#street style cheese sandwich
itphobia · 11 months
Tasting Chicago Cuisine: HMD Bar & Grill's Unique Twist on Local Favorites
Have you been craving a taste of quintessential Chicago cuisine but want to experience it in a whole new way? Then pull up a seat at HMD Bar & Grill, an unassuming yet gastronomically adventurous spot in the heart of the city that’s putting its own spin on Windy City staples. You’re in for a treat – and maybe a surprise or two. From their deep-dish pizza topped with ingredients you never knew you…
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atlastv · 1 year
"Authentic New York Bacon Egg and Cheese At Home"
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unknownfr1 · 1 year
141+konig reaction to when you get hurt:)
Requests are open!:)
yall really like hcs and rn im bored in a hotel room so this is what you get.
Price -
You both went for a walk after dinner. It had rained not long ago so you were wearing a long raincoat with a hood and he wore a simple jacket, with one hand holding yours, one holding a cigarette. The two of you were chatting, holding hands and strolling down the gloomy, grey-sky covered streets, it all felt calm and so relaxing with your lover. All until you walked into a puddle, a slippery one and came tumbling down on your ass. He stood for around 3 seconds, kind of shocked on what the fuck just happened "Y'alright!?" he asked before picking you up "No!" you shrieked, your whole bottom half was drenched in mucky water and you began to shiver. "Im cold" you said between shivers, your teeth chattering also, "Alright thats enough of that" he mumbled before taking off his jacket, then picking you up bridal style and covering you with his over-sized coat. "T-t-thank youu" you murmured while nestling your head into his neck "No problem darling."
When he carried you home he ran you a bath and got in with you and started to help you. Your whole lower half in pain but of course you boyfriend has it all under control. After your bath, he helped you change into some sleepwear and got in bed with you, cuddling and holding you tightly.
It was a thursday and johnny just got back from a mission. You were hungry, he was hungry so why not make some food. "Want me to make bacon and eggs?" you asked "No no dear! ill do it." he basically ran to the kitchen to stop you from getting there first. Johnny knew your skills in the kitchen were..limited ever since you set a pan on fire while making a grilled cheese sandwich, he has suggested he'd be the one cooking from now on. So after he sprinted to the kitchen you followed after him and sat at one of the barstools, watching him prep the bacon. As he started to put the bacon on the sizzling pan, he said he needed the bathroom and asked you to WATCH it and most clear NOT to go near it. As he walked away you sat in boredom watching it sizzle, that was until it started to bubble in a concerning way so you went to go check it out, what bad could happen? well you certainly got an answer to that when a whole gollop of hot, burning oil leaped to the exposed flesh of your arm. You screamed in pain then heard the heavy footsteps of your worried boyfriend, you showed him your arm and he even gasped, nothing he hadnt seen on the field but to see it on you in the kitchen shocked him. The smell of your burning skin started to spread so he quickly grasped your arm and ran it under the cold watered tap "Fuckin' hell bonnie, what happened?" you tried explaining but the pain of your arm made you feel physically sick so you couldnt.
After one hospital visit and many pharmacy stop-by's you both returned home. "Im sorry joh-" "Sorry 'bout what? Its alright darling im not mad". He parked the car and helped you out. The sun set and so he helped you bathe and change clothes. You both snuggled into bed and started to doze off. "Next time, wait till im there bonnie" he mumbled half awake half asleep, his arms tightly wrapped around you. You nod in a sleepish manner and both of you drifted off to sleep.
It was a hot summers day, you and Kyle were sitting in the back garden of his house. The weather was quite hot so you were wearing shorts and a loose t-shirt. Kyle was inside the kitchen making some cold drinks for the two of you, leaving you outside, reading and extremely invested in the book he had bought you. As you were reading peacefully, you felt something fuzzy on your arm and leg, you glanced over to see not one but four wasps on your exposed limbs, two chilling on your leg and two leisuring at your arm. You froze in fear. Everyone knew you had a deep hatred for these deathly little shits. You couldnt speak nor scream, just watch as the 4 bastards dug their vicious stingers into you. Well that surely woke you up. You started to cry and ran to the kitchen in attempts to find Kyle, his attention quickly drawn to your pouting, flushed face "Sweetheart..? What happened?" he asked. He watched as you flung your arm up, then your leg to see 4 nasty, swollen bumps "Wasps?!" he then asked again "Yes.." you murmured "Oh dear...your alright its okay." he cooed before pulling you into a hug.
He placed you on the counter and started searching for his 'Anti-wasp sting cream'. Once he equipped the cream he walked back over to you and started applying it on your as you called them "battle wounds." He decided that staying inside for the rest of the day and having a lazy day would fix things and cheer you up, so he set up a movie on the tv upstairs in your shared bedroom, also made you a cup of tea and along with giving you one of his hoodies he sat with you in bed and held you close, your head on his chest and one arm around your waist. You began to drift off and he couldnt help but smile at your peacefulness.
Simon had gotten home from a training deployment yesterday and you were so excited to have him back. You wanted to stay home with him for a while and soak up all the company you missed from him but he insisted to take you out and buy you things. He absolutely loved spoiling you and taking you out to fancy restaurants, and as a girl, who cant say no to shopping. You wrapped your arm around his forearm and the both of you walked and browsed the different shops, you were wearing a pair of heels Simon bought you, the first ever pair he gave you actually (your favorite ones). You were paying absolute no attention to where you were walking so as the tip of your stilleto caught on the line of the bricks, you went tumbling forwards, landing on your hands but that quickly ended once you heard a concerning 'snapping' noise, causing you to scream in pain. Simons fast instincts kicked in and he immediately attempted to catch you but that failed miserably. He helped you up off the ground and sat you down on a bench "Jesus!" you exclaimed as the pain in your wrist throbbed "Let me see love" he said while gently grabbing your wrist, holding it up and scanning it. "Ehm lets go to the hospital darling" he spoke in concern "Just dont look at it yeah?" and at that your eyebrows raised and that got you curious and of course you looked. Your wrist was completely deformed, you gasped and felt faint.
After your eventful trip at the hospital you got your cast. "Bloody hell love, some accomplishment ya got there" he joked You playfully hit him with your working arm along with groaning in response. "Yeah well your my caretaker now" you said with a grin "When was i not?" he smirked and chuckled. You gave him a complete death stare and he raised his hands like he surrendered, still laughing a bit. You both got home and showered together, he helped you eat since the hand you always use was not able to be put at use. You both went to bed, cuddling as usual "Night night darling" he mumbled while kissing you softly "Night night si." you murmured with a smile. The next morning you woke up, he wasnt there obviously meaning he woke up before you but you noticed some writing on your cast. 'Out of order'. "You bastard..." you grumbled with a smirk.
It was a rainy night and Konig had to wake up early for work the next day. You really didn't want him to go since it was your anniversary but you understood it was work things so you shook it off. You both were laying in bed, cuddling and he was whispering sweet nothings in your ear, helping you fall asleep better. You eventually drifted off to sleep in his big arms that engulfed you. He also went to bed after a while of admiring you and the way you slept so peacefully, he set an alarm for 5am and closed his eyes. The amount of guilt he felt for leaving you on your four years was eating his heart but he knew with the piles among piles of paperwork ahead of him, he couldn't get distracted. His alarm went off and he sat up and stretched his arms up, trying not to wake you up.
As he was getting dressed in some decent enough work clothes, a black t-shirt and some tan cargos he heard you mumble in your sleep and glanced at you through the mirror of the dresser, you were moving in your sleep and he couldnt help but laugh a little then shake his head. But just as he looked away he heard a loud THUD that startled him, then your groans and mumbles, he looked over to see you on the floor and then saw you sit up in confusion "Geht es dir gut, Schatz?" he asked with a raised eyebrow while turning around to look at you. "I think i fell off the bed" you mumbled, rubbing your side. He walked over to you and helped you up back onto the bed and kissed your aching hip. "That better?" he then asked "Yep..thank you baby" you murmured while getting back into bed. He tucked you in and left a kiss on your forehead then waved you goodbye, reminding you how much he loves you. Then left. The whole time at work he couldnt help but laugh a little at your silliness.
finally finished it over the course of 3 days bro. Ignore the broken german and another reminder requests are open so please i beg.
Translation: are you alright honey?
broken german from a crap translator dont mention it...
Its elliots bday tmr!!(voice actor of gaz)
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toasttt11 · 3 months
my au’s favorites and facts
august crosby
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blueberry waffles
blueberry muffins
sidney’s banana bread
tea, any kind
tacos! specifically street tacos
her moms blueberry pie
favorite season is spring
favorite color is soft orange like the sunset
she loves sunflowers or roses
always loved anything to do with baking, tends to stress back when feeling overwhelmed, any free time she enjoys using it by baking, especially with her diet she can’t eat all of what she bakes she ends up donating most of it or bringing it for the staff of the arena.
loves starting her day off with a run, especially outside and getting some fresh air.
is a big gift giver and is always giving gifts to the ones she cares for.
genuinely adores being a godmother and is always looking for presents and trinkets to bring or send to them, she also makes sure she had everything for them at her house when they come to visit her.
loves when she has free time to explore around outside and find hikes she likes, she has found a lot of trails in vegas that she loves.
brinley matthews
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peanut butter M&Ms
peanut butter and bananas
steak, loves anything that is grilled
s’mores with peanut butter
peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
peanut butter and chocolate workout shakes
favorite season is summer
favorite color is yellow
favorite flower are baby’s breath especially the rainbow ones
hates being cold, always on the ice is wearing a long sleeve compression shirt under her jersey to not be cold.
has some thing peanut butter before every game no matter what.
crochet has been something she has done most her life, it’s what she always has with her during travel.
always had curly hair and has always hated it, never likes trying to style it and ends up getting it straighten and getting treatments for it stay that way.
has always been very tall and was used to he taller than most of her teammates even though she is a girl.
loves animals specially dogs, and has always wanted to have her own dog.
maleah barzal
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grilled cheese and tomato soup
french fries
anything dark chocolate and raspberry
favorite season is winter
favorite color is lilac
lavender is her favorite sent and flowers
she hates to cook but is very good at, Malakai loves his moms cooking and makes him mom not hating cooking as much.
rarely ever drives and one of the first things she bought for herself was hiring a driver.
always has some kind of sketchbook or tablet with her in case she gets an idea.
she always carries her big purse that’s filled with work, her sons toys and always snacks for him.
maleah could of easily continued her hockey career and without a doubt would of been an amazing player but she never had the passion for it like others do.
always enjoys designing clothes for people she cares for and has lines of clothes in honor of some of the people she is closest with and the lines are inspired by their styles.
carina knies
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anything coffee, she needs it to survive
lettuce wraps, anything for the filling
salmon bowls!
not the biggest sweets person but loves sweets that are lemon flavored
favorite flowers are orchids
loves summer
favorite color is purple
during a trip to her grandparents when she was younger she tried pottery and fell in love with it, she continued to do pottery since then and it’s something she’s loves to do to de stress and something completely away from hockey.
Joseph and Carina had to build many sleeves and bookcases for all of the legos he has given her and the ones he no doubt will continue to give her.
carina is not a big jewelry person but she has a few pieces that she really loves.
she is quite protective of her little brother matthew and he is probably one of her more soft spots, not that she lets anyone know that.
is a big dog person.
gemma fantilli
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cesar salads are one of her absolute favorites
spring rolls and any type Chinese food
chocolate chip cookies
favorite flowers are periwinkles
loves winter especially if there is snow
favorite color is green and yellows
she loves vintage jewelry, her favorite piece is a heart locket her grandmother had given her, sadly when her grandmother passed away she left all her jewelry for her Gemma.
snowboarding is her absolute favorite thing to do outside of hockey, if she had tried snowboarding before she did hockey she most likely would’ve pursued a career in snowboarding instead.
macklin and gemma are always finding new shows to watch together, and while they can’t always watch all the episodes together they watch most of season together.
always wear her beaded bracelet that she had matching with Macklin.
phoenix zegras
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any type of crepes especially with nutella
big coffee person, loves chocolate in it
chocolate crossiant
favorite color is orange
likes just red roses
summer is his favorite season because he’s see his family more.
favorite thing to do other than hockey is playing his electric guitar.
he’s the oldest sibling and his siblings use to always follow his him around like little ducklings.
he really likes to watch sunsets.
he spends a lot of his free time with his godsons.
viola hughes
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caramel coffee is her favorite
anything with caramel
ice cream
favorite flowers are sunflowers
favorite season is summer
favorite color is purple
she has the biggest sweet tooth and is always having something sweet even with her diet.
likes to be in the passenger seat when she’s in the car, doesn’t like to drive after her accident.
she loves wearing fun sunglasses and tends to always have them on her face or in her hair in the summer.
likes to find new hiking spots and arizona has a lot she can try.
livia drysdale
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chocolate chip cookies
pizza is one of her favorite cheat meals
hummus and pita chips
doesn’t have a favorite flower she loves all of them
favorite color is green
favorite season is winter
always wears gold jewelry.
when she was younger she would beg for her brothers or parents to make her cookies.
she use to hate her all of her freckles but seeing how much wyatt loves them she grew to like the.
always has some type of plants in her house and her parents have so many at their house from her, jamie also has some in his house from her.
willa smith
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loves anything lobster
her moms protein smoothies
most of her meals are chipotle
favorite color is blue
favorite animal is dogs
favorite season is definitely summer
favorite animal are dogs
most of the time her music is always playing taylor swift.
she really wants a golden retriever.
since she was a kid she’s always had some type of braids in her hair.
blue has always been her favorite color and almost always she boys something it’s in blue, she always gets her hockey stick blue.
has a gold necklace with her initial on it, she gets a smaller necklace with gabe and ryan’s initials and starts wearing that one too.
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nani-nonny · 4 months
I was reading your recent DMD update and I was wondering if the teens ever talked to Leo using his Battle Nexus title? Like do they just kinda go up to him and go “Barbarian, can you make me a grilled cheese?” or do they only call him Leo?
oh geez, imagine waddling up to the renowned Battle Nexus Champ—infamous for his seemingly murderous style of fighting and danger vibes altogether—and asking for a grilled cheese sandwich—pfft
But, honestly, great question!
No! :D They don’t. (The closest they get to mentioning Barbarian is by calling him the Battle Nexus Champ or Big Mama’s champ.) Leon tried once, once solely because he was still annoyed the morning after Leo came back from a championship fight instead of listening and staying home.
Leon tried to play it off as a simple “good morning” type of conversation starter, and he was sorely reminded of how terrifying the Nexus warrior, Barbarian, is.
Hmmm… might be unfamiliar or a little scary (or triggering) to mention to some, but it’s kind of like using an ex-gang member’s “street name” out of nowhere. It kind of catches them off guard because it comes out of the mouth of the one they least expect. (Bad example, but this is the best I can think of at the moment lol and is from personal experience. It was how my cousin, an ex-gang member, would react when me and a cousin around my age pranked him once by calling him by his street name. It was a little spooky, don’t recommend but he was very nice about it.)
Umm… think it’s best I write it? Or maybe it’s simple to write for Leo it’s a feeling of, “I don’t like you calling me that.”
I’ll write it anyways: vvvvv
Leon’s happy mood sours when he arrives to the kitchen hearing Leo stumble through the lair and into the medbay. He told Leo not to go to the Battle Nexus, and not just because he still doesn’t like Big Mama. It’s always like this, Leo comes home covered in bruises and scrapes and cuts, barely able to walk into the medbay. Leo rests in the medbay for hours, and still refuses to leave Big Mama’s arena.
Leon grabs a cup of water for Leo and heads into the medbay with a plan in mind—a prank, if you will. A simple, measly prank meant to annoy the elder slider just a little. Just enough to “poke the bear.”
The young slider pops into the medbay, not surprised to see Leo standing near one of the medical wardrobes and bandaging his arm.
Leon looks down to see the trail of blood Leo left behind as the elder slowly rolls the bandage around his forearm. The elder’s back is turned to Leon, so the younger clears his throat before greeting.
“Hey, Barbarian, so what are we going to eat—,” Leon begins but freezes when the elder looks over his shoulder at him.
Leon’s heart stops under the elder’s cold glare. He can feel himself shrink out of pure fear, his blood running cold. All he can think was how this was exactly how he felt when he first witnessed the Barbarian in action that day months ago. Fear courses through his body and renders him frozen where he stands.
The elder’s back has never looked more menacing than now, a gaze so cold-blooded and filled to brim with a lust for violence. He’s like a looming tower, tall and overbearing to the teenage slider. And in a voice that sends chills through the young slider’s body, he asks, “What did you say?”
Leon swallows his nerves and drops the cup in his frozen state. His voice trembles and shakes as he tries to say, “I was just—I asked if you—.”
And like it never happened, Leo’s threatening demeanor breaks and his expression softens. He turns to face Leon and clears his throat to speak in his usual, warm cadence, “What did you call me?”
Leon steps back, his eyes looking everywhere but Leo as he stammers, “I was—I called you. —Leo.”
Leo’s eyes look down at the spilled water and rolling cup, and ties off the end of his bandage. He looks at Leon’s terrified gaze and kneels to pick up the cup. He doesn’t rise but looks up at Leon, “I didn’t expect you to… you know. Sorry about that. Can you get me another cup?”
Leon swallows and clenches his jaw shut. He nods and scurries out of the medbay. His heart pounds against his plastron, beating and beating—beating hard enough to make him think it’s going to burst straight through his chest. His hand fumbles with the faucet as his mind tries to understand what just happened.
That was Leo, right? It wasn’t some stranger with a glare strong enough to kill on sight. It was Leo. Right? Please be right. Dear ancestors, that seemed like a whole other person. That was Barbarian in the room, wasn’t it?
