#sue story redraws
zeb-z · 2 years
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“I like you older. Older means we’re still here”
flower language below cut
Abatina - Fickleness, patience (meant to represent Bill - he’s had the patience to make defenses and self sustainability. and he can be rather fickle in terms of moods at least. More so in the video game than the show)
Aster - Symbol of love, daintiness (meant to represent Frank. He’s the love of soft things in a harsh world, brighting up the street just for that sake alone, not dainty in a fragile way but in that romance and flowers in the apocalypse way. Not much on the game side for this I’m afraid, there’s nothing left but a note for his character in that)
Chamomile - Rest, Peace (meant to represent the peace in their death. they lived long and old and in love, their end was the best you could hope for in such dark times. also because it’s meant to help with sleep, a little dark humor maybe)
Yarrow - Everlasting love (exactly what it says. a love that lasts. stands the test of harsh times, in life and death)
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eastbluecrewed · 2 months
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huge fan of the barrel scene (witness me getting sappy beneath the cut)
i had a small but meaningful personal achievement coincide with reaching the barrel scene on my rewatch, and it got me thinking abt the impact one piece has had on me since i started it eight months ago. i love these guys a lot and they've done an absolute number on my psyche so of course i'm gonna tie them into the good things in my life!! sue me!!!!
when i first watched this scene i didn't realize the deep impact this story and these characters were going to have on me and how i view life, but damn they sure did!!! and so i thought it'd be fitting to do a simple little redraw as tribute to that and to myself.
hell yeah one piece time
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July 21, 2023 (Friday)
JUL 22, 2023
On June 8 the Supreme Court affirmed the decision of a lower court blocking the congressional districting map Alabama put into place after the 2020 census, agreeing that the map likely violated the 1965 Voting Rights Act and ordering Alabama to redraw the map to include two majority-Black congressional districts. 
Today the Alabama legislature passed a new congressional map that openly violates the Supreme Court’s order. By a vote of 75–28 in the House and 24–6 in the Senate, the legislature approved a map that includes only one Black-majority district. 
Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) and many of the other members of Alabama’s congressional delegation had spoken to the Republicans in the state legislature about the map. Editor of the Alabama Reflector Brian Lyman reported that the map’s sponsor said he had spoken to House speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) too: “It was quite simple,” the sponsor said. McCarthy “said ‘I’m interested in keeping my majority.’ That was basically his conversation.” 
Alabama governor Kay Ivey, a Republican, signed the bill into law. 
Today, assistant U.S. attorney general Todd Kim and U.S. attorney for the Western District of Texas Jaime Esparza wrote to Texas governor Greg Abbott and Texas interim attorney general Angela Colmenero warning that the actions of Texas in constructing a barrier in the Rio Grande between the U.S. and Mexico “violate federal law, raise humanitarian concerns, present serious risks to public safety and the environment, and may interfere with the federal government’s ability to carry out its official duties.” 
The floating barrier violates the Rivers and Harbors Act, which prohibits the construction of any obstructions to navigation in U.S. waters and requires permission from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers before constructing any structure in such waters. Abbott ignored that law to construct a barrier that includes inflatable buoys and razor wire.
Mexico has also noted that barrier buoys that block the flow of water violate treaties between the U.S. and Mexico dating from 1944 and 1970, and has asked for the barriers to be removed. So has the owner of a Texas canoe and kayaking company, who says the buoys prevent him from conducting his business. And so have more than 80 House Democrats, who have noted Abbott’s “complete disregard for federal authority over immigration enforcement.”
Unless Texas promises by 2:00 Tuesday afternoon to remove the barrier immediately, the U.S. will sue. 
Abbott has made fear of immigration central to his political messaging. He is now faced with the reality that Biden’s parole process for migrants at the southern border has dropped unlawful entries by almost 70% since it went into effect in early May, meaning that border agents have more time to patrol and are making it harder to enter the U.S. unlawfully. 
Abbott’s barrier seems designed to keep his messaging amped up, accompanied as it is by allegations that troops from the National Guard and the Texas Department of Public Safety have been ordered to push migrants, including children, back into the river and to withhold water from those suffering in the heat. There are also reports that migrants have been hurt by razor wire installed along the barrier.
Abbott responded to the DOJ’s letter: “I’ll see you in court, Mr. President.” 
Yesterday, on the same day that Shawn Boburg, Emma Brown, and Ann E. Marimow added to all the recent stories of Supreme Court corruption an exclusive story showing how then-leader of the Federalist Society Leonard Leo funded a “a coordinated and sophisticated public relations campaign to defend and celebrate” Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, the Senate Judiciary Committee voted along party lines to advance a bill that would require the U.S. Supreme Court to adopt a binding code of ethics. 
“We wouldn’t tolerate this [behavior] from a city council member or an alderman," committee chair Dick Durbin (D-IL) said. “It falls short of ethical standards we expect of any public servant in America. And yet the Supreme Court won't even acknowledge it’s a problem.” “The Supreme Court Ethics, Recusal, and Transparency Act,” Durbin said, “would bring the Supreme Court Justices’ ethics requirement in line with every other federal judge and restore confidence in the Court.”
Senator Lindsay Graham (R-SC) disagreed that Congress could force the Supreme Court to adopt an ethics code. “This is an unseemly effort by the Democratic left to destroy the legitimacy of the Roberts court,” he said, although he agreed that the justices need “to get their house in order.”
