#stream restoration
themirokai · 2 years
I would love to hear your drunk joy about your restoration projects!
Hello hello! Unfortunately all I can offer is sober joy since it is now the next morning. I gave one answer to this over here but I would love to talk to you about stream restorations!
Ok, so simplifying a whole bunch of stuff here…
When rain falls on a forest or other natural area, it gets absorbed by plants or seeps into the ground, and slowly makes its way to water bodies. This is good. When rain falls on roads and buildings it moves pretty fast to the lowest possible point, picking up dirt and pollution along the way. When that lowest point is a stream, this fast-moving water can erode away the stream bank, causing more sediment to get into the stream and scouring the bottom in a vicious cycle that just makes the water flow faster and erode the stream more. Plus fast moving water hangs on to all of the pollutants it picks up along the way because they don’t have time to settle out, so they all get dumped into the big water bodies.
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Look at those sad roots hanging out there! Breaks your heart!
What we do is take these beat up, polluted streams, and we engineer ways to slow them down. That usually involves digging a new path that meanders more, putting in stone that won’t be eroded, and re-grading the banks so that they slope gently and are planted with native plants that naturally slow down the water and suck up the nutrients it’s carrying.
Sometimes, where It’s ecologically appropriate, it involves building beaver dam analogues! This is where we take any trees we had to cut down because they were in the way of a good meander or they were an invasive species and pile them up like a beaver would! On one of our recent projects we actually had a beaver move into the structure we built!!! He made some renovations of course but seems to be living there happily!
When we’re done, in addition to creating good natural habitat, we’ve got a whole lot of native plants that are slowing down the water and using the nutrients, and the slower water is dropping its pollution so it’s dispersed and not hurting anything.
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I’m resisting the urge to post pictures of my company’s projects because I don’t actually want to dox myself, but this is a good example of a restored stream.
So that’s the other part of what the money from this deal is going to go into!
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Restoring Vitality: Why Steam Restoration Is Important
Steam restoration, also known as ecological restoration or habitat restoration, is a critical process aimed at reviving damaged ecosystems and natural habitats. In an era where human activities have caused extensive environmental degradation, the importance of steam restoration cannot be overstated. This blog is going to delve into the reasons why steam restoration is crucial for the health of our planet and future generations.
Take a look at the following impactful elements associated with stream restoration:
Ecosystem Services - Ecosystems provide numerous essential services to humanity, such as clean water, air purification, pollination, and climate regulation. Healthy ecosystems are better at providing these services. Steam restoration helps ensure that these services are maintained or restored, benefiting both the environment and society. For example, wetland restoration can improve water quality by filtering pollutants, reduce flood risks by absorbing excess water, and provide habitat for various species. These are just a few examples of how restoring ecosystems can have direct and indirect positive impacts on human well-being.
Carbon Sequestration and Climate Change Mitigation - Forests, wetlands, and other natural ecosystems are vital carbon sinks. They absorb and store carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere, helping to mitigate climate change. When these ecosystems are damaged or destroyed, they release stored carbon back into the atmosphere, contributing to greenhouse gas emissions. Steam restoration projects, such as reforestation and re-wilding initiatives, are essential in the fight against climate change. They not only sequester carbon but also enhance the planet's ability to adapt to changing climate conditions.
Soil Health and Productivity - Healthy ecosystems play a fundamental role in maintaining soil health. Soil is not just a lifeless medium; it's teeming with microorganisms and nutrients that sustain plant life. When ecosystems are disturbed, soil erosion, nutrient depletion, and desertification can occur. Through steam restoration, we can rebuild the health and fertility of our soils, ensuring that they continue to support agriculture and provide a foundation for terrestrial ecosystems to thrive.
Recreation and Cultural Value - Restored natural areas offer opportunities for recreation, education, and cultural enrichment. People can connect with nature, learn about local flora and fauna, and experience the beauty of restored landscapes. These experiences are not only personally fulfilling but also foster a sense of stewardship and appreciation for the natural world. Additionally, many Indigenous communities have deep cultural connections to specific landscapes. Steam restoration projects can help preserve and honor these cultural values and traditions.
