#stream of thought rant too
unfilteredflare · 1 year
Major Persona 3 rant below:
I'm such a HUGE persona fan. And the thing is, Persona 5 has the best game mechanics, UI, and polish cuz it's the newest 1. But Persona 3 has always had the best story and characters BY FAR. The only thing working against it was the mechanics were outdated and unnecessarily difficult at times so plenty of people never gave it a try. So a persona 3 with an updated UI? I would kill for that. My wish has come true and I'm literally vibrating with excitement cuz of my adhd
Persona 3 Reload has the chance to become the best persona game ever made. And I'm fucking LOSING IT
I HIGHLY recommend Persona 3 Reload when it comes out next year. I know I have high expectations and could end up severely disappointed. But I feel like it's gonna be hard to mess it up? Like, yeah they have to update a lot of the stuff so I'm not too picky about certain mechanics. Just so long as the characters and story are faithful to the original, then I will be happy. Bare minimum: keep the story and characters the same and it will be an excellent game. Best possible option: they combine the better writing and FEMC from the psp rerelease with the epilogue they added into the FES rerelease to great the best version of the game
Persona 3 had 2 rereleases with addition content. First they had the version called FES which added in content called The Answer, which was a 60+ hour playable epilogue. Then they did a different version called Portable with the additional content being called FEMC, which involved a lot of rewriting of scenes in the base game. People have been debating which of those 2 versions is superior. FEMC or The Answer. I was always firmly in the opinion of the The Answer being better. Until recently when someone I follow on Tumblr made a very compelling argument for why FEMC is better. So I've been a little conflicted over which is my favorite. So the remake could just be the original base game, or they could add either or both of the extra content. Whichever way it goes will still be good. But I'm praying for them to add both The Answer and FEMC to make the ultimate best version of the game.
I don't know how to describe it. But they could finally FINALLY finish Elizabeth's storyline!!!!!!!!! I've spent the last 15 YEARS WAITING FOR ELIZABETH!!!!!
SO LIKE. OK. All the persona games r linked together. They r all canon but the characters from different games never interact or learn about the events of previous games so each one is very standalone. But there r call backs and references to previous games. The Velvet Room and it's master Igor r in every game. He never talks about the previous games but he is always there and very important. He also always has an assistant helping him. His assistant changes in every game. Elizabeth in P3, Theo in P3FES, Margaret in P4, Marie in P4Golden, twins Caroline and Justine in P5. P1 and P2 had unnamed and unimportant assistants. The assistants also reference each other cuz they r all family. So starting in P4, u meet Margaret and she mentions in passing about how she is taking over for her sister who went missing. Elizabeth went missing???? What is this new plotline???? Then Atlus made several spin-off games that were slight sequels to the base games. Like, Persona 4 Arena was a fighting-style spin-off that shows us what the characters r up to after the events of P4. Well, Elizabeth from P3 showed up as a playable character in Arena. And we learned about why she went missing. She has left on a quest of her own. To fix something that happened in P3. And her storyline in that game ends with this implication that what she is trying to achieve MIGHT be possible. That there is an end destination for this quest of hers. So when Persona 5 was first announced, lots of fans were excited and speculating on what the new developments would be in Elizabeth's story. Will she achieve her dream? Will she discover something that makes her goal completely impossible and tragic? We don't know.