The young slider flinches, causing the cup to fly out of the sink and smack against the kitchen floor with endless bounces. He flips around in a flash, back against the sink and clinging to the countertop. “Y-Yeah? Yes? Leo?”
Leo is standing in the doorway of the kitchen, his shadow reaching over and consuming the entirety of Leon’s body.
The elder slider stands in the doorway for a moment before he sits down and opens his arms. “I scared you, didn’t I?”
Leon cracks a forced smile, waving off the elder with a shaky hand, “Me? Pssh! No, not me. You didn’t scare me at all.”
Leo’s arms down lower, he only raises his brow and admits, “Well, you scared me. And I need a hug.”
Leon hesitates, staring at the space behind the elder.
The elder beckons Leon once, “Come on.”
Leon swallows and launches himself into Leo’s hug, burying himself in the elder’s embrace like his life depended on it. He hides in the elder’s front, trying to make himself small and looks as harmless as possible.
The elder rubs Leon’s carapace, patting the younger’s shell and holding tightly. His voice is soothing like a whisper as he admits, “You caught me off guard there… I think I’m still a little… riled up. Sorry.”
Leon doesn’t respond, but accepts the apology by hugging the elder tighter.
“I’m sorry,” Leo repeats.
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lightsoutletsgo · 2 years
matcha latte (msc.47)
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pairing: mick schumacher x fem!reader warnings: cheese, fluff, reader works with kids, lots of petnames from platonic!daniel, platonic!charles and platonic!carlos, shysimp!mick, simp!reader, shitty writing, reader's outfits are described a few times and definitely present more as fem. if that's not your thing, that's okie word count: 9.7k synopsis: you've been crushing on the cute barista at your friend's cafe for a while now. he's been crushing on you too. the only problem? you're both too shy to say anything... maybe you need a helping hand from your large group of friends and the cutest kids. ((this is a fic I wrote and posted on my kpop blog a few years ago that I rewrote to fit F1. it's kinda jumpy and chaotic and it's a mess of like... 8 drivers being a huge friend group... tbh I'll probably rewrite it at some point but I think it's cute so I wanted to post it! pls let me know what you think <33))
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You loved your Wednesday afternoons at ‘The Shoreline’ . Ever since you could remember, you’d been coming with Daniel, Charles and Carlos to Pierre and Yuki’s cafe. It was a cute cafe tucked away on the corner of a smaller street, facing the beach. The cafe itself was fairly large once you were inside, but the decor and vibe made it feel warm and homely. The sweet smell of cinnamon sugar mixed in with the more bitter aroma of coffee. The tantalising scent wrapped itself around you like a hug as you entered and you took a deep breath, inhaling the smell. You looked around, taking in the cafe. Worn armchairs were clustered around various styled wooden coffee tables, some taller, some shorter. The armchairs were a mixture of designs and patterns. You weren’t sure what your friend’s had been going for when they chose to decorate with a mixture of slightly eclectic colours but you loved it none the less. The wall to the right of the door had floor-to-ceiling, folding glass doors that allowed for plenty of natural light as well as beautiful views and on hot summer days, the doors would open, allowing the sea breeze to gently brush through and the noise of the ocean to accompany the music playing in the cafe. The main focal point of the cafe though was the large countertop placed at the back wall. It was a huge piece of wood that Pierre had laboriously sanded down and varnished himself. Placed on the countertop was a selection of the most delicious baked desserts and pastries. Behind the countertop was a top of the range espresso machine, coffee grinder and coffee press as well as a fridge that showcased mouthwatering sandwiches and salads. It was a perfect mixture of your friend’s personalities reflected in one small cosy cafe. 
You looked around for your best friends, checking your phone for the message from Carlos to confirm they were there. You easily found them at your usual table by the large open doors as you saw Daniel’s curly hair poking up from behind a potted plant and Carlos broad-shouldered frame.
“Hello, my ducky!” Daniel boomed cheerfully as you plopped yourself down in the seat opposite him and Charles, next to Carlos. You giggled at his greeting, “Hi Danny!” He reached across the table and linked your fingers with his, swinging your hand from side to side as you turned to Carlos, “How was your holiday with Lando?! I missed you…” You pouted, Carlos poked your cheek with his index finger as he swallowed the sip of his drink he’d just taken.  “It was good! The scenery was great and I took some amazing photos!” “But?” You prompted, “But what?” He said nonchalantly, pretending not to know what you were playing at, “You missed me, right?” You leant on his shoulder as a rumble of laughter worked it’s way up from his chest. “Oh, of course… But I missed Daniel and Charles more!” He exclaimed as he lifted his mug to take another drink. Charles cheered as you nudged Carlos’ shoulder playfully with your own, pulling your hands away from Daniel, “Well, I’m going to get a drink!” You poked your tongue out at Carlos as you stood up, punching his shoulder, “Hey… baby…” Daniel looked at you disapprovingly, as Carlos rubbed his shoulder with fake hurt, “Sorry Dad…” You rolled your eyes. “‘y’, Dad-dy.” Daniel emphasised, making Charles cackle and Carlos gag, “Ew…” You shuddered as you headed towards the counter, Carlos, Charles and Daniel snickering behind you.
As you made your way to the counter, two arms wrapped themselves around your waist, hoisting you into the air, making you shriek. You recognised it to be Pierre, “Pierre put me down!” You were glad there were no other customers in the cafe at that moment. He laughed as he put you back down, “Hi beautiful,” You turned to hug him, closing your eyes and breathing in the scent of vanilla and coffee that was oh-so-Pierre. He patted your head adoringly before whispering to you, “Mick is working today.” Your eyes shot open as you felt your face grow warm. Playing it cool you pulled away from Pierre, “And you think I want to know that because…?” “Because you have a crush.” Pierre deadpanned. You swallowed hard before answering, “I do not!” You were rather indignant. Pierre looked past you, “Oh, hey Mick!” You whirled around to see no one there, turning back to Pierre who was holding his side from laughter, you huffed, “I’m glad you find this funny…” He gently patted your back before guiding you up to the counter. “Hey, Mick!” Pierre called out loudly, “Customer!” You heard him grumbling in the storeroom behind the counter before Pierre cleared his throat, “It’s Y/N.” The grumbling stopped and it was quiet for a moment before you heard the sounds of whispering and shuffling feet. Yuki popped his head out of the kitchen door, “Heya Y/N!” He waved, “Hi Yuki.” You smiled at him before he disappeared back into the kitchen. 
There was more whispering and shuffling before poor Mick was all but pushed through the doorway, you bit your lip shyly as you took him in. Despite the summer heat, he was wearing an oversized white v-neck sweater and if you looked from a certain angle you could just see his collarbones peeking out. His sweatshirt was tucked into a pair of jeans that were slightly rolled up at the ankles with his beaten up converse on his feet to finish his outfit. He nervously fiddled with the tie at the front of his black uniform apron before awkwardly adjusting the cap sitting on his head, taking it off to push his hair back before placing it back on his head. His hair looked soft. You imagined running your fingers through it and- ‘Stop it Y/N’ you thought “H-h-hi Y/N.” He kept his gaze on the countertop, finger poking at a few stray crumbs. “Hi Mick,” you couldn’t explain why you felt so flustered, “What can I get for you today?” He asked softly, finally breaking his intense staring contest with the countertop to look at you. You inhaled as he quite literally took your breath away. He gave you a soft smile as he began to nervously fiddle with the sleeves of his sweater which had fallen over his hands slightly, making you squeal internally. “Could I please get a matcha latte?” Pierre rolled his eyes, “I swear you get the same thing every damn time!” “I like them!” You whined, making Mick let out a soft giggle - oh gosh. Your heart beat sped up. “Hot or iced?” You contemplated for a moment, “Iced please…” You trailed off shyly as you looked at the cakes and desserts available, deciding to treat yourself. 
As eclectic as Pierre’s colour choices in decorating were, you could say the same thing about some of his flavour options for cakes and drinks. It was part of the reason why the cafe attracted so many people on weekends and holidays. You looked at the options available for the day, mouth already watering. Pierre and Yuki always came up with something new each day, as well as the classic customer favourites and seasonal specials that came out at Christmas and in the summer. The usual things were there; red velvet cake, chocolate fudge cake, chocolate chip cookies, salted caramel and pecan cookies, matcha macarons, vanilla macarons, strawberry macarons and all variety of cupcakes. Then there were the more unusual flavours for today; champagne cream and strawberry scones, lavender honey macaroons, vanilla sponge with mango and coconut mousse filling, Earl Grey sponge with rose buttercream and blood orange and poppy seed polenta shortbread. Your eyes nearly fell out of your head as you gazed at all the options available to you. “Pierre… How am I supposed to pick just one?” You turned to Pierre with wide eyes. Mick found himself struggling not to coo at your cuteness. Damn, he just wanted to squish your cheeks. “Ummm… Can I please take a lavender and honey macaron and a slice of the Earl Grey sponge with rose buttercream, please? Whatever I don’t eat Daniel will finish anyway!” You giggled. Mick nodded as he set about cutting a slice of cake, selecting a macaron and plating it nicely. He passed you the plate, eyes suddenly widening as your fingers brushed his. The two of you froze for a second, staring at each other. Eyes wide and cheeks warm, holding your breath. You were broken out of your trance by a shout of your name, placing the plate down on your tray you turned, “Y/N!” “Lando!” You pulled the tanned boy in for a hug. “Carlos said you had a good time on holiday?” He nodded enthusiastically, “Yeah! But I missed you…” He frowned, you turned to face your table, “See? Lando missed me!” Carlos rolled his eyes at your antics, continuing to sip his coffee, you winced. How on earth could he drink that stuff? It was far too bitter. That’s why you preferred the sweeter yet still earthy taste of a matcha latte. They always seemed especially sweet when Mick made them… Speaking of Mick, he was just finishing making your drink, pouring it over ice. You clapped your hands excitedly as he placed it on your tray. “Anything else?” He pushed his hair back and you gulped suddenly, that did not need to be as attractive as it was. “No, thank you…” You blushed as you picked up the try. He felt his breathing hitch as he caught sight of the cute shy smile spreading across your cheeks. Mick thought it was adorable that your tongue poked out of your mouth slightly as your concentration face took over, your focus completely on carrying the tray back to your table. Pierre walked next to you laughing and joking. Mick sighed. He wished he could be like that with you… Chilled, relaxed, cool. -----------
When Mick walked through the door into work that morning, he knew you’d come in at some point. Wednesday lunchtimes you would always come in with Daniel, Charles and Carlos. You’d stay there all afternoon until closing which was when Pierre, Lando, Yuki and Esteban would join you. Mick would join too but he always found himself too shy to really speak to you. 
“Morning Mick!” Pierre greeted him from behind the counter, “Good morning.” Mick reply was quiet, “Miiiiiiiiiiiick!” A tall body suddenly whacked into him and he fought to stay upright as he now bore Esteban’s full weight on his back. He laughed gently at his friend’s antics, patting his arm as it squeezed him tightly, “Good morning Esteban.” “Good morning Mick!” Mick smiled at Lando, patting his shoulder affectionately as he passed him, “Morning Lando!” He entered the small staff room and put his bag down before grabbing his apron and putting it on. He entered the kitchen to wash his hands and do inventory, passing Yuki on the way. “Oh! Try this! It’s the new recipe for today.” Yuki held out a small piece of macaron he’d cut off. Mick noted the pretty, pastel lavender tone and smiled. Soft and pretty. It reminded him of you. He took the macaron from Yuki and popped it into his mouth, closing his eyes as the flavours danced across his tongue. Layers of lavender and honey combined with the sweet sugar. It was perfect. He nodded at Yuki approvingly, “Y/N will love it!” He froze as he realised he’s said that out loud. Yuki smirked, “Oh? She will?” Mick nodded sheepishly. He’d noticed your preference for trying Pierre and Yuki’s new flavours and you always leaned towards the aesthetic ones, not that the other choices weren’t aesthetic, he didn’t want to diminish Pierre’s work it’s just that- oh who was he kidding? His internal monologue was even annoying himself. The morning went by quickly as Mick found himself making drinks and serving the beachgoers of the day. Weekdays in the summer was mainly regulars; elderly couples out for a stroll, new mums with their babies as they met for a chat, dog walkers who wanted a break from playing fetch. By 11:00 am the cafe was quiet and so Mick found himself back in the kitchen, helping where he could and munching on the delicious treats that Yuki was cooking up to refill the display for the afternoon. Mick loved his job. But when the little bell above the door tinkled at 12:00 pm precisely on a Wednesday afternoon, he loved it a lot more. He smiled as he heard your voice greeting your best friends. He guessed he could call them his friends too. He didn’t notice the other boys in the kitchen staring at him as he smiled. He didn’t catch their smirks at each other. He heard your shriek and panicked, were you okay? Then he heard the laugh of Pierre and breathed a sigh of relief. The others noticed all this and began hatching a plot. 
Mick focused his attention back on the ingredients in front of him as he mixed up another batch of cookie dough for Yuki. He thought you’d really like these cookies, they were sweet and the colour was cute. He was pulled from his daydreaming about you by Pierre shouting his name, “Hey, Mick! Customer!” Mick grumbled under his breath about how incompetent Pierre was sometimes. Why did he need him to go out and serve the customer? He was in the middle of washing his hands when he heard Pierre speak again, “It’s Y/N.” This time Mick froze. Pierre wanted him to serve you. Mick looked at Yuki and cued for him to go out and serve you, Yuki argued back slightly, a silent battle of glares with some hand gestures thrown in, before he rolled his eyes jokingly and poked his head out of the kitchen. Mick heard your sweet voice as you greeted Yuki and he bit his lip nervously. He would have loved to have served you but he always got so damn nervous. 
Suddenly Yuki was back in the room with him. Mick looked at him, confused. Yuki smiled innocently before nodding at Esteban and Lando, “Get him.” Mick hissed out a smart retort at Yuki as Lando and Esteban all but shoved him towards the door. He tried to dig his heels in but to no avail. He was thrown out of the room, feeling very annoyed and slightly dishevelled. All that faded away however when he caught sight of you stood next to Pierre. A soft smile painted across your lips, eyes wide in childlike excitement as you looked at the desserts display. Mick took in your pretty yellow dress with the puffy, he thought they were called ‘bell’, sleeves. He noticed how your small crossbody bag matched the white clips you had in your hair and the white sneakers you wore on your feet. He thought you looked like literal sunshine in your outfit. His eyes flew up to look at your face and he fiddled with the tie of his apron and his cap, a nervous habit, as he realised you were staring at him too, nervously biting your bottom lip. He couldn’t look at you anymore without blushing, his eyes falling to the counter in front of him. 
Damn. Why couldn’t he be more confident in front of you? ------------------
“Pierre this is so good!” You practically moaned out, Pierre laughing and Daniel tutting as you spoke with a few crumbs clinging to your bottom lip, “Geez, baby, do I have to do everything for you?” Daniel joked as his thumb swiped across your bottom lip, licking the excess off of his thumb. You broke into a childish grin at his parental actions, “I’d be lost without you Danny!” You exclaimed, making him smile. You turned back to Pierre, “Are you taking a break from the cafe this summer Pierre?” He nodded his head, “Yuki is taking over for a week so I can go away with my family.” He smiled fondly, clearly excited at the prospect. “Then it’s back to the grind!” You whined, “At least you have a job and you have money…” Pierre cackled at this as you slumped forward in your chair, your forehead smacking the table. “Ow!” You pouted as Charles fussed over you, gently rubbing the sore spot on your head before kissing it better, making you giggle “Are you still looking for a job?” Carlos turned to you. You nodded your head and sighed, “There’s just nothing out there…” Pierre gave you a sorry smile, “You know I’d ask you to work here but I already have the guys and can’t afford to employ anyone else…” You nodded, leaning across the table to squeeze his hand, “I know! It’s okay!” Charles suddenly clapped his hands from where he sat next to you, “What about lifeguarding for the summer?” The whole table turned to stare at him with deadpanned expressions as you winced. He shrugged, “It was just a suggestion…” Daniel laughed, “What about working somewhere in town? A clothing store or even the grocery store?” You shook your head, “None of them are hiring right now or the places have all been filled.” Daniel clicked his tongue as he thought again. “What about the florist? They’re hiring right now.” Carlos suggested. You shook your head, eyes wide, “Ahhhh you didn’t tell him yet?” Charles asked, you shook your head and he continued, “Y/N had an interview and trial shift at the florist but turns out she’s allergic to one of the plants, poor baby… While you and Lando were on holiday, Daniel and I had to take care of our petit ange.” Charlos explained as Daniel stroked your head sympathetically. “It was funny but poor baby really suffered didn’t you…” Daniel cooed as you pouted, nodding. Charles leant towards Carlos, “I’ll show you the photos later, her cheeks swelled up like a chipmunk.” You growled as they burst into laughter. Pierre hummed thoughtfully before exclaiming, “Ah! Y/N, you like kids right?” You gasped as you nodded, “They’re really cute! I wouldn’t be a teaching major if I didn’t…” Pierre laughed, “Well I have twin cousins who are both 7. They need babysitting the summer. I can pass your details on to my Aunt?” Your eyes widened as you got up from the table racing over to Pierre, throwing your arms around him, “Yes, yes yes! Would you do that for me, Pierre? Thank you so much!” He laughed at your enthusiasm, patting the arm hugging his front, 
“Of course! You’ve babysat and done childcare before right?” You nodded, “Then she’ll just need a reference from one of them and probably want to ask you a few questions. It would be an all-day gig. She has to work extra hours this summer.” You nodded in understanding and clapped your hands excitedly as you sat down. This would be so fun!  ---------------------
It had been a week since you’d started looking after Théo and Fleur. They had to be the cutest kids you had ever seen. Physically they were so alike in their features yet their personalities couldn’t have been more different. Fleur was so outgoing and energetic, she was loud and often you found yourself having to gently remind her to use her inside voice. She was the more confident of the two but she was extremely socially aware and would always hold her brother’s hand when she sensed him getting nervous or unsure. Unlike Fleur, Théo was shyer. Whereas Fleur preferred playing games and playing outside, Théo was happy to sit quietly and read his books. He had taken to you very quickly and would often come and climb into your lap to cuddle whenever he was tired or just craved affection. 
