Logan asked, eyebrow raised now. The heat from your chest grew as he watched you blush. “As I recall, your room is on the other side,” 
“It is,” You agreed. “I was walking rounds,” Logan crossed his arms and leaned against the door frame to watch you squirm. 
“In the teacher dorms?” His stupid face was so full of mirth you could almost forget the gnawing in your ribcage. 
“Teachers need to be checked on too,” you snapped back, crossing your arms defensively. 
You hadn’t been doing anything wrong, so why did you feel so guilty?
“Find anything good?” He was smirking at you and you wanted to look away but you couldn’t. You liked it when he smiled at you like that. Even if at some point, the moment would end and you’d be alone again.
“On your rounds. Find anything… good?” You weren't sure you understood the pause or why it felt loaded. 
“Not at all, a few kids in the library, a straggler here and there,” You told him. “And you,” he hummed at that.
“Wanna come in?” Logan asked with a nod of his head to signal the room behind him. You'd been alone with him before, and had been in his room plenty of times for a moment or two. 
“Yeah, sure,” You agreed easily. If nothing else, just spending some time with him might help you relax. It usually did, though you would never tell anyone exactly why. 
And you didn’t pay any mind to the little thoughts in your head that spoke of the sorts of sordid things people could do behind a closed door on a stormy night. And while you knew Logan flirted, you also knew he wasn’t going to do anything to you that you wouldn’t like or want or ask for.
Logan moved to push the door open enough that you could slip under his arm and go inside his room. He followed, closing the door behind him. 
The room looked almost identical to yours in form, but you had decorated yours to fit you. Logan’s room looked like no one had lived in it yet, other than the jacket thrown on a chair, a couple pairs of boots, and the fact it smelled like him.
How a room could smell just like him surprised you, but only because he didn’t seem to have been in any one place long enough to leave that sort of trace behind. But he had been at the school far longer than you, so maybe it shouldn’t surprise you.
You watched as Logan made his way back to his bed and slid himself under the covers. He remained sitting up, back against the headboard, as he waved you closer.
“I won’t bite,” Logan’s smile said he might if you asked. You were ok risking it either way.
“I’m not afraid of you,” You teased him, joining him under the blankets. Just like friends at a sleepover. You were surprised at how warm the bed was already. Surprised too, at how you were chilled from your little walk.
“Shame,” Logan mused, shifting so that his arm was around you. You felt the heat from your chest swell again, but you were desperate not to notice it. Not to read into things. “What do you say to spending the night here?” 
“Here?” You mused. You knew Logan could hear your heartbeat speed up. Honestly, it wouldn't have taken enhanced hearing to notice.
“I think the company would do us both some good,” He continued. It was your turn to raise your eyebrow.
“Are you afraid of the storm?” You ask, incredulous.
“Not afraid, it’s just… really loud. I’d rather listen to something else,” You could feel him watching you but you weren’t brave enough to meet his eyes. This could go a couple of ways, and most of them ended with you crying in your bathroom tomorrow.
“Do earplugs not help since your hearing is so good?” You asked, trying to dispel the tension.
“Pretty much,” You jumped when you felt him press his lips to your bare shoulder. You weren’t sure if you were glad for your tank top or not. “You ok with this?” 
“More than I should be, yeah,” Your chest felt tight. It was nerves and it was that ache that always seemed to show up when Logan was nearby.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” His breath fanned against your neck, but he paused in his movements.
“I’ve seen the way you look at Jean,” You told him. “I don’t want to be your consolation prize,” You didn’t have the strength to stop him when he shifted to rest his forehead into the crook of your neck.
“Then you haven’t seen the way I look at you,” His voice was a whisper against your skin. You shivered as he pressed another chaste kiss there.
“I guess I haven’t,” You agree, equally soft. You wondered how you never made the connection that anytime you did look at him, his eyes always happened to be on you. Did he really look at you like that? 
“I can hear your heart racing,” Logan chuckled, his lips on the shell of your ear. “Tell me you don’t want this,” 
“Tell me that you do,” You countered, eyes screwed shut.
“I do,” He almost purrs. “God, I’ve wanted you since the first day you walked into this mansion.” Another kiss against your jaw and you couldn’t help but move so he had better access to kiss your throat. “With your giant ass wheeled suitcase… and that fucking sundress,” He groaned when he felt your hand on his arm, squeezing him in response to the memory. You had always been so busy trying not to catch his eye for fear of finding him looking at someone else. “I’ve dreamed about you in that dress…and you cruelly haven’t worn it since,” 
Turns out you really had missed him looking at you.
“It didn’t seem as appropriate once I got here,” You manage around the blood racing through your body. Your heart was working overtime, beating so loud you couldn’t even hear the thunder anymore.
“Maybe you should wear it for me when I get to take you out,” Logan chuckled as your ears turned pink. He was so close to you, shrouding you from the night and the storm outside. It was so different than you expected it to be, but you welcomed it either way.
“You want to take me out?” 
“If you’ll let me,” He sits back to look at you. “Though if you just want to fuck, I guess that’s fine too,” 
You were surprised at the way his eyes hardened at the thought that this might just be carnal. You may not have known everything that had happened to him in his life, but it wasn’t hard to guess that there had been a number of times when people just wanted to use him. For fighting, for fucking, for whatever, his own feelings be damned.
You never wanted to make him feel like that.
“I’d love for you to take me out,” You told him, reaching out to cradle his face in your hands. Logan grinned, leaning into your touch. Before you thought better of it, you leaned forward and covered his mouth with yours. 
Logan seemed pleased by this, adjusting so that he was over you, working you both down the bed so that he could settle himself with his hips cradled in your welcoming thighs. His lips never leaving yours.
“When are you free next?” Logan asked, panting after the long kiss broke for a moment. 
“I don’t know,” You roll your eyes at him. “We’ve got other things to do right now,” You couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped you as he knit his brow, seeming to wonder what you meant. You just pulled him down to kiss you again.
Eventually, you both settled in for the night, exhausted all at once. Logan was using you as a pillow, his head resting just above your hip, one arm reaching up between your thighs so he could tease the skin around your navel with his strong fingers, tracing circles and nonsense into your flesh. Holding you like his favorite pillow.
You were resting comfortably amongst his pillows, one hand reaching down to the back of his head to play with his hair.
“I think the storm passed,” You muse, not really meaning anything by it.
“There’s more coming,” Logan told you. “So if you don’t mind, I’m going to stay right here and listen to you instead,” you felt him nip gently at your hip and you squirmed.
“I don’t mind at all,” You smiled at the ceiling while Logan adjusted himself around you.
“Good,” He mumbled, already halfway to sleep. You couldn’t help the grin on your face as you felt his breathing even out. 
Maybe you woke up just for this.
Either way, you were more than happy to play pillow, and soon enough, you were just as asleep as he was.
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streetlightyeri · 2 months
false god ; boone
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“i know heaven’s a thing, i go there when you touch me.”
[aka, boone is good at using a camera for more than just storm chasing]
w.c: 3444
warnings: 18+ MDNI. smut (oral, piv, breath play? in the lightest sense of the word, bandana used as gag).
notes: no beta, not even proofread lol i just needed to post this, i'll come back and edit at a later time. this is a piece from my wip about boone for my twisters/zach bryan song fic series (scott's is in progress as well a part two for "oklahoma smokeshow" for tyler). this was supposed to be fluff, slice of life moment, idk what happened <3 and as always, the fmc has a name but no descriptors bc i cannot personally write in 2nd person
She surprised him while they were on a chase. She was going to be in the state for no more than a few hours - when he headed out tomorrow she would be too. But she was able to get the information of where the crew was staying from Dani with the promise she would keep her mouth shut about it. Dani must’ve talked Tyler into letting them crash at a nicer place for the night because instead of a motel that Rowan was sure would give her hives, she pulled up to a very respectable 3 star chain hotel. She made a mental note to buy that girl whatever her heart desired.
Rowan pulled her hood closer around her neck and her hat farther down onto her head. She locked her vehicle behind her, keeping her head down as she walked to the side entrance Dani propped open for her. Once she made it in, she kicked the rock out the door jam and made her way to the elevator.
Rowan tried to calm her nerves as the elevator rose to the 4th floor. Her heartbeat picked up once the doors opened. She followed the signs to room 435. It was a corner room. Now Rowan was certain Dani had roped everyone into the plan; otherwise, a room like this would’ve been a coin toss or a game of pulling straws to see who got it. Her face burned at the thought.
But nevertheless, she knocked on the door. Boone’s voice came from the other side. “Yeah?” He was expecting someone from the team to respond, but heard nothing. He called out again. Rowan knocked in response.
She heard shuffling before the sound of the lock clicking. When the door swung open, she looked up, met with the sight of her boyfriend dressed in the same clothes he must’ve been wearing that day: jeans, a wifebeater, and a bandana tied around his neck. She could see his camo button down discarded on the end of the bed and his hat on the nightstand. A smile grew across her face as the moment started to click for him. He grabbed her wrist and dragged her into the room, double checking no one was lurking in the hallway before shutting the door. He turned the lock again and also flipped the deadbolt now that she was here.
When he turned back to her, he nearly tackled her onto the floor, throwing her hat to some corner of the room. But he managed to get his bearings before they lost their balance. His lips found hers; she could feel his smile as he kissed her. He walked them to the bed, keeping his hand behind her head to absorb the impact as her knees bent and her back hit the mattress.
He paused to pull back and look at her again, making sure she was real. “Hi, baby.”
She let out a giggle. “Hi, Boone.”
He leaned down and kissed her again, but stopped when her hand came up and pushed his shoulder back slightly. He knit his brows when she patted the bed next to herself but complied. She sat up to be eye level with him. He couldn’t believe she was here; his hands found her hips, sliding up her sweatshirt to rub circles on her soft skin. She wasn’t any better; she was trying to find her words but the way he was looking at her with his big doe eyes, like she was the best thing he’d ever seen, was making her brain short circuit. A haste kiss from him jump started her again.
“I have a . . . gift, of sorts, for you.”
He raised his eyebrows, “Is you being here not it?”
Rowan felt her cheeks heating up, her hands dropping from playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. She stood up and walked to her duffle bag she discarded blindly when he tackled her. She reached in and brought out the small box she wrapped in a haste and walked back over to him, leveling him with a serious gaze. “No one can know about this. Absolutely no one.”
“What is it, baby?”
“Promise me you will never show anyone this. Ever. No matter what.”
“I promise.”
She sat back down and handed him the box. He made quick work with the paper, his jaw dropping when he saw the picture on the side of the box: a camcorder. Nothing fancy, absolutely no bells and whistles. But Boone always had a thing for cameras. He’d started messing around with them back when he was enrolled in community college, fresh out of high school, still trying to figure out what the hell he wanted to do with his life. There was nothing more exciting to him than getting the perfect shot.