No new games have mentioned Elizabeth's plotline AT ALL. Not fucking P5 or P5Royal or Dancing Star/Moon, or PQ or PQ2 or P5Stikers. NOTHING. FUCKING NO UPDATES AT ALL. Let me tell u, the fandom, and me in particular, is really pissed off about it. I NEED to know if she succeeds. So yeah. It just occurred to me that they could use the remake as a way to add an epilogue that finally FINALLY FINALLY addresses Elizabeth's quest. I'm all hyped up again. I calmed down for a bit but now I'm excited ALL OVER AGAIN. I will be SOOOOOO disappointed if they don't fucking mention it AT ALL
Ok. Fuck. Now that I really think about it. Her whole quest is about her trying to change something that happened at the end of the game. So I don't want to spoil it and am trying to be as vague as possible. There is a new direction they could take this game. And that is Time travel. Like, Elizabeth going back to the beginning and this whole remake could be the new timeline she is establishing so she could change the 1 thing. So most stuff would be the same but a major story plot point would be different. And it's not that wild of a theory either cuz Persona 2 established Time travel as a Thing. The whole plot of P2 revolved around time travel so it's completely possible. And now I'm really conflicted. Cuz I would love this to be an update on Elizabeth. But I would also like this to be a faithful retelling of the same story. Idk which way it's gonna go now
Persona 3 Reload could go in so many directions. It could contain, in any combination, the base game, The Answer from FES, FEMC from Portable, and Elizabeth's post canon storyline. And I don't know which version I would be most excited for
Also I guess they announced a new Persona 5 game. But like, who cares
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Being a Staytiny is so funny rn.
Atiny is simping for backup dancers(rightfully so)
Stays are simping for each OTHER(Han stans and Lee Know stans)
Next year we need to add new categories for fandom voting.
Most Narcissistic Fandom: Stays, for simping for themselves and being down bad for each other/pos
Most Disloyal Fandom: Atiny, for simping for backup dancers and other idols after being explicitly told not to by their Captain/pos
And I say all this with love and no ill-will, it's just so funny that the respective June comebacks of both groups has put Atiny and Stays in shambles when it comes to who we're down bad for.
Are we down bad for the idols? Well, yes, but not as down bad as we are for each other and the backup dancers.
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quivering-qunt · 3 months
i started binge watching "The Chi" and the Christmas episode in season 5 got me in my emotions real good. Who ever is in the writers room for this show knows how to write found family real fucking well. I never think that representation in entertainment matters until I see myself in the media I watch and realize that I can be happy like them. I just don't have talented people writing my life and I have to find that happiness for myself (which is really fucking hard right now)
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7-oh-ta1 · 5 months
Played with jungle adventure dlc for the first time and gee golly can you tell its an old dlc. Ik Dine Out is at the top of everyone's list for a dlc refresh like Spa Day got, but listen;; Jungle Adventure is FUN and Selvadorada is FUN, like I genuinely felt immersed in the story I had half hazardly thought up (starting from werewolves -> horse ranch -> jungle adventure??) of a child of Selvadoradian immigrants who's archeologist and now as an adult and specializes in Omiscan history. Like that was so interesting to playthrough, I even have her retired parents vibing as npcs in Selvadorada (moved back after retirement!) and it was such a vibe to run into her mixologist dad serving up drinks at the local cantina !!!
PROBLEM IS there's no real way to be Selvadoradian. Like she's recognized as one now bec her culture skill is maxed, but like there's no bonus trait for being Selvadoradian to connect your Sim to the place like w Island Living having Child of the Ocean/Island traits (tho I believe those should be BONUS traits not personality ones), instead it's just like she's some tourist and even her kids have roots in the local community but they're just. Tourists. Like I know Selvadorada is a vacation world but it's different from granite falls which literally just a modern U.S. campsite mountain, Selvadorada is like a whole ass country based on El Dorado (which is a South American/Spaniard myth).
Ofc if I had it my way, Selvadorada would have as many or almost as many lots as Windenburg for the purpose of giving ample space for vacation spots (tourism is a big part of the economy there) while also having a more local neighborhood with one or two public lots, then an area near the vacationing one that's for the more wild jungle like they have now. Being that it's a tourist destination and yet it has ONE local spot and ONE tourist spot... huh?? And I was so excited for the local museum because I was like HELL YEAH where's the museum director, I bet I can ask for info on Omiscan history and donate my finds to the museum and help rediscover local history! ....But there's not even a museum director??? And you can't donate your finds?? You just take them home and display them like british royalty??? UM? That bothers me immensely......
All in all, the jungle? AMAZING. The old temples and puzzles? AMAZING. The land and aesthetics of Selvadorada? AMAZING. I had a lot of fun!!! But the dlc could use some major polish in all of those things coming to fruition, besides selfishly selling the relics and artifacts of the Omiscans for your own monetary gain or displaying them in your house. And hey, while we're at it, CAN THE PEOPLE OF SELVADORADA NOT JUST BE SET PIECES?????
