#stuff i bought i gotta find a space for. stuff i already have out that doesnt need to be out and needs to be moved somewhere else
forestryfae · 11 months
i dont wanna clean my room but i want a clean room life is hell
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zabala0z · 1 month
Welcome to “New Fan consistently listens to TMA S2 while playing Minecraft and dying by a skeleton” I’m your host: the new fan. Or I dunno if I’m considered a new fan since I’m listening to s2 but I guess the podcast was made in 2016 and I finally got to it circa 2024. Anyways! Gotta get to it! Post too long already!
MAG 57: Personal Space
Eughhh this one is like top 5 TMA EPS of creeping me out. Lot of stuff here so I’m gonna talk a while. For example, Conrad Lukas was in charge of the project and the Lukas family was shown in Alone and Boatswain Call. Speaking of the latter, Nathaniel Lukas gave an investment to the project. He was the captain of that ship in MAG 33. Pinnacle Aerospsce is majority owned by the Fairchild family WHO CANNOT STAY OUT OF PEOPLES BUSINESS 💀
Carter, the guy who did the project, also had that feeling of being utterly alone in this damn void. He said the line between reality and dreaming was blurred, finding himself in space, a graveyard or an empty ocean. The latter two I think are a reference to Alone and High Pressure respectively which all have the theme of “loneliness, stranded, etc” in common.
The whole “being alone in a large empty space” has been a pattern. The Fairchild family features in that theme and even the Lukas family in Alone. Optic Solutions Limited is based in Norway but the only connection I can figure out is that Jurgen Leitner was from Norway but maybe there was something I missed. Anyways that’s it. God 😭
Nothing much on MAG 58: Rations. Another kind of emphasis on meat. I felt so bad for the unknown lady :( (EDIT 9/2: Benjamin Carlisle shares the same last name as Toby Carlisle and both have very prominent meat themes. God.)
MAG 59: Recluse
Oh boy Raymond Fielding. From what I heard before, I thought he was a good guy since like y’know he took in troubled kids but noooo. He seems to be like the same thing as that woman from Children of the Night. Creepy spider thing. Also; that damn table. Now we finally know what happened to the middle of the table, like the square. Also the apple; Same apple Evo found in burned out. Even described the same. Agnes also, in my theory, a good person because she kissed Ronald’s cheek before he left and then was persuaded to go down to the study where his cheek started burning and snapped him out of it. I think she’s good. I dunno what her deal is but still.
Also, again, the table. It’s definitely the same table. How did Graham find it? He said he bought it in a second hand shop in MAG 3. Did Ray donate it after the events? Did the house burn down but the table still survived? Like god. How did the middle part of the table end up under the tree? With the apple? I have so many questions.
MAG 60: The Observer Effect
Another eye theme. Not many connections but I’m assuming she wanted to blow up the Magnus institute with those barrels of petrol. Maybe she found out something her brother was involved in which she blamed the institute for. I think he didn’t die of a stroke because no one ever dies of natural causes, I mean come on.
Also. Jon getting an intervention is the funniest thing ever. Like he was like before “they’re avoiding me and giving me fruitful glances, they’re up to something” like my dude, they are worried about you 💀
“Yeah sorry if I’ve been distant”
“You literally watch my house”
“You rummaged through my desk”
“You said I was lying about a murder”
I’m literally cackling. They’re not even wrong, Jon is going a little cray cray from all this. He needs an emotional support cat I think.
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allmoshnobrain · 7 months
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𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐫: 𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
part 02 of 06 | masterpost
word count: 5,4k | ao3 link | fic's playlist
He gave my hand a reassuring squeeze, and I wondered if he too would be feeling the happiness that sang in my chest at that moment, like a little miracle had just unfolded before us. It was hard to find another word to describe it. He’d found me. After so many years, he’d found me.
✦ on this chapter: james hetfield x female!oc, dave mustaine x female!oc, oc is cliff's cousin, +18, language, slice of life, angst, grief, smut mentioned/implied
✧ Once you told me, "Look for the North Star, then you'll see" / Heavenly, I hear / Found my way to the beach / There were waves over me / I was lost at sea 'til you found me / 'til you found me ✧
May 20, 1984
Settling into the new home my parents had bought for me turned out to be easier than I’d expected, especially since my friends had moved in with me; we all shared the same space and, slowly but surely, it was shaping up to be our own little slice of paradise, buzzing with music, chatter, and laughter as we got everything sorted.
But everything felt eerily still when I arrived home on that Sunday afternoon. I opened the front door, spotting a few moving boxes still hanging out in the living room. I glanced around, puzzled, eyeing the empty space and wondering where the gang had vanished to. That's when I caught the distant murmur of voices drifting from the kitchen.
"You can't just go after him, James. It's gonna wreck our reputation, have you even thought about that?" Lars' voice carried down the hallway, tinged with irritation.
"You think I give a damn about our reputation when he's out there dissing my girl?" James shot back, his voice tinged with anger. I arched an eyebrow, definitely intrigued now as I made my way closer. I reached the kitchen door to find Lars leaning against the sink, his brow furrowed, while James, so much taller, paced back and forth, his fists clenched. "I couldn't care less. Let him yap about us all he wants, but lay off her. I'm gonna beat the crap out of him, then maybe he'll learn to keep his trap shut."
"Hey, guys," I interjected, and James halted his pacing immediately, both him and Lars shooting me a startled look, like they'd just seen a ghost. A knot twisted in my gut as I realized they were probably talking about something they didn't want me to know about. "What's the deal?"
"Nore!" Lars chirped, a bit too brightly, as he hastily snatched something off the table. I narrowed my eyes, noting it was a cassette tape he was awkwardly trying to stuff into his pocket. "Oh, it's, uh, nothing important!"
"What's that?" I inquired, nodding toward the cassette in his grasp. James shot him a pointed glare, and Lars swallowed hard.
"It's, um, nothing, really! Just..." He stumbled over his words as I closed the gap between us, grabbing his arm and snatching the tape from his grip. "Hey!"
"If it's really nothing, then you won't mind me taking a look, right?" I challenged. James shot me a worried look before striding over towards me.
"Nore, hand it over," he demanded, his tone grave, his brow furrowed. I stared at him, torn between defiance and confusion.
"No," I shot back, turning on my heel and bolting up the stairs.
"Nore!" James called out, chasing after me, but I was already too far ahead. I reached our shared room and slammed the door shut, locking it behind me. James pounded on the door, growing increasingly frustrated. "Nore! Come on, give it back!"
"Unless you've got another girlfriend, this has gotta be about me, right?" I challenged, and he grunted, kicking the door in frustration. "You’re gonna start keeping secrets from me now?"
"You don't get it. It's for your own good. Just let me in!"
I brushed off his demand, which only earned me a frustrated growl from him. Fixing my gaze on the tape in my hand, my heart skipped a beat when I spotted the band name: Megadeth. There wasn't much else on the tape besides handwritten song titles on the label. I'd been keeping tabs on the Californian metal scene enough to know this wasn't just any old tape — it was a demo. I couldn't help but wonder how Lars and James got their hands on it, and what the hell it had to do with me.
"Come on, Nore!" James's pounding on the door grew more urgent as the music began to play, the cassette inserted into the tape deck in our room. "You don't wanna hear this. Trust me!"
I stayed silent, my heart doing some churning uncomfortably in my chest as I recognized Dave's voice emanating from the speakers. I blinked in surprise; I remembered he was scouting for a vocalist for the band back when we were together, but I had no clue he'd decided to take on the role himself. Somehow, that made it all worse; I wasn't prepared to hear his voice. I wasn't ready for the flood of emotions that hearing him but not being able to talk to him, see him, or touch him brought crashing over me. I wasn't ready for the fury radiating from his voice, blazing like a wildfire, channeling all his pain into his music. And then, it hit me what he was singing about.
My only love, something I've never felt / Now you've gone to heaven and I'll burn in hell / I loved you to death!
Oh. Was that why James was so adamant about me not hearing the tape? Could that song possibly be...?
And now I'm down below / And what do I see? / You didn't go to heaven / You’re down in hell with me / And now you’re coming back / “baby take me please!” / I really think I would, if you weren't such a sleaze / I loved you once before, you kept me on a string / I'd rather go without than take what you would bring / I loved you to death!
I chewed on my lip, my stomach twisting as the song came to its end, struggling to make sense of everything I'd just heard. Suddenly, it all clicked. I understood why James had tried to shield me from it; Dave's lyrics were harsh, dripping with anger and bitterness, a far cry from the sweet and caring Dave I once knew. For a fleeting moment, I tried to convince myself it couldn't be about me — but who else could it possibly be about?
For months, I'd been wondering what he'd say if I ever found him. Would he listen? Would he let me explain? And for months, I'd been living with this fear — that he'd hate me, that he wouldn't want anything to do with me anymore. But I'd always held onto hope; hope that I could make things right, that I could clear things up somehow. Yet, that song... It crushed whatever hope I had left.
It hurt me more than I could say.
I stood up and swung open the bedroom door, finding James right there, his blue eyes filled with concern. I threw myself into his arms, trying to hold back the tears. He sighed and hugged me back.
"I warned you not to listen," he grumbled.
"And you were just gonna keep this from me forever?" I asked, my voice shaky.
"If it meant not hurting you, then yeah."
"James, I deserved to know," I said, pulling back to look at him. He reached up and wiped away a tear, his touch gentle on my cheek.
"You're right. I'm sorry," he said softly, planting a light kiss on my forehead.
"Where'd you snag this tape, anyway?"
"Our producer gave it to Lars. Said Dave's using that Mechanix song we had on our album as The Four Horsemen..."
"Those were his songs, James. He's got every right to do so."
"Why do you still stick up for him, even after all this?" he frowned, a hint of annoyance in his voice, then sighed. "Sure, he can use his fucking songs. But he doesn't get to pen this garbage about you."
I shook my head with a sigh.
"It's so not fair," I said, trying to push down the shake in my voice. "He jumped to thinking I'd just cheat on him, replace him outta nowhere. Didn't even give me a chance to explain; just up and left. And I..." James pulled me into another hug as my voice hitched, making it tough to keep talking. "I still miss him. And I wish..."
"Nore..." James murmured, squeezing me tight, and I sighed, shutting my eyes. "You miss him that much? Aren’t you happy with me?"
"Course I'm happy with you," I replied, my voice muffled against him, hugging him close and soaking in the comfort of his scent as I buried my face into his chest.
"Then stay with me ," he said, his voice gravelly, stroking my hair tenderly. "I'm here. And I would never hurt you like that. Maybe it's time to... let this go. I can make you happy, Nore. Promise."
"You already make me happy," I murmured, sniffing softly and pulling away from his embrace, wiping away the tears that insisted on falling. James cupped my face in his hands, giving me a gentle, affectionate kiss on my lips.
I loved James. That certainty had grown in my chest over the past few months until it became unbearable, impossible to ignore. But could I allow myself to forget Dave like that? Could I allow myself to move on and leave behind a love that had changed my life? Even if he hated me, my heart still beat for him. Could I allow myself to let go of that feeling? 
Could I?
September 5, 1986
Ever since James and I’d started dating, James had always been warm. Warm and cozy, like a lit fireplace on a winter night, enough for me to always want to be around — always there, always comforting. As we lay together, both totally spent after spending most of the night pleasuring each other, he started planting little, lazy kisses on my neck, his hand resting flat on my belly. His blond locks tickled my cheek, his breath warm against my bare skin. 
"I feel like something's off with me," I mumbled, and he stopped kissing me, his lips lingering against my neck.
"I’ll stop if you want me to," he whispered, his arms enveloping me, drawing me snug against his bare skin. James had this knack for drawing me in tighter whenever I hinted at pulling away. He just couldn't resist keeping me close, and honestly, I didn't mind one bit. "Just say the word if you need me to back off," he murmured softly.
"No, it's not that," I replied, turning to face him with a sigh. His blue eyes locked onto mine, curious. I let out another soft sigh, leaning in to plant a kiss on his lips. He responded instantly, pulling me closer, his grip firm.
"What's on your mind then?" he asked, his lips trailing from mine to my neck once more. I sighed again, closing my eyes, my fingers tangling in his hair as heat pooled between my legs.
"I don't want you guys to leave," I admitted, and he paused his kisses, pulling back to meet my gaze. I felt a blush creeping up my cheeks as I looked away. "I know it's part of your job. I know you've been on countless tours, and this one won't be any different. But... I just wish you'd stay, just this once."
James gave a nod, pulling me into a tight hug and planting a gentle kiss on my temple. The whirlwind of tours and gigs wasn't a walk in the park for either of us. Sure, it had its perks, but the constant movement, the jam-packed schedule that I struggled to keep pace with, and the long stretches of time apart definitely took their toll on our relationship. Especially now that the band was hitting new heights of success; I wanted to be there for them every step of the way, but reality dictated otherwise with my own commitments.
It hadn't been such a big deal in the past; after over two years as James's girlfriend and spending loads of time with Cliff and the boys, I was used to the drill. But this time, there was this gnawing feeling in my chest, like something wasn't quite right. It wasn't exactly that I wanted them to stay or that I wanted to tag along but couldn't; it was more like I just didn't want them to leave. I didn't want them out there while I was feeling this jittery, like something was about to go south any second.
"I'm probably being a bit selfish," I admitted, meeting James' eyes.
"Nah, not at all," he countered, running his fingers through my hair and flashing me a grin, clearly trying to lift my spirits. "I'll make it up to you, promise. I'll bring back souvenirs from everywhere we hit. What do you say? We'll be back before you know it, Nore. Trust me."
I gave a nod, a small smile tugging at my lips. There was no point in dumping all my worries on James; things would work out, somehow. I nestled closer to him, giving him a hug before planting a soft kiss on his jawline.
"Meanwhile..." he started, his lips meeting mine as he settled over me. I let out a soft chuckle, looping my arms around his neck; he leaned back, giving me a smile tinged with mischief, his hands trailing up my thighs in a way that sent shivers down my spine, anticipation building within me. "I think we should make the most of my being here while we still can. What do you say?"
"Hmm... sounds like a plan," I answered, and he chuckled, leaning in to kiss me once more.
March 13, 1987
Backstage used to be my sanctuary, but not anymore.
The buzz, the drinks, the laughter, the pounding music — those were the things that used to make me feel alive. Completely in the moment. But ever since Cliff had left us, the whole scene had just become another stress trigger. It was cruel, how I would still catch myself hoping to spot him any minute, beer in hand or puffing on a cig before hitting the stage, tuning his bass with that grin of his like he was born to rock out. Then reality would hit me seconds later, reminding me that I would never see him again.
That he was gone.
That night’s gig marked my first outing since the accident. I only agreed to go 'cause I knew James was missing me like crazy, especially after everything went down. It stung how Cliff's death had torn us apart, making it damn near impossible for us to even be in the same room despite still loving each other; it was all just too raw, too painful to wrap our heads around.
But I stuck it out for the whole show, even though my heart felt like it was being squeezed in a vice seeing the band up there with a different lineup, knowing it shouldn't be that way. Jason, the new bassist, was actually pretty damn good; I knew my aunt and uncle had loved him, and knowing he had their stamp of approval made things a bit easier to swallow. I didn't know him too well yet, but he came off as friendly and laid-back. Plus, his passion for the band and music had me smiling, thinking about how Cliff would've dug having someone with that same fire taking his spot.
Once the show wrapped, I didn't stick around for the inevitable after-party. While James and the guys were all caught up sorting out post-gig stuff, I slipped out the back, lighting up a smoke with a sigh. A persistent headache throbbed away, making me regret coming in the first place.
"Miss you, you dumbass," I muttered to myself, feeling the sting of tears threatening to spill over.
If I'd known that accident was coming, I would've done anything to stop Cliff from stepping foot on that bus. I would've volunteered to take his spot, even crawled into the bed he was in when it all went down. I would've traded places with him in a heartbeat, and I would've gone to my grave with a smile on my face. 'Cause living in a world without him was a nightmare worse than anything I'd ever imagined.
And now, all I could do was wish I would wake up back in our cozy home, catching a whiff of the coffee he used to brew up and hearing his gentle chuckle as he teased Leanne about tying the knot some day, all in that playful tone that barely masked his real longing — to live . To start a family, maybe have some kids, buy a house for his folks, and grow old doing what he loved, soaking up the rewards of his talent.