“You know how hesitant I’ve been about, uh,” she cleared her throat, “filming. But I thought about it. With something like this, there’s no cloud it gets uploaded to, no internet required. Nothing anyone can hack. It’s not the best quality, but it was the best I could find that I was comfortable with.”
He dropped the box on the bed next to him and grabbed her head in his hands; they were so large his fingertips met at the back. “Rowan, baby, please tell me you know I am fine with never recording us? I don’t want you to feel pressured. I let go of that fantasy a while ago. If you’re not comfortable with it, then it isn’t hot anymore.”
She nodded through his grip. “I know.”
He kissed her again, letting go of her with a whoop of excitement before he opened the tape on the box with his pocket knife. He pulled out the recorder and inserted the SD card, flipping open the screen, taking a sweep of the room. He played around with the settings, adjusting it for the room’s lighting. He was so confident in his knowledge of the camera. In seconds he got it looking more like 720p instead of the 480p she saw when using it in the store.
He flipped the screen so he could see himself as he recorded. He introduced himself to his imaginary audience while Rowan rested her head on his shoulder and wrapped her arms around his torso. He used his free hand to run a hand down her hair. He lowered the camera to capture her face for a second. “And this is my beautiful girlfriend.” He pressed a kiss to her temple. “She is the reason I have this camera. I think she’s embarrassed, but don’t worry, I’ll get her used to showing her face.”
She pulled back and hit his shoulder with a laugh while he winked at the camera. He flipped the screen and turned to film her, catching the perfect angle where the setting sun cut through the curtains to leave a beam running across her face. “She loves me so much she surprised me. Can’t believe she kept this a secret.”
“I was so close to spilling! You kept texting me about how much you missed me! And I had to lie that I wasn’t in Oklahoma. I even had Dani working with me to cover it up. I would send photos from the view outside my apartment that I’d been saving up for her to show you. I was scared you’d get suspicious when I kept refusing to FaceTime.”
He laughed from behind the camera. “You are a terrible liar.”
She faked a gasp, “Take that back!”
He smirked, “I think I can think of a way to make it up to you.”
She pulled her legs to her chest and looked straight at the lens of the camera, “Well then, why don’t you show me?”
He deposited the camera on the nightstand, throwing his hat elsewhere to make sure he had enough space to get the entire bed in the frame. One he was certain they’d be visible, he tore his shirt off and made quick work of hers. He lifted her bridal style to put her correctly on the bed. He untied his bandana and tied it around her neck; he liked seeing her wear it. He hovered over her on his arms, his hair and gold chain dangling into her face. She felt her face and chest flush. No matter how many times they found themselves like this, Rowan always felt like Boone was admiring her like a precious stone.
He shifted his weight and used his right hand to run his thumb over her red cheek. “God you’re so beautiful, baby.”
He undid her bra and he moved to sit on his haunches, admiring her from above. Her chest rose and fell as his brown eyes raked over her entire frame, leaving her skin burning in their wake. His calloused hands ghosted over her waist so lightly, her body jerked from the tickling sensation. His two index fingers ran under the waistband of her jean shorts; his eyes flickered up to her for permission. She kept her eyes stilled on him as she nodded. His eyes flickered over to the camera; he could see her side angle perfectly, surrounded by plush sheets while he hung over her.
“Is the camera okay?”
She nodded again, not looking at it.
“Need words, baby.”
She opened her mouth but hesitated. In seconds, he had the camera in his hand, about to snap the screen shut and stop the recording. Her hand reached up and wrapped around his wrist. “It’s okay, Boone.”
He shook his head. “No. You’re tense. We’re not doing it if you’re not 100% with it.”
She tightened her grip on his wrist when he tried to turn it off again. “I am. I promise. If you’re okay, I am. I’ll get used to it.”
He hesitated. He didn’t want her doing this for him.
“If I wasn’t comfortable with it, I wouldn’t have bought the camera.”
“You’re allowed to change your mind, no matter who bought the camera.”
She moved to intertwine her fingers with his, bringing his knuckles down to kiss them. “I’ll tell you if I change my mind.”
He pursed his lips, “Promise?”
She smiled up at him, “Promise.”
She helped him set up his perfect angle again before he rided her of her shorts and underwear. His hands ran up and down her side, taking count of every inch of skin. He rememorized every mole and freckle. His lips found hers again, making his way slowly down her neck, shoulder, the valley of her breasts while his finger twisted at her nipples. She felt him smirk against her skin when she gasped, hands reaching out to grip the sheets. He left bites on the smooth skin of her stomach, a place he was often drawn to. A place he could mark that no one would know.
When he made it between her thighs, he groaned. “There’s my girl.”
Rowan bit her bottom lip to stifle the sound that brought out of her.
Boone’s hands tightened on her hips; she could feel each finger digging into her skin. He pressed sloppy, wet kisses to the inside of her thighs. Her toes curled in anticipation, legs locking to try and prevent them from tightening around his head. Not that he would’ve cared. He had spent weeks warming her up to the idea of sitting on his face so he could finally feast like he wanted. She would never forget the way he locked his muscular arms around her thighs to keep her core connected with his mouth while he ate her out like his life depended on it, like he wasn’t destroying her for any other man ever. 
When he finally connected his mouth to her cunt, he moaned into her, making a shiver run up her entire body as her hands moved to grip his hair. Her fingers twisted in his locks, making him let out another satisfied noise. His tongue reached out to lap at her core, taking in the sweet release and relishing in the taste. One hand moved to splay across her stomach, lightly opening and closing to keep her down and to scratch at her skin comfortingly; the other moved to leave bruises of his finger prints on her thighs before one finger, then two, then three pushed themselves into her. Her rapid breaths and whines filled the room as her hips jerked from the way he ate. While his fingers curled into the spot he knew made her see stars, his tongue circled her clit with unrelenting determination.
He glanced up at her, seeing her head thrown back with eyes screwed closed as he increased his pace. He knew he was doing good when he felt her body tensing up below him, her legs beginning to shake. She gave a hard tug on his hair when he pulled away and let out a stream of cold breath onto her clit before attaching his hot mouth back to it. She came with a cry of his name, tensing around him as her blood seemed to run through white hot fire. Her thighs clamped around his head, spurring him on to continue his feast as he rode her through her high. He managed to get his right hand free and bring it up to her mouth, tapping her lips which she opened without question. He shoved them in, so long he almost triggered her gag reflex. She instantly closed around them, sucking herself off of him while effectively silencing her from their neighbor’s ears. He used his thumb and pinky to grip her chin and turn her face to the camera. She whimpered when she saw how much of a mess she was, how much of a submissive puddle he turned her into without trying. The visual spurred her into another orgasm. When she finally came back to Earth, she let her legs go limp and released her boyfriend, much to his dismay.
He traced his lips back up to hers, pushing into her mouth. When he released their kiss, he left small pecks on her jaw, coming to her ear, “My favorite meal. Now my favorite show.”
She grabbed his jaw and brought him back to her lips where he lost himself for an unknown amount of time. He was achingly hard. Rowan ran her hand down his shoulders, past the scar on his ribs from when he got hit by a tree branch in the field, down his abs that he gained from always running from tornadoes, to run her hand over his length. She would never get used to it; he was the biggest she’d ever had, and he knew how to use it. He could bring her to tears without being fully seated in her. He had to coach her into taking deep breaths the first time they’d done it because she was so tense he couldn’t push in. Now, they knew the drill.
She pulled his belt off with one hand and discarded it somewhere in the room before popping his button. He discarded his pants and underwear off the bed, once again on his haunches, pumping himself in his right hand. Her hair was a messy halo around her, her skin shiny with sweat.
He lifted her legs to hang over his thighs, leaving her wide open for him to push into her without pain. His eyes flickered to the camera before coming back to hers; she nodded. He picked the camera up, and fixed the angle to where it was a clear shot of him entering her. With every inch he gave, her whimpers grew louder. “Bite down on the bandana for me sweetheart.”
She nodded blindly, biting down on the cloth that smelled exactly like him, like the cologne he wore that made her nearly stumble when she first met him. Her senses were clouded from anything else in the world. All that existed was him. The camera was an extension of him, like it always was.
When he was fully seated in, he gave a few long in and out thrusts, letting her adjust to his size before putting the recorder in its spot. When she gave him the nod that he was okay to move, he lifted one of her legs to rest on his shoulder, pressing a kiss to her ankle where she had a tattoo of a tornado, courtesy of Lilly and an empty bottle of Jack.
He gripped her hip with his free hand before he began to hammer into her. The sound of skin slapping filled the room. Her noises were one of his favorite things about sex with her, but he really did not need the neighbors knowing that he hadn’t even given her 30 minutes before they went at it; the bandana was not cutting it. He gathered up the material that was still hanging out her mouth and shoved it in. He gave a short “sorry” when he heard her gag but he wasn’t sure she heard it because he gave a very hard thrust at the same time that caused her eyes to roll backwards. He placed his hand over her mouth as well to keep her silent, her leg pressed against her chest.
Her hands dug crescents into his biceps and left long marks down his back. He had absolutely no complaints. If he could find a way to make the feel of him buried in her cunt permanent, he would. Boone grunted in her ear when she squeezed around him, “Be good, honey.” He felt her moan vibrate through his hand. 
She was getting close, he could feel it. She kept lifting her hips in a way to both escape the pleasure but also find new angles for him to hit in hopes it would be what set her off. He snaked his hand off her hip and used his rough thumb to circle her clit. In seconds, he sent her over the edge. She tensed so hard around him he couldn’t thrust her through it. Her tightness sent him over the edge, his face buried in her hair while he was groaning her name paired with a whimper of overstimulation. When he finally pulled out, he got the camera again to film the dripping of his spend out her cunt. He reached a hand out and smeared his cum across her cunt. She jerked and whimpered, the feeling too much so soon after he finished her again. 
He turned the camera to her face as he gave her his cum covered fingers to suck on. She had a sleepy, not-fully-on-Earth smile plastered on her face. She stared at the lens, at the extension of Boone, “Hi, baby.”
He held the camera out with one arm while he moved to connect their lips again.
The camera ran out of battery just as Boone was setting it up to look into the shower, right after he got a shot of Rowan on her knees with her tongue out, covered in his release, before she swallowed and showed her empty tongue to the camera.
He cursed when the screen turned black, an alert to change SD cards coming up. Rowan laughed and closed it after turning it off, grabbing his hand and pulling him into the shower. “You’ll just have to remember this round.”