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zivot · 8 months
What is YOUR Roman Empire?
»A little life« by Hanya Yanagihara
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leefletcher · 1 year
is it an unpopular opinion if i say i don’t like lavinia
my first read-through, i couldn’t really pin-point why but after my like fifth read-through, and factoring my oc into the story, i think i’m starting to understand
her character feels extremely unfocused and, is at times, downright irritating (though i admit that second part is more subjective)
the scene when she talks about terpsichore’s shoes really sticks out to me and i think really sours my view of her. i understand that this is a middle-grade book, so rick needs to balance the realism of being a demigod with the humor and light-heartedness you’d usually want for a book for middle-graders, but i think rick really flails in toa bc the stakes are higher
she scolds apollo about the shoes and it’s like “oh i’m sorry, i was extremely traumatized and had to watch a young teen boy die right in front of me. but you’re right, let’s talk about shoes. that’s definitely more important.”
and then later, she’s acting weird. getting into arguments with nature spirits. going to secret meetings with nature spirits. supposedly sneaking around (tho we know meg kinda knows what lavinia is up to). and apollo assumes she’s going to desert the legion. he even comments that she didn’t seem fit for a place like the legion--that it was too strict for her personality
and then we get several sucker-punches: she’s suddenly leading a bunch of nature spirits to sneak onto caligula’s yachts to sabotage the missile weapons. but oh wait, she did it so she could get the shoes? and also she’s now fifth cohort centurion even tho it really seemed like she didn’t like how strict the legion is?
as an aside: the fact that her thinking place is above reyna’s, and the way lavinia treats reyna after the truck crash rubs me the wrong way in so many ways, and i wish i could fully articulate why. like i cannot explain it. the first one is all lavinia’s characterization. the second is some of that, but also it really feels like rick needed a way to get reyna to interact with the hunters before she makes the decision to join them--even tho consistently writing letters to thalia so much so ppl think they should start dating is definitely enough--but couldn’t figure out how to do that naturally, so all of it was shoe-horned it. it could very well be my own biases, but that scene just irritates me so much
but anyway, like maybe you could attribute this character confusion to apollo being an unreliable narrator, but 1) he’s only unreliable when it’s about himself and 2) the text, the subtext, is just all jumbled up. even if you have an unreliable narrator, you still weave narratives of truth through subtext. unless your narrator and narrative don’t call for that. and the types of narrative’s rick writes don’t usually go into that territory, and if it does, he lays breadcrumbs and foreshadows things. but in ttt that really falls flat and the writing really only makes lavinia feel extremely unfocused
does she only care about the shoes or did she actually help the legion in her own roundabout way?
is the legion too strict for her or can she hold a position of leadership within that very strict system?
did she do all this just so she could get with poison oak???
like i don’t care if she’s really that self-centered, but for fuck’s sake pick one or the other man!!
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helloimtired · 11 months
do I have the want, need, desire, or confidence to go to a movie theatre alone?? absolutely not
might I still do it to see the barbie movie?? it’s very very possible
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oftheblue · 2 years
Writing this for all of the Armys who aren't taking these news very well. Everyone copes differently and you're allowed to feel and express your emotions, but it is VERY IMPORTANT that you don't forget this: TO TRUST Bts and their promise. I can't predict what kind of stories and rumors will follow, but seeing the media response after the dinner, I think it's safe to say they'll try to make it seem as 'doom like' as possible. I don't know, we'll see. But the point is the same. T - R - U - S - T.
Just imagine how frustrating and defeating it must feel to them who shared and said something they mean from the bottom of their hearts only for all of their words getting twisted just to create some drama. And it worked. "but-but you know who else said they'll be back, one direction 👉🏻👈🏻" "this is the end, they just don't want to announce it yet", "time to say goodbye 🥺", etc. Like, no??? I get the concern, but just put yourself in their shoes. That no matter what you say, your narrative is going to be manipulated by someone else. I'd be so fed up. And I know they're tired of it too. They said what they mean and they mean what they said. They want to keep going and they want to continue to be together as a group and that's that.