You’d learned quickly that both of the twins loved the beach and so you spent most of your days going on walks to the beach, playing on the beach and swimming in the sea. You were convinced that these children were actual angels. You’d never had to tell them off or reprimand them, their manners were impeccable and they were always asking if they could help you with chores.
It had been a week and a few days since your first day and today was a Wednesday. You didn’t want to miss out on your time with the guys so you decided to take the twins to the cafe for lunch and leave after that. You headed to the beach early after plastering both the kids in suncream, their little matching sun hats just too cute. You played in the sea and the sand all morning before Fleur eventually plopped down under the umbrella next to you. “Y/N, I’m hungry…” She whined a little, you checked the time as Théo waddled over to join his sister. “Well, my little chicks it is time for lunch! Would you like to go to get some food?” They both nodded enthusiastically as you helped them pack up their things in their backpacks before you returned the umbrella you’d hired for the morning. Théo and Fleur each took hold of one of your hands before the three of you made your way to the top of the beach and crossed the road, heading to ‘The Shoreline’. Fleur cheered as she noticed where you were going, making you laugh. Théo looked up at you, big brown eyes blinking slowly, “Pierre works here!” You nodded, “That’s right bubba!” You squeeze his hand as you reached the door, pushing it open and allowing the kids to step inside. “Pierre!” Fleur shouted as soon as she was inside, you gently placed a hand on her shoulder, “Inside voices now okay Fleur?” She nodded before skipping towards the kitchen door, Pierre poked his head around the doorframe, “I thought I heard you little rascals!” Fleur giggled before running back to Théo and grabbing his hand, the two of them heading towards Pierre for a hug and, you suspected, probably an extra cookie or cupcake too. 
You found your best friends at your usual table and placed your things down, “Hey!” Daniel greeted you, “Did you bring the twins?” You nodded, “I hope that’s okay?” Charles smiled brightly, “Of course! They’re so cute!” You heard footsteps behind you and you turned to see the twins giggling with what looked like chocolate frosting smeared at the corners of their mouths. You gave Pierre a look as he shrugged before whistling innocently, heading to the counter. You helped the twins take off their backpacks, “Hey Y/N, Mick is working today,” Carlos said nonchalantly as he scrolled through social media on his phone. You gaped a little, “Why does everyone keep feeling the need to tell me?” “Who’s Mick?” Asked Fleur grabbing your hand and swinging it back and fore, “Y/N’s boyfriend!” Charles whisper shouted, making Fleur’s eyes widen almost comically as she gasped and covered her mouth with her hands, Théo giggling. “Y/N’s boyfriend?” Charles nodded seriously, you resisted the urge to smack his arm as you crouched down next to Fleur and Théo, 
“No, Mick isn’t my boyfriend, he’s just my friend.” Théo nodded as Fleur narrowed her eyes, “Your friend that you looooove!” Charles sang jokingly, you frowned at him before shaking your head at Fleur, “Hmm, okay…” You poked her side to tickle her, making her squeal, “Come on then my babies, let’s go and order some lunch!” You headed to the counter to order lunch for yourself and them.
In the business of your morning, you hadn’t even thought about Mick until the boys mentioned him… You suddenly found yourself brushing down your denim shorts as you straightened out Daniel’s white, linen button-up shirt you’d stolen a while back to use as a cover-up over the top of your lavender cami that you’d tucked in. You tucked a stray piece of hair behind your ear and adjusted your sunglasses on top of your head. Pierre caught your fussing and smirked knowingly, “What?” You huffed. He just winked before heading into the kitchen, “Mick! Customer!” Mick traipsed out of the kitchen before he spotted you, you smiled shyly as you stood with a hand on each of the twin's backs. “Hi!” Mick smiled softly at them and you felt your heart melt into a little puddle of goo. No one should be allowed to look that soft and cute, it wasn’t fair. He wasn’t wearing a sweater today, it seemed he’d given in to the heat too, instead he was wearing a light brown oversized t-shirt, a different coloured wash pair of jeans but still his trusty converse. He fiddled with his apron tie and adjusted the cap sitting on his head, readjusting it before he looked at you, “What can I get you?” You looked down at the twins, “Well, what would you like?” “Orange juice please!” They chimed out at the same time before giggling with each other, you smiled at them fondly, “Can we get a ham sandwich and cheese sandwich as well, please? They’ll share.” Mick nodded noting down the order, “And for you?” You hummed thoughtfully. “I’ll take whatever the special sandwich is today please, and an iced ma-“ “Matcha latte?” He said before blushing heavily, you doing the same, nodding your head bashfully. Fleur looked between the two of you before tapping Théo and whispering loudly, “Look! They’re both blushing!” Your head snapped down to look at Fleur as one hand flew up to your cheeks. Mick fumbled with the cash register as he tried to swiftly move on. You snuck a look at him as you pretended to fuss over the twins. He really was cute when he blushed… --------------------
The next day you found yourself back at the cafe with the twins. You’d been sat at home, the day cloudy and slightly rainy. The twins had spent the morning colouring and happily playing with their toys but they’d begged you to take them back to the cafe in the afternoon with Fleur claiming she ‘needed more cake!’. You laughed at her dramatic before agreeing to take them. They cheered and munched their lunch while you cleared up a little. Once they’d eaten their lunch and all the dishes were washed up the three of you pulled on your coats, the twins deciding to wear their matching bright yellow rain boots. The three of you walked to the cafe, the twins humming along to their favourite songs, swinging your arms as they held your hands and jumping in puddles. 
When you reached the cafe, it was slightly busier, people looking for shelter from the light rain and looking for a fun trip on a day out. You found a table near the counter and you all peeled your coats off before you led the kids towards the orderly queue that had formed. You picked Théo up so he could see the desserts more clearly as you stood in line. “What would you like bubba?” You rubbed Théo’s back as he deliberated over what he wanted to eat. “Cupcake please.” He said softly, pointing to one of the kid’s pirate-themed cupcakes in the corner of the display, “Of course! What about you Fleur?” You looked down as Fleur pursed her lips, “I think I’d like the same please!” You giggled at her formal way of speaking before stepping up to the counter and immediately becoming breathless, “Mick! Uhhh… Hi!” He looked up from the cash register and gave you a soft smile, waving at Théo who was now resting his head in the crook of your neck, seemingly feeling shy around Mick, you could relate… “Hi Y/N. What can I get for you today?” You placed the kid's orders, adding on a juice for each of them before you quickly scanned your eyes over the case wanting to choose a dessert for yourself. “I’ll take a slice of the lemon, poppyseed and thyme cake please and an-“ “Iced matcha latte?” Mick cut in before blushing when he realised what he’d done. You giggled, “Yes please.” He looked up, holding your gaze for a second before the two of you were broken out of your trance by a small voice, “I think Mr Charles was right yesterday! Y/N loves Mick!” Fleur giggled pointing at your blushing faces. You mouth gaped open as you looked down at Fleur with a shocked facial expression, “Fleur!” She looked at you, “I think you do! You and Mr Mick are blushing again!” She giggled, Théo giggled as he lifted his head from your neck, wriggling as you put him down next to his sister. She took his hand and they ran back to your table giggling the whole time. By the time you’d turned back to the counter, Mick had already started making your drink. Your eyes followed him, nervously fidgeting with your fingers in front of you, he wouldn’t look at you. Damn. He must feel so awkward. “I’m sorry about Fleur… Charles was filling her head with ideas and you know what kids are like,” you laughed awkwardly as he nodded, “well then, I’m gonna, I’m gonna go… Drink this… drink!” You shook your head as you noticed the twins sat pointing and giggling at you and Mick.  Perhaps they were not perfect little angels after all. 
You didn’t visit the cafe for the rest of the week. Théo got sick and as a result of her refusal to leave her brother’s side, Fleur then got sick straight after. You’d spent your days wrapped up in blankets and cuddled on the sofa. By Tuesday the kids were much better and as they sat eating their afternoon snack, Fleur spoke up, “Y/N, can we go to see Pierre tomorrow?” Théo gasped and his eyes lit up at the mention of Pierre’s name. “If you guys are good and eat all of your vegetables at dinner…” You bribed. “Pinky promise!” Fleur’s hand shot out as she held out her pinky, Théo extended his and somehow the three of you managed a pinky promise. “Tomorrow we’ll go to the cafe for lunch.” You promised, nodding your head, the twins cheering. 
You were certainly not expecting them to start scheming. 
  “Hello, my little babies!” Cooed Pierre as he greeted you at the door the next day. “What would you like for lunch?” He took each of their hands and together the three of them skipped over to the counter, no doubt to smuggle more cupcakes. You rolled your eyes and smiled, heading towards the table were your friends sat. “Y/N!” Cheered Charles, “We missed you!” He pouted as you sat down next to him, wrapping himself around your arm and snuggling his face into your neck. “Charles that tickles!” You gave up trying to push him off, accepting your fate as you pulled your phone out of your pocket, waiting for the twins to come back so you could find out what they wanted to order. 
You heard the pattering of children’s feet and stifled giggles, making you look up. Fleur and Théo stood there with a smirking Pierre behind them, “What have you three been up too?” You raised an eyebrow, Pierre shrugged, “Nothing!” You shook your head, “Somehow I don’t really believe you. Right, come on! Let’s go order!” You stood up, “I already put the twins' order in,” Pierre informed you,  “It better not just be an order of cupcakes!” You tickled Théo tummy as you went past making him giggle and run and duck behind Carlos for cover. Fleur followed her brother and sat opposite him, clambering into the armchair you’d been sat in, Charles helping her up. “Well then, I’ll go order for myself.” You looked at Pierre who nodded to let you know he’d watch the twins. Lando was at the counter when you got there, smiling at you in the same way Pierre had been. You looked at him suspiciously, “What are you up to?” He shook his head before bursting into giggles and running into the kitchen. “Lando?!” You huffed, you just wanted a drink! There was a soft cough making you look up, “Mick! Hi!” He nodded and smiled gently, “Hey Y/N, the usual?” You nodded, willing your face not to heat up at the fact he’d remembered. He nodded in response, taking the payment and turning to start making your drink. He was interrupted by Esteban poking his head out of the storeroom, “Hey Mick, can you come and look at this please?” Mick looked at you apologetically, pushing himself up straight from leaning on the counter before following a retreating Esteban. You stood by the counter for a while before Pierre came up to you, “Hey Y/N, did I tell you I’d painted the storeroom a different colour? Come look!” Before you could argue he’d grabbed your hand and was dragging you towards the storeroom. When you got there he stood back, allowing you to open the door, the light was off and you stepped in, hand fumbling around for the light switch. “Pierre, what exactly are you up to-“ You shrieked as you were suddenly pushed into the storeroom, the door clanging shut behind you. 
--------------------- When they’d arrived at the cafe, Fleur and Théo were more than happy to go off with Pierre, in fact, Fleur smirked to herself, her plan was going perfectly. As they stood at the counter, smuggling cupcakes with Pierre, she voiced her thoughts quietly, aware that Mick was busy behind the counter  “Pierre, I think we should make Y/N tell Mr Mick she loves him!” She whispered, Théo nodding in agreement. Pierre stared at them, surprised that his 7-year-old cousins had picked up on the fact you and Mick liked each other. ‘Then again’, he thought ‘they’re not exactly subtle… Every man and his dog would be able to see it from a five-mile radius’. “I like the way you think mon petit papillon…” He answered, already scheming in his head. He signalled for the twins to be quiet before he beckoned them into the kitchen. “Hi!” Lando cooed as he caught sight of the twins, immediately swooping down to throw Théo in the air making him scream with laughter. Esteban smiled as Fleur skipped over, hugging his leg tightly, “Este, we’re going to make Y/N and Mick fall in love!” Fleur said dreamily, Esteban let out  a laugh, picking her up, “Is that right?” Yuki joined their conversation, “Did you say something about Y/N and Mick?” Pierre huddled them all together, “We know they’re never going to say anything to each other themselves, they need a little… push…” The rest of the boys hummed in agreement. “How are we going to do it?” Esteban asked, making everyone sigh as they realised they had no ideas. “Ooh!” Lando spoke up, “What about trapping them in the storeroom together? It only unlocks from the outside!” Yuki rubbed his hands together, grinning cheekily, “I like the way you think my friend!” Pierre nodded, “Perfect! Now how do we convince them?” Esteban volunteered to take on the role of being the one to bribe Mick to the storeroom. The boys all nodded in agreement before Fleur threw her hand into the middle of the circle from her spot in Esteban’s arms,  “Everyone in!” The boys all laughed at her cute enthusiasm, before they all placed their hands in too, Lando picking up Théo so he wouldn’t be left out. They broke the huddle before Pierre and the twins left the kitchen, heading back out to Y/N. “What have you three been up too?” Pierre shrugged as he tried to play it off, “Nothing!” He should have known she’d be suspicious. “Somehow I don’t really believe you. Right, come on! Let’s go order!” “I already put the twins' order in,” Pierre said, glad he already had,   “It better not just be an order of cupcakes!” Pierre breathed a sigh of relief as you started walking away, “Well then, I’ll go order for myself.” Pierre nodded at you, knowing he had a limited time to inform the others of the plan. 
As soon as you were out of earshot, Pierre filled the others in, “Do you think it will work?” Carlos asked, raising an eyebrow as Charles nodded, booping Fleur’s nose with a grin “Of course! It will work 100%.” Fleur giggled, “You should go now Pierre!” “I’ll watch the twins?” Daniel offered, Pierre gave him a thumbs up before swiftly heading to the counter where you now stood, waiting for Mick to return. Pierre smiled to himself, it seemed Esteban was successful. Now he just needed a believable excuse to tell you. He thought for a moment. Perfect. “Hey Y/N, did I tell you I’d painted the storeroom a different colour? Come look!” He grabbed your wrist, not giving you a chance to argue as he quickly made his way to the storeroom. “Pierre, what exactly are you up to-“ He gently pushed you in before making sure the door was shut, turning to wink at everyone. Fleur cheering from her chair, making all the boys laugh.  -------------------
You stood there in the store cupboard in shock for a moment before you heard a rustling noise next to you and gasped, “Hello?” Mick said quietly “Mick?” “Y/N?” You nodded, then facepalmed realising he couldn’t see you. Suddenly your breathing hitched as you felt Mick close to you. You felt his warm breath fan your cheek as he leant across you, the smell of warm cookies and sweet caramel latte filling your nose. You smiled. You were suddenly aware of how close he was as you felt his body heat press against you, one hand falling onto your waist to steady himself. He found the light switch and flicked it on, the two of you squinting at the sudden brightness. You both froze as you noticed your position. You were leaning against a low cabinet, Mick leaning over you, your eyes dropped to the hand on your waist, cheeks heating up. He looked even more shocked than you. The two of you suddenly looked at each other. He was so close that you could see every detail of his face. He was beautiful. If you tilted your head up a little your lips would have brushed his. His eyes dropped to your lips before he seemed to come to his senses, stepping back from you, hands immediately coming in front of him as he nervously played with the ends of the sleeves of his pale blue sweater. You coughed lightly as you felt a new kind of tension begin to fall over the storeroom. You stood up straight, hand running through your hair as you tried to brush off the feelings that having Mick so close to you had brought up. He opened his mouth as if he was going to say something before suddenly the storeroom door opened and all your friends stood there, as well as the twins, enthusiastically craning their necks to see, faces dropping when they realised they’d not caught the two of you being all lovey-dovey. Plan failed. Pierre looked at you with faux innocence, “I’m so sorry Y/N, I have no clue how that happened!” You shook your head at him, Fleur huffed before turning to Charles accusingly, “You said that this would work Mr Charles!” Your eyes widened, a frown of annoyance painting itself across your face. “Charles Leclerc, you. are. dead.” He gulped as you stalked towards the storeroom door, Daniel stepped in front of you, grabbing your arms, “Hey, it was just a joke okay?” You growled as you glared at Charles. “Not in front of the kids…” Daniel pulled your head to his chest, rubbing your back in a soothing manner. You didn’t notice Mick quietly slipping away, slightly hurt. You seemed very upset at being stuck in there with him… Maybe you didn’t like him back after all.  --------------------
You honestly didn’t think there’d be any more scheming after that. Ha! How wrong you were. You entered the cafe the following Wednesday, Fleur and Théo excited for cake and to see the boys. You loved that they were getting on so well with them all. You watched the twins run off with Esteban and Lando, sighing as you sat down. Daniel looking at you in concern, 
“You alright there cutie?” You sighed dramatically, plopping your face onto your hand as you propped yourself up on the table in front of you. “No…” Carlos straightened up at this, “Why? What’s wrong?” You shook your head. It was embarrassing. Charles looked at you, “Come on Y/N, you tell us everything!” You contemplated for a moment before grumbling, “Fine! I was just hoping that this summer I, I might…” You trailed off, “Might what?” Daniel, Carlos and Charles all sat forward on the edge of their seats, “Might go on a few dates and find a boyfriend!” You whined, staring at Mick behind the counter longingly. The couple of occasions you’d popped in since the storeroom incident he hasn’t spoken to you. In fact, he’d even avoided you, going back into the kitchen and sending Yuki or Lando out to take your order. Your drink was always good, but it never tasted the same. 