But none of that was in the cards anymore.
And I had remained, an empty, unrecognizable shell of the lively girl I used to be. I didn't know a life without Cliff — he had been my rock since forever. He'd been there since day one — I mean, literally, he was around before I was even born. We grew up side by side, like two peas in a pod, and now what was left of me was rotten, alone, and meaningless.
What was I without him, if he was such a huge part of who I was?
How many more losses in my life would I have to take?
Suddenly, I remembered Dave. The first boy I'd ever really loved, that kind of love that shakes you to your core. Losing him hurt like hell, no doubt about it. But compared to losing Cliff, it was like small fry. Still, Dave was the first real loss I’d ever faced. When all my efforts to track him down hit dead ends, I had to learn to live with the hole he left behind. After all these years, I still thought about him from time to time, but it didn't sting as bad as it used to.
I couldn't help but wonder if the ache in my heart from Cliff's absence would ever dull down like it had with Dave. Or if I'd have to face an even bigger blow, something that'd make this pain seem like child's play in comparison. 
After roaming the city streets for hours, I finally headed back to the hotel. When I got to the floor where the band was crashing, I bumped into Jason, standing by his room’s door.
"Hey, Nore," he said, his voice sounding rough, and I gave him a puzzled look. Was he crying?
"Hey, Jason. You all good?"
"I-I'm good," he mumbled, voice low, avoiding eye contact as he sniffled and wiped his face with his hand. Yeah, definitely not okay.
"You're not out there with the guys. What's up?" I asked, and he glanced up, his brown eyes a bit bloodshot, cheeks flushed.
"It's just... It's been kinda rough trying to fit in with the band. Especially with all these pranks they pull..." he trailed off.
"Pranks? What do you mean?" I frowned.
"Oh, it's nothing!" he rushed to say. "You know, just dumb stuff. It's just that it always catches me off guard, like now... I went back to the room to grab a jacket and found they'd messed it all… Up…" He slowly stopped talking as I brushed past him, turning the doorknob of his room and pushing the door open.
I froze in my tracks, utterly stunned by the sight before me. Jason's room was a complete disaster zone — suitcases torn open, clothes strewn all over, mattress gone, and beddings tangled up in the ceiling fan. Furniture flipped over like a hurricane had blown through. I just stood there, dumbfounded. Whoever did this wasn't messing around — it was straight-up hostility, so blatant it snapped me out of my own sadness and fired me up with anger.
"Jason, who did this?" I spun around to face him, my expression blazing, and he took a step back, clearly rattled.
"Nore, it's no big deal, really..." he started, but I cut him off.
"Whoever trashed your room needs to answer for it. This is not okay! I'm going straight to James; he'll sort this out..."
"No, please," he pleaded, cutting me off. "Please, that'll only make things worse! Don't talk to them, I'm begging you…"
I gawked at him, trying to wrap my head around what I was seeing, the pieces slowly fitting together in a puzzle that made no sense. 
"Jason," I began cautiously, "did James and the guys pull this stunt on you?"
He stayed silent, which I interpreted as a confirmation. My gut twisted in discomfort. What were they thinking? That wasn't our style. Sure, we'd get a bit wild sometimes, drink too much, goof around — but deliberately messing with someone? It just didn't add up.
Just then, the elevator chimed, and out stumbled a clearly wasted James, grinning when he spotted Jason.
"Hey, Newkid!" he slurred, stumbling over his words as he came over and slung an arm around Jason's shoulders, who shot him a nervous grin. "Check out the new decor in your room, dude! Pretty rad, huh?" He burst into laughter.
"James, what the hell is this?" I demanded, my voice shaky. He glanced up, looking surprised to see me there.
"Hey, babe. You dipped out, what's the deal?" he asked, dropping his arm from Jason's shoulders and stepping toward me. I folded my arms, taking a step back. He furrowed his brow, confused. "What's eating at you?"
"You tell me. What's the deal with this mess?" I gestured to the chaos in Jason's room. James just grinned, shaking his head.
"Princess, it was just a prank... Come on," he said, reaching for my hand, but I shrugged him off, stomping heavily toward our room. "Hey, hold up... Baby!" James called after me, trailing behind.
Ignoring him, I swung open the door and grabbed my bag, hastily scooping up the scattered clothes and belongings. Tears welled up in my eyes, but I refused to let them fall — not now.
"Nore, what the fuck are you doing?" James rushed into the room, grabbing my arm. I shook him off, backing away, glaring at him through teary eyes, my breaths coming in uneven gasps. "Babe, what's going on?"
"How can you even ask? What, you think it's funny to be some kind of bully now?" I demanded, my voice quivering. James shook his head, looking utterly baffled by my reaction.
"Nore, chill out! It was just a prank..."
"What kind of prank is this? This isn't us, James. Why are you guys messing with him?" I snapped, continuing to pack up my stuff. "Cliff would never stand for this."
James took a step back, looking like I'd slapped him. His brow furrowed, jaw clenched.
"And how would you know?" he shot back, and I scoffed, rolling my eyes.
"You think you knew him better than I did, James? Seriously?"
"Nore, it was just a joke..."
"A joke ? Really?" I shouted, tears finally breaking free. "I can't deal with this, James. What's gotten into you? He's not to blame for what happened to Cliff!"
"I get it. Nore, just try to calm down," he said, coming closer and taking hold of my wrists, locking eyes with me. "Take a deep breath, okay?"
"James, this isn't fair," I choked out through sobs. "Can't you see? We've been falling apart since he left. You're angry, and you're bitter, and you're mean , and sometimes I don't even recognize you anymore, and I hate it! And I feel like nothing — I don't feel like me anymore without him. You don't need me like this."
"I do need you."
"I'm fucking broken, James."
"No, you're not!"
"I am !" I burst out, my voice cracking. "You deserve someone who won't lose it over every little thing like this, James. You deserve better than me. I'm not good for you anymore. I'm not good for anyone, for anything."
"So what's the fucking deal?" he asked, his voice shaky, desperate, his blue eyes brimming with pain. "You’re breaking up with me now?"
I didn't say anything, just locked eyes with him, feeling my heart twist painfully as I realized something had broken right then and there. I loved James, but how could I love anyone fully when my pain consumed me like this, leaving little space for anything else? How could I let myself be loved when his anger kept driving us further apart, drowning out our love in all the noise?
I let out a heavy sigh, my breath trembling, and released his hands from mine.
"I'm heading back home. I'll pack up and catch the next flight..." I mumbled.
"Nore, don't do this," James pleaded, reaching for my hands again, but I pulled away.
"I can't, James. I'm sorry. Just... Please, let me go," I sobbed, burying my face in my hands as I sank onto the bed.
Not too long ago, James would've never left me like this. He would've been there, comforting me, holding me tight and never letting go. But things weren't like they used to be, and the world didn't work the way it should anymore.
So, he just walked away, leaving me alone with my pain.
Over the next few years, James and I attempted to patch things up time and time again — but it was like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. We just couldn't get back to where we were before. Eventually, we drifted apart and started seeing other people, searching for happiness in different eyes, different embraces, different kisses.
But it was useless.
The ache in my chest lingered, a constant reminder of the emptiness that echoed in both of us. And no matter how hard we tried to keep our distance, we always found our way back to each other. We never went back to using those labels — boyfriend, girlfriend — but we couldn't deny the pull between us. I always found myself drawn back to James, and he always found his way back to me.
Eventually, I got used to that kind of love, a mix of joy and sorrow that felt like the only steady thing in a crazy world, a way to bury my own unhappiness. Over the years, me and the guys stayed tight, because what other choice did we have? They were my family, and I was theirs.
I tried to tell myself that maybe I'd never feel that same spark of life again, but hey, at least I wasn't totally miserable. Even though I'd lost a lot and sadness seemed to follow me like a shadow, I still had some good things left — maybe with time, I could figure out how to move forward again. Maybe this was as good as it got.
I almost bought into it.
Until Dave found me.
February 18, 1992
In the end, it was him who found me.
After all the failed attempts, all the heartache, all the rage, all the emptiness I'd been carrying around for years without him, it all came crashing down in that moment when our eyes locked. Time seemed to stand still, his hand on my shoulder sending a jolt through my body, making my heart lose any sense of rhythm.
"Dave?" I whispered, and the sound of my own voice seemed to stir something in his eyes, an old and familiar pain, but also hunger, happiness, and ecstasy.
It was really him.
It was really, really him.
"Hey," he said, and the normalcy of his answer made me chuckle. He grinned at my laughter, that old, beautiful smile, and my heart seemed to melt into pure warmth and affection.
How could I have lived so long without him?
"Hey," I replied, a smile stubbornly appearing on my face. " What are you doing here?"
"Oh, Junior's dating that Music Now anchor; she hooked us up with some tickets. David, David Ellefson," he clarified, noticing my confusion. "I ended up calling him that. Can't have two Daves in the band, and I called dibs first, so..." He trailed off, a small grin playing on his lips that I couldn't help but mirror. "Wanna grab a table? You were getting some food, right? We can catch up for a bit..."
"Sure thing," I nodded eagerly. We snagged an empty table and settled in. I poked at my food, but my appetite took a backseat with him sitting across from me. Dave seemed both different and the same, all at once. He was still as good-looking as ever, with his ginger hair cascading over his shoulders, warm hazel eyes, and that familiar crooked smile that always got me.
"So, what brings you here?" he asked.
"Oh, I work here," I answered, grinning when he raised an eyebrow, clearly surprised.
"Really? What do you do?"
"I act. Just landed my first lead role in a TV series."
"So you ended up in the arts, huh?" he remarked. "I remember you were tossing around the idea of studying something like that back when... Well, back when we were a thing."
I blinked, feeling the flush rise to my cheeks. I was so thrilled to see him again that, for a moment, I almost forgot how our last encounter had been a train wreck for both of us. How the end of our relationship had left us both hurting and confused. How so many misunderstandings had ruined our love beyond repair. 
"Dave," I began, my voice faltering with nerves. "I know it's been forever... But there's so much I want to say. So much I need to explain. I—" I trailed off as he reached for my hand, his grasp enveloping mine, so much larger and warmer, sending my heart racing.
"No worries," he answered, his voice gentle as he kept his gaze locked on mine. "We can talk. I reckon doing it here might be a bit tough, huh? How about we pick a day just for that?"
The idea of meeting up again brought a wave of relief to my face. He gave my hand a reassuring squeeze, and I wondered if he too would be feeling the happiness that sang in my chest at that moment, like a little miracle had just unfolded before us. It was hard to find another word to describe it.
He’d found me.
After so many years, he’d found me.
We chatted away for the rest of the party, mostly about work stuff. Everything felt oddly familiar yet different at the same time, and we kind of danced around the real thing: all the emotions we'd been through during our time apart, the fights and secrets that tore us apart when we still cared about each other, and whether we still felt the same way. 'Cause, honestly, I could barely look at him without feeling my whole body fill with a wild happiness, feeling alive like I hadn't felt in a long, long time.
As the party wound down, we lingered by the entrance, chatting quietly while Charlie made the rounds saying her goodbyes. We seized the moment to swap phone numbers, sharing hopeful smiles and whispered words. The night air was chilly, sending shivers down my spine. I wrapped my arms around myself, trying to ward off the cold.
"Feeling cold?" Dave asked, already slipping off his blazer and draping it over my shoulders before I could respond. I looked up at him, feeling my cheeks flush, and he grinned. "You can hang onto that. Gives us a good excuse to make sure we see each other again."
The ride home flew by in a blur; I hardly paid attention to Charlotte's excited chatter about the party. Instead, I clung to Dave's coat, feeling its warmth seep into me. His scent lingered in the fabric, intoxicatingly close, like it could drive me crazy.
I must’ve been dreaming, right?
It felt like I was living in a dream. Running into him after all these years, completely by chance, seemed too good to be true. For so long, I'd convinced myself that happiness and hope were out of reach. Turns out, I was dead wrong. I had no clue what the future held — no idea what would come of this unexpected reunion. But the chance to make things right, to clear up the misunderstandings of the past, even just a little bit, felt like a gift too good to pass up.
All I could do that surprising night was hope it wouldn't all vanish by morning. Hope his voice would be there when I called the next day, because I could hardly wait to see him again.
That night, I didn't have any nightmares.
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✧ if you'd like to be tagged on the next parts, let me know and I'll add you to the tag list! ❤ ✧
tag list: @killazilla777 @whatsupvic @70srogah @genswine9 @twice360noscope
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dullahandyke · 5 months
yippee yippee yippee yippee eimear con haul!!!!
Hi. It was my birthday recently and I'm bad to shop for so instead of gifts I got money to spend at Kaizokucon. So here's a haul. Under the cut bcos I couldnt fit it nicely in one picture and I wanna ramble
ok we're gonna take it one picture at a time ^_^ the ID in the alt text explains what everything is if u just wanna see what i got without the rambling sure to come with it. links in rambling r to the artists of the fan stuff where i can find em ^_^ only one of them is a direct link to the product tho bcos some ppls shops r down and some ppl dont have all their stuff online. lemons_arent_green youre a real one
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Ok the flat stuff!!! black rock shooter poster bcos i already have a figure but i liek her... badass anime girl ily.... was so so sure i saw a reigen keychain but when i went to go get one there weren't any so i got this sticker sheet instead :3 SPEAKING OF KEYCHAINS!!! yippee yippee kaguya i love you youre my special little tiempsy. yue you are a gay anime boy with a cool design. tomoyo ive always felt a kinship with you and its because im a desperate dyke. monokuma is here ig 🙄 i put him on my carabiner and hes fun to stim with. i am not immune to the sdr2 fanboying. also full disclosure ive not watched naruto (its in the spreadsheet) i just thought funko pop sasuke keychain was really really funny. my son who stares into my soul. comparatively i dont have as much to say on the badges!! luka luka fever for real girlie ily. the bandori ones were blind bags and i got himari on my first try <3<3<3<3<3<3 sorry eve i kind of dont care. 🙁 the dr girlies i kinda picked at random based on who i've been vibing w lately.