If you really can't feel secure with that fact, at least have some respect and don't spread it around because they use social media too, and that would be just hurtful for them to see. Correction, to continue seeing. They need our support and encouragement more than ever, to see that we're still standing by their side and that OUR PROMISE to them and to us as a fandom is just like theirs, more than just empty words.
That we are in this together 💜
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drkineildwicks · 2 years
So randomly I thought of the Kingdom Keepers series again, which I had stopped reading after Shell Game because…well as an adult and knowing the shenanigans disney does it read like a cult and it ended up going into the banishment box alongside Skulduggery Pleasant and most of my manga (stories for another time).
And I bop onto the tag for the series on a whim to see it’s getting rewritten and…no.  No this is bad it does not spark joy.
I’ve said a hundred times over how streaming is killing the archiving business, and apparently disney wants it dead too.  This is 1984 bs, plain and simple.
Because for starters, the original series captures the time’s zeitgeist—from a history standpoint, this is important.  Books written during certain time periods give insight into that time period because the writers were living through it and oftentimes focused on writing situations that their current readers could connect to.  And with the 90s through to the 10s having things moving so fast, specific windows into that time are important.  Right now I could show someone the second Jurassic Park movie and if they’re younger than me I’d probably have to pause the film to explain why Sarah Harding’s camera made that weird noise that startled the stegos (to explain: cameras used to use film, and when the end of the roll was reached it would rewind).  I watched the first Die Hard with Mom again recently and when Bruce Willis made the comment about a party line I looked at Mom and said “we’d have to explain that to someone now.”  (To explain: party lines were from the mid-20th century and were basically public private lines—if someone was on the phone and someone else on the party line picked up a receiver, they’d be able to hear the conversation; I know this because Mom had to explain it to me).  And yet when these movies came out, they needed no explanation because people knew what those were.
Now rewrite it all and erase that, replace it with modern references that will then become dated in fifteen years.  This is not a good practice, and combo’ed with disney’s habit of not showing their shows where most people can reach it and editing or undermining their work, and this goes from bad practice to absolutely terrible.
(also the one kid going from being Baptist to not?  Oh no you don’t honey that’s the Bible Belt that ain’t happenin’)
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sl33py-g4m3r · 1 day
deleted the sleep schedule complaining cause I've been complaining about it too much~~ based on the way things work with me tho I'll work my way back around eventually~~
sorry for complaining about it so much~~
thought of deleting the magnetite question post but that was for a bit of fun thinking and (hopefully) didn't show incompetence with a series I hold so dear~~
or the before bed (what do these skills do) post where I rant and looked them up anyway.... i deeply worry about coming off as stupid
I now worry I've ether revealed too much information or have made myself seem incompetent to some degree~~
now anxiety is gnawing at me trying to complete a stupid cycle I'm trapped in~~~ I'd often delete my blog cause I feel like I've revealed too much personal stuff~~ but I always come back after a while anyway, different username, same walpaper, theme, and icon... so realistically there's no point in nuking it~~~
I wonder if there are people at the monastery that get too distracted studying relics that they also lose track of time and do what i do? and are constantly backwards sleep schedule wise as a result?
of course anyone of any alignment could probably get their sleeping patterns weird; and to be honest it's probably tied more to morality than anything else tho..... begs the question, which alignment would be more likely to constantly flip flop their sleeping schedule?
I'm assuming the day/night cycle is normal in smt iv? in mikado at least perhaps.... Does Mikado have seasons? I'd like to see winter~~~ Lake Mikado frozen over~~~ snow and ice everywhere~~
if you hide in a pile of snow to scare someone what's the likelihood that you'll die? fun isn't worth death methinks~~
Would the samurai uniforms change for winter in that case? Or is it just one standard all purpose one?
