klaineccfanficlibrary · 8 months
I’m looking for a fic. I don’t remember much I just remember Blaine and Kurt were friends and Blaine was getting really sick because of something that has to do with some submissive stuff and I remember Kurt knows that that’s the reason he’s getting sick and helps him. I’m almost sure it was on PDF or EPUB
Check out our submissive!Blaine tag, there's a few pdf on there, but also some that are sick Blaine. ~Jen
Ready or Not by nadiacreek
Blaine needs to find a dom to keep him healthy, but he ignores the signs of his oncoming Sickness. When things become desperate at the Sectionals competition, Kurt agrees to help, but the emotional consequences of their encounter are more than they ever expected.
Respect and Obey by @teddyshoney
Blaine has always had a little trouble with his anxiety, and the pandemic is causing an attack. His Dom tries to help, but sometimes it's hard to shut off the voices in your head.
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daisyishedwig · 7 months
Pavarotti - Day 1 of December Klaine Fanworks Challenge: Plead
Part of my Icy Love verse, but can be read as a standalone.
Read on AO3
Kurt was in a meeting with Isabel when the text came through. He shifted his gaze subtly over to the phone lying face up beside him. Blaine’s name along with a single word lit up his screen.
“Um… sorry, Isabel,” he said, “can I take a personal call for a moment?”
Isabel looked shocked at the interruption, but she could read the anxiety creasing Kurt’s forehead and she nodded. “Of course, Dear, is everything okay?”
“I’m not sure yet,” Kurt said, quickly collecting his phone and exiting across the hall to his office. He pressed call as soon as the door shut behind him. 
Pavarotti was a safe word. Not in the usual way that called for an immediate cease of play. It was Blaine’s way of signaling that he needed his Dom and he needed him now . Usually, he used it in a full sentence to signal to Kurt that he was nervous, something was making him uncomfortable, he would like to leave the situation. A simple question of “Did you feed Pavarotti?” was all he needed to put Kurt on high alert.
But sending just the word alone? That was as desperate of a plea for help that Blaine could muster. 
Blaine picked up the phone on the first ring. His shuddering breaths were all the confirmation Kurt needed that something was seriously wrong. “Pet,” he said firmly, “where are you?”
“H-home,” Blaine said through hiccuping gasps. 
“Are you safe?” He asked.
“Yes, S-sir,” Blaine whispered. 
“Good, good,” Kurt said, “can you tell me what’s wrong?”
Blaine sobbed softly. “I-I don’t… I c-can’t–”
Blaine was too panicked. But Kurt’s meeting was going to take at least twenty minutes to finish up and then it was another thirty minutes on the train to get home, if he was lucky. It was rush hour so a cab would definitely not get him there any faster. He took a deep breath to steady himself before he began speaking. 
“Okay, Pet, here’s what I need you to do.”
He heard Blaine’s voice catch in the back of his throat as Kurt shifted fully into Dom mode. His voice left no room for questions.
“Go to the bedroom.”
He heard the quiet shuffle of Blaine’s feet as he followed his instructions. 
“From the toybox, get the black leather cuffs, just the ones for your wrists.”
“Yes, Sir,” Blaine whispered and Kurt could already hear the way his breathing was slowing down. “I have them.”
“From the bedside table, get your sleep headphones, the ones that cover your eyes.”
“Yes, Sir.”
“Good boy,” Kurt said, “you’re doing so good for me.”
Blaine took in a shaky breath. “Thank you, Sir.”
“No go back to the living room,” Kurt waited until he heard a soft confirmation from Blaine that he’d made it, “and collect your kneeling pillow.” Blaine sighed softly at those words. “Place it in the middle of the living room,” one soft thump of the pillow hitting the floor, “and kneel,” the louder thump of Blaine sinking to his knees resounded through Kurt’s ears. 
“I’m going to send you a link. Once you hang up I want you to connect your phone to your headphones, follow the link, and press play. Then you will cuff your hands in front of you, put on your headphones, and listen. I will be home before the audio stops.”
“Thank you, Sir,” Blaine breathed. 
“I love you, Pet. I’ll be home before you know it.”
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kriskubed · 1 year
The First Day of Forever
Rated: E
When Blaine is struggling to keep his submission in check, Mercedes brings Kurt over to help settle him.
[read on AO3]
Blaine is having a terrible day. His submission is obviously spiraling, but his roommate Sam is also a sub, and there isn’t anything either of them can do about it. 
“I’m calling Mercedes,” Sam says. “You need someone.”
“No, Sam, please I’ll be ok. I just—I can’t with Mercedes.”
“Dude, I know you’re gay but you know it doesn’t matter right? It doesn’t have to be sexual but you obviously need the dominance.” 
“I know, but I just…” 
“Can’t. Right. Blaine, you need help. I’m calling her anyway. It doesn't have to be her but maybe she can help us figure it out.”
Mercedes brings Kurt. Kurt who is beautiful and perfect and everything Blaine has ever wanted in a Dom. They’ve only met a few times, but Blaine is enamored. He’s been too afraid to tell Kurt how he feels, hoping instead that once they get to know each other better in the company of their respective best friends, Kurt will approach him. The potential of it all seems too precious and he doesn’t want to risk messing it up by being too bold too soon.
Blaine starts to feel calmer immediately just being in Kurt’s presence, until the greetings and pleasantries are over and Kurt, knowing why he’s there, suggests, “Why don’t we go in your room so we can have some more privacy?”
“No! You can’t go in there!” Blaine is embarrassed by the state of his room. It’s a disaster. He knows he needs to clean and get organized, he just hasn’t had the motivation to do it.
Kurt raises an eyebrow. He looks unsure about how hard to push Blaine, but a nod from Sam tells him not to back down so easily. 
“And why is that Blaine?” he asks, his tone just the slightest bit judgmental. 
“It’s… I haven’t…” Blaine stammers. “I’m sorry, sir.” The honorific slips out, despite Kurt not actually having any authority over him. “I haven’t kept it tidy the way I should. It’s not really fit for guests right now.” 
“I see.”
Blaine suddenly feels very motivated to make his room presentable, so he can invite Kurt inside. He’s kicking himself for letting it get so out of hand. Kurt hasn’t given him a single rebuke or command but the energy he’s giving off feeds Blaine’s desire to please and to serve, to live up to his Dom’s expectations. Even if Kurt isn’t his Dom.