Today, Dahlia Lithwick and Anat Shenker-Osorio noted in Slate that voters of both parties strongly support cleaning up the Supreme Court.
As signs of an indictment for his efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election grow stronger, Trump has taken to threats. When asked about incarceration, Trump said earlier this week: “I think it’s a very dangerous thing to even talk about, because we do have a tremendously passionate group of voters, much more passion than they had in 2020 and much more passion than they had in 2016. I think it would be very dangerous.”
His loyalists are working to undermine the law enforcement agencies that are supporting the rule of law. On July 11, 2023, Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH), chair of the House Judiciary Committee, wrote to chair of the Committee on Appropriations Kay Granger (R-TX) asking her to defund Biden’s immigration policies as well as the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), which investigates crime.
It is notable that, for all their talk about law and order, the Republican-dominated legislature of Alabama and the state’s Republican governor have just openly defied the U.S. Supreme Court, which is hardly an ideological enemy after Trump stacked it to swing to the far right. 
The Republican governor of Texas is defying both federal law and international treaties. After rampant scandals, the Republican-dominated Supreme Court refuses to adopt an ethics system that might restore some confidence in their decisions. And, aided by his loyalists, the front-runner for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination is threatening mob violence if he is held legally accountable for his behavior. 
The genius of the American rebels in 1776 was their belief that a nation could be based not in the hereditary rights of a king but in a body of laws. “Where…is the King of America?” Thomas Paine wrote in Common Sense. “I'll tell you Friend…that in America THE LAW IS KING. For as in absolute governments the King is law, so in free countries the law ought to be King; and there ought to be no other.” 
Democracy is based on the rule of law. Undermining the rule of law destroys the central feature of democracy and replaces that system of government with something else.
In Florida today, U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon set May 20, 2024, as the date for Trump’s trial for hiding and refusing to give up classified national security documents.
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faerie-starv · 1 year
Deviantart Anniversary/Story
I forgot to post this two days ago so here it is. Warning, it's a long story so I hope you have a free time to read.
I created my very first social media account was Deviantart on October 6, 2007. I was living in Orlando for attending college and it was my first time being away from home, renting an apartment, and creating my own account. I started college in July 2007 and was majoring for Multimedia Design(which changed into Digital Media). A week after I started my second quarter, I decided to create my DA account. Quick note, here's the link of what Deviantart looks like back in 2007 by using Wayback Machine so you can get the idea.
Before I made my account, I first discovered the site back in early 2006 when I was browsing through Kingdom Hearts fan site and went to the gallery page section. It was showing fan art from other fans with links of their social media sites(MySpace, Deviantart, etc.). One pic I found was none other than the artist is called Keysha-chan as she was a huge Kingdom Hearts fan and drew them as cute chibis by using Copic markers. I checked out her DA page and I was amazed of her talent as she's the same age as I am. She not only drew KH but she also drew Final Fantasy, Fullmetal Alchemist, Jax and Daxter. She even made her own manga by creating her original characters, Elemental Goddess. She's no longer on Deviantart as she's now active on Instagram(which I follow her) and changed the username to KeyshaKitty.
After I created my DA account, she was the first person I watched. I saved the tutorials such as the markers and plushies. I learned some of it as I'm still learning how to use markers(you'll probably see some of them on my Tumblr page). She was the reason why I created my DA account. Back then, there was a lot of great art; fan art, original art, photography, CSS layouts, etc. There was no AI, people don't mind the 'cringe' art, no one accused you of being 'racist/homophobic/etc.', no SJW's, no walking on eggshells, and so forth. Sure, there was art theft and some trolls but nothing too major like what's happening on Twitter/X or on Facebook today.
I posted my first journal entry and introduced myself then went on following/faving spree.
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I couldn't post my artwork till two days after I made the account because I didn't have printer/scanner back then and can only rely at college. It was Sunday when I first logged in and the school was closed. I couldn't upload my pics on Monday as I was starting my class and stay behind to use their Photoshop programs(back then, I didn't have Photoshop). I posted this pic on Tuesday as it was my OC's(which it needs some serious update and I'm making changes) while using some Photoshop. Please excuse my crappy pic as I didn't know what Mary Sue was or that the anatomy was way off. I am planning to remake the pic in the future.
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As the date says, I was using the school's computers to put together my pic and it was before I made the account.
I later posted few more pics; two of them were my oil paintings I made when I was sixteen and one photo of Lake Placid, FL that my family used to go on weekends.
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Later on, I watched another user who goes by Lily Pily and she was a big Nightmare Before Christmas/Corpse Bride/Kingdom Hearts fan. I read her crossover fan comics and loved her OC's which she became the first deviant to do an art trade with. I asked her if she can draw Emily from Corpse Bride while she asked me to draw her OC also named Emily. This is not my best pic of her as I'm still learning how to draw humans.
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I'm also planning to redraw her as well. I'm hoping to follow Lily Pily's other social sites but I don't think she has any besides Deviantart. I still want to keep following her for her art.
I finally got around to post my first DA ID but I kinda traced the figure from the books so you can see how different it is(not proud of it hence why I later took it down).
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My god, that pic looks awful! Tracing doesn't help either so it certainly does not make my pic better. The dress is so much cringe as it was based on my old Halloween fairy costume but the colors are just, ugh!!! The wings aren't very good and the pastel colors doesn't mix very well with the dress. This is why I took the pic down a year and a half later. This is what my fursona looked like back then before seeing the current version you see today. There's a reason why I don't like tracing nor using bases(like what I did on my ponysona for Neocities) because it just limits me from doing things. I want to be in control of things.
