#students with jobs
yazzsquiz · 5 months
hey it would help me out so much if you guys filled out this quick survey for a CAFS assignment on adolescents and education, :) its anonymous so your responses wont be shown thru who you are <3. LINK - https://forms.gle/mkKmpUcPR8yABX7T7
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nyxx01 · 5 months
All eyes on Rafah‼️‼️‼️
Go to the top tag and interact with it and make it go absolutely fucking viral.
And to anyone who is still complicit, get your head out of your ass.
Well done, I’m proud of them and quite impressed 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
(I will be removing/blocking useless comments, I do not need that in my comment section ty very much. Edit: However I will let the the idiocy speak for itself)
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ryllen · 8 months
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fhsf just for fun , this is how i imagine it would be if sebek got transported to yuu's world via her coffin
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batboyblog · 5 months
Things Biden and the Democrats did, this week #14
April 12-19 2024
The Department of Commerce announced a deal with Samsung to help bring advanced semiconductor manufacturing and research and development to Texas. The deal will bring 45 billion dollars of investment to Texas to help build a research center in Taylor Texas and expand Samsung's Austin, Texas, semiconductor facility. The Biden Administration estimates this will create 21,000 new jobs. Since 1990 America has fallen from making nearly 40% of the world's semiconductor to just over 10% in 2020.
The Department of Energy announced it granted New York State $158 million to help support people making their homes more energy efficient. This is the first payment out of a $8.8 billion dollar program with 11 other states having already applied. The program will rebate Americans for improvements on their homes to lower energy usage. Americans could get as much as $8,000 off for installing a heat pump, as well as for improvements in insulation, wiring, and electrical panel. The program is expected to help save Americans $1 billion in electoral costs, and help create 50,000 new jobs.
The Department of Education began the formal process to make President Biden's new Student Loan Debt relief plan a reality. The Department published the first set of draft rules for the program. The rules will face 30 days of public comment before a second draft can be released. The Administration hopes the process can be finished by the Fall to bring debt relief to 30 million Americans, and totally eliminate the debt of 4 million former students. The Administration has already wiped out the debt of 4.3 million borrowers so far.
The Department of Agriculture announced a $1 billion dollar collaboration with USAID to buy American grown foods combat global hunger. Most of the money will go to traditional shelf stable goods distributed by USAID, like wheat, rice, sorghum, lentils, chickpeas, dry peas, vegetable oil, cornmeal, navy beans, pinto beans and kidney beans, while $50 million will go to a pilot program to see if USAID can expand what it normally gives to new products. The food aid will help feed people in Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Chad, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Haiti, Kenya, Madagascar, Mali, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, and Yemen.
The Department of the Interior announced it's expanding four national wildlife refuges to protect 1.13 million wildlife habitat. The refuges are in New Mexico, North Carolina, and two in Texas. The Department also signed an order protecting parts of the Placitas area. The land is considered sacred by the Pueblos peoples of the area who have long lobbied for his protection. Security Deb Haaland the first Native American to serve as Interior Secretary and a Pueblo herself signed the order in her native New Mexico.
The Department of Labor announced new work place safety regulations about the safe amount of silica dust mine workers can be exposed to. The dust is known to cause scaring in the lungs often called black lung. It's estimated that the new regulations will save over 1,000 lives a year. The United Mine Workers have long fought for these changes and applauded the Biden Administration's actions.
The Biden Administration announced its progress in closing the racial wealth gap in America. Under President Biden the level of Black Unemployment is the lowest its ever been since it started being tracked in the 1970s, and the gap between white and black unemployment is the smallest its ever been as well. Black wealth is up 60% over where it was in 2019. The share of black owned businesses doubled between 2019 and 2022. New black businesses are being created at the fastest rate in 30 years. The Administration in 2021 Interagency Task Force to combat unfair house appraisals. Black homeowners regularly have their homes undervalued compared to whites who own comparable property. Since the Taskforce started the likelihood of such a gap has dropped by 40% and even disappeared in some states. 2023 represented a record breaking $76.2 billion in federal contracts going to small business owned by members of minority communities. This was 12% of federal contracts and the President aims to make it 15% for 2025.
The EPA announced (just now as I write this) that it plans to add PFAS, known as forever chemicals, to the Superfund law. This would require manufacturers to pay to clean up two PFAS, perfluorooctanoic acid and perfluorooctanesulfonic acid. This move to force manufacturers to cover the costs of PFAS clean up comes after last week's new rule on drinking water which will remove PFAS from the nation's drinking water.
President Biden met a Senior named Bob in Pennsylvania who is personally benefiting from The President's capping the price of insulin for Seniors at $35, and Biden let Bob know about a cap on prosecution drug payments for seniors that will cut Bob's drug bills by more than half.