Charles held back a snort as he saw where you were looking. He turned to Carlos who smirked. It seemed they were thinking the same thing. “I have a friend I could set you up on a blind date with?” Charles offered, you looked at him. “Really?” Daniel seeming to catch on, nodded, “I think that’s a great idea!” You sighed, “Just one date wouldn’t hurt…” Carlos choked on a laugh as he took a sip of his coffee, sending a quick text to the other boys ‘stay behind tonight’. Oh, if only you knew… 
Later that afternoon, you had gone, having to drop the twins off back home. The cafe was closed for the day and Mick bid the rest of them farewell as he left. Pierre dropped into the seat next to Charles as he groaned, massaging his shoulder, “What’s up with the text?” Daniel smiled at them, “We’re going to set Y/N and Mick up on a blind date!” Yuki clapped his hands enthusiastically as Lando let out a laugh. “Is that a good idea?” Esteban winced, remembering how angry you’d been the previous week. “Trust me, it is!” Charles smirked, “We’ve already convinced Y/N and she’s in!” Esteban's eyes sparkled mischievously, “Then I’m in!” Pierre nodded, “Who’s gonna talk to Mick?” Esteban raised his hand, “I think I could convince him.” The rest of the table nodded.  Plan in action -------------------
“Mick!” Esteban cooed as he approached the blue-eyed male. Mick turned to him, “What do you want?” Esteban feigned shock as he looked at him, “Me? Want something?” Mick gave him a deadpan look as he pouted, “Okay, fine! Although it’s for your own benefit.” Mick nodded for him to continue as he turned back to the cake he was frosting, “Go on a blind date? I have a frien-“ “No Esteban…” Mick shook his head as he looked through the kitchen door to where you sat with your friends. He felt his heart speed up as you let out a cute giggle. Esteban sighed as he followed his friend’s gaze, 
“Maybe this blind date will be just what you need?” He suggested, Mick turned to him before looking back through the door, slowly nodding as he turned to his friend once more, “You might be right.” The frenchman smiled at him before leaving the kitchen, turning to Pierre who was behind the counter and fist-pumping victoriously. Leaning his body to wink at Charles who nodded subtly before turning back to you. 
None of the boys would tell you who they had set you up with. They wouldn’t tell you anything about him. Just that he was very sweet and totally your type. The day of your blind date, you sat on your bed with Daniel and Carlos, Charles playing with Fleur and Théo downstairs. You groaned as you dramatically threw yourself backwards onto your bed. “What am I supposed to wear?” “Just wear what you normally would!” Daniel patted your head as your crawled and flopped your head down onto his thigh. “What if he doesn’t like that?” Carlos snickered, “I don’t think there’s any worry of that…” “Hmm?” You lazily lifted your head. “Nothing! Just that you dress so nicely that it won’t be a problem amor.” Carlos said cheerily. You stood up from our bed and ventured over to your wardrobe pulling out a sweet white summer dress with cap sleeves, the skirt made of a pretty flowy material with small, different coloured, embroidered flowers cascading down from the waist where it was cinched in, the skirt eventually falling just above your calves. “Ooooooh that’s pretty!” Daniel said, nodding approvingly. Carlos hummed an agreement before seemingly remembering, “Oh, by the way, you have half an hour.” “Half an hour?!” You cried, ‘I haven’t even done my hair or makeup yet!” Charles burst into your bedroom with Fleur and Théo in tow. “Never fear! For your personal stylist is here!” He said, wiggling his eyebrow, making you laugh despite your stress. Fleur and Théo jumped onto your bed, Daniel immediately playing with them, pretending to be some sort of monster or dragon as he tickled them. “Chop chop!” Charles clapped at you, hurting you into your bathroom, “Get dressed and then I’ll fix you up!” How you managed to get ready in such a short amount of time blew your mind. Charles, for some reason and you had no clue how or why, was very talented at doing your hair. The way he’d done it complimented your outfit perfectly. You kept your makeup light and simple. You put on some of your favourite jewellery pieces and exited your bathroom to see Fleur and Théo staring at you with wide eyes, “You look like a princess!” Fleur said, clasping her hands together under her chin. You giggled, running a hand through her hair and pressing a kiss to her forehead, “Thanks bubba!” You turned to Carlos and Daniel, inhaling deeply through your nose,  “Does it look okay?” “You look beautiful,” “You look perfect.” Daniel offered you a pale blue short cardigan to go over the top as Carlos held out a sweet, white crossbody bag. You gratefully accepted both items before you slipped your feet into some white flats and checked your phone. “Now, you’ll know it’s him because he’s wearing a pale blue shirt under an oversized brown sweater and jeans.” You nodded, “also he’ll be wearing a cap.” You nodded once more, “Now go my little cherub!” Charles said landing a wet kiss to your cheek with a loud smack, making you groan and strain to pull away. He laughed as he let you go, “Be careful ad have fun!” Carlos said, winking,  “We’ll watch the twins and make sure they have tons of fun!” Daniel wheezed out as Théo jumped on him once more. 
You waved your goodbyes before exiting your home and heading to the beach, looking at the directions Charles had texted you, ‘Meet him outside the cafe! Do you remember what he’s wearing?’, you rolled your eyes before replying, ‘Yes I remember what he’s wearing, you melon, I don’t have a goldfish brain…’ You plugged your headphones in as you began the short walk to the cafe. You couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed. You’d really hoped you would have plucked up the courage to ask Mick on a date this summer. You wondered about the mystery guy as you walked along. How tall was he? Would he be as tall as Mick? What colour is his hair? Are his eyes as pretty as Mick’s? What does he like to do? Does he like music like Mick? Does he have a job? Was he a barista like Mick? You caught yourself as you stopped at a crossing. You needed to get Mick out of your head! You crossed the street, walking around the corner and smiling as the cafe came into view. You looked around for a guy that matched the description Charles gave you but there was no one. You stood outside the cafe and decided to wait for a little while. ------------------- Mick checked his appearance once more in the cafe bathroom mirror, he exhaled somewhat shakily as he pushed his hair back, picking his cap on to place it on top of his head. Maybe he should go without them? He fiddled with the cap before deciding to put it back down on the counter. There. Much better. He checked himself over one last time before he left the bathroom, passing Yuki and Lando in the kitchen. They both waved at him as he passed, giving each other knowing smiles. Pierre nodded at him from behind the counter and Esteban wished him luck as he cleared tables. Mick stopped by the door as he checked his phone once more for the text from Esteban with the description of the girl. ‘White dress, white shoes, blue cardigan and white bag.’ Mick nodded to himself, knowing that the girl was waiting outside the door. As soon as he stepped out, the boys inside the cafe rushed to press themselves against the window.
You heard the bell of the cafe door tinkle and you turned to see… Mick? Your eyes glanced over his frame. Jeans, pale blue shirt and oversized brown sweater… You inhaled as you came to the realisation that the boys had set you up. Mick stared at you and took in your appearance, noting that it matched the description of the- oh… Oh! He smiled to himself as he realised. You approached him slowly. “Hey.” “Hi.” He paused for a second before clearing this throat. “So you’re my date?” You nodded softly, “Yeah I guess so… Is that okay?” “YES! I mean… Y-yeah that’s okay.” You giggled softly making Mick’s heart stop, you were too darn sweet for him. “I booked us a table at ‘The Seafront’ for dinner?” He seemed so unsure, it was adorable. “That sounds lovely.” You reassured him, he seemed to sigh with relief, “Shall we go?” The two of you fell in step with each other as you walked. It was quiet for a while. “I’m so sorry about what happened the other week…” He trailed off, cautious about bringing it up. You looked at him as the two of you slowed your pace, “No! Please! Don’t apologise, it was my fault…” “Actually it was Charles’ fault…” He joked, you laughed at that, he wasn’t wrong. “But either way, I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable.” “Uncomfortable? Why would you have made me uncomfortable?” He sighed like he was thinking carefully about how to answer, “Once the door was opened you seemed… upset… that you’d been stuck in there with me…” He trailed off, voice quietening. You bit your lip softly, you hadn’t thought about how your reaction must have looked to Mick. “Oh no no no… I’m so sorry Mick… In all honesty, I wasn’t upset about that. I was upset that they may have made you uncomfortable.” You explained, he looked up at you quickly, “I really wasn’t mad about being locked in there with you at all.” You said shyly, both of you turning shy immediately. 
You walked in silence for a little longer, this time the silence being of the comfortable kind. The type that says how easy it is to be with the other person.
You took in the views of the seaside as you walked together, you noticed he was walking a little closer to you now, making you smile. You allowed the hand closest to him to drop to your side, gently brushing his. He gasped quietly before you did it again. Not wanting to push you stopped. Soon enough you felt Mick brush his hand against yours, except this time he hooked his pinky finger around yours, linking them together in the sweetest most innocent of ways. You sighed happily as you looked at your joined hands. You eventually made it to the restaurant, making small talk as you went, Mick never letting go of your hand. The waiter showed you to your table, Mick pulling out your chair for you before taking his own seat opposite you. The table was sat out on the veranda overlooking the beach and you smiled as you breathed in the fresh sea air. Mick smiled as he caught sight of your smile. You thanked the waiter as he dropped off two menus. 
The whole meal was better than you ever could have expected. You and Mick got along so well. The conversation never stopped flowing, which did surprise you slightly. You chatted as you ate, excited to be learning so many new things about each other. When the check came, Mick quickly snatched it up making you frown, 
“I’ll get this, you get the ice cream on the next date.” You stopped suddenly before smiling at him teasingly, “Who said there’ll be a next one?” Mick froze as he registered what he said, “I didn’t mean, I just meant that, if you’d like to I-I-I would like to take you on another date-“ His rambling was cut off by you leaning across the table and pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek. “I’d love to go on another date with you Mick.” He blushed heavily as he called the waiter over.
You left the restaurant happily. You were full, from the good meal, the good company and the good conversation. “Would you like to take a walk on the beach?” Mick asked you, face bathed in a warm golden glow from the setting sun. You nodded, “I would very much like that.” Rather boldly, he linked your pinkies together again, making you squeal internally. You made your way down to the sand together, you swinging your hands as you hummed happily, making Mick laugh. You reached the sand, looked around and noticing you were the only ones of the beach, you immediately let go of Mick’s hand, leaning down to slip your shoes off. He did the same and you grinned at him before you took off, running across the sand. Mick seemed shocked for a second before he took off after you, the two of you running across the sand and chasing each other like kids. Eventually he caught up to you, tapping you on the shoulder as he passed. You laughed as you slowed down to a stop, catching your breath as you dropped your shoes on the sand and sitting down next to them. Mick circled back round to sit next to you, dropping his shoes in the sand too. He sat next to you, close enough that your knees touched as you both sat cross legged. You laughed breathlessly as you dropped your head back, enjoying the cool breeze of the evening. Mick stared at you for a second, completely entranced by the way the wind gently ruffled your hair, making you smile. You opened your eyes and turned to Mick suddenly, holding out your hand, he took your hand in his, loving how soft and warm your hand felt. “Confession time,” you said staring at your hands, “I have a strange ABBA addiction and I’m seriously convinced I was born in the wrong era!” He laughed at your statement, “Okay, I like hiking a lot and sometimes do it for charity…” The tips of his ears glowed red in the evening light, “Really?” He nodded bashfully, “That’s so cool!” You thought for a moment, “Oooh! Whenever I use my coloured pens for studying I have to keep them in colour order at all times.” Mick gasped mockingly, “You mean there are people out there that don’t do that?” You giggled, he continued, “My turn? Hmmm… I actually hate coffee. I only carried on working in the cafe to see you.” He looked down at your hands, unable to look you in the eye. “Really?” You said softly. He nodded shyly, still not looking at you. You gently reached your free hand up to his face and held his face in your hand, making him look up at you, “I’m so glad you did…” You leant in slowly, giving him time to back away. He didn’t. He moved in to meet you, lips gently brushing over yours before he pressed them to yours with more intent. You sighed contentedly as the two of you shifted slightly, allowing you to wrap your arms around his neck and one of his hands came to rest on the side of your face, the other gently placing itself on your waist. You felt him smile into the kiss, making you do the same. The two of you pulled away with hushed giggled and sweet smiles. 
You were suddenly aware that you heard cheering behind you. You turned to see all of your friends and Fleur and Théo, even though it was long past their bedtime. You blushed and hid your face in Mick’s shoulder as he shooed them away. They booed him jokingly before you felt you phone vibrating. Pierre. “Hey there lovebirds! We’re all heading back to the cafe if you want to join us for free drinks and cake to celebrate you guys finally admitting your feelings!” He hung up the call and you heard their noisy babble fade as they walked away. You pulled away from Mick’s shoulder to look at him. “I don’t mind?” He gazed at you sweetly before standing up, offering his hand out to you to help you up “Would you like your usual?” You giggled, taking his hand, “That would be lovely.” The two of you made your way back to the cafe. “Mick, are you sure you were the right person?” “What do you mean?” “Well, Charles told me the guy would be wearing a cap…” “I- Really, Y/N…?” “I’m just checking!” “Just for that, I’m going to make you an espresso, triple shot.” “You wouldn’t!” “Try me!” 
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darklydeliciousdesires · 11 months
Lost & Found - Chapter Three.
Surprise! I thought I’d treat you all to an off the cuff update as a little thank you for your readership. You’ve all made me feel confident again in the wake of having that confidence take a knock, so yeah, here you go. It’ll move the story along a little more, too. There’ll still be an update on Friday as well, but for now, enjoy :) 
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Previous chapters - One  Two
Words - 3,516 
Warnings - 18+ content throughout, Minors DNI. Recounts of kidnap, child trafficking, physical/verbal/sexual abuse in the coming chapters.
They pulled into a gas station a little further along in their journey, Bottles exiting to fill up with gas and Guero shifting to climb out over the driver’s side, telling her he wouldn’t be long. Her eyes fixed upon him, her heart beginning to jackrabbit in her chest. He’d made her feel safe as she’d curled into him, and now he was moving away from her. Her demeanour took on that of a meerkat, positioned sharply upright, scanning the small building he’d walked into, her nerves demanding she keep him in her eye line.  
Swallowing nervously, she blinked rapidly, her throat tightening when he moved out of her view, her body going rigid once more when Bottles opened up the door. His eyes scanned her, his face kind in what she could see from her peripheral vision, still focusing on Guero’s movements. Seeing him emerge again, she began to settle.  
“I had no idea what you liked, so I got a little of everything.” Gesturing to the brown paper bag he held, he dipped the edge with his finger, revealing it to be full of snack foods. He pulled three packaged sandwiches from the top, throwing one at bottles, holding up the other two. “Chicken or ham?”  
She pointed to the ham one. “That’s some cosmic shit right there,” he smiled, gesturing to the chicken. “I wanted this one.” He placed the bag down at his feet, pulling his seatbelt back on as Emma opened the package, pulling out the sub style sandwich and taking a bite.  
It might have been on slightly tough bread, the salad a little wilted, but for her it was as good as a gourmet meal after three weeks of protein bars. The mustard and smoky flavour of the ham mingled upon her tongue, her tastebuds tingling, closing her eyes with a look of bliss. Food. God, she’d missed it.  
They ate in silence for the duration of the journey, all sharing from the large bag of cheese Ruffles also purchased, Emma thinking that chips had truly never tasted so good as she crunched through each mouthful, washing them down with the provided small bottle of cherry Coke. He wasn’t to know it was her favourite drink in the entire world either, yet it was the one he had chosen in from the array of sodas on offer.  
The cool, sugary carbon refreshed her mouth, which was fuzzy and grimy in feel after three weeks of no dental hygiene. No hygiene at all to speak of, in fact. She knew she stank, yet Guero quite happily let her settle against him again without fuss. She felt a little bad for that, especially when he smelled so good, leather, soap and a faint trace of cologne.  
While leaning against him, she watched as the freeway began to become sparser of surroundings, the dessert landscape taking over as Bottles turned off, a large sign upon the highway they exited onto coming into view. Santo Padre. It was reassuring, seeing the sign matched where Bishop had stated they would be taking her.  
The town was small, not as suburban as what she was used to, although back in her old life she’d scarcely had the freedom that meant she could move around Staten Island, the place that had become her home. Less home, more prison, she often surmised.  
The van moved through the quiet streets, weaving around until it finally came to a large gate, the signage denoting the location to be Romero Brothers Scrap. A smaller sign beneath it read Losa Motorcycle repair, yet another statement to ring true, Emma remembering that Guero had told her it was the location Bishop’s wife ran her shop from. The convoy came to a halt, someone jogging to open the gate, EZ riding through, the van following.  
Her eyes took everything in as they drove through the wide passage between old piles of iron and steel, piles upon piles of metal twisted and stacked, crushed cars jutting into the horizon before a second gate came into view. This one was opened from the inside, a woman dressed casually in sweats and a vest standing back as she swung it open, her slender arms decorated plentifully with colourful tattoos.
They pulled up a little way from a wooden building, the lights casting a soft, yellow glow out into the darkness of the early morning, Bottles jumping out, going over to a few of the guys who had parked up their bikes, Emma taking in her surroundings with widened eyes. Caution began to wind through her again, Guero feeling her starting to stiffen, watching her bring her thumb to her mouth and chew.  
“That’s the clubhouse,” he pointed, his finger then moving to the woman who had opened the gate, positioned on the step. “And that’s Lee. You ready to get out?”  