Her hair left a damp spot on the pillow beneath him, but he didn’t mind. She was half asleep in the nook he made for her between his shoulder and arm, her eyes closed as she inhaled the scent of his soap and shampoo. If his arm was asleep under her, he said nothing. He had changed the sheets with the ones from the closet while she searched through his bag and her own to find something to wear. She ultimately decided on a pair of sleep shorts she brought and one of his plain t-shirts that hung oversized on her. She had a fist resting on his chest and had her leg across his waist; he lightly scratched at it, a comforting motion to help lure her to sleep.
He adjusted his head to leave a kiss on the top of her head. “I love you, Rowan.”
She was too tired to make any words, so she gave him a hum that both acknowledged his words and returned the sentiment. She kissed the nearest part of him she could before settling back into her cocoon. He pulled the blankets up closer to her chin.
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trippinsorrows · 4 months
with me + part one
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authors note: well, i got some type of writers block working on two other RR wip's so opened a new google doc and ended up with this. prob gonna be 3 parts, maybe 4. there's an almost five year time jump after this one, can you guess why? also, joe's wife is an oc, not galina.
first time posting my roman writings on here and trying not to freak out tbh
warnings: angst, infidelity, language, suggestive content
song inspo: with me by destiny's child
word count: 4,000
You know that assignment everyone at some point in their education where they research what they want to be when they grow up and share it with the whole class for a grade? Yeah, that big mammoth of a question that somehow you’re supposed to have confidently answered before even reaching double digits.
That was always super easy for you.
From as far back as you can remember, you wanted to be a teacher. It took until you were in middle school, almost high school for you to settle on an elementary school teacher, college for a specific grade. But, the teaching profession always called to you.
You chalk it up to your grandmother, undoubtedly one of your favorite people in this entire world. She was also an elementary school teacher who taught until she was expectedly called home when you were 14. Some part of you wonders if you’ve never even allowed yourself to entertain any other professions because of her loss. She was your best friend, and following in her footsteps was wanted but also felt somewhat necessary. Like you had to in order to honor her and her legacy.
A couple years into your career, you still think about that, how you’ve known from such a young age what you wanted to do with your life. Well, one part. 
In other areas, maybe the most important areas, you were lost as all of the outdoors. Mostly in one area, if you’re being honest, and truthfully, it’s not even what you want in as much as it is how you get there. The path is relatively simple: find a man, fall in love, get married, have babies, live happily ever after.
It’s such a stereotypical trajectory, but one you’ve also envisioned for yourself since your late teens. You’d gotten partying all out of your system during the early college years, somewhat in high school as well. Now in your mid 20s, soon to be late 20s, all you want to do is prepare to eventually settle down. Sooner rather than later.
And the issue isn’t even having no prospects. You have a prospect, he’s just unavailable. 
Because he’s already fucking married.
But can you even call him a prospect when that implies there’s some chance? Because there’s zero chance. You know this. You know this very well, too well. So why you still allow him into your bed and inside of you is beyond you. Yes, the sex is out of this world, but you desire more than that. Maybe not at first, but almost three years deep into this arrangement, most definitely.
You still think back to your first meeting.
Your best friend won a contest that not only granted her two front row tickets to a Smackdown show but backstage passes as well. You met so many wrestlers that night, some you grew up watching on TV as the little tomboy that you were as a kid. But, it was one wrestler in particular: tall, muscular, hair more beautiful and silky than any silk press your beautician mother could ever style, that changed your life. Whether for better or worse remains to be seen. 
He was attractive, extremely, possibly one of the most beautiful men you’d ever met. But, the attraction was short-lived when you spotted the wedding band on his left hand. You’d be lying if you tried to say that was when the attraction sizzled out. It diminished, but it was still there. Still, you didn’t think much of it, that was until you received a call from a number on your phone that you didn't recognize. 
Why you even accepted the call is still a mystery. You never answered random calls, yet that one was an exception, an exception that resulted in you having an unexpected phone conversation with Roman fucking Reigns. He explained that he got your number from your friend who’d exchanged contact information with a wrestler she met that night as well. They were messing around too, that much you knew. And good for her. He, unlike Roman, was not married and therefore free to fuck around.
The conversation lasted much longer than it needed to, especially given the flirtatious nature it quickly took on. It was wrong, you knew this well, very well. He took vows, but you were also aware of those vows. And heat no point pressured you into anything, you could have cut it off. Flirtatious he was, but forceful he was not.
The conversations increased in frequency and length over a matter of weeks that turned into months, and before you knew it, your day started and ended with either a text or phone call from the wrestler. 
A small part of you knew that it would eventually escalate into more, a man like him seemed like he needed more. But, you stupidly tried to tell yourself that when that time came, you would remain strong and draw the line in the sand with just communication. Even if it was just as wrong as anything else.
It was a silly thought. 
Your resolve was weak.
You absolutely did not need to accept his invitation to fly you out to one of his shows, and you damn sure didn’t need to allow him to take you back to his hotel where your legs ended up wrapped around his waist as he pounded into you—among other things—until the early hours of the morning.
The days after that were rough. You felt absolutely disgusted with yourself. It was one thing to flirt with a married man, but it was an entirely different thing to fuck a married man. He wasn’t yours. He belonged to someone else. He had a life with some other woman. You had no right to insert yourself into that union, so you decided to sever contact with him, deleting his number from your phone and shoving the experience in the ‘biggest regret of your life’ box with no intention of reopening it.
Unfortunately for you, Roman, Joe, as he asked you to call him, was a persistent bastard.
You ignored his texts, so he called. You ignored his calls, so he texted. You ignored both, and this motherfucker showed up at your goddamn door. There were multiple times you could have and should have ended things, that being another perfect opportunity. If you told him to leave that night, not allowed him into your apartment, he would have listened. He was stubborn and resolute but also respectful. If you told him to leave, really told him, he would have done so.
But, you didn’t. You allowed him into your place and similar to the last time you were in his presence, ended up spread out on your bed with him balls deep inside you until you couldn’t feel your lower half. 
Now, fast forward three years later, not much has changed. You two don’t communicate quite as much in the day, and his visits are more spread out given the company’s current efforts at pushing him as the new face of the company. But, that doesn’t stop his visits to come see you and flights he puts you on to come see him, both of which always end with him leaving your legs jelly and throat raw.
All the while his wife sits at home unaware of her husband’s consistent residence between your legs.
The thought alone makes you sick, revolted at yourself, at how you’ve allowed yourself to reach this point in life. Closer to 30 than 20 and going on 3 years of being a mistress to a married man, a man who can never give you the future you want yet refuse to let go. 
Not that you’d ever allow yourself to really acknowledge why. 
That’s….that’s just too much.
Pillow talk was just something that naturally happened between the two of you. It made sense given that your relationship started out with just talking. He seemed interested in knowing more about you, about your likes and dislikes. He shared his as well. You weren’t beyond admitting that Joe was insanely easy to talk to, the flow of conversation always natural, never forced. There never seemed to be a dry spot between you two. 
And whether it was an innate ability to pick up on the emotions of others or just his, you could always tell when something was bothering him, could see when he came to you with a burden he didn’t want to discuss.
Not that that stopped you from asking. If he declined to talk about it, you respected it, didn’t push. But, more often than not, he would end up sharing things with you, mostly concerns regarding his career.
It seemed he visioned one thing for himself, while Vince McMahon saw another. He felt frustrated at times, especially when the fanbase started pushing back more. He never admitted as such, but you could see it hurt his feelings. How could it not? Kayfabe or not, Joe was still a real person with real feelings, regardless of the role he played.
And at some point, his visits to see you stopped always involving sex. That happened majority of the time, but there were occasions when he just seemed like he needed someone to be around, a distraction, someone to talk to. 
Someone like you.
“Come on.” You jumped up off the couch and offered your hand that he looked at with disinterest. “Don’t make me drag your big ass. It’ll probably break my back.” He lifts his brow, and you roll your eyes. “Joe, come onnnn.”
“Where are we going?” He finally asks, all the while sighing heavily and standing up. Though unnecessary at this point, he still takes your hand. You try not to think too much of the gentle squeeze he gives.
“To my kitchen.” 
Glancing over, he gestures with his thumb. “The place that’s like 3 feet away.”
You suck your teeth and shove against him. “Don’t be an ass. We’re gonna bake cookies.”
“That’s what I said.” Though clearly skeptical, he follows you into the kitchen and watches as you start gathering supplies. “I spent a lot of summers with my grandma, and whenever either of us were having a bad day, she’d take us into the kitchen and we’d bake chocolate chip cookies. She’d always say there’s nothing a good chocolate morsel can’t cure.” 
Reflecting on those memories, so fond and cherished, brings a despondent smile to your face.
His eyes fall on you, sensing the sudden sadness. “You miss her.”
“Every day….” Shaking your head, you make a conscious effort to not make this about you and your grief. “Now, we need music.” You settle on some random “cookout” playlist that aids in setting the playful mood. To your surprise, yet not surprise, Joe keeps up without struggle. He's a fast learner, easily following along to your detailed instructions and explanations. Things get messy at times, as one does when baking, but it only causes the two of you to share laughter. Especially when you ‘accidentally’ get flour on each other. For you, it was an accident. His was definitely intentional. 
Still, between the laughter, light conversation, and New Edition serving as backdrop, it’s a sweet moment. 
“And now we wait,” you announce, plopping down on the sofa. “Wrestler by day, baker by night. Who’d a thunk it?”
He chuckles. “I never knew you could cook.”
At that, you nearly choke on the water bottle you’d grabbed off the coffee table. “Me? Cook? No. Not at all. There’s a reason every thanksgiving, my family only asks me to bring the drinks. My mom is the cook. Grandma was the baker. I can make cookies and a few select items. That’s it.”
You can still hear your grandma’s voice in the back of your head, chiding you for never allowing your mom to teach you how to cook. It just never garnered your interest, even when they swore up and down you’d never find a husband without knowing how.
Maybe they were right.
He joins you in the living room, settling on the other end of the sofa. “Maybe I could teach you then.”
His words—and offer—suprise you. “You can cook?”
“Don’t look so surprised.” He rolls his blue eyes. Some days you love the contacts, others you hate them. Today is a love day. They make his beauty even more exquisite. “Because of the big age difference between me and my siblings, it was just me and my mom a lot of times. They were either out and about or had either moved out. She’d ask me to help her out in the kitchen, and I picked up on a couple things.”
“You’re a fast learner.” That much is very obvious, in several areas of his life. “Was it ever hard? Like, not really having them around?”
He seems to think about her question before answering. “Yes and no. The twins moved to Florida when I was like three, and we became close instantly. It was like suddenly having two new brothers. Obviously, they didn’t live with us, so they weren’t always around, and those times were hard, I guess. But the older we got, the more we did together.”