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ohitslen · 3 months
Living together.
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The snail video if you are interested :)
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plushri · 7 months
edited 22/02/2024 - my mum helped me raise the match goal from £100 to £200
edited again 22/02/2024 - I met and exceeded my goal! Donations are still very welcome because I think it's really impactful to show our collective donations, I will close this on the 27th when I am paid and can make my donation
Idea credit goes to @ibtisams and I was inspired by @stuckinapril and @geekydragon !
I am doing a donation match!
I will match every pound donated, from now until next week, up to £200! I will donate £50 regardless of the outcome.
1. Donate any amount you can to one of the places below:
UNRWA | Palestine children's relief fund | esims (link is a how to guide!) | Operation olive branch (any family that resonates with you)
2. Send me proof/receipt showing the date and amount, cross out any other information you wish
(currency does not matter, I will convert it and donate the equivalent in GBP)
3. I will update in the reblogs how much has been donated so far, and will make my matched donation on the 27th of February (when I get paid the money I plan to donate)
I'm currently planning on splitting my donation across the above sources, but I will donate £200 total.
If we meet the match goal we will raise £400 for people who desperately need it right now! It's easy to feel a small donation doesn't help, so hopefully this is a way to illustrate how it all does really add up.
Any amount helps, if you have £1 to spare please do, but if you can donate more I urge you to
If you have nothing to spare, please reblog and do your daily click
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artsekey · 4 months
Went to apply for a job, midway through I learned that the person hiring is someone I respect very, very much in my field (who I have never spoken to), then saw the application site was closed (How Did I Miss the Deadline for this Really Cool Job!!!!) and then saw that it was the website's fault and that they were taking applications through LinkedIn DM's. So I did the premium trial & sent my reel in, and they told me they're sending it to recruitment/leads and that it's a good reel!!!! And then the person I have respected for years sent me a friend request!
I'm beside myself!!
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*tries to organize my thoughts*
*remembers i'm not in school and therefore beholden to neither heaven nor hell nor any man's grading system*
*joyously shredding & tossing all my carefully arranged 3x5 mental notecards into the air like so much beige confetti. raising my arms in victory, cheering raucously until i accidentally inhale bits of homemade confetti*
(*coughing up itty bits of paper like a cat evicting a hairball with a firm understanding of tenants' rights*) wait wat happens next
#i marie kondoed my thoughts and *i* feel great. but now my stream-of-consciousness has escaped containment#so many innocent bystanders at stake#every time i try to organize my thoughts i run out of plastic bins and have to make a trip to the container store where i get even more dis#racted so. you can't just hand me THIS brain and NO catalogue OR library classification system#and expect me to single-handedly sort through all this nonsense? bad form but fucking form not in my job description#aNYways. formal education sure did a FUCKING NUMBER on us huh#(a number i measure not in gpa or dollars of student debt.#but in the number of therapy sessions & medical debt it will take to recover.)#seriously folks. our education systems are...innately traumatizing for a huge number of students. and we NEED to address this.#the fact that it is culturally common for adults to have anxiety nightmares about school/exams...even decades later?#that is not cute. it is Alarming.#no one--much less entire generations--should be spending their developmental years in an environment of chronic stress & pressure & strain#and yet that is the reality for millions and millions of pre-teen and teenage and young adult students#this isn't healthy and it serves and empowers NO ONE#...except of course the many exploitative educational & financial & debt-collecting institutions thriving from the current balance of power#and of course it's a nefarious and powerful way to sabotage/erase the middle class#which billionaires and the wealth-inequality creators they finance couldn't possibly have any noteworthy interest in whatsoever#it's not like there's an elite group of people with huge financial incentives to drain/steal resources from the masses...#anyways sorry for going all Conspiracy Theory on you.#obviously the billionaires who control the vast majority of our resources and news and political campaign funding#are not tied to every single itty bitty social issue and i'm a silly billy to imply it#please tell elon musk to ignore this tweet i am so subservient and acquiescent#mr musky u r so good at inheriting slavery-built mining fortunes & buying other people's companies#& building rocket ships & fancy cars that do NOT explode/catch fire & also NOT running billion dollar companies into the ground#mr musky u r so talented genius billionaire playboy with 10 kids and ex-wives who find you creepy af babe u r basically iron man
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samipekoe · 3 months
marcille spotting serial part time worker laios all around town
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suntails · 17 days
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this is a piece from my silver artbook, currently accepting preorders!! u can get a copy here!