Steam restoration is a powerful tool for healing our planet and ensuring a sustainable future. By actively working to repair damaged ecosystems, we can conserve biodiversity, provide essential ecosystem services, mitigate climate change, improve soil health, and offer recreational and cultural benefits. It is a testament to our commitment to a harmonious coexistence with the Earth, emphasizing the importance of restoration as a vital part of our collective responsibility toward environmental stewardship. Through steam restoration, we can forge a path toward a healthier, more balanced planet for generations to come.
Do you have requirements related to riparian restoration projects? If yes then you should go for Cambrilea Weed Spraying Ltd. You can visit the website of the company and learn about the services offered around steam restoration and riparian restoration projects. What are you waiting for? Go for Cambrilea today!
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holliday-is-holligay · 4 months
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The Rooster Teeth Website is going to go down in a few hours and we need to remember what they DID.
Red vs Blue proved, before anyone else, that a company could thrive entirely off an online only series. Think about how long it took for the rest of the internet and the world to catch up to what Rooster Teeth did? How long it took before youtubers were able to make a living off of their work, how long it took before youtube could solve that issue? How long it took before streaming services became what they became?
It's a part of the company's history that's only ever rarely brought up and I really wish would be discussed more because Red vs Blue, and its creators had a genuine impact on our culture and as much as Frieren has taught me to understand that everyone will be forgotten eventually, that doesn't meant I won't try to make sure that for now... we fucking remember what Red vs Blue meant for creators.
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toukawings · 8 months
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hey guys. im new here. anyway HIS MOOBS?!?!?!!?!?!?!?
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sonnetforbonnet · 4 months
Don't Stream on Max, Stream Scavengers Reign on Netflix!
Hey, Don’t Stream On Max folks! If you have Netflix, stream Scavengers Reign! Show Max just what kind of success they’re missing out on! Who knows, maybe Netflix will renew it for a S2?
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@saveofmdcrewmates @adoptourcrew
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lonestarbattleship · 1 month
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"Today, Battleship Texas will be making the move to Pier A within Gulf Copper Shipyard for the next phase of repair and restoration.
Come on Texas!"
Watch it live from their official YouTube channel:
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I'm frightened of you knowing who I am but, could you possibly give me your frank frankly theories pretty please idc if you only have like 2.1 I want them regardless of how many you have.
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ah man i wish i had some to give! i think all of my Frank theories (at present) are tied into other theory posts! he simply doesn't have a lot to chew on yet
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rebeccathenaturalist · 5 months
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Two beautiful scenes, two very different oak habitats. The first is my childhood creek, rather unceremoniously named "Dutro-Carter Branch", in Rolla, Mo. It runs through mostly badly damaged to completely erased oak-hickory forest, with just a thin veil of habitat on either bank, where it exists at all. The other is Cooper Mountain in Tualitin, OR, where Garry oak savanna and woodland are being restored amid patches of Ponderosa pine and mixed conifer forest. I arrived back in the PNW last Thursday evening after five days of driving and immediately leaped back into teaching the next day. While I've scarcely had time to stop and rest, and the next several days will be similarly busy, I'm glad I get to ground myself in these beautiful, fragmented places in nature.
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ahalliance · 9 months
tubbo’s been dreaming after étoiles too much . where is the toxicity . this can only be solved by étoiles logging on again and starting an argument
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llitchilitchi · 6 months
oooookay, I'm not super versed in dsmp lore and I don't even really know the whole events in chronological order. but!!!! I love your monarchy restoration au. your art is so gorgeous. and the emotions there ... man
can you please give me some guideline of what should I know from the og lore to understand your au? or maybe some summary of your au?