The Usos. Also wrestlers trying to make names for themselves. He really does hail from a legendary dynasty. “I get that. It was just me and my mom, and she worked a lot to support us, so that’s why I spent so much time with my grandma. And I loved it, but sometimes it got lonely not really having siblings.” You look over at him, studying this massive specimen of a man who seems so unsure of himself right now, unsure of his future. He’d hinted at such during their prep, but you bookmarked the comment to revisit. “It’s all gonna work out, you know.”
His gaze is on you, partially disinterested, mostly in disagreement. Joe knows what you're referring to. He chuckles, darkly, “you sound sure.”
“I am,” you counter calmly. Moving to sit on your knees, you continue, “no matter what it takes, you make them respect you. You can do it, and when you finally find your footing, you’ll be one of the best to ever do it. Mark my words.” 
You’ve never been one to build up false hopes in anyone, far too familiar with the sting of disappointment. So every word leaving your mouth drips with sincerity. Joe is so much more than a “pretty face” or someone who got lucky by being born into a wrestling dynasty with a golden spoon in his mouth. He’s worked his ass off, you see how he works his ass off, so the last thing you’d want to witness is him become his own worst enemy by getting too into his head.
“You’ll see. They boo now, but pretty soon they’ll be cheering.” Moving to your knees, you lift your arms in a theatrical display. “Roman, Roman, Roman.” You yelp when his strong arms pull you into his lap, legs spread on either side of his thick thighs. “Would you let me hype you up? Like, damn.”
His smile, so beautiful and genuine, warms your soul. His spirits are lifted, and that’s all that matters. Joe’s hands are on your hips, palms massaging you through your shorts. You move your arms around his neck, resting on his strong shoulders “Thank you.”
It’s at this moment, you foolishly allow yourself to wonder. Wonder what it would be like for this to be the norm, for him to always return to your place when he has time off or in between shows. Wonder what it would be like to consistently be this safe space for him, to be in his corner and not just in the shadows, but in the light. To be supporting him ringside. To be his.
And for a second, you pretend. You pretend that you are his, and he’s yours. That this is your man, and you’re his girl. Just the two of you. Nobody else.
But the comedown from that is devastating, like a boulder sitting on your chest, a butcher knife to your heart. Because he isn’t yours. He never was, and he never will be. 
Mood sullen, you lower your arms to separate yourself. “I should…” You clear your throat, climbing off of him. The air is suddenly too stuffy, the room too small. You need space. “I should go check on the cookies.” 
Joe’s not stupid, far from it. You know that he has to pick up on your 180 in mood, yet he doesn’t pursue you, doesn’t ask questions, and you’re thankful for that. You need to not be around him right now, not so close, not so connected, not so in love.
You need to let him go. ________
“I can’t do this anymore.” 
Joe’s in the midst of sliding his shirt over his head, sitting on the edge of the bed when your voice, low and quiet, stops him mid movement. “What?”
“I said.” You blow out a big breath, unsure why your chest suddenly feels so heavy. “I can’t do this anymore.”
At that, he angles his body so that he can look at you, assess your face. He’s a big eye contact person. “What are you talking about?”
Irritation piques. “You know exactly what I’m talking about, Joe.” Gesturing between the two of you, you kick the blankets off and quickly reach for your t-shirt that got discarded last night. Being naked in front of him suddenly feels uncomfortable. “This. It’s done.”
He pauses for a second and then shakes his head, resuming his dressing. “Okay.”
His tone is dismissive, like he doesn’t believe you. Like he thinks you’re playing around. Of course he would be in one of those moods, where he’s more irritable, less receptive and fucking stubborn. “I’m serious.”
“I’m not doing this shit with you right now.” Joe gets up and continues dressing himself, prompting you to climb out of bed and move in front of him. 
He can’t avoid his way out of this. You won’t allow it. It’s time to finally rip the bandaid off. 
You’ve sat on this for the last two weeks, since he last left your apartment and you realized you’d stupidly allowed yourself to fall for this man. Fall for a man who walks around with a wedding ring on his left hand, who’s always had that wedding ring from the moment you met him. You’re not upset with him, not as much as you’re upset with yourself.
You grew up the product of an affair, felt the stinging pain of being rejected by a parent whose selfishness resulted in the creation of life, a life he wanted no part of. Seen how your mom literally begged your piece of shit father to be in your life, to play some role. Heard how he cruelly rejected her, rejected you, calling you your mother’s bastard. A mistake.
It devastated you so deeply that you still can’t really talk about it without getting emotional. 
And yet, you idiotically found yourself playing the same role you used to judge your mother for: the other woman. 
It’s a role you stepped in, and one you must now step out of.
“There’s nothing to do.” You run your hands over your face and shake your head. Choosing to have this conversation at almost 4 o’clock in the morning probably wasn’t the best move, but you also know that if you give yourself more time, you’ll find a reason not to do it. And you need to do this. “You have a wife, Joe. A whole ass woman who loves you and would probably let you fuck her just as much as you like to fuck me. Go be with her, and if not her, find someone else, cause I won’t be that for you. Not anymore.” 
You’re not exactly sure what part of what you just said registered with him, but it’s obvious something did by the change of tone he takes. “Where is this coming from?”
“It’s coming from where it should have come a long time ago,” you answer, crossing your arms over your body. “This was never right, and I refuse to partake in it anymore. I won’t be your whore anymore.”
You didn’t expect hurt to flash in his beautiful eyes nor for him to move closer to you, that hurt intensifying when you back away. He can’t touch you. You can’t allow that, because all it takes is only touch, one longing gaze, and you’ll be putty in his hands. This has to end. “Is that really what you think you are to me?”
“I don’t know what I am to you, Joe,” you answer, honestly. It’s something you’ve battled back and forth with for nearly three years. Just what is it about you that keeps him coming back, keeps him in your bedroom, inside of you. At face value, it’s the sexual compatibility between you. Below the surface level though, there’s maybe more. You’ve never allowed yourself to venture there, and you’re certainly not about to right now. You know how you feel about him, but you refuse to really ask yourself how he feels about you. “And truthfully, it doesn’t matter, cause it doesn’t change anything.”
“So, that’s just it?” His voice is wounded, handsome face painted into a mixture of scowl and a frown. “Almost three years, and you want to throw it all away, for what?”
“For what…..Joe, you are married. You have a whole wife at home. Whatever issues you have that cause you to step out, work that shit out. Learn how to be with her. Cause I’m not doing it any more. I—I can’t.” Emotion imbues your voice toward the end, and you hate that shit. You don’t want him to see, to know, how much this has been eating you up as of lately. “I’m gonna be 30 in a few years. I want to be married. I want to have a family. I deserve that, and I’ll never have it as long as I’m messing with you, so I’ve gotta let you go.” You swallow the deep lump in the back of your throat. “And you’ve gotta let me go.” 
This time, this time you can see the part that wounds him, that digs into his chest. You’ve gotta let me go. 
Joe is fast, fast enough to move directly in front of you, large hands holding your face. He says your name, desperate almost. “Tell me what to do, tell me what you want, and I’ll do it. Just….” He stops, and you close your eyes, refusing to see if it’s his own emotions coming up. You can barely handle your own cascade of feelings right now and refuse to take on his. “I can’t lose you.”
What you want…..
What you want is for him to never leave. What you want is for him to stay with you, to be with you. What you want is for him to have never met Jadah, never married her, never committed his life to her. 
What you want is for him to be yours and only yours, but what you want….is also what you can never have. 
“I—I want you to leave, Joe.” The words burn your lips, scorch your throat, ache your soul. “And this time….don’t come back.”
You can’t bring yourself to open your eyes, to see the result of your heartbreaking, even if honest request. It’s because you know seeing him hurt will only cause your resolve to crumble, and you can’t have that. You have to be strong, have to be the woman your mother couldn't.
So, you remain there, remain silent as he steps away from you, his touch vanishing. There’s such an emptiness in his wake.
It’s only when you hear the front door of your apartment shut that you finally feel it, the caving of your stomach, the heavy lump move from the back of your throat, the release of the loud sob you didn’t realize you’d been keeping at bay. 
It’s when you finally allow yourself to feel all of the emotions of a woman who just told the only man she’s ever loved to leave. 
If only you knew his departure was just the beginning of the rest of your life.
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rishiguro · 3 months
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synopsis: you truly thought you‘d be forever.
warnings: 7.5k of pure angst. break up. hurt/no comfort. slight allusion to past abuse and failed relationships. cross posted to ao3!
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today was supposed to be a good day.
with it being the weekend, you decided to sleep in late and have a slow start to your morning. you allowed yourself to rot in your bed for a while before finally getting up and getting yourself ready. your heart skipped a little beat when you remembered that you and your boyfriend planned to go out for brunch today, which immediately made getting yourself washed up so much easier.
you tried to ignore the heavy feeling in your heart as you made your way to the café, telling yourself that you had no reason to be this anxious. sure, the last weeks were a little weird, with him behaving a little odd – one day being the best boyfriend he could ever be, while practically ignoring you the next – but surely, he had his reasons. it must’ve been stressful at work, or something else bothered him, something he wasn’t able to share yet. you had always stressed how you would never force him to talk to you about anything, however you made sure to show him that you were always there for him, no matter what weighed heavy on his mind.
maybe he would be able to talk to you today.
when you saw kuroo, a smile immediately appeared on your lips. even though he was just standing there, slightly leaning on a stone wall, his eyes on the phone in his hands, you thought he looked as handsome as ever. you quickly approached him, greeting him with a hug, but when you went in for a kiss, you noticed how he turned away slightly, instead motioning for the two of you to go inside the little café.
a bit suspicious you furrowed your eyebrows, however you decided to wave your concerns away and simply enjoy a nice morning with your boyfriend. the two of you enjoyed a delicious brunch – which he paid for, not even allowing you to protest – talking about the past week and enjoying each other’s company.
you patiently waited for kuroo to share more than just the superficial pleasantries that were usually reserved for the first five minutes of the two of you seeing each other, however, he acted reserved, letting you carry the entire conversation.
your heart grew heavier, but you again waved it off.
instead, you smiled warmly at him as he suggested going for a walk through the calm neighborhood.
with a locked jaw you walked beside him, one hand clenched at your side. with every passing silent second, the lump in your throat grew. kuroo was uncharacteristically quiet, simply staring forward as he walked, not even glancing in your direction.
your boyfriend was usually great at reading the room and sensing when energies were off. you never knew if that stemmed from his countless years of playing volleyball and having to interpret and anticipate everybody’s reactions in split-seconds, if he was super intuitive or if he simply knew you so well. usually, kuroo was scaringly accurate with his perceptions and equally great at dissolving tensions.
until he wasn’t anymore. not when it came to your relationship, that is.
you had noticed him acting strangely for the last couple of weeks. you didn’t say anything, thinking that he would come to you sooner or later, however, no matter what you did – acting like everything was fine or showing support – nothing changed. sure, everybody had bad days and you certainly didn’t expect your boyfriend to always be in a good mood and be able to devote his everything to you, however, things have changed.
