#stupid teen poetry
good luck
i put a saftey pin through the fabric of your jeans-your eyes were on the test prep hidden inside of our spanish textbooks. it snags and i clip it closed. 
"for good luck" 
and what else could it be
we send our own off to their battles with good luck kissed, stapled, pinned, wisperd, prayed, braided into their very being. 
this is all we can do
you point to the watch on your wrist 
"it's my dads"
i nod. 
"he let me borrow it - for today" 
he shines the watch with his shirt 
"for good luck" 
maybe this is all we can do, let our loved ones take peices of us into the dark and hope that our tokens bring them home.
we are sitting on couches plush with velvet. you stand infront of us, head held high, dressed in white
something old 
your mother says. she pins a scrap of your swaddling to the inside of your dress   
something new 
your sister says, she tucks a photo of rowan in your bust 
something borrowed 
your best friend says, and pushes her earring through your garter and puts the backing on, eyes locked with yours 
something blue 
your grandmother slips a blue gingham square into the bottom of you shoe 
we send her off into her new home 
we give her these peices of us for bravery 
and we say 
good luck 
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sarayu-sunrays · 1 year
the string of fate can turn into a noose before you know it
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coquelicoq · 2 months
me after reading four poems by internationally beloved, critically acclaimed, insanely influential 19th-century poet charles baudelaire: wow this guy's emo lol
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cruelsister-moved2 · 1 year
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um yeah this is an utterly bizarre thing to say like no one is calling him a pedophile they're literally just making fun of how he was mean to a teenage girl for being cringe and then writes supernatural fanfiction. to me its about the frankly misogynistic condescension that everything you do is profound if you approach it as a white man with an MFA and anyone who disturbs your Great Work is deserving of abuse for the moral crime of being stupid BUT even without going there its literally just lighthearted taking the piss bc I think if your whole persona is being excessively condescending bc ur so above it all then yeah it's really funny if u write sherlock and supernatural fanfiction and listen to Cake.
i wwonder how this aged after his continued escapades but either way you're literally the one who made the leap from "watches show for teens" to "pedophile" like please point to the part of this that actually evokes that remotely in any way. getting so so tired of people who act like this you need to grow up
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aibafiles · 1 year
in my romeo & juliet opinion haver era again i just saw A Take and i was gonna write a Response about it but im just quietly seething
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she gave and she gave until she became nothing but a mere ghost of a girl who once lived, a girl who once loved.
- kc 1/7/22
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locusfandomtime · 1 year
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fake book covers based on Cub’s museum gift shop and the signs he posted with fake book titles! This was a lot of fun haha. I know there are more fake books, and now he’s getting signed books from hermits, so I plan on making more soon! May even make a Reddit account just to post these guys on the subreddit
design notes under cut!
The Diamond Pillar Saga: Hotguy(TM) Flies Again - this title evoked such a visceral image of something you’d find in a Scholastic book fair so I went for sort of pre-teen superhero action novel, the kind with a bunch of pictures and stupid chapter titles. I imagine in-universe Scar is trying to sell as much Hotguy merch as possible so whilst he has stuff for the adults (shirtless calendars) he’d also have comic books and novels for the kids. There’s a concorp logo because I like to think the Hotguy brand is owned by concorp and it was just a cool touch
Grian’s Theory of The Mind - have you ever seen books on like psychology and breaking habits and behaviour, that kind of stuff? They always look like this. There’s a yellow background, a simple abstract design, a bunch of book awards/reviews, and a single sentence hook. This one was the easiest and most fun to design!
Joe Hills: Transformative Poems - this was based on the “Joe Hills Poetry Corner”. Transformative poems is from “transformative works” meaning… fanfiction basically. Joe has written fanfic before and I thought an Iliad/Hermit crossover would be something he’d do. Joe made the cover himself so it has a dyed leather cover and a simple design. He tried to ask Cleo for a review so he could put one on the front but she was kinda mean about it and laughed at him so he wrote a fake one instead
Ren the King: A Complicated Legacy - this one had no explicit author but I decided Cleo made the most logical sense. Historical non-fiction books often have these B+W photo backgrounds with some dramatic, fancy text overtop, so I painted the Crastle and added then messed around with text. There’s a reduced sticker over Cleo’s name because this is Cub’s gift shop and he wouldn’t want to give her credit (but still wants to stock up his shop)
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filmbyjy · 7 months
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— the mafia series
PAIRING: nishimura riki x fem!reader
SUMMARY: you were never curious about people's lives but ni-ki's one has you intrigued. why weren't the teachers scolding him? getting mad at him for leaving in the middle class. it was just weird. that is until you find the very reason as to why the teachers were not doing anything. one thing led to another and somehow, you were roped into this mess.
WARNING: blood mentioned, fights and mafia, stabbing. if you remember the dark blood fight scene with sunghoon and ni-ki, you can imagine that but way more gory and also actually stabbing the person with an actual katana (not to sunghoon though, but to an actual bad guy)
NOTE: lord have mercy, this took too much procrastination, sweat and tears to do finish this. like no joke. plus with the edition of me either forgetting to do it or me just having no mood to write. I FUCKING FINISHED IT!!! BE PROUD OF ME 🫵🏼🫵🏼🫵🏼🫵🏼
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being a kid exposed to crimes at a young age wasn’t a peculiar thing. however, it was the life of a young boy who went by ni-ki. you see, ni-ki was one of the seven successful young billionaires in the world. his family name was already plastered to every billboard. the Nishimura Cooperation, they were one of the pillars to korea’s and japan’s success. any normal person would just look at them and acknowledge their power but what they didn’t know was…how did they get their power?
the nishimura family built their entire empire by doing dirty work which led to a huge money income. they bought their way up to the top and managed to gain countless of loyal followers. Eventually collaborating with the Park Corp. which was jay’s family company. Many were surprised to see that ni-ki was dabbling in a little of his family business because at the age of 18, nobody would willingly want to participate in business. The Nishimura Corp was mainly stationed in Japan so ni-ki handled the work done in Korea since he was already here.
as usual, as a teenager, ni-ki would be in school. however, he never studied nor did he care about his scores. why should he when is already a millionaire/billionaire at 18? he could easily buy his way through the system but his parents didn’t allow him. they wanted their son to get his certificate the right way. the same way his 2 other sisters were going through in Japan. ni-ki could only obey his parents’ words, they knew what was best for him. which leads into the female protagonist of his life story, you being his classmate.
ni-ki was like any normal teen boy. angsty, hates school and a little jokester who is always on the verge of getting detention. you had never understood why the teachers never actually sent the boy to detention, it was…weird.
“(name) and ni-ki.” the teacher announces. there was this project that you had for an English class, something about literature and poetry. you had to find some classical romance novel that fits the criteria. which you didn’t fully understand. honestly, you never even liked English class, the teacher just rubs you the wrong way. either way, ni-ki was now your project partner. you were already plotting different ways to approach him and actually get him to do his work. you weren’t oblivious to the fact that ni-ki rarely ever participates in school work.
“hi, we have to do a project together.” you timidly say after you approached him. The boy before you looked bored, seems like he doesn’t fancy English class too. 
ni-ki sighs, “yeah, listen. I don’t really like English class so we should get this stupid project done and over with. i also have other important things to do.”
well, at least he was honest. you hummed at his words, “seems like we have something in common. let’s get this project done quickly then let’s meet in the library at 3pm?”
ni-ki shrugs, “alright then. if i’m late, don’t bother waiting for me. I have a pretty busy schedule and life so school and this project is the least of my worries.”
“no problem, just let me know if you can participate in this project. If you can't, I'll just do it by myself and slap your name somewhere on the paper.” you say. ni-ki tilts his head but he didn’t protest your suggestion.
“that will be great. Now, I need to run some errands.” he leaves the classroom, the teacher not even bothering to even ask where he was going. clearly, they were too used to him leaving the class in the middle of nowhere or maybe they knew something you didn’t.
“he is weird…” you mutter under your breath.
as expected, ni-ki did not show up at the library. you sighed and just continued working on the project. you weren’t exactly surprised he wouldn’t show up but you still hope he’d at least have some manners and actually show up. It was 5pm, you were finishing up on your part of the project. You still had to do his part and then come up with a short little poem because your teacher wanted to make it more sentimental or whatever she wanted.
ni-ki shows up, busted and bruised up. his hair was dishevelled, blood at the corner of his lips, he looked rough. something an 18 year old boy shouldn’t be having, you confused. just as he draws nearer, you notice there was a cut on his cheeks, small drips of blood slowly falling down. you gasp.
“sorry, had some business to attend to.” he says sheepishly.
“this is your business to attend to? why are you so bloodied and bruised up? who did you have a fight with?”
“just some group.” he shrugs. “don’t worry, my older friends were there to help me out. well, it’s not like they really helped.” he mutters the last part.