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THE POKEMON DIORAMA!!!! its soooo cool, staff were setting up the trade hall so i was in there all day friday and this shop was one of the first to set up their stands and i was literally staring at it all day... so fucking awesome. the rings n the necklace r from the same shop look at them... im fucking obsessed w the catgirl necklace. literally look at her. i dont thiiink shes supposed to be a specific character but she might be. oh well. cat girl ily. aaaand the arisa stand is actually a little clip for papers n stuff!! she was also a blind box but specifically for popipa so i was gonna b happy w whoever <3
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MIIIIKUUUUUU MY PRINCESS MY EVERYTHING!!!!! she was calling to me she beckoned..... shes actually rlly big irl shes the biggest figure i have, replacing my kokoro one... shes the one where i audibly said 'it was my birthday i can buy things' bcos figures spencey... she wasnt too bad actually i just like bitching. 6 euro axel for scale
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BOOKS 💥💥💥 i was reading nana a while back and i dropped it but i gotta pick it up again... rlly pretty and awesome... aaaand the summer hikaru died!!! kay if youre seeing this then know you posting abt it convinced me <3 i originally got it bcos i was on door duty in a quiet area and didnt wanna spend my time draining battery life on my phone but after i bought it i realised that that was literally a terrible idea so <3 we'll get around to them soon
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FINALLLYYYYYY TSHIRTS!!! the top yellow one was my staff t-shirt, it has 'staff' on the back i was wearing it all weekend and yippee i love it.... emotional bond.... and if this is a safe space can i just say. if kaito was a woman? would. next up FAYE FUCKIN VALENTINEEEE!!! do u remember that post i made going thru all the sellers that were gonna b at the con that started like 'i hate shounen fans. name a woman'? well this is the seller i was talking about but all was forgiven in the name of FAYE ! GODDAMN ! VALENTINE ! ugh i love you girlie. and the last t-shirt was given out free to staff after the closing ceremony!! it was the tenth anniversary of kaizokucon so we got this awesomes design yay.... wore it to classes today hoping somebody would comment on it and nobody did 😌and in the middle i got CLOW CARRRDS BITCHES!!!!!! i saw them and immediately all thought left my fucking brain. i needed them. so important. the seller also recognised the axel in my fanny pack yippee!!!! a few people recognised him over the weekend actually and i was always like yes!! the him
anyway. yippee! yippee! yippee! yippee! yippee! yippee! yippee! yippee! yippee! con con con con con :)
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himbopunk · 10 months
quick rundown of different ways i've made patches
for @pescabianca cuz they asked lol
gonna start by saying i'm far from an expert on any of this, especially proper screenprinting and blockprinting. i'm just some guy that's been winging it for the past 3 years and it's just kind of what i do now? idk. here's the methods i've used for making patches
method 1: stencil and fabric paint
in which you're making a stencil and painting by hand. first time i made patches i hand carved out the letters on some cricut vinyl (i didn't have a cricut i just used a craft knife and taped it to my desk), put it down on top of a piece of fabric and sponged on some fabric paint. you can also use cardboard or cardstock you tape down for the stencil and tape down, whatever you got, i just find the vinyl was the easiest to make it not bleed as much. pretty simple, pretty accessible. the vinyl option is more for a single patch, smth like a cardboard stencil is better for multiple. make sure to use an iron to set in your paint once it dries
method 2: diy screen with mod podge
you can make a simple screenprint with mod podge, some kinda mesh fabric and an embroidery hoop. take voile or chiffon, pull the fabric taut on the embroidery hoop, and sketch on your design with a pencil (be careful as to not rip the mesh). remember that the flattest part goes down on your fabric, so make sure youre drawing inside the hoop.
paint on the mod podge in the negative space of your design, let dry. you can at this point use screen printing ink or continue with fabric paint, i think this was the time where i first bought screen ink. put your screen flat onto your fabric, some ink/paint at the top of the screen, then use an old gift card or id as a squeegee to do the actual printing part, dragging it down in a scraping motion. pull away and leave the patch to dry. you probably wanna iron it to set in the ink once you're done.
this is good esp if youre printing a bunch at once but doesnt wash very well so it can be kinda one and done sometimes? i used fabric mod podge so it lasted like 2 gos before getting all gross. but if you already have this kinda stuff laying around for other crafts, its pretty simple and introduces you to screeprinting somewhat without spending too much money
inspo/instruction link
method 3: screenprinting
getting/making an actual screen, you can just buy them online tbh, though it's not too hard to diy imo, especially if you're good with wood (haha) at all. i'm not, the way i diy'd it initially was finding some cheap wood picture frames from the dollar store or smth, pulling the screen mesh taut with a big embroidery hoop cuz i didn't have clamps and such, and using the staple gun to staple them onto the frame. it works just as well tbh, but i don't know how much i can speak on the longevity of dollar store frames or how well i attached the screen mesh, those are kinda skills in of themselves you gotta hone which is why this is all so much more involved
speaking of which, the next part is emulsion. i use jacquard emulsion fluid because it's cheap and i'm used to it. speedball is fine but i bought a bulk bottle once that was expired and i've never forgiven them for it. emulsion is a fluid thats mixed with a photosensitive fluid that causes it to cure and harden in uv light. you spread that across your screen, leave it in a dry, dark place to dry overnight (i used to use the bottom shelf of a bookshelf with a curtain over it, then the top drawer of a dresser. you can put it in your closet or something, depends on the space you have.) keep it in that dark place until you're ready to use it, otherwise you risk hardening it by accident.
once you've got a screen prepped, you want to have a transparency of your image in all black so light can get in everywhere but your design, and then expose it either to the sun or a lighting set up that you've bought/made. once you've cured it, you can then remove your transparency and you should be able to rinse out the emulsion fluid that was under it, leaving you with a screen to use!
for lighting setup, i use a flood lamp type thing that speedball sells that i bought years ago off of blick, i think? since the places i've lived have very specific times of day where you get direct sun to reliably use, at a certain point getting the lamp became worth it. depending on what you're using both in terms of your emulsion fluid and light source, the curing time can be very different, but this method allows for fine detail that can be difficult to attain by hand. stuff like screentones to create gradients, and the ability to make several screens for different color layers. it can be tricky to do sometimes but the ease of making more complex designs and having longer lasting screens can be worth it
also at this point you definitely want to be using actual screen printing ink, probably. you can buy a squeegee, i often still just use old credit cards and such, especially with my smaller designs, so it's up to you on that end. make sure you're using fabric ink, not acrylic ink, for your patches. just in general be aware of what type of ink you're getting, i use water-based inks that rinse out the screen easy with a spray bottle of water and some paper towels (you can also just rinse em in the sink but mine is too shallow lol).
i'll link to some tutorials i used when starting out, cuz this stuff is a lot easier with a visual aide and i don't think i explained it very well skdjf
youtube tutorial // tutorrial 2 // tutorial 3 // screens i used to get // emulsion fluid i use
method 3.5: screen filler
if you liked method 2, you can use the screen filler method to make screens, i've never done it but i understand it's similar in that you are basically panting on the negative space or something? again, i've never done it, i've just used emulsion after moving on from the mod podge method.
method 4: blockprinting
block printing is pretty straightforward, imo. basically you take a block of rubber or linoleum (or wood but i've. never done wood printing but it's fairly similar in basic method afaik) and trace or draw a design onto it. you then carve out the negative space of your design, leaving an impression of only the part you want to print. you then take a brayer/roller, roll it in ink until it's covered and then roll the ink out onto the raised part of the block that remains once you've carved it. take your fabric and press it flat onto the inked block, using something smooth like the back of a spoon to press it down and make sure your ink gets in there. i usually always make at least one more patch than i need with this method, since the first print often tends to be a bit rough/light and it improves over time. like your first pancake bein the worst one i guess. when you're done, you can wash the blocks with soap and water, maybe using an old toothbrush to get in all those crevices. but that's it, it's intense on focus, time, and physical effort, but pretty straightforward
note that when you blockprint something, the image will be reversed, so if you're drawing directly onto one keep this in mind. what i usually like to do is take some paper and put it over my original sketch, draw over it with a soft charcoal, then press it down onto the block to transfer the image. that way it makes sure your image is flipped, and it's a hell of a lot easier than any of the weird printer methods i've seen.
btw you can get a plate for rolling ink onto but i'll be honest? for about a year or two i just used like panes of glass i had from the picture frames i used for screens or i'd tape a piece of plastic or transparency down onto the table/desk. it's like, slightly easier now that i have an inking plate, but only just because it's a bit less waste, but it doesn't change much, imo. i even sometimes prefer using a gel printing plate, which is not really supposed to be used the way i'm using it! honestly, as long as your surface is flat and smooth it seems to be fine.
theoretically you don't even really need to use block printing ink, but i'd always struggled using other stuff? idk. if you're making patches, id suggest getting some fabric blockprinting ink. it'll take a day to dry, a bit longer than screenprinting ink, but it'd very sturdy. you can iron it to help secure it like the other stuff, but if you let it dry a couple days you might not even have to.
youtube tutorial/inspo // carving tools i use // some rubber blocks to start with // rubber brayers for rolling ink
note: if you can find any art supply exchanges, they're great for getting supplies for the latter methods on a budget. in chicago, there's a like, art supply thrift store of sorts called the waste shed where i got most of my early blockprinting supplies for pretty cheap, and if i didn't have those, i probably wouldn't have started making blockprints when i did.
note 2: this is all for printing on fabric, but you can also get acrylic screen printing ink or block printing ink for making prints on paper if you want!!
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marcholasmoth · 2 months
OSRR: 3651
today my mom and i ran some errands after i had therapy in the morning.
it was good to talk to christine because oftentimes i find myself without the words or in-the-moment knowledge for how to handle a situation, but if i take a little bit of time, i can usually think things through and make good choices.
so i'd hazard to say it's working well.
mom and i went to joann fabrics.
they were having a sale.
so i bought a bunch of fleece for a service project for the convention. i want to make and donate blankets for a panel this year. probably a quieter alternative to other things but i can have people working on that all weekend and complete others while i'm not busy, or have security staff or whoever wants to help work on them in their downtime or their off shifts. so.
i may have gone overboard with how much fleece i got because it fills up my mom's car's trunk, but it is what it is. so that was good.
i also got an excessive large container of mod podge.
i just need paint markers, tiles, and terrarium bulbs and i'll be all set for this year in terms of materials, i think.
oh. i still gotta handle the perlers. so i actually have a lot of work ahead of me. rip. but at least i have staff! i have THREE people this year! i'm excited.
after joann's we got lunch and then we stopped for groceries and stuff and we came back and we played the game i got yesterday from midgard games - it's called mlem space agency and basically you play cats that go into space and sometimes you can get onto a planet or a moon and sometimes the ship will blow up because cats are not so good with technology. but you keep the cats on the ships that asplode, so they really just come back. (they have intergalactic parachutes.) (at least in my book they do bc asplodey cats makes me sad, so they just come back.)
but it's a cute game and it's easy to learn and it was fun to punch out. there's some skill and strategy to it and it was quite entertaining.
after playing we all just chilled out for a while bc it was so miserable outside and it was cold inside and around 7 we had dinner and mom and i watched some more of the flash afterward.
no word today from joel, but i expect he was busy with work stuff and happy to stay inside because outside is gross right now.
this weekend i work an extra day, which im not thrilled about, but there's so much i'm already not thrilled about with work, including but not limited to expecting to be put upon to take extra shifts because the supervisor and the senior analyst don't wanna do it and there's no one else to take over. so. i hate that already.
(i have so much to complain about when it comes to managing this place but for real i'm just kind of fed up with incompetence, irresponsibility, and blatant favoritism. displeased.)
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humanransome-note · 5 months
I have real furniture!
A nice set of drawers, a little night stand, and a recliner. my aunt’s moving up north to what was supposed to be her “summer home” which sounds fancy but it’s a mobile home, simple. Cause her condo association upped the fees and my uncle liked being up north more than he thought he would. Which is why I now have a basically brand new recliner! It’s got a remote! I need to double check what it’s made out of, cause it feels like leather but I’m not 100%.
I realized my room wasn’t really messy, it just looked like it was cause you could see things on the shelves and the bottom shelves were a mess cause of cats.
Anyway, this made me clean (sorta, kinda) and I already planned to not go to the craft store until I made a dent in my stash, but now I’ve actually got space to go through everything.
So the plan is to do that tomorrow, and make a rough plan on what to do with all that yarn.
I’m thinking bags, especially with the obviously acrylic ones.
I bought a bunch of cotton yarn a while ago but the colors didn’t work for what I wanted to use them for, but I think I have a proper project for them now.
I’ve got some big things of baby yarn, and those are probably gonna be blankets, and maybe donated? I gotta find out where and how for that sorta stuff.
Caron used to have a home decor collection which I used to practice knitting (to tell you how long I’ve had these, junior year of hs 2016) they’re like tshirt material tubed over a core of polyester? I think, I tossed the labels ages ago. It was GREAT for practicing because you couldn’t accidentally split the stitches.
Pictures will be taken and friends/family will be questioned if they want anything.
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dustfiremediafanatic · 9 months
Most of you probably already know what this is but, a new blog means we gotta cover some basics. I like to overdo stuff sometimes~
What is a TTRPG?
Well, first of all, it is the shortened term for the genre known as Table-Top Role Playing Game. Some people call it a Table "Talk" Role Playing Game and that's fine too, both versions work ♡
But when you get past the basic definition, you'll find it's really a diverse space with something to suit everyone. The most commonly known TTRPG I would easily guess is Dungeons and Dragons, aka D&D.
But it is NOT the only one out there! There are so many more to choose from, so don't feel shackled to the one system.
There's also games such as Pathfinder which is a similar alternative, and years ago I heard about this fun world known as Shadowrun. In my local comic book/manga/tabletop games shop just the other day I found a new game called Symbaroum and it looks really good, visually and from a world building perspective- If you know the videogame Cyberpunk 2077, you'll find it's actually a TTRPG first as well!
Mostly I'm going to be focused on the games that Dustfire Media get into, which means most regularly I'll be posting about #AvatarLegends and #ScumandVillainy but thanks to #TheForge (Patreon's only!) They expand and explore other TTRPGS as well, so I don't want anyone to feel limited or restrained about what TTRPGs they can talk with me about.
Just the other day Justin mentioned a game called Fabula Ultima and I fell in love with it, so I bought the PDFs straight up.
But to cap off this post, whether you love abusing mechanics to get the strongest builds in the silliest of ways, or you want to practice method acting with your friends or anything between, a Table Top Role Playing Game is an awesome way to spend time with friends and family, as well as having some goofy fun.
Have a Varrick for making it to the end~
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I posted 108 times in 2022
That's 55 more posts than 2021!
82 posts created (76%)
26 posts reblogged (24%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 81 of my posts in 2022
Only 25% of my posts had no tags
#marvel - 80 posts
#bucky barnes - 53 posts
#bucky x reader - 49 posts
#bucky fic - 49 posts
#bucky fluff - 48 posts
#bucky barnes fic - 43 posts
#bucky x y/n - 41 posts
#steve rogers - 30 posts
#bucky barnes fluff - 28 posts
#bucky fanfic - 27 posts
Longest Tag: 36 characters
#steve rogers x bucky barnes x reader
My Top Posts in 2022:
Before and After
Pairing: Bucky x reader
Warnings: fluffy fluff!!!! Like one sexual reference but not smut
Summary: changes in Bucky’s life after meeting and dating his doll(you)
Skincare routine and shampoos:
Before meeting you Bucky, like a lot of guys, used 2 in one shampoo. At least, he didn’t use 3 in one, instead he used a bar of soap and a washcloth. His skincare routine consisted of him splashing water on his face. That was it. No moisturizer, nothing. Then he met you! And started dating you, and loving you, and moved in with you. The second you saw the 2 in 1 you threw it out Bucky remembered that day like it was yesterday…..
“James Buchanan Barnes! I can’t believe you!” “Doll, what’s wrong, what happened?” “You can’t use 2 in 1 shampoo! Especially not on this sexy hair,” you ran you fingers through his long brown hair and pouted. “Mmm, alright doll, but you gotta help me pick out some new stuff.” You smiled as he gave you a kiss, “alright Buck, love ya,” “love ya too doll.”
The day after that you and Bucky went to the store and bought him some skincare and hair care stuff, after a week Bucky could already feel the difference, his hair was silkier and his skin was glowing. He thanked you profusely for making him switch, it was a very good decision. Sundays became your ‘self care day’ where you guys would sometimes do a spa day with bubble baths, face masks and robes, just relaxing and cuddling and taking care of yourselves.
Friday nights:
Bucky’s Friday nights before you consisted of him sitting at home. Some rare nights Nat, Sam and Steve would succeed in dragging him out to whatever bar they were going to. Even then he would get a beer and sit down, he didn’t dance, he didn’t flirt, nothing.
After you came into his life, it was a whole different story. He actually looked forward to Friday nights for once. Friday nights were reserved for date night. Some nights it was a simple movie with pizza, or even just reading together. Other nights it was dressing up and going out to a fancy restaurant, then you might go for a walk in the park, or a museum. Every Friday was date night, no matter what.
If he had a mission that ran into date night, you’d get a call or at minimum a text that night where Bucky would apologize. If he had time you would talk and possibly watch a show episode over FaceTime. On the rare occasion there was a mission where he couldn’t have contact, he’d leave you a letter to open on date night. It was really sweet and he would apologize for missing one but you would always remind him that saving the world was a very valid excuse to miss a date night.
Closet space/clothing choice:
Before you came around Bucky would throw on whatever was in his closet, or not in his closet for that matter. He had to admit, he did do the pick it off the floor and smell test it. He was human after all!
You loved it when he wore his Henley shirts, they framed his muscles and really made you fall for him all over again. He went from having one Henley to having a collection of them. Your favorite would still always be the classic red one, but the blue one really brought out his eyes and was a close second.
Before you he had so many sweatshirts he couldn’t even count them all. But as any girlfriend would, you did ‘borrow’ a couple of them. He now struggled to find one, then he’d see you sitting on the couch, being swallowed by one of his sweatshirts while on your phone. He couldn’t even be mad at you because you looked adorable.
Speaking of clothes, after you moved in he had to deal with closet space being taken over. Luckily you didn’t have that many clothes, so it wasn’t a big problem but it was a change.