“I can do it now,” Blaine offers. “Just give me a few minutes to straighten up.”
“You have ten,” Kurt concedes. “And then I’m coming in. You’d better get to it.” He settles down on the sofa and pulls out his phone to set a timer as Blaine hurries off to his bedroom.
Ten minutes oh my god. Ten minutes is nowhere near enough to take care of everything that needs to be done. He’ll have to tackle the most egregious spots first and hope for the best. Number one is clearing the pile of clothes off his bed. Some are clean and he quickly folds them and shoves them in drawers without regard for whether they’re in the right spot. He’ll have to sort it out later. The clothes that have been worn he stuffs in the laundry. Once his bed is clear he straightens his sheets and blankets and pulls up the comforter. He glances around to see what else he can accomplish quickly to make the space more palatable for guests. Well, a guest. He grabs a tissue and swipes at the worst of the dust on his dresser and nightstand and is just tossing it into the trash when he hears Kurt’s knock.
“Blaine? I’m coming in now.”
[continue on AO3]
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urgoodbabyboy · 5 months
Is it past 3am? Yes. Did I just fuck myself for 20 minutes because I couldn’t stop thinking about my puppy’s fingers deep inside me? Also yes. Sidenote: why did no one tell me videoing yourself getting off was such a confidence booster? I look dare I say HOT AS FUCK. I was just seeing if I looked bad and was pleasantly surprised. It’s gonna be interesting whenever I next see my gorgeous pet. I think I’ve calmed the horny demon enough to sleep now.
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justgleekout · 1 year
I think you’re obsessed with Blaine being a bottom. Yes he has a perfect ass but still…
I mean… yeah.
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back to back nonsense on the glee sub today
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so-long-soldier28 · 2 years
The Polygraph Test
summary: blaine fails an important test, but can't make it up without it going on his permanent record. maybe the detective will let him pass if he impresses him in other ways...
pairing: blaine anderson x sebastian smythe
word count: ~3k
warnings: smut, dom/sub undertones, leg humping, boot licking/worship, snowballing, spit kink/ spit as lube, sexual roleplay
Read it here!
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thistleandthorn-rpg · 2 years
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Name: Blaine Anderson
Designation (Dom, Switch, sub): Submissive
Age: 25 B
irthdate (click here for list): July 7th, 1997
Faceclaim: Darren Criss
Orientation: Primarily Homosexual
Kinks: Bondage, orgasm denial, body worship, wax play, and more
Anti-Kinks: Incest, blood/gore, vomit/urine/feces, extreme pain, etc
Key Points:
Loyal (sometimes to a fault) and incredibly caring.
Musically talented
Charming, always finds something nice to say
Despite multiple past traumas, still trying to look on the bright side and find the good in the world.
Blaine's been through a lot in his quarter of a century on Earth. To sum up; a homophobic attack at a school dance as a teenager that hospitalized him, being abducted while at the institute by a man desperate to find a claim before he turned 30 resulting in a broken arm, on top of various traumas from school punishments and even fellow students at certain points. But there's always good things that go with the bad; like getting claimed by Sam Evans, who is a literal Prince Charming and treated Blaine with kindness and respect and their love for each other was unmatched. It was a dream come true. And then another dream came true when Blaine was offered the chance to Audition for a new Broadway Show thanks to his brother Cooper recommending him. Blaine landed the role, a leading role even! But it required him to move to New York, and for a while he and Sam tried to make long distance work. Until it didn't. After a few months, it was becoming clean that the distance was not just physical miles, but it was becoming an emotional distance as well. Being apart from each other was difficult, and when Sam suggested ending their claim Blaine really shouldn't have been surprised. It took a few days and another long, exhausting conversation, but eventually Blaine accepted that it wasn't fair to Sam to continue wearing his collar. At that point he had no idea when he would be returning, or even if he would be, because the show had done really well and got an extended run on the Broadway stage as well as a north american tour scheduled right after. So the papers were signed, the claim dissolved, and Blaine thanked his lucky stars that his agent recommended using "Anderson" for his stage name to protect his partners from nosy fans and stalkers. He didn't think he could have handled it if he'd had to see "Blaine Evans" on all the posters and playbills after that.
Months later, after the tour ended and his contract was up, Blaine moved back to his parents' house to wallow in his singledom and decompress after an intense schedule packed with shows, rehearsals, and events. He spent a few weeks there laying low, going to the bars he knew Broadway fans weren't likely to be and occasionally hooking up with strangers just to try and feel something other than emptiness. But of course, Mama Anderson didn't raise her son to wallow in self pity until his 30th birthday. It was, in fact, on his 25th birthday she took him down to the registry and made him change his last name back to Anderson. She also presented him with a letter of enrollment from Stonewall Prep, as she had gone ahead and re-registered him and told him he had until the end of the month to get back to school. Sometimes tough love from your Mama is what it takes to put things in perspective.
Blaine is understandably nervous about starting from scratch, he is now back at square one with zero points, no claim, and he's probably going to have to retake all of his classes. But this time he's determined to do it right, and not let his Broadway career stand in the way of a claim.
What are your feelings about the mark you have received?
I've always been a submissive, so there's no surprise there. It fits me well.
How do your feelings on the system compare to your parents’ feelings on it?
My parents raised me to think critically, and while there are absolutely many systemic and societal issues I do think overall it works as a whole. My parents would like to see some changes made, as would I, particularly in regards to slavery.
Where do you see yourself after you graduate?  
I'm not sure anymore, I used to think I wanted to be on Broadway after graduation, but I've done that now. I guess it depends on where I end up in terms of a claim.
How do you feel about authority?
Rules are there for a reason, usually to keep everyone safe. I don't have a problem with it.
0 notes
bitbybitwrites · 4 months
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I was tagged by @wordsofhoneydew and @itsmaybitheway. Thank you so much for thinking of me! Sorry for the delay - it took me longer than usual to think of descriptions of all the WIP I've got in the works 😂
So here are some Klaine and RWRB fics I'm working on that anyone can feel free to ask me about if you'd like:)
A long WIP list can be found under the break!