“uh, well this can’t be some sort of tiny thing. you’re bleeding.”
he reaches to touch his cheek and swipes the blood away. he winces a little and shrugs, “nothing too bad. been through worse. anyways, what’s the part I have to do? feeling a little bad if I don’t help you out a little at least.” you sighed when you noticed the blood he swiped away continued to flow.
“come here.” he tilts his head at your words but still goes over to you.
you made him sit next to you and you took out some antiseptic from your bag. you had one because you usually volunteered at the orphanage and the kids there played quite rough.
“this might sting a little.” you told ni-ki. he sighs and just lets you do whatever it is. you wiped the blood with a wet tissue and then placed the antiseptic on the cut. ni-ki winces.
“while i am curious as to how you got this since it looks like you had a huge fight, I’ll keep my mouth shut.” you placed a bandage on the cut. “there it’s better now. here take this and wipe the other blood that’s dried up on your face.”
ni-ki thanked you quietly. he quickly wipes the blood that you had previously pointed at. “so which part am I supposed to do? also, didn’t the teacher say we have to do a romance novel?” he grimaces at the thought of having to read a romance novel. he was never a fan of romantic things. Sure, he liked cheesy things like matching clothes or matching items but he was too single for that (and still young).
“yeah, it’s some romance novel. from the synopsis, i can tell it’s really similar to ‘Twilight’.” you could hear ni-ki sighing.
“so some vampire romantic novel thing?”
“basically. have you watched ‘Twilight’?”
“no. i don’t have time for movies or series or dramas. i have a busy schedule.”
“sounds…boring but i understand if you have a job and it’s more important than watching a basic show.”
“i-” ni-ki sighs. “we can watch it. well, i can watch it on my own and then read the novel the teacher suggested us to read.”
“alright, we can split it and then summarise the novel with our own thoughts. makes it more sentimental.”
ni-ki nods, “uhh send me a link to the ‘Twilight’ story or something.”
“i don’t have your number.”
ni-ki holds his hand out and you gave him your phone. he quickly types in his number and sends a text.
“there, now i need to go. i have work.” ni-ki doesn’t even bother to wait until you uttered a word, he just leaves. you huffed and looked down at your laptop. maybe you should just stay and complete some work.
ni-ki entered the Decelis Resort and clicked on the elevator button to the top floor. he was met with his 6 other older friends. each of them huffing and sighing, it seems like they found out something.
“uh, what’s wrong?”
“this.” jungwon shows off the screen on their database. a warning which was basically telling jake about his brother. ni-ki tilts his head.
“isn’t your brother dead a long time ago, hyung?” ni-ki asks jake.
“yeah.” nabi says. her arms were wrapped around jake as she comforts him. right, he forgot they got together already and they aren’t blindly being stupid and not confessing to each other (read: please save ni-ki, he already witnessed two of his hyungs kissing their girlfriend/wife).
ni-ki scrunches his face at the affection that jake’s girlfriend was giving him. just as he looks to look over in the other direction, he witnesses heeseung giving his wife heart eyes. ni-ki has had enough of it, he rolls his eyes.
“why did you call me in, i had a project to do with my partner.” he says.
“oooo project with a partner, who is this partner. is it a girl~” sunghoon teases. ah, the ever so annoying thing sunghoon loved to do with ni-ki, tease him. sunghoon should be thankful that ni-ki could hold back his anger. or else, ni-ki would’ve initiated a war crime on him.
“none.” ni-ki simply says. he folds his arm.
“none what?” sunghoon tilts his head, slightly confused at the short answer.
“none of your business.” ni-ki fires back. sunghoon clenches his jaw and gets ready to swing when jay holds him back. sunghoon practically hisses like a cat as he scrambles to get out of jay’s grip.
“okay okay. calm down.” heeseung claps his hand to get their attention. “we called you back here because while jungwon and jake fix the database, you, sunghoon, jay and sunoo are going out to find the target.”
“old school style?” sunoo asks.
“yeah. since our database is fucked up right now.”
“so…how are we going to do that without the database?” sunghoon asks.
“stakeout. you guys should know what he looks like after i send the photo of him. sunoo and jay will be in charge of ground level. ni-ki and sunghoon take high ground.” heeseung explains.
“what about you, hyung?” jay says.
heeseung turns to look over at his wife and the older boys instantly knew. ni-ki was still clueless until he realised…
“OH MY GOD EWWWW. can’t you leave the baby making for another time? we are literally on a mission.” ni-ki fake gags.
“you guys are on a mission. i can stay back.” heeseung reasons.
“you can fight too, hyung??”
“yeah, no. I wanna stick with my wife, thank you very much.”
“whatever, let’s just start this mission. I’ll just take charge as usual.” jungwon says.
ni-ki and sunghoon stayed up above while jay and sunoo stuck below. each of them had their own disguises since they were going in old school style. even if it sounded ridiculous but at least nobody would know it’s them.
“you guys going in now?” sunghoon asks.
“yeah, me and sunoo are going in separately to avoid any suspicions.”
“jake hyung says that they are working on getting the app online. if we find the guy without the app then we just strike and kidnap.” sunoo says.
“hyungs, you two are the only ones who have eyes inside. let us know if you need more help, me and sunghoon hyung will come down and help you.” ni-ki says.
“mmm, will do. you guys watch out from upstairs if the client left the building.” jay says.
“got it.”
both ni-ki and sunghoon watched from above the building. what they didn’t expect was for someone to come up behind them and shove them off the side. ni-ki grabbed sunghoon and pushed him closer towards the side of the building’s wall so that sunghoon could catch himself. ni-ki grabs his grappling hook and throws it so sunghoon can catch it. Both of them were eventually ‘safe’ on the side of the building.
“shit, they’re onto us.” sunghoon curses. “you good, ni-ki?”
“yeah, sure. dangling about 656 ft above the ground is totally fine, hyung.” ni-ki sarcastically says. sunghoon rolls his eyes.
“i can just let go of the rope and let you fall, you know?”
“you wouldn’t, hyung. you love me too much in a brotherly way.” ni-ki says.
sunghoon sighs, “yeah whatever.”
“we should find a way back up. those assholes decided to shove us off.” ni-ki says.
“yeah, we should.”
sunghoon taps on his spy earpiece, “heads up guys, I think they’re onto to us. Me and ni-ki just got shoved off the rooftop.”
“so you guys are just dangling at the side of the building?” jay asks.
“yeah, we need to clear the way. sunoo, could you find a way to floor 76? we’re currently dangling beside one of those hotel rooms on that floor. i think someone is occupying this room though.” sunghoon says.
“don’t worry, i’m on my way right now. they don’t call me sneaky sunoo for no reason.”
“nobody calls you that, hyung.”
“shut up, ni-ki.”
“i’ll keep a look out for the mafia leader. he’s probably in the party they have in the small casino of the hotel.” jay says.
“alright, seems like this is the plan we have for now. we’ll meet up after sunoo saves us.” sunghoon adds.
the wind blew onto their hair, ni-ki sighs.
“is it too late to tell my project partner that i won’t be coming to school tomorrow.” ni-ki asks.
“you’re still worried about your project?! we’re dangling off the side of like one of the tallest skyscrapers right now and you’re worried about that?!” sunghoon says as he is bewildered by ni-ki’s words.
“well, i’m still a high school student. i don’t want to fail my classes.”
“when have you ever cared about school.” sunghoon deadpans. ni-ki was about to counter but ultimately shut his mouth.
“you’re right. i hate school.” ni-ki huffs.
“no no wait. we’re not stopping there, tell me why are you suddenly thinking about this? is this about your project partner? because this is my first time hearing you actually want to go to school.”
“no.” ni-ki simply replies.
“don’t just say ‘no’. there is something more to that. are you falling for your project partner?”
“you’re crazy, why would i fall for my project partner. i’m only a high school senior, i’m too young to be falling in love. i’d rather focus on our mission than her.”
“ah, so it’s a her.” sunghoon egged further. though ni-ki couldn’t see sunghoon face, he knew the older was smirking at him, seemingly amused that ni-ki was actually showing some slight unknown feelings.
“the teacher assigned us together, we’re forced to do it. it’s not like i wanted to do this project with her.”
“okay but is this girl at least cute to you?”
“hyung, can we not talk about this?”
“no no. we have time. there are at least 10 rooms on this floor, sunoo will take a long time. tell me if this girl is your type.”
“i am not telling you and also, i don’t have a type.” ni-ki grumbles.
“so, it’s a yes?”
“i’m just talking to her because i am forced to.”
“does she intrigue you in any way?”
“yo, i am here to save the day.” sunoo opens up the window just enough so that sunghoon and ni-ki could slid through.
both sunghoon and ni-ki climbed through the window quietly.
“how did you get inside the room?” sunghoon whispers.