During 2007 and 2008, I didn't really gain any watchers except two who I know in real life. I also didn't get faves nor comments either until 2009. It was because of two things; one is that I didn't socialize with others nor joined clubs(before it turned into groups) hence why I lack of gaining watchers. Second is that my art was mostly non fan art and I just focused on creating my OC's but sadly, no one was interested in them. :( It wasn't until in 2009 is that I bought myself a digital camera from Walmart and started taking photos. Once I posted them on Deviantart, that's when I gained more watchers, comments, and faves. I still owned this camera to this very day.
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Yeah, I used Adobe Illustrator to draw my camera. Loved that camera!
I took a bunch of photos mostly from theme parks and city downtown as well as flowers and birds. So photography is one of the reasons why my page is getting attention but another thing I've done is creating crystal orbs for fun.
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Those gained a lot of popularity. Then I started to create my Fakemon, Faerie Mews based on the elements.
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The first one was a Fire Faerie Mew(the other is the Chinese Fire Faerie Mew) then I created four more. I ended up making a final pic of four main elements. I really loved making them and I am planning to remake them in the future. I do want to finish the Chinese Elemental Faerie Mews as I only did one but didn't get around to finish.
I would love to post more of my old DA artwork here but I'll have to save it for other time as I can only limit on how many I can put in this post. I just wanted to post the story of my DA anniversary to share it with everyone.
If your asking me about my DA account, don't bother because I closed it back in January due to the site being overrun by AI and the admins stopped caring about the artists. I already removed my pics a year before they allowed AI(thank god I did that) to make it easier for me to clean up and deactivating the account. I've been on DA for fourteen years(fifteen if I choose to stay) before calling it quits.
So now I'm moving on here, Inkblot, Square, and Neocities to post my art. Hopefully you guys enjoyed my long ass story.
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admiralmonsoon · 1 year
Now that I've posted the main pieces I wanted to post I'm going to explain some stuff
The Realm Chronicles is my own personal story/narrative/universe whatever you want to call it. It follows Leone and the Chroniclers as they journey through the Realms. Currently I am redrawing the cast, which was my first posts, but I already have a lot of the lore set in place. The story is broken up into arcs, think of them like books in a short story series.
SKULLDUGGERY is a for fun narrative made in collaboration with some of my friends, featuring versions of their OCs. It follows Evil Mon and the Skullduggery gang and their various hijinks. Most of the art featuring them will be random with bits of lore sprinkled in, that being said I do have a set timeline for that universe too, what can I say I just love creative writing sue me. The story is broken up into seasons, in the vein of a cartoon.
Raft belongs to @rawrftzek
Shizue belongs to @sh1zue
Volmir belongs to Cowradical, he doesn't have a tumblr sadly :'(
Going forward posts will be either from backlog of art (I've been drawing for a while and just now started posting on tumblr) or stuff I do now.
But yea if anyone has questions on lore feel free to ask them, I LOVE SHARING LORE.
(Also follow me on Twitter haha, admiral monsoon on there too)
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hollisofficial · 1 year
49 and 50 for the OC ask game 😎
49. Which one of your OCs would most likely enjoy memes
100% cena, whos entire existence is based around a meme from jr high. hes since became an actual oc with his own serious story, but his roots still remain and i continue to only make fun of him and redraw him over memes. his seriousness can continue to live in only my head.
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alternatively: geb, who, if they knew what memes were, would fucking love them.
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50. Give me the good ol’ OC talk here. Talk about anything you want
UNFORTUNATE FOR YOU im going to talk abt ttt. forever.
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for background: ttt and a decent chunk of other characters only fit into my (human oc) stories via a character named jeanie who can see ghosts. i know. marry sue but i am free<3
ok!! so, ttt is a ghost and hes the second oldest ghost in the story (time on earth wise). my story is set in the way future of (maybe) this world, and ttt is introduced around the time that theres a giant nuclear war and subsequent fallout. while he was alive he was a doomsday prepper which was (for the time) rightfully so. he spends about 5 years living down in a bunker eating a shit ton of shelf stable doomsday prepper stuff. as you can imagine living alone in a concrete hole for years didnt treat him very well mentally, but thats besides the point for now. it will all be erased once he becomes a ghost (and replaced with more trauma). at any rate, he ends up running out of food/water earlier than planned and has to wander out into the wasteland to try to find supplies. he doesnt last too long out there (havent decided on a time but probably a little less than a year). he gets stabbed in the remains of a walmart over a can of beans. and ends up dying.
ttt becomes a ghost! in this universe when people become ghosts its usually for a reason (think unfinished business, need to atone, or have some grander purpose type stuff) but for whatever reason t just got fucked over and wasnt actually supposed to become a ghost. his ghost-ness coincides with a time period where a lot of fucked up things are happening with the deities that are in charge of the solar system and at the time the deities that controlled things like death + fate were MIA. so all in all ttt becoming a ghost was genuinely just a glitch in the system type thing.
because of this ttt is. interesting as a ghost. unlike all other ghosts he doesnt really have an appearance. instead hes just vaguely brown/gray humanoid (ignore the ttt sign on him for now, thats not part of his appearance and i'll get to that later). additionally, t cant remember a single thing about his time as a human nor what his name is, hence the name ttt. i know what his human name is but thats secret information not in the story. most importantly to t's story is that he cant be seen by 99.9% of other ghosts.