She felt fragile and foolish to suddenly experience another attack of nerves, especially when everything she’d been promised had rung true, her eyes finding the slender blonde woman, watching her wave lackadaisically. Her trembles started up once more, Guero softly sighing through his nose, climbing out over the driver’s seat and walking around the front of the van to the passenger side, opening the door.  
He held out his hands, the warmth of his smile creasing his eyes. “Come on, blue eyes. It’s okay.” She froze for a few moments, taking deep breaths before turning, taking his hands. The appearance of a large, bald man walking behind where Guero was stood made her eyes round, her safety person turning.  
“That’s Gilly.” The big man smiled as he continued, figuring he’d probably do more harm than good if he lingered, the girl still looking perturbed. Once he’d gone, she didn’t immediately calm, her eyes darting all around, the sounds of people talking and laughing a little overloading to her senses, eventually reaching for Guero. Safety person. All was well if he was near.  
She reached past his hands, gripping onto his shoulders as she slid from the van, Guero clasping her waist as he lifted her, surprised when she wrapped her legs around him. He could handle carrying her, she weighed virtually nothing at all, her frame slight although she was quite tall, shutting the van and carrying her over to where Lee was waiting.  
“Morning,” she grumbled, yawning. “So, this is Emma, right?”
“Yeah. She’s a little freaked out still,” Guero commented, Lee nodding.
“’Sup, Emma? You okay, you alright?” Three questions. It was another little touchback to something she’d been told ringing true. “I’m set up in templo, figured it’d be best. The old man said she was kinda scared.” Lee continued with, opening the clubhouse door, Emma clinging on tighter as she was carried into the new space. It was shabby but cozy, wooden furniture that didn’t match clustered around tables, a few couches and a small bar area.
It smelled strongly of cigarettes and alcohol, Emma lowering her face to Guero’s collar, his scent filling her nose, finding familiar comfort again quickly. She was carried down a narrow passage, Lee sliding open a stained-glass door, leading to a narrow room with a large table in the centre, Guero closing the door behind him, seating her atop that table and standing back. Immediately, she scrambled to reach for him.
“I’m not leaving you, it’s alright. Hey, calm down,” he soothed her with, jumping up onto the table beside her, his wallet chain clattering against the wood. “I’ll stay right here if you like.” She nodded, trembling softly, turning to view Lee arranging a few items she’d laid out, looking up with a small smile.  
“You ready for me to take a look at you?” She nodded, her hand reaching to clasp Guero’s, still a little scared. “Alrighty. I’m gonna touch your head, make sure you don’t have any other bumps anywhere, then shine a light in your eyes. Need to check for concussion.”  
Back when she’d been in active service and dealt with injured troops, especially those who had been traumatised by the horrors of war and slid into a state of shock, Lee had found that talking them through an examination process had made it much easier for them, applying those techniques to the young woman sitting before her.  
Although kind, Lee knew she could lack a little warmth in her demeanour at times, her military background moulding her into a strong, formidable woman. She was practical and pragmatic before she was anything else, but understood when sensitivity was needed.
Slowly, she reached for Emma’s head, checking for bumps before picking up a small torch. “Gotta shine this in your eyes, check how your pupils react.” The light beamed in, Lee studying her carefully. “Follow my finger.” Emma did as instructed, beginning to calm down a little. Things were adding up, she was being examined, just as she was told would happen. It was okay. She was safe.
Lee nodded, pulling on a pair of latex gloves. “No concussion, but this cut is fuckin’ savage as fuck. Gonna clean it up and then spray it with ethyl chloride, so it’ll numb the skin, alrighty?” She was met by a small nod, Lee picking up a bottle of antiseptic and decanting it onto some cotton pads. “It’s gonna fuckin’ sting, deep breath.”  
The antiseptic seeped into her wound, making her hiss softly, her clutch on Guero’s hand tightening. He clasped it between his, the warmth of his skin soothing, taking her mind off the sharp burning upon her forehead. Once the wound was clean, Lee picked up a clear bottle, beginning to carefully spray it around the broken skin as she gently blew, shielding Emma’s eye with her hand. A cooling sensation chilled her forehead until she felt nothing at all, Lee then prepping a needle.  
“My stiches are nothing short of perfect, but it’s gonna leave a small scar, sadly,” Lee spoke as she began to stitch, her brow creasing with concentration. “Dunno if you’ve heard of it, but there’s something called Bio-Oil you can put on it that’ll help lessen the scar once it’s healed. These stitches aren’t dissolvable either, so you’ll need to find someplace to have them taken out in two weeks once you’ve healed. They’ll itch, but try not to touch the wound, just keep it clean to prevent infection.”
“Okay.” Emma replied, her eyes moving to her side, watching Guero.
“You doing alright?”
Her lips thinned into a shy smile. “Mmhm. Thanks f-for looking after m-me.”
His fingers squeezed softly on hers. “You’re welcome.”
Lee finished her stitching in impressive timing, removing her gloves and beginning to pack away her medical kit again. “All done. Do you have someplace you can go, family, friends out here? You look dehydrated and I’d guess a little malnourished, too. You need to go someplace safe and recover from your journey. Is there anybody we can call for you, you got a number, a name?”
She shook her head.  
“Okay, well you’re welcome at Casa Losa. We have a spare room if you need it?”  
Immediately, she curled into Guero, Lee reading the situation. She’d obviously somewhat imprinted upon him, not willing to think of an alternative to staying by his side. Trauma. Whatever the hell had gone on in that shipping crate that led to her injuries, or perhaps more accurately, the life she’d been so desperate to flee from as a stowaway within it, Lee knew lingering trauma when she saw it. “Alrighty, sugar. You wanna stay with him, I get it.”  
Her eyes searched his, Guero nodding. “Yeah, come crash at my place. It’s cool.” Instantly, she relaxed again.
With a nod and a small smile, Lee left the room, seeking out her husband at the bar, her arms sliding around his waist as she kissed his cheek.  
“How’s the girl?” EZ asked, sliding from his seat to arrive at her side.  
“Stitched, but she’s really fuckin’ bent out of shape mentally. Starting to calm down, but she’s panicked. Bishop told me you were bringing her back because you wanted answers over who stole your cash. Well, you ain’t fuckin’ getting them tonight, Ezekiel.”  
The president gave her a slightly incredulous look. “That’s not down to you to decide, Lee.”  
She straightened, lifting her chin. “While I’m the person who gets called upon at all hours to pull bullets out of y’all, stitch you up, fix your fuckin’ bike dings and generally be a mother hen to this MC, then you better fuckin’ believe I’m deciding it. Not happening, ain’t gonna be tonight, no fuckin’ way.” Pausing she jerked her thumb back in the direction of templo, her eyes fixed upon his.  
“That poor girl has been through enough; she doesn’t need you interrogating her when she can’t even string more than about five fuckin’ stammered words together right now. The docks have CCTV, so if you so desperately wanna find out who stung you guys, I’d get on the phone to the guards who Don fuckin’ Lombardi is greasing the palms of to send you the footage. She’ll talk when she’s fuckin’ ready.”  
Her eyes lingered upon him as she leaned to her husband, kissing his cheek again. “You better hurry up home and fuck me until I fall asleep.” She marched from the clubhouse, Bishop grunting a small laugh, turning to EZ.  
“Come on, mano,” he sighed, shaking his head. “You know if there’s one person you can’t give orders to, it’s my wife. She has a point, too. Call the guard now, before the footage gets erased.” Every single base was covered in the operation, including any footage of the MC delivering to the container. They had to act fast, having no idea how close to their arrival the robbery took place, Bishop not wanting to chance the footage of the perpetrators ending up being deleted as well.  
EZ nodded, taking his phone out and leaving the clubhouse in order to do just that, tired from the events of the night and still quietly burning with fury over the theft. Meanwhile, back in templo, Emma sat quietly, having heard Lee’s words to EZ, feeling relieved that the pressure was off her and she wasn’t about to be interrogated.  
“Can you...c-can you do me a, a favour?” she stammered tentatively, Guero sliding off the table to stand in front of her. He nodded, Emma continuing. “D-don’t tell anybody that you found me in, in that container, especially n-not the man who you were offloading heroin for. Rocco Lombardi can n-never know where I am.”
Her stuttered speech was a clear indicator of who she was truly the most frightened of, the mob boss himself, Guero wondering what a young woman, probably around his age, had done to warrant the need to vanish from the jaws of the mafia.  
“Don’t worry nobody is gonna say shit. I doubt EZ is gonna wanna bring light to any of this.” He knew his president well, and he knew that the man they were running heroin for was an executor of seamless operations the likes of which EZ had promised. Although finding a stowaway in a container and their payment gone wasn’t anything that would affect Lombari personally, snags in the plan always raised doubt, and they needed this alliance way too much to risk it.  
Guero paused, stuck in indecision for a moment whether to ask her what was on his mind, the question slipping out before he’d truly had chance to weigh up whether he should. “I gotta ask, though, is it him you were running from, or the mafia in general, why we found you in that container?”
She tensed visibly, her gaze dropping to the floor, a quiver ripping through her. No. He definitely shouldn’t have. “I’m sorry. Tell me when you’re ready, or not at all. Isn’t really any of my business.”  
No expectations to reveal her inner trauma, no pushing, only kindness. Kindness, and the offer a place to stay. A safe place with her safe person. Her insides heaved a sigh of relief. “Can we leave now?”
He nodded, taking her hands in his. “Yeah. Let me go get the van keys from Bottles, grab your backpack and snack bag.” He’d intended for her to wait in templo for him, but predictably as soon as he’d taken a step back, she followed. Pressing herself close at his side, she hugged onto his thick arm as they walked through the clubhouse, finding Bottles behind the bar, Guero making a motion with his hand that indicated a turning key. With those very items tossed into his neat catch, they departed.
“Heading home, prez,” Guero spoke on his way out, pausing at seeing the thunderous expression on EZ’s face.  
“Yeah, alright.” His jaw was tight, each word practically bitten into as they left his mouth. Guero knew that mood, knowing it was best to leave him to simmer down, Emma falling into step at his side before suddenly slowing, turning back look upon to the agitated president. He might’ve terrified her, but he hadn’t lied to her. That deserved some kind of reward.  
Releasing her hold on Guero’s arm, she walked back up the steps, tucking her hair behind her ear meekly, EZ’s glance fixing upon her. Her heart jumped, swallowing the little fearful lump in her throat. “I heard w-what Lee suggested, about the CCTV. You won’t f-find any, because it was an inside job. The guys who robbed your c-cash were two of the dock security guards.”
Her nervously stammered words matched the cause of his ire, being told exactly that on the phone not five minutes before. Something stuck out for him, though. “Why'd they just knock you out and leave you there, though? You'd witnessed it, could easily tell us their identity. It doesn’t add up that they wouldn’t haul you out of there, or kill you.”  
Emma shrugged, swallowing a few times. “I c-could hear motorcycle engines in the distance just before t-they hit me. They didn’t have any time. I guess they h-had to hope I wouldn’t come around before you left again. I g-guess a gun going off in a c-container is pretty loud, too.”
That tied up the loose end adequately enough. “Thank you.” Standing, he walked to the clubhouse door, swinging it open. “Bish, we gotta head out again. Gilly, Hank, you too.” He was about to stride over to his bike when Emma’s small voice halted him.  
“Um, I know you’ll h-have to let him know about this, but please d-don’t tell Rocco Lombardi you f-found me in that container. Please don’t.”  
He saw the pleading in her eyes clearly, considering her statement with a sniff. Truly, Lombardi didn’t need to know what they’d found, only the circumstances that had surrounded what was missing. “Alright, I promise I won’t.”
She nodded, looking at her feet before her eyes found his again. “Thank you.”
He headed down the steps with a nod, pausing for a second before he turned back. “Why, though? What did Lombardi do to you?”
She bit her lip, looking at Guero for a moment, folding her arms as her shoulders trembled and drew in. “Everything.”  
EZ lifted his chin slightly, studying her uneasiness. It really didn’t have anything to do with him, and he might’ve been jumping to conclusions, but the words ‘I don’t trust him’ delivered by his VP not five months ago up in Vegas sounded through his head, turning and continuing across to his bike once more.  
Walking back to Guero’s side, she clutched his arm, smiling when he shrugged her hold off to hug her gently. “That was brave, blue eyes.”  
She nodded against him, letting out a sigh. “Didn’t want to make him mad.”  
He didn’t really know how to reply to that, so remained silent, patting her back before walking over to the van to retrieve her stuff. After quickly running the keys back, they moved to his large, yellow and black bike, Emma being handed the spare helmet.  
“You ever ridden on the back of a motorcycle before?” She shook her head. “Alright, well there’s not much to it. Just hold on tight. I won’t go so fast, though.”
Securing her backpack, she took the helmet and jammed it on, the fit a little tight due to the many tangles thickening her hair, swinging her leg over and seating herself behind him comfortably. The engine roared into life, eighteen hundred horses primed to charge as he kicked off, riding through the gate behind the others, who he guessed were San Diego bound once more.
In the space of four hours, Emma had gone from stowaway fleeing from her life, to under the care of an outlaw she barely knew. It wasn’t exactly what she’d envisaged, but then again, not having a long-term plan after fleeing the east coast, there was nothing she could match it to, expectations wise. As she clung to her safe person, she was thankful that a long last, she felt just that. Safe.
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p-taryn-dactyl · 2 years
Re your terrible day in need of fluff prompts-
1) I hope things have turned around at least a little and the universe is being more gentle and kind now.
2) promptttt: Reader grouchy (just one of those grumpy grrr days) so gf Kate and bff Yelena trap -not opposed to playfully forcing btw- R into their cuddles and don’t let go until R stops being all pouty. Will there be laughing? Hopefully because honestly how wonderful are their laughs????
3) sending you mad mad mad love
a/n: hi!! <3, i love this prompt so much, it definitely helped my day a bunch!! (don’t worry, i feel significantly better now)
word count: 629
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You were angry today. Why? Who needs a reason why, you just were grumpy today. Someone smiles at you on the street? What a weirdo, this is NYC. You do the obvious and glare furiously at them. A cat nuzzles it’s furry little head on your legs as it looks up to you like you’re it’s mother? Okay, that wasn’t so bad, but why does the cat have more happiness than you? You glared softly at the cat.
Now, you sat on the couch, your irrational anger bubbling under your skin. You had crossed your arms as your girlfriend walked in the room, her smile practically blinding you. You humphed and looked away when she directed her sun shine towards you. Kate furrowed her eyebrows and looked at Yelena, who was sitting on the countertop, shoveling mac n’ cheese in her mouth. Your best friend shrugged at Kate’s questioning look.
“Don’t look at me, Bishop. Y/N has been grumpy all day. I think she even glared at a newborn.”
You rolled your eyes at Yelena’s words, an action that did not go unseen by Kate.
“Grumpy huh? Why are you in a bad mood, love?”
You huffed before you answered.
“No reason, just in a bad mood.”
You continued to look away from Kate. Because of that, you didn’t see the silent conversation happening between your girlfriend and best friend. Yelena set her bowl down on the countertop gently, making no sound as she jumped off. Kate shared a smirk with blonde assassin as they made their way to the couch. Very subtly, they sat on either side of you, taking on faux serious expressions.
“Well, Yelena, I just don’t think this grouchyness will do.”
Yelena nodded, very serious to the point of being comical.
“I agree Kate Bishop. I guess there’s only one thing we can do.”
Kate nodded.
“I guess so.”
You were only able to let out a confused noise before you were bombarded by two pairs of arms. Immediately, you protested. But your pleas were lost to the void as you were smothered in cuddles.
“Guys! Come on, let me go!”
You felt them simultaneously shake their heads against your shoulders.
“Nope! No can do! We aren’t letting you go until you show us that beautiful smile of yours!”
You sighed and sarcastically smiled.
“Is that better?”
You received a glare from Yelena with that.
Kate tightened her hold on you, pulling you closer to nuzzle into your neck, making you giggle a bit. Kate lit up after hearing the sound, her excitement causing all three of you to tumble to the ground, you sandwiched between the two. Their cuddling didn’t waver. You laughed loudly at the sudden change in scenery, causing Yelena to start laughing as well. Soon, the three of you, piled up Croods style, were laughing hysterically. You did your best to return Kate’s hug as you all untangled yourself. Kate’s arms were tight against you as you spoke.
“Thanks Kate.”
Yelena let out an offended huff.
“Excuse me? Where’s my hug? May I remind you I had to experience your grumpy mood much longer than Kate and-” before she could finish, you had already thrown your arms around her.
“Thank you too, Yelena.”
You pulled back and leaned against the couch, the burst of happiness still pounding in your heart.
“I’m sorry I was so grumpy.” You apologized to the two most important people in your life with a sheepish grin.
Kate shrugged before wiggling her shoulders and spreading her arms.
“You can make up for it with more cuddles!”
You couldn’t resist her puppy dog eyes.
The rest of the night was spent with you, Kate, and Yelena all cuddled up on the couch, watching all of your comfort movies.
a/n: idk why i end so many of my fics with watching movies but thank you for reading! i hope this wasn’t terrible!
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shefanispeculator · 6 months
Here’s Your First Peek at Blake Shelton’s Las Vegas Honky Tonk Bar
Blake Shelton’s sprawling country bar will offer some of the best views in Las Vegas
by Janna Karel  Jan 4, 2024, 1:49pm PST
Janna Karel is the Editor for Eater Vegas.