“simple, the room was occupied by some girls so i just used my sunoo charms and boom they let me in. i told them i’ll be back soon but i’m gonna bolt out of this room after grabbing you guys.”
“the girls don’t appeal to you?”
“oh no, they are just…how do i put this in a nicer term?” sunoo thinks for a split second, “they are way older than me, about 40 years old?”
“ayo?” ni-ki says.
“anyways, we need to get out of here chop chop. i was informed that the system and database is back so we don’t need to stakeout. we can just find and capture the guy with a simple call for backup.” sunoo says.
“great. now, let’s get out of here.”
sunghoon, sunoo and ni-ki snuck out of the hotel room and went to find jay. jay gestures for them to come closer and they went over to him.
he nudges his head to point where the guy stood, “our target is being surrounded by some other innocent people and his bodyguards. we need to find a way to bring them around and away from these people.”
“did you call for backup?” sunghoon asks.
“yeah, they are on the way now. they’ll just clean up whatever mess we’ve done.” jay explains.
“hey umm, guys.” jake says.
“what’s wrong?” sunghoon asks.
“we can see from the security cameras some bodyguards walking to the casino hall. jungwon had eavesdropped into their convo from their walkie talkie. it seems like they’re going to report about sunghoon and ni-ki.”
“shit, we really need to take them down. jay, how about you proceed with sunoo and play a round with our target while me and ni-ki take down those guards.”
“yeah, that works.” jay says.
“perfect, we’ll watch over the security cameras. we’ll report if there is anything else. jay, your men are about 10 minutes away from the location, they’ll come closer after the deal is done.” jake says.
“got it.”
“so? can we go now?” ni-ki asks.
“yeah, let’s go.” sunghoon says.
about 1 hour later, they managed to kick down their bodyguards with no suspicions from other bypassers. both ni-ki and sunghoon locked their unconscious bodies inside the bathroom stall and went to find jay and sunoo. jay flips the coin and it lands on heads, he smirks. he cracks his knuckles and neck.
“showtime.” he mutters.
chaos quickly ensues. everyone was running out of the casino, jay flips his gun and shoots. sunoo slides towards the entrance of the casino and allows all the innocent people out before cooly shutting the doors for all the bad guys. he puts his hands up once he turns around when the henchmen were holding up their guns at him.
“ehem, i suppose you guys have me cornered.” he innocently says. “i suggest you turn around though.” he smirks.
before the henchmen could even turn around, their necks were snapped and they fell to the ground. sunghoon and ni-ki managed to run in time just to help them fight off with jay’s men. ni-ki corners their target in one spot.
“hand over what we want and we’ll let you free.”
the guy laughs maniacally and ni-ki laughs along with him, “no.”
ni-ki stops laughing, “okay then.” with one simple shot, the guy falls to the ground, blood surrounding him. sunghoon winces.
“i can never get over this scene. you’re so brutal and direct with it like no hesitation. at least jay waits for the guy to say something.”
“we don’t wait for people like him and besides, what good is he going to bring us when all he has done is sell personal information, drugs and solicit women.” ni-ki says.
“ni-ki is right though.” jay shrugs. he turns to his men, “anyways, let’s clean this up before police get here. which should be in 15 minutes.”
“10 minutes.” jake corrects them.
“okay thanks.” jay says.
jay pats one of his men's backs, “there isn’t much people this time so it should be easier.”
“there are a few unconscious people in the bathroom. maybe we can use them and turn them into our men.” sunghoon suggests.
“good idea, you heard sunghoon.” jay says. jay’s men nod, they get to work and went to clean up everything while sunghoon, jay, sunoo and ni-ki went back to the Decelis Resort.
ni-ki went to school the next day after not getting much sleep. he was barely awake during the whole class, almost dozing off. it’s not like the teachers cared anyways. well, except for you. you had whacked the table to get ni-ki to wake up. he groans and wakes up.
“nishimura, we need to finish up the last bit of the project.”
“do we have to? i’m tired.”
“yes, we do.”
he sighs, “fine but can we do it after school?”
“we have consultations with the teacher right now and we barely have any work done other than my part.” you told ni-ki.
ni-ki deadpans. “and? look, i barely got any sleep last night due to some things in my life and i want to sleep right now.”
ni-ki almost looked too pitiful, you could see the dark circles under his eyes. the way his eyes were slowly about to shut. the slow blinking. which made you feel bad and so you sighed.
“fine, just sleep. i’ll find a way to cover you from the teacher if he asks.” you say.
ni-ki tilts his head. he was surprised to even hear that you’d cover for him. it’s not like the teacher cared so why did you care? either ways, at least he could sleep so he lays his head onto the desk and falls asleep. you sighed and turned away from looking at him. you still had to do something with the project hence you just continued to work on it without him.
about 2 hours later, the class ends. something was off, really eerie. you had went to the bathroom because you know, you had some business to attend to. you were about to turn the corner to the classroom when all of a sudden, someone bumped into you. you apologise but something was weird about them. they didn’t look like a high school student so why were they here?
ni-ki spots this and so he runs over and grabs your wrist. he doesn’t even mention anything, just grabs your wrist and walks. it leaves you confused as to who that guy was. ni-ki turns the corner and stops.
“get to class,” he says.
“umm, who was that?”
“just get to class. i need to settle something. don’t leave and make sure everyone stays inside.” he warns.
“okay?” you say a little confused. ni-ki grabs your shoulder and turns you around before pushing you a little to direct you to go inside the class. he runs off after. you were still confused.
after school, you still hadn’t seen ni-ki and so you were a little worried. of course, any sane person would be worried for their classmate after they disappeared without a trace. which led to you looking for him. not a very smart idea but what could an 18 year old boy do? he may or not be strong enough to fight some people.
there was an alleyway behind the school. dark and scary. you had to pass by it every time you went home. maybe, they were hurting him behind there. it was possible. you had turned to the corner and ducked behind the wall. there ni-ki was with a foot on top of the guy, it seemed like he was on the phone with someone.
“hyung, can you get here quick? this guy called for some backup.” ni-ki sighs. “you want me to settle with possibly 10 more men coming over? wow, for once you aren’t doubting my skills? i’m surprised.”
“no seriously though, find out why they went to find me at my school. this place is filled with innocent people and it would not be great for them to be caught in the middle.”
“no, the guy is knocked out. may want to interview him or something. he seems like he knows some useful info.” he pauses. “i am not carrying him, i’ll look too suspicious and besides, i have a project to work on with my partner.”
your heart races as you hear his words. wait. that makes no sense, you can’t like ni-ki. you shook your head. it was probably just the adrenaline, there were other things that were more important. who was ni-ki calling and why did he sound like he was on some creepy team. what do they call those people.
“what? obviously! we’re the mafia!” ni-ki says.
ah, right. the mafia. that thought flies over your head until you kept repeating it, you froze. ni-ki was part of the mafia? that explains the cuts and bruises he constantly has. why he rarely gets any sleep. why the teacher does not care. he was part of the mafia and the teachers knew about it. this new found knowledge changes your whole perspective of ni-ki. he was not weird, he was in fact a dangerous person who was living a very wild life.
“okay, get here quick.” ni-ki says before ending the call. you had ran away from there. your legs were dragging you somewhere where you had to process everything and maybe get your mind off it. how do you continue working on your project knowing your partner was part of the mafia?
you had finally sat down in the school library. you were trying to comprehend everything. all you knew was that you can’t let anyone know about this and ni-ki can’t know that you know about him. what if you get hunted down? or what if ni-ki tries to hurt you? you could feel a cold shiver run down your spine, your life may be mundane but there was no way this was real. it felt surreal, this was real life and not a spy movie.
there were footsteps approaching you, a deep voice followed by it.
“hey, we still have to complete our project. we should get it done and over with. i have about.” he checks his watch. “30 minutes or so to spend.”
“we don’t have to do it. if you’re busy, we can just text.” you say. ni-ki tilts his head, he grabs the chair in front of you and sits.
“why do you look so scared to talk to me?” his eyes narrowed. you visibly gulped.
“what do you mean? why would i be scared to talk to you.”
ni-ki didn’t believe you, he leans forward. your breath hitches. his face up close, a strand of his brown hair falling right on his face. he once again tilts his head. “tell me.”
you felt the air being knocked out of you. you can’t look at him in the eyes. your face was heating up, this wasn’t good. “no. i’m really fine.”
ni-ki cocks his eyebrows and clicks his tongue, “then you should have time to do this project. we wasted too much time already.” he finally sits back in his seat, leaving you to able to breathe. his phone rings and rolls his eyes, he doesn’t pick it up.
“so what do we have so far?” ni-ki says.
30 minutes turned into 4 hours where you were working on the project with ni-ki. he cooperated really easily. he does the research and everything you ask him to do with ease.