the reason behind this fact has to do with the weird mechanics of being a ghost. it kind of works like channels or levels on a tv. when you become a ghost youre randomly given a handfull of 'channels' you can access and this ties into certain powers that ghosts can have. for example: being able to touch a ouija board or mess with radio-frequencies would require you to have access to those two channels- not all ghosts can do so. almost everything runs on channels, even just simple things like 'have an appearance' and 'being seen by others' and 'see others'. theres also an insane number of duplicate channels, so for example one ghost could have quite a large number of 'being seen by others' channels which allows them to be seen by a large number of ghosts that share those channels. conversely, (in ttts case) he only has a few 'being seen by others' channels and quite a few 'see others' so basically he can see other ghosts, but they cant see or interact with him. sorry that was longwinded but i love my ghost mechanics. theres more to the mechanics via a ranking tier system but for the sake of brevity i WILL NOT BE GETTIN INTO THAT.
at any rate. because of weird ghost mechanics and because t was fucked up and wasnt supposed to be a ghost, he cant be seen by almost anybody, but he can still see them. as you can imagine this is horrible. ttt spends centuries wandering through the post-nuked world as a ghost trying to find other ghosts to interact with. as the centuries go on he just slowly loses hope more and more and bitterly resigns himself to the fact that he'll never be able to interact with people in the way that he wants. (small sidenote: despite ttt not having baseline/low level channels like being seen, he does have some fairly high level channels that let him interact with the physical world (think like typical poltergeist stuff like throwing small objects ect). this ofc is not a very good substitute for being able to interact with people).
so anyway, ttt spends centuries being functionally alone again. kinda meant to mirror his time in the bunker. resigning to not being able to mess with anything, ttt just tends to pass the time people watching and trying to entertain himself other ways. one day hes people watching and happens upon a literal murder (theres more to this bc its someone elses story but i wont get too detailed bc its edgy emo). this ofc isnt the first time t's seen something like this and (being a touch bitter abt his unable-to-interact-with-anybody situation), t basically just watches and once the murdered guy's ghost drags himself outta the river t just starts roasting the new ghost for being stupid and getting murdered, thinking he cant be seen or heard.
unfortunately this is the first ghost that can actually see and hear ttt.
the new ghost (whos name is perry) is basically just like. (status: doesnt know hes dead or whats happening) HUH?? WH?? WHO ARE YOU?? ttt proceeds to freak the fuck out bc HOLY SHIT THE FIRST PERSON WHO CAN SEE AND HEAR ME?!? WHAT?!? hes completely elated and brain short circuiting at the same time, so hes falling over his words and trying to explain things and say sorry for being a dick to him (thats the least thing perrys worried about). amongst the confusion perry somehow gets it into his head that ttt is his guardian angel because hes some like shapeless entity that appeared after perry (apparently??) died (perry voice: wh huh what do you mean i got shot???).
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they speedrun getting to know each other bc ttts just railroading the conversation bc hes so excited and perrys still on like “my name… its perry right..?” brain . perry sticks with t for a while (still assuming hes his guardian or smth) but it literally only takes like half a night for perry to realize like . ok maybe im wrong . (ttt hotwires a car and drives the two of them around before crashing it [another pastime] and thats when perry kinda decides like . no i dont think this guy is an angel.) (during the carride perry also keeps phasing thru the seat + out of the car bc he cant do ghost stuff yet) (also ttts able to hotwire + drive the car bc touching irl stuff to an extent is one of his aforementioned powers).
oh also, the name ttt came from perry and t's first interaction. perry asked what t's name was and t (who didnt know his name) just made something up on the spot and ttt it was.
after that the two of them just end up constantly being together (bc perry really hasnt met anyone else yet so he doesnt exactly like, know theres others out there . and t is ofc not leaving perrys side). it is very evident that ttt is basically attached at perrys hip and VERY afraid to lose him. i mean, perrys the first person who hes been able to talk to for literal centuries and now that ttt has that lifeline hes clutching to it for dear life.
the more they get to know each other t opens up and lets perry know that like . yea youre the first person thats been able to see me and ive KIIIINDA been alone and unable to interact with anyone for a few thousand years . no big deal or anything (<-guy whos brain was becoming mush from lack of interaction). perry starts to understand just everything t must have been through + why he acts so.. like that. he assures t that theres no way he would leave t behind.
i dont have very much for what the two of them did between their meeting and the current timeline in the story, but basically the two of them fuck around for 400 years or so. sometime during that time perry finds a super old (prewar) magazine ad for fiji and the two of them decide they wanna go. so now their thing is perry constantly is trying to teleport (one of his powers) them to fiji but he cant bc fiji doesnt exist anymore and he keeps (unknowingly) teleporting them to the remnants of old fiji water bottles. theyre on like a mission to find fiji.
eventually, one of such teleporting incidents lead them to meeting the character jeanie by chance, who, by the power of I Say So (and a whole nother plot i wont get into), can see ghosts. perry and t end up staying with jeanie as well as a couple of other ghosts that hang with jeanie (their names ade hummingbird and ekr). the five of them become very found family. the rest of their story becomes the group getting wrapped up in/uncovering weird deity politics and subsequently trying to change jeanie and his friend pattersons fate and keep them from dying.