Hairstyles and Facial Hair:
Facial hair wise, Bucky would consistently shave, not wanting to deal with the upkeep of a beard, but when he let it grow a little when he didn’t have time to shave on a mission, his view changed, thanks to you mostly. When he got home you were all over him, more than normal that is. He brought it up and you got very shy real fast…. “Well, it’s, you have stubble right now and…it’s kinda, hella sexy, not that you aren’t usually hella sexy. I just-“ He laughed, “well if I knew you liked it I would’ve grown it out sooner doll.” He planted a kiss on your lips and you felt the stubble rough on your face.
Before you Bucky had his long hair from being the soldier and he hated it, he’d been meaning to get it cut but sitting in a barber’s chair and having someone else gave scissors that close to his face scared him. He wasn’t taking good care of his hair, not really caring about it that much, until you came along.
(If you prefer long hair Bucky) You taught Bucky to appreciate his hair, and to take good care of it. You loved the long hair on him, gave you something to grab onto for your more wild adventures. You loved being able to put it up and braid it and teaching him all about how to do hairstyles. Your favorite one was when you braided it, then stuck flowers in it, it was pretty.
(If you prefer short haired Bucky) You helped Bucky realize how to love his hair, and so when he opened up about wanting it cut but not trusting and being to scared of the barbers, you got to work. You watched videos and practiced a little on cheap wigs. After about a week you could do a pretty good guy’s haircut that was like Bucky’s before the war. You brought up the subject with him of you cutting his hair, and he was nervous but excited. He trusted you, and when you said you could do it right in the bathroom he felt better. You guys sat down on a Saturday with some music and just did it. It looked pretty decent too! And more Importantly, Bucky loved it, but he loved you more.
Taglist: @peaches1958 , @glxwingrxse
401 notes - Posted June 28, 2022
hiii can you please write a very angsty stucky x reader where they ignore her for days after a fight but it ends in fluff after the reader breaks down in front of them and they ask sorry and realize they were being too immature **sorry if this is too specific
Terrible Tabloid Talk
Pairing: stucky x reader
Warnings: heavy angst to heavy fluff, arguments, gross tabloid gossip, the media suck’s
Summary: reader is an actress and some tabloid gossip makes the happy throuple have a bad argument
You were walking home when you saw it in the corner of your eyes. You normally didn’t pay attention to the tabloids and gossip, but you had to give some glance to this one. The new headline was that you and the costar of your new film were supposedly dating, problem was, you were secretly in a relationship with the two best guys in the world, Steve and Bucky. The avengers all knew of course, you lived there after all, but the rest of the world had no clue.
After seeing the magazines, you rushed home, hoping the guys hadn’t seen them and you could explain before they jumped to conclusions. You started running and sped up to your shared floor. There you found the guys with peeved, obviously angry faces. “Loves, please let me explain.” They said nothing but shrugged off your advances at hugs and kisses, ignoring your ask at time to explain it was untrue.
You tried to show your apology by making them dinner, their favorite, but they didn’t even take one look at the food, the guys grabbed a sandwich and watched a movie all cuddled together. You watched sadly from the kitchen, cleaning up from dinner and doing the dishes.
You hoped that, that night you would be able to make up with cuddles and pillow talk. To your dismay, when you tried to go to bed, you found the door locked and a pillow with a blanket outside the door, along with your laptop for work. You let out a small cry, and headed to Nat’s room, hoping your best friend would still be up.
When you got there you found her missing, after a quick ask to Friday, you found out her and Wanda, your other bestie, were on a impromptu mission. You shed a few more tears at the fact your friends weren’t there to help comfort you. Not knowing what to do, but knowing you wouldn’t be able to sleep, you took your laptop to the common room and got to work on answering emails and throwing yourself into your work, the same work that got you into this mess.
The next morning, you headed up to grab some more clothes and you saw Bucky and Steve acting all lovey dovey in the kitchen making breakfast. How you longed for those kisses, or even just a hug from them. You did your best to ignore eye contact. Walking swiftly to get a few pairs of clothes. Afterwards, you walked out to see they had made pancakes, something they only did with you, it was something you only did all together. It saddened you even more and you had to run out of there before the tears overcame you.
The couch was uncomfortable and you were cold without your 2 personal heaters, no matter how many blankets you put over you. That night you put yourself to sleep with your cries, tears streaming down your face staining your blankets. Nat and Wanda were supposed to be back the next day so that helped you sleep a little better knowing your friends would be back to help you.
You woke up and your boyfriends were still ignoring you, you were now going on day 3, counting the day they found out. You all went to the landing pad to greet bay and Wanda and Nat. You stood on the opposite side as your boys which the rest of the team found odd as you were normally on top of each other, but they kept their mouths shut.
Nat and Wanda walked out and immediately ran to you. They could tell in an instant that something was wrong. As they hugged you they whispered to meet in Nat’s room. After saying hi to the others, everyone dispersed and you met the gals in the planned area.
“So what the hell happened!?!” Wanda asked concerned while at the same time Nat seethed, “what did they do?” You explained how they were ignoring you for the tabloid gossip that wasn’t true. They immediately took your side, saying Bucky and Steve were being unreasonable not even letting you try to explain. They promised to take you shopping tomorrow to try some retail therapy, and Nat told you, you were allowed to stay in her room till the boys came to their senses.
Sleeping next to Nat was better than being alone on the couch, but it was no where near as comfy as sleeping near Bucky and Steve. The next day, as promised, the girls took you to the mall and you all had a good day. Or what would’ve been a good day if everything didn’t remind you of your super soldiers. The pretzels that were Bucky’s favorites, the Captain America collection at Target, the books in the bookstore about world war 2, it all made you want to cry. You held it together though, at least until you made it home.
That night you needed to get your emotions out, and the best way you knew how was to take a note from Steve’s book, hitting stuff. You went down to the gym and started pounding on a punching bag. Slowly your emotions came pouring out. After a little you started bawling, tears streaming down your face. Friday must’ve been worried about you and notified your emergency contacts, who were still Steve and Bucky, because you heard their voice for the first time in 3 days. “Doll?”
You turned around and through your blurry, tear stained vision you saw your boys standing their, tired, like they just woke up. You broke down, falling to your knees, the tears falling harder, through the tears you cried, “I’m so sorry, please, I, I can’t do this anymore, I didn’t go on a date with him, the tabloids spun lunch with a costar, a friend, into something more, please, believe me, I, I love you both so much, I’m so sorry.” Both men moved to your side immediately, feeling so remorseful. They didn’t care what happened anymore, logically they realized now, you would never cheat on them, and the tabloids always spun things out of control.
They sat there, consoling you, promising they still loved you, and apologizing for being immature. They held onto you tightly, a few tears falling from their own eyes. After you had calmed enough, the boys wanted to take you somewhere more comfortable where you could rest before you all talked. They carried you up to bed and placed you in the middle, circling themselves around you. You slept better than you had in the past 3 days, feeling warm and at home.
When you woke up, Steve and Bucky were still right there with you. “Hey doll, come ‘ere, come cuddle please?” You scooted into Bucky’s awaiting arms and nuzzled into him. “We still gotta talk mister. You and Steve made pancakes without me!” Bucky chuckled a little, and responded, “I know we do doll, I know, just missed out on my cuddles, and I got some apologizing to do, don’t I?”
After you had all woken up, and the guy’s sexy morning voice was gone, you didn’t need that distracting you from the task at hand, you all sat up and decided to have to inevitable talk.
“Doll, we want to start off by saying sorry for not giving you a chance to tell us what actually happened, and for being so immature about it.” Steve started. “We should’ve never let it get as far as it did, and we should’ve realized from the beginning that the tabloids always look for drama,” Bucky continued. You gave them both hugs, “thank you both, and I promise you guys, it wasn’t a date, it was just a lunch with Josh to go over the next few scenes in the movie. There has to be something though loves, something there that would make you think I might do something like that, is everything alright? Am I doing something wrong?”
The guys quickly turned sheepish. “Stevie, Buck, I promise, I won’t get mad or break up with you no matter what you say right now, I want to fix it if I’m doing something,” you gave them both a kiss for reassurance. “Well doll, it’s not all your fault either, it’s just, we aren’t spending as much time together,” Bucky braved. “Again doll, not only on you, it’s our fault too, we’ve been gone on a lot of missions lately.” You smiled sadly, glad they told you. “Well then, after this movie I am going to take a break and not take any more roles for a while, to spend more time with my boys.” Both soldier’s faces lit up. “And we promise to scale back on the number of missions doll, thank you.” “Now come ‘ere guys, I missed out on my cuddles for like 3 days!” You pulled both guys back down into the mattress for cuddles.
A few seconds later, both guys tried moving their hands down low, trying to start something. You swatted Bucky’s hand away from your short’s waistband and Steve from your shirt hemline. “Nope, you guys don’t get to do that yet, I’m still angry at you both for making pancakes without me, that was a special thing for only when we were all home.” The guys saddened a little but understood. “We are sorry doll, really, and we understand.” Bucky apologized again. “Can we still get kisses though?” Steve asked shyly. You nodded and pulled them in for a kiss each, “you can always have kisses. Love you both.” “Love you too doll, and as a sorry for the pancakes we’ll make some of your favorite pancakes tomorrow, and we’ll watch your favorite movie while cuddled on the couch, and your favorite dinner at that one place” Bucky started listing. “And…” you prompted, “and we’ll get you flowers and that candy you like, and give you a massage” Steve continued, “and…” you jokingly tried, not expecting anything more. “And we’ll go to Coney Island and make Steve ride the cyclone,” Bucky added, to Steve’s dismay. “And we’ll get the matching shirts you like but Bucky doesn’t ,” Steve retorted. You started laughing and then the guys knew something was up. “Doll…what’s going on…” you smiled at them.
“Jokes on you two, I would’ve forgiven you for the pancake thing after movie and cuddles.” The guys looked dumbfounded. But right as they opened their mouths to take it all back you added, “nope! Can’t take it back, it’s too late now.” You placed a kiss on each one’s lips and cuddled into them both. “Does that mean?” Steve asked suggestively. “Not until after I’ve gotten my pancakes and movie at least.”
Hope you all enjoy! @icarusafety
Taglist: @peaches1958 , @glxwingrxse
413 notes - Posted July 19, 2022
Protective Buck Buck
Pairing: Bucky x reader
Warnings: fluffy angst, cursing, protective Bucky gives me the feels
Summary: you and Bucky are secretly married, no one knows until Bucky gives away your secret when someone puts their hands on you and Bucky snaps
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The team had all wanted to go out to a bar that night, get away from the tower, let loose. Bucky had suggested one about a block or two away, saying it had the best drinks, and was really laid back and welcoming, not your typical loud, crowded bar that might set of someone’s PTSD. Really though, he just wanted to see you. His wife.
He had kept you a secret from all of the team, Steve knew you existed but didn’t know your name or anything else. He was of course excited to see you, you worked at the bar while studying to get your P.H.D in Engineering.
The team made it to the bar and were glad there weren’t many people in there, only them, and a group of girls that was just leaving. “Welcome! What can I get for ya?” Tony set up a tab, and the team put in their drink orders, and went to sit down, Bucky waited till everyone was gone to order his.
“Hey doll, you know what I’ll have, love you.” “Love you too Buck, but you’re just trying to give away our secret huh? You know you spill everyone’s secrets when you’re drunk.” Bucky laughed, “I don’t get drunk doll.” You rolled your eyes, “alright, whatever you say Mr.Barnes.” Bucky walked over to the team’s table while you started on the drinks.
“You flirting her up Barnes?” Sam teased. “I mean, she is really hot, so I don’t blame ya, I’d totally smash that.” Tony added. A few of the other guys on the team agreed with Tony. Bucky had to grit his teeth to not punch Tony square in the mouth. Thankfully Nat shut them up. You came over and brought their drinks, telling them to just flag you over whenever they wanted more.
After the team’s first round of drinks a second group came in, this one was a group of guys, and you could already tell they were going to be those type of guys. The ones that ordered a drink just to see you have to bend over to grab the glass from below, the ones to try and flirt with you, and sometimes take things too far. With Bucky there as well, this was going to be interesting to say the least.
“Hey sweetie why don’t you go ahead and grab us a couple of pints?” One of the dudes yelled to you. “Gritting your teeth, you smiled and gave an affirmative. As you bent down to grab the glasses, the men started whistling, and they weren’t even drunk yet.
The entire Avengers team was watching this, and slowly getting more and more angry. You had been so nice to them so far, you didn’t deserve this. “We should do something,” Steve commented but Clint held him back, “look buddy, as much as we all want to, the newspapers would be all over the avengers getting in a bar fight, and not in a good way.” Sadly the rest of the team saw the reasoning and sat down.
It wasn’t until walking away from giving the now dunk group of guys their next round that you got upset. One of them had groped your ass. “What the hell man! Don’t touch me!” “I don’t know sweetheart, you seemed pretty into, I love it when they play hard to catch. How about we take this back to my place?” He tried to touch you again, pulling your arm with him, you struggled to get away. He was huge, and really strong in your defense.
“Hey! Get your hands off of her you fucking asshole!” Bucky couldn’t just sit there and watch someone hurt his wife like that. “Everything’s alright, we’re just having some fun. Why don’t you tell him sweetie?” Bucky had enough, he punched the dud square in the face, “she isn’t your ‘sweetie’ back off.” “Oh yeah? And whose is she? Yours? You crazed cyborg murderer.” “She doesn’t belong to anyone! But she is my wife if that’s what you’re asking.” He swung more punches towards the man before chasing him out, his friends high tailing it behind him, not wanting to get their asses beat as well.
“Hey, Buck, look at me, deep breath, breathe with me babe, breath, it’s alright. I love you, thank you so much, I love you. Don’t listen to what he said, you’re my love, my cuddly teddy bear who gives the best hugs and kisses.” Bucky pulled you in for a huge hug, “I love you too doll, I love you too.” “Yeah, then how about we get that hand wrapped up huh? And then we deal with your friends who are staring in confusion.” Bucky gave a soft chuckle and nodded. You led him to a barstool, went behind the bar and pulled out some bandages, you then wrapped and sanitized Bucky’s wound. “There you go hubby, all set.” He gave you a quick peck on the lips before hopping down and turning to his team.
“Guys, this is Y/N, she’s, my wife.” The team erupted into a mix of emotions. Steve was finally glad to meet you, Nat knew all along, Tony was upset he wasn’t invited to the wedding, and Clint was understanding. Sam of course was excited for the teasing he could have fun with now. The others just stood, shocked.
“Nice to meet you Y/N, glad to finally meet you.” Steve went to greet you. He pulled you in for a hug surprisingly. “You’re part of the family now, get used to it,” he laughed.
Throughout the next few weeks you would visit the team at the tower, even when Bucky had a mission. You Wanda, and Nat became really close friends, and Steve became an older brother to you. Tony was like a dad, and Sam loved you. In a friend way of course. He loved teasing Bucky with you, and fake flirting with you to piss Bucky off.
Bucky had just gotten back from a mission when he heard his phone buzzing, it was you calling him. He found it weird, you were supposed to be working, he planned on surprising you in a little, still, he answered. “Hey doll, you alright?” “Buck, I gotta be quiet, but, some giant scary dudes are here, it’s Hydra I’m pretty sure, just wanted to tell you I love you.” Bucky quickly told you to stay quiet and calm, he was on the way. He texted the team and sped towards your workplace.
He was too late….
The next week was a train wreck. Bucky didn’t sleep, eat or shower. All his energy was focused on finding you. Eventually, with Tony’s help, they found you. You were in a base that was supposed to be abandoned but apparently it wasn’t. The team had figured out it was a rouge group of Hydra members who were trying to build Hydra back to its original glory, and get the Winter Soldier back.
Bucky went in guns a blazing, his only plan, save you. He finally made it to the room you were being kept in and saved you. He saw you, sitting there, stuck to a chair, bruises and cuts and blood covering you. He was terrified. When you guys got back to the tower, and you were healed thanks to Dr. Cho’s advanced healing chamber, Bucky pulled you aside to talk.
“Doll, first, I want to say how sorry I am, I love you so much, I’m so sorry.” You stopped him, “Buck, it’s not your fault, I love you babe, don’t blame yourself. Now come on, we could both use a shower and some good food.” “Wait, doll, I, I wanted to ask if you’d move in, here, with me, so I can keep you more safe. You can still work if you’d like, but you don’t have to, and you can work here, with us, after you get your degree! Not in the field, but like, helping upgrade our suits and tech and stuff! Please?” You gave Bucky a hug, “I’d love to babe.”
