#stupid and silly but i had fun so :)
ivypond11 · 1 year
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how to get away with (fake) murder by scary marlowe
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riddlerosehearts · 1 month
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omg can you believe we now have THREE whole images of vilidia standing next to each other 💜💙
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floweryred · 6 months
Let’s play a game! I’m going to show you four players who have been allied with Jimmy at some point in the life series, you have to guess which season they were allies with him! No cheating, so the name of the person is kept hidden until you click read more. (Though the first is fairly obvious)
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Okay, here you go:
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*Tango (Soulbound):
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*Please remember that each season has a different number of people in it, so Tango actually did worse (2nd eliminated and not 4th) in Double Life.
Thanks for playing lmao.
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ilovebeingaturtle · 11 months
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Their weapons btw
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ukulelegodparent · 4 months
grrrr why did people ever stop wearing mid-renaissance clothes
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airenyah · 6 months
i gotta say one of my fave things about language is when you add random syllables to words or add nonsense words that rhyme
like for example, our girl cat is called minou but sometimes i'll call her "minoutschi". and then instead of saying "minou, du" i'll say "minoutschi dutschi". and when i'm feeling extra silly or loving i'll add a nonsense word, so i'll sweep her off the ground and pet her and say "minoutschi dutschi wutschi"
or sometimes she'll meow outside in the hallway, then wander in my room and start purring loudly while rolling around the ground (she does that when she gets clingy and really wants affection). and so i'll start petting her and she'll be purring and i'll say "du schnurrli wurli" (schnurrli/schnurli is a very common cat name based on the word "schnurren" which means "to pur". which is why it's my affectionate nickname for her when she's purring lol)
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spider-man-2o99 · 1 year
Just wanted to say that I have been thinking of you and pre-emptively empathizing with the nonsense you are no doubt being flooded with and the psychic damage it must be causing. Keep stanning the king ignore the weirdos <3
thankg u.,, i feel like ive been trapped in a fuckign . Torture Labyrinth these past coupl days . but. wwe will. We Will Yet Persist onwards w/ our hand on the left wall till we;re either out or at the center i swear 2 fucking GOD,
#talking tag#asks#th pain is forever the Horrors r unending the lack of media comprehension on all sides is Disappointin But Also My Goddamn Life I Guess lol#though i will say ppl in my inbox have actually been.. surprisingly polite overall? if not outright rather kind as a whole. um. post-atsv.#but. god. i have not Talked About so much of that movie because i kind of just.#..ok actually i realize this is gonna sound rude as hell lmao. but. hhaha i Kinda Just. was fool enough to Assume that everbody would yknow#like. Comprehend The Film yk yk yk. since it is a well-written movie that doesnt try to Hide any of what it;s abt? yk?#i come On Here onto tumblr dot bumblr and i make my stupid esoteric gddamn complaints abt 2099 Themes for Me Only so my head doesnt blow up#n silly ol me i really do like earnestly honestly in my Heart think. like. we all saw the same movie. right? mayb thingsll calm down.#but oh oh oh oh oh no no no No No. they do Not calm down they get So Much Worse.#and now hypothetical Internet Strangers might be Passing Judgement bcuz we look like an Apologist 4 assuming Everyone Knew Media Literacy#CHRIST. do people think i think mig was. like. In The Right. in atsv. no ive known he would be Wrong for years dudes.#why do yall think i was so low-key Disappointed he was placed in a role that couldve better suited. like. Superior Spider-Man.#public image. DING-DONGs. man he is Never Going To Be In Movies Again After This Hes An AU SPIDER-MAN FROM THE 90S. LORD!#i had SO MUCH FUN watching atsv!!!!!!!!!!!!!#i dont like the choices it made to put miguel in the situation that it did. Bizarre Thematic Changes to 2099 that Only I Care Abt. but like#that is SUCH a fuckin SMALL and insanely autistic nitpick like i earnestly loved the hell out of the film and its mig is--#--Earnestly One Of His Better/Best Adaptations despite bein within the limited confines of th plot nd setting he is In & w/o his inner mono#..i just. Hate So Much That This Movies Version Of Miguel Will Be The Only One That Anybody Knows For The Next Seven Years At Least. yknow.#i lov watching that fuckers trainwreck of a slowmotion mental breakdown for two hours but the movie gave practically Zero Context 2 newbies#BTSV please save me BTSV please save me BTSV PLEASE save me PLEASE please please please PLEASE BTSV youre my last hope....#(arthur clenching his fist meme) ppl r Already so shitty 2 ppl w/ Messy Symtptoms i could Handle losing MK but SM2099 means too much 2 me..