he went from replying quickly, to once a day, to once every three days. from reaching out and wanting to talk to you regularly to withdrawing himself, never initiating a conversation. from greeting you with a kiss, to a short peck, to nothing.
it was like he went from being your boyfriend to being… whatever he was now.
as you walked in silence, you knew that whatever was going on had to be brought to light. you couldn’t stand being the only one in this relationship, no matter how much you loved him. you felt yourself being thinned out, like a knot slowly being undone or a string threatening to break.
when did it even come to this?
slowly, you inched your hand closer to kuroo’s.
you craved for his warm touch, his hand engulfing yours as his thumb brushed over the back of it. a small and simple gesture, one that always helped ground you and calm your racing mind.
you longed for something that would reassure you in his love for you.
your fingertips brushed over your boyfriend’s hand, trying to interlace your fingers.
you could feel your heart shatter when kuroo flinched away, stuffing his hand into his pocket.
defeated, you shut your eyes. before you could stop yourself, the words tumbled out of your mouth. “tetsu, i think we should talk”
he hummed, quickly turning his head to you, before looking forward again. “what’s going on? are you okay?”
no. you weren’t. your boyfriend wasn’t talking to you and you felt like your relationship was falling apart and there was nothing you could do, because every attempt at bettering the situation was either unsuccessful or shut down completely.
and yet, your wellbeing wasn’t the first thing on your mind. it was his. no matter how distant he seemed, no matter how many times he dodged your kisses or canceled your dates last minute, you couldn’t bring yourself to stay mad at him. maybe you should be. you should respect yourself and your feelings more.
but how could you when he seemed to be battling something? how could you even dare to look at him the wrong way?
“actually, this is what i wanted to ask you”
“what, me? i’m fine” kuroo replied almost immediately, making your brows furrow. he surely didn’t think he could get rid of you that easily, did he? to no big surprise, it was hard to believe him. the change in your boyfriend’s behavior was suspicious and worrying. he went from an attentive and loving partner to one that sometimes didn’t even care about you, for no apparent reason. surely something must have happened.
but if everything was fine, then why was he acting so off? “then what’s going on?”
kuroo walked beside you in silence for a few seconds, before shaking his head. “nothing,” he muttered, shrugging slightly.
you stopped in your tracks, your hands shoved in the pockets of your jacket to stop yourself from reaching out for him again. “tetsu, you can talk to me. i’m not mad or anything, i’m concerned. you’ve been off for a while and i just–”
“it’s nothing. i promise,” he stressed, cutting you off as he turned to look at you. and while there were only one or two meters between you, it felt like you were on two different worlds. “everything is alright”
you pressed your lips together, clenching your jaw. you didn’t want to admit that you hated how he had brushed you off again, but you also couldn’t ignore the stinging pain in your chest.
you don’t know what would be worse: him lying to you because he felt like he couldn’t trust you with whatever was bothering him that made him act so off or him being truthful and simply… changing like so.
the former would feel like you were failing as a partner. after all, if you didn’t trust the person you’re in a committed relationship with, who could you trust?
the latter however… you didn’t even want to think about it. the truth was, you couldn’t see yourself in a relationship with somebody who was willing to treat you like that. no matter how much you loved them, you knew that you deserved better than this.
giving up was never an option for you. especially not when it came to love.
but could you even call it ‘giving up’ when there was nothing left for you to fight for?
suppressing a deep sigh, you caught up to him, calling out his name. “you could have just told me, you know”
your lips turned into a sad smile as you looked at the floor. your eyes followed a lone pebble being kicked by kuroo’s feet with every step.
“that you fell out of love with me”
“what?” his head shot around, looking at you confused. “i didn’t”
“please don’t lie to me” a part of you wanted to look up at him, examine his face. was he shocked at your statement? sad? angry? maybe even happy that he didn’t have to be the one to tell you this? or worst of all, what if he look at you bored and completely uninterested? what if he was just okay with breaking your heart? “that’s the one thing i want from you. and you know that”
“but i love you,” kuroo stated, more confused than outraged. you immediately shook your head. why was he so calm? weren’t you supposed to feel more when your significant other was convinced that you didn’t love them anymore?
maybe it was childish of you to think he would’ve reacted any other way, but a part of you wanted him to show at least some emotion, try to convince you that his feelings hadn’t changed ever since he told you these magical three words for the very first time. you wanted him to stand up and show you that he still cared, prove to you that these weren’t just empty words that left his mouth, but that there was actual meaning behind them.
that the voice in your head was wrong.
but he did none of the sorts. he just looked at you confused – not even in the slightest bit worried – seemingly unaware of the hurt visible on your face.
or maybe he saw it and simply chose to ignore it.
it was only then that you dared to meet his eyes, your voice shaking as you spoke. “tetsurou, it’s okay. we can’t choose who we fall in love with and we don’t decide when we fall out of love, hm?”
for the first time, you couldn’t read him. his face was blank, only blinking repeatedly, before he looked away from you.
with a slightly trembling hand, you waited for any kind of reaction. a tear, a shaking breath, even a laugh. anything.
anything but this neutral look.
you always prided yourself in noticing when something was weighing on his mind. it was a distant look on his face, silent, giddy laughs or restless legs. but now, kuroo wore an unmoving face and slow, but steady steps took him forward. he didn’t even look at you, not allowing you to actually look at him.
no matter how you two would end, here he wasn’t your kuroo anymore.
he hasn’t been your kuroo for a while.
after what felt like an eternity of silence, the man of stone beside you started to speak.
“i’m sorry,” kuroo said with a hoarse voice. he didn’t even dare to look at you, instead staring into the gray sky while blinking repeatedly. he swallowed thickly, “you have to believe me, i really am”
you nodded along softly, your lips biting the inner part of your cheek. “it’s not that i don’t want to believe you,” you sighed softly, pausing for a second as you swallowed a small lump in your throat. you shook your head as your lips turned upward into a sad smile, turning your face away. “i just don’t understand”
and before you could stop yourself, the words just tumbled out. “you tell me that you haven’t fallen out of love with me and yet you refuse to kiss me, touch me or even look at me. you tell me you haven’t fallen out of love with me and yet we sit here and you have this look in your eyes like a kicked dog that can’t get up anymore”
you could feel him staring a hole into you, but you continued to look forward as you walked, pouring your bleeding heart out. “it’s hard to even have regular conversations with you, you barely reach out and when you do–if you do– it’s like i’m talking to someone who isn’t even interested in me, much less loves me. and yet, when we’re together, you can be so sweet and attentive and caring, only to revert back to your cold self the moment any of us leaves the room”
you took at deep breath before you turned back to him, immediately being faced with a shocked expression on kuroo’s face, almost like he had no idea that his behavior would affect you. his eyes were so full of pity, the same look in them that he had when a friend just told him how they got their heart broken. you almost wanted to scream at him, to tell him to not look at you with those eyes.
after all, he was the one that was breaking your heart. he had no right to look at you like this. “you tell me that you love me and that i should know that you love me like you had done nothing in your life but show me that, even when you clearly haven’t”
you couldn’t help but scoff, throwing your arms in the air. this felt like a joke, like a stupid climax in a shitty romance movie, a plot point to only stir up drama.
you hated these kinds of movies. they always followed the same bad formula, with the same
kuroo however loved these movies. they were cheesy and clichè but somehow, he always dragged you along to watch them, teasing you with the terrible lines delivered in an over-dramatic tone for the following week.
and while yes, he found these films entertaining, you would’ve never imagined that he would actively try to mirror these stories with your relationship.
“what is it then? if you still love me, why are you doing this to me?” you demanded harshly, nodding your head along, expectantly. “tell me”
kuroo brought his hand to his lips, picking the dry skin. your eyes flickered down, noticing the soft red stain on his fingers when he removed them from his now bleeding lip. so did he and he quickly shoved his hand into his pocket. “i just,” he began, eyes darting from side to side as he spoke slowly. “i don’t think i can do this right now”
“do what?” you pressed further.
“this,” he confessed, his finger pointing at himself and you repeatedly. “us”
you blinked at him, confused, as you felt your heart tear in your chest. “what?” your voice was nothing more than a whisper.
“i don’t think i can stay in this relationship”
you never believed it when people said you could feel your heart shatter in your chest.
you always believed they were overdramatic, after all, your heart was a muscular organ, pumping blood through your body.
but as you stood there, your brain still processing the words that just left kuroo’s lips, you realized just how wrong you were. your chest suddenly felt empty and hollow, a deep throbbing where your heart should have been, aching inside it. your lungs contracted, pushing out any air inside of them and leaving you to gasp for more.
“you deserve something better. something more stable,” he immediately continued, not even letting you have a second to react, or even to breathe. “i don’t think i am what you need. much less what you deserve”
“why won’t you let me be the judge of that?” you whispered hoarsely, the lump in your throat not allowing you to be any louder. “isn’t that something only i should get to decide for myself?”
you should be angry at him. more than that, you should be furious, not because he chose for himself, but because he made a decision for you.
your mind ran wild as soon as you realized the gravity of his choice. at this point, it wasn’t just about his supposed insecurities, it wasn’t about his doubts and his feelings – it was about you and what he deemed to be the best for you, without even consulting you.
you don’t know if it was an easy choice for him, you hoped it wasn’t. it shouldn’t be. you weren’t a child he had to parent, a kid that couldn’t see the bigger picture and didn’t know what was best for them. you were an adult that could decide for themself and you were willing to bear the consequences of said decision – good and bad.
you could stomach just about anything. arguments, falling out of love or even betrayal. these things were bound to happen in life and you certainly wouldn’t be an exception.
what you couldn’t bear was somebody deciding your path for you, with seemingly no concern for your wants or wishes.
how dare he choose for you? after all you two had been through together?
you wanted to scream at him, but instead, you clenched your jaw shut, balling your hands into tight fists. your fingernails dug deep into your palm.
hesitantly, kuroo breathed in. he had an almost shy look on his face as he glanced at you before averting his gaze. “what are we going to do?” he asked quietly with an almost childlike sound to his voice.
“‘we’?” you scoffed, a mocking smile twirling your lips as you stared away from him. “you just told me what you want to do”
he immediately raised his arms in defense, his eyes wide in shock. “no, wait–”
“i’m not going to beg for you to stay, tetsurou,” you stated, scaring yourself with how apathetic your voice sounded.
somehow, you still wanted to believe that whatever you said now, could somehow trigger a change of heart in him. a sappy, cheesy, heartfelt monologue like in one of those movies that for some reason made him cry more than a few times.
if he had brought this up earlier, you probably would have. but now, you just couldn’t.
you don’t know what scared you more.
the thought of losing him, or how you were terrifyingly apathetic at the thought of losing him.