“nishimura riki.” an unfamiliar voice says. you had looked up a guy with silver hair was standing there.
“hyung, what are you doing here?” ni-ki says not bothering to look behind him as he continues to work on the project.
“we called you hundreds of times and you’re here in the fucking library doing school work?”
“it’s a project. it’s due soon.”
“last i heard, it was due in a week.”
“and? me and my partner haven’t done much.”
“oh my god, this is the first time you’re acting like this. is it because you like her?” the silver haired guy points over at you. you blushed. ni-ki looks up at you and then behind him.
“no. sunghoon hyung, you always assume it’s something else.”
“yeah but you hate school.”
“i’ll go back in a bit. just leave.”
the man named sunghoon glares at ni-ki and then looks over at you.
“you have to be careful, remember. they watch our every move.” sunghoon warns.
“yes, i know hyung.”
“i’ll wait in the parking lot. finish this up because we have somewhere to be.” sunghoon says before he walks away. ni-ki sighs.
“is he your guardian?”
“one of them. my parents live abroad, i have 6 other ‘brothers’ who take care of me.” ni-ki nonchalantly says.
“oh.” you would’ve said more but you didn’t want to mention ni-ki's secret life. it was scary.
“i’ll just complete this last part and then we’re done. i believe that’s what we have to do for the project.” you hummed at his words.
ni-ki does as he said he would, finish up the last part and then packs his stuff. he gets up and pauses. “get home safe.” he says before quickly leaving. your heart races.
2 weeks passed by quickly. it was just like any typical day at school, lessons for the day and then walking back home. you had walked past that dark creepy alleyway when suddenly, a few people had grabbed you. you were struggling in their grasp, fighting your way out of their arms. you kicked and bit their hands, finally they let go and so you did what was best, you had bolted away from them.
you grabbed your phone and dialed for ni-ki. the phone rings and rings as you ran but he wasn’t picking up. frustrated tears fell down your face. you hated feeling helpless, you weren’t strong enough and these people were fully grown adults. you needed help. out of nowhere, someone grabs your wrist. it was sunghoon, he pulls you over to one of the stores at the side of the road and then went through the staff room before going through the back door.
a van was waiting there. sunghoon opens the door and pushes you inside, he shuts the door and the driver starts driving away. you were panting heavily, you were also sure you’d get a bruise on your legs from being pushed into the van. ni-ki pulls you up so you could sit down properly. he places a jacket on your lap to cover your legs since you were wearing your school skirt. he also unintentionally brings your face closer so he could further inspect you for any bruises on your face.
“are you really sure you don’t have feelings for her?” sunghoon says. ni-ki rolls his eyes before dropping his hands to his side.
“can’t i just be concerned for a classmate who literally got chased by some bad guys? any normal person wouldn’t have to go through this if they didn’t interact with us.”
“yeah, whatever but there is something laced under your actions. what normal guy will hold her face like that? you look like you’re going to kiss her.” sunghoon mentions.
ni-ki’s face was stone cold, he definitely did not like that statement.
“do you really have to say that? I’m seriously just showing concern for a classmate.” ni-ki deadpans. you were staring in between both sunghoon and ni-ki, you didn’t even notice the other guys that were staring at you in confusion.
“so, what are going to do now? it seems like those guys think ni-ki has a love interest which means it’s only going to get worse from here on out.” a blond hair guy comments.
ni-ki sighs, “we need a way to distract them, i am sure her parents are going to be targeted next.”
“my parents…they umm aren’t present in my life…” it went dead silent.
“well, that’s good at least. we don’t have to worry about more people getting hurt-” sunghoon gets whacked by a guy with blond streaks in his hair.
“do you have any sense of awareness? she��s only 18 with no parents and you are thankful we don’t have extra people to get hurt??” the guy with blond streaks in his hair comments.
“it’s alright. i don’t exactly remember my parents much. i was really young.”
“so you’ve been living with your grandparents or something?” the guy blond hair adds.
“yeah. pretty much my whole life- hey, wait how did you know?” you had pointed out.
“idiots.” the guy with blond streak mutters under his breath. he holds out his hand for you to shake. “i’m jay. that idiot over there is jake.” he points to sunghoon, “the other idiot is sunghoon. i’m sorry for their stupidity. they clearly don’t know how to empathise with people.”
“it’s alright.”
“we’re here.”
“oh, right. that’s sunoo.” jay pats sunoo’s shoulder. sunoo playfully rolls his eyes before turning to look at you.
he gives you a smile, “nice to meet you, ni-ki’s girlfriend.”
his words fluster you, you didn’t expect to be addressed like that.
ni-ki shoves sunoo. “could you not call her that? she could be uncomfortable for all you know.”
“she isn’t saying anything or looking too disgusted so it is true. she’s your girlfriend.” sunoo shrugs. ni-ki rolls his eyes as he finds sunoo’s judgement of yours and his relationship to be something completely untrue. sunoo snickers before putting up a straight face.
“annoying fucks.” the one with the cat-like eyes sighs. he holds out his hand for you to shake and you took it. “i’m jungwon. the leader of this little…” he looks towards the others and then back at you, “boy group.” he says, dragging out the last part.
“BOY GROUP!?! we aren’t those pretty fuckers who dance and sing.” sunghoon rolls his eyes. “if anything, i’m stronger than them. they probably can’t lift up a gun if they wanted to. scaredy cats.”
“jeez, what’s gotten you so spicy with the topic of ‘boy groups’.” jay says.
“probably cause they get more bitches screaming their names than he ever has.” jake shrugs.
“damn.” heeseung adds.
sunghoon could only sit there and huff.
“okay, that’s enough.” jungwon pinches the bridge of his nose. “sunghoon, you know how to make plans last minute, what should we do?”
“can’t think of anything right now. all the plans i have in my head involve abandoning her.” sunghoon points to you. ni-ki smacks his hand.
“we can’t leave her.”
“and why?”
“because there could be other ways.”
“like what?” sunghoon folds his arms. “how about you suggest other ways, nishimura.”
all eyes were on ni-ki before he sighs, “since they already think, (name) is my girlfriend. we can take advantage of that and find a way to actually infiltrate their base or at least find out who is responsible for all of this.”
“so…you wanna fake date…her.” jay points to you.
“i-” ni-ki could feel his face heat up. “if you put it that way, sure. i guess.” he looks away so you and the other boys don’t notice the colour of his face change.
“i thought you were the one who said that you didn’t want to you call her your girlfriend? what happened to that?” sunoo deadpans.
“it’s just for the mission.”
“uh huh, the mission…ni-ki you like her don’t you?”
“no. i don’t, i just-” he groans. “i’m only 18, i have never fallen for anyone. why are you expecting me to know what feelings are?”
“he is definitely in love.” jake declares.
“uh, guys…i’m still here.” you say.
just as you opened your mouth to utter another word, the driver stops and announces that they had arrived their destination. you had zero clue where they had brought you to. however, the exterior of the place amazes you. it was huge, beautiful chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. there were greenery all over the place.
“welcome to our hotel.” jay says.
“woah. you guys built this place?”
“instructed and led the project. we obviously aren’t made to construct the place because that isn’t our job but yeah, for the most part.”
“it’s pretty.” your eyes trailed around the exterior and beauty of the decor. ni-ki stares at you, you truly looked pretty whenever your eyes twinkled at things you really liked looking at. a smile creeps up but he holds himself back. he couldn’t let anyone see him like this.
“anyways, here are the card to your room.” jay hands you a card. “since the mobsters seem to think ni-ki is your boyfriend, you won’t be able to get home.”
“right but what do i do? i don’t have any of my clothes and other stuff. most of my textbooks are still at home.”
“oh don’t worry about that. i’ll get some people to grab your stuff and we’ll clear it so that you can stay in this hotel safely with our men around.” jay smiles.
you turned to look at the other boys and they didn’t make a single face.
“i get to stay here for free? that’s not possible right? i mean, staying at this luxurious hotel for free doesn’t seem exactly right.”
“you’re right. there is a catch.” jay gets close. ni-ki nearly reaches out to stop him but he stops himself. “help us out.”
“oh, umm. look, i don’t know much about your little scheme. i just know these people you work with just do shady stuff.”
“you’re right, we do shady stuff but it’s not all legal. just…maybe illegal to a certain extent. after all, we do help good people. we don’t kill people unless they’re bad. which is why, you’re safest in our hands.” jay explains.
“alright. what do i have to do?” jay points to ni-ki as soon as you’re done speaking.
“be his girlfriend.” jay simply says.
“HYUNG!” ni-ki says. he could feel his ears heating up.
“don’t pretend i didn’t see how jealous you got when i got close to her. plus, it’s for a greater cause. we can use her and bait out those people and then find their boss.”
“but jay hyung.”
“do the others agree with me?” jay asks. the others nodded.