Partially published WIP:
(Klaine) If I Can Make Your Heart My Home - (Klaine Reverse Bang 2023) Life in New York City and working in the restaurant industry wasn’t exactly what Kurt Hummel had expected it would be. He’s lonely, stressed out and miserable. He’s almost ready to throw in the towel and return home to Ohio when a chance meeting with a musician in Central Park changes everything. (Warning: an angsty rollercoaster of a ride. Soooo many cameos from Glee characters! 😉)
(Klaine) Falling For You -(Klaine Secret Santa 2023 - NOW COMPLETE AS OF 4/16/24) - Successful doctor, Blaine Anderson has his hands full heading up the pediatric wing of Sloan Kettering Memorial Hospital in NY City. Life with that job and his precocious 6 year old daughter certainly keeps him on his toes - so much so that he thinks he can avoid dealing with the hole left in his life from the death of his husband. Little does he know that falling in love is on the horizon, quite literally, when he meets a florist by the name of Kurt Hummel. (Kid!fic with a bit of angst but a happy ending)
(RWRB) Puppy Love - (RWRB NYE gift exchange 2023) The cold snowy day that Henry Fox discovers an abandoned beagle puppy in an alley brings handsome, flirty veterinarian, Alex Claremont-Diaz into his life. Alex is a single dad, recently moved to NY with his young son who Henry hasn't met yet - or so Alex thought. (Fluffy kid!fic)
(Klaine) Sanctuary - (Klaine Word Scramble 2023) Crown Prince Blaine has stumbled into a secluded glade, trying to escape the horrors of the bloody war his father had brought upon their kingdom. Mourning his beloved older brother and faced with the burden of taking his place in the kingdom, Blaine yearns for a place to hid from the world to deal with the issues weighing on his heavy heart. He encounters a mysterious elf, the guardian of the magical spring that Blaine has mistakenly defiled, whose growing connection to his life the young prince can't ignore. (Inspired by an idea/ artwork by @datshitrandom and @justgleekout)
Not published yet WIP :
(these are in various states of readiness: some outlined, some partially written, some still in the brainstorming/research phase)
(RWRB) I approach, and I withdraw (tentative title) - Historical fic - Alejandro Diaz was still a boy when he followed his father into the thick of the fight for Mexico's independence. A series of unfortunate events, however, led him and his family to flee his home and to adopt new identities for their own safety. Years later, after he finds himself well ensconced in his new life as an attaché to the office of the new American ambassador to England, Alexander Claremont soon finds his past catching up to him. (Inspired by these historical paintings by @stormtrooperjeff17004 as well as artwork from @artofobsession seen here and here.)
(RWRB) Shaken, Not Stirred (Spy!AU) - CIA Officer Alex Claremont Diaz is not new to working on joint operations with other foreign agencies. He does it often and he does it well, which is why his superior, Zahra Bankston, never hesitates to assign them to him. What he wasn't expecting that morning was to be put on a new assignment with his least favorite MI6 operative, Henry Fox - and that they had to use being a newly married couple as their cover to get the job done. (Inspired by this drawing by @noodles-and-tea )
(Klaine) Cuffed (a D/s and soulmate story and prequel to my first ever fic, Trick or Treat) - - Musician Blaine Anderson has always been lonely sub, yearning for a place to belong and someone to belong to. Kurt Hummel is the an overworked and high in demand designer - a Dom with no time to sit and relax and focus on what his needs are. When an old friend hires Kurt to revamp his new club, Kurt's life becomes intertwined with Blaine's in a way neither of them could ignore.
(Klaine) Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weenie (Day 2 /Bikini - Klaine Advent 2023/ PWP) - A casual little fashion critique while the boys are on a well needed vacation, leads to a little outdoor fun. (Set in my Trick or Treat AU)
(RWRB) how ardently i admire and love you (online auction!AU) - Alex is desperate to find the perfect birthday gift for Henry, and eventually finds himself in an online bidding war for the one unique item that he knows his boyfriend would just adore.
(Klaine) I Know You Wanna Take Me Home (tentative title) (Klaine Valentines Challenge 2024/Pretty Woman!AU) Well established business man, Kurt Hummel never thought he could find anyone of substance among the escorts at Dalton House. But after being convinced to visit the upscale club by his friend, Kurt's mind is quickly changed once he sets his eyes on a beautiful boy in a gilded cage who was up for auction that night.
(Klaine) Untitled Klaine fic (Klaine Advent 2022) - Set in my Klaine superhero AU - Under The Cover of Darkness) Blaine decides to go home with Kurt for the holidays and doesn't make the best first impression with Kurt's parents.
(Klaine) Untitled Klaine fic (Feudal Japan!AU) - based off of novel The Tokaido Road - On a personal mission to avenge the murder of his father, Kurt travels the Tokaido , braving its dangers and interesting characters on the way. As the son of a nobleman, Kurt travels in disguise, unaware that the person who sanctioned his father's murderer has also sent Blaine, a talented and deadly ronin, to find and kill Kurt as well.
(RWRB)- the phantom touch of your hand (tentative title) - (Fantasy/cursed tattoo fic!AU) Two young swordsmen are determined to vanquish a sorcerer who has laid a tragic curse on them both. The problem is, the curse keeps them from being together at the same time, doomed to travel alone, one by day, the other by night - the only reminder of the other being the cursed tattoo burned into their skin.
(Klaine) - Untitled Klaine fic (While You were Sleeping!AU) - Kurt Hummel always wanted to live in NYC - his dreams were to be on Broadway. Being on the Broadway stage that is. Not working on the corner of Broadway and 44th in one of those coffee/food carts parked out on the street. Things for him change the day that Cooper Anderson, Kurt's gorgeous repeat customer whom he secretly fantasizes about, nearly gets hit by a bus. After following him to the hospital, Kurt gets mistaken for being his crush's fiancee which should have been his dream come true - until he meets Cooper's sweet down to earth brother, Blaine.
(Sebklaine) Untitled Klaine fic (PWP College threesome) - heavily influenced by "one of those movies" - wink, wink . . - Kurt's frustrated ( in more ways than one) and his good friends Blaine and Sebastian find a way to help him out.
(Klaine/RWRB) - Untitled fic (Scheherazade/ 1001 Arabian Nights !AU) - A lone traveler gets captured by a band of sex slavers in the desert. After being subjected to the horrors of slavery, the young man gets rescued by a desert prince in disguise, chosen to be his sole consort. Every evening, the consort tells his prince a story for him amusement. - planning a series of probably shorts all in the same style. Maybe it'll be a collection to do with other writers? Not sure yet. Might alternate with either Henry/Alex being the Prince and Consort and Blaine/Kurt being the characters in the bedtime tales or vice versa. Or maybe create 2 OC to be the Prince/Consort and have the other four boys be the characters in the shorter stories. I'm assuming it would be alot of mature/explicit shorts - but wouldn't mind a mix of other ratings in between as well.