“if you want to leave, i’m not going to force you to be with me. and i think you already made your decision”
“i haven’t,” kuroo denied while vehemently shaking his head. he reached out to you and grabbed your hand, both of his hands engulfing your tight fist.
you ripped your hand away from him, not allowing you to soak in his familiar warmth. “stop lying,” you stressed before taking a deep breath. you looked away from him for a moment and tried to collect yourself. lashing out wouldn’t do any good now. you felt powerless, like a sheep being forced into a corner, faced with a choice: fight or accept the looming fate.
maybe you should fight. but what if you didn’t have the strength to do so anymore?
you turned back to him with a sad smile. “i know, okay? it’s fine”
except that everything inside of you screamed in agony.
“i don’t think i have,” kuroo whispered back.
shutting your eyes, you couldn’t help but sigh. “then what are we doing here? why did you tell me this? did you think i would be magically able to fix whatever is going on? without even knowing anything?”
from the moment you met him, you always knew that kuroo was an exceptionally smart man. he never failed to surprise you with his understanding of situations and complex concepts, being able to make almost every piece of knowledge he came across his own, as long as he had some time to concentrate on it. he followed various lines of thinking like they were his own, easily understanding them and reaching conclusions.
and now he looked at you like a deer caught in the headlights when you presented him with the consequences of his decision today.
how could somebody so knowledgeable be so dense? did he truly have no idea what he was doing? what he was saying?
“yeah,” you breathed softly. “that’s what i thought”
“i’m scared,” kuroo suddenly blurted out, looking down at his shoes with slightly reddened cheeks. “i lost someone before. i don’t want to lose you too”
“i don’t want to make the wrong choice” “i’m sorry”
“i know you are.”
as you kept looking away from him, your eyes found two birds, flying around. it almost looked like a dance, before one of them decided that he had enough and flew away, leaving the other one behind. you looked back at him, carefully avoiding his eyes and instead looking at his nose bridge. “but it still isn’t fair”
the two of you came across a bench and wordlessly you agreed to sit down. silence settled over you, the both of you lost in thought.
maybe you should stand up and leave. there was no way the two of you could come back from that. not like anybody was planning that. you had said what you wanted and got at least some form of closure.
staying longer would only cause you more hurt when you already had enough wounds to lick.
yet before you could move a muscle, kuroo started to speak. “there was… a person. a while back” your head turned to him. he sat there like a statue, eyes cast downward, his face would be expressionless, if it wasn’t for a melancholic look in his eyes. “a friend. and i fell in love with them” he confessed further, swallowing thickly.
your chest ached. you shouldn’t be surprised.
of course there was somebody else.
yet you remained silent and simply continued to observe kuroo, his tongue shooting out of his mouth to wet his dry lips. “i don’t know what it was about them, but we just… clicked. and after a while, i confessed. they didn’t reciprocate” “i didn’t want them out of my life and they were okay with everything too, so we just stayed friends. i thought i was fine with it. i thought it would work and i just hoped my feelings would vanish after being rejected”
“but they didn’t”
“no. they didn’t,” he agreed. suddenly, a smile appeared on his lips, making you frown, confused. “but then i met you”
he glanced at you, his eyes again so full of love and happiness like they had been weeks before whenever he looked at you. for a brief moment, you saw the old kuroo in front of you, the one who always made you laugh, the one who made you feel safe.
the one that made you feel loved.
“and you immediately were so… good. so honest and open and so intelligent. not just book-smart, but actually emotionally intelligent,” he breathed out, smile widening as his eyes grew distant until he was no longer looking at you. “sometimes you reminded me of them. and i just.. fell for you”
up to this moment, you didn’t think your heart could break any further. you were convinced kuroo had already stomped it to pieces, the sharp fragments digging into your surrounding organs, making it hard to breathe.
you didn’t expect him to pick up a sledgehammer and smash it even further, letting the shards tear up your insides completely.
so that was it? there was somebody else all along?
all the sweet words, all the romantic gestures, all the whispers to you were actually dedicated to somebody else and you were nothing but a placeholder?
he always made you feel like you were everything to him. but as it turned out, you were nothing but a bandaid, covering the wound his ‘one that got away’ left?
a bad copy, never as good as the original?
a remake, where every shot and every line of dialogue made you think about just how good the original was and how badly this one tried to capture the spirit, only to fail miserably?
“and now i don’t know what to do. i don’t want to fuck it up. not again” kuroo balled his hand into a fist, as if that would stop it from shaking. you could see his mind racing, plaguing him endlessly.
and even though you loved this man dearly, you couldn’t bring yourself to comfort him, or even pity him. your own hurt got a hold on you, letting you exhale loudly as you leaned back, your back hitting the back of the bench. feeling deflated, you hunched over, hiding your face in your hands.
“you can’t do this, tetsurou. you just can’t” you wheezed. were you about to laugh or cry? you couldn’t tell. you shook your head in disbelief. “how dare you sit here and break my heart, because yes, that’s what you’re doing right now, and act as if you were the victim in this situation?”
you shook your head before you continued. “we all have our scars. i do too” you could feel kuroo flinch next to you. he knew what you were talking about. you always believed in open communication, about all things. so once you felt comfortable enough, you decided to sit him down and open up about your past. it was a long and heavy talk, but right after it, you felt more secure in your relationship than ever. it was then that he could confidently say that he knew you.
but maybe he didn’t after all.
“but i don’t do this and then try to use them to shift blame,” you continued, now more calm than just a few seconds before, but your words were still as sharp as a knife. “or do you really think that i’m fine with being basically just a rebound?”
“you’re not a rebound!” he denied quietly.
“i told you to stop lying to me!” with your voice raised, you could feel your face growing hotter every second, your eyes stinging as tears started to build.
that was all you ever wanted. honesty. even if he thought it would hurt your feelings, even if it would start an argument, even if he believed it was something you couldn’t come back from.
was that really so hard?
“i’m not!” he yelled back angrily, making you scoff and turn your head away from him.
“do you even understand how fucked this is? how hurtful you’re being to me?” you couldn’t get your voice to stay low, every emotion imaginable running rampant in your body. you wanted to get it all out, to yell at him and lash out, show him just how much he had hurt you, how he broke you.
even if you knew you shouldn’t.
you barely managed to stop yourself from pointing an accusatory finger at him. you felt your throat tighten, your voice now becoming nothing more than a hoarse whisper. “i poured my heart out to you. i love you with every cell in my body and all i want to do is be with you. and you’re here telling me about some other person” you shook your head, both in shame and disappointment. maybe you should’ve known better than to fall for somebody again.
but all your life you dreamt of the kind of love you had seen in movies and the kind of love that books told about. love that would be able to withstand anything. love that was so much work but a kind of work that you would do willingly for another person.
the kind of love that made you feel complete, even if a part of you wasn’t missing before.
the kind of love that made your life whole.
you really thought you found that with him.
you sighed, feeling defeated. you didn’t know if you have ever been so wrong. “i understand having a history. i do. but i also recognized the look that you had when you talked about them. how soft your voice sounded” your voice broke. mentally cursing at yourself, you dug your nails deep into your palm, trying to ground yourself. you didn’t want to break down. not now.
not in font of him.
“i know i didn’t imagine that”
“i don’t love them anymore” kuroo immediately said and raised his hands in defense. “i swear”
“maybe,” you contemplated for a second, shutting your eyes in defeat.
maybe he was right. maybe he didn’t. maybe he truly couldn’t see himself with them anymore, maybe he didn’t think about them like that anymore. maybe he really loved you.
or at least had convinced himself that he did.
yet you could tell that he hasn’t moved on either. he still allowed himself to be reminded of it, knowingly or unknowingly still having a bookmark laid down. he couldn’t let go.
“but you haven’t healed either. i don’t think that makes it better”
kuroo’s teeth dug deep into his lip, drawing blood once again. by now his lip was bruised and torn open, the red seeping out through various cuts. “please, you have to believe me. i don’t want anything from them”
“maybe not” you shrugged and sighed, taking a moment to gather yourself. you looked back at him, picking the skin around your fingernails subconsciously. “but you just said that i remind you of them, don’t i?”
kuroo shifted uncomfortably in his seat, looking down, like a child that had been caught stealing candy out of the pantry after bedtime. you hesitated before muttering the one question that has been plaguing your mind for the last minutes. it sounded so silly and stupid and just a few weeks prior you would’ve laughed at yourself for even thinking that.
now you weren’t so sure anymore.
“do you even see me as my own person? or am i just a version of them you can have?”
“i just told you, i don’t want them! i want you! just you!” kuroo exclaimed repeatedly, jumping to his feet, agitated.
oh how you wish he was being honest. how you longed for the times you believed everything he said, no questions asked. “i don’t believe you,” you replied, softly shaking your head.
maybe he really believed what he was saying. maybe he really was honest.
but did it even matter anymore?
you lazily pointed next to you, wordlessly telling kuroo to sit down again. he immediately did and grabbed your hand, which you drew away from him the second you felt his skin touch yours. “you didn’t deserve any of the bad things that happened to you, tetsurou. none of them and none of the effects it had on you and your life either,” you softly said, observing his face carefully. for a moment he shut his eyes, his pain and inner turmoil all too visible on his face.
“but it’s your responsibility to handle them,” you continued, “it’s your responsibility to not inflict the same pain on other people”
he swallowed thickly, averting his gaze. he seemed all to fine hurting you earlier. so why couldn’t he face you now? surely he didn’t think his actions wouldn’t have consequences.
“you didn’t deserve having your heart broken,” you continued, the soft sound of your voice causing the hairs on his arms to stand up. “but i also don’t deserve having mine broken by you”
you suppressed a sigh, instead shutting your eyes for a moment. “you are an adult with plenty of experiences, good and bad. you always have choices on how to act or what to say in almost every situation to influence whatever outcome and this here” you said, gesturing to the both of you, “is your choice and your choice alone”
he still didn’t look at you. if you hadn’t noticed how his hands trembled, you wouldn’t have even known that he was listening. “what did you expect me to do? to beg for you to stay? to fall down on my knees and start crying?”
“no,” he quietly said.
“then what?”
his head shot back to you, his voice growing louder again. “nothing!” he shouted for a moment, before composing himself. “i just… didn’t think you’d be so… okay with this”
involuntarily, you let out a breathless laugh. did he really know you so little? “okay? you actually think i’m fine with this?” you asked, tilting your head back with closed eyes. “get your head out of your ass, tetsurou. i am anything but okay with this. or do you really think i would be fine with my boyfriend telling me that he fell for me because i reminded him of someone he couldn’t have?”
you didn’t give him a chance to regain his composure, instead continuing to shatter whatever was left of him. every word felt like a stab into his chest, like it was laced with venom, poisoning his bloodstream. and it didn’t seem like you planned to stop, instead twisting the knife you just rammed into him. “i hate this. i hate everything about this. but i also know that nothing i can say will change anything”
he hated how calm you seemed. and just like you could read his mind, you continued. “i could scream at you, cry, or even hit you, and believe me, a part of me really wants to” you brought your head back, but didn’t look in his direction, instead casting your eyes down at the floor. “but it wouldn’t help anyone here. and you don’t get to dictate how i decide to act or what i decide to say. because that is my choice. it’s my choice how to deal with this”
silence settled over the two of you.