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oh yeah, and the ttt thing on ttt's head is a floating apparition of a stickynote that perry controls so the other two ghosts can tell where ttt is.
more doodles:
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recolourrhys · 9 months
1 and 14 for the ask game please!
1. Show your most recent wip
Well. That would be a redraw I'm doing of a piece from the summer bc Rory's design has changed a lot LMAO I haven't started anything "new" yet!!
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OC art gets posted to @digirhys bc I keep this acct just for fanworks!✌🏻 so that's where the final for this will go (a cropped version at least. The full will go on cohost)
14. How has your art changed over the years?
Oh boy. In almost every way possible, I think!! Save that I am still keenly focused on character art, from my love of storytelling :0
From a technical aspect my art has of course changed and improved tremendously from when I started drawing when I was still single digits lol the inevitable outcome of never really Stopping Drawing :V
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I don't have records of old traditional art as much, so the oldest art I have that isn't toddler art was from when I was around 11-12 – those aren't these lol but I started using dA when I was a young teen, so I have those as archives of what I was doing digitally (the left group of drawings are from that first dA acct, as far back as when I was 14 :Y
I think on the more con/critical side of things, my creativity has been severely stunted. In part I think that's a natural progression of thinking as I've aged, but one I know can be combated! It just takes an active effort and approach to work creativity and whimsy like a muscle, and that's something I know I haven't done a great job of :'3
It's bittersweet looking at old art where I can see how much fun I was having and how there were no inhibitions, no worrying about things being OP or cringe or "Mary sue". It's heartwarming being able to see that passion in my own art, and simultaneously i feel a bit guilty n ashamed that I've let a lot of it get worn out of me by Life, in part by things out of my control;;;;;
It is DIFFICULT to throw those cares aside again! Almost all of the storytelling I used to do was in collaboration with friends I fell out with, and it was a bit of a slap in the face to realize last year/during 2023 that I never really told stories or built characters on my own, and it's been hard for me to find that joy and passion. I loved what I was doing with friends and miss that feeling of community, but I think it's important and I want to learn how to create and tell stories primarily for myself now, too. What's been most difficult initially is fighting against a feeling of embarrassment just while simply brainstorming – it was a lot easier to throw caution to the wind and just revel in the Fun of Creating Whatever when surrounded by ppl making things with me with the same abandon!! TTwTT when we're all having a good time who cares if anyone else thinks it's silly, yanno?
I haven't quite figured it out, but that's one of my goals this year. I love doing fan stuff too when the inspiration strikes but I definitely want to put more energy into working on My Art, and figuring out what stories I want to tell and the characters involved. I think it'll be a big step, making the effort to make that shift, in helping to further heal my relationship w art in general and continuing to relearn how to love it and the messy, sometimes frustrating processes :'3
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Not my twelfth archive post 😭
My turn dog video
What happened with John green was fucked up
If Wallace from Wallace and gromit died
-core "and none of you have sex"
Peggle 2
Size comparison between prehistoric animals and modern descendants
If you found out you were pregnant right now tiktok
The Minecraft poem is public domain now
Deaf culture reference post
Human pet guy
This makes me personally uncomfortable to malicious scale
Worst opening sentence competition
My fish brain want to go home video
Explain the Jewish holidays to me like I'm 5
If I was famous I'd release a bad song nct
The pigeon post
Harriet Porber
I hate you Christmas I hate you Christian hegemony
On writing plotting made simple
How to tag posts which might trigger epilepsy
Martin Bühler bike guy activism
How to search tags on Tumblr
Neil gaiman you have to practice writing
Zhao on "authors that made social media work for them"
Can you do a horse drawing reveal
2023 I hope you all kys
This post is like running through a minefield girl boy palette
The departed Matt damn Mark Wahlberg different people
On writing - writing is a skill practicing descriptions advice
2022 Tumblr Year in Review Month By Month
What data Tumblr live takes
Good fucking Lord quit sex-shaming people
I hate job hunting - wait did Anne Boleyn die? post
Share your genome sequence in ur bio
On writing: Plot Structure infograph
Finally some actually constructive criticism on a post
Jewish Concept of Lashon Hara
Riverdale banned fanfiction?
"everything's fine" knitting pattern
Mitch and bitch story
"I'll let this white girl say it since very few people listen when we do" mental illness social currency tiktok
Pornbot dms comic
Atla southern raiders were looking for hama
Why you hating on the red hot chili peppers longboarding across campus world heritage post ask
Harry Potter Legacy Chick Fil-A
Why is the US like that (Christian cults)
Ratatouille rogan Shapiro video idek
No doesn't exist on the internet anymore
"I forgive myself for doing that" and "I shouldn't have done that" can coexist
The US did not come together during the pandemic
If someone told me they felt like Harry Potter after we had sex
Anti-aging outrage post idek
Anime "is this the episode where he lost his house"
Ancient people fish with the sexy tits tiktok
Scooby Doo post "I've heard people say this website is free but you pay in other ways"
repeat after me: rest for art
Beautiful by ordinary days comic
Glaze comes out data-poisoning against art thieves
Reylo Lord farquad
Hippo post
Do not stand over my grave and weep poem comic
Monty Python Lady of the Lake quote 💀💀
Cops searched afroman's house and then tried to sue him for making a music video of the search
Fairy tail's strongest team freaks rating
Loid Anya younger than he thinks
Support voice actors
Black and white movies gripe
AU were race horses
My Nasha hair headcanon
Fairy tail AU where Juvia joined ft first
Gajevy vs. Gruvia
When this website was obsessed with astrology
Iconic spy x panel finally animated
The irony of picky eaters
Gray loved being in Juvia's body
Pops & Mops
Lake mungo Joel Anderson legend
Lamborghini-sized breasts and pills
2023 is cockdickpenis year
"um yeah that's called an addiction" fuck off
Google thinks I'm being bullied for baby names
Fandom influencer types -_-
This website defending the reputation of bees
Shrek "I need a hero scene" dad looks like he's watching a car wreck
Scrimp scrive fuck around
Sailor moon redraw redeaw
Laxus Jellal BrOTP
Comedian vs. rich housewife video
Jan 4 2023 antiwork screenshots
I wanted Natsu to beg for forgiveness
Rankin bass Rudolph
Don't take your managers on good faith. Ever.