non-UK: suntails.bigcartel.com
UK: etsy.com/shop/SuntailsArt
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lexosaurus · 6 months
now that i've spilled the beans to you all on what my irl day job is i should totally make a "REAL day in the life of Mr Lancer feat. Danny's inevitable IEP accommodations" fic
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del-stars · 24 days
i need more sirius dating the insanest men. like you cannot tell me that man wouldn't be obsessed with the most toxic men ever. he'd be like hey everyone this is my new boyfriend 🥰🥰🥰 and it's a 35 year old unemployed man with commitment issues and an avoidant attachment style who can't remember what sirius' first name is
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International students in Toronto will be adversely affected by an impending federal rule that will limit them to working 24 hours a week off-campus when school is in session, students and advocates say. Immigration Minister Marc Miller said last spring the new rules would take effect in September, however a spokesperson for Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada said in an email that the federal department is still working toward implementing the regulatory changes this fall. They could not provide a more specific timeline.  Miller previously said the 24-hour cap will ensure international students can focus on their studies, while having the option to work. "Students who want to come here have to realize that they can only work 24 hours in order to offset some of their costs or bring the material resources themselves when they come here," Miller said on April 29.
Continue Reading
Tagging: @newsfromstolenland
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identitty-dickruption · 4 months
I know why people hate the “you can’t tell who is mentally ill” posts. like. sometimes you very much can tell and there’s a lot of stigma that comes with having Visible Mental Illness. but I do also think that some people need to be reminded that the psychos and the addicts may very well be in the room with them (both out in the world and online)
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lost-in-fandoms · 2 months
Max and Daniel meet at a club and have a one-night stand. That's the plot. Not as much smut as one would think.
cw: not too graphic sexual content and mentions of alcohol (but neither of them is drunk)
Daniel watches from the bed as the guy comes out of the bathroom and starts pulling his clothes back on. He almost stumbles while slipping into his skinny jeans, and it should be funny, or maybe awkward, how clumsy he is with it, but Daniel can't help feeling a little bit charmed. Just as he had been charmed by his blunt advances in the club, and the way he had laughed too loud at Daniel's bad joke in the car.
He wasn't supposed to be charmed.
Well, to be honest, he wasn't supposed to be in this situation at all. He doesn't usually go to clubs alone, he isn't that young and horny anymore, but he had needed to feel the bass in his lungs and the alcohol in his veins after a few long, awful days, so he had chucked on a shirt and some pants and found his way somewhere he was hoping he wouldn't get recognised. He had ended up in a small club on the other side of the city, and it had taken him a sparkly drink and two dance offers to realise he maybe still was young enough to have fun.
It had taken Max to make him think that maybe he was also horny enough.
Max had slid behind him on the dance floor, large palm against his hipbones, turning him around to throw him a wide smile, eyes crinkling and sparkling in the low lights.
Daniel wasn't planning on going home with someone, but Max had guided him to grind against him while they were dancing, and then kissed him wet and open right there in the middle of the crowd, and Daniel had lost his mind a little.
Daniel had thought about asking him to go to Max's place, he didn't like inviting strangers into his house, but Max had slipped a hand under his shirt to touch his sweaty skin and asked "take me home?" and Daniel had.
Max had chatted and laughed in the car, a hand firmly planted high up on Daniel's thigh, until Daniel had stopped pretending he was following whatever he was talking about and tugged him into a kiss. He didn't like kissing people, kissing men, somewhere he could be seen so easily, but Max's lips had been red and full and Daniel had wanted it.
Max had taken his shoes off at the door and Daniel had felt a tug somewhere too high up and on the left to be his gut. Max had kissed him like he wanted to eat Daniel whole, but touched him like Daniel had been something precious. He had taken him apart more easily than a one-night stand was supposed to.
Daniel never bottomed with strangers, but Max had been hovering over him, eyes so bright and intense, hands playing with the band of Daniel's underwear, and Daniel had let his legs fall open before Max could even ask what he wanted.
Max had still asked and Daniel should have known he was making a mistake. Because when he had come, Max's hand around him, Max's dick inside him, something had been rearranged inside him, something had dramatically shifted. Or maybe it had happened earlier, when Max had pressed a kiss against his stomach while opening him up. Or when he had closed his teeth on Daniel's bottom lip in the car. Or earlier still, in the club, when Max had told him "you look pretty, Daniel", voice rounding his name weirdly.
And now he is watching Max getting ready to leave, feeling like his world was tilting, and he was supposed to learn how to live with that.
He watches as Max shrugs his black t-shirt back on, trying uselessly to smooth out his hair a little, hoping he doesn't look as desperate as he feels to ask him to stay.
Finally, Max pats his pockets to check for his phone and wallet, and then looks up, smiling at Daniel with the same lips that had been pressed against his pulse point not twenty minutes ago.
How did Daniel end up like this?