I bet I’m so short that if I wore a coat, it would drag the ground… unless they’re fitted per person. Kinda doubt it tho. Cause it seems they get the outfits immediately after the gauntlet rite…
Now imagining that the town would be decked out for whatever holidays they celebrate in Mikado~~ but what holidays would that be? Christian ones? Do we ever get any info on things such as this?
Interesting ~~~
From an anxious rant; into ‘that would be neat if we got more elaboration on this’
Idk how my mind works am sorry~~~ least I’m not anxious in this moment anymore ~~ lol.
Samurai training in the middle of a blizzard? If they train in places on the surface and it’s not just excursion into naraku…
I’ve somehow fused the anxiety with ‘this’ll be neat’ and am not anxious anymore what happened here?
Idk what this post is am sorry, lol. Stuff lately has just been ‘stream of consciousness with updates’
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sluttylittlewaste · 2 months
I hate when I genuinely really like a person but they have one (1) trait that brings out the deep violence in my soul
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bigbillybepper · 8 months
You know I’m currently not invested in any shows right now, and only paying for Hulu (except I think I’m gonna cancel before the price goes up) and I know this sounds a little odd, maybe cringe, and I’m definitely NOT speaking for anyone other than myself, but it’s kind of a relief. Again, not judging anyone for their interests or saying “TV Is Bad”.
But genuinely feeling sort of a relief from the constant push and pull of Netflix shows and hit series that I must keep up with right now. Especially since so many shows get cancelled right after I get invested.
Idk this wasn’t supposed to be an essay, I just feel a little more grounded without the constant swirling fictions and storylines that feel virtual, but in a bad way. Virtual in the sense that it distracts from the very real emotions and real storylines weaving their way through my life.
That and my personality is sadly very dependent on the media I consume at any moment, almost to a detriment.
That being said I still watch a lot of content on YouTube. Lmao.
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oxbloodfoxglove · 1 year
so i've been away from tumblr for about 8 months - i had only intended to leave for a few weeks, but then i realised that i felt really anxious about returning to my old account. it just felt like a huge amount of pressure. i don't want to delete my old account - there are years worth of memories attached - but i feel like i want a fresh start here. and to be honest, i don't really feel like i'm the same person that i was before; the thought of using the old account feels like trying to fit into a persona. it's entirely my own fault, because i was the one who created an image for myself, but i think now i feel like i'd just end up unhappy if i tried to fit it; sometimes it seems like i was 'performing' what people expected of me. even just looking at my writing style on my old personal posts - that's not me at all, it feels like reading something somebody else wrote about those moments in my life. paradoxically i think i also said too much about myself - i let people know too much about me, while not really knowing me at all. just a stressful combination.
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woodland-gremlin · 2 months
“We’re home!” Conner bellows, posing like he just won the Super Bowl, with Tim behind him looking exasperated.
“Welcome home,” Danny says from the kitchen. “I’m just finishing up the Fudge.”
Hearing the word Fudge Conner cheers before running to the kitchen door. “I call licking the spoon!”
Tim freezes before rushing to catch up with Conner. Danny’s Phantom Fudge was legendary and there was no way he was going to give up the right to lick the spoon without a fight. Conner may have super powers and a head start but he didn’t free Bruce from being stuck in the time stream with his boyfriends by just his good looks, though they certainly helped.
He looks around to see what can give him an advantage in his quest for legendary Fudge when he sees something that causes his heart to drop. League of Assassins garb peeking out through the hallways closet.
His mind began to work in overtime trying to figure out what this could mean. While it seems like one of the League’s assassins is for some reason hiding in his closet, that also makes very little sense. If one were here they would never make such a mistake. It could be one of Danny or Conner’s souvenirs that they liberated from the League when the three of them blew up a bunch of their bases. But that doesn’t explain why they would be in one of their apartment closets, they keep that stuff in the Nest with the rest of the stuff connected to their alter-egos. Though Danny does like to bring some of his inventions here to fiddle with sometimes, he usually phases them into things to hide them when he isn’t working on them.