Tagging ( only if they want to play): @myheartalivewrites, @clottedcreamfudge, @hkvoyage, @kirakiwiwrites, @gleefulpoppet,
@gleefuldarrencrissfan, @onthewaytosomewhere, @sarkyblueeyes, @madas-ahatters-world @rougedraconteur,
@yadivagirl @lilinas, @forabeatofadrum, @kiwiana-writes, @spaceorphan18,
@special-bc-ur-part-of-it, @fallevs @daisyishedwig @annepi-blog @wowbright
@backslashdelta @kurtsascot @coffeegleek @14carrotghoul @rockitmans
@teilo @iboatedhere, @orchidscript @welcometololaland
. . oh hell and anyone else who sees this and wants to share their WIP - go for it!
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mlmfantasywrites · 2 months
- I only write for male reader, and I only write for male character’s
- I write for most kinks and I do angst, smut, and fluff.
- I’m not really into Dom reader and I’m better at writing bttm sub reader and Dom top character so keep that in mind.
Some of the character’s I write for include:
Luke Castellan (PJO)
Scot McCall (teen wolf)
Zed Necrodopolis (zombies)
Wally Clark (school spirits)
Milo manheim
Nate Jacob’s (euphoria)
Jacob Cutos (the quarry)
Vinnie hacker
Noah Beck
Jacob Day
Charlie Bushnell
John B (outer banks)
Rare Cameron (outer banks)
JJ Maybank (outer banks)
Trevor Wagner
Joe Bartolozzi
Finn Hudson (glee)
Blaine Anderson (glee)
Sam Evans (glee)
Billy Loomis (scream)
Ethan Landry (scream)
Chad Meeks (scream)
Finnick Odair (hunger games)
Peeta Melark (hunger games)
Bellamy Blake (the 100)
Sean Anderson (journey 2 the mysterious island)
And any more! Feel free to ask if you don’t see someone listed.
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 29 days
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(Kill Somebody Part Two Chapter Two)
🔪 Previous Parts Here 🔪
Dom x Colson (Yungblud x Machine Gun Kelly)
Warnings: ABO dynamics (knots, slick, heats, mpreg), alpha serial killer/hitman Dom, omega mob boss Kells, past abuse, baby fic, improper movie watch with kids, people watching, deep talks, past SA, talks of childhood trauma, mentions of abandonment, mentions of selling people, painful memories, finding alone time, smut (seriously a lot of it), d/s undertones, overtones, and everything between, dom Kells, sub Dom, grinding, fingering, spitting, degradation, desperation, self pleasure, control, begging, enemies to lovers ❤️‍🔥 Rating: explicit AF
All ideas helped by @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker 🖤
Dom was lounging on his sofa watching a movie with his sons when he noticed his mate acting strange. It started with the omega carrying a bag of something to the kitchen where he heard the fridge open for a few moments before it closed and he was stalking back to their bedroom with a determined look on his face. The man had been napping a little while before when Punk had woken up and Blain had asked if he wished to spend some time together. He thought it was a perfect idea but the longer he watched the door the more tense he felt. He thought his lover would take the excuse to rest more.
A few minutes later he exited the room, pushing their baby’s cot across the floor. Even though the child in question was resting between the two Brits, Colson kept moving it until he reached their roommate’s room. “Wha's he on about?” The teen asked, gently easing the infant into his hold to bounce him softly. It was almost second nature already and the sight warmed the sociopath’s heart.
Dominic shrugged and they both lost interest in the movie playing out on the screen in order to people-watch the other man. Maybe it was the personality disorder they seemed to share but humans were much more interesting than television. He didn't want to be obviously spying though so he tried to carry on a conversation, he found it easier to talk to the kid than most others. “You good wiv ‘im.” He smiled, nodding to his baby. Blain grinned back happily.
“I had a really good babysitter as a boy.” He explained simply. “I were young as fuck and my parents were bloody awful but sometimes they'd take me on business nights out and leave me wiv someone. It was probably the only good example I ever got but it stuck wiv me.”
Dom sighed deep, completely understanding what the boy was saying. He'd never had the good example but he had to be one so young. He'd had a small hope that Blain at least had a good mum but of course not. Omegas rarely got that. In at least that way, his mate was lucky. Thinking of the man he glanced back down the hall but Colson just breezed past them. He disappeared back into the bedroom only to walk by again with a bag over his shoulder. Strange. “I'm sorry you ‘ad to deal wiv tha'. It weren't fairs. You should ‘ave gotten good parents first off. Wha' ‘append to ya mum?” He was genuinely wondering because they worried that someone might come after the boy to take him back. Especially since they were working to get him his father's money.
“I don't really know. She were jus' gone one day. I don't know if he sold her or killed her or she ran off or died. Didn't matter much to me. He ended up with a cycle of girls. I'm jus' glad he didn't try for me. Talked about it a lot.” The blasé way the kid sounded made the Alpha's stomach roll. It was frequent enough to seem normal to some but after being pressured about his sister it made him sick. He had to look away to cover his eyes flashing from suppressed rage but he landed on his lover leaving Tom's room again to jog back to theirs. Alright.
“You deserved protection. We all fucking did.” He growled low and the kid gave him a gentle look as he pulled the baby higher, his fingers softly raising Punk's hand to wave it.
“Um, we got it. Fanks.” He was so sure of his words it calmed something dark in the Alpha's chest. As long as his family felt safe. That's all that mattered. “Silly Daddy ain't he? Yes he is. You tell ‘em!” Blain had a higher affect to his voice when he spoke to the little one that made the older man laugh. “‘Ow bad was it for yas tha’ you can't see you already keep us safe?” He didn't normally try to push but of course he wanted to learn all he could about the pair.
Darkness swirled in the killer's mind as he thought back to his childhood. He'd watched his mate open up for their boy not long before and he knew he needed to too. “Me dad didn't like ‘ow much a pussy I were or tha’ I were sick.” He started easy but got a scoff from the kid.
“You showed him, aye?” Blain teased, he wondered how the bastard felt about his hitman son. After all, that's how the omega found him. An underground helpline website that took him on a darker path until he found a questionnaire about how he was treated and by whom. It had taken a while to realize he was ordering a hit but by that point he was too lost in the promise of safety. He hadn't imagined it would end up with him as part of a family.