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lucifer · 7 months
I’ve legitimately had a rotten day today. :(
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everythingsinred · 4 days
Hey! Was listening to my usual playlist and after reading GA, I caught myself thinking about NatsuMikan in one particular song, hence → Don't You Dare ( Make me Fall in Love With You ) !
It really reminds me of Natsume for some reason...
— ✨
my sister and i actually have another kaden mackay song on our natsume nm playlist!!! we really love "your stupid face" but i love his music and its "musical but not from a real musical" vibe of his songs <3 your suggestion fits pretty well! it's very melancholy and despairing, and perfect for a natsume pov song. thanks for the song rec! i recommend "your stupid face" too, if you haven't heard it yet! it's a bit more upbeat and funny, but has a similar message in the lyrics <3
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lycocarpum · 4 days
What the hell happened in the dragon age writing room
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this was fun
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i feel like this is too detailed….
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nickcassldy · 4 months
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Bout to sit down to watch DW with the folks already internally cringing bc I saw it this morning and they are gonna haaate it
#I'm not even sure I liked it!#i like bits of it#but it's definitely upped the Silly Factor in ways that often feel more clunky and cringey than fun and camp idk#I feel like I'm being the fun police but is it too much to ask that my silly campy spacetime fun also be good???#i feel like it used to be#it was stupid and we had farting aliens and shit but like#very little 'oh i am actually kind of embarrassed to be seen watching this'#believe me i do not WANT to ve cringing about it I'm all for 'cringe is dead'#but I just think there's a difference between low budget surreal but grounded and deceptively well-made/written silly TV#and high budget cgi saturated awkward dialogue fest that barely hangs together and keeps making me wince#it's like I'm getting the wincing feeling from that one awful clunky 'like some kind of volcano' line from fires of pompeii#but ten times an episode minimum#i want to like it!!! i want it to be good i want ncuti to have an absolutely killer era!!#and it defo has its moments!#but bro....... so much tv is just. Bad now.#and it's probably a mix if factors#effects of writers strikes and producer meddling and whatever else#but I'm sick of tuning in to watch a new thing and finding them all riddled with the same brand of very fixable clunkiness#things that could have been fixed with very minor revisions more often than not!!#anyway not posting this in the tag bc i do NOT wanna be a hater or start fucking discourse about this#I just miss feeling excited about tv#i miss having some flimsy sense of trust that things might feel well put together even if i disagree with how they take the story#mr. bees speaks
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camcorderrevival · 2 years
TELL ME ABOUT AMY POND AND VAMPIRISM AND DON'T HOLD BACK (I have yet to answer one of your Amy x Dracula asks so I'm hyped about that too!!!!)
OK!!! AMY + VAMPIRISM (or, more accurately, vampiric traits)!!!!
taking this FAR too seriously and breaking out the various essays+articles about vampirism to make this post!!! and I imagine it will be egregiously long but heyho!!!
Paul Barber outlines four different ways a person can become a vampire in Vampires, Burial, and Death: Folklore and Reality:
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Amy definitely fits into these categories:
Predisposition - "people who are different, unpopular, or great sinners are apt to return from the dead. (P. Barber)" "one universally recognised member of this category would be the suicide. (J.A Thilmany)" - Amy, the local mad girl, who both hints at suicidal thoughts during her time as companion ("Listen to me. I understand. Really, I do.") and actually commits suicide, on various occasions (Amy's Choice, The Girl Who Waited, The Angels Take Manhattan) AND comes back from the dead in some form or another on those occasions and others....if anyone matches the description of those predisposed to vampirism, it's her.