Blake Shelton’s Ole Red, a sprawling, multi-story bar, dance hall, music venue, and restaurant, opens soon, and when it does, it may offer the best rooftop view of the Las Vegas Strip. Shelton broke ground on Ole Red in January of 2023 in front of the Horseshoe Las Vegas. Since then, construction crews have been building the four-story Tennessee-born restaurant, chefs have been developing a menu with dishes that are exclusive to Las Vegas, and Shelton’s team has been bulking up the roster of musical acts that will perform on stage beneath the 4,500-pound ceiling-mounted tractor.
The roughly 27,000-square-foot country bar has four levels. On the first floor is a stage in front of a 38-foot-tall LED screen that can project images to complement shows or be divided into smaller screens for broadcasting sports and other events. The second and third stories overlook the stage and each floor has a bar at the back and fully modular seating — meaning that each floor can offer traditional restaurant-style tables, lounge-style seating, or even have the furniture cleared away to make room for dancing.
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The second floor has a first for Las Vegas — a direct walkway into the honky tonk. The elevated pedestrian walkway stretches from the Bellagio Las Vegas Hotel and Casino side of Las Vegas Boulevard to right inside the bar. Both stories have outdoor balconies, offering views of the Grand Bazaar Shops to the East and the Fountains at Bellagio to the west.
The fourth floor is up on the rooftop and will offer a more exclusive experience. Reservations will be encouraged for evening VIP dining, with semi-private cabanas and lounge seating reserved with table minimums. The rooftop will have regular dining at lunch time, then transition to nightlife service around 9 p.m. every night, with cocktail menus and entertainment unique to the fourth floor.
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The view from the center Strip rooftop is panoramic, offering views from the Mandalay Bay at the south end of the Strip to the Mirage at the north end. It’s primed for viewing big events like the Formula One Las Vegas Grand Prix and parades for the Golden Knights or Las Vegas Aces, with more than a mile of visibility in either direction. Ole Red can seat about 670 people, or offer standing room for more than 1,100. It’s a capacity that warrants the facility’s two kitchens.
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Rendering of Ole Red.
The menu will have about 17 items from Ole Red’s locations in Tennessee, Florida, and Shelton’s hometown of Tishomingo, Oklahoma. Chef Mark Boor spent months developing a further 17 dishes that will be unique to Las Vegas. There will be appetizers like the Turnin’ Me On loaded tots, which are rounds of house-made crispy tots piled high with truffle salt, bacon, parmesan, herbs, a sweet bourbon onion and tomato jam, and a smoked black bean aioli. Shrimp corn dogs are Boor’s answer to “Vegas-ifying” the corn dog — coating skewers of shrimp in a light and flaky batter, served with three types of aioli. Boor says his favorite dish, and one he expects to be a crowd-pleaser, is the blackberry crispy chicken sliders. The three mini sandwiches are layered with sweet blackberry compote, a tangy whipped goat cheese spread with jalapenos, cabbage, and super crispy chicken on brioche buns.
Leaning into the West Coast-adjacent location, the menu will have a street corn salad with roasted corn and cotija cheese and mahi-mahi tacos with slaw and avocado. The Hell Right burger is 10 ounces of ground short rib, brisket, and chuck with hatch green chiles, pepper jack cheese, and smoked mushrooms — the result a super juicy burger requiring a two-hand grip. And there’s also the Ole Red ribeye, a 20-ounce bone-in ribeye with spiced chipotle butter, horseradish mashed potatoes, and crunchy slaw.
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Ole Red Las Vegas and Ryman Hospitality Properties say that this will be the chain’s largest location to date. With a focus on live country music, the bar will predominantly boast a soundtrack of acoustic solo artists during the day, bands in the evening, and even DJs performing after dark. General manager, Ryan Klaasen says that on most days, the restaurant will be organized for lunch service through the afternoon, and then the tables and booths may take on whatever redecorating is needed to accommodate the night’s entertainment.
“I’ve been coming here a long time. I hosted award shows and worked concerts and was a fan and witness to Gwen Stefani’s residency,” Shelton said at an announcement for the bar last January. “And every time I’m here, I want to see some damn country music.” Shelton said he expects that Ole Red will welcome talent from unsigned singers and artists previously featured on The Voice. He’s also pitched a night in which visitors play talent scouts, listening to music from country artists in a venue with concert-quality production.
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While Ole Red doesn’t have an opening date yet, it is expected to open within the next few weeks.
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namshyeee · 5 months
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Lynn Yamada Davis, a TikTok creator who entertained millions of people with her zany style and cooking tips on her account, Cooking With Lynja, died on Jan. 1 in Red Bank, N.J. She was 67.
The cause of death, in Riverview Medical Center, was esophageal cancer, her daughter Hannah Mariko Shofet said. Ms. Davis lived in Holmdel, N.J.
Ms. Davis began creating the wholesome Cooking With Lynja videos in 2020 with her youngest child, Tim Davis, to help keep up his cinematography skills during the pandemic lockdown.
Her social media accounts have remained active after her death, because she had asked him to post videos that had already been edited. One such video shows the two of them looking for truffles in Italy.
“My mom was like my partner in crime,” Mr. Davis, 27, who edited the TikTok account, said in a phone interview.
Something else she requested, Mr. Davis said, was that he post a few older videos that they had made together about a decade ago.
Those early versions of what would later become an international TikTok sensation known for their lightheartedness were a way for Mr. Davis to learn how to make the food his mother cooked “as well as have a time capsule,” he said.
After the last Cooking With Lynja videos are uploaded the account will stop posting, he said.
Cooking With Lynja began in 2020 and gained wide attention with a video in which the 5-foot-tall Ms. Davis makes a bacon, egg and cheese sandwich while showing off some quirky dance moves. Soon, about one million people were following her offbeat content. (Today, the account has more than 17 million followers.) Potential sponsors noted the videos’ success and started contacting her.
More than three years later, the Cooking With Lynja YouTube account has nearly 10 million subscribers, and Ms. Davis’s Instagram account has more than two million followers.
In 2022, Forbes included Ms. Davis on its annual “50 over 50” list, which pays tribute to successful women over 50 years old. And she won Streamy Awards, honoring online videos, in the editing and food categories. In 2023, she attended the Forbes Women’s Summit in Abu Dhabi, where she spoke on a panel.
Lynn Yamada Davis was born on July 31, 1956, in New York City and lived most of her early life in Fort Lee, N.J. Her father, Tadao Yamada, was a businessman, and her mother, Mabel Fujisake Yamada, ran the household.
She graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1977 with a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering and earned a master’s degree in business administration as well as public health from the Columbia University Business School.
Ms. Davis worked for Bell Labs (now AT&T Labs) and had a long career in telecommunications before her unexpected TikTok fame, Ms. Shofet, her daughter, said.
“She had this whole chapter as a groundbreaking female engineer, and she was very proud of that,” she added.
As a TikTok star Ms. Davis would get recognized around the world, including in Japan and Italy, where she traveled with her youngest son, Tim. Sean Davis, her other son, is a professional soccer player who used to be a midfielder for the New York Red Bulls and now plays for the Nashville Soccer Club.
“She was my first coach,” he said. When she would visit him in Nashville, he said, she’d get recognized in the street, often by young people who use TikTok a lot.
“That’s how I realized how famous she was,” Sean Davis said. “People would ask for pictures, and I would take the picture.”
Most of all, Cooking With Lynja provided Ms. Davis with much fun, Tim Davis said. With special effects that have tiny versions of Ms. Davis flying across the screen and quotes like “Lynja’s got that dope!” her videos appealed to several generations of viewers. In her videos she is seen preparing all kinds of foods, heard sinking her teeth into crispy sandwiches or potatoes, and shown karate-chopping Ramen noodles and much more.
Ms. Davis was diagnosed with throat cancer in 2019, which affected her voice. Two years later she was diagnosed with esophageal cancer. In one video, Ms. Davis bakes cookies for the medical workers who treated her.
In addition to her daughter Hannah and her sons, Ms. Davis is survived by her second husband, Keith Davis; another daughter, Becky Steinberg; two siblings, Jay Yamada and Karen Dolce Yamada; and two grandchildren. Her first marriage, to Hank Steinberg, ended in divorce.
In her final years Ms. Davis got to travel around the world, meet people as well as cook and eat amazing food, Sean Davis said. He added, “I just think her final chapter was exactly how she would have wanted it to be written.”
A correction was made on Jan. 12, 2024: An earlier version of a picture caption with this article misstated the surname of Lynn Yamada Davis’s brother. He is Jay Yamada, not Jay Davis.
Article by: Claire Moses
Related link: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/11/dining/lynja-davis-cooking-tiktok-dead.html%23:~:text%3DLynn%2520Yamada%2520Davis%252C%2520a%2520TikTok,daughter%2520Hannah%2520Mariko%2520Shofet%2520said.&ved=2ahUKEwj54vHkmNmDAxUCwjgGHcmJD4IQFnoECBAQBQ&usg=AOvVaw3LVu4CRgXFfh9eWXrv6Yhy
Namo, Julius
Sarmiento, Jizel Chinnji
Salamanca, Amalia
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summonerluna · 2 months
❄️| 🌈 | ☔
Putting this under a cut because it's long!
❄️Share a snippet from a WIP of your choosing.
From a New Orleans-style Irvine fic I started awhile ago. Vampires, Selvine angst, and GF lore with my love of the NoLA aesthetic mixed in.
It’s easy to get lost in this town. The streets are filled with more people than cars, people whooping with joy mixed with shouts from anger and intoxication. On the corner is a busker, trumpet blaring out Estharii jazz, and he can hear a group of kids playing plastic tub drums one street over. Music drifts in and out of shops, and the balconies lining the street are filled with people in restaurants or homes, commercialism and community and excess and poverty blending seamlessly in this place of old world architecture and new world technology. 
Rinoa leads them into a small cafe and Irvine buys her the promised coffee, and she takes his hand when they walk back onto the street. 
It’s comfortable, with Rinoa. 
They have always been the outcasts, after all. The ones with their memories, the ones without SeeD. In the early days, when everyone was still at B-Garden and they were in the hazy afterglow of the war, she got it into her head that she was going to make everyone the ham and cheese sandwiches Deling City is famous for; stuffed with horrible smelling cheese and smothered in some kind of sauce Irvine could never remember. And it would have been good—Rinoa was a surprisingly good cook—except Balamb’s markets were not exactly known for the rich ingredients most Galbadian cooking required. The result may not have been recognizable in their hometown, but Irvine appreciated her efforts nonetheless. He hadn’t realized he was homesick until he walked into the guest dorm she was staying in and was immediately hit with the smell of the countless food trucks he walked past every day during breaks from Garden. 
That was the first night he knew that SeeD was not for him. 
It was also the first night with Selphie, when he walked her back to her dorm, like he always did, but this time she invited him in. 
Now, he and Rinoa walk the ancient city streets, wandering in and out of shops, laughing at the overly commercialized attempts to profit off of the city’s sorceress legacy. Rinoa finds it amusing, the number of people crowding in, hoping to buy charms or spell bags, to take some of the Old City magic home with them, without realizing a genuine sorceress is standing right beside them. Irvine thinks they should really mess with people—that she should set some crystals aglow, or throw a little wind into the rafters and get the chimes and bells ringing, but stops when a dark look crosses her face, and she reminds him that not everyone is here to tap into their own magic; there are plenty who think they’ll be the ones to find a true witch and take her for ransom. 
Hours pass. It’s dark, and Irvine is tired, and they make their way to the waterfront. Rinoa is on her third coffee since leaving the restaurant, ice melting in a cut sitting beside her where she lays with her head in his lap, so fully engrossed in her book he thinks she has forgotten he’s even there. Irvine drinks a cocktail from a styrofoam cup and just watches the water, listening to the wind in the moss hanging from the massive oak above them. He is half asleep when Squall and Selphie finally return. He can’t get a read on them, can’t tell if their mission was a success or not. Squall looks tired. Selphie looks bored. Rinoa stands up and runs to Squall, and Irvine feels that same twist in his stomach he felt at dinner when Squall leaned in to kiss her. 
Selphie drops into his lap before he tries to stand, and he pushes the pangs of jealousy away, switching to a laugh instead, asking obvious questions he knows she can’t answer, and playfully kissing her neck while she laughs. 
“They’re leaving tonight,” she says, nodding towards their friends. “Squall needs to get back to Balamb. Think we should order room service on his account in the morning?” 
“Why wait until morning?” Irvine grins. “You never got to finish your dessert, after all.” 
“Is that a euphemism, Mr. Kinneas?” 
He winks and kisses her and starts to think that maybe Rinoa is right. Maybe it’s not silly to ask her to move. Maybe... 
🌈 Share something soft/fluffy from your WIP
Y'all know I don't really do soft and fluffy so this one is a bit of a challenge! But gonna go with a LoZ thing I'm working on:
When Link comes back to the fire, he crouches beside her instead of sitting, and she immediately recognizes the look he gets when he wants to ask something, and is arguing with himself over whether or not he should.
“What is it?” she prompts, smiling at him. 
“Do you want to go for a walk? It doesn’t have to be far. I know it’s late.” 
It isn’t that late of course, but she appreciates his concern for her stamina. “Yes,” she says. “I think I can manage a walk.” 
He stands up and extends a hand to help her to her feet. She shivers again as the blanket slips from her shoulders, and the ground has grown cold while she sat–and slept–beside the now-dying fire. Link catches the blanket before it falls and adjusts it so it covers her again, and she is once again acutely aware of how close he is. 
“Here,” he picks up her cup of tea and hands it to her, and takes a couple of steps, waiting for her to follow. 
He leads her around the small paddock set up for Saria, along the edge of the cliff that drops down into the creek. It’s dark, and more than once she worries she won’t see the edge of the cliff before she walks off of it. Link of course, won’t let her; it’s clear he knows the terrain with or without light. He reaches for her at one point, his fingers taking hers and steering her to walk beside him opposite the drop, and it’s a gesture so familiar, something they repeated so many times before, and she wonders again if this is something he remembers, or if the years and trauma between them still aren’t as strong as this natural pull to help each other.
“There,” he says, coming to a stop, and she stands beside him. Their hands are still touching, a couple of fingers interlocked. She can only just see the outline of his face in the distant glow of lights coming from his house, and he is looking out into a greater sea of blackness, at…
“Luminous stones!” she cries. Bright green and blue lights, most of them so far away, dot the valley otherwise hidden in darkness. “There’s so many of them! Oh, they’re beautiful.” 
She counts them, three here, two there, trying to gauge how far away they are. Certainly too far to get to tonight, but maybe soon…? She wonders if he remembers how excited she got, whenever they were traveling late enough to see the glowing stones. Is that why he wanted to show her? Or does he just enjoy coming out here to look, and thought she might as well? 
☔Is there a fic concept you have that you'd like to just explain and share because you're not sure you'll ever write it? If so, what is it?
The first long fic I ever started trying to write for VIII, was a post-game thing that ultimately formed a lot of my headcanons, but never made it past a bunch of scattered chapters, many of which later got frankensteined into things I have written since. But some of the main points from it were:
-A strong focus on Seifer and Rinoa, and their opposing post-game journeys. He ended the game a villain and her a hero, but mostly the fact that his dream had always been to be a Sorceress' Knight--they had been a couple, and in pursuit of his dream his lost her and then she became the sorceress, and Squall got everything Seifer wanted without even trying (in Seifer's mind).
-A big theme for me with Rinoa is that she left a life of privilege to fight for the oppressed, and then she ended up inheriting these powers that in recent history have only been used FOR oppression. Squall can't entirely see how hard this is for her, because he just sees her, and it can be a point of conflict between them (ironically he is the one guilty of almost toxic positivity, though it's mostly rooted in his fear of losing her)
-In contrast, Seifer is in need of a redemption arc, and this results in him being the only person Rinoa can confide in, because he's the only other person (save for Edea but the only person her age) who has had Ultimecia in his head, and really understands her terror. So he and Rinoa end up with this cross-fade between them, as Seifer moves away from his role and she doesn't exactly sink down, but she struggles and it causes problems for her.
Other things I wanted to include:
-At one point Squall assigns a blind contract to Irvine, and it turns out the contract is an assassination hit on Rinoa. Irvine "forgets" to block the sun from reflecting off his sights so Squall has a chance to react and blocks the shot (but is injured). It creates obvious tension between them, and sends Squall into a slight panic of realizing how easily that could happen again, and what the future of Garden and SeeD is, playing on his "I used to keep myself isolated because people might leave me and now I have people I care about and have to try and control everything I can so they don't die" struggle.
-Wimbly Donner is somehow involved because it's funny
-This fic also was where my Seifer/Ellone ship first came from, since Seifer first shows up after Squall is shot in the assassination attempt, where he has been in Esthar with Ellone and Laguna, and includes a scene that is VERY clear in my mind of Squall having a Ross Gellar "WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY SISTER" moment when he realizes Seifer and Ellone have gotten together.
A lot of these ideas have turned into other things, and there are some scenes I wrote that I really like and may eventually just share them as scraps. This story also taught me a lot about myself as a writer, and how I am just not someone who writes plot-driven stories. This story was way too much plot! I like character interactions and dreamy descriptions of place, and just couldn't figure out how to get my writing style to work with this many moving pieces.
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mike-wachowski · 2 years
you can tell a whole story with a taste- chapter 4 sneak peak
okay im gonna drop you like right in the middle of chapter 4, this isnt the beginning, but its the scene i thought people might be happiest seeing in full
“Everyone, be quiet.” 
“Shut up, Sam, you’re louder than all of us over there.” 
