#stuffed animal harm
ofishialy · 5 months
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Vaguely inspired off of Crime and Punishment by DECO*27
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Stuffed Animal dashboard simulator
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🐻feltedfur Follow
pray for me human put me in the wash on fucking hot water im never gonna be the same colors
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🐇velveteen-everything Follow
got left outside in the backyard but this is kinda nice actually im okay with this (:
🐇velveteen-everything Follow
the hawks
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🐉shinyscales Follow
this is bullshit ive been bragging to everyone in the toy chest because my tag says i was made with love but i got torn today and guess what. its just stuffing inside
🥽pooltoy82 Follow
lol imagine having stuff inside you lmao
🐉shinyscales Follow
i literally see you outside the window looking smug. log off
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🦭 sealofapproval Follow
🐭 m4m4_p0ssum Follow
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🐭 plushiepolls Follow
🐉shinyscales Follow
lets not spread body dysmorphia on plushblr guys
🧑 thatoneweirdhumanplushie Follow
op casually ignoring stuffed animals with different colored fabric for eyes
▶️ stuffedyoutooz Follow
some of us dont even have eyes!
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🐶 newdogtoy22 Follow
i know animals are allowed to see normal plushies moving and talking but whats the rule for dog toys.
▶️ stuffedyoutooz Follow
what breed of dog op
🐶 newdogtoy22 Follow
poodle? does it matter?
▶️ stuffedyoutooz Follow
no i just wanted to remind you your lifespan can be measured in days
🐶 newdogtoy22 Follow
man come on
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1800-lemon-boy · 25 days
I just want it to be known that I get that Octavian cutting open stuffed animals for prophecies is better than killing animals.
But like-
If that fucker harmed a single one of my stuffed animals, those assholes would have needed to find a new way to get those prophecies bc it’s on sight.
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otaku553 · 1 year
can I ask what ur summer research was about?!!! :0 (u absolutely don't have to answer if ur not comfortable, I'm just a giant nerd and loves to hear about research dhdnfjdmdjfng)
Of course!!! I’d be glad to talk about it!!
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In short, my research over the summer was putting mice in mazes and looking at how well they remember mazes, how quickly they learn the maze, and how learning one maze can help them learn other mazes faster. More detailed under the read more!
Previous maze studies with mice have shown that mice can actually learn very quickly when they’re learning behaviors that are in line with their own evolutionary advantages rather than arbitrary associations. It’s the difference between telling a mouse “go around these tunnels and try to find water to survive” vs telling it “do these very specific and completely useless 5 things and then you’ll get water”. Maze navigation for mice is already a natural complex behavior: mice are burrowing rodents and already have the predisposition for running around tunnels. We set up a maze and cameras and infrared lights around it to record it doing its thing, so that we can look at its natural behaviors with no human interference.
The unique thing about this project is less the behavior and rapid learning of the mouse and more the maze that we use for the study, called the Manhattan Maze. I think my mentor created it but I’m not too certain? But the basic concept of it, as shown in the figure above, is that there are two boxes of parallel tunnels and one layer of acrylic in the middle. Through holes in the acrylic, the mouse can climb between the two layers and make a “turn”. Essentially, this maze is the most reconfigurable setup for studying mouse behavior in mazes possible, because the middle layer of acrylic, which we call a mask, can be changed 2^(n^2) ways (n being the number of channels in a layer) to make completely different mazes. For the figure above, a 4x4 Manhattan maze, we have 2^16 possible different configurations, but we were actually running it on an 11x11 maze, so there were 2^121 different possible configurations! This way, we can look at the mouse in tons of different mazes without actually having to make a new maze altogether and transfer the mouse every time.
And they learn extremely fast! The mazes we used were pretty much linear paths with small dead ends that weren’t far off from the main path, and required 9 turning decisions to get from starting point to end point. There were 3 of these different masks, and after training for one day on one of them, the next day, almost all mice that completed the training managed to learn completely new 9-decision masks in 3 hours or less!
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dragonsarecool123 · 1 year
Is there a scientific explanation for why people get so attached to stuffed animals?
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katsy-kitty · 4 months
I've got this little guy here now to keep me company.
He's going to keep me safe.
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So... um... the dog is gone... its not in the box with Aussie and.. wait... OH SHI-
Watcher was mauled by Tilly the [ERROR UNKNOWN ENTITY]
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Well, there goes another one.
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thyandrawrites · 2 years
Attempting to design an amigurumi chibi and one of his hips is at a shaper angle than the other nfndjsk I accidentally gave him scoliosis
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kollector-of-stims · 2 years
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Bubble Stuffed Shark! It's basically an atom ball fidget with a soft outside! The orbs inside are a decent size and thickness and theres more orb than water. Very neat stim toy!