"That was fun," he says, smile too practiced to look fake. Hopefully.
Max's eyes seem to soften and he nods, crossing the space to the bed again to press a kiss against Daniel's cheek.
"It was good, Daniel." He says it like it's not just Daniel's name, but like it means something more, something Daniel doesn't know yet. Something he'll probably never know, now.
Daniel is expecting him to leave then, is ready to curl up in bed and go to sleep without even showering, disgusting as it is, just to keep their smells together a little longer, a pathetic thought to have about a one-night stand, but one nobody will have to know. And yet, Max hesitates, a hand coming up to rub at his neck, tug at his hair.
Something scarily close to hope starts to fill Daniel's lungs.
"I don't want to, uh, be that person," Max starts, stilted and awkward, ears red. It's the first time Daniel seems him embarrassed, and he wants to lick the blush right off his cheeks. "Could I maybe give you my number?"
Daniel is looking for his phone even before Max has closed his mouth, ignores him as he giggles when Daniel lunges out of bed to grab his abandoned pants, raising his phone in the air like a trophy. Max is fully laughing by the time Daniel hands it to him, but Daniel doesn't care anymore. He already can't wait to call.
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sergle · 3 months
yall are about to piss me off by not having any PASSING basic knowledge of the way the u.s. military manipulates its recruits into joining by typing up one of your uninformed, unresearched, unempathetic, individualistic, unbelievably annoying posts about how 100% of the people in the military ended up there because they just Love America So Damn Much! they're extremely mature and informed at time of recruitment, they can totally leave anytime they want, they totally had tons of other avenues in life they could've taken, there was no rush at all to get income as fast as possible, and everyone in the military also totally is part of the combat divisions and personally enjoys being IN the military very much, big believers of violence. everyone in the military is shooting guns all day, that's how that works. they LOVE BLOODSHED. also I love the "amewicans haha" twang to this type of shit because you're actually TOTALLY stealing our Thing, which is turning systemic issues into Individual Issues. Instead of talking about the powers that be, it's so Personal Choice up in here. It's, "well you shouldn't have done it then. I totally wouldn't because I know better." you don't wanna talk about the military industrial complex as a whole, and you don't want to talk about recruiters, you just want to pin the blame on Specific Individual People one-by-one, as if they're responsible for the system that they're being ground up in. someone was in the military? bad person, no matter what. it's easier to believe that, I guess, than to acknowledge that Normal People (with high school educations) are manipulated and incentivized into joining a system that is Bad. at like age 18. but yeah no that 18 year old should have just been smarter lol haha anyway here are some screenshots for no particular reason
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side note this reply of someone going "umm just get loans and go into a high paying field it's easy XD" as a direct response to someone trying to explain how most americans joining the military are being funneled in that direction out of a need for money.
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and another person who Decided that americans join the military just CLENCHING their teeth thinking of other people, and not thinking completely selfishly about their own selves and their own income/housing/healthcare.
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#I had a longer post w more bullshit in it but ukw nobody's even gonna read THIS one. so.#dumb ass cunts seriously LMAO just the individualism of it all....#we're all just selectively forgetting that most people join the military straight out of high school / after failing to kickstart#their lives so they don't know shit yet and they are categorically not educated and don't have money#you NEED money and have been groomed by recruiters ALREADY into believing this is#The Best and Only to make a survivable amount of money without a college education-- bc they can't afford college btw#and they don't want to take on student debt either bc everyone already knows what a big fuckeroo that is#recruiters WILL DO ANYTHING TO GET YOU TO JOIN. they will KEEP CALLING YOU. they'll answer your questions#to make it sound like this is going to be a GREAT life decision. you can get all KINDS of jobs (true)#they love to say the thing about how only about 15% of the military will actually see combat in any way#they love to list all the jobs where you will literally just be working at an office or a pharmacy or in tech etc etc etc#the recruiters are offering housing healthcare steady pay and BONUSES if you sign on for longer.#so you let your guard down because you were so scared of the actual fighting. BECAUSE YOU'RE 18 IN THIS SCENARIO BTW.#you cunts will not meet anyone who hates the military as much as people who are NOW DONE working in the military#you don't know enough when they get you and then either you stay placated by the benefits or you scramble away as fast as possible#the number one military haters are people who know what goes on bc they already did it#source: I LIVE NEXT TO A MILITARY BASE LMAO PEOPLE HATE IT HERE!! they are NORMAL PEOPLE#I need you to get it into your head that the people committing atrocities in war were NORMAL when they joined#and that for every person in the military who's actively shedding blood there's 20 who do PAPERWORK#and they both are being put in the same category by you!! and they are BOTH being controlled by the same system!!#sergle.txt#I hate yall I really do.
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