doof-bleibt-doof · 4 months
creating art is so addictive like omg i just mastered this one thing and now i can't stop doing exactly this and I'll probably do it till the end of time and space
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mystery-star · 2 years
28 33 35 for the writers qs!! 🥰
Thank you!
28. Who is the most delightful character you’ve ever written? Why?
Well I suppose this is talking about OCs here… Hmm I mean they all were kinda based on me and so they aren’t naturally “delightful” people? But I’m probably gonna say Carissa Wiley from my Star Trek (Spock) Fanfiction because she’s just such a sweetheart with some really cute quirks but can get really temperamental too. And she was/is like 95% based on me so yeah, it was delightful to write her too. And I wrote for her the most from all my OCs.
33. Do you practice any other art besides writing? Does that art ever tie into your writing, or is it entirely separate?
Not really, I mean I do some photoedits or stuff that I might use as bookcovers or something. I once did a trailer for my Ben Wade story. I used to draw my OC’s early on or stuff they wear and all that but I stopped that a while back when I stopped drawing lol. Oh, I might make moodboards for bigger series. But that’s about it.
35. What’s your favorite writing rule to smash into smithereens?
Eh I don’t even know how to interpret the question? Like which writing rule I disregard in the end? Hm, I don’t actually have that many writing rules for myself, I just write when I feel like, the way I feel like and all. The closest thing to a rule is like stuff I tell myself to do aka skipping parts I have a blockade on or first write a draft then revise it. And I think the latter is something I don’t really do bc I want it to be perfect the first time. Like I might delete half a paragraph again to rephrase it. Of course I edit and proofread it alter on, but it’s mostly only small stuff like grammatical typos or adding extra information and all.
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meep-meep-richie · 2 months
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Of course he recognizes him everywhere T_T
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leathfaic · 1 year
My favourite hot take is that Simon adapts way better to being a civilian than Johnny does.
Johnny went and left for the army the second he could do so, relentlessly pushed his career and is, most likely, rarely not on base unless he's been told to fuck off or move his arse home (by either his superiors or family).
Simon on the other hand finished school and then took up an apprenticeship before joining the army. Even then he came home, took prolonged leave to help his family out. He spent way more time just living that reality. And even post Roba he was at home for a while before everything went to hell. He might not take a lot of leave since, because he has nothing to come home to, but he still knows to adjust to it.
If they take leave together Ghost settles remarkably well, still keeping an eye open but he's an adult who had time outside the forces to properly adjust to life.
Soap struggles. He gets by with his charm and bright blue eyes, and that's a good thing because he's too explosive, too intense for most normal social interactions.
He's caught somewhere between the 18 year old boy and the hardened SAS soldier and never spent enough time away to really grow into just John MacTavish. Not Sergeant, not Soap, not the FNG. Just him as a person outside of the military.
He navigates this part of his life like its a minefield. Making it through but boy oh boy, it's not looking graceful.
Ghost helps him mellow out in that regard, pointing out the messy weird mechanics of normal civilan life to him. Teaches him to enjoy that and not let his job ruin him. Simon who knows how quickly it can all fall apart can't help to see the beauty in the peace most people get to experience. He'll be damned if he can't share that beauty Johnny. Even if it's always just for a little while.
And because it's Ghost, who never steered him wrong Soap let's himself be led. Allows himself experiences outside of work and his family. And while he might not be eager to admit it, it makes him a better person.
And years down the line when they both made it out, last mission just one too many that was too close for comfort, all of that helps John MacTavish to adjust. Sure he mourns his life in the military, someone like him is bound to, but he's not too worried. He knows how to get by now. And even the days where he feels very out of his depth, he can approach with ease. Because he still has Simon at his side to show him the way forward.
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ganondoodle · 7 months
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two abandoned paintings ..
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1captainjordan4 · 2 years
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Pt 2 of outfits requests on twitter!!
Trying new colouring techniques and idk what to think of this one 🤔
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ouroboros-hideout · 2 months
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Vlad Volkov 02/???
One, two, three, four, trouble's knocking at your door Five, six, seven, eight, hold up, let me demonstrate I'm wired, I'm hot Once started, can't stop I come out on top I'm the predator
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classycoffeesublime · 5 months
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How this semsters essay season is going. Pulled an all nighter with a friend and handed in the essay last minute.
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nomnomroko · 1 month
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I'm trying out Clip Studio Paint and have also been listening to Skyward again, so I gave Spensa a go.