“I’m trying to move these balloons out of the way, Andrea, so I dont pop any of them when-”
Quiet!” Lena hisses, peeking through the blinds. The view she has is unfamiliar to her—Lena is so used to sneaking glances outside of Luxe’s windows at the familiar, brownstone restaurant, she hardly recognizes the look of her own restaurant across the street when she’s looking from inside of Zor-El’s. She makes a mental note to have Luxe Luthor’s windows cleaned soon—dust is starting to gather around the edges—and the sun is slowly pulling the color out of the umbrellas on her patio. 
Lena reminds herself she isn’t concerned about her restaurant right now. She’s more concerned with the group of adults making their way to Zor-El’s doors, led, of course, by Kara. 
“They’re coming!” She shouts to her staff. “Everyone get in position!” 
Lena spins around and takes one final look at all of their hard work. Earlier, at three, Lena had snuck into Zor-El’s with their spare key (she had quietly nabbed it last night after a visit to Kara at closing) and brought her whole team along, and they had gotten to work: hanging streamers, blowing up balloons, and most importantly, cooking. Laid out amongst the confetti scattered on one of Zor-El’s longest dining tables are a wide array of buffet style platters: small tasting dishes like warm flatbreads, fresh hummus, sandwiches, fresh fruits, imported meats and cheeses, and specifically for Kara: potstickers, and margherita and homemade meatball pizzas. It’s a feast of epic proportions, one that Lena has spent the better part of the afternoon toiling over so everything for the party would be perfect. 
All of this, because today is the one year anniversary of Zor-El’s opening to the public. 
Lena still remembers when Kara had first moved into the ever-changing spot across from her own restaurant. Back then, she had had little interest in anything to do with fledgling chef Kara Danvers or her food. Back then, Lena had thought Kara would be gone within the next six months like every other restaurant that had come through. 
But Kara had lasted. Kara stayed.
And everything had changed in that span of a year. 
Lena pulls herself away from her errant thoughts as she watches Kara and the rest of Zor-El’s crew walk up to the front door. Kara pulls out her set of keys. 
“Places, places!” Lena shouts. “They’re here!” 
Lena pulls the curtain shut and then rushes to turn off all the lights. As the whole restaurant plunges into darkness, she hears the front doors open as Kara steps inside. 
“Lena?” Kara calls out, confusion evident in her voice. “Are you here? I brought the crew, what’s the emergency-”
Lena quickly switches on all the lights, triggering the rest of her crew to pop out from their hiding spots and release a torrent of balloons, airhorns, and party poppers. The entire Luxe Luthor crew all shouts the “surprise” in unison, and as the Zor-El’s crew all flinches back in sudden shock, Lena watches in real time as Kara’s expression shifts from brief fear, to confusion, then recognition, and then pure, uncontrollable joy. Her eyes scan across the group, past Andrea, Eve, Sam, Jess and Jack, until they finally land on Lena. 
“Did you do this?” She asks, eyes shining, voice filled with awe. 
Lena chuckles. “Well, it was a group effort, of course.” 
Sam won’t let her get away with that, though. She butts in, “Lena planned everything.”
“She’s been planning the surprise for weeks, truthfully.” Jack tacks on, unnecessarily. 
Kara turns to her, and Lena expects to read skepticism, or confusion, but instead, Kara regards her with nothing but love on her face. “Is that true?” 
Lena ducks her head down to avoid Kara’s gaze. “I—we wanted you all to have a proper celebration for your one year anniversary.” 
In mere seconds, Kara has crossed the floor to step into Lena’s space and pull her into a tight-wrapped hug. Lena feels a brush of lips on her temple as Kara presses a soft kiss to her forehead, accentuated by an even softer squeeze to her sides. 
“Thank you,” Kara whispers to her. “You didn’t have to do this.” 
Lena pulls back slightly so she can look Kara in the eyes. “I’m so proud of you,” she tells her. “You and the rest of Zor-El’s work so hard. I wanted to recognize that.” 
“Thank you,” Kara presses another feather light kiss to Lena’s forehead before she leans back to survey not only the decorations that have completely overtaken the dining room, but also the wide spread of food on display. As her eyes trace the covered tables, Lena watches as they grow exponentially with each passing dish. 
The rest of Zor-El’s crew have also noticed the food, gravitating towards it as they are greeted by Jack, Sam, Andrea and Jess. As they all begin to grab plates and bowls, Alex walks over to her and Lena extricates herself from Kara’s grip to shake her hand as she stands to meet her. Truthfully, Lena isn’t exactly sure where she still stands with Kara’s sister—the first and only real interaction she’s ever had with her, other than the occasional greeting or small talk on the way to Kara, was that night in the restaurant when Lena nearly stabbed Kara and resulted in the firing of one of her chefs. So she figures a professional, confident approach is probably best in this situation. 
“Chef Danvers-” she greets, hand outstretched. Alex immediately swats her arm away and pulls her in for another hug. Lena lets out a small meep in surprise. 
“Not bad, Luthor,” Alex chuckles before pulling away, clapping her tenderly on the shoulder. “The crew of Zor-El’s appreciates it. Now I was perusing your drinks selection, and I failed to notice any whiskey-” 
“I have a sixteen-year aged Lagavulin in the back with your name on it,” Lena assures her. She came prepared for this exact moment. She looks at Kara, gesturing to the arms still around her waist. “If you’ll allow me to go and grab it, Kara?” 
Kara looks down at where she still hasn’t released her grip on Lena, then blushes slightly as she retracts her hands. “Sorry,” she mutters, slightly embarrassed, and it makes Lena smile. 
She places a hand on Kara’s arm and squeezes in its place. “Don’t worry,” she promises. “I’ll be right back.”
Lena gestures for Alex to follow her past the small party and into the kitchen where the Lagavulin is hidden. Lena had to hide it specifically from Jack and Sam, who had nearly jumped her for it when they saw it in Lena’s bag earlier. She goes to grab the bottle from the proving drawer where it's been stashed, then brings it out to the counter, pulling down two whiskey glasses as well. Lena cracks the seal on the bottle and pours out a generous splash for both Alex and herself. 
“To Zor-El’s success,” Lena toasts, tapping her glass against Alex’s. 
“And to yours as well,” Alex toasts, dipping her head to Lena before speaking again. “And to good friends.” 
Lena hides her smile with a well placed sip. The Lagavulin is smokey and strong, and warms Lena’s throat and tongue as she sips it down. She mentally claps herself on the back as Alex finishes her sip and nods to herself in appreciation. 
“So when are you going to tell my sister you’re in love with her?” 
Lena nearly spits out her whiskey. 
“What—what the fuck—” she stammers, choking down the last of her drink at Alex’s sudden outburst. “I’m not—I’m definitely not in love with your sister, I—” 
Alex raises her hand. “Don’t bother. I already talked to Sam.” 
Of course. Lena sighs. “Fucking Sam.” 
“Yep.” Alex eyes her over the rim of her glass as she takes another drink. “So what’s the deal with you and Kara?” 
Lena stares into her whiskey glass, hoping the last ounces of her drink might contain the answer to that question. They don’t, which forces her to come up with one on her own.
“Kara’s my best friend,” she settles on, even though the sentiment feels like a hollow reflection of what Kara truly is to her. “She’s funny, and stubborn, and so, so genuinely kind, and I’ve only truly known her for a year.” She shakes her head. “I hated her, you know? Truthfully, I didn’t think you all would last longer than six months, no offense. So I thought, why get attached? But she kept inviting me to things, she sent me food, and even after that she was so persistent about being friends with me.” 
Lena frowns into her glass. “I just keep wondering, why me? What could she possibly want from me, and if she doesn’t want anything, then—is it too much to hope that maybe she… she feels the same way I do?” 
Alex studies Lena for a moment, contemplating her words. She takes a slow sip of her whiskey before speaking again. 
“Did Kara ever tell you how she learned to cook?” 
Lena pauses. “She told me she was helping Ms. Grant with a show abroad and she was enamored with the way one of the chefs showed the crew how she made potstickers,” she tells Alex, remembering the story Kara told her at the farmers market when they went so long ago. “She said after that, she basically went door to door to all the places they had visited and begged the chefs there to teach her.” 
Alex nods along, a slight smile forming as Lena tells the story to the best of her recollection. 
“That’s the thing about Kara,” Alex replies, her voice provoking in a way that strangely reminds Lena of when Kara is goading her into a joke. “When Kara loves something, she goes after it. She never gives up.” 
Alex raises her eyebrows at Lena. 
She shakes her head. “I’m not following.” 
“Damn, you two are idiots,” Alex groans. “Lena, when Kara first set up Zor-El’s here, what did she do?” 
Lena hates this, truthfully. She knows the answer Alex is digging for. “She sent us an invitation to her grand opening.” 
Alex rolls her eyes. “Not ‘us’, Lena, you. That invite was addressed specifically to you.” 
Lena’s grip on her glass tightens. 
“And when you came into the restaurant that one time, unannounced, and Kara sent you out with that matcha pudding—Lena, that's not even a menu item.”
 Lena’s breath hastens, and she rubs a nervous finger along the grooved engraving of her glass. “But she doesn’t--that doesn’t mean she-” 
“Lena,” Alex cuts her off, stern older-sister voice stopping Lena in a way she didn’t think was possible. “You threatened her with a knife, and still she forgave you. She wouldn’t do that for just anyone. She chased after you. She didn't give up. ” 
“Oh,” Lena mutters. She doesn’t get it. Alex is hammering the puzzle pieces into place for her, she knows, but it still feels so hard to believe. The idea that Kara could love her, maybe has, for a very long time, is so unthinkable, so incredible, and yet—
“Could she really?” 
“She can, Lena,” Alex assures her, placing a hand on her shoulder and squeezing tight. It’s warm, in a gentle, familial way that Lena realizes is so unfamiliar to her, so wanted; it warms Lena’s chest and draws tears to her eyes. 
“I love her, Alex.” 
“We all know, you big dumbass,” the woman across from her laughs, and then she looks at Lena with something softer than the rough teasing. “So go get her.” 
Alex stands up from the counter, grabbing the Lagavulin to take with her, and then Lena is alone in the kitchen with just the lingering buzz of the whiskey, and Alex’s advice, to keep her company. 
She rejoins the party, eventually. Sam sends her a questioning look when she exits the kitchen, and when Lena just nods in the direction of Alex and Kara, who are chatting with more of their friends, Sam nearly squeals in excitement. 
“Did Alex finally talk to you?” Sam immediately asks, pulling up next to Lena. 
“Finally?” Lena sputters. “How long have you two been going behind my back about this?” 
“You don’t want to know!” Sam sings, before wandering back to the group. She’s loud enough to draw attention back to Lena, and Kara catches her eye as she makes her way back to the group. 
“Hey,” Kara greets her, breaking away from her conversation to meet her halfway. “You okay? You were talking to Alex for a while in there.” 
Go get her. Go get her. Go get her. 
“Everything’s alright,” Lena reassures her. Alex’s words ring loudly in her head, and running off of the confidence Kara’s sister has magically instilled in her, Lena takes a page out of Kara’s book. Just this once, she knocks. “Actually, I was thinking about getting some air. Care to join me?” 
Kara looks surprised at the sudden proposition, for likely a dozen reasons—the whole party was Lena’s idea in the first place, and they’ve truly only been here for a few minutes. Kara turns and looks back towards Alex, trying to catch her attention to see if it’s okay to leave. Lena catches Alex flashing Kara a thumbs up even before she can call out to her to ask. 
“I’m all good to get out of here,” Kara says. “Where to, Ms. Luthor?” 
Lena takes Kara’s hand.
“I know just the place.” 
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optimismxmagicism · 6 months
Ewan in Fodlan!
Personal Info:
Gender: Male (transmasc) Birthday: 22nd day of the Harpstring Moon (May 22nd) Age: 14 Height: 145cm Weight: 38 KG Crest/Holy Blood: N/A Class: Blue Lions Affiliation: Gerik’s Mercenaries, Caer Pelyn
Personal History:
Magvel 791 - Was born to a wealthy merchant couple in Jehanna To protect him, Tethys took him from their home and fled. Grew up on the streets of Jehanna’s capital with his sister, Tethys.
Magvel 799 - Was found and recruited by Gerik’s Mercenaries
Magvel 800 - Started tutelage under Saleh in Caer Pelyn
Magvel 803 - Participated in the war of stones, joining Princess Eirika in her battle against the Demon King.
Magvel 805 - Received a letter of acceptance and traveled to Fodlan, joining the officer’s academy as a student of the Blue Lion house.
Interests: Studying Magic, harmless pranks, Likes: Learning, Magic experiments, brain teasers, sharing sweets with his loved ones, eating sweets, playing pranks on friends, Dancing. Dislikes: Poverty, the dark, being alone for too long, being made fun of for his height, spiders, going to bed hungry, lecherous men. Status: Student to the Great Sage Saleh and junior member of Gerik’s Mercenaries
Close Allies: in TOA: Erk, L’arachel Outside: Tethys, Saleh, Gerik, Marisa
Dining Hall Preferences
Likes: Saghert and Cream, Sweet Bun Trio, Pheasant Roast with Berry Sauce, Peach Sorbet, Small Fish Skewers, Fried Crayfish, Vegetable Pasta Salad, Onion Gratin Soup, Country-Style Red Turnip Plate, Fruit and Herring Tart, Fisherman’s Bounty, Fish Sandwich
Dislikes: Beast Meat Teppanyaki, Pickled Rabbit Skewers, Daphnel Stew, Cheesy Verona Stew, Pickled Seafood and Vegetables, Gautier Cheese Gratin.
Dining Hall Quotes
Favorite Dish
“Wow! This is seriously tasty! Do ya think they used magic to make it?”
Least favorite dish
“Uh…. I’m not hungry right now. ..what? No dessert?! Aw… okay..”
Tea Time Guide
Favorite Tea: Honeyed-Fruit Blend
Favored Topics
A place you'd like to visit / Books you've read recently / Children at the market / Cooking mishaps / I’m counting on you / Our first meeting / Past Laughs / Reliable allies / Someone you look up to / Tell me about yourself / Thanks for everything / The library’s collection / The view from the bridge / Working together / You seem well / You’re doing great work / Favorite sweets / Shareable snacks / Books you’ve reach recently / Heart-racing memories / Hopes for your future / Dreamy Knights
Tea Time Quotes
“Thanks for the invite! I always enjoy drinking tea with a friend!”
Favorite Tea
“Ohhh, this is my favorite! Sis sometimes bought it for me as a treat!”
5 star tea
“Gosh, are you sure you wanna spend such a fancy tea on me? Well hey, thank you!”
Being Observed
“Aw, do I have something on my face again? I can wipe it off myself, I’m not a child!” "What is it? Am I just so adorable you can't look away?" "I can see the clarity in your eyes! ..That's what teacher sometimes says, hehe." "You can poke my cheek- it's soft, I promise!"
Introducing Own Topic
“I was studying before you called me here, so getting the chance to relax is so nice!” “Have you ever tried tea made from mountain herbs? It’s surprisingly sweet!” "This school is so fancy.. Kid me would've never imagined attending such a place!" "I wonder how my big sis is doing. I should send her a letter again sometime..." "You're not my first teacher, did you know that? I'm studying magic under someone else too!" "I wonder who got the idea to put leaves in hot water.. I wonder if other plants would work too..." "Hey so, I've been thinking about designing Pegasus-pulled carriages! What do you think? Doesn't that sound fun?" "The air here is so nice. So much better than dry desert air, yuck!" "There's so many pretty people here- but none are as pretty as my big sis!"
“Hm?” “Oh!” “Yeah!”
“Ahh.. I feel so refreshed already! Thanks so much for the tea, Professor!”
Misc. Dialogue
Gift Guide
Favorite Gifts: Armored Bear Stuffy, Board Game, Tasty Baked Treat, Gemstone Beads Disliked Gifts: Blue Cheese, Smoked Meat, Training Weight
Gift Quotes
Disliked gift
“Uhh.. Oh, here’s a magic trick! One, two, three.. and poof! It’s gone!“
Liked gift
“Oh, wowzers! Thank you!”
Favorite gift
“Whoa, is it really okay for me to have this?! I'll have so much fun with it, thanks!”
Lost Items
Doodled Tome - A beginner spell tome full of juvenile doodles, much to the original owner’s chagrin. It probably belongs to a scatterbrained mage. Location found: dormitories
Dancer’s Bracelet - An ornate bracelet usually worn by dancers outside of Fodlan. It’s held on a string, as if to be worn as a necklace. It probably belongs to someone close to a dancer who’s too small to wear it properly. Location found: library
Ribbon Staff - A healing staff decorated with flashy red ribbons, perfect for use on stage. Probably belongs to a mage that likes to show off a little. Location found: Classrooms
Lost Item Quotes
“Ooh, I was wondering where I dropped that! Thanks so much for finding it!”
Not owner
“No, that doesn’t look familiar to me. Should I use magic to figure out who's the owner?”
Battle Quotes
Mock Battle Retreat
“Owie! Aw.. I guess I still have a lot to learn after all..”
First Kill
“I.. I took on magic to protect my friends, but this is… so much blood…”
Monastery Lines
Choir Practice
“La La laaaaa~ Ehehe, surprised? I used to sing all the time with my sister!”
“Hey, do you think this would go well with what we’re making? …no? Aw, okay.”
“Huh?! What went wrong here?! Aw, boo..”
Console: “Thank you.. I-I’ll do better next time, promise!” Critique: “Yikes, that’s harsh! I was trying my best!”
“Heehee, that was no problem at all!”
“Did you see that?! Are you proud of me, Teacher?”
Praise: “Aw, shucks, I’m blushing.. keep it coming though!”