422 notes - Posted February 13, 2022
Pairing: Gamer!Bucky x reader
Warnings: fluff, that’s just about it! Some fluffy goodness and comfort is all
Summary: you had a bad day and really need cuddles, but your boyfriend is streaming
I was in a gamer Bucky mood when I wrote this….
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You had been with Bucky since before he made it big with streaming, but still, no fans knew about you. Obviously, his friends he made through streaming like Steve, Nat and Sam knew who you were, you’d all met up multiple times. People say online friends aren’t real friends but the group that Bucky plays with is like your family.
You had come home one day from work just tired and feeling down. It had been a long, hard and terrible day. It started off great, then at lunch someone stole your food, and someone spilled coffee on your shirt before a big meeting with your boss, so you had to change, which made you late so he yelled at you about that. Then on your way home, your AC broke so it was hot even with the windows down. All you wanted to do was change into sweats and one of Bucky’s shirts and cuddle. But of course, after changing into comfy clothes, you saw that Bucky was streaming with his crew.
You really debated just waiting till he was done, and not bothering him. You thought of what would happen if you went in there, people would see you, know you, criticize you. It was scary but you couldn’t really think about that right now, the only thing your mind focused on was needing cuddles.
You walked in, and Bucky’s head turned the second he heard the door open. Judging by your state and the fact that you were in his streaming room when he was live, he knew something was wrong. He muted his mic, and took off his headset, “hey babydoll, what’s wrong?” You hated that you were disturbing him working but you shyly told him, “just was wondering, would it be alright if I sat with you while you streamed, had a bad day and just want cuddles.” He smiled softly at you, some worry leaving his body. “Of course doll, you want me to turn off face cam or I can stop the stream? I really don’t mind, you’re more important.” You moved closer to him and curled up in his lap, “nah, keep playing and I don’t really care about the face cam, I think people already know now,” you chuckled a little, snuggling and getting comfortable in his lap. Bucky scooted his chair back to its normal position and got back to his game and stream, planting one last kiss on your forehead.
Bucky’s chat was being spammed with ‘OMG A GURL?!?!?’ ‘Bucky has a girlfriend!?!?!?’ ‘A GIRLFRIEND!?!?’ Bucky was looking at the chat while rubbing your back, about to unmute. “Hey guys! Yes, I do have a girlfriend, her name is Y/N, she had a bad day and needed cuddles so please be nice guys!” He went back to his game with his friends who weren’t at all surprised at your presence. “I see the girlfriend has shown herself to the world, maybe now people will stop trying to ship us” Nat laughed. “She feeling alright?” Steve asked worried. “Yeah, the chat is loving her more than me at this point! She’ll be alright just had bad day.” The other streamers sympathized with you and told Bucky if he needed to leave they could find a fill for the game. He looked down at you in question and you shook your head no. “I’ll keep playing don’t worry guys. Let’s get back in.”
They continued the game until the planned stop time. By then you were feeling a lot better. The chat was asking for a QnA, and Bucky was debating it, he knew they would ask about you, so he figured he’d ask if you wanted to do it. He muted himself so there was no pressure on you. “Yeah, I’m feeling mostly better, let’s do it,” you smiled up at him; adjusting your position so the viewers could see you and you could read the chat better.
“Ooh! I like this question,” you started and then read it off, “will we ever see you and Y/N game together? I don’t know Buck, will we?” You turned and looked at him for his answer. “I mean I’d like to but we’ll see. Here, ‘how did the cutest couple on the internet meet?’” You smiled, “about 2 years before Buck started streaming we met and became friends, a year later we started dating, been with this idiot ever since.” You elbowed him jokingly at the last part. “Don’t know how you put up with me for so long but I’m glad you have.” The chat was full of awwws and more questions.
“How we met exactly is a little embarrassing on my part,” Bucky admitted, that just made chat want to know more. “It’s quite a story, that’s for sure. Let’s see, I was walking back to my dorm room and Buck was biking to his class. Thank god it wasn’t an electric bike because the idiot ran into me!” You were laughing at the memory, Bucky’s face was fully red at this point. “Then, I of course profusely apologized and then when I noticed how beautiful the lady I ran over was, I offered a date to make up for it.” “And thankfully, I agreed! And now I have the best boyfriend anyone could ask for,” you have Bucky a peck on the lips and he was smiling from ear to ear, happy he got to share his love with the world. The chat was spammed with ‘SIMP’ and ‘biggest simp ever’ Bucky saw the comments and laughed “I’m happy to be a simp if it means I get to love my doll with all my heart.” It was your turn to blush and smile.
“Alright, one more question, then we’re gonna go get some dinner,” Bucky told his viewers. Surprisingly there was one question that was the majority, “when is Bucky gonna pop the question,” you read. “Well, he has asked ‘the’ question guys! And I said yes! I do like pineapple on my pizza!” Bucky burst out laughing and the chat erupted into dismay about your pizza choices and laughter from your answer to the question. “But in all honesty, we are in no rush and it’ll happen when it does,” you answered. “We are basically already married, aren’t we?” He laughed and you nodded. Bucky did his sign off and stopped the stream.
“Dinner time?” Bucky asked. “Dinner time,” you agreed. “Want to order in some pizza, we can even put pineapple on half of it?” You nodded and pulled out your phone to order it. “I’ll order if you wanna grab a shower and change.” Bucky nodded and thanked you, it was his after stream routine to get a shower and change into comfy clothes.
The pizza came and you both settled on the couch, a movie playing in the background of you both eating and talking. “Your day feeling better then babydoll?” “Yeah, thank you for today Buck, work was tough but coming home and having cuddles with your chat being so nice made it all better.” Bucky smiled and was glad you felt better. After dinner you both got ready for bed and snuggled together. “So, what do ya think about playing something with me on stream soon?” You got excited, “I’d love to Buck! Ooh! What about that one cooking game you and Steve played that one time!” Bucky smiled at your enthusiasm, “overcooked? We can definitely play that, a new one came out actually and I’ve been meaning to play it, how about your next day off?” You nodded and snuggled into your boyfriend’s chest further. “Night buck, love you” “love you too baby doll, love ya too.”
Taglist: @peaches1958 , @glxwingrxse
502 notes - Posted June 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Personal Space
Pairing: Stucky x reader
Warnings: Fluff! Bucky being a grump, Sam being a butt, cursing
Summary: ‘This is Bucky he likes his personal space. This is Steve and Y/N, they also like Bucky’s personal space.’
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Bucky was a different person around you and Steve. To everyone else he was grumpy, closed off, and annoyed, but to his lovers, he was goofy, needy, loving and kind. You and Steve were working on trying to get him to open up to other people but you weren’t successful too much.
It was a Saturday, and like all Saturday’s that the guys were home, you were cuddled under the covers of you huge bed Tony had specially made for you all when you announced your relationship to the team. “Stevieeee please, don’t get up,” Bucky whined, as his boyfriend tried to get out of bed. “Buck, I’m going to eat breakfast, you can come with me or stay in bed.” Bucky huffed and turned over, nuzzling into your neck, “you’ll stay with me, won’t you doll?” You chuckled, “actually Buck, I also have to get up, I have lunch with Nat and Wanda today.” Bucky grumbled, “fine. We’ll all get out of bed and go get breakfast.” He shuffled to the closet and threw on some clothing, then fake angrily stomping out the door after Steve.
You were all sitting on the couch eating breakfast, Bucky smooshed in the middle between you and Steve, his head on Steve’s shoulder. Sam walked in and Bucky started glaring at him, he was disrupting breakfast cuddles. “Buck…” you whispered, warning Bucky to stop. He didn’t. “Steve you want to go on a run? I was just headed out,” Sam asked. “Yeah I guess,” “No, he changed his mind, he doesn’t want to.” Bucky responded, looking at Steve. “I guess I do have plans, sorry Sam.” Sam just laughed, and joked, “can I get in on the Buck cuddles too?” He moved closer to Bucky, “one, you can’t call me that. Two, back the fuck up, personal space man.” This second line was a frequent for Bucky, he would use it almost everyday, to Sam, Clint, Tony and the rest of the team.
The next day Bucky begrudgingly got out of bed with you and Steve, but you guys actually needed to that day, you had an interview with a company for some reason PR needed you to go to it. Sadly for Bucky, Sam would also be in the interview with the three of you.
“Hello! Welcome, I’m Gwen and I’ll be interviewing you today! To start off I’ll introduce myself and the channel and then you guys will introduce yourselves to the camera, then I’ll start the questions, got it?” You four nodded your heads and the cameras started rolling.
“I’m Gwen and this is Telly News, and I’m here with some special guests today.” “Hey people of the world, I’m Sam, also know as the Falcon or the best looking Avenger. This is Bucky he likes his personal space. This is Steve and Y/N, they also like Bucky’s personal space.” Gwen started laughing, Bucky glared at Sam, Steve was blushing from embarrassment and you were trying to contain your laughter. The rest of the interview went as planned, other than the normal Bucky-Sam bickering.
After the interview, Sam drove himself home, while you and your boys decided to go out for some food. You stopped at a local pizza restaurant, you guys ordered two pizzas, you ate a few slices and the guys ate the rest. You guys then took a walk through the park, walking hand in hand. When you got home, you wanted to watch a new movie that came out, so you convinced the guys to watch it with you, all you had to do to get Bucky on board was promise cuddles while you watched.
You three fell asleep for the night, cuddled together, the movie playing in the background till Friday stopped it. Bucky was happy and at peace, with his lovers in his personal space.
527 notes - Posted January 13, 2022
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moemoemammon · 3 years
(Two things, 1. This is my first time requesting so I'm sorry if this is not the thing to do it, and 2. Sorry if somethings is misspelled or grammatically incorrect, eng is not my first language:p)
May I request some of the bros, specially Mammon, Luci and Satan, with a MC who's similar to Lucifer in some aspects (like, some of their manners are the same as his and sometimes they're little bit too strict) and after a while they discover that its bc MC is also an older sibling. And (only if you want) meeting their younger sibling, please 🙏
Btw love your works ♡♡♡
Lucifer Number 2~
(Feat. GN!MC and the Demon Bros)
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
It doesn't occur to Lucifer how similar the two of you are, but the first thing he realizes is how pleasant conversations with you can be. You both share common interests, your tastes suit his own, and you seem to be the only competent person in this house.
You're the responsible type, and he likes it. He'll sometimes find you scolding his brothers for their behavior too, and as amusing of a sight as that may be, he doesn't want you to be burdened with their idiocy.
AND you're the eldest sibling in your household? Cheers to that. You too know the weight of being the responsible oldest, and the role one must take to ensure their siblings grow up well. You too know that you'd rather your siblings have things easier than you did.
But there's one thing he finds annoying... You can NEVER speak your feelings, and act as if it’d kill you to do so. He can respect secrecy when it's appropriate, but Lucifer would like to know what's on your mind. Not only that, but you can be HORRIBLY headstrong. There's nothing that can stray you away from what you've already decided.
"MC, I request that you take a few days off from school to do as you please. I've already spoken with Diavolo and your professors, and you've been given an excuse. I know you'll study anyway, so I've dropped off your assignments in your room. But... you should rest. It isn't good for you to be pushing yourself so hard. Hm? You're calling me a hypocrite?"
As if one Lucifer wasn't enough. Now there's TWO of em?! Why's his luck gotta be so lousy!
Definitely the first to realize how much like Lucifer you are, and was SHOOK. Seriously, what gives?! What horrors exist in the human world that could've made you like THAT..?
Ever since you showed up, it's been impossible to get away with anything! He can't sneak out of the house because you're always there somehow, you tattle on him when you catch him leaving anyone's room, and you won't even let him copy your homework! What gives?!
Avoids you like the plague. You're no fun! There's only rare moments when you're kinda okay, and he likes those the best. The times when you're kinda sensitive and you'll drop the high and mighty act. But then you're back to being a pest!
"For the billionth time, I ain't got time to study! There's money to be made, and a guy like me ain't gonna waste a second lookin' at a dumb book when I could be- H-Huh?! You're gonna call Lucifer?! N-now, there's no need to be so hasty, right? Oi!! I'm sorry, damn it-!"
What's the deal with Lucifer number two? As comedic of a trope as that may be, Levi doesn't really care for having two nagging types in the house. Especially a human...
When you're in his room, all you do is nitpick about how he should tidy up and open a window! Don't you know that an otaku's room is his pride and joy?! It's a sacred space not to be trampled on by the opinions of a normie!!!
But still... he has to admit that even if you don't get all the stuff he's talking about, you at least try to understand it. And there are even some of his interests that you're genuinely invested in!
You might be a pain in the neck and harass him about annoying things, but he guesses he can deal with it if you'll actually sit through a TSL marathon with him...
"I-I'll lend you this manga, so make sure you read it! And when you're finished with that, I'll lend you the spin-off series by the author's brother! I know you'll like it, since you're interested in gritty stuff. Oh, and- Huh? My laundry? Y-yeah.... I'll do that.."
You are... surprisingly good company. Satan enjoys talking to you over afternoon tea, and the two of you share stories between one another.
But still, he can't shake the feeling that there's something... unpleasantly familiar about your personality. It isn't until you say something that sounds suspiciously similar to what Lucifer would say that he realizes who you remind him of. And oh, he hates it.
Tries playing pranks on you, but somehow they never go to plan. How that is is beyond him, but you never fall for anything! No matter how sweet his smile, you're always rightfully suspicious. You're annoyingly meticulous about checking your surroundings, and you're so aware of yourself that it's troublesome! Be more gullible!!
The king of petty has decided that its now his life goal to make you fall for at least one of his pranks. He doesn't care how elaborate he has to make it, or how unrewarding the payoff may be. He'll make you pay for seeing his brother in two places at once.
"MC, would you like to join me this afternoon for a book reading? Though, I'd love it if you could read this book in particular. I think you'll find it very-.... Hm? 'Isn't this the cursed book that makes you grow hair all over your body', you ask? Ahaha.... tch."
Come now, there can't be TWO killjoys in the house! That's way too depressing!! It was funny at first to see that there's someone who can match the scary Lucifer's energy, but now it's becoming a nuisance!
You won't even go to the countless parties he's invited you to! Hell, you barely even give yourself room to mess around a little? Isn't it boring being so tightly wound? You're in luck, because the adorable Asmo-chan knows the PERFECT way to let loose~
You'll RARELY let him close to you, and that's usually when you're tired of him harassing you. Then he gets the honor of playing with your hair while you've got no energy to fight back! He'll style it wonderfully for you!
Also nags you to take better care of yourself. You're not a demon, so you have to care for your health! These late night study sessions are giving you bags under your eyes! And stop taking on so many extracurricular activities!
"Geez, MC! I didn't think you'd die from overworking, but that's the path you're headed on! You really are like Lucifer, you know? That being said, I'll do my best to make sure you relax! Shall we begin~?"
Beel may not be too bothered by Lucifer's strictness, but that doesn't mean he's immune to it. To think that even a human can be like that...
It's nice to see that you can take care of yourself, but aren't you working too hard? Your grades are good and you've got many interesting talents, but you also have to properly rest.
Has started bringing you snacks on the regular. And don't even think about skipping meals, because he won't allow it. He'll literally pick you up and bring you to the table if he has to. And if you're staying up late to study? He'll carry you to bed. Don't try to protest.
Beel is your babysitter now and there's nothing you can do about it. It's good to be responsible, but don't think about trying to take care of everyone else if you can't care for yourself. Now eat these twelve meat buns he bought for you.
"MC, let's eat lunch together. I know you were going to skip because I heard you talking to Solomon earlier, and I won't let you. Ah, don't worry about not having money, because I've already bought you some lunch. Let's eat in the courtyard."
You're such a drag. You harass him to attend student council meetings, but him about his studies, and won't let him avoid a single obligation he has. What are you, his mother?
Has 100% joined forces with Satan to try to make you fall for many, many unsuccessful pranks. Are you curse proof or something? When he tried a '10 hour bed-head' spell on you, it just rebounded right to him! Then he found out that you'd borrowed a spell repelling amulet from Solomon and realized just how prepared you are...