“sorry ni-ki, we just have to use this method. for some odd reason, they wanna use this ‘weakness’ of you having a girlfriend so we can take advantage of that and find out who is behind this.” jungwon says.
ni-ki’s eyes met with yours before he turn to the other boys, “fine but (name) has to also agree. this plan won’t work if she disagrees, i am not forcing her.”
“wow, the ever so gentleman.” sunghoon rolls his eyes. “(name), what do you say?”
you looked in between the boys and ni-ki. there was honestly no other choice, you were already roped into their life and it would only be harder for you if you just disagree. “yeah, i’ll do it. i’ll be…ni-ki’s girlfriend.” you could feel the heat rush to your cheeks as quickly as possible after those words left your mouth.
“ayyy.” jake smacks ni-ki. “ni-ki’s first girlfriend. now lead her to her room, she doesn’t know the place as great as you.” he shoves ni-ki to you.
“you guys know the place as well as me, why do i have to do it?”
“because she’s your girlfriend now, so be a gentleman and do it. besides, you’ll get jealous if we send her to her room.” jake continues to tease ni-ki.
“very funny. i am not jealous.” ni-ki deadpans.
“yeah and i’m ugly.” jake says.
“you are.” ni-ki yells as he grabs your hand and brings you over to the elevator. you could hear jake yelling a string of curses to ni-ki but he only ignores it. he taps the card on the elevator and clicks on the floor. the elevator closes and you were now in a confined space with just ni-ki.
“we have to make our relationship believable to those bad guys.” he turns to meet your eyes. “any suggestions?”
“uh, why are you asking me? I don’t know anything about dating.”
“considering we worked together during the past project, I think you should know more about love than I do. you did finish your part quicker than me.” ni-ki explains.
“yeah but that doesn’t mean I know much about datin-”
“romance is part of dating so, you should know.”
“well, too bad I don’t.” you say. ni-ki sighs.
“fine, I guess I have to follow my hyungs method.” ni-ki walks closer to you and you can’t help but step back. he corners you in the elevator. “we have to make it believable so you better play your role well or else, we won’t be able to get information we need.”
you meekly nodded. ni-ki was towering over you and it couldn’t help but feel small and helpless. after all, who's to say ni-ki couldn’t just i don’t know take out a knife and stab you. then leave you dead in the elevator. finally, the elevator reaches the floor. ni-ki steps back and grabs onto your hand. he easily interlaces it and drags you over to your hotel room.
it was one of the executive lounges so there were only 2 per floor. Hence, ni-ki was assigned to the room that was nearby yours. he stops in front of the large double door.
“this is your room and since you have no clothes. I’ll just lend you some of mine until the hyungs grab your stuff from your house.” he points to the other door on the other side of the hallway. “that is my room. considering I stay here most of the times, that room is off-limits to other people from booking it. if you need anything, just go over. for now, go in and just rest up. i’ll bring my clothes to you so you change into them and not wear our school uniform.”
you nodded. ni-ki hands you the card to your room and he keeps the other card so he could go in easily and possibly protect you if anything happens. he quickly goes to his room to grab a shirt and sweatpants before coming back and handing them to you.
“we have some ball, party thing tomorrow night and so you’ll be going as my plus one. there are a bunch of big media people going there to create a publicity stunt. it will make this whole thing even more believable since you’re with me.”
“okay, what am i supposed to do in the day though.”
“as it’s the weekends, you can just stay here or around the hotel until the party. there is room service just make your order, you won’t need to pay for it.”
“oh-” you hesitated, “but like isn’t it too much…this hotel is fancy looking and high-end…i am sure the food is expensive too.”
he leans down to your height, “it’s free since you are my girlfriend. the staff at the front desk know you’re my girl. you don’t have to worry.”
you felt your face heat up. his girl. a sentence you thought you’d never hear ni-ki say to you. it almost sounded too real, however you knew this wasn’t real. you were only a victim and ni-ki was your protector.
“r-right, it’s late. have a goodnight!” you quickly swiped the card and bolted into your room. leaving the door to shut quite hard. ni-ki snickers.
‘how cute’ he thought. he catches himself and so he shakes off the thought. it was only for a little while, he can’t fall for you. after all, he was a dangerous guy. it would put your life at risk if there was ever anything going on between you and him. that thought kinda made him sad, he frowns before turning around and walking over to his own room.
at around, 6pm someone comes knocking at your door. you went to peek through the peephole and realised that it was just a hotel staff. you opened the door and they entered with a rack of clothing and a present.
“these are the clothes that Mr.Nishimura hand picked for you.” the staff points to the rack. they hand you the present. “Mr.Nishimura also prepared this for you and told you to wear it for tonight. We will have a makeup artist coming soon to help with the makeup and hair.”
you nodded and the staff left the room. you had opened up the box and pulled out the dress from inside. it falls down perfectly as you hold it up, a beautiful long black dress with ruffles that cuffs around your arm until it reaches just below your shoulder. it was beautiful and it was also paired with a masquerade mask to hide your identity at the ball. the makeup and hairstylist arrives and quickly does your hair and makeup. just as they spun you around to let you look at yourself in the mirror, you were in shock. that was not you. they had tied your hair up in a half up and half down, along with curling the ends in loose curls and even making your curtain bangs look nice.
the doorbell rings, the staff letting ni-ki in. he walks over to you and he pauses in his step when he sees you. you looked beautiful. his heart races, was this love? the boy was completely speechless.
“umm, how do i look?” you had asked ni-ki. his eyes scanned you from head to toe and you blushed under his gaze.
“beautiful. you look beautiful.” he mutters. “let’s go. the older guys are waiting for us. they’re also looking out for the bad guys. security is tight today so you don’t have to worry about getting harmed.”
you nod. “that’s good.” ni-ki holds out his hand for you to take and you do so. he intertwines your hand with his and brings you over to the ball.
just as you entered, cameras start flashing. most likely capturing every part of yours and ni-ki’s arrival because it was it big thing. another member of the Decelis Boys was taken. there were whispers, mumbles and gossips all over the ballroom but ni-ki paid no attention to it as you leads you to where the other boys were.
“nice, the media is going crazy ni-ki. you’ve done it.” jake says.
“now, they’ll probably attack later on so make sure to bring (name) somewhere safe.” jay adds. ni-ki nods.
“you can enjoy your little couple time now. just keep a watch out.” sunoo teases.
“hyung.” ni-ki says. sunoo laughs, he pats ni-ki’s back and the other went their separate way as they split up to cover the ballroom. ni-ki turns to you, “want something to eat? or drink?”
“umm, is there only wine here?”
“i suppose so. hmm, maybe we can eat some nacho chips. i’ll request the waiters to prepare some for us and of course some plain water.” you nod at ni-ki’s words. “I’ll be back in a short while. you’re okay with being alone for a bit right? i need to find the waiter.”
“i don’t mind.”
“that’s good. wait here.” you hummed once more at his words.
right as ni-ki left, someone comes up to you and strikes a conversation. it felt off though, definitely not right like something was about to happen. the guy smirks and hands you a drink that he apparently grabbed from the waiter that had passed by previously. you shook your head and politely rejected it since it was wine and you were still technically a minor here in Korea.
the rejection doesn’t sit well with this guy, he frowns and shoves the glass into your hands and tells you to drink it. thankfully, ni-ki came back on time and shoves the guy away.
“what are you doing to my girlfriend?” ni-ki’s deep voice resonates. the guy wasn’t fazed by it and so ni-ki grabs the glass in your hands before splashing it on the guy’s face. he turns to you and whispers, “run. get to the elevator and click on the penthouse button.” he hands you a card.
you do as he says and left the ballroom. ni-ki taps the bracelet on his wrist. it sends notifications to the other boys. jake and heeseung’s significant other quickly left the place too. jungwon smacks the button on the wall for emergencies. a siren blasts the whole room and it sends everyone in a frenzy. everyone except for the bad guys, ran towards the exit. they stayed and took out their guns, aiming at the boys.
jay and sunoo pulled out their guns and so the battle begins. the bad guys ran towards each of them, but the two boys ducked and shot twice without looking back. jay eyebrows furrowed, this certainly wasn’t going to be a simple fight like back at the hotel.
“they’re stronger now, it seems like whoever is behind this has finally start to slowly show their power and skills.” jay says. sunoo looks down at the weapons and outfit that the guys they shot wore.
“this person is definitely smart.”
“but not smart enough.”
“he could be toying with us, hyung. we need to watch out.” just as sunoo says so, someone tries to attack him. ni-ki slashes his katana right on the guy’s back, saving sunoo and jay. the body falls right beside them.
“i think they’re going to get up to the penthouse. me, sunghoon and jake are going up there. jay hyung, we need more people to get up here.”
“on it. i’ll get some backup.” jay runs off. sunoo nods at ni-ki before he goes to shoot more people. sunghoon, jake and ni-ki went up to the penthouse by a different and secret entrance. once they arrived, it was eerily quiet.