Gray Fullbuster to an enemy
Pornbot "how dare you block me" dream
Goodbad boy (yes it's tod)
Fairy Tail Chasing Tails fic
Poll vampires werewolves etc.
Fairy Tail Gendercross Big4 Guys
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g7tz · 1 year
Redraw of my old ass Creepypasta OC (my first real OC, my Sonic OC doesn't count):
Rushed sketch, nothing makes sense. Also, long post incoming.
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I'm not the one for cringe culture, I feel like it's dumb, the same with Mary Sues/Gary Sues. I believe any OC is good, not perfect, but good. It's a good start. Anyways, let me dump info about her!:
When I first joined the fandom I was already in the Undertale fandom, I began to get into the AU aspects of the Undertale fandom as well (this is important). I vividly remember giving her powers like Storyshift Chara has. I also watched 'I Eat Pasta for Breakfast' and I took a heavy inspo from Lazari and Stripes when making her story.
I also for some reason took inspiration from Hamilton??? Little me liked Hamilton (I'm not hating on the musical, I was just strangely into this kind of stuff). She was an 'UwU sofite' (not ironically) and everyone loved her because she was a child!
I totally did not use to take Quotev quizzes like "which creepypasta would be your brother/sister" and make the results and make them 'canon' for my OC. She was Jeff and Liu's little sister. Why? I don't know.
I named her 'Nickie'. I actually used to redesign her, change her story, and change personal things (age, gender, date of birth, etc.) about her as I grew older and started to figure out what I was doing.
She looked similar to Jeff, actually. However, I began to slowly make her recognizable as her own character. This is when I started playing with colors and tried out different color palettes. I was proud of myself, actually.
So yeah, what I am saying is: she was definitely not the best OC or Character concept I have created/thought of, but she played a role in helping me teach myself how to make a decent character. I may re-vamp her. For example, I may make her a soul trapped in a video game console for all the sins she has committed (this is a joke, sorta).
Or maybe she's a lost soul that guides children to the afterlife/their death? Who knows...?
I had a Gacha phase when I made her, if I had access to all of my old arts and Gacha screenshots of her, I would've posted them.
Anyways, I have to cut this short. It's pretty late for me. Goodnight (or good morning or good evening.)
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sebdoeswords · 1 year
1, 5, 8, 16, 19, 29
1. Who was your first ever OC? Do you still “use” them? How have they evolved over time?
God, this is gonna majorly out the edgy teen i used to be, but my first OC was from fullmetal alchemist (the OG anime, I didn't have access to the manga back then and brotherhood didn't exist yet). Of course she was a homunculus, and her name was Hatred (because I had and still have a lot of rage in me), but she went by Scythe for... obvious reasons. Her power was basically metal bending, and she'd make various weapons from the jewelry and other metal parts she carried.
Here's some art of her. Left is the first one i ever made of her, from 2010 (give or take, idk), and the right is a redraw from 2017.
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5. What are some of your OCs biggest fears?
I'm gonna answer this for Humbert, because he's my ""current"" OC, and Scythe was a total mary sue, so i can't for the life of me think of any fears i gave her. But Humbert's biggest fear is very complicated. He's afraid of never being able to go back to the vampire homeworld, but he's also afraid of being able to go back. He's afraid of being stuck AND going home, because he knows that even if he could go home, nothing would be as it used to be because so much time has passed. And he's also afraid of forgetting, but at the same time he's afraid of remembering, because the memories hurt so much. He clings to the memories of his homeworld that slowly slip away, but he also shuts himself away from them because of the pain they cause. His character plays a lot with duality.
8. Do you have any OC family trees?
Fuck no 😂
16. What was you first major project? How far along is it?
My first one? Well, that would be a fantasy novel called "Die Geflügelten" (the winged ones in english) that I started writing almost a decade ago. It's in german, about 100k, and I polished it all the way to sending out queries for publishing, but no one wanted it lol, so now it collects dust. But looking back, it's probably for the better that it never saw the light of day. It's very... "debut fantasy novel" if you catch my drift.
19. What are some things that inspired your stories? Real events? Maybe a dream?
Hmm, i don't know, really. i write fanfic, so canon definitely inspires me. and more specific, things canon lacks. Generally, I'm inspired by the things i want to see in the world. Fanfics i want to read but don't exist. aspects of characters i want to explore.
29. What was your first fandom you were in? Did you make any art/fanfic for it?
God, technically that would be Pokemon, which I was extremely hyperfixated on as a kid, and yes i did make art and write fic for it, but I never interacted with an actual fandom or post anything. So i guess that doesn't really count. The first fandom I was active in was fullmetal alchemist (again, the OG anime). I made art that I posted on deviantart and wrote german fanfic that i posted on a german fanfic site. I think I was about 13 at the time, but that phase stretched all the way til about 16.