When you aren't bothering his entire soul by trying to make him do things, you're actually nice to talk to. You're knowledgeable, you pay attention to the people around you, and you can always read a room. He likes to ask you for advice sometimes.
"Aren't you tired of being like that all the time? So... attentive, I mean. You should just take a nap some time. Or better yet, take the week off. Maybe I'll teach you how to properly relax? Then you might finally be able to take that stick out of your- ow... What're you hitting me for?"
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paradoxolotl · 3 years
“Hey, Neil?” Robin stood in the doorway, hands shoved in the pockets of her black apron. She was chewing on her lip ring, a sure sign of her fraying control. “I gotta lady out here who would like to-“ her hands came out to make exaggerated air quotes- “‘speak to whoever runs this poor excuse of a store’.”
Dropping the pad he had been noting inventory with, Neil straightened, his back cracking as he went. “Andrew still out with Renee?”
“Mmm hmm,” Robin hummed, picking at her chipping polish.
Sighing, Neil ran a hand through his hair. “How do I look?”
Robins’s smile was a wicked thing. “Deplorable.”
Stepping out into the front of the coffee shop, Neil spotted the problem immediately. Entitlement dripped out of every one of her pores, from her pinched brows to her hand splayed over the counter. Her eyes narrowed in on Neil and Robin immediately, her chin jutting out in a false display of superiority.
Neil thought Allison could chew this woman up and spit her out without remorse.
“Are you the manager?” She asked, skepticism thick on her tongue and nail clicking against the concrete counter.
Neil didn’t bother to correct her, straightening a few displays as he made his way over. She scoffed, muttering under her breath about terrible service. There was only one other couple in the shop, a pair of regulars that Andrew had traded recipes with in the past. When the woman’s arms crossed over her chest, a frown pulling at her mouth, Neil finally dusted his hands off on his pants and stepped toward her.
“What’s the problem?”
“The problem,” she snarled, pointing a finger at Robin, “is that that girl is trying to rob me!”
“And how, exactly, is she doing that?”
“She’s refusing to give me my discount! I bought a coffee, so I get a free dessert!”
Rolling his eyes internally, Neil leaned back, resting against the counter. “That was a limited time promotion. It ended yesterday.” He spied the packed slice of cake sitting by the till. “Besides, it was only for our cookies.”
She glared at him, clearly unhappy. “I was here yesterday and got a free cake. And no one told me it was for a limited time.”
Neil knew she didn’t get a free cake yesterday. They had run out of cake before noon after a group of college students had cleared them out. He ignored this though; he had inventory to finish and he had plans for tonight he didn’t want to delay. “It was posted on the sign.”
She waved him off. “Whatever. Just give me my free cookie then.”
“They’re two fifty before tax.”
“I’m not paying that!”
Neil shrugged, “Fine. Then you don’t get the cookie.”
“Is this how you treat your customers?” She all but yelled. “I have never seen someone so disrespectful!”
“I haven’t even started being disrespectful yet,” Neil said stepping forward to lean over the counter and into her space. “Not that I could even manage that with you. Hard to be disrespectful to someone who garners zero respect. What is it? You feel powerless in your life so you take it out on workers who dare tell you that you’re mistaken? Do you wake up every day to a family who barely tolerates you, suffers under your bullshit, knowing that every time you open your mouth you drive them a little further away? Do you feel so stifled in your own pathetic mundanity that you lash out, hoping to feel in control of your life again? Even when it’s a hollow lie?”
The woman stared at him, mouth agape. For a blessed moment, Neil thought she would storm out and that would be the end of it. Then her jaw clenched, her nose turned up, and Neil knew she was going to double down.
“I demanded an apology! I know the owner personally and will have you fired! People like you should know your place! The customer is always right!”
It was in the middle of her screaming, face turning red, that the little bell over the door chimed. Neil flicked his gaze over to meet hard hazel staring back.
“Give me the number to your corporate office right now! I want your employee number and your name!”
Pushing off the counter, Neil watched as Andrew stalked around to join him, all but slamming the gate closed. The woman jumped at the noise, her eyes narrowing at Andrew’s heavy footsteps.
“I can’t leave you alone for five minutes,” Andrew said, staring at Neil.
“Are you the manager?” The woman snapped.
They ignored her. “She says she knows the owner,” Neil said, slipping into Russian. “Very scary stuff. Promised she’d have me fired.”
“Maybe I should listen to her,” Andrew said. “I could finally get rid of you.”
Neil laughed. “I own fifty percent of this place. Good luck with that.”
“Excuse me,” the woman hissed, “it is incredibly offensive to speak another language when dealing with a customer! You are in America. Speak English.”
“I find your very presence incredibly offensive,” Andrew said. “Leave.”
“I have never been treated like this! You should be ashamed of yourselves! I am a customer!”
“You’re an irritant fly. Buzzing around until someone smacks you dead,” Andrew said.
“Oh no,” Neil drawled, cutting off the next round of bullshit about to fall from her mouth. “You’ve done it. Now she’ll demand you be fired too.”
“Who the fuck is going to fire me? Myself?” Andrew said.
She blinked rapidly, a flush spreading across her cheeks. Neil gasped, placing a hand over his heart. “But ma’am,” he said, “I thought you knew the owner personally! Surely you didn’t lie to me?”
“How immoral,” Andrew tsked.
“I- this is extremely unprofessional!” She said, eyes flicked between them.
“So is pulling a knife on you, and yet you seem eager for that to happen.”
“Did you just threaten me?” she asked, eyes wide.
“No. Neil, did you hear me threaten her?” Andrew said, fingers dancing along the back counter.
“No. Robin?”
“Didn’t hear a word, boss.”
“How odd,” Andrew said, fingering the handle of a slim knife they used to slice the pies. “You should go and get your hearing checked, otherwise why would you still be here? Buzzing. Waiting to be smacked dead.”
She swallowed, taking a step back. “I’m never coming here again! I’ll be sure to tell everyone I know to take their business elsewhere!”
“You forgot your cookie!” Neil called at her retreating figure, but she was already out the door.
Andrew let out a bone deep sigh. “All of that over a two dollar cookie?”
“Two fifty before tax,” Neil corrected, earning a rag thrown at his face.
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sugar-petals · 3 years
can you give us more thoughts about domestic yoongles? the taemin's one (wich I love) just made me miss the cat boy so much ;o;
i have a phd in househusband yoongi so let me fire out some ideas for ya.
myg at home headcanon
🐱 word count. 1.9k | fluff, slice of life, slight nsfw mentions, x reader, bullet points
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The doorbell sound is a recording of Yoongi imitating a doorbell. He’s such a meme. Ceci n'est pas une pipe.
Seemingly, he teaches himself a new recipe every week. To perfection. Yoongi is very particular about sticking to the recipe and wielding his kitchen tools in the right way. He collects knives, olive oil, and still hates cutting onions.
He separates sleep time, work time, and couple time as the holy trinity. For each, he switches his mood.
Blushes easily no matter for how long you’ve been together.
Establishes his own radio show where he DJs at one point.
Yoongi keeps an extreme track on the garbage schedule. He knows exactly what is due when. Separating the trash is a must. That includes sorting out fake friends trying to get between your relationship. Your social circle as a couple is extremely deliberate.
Yoongi deems himself a terrible host for guests. Unless Hoseok is there to drag him out, it's true he rather stays in the kitchen or at the barbecue preparing the menu courses rather than making small talk. He leaves the hospitality bits to you, however you want to go about it.
What he lacks in conversing with guests, he makes up in bed, God is absolutely fair.
He sings and hums pretty often and has his own vernacular of extraterrestrial uwu noises. It's an alphabet that you have to yet decipher but it's incredibly cute.
Self-made paintings everywhere around his house. 
Yoongi hasn't gone clubbing since grammar school. The most he does is going to a restaurant at lunch with very close friends. And always in a work context. His private life is so secluded from everything else and paparazzi just don't spot him anywhere, Dispatch thinks he must live abroad.
Very well, he does consider his big ole house a separate country. It's a living organism with a studio, gym, trophy room, small-size basketball court, and vastly equipped kitchen. A home theater as well, he likes American movies (like Inception) and Korean action genres, and you can stream whatever you fancy in there whenever you like. 
Yes, he has underwear with cute little bears on.
There's even a little pond in the backyard. Yoongi, Pisces he is, likes fishes after all. Sometimes he sits at the edge of the 'Little Ole Min Lake (LOML)' and stares into the water for literal hours with his chin parked on his palm.
His fridge is so high-tech and futuristic, even Yoongi is rendered clueless by its AI sometimes. The washing machine, too.
Yoongi watches RuPaul’s drag race. What did you expect? He finds it so humorous.
Owns lord knows how many comic collections.
Favorite holiday destination: New York.
Christmas is basically 50% you unveiling new music equipment to him in the garage and Yoongi almost fainting at the sexiness of it. The other 50% is spent holding hands and orgasm after orgasm until the new year since you loose track of time.
Goes on long rants why he’d marry you again every weekend.
Making you presents is his specialty. Always accompanied with a hand-written note. He writes a lot of things by hand for you in general. Texting, basically never. Always on paper.
No sex without a blanket and socks on. Yoongi gets cold very very easily and just doesn’t like showing skin. You buy him a heated blanket for his birthday, he even uses it in his studio chair.
Chronically addicted to making out.
Matching black outfits and glasses.
Laughs at even your worst jokes or phrases you didn’t expect you even uttered.
Yoongi owns the phoniest, most secretive-looking black car ever and nobody knows about it. Even he forgets he owns it, in fact he genuinely acts like it just doesn’t exist. Hilarious. And that guy has a level 1 Korean driver's license. Which allows him to drive trailers and busses and fucking trucks, and construction machines, let that sink in.
It's really a genius curse. Yoongi being put to the test will always deliver but he won't choose to execute his full skillset if he doesn't have to. Well, pragmatic. He's not as phony as he thinks he is, which is even more hilarious.
He uses that behemoth of a car so scarcely because he'd rather have things delivered to his doorstep and he's stingy with gas. Also, he doesn't like traffic and driving because of the traumatic shoulder accident and his tendency to space out. Translation: You drive that thing... that monster... it really is an impressive, fast, and scary machine. 
If someone devious ever even remotely manages to invade his privacy and get past the doubly-installed security system, he has enough money to deal with it no matter what.
If it concerns your privacy, he's a red belt. And owns Jin's number if a taekwondo master is required. Jimin's if it needs someone with kendo skills.
If Yoongi needs someone to go on a complete rampage, Jungkook lives just down the block. He can sprint to Yoongi's bunker I mean mansion within 45 seconds. 30 if it's very urgent. 20 if the reward is an instant ramen splurge with Yoongi's black card.
He has a sexy, glamorous sword collection hanging on the living room wall anyways, so. Who the hell is dumb enough to mess with him and his expensive lawyer in the first place.
But just in case, who knows... Yoongi settles matters shruggingly, anonymously, and with cash and he's too exhausted for violence, but don't underestimate his deter-min-ation and network for emergencies. Also, he is Agust D after all.
He will bonk a naughty burglar or kidnapper across the head with a wooden cooking spoon or take him down by throwing a basketball if the situation requires it. Damn, his reflexes are so fast, a feral cat in motion. So, lean back and sip on your drink of choice. Things are cared for.
If Yoongi is the one being kidnapped or a highly skilled stalker invades the property at night when he's fast asleep (nothing can wake this man during certain hours, strong REM right here): Don't forget that honeyboy is a Dodgers fan. There are signed baseball bats everywhere in this damn house.
In that sense, your parents visiting you here for the first time thought you were an undercover thug couple. Not to worry mom and dad, you both just like sports very much okay.
Yoongi walks around in all black clothes and the rooms are all seemingly dark. Even if you live together, you don't know his skin care routine. It's clear to you he's some sort of vampire.
Since Yoongi always forgets to remove his makeup, you made it a habit to wipe it down when he's about to pass out. He won't lie, he enjoys that kind of affection.
Holly is your resident child. You're essentially a family.
He insists to tackle this by himself, Yoongi sees his therapist monthly. Not shifting responsibility is something he's stubborn about and he pours his emotions into writing. You will do conversation about deeper stuff, but he says it's mostly up to him and his own mind. He dislikes burdening you or opening up too much and it's something to respect rather than force him about. If he wants to share a thought, he will. It doesn’t mean he can’t trust you or sucks at communicating (we know that he’s direct). Yoongi simply can’t put that much pain in such few words nor should you alleviate it for him.
Calls from the manager faze Yoongi as much as Jimin is bothered by gravity. If he’s busy kissing your body slow mo, who the hell dares to disturb his worship. 
This man had so many let-downs and interpersonal catastrophes in his life, he's super discerning with people. Because he rolls that way, during their first meeting Yoongi uses his psychology certificate on your friends. You see him squint at them, he listens very closely. After they pass the vibe check aka meow radar, he befriends them, too.
Yoongi doodles Grammy trophies everywhere to manifest them.
Yoongi shaves his legs.
All the sex toys he’s ever bought are black. Gotta vibe in style.
He spends ridiculous amounts of time in the studio but he's yours for the remainder of the night, breakfast, and he makes a lavish lunch and dinner.
Um, consider his head parked between your legs. The Hongkong line was not a joke.
Doesn’t mind you squishing his cheeks whenever and for how long you like. 
Every other weekend he gets flowers, vouchers, and gifts — not because of fans, they don’t know where his house is, but because he donates so much.
Namjoon often drops by and cleanses the area with his crystals.
Yoongi is a photography major so you can ask him to take professional, ceiling-high black and white shots of you.
Feeding each other food lovingly. Man, this guy got lips.
He set up a library just for you, in the exact historical aesthetic you like the most. Send him the link to any book you want, it's basically in the online shopping cart already. As I said, he wants to make you presents like every week.
Sometimes he sits on the other end studying English videos and vocab while you read. And yes, he's already 95% fluent but pretends being merely intermediate. He knows technical terms even native speakers have never heard of.
He collects pajamas and earrings.
Swears on the phone.
Namjoon being the horniest member is a cover-up story. Yoongi masturbates almost unreasonable amounts of times, by himself and in your arms when going to bed. Not gonna lie, it’s a sight to see his hands at work. He’s almost equally obsessed with fingering you once you ask him.
Yoongi was the one asking you to move in and almost had a nervous meltdown before meeting up with you to tell you just that. 
He’s the little spoon and of course a sleeping burrito to hold tight.
Finds you equally attractive in any state or styling. Yoongi practices what he preaches, he always reacts the same and says the same. 
Jams out to outrageous beats Namjoon sends him by dancing in the studio. You walk in on him every time. Was embarrassed at first, now you dance along.
Has bought you a life-sized Yoongi pillow and customized you a giant Shooky to hug when he’s not at home over night.
Owned a wine cellar until he quit drinking. Turned it into a piano room instead.
Only you know Yoongi has a serpent and dagger tattoo.
Scrubs the bathroom religiously.
The house smells like restaurant food and his extravagant perfumes half of the time.
Sometimes he has to remind himself he’s married to you and not his coffee machine. He shall be forgiven. You can’t complain that he doesn’t love you enough, nor is he ever not adorable when drinking his latte.
Never wears short sleeves. It can be scorching and he’ll wear a jacket. 
Tell him and the cap stays on during sex.
He grows his hair out and puts it in a low bun. The bangs remain.
Yoongi has installed the most fire-proof building in the entire city it seems. That he wanted to be a firefighter when he was young definitely shows. Figures the house has to be protected from heat: His blasting studio music and Yoongi himself are just way too sizzling.
Still melts into a puddle when you kiss his nose.
Couple sunrise watching. 
© submissive-bangtan 2017-2021. all rights reserved. do not repost or translate. all depictions fictional.
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sunarintoes · 3 years
Pretty Setter Squad Boyfriend Headcanons
part one can be found here II wc: 2.4k II includes: kageyama, suga, kenma, akaashi, semi and oikawa II atsumu and shirabu 
rewriting because i cringe at the old hcs 😭
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✗ Kagggggsss
✗ The emotionally constipated blueberry <3 oh yeahh 😎
✗ Okay well first off he can barely process his emotions (*cough* evidently *cough*)
✗ When you two first started going out he was quite shy and unsure of what to do so you may have had to guide him a bit, but if youre equally shy then it just would have taken longer to get to where you are now; oh and if that was the case it probably took some random burst of energy/confidence from either one of you to make the first move. 