(I really like Brandon Sanderson's books, and I want to do more of my personal interpretations of the characters, I already did a few Stormlight Archive sketches a couple years back that I shjould share at some point)
process timlapse below>
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Ghost Pepe Silvia is back with episode 2 of Peaceful Property/On Sale and it's still gay and here's why (this time a little less chronological):
Pangpang approves. She and Peach are obviously very close and Peach values her opinion a lot. Pangpnag, even though she's technically his younger sister, has taken on some stereotypical older sibling roles in relation to Peach. She takes care of him, protects him and now she's even kind of become his manager. She clearely takes this very seriously so her disapproval would be a hindrance to any potential relationship with Peach. But unlike with Best, she does approve of Home.
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(Btw finger guns? That's kinda bi of you, Pangpang and Home!)
And while this approval might initially be rooted in Home's wealth, it can't be the only factor (Best has money. Not Home levels but definitely a lot more than the siblings. And it didn't help him.) and it ceartainly isn't by the end of the episode.
(Actually there might be a parallel here between Pangpang going from valuing Home for his money to valuing him for his character and Home who starts out trying to solve every problem with money but is strating to learn that there are more valuable things he can bring to tha table.)
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Not only does Pangpang approve, she ships it. We already know that she plans to marry off her brother to attain financial security for them. Now that she's found a rich guy whom she also approves of, she's doing her best to make it happen.
From trying to mediate and damage control their fights,
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to (not so) subtly planting ideas in Peach's head.
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As I predicted last time, Home does flirt with Kan again this eppisode. But it happens only once, when he introduces her to the siblings, and it seems even less serious than last episode. If anything it feels more like posturing, trying to play himself up, infront of Peach.
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(come on he even looks at Peach while he says this)
They keep fighting like little children because they actually care about each others opinion.
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So Peach pouts when Home insults his sandwiches.
Home pretends that he doesn't need Peach only to complain about his absence two minutes later.
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They go at it in a 'No-you!' manner of arguing at the slightest provocation.
Home keeps reaching out to touch Peach. He doesn't do that with anyone else (aside from one quickly stopped attempt with Kan)
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We see Home abandoning every other character except for Peach. Not only does he not abandon Peach, he carries him on his shoulder after Peach faints in his arms, and when he gets attacked by posessed Pangpang, instead of running away he puts himself into danger trying to pull her off Peach.
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Then there's the whole sequence they basically pulled out of the dislike-to-lovers trope box. First Home pretends that he totally doesn't care about Peach only to talk his uncle's ear off about him, showing that he obviously does care.
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Then the wise friend (In this case uncle Kit) talks some sense into him, making him see that he's also at fault, leading to:
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Home pacing in front of his crush's door, debating with himself on whether or not to knock, finally making up some external reason why he should actually knock. Only to chicken out at the last minute, hide, and then witness something he wasn't supposed to.
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Home calls Peach hot in his own ad.
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(and gives him a phallic object as a prop)
And at the end of this episode we get the moment Peach starts to fall.
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Namely after Home tells him he arranged for Rak's mother to receive her benefits. Thus proving to Peach that he is capable of looking past his prejudices and show kindness to a stranger without having to be forced into it.
Peach, who has been described as and shown to be a person who is very kind and empathetic towars strangers (including those that he's afraid of, read: ghosts, which is why he's able to get them to pass on), obviously values kindness and empathy in others. Previously he had found Home lacking in that department, but now that he's shown the capacity for it, we can clearly see Peach immediately softening towars Home. (At this point I have to give some praise to Tay for managing to convey this with barely any movement, in general all four of them have done really well so far)
Peach's blossoming feelings for Home are further shown when he definitely doesn't even care whether Home approves of him when Pangpang asks about Home's verdict after the trial exorcism,
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and when he enters the 'I-totally-don't-even-like-him' stage that we've already seen from Home, as examplified by his "Nonsense" response when Pangpang calls him out for being posessive.
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There's no use pretending Peach, your sister has you figured out.
Home continues to grow through his association with Peach (and Pangpang and Kan), being more polite when he visits the siblings, trying to get Rak's mother her money, paying the siblings even though he initially told them to do it for free. And he continues to simp for #hotnerdexorcist.
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Just look at his fond little smile as he watches Peach and Pangpang freak out about the money.
And last but not least we're returning to my ass-pull segment of punching symbolism I'm titeling Peach punching his way to love:
This week we had one punch and one prevented punch, both coming from Peach. I would like to argue that both symbolise the character growth that Home needs to undergo so Peach can fully fall in love with him.
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-> The manager stands for the part of Home that Peach sees most of this episode. The part that thinks money solves all problems, that looks down on poor people and has no desire to give a chance to anything he deems "lesser" (like Peach's sandwiches). This part gets punched by Peach because this is the behaviour that Peach can't stand, that Home has to grow from.