As Tim prepares for a fight while trying to figure out the assassin grab Danny phases his head through the kitchen wall. “Tim want some Fudge?” he asks before looking at what caught Tim’s interest. “Why are you looking at where I tied up the Cultist Fruitloop?”
Tim’s eyes widen before turning to where Danny’s head was poking through the wall. “Ras?!” Tim squeaks. This catches attention from where he was gorging himself with Fudge. “Ra’s here?!” he asks while rushing towards them, getting ready to fight.
Danny phases through the rest of the wall before shrugging like he didn’t just say there was an immortal leader of a cult of assassins tied up in their closet.
“Well, he kind of just showed up and started ranting about how he would make you,” Danny says while gesturing towards Tim, “his, so I knocked him out with the anti-creep stick and tied him up before shoving him in the closet.”
Tim wanted to bang his head against the wall and from the look of it Conner wasn’t that far behind him in that thought. This was Ras for Ancients sake and here Danny was acting like he was some common thug.
“You don’t seem very concerned,” Conner said, stating the obvious.
Danny shrugs again, “Well yeah, I phased his weapons into me and tied him up. Plus the Original Fruitloop does stuff like this all the time. Doesn’t yours do it too?”
And that, that made sense. It wasn’t that Danny wasn’t taking it seriously, it was that he was used to it. They all were. Each of them had some older Creep that was obsessed with them. He had Ras to deal with, Conner had Luthor, and Danny had been dealing with Masters for years. Honestly, if Masters or Luthor showed up and acted like Ras did he would have tied them up and stuffed them in the closet too.
“Just tell us sooner next time,” Tim sighs.
Danny chuckles nervously while rubbing the back of his head., “Yeah, will do. I just kind of forgot since he showed up in the middle of me making the Fudge.”
Conner gasps, leaning against the wall like he had just heard the most sacrilegious of news. “He interrupted the sacred ritual that is the making of Fudge?!?!” Conner then continues with his hand on his heart, “The audacity.”
Danny snorts while Tim facepalms. It’s moments like this that made him wonder why he loves these two idiots.
“Why is he tied up like a pig?” Conner asks after opening the closet, looking at Ras.
“Because he is one,” Danny absentmindedly replied.
And then it was moments like this that he remembers why.
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beelmons · 10 months
How to shut a genius up.
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Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
cw: face riding, i think that's it?
Spencer is, gently put, annoying.
But well, aren't we all at times? At least, he's annoying for all the right reasons. Rampant mind eager to share an endless stream of knowledge, well-deserved validation of his own extraordinary skills, pinkish lips that spoke their mind without concern, words were a tool he used for good, never with an ounce of malice.
It seemed to you that talking was all he knew. No matter how much you rubbed your hand on his thigh at the bar the team went to, or that asked him for his shower after a drunk man dropped an entire yard of beer on your clothes, or the fact that you were standing in his livingroom with only a towel wrapped around your body, and how you were paying no mind to whatever he was saying and your eyes were fixed on his mouth, the same mouth you had been craving for quite a while now.
"...and that's why, although I'm not a fan of digital encyclopedias, Wikipedia can actually be considered a reliable source of information. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that the referenciation of other related concepts makes it the most efficient learning tool of the century."
Little did you know, he had begun his little rant in an attempt to keep himself distracted from your nudeness beneath the fabric that covered you. Trying to keep the blood from flowing too much to the south.
"You talk too much." you blurted out.
"Sorry?" he asked in confusion "What are you—?"
Your actions, as was your wording, were automatic. You took a couple of steps forward and faintly heard his inquiring voice in the background, but you didn't quite care. You were aiming for a goal: to make him shut up. Your lips attached to his in a frustrated kiss, arms wrapping around his neck.
He was dubfounded to a point where his movements also became clumsy, he stepped on a random book that was misplaced and lost his balance. His hands had gripped onto your sides, so you couldn't help but to fall onto the ground along with him.
The rucks caused him to wince in discomfort, a sensation the only lasted about the three seconds that took him to open his eyes. Due to the angle, you had given an extra step and fallen a couple more centimeteres forward, your towel spread open, and your stomach at the same level of his eyes.