Predestination - "frequently people become revenants through no fault of their own" "a revenant is born with two hearts, one of which is dedicated to the destruction of humanity." (P. Barber) - those predestined to become vampiric are often people who come from "abnormal" parentage, Amy's parents Do Not exist when we first meet her. And, even when they have been brought back, they only show up in part of one episode before becoming non-entities again (it's a flaw in the writing more than anything else but it still emphasises her "abnormal parentage"). "a revenant is bloody and blood is red; redness, therefore, must predispose toward vampirism." (P. Barber) - The redness is an obvious link: red hair, red clothes, the red houses, the apple....she's red.
Events - "people become vampires by being bitten by one." (P. Barber) - She's bitten by a Saturnyne Vampire in The Vampires of Venice.
Nonevents - "Lack of burial is itself, then, a sufficient reason for murder victims and suicides to become revenants" "another common explanation for their transformation is that they have not lived out their allotted span of life." - In most of Amy's deaths, she goes unburied. Again, this is usually because she's due to be revived but that only really emphasises the connection. In the one case where she is buried, TATM, she's a victim of the Weeping Angels; their whole thing is feeding off the potential life that their prey leaves behind, the life unlived, thus, she does not live out her allotted span of life.
So, Amy fulfils each category of the causes of Vampirism.
She also displays various "vampiric traits" - the main one being the idea that those afflicted with vampirism become locked in one phase of their life/body, never able to grow up past the point of their turning. Similarly, Amy never quite moves past her garden, her waiting. A big component of her character is that she can't let go of the Doctor + her childhood. Though the writers claim she does, they never go past just saying it, we're given very little reason for her abandoning her faith in the Doctor. In fact, they often emphasise the opposite (the shot of her waiting at a window at the end of The God Complex, the S7 promo where she's pictured waiting at a phone for the doctor to call, "is it bad that I've really missed this?" in AoTD, "I can't not wait for you." in DoaS.). It's arguable that she remains trapped in this phase of waiting/hoping for 11's return up until her death. Even in some of TATM's deleted dialogue, she expresses a worry that he'll stop coming back for her out of boredom. Just as a vampire is stuck in the body that they had at the time of their turning - Amy is stuck waiting for the Doctor for her entire run as companion.
 Another of her vampiric traits is summed up by J.A Thilmany in “Draining life forces: Vampirism in Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights”:
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 Amy’s last proper appearance on the show takes place inside the TARDIS, though she dies outside of it. She returns to her home as a ghost, or a daydream.  A slightly different take on the above trend is presented by Nina Auerbach in “Our Vampires, Ourselves”:
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 The “confined space” in Amy’s story is the garden that she constantly returns to. It ties in with her vampiric inability to move on/grow up as the garden is the home of her waiting. She can’t escape “the girl who waited”, because she often doesn’t try to - instead choosing to return to the garden (as she does in TGWW).
 Returning to her final scene on the show, her appearance right at the end of 11′s life presents another vampiric trait. The scene echoes one from TATM where Amy is present for an older Rory’s death, holding his hand as he dies.  In both instances, Amy is the figure marking the death of one of her loved ones, mirroring this trait referenced by Barber:
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And again by Thilmany:
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 Amy’s presence in both scenes is presented as the thing allowing Rory and 11 to pass on. They see her again, meaning they can die somewhat peacefully. Obviously, this isn’t a feeding as presented by the two extracts above but the scenes present something equivalent to that.
 Another feature of final the scene that presents a vampiric trait is the fact that it’s not actually Amy, the figure is strongly implied to be a figment of 11′s imagination. This mimics another idea outlined by Barber:
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 Amy is still buried in New York, but an apparition of her is in the TARDIS performing her equivalent to feeding.