✗ He will buy you milk but uf you hate it (like me 🤢) he will buy you another drink - like juice :D
✗ I dont think he will be the most affectionate, it’s not his love language - and neither are words haHAH. His love language is most likely quality time and gift giving.
✗ He does like to cuddle though 😳
✗ In fact he really likes to :D his favourite is when youre sitting in his lap while he watches a volleyball game (at home - he hates pda). 
✗ This brings us to our next, short point. Kageyama absolutely despises pda, he just thinks its something meant for closed doors and he does not believe that he has to display his relationship for the whole world to ogle at. The most he will do is light hand holding - mostly just linking your pinkies though.
✗ When it comes to height he does not care if you're smaller or taller than him ← but bb, please don't tease him about his height if he’s shorter because he will blow a fuse.
✗ He alternates between small spoon and big spoon, kinda depending on his mood. 
✗ BOY O BOY does he get jealous. Uh please reign in your setter >:( 
✗ Its mostly due to the fact that he’s insecure about himself - he thinks you will leave him like everyone else (in middle school - yes, he is still traumatised from it.)
✗ When he does get jealous he might be snappy to the other person and glare at them or be snappy at you and glare at you. When this happens please give him space because he needs it to clear his head. When he feels better he will come up to you and hug you into his chest so that he can’t see your face and you cant see his, then he will mumble an apology.
✗ Ever since you two began to date he has practiced apologising and getting better at apologising, this is because his inability to admit to his own mistakes was a sour patch in your relationship that almost ended it but he really did not want to lose you so he sucked up his pride and worked on what he had to; of course you also worked in what you had to. God I love character development 😩
✗ Dates are mostly at home dates or dates revolving around volleyball. If you're not into volleyball, Kageyama would not date you, it's something he is so passionate about and loves with every breath he takes (like you) and he refuses to compromise one love for the other. 
✗ ooooh he likes arcade dates a well! He thrives in a competitive environment. If you're not competitive and don't want to compete against him then he’ll compete for you - against the machines lol. Of course you play as well! But i doubt youre as competitive as this blueberry, and if you are - well i guess at the end of the day youll both be stacked in tokens 🤠
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✗ Sugawara my beloved <33
✗ He. Is. So. Affectionate! 
✗ Mans loves skin on skin contact ykwim?
✗ He is down for pda and does not care what others think - only what you think <3. 
✗ I mean he might make out with you in public if you ask nicely 
✗ Dates are very fun with him, he’ll take you to cafes, to amusement parks, to carnivals, to movies and all the like. He’s a cliche lover and he’s proud of it.
✗ Your first kiss happened on New Years Eve/Day. The two of you sat on the roof of his house and watched as the fireworks lit up the starry sky of Miyagi and chanted the count down together. The second ‘one’ left your lips he grabbed your face (softly!!) and pulled you in to crash his lips against yours. 
✗ Suga loves to cuddle, preferably face to face because he just thinks you're the most beautiful person in the world. 
✗ He is not the most jealous person, he definitely does get jealous but never of strangers. It's more when his close friends or your close friends get a bit too comfortable if that makes sense? He normally plays it off with humour and messes around because he acknowledges that he is insecure and that it is most likely him thinking of the worst case scenario; however if he really does start to worry and get jealous then he will sit you down and talk about it with you. To him, communication is key. 
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✗ Ngl Kenma is definitely in my top 3 favourites. 
✗ I may or may not be a Kenma kinnie 😳🙈
✗ i love my non-toxic gamer boy <33 anywho: no matter what ANYONE says, kenma is definitely affectionate. In fact I'd say he’s one of the most affectionate boyfriends. As we all know, he is shy and introverted but he likes to hang around and spend time with people he likes. He also talks a lot to them. So I hc that he’s a bit of a chatterbox with you and it makes him really happy when you let him talk about a game or a theory he has. He’s a great listener so you can count on him to pay attention to what you say.
✗ if you didn't already have one, he bought you a switch. He loves video game dates especially when he can't see you in person (*cough* lockdown *cough*) 
✗ he loves when you sit on his lap when he plays video games. I know everyone talks about sitting on their partner’s lap as some sexual thing and yeah that can happen but most of the time he’s really soft with you and just enjoys being close to you. Loves when you cuddle into him while he plays so that he can place his head on yours or your shoulder. 
✗ i think he is a bit shy when it comes to kisses but definitely warms up after a while. He absolutely refuses to sleep if he doesnt get your goodnight kisses. He loves to kiss you on your nose and your cheeks the most. He loves when you kiss him on the forehead and the nose <3
✗ kenma is not one for pda, it's just not his vibe. He prefers intimacy and privacy; his relationship is not a movie for the world to watch and gawk at. Especially timeskip!kenma. Though that does not mean he wont ever show you skinship in public, occasionally he will softly hold your hand and maybe press a light kiss to your cheek. 
✗ in terms of jealousy, he is moderate. Kenma, as we all know, has incredible people reading skills, so he understands the situation pretty clearly and knows when you’re uncomfortable/what you think of the situation. Most of the time you can deal with the unwanted attention and he doesnt get jealous, but he does get insecure. He shows this by going quiet and looking away when you look at him, you can cure this by giving him hugs when you get home. 
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✗ Akaashi my beloved <3 he’s so pretty i can't even-
✗ ugh! Just imagine him in a dark/light academia aesthetic. 
✗ perfection. 
✗ akaashi is the sweetest most attentive boyfriend, he loves you to pieces and never fails to let you know. He tells you he loves you every morning and every night. He probably makes meals for you and leaves notes in that have a sweet comment like “i love you, you're the best <3” 
✗ he love back hugging you BUT also receiving back hugs 🥺✨
✗ akaashi is a booknerd and an introvert. Please cuddle up to him and let him read his book to you. 
✗ there are only 2 things that can restore his social battery: sleeping and you.
✗ which means he wants cuddles when he’s tired 😊
✗ he is not jealous. He just doesn't get jealous, maybe annoyed if the third party is being a bit too pushy and you're clearly uncomfortable, but he just never feels jealous. No matter how hard you may try to make him jealous (plz dont cause that's kinda toxic imo) he just won't feel that way.
✗ definitely the ‘mom/dad’ as he carries sinister, pads, bandaids → a whole first aid kit basically, everywhere. Bb must be prepared. 
✗ dates are so sweet with him, cute niche cafes and dimly lit libraries. Maybe the occasional abandoned building. He loves spending time with you, so really he's happiest whenever he’s with you; having coffee at McDonalds or a niche cafe won't change anything. 
✗ he’s hard to pinpoint for pda. I feel like he’s indifferent about it. He probably prefers to keep it indoors or to just small and sweet gestures (no making out in public sorry-). It definitely comes down to your preferences, if you don't like it then he won't and vice versa.
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✗ semi semi semi semi semi semi
✗ omg mr musician 
✗ he definitely plays guitar - lead guitar and bass guitar. 
✗ skilled fingies for sure 😗
✗ boy why are musicians so hot???? 😫😫😫💦💦
✗ he writes songs about you. Semsem has a bit of trouble saying exactly how he feels, so he writes it and sings it to you with a small little smile and eyes full of love. 
✗ off topic but Semu has the best music taste in haikyuu
✗ he loves hugs so much <33 please hug and cuddle with him 24/7
✗ very affectionate, he’s always touching you someway. Loves kissing your forehead. 
✗ he is jealous. Yeah definitely. He writes songs about being jealous 🗿 not that you mind of course ‘cause they're bangers. I think he might get snappy when he’s jealous, not directly at you but at the other person. He definitely gets a bit bitchy. Sometimes he acts that way to you so you've just gotta slap some sense into him. Say something like “what's your problem?” or “tell me what your problem is so i can help fix it.” ← that's probably the best thing to say. 
✗ afterwards he’ll just snuggle with you until he feels better. 
✗ he asks for your opinion about his songs all the time, please be honest (but also praise them if you like them lol)
✗ he takes you to niche spots he finds, like hidden concerts and stuff. Loves when you come to his gigs <3 oh and when you scream for him (in more ways than one). 
✗ dates are cute and fun. Mostly walking around together → carnivals, main street, farmers market. Those kind of things. 
✗ when it comes to pda he loves it. Loves being able to show the world who his s/o is. If you don't like it then he will tone it down and only do what you’re comfortable with. If you're also into pda then he will happily make out with you anywhere (you're one of THOSE couples 🤢 /j) 
✗ all round best boyfie <3
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✗ oikawa 😳 have i told y'all how much i love him? Oikawa is the best written character, no cap, he is so complex and real it's crazy. It's so fun to write about him because you can pick him apart, you know his flaws, his weaknesses, his nightmares but also his strengths and dreams. Anywho i'll stop ranting now but i just love writing for such a perfectly imperfect character-
✗ he puts up a cocky exterior but thats all false. He's as scared as you are, he's scared that you'll leave him like his exes because of how obsessed and focused he is on volleyball. However he is a changed man, he's learned to balance his priorities. If you ever feel like you're being sidelined please communicate with him. 
✗ he values communication above all else and wants nothing more in a partner than for them to also value communication.
✗ back to the point → if you feel insecure of your relationship and that volleyball is taking too much of his attention let him know. He will change that. To an extent → he may have an important game coming up which is why he is focusing more, but he will always find time for you. 
✗ he never forgets to text you good morning and good night. He also sends you wholesome memes and makes sure you're taking care of yourself - they're like reminders for him to also take care of himself. 
✗ he is both jealous and insecure. Everyone who gets too close to you or spends a lot of time with you, he is jealous of. Jealous because he wishes he could spend more time with you but he knows he can't - not without jeopardising his volleyball career. He's also insecure, because he knows you could just leave him for a more fulfilling, more attentive, more balanced relationship. You know that too, I mean, of course you could leave him but no one would be as good as him. No one could match up to your beautifully flawed boyfriend.
✗ he is affectionate, very, very affectionate. He loves you so much. And because he spends so much time on volleyball, anytime with you he's touching you - memorizing every dint, every curve, everything about you so that he won't ever forget. 
✗ Oikawa has trouble sleeping unless he's with you, he wants to sling to you in his sleep and be grounded and remember that he is loved and cherished and appreciated y'know?
✗ pda is not an issue for him. He doesn't care what anyone else says or thinks :P in this relationship the only opinions that matter are his and your’s. Tell him you're uncomfortable with something and he won't do it, and vice versa. But otherwise, like Semi, he won't mind having a good makeout session with you in the middle of the street ;)
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seinfelt · 3 years
The Impossible Hallway
George storms into Jerry's apartment and slams the door so hard that the photo next to it falls off the wall.
"Well hello to you too," says Jerry.
"We need to talk about your hallway," says George.
"What about it?"
"It can't exist!"
"And yet," replies Jerry smugly, "it does."
"It does, but it shouldn't."
"What are you talking about?"
Kramer slides so violently into the apartment that he burns two long black streaks into the hardwood floor. He looks down at the smoke and whimpers, "oh mama."
"Kramer, what the hell?" says Jerry. "Look what you did to my floor!"
"Put it on my tab," says Kramer as he strolls over to the fridge and opens it to get himself some orange juice, drinking a long swig directly from the carton.
"I'll add the orange juice too."
"For starters," says George, ignoring Jerry's interaction with Kramer, "just look at your kitchen."
"First it's the hallway, now it's the kitchen. What's wrong with my kitchen?"
"Well for one thing," says Kramer, "your orange juice is expired."
Frowning at him, Jerry grabs the carton and drops it into the garbage with a slight flourish. "Thanks for the update—I'll take it off your tab."
"What tab?" asks Kramer, much to Jerry's exasperation.
George strolls all the way into the kitchen. "Look at where I'm standing and then think about where your hallway would go."
"I'd like to remind you that you never actually have been an architect."
"Humor me."
"The hallway is outside my apartment. The kitchen is inside my apartment."
George holds up a finger. "Come with me."
He walks to the front door, opens it, and stands in the doorway with one foot inside Jerry's apartment and the other out in the hallway. "Stand where I am and you'll see what I see."
"Okay, Confucious."
George steps away and Jerry takes his place.
"Hold on," says Jerry. "That doesn't… what the hell is going on here?"
"But how?"
"Black hole," says Kramer.
George and Jerry both turn slowly to look at him.
"Excuse me?" says George.
Kramer makes a popping sound by flicking his finger out of the corner of his mouth. "Black hole!" he repeats, shaking that same finger high up into the air.
"What black hole?"
"The black hole," says Kramer with very deliberate enunciation and a waving gesture, "in my apartment."
"What are you talking about?" asks Jerry.
"I've told you about this!"
"I think I'd remember if you told me you had a black hole in your apartment."
"Oh I'm not sure you would."
Jerry shakes his head. "What's a black hole got to do with any of this?"
"Well you see, Jerry, all particles have to travel along the shortest path through curved space."
Jerry and George share a confused glance.
"…and?" prompts Jerry.
"Well… the black hole is warping space around itself. It's pulled the hallway—" he makes a motion like he's stroking an inner tube around his waist. "And apparently your kitchen, too. Which means… mamacita."
"What?" asks George.
"Oh, this is real bad."
"What's bad?" asks Jerry.
"Would you spit it out?" says George.
"It's getting… bigger," he replies, the last word a barely-perceptible squeak.
He nods, his face a mask of frightful agony.
"What does that mean, 'bigger'?" asks Jerry.
"The opposite of small," says George wryly.
"A little help?" shouts Elaine from somewhere out in the hallway.
The three poke their heads out to find her struggling to pull her purse away from the wall.
"It's stuck!" she says. She looks at Kramer. "What do you, got some kind of giant magnet in there or something?"
"Black hole," say the three men in unison. They glance briefly at each other.
"Kramer has a black hole," says Jerry.
Elaine frowns skeptically at them. "You can't just have a black hole."
"I beg to differ," says Kramer. "I bought it at a flea market."
"Aw, this is ridiculous," says Jerry.
"Are you… all just gonna… stand there and… watch me struggle?" grunts Elaine between tugs. She raises her foot and brings it toward the wall to try to get some more leverage.
"Oh I wouldn't do—" starts Kramer, but it's too late: Elaine's foot gets stuck to the wall alongside her purse.
"Hey," she says, "I think my foot's stuck too."
"Yeah, that'll happen," says Kramer.
"Will you jackasses do something already?"
George and Jerry look to Kramer, but he just stares dumbly at Elaine, ignorant of their attention. After a moment he notices their stares with a jerky startle.
"What are you looking at me for?" he says.
"It's your black hole!" says Jerry.
George frowns. "How did it 'grow' exactly anyway?"
"What do you think happens to all the stuff I drag in from the street? I only have so much room in my apartment."
"What about—I don't know—throwing it in the garbage?"
"What, and haul it all the way down to the curb in the elevator? I get nasty looks!"
"Yeah, this is much better," says Jerry.
"So what do we do about Elaine?" asks George.
Kramer thinks for a moment, then snaps his fingers. "I got it—we put a second black hole in Jerry's apartment on the other side of the hallway."
"Won't that just rip me in half?" says Elaine.
Kramer shrugs. "Maybe, maybe not."
"Hold on a minute," says George. "How do you get away from it, Kramer? Clearly you're able to leave your apartment."
"I just move faster than light."
"Excuse me?"
"Well, the escape velocity of a black hole is faster than the speed of light. You gotta go at least that fast or you can't get out."
"But you can't go faster than the speed of light," says Elaine.
"Oh, I beg to differ."
"Kwisatz Haderach," says Kramer with dramatic enunciation.
"Gesundheit," says Jerry.
"'Quick-shots' what, now?" says Elaine.
Kramer holds up a finger. "The shortening… of the way."
"What way?" asks George.
"Any way."
"Okay," says Jerry, "so how exactly does one shorten a way?"
"Well, you gotta become the Kwisatz Haderach."
"And how exactly do you do that?" asks Elaine, tugging frantically at her leg.
"The sleeper must awaken."
Elaine lets out a primal growl of annoyed frustration. "And how do you do that?"
"You gotta drink the water of life."
"What's the water of… you know what? Forget it. I'd rather stay stuck here forever than continue this idiotic conversation."
"Kramer," says Jerry, "can't you just 'Quiznos hot-rocks' her out of there?"