[Send me Writer & Artist Questions]
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aliendeer · 4 years
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my favorite part of cave story is when five of the main characters play mario kart together and have a great time
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she CAN and WILL!!! watch out!
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p0p-r0xx · 3 years
I started this bit back but but just found modivation to finish it now 😖
anyways blushy is cute and was v fun to draw!! Hope you like
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presentfuckingmic · 2 years
Things I’d do if I woke up randomly in the mha universe:
Get someone to turn me into a cat so Aizawa can pet me
Scratch Aizawa as a cat
Scratch Mic as a cat
Scratch Shinsou as a cat
Snap Iida’s glasses
Find out if Iida drinks pulp orange juice or regular orange juice
If it’s pulp, bitchslap him
Punch Bakugo
Redraw at least one of the drawing in Midoriya’s notebooks cause what the fuck are those
Bite Mic’s hair
Steal Mic’s speaker
Make a bet with one of Ectoplasm’s clones
Bully Monoma
Formally apologize to every single girl that has ever appeared on screen
Have a staring contest with Nedzu
Give Cementoss and Lunch Rush a hug
Find out how much Powerloader can bench press
Have a conversation with Fukidashi where I try and get him to say as many onomatopoeias as possible before he figures out what I’m doing
See if Vlad’s tusks are fake
Hear Mic scream as loud as he can :)
Get Mina to make me acid that’s safe to touch so I can touch
Ask Jirou what her favorite song is and proceed to roast it
Sit with Tokoyami, Shoji, and Koda in absolute silence for an hour
See how long I can make Midoriya ramble
Punch Bakugo
Buy a bunch of Present Mic merch to bite
Buy Mic some new fucking shoes
Bedazzle Mic’s headphones
Snap Mic’s glasses
Bitchslap Aizawa
Bitchslap All Might
Give All Might a hug
Step on Mic’s toes
See if I can out ramble Midoriya (my strength would be Autistic. Unfortunately, he has that too so we’d have to see)
Give Eri a piggyback ride
Bitchslap Mirio for thinking his hero career was over bc he lost his quirk
Bitchslap Ragdoll for the same reason
Have Recovery Girl heal me then sue because if her quirk works how I think it works (speeds up while blood cell’s rate of work at the spot of injury), my arthritis would go haywire and it’d be Funny
Hijack Hands Up Radio for a single hour just so I can play a bunch of meme songs
Find out what fucking year the story takes place in
Get Shinsou to brainwash me. He can do whatever he wants after that idc
Somehow connect Midnight’s handcuff bracelets together so they’d be actual handcuffs while on her
Either find out who tf teaches the second and third years or find out how that few teachers teach that many classes
Wait fuck it might not be as complicated as I thought, I might just be American
Steal Shinsou’s mask
Sniff Aizawa’s eyedrops
Meet Sushi :)
Time how long it takes Midnight to knock me (a very asexual and aromantic person) out
Murder Mineta and frame Bakugo
Buy Midoriya a snack
Steal some hero merch
Make some bootleg hero merch where I just horribly misspell the hero’s names and paint them so you can’t see any detail to avoid copyright
Find out if Tamaki has special teeth that make him able to bite shit like crystals and be fine
If they are special, steal them
Jump out at least one window
Touch Uraraka’s hair
Find a way to stop being a cat and get the fuck out of there
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hellolarkinuniverse · 4 years
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So @ladyjay1616 and I had a short AU of what happens if Sayaka was president and things were kinda flipped on it’s head. So I spent 6 hours creating these two pages because my favorite manga panel is the nose touching bit because it’s so cute and I wanted to see what it would look like if the school was run the same way just with hard logic and Kirari and Ririka weren’t traumatized to act a certain way like they are in cannon, but be ‘normal-ish’ teenage girls.
If anything, it was good practice to try to use the original pages of Vol. 6 and redraw them. Also I wanted to give Kirari a differnt prequel look like Sayaka had before she has her braids since the hair style thing is a important part of their story together. I also wanted to to make sure Kirari and Ririka had similar but differn’t hairsyles so the braids were a must as Ririka just pushes the front behind her ears. Gotta have braids for Kirari somewhere, it’s her thing like blue lipstick.
I have other pages drafted up from the original Manga but Idk when or if I’ll ever get to illustrating stuff for the AU because I have so many projects going on rn. I’ve been sitting on these for a while anyways so I thought since I haven’t posted in a while I might as well share em. (I don’t own the original just the redraws on the right just to give refrence/credit and to make sure no one sues me XD)
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marshmallowloves · 2 years
Zelda OC #2 - Ixchel + Seracia
>> (list of posts for other OCs)
(just a forewarning - even with the read more, this one is gonna be lengthy 😂)
After being introduced more to the Zelda series by my friend, I excitedly went home and attempted to play through the few games that I owned. I got the farthest in Oracle of Seasons - or at least that's the one I played the most. I can't really remember. But, eventually I moved and was forced to change schools, so I kind of fell out of the hype that my friend instilled in me, and I didn't really touch the games for a long while.