“this definitely does not feel right.” sunghoon says. suddenly, a loud shriek was heard. the 3 of them ran over, only to see you, nabi and eun crouched on the ground with 3 guys cornering the 3 of you.
you had made eye contact with ni-ki, fear evident in your eyes and it makes ni-ki mad. something switched inside him and all that was left was anger. the red vision covering his eyes. he spins his 2 katanas and charges forward easily slashing two of the people. the last guy tries to fight him but couldn’t as ni-ki easily stabs the guy right in the middle. the guy falls to the ground. jake and sunghoon the whole thing with their jaw dropped.
ni-ki turns back to them, the blood right all over his shirt and some on his face.
“guard the elevators and get more people here. check up with the others downstairs. we may need to move. they found our little hiding spot here. i’ll move the girls to the garage since they have no idea where it is.”
with not a single word uttered, jake and sunghoon quickly left. they’ve never seen this side of ni-ki before and honestly, it scared them quite a bit. after they left, ni-ki checks up on you. his eyes softened.
“are you okay?” he asks.
“yeah, just startled. i didn’t expect this to happen. i thought, i was going to die.” ni-ki pulls you into a hug.
“don’t worry, you have me. i’ll protect you…always.”
it was quite a romantic moment, even nabi and eun were shocked to hear this come out from ni-ki. they didn’t expect him to be so kind-hearted towards a girl. after pulling back from the hug, “we should get going.we don’t have much time before they send more people up here.”
ni-ki leads you, nabi and eun to the secret elevator which led to the garage. it was definitely safer around here and there even was backup. there was a loud slam to the door after the rest of the boys poured in. jake and heeseung ran up to their significant other and hugged them. there were small whispers of sorry’s amongst the both of them as they tried to calm down their girls.
“well, this resort is fucked. we have to move somewhere else.” jay says.
“we could move to this resort near the airport. whoever is charge most probably won’t know that we own it.” sunoo suggests.
“we should move there. if don’t move there now, the innocent people staying here will be hurt.” heeseung adds.
“that means we need to divert the attention of the reporters right now.”
“but what could we possibly use to divert their attention from?”
“i think we could use a distraction of love. like ni-ki and (name).” nabi says.
“but everyone already knows (name) is my girlfriend.”
“oh, no hesitation-” jay whacks sunghoon.
ni-ki wraps his arm around your waist, “yeah, no hesitation because she is my girlfriend.”
“holy shit.” jungwon’s jaw drops.
“i’ll give the reporters some scoop about mine and (name)’s relationship details.” ni-ki says.
“but we- aren’t we fake dating?” you looked up at him.
“not anymore.” he simply says.
you could feel your face warm up at ni-ki’s words.
“i’ll tell them that you’re mine and i like you a lot.” ni-ki says.
“damn, ni-ki with the rizz?” jake says.
jake and jungwon gets notified of the police cars and reporters driving to the resort.
“you have to get ready quickly, ni-ki change your clothes and then we need to delete their memories of the fight that happen and organise the place quickly. hurry!”
all of them had quickly done their parts. with one large bright flash of light in the resort, everyone forgets the fight that happened. jay’s men quickly cleans up the place and pretends to escort the affluent towards the hall as if nothing happened before. the place was lively again.
when the police and reporters arrived, it was strange. someone filed a report that there had been a gang trying to tear Decelis Resort apart but the police didn’t see anyone fleeing in terror. they tried to look for the very person who filed the report but when they did, the person seemed confused and didn’t know what they were talking about. they simply just brushed it off and left. of course, the reporters were more nosy then the police they had to figure out what was going on.
that is exactly when ni-ki and you walked towards them, giving them free information about your newfound relationship. the reporters left happily as they could use this huge scoop for their headlines. just as ni-ki got ready to leave with you to meet up with the others. someone taps his shoulder and hands him something.
“this fell out from somewhere i think that waiter over there dropped it. you should really discipline your staff from throwing litter on the ground.”
it was a strange object, something a waiter should not be harbouring.
“thank you for the feedback but mind your language when you’re speaking to one of the founders and this resort.” ni-ki’s tone was laced with venom. the guy nods.
he carefully makes his way to the garage again and hands the item to jake. it cracks open the moment jake touches it.
‘kinda pathetic to wipe their memories don’t you think? it’s a one in a lifetime for those elites to experience such a scare. they should think twice when pushing around people who aren’t rich.’ - a voice recorded message.
“whoever this is definitely doesn’t like rich people.”
“and they used a voice modulator. it’s not their voice. we should run a test at the other resort.” jungwon says.
“yeah, whoever this is…we have to find them. our families are in danger.” sunghoon says.
ni-ki turns to look at you, “are you coming with us?”
“of course, i have to but you have to teach me how to fight. i want to help you guys out. this person will probably take more precautions now.” ni-ki holds your hand and squeezes it.
“that means we will have to miss some of school.”
“is school really our priorities right now when we are being chased by some evil dude?”
“she makes it a point there.” jungwon says.
“alright, we’ll be a team. my girlfriend.” ni-ki shyly says.
this emits groans from the rest of them with how cheesy it was.
“we will, boyfriend.” you could only smile up at him.
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book-girl4evaaa · 2 months
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╰┈➤ ❝STEP INTO MY CANDY STORE ❞ ˚ ☽˚ 。⋆.
(Aka my 250 follower event!)
Gjdgdgkkddykh 250 people like me? This is wild! I love you all so much, you guys are awesome and you are like my best friends, thank you so so much <3
Here's my intro for the newbies
Anyways onto the event!
Hey new kid, greetings and salutations! Welcome to Westerberg High: the only high school on the planet that might literally have you dead before the second semester. The school where teen angst bs usually has a bodycount.
Yeah, this place is... A lot. Parties, hallway fights, lots of gossip and a little murder. I guess everyone here is a little damaged.
But, worry not, newbie, I've summoned my best friends and/or worst enemies (same difference!) to help you around this little thunderdome of a school.
Good luck! You'll probably need it...
Rules: 1 request per ask (although send as many asks as you want), and if an option has a "☽˚。⋆." next to it, it's mutuals only! Also I'm quite slow at answering, sorry!
(Also the quotes are from memory so they might be a bit off lol)
╰┈➤ Veronica Sawyer
But I know, I know, I know / life can be beautiful / I pray, I pray, I pray / for a better way
Veronica knows a lot about this school, from whatever your angle
I'll give you some advice: you can give me a specific thing, or I'll just do something general stuff
╰┈➤ Heather Chandler ˚ ☽˚ 。⋆.
I'd normally slap your face off / And everyone here could watch / But I'm feeling nice / Here's some advice / Listen up beeyotch
Heather Chandler has the whole school in the palm of her hand, and dresses like it
I'll pick you an outfit from Pinterest!
╰┈➤ Heather Duke
It's my turn / It's my prize / I spit lightning / Crack, boom!
Heather Duke is dangerously confident when given the chance
I'll give you a pep talk, either general or about something specific, and give you an inspirational quote
╰┈➤ Heather McNamara ˚ ☽˚ 。⋆.
And I'm like, "damnit, I'm on the stupid bus again because all my rides to school are dead!"
Heather McNamara is a sweetheart, and can overshare
Ask me any question and I will answer
╰┈➤ Jason Dean ˚ ☽˚ 。⋆.
We can start and finish wars / we're what killed the dinosaurs / we're the asteroid that's overdue
Jason Dean likes murder and poetry
I'll write you a poem (please give me a topic)
╰┈➤ Martha Dunnstock
What can I say? I'm a sucker for a happy ending
Martha loves stories, and has a huge heart
I'll give you an extract of one of my many wips :)
╰┈➤ Ram and Kurt ˚ ☽˚ 。⋆.
"Did you actually just speak to me?" "My buddy Kurt just asked you a question." *Grunts of respect*
Kurt and Ram are inseparable
I'll assign you a book or character (please specify which you want)
Well pick wisely, new kid, if you want to make it through the year. But I hope things work out for you. If you need a hand anytime, call me; maybe we could grab a slushie.
Oh and by the way, me and the group are going for a movie night tonight, watching the princess bride. Stop by if you want...
And who knows? Maybe, this year, our school could finally be beautiful.
.⋆。˚☾˚ We can be seventeen
We can learn how to chill
If no one loves me now
One day somebody will ˚ ☽˚ 。⋆.
