#sucess astrology
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Hi guys I was wondering if someone could help me figure out my career. I feel like my chart is very spread out so I am having difficulty trying to pinpoint everything out.
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rikastrology · 1 year
nakshatras as succession memes pt. 3
nakshatras as doomed nepo babies
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Purva Ashadha
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Uttara Ashadha
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Purva Bhadrapada
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Uttara Bhadrapada
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safieblue · 11 months
Found a quote I wrote when I was youngie, that I thought could inspire any of you today: 💗🌸💗
“ It does not necessarily matter if your past is brilliant or not, what matters is your future is brilliant (you having that in your mind).”
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hopeastrz · 1 year
Is it true that if u have many taurus placements it means that u find it hard to manifest ?
Ive seen a video about it on tiktok i wanted to know if thats true thank you🩷
Please don’t say things like that, manifesting is a state of mind, a lifestyle, you can have it whenever you want and however. your signs doesn’t determine a thing.
So no darling it isn’t hard and having Taurus placements doesn’t make you no difference, don’t trust people on this clock app (or any other paying platform tbh) because most of them aren’t really there to help you🤷🏻‍♀️.
I have taurus placements and i manifest easily, last week i manifested two books (a woven kingdom series) and getting 500 followers here on tumblr and look where we are!.
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jeevanjali · 4 months
Palmistry: हाथों की लकीरों में छिपा है आपकी तरक्की का राज,जानिए किस क्षेत्र में मिलेगी आपको सफलताPalmistry: जन्म लेते ही माता-पिता अपने बच्चों के भविष्य को लेकर सपने देखने लगते हैं। इस वजह से वे बचपन में ही तय कर लेते हैं कि उन्हें अपने बच्चे को डॉक्टर बनाना है या इंजीनियर या कुछ और। कुछ माता-पिता जो व्यवसाय चलाते हैं।
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karmicquest · 4 months
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Nurture your career with positive vibes! 🌐🌿 Vastu suggests a money plant in a blue bottle in the north for success. Cultivate prosperity and professional growth!
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swamprosemoon · 5 months
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lua-magic · 3 months
Astrology and your sucess.
Fifth house is house of your intelligence and children as well.
Fifth house is also house of your name and fame.
If you want to control your mind and fate of your children, then check the position of fifth house Lord and do the activities related to that house
Your intelligence and knowledge has the power to pull you out of darkness and show you light.
Fifth Lord in first house-
You are responsible for your own intelligence and for your kids, so pay attention to your self only. More you work on yourself much easier sucess will find you
Fifth Lord in second House 🏠
You are what you eat, more healthy and simple foods you eat much better' level your mind will function. You food habits and your family will help you in getting success in life. So, keep your family happy
Fifth lord in third house 🏠
Your intelligence will be controlled by what you see and read, if you want success in life then read sucessful people and watch movies of successful people to program your mind for success. You can get success by pursuing your hobbies as well, so develop some kind of hobbies in your life.
Fifth Lord Lord in fourth house
Your emotions and house atmosphere will control your mind, much better your domestic life, much easier you get success in life. Have, control on your emotions, because more emotionaly balanced you are, more successful you become in life .
Fifth lord in fifth house 🏡
Great combination, as more knowledge you acquire in your life, much easily you get success in life .
More number of books you read, much better your mind and memory will become.
Fifth lord in sixth house
It is a tricky combination because sixth house is also of debt and diseases, but sixth house is also of service, so more you involve yourself in free service, and charity (especially for animals), more easily you will get success.
Fifth lord in seventh house
Your success depends on your partner and also on your buisness partner, more happily married you are or more you keep your partner happy, more successful you become in life, so always take care of your partner, life partner and business partner both.
Fifth Lord in eighth house 🏠
If you want success in life, then never stop learning Astrology and occult , you can get success in Astrology and occult as well.
Fifth Lord in ninth house.
Here, your success depends on your father or on your teachers. If you have good teacher and good relationship with your father then you will get success easily in life.
Taking mentorship or guidence from teacher will help you to develop your knowledge and your mind
Fifth lord in tenth house 🏠
More number of activities you do, much better your mind works, so if you want healthy mind, and good memory, involve yourself in as many activities as you can, sitting without work can kill your mind, keep yourself engaged all the time
Fifth Lord in eleventh house
Your friends and social circle decide your future,.
Show Me Your Friends and I’ll Show You Your Future.
If you want success for you, then make friends with only people who are successful in their field.
What you see and observe on social media also plays an important role in programming your mind, so be careful next time you are scroll through reels and short videos, because you are programming your mind for short gratification and immediate dopamine boost, which will damage your mind.
Fifth Lord in twelfth House 🏠
Let go, More easily you let go things from your mind, much healthy and strong your mind would become.
You will find success in foreign land easily.
If you are having problems in profession then it is because your Saturn is afflicted.
Saturn sun conjunction
Should always practice sun gazing and keep good relationship with father
Saturn Moon
Involve your in short travel and keep good relationship with mother.
Saturn Mercury
Never stop learning and reading. Saturn Rahu
Work in foreign company, foreign land, foreign culture or with your paternal grandfather.