Dom snorted, the boy didn't know how bloody right he was. It took him a moment to work through what he felt alright saying and what was too much too soon. “He ‘ired a doctor to blow me when I was ‘alf your age. Wanker checked wiv a ‘special test’ if I were Alpha enough or broken. It was really jus’ a pedo shoving ‘is finger up me arse.” He couldn't look at his son's as he spoke, he just kept picking at a thread on the arm of the couch. “Dad figured I were broken cause I weren't after me own baby sister or any over young omega he brought around. When I didn't pop a knot by twelve he tried an escort next. When I fought back and refused to take ‘er… He beat me ‘alf to death and let ‘er do me. I left after. Reached puberty wiv’in a few monfs and stayed gone. When I ‘eard he beat me mum dead I couldn't leave me girls wiv ‘im.” He took a deep breath and finally met the boy's eyes. He didn't want him thinking there was any shame in overcoming all they'd been through. “He was me first. Bastard doc was next. Went on a bit of a rampage after I got a taste for it. I were trying to make it work wiv me sisters until I almost got caught. We ended up ‘ere and tha’ works for me.”
Blain swallowed hard and sneakily sniffed deep his little brother’s calming baby scent. It helped that it was mixed with the Alpha's who, even upset, always soothed him. “Wha’ happened to the girls?”
“I didn't fink I was good for ‘em. I provided ‘em wiv a good school and a lovely adoptive family but every time ‘ey saw me I were terrifying I guess. Too much water under tha’ bridge.” He didn't want the kid thinking there was something wrong with him and Punk that he kept them close but sent away his sisters and he hoped that helped explain. “I wouldn't be who I am now if not for Tom and Cols. I couldn't be who ya need.”
“I call bullshite Punkers, don't you?” Blain teased as he cupped the baby's head and pulled him close before passing him to Dom gently. “You was already you. You jus' needed help wiv love.”
Dom huffed softly but he took his youngest and held him against his chest. There was almost nothing better than those bright red eyes watching him like he was all that mattered. Of course he looked forward to the baby having his own eye color and hopefully at some point a name, but he wasn't in any hurry for either. Though his mate was obviously in one. Colson came back out and finally decided to grace them with his presence as the movie was rolling credits at the end. The Alpha couldn't say what it had really been about besides murder and blood and gore. On second thought maybe it wasn't the best for two boys but at least Punk would only notice the pretty colors.
“Give it.” Kells huffed, holding out his hands for their child.
“No. It's me turn. Go rest.” Dom teased back, holding the baby against his chest.
The omega arched a playful brow down at his lover. He had to remind himself the other man didn't know what he'd been up to. Tom stepped into the room and took a seat on the other sofa but the killer just stared up at his partner. “Tom is taking him for the night.” He said simply and he watched the wheels turn in the psycho's mind.
“Tom is?”
“And not us?”
“Not us.”
“And we get…”
“Time alone. The whole fucking night.” Col smirked as his lover stood up but he didn't appreciate the one handed hold on his son.
“Boob juice is in the fridge. Cot is in their room. Blain can help if he wants, hell he can keep him all night but no one has to. I'm not about to parentify anyone. Our door is unlocked in case they can't hack it but if I left it open I think we'd break about a million laws.” Kells smirked as the realization fully dawned on the killer. “I have faith in our family. Don't you?”
Dom kissed his son's forehead and handed him off to his older one. He barely even looked as he did and he tripped over his own feet to reach his mate. They'd been close since the day the omega backhanded him and were working on working their shite out. Mostly they could only find time to wank each other off or make out with heavy petting in the shower. “Really really?” He almost couldn't believe it but he forced himself to stop a moment and check in with Blain. He cleared his throat and only turned his head, the kid didn't need an eye full of his tented pants. Bollocks. “Fank you for talking wiv me.” He smiled but the boy just threw a pillow at his back.
“If you don't get the fuck outta here! We got my bruv, go bond ya freaks.”
The couple laughed as they stumbled back to their room but the moment the door closed the Alpha was pushed against it. He'd always known how much larger his lover was than him but Col had never really proved it so blatantly. His wild hair was gripped and his head tugged back so he had to look up at the other man. He felt a shiver go down his spine that he swore ended up in his dick twitching. “I think you promised me your wet cunt. You gonna be a good bitch for me?” The way the mob boss's voice danced over his skin almost had him shaking but he didn't want to be too needy too fast.
“I fhought ya wanted me fat arse.” He tried to purr but it came out breathy and trembling. When Colson groped a handful of said ass and pulled him flush against his throbbing cock he couldn't help but wonder if he turned the omega on this much.
“Oh baby, I'm gonna wreck every inch of you. After all, we got all fucking night.”
The Alpha wasn't expecting to get led by his hair and thrown face down on the bed but when he bounced against it and tried to roll over he was slapped on the ass for his trouble. A soft yelp escaped him that he'd probably deny ever happened but Col heard it and chuckled darkly. Every vibration of the omega's throat tickled over Dom's skin like silk. The killer paused, taking a deep breath before he tried to figure out what was allowed. He could feel himself watched, his instincts were on high alert, but he didn't hear the other man moving. “Should I strip?”
“Do birds fucking fly?” Something about the way Kells spoke felt like he was making fun of the other. The last time he'd hit the boy he'd degraded him too and part of Dom had really liked it. He wasn't sure how much he could handle though.
“Some don't.” He couldn't stop the snark but he got spanked for it again. He groaned and felt himself drool against the blanket where his cheek was pressed but he got to work carefully sliding off his shirt. “You gonna keep it up on bare skin?” He asked, his voice a bit small. Was he excited or terrified or both?
Colson growled, pushing his own sweats down before gripping the back of his lover's to rip them off his legs. The move was violent enough Dom’s ass bounced and he had to stop and admire how red his flesh was. He wanted to keep going until the younger man bled but he thought that might be too much, and it wasn't his goal for the night. “Look at you. Pretty pink virgin tight pussy. All for me.”