Fast forward to… somewhere around 8th grade, when I was around 13. I couldn't pinpoint the year because to be perfectly honest, most of late middle school to early high school is a complete blank in my memory. Anyway, my mom bought me Twilight Princess for the Wii (I know, I know, put down your pitchforks, none of the local stores even sold the GC version at the time - and we weren't about to pay extra to get it shipped to our broke asses) ...and instantly, I was enamored. Now that I was older, I felt I could actually appreciate the games for their content instead of just going "oh haha hee hee, I am playing the Zelda game! I am into the Zeldas!"
I don't even think I finished the game in its entirety before I chugged out an OC, specifically for Twilight Princess. And this time I was determined to make an OC that would put the cardboard-cutout of Saria Kamia to shame. With the OC Remix "Ancient Hero" playing on repeat on my orange iPod Nano, I scurried over to a now-defunct dollmaker on DeviantArt (thanks, adobe) for ideas, and out came Ixchel and Seracia.
Unfortunately, I do not have the original screenshot from said dollmaker. I do, however, have an old notebook drawing of the first Ixchel (pronounced "EESH-tuh-shell") - she went through a major redesign, but we'll get to that.
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(with my real name oh so hastily blurred out kjdhfg)
Ixchel was a name that I found while on Behind the Name - I don't remember what criteria I was searching for, but Ixchel was the name of a Mayan goddess and it supposedly means "rainbow lady." And I do love me some rainbows and names with unusual letters in them! So I wrote it down, butchered the real pronunciation, slapped it on my OC and called it a day.
Ixchel was, for all intents and purposes, a normal Hylian girl (yes I know the "race" part is blank, I know she's a Hylian though dkfjdf). Sure, I slapped on the heterochromia because I needed to make sure she wasn't too plain, but because I was so obsessed with avoiding the Mary Sue clichés, I made it a point to keep her as "regular ol' person" as possible... Well, except for the fact that I later gave her a choker that could literally paralyze people if they made eye contact with her during a very specific phase of the moon. Y'know, normal Hylian girl stuff.
I finally shipped her with Link - because what self-respecting, basic-bitch Zelda fangirl didn't want to jump into Twilight's pants after seeing the first sumo wrestling cutscene? There was no substance, though. I don't remember giving her any distinct personality, nor was there any story as to how they met - I only had daydreams and maybe one or two doodles in which she thinks about him in a romantic context but doesn't say anything. This was at a weird point in time where I kind of knew what self-shipping was, but not by name, and was coming to terms with the fact that I had a crush on a fictional character while being a whole-ass teenager, and not being 9-10 years old and innocently thinking Ash Ketchum was cute - so I think I danced around the ship with Link out of embarrassment, but it was so long ago that I can't be too sure.
Anyway, thanks to this image, I was able to redraw her several years later, looking much nicer and probably much closer to how I intended for her to look. (and here's an extremely rare occurrence - this drawing has a date on it! May 17th, 2016.)
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However, this is the last we see of this version of Ixchel. After a while, I decided that she was rather basic - actually more of an "anti-sue," really - and should fit a bit more into the Zelda universe, rather than just be some normal chick with pointed ears. So I did what any loving creator would do - ditched her on the side of the road, appearance and personality and all, and created a whole separate OC with the same name.
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The new and improved Ixchel was, in retrospect, hit-and-miss. This time around, my Zelda OC actually had a personality! She was a plucky young adventurer who loved exploring and testing her mettle through battle. She had a very casual attitude, and her thrill-seeking ways sometimes got her in over her head, but she was kind at heart and wouldn't hesitate to help someone who needed it. Her design wasn't bad either, I think - the cargo shorts are admittedly a bit modern, but she definitely looks like a fantasy adventurer, which is what Zelda games are supposed to be like. So this was the "hit" part!
The "miss" part comes in the fact that she once again has a fairy - wait a minute, that's the bitch from the last post!! No, wait, this one is orange, and her name is spelled differently… Those things might have changed, but hoo boy, Seracia (shortened to Sera) did not change her bitchy ways. Still snarky, still sassy, and still insufferable, to the point where Ixchel would regularly put her in glass time-out just to get her to cut the sass - and that still didn't work.
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Not only that, but Ixchel also had a pet wolf named Olive. Whether it was because I was in the throes of my teenage years and wolves were cool and edgy, or because I was just that in love with Wolf Link's whole schtick, I wanted a piece of that action too, so I gave Ixchel a rideable wolf that I never drew because to this day I cannot draw animals to save my life. Nevermind that apparently in TP (which Ixchel was made for) everyone in Hyrule shits themselves at the sight of an oversized puppy - Ixchel could literally waltz into Castle town on the back of her giant danger dog and nobody would bat an eye. In fact, that was the opening scene to a story I began writing with another friend at the time - but discussing that story at length would require its own post.
Ixchel's weapons were interesting as well. The idea for them came from (hilariously) Jenna's Phoenix Circles in the infamous Zelda badfic My Inner Life - which themselves are vaguely based on real-life chakram. Here, I called them "Dream Rings" and then later renamed them to "Razorings." They had retractable blades and could be carried on Ixchel's shoulder when not in use.
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And lastly, a part that is both hit and miss - I shipped her with Twilight Link as well. At first it was admittedly self-indulgent - there's a picture of them smooching somewhere in my folders. However, I later decided to change it so that Ixchel's love was unrequited. Whether I was, again, embarrassed to crush on a fictional boy at that age or if I was just pants-shittingly afraid of falling into the "loves Link" cliché that many Mary Sues did, at the end of it all, Link fuckin' friendzones her and honestly, that's actually great. It's about time Link successfully escaped the thirsty fangirl.
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