Stable Duty
“Aww, you're such a cutie, aren't you? Want a sugar cube- OW! Don't bite my hand!”
Weeding / Clearing Rubble
“Ow, my back is starting to hurt.. why don’t we take a break soon?”
Sky Watch
“W-Whoa, we’re so high up! Don’t drop me, okay Pegafriend?”
Certification Exams
“Aw, what the heck? I totally thought I nailed that one!”
“Woohoo! Do I look more like a great sage yet? Huh? Do I?”
Lecture Questions
“Hey teacher, I have a question!”
“Hey so, I sometimes hear people say magic is lame and that makes me so mad! Yet when I confront them they just laugh me off and call me a pipsqueak.. how should I get rid of them?”
OK: “Just ignore them, they aren’t worth your time.” Bad: “Have you thought about bulking up a little?” Good: “Give them a demonstration! Show em who’s boss!”
Bad Answer
“Uh.. if you say so!”
Good Answer
“Yeah, I totally thought so too!”
Update Goals
“I wanna be a great sage like my teacher back home as soon as I can, which means achieving total mastery over anima magic! To that end, please help me train my reason skills!”
“I fight to keep everyone safe, but sometimes injury is unavoidable right? If I can heal everyone I can be even more helpful! So please, help me train in Faith!”
“I’m not one for swordfighting, but my sister and everyone else in the mercenary company knows how to use them! So maybe a little practice would be good, what do you think?”
Level Up
0 to 2 stats up
“Maybe I should just take it easy for a little bit…”
3 to 4 stats up
“Hey, not bad, not bad at all!”
5 stats up
“With magic like this, I’ll protect everyone!”
6 stats up
“Wahoo! I’ll catch up soon Teacher! You’ll be so proud of me!”
Upon reaching level 99
“Whoa… I’m already so strong, yet I don’t have a wizard beard… phew.”
Budding Talent
“Heehee, I’m just a treasure trove of surprises, huh?”
New Skill
“Ooh, I wonder what I can do with this!”
“Hehe, what do you think of this snazzy new look? Am I tough? Or adorable?”
Battle Quotes
When selected
Full/High HP
“Ooh, I’ll help!”
Medium HP
“Still got energy to spare!”
Low HP
“I’m.. a little worn out.”
Enemy Deals 1 or No Damage or Misses
“That’s all?” “Whoops!”
Critical Attack
“I’ll protect us all!” “Woo, watch me go!” “This show’s over!” “Magicaboom!” “Like a great sage would!”
“Let’s do this everyone!”
Gambit Boost
“You can count on me!”
Defeated Enemy
“Oh! I won!” “How do ya like them apples?!” “My magic’s the best!” “Are you proud of me, teacher?”
Ally Defeats Enemy
“Wow, you were so strong!” “Heehee, don’t hog all the spotlight!” “Hey, could you teach me how to do that?”
Ally Heals/Rallies
“Feeling SO much better!” “Yay, thank you!” “Just what I needed!”
Death/Retreat Quote
“Ow ow ow OW! That was too much! Sorry guys, Time to exit… stage left..”
"Why can’t I.. move? I don’t.. Sis.. Teacher.. I’m so sorry, I completely… messed up…”
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toneophealth · 8 months
Explore The Best Breakfast Choices For Weight Loss 
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The first meal of the day is breakfast. Breakfast is good for your mental and physical well-being. Healthy food gives the body what it needs to start the day by replenishing blood sugar or glucose.
Breakfast is crucial for individuals of all ages, particularly kids and teenagers. Breakfast eaters are more likely to be more focused, capable of solving problems, and have better hand-eye coordination. 
They might also be more creative and aware. A hearty and nutritious breakfast generally helps prevent many lifestyle disorders, including diabetes, PCOD, and hypertension.
In English, "breakfast" means ending the fast from the previous night. There are a variety of "typical" or "traditional" breakfast alternatives, with cuisine selections varying globally based on geography and custom.
5 Simple Vegan Breakfast Ideas
There are plenty of vegan breakfast options available. Your morning meal with a delicious vegan spread gives your body the nutrition it needs. Nonetheless, milk, bread and butter, an omelette, and scrambled eggs make up the majority of Indians' breakfasts. Here are some vegan options for Indian breakfast that you can try from ToneOp:
1. Roti/Paratha With Vegan Curd Or Sabzi
A great and easy vegan breakfast option is paratha/roti with sabzi, a North Indian breakfast classic. To make a complete meal, add some vegan curd to the mixture. Steer clear of butter and ghee when cooking. To make your paratha even more delicious and nutrient-dense, stuff it with veggies like potatoes, cauliflower, radish, and coriander.
2. Dosa/Idli With Chutney And Sambar
Sambar and idli/dosa make a pretty simple breakfast. Sambar is a hot curry with vegetables, including onion, carrots, and tomatoes. Since split black gram and rice are used to make idli/dosa, they are high in fibre. Together, they make a delicious vegan breakfast.
3. Upma
Upma, also known as rava upma, is a traditional breakfast dish that is a savoury porridge prepared with a mixture of vegetables and semolina. This makes a tasty and nutritious dinner, especially with filter coffee or vegan chai.
4. Besan Chilla 
In North India, besan chillas are a well-known dish that is both vegan and gluten-free. They are made by creating crepes using a spicy chickpea flour batter, which is easy to prepare.
5. Dalia
Dalia, also called broken wheat porridge, is a well-liked and nourishing vegan breakfast option. It is tasty and an excellent source of fibre, protein, and essential nutrients such as iron and magnesium. 
7 Recipes For Egg Breakfasts
Here are a few recipes for egg breakfasts:
1. Mughlai Paratha
The quintessential Indian staple, parthas go well with almost anything. One such variation with a sizable fan base is Mughlai Paratha. From West Bengal, India, to Bangladesh, people love the traditional Bengali street food known as mughlai paratha, fried to perfection and loaded with eggs.
2. Baked Eggs
Onions, cherry tomatoes, and other seasonings are added to whisked eggs before they are cooked to perfection. It produces one of the greatest breakfasts, full of protein.
3. Parsi Eggs
Scrambled eggs with subtle spices, a traditional Parsi dish, are eaten with bread, buns, or pav.
4. Indian Style Omelet
Stir-fried spicy eggs with tomatoes, onions, and fragrant spices. A quick, easy, and savoury typical Indian morning food is the masala omelette. It's a fantastic high-protein breakfast option from India. 
5. Bhurji Egg
Nothing matches a spicy, delicious egg bhurji paired with parathas for a hearty breakfast. All vegetarians love this scrambled egg recipe since it is so easy and quick to make.
6. Cheese And Egg Wrap
The most portable and all-inclusive source of nutrients is an egg. Protein, vitamins, and minerals like calcium, phosphorus, iron, and lecithin are all included. While there are many methods to cook eggs, the three most common ones in this recipe for breakfast are scrambled, poached, and boiled.
7. Sandwich Egg With Mayo 
The mayo sandwich is a quick, simple, and distinctive recipe. Its origins are in British cooking. 
7 Breakfast Choices For Professionals In The Workforce
Replace the standard breakfast menu with these delicious and nourishing alternatives:
1. Vegetable and cottage cheese sandwich
2. Substituted Chicken
3. Chaat Fruit
4. Fresh Fruit and Oatmeal
5. The Sandwich Tiranga
5. Poha
7. Sprout Cutlets with Moong
The Advantages Of Eating Breakfast
Individuals who consume a nutritious breakfast are more likely to experience the following advantages:
Increases your level of focus and productivity all day long. This may be the result of glucose, the brain's main energy supply, being restored. 
Eating breakfast can help people lose weight by lowering their appetite later in the day, which helps them avoid junk food at later meals. 
People who eat breakfast tend to be more energetic and exercise more than many people who skip breakfast. It keeps them in shape and busy.
Research indicates that people who eat a nutritious breakfast consume less cholesterol than those who don't.
The Final Say
Having a nutritious breakfast is essential for individuals of all ages since it enhances focus, productivity, and energy levels. It also helps prevent lifestyle disorders such as diabetes, PCOD, and hypertension. There are numerous vegan and egg-based breakfast options that are both delicious and nutritious. Furthermore, substituting unhealthy breakfast choices with wholesome alternatives can provide nourishment and aid in weight loss
About ToneOp
TONEOP is a platform dedicated to improving and maintaining good health through a comprehensive range of goal-oriented health plans with up to 3 Coach support. With a range of Weight Management, Medical Condition and Detox Plans, the app also provides premium health trackers, recipes and health content. Get customised diet, fitness, naturopathy & yoga plans and transform yourself with ToneOp. 
Click Know more about Healthful Choices For Losing Weight
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unxpctedlygreat · 2 years
Byleth’s preferences
A week ago or so, an anon asked me about Byleth’s favorite gifts, dishes and all, so here’s a list now that I’m pretty sure I have had all those at least once in order to check Byleth’s preferences!
Hope it’s helpful!
(long list, so putting it all under a Read more!)
Fishing float
Training weight
Hunting dagger
The History of Fódlan
Owl feather
They have apparently no disliked gifts! Only gifts they're fine with/indifferent to!
Grilled herring (J)
Saghert and cream
Cabbage and herring stew
Peach sorbet
Derdriu-style fried pheasant (J)
Grilled beast meat (J)
Sweet and salty whitefish sauté (J)
Fish and bean soup (J)
Onion gratin soup
Super-spicy fish meatballs
Garreg Mach meat pie (J)
Spicy fish and turnip stew (J)
Fisherman's bounty (J)
Sautéed jerky  (J)
Daphnel stew (J)
Sautéed pheasant and eggs (J)
Gautier cheese gratin
Fruit and herring tart
Vegetable pasta salad
Vegetable stir-fry
Gronder meat skewers (J)
Fish sandwich  (J)
Bourgeois pike (J)
Sweet bun trio
Country-style red turning plate
Pickled seafood and vegetables
Cheesy Verona stew
Two-fish sauté
Roast pheasant with berry sauce
Small fish skewers
Fried crayfish
Pickled rabbit skewers (J)
No disliked dishes either! They’re not a picky eater 🤭
(NB: (J) indicates dishes that Jeralt likes! This is more for personal reference though 🤔)
Maintain equipment
Run a street stall
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fiftytwotwentythree · 11 months
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Wellness Wednesday:
Plotting - Planning
Plotting/Planning on what?
I am plotting, planning, prepping for a Family Road Trip, a Bro Trip - In General PTO/Vacation, a Short Term Meal/Diet Challenge, Next Year's Challenge (52 in 24), Possible Birthday Party for Myself, and What my First Real Cheat Meal is going to look like January 1st, 2024...
That's what's rolling through my head - helps me pass the time.
Beyond that - I don't feel like much is going on - Feel like I am in a limbo. I definitely feel better than I did last week - teetering back to neutral - hopefully moving towards the "positive".
Found a new respect/passion for reading comics... I've enjoyed them in the past but found some nice trades recently that have increased the flame.
Movie-wise - I am fizzling out. Nothing looking good - sitting good lately. Hopefully Barbie can rekindle my love.
In other news I've been taking naps during my work lunch. They have been greatly needed and cherished but haven't cured my sleep pains.
Had another plateau in weightloss - no sweat - been feeling good about my body lately.
Basically... been just a chill week.
29th CHECK-IN:
Current Goals:
Lose 52 lbs
Completed as of 4/12/2023
New Goal: Maintain or Continue on The Weight Loss Path
Avoid "Junk Food"
Minimize Take-Out / Fast Food Consumption
Short Term:
Vegetarian-ish Diet: Completed
End Date: 4/09/2023 - 46 Days Total
Meal Tracker:
Can of Progresso Lasagna Style Soup
- 8 Crackers
(2) Slices of Buttered Wheat Bread
(2) Scoops of Broccoli Cheddar Pasta Salad
(2)Large Bowl of Valley Top Popcorn
(2) Handful of Good & Gather's Tex Mex Trail Mix
(2) Homemade Crunchy Chicken Burritos
- (3) Tyson's Crispy Chicken Tenders
- Tortillas
- Tostitos Queso Blanco
- Busch's Taco Seasoned Black Beans
- Minute's Cilantro & Lime Jasmine Rice
- Herdez Roasted Salsa
- Pickled Red Onion
- Cholula Hot Sauce
- Sour Cream
(15) Small Pineapple Chunks
(2) Glasses of Chocolate Milk
(3) Hotdogs on Toasted Buns
(1) Glass of Chocolate Milk
(2) Handfuls of Good & Gather's Tex Mex Trail Mix
(3) Large Bowls of Valley Top Popcorn
Bag of Ranch Corn Nuts
(3) Grilled Cheeseburgers on Bakery Buns
- Lettuce
- Ketchup
Scoop of Cottage Cheese
(2) Glasses of Chocolate Milk
(2) Johnsonville Beef Smoked Sausages on Toasted Buns
Handful of Good & Gather's Tex Mex Trail Mix
(1) Glass of Chocolate Milk
Large Bowl of Valley Top Popcorn
(1) Glass of Rootbeer Flavored Milk
Can of Progresso Tomato Basil Soup
- (6) Crackers
(1) Grilled Cheese Sandwich
Bowl of Cesaer Salad with Croutons
(2) Bowls of Smartfood's White Cheddar Popcorn
(1) Glass of Rootbeer Flavored Milk
Bowl of Leftover Cesaer Salad with Croutons
(2) Small Oranges
(1) Glass of Chocolate Milk
Southwest Salad
Handful of Good & Gather's Tex Mex Trail Mix
Large Bowl of Smartfood's White Cheddar Popcorn
Large Bag of Movie Theatre Popcorn (No Butter)
Bowl of Leftover Southwest Salad
(2) Small Oranges
(1) Glass of Chocolate Milk
Bowl of Mexican Style Street Corn Salad
Bowl Leftover of Mexican Style Street Corn Salad
(1) Glass of Chocolate Milk
StarKist Herb & Garlic Tuna with (2) slices of Pepperjack Cheese on a Croissant
Leftover Great Value Mutant Mayhem Macaroni and Cheese
(1) Small Orange
(4) Medium Bowls of Valley Top Popcorn
(1) Individual Bag of Sahale Snacks Pomegranate Vanilla Flavored Cashews Glazed Mix
(1) Individual Bag of Sahale Snacks Fruit & Nut Trail Mix
(1) Grilled Cheese Burger on Hawaiian Bun
- Top Secret Recipes' Burger Special Sauce
(1) Grilled Hotdog on a Hawaiian Bun
(2) Glasses of Chocolate Milk
(1) Ear of Firecracker Corn
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(200) Jumping Jacks [4 sets of 50]
(100) Glute Bridges [4 sets of 25]
(100) Push-Ups [10 sets of 10]
(100) Assisted Push-Ups [2 sets of 50]
(50) Reverse Leg Lifts [5 sets of 10]
(50) Leg Kickbacks [5 sets of 10]
(5 min) Planks [5 Sets of 1 min]
(200) Jumping Jacks [4 sets of 50]
(100) Glute Bridges [4 sets of 25]
(100) Push-Ups [10 sets of 10]
(100) Assisted Push-Ups [2 sets of 50]
(50) Reverse Leg Lifts [5 sets of 10]
(50) Leg Kickbacks [5 sets of 10]
(100) Sit-Ups [5 Sets of 20]
(200) Jumping Jacks [4 sets of 50]
(100) Glute Bridges [4 sets of 25]
(100) Push-Ups [10 sets of 10]
(100) Assisted Push-Ups [2 sets of 50]
(50) Reverse Leg Lifts [5 sets of 10]
(50) Leg Kickbacks [5 sets of 10]
(5 min) Planks [5 Sets of 1 min]
(200) Jumping Jacks [4 sets of 50]
(100) Glute Bridges [4 sets of 25]
(100) Push-Ups [10 sets of 10]
(100) Assisted Push-Ups [2 sets of 50]
(50) Reverse Leg Lifts [5 sets of 10]
(50) Leg Kickbacks [5 sets of 10]
(100) Sit-Ups [5 Sets of 20]
(200) Jumping Jacks [4 sets of 50]
(100) Glute Bridges [4 sets of 25]
(100) Push-Ups [10 sets of 10]
(100) Assisted Push-Ups [2 sets of 50]
(50) Reverse Leg Lifts [5 sets of 10]
(50) Leg Kickbacks [5 sets of 10]
(5 min) Planks [5 Sets of 1 min]
(200) Jumping Jacks [4 sets of 50]
(100) Glute Bridges [4 sets of 25]
(100) Push-Ups [5 sets of 10]
(100) Assisted Push-Ups [2 set of 50]
(50) Reverse Leg Lifts [5 sets of 10]
(50) Leg Kickbacks [5 sets of 10]
(100) Sit-Ups [5 Sets of 20]
(200) Jumping Jacks [4 sets of 50]
(100) Glute Bridges[4 sets of 25]
(100) Push-Ups [10 sets of 10]
(100) Assisted Push-Ups [2 Sets of 50]
(50) Reverse Leg Lifts [5 sets of 10]
(50) Leg Kickbacks [5 sets of 10]
(5 min) Planks [5 Sets of 1 min]
Starting Weight (Noon, 1/01/2023): XXX.X lbs
Weight at Last Check-In, 7/12/2023: -1.0 lbs
Weight As of Noon, 7/19/2023: +0.2 lbs
Total Weight Loss: -78.0 lbs
Closing Thoughts:
The Good:
I thought I've been looking really good in the mirror lately. Good hair - clothes fitting well.
The Bad:
Neck still sore/stiff.
Caught up on some sleep - but - still craving it.
The Ugly:
Nothing too bad to be considered ugly... if anything I've been living in a state of stale boredom/limbo... but still pretty chill.
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