"Kwisatz Haderach," he says. "Say it with me, Kwis—"
He flinches from Jerry's angry interruption and then thinks for a moment. "I can try I guess but who knows where she'll end up."
"It's gotta be better than being stuck to your hallway wall!" says Elaine.
"Okay, well… don't say I didn't warn you." He stands upright, his eyes turning a deep blue. There's a distant rumble and suddenly Elaine fades away from where she's standing and fades in cradled in Kramer's arms. The two stare at each other for a moment.
"Ahem," says Elaine eventually.
Kramer looks at her, puzzled, until she nods her head toward the floor.
"Oh. Yeah," he says, setting her down.
"I still don't get it," says Jerry. "How did a black hole make it so that my kitchen and the hallway were occupying the same space?"
"It didn't," says Kramer. "It just made it appear that way to any… outside observers."
He smiles directly at the camera and winks as the audience breaks into hysterical laughter. He stares for so long that eventually the camera begins to pan away, but he strides toward it, his smile flattening, ducking back into frame as it shifts left and right. Soon the laughter in the audience dies out and transforms into a concerned murmur.
A deep hum begins to emanate almost imperceptibly from your television but grows louder and louder. Something begins to rattle and you realize it's the remote control on the table in front of you. Paralyzed by fear and confusion, you don't even think to reach for it as it lifts up and flies across the room, shattering against the screen, spraying plastic shards throughout the room.
As Kramer stares out at you, his eyes radiating an unearthly but somehow soothing blue glow, you finally motivate your body to rush over and turn off the television, but as you stand up and lunge for the power button, your fingers stretch into impossibly long strands, tapering into what looks like spaghetti. When the tips connect with the glass of the screen you somehow become aware that this same experience is being shared by millions of other people all around the world.
You scream, but the sound gets sucked in by whatever force seems to be pulling in the rest of you.
In all your terror you'd forgotten about the deep hum but it soon becomes deafening, pushing all the thoughts out of your mind. As your face draws closer and closer to those pulsing blue eyes, your inner monologue echoes somewhere inside your head, thinking,
Where does that hallway go to?
Where does that hallway go to?
Where does that hallway go to?
Where does that hallway go to?
Am I right or am I wrong?
My god… what have I done?
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 3 years
Hot Girl Summer
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Summary: Dean and the reader are enjoying a day at the beach when Dean notices the reader is still dressed on the scorching hot summer day...
Pairing: Dean x reader
Square: Positive Body Image
Word Count: 1,300ish
Warnings: language, body insecurities
A/N: Written for @supernatural-jackles​​ Tell Me A Story bingo!
“How are you not boiling?” asked Dean. He was seated next to you in his lawn chair on the lake shore beach. Shirt off, swim trunks pushed up some, sweat covering his face behind his sunglasses and baseball cap. He grabbed his beer from the cooler between you, chugging it down. “Want to dip in the water to cool off for a minute?”
“Go ahead. I gotta run to the bathroom,” you said.
“Pee in the lake.”
“I’ve already peed in the lake today.”
“Oh my God.”
“You think none of those other people out in the water have peed in it? At least half of them, I guarantee it.”
“Dean. You’re being gross.”
“At least I’m not being silly.”
“About wanting to use a hygienic bathroom?”
“First off, it’s a county park bathroom. Taking a piss in the parking lot would be more hygienic. Second, you know exactly what I’m talking about.” You narrowed your eyes behind your sunglasses, Dean reaching a hand over, resting it on your t-shirt. “Would you take off your shirt and shorts and go swimming with me? Please?”
“There are people here,” you said quietly.
“I don’t look like that,” you said, nodding at the woman that stood from her chair nearby and started to walk into the water, wearing a tiny red bikini.
“I’d be concerned if you did. I might think you were a shifter or something.”
“Y/N. Do I have six pack abs?” he asked, poking his stomach.
“You’re normal and muscular. Your thighs are smaller than mine.”
“Your arms are smaller than mine,” he said. You rolled your eyes, Dean sliding his hand down to yours. “Your hands are smaller than mine. Why does it matter about being smaller?”
“Because that’s what’s pretty and I don’t want people looking at me all day.”
“Because you haven’t been obsessively staring at every single woman on this beach all morning yourself. Whether they’re a size zero or twenty, you’ve stared at every single one and they’ve stared at you already. They’re already looking so why give a fuck?”
“It’s just...some days I think I look great and others I don’t and today is one of those ones where I don’t. I just don’t want someone staring at my stomach or hips or thighs or boobs or whatever and saying stuff. It’s always...it’s always the clothes look good on the model or the bikini looks good on the mannequin when I buy it and then I just…”
Dean squeezed your hand before resting it on your thigh. 
“You don’t have to convince me of anything sweetheart. I know what I see in you. I know what I see and what I love. I know I can’t tell you how attractive I find you and suddenly you’ll feel that way about yourself. I don’t like me sometimes. Most of the time. But I get shoved in my face how to be a man more than what I should look like so I don’t think I’ll ever know to the extent women get it. I just want to go swimming with my girl and have some fun today, not solve both our body insecurities in one discussion. If you want to wear your shirt and shorts that’s okay. I’d like it if we could just have fun today and not sit here baking in the sun fretting the whole day.”
“Me too,” you said quietly. You took off your sunglasses, Dean ditching his and his hat on top of the cooler. “Let me put some more sunscreen on your shoulders first.”
You grabbed the bottle and squirted some of the cool liquid on his back, Dean humming as you rubbed it in.
“Your freckles have really come out today already,” you said.
“You’re gonna have to play your counting game tonight,” he chuckled. You wiped the excess down his back and arms, Dean standing as you set the bottle down. He held out a hand for yours but you looked down at yourself instead.
Two hours you’d already spent spinning your wheels, nitpicking your body, wondering why you couldn’t fit in smaller shorts. Wondering why you took up more space than you thought you should. You looked to the right, a woman in a white bandeau top and floral high waisted cheeky bottoms. She looked about your height, your size. But she had a big smile on her face, looked so fucking good and pretty. The guy she was with wasn’t hiding the fact of how he was openly taking her in, a big smirk on his face. The girl seated a ways back in a different group of people wasn’t hiding it either.
“Would you put some more on me?” you asked, glancing at the bottle.
“Sure,” said Dean. You pushed down your shorts as he picked it up, kicking them off and leaving them on your chair. Your shirt came off next and you adjusted your bottoms some as Dean squirted the sunscreen into his hand. “Let me get your chest so you don’t burn.”
“Don’t try to cop a feel,” you teased, hating how it sounded a little forced.
“Don’t tempt me,” he chuckled. You looked past him as he made sure to get the newly uncovered spots, Dean’s lips brushing your ear after a moment. “Okay?”
“I’m okay. Let’s go cool off, Dean.”
“That’s a cute shirt,” said Dean late that night as you were out to dinner at a place near the lake and your cabin you were renting. He took a bite of his chicken sandwich and hummed. “Is it new?”
“Bought it awhile ago,” you said. It was a tube top with a bottom that flowed out at the hips and had a cutout in the back, showing off more skin than you normally were comfortable with.
“I like it,” he said, letting out a quiet burp. “Wanna get this ice cream thing for dessert? It’s still pretty warm out.”
“Sure,” you said, surprised to see a dirty glare cross Dean’s face. You spun around when you saw he was looking behind you. Two guys were leaving the bar area for a table, both of them staring at what you guessed was your back. You sighed, Dean grumbling to himself. “Dean. Let it go.”
“You’re not meat,” he mumbled.
“The tall one’s been checking you out from the second he got in.” Dean leaned over and kissed you, shooting the guy a warning glance. 
“I think he got the message,” you said.
“Better have,” he mumbled. “See? The only the one that hasn’t thought you were hot this whole time is you.”
“Well...maybe I don’t think I’m hot but maybe I’ll be less nervous to show some skin, wear what I want to wear.”
“You’re still gonna wear my shirts though right?”
“Good cause that shit is extra hot. Like you in that dark henley and those shorts fucks me up in a good way.”
“I could just wear nothing at all?” you teased. He grinned, leaning closer across the table. “That’ll be second dessert.”
“Yes it will,” he hummed. He pecked a quick kiss to your lips, slipping back into his seat. “Have fun today?”
“A lot of fun,” you said. “After I got out of my head.”
“Good,” he said quietly. You reached over the table and grabbed his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. “Dessert?”
“Let’s make it to go,” you said. “Save it for after your other dessert.”
“Sounds perfect to me sweetheart.”
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cha-lyn · 3 years
A Series of Break Ins
bucky x black female reader
Summary: Someone breaks into your apartment
Warnings: break ins, lil bit of violence, wounds + blood
Words: 1617
A/N: Inspiration from @write-it-motherfuckers ( prompt is in bold somewhere below) :) some wonderful stuff on that blog
You lived in an old building in a shitty part of town. The loft kind that was once an office or a factory or something. Lots of windows. Terrible heat bill in the winter. You heard gunshots and fighting frequently. It wasn’t your dream home. No, your windows faced a manufacturing building with no windows. From your fire escape, if you stretched really far, you could cross the alley and touch the building. You only did that once though because the fire escape was rickety and not very safe.
That particular night, you were coming home from a mediocre date with a guy named Marcus. Usually you’d take a cab home, but your budget was tight this month. So you weaved through the alleys, the cold and the dark making you more jumpy than usual. You just wanna be home, with your warm fuzzy socks on and a glass of wine.
Your anxiety settles once you make it into your building. You take the steps two a time to your third floor studio. You open your door, shutting it quickly and leaning back against it.
That’s when the hairs on your arm stand up. Your eyes shoot open and your breath catches. Your kitchen light is on. You know it was not on when you left earlier. In your kitchen sits your first aid kit dumped out on the table.
You grab the baseball bat you keep next to the door and check every crevice of your home. Nothing.
You return to the kitchen, hesitantly. Next to the first aid kit is a napkin with a note: Sorry for the intrusion. I’ll replace everything I used. Thanks. - BB
You just looked at the note and blinked. Who the fuck had been in your apartment?!
The next day there’s a package outside your door containing the promised replacements from the stranger. There’s another note: Sorry again. -BB
You’re not quite sure what to do. Call the police? And say what- someone broke in, left no trace and then replaced what they stole? They would think you’re crazy.
After the break in you upped your security. You got a deadbolt, a door chain, and a magnetic sensor on your front door that rang and alerted your phone when set off.
You felt pretty good about your upgrade… until it happened again. You’d come home late from drinks with a friend unlocked the door, then the deadbolt.
The light in your kitchen was on again. You grabbed your bat immediately, ready to swing on whoever was dumb enought to break into your house yet again.
“Whoa, whoa ma’am. Please don’t--” but you did. Whack him that is. Three times. And then a black gloved hand stopped your swings dead and blue eyes lock with yours.
“Holy fucking shit. B. B! It was you. Fucking Bucky Barnes broke into my house!”
He nods and watches your face as it goes from rage to confusion and then back to rage. You let go of the bat and he puts it behind him. “Look, I am really sorry. I know this is probably terrifying--”
“Yeah ‘cause I thought you were a god damn serial killer--not an Avenger!” You plop down onto a kitchen chair.
Bucky stared at you amused. “This is not how I thought this would go…”
“Don’t you have some Avenger place you can go and get fixed up? Instead of breaking into civilian households?” you sigh irritatedly.
“No. For one I’m not an Avenger…. And uh, two… I got hurt doing something not necessarily sanctioned by the government.” Bucky looked up at the ceiling bashfully.
“My god, you’re doing vigilante shit,” you breathed out a laugh.
Bucky shrugged, “You could call it that.” He wrung his gloved hands together. “I should go… I’ll send you replacements for the stuff I used. ”
“Or you could just not break into my house.” Bucky chuckled, before climbing out the window. “You could use the door!’
The man has the audacity to laugh as he closes your window, “Thanks again, doll.”
You let out a groan, wondering why on earth he chose your apartment and why on earth you weren’t more pissed off about it.
You’re dead asleep when you hear a thud on the fire escape outside your window. Your heart thuds like a bass drum as scenarios of you being murdered flash through your head. A stabbing. A shooting. God, please not a strangling. Then there’s a persistent tapping. You pretend to still be asleep, holding your breath and not moving.
“I know you're awake. I need to .. uh utilize your first aid kit again. Please, doll.”
Relief hits you like a wave and you flick the light on and get out of bed. You open the window and Sergeant Barnes slips through the space, holding his flesh arm, but not really effectively stopping the blood.
The two of you stand there for a second, until you remember that you don’t sleep with pants on and awkwardly move around him to find a pair of shorts. You find him sitting at your kitchen table again, waiting for you to get the first aid kit, like he doesn’t have a goddamn metal arm on him.
“For fuck’s sake…” You pull it out from under the sink and set it in front of him with a thud. Bucky smirks sheepishly. “Did you get shot again?” you ask after a while. He nods once as he gets to work. “Aren’t you like... super?” He nods. “Won't it heal super fast?” He nodded once again. “So what’s the point of the first aid kit?”
“You ask a lot of questions,” he sighs irritatedly.
You narrow your eyes, “Oh dear, am I inconveniencing you?”
He stops and looks up at you through his dark lashes. “Sorry. I’m being rude. What's your name anyway?”
You roll your eyes, but you tell him.
He cleans after himself and then stands. “Thank you again. Y/n.”
You ignore the lil shiver you get when he says your name, “Is this gonna be a regular thing Sargeant?”
Bucky flashed you a charming smile, “Do you want it to be, doll?”
You cross your arms and set you glare, “You have five seconds before I get my bat.”
Bucky let out a very boyish laugh before dramatically making his exit via the window again.
Over the next few days, you consider getting locks for the windows, but for some reason you just don’t.
Two weeks later, you open your door, arms full of groceries, and find Bucky sitting on the floor of your kitchen once more, first aid kit open in front of him. You’re not even surprised really.
“Ah, Hello again. We really need to stop meeting like this.”
You scoff, “Maybe we would, if you would sTOP BREAKING INTO MY FUCKING HOUSE!!” You toss your purse on the couch.
Bucky laughs and the winces and groans. It’s then that you realize he’s very pale in the face and his flesh hand isn’t gloved it’s just dark with blood.
You drop the groceries roughly on the table, “Shit Bucky. Are you-- You’re bleeding a lot!”
“I’m fine, doll.”
“I don’t think you are….” You panic, reaching for your phone, but remembering it’s deep in your purse across the room.
“You gotta-- you’re gonna have to sew it up, okay?”
“Let me just call an ambulance,” you get up to get your phone, but he grabs your wrist firmly.
“No. You can do this Y/n. I’ll walk you through it.” Something in his blue eyes assures you. You nod and Bucky has you cut his shirt off before he leads you through the cleaning of his wound. Your face felt hot at the sight of his beautiful broad chest, despite the mess around you. Bucky guided you, wincing and jaw ticking as you closed up his wound. By the end, your hands are red and sticky and you’re quite nauseous, but you didn’t care. The color was already back in his face and the sparkle back in his blue eyes. “You did good, doll.”
“I can’t believe I did that,” you say breathily. Bucky smiled fondly at you. You get up, wash your hands thoroughly and gently help Bucky up and to your couch. “You want something to eat? Let me get you some water.” You don’t wait for an answer before going to the kitchen. You bring him a bottle of water, a beer, and left over orange chicken from last night’s dinner- he inhaled all three while you cleaned and sanitized your kitchen floor.
“I should head out,” he stood up stiffly, favoring his wounded side. “I’m sorry about all this…” he gestured towards his wound and then to your kitchen. “It won't happen again. I’ll get my own first aid kit.”
You shrug, “You basically bought mine with as much as you use it.” You stick your hand out. “Phone.” Bucky eyes you warily before obeying. “How about next time you need to use my first aid kit, you just call first?”
Bucky smiles a lopsided, goofy smile, as you put your number in. “I think I can do that.”
Three days later, Bucky calls you around 7pm. Thirty minutes later there’s a knock at your door - not your window.
“What’s bleeding now--”
Instead of beat up and bleeding, Bucky stands before you in a black button up with a bouquet of flowers and a bag of take out. “Hey doll. I wanted to really apologize for everything and try to make it up to you,” he gives you a sheepish grin.
You can’t contain your own smile. “Well, orange chicken and flowers are a good start. Come in.”
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