just talk about it I really want to interact!!! :D
hi, editing Li here, the summary ended up being over 2k words. then I realised you asked for a summary to the AU, which is part of the masterpost. I went over the lore in brief, I promise it's just brief despite the length and doesn't tackle All there is to the SMP
okay, lemme try and speedrun the lore of the dream smp - given that the story of monarchy restoration centers around the Dream Team, or at least the parts that I shared, I'll be focusing on them. this will get long and I'm really sorry jghdfjd
the core ideas you should know is that: Dream, George and Sapnap were close friends, but they drifted apart as time went on due to conflicts on the server. Dream crowned George as King, but then due to George doing badly as a king and this position putting him in danger made him dethrone George, which made the rift between them grow. they were once inseparable, and now George and Sapnap thought of Dream as obsessed maniac who no longer cared for them as people. after Dream got put in prison and tortured, he broke out, and this is where the lore of Monarchy Restoration diverges from the original story of the SMP and becomes an AU, as instead of reuniting with Punz as intended, Dream is too weak and injured to do much and runs into George, who takes him in.
now for the Actual Lore Recap:
at the very beginning of it all, there were two friends - Dream and George. they found a little piece of the world for themselves, and everything was fine. then a third came, Sapnap, and then more people joined, and they lived in the same house in the middle of the lake and things were okay.
months passed, and fights turned into splits in the community and a community turned to factions, and the conflicts of factions were intertwined with interpersonal fights. (the interpersonal conflicts? the disc saga, aptly named over 2 music discs that were used as a bartering chip and have a pretty good significance in the overall story. put a pin into that.)
the two factions at play were the (retroactively named) Greater SMP and L'Manburg which declared independence from the Greater SMP on basis of xenophobia. they lost the war against the Greater SMP, the final fight being a duel between Dream and the original owner of the discs (Tommy). a deal was struck after, where Tommy offered his discs in exchange for independence (or independance, if you want to stick to the original text)
an important aspect of this war is to note that Dream offered one of the people on L'Manburg's side a deal - they betray the faction and get to become the King of the Greater SMP. this establishes monarchy in the story. they accepted, betrayed their allies, got the role of a King with the promise of 'staying neutral and uninvolved in further conflicts'.
I'll breeze through the Manberg era for the most part (despite being the most interesting one, imo). L'Manburg ran a presidental election, the original leader (who wanted to take power by scamming the whole thing) lost, and the new leader of L'Manburg (renamed to Manberg, because they're not taking any L's anymore) exiled the OG president and his right hand man Tommy, things went bad. the two exiled men started a new faction (Pogtopia) that they hoped to use to take back their "rightful place" and were given support from Dream because the new Manberg was a little too expansive. (he ended up siding with Manberg last minute for Yet Unknown Reasons, we will get to them, again, put a pin in it)
the King of the SMP very vocally sided wih Pogtopia, which was a betrayal to the core principles of their position as King. the King was dethroned, and Dream put his best friend George on the throne, with him and Sapnap serving as his knights.
upon the defeat of Manberg by Pogtopia (since Manberg's authoritarian regime ended up driving people out and most joined Pogtopia, Dream and his people fought for Manberg only as mercenaries), one of the core allies of Pogtopia - an anarchist, the blood god himself, Technoblade - turned on his former allies because they told him it was about defeating a tyrant, but all they wanted was to kill one tyrant and put their own people in his place. Techno then fled into exile.
next chapter begins after the rebuild of L'Manberg, yet the L' is back, under a new rule given that the OG president uhhh Blew Up The Country with several megatons of TNT and then persuaded his father into killing him.
King George is vibing. he is unaware of all faction wars, builds himself a holiday house far away from everything, enjoys time with new friends, all while Dream grows more and more distant due to trying to keep what is left of his old life together.
the reason the home is important to mention is that, once peace has settled over the world, Tommy decided that the discs that he traded for independence are His, in fact, and he needs to steal them - or barter for them in any shitty way possible. he still had tons of grudges against Dream, and in one of these half-grudge fueled fuckeries, he and one other character set fire to George's holiday home.