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neverendingford · 1 year
#still mad about the whole “god made us trans so we could partake in creation” quote. like. bro#sure that's all well and fine now that we have things like bottom surgery and top surgery and hrt#but what about the decades and millenia where we didn't have the technology to “partake in creation” or whatever.#I'm sure everyone living with severe body dysphoria had a great time not being able to truly partake in the glorious act of creation#the idea that a god would create us to suffer just so that we can get better about it is ludicrous#I'm going to create a state of existence that has a stupid high suicide rate#just so that the ones who survive and successfully transition/adapt feel massive relief and joy#and somehow that would balance out the people who are murdered or kill themselves or live miserably closeted/repressed their whole lives#like. yeah I'm going to break your arm on purpose just so you feel super happy when it's finally healed#rip to all those other people whose arms I broke but they didn't have access to medical care#or they were in the middle of something dangerous when I broke their arm#sucks to be them I guess. they don't get to partake in the glorious act of healing the harm that I caused deliberately#if a god exists it really is like us. playing with toys and stuffed animals and causing pain because it's not real.#I made my stuffed panther a tactical vest and all sorts of guns and laser swords. he was my favorite. he won every fight he ever got into#but one day I forgot him outside and our dog tore him open and his vest and weapons didn't save him. was it is#was it his fault I forgot about him?#God knows about every sparrow that falls. but the sparrow still falls.#if there is a god. it does not love us. how could it? we are not real.
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wish-ful-comics · 2 years
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"Scars Pt. 3"
I didn't think about putting the different arcs together until after I already posted the first two of this one. Kinda regret that now lol
Anyways my professor who was working with me on this project made a comment the roses being a metaphor for beauty and I was like, whoa, hang on! That wasn't what I was trying to do! But his conclusion is very understandable. I probably should have thought about before, but I can't really change that now sooo... anyways, this was just unfortunate planning, not romanticism of self harm. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
Description under the cut.
[ID: A three panel black and white comic of Strawberry talking directly to the audience. In the first panel, her hands are clasped together in front of her chest, and she's saying, "I feel like I need to justify why I used roses as a metaphor for scars." The second she's turned a bit towards the right of the drawing, and her hands are still together pointed out. She's saying, "It wasn't to turn something horrific into something beautiful. I'm not trying to romanticize self harm." The third panel, she's facing the front again, and her arms are raised on either side of her. She's saying, "Part of it was because simple stitches didn't show up well on fabric, and I needed something bigger." and in smaller words underneath it, "And I know how to make roses...". The word bubble on the right says, "But it was also because... well, it's closer to what mine actually look like." End ID]
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lucithecrow · 1 year
I want you to love me the way I love you.
I want you to love how skinny my arms are.
I want you to love how I see stars in my vision when I stand.
I want you to love the scars littering my skin.
I want you to love the way I struggle to think straight when someone's chewing too loud.
I want you to love how I keep five different blankets on my bed for my cat.
I want you to love how I collect stuffed animals and cry when they get torn.
I want you to love how my voice is always just a little too loud.
I want you to love the way I giggle instead of laugh.
I want you to love how I keep my fan on at all times.
I want you to love how my favorite color is pink but I wear all black.
I want you to love me how I love you.
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angeltism · 5 months
Your embarrassment at whatever it is makes it all the more intriguing to your knight, my dear lady. I won’t push, but just know that I am ever so curious about it.
Drumming-wise most of the songs my bandmates made me learn were 1990s rock? At least I think so, I only picked one or two songs to learn and that was Six Trillion Years and Overnight Story, and something else I can’t quite remember. It was after all, a while ago now.
Your knight has had exactly one very poor kissing experience. Let us leave it at the idea of it being so bad I started crying from embarrassment.
Ahh, how cool ! Six Trillion Years and Overnight Story is soo good.. I can only imagine how it must sound to hear it played irl on drums,,
Goodness, I can only imagine how terrible it must have been :[ You have my sympathy and compassion, my beloved ♡
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happystomp · 8 months
Sometimes I get to comfortable and forget that I can’t say absurd, deeply disturbing thoughts around some of my friends and end up making them deeply disturbed and uncomfortable and I feel bad but also I have evil in me that can only course through me for so long without springing a leak yknow
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throwawaytabs · 10 months
i know i should hate only the owner and not the dog, but sometimes i just really hate this dog (and the owner)
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chickpeadumpsterfire · 10 months
Cheesus Cristo.
TW self harm, depression, mental illness
Mid mental breakdown I get pulled over by a cop. I'm still not adjusted to the new meds. I self harmed really badly and had to butterfly suture them closed.
I hate the holidays. I cannot wait for December to be mostly over.
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