Did Dom reply? Did he stay quiet and try to obey? There weren't any rules yet really. Instead of attempting and getting spanked again he tried a different tactic. His hands shook and he laid flat and reached back to grope his own cheeks and spread them. It felt filthy and scandalous, Alpha's didn't beg to get filled but he was never a normal one. He tried to look over his shoulder to see if he was making his mate happy but he got distracted by just how gorgeous his partner was. The boss was in his element, even if in a way that hurt the boy he still could feel it. It was all for him now and it shouldn't matter who got to experience his lover before. He always knew Kells was tall but when he was feeling his own power and looking down at Dom like a snack he seemed like a giant. His hair was falling around his pretty face, his eyes were gold and intent, his mouth was parted as if he couldn't catch his breath with his mate. He was still soft in places but so many of his muscles were so obvious, he appeared every bit the Alpha he faked being for years. Even his cock was intimidating, hard and leaking a mess of precum at the tip. The only hint of omega on him besides his eyes was the wetness between his thighs and the scent served to make Dom an even bigger wreck.
The Alpha rut his dick against the bed without thinking and got a bare palm to hole slap for it. The sound was sharp and seemed to echo off the walls. Fuck he'd be bruised later, his mate didn't hold back. “Don't even try. If I think you deserve to feel good I'll tell you what the fuck you're allowed. Otherwise you wait for my command.” It wasn't a question but there was still one hidden among the demands. The killer knew if he said ‘no’ or ‘stop’ the other would. It made him feel safe- something neither of them were used to before they met. “So desperate to get fucked. Look at you. Such a fucking slut. Pathetic.” With hissed words the omega spit over his lover's exposed hole and watched as Dom clenched for him.
The Alpha wouldn't say again how that didn't make any sense- how could he be a virgin and a slut? He knew better, at least on that. He wanted his ass slapped again but by his mate's balls, not his hand. He wouldn't get that by back-talking. Two hands gripped his hips roughly and yanked him to the edge of the bed. Col knew he was bendy and used it to his advantage, spreading the boy almost frog legged and teetering on the side of the mattress. His knees were bent and his ankles were supported but not his feet. He couldn't easily move himself without putting his toes on the floor which he was pretty sure he wasn't allowed. He just tried to keep the position held and his ass open. He couldn't help the second puddle of drool.
Kells crouched behind his partner and was happy he'd laid a towel on the floor beforehand. He was already dripping wet and with how well it was already going he predicted himself squirting at least once before the night was over. “Where's your dick?” He asked and when Dom whimpered something that sounded like ‘under’ he huffed, reaching under the other to slide his cock from his belly to rest along the side of the bed. He wasn't allowed friction. He would get off on Colson’s dick and nothing more.
When that was done Dom listened close and caught the wet sound of his mate gathering slick on his fingers. The omega moaned and he knew the bastard was fingering himself first. He tried to wiggle his ass but he couldn't move without probably hurting himself so he waited patiently and bit his lip at the noises.
Col didn't mean to but he lost himself to pleasure for a moment. He hadn't had anything inside him since before he gave birth and his inner walls were sensitive as hell. He'd meant to just wet his digits but instead he played, exploring how tight he was getting again. “Shit babe, you should feel this. So fucking tight and swollen. Hot. Drenched. Mmm fuck.” He purred, focusing on his own touch, reaching deeper until he found that little bump inside. It felt like the first night he touched himself but almost more intense somehow. He'd called his bitch a virgin but he almost felt like one. He knew he was torturing the boy but he hoped it just added to the need, he couldn't seem to stop himself anymore. His hips rocked and he fucked down on his own hand, chasing a release he hadn't meant to find yet. “Oh god- Dom- so good. You'd pass the fuck out. Oh- ohhh- fuck!” He damn well knew he was being an ass but he wasn't even exaggerating.
Dom listened and whimpered and tried to grind against the bed but he couldn't find any relief for his throbbing cock. He wasn't tied up but he didn't need to be, he knew his dominant would stop if he so much as breathed wrong. He couldn't see his lover but he could hear him and every noise was a revelation. He was happy that his partner was enjoying himself but it felt like an inner circle of hell not being able to interact.
“Fuck me your knot would feel amazing right now. I'm such a mess. Can you hear it? Shit- so good.” The omega couldn't stop his mouth even when his voice went breathy but he needed to involve his mate somehow. He slowed his hand and reached down with the other, soaking his fingers before he pulled them back up to tease around the boy's hole. The noise that left his bitch's lips made it all worth it. The poor thing sounded almost broken already. He stopped trying to fuck his own hand and instead kept his touch steady on his spot as his others slipped inside Dom’s hole. It was hard to focus on both but he was only trying to get himself off. The killer would cum when he said it was allowed.
Dominic whimpered and moaned as the other man's touch slid deeper. His nerves felt electrified after his punishment so all he could focus on was how tight he felt as Col explored and stretched him out. The omega hooked his finger and pulled just a little before he spit inside his mate and shuddered at the groan he heard. His lover was fever hot inside and his cock jerked at the thought of being surrounded by his tight silky pink walls. His own pleasure was building fast as he teased his spot hard. With every touch he swore he could feel his heartbeat in his cunt, dick, and nipples and he wondered if it would affect Dom the same. As his pleasure built he stilled his fingers inside the killer and focused on his own need. “Oh fuck me. Shit! So- oh- ohhh fucking-” His babbling stopped when his orgasm hit and he gushed in his palm and down his legs.
His dick stayed hard and in the game as he worked through his rapture, his fingers barely able to move as his cunt squeezed around them. He was panting and cursing and started rocking his other hand again until Dom was groaning and trying to cant his ass back. He had meant to go easy but his pleasure only made him need the boy more and he fucked him with two fingers until he stopped cumming so hard.
Eventually he added a third and pulled his other hand free, slapping his wet palm against Dom’s plush cheek. “Mmmplease?” The killer mumbled and the omega smirked. He didn't think he'd done enough but if his mate wanted to hurt…
“You've seen me. You really think your virgin ass is ready?” He wasn't boasting, it wasn't ego. He was thick and long. Maybe not as much a monster as his lover but still. He'd stretch him out and fuck him sloppy, probably make him bleed. As much as he craved it he didn't want to push if Dom didn't.
“Ready. Fuck me? Wanna feel yas for days. Daddy please?” That was it. That fucking word just did something to him when it came whimpered from the boy's lips. He scissored his fingers wide as he pulled them free and spit inside him again before letting go and watching the mess he used as lube dribble out to drip down Dom's skin and disappear over his balls.