“it might help you if you did,” kuroo suddenly whispered.
you raised your eyebrows, confused. “what, hit you?”
scoffing, your turned your head to him. “because hitting the person i love would do me so much good, huh,” you stated and couldn’t help yourself but mock him. did he even know you? or did he still just see them in front of him, no matter how much he proclaimed that he didn’t? “yeah. that’s not me and you know it. given what i told you once before, you should know how insulting this actually is”
his eyes widened in horror. “i’m sorry,” he whispered, letting his head hang in shame.
you nodded along. “yeah. aren’t you always?”
helplessly, kuroo tried to get you to look at him. he kept alternating between looking at you and looking away, his hands closing and relaxing on his lap. occasionally, he tried to grab yours, but you immediately pulled away. “tell me, what should we do? is there any way–”
“you came to me knowing how this would end, tetsurou,” you interrupted, “and now it seems like you’re desperately trying to make me push you out the door that you just opened”
he shook his head in defense. “it’s not that”
“that’s what you’re doing,” you stressed through clenched teeth. your cheeks flushed as you spoke and you had to close your eyes to stay calm. “you’re telling me you don’t want to do this anymore and that ‘i deserve better’ or some shit and yet you can’t actually end this”
a part of you wanted to punch him. first he sprang everything on you, told you that he didn’t want to be with you anymore, but as soon as it was time to actually take this step, he tucked in his tail and whined like a scared dog. how dare he inflict all this pain, only to run away the second it got serious? did he truly think he wasn’t to blame for these consequences?
“do you know how hurtful this actually is?” you choked out angrily. “you’re saying all these things about not being enough and not being able to continue this but instead of, you know, actually ending it and walking away, you bring up these things about your past, or my reaction to your actions that have nothing to do with this right now”
he pressed his lips into a thin line, sounding weak and small. “i don’t want to hurt you,” he muttered.
“you’ve been hurting me for a while now, tetsurou. that ship has sailed,” you stated bluntly. there was no way he was truly so careless and frankly, stupid, was he? you shook your head in disbelief. “and even if it didn’t, what do you think would be worse: clearly stating that you want to break up, or dance around it, saying stuff like ‘i don’t think i can do this anymore’, huh?”
you pinched the bridge of your nose, trying to calm yourself down. “i don’t want any excuses. i don’t want you to open up about your past right after you said that we don’t work. from the moment you said that ‘you think you can’t be in this relationship anymore’, it didn’t matter anymore. not to me at least. and i don’t care how harsh that sounds”
“i will not sit here and throw some pity party for you. i will not sit here and help you work through your feelings like some damned therapist, when every word that you say breaks my heart a bit more. that is not my job and not my responsibility. i know you’ve been hurt. and i am truly sorry. but that doesn’t give you a free pass to hurt other people” you finally turned to him, coldly staring at him. he almost whimmered when he caught your eyes, so angry and regretful at the same time. “especially not the ones that love you”
your words hung heavy in the air when kuroo suddenly stood up, shuffling in place before he muttered something awkwardly. you raised your brows, signaling that you haven’t caught a single word.
“i- i need to step away for a minute. i’ll be right back, i’m sorry, i just-” he waved his hand back and forth, his voice weak as he carefully sounded the words out. “i need some fresh air”
you didn’t reply, only nodding. you ignored that you were sitting outside, with fresh air all around you, understanding what he meant.
he wasn’t the only one that needed to clear his mind and step away from you for a short while.
you didn’t look up when kuroo sat down beside you again. he laid his hands in his lap, his fingers fiddling, as he opened and closed his mouth a few times, before speaking with a hushed voice. “hi”
“hey,” you breathed back, swallowing repeatedly to distract yourself from how dry your mouth felt.
“i-” kuroo hesitated again, taking in a shaking breath. like on instinct, he reached for your hand, only to stop himself. he immediately took it back, interlocking his fingers in his lap. “i’m really not a good partner to you, am i?”
you wanted to laugh. at least he reached that conclusion, you thought. he hadn’t treated you with an ounce of respect for a while now, continuously shattering your heart with what seemed like every breath, only to leave you behind, a broken and bleeding mess. and when confronted with his actions, he was the one begging for you, reaching out to you and long for the love you have always unconditionally given him, even if he hadn’t deserved it.
he apparently understood how stupid he sounded, correcting himself with a clenched jaw. “scratch that, actually, i’m not a good person right now, aren’t i?”
you didn’t reply. what were you even supposed to say? yes? no? what was he even expecting?
not that it would matter. you’ve already given him way too much. you’ve given him your entire self already. you had nothing left to give.
“i’m really like those pricks that just run around and hurt people because they have ‘their head stuck up their ass’” he continued, a mocking smile on his lips as he muttered these words, scoffing at himself.
you allowed yourself to glance at him. his entire body was tense, his breathing slow and controlled, like he was trying not to lash out or break down crying in front of you. after a while he felt your eyes on him and his head shot up, meeting your eyes.
“i know you well enough to know that you want to be a better person,” you muttered slowly and carefully, not failing to miss how his eyes lit up just a little – a glimmer of comfort, of hope. “but simply wanting it isn’t enough,” you continued, your voice sounding emotionless and distant. turning your head, you looked for some sort of anchor point, trying to keep yourself grounded. your eyes landed on an old tree, its branches hanging low, the trunk leaning from years of withstanding the wind. “work on it. or you’ll end up hurting other people”
you allowed yourself to hang in your thoughts for a while again.
you didn’t want to admit it out loud, but a part of you had always hated how he made you feel so vulnerable. there was something about kutoo that made you feel so safe and secure, something you hadn’t felt in years before you met him. it took you a while to grow closer to him, to learn to trust him. and once you did, it didn’t take you long to fall for him.
he was always so open and honest, so outspoken and willing to have difficult communications, believing in the two of you working against the problem, not against each other.
until he didn’t anymore.
until he turned his back on everything you had built together and reopened all those scars you told him about.
until he hurt you worse than you ever thought possible.
you tried to blink away the tears, but this time you couldn’t stop them anymore. in hot, salty trails they fell and for the first time today, you sobbed.
full of shame, kuroo stared on his lap, his own eyes filling with tears.“i really fucked up, huh?” he choked out with a weak voice.
taking a few shaking breaths, you tried to calm your voice. “our choices have consequences. grow up and deal with the ones you caused, tetsurou,” you stated bluntly, not wanting – and also not being able to – soften the blow of your words. you clenched your fists at your sides, staring back at the tree meters away from you.
“i don’t want our chapter to end. i still love you. i pictured my future with you. i never wanted to lose you,” you confessed and for a moment, you wanted to smile in melancholy. “but i won’t stay with you. i deserve better than this”
maybe a few weeks ago things would’ve been different. maybe you would’ve been able to talk and work on things. maybe you would be able to get through this, working hand in hand.
but now? too much has been said and done, with no point of return.
too much hurt has been caused.
“no matter how much i wanted you to be my better”
shaking, kuroo stood up and turned his back to you, but after just a few moments, he spun around.
“before i go–” kuroo hesitated for a moment, opening and closing his mouth as if he didn’t know how to continue. you looked at him calmly, noticing how his hands twitched at his sides, like he was trying to reach out to you like he had done so many times prior. “can i–”
“no,” you interrupted, not even letting him finish his question.
it wasn’t difficult to guess what he wanted to ask. that however didn’t mean that it was easy to deny him. to a part of you, it didn’t even matter what just happened. just for a moment, you wanted to feel his arms around your body for one last time. close your eyes and listen to his heartbeat like you had always done and fool yourself into thinking that everything was okay. that kuroo was still your loving boyfriend and that he didn’t break your heart and left you to pick up the pieces. just for one last time, you wanted to feel his comforting warmth and hear how he whispered your name as he promised you that you were fine.
but you shouldn’t allow yourself to abide by his last wish. just one moment in his arms would make your resolve weaken. one more second with him would make you forget all the heartbreak and hurt, all the tears you shed for him. one look at him would make you put your own needs aside and you would do everything in your power to stop his hurt.
because even after all this, you still loved him.
even if he didn’t love you anymore.
even if you didn’t want to love him anymore.
“goodbye,” you choked out, turning your head away from him.
kuroo waited for a second before he took a shaking breath. you could picture him shutting his eyes, his feet shuffling in place, before he finally gathered the courage to whisper out to you for one last time. “goodbye”
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astairo · 3 months
I saw your post about wanting to write for hazbin and I was wondering if you could do a Lucifer x Angel!Reader who is Angel Dust’s sister? Like she had to come check on the hotel, If you’d like to add in another character maybe Adam and her were friends so when became a demon she went to visit him not knowing Angel was there, or she fell or something and they reunite and Lucifer falls in love at first sight?
Sorry if that’s a lot hahaha
I hope you’re having a wonderful day!
My Green Light
Lucifer Morningstar x Reader
2.2k words
After news of the first man being in Hell makes its way to heaven, a fellow winner makes their visitational descent. Not long after, a short king’s wings couldn’t help but flap.
Warnings: Cursing, mentions of sex, slight angst, fluff
A/N: Absolutely LOVE this one! This was also inspired by The Great Gatsby’s ‘My Green Light’ which is sang by our short king himself, unedited.
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“It’s not fair, Sera!”
Sera looked at you, conflicted. It’s been weeks since the extermination and the council was a mess. “For the last time, Y/n,” the seraphim spoke sternly, “You are not permitted to go down to Hell. It is far too dangerous.”
You shook your head, “Adam is my friend, Sera! Hell is a terrible place, and a man like him needs some sort of reassurance.” She listened as you reasoned out, frowning. Adam wasn’t the best of angels, but he deserved a little company.
Eventually, she relented to your requests. She looked at your face and sighed, “I’ll talk to the council and see what I can do for you.” A flicker of hope grew brighter in you, “Thank you, Sera! Thank you!” She gave you a tired smile, “Keep in touch.”
With that, she left for her office. You smiled and made your way to Lute’s office, which also used to be Adam’s. “Lute,” you knocked once, “Lute?” The door creaked open.