Dream found it in ruin and still burning when he came see his friend with a bouquet of flowers. there are several interpretations to this, and since Dream himself never really specified, there's a speculation that he thought that this event maybe killed his best friend, and given that George is the King of the Greater SMP, an attack by the right hand man of the current L'Manberg president on the physical property of the King of a rival faction is de-facto a war declaration.
so we are presented with an ultimatum, where Tommy is either exiled or a war starts. (exile won. it was voted on by the fans we wanted that bitch Out. this is not quite as important but the dynamics shaping up between Tommy and Dream had a massive impact on the plot.)
while Tommy is in exile, George becomes rather friendly with a new budding faction on the server. his involvement with them means that his neutrality vow was broken, and given how frequently he got harassed by L'Manberg, Dream decided to dethrone George, and put the previous King back in power. this dethronement caused a huge rift to form between George and Dream (and Sapnap, who sided with George) and the three of them fell apart with the parting words from George to Dream being "Just say you hate me."
I'm sure this won't have any lasting effects on the man who was tearing himself apart to make the world the same as it was when it was just the two of them
now in brief: the L'Manberg cabinet decided to take revenge on Techno after he turned on them after they tricked him into helping them against Manberg. the punishment? execution. how did they achieve that? they hunted him down, threatened to kill his animals, told him he will get a court process but just set him up in a guillotine. Dream intervened and saved him, thus earning a favour from Techno because both of them are traumatized warriors with trust issues that rather treat kindness as currency. Tommy runs away from the place he was restricted to in his exile, moves in with the anarchist-in-retirement-gone-pacifist Techno, the two of them end up teaming up for the time being as Techno protects him from Dream. L'Manberg in the meantime decides to host a festival to show that they are peaceful now, and nothing bad will happen again :) it takes place a week after they unlawfully tried to execute Techno, and the festival is meant to serve as public execution of Dream. However, the festival is cut short when Dream storms in because the original house where he and his friends lived - known as the Community House - got blown up. he blames L'Manberg and Tommy, and after a short conflict that happens then he declares that L'Manberg has a day to evacuate and him and Techno agree to blow up the country. a second time. and completely now.
so L'Manberg is gone now and the members of the faction scatter. within days, Tommy receives an invitation from Dream to come get his discs (I didn't know how to include it, but after the whole 'setting George's house on fire' Tommy tried to barter for the discs and for Dream to ignore him setting the house on fire, all while trying to leverage things that Dream held dear. attachment to objects and people is a running theme in here. Dream then proceeded to give his "I don't give a fuck about Spirit, I don't give a fuck about anything actually" speech, basically telling everyone they have nothing to leverage against him and he will destroy them if he needs to and them holding something hostage won't bother him.) This sets the stage for the Disc Finale. Tommy and his best friend Tubbo make their way to a specific location, far away, all alone, where they are to fight against Dream to win the discs back. they lose spectacularly and Dream reveals his "grand plan" where he has a vault to gather "all the precious items people own to control them" (and I wrote "grand plan" because it was a farce. it was a show, it was staged, all just to get Tommy to leave him the fuck alone and stop meddling with his greater plan. what is the greater plan? fuck if I knew.)
the whole thing is then intercepted when a large group of people, one of which is Dream's right-hand-man Punz who was running errands for him before, and more importantly, Sapnap. he's beaten and just as he is about to be killed, he reveals his secret: the reason he sided with manberg, all those months ago, is because in exchange for his services he got a book of necromancy. he can now bring people back to life. because of this, he is locked up in an inescapable prison in case anyone needs to use the book.
Sapnap and George are very much under the impression that Dream doesn't care for them. Sapnap comes visit Dream once, promises to return, never does. George doesn't even bother coming in, instead sleeping his days away and it catches the eye of a deity who wears the same face as his beloved Dream, and he loses himself to the illusion of being reunited with his best friend in a world where everything is perfect.
another important thing to note is that Sapnap stumbles upon a Book Of Death (yes, its death note, sapnap is a weeb, it even functions the exact same.) the thing about the book of death and the book of necromancy is that they are both books that were placed into the world by the deity wearing Dream's face (known as DreamXD, or XD for short, yes it's a little silly) and XD reveals to another character (a somewhat-deity, Foolish) that the books and their owners are intertwined in a way, and if one were to die the other dies with him.