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nightingale2004 · 2 months
Harry Potter next gen: Severus Snape version
Alexandria Eileen Prince
Faceclaim: Mikey Madison
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Daughter of Severus Snape
Her mom died giving birth to her
Slytherin through and through
When Severus first got news that he was having a child, he wanted the "Snape" name to end with his father and himself, so he made arrangements and changed his surname to "Prince" and promised himself that his child would have a better life than he did
When Alexandria was born, Severus was already a death eater and a spy for the order, but Severus made sure that the knowledge of his new family was hidden away from other death eaters, including the Dark Lord himself
The only people who knew of Alexandria's existence at the time were Dumbledore, McGonagall, Narcissa, Lucius, Charity, Aurora, and Remus (Remus was accidental)
Alexandria is called Alex, Dria, Alexa, mini Sev, and little bat for short, and as nicknames
She is a daddy's girl
Doesn't know a lot about her mom other than what everyone she knew has told her, which was that she had her mom's smile and that she was her father's everything until Alex came along
When Severus is busy, everyone (except Dumbledore) pitches in to help raise Alexandria
Narcissa and Lucius spoiled her rotten along with Charity and Aurora.
She and Draco grew up together and loved each other like brother and sister. Along with Charity and Aurora's child of course.
Has her father's love for the Dark Arts and Potions
Sees Minerva as a grandmother figure
Is often annoyed by Harry Potter and his stupid life-threatening adventures
Her patronus is a bat
She is a massive bookworm
Loves poetry and art
Is a very intelligent woman
Inherited her father's death stare and sharp tongue
Knows more spells, hexes, and curses than anyone in Hogwarts
Has a lot of respect for house elves and treats them kindly
Has a rivalry with Hermione and Ron since she always outsmart them in more ways than one
Ron and Alex play wizard chess against each other and see each other as worthy opponents (Alex always wins)
Severus taught her self-defense to protect herself against non-magic attacks
Knows non-verbal and wandless magic
Gobstones champion
Has a black named Nyx
Hates being Potters babysitter
Will not hesitate to scold Draco if his insults go too far
Knows a little bit about her father's past, but not a lot other than that he was bullied by a group called "The Marauders." And that he had a best friend who abandoned him (she knows who the members of the marauders are)
She watches over her father's health and makes sure he eats food three to four times a day and gets proper rest.
Does not like Sirius at all and will not hesitate to hex him into next week but has minor respect for Remus.
Has a soft spot for Cerys Lupin and Luna Lovegood
Many students fear her because she is Severus's daughter
Mistress of sarcasm and has the mind similar to Stiles Stilinski from teen wolf
Has an animagus form, which is a raven
Will not be caught dead on a broom or on the quidditch field, but she will go to Slytherin quidditch games for her house and to support Draco and Caelum
She and Caelum have a strange friendship but a friendship nonetheless despite her father's distaste for "the spawns of Black and Lupin"
Does a lot of experiments with spells and potions that sometimes end in an explosion
Knows German, Russian, Polish and French
Feels like the mother of the group
Is constantly done and amazed with everyone's stupidity
When she found out that her dad was a death eater, she was afraid of him until he explained everything further. She then understood and wanted to help in any way she could (babysitting Potter and watching Draco and Aster was not what she expected)
Master of Occlumency and Legilimence, she helps Harry with Legilimence after her dad stopped tutoring him
+ Charity x Aurora's daughter
Aster Trinity Sinistra-Burbage
Faceclaim: Sofia Wylie
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Daughter of Charity Burbage and Aurora Sinistra
She is Ravenclaw
When Aster was born, both Charity and Aurora named Severus as her godfather
Alex and Aster grew up together and became attached to the hip and also each other's soul sisters
Has a love for astrology, astronomy, divination, and Herbology
She loves nature and gardening
Aster and her moms live in the country away from the city of London
When she was born and Severus held her for the first time, Severus was afraid his appearance would frighten Aster, but actually she smiled when she saw him
Her pronouns are she/they/them
Her patronus is a dove
Aster and Draco have a godchild rivalry since they both love Severus and want to be his favorite (believe or not, he doesn't have one and loves them both equally)
Aster slacks off on her homework sometimes since it's mostly things she already knows, but Severus makes sure she does it anyway
Loves dancing and knows ballet
When Charity died, Aster held anger for Severus and Alex but eventually understood and came to peace with what happened
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wordsinhaled · 2 years
dreamling always human AU where death (still brainstorming her human name, oops...) and hob gadling work as group counselors at a LGBTQIA+ community center
death's a person-centered therapist who is all about that unconditional positive regard!!! hob does DBT (hob + wise mind!!! hob running support groups for queer teens experiencing suicidality + helping instill hope!!!)
death's sulky little brother morpheus - the classic post-punk malcontent, the poet who will break your heart at the open mic, thinks he's better than everyone because he read mythology as a kid and knows how to read ancient greek. the mercurial aloof graduate student who carries himself like he's living in the secret history minus the racism and murder. talks like a dictionary. his favorite book is sartre's nausea and he will go nowhere without eyeliner and headphones, and if he could only bring three things to his deserted island they'd all be sisters of mercy vinyls
morpheus volunteers at the same center running a creative writing/poetry group; and once a month he takes a group of teens on a museum trip or to see street art in the art district
he runs into hob at the center all the time, and morpheus wants nothing at all to do with hob's reasonable and unwavering cheerfulness or his crooked smile or his kind eyes or his balanced mind, thank you very much... but he may or may not write entire secret notebooks on notebooks full of poems about those eyes, and that mouth, and that optimism of hob's—a joy for life that seems to utterly elude morpheus himself
hob, meanwhile, is absolutely, irrevocably, stupid amounts gone on morpheus, and death is, well, dying to set them up—hob is just what her brother needs! to morpheus' horror, she brings hob along to one of his open mic nights (which is held at the new inn, of course). morpheus reads a work that's about hob, part classics fragment translation, part terribly erotic love poem)... and hob's down bad, not even knowing it's about him
and now death is really determined, because morpheus looks a little ill every time he so much as occupies the same room as hob; and hob is well and truly pining, stress-cooking and stress-baking; and the community pantry at the center is really well-stocked but this is getting out of hand, and it's about to turn into a disaster if she doesn't do something about it
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baldurspeen69420 · 11 months
I still have yet to do a Durge run but I can't stop thinking that Shadowheart x Durge would be such a fun pairing
Mr/Mrs/Mx "my path is paved with corpses and I crave violence" x Mrs "hope is a cruel illusion, lady of sorrows guide me"
They sort of make each other better people (or worse) but they're just really edgy and cringy about it and make everyone else mildly uncomfortable
Deadass the MGK and Megan Fox relationship where they got those stupid fucking rings that they cant take off or they cut their fingers up or something
Two goth teens who sit on their bedroom floor listening to metal and smoking cigarettes and showing each other their emo poetry about like darkness and blood and stuff
Shadowheart is the only one in the team who could listen to Durge say shit like "I am the cursed slayer, the embodiment of carnage" and not feel embarrassed (or dare I say get horny somehow)
Durge: "Here's a drawing I made of an evil version of the red m&m, just a glimpse into my twisted reality"
Shadowheart, twirling her hair: "You're so dark and misunderstood babe, we should make out right now"
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leahnardo-da-veggie · 4 months
The Wanderer: Homesick
This one's a side-story for something I submitted for a magazine... Enjoy! (Also warning for angy teen girl swearing)
I sat on the train, cheek pressed to the icy glass. Trees sped by me, a swathe of verdant greens and deep browns. The leather of the couch gave way under my knees, and I dug into it with my fingers.
I'd been scratching dates into that seat, one for each day. The entire couch was covered in etches now, cross hatching as far as the eye could see. Having counted them, I could safely say they totalled up to 730 marks. That would be two years.
Two years since I'd seen my parents. Two years since I'd seen my home. Two bloody fucking stupid years! Even thinking about it, I wanted to scream.
The goddamn train's incessant noise grated on my ears. If I had to see its gaudy golden facade again, I would gouge my eyes out. Every single destination along the damn train's mercurial routes was a godforsaken shithole! 
Oh my gods, I hated it. I hated it in ways no human could truly express. I'd tried, of course. I wrote emo poetry, sang off-tune songs, and when all failed, screamed incoherently into the endless void. To truly understand the depths to which my sanity had fallen, one must first endure this abomination:
Roses are blue
Violets are red
Fuck this shit
I want it dead.
It's likely the closest I've come to conveying my frustrations. It's also likely the closest I've come to convince my fellow wanderers that I've gone mad.
Did I mention the wanderers? They're the worst. The absolute worst. Psychos, the lot of them. We had Mr ‘Maya-be-a-lady’, Ms Magic-is-real-and-birds-are-a-conspiracy, Dr I-drown-babies-for-fun, and worst of all, Mx Doppelganger. Creepy ass bitch.
If I could meet whatever bitch put me in here, I'd tell them one thing: Fuck you. Fuck everything. Fuck the stupid train, the stupid people on it, and the stupid fucking places I kept getting dumped into.
I hate it all so much. I just want to go home. You know what I've missed in the past two years? My friends will have graduated. My cousin's probably turning two soon. I'm supposed to be in the University of Kristiania by now! 