The door swung open, revealing a very tired and disheveled looking Lute, “What?!” Her anger soon dissipated once she realized it was you, “Y/n, what’s wrong?” You offered her a sad smile, “I was talking with Sera, and we might have a chance to see Adam.” Lute’s attention was now on you, “Seriously? Like you’re not fucking with me?” You placed the upper pair of your arms on her shoulders as the lower pair grasped her hands softly, “I’m being serious! We’ll see Adam again and I can finally reunite with Anthony!”
Lute grimaced at the thought of your brother. She had told you about the meeting with the princess, only to reveal that your brother, Anthony, was in Hell. “The crazy porn freak?” she quirked a brow, causing you to sigh, “I suppose that’s one way to put it.”
“Y/n, you’re better off not meeting up with him. You’re too kind of a soul to even associate with sinners,” she reasoned. “No,” you shook your head, “I haven’t seen him in decades! You have the opportunity to see Adam, and I’ll take this as the opportunity to reconnect with family, Lute!” She watched as you pleaded and begged her.
Lute looked conflicted, “I don’t think I’m ready to even step foot in that shithole, Y/n. I mean, look at me,” she gestured to her missing arm, “They’ll eat me alive, and no doubt you, too.”
“Just this once,” you mumbled pathetically, “I’ll be careful.”
Lute frowned, “Fine, but no funny business. Last thing the council needs is a scandal between Hell and one of the purest souls in Heaven.” Your eyes lit up, jumping to wrap your arms around her, “Thank you, oh, thank you!”
You felt the tense in her shoulders relax, leaning into your touch as if it was the only comfort she’d had in days.
“Charlie!” Lucifer grinned as he burst through the doors. It had been days after they had finished the new hotel. “Dad,” Charlie greeted as she finished checking in a few sinners. Ever since the extrermination, sinners had been checking in left and right for a shot of redemption.
“I was thinking, we could build a duck—“ the king was interrupted by a groan. The royals turned to face the first man himself, who slouched onto one the couches. “What is this bullshit about ducks? It’s like fucking everyday with you. Do you do anything else other than being shit-faced, fucking losers?”
The king stiffened as he went to hit the man, only to be held back by his daughter, “Dad, no. Like everyone else, he deserves a second chance. Even if he doesn’t seem to be deserving of it,” she mumbled the last part but looked at her dad pleadingly. Lucifer’s shoulders relaxed as he sighed. He loved his daughter more than anything, and if this was how he could keep her happy? Then so be it.
“Fine, but don’t expect me to like him, sweetheart.”
Charlie smiled at her father’s words, “Thanks, dad. It means a lot that you’re here.” Lucifer smiled, “My pleasure, sweetheart.
The two embraced one another, only to be interrupted by loud straw sucking. Lucifer inhaled sharply as he glared at Adam. Adam, who drank a soda, looked at the two smugly, “Cut the sappy shit already. And don’t look at me like that, bitch.”
Before Lucifer could snap at him, the doors opened to reveal a very worn down Angel Dust. “Fuckin’ fuck, just make out already,” he groaned as he made his way to the bar. The two rivals stopped to stare at the spider in disbelief. “What?” the spider shrugged, “Come on, I can’t be the only one feelin’ the tension. Nothing a little hate-fucking can’t fix. Get me my usual, Whiskers,” he nodded to Husk who grumbled in response.
The two blinked before pushing away from each other.
“Oh, fuck no!”
“Not with that fucking shit-bag!”
The porn demon quirked a brow, “Just sayin’ the possible inevitable.” He turned to grab his drink and enjoy himself.
Adam and Lucifer made eye contact and grimaced. “Get the fuck out my way,” the first man grumbled as he walked towards his room. “I will!” the short king huffed and crossed his arms. “Can you believe him, Char-Char? Absolutely disgusting sinner behavior…” he trailed off as he watched her hug Vaggie. He looked at his wedding ring and frowned. “What was that, dad?” Charlie looked towards her father. Lucifer sadly smiled and shook his head, “Don’t worry about it. I’ll see you later?” His daughter smiled sympathetically, “Are you sure?”
He nodded, “I’m sure.”
With that, he made his way up to his personal suite. He leaned on the balcony, staring up at Hell’s red sky. He looked back down at his ring finger, scowling. He grasped the ring and pulled it off swiftly. He pulled his hand back and threw it forward, only to keep his fist closed with the ring inside. He just couldn’t let her go. He led his closed hand to his chest, cradling it.
His moment of despair was quickly interrupted by a bright light in Hell’s red skies. Lucifer’s eyes widened and squinted at the light source. He thought nothing much of it. What could this mysterious light have possibly done for him? It probably was another lighthouse, or was it a signal flare? Nevertheless, he was drawn in, intrigued by it. The light suddenly beamed down to the ground, a faint zip roaring through the air. The king of Hell watched as the beam made contact with the ground right in front of the hotel with a crack. Debris surrounded the area, causing residents, including himself, to cough as it entered their lungs.
“What in the ever loving duck?” he questioned and coughed.
As the air cleared, a faint glow emitting through the dust caught him off-guard. He watched as the dust revealed what he could only describe as a work of art. Stunning, he thought, Absolutely stunning. He observed from his balcony, watching as your eyes looked around in awe and anticipation. He could feel your presence drawing him in. You looked up to make eye contact with the fallen angel briefly, sending him a smile before entering the building.
Without hesitation, he pocketed the ring and made his way down to the lobby. He shoved against sinners in his way, eager to see you again.
“Adam!” You squealed as you made your way to the man, jumping to hug him. You chuckled as he grumbled in response, inevitably hugging you back. “Bitch, what the fuck are you doing here? Aren’t you a little too sensitive for a place like this?” he chuckled as he roughed your hair up despite your protests.
“I am not sensitive, Adam,” you grinned, “It’s good to see you haven’t changed one bit.” He scoffed, “Hell isn’t gonna fucking break me, bitch. I’m no pussy.” You rolled your eyes, “Yeah, yeah, whatever.” He flicked your forehead, causing you to yelp, “Don’t fucking roll your eyes at me, bitch.”
“Watch me,” you stuck your tongue out at him.
He chuckled at your antiques, leading you to sit down on one of the couches, “How’s up there without me? Has everything gone downhill since the original dick is gone?” You sent him a soft smile, “Well, I wouldn’t say downhill,” he quirked a brow as you chuckled nervously under his gaze, “It just…hasn’t been the same without you.” He sprouted a grin, “Of course, bitch! Without the dickmaster, heaven is just as shitty!” You scoffed and hit his arm, “Ego!’ He yelped, “Don’t hit me, bitch! You do realize I am the original dick, right?” he whined. “Let me be sympathetic in peace,” you huffed.
“Whatever,” he muttered gingerly. A few seconds went by before he spoke up again, “So how is she?” You cocked your head, “She?” Adam sat up, looking serious, “Lute. How is she?” Your eyes softened, “She’s…she could be better.” Adam nodded, “And her,” he hesitated, “her arm?” You sent a reassuring smile, “Healing. Trust me, Adam. She’s getting better as we speak. She just misses you.” Adam lightly smiled at the thought, “Will she come and visit?” You paused to think, “When she’s ready.” He nodded and leaned back. You watched this with a soft smile, “You really care about her, don’t you?” Adam looked at you with sad eyes, “I do. I just wish I could’ve shown it better.” You pat his back gently, “I’m sure she already knows.” You two smiled at each other, only to be interrupted by the doors opening.
”I need a strong one, Husker,” a familiar voice groaned, causing you to sit up. Adam, who noticed your sudden pique of interest, sent you an encouraging smile, “Go and find out for yourself, bitch.” You smiled back before nervously standing up from the couch.
“Anotha one, Whiskers!” Angel called out, grinning at the grumbling feline. You made your way over to the bar, legs wobbly.
You watched as the sinner stiffened at your voice, He turned to face you with doubt and recognition, “Y/n, sei davvero tu? (Is it really you?)” You wrapped your arms around you, nervous, “Si fratello. Sono io, (Yes, brother. It’s me,)” your eyes looked at him with fondness.
Angel leaped from his seat and pulled you into him, whispering soft thank you’s and praises, “It’s been too long, sweets.” You wrapped your arms around him in return, “Way too long,” you mumbled against him. He pulled away and examined you, “Ya look just like me, just a little more modest,” he chuckled weakly, causing you to laugh too. “We’re family aren’t we?” Angel’s eyes widened at the mention of family, “Speaking of family, how are Ma and Molly?” he worried. “Mama and Molly are quite alright. They’ve been a little shaken up after they heard about sinner exterminations, thinking you’d been…” you trailed off as your shoulders slumped.
“Well, I’m here, sweets. I’m not double-dead quite just yet,” he chuckled as he hugged you once more. “How long till you go back?” he asked, realization dawning on him. “A few days. A week at most,” you frowned as sadness crept its way back into your chest. Angel frowned at the thought but shook it off, “Then I suppose we make the most of your time here,” he started to smile. You smiled back, clinging onto him, “What first?”
The two of you spent the whole day catching up with one another, laughing, crying, and reminiscing in each other’s presence. “And then I said,” he paused and got into character, “‘Fuck off, Val,” and walked away like t’was no one’s business.” The both of you giggled at his story, “Very brave of you, Tony. Always standing up for yourself without a care in the world,” you giggled and leaned on his shoulder, “To think your boss has the nerve to do this to you knowing you're under her royal highness’ jurisdiction is quite courageous.” Angel scoffed, “No kiddin’,” he clunk both your glasses together before downing his drink.
Both your laughter echoed throughout the hotel’s lobby. Unbeknownst to you, a certain royal stopped to stare. Lucifer hid behind a pillar, admiring how you lit up the room. “Heya, short king,” he snapped out of his thoughts when Angel spoke up behind him. He turned to see the spider holding another bottle of alcohol, “HEY—hi, fuck, ahem! Hello, hello, Angel,” he squeaked and stuttered, “Was just looking over the lounge, checking if everything was in order—“ Angel held a hand up to the king, “You got hots for my sister?” An awkward silence fell between the two.
Lucifer gulped and eventually nodded, “She’s quite the angel.”
The porn star snickered, “That’s Y/n to ya,” he looked and waved at you, smiling when you waved back. “Ya know,” Angel started as he looked back at the king, “She can do ya good. Help ya move on from whatever happened. Stop staying on red when you’ve got a green light right there!” Lucifer’s eyes widened as he looked back at you. The two of you made eye contact as you waved shyly. Smiling, he waved back before glancing back at Angel, “You really think she’d let me?”
Angel let out a laugh, “I know my sister like I know my hair. The question is would you let her?” The spider snickered and gave the king a soft nudge before heading back over to you.
Lucifer looked down and fished into his pocket, opening his palm to find his wedding ring. He looked back at you and smiled softly, “Maybe I could.
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A/N: A part 2 is in the works!
Hazbin Hotel Taglist: N/A
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