 Having outlined how Amy fulfils both the causes of vampirism + the traits of traditional vampires, the last thing to talk about is the transformation that is characteristic of vampire mythology, particularly the transformation presented alongside women vampires.
 As most of Amy’s vampiric traits link back to the Doctor, it makes sense to argue that his introduction into her life is what marks her “turning”.
 When 11 meets her, she’s a child, and so she’s “pure” and “virtuous”. She’s the fairytale girl. She’s not entirely “perfect” and she presents the traits of those predisposed to vampirism: she’s from abnormal parentage/familial history (”I don't have a mum and dad. Just an aunt.”), she’s othered + different to the residents of Leadworth (”the Scottish girl in the English village”) and she presents a connection to supernatural (or preternatural) forces (”at night there's voices”).
 So, she enters the story as the fairytale girl, predisposed to the vampiric condition. The Doctor makes a promise and then he leaves, having set the change in motion.
 The next time we see Amy, she’s become the corruption of a fairytale, just as women vampires often represented the corruption of traditional femininity. She’s changed her name, dubbing it a “bit fairytale”, she’s noticeably more volatile and violent than her 7yr old self and she’s overtly sexual, a trait that is common in most women vampires.
 This transformation of “purity” to “corruption” (please note that I use these terms with heavy amounts of distaste) is extremely common in stories about woman vampires (the biggest example being Dracula’s Lucy Westenra). And so Amy’s movement between the two, though it’s the product of age in the narrative, does mimic a traditional vampiric transformation.
 The Girl Who Waited only further emphasises the idea of the fairytale corruption + vampiric transformation.
 Amy’s base in the episode is described as a lair and the HandBots view her as diseased + in need of treatment. The lair calls up connections to monsters + wild animals but also refers to the Scottish term for “a burial plot in a graveyard” - both of which are spaces that vampires traditionally reside in.  The idea that Amy is “diseased” falls in line with the concept that vampirism is an affliction or virus rather than a transformed state. Throughout her time as companion, Amy is shown to have been subjected to various forms of involuntary treatment (highlighted in this post by @mikaelson) furthering the idea that she’s viewed as sick despite not being unwell at all - just different or “transformed”.  Her death in this episode also highlights a vampiric state, as she stands outside the TARDIS doors, unable to enter without being allowed in, invited in. 
Basically, to conclude, she’s not a vampire....but she could be :)
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keira-draws · 2 months
watched evil dead 1981 for the first time last night! ouch!
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imwritesometimes · 6 months
wouldn't it be funny if I could write again lollollol........
#got a very sweet comment on a fic today and I was like oh my god. oh my goddddddd. ppl *still* like my stuff.#ppl still like my silly little stupid little stuff that I had stupid silly fin working on & it's dumb and silly but I shared it!#and ppl like it!#and I'm like not pushing myself anymore. like before I was kinda trying to force shit to happen#like sitting in bed with an open notebook/laptop like CREATE BITCH!#and I'm not doing that anymore lol and being on my meds has really made me feel SO much better#but also like I just don't.... have any ideas anymore. can't rotate blorbo like a rotisserie chicken anymore#I lay down to go to sleep now and because my body is not operating under severe extreme toxic anxiety levels anymore#I just fckn fall asleep. like I'm OUT. good night. sleepin. snoozin. zonked. 7+ hours.#no more blorbo thoughts at the end of the day I'm TIRED and my brain FINALLY shuts off#I hope one day I'll write again. I had so much fun with it. I have had a couple Thoughts#since I have been on my meds#but they're nothing more than a few quick sentences scrawled in a notebook.#it's like I'm doing so much other stuff and having fun in other ways and SLEEPING FINLALLY SWEET GOD ALMIGHTY#there's just like zero processing left for original blorbo ideas#this doesn't make sense and I bet you were all relieved cause I haven't ranted in tags in like months but hahaha#🤡 I STAY HONKIN'!!!! 🤡#(I'm actually really in a really good place mentally rn I promise like the best I've felt in years I'm just ahhh!! tonight lol)#erin explains it all
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