Everything I've ever worked for has been washed away. What was the point of learning trigonometry when the only triangles I'm ever going to see belong to interdimensional horrors trying to eat me?! I was set to win last year's Informatic Olympiad. I was so close.
But that's not the worst. (Oh gods, how bad is my life, that losing my future isn't the worst?) The worst is homesickness. I want to hear Qi's whining over her crappy grades. I wanna listen to Pam bitch about her latest boyfriend. I want to come home and eat my mom's porridge and study maths while metal blasts in my headphones. 
I want the good and the bad. I don't care if I get yelled at by Mr Lim for failing physics again. I'd probably hug old Aunt Beatrice if she showed up and called me fat. Hell, I would give anything, anything to have my glasses broken by a stray football again, even if the glass goes into my eye.
I miss home. I… I hope I can go home soon. (Oh gods, I'm pathetic.)
Fun fact: She did not get to go home soon.
@coffeeangelinabox, @dorky-pals, @calliecwrites, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @shukei-jiwa
@thewingedbaron, @pluppsauthor, @cowboybrunch, @wylloblr, @possiblyeldritch @ramwritblr, @urnumber1star, @fortunatetragedy, @bigwipscholar, @ratedn
@vampirelover890, @possiblylisle, @illarian-rambling, @the-ellia-west
@finicky-felix, @evilgabe29, @glitched-dawn, @rivenantiqnerd, @dragonhoardesfandoms
@drchenquill, @everythingismadeofchaos, @owldwagitoutofyou (Anyone else who wants to get added can tell me in the comments, pm me, or send me an ask about it!)
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riririkinzi · 6 months
Fic by our amazing @long-distance-muse
The hc are based on our convo with her and @mvjerbs
I'm just putting whatever HC I can think of,
For those who doesn't watch Demon slayer, this might contain spoilers from canon
- Nimona may have the role of Tanjiro but she's also got the personality Inosuke,
- When they were young, Bal founded Nimona when she was just a little girl that's been all alone, so he and Valerin took her in
- She used to have long dull red hair as a kid, but as a teen her hair got reddish pink from eating almost half of the sakura mochi, and that she doesn't want her hair to be a bothersome
- Since Nimona and Bal are one of the eldest children in the orphanage, they take turns on who's selling charcole and who's helping Valerin with the children
- Even as a Demon, Bal can still talk from the Bamboo muzzle but it's almost clear to understand like how people speak with their mouths covered from a hand, only Nimona , Meredith, Ambro and few others can understand him.
- For Ambrosius, he's willing to follow the family footsteps in becoming the next demon slayer in a long line of Hashiras
- Ambrosius being so unwilling to continue his great great Grandma’s legacy, but seeing Bal and finding something worth protecting
- Since in this au, Gloreth is his great great grandma and the strongest demon slayer/lightning hashira ever to existed
- Ambro is such a big simp on Bal, the moment he first look at him, that he stared drafting his wedding vows, poetry, Haikus, and songs about how beautiful and sweet Bal is
- Nimona wasn't so please to know that he's simping on her dad, especialy if he makes Bal nervous and runs from him that she'll chase Ambro down with her bare hands
- Ambrosius offering nimona that he would carry the box that Ballister sleeps in that Nimona gets pissed THEN chases him around with her katana
- One night, Nimona tries to sleep then suddenly she hears the box open, followed by ambrosius "annoying" voice going "Bal!" Then she wakes up and tries to choke him
- A silly scenario from @mvjerbs Ambrosius's crow tells him about his mission and unfortunately it's in the opposite direction to where nimona was assigned. He tries talking to his crow and at some point begging the crow to assign him with nimona. His crow did not relent and he walks away from nimona sulking.
- If you're wondering on what Bal's Ability would be is that he can turn apart of himself like stone or maybe metal just strengthening his body
- Since Bal lost his arm the moment before he got turned he had to kickbox and headbutt
- Ballister had to hold her in her sleep to stop her from jumping ambrosius, because her hatred for ambrosius was so bad it made her do sleep walking. And it always ends up with ambrosius getting choked in his sleep, one of them has to wake nimona up before she could successfully kill ambrosius
- Eversince the night that Bal got turned, Nimona became super protective and clingy. Like whenever Bal's out of the box, she'd always holds on to him, big or small
- Like any Parent or Elder sibling, Bal often worries for Nimona, but he fully supported her in becoming a demon slayer just to restore his humanity
- During night time, when Bal's awake, he makes sure Nimona's fed, bathe, takes her medication, and well rested. He still wants to look out for her moee than ever now that she's a demon slayer
- Bal would often scold Nimona by pulling their ear if she does anything rude, reckless or stupid
- Ambro adores Bal being smol and tiny that he always cuddled him as much as he could, even if he has to deal with Nimona's wrath. Infact everyone else adores Smol Bal
- You may think Bal's hair would smell awful through the growth but actually, he washes his hair everynight. Ambro just desperatly wanting to smell his wavy locks
- Anyone who dares to hurt or insult Bal, Nimona would either beat the shit out of them, like the scene when Bal got insulted for being ugly, She'd beat the shit out of them like there's no tomorrow
- Throught the arcs Bal's hair had grown longer, so Bal's shoulder length from the District arc, elbow length at the Swordsmith arc.
- Nimona always ties his hair not because he's one armed but she enjoys to do so, braiding, halfbun, and or ponytail, she'd even put flowers and pins on it, this will make Ambrosius crazy for Bal.
- If anyone's nice to him or anyone Bal cares about he'll pat your head as affection, if it's Nimona, she'll chop anyone's head off for you.
- Based on the Manga, the perverted tailor gave Bal a uniform that shows his tiddies, and ass, that it made Ambro nosebleed and Nimona burst into flames just to give Bal a decent one
- Since the death of Val and the orphans, she became so overprotective and quite clingy to Bal that if she can't find him in 10 minutes she bawls like a lost girl who can't fond her daddy, until she spots Bal and rans into him.
- From @long-distance-muse The night Ambro met Bal, he secretly starting writing love poems, haikus, songs and drafted wedding vows to
- At night when Ambro sleeps, he always dreams of him and Bal getting married and frolic through the flowers just like Zenitzu and Nezuko in the Train arc.
- For those who wants to know how Ambro got his a hair colored, the ideas from @mvjerbs during the becoming, Ambro must attend the ritual in order to began his demon slayer career, then he stands on the rock, he thought he'll get his hair dyed but his mom explained that it's not dyed just changed. Cause the lightning will change his hair color, once the lightning strucks him. Once his hair was blonde the family cheered and tend to carry Ambro to continue the celebration.
- I had this super cute senario, when Ambro was cuddling Bal in his smol body, he had to look around to check if Nimona's around and once the coast is clear, he gently kisses Bal's forehead and continues to do so until Nimona burst into the room pulling out her Katanna and chases Ambro down.
- Nimona had to make sure Ambro isn't in the same hot spring with Bal.
- Ambrosous would chase Bal, calling him "BALLISTER CHAAAAAAANN!!" Over and over with glee😙😚🤤🥰☺☺😙😚🥰🤤.
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i know it’s better i learn the lessons sooner rather than later but fuck, i did NOT want you to be the one who taught me them !!!! i wanted you to teach me that i’m easy to love, i wanted you to be the one who made it all worth it; instead, you’re the one i have to unlearn, the one who showed me that sometimes things don’t work out the way i so desperately want them to. fuck you for teaching me those lessons and fuck you for making me feel loved and showing me that someone was capable of making me feel like that. i hate you and i hate that i love you.
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matchalattegreen · 7 months
"You still have a lot of time to make yourself be what you want."
-The Outsiders
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Read below for a little bit about me/my writing and request rules!!
About me
Name: Kal/Artemis (but you can call me whatever you want)
-MINOR- (don't be weird)
Pronouns: they/he/she
Mbti: infp
Star sign: Aries
Camp Half-Blood Cabin: 7 (Apollo)
Poetry sideblog: @matchasthoughts
Interests: S.E. Hinton books, Rick Riordan books, 80s movies, South Park, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Kirby, Fall Out Boy, Green Day, Rage Against the Machine, System of a Down, Simple Plan, Grease, and more!
Random things I like: Matcha, nutella, waterfalls, reading, racecars, roller coasters
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Fandoms: The outsiders, rumble fish, twttin, Tex, the karate kid, the breakfast club, pjo, heroes of olympus, etc.
Writing: I write for all of the fandoms listed above and my inbox is ALWAYS OPEN FOR REQUESTS!! I don't really have any rules other than I prefer not to write anything that is nsfw so please don't request it
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DNI: Racists, sexists, homophobes, transphobes, exclusionists basically anyone with any sort of bias towards other people for a stupid reason also I am a minor so if you are an 18+ blog please DNI
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