While you yourself figured out what was going on, a sudden rush of embarassment overtook you. Logically, since you were now bare naked hovering over your crush.
"Shit!" you yelled out as you were on your knees and palms on the ground "I'm so sorry, Spencer, I don't know what took over me!"
Beridden by anguish, instead of taking the sensible action of rolling off of him, you tried to crawl your way forward. What you didn't see coming, however, was the fact that, as your knees pressed next to his head when you tried to drag yourself from his sight, his hands would press against your thighs to stop you.
Your core was now loitering over his face, out in the open for his eyes to devour. For once, he had found himself amiss of words. You, on your part, were hot to your face with shyness. This had not been what you planned when you decided to kiss him, certainly. Although, such train of thought would be shortly stopped by Spencer himself.
His arms curled around your thighs instead and gently tugged them down; by the time to were 'sitting' on his face, his tongue was already out. The feeling of his muscle entering you caused a loud, startled gasp from you, and before you could get used to the sensation, it traveled further up to your clit.
"Spencer..." you whimpered slightly at the pleasure he was giving you.
You decided to straighten your back to be fully sitting, and in this new position you were in control of your own hips, same that began to rock back and forth against his lips. On his part, single grunts of delight could be heard, his hands positioned themselves at your buttocks, helping you push your body against his face.
His mouth was eager to taste more of you, you could feel the entirety of it working it's way around your pussy, his lips slurping the juices that dripped from you out of arousal. Your hands curled on his hair to prevent you from falling to the side, given that your legs were about close to giving in.
His nose and chin did their part as well, touching nerves that would be otherwise unattended in any other position. The rubbing and moiture of his abused face were sending waves of intense pleasure through out your body, in fact, at some point you sort of forgot he was there, eyes tight shut, just using him to get yourself off.
Hence, why when you finally reached your climax, you came without restraint all over him. His tongue didn't start working inspite of your body falling limp forward, he was set on cleaning the mess he had created.
You whined in complaint at the slight overstimulation, and he took it as a sign to push you off, causing you to roll over as you should initially have. Instead of moving away from you, his face was buried between your legs the instead he was on his stomach, hardworking tongue lazily tasting around your entrance.
"You finally shut up." your back arched as you breathed out, bracing yourself of the next round you quickly understood was coming.
"I have an enough good reason to."
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valeriegirion · 1 year
rant: I did not expect to live in the world where art can be just computer generated so easily. And I'm still stunned how AI has developed in many different fields, but I've never thought art would be one of its branch. It just scares the shit out of me because art is something that I really care about. I search for fanarts every day, I'm stunned with artists' skills, I aspire to be better at both traditional and digital art, I study new techniques to teach myself how to archive what other people did. And now, it's been two months or so (at least for me) when I'm bombarded with AI art everyday and I feel like I'm losing my mind. Most of the time I don't even know if the art I'm looking at is computer generated or made by a real person. I'm starting to experience trust issues, for real. Moreover, I'm getting pretty apathetic looking at those beautiful colorful and very detailed fanarts. Mostly because through past months I've been fooled so many times that they're made by very skilled artists, yet I ended up realizing it's just AI. I just don't know anymore, I'm afraid to be amazed by art because I don't want to be fooled again. I'm conflicted because I liked a lot of AI art, especially when they portray things that no artist ever created (very specific fanarts that I always wanted to see, realistic characters concepts, very psychedelic and 'creative' paintings). It can be inspiring and it can create something that no one thought of. Yet it's just a program that combines existing pictures and fools everyone around that it's equal to something that a human created. You know, a human who used their time and skills. I'm saying it mostly as an art consumer, but also as someone who knows how it is to create art. How much time, skills, frustration, love it takes. Also, I want to get inspired from real artists whose journey I can follow and try to enhance my skills based on their progress. I don't want to aspire to something that is essentially fake. I'm not even gonna start with the global effect it will have on art industry. Just from my tiny personal perspective AI art scares the shit out me, makes me feel lied to, and makes me unmotivated to continue art, and makes me worried for fellow artists.
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