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-> The mother stands for Home's less visible but still present side that does care about others and is willing to set things right when he realises he made a mistake/was unfair in his judgement over others. Peach tries to punch this part, too, because he can't/isn't willing to see the potential for kindness in Home but Pangpang holds him back, allowing him to see that this isn't someone to be punched. Just like she repeatedly tries to make her brother give Home a chance, to give Home the opportunity to show that he does have some redeeming qualities.
And that's it for episode 2. Now that Peach has also started to fall, let's see if I have more to say on his part in the next episode!
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manhuntwaist · 2 years
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lets see how long it takes for him to realize (and build up the bravery) that he can cuddle with george in real life now
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It's all a question of individual perspectives
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maybe-drawing · 1 year
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Loosely inspired by Joel's New Life episode 5 thumbnail
Horses are harder to draw than they look
-- Click for better quality! Speeddraw and Details under the cut! --
Speeddraw :
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julian-brandt-19 · 9 months
Caption: 2024, wir gehen rein!⚡️👋
Source Instagram Reel bvb09: 02.01.2024
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ganondoodle · 7 days
one of the things in my totk rewrite that im most confident about is removing the building gimmick (to put it in another game truly build around it, its such a waste here imo) to add the hookshot instead
everyone loves the hookshot, i have never heard anyone say they didnt like it
in a world like botw it would be a perfect fit- it adds a unique and different movement option while-
it does not destroy the world design (like the building aspect does, though the towers also need a different function, letting you fly anywhere and skip everything everywhere all the time, including puzzles in both shrines and dungeons, something like that in a world thats build around climbing and gliding WILL end up destructive to the world design without really careful changes and balances .. that absolutely werent done in the game)
opens up a whole new way to think and do puzzles in a way that wasnt there in botw
preserves the feeling of dread when high up or in the sky, since falling is still a danger even with the parasail ( bc removing almost all warp points up there makes the danger being loss of progress rather than the fall itself- removing the parasail as a whole for the entire game is not an option and it will always be a security to not die by fall damage, so there should be a different danger even if im usually not a fan of loss of progress pressure, the bird mechanic i mentioned in other post would also help you not lose everything even if you make a mistake)
it makes climbing easier WITHOUT making it obsolete or skippable, especially with adding the main way to get up to sky islands as islands to climb up via the hookshot, its just adds another way to interact with the terrain instead of .. not interactign with it at all, the range is still limited and you still have to cling to the wall and get down to shoot it again
it being built into links prosthetic shiekah arm makes it more unique both in looks and mechanic/narrative aspects so i dont think it would be boring to have an old 'item' reused in a new way, especially together with the rest of the abilities- like it being not an instant 'pulls you to the thing' but a reactivatable one instead (so you can grab things to move them if lightweight enough similar to ultrahand)
bosses can benefit from it too, imo one of the coolest things in twilight princess was grabbing onto a boss to pull yourself to and onto them, being able to do that even to smaller ones shadow of the colossus style would be so neat
grabbing onto something moving and not pulling yourself immediately to it opens up not just fun but also funny scenarios aka you being flung around by whatever you grabbed (grab on a dragon ...weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee- on a lynel ...'ragdoll chaos')
(with the removal of building and thus the majority of all the puzzles being fly thing from point A to point B not being a thing it also makes way for cool kinds of ways to get to the next sky island for example- a thought i had was making the reason they fly and are practically invisible from most angles being that they are swimming in a special kind of cloud that hides them due to breaking of light in certain ways withing them- thus hiding it from below most of the time, eliminating the problem of 'sky too full' which was apprently a reason why they removed alot of them too, and it would be incredibly fun to be able to poof into little clouds (they look a certain way so you know which ones you can swim in) also! lil cloud bridges between islands! a boat to surf on them high up in the sky! mario galaxy vibes!
probably more im forgetting
anytime i think about the hookshot mechanic i get so sad bc i just keep imagining how much you could have done with in totk and desperately want to play that :U
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iloveilovei · 2 years
I missed Wille & Simon's soft moments (honestly I could just watch them being soft around each other for a whole season), but season 2 was them trying to move on, struggeling to do so and coming to the realization that it's not about being with "someone", but that they are "it" for each other with all their faults and all the baggage that comes with it (and it is a huuuge pile of baggage).
It's not just touch Wille is missing, but it is Simon's touch, he doesn't only need someone to talk to, but he needs Simon's ear and his voice, his opinions which will make him look at things differently.
It's not being with someone who is nice to you (at first anyway) and gives you the openly visible relationship you want, but Simon needs Wille's often awkward, clumsy and shy way to show Simon that he is trying to take care of him, his way of trying to communicate with him.
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