Kells planted his knees better in the squishy wet towel under him, spreading his legs just wide enough to make his dick level. He curled his palm around himself and slapped his tip against that rosebud hole before gently teasing inside. The feeling of Dom's muscles wet and squeezing him tight was almost too much and he nearly broke to slam home. He wanted his lover to hurt, not be damaged so he slid back out and circled playfully again. “You sure bitch? Can't take it back.” He asked one last time. An Alpha didn't normally submit so easily but his was damn special. He'd try to show him what a gift it felt like later.
“Want it. Need you. You Cols- Daddy, please? Fuck me.” The words were nearly whined but sure. Dom needed his mate more than he needed air.
Author's Note/Tags: @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker @hollywoodxwhore @jaxbreaker @fenoy7 @cole-way-iero28 if anyone wants tagged let me know 🩷🖤
So that was... Smutty as fuck. I'll just say it 🤭 The next part will be just as bad if not worse. Maybe more, we'll have to see. Eventually the plot will start plotting but for now let's just let the boys bond. Hope you're enjoying it! ❤️‍🔥🖤
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Any opposite attract stories with Kurt? Would love if there was some Dom/sub too with Dom!Kurt ;)) Thank you!
HERE is a library post that has for opposites-attract fic recs. There are certain tropes that through their very nature usually have this premise. Check out the Badboy!Blaine,  Badboy!Kurt, Nerd!Blaine,  Nerd!Kurt , Skank!Blaine  Skank!Kurt  tags. Here are a couple of D/s fics that have the vibe you are looking for.  - HKVoyage
No Envy, No Fear by neaf
Everybody already knows what they are before their marking day. You’re a Dom, or you’re a Sub, and it’s pretty easy to figure out which one you are once puberty hits and the hormones kick in.
But when Kurt Hummel is marked a Dom on his sixteenth birthday, nobody believes it. The jocks (all Doms themselves), irritated that they have no power over him, decide to make his life a living hell. But, Kurt figures, that’s just high school. It doesn’t change anything.
The only problem is, one of the jocks is a boy he doesn’t know. A boy he never sees, shy and hidden behind the others in a sea of letterman jackets.
Blaine Anderson is a Sub, but nobody knows it.
And he was just fine keeping it that way, until he saw Kurt Hummel.
Clash by AntarcticBird 
Blaine is a sexual free spirit with a bit of a reputation, Kurt doesn't do casual. It should be impossible, and yet Blaine just cannot stop thinking about him. Written for this gkm prompt.
Note: This has D/s undertones only. You need to be logged into an AO3 account to access this fic. 
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daisyishedwig · 7 months
The Things I've Always Known - Klaine December Fanworks Challenge Day 6: Inscribe
A/N: This can be read as a standalone, but I /highly/ recommend you read at least the first fic in the Icy Love series entitled The Things I Should Have Told You to make this more meaningful. It is also loosely inspired by @esilher and @mynonah's collaboration for today's prompt, but very different as well.
Read on AO3
I am so glad that I managed to actually catch up this year instead of always being a few days behind. I'm feeling confident that I just might be able to actually write something for every single day (ignore the fact that I cheated and combined two words into one fic already, I'm not gonna do it again, I swear).
“I know neither of us are brides, but there’s still gotta be some kind of bad luck in us seeing each other before the wedding.” Blaine raised an eyebrow as he locked eyes with Kurt through the mirror in front of him. He was fussing with his tie in the mirror, his brow furrowed as he couldn’t seem to get it to lay just how he wanted it.
“Just so you know,” Kurt said, leaning casually against the doorframe, “there is nothing wrong with that tie.”
Blaine huffed. “It doesn’t look right,” he complained.
Kurt smiled and approached, turning Blaine with a gentle press to his shoulder. He reached for the tie, but instead of fixing it like Blaine hoped he would somehow manage, he started untying it. “It’s a perfectly fine tie, and it fits you perfectly fine, but ,” he slipped it off Blaine’s neck and tossed it to the side, “you are correct. It doesn’t look right because it’s not right.”
“That’s the tie we decided on,” Blaine argued, “it matches yours, I have to wear that tie.”
Kurt wrinkled his nose. “And who says that?”
“Mercedes,” Blaine stated, “the one who has been planning this whole thing down to the millisecond. Your best friend who might just kill us if we make a mess of this wedding like literally every other New Directions wedding.”
“Changing a tie won’t mess up the wedding. In fact,” Kurt pulled a box out of his back pocket, “I think it will make it all the better.” 
Blaine looked down at the box. “What’s this?”
“Your new tie,” Kurt said simply.
“Where did you get this new tie?” Blaine asked, taking the box cautiously.
“I made it,” he said, “special for you on our special day. Mercedes is doing this for us, she can accept us improving upon her ideas a little bit, I promise.”
Blaine carefully lifted the lid to the box and gasped softly. Inside was a bowtie, made from the same fabric as his old tie. 
“I don’t know why you thought I’d be letting you wear a regular tie on our wedding day, Pet,” Kurt chided softly, “after all the meaning behind your bowties.”
Blaine flushed. “We decided we were going to keep this wedding vanilla,” he said. “Entering into this union as equals.”
“Of course we are,” Kurt said, wrapping his arms around Blaine’s waist to pull him closer. “You have always been my equal. Even when you’re on your knees and even when you’re wearing my collar. But that part of us, of you , is so integral to our relationship, how could we pretend it doesn’t exist today of all days.”
“I know, it’s not some big kinky affair, a lovely collaring ceremony with you crawling down the aisle to me. That version may only exist in our fantasies. But that doesn’t mean we can’t make sure at least part of it happens today.”
Blaine stroked the edge of the bowtie gently. 
“Untie it for me, Pet,” Kurt whispered. Blaine glanced up at him, a question in his eye, but did as he was told. Kurt took a step back and lifted the bowtie gently from the box and held it up for Blaine to see. Inscribed in a gentle stitch along the inside of the fabric was one simple word. 
Pet . 
“I thought ‘Property of Kurt Hummel’ might be a little too gaudy. But this should get the point across nicely.”
Blaine grinned, tears glistening in his eyes. “You made me a wedding collar,” he said.
Kurt shrugged. “I’m surprised we hadn’t thought of this sooner. For when we’re in public, but your leather cuff clashes with your outfit. Bowties were your first collar, after all.”
“You should make me more,” Blaine said, “I know how you like to have options when picking my clothes.”
“Oh I will,” Kurt assured, “I definitely will. But in the meantime…” he looped the fabric around Blaine’s neck and used it to pull him in for a deep kiss. “I think it’s time we put this one on,” he said a little breathlessly when he pulled away, “we have a wedding to get to.”