Saturn ketu
Study more Astrology and occult and have good relationship with your maternal grandparents.
Saturn Mars.
Always work on your body and go for grounding.
Saturn Venus
Work with female members, females are lucky for you when it comes to work
Saturn Jupiter.
Always follow morality and ritousnes in your work life. You can go for counseling and teaching as well
Jupiter Rahu, natives are more like their paternal grandparents in behaviour here to complete pending karma of their grandparents .
Jupiter Ketu are more like their maternal grandparents in behaviour and are here to complete pending karma of their grandparents
Jupiter sun are more like their father and more or less they would experience same life pattern as their father.
Jupiter moon are more like their mother and get influenced by their mother easily.
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thinkpink212 · 1 year
🩷 Welcome to My Pretty Pink Universe 🩷 “Through the law of pure potentiality I can & will create anything, anytime & anywhere. I assume, therefor I am.”
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☁️ Here we heal, manifest, glow and thrive ☁️
What You Can Expect to Findd On My Page ❥ My pretty pink thoughts
❥ The Soft & luxurious Life of Black woman (I.e moodboards, pov’s etc)
❥ Manifestation, Sucess Stories, Tips, Advice & more
❥ Spirituality, astrology & Health
Updated 31/12-2023
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neptunes-sol-angel · 6 months
Hello i'm here for your game:
My inicials are SB
My favorite season is winter: it's because of the weather i like cold weather, it make me feel relaxed. 🌨🌧❄
My question is if i will have sucess in my artistic career (Muic and acting)? I haven't started yet
Thank you
✦ Your Answer ✦
"The stars say no"
I feel called to expand on this answer by saying I feel like this has a lot to do with how much energy you put into relying on an external influences to give you the courage or motivation to go this route. Maybe you like to look for astrological observations that validate your potential to find success in this industry, when the success comes more so from you finally making that step to try anyways, and even if you aren't good at it (at first) or if you don't find much recognition from it, to keep going until it sticks and you receive the gratification that you internally seek from this.
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glagger-true · 1 year
Howdy dear reader! I'm your host Glagger, and today I'm here to bring you the seventh post in my medal analysis series for Password the VN.
As you're aware by now, his post has SPOILERS FOR THE NOVEL. So please, if you haven't read the novel yet, and don't want to be spoiled, leave for now.
Leo, the medal of Expectations, Determination and Futility: 
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Leo is found on day 22 of all routes inside a book in the hidden study. Thanatos guides Dave there as a reward, after he proves he's starting to remember past iterations on his own.
The medal is inside a book with a re-interpretation of "the three little pigs", in a hollow space alongside a childhood picture of the Hammond siblings Flora left there. In path A, Dave flips the picture and finds a message in the back written by Flora, telling Oswin to remember what's most important.
Afterwards, Thanatos gives an abridged version of the tale in the book. It has a rabbit as the villain, and the first pig is killed by the rabbit with a piece of chocolate the pig accepts. The second pig turns into a rabbit after rejecting the chocolate offered to them, which, to the author, is the same as death. The third survives by escaping from the rabbit who accidentally cooks himself alive trying to burn down the house with the pig inside.
Once Thanatos is done, Dave says there's no lesson to learn other than to mistrust rabbits in the book, calling the author racist. Thanatos confirms, and says it's the kind of book Regis, Oswin's father, liked to keep and read to his children.
In Astrology, Leo is the positive fixed fire sign of the zodiac. It's an expressive, inflexible and assertive sign marked by its intense willpower, ambition and of course, determination. The most beloved quality of Leo is bravery, which is its main strength and gives Leo physical, mental, and emotional fortitude. The fearless optimism of Leo causes it to never accept failure, and every challenge they face as they mature only multiplies the content in their well of courage.
Much like the lion they are represented by, people born under Leo act like kings and queens full of grace, ego and pride. Leos embrace the concept of royalty by being natural leaders who are theatrical, passionate and full of life, taking the spotlight to celebrate themselves. Since Leos perceive themselves as celebrities, they always search for partners who are artistic and creative, making their friendships and romantic affairs dramatic and explosive.
Leo's planetary ruler is the sun, the representative of creativity, life, vitality and power. The sun never stops burning and glowing, so, much like their ruler, Leo is naturally loyal, stable and consistent, always putting their entire heart in their relationships. In romance, the sun's influence causes them to only love seeing their partners be sucessful until they feel threatened. No sun likes being eclipsed, and as such, jealousy is a very strong trait in Leo thanks to their strong pride and ego. The most important lesson for Leo's maturity is the understanding that the shine of success from other people doesn't diminsh their own.
In Leo's myths, the sign represents the foe Heracles fought against in his first labor. The sign is the Nemean Lion, a giant, sentient lion with an impenetrable pelt that kidnapped beautiful maidens to lure warriors into his cove so he could devour them.
Heracles was tasked with killing him by a king, and in his journey to Nemea, he stays at a man's house to rest before the hunt. The man offers to sacrifice an animal to bless him in his mission but Heracles asks him to wait 30 days after he leaves instead, so that if he dies, the sacrifice can be done in his name as a hero. If Heracles succeeds however, both of them would celebrate together, sacrificing an animal to Zeus instead.