so we have three friends, one locked up in prison and seen as nothing more but an object to use (Dream), the other a man who watched his friends, his parents and his lovers fall apart (Sapnap) and a man who cannot face the world falling apart and the loss of his friends so he gives into an illusion created by god in his dreams. and all of them have a strange tie to a stranger god.
this very fractured relationship the three have, along with their ties to the god, were the main driving force behind making this AU.
the last thing you should probably know is that Dream was locked in prison for 10 months, starved, tortured, with little to no social contact until Techno was locked in with him, but with the use of some fun magic Techno managed to escape and then "return the favour" from when Dream saved him from execution, and broke him out of prison.
there's a lot of little nuanced things I probably forgot about but this is the core of it all I hope it helps
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We had to clear out 3 huge beaver dams and some blockages today at one of the streams because it's flooding and we can't do our live stakes planting this weekend if it's flooded. My body wants to kill me now
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fischiee · 5 months
ok WHY is restoration coming out on a tuesday of all days??
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carcarrot · 4 months
once i fix the dvd drive on my laptop and figure out how to make gifs its all over for you
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frost-eyed-autumn · 2 months
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demonio-fleurs · 1 month
my favorite part of watching sailor moon cosmos with my partner (never watched the OG anime or read the manga) was when i asked him what his theories were for chibi chibi and he was like “she’s a part of galaxia that came to help sailor moon” and i was like
oh. oh buddy.
you’re right. but not for this version of sailor moon.
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atopvisenyashill · 1 year
atp i’m kinda fifty fifty on whether dany goes genuinely dark or whether she does similar fucked up shit (ie burning KL, sacking cities with the dothraki, & killing aegon vi) before attempting some level of redemption (in her eyes & her followers eyes) by going out in an ultimately useless attempt to destroy the others. like. i think the idea that she goes out trying to stop the tide of others (probably near the trident) and her people & maybe the riverlands are touched but the north is just kinda like “that was functionally useless & also she did still fuck up the crownlands” would fit george’s idea of “light and dark both” while also fitting with the general anti war, anti violence stances of the book.
because…part of why i don’t think she ever goes north or plays a huge part in the long night is because i think that “dany destroys the others with her blood magic dragons that george has compared to nukes” doesn’t really fit with the story? i think it’s notable that jon treats ghost like a genuine, beloved pet and not a war machine & all the violence ghost has done has been his own love of jon - my dog has barked at people when he can tell i’m uncomfortable! they’re good at picking up at our underlying emotions - and this is similar to summer as well. bran explicitly forgets to treat summer as a war machine bc he’s too busy enjoying the feeling of running & hunting and doing wolf things! vs robb is implied to use grey wind to kill & it’s part of why he eventually sends grey wind away - he’s unsettled by the violence he’s caused & made grey wind cause. i think when arya gets back to the riverlands, it’s not just her mother’s violence she will have to contend with, it’s nymeria’s as well! vs dany…explicitly wants to use the dragons to conquer. so going out in a blaze of glory that does nothing to change the tide of the war, the last scion of house targaryen trying and failing to escape the clutches of a prophecy that has plagued her family for hundreds of years but at least she tries to escape unlike her family…fits with where i think characters like tyrion & jaime are going where the point is even though they do genuinely evil shit, they at least attempt a breakaway even if it’s not wholly successful.
i reserve the right to wildly change my mind on this as i keep reading tho!!! it’s just where i’m feeling in asos. she is very similar to tyrion in that she is very much of her house & embodies her house’s weaknesses & sin while also having its strengths. and given that george is very fond of tyrion and has mentioned being fond of dany…i know a lot of us bitch about how it feels like tyrion won’t get a proper “comeuppance” for like, the sheer amount of sexual abuse he partakes in bc george doesn’t have as great of an idea of consent as the average person under 50 does rn or even like, the average woman/gay has lol, and i’m wondering if he’ll do some similar “an attempt at an eleventh hour redemption” thing with her.
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