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urgoodbabyboy · 6 months
I’m so horny for my bf like 24/7. Still thinking about his pretty whimpers and the way he sounded under me when we were making out. Thank god we’re gonna be together tomorrow into new years so hopefully I can hear all his pretty sounds again. Hoping he bruises me more tomorrow night.
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homosatan-016 · 8 months
Hi everyone! Hope you have a good day.
So I've been obsessing over this one space pirate lately... And I think he totally deserves a beautiful woman to lighten his days.
So may I present you:
Ethel Felicity Blaine
Universe: Treasure Planet (2002)
Age: 26
Race: Felinid (I think she'll be some kind of sub-race, because her features are based on a caracal, not a typical house cat)
Personality: caring, thoughtful, resilient, risk taker, indecisive, impulsive.
Likes: Working, moments of solitude, comforting people, adventures
Dislikes: Dishonesty, egoism, rude guest at the inn, feeling helpless.
Goals: Getting back her courage and finding new ways of living.
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I'm currently working on a fan fiction and I think I'll be posting it soon but I need to do some more work on it! For now I wanna give you a little premise:
TW: Toxic relationships, trauma
Ethel is a young woman, working at Sarah's Hawkins inn. When she was a teenager her father, an Interstellar Officer send her to a school for troubled kids, since she was pretty rebellious and he wasn't the best at supporting her while she was going through rough times.
There she met her first love- at first he seemed like a really nice guy with a really tough past, a real fighter. After graduating they quickly moved in together, and Ethel started working at Sarah's inn. Not even a year has passed, when her seemingly loving partner started to grow possesive of her and abusing her both mentally and physically. She tolerated that for a few years, trying to be understanding, in hope he would listen to her and they'll be back to how things were before.
But one day, he went way too far with his actions so Ms. Blaine had to run away. She knew exactly the place she would find shelter in, as over the years of working in the inn she kind of became a part of Hawkins family. Sarah was almost like a mother she never had, and Jim seemed to be the reflection of her in her teenage years. Sometimes she regretted that she can't find the courage she had in the past. Maybe if she did she would never end up in that situation.
Sarah and Jim welcomed her with open arms and listened to what happend. Sarah was furious, she knew that it would happen but she couldn't convince Ethel to leave. The young felinid really fought for her relationship. She believed that her love didn't wanted to hurt her and tried so hard to make him stop, but it was of no use. It seems like you can't change people. After the indicent she was spending most of her days working as hard as she can to get rid of intrusive thoughts. She never lost hope for brighter days though, as she was finally surrounded by people who cared for her. But she could never expect what was coming. Or maybe, who was coming into her life.
That's all for now!
What do you think? If there's something you think I can do differently, let me know! Also, the graphic below is made by me and please do not repost it! My base was a screencap of Jane from Tarzan.
Thanks for reading, it means a lot to me! 💜💜💜
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gleefulpoppet · 1 month
Interesting to read your dom/sun analysis. I tend not to read that trope because a large amount of time it’s written badly, so thank you for explaining it to me. The majority of Klaine fics of this trope have Kurt as dom, and I feel the author is wanting to imply he is the stronger, decision maker, more capable of the couple. What do you think?
Thanks for the ask! I'm sharing this as -my perspective only- and each person, of course, can headcanon as they please. I am incredibly passionate about this subject and trope, and I could write about another 100k words.
A true dominant 'doms' out of service, love, and compassion for their sub or fellow human being. It's not born entirely of ego or acted on in a need to control others and/or some magical intelligence that makes them better at making decisions or being in charge. Although, that doesn't exclude the possibility that they might be those things. Someone should not be labeled a dom simply because they have the ability to be strong, just as someone should not be labeled submissive because they have the ability to surrender (and I always use the word surrender as a sacred, consenting action).
In the fewest words possible, a dom/sub relationship is a trust so profound that they trust someone to be what they need. Sometimes as a sub, that is the dom making a decision for them, sometimes it's holding their hand, sometimes it's asking them to kneel so they can go deep within, sometimes it's pain (like edging or crops etc if the dom/sub pair is into that) because they feel so numb in this world that they're begging their dom to help them feel something. It can be anything and everything as they explore what they each need, but it is never about power/and the powerless. There must be consent, understanding, and a safe way out for both parties if desired.  The surrender is all about letting go, surrendering so you can find that thing you need, whether it's ethereal or tangible. It's trusting that the other can provide it (either the dom or sub). A dom's true satisfaction comes from knowing that they are accomplishing the giving and the helping (this can come in various forms that people outside the scene might not understand).
I don't know the intention behind other author's takes, they are vast and varied. I speak only for myself, when I say there are dozens of reasons why I think that Kurt and Blaine each exhibit both tendencies at different times. I don't only see Kurt as a dom, just as I don't only see Blaine as a sub. I can observe that in different circumstances, they each take up different roles. They each have strengths and weaknesses, and they both need help at different times. They are each brilliantly divine and magnificently flawed, as we all are. And that's why I love AUs. I love to take these complex characters and say. "Okay, what if this one thing was different or that thing? What then?"
I go into DEEP character studies in my D/s stories. If you've ever wanted to try one, I promise you they aren't what you're used to in this trope. They are always equals. Always loved and always safe with each other (out in the world is a different thing altogether). 
Just One Look dom Blaine and sub Kurt This one is about Kurt fighting his submissive instincts (he has no idea what they are), and when he realizes why he's having them, everything changes when Blaine discusses in great detail what a dom/sub relationship actually is. 
Since Sense Sensory dom Kurt and sub Blaine Explores how the boys found each other again after a long separation. They have many conversations about how the dom/sub scene has helped them overcome grief and loss and manage their strengths and weaknesses. 
Soulsons and Seatstars dom Kurt and sub Blaine (with hints of dom Blaine) Is an AU world where a natural chemical balance is needed. A dom cannot live without a sub, and a sub cannot live without a dom (that's an oversimplification), so if you are new to dom/sub, this is an interesting take because it helps you better understand the symbiotic relationship in tangible terms. Again, they talk so much about their dynamics. And this one might surprise you how Blaine might be a sub, but he's got a sassy tongue and a dom streak that Kurt very much encourages. 
Thanks for the question. I hope I answered it, alright. I love these boys so much! Klaine owns my whole heart and soul. I always want the best for both of them. 
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