In the battle against the lion, after understanding that his weapons are useless against its pelt, he uses his divine strength and breaks his back with his bare arms, killing it with a headlock when it can't fight anymore. He takes the lion's pelt for himself, and returns to the man's house to celebrate and sacrifice an animal to Zeus, who's so impressed with his son's triumph, he turns the lion into the Leo constellation to eternize Heracles' achievement in the heavens.
Leo is the medal associated with the Hammond family and their tale. Its traits represent the members of the family and their story together, and also how the tale ended. The Hammonds are filled with ambitious and prideful members, Regis and his wife being prime examples of it. This is visible in how they both adopted Flora simply because they were worried her intellect would overshadow their children's, bringing her mind to the family so it could challenge and compete with the intelligence of their sons internally. There's also the fact Regis, much like Zeus, is a demanding and egotistical father that constantly orders his children to accomplish his trials and expectations to earn both their place in his "divine" family, as well as his affection and respect.
The Hammond siblings are expressive, driven and assertive individuals. They lived active lives in pursuit of great goals, being full of willpower and determination. They tried carving their place in the family's history but were ultimately unsuccessful in both acheiving the expectations set for them and changing its dysfunctional nature. Trapped in inflexible ideals and expectations, they only met death, rejection and isolation, much like the three pigs in the book's story.
It's also interesting how Heracles' traits can be broken down and divided amongst the Hammond siblings. Reginald has the blind devotion and loyalty towards a father who only sees him for his accomplishments, learning, studying and doing anything Regis desires of him. Much like Heracles earned his full divinity through his talent and abilities, Florencia caught the attention of Regis and his wife and became a Hammond for the same reasons. Heracles being raised by non-divine foster parents who cared for him most of his life fits perfectly with Oswin, who was raised by Benson because his own parents where either too busy or focused on their other children instead.
Craig says that the medal was left there on purpose by Flora to be found by Roswell to clue him in on the truth about Oswin being his father, but as time passed, it became less and less likely to happen. Thanatos never finding out the truth also prevented things from playing out differently. This fits Leo because, despite Flora's active efforts to assert her own desire of bringing her family together over Oswin's desire to remain distant, Roswell remained ignorant, and the situation stayed inflexibly the same.
Banner made by Xernok on Discord.
Artworks were made by https://twitter.com/butchii123 , https://twitter.com/terrantitanium and https://twitter.com/orbitpaws on twitter respectively.
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selreneelf · 1 month
Hello thank you for answering my question i hope so i have been trying to work hard in my career and in myself. I have been manifesting to have sucess and money in my career and work. Yes i am interested in astrology.
You are so welcome! Working and manifesting! You’re doing good! I’m wishing you the best! ✨
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rikastrology · 1 year
nakshatras as succession memes pt. 2
nakshatras as doomed nepo babies
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Purva Phalguni
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Uttara Phalguni
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iastrobeing · 5 months
Available Now!!! The Stars Align for your Sucess 🥂🤑🚀🚀🚀
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pardumansuri · 1 year
मनोकामना poori करने ke लिए अपने ghar में west दिवार par लगाए फोटो 🖼️
Stay connected(instagram) - @astro_parduman
☎️ : 91-7876999199 . . . . #astropardumanrudraksha #astroparduman #business #job #sucess #growth #guruji #astrology #sun #future #reels #trending #trendingreels
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mayaillusion22 · 2 years
Successful Person Indicators
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Venus in the 8th: It brings a lot of money and success towards the native that has this placement.
Jupiter in the 8th: They are sooo lucky. I am jealous of you all.🥺 They attract a lot of money in life.
Pluto in the 8th: Pluto in the 8th house is also a placement that indicate success in life, but you will undergo a lot of transformations.
Uranus in the 8th: Sudden gain and loss
Neptune in the 8th: Unexpected gain and loss. You can attract abundance and success by manifestation.
🚨 The 8th house placements usually has some ups and downs in life so be careful when you make any decision regarding those matters. 🚨
Capricorn placements: Capricorns are known for their ambition and hard-work. Usually, Capricorns have to grow too fast due to their parents, siblings or some other factors. Therefore, they do know how to attain success if they put their mind to it.
Aries placement: To be honest, I feel like you guys are similar to capricorns. You are not scared to fight for the things that you want. You just need something to ground you.
Jupiter in the 10th: Jupiter is a planet of luck. If you put your mind into it, you would have the luck in your favour to achieve your goals.
Pluto in the 10th: You guys just need the motive to become successful and I am sure you would be successful with your hunger and drive for power.
Mars in the 10th: You have the willpower to succeed. Selena Gomez has this placement.
Jupiter in the 2nd: I’ve seen many celebrities with this placement who are successful and billionaires.
Pluto in aspect to Venus, moon, Jupiter and Neptune
Aspect of chart ruler to the 2nd and 8th house ruler
Jupiter-Venus aspect
A lot of earth placements and Sagittarius also
Planets in the 8th house shows inheritance or money from marriage
I would do a part 2 soon. 💗 Hope you liked it.💗
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