#sun god nika x reader
sabo-has-my-heart · 10 months
I Found You Again
3. Spoiler alert! Chapter 1044/Episode 1071 Spoilers!!!!!!
"Nika!Luffy and fem!reader where reader is the moon goddess. In the legends, the moon goddess and the sun god Nika were lovers that seperated to help humanity. Before Luffy is awakened, he feels a strange bond toward reader and so does she. Reader always loves being by his side, even in battle, which leads to her joing the crew. After the battle with Kaidou, Luffy was seriously injured. However, Luffy's awakening also trigger reader's awakening. Reader turns into goddess form that helps healing Luffy. Seeing reader in that form, Luffy laughs and pulls her in for a kiss, saying that he now knows why he is attracted to her, she was his, all this time. Reader, crying as now finally reunited with him, returns his kiss."
Warnings: Chapter 1044/Episode 1071 Spoilers!!!!
Word Count: 1180
     Nika gave his beloved a smile, though his eyes were brimming with tears. He really didn’t want to separate, much less like this.
     “I love you Nika and I know we’ll find each other again. One as untamable and restless as you? I have no doubt you’ll look for me. Just be careful. The humans are more fragile than we are.” the goddess said, giving her white haired lover a kiss.
     “I love you too G/n, I promise I’ll find you. You’re the only one who I would be willing to be chained by and the one I trust most not to do so. Don’t worry, I’ll be careful. Besides, we’ll be making them strong, then they won’t be as fragile.” Nika gave her his usual sunny smile, followed by his little ‘shishishi’ laugh that always made her smile. She gave him one last kiss, before touching her forehead to his as they disappeared, heading to the earth below.
     He’d always felt close to you, from the moment he saw you, he felt something for you. Granted, he didn’t know what he felt for you, only that it was something. Almost immediately, he’d asked you to join his crew. No reason given, just ‘join my crew!’. The others hadn’t been sure what to make of it. Most of them had joined for a reason, but you weren’t a navigator, a sniper, a first mate, a cook, or a musician. You weren’t an archaeologist, a shipwright, or a doctor. You were a devil fruit user on an island they stopped by. Okay, sure, you wanted to go out to sea, you said you were searching for… something. You’d told them it was a meaning, a purpose to your life, but you still weren’t like the others. Sure, you were strong, and yeah, you could fight, but Luffy hadn’t even known that in the beginning. Just, ‘join my crew’. Of course Luffy loved being around you constantly once you’d joined. Whether it was playing games on the deck, talking about beetles or something one of you found interesting, sitting next to you during meals, or even just laying on the grass together in silence. Where one was, the other could be found. Fights were much the same unless Luffy was fighting a particularly difficult opponent, you were by his side and had each other’s backs. That being said, he always made sure your safety was a priority. Meaning if he thought the fight would be too much for you, he got you out of harm's way.
     Looking up at the top of the skull that made up Onigashima, you couldn’t help the horror that filled you. Luffy… you couldn’t hear him anymore. Couldn’t hear his heart. Tears ran down your cheeks, your beloved was gone. You didn’t even notice the sudden pounding that resonated throughout your body. He couldn’t be gone, yet there was nothing coming from the rooftop. Another pulse ran through your body as your eyes changed color. Even in your pain induced trance, you noticed the strange pulsing that resonated throughout your body. Not that you cared, not until the sound of drums reached your ears. Your hair began to float slightly as it lengthened, turning a silvery white like the moon. The drums seemed to pick up in beat and volume as you smiled. Somehow, he wasn’t dead, ignoring Kaido, you shot up to the roof, your new found powers sending you flying through the air as you smiled, landing beside a rather different Luffy. His hair and clothes were white and though he was still wounded, he smiled at you. Placing a hand on his cheek, you smiled. Your touch was cool but pleasant as his wounds stitched themselves closed, his smile widening. As soon as he was healed enough to move, he was tackling you and pulling you into a kiss.
     “Shishishi, I found you, G/n! Told you I would!” Luffy said with a wide grin, though he wasn’t entirely certain as to what he was saying. Your name was Y/n, not G/n and he’d never promised to find you to the best of his knowledge, but the words left his mouth before he could think about them, not that he would have anyway.
     “I suppose you did. Now if only I could convince you to be careful for once!” you teased, taking his face in your hands. Luffy could only give you his signature little laugh as he smiled at you.
     “I was careful, promise! Besides, you’re here so now I’ll always be okay! You always make me feel better!” he said, pulling you into an embrace. His eyes suddenly widened as he pulled away, remembering what was happening below, “Oh! I forgot about Kaido! Hang on! I need to finish my fight!” he said excitedly, making you laugh.
     “You are absolutely not doing this without me this time!” you said as Luffy reached down to grab Kaido. Though Luffy’s sudden transformation seemed to surprise the others, you found yourself oddly unphased by his new look and abilities as you stayed on the roof with him. You wouldn’t jump in unless he needed it, Nika had never needed your aid before. Your brow furrowed as you shook your head. Luffy, Luffy had never needed your help in a fight before. Where had Nika come from? The ‘fight’ didn’t take long, Luffy easily defeating Kaido before stretching his arms and pulling you close again, giving you that same sunny smile he always gave you.
     The both of you seemed to return to ‘normal’ as you stood atop Onigashima together, though it was clear Luffy was feeling rather drained.
     “Rest, my sunlight. You’d been through a lot tonight. Just as the moon watches over those who slumber away, I’ll watch over you as you sleep.” you said softly, gently lowering him to the ground and lightly forcing his head into your lap. It wasn’t even 5 seconds later that his snores filled the air, letting you watch over and protect him as he rested. Though you’d healed some of his injuries, he would still need a great deal of rest. Picking him up and putting him on your back, you carried him back down to the others, smiling when they gave you odd looks.
     “There’s no way to explain anything without sounding insane, just trust me that Luffy and I are alright and there’s no need for concern. He’ll need a few days of rest though. Awakening a devil fruit like his is… a strain on his body.” you said, as you all headed off of the ‘island’ that now sat not far from the flower capital. Turning your head, you smiled at your sleeping love. You were finally reunited, truly reunited. Though you still didn’t understand why your mind kept calling him Nika or why you felt like you’d just reunited when you’d been fighting your way up to the top together, you could figure it out later, all that mattered right now was that you were together and he was alive.
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I HATE WHEN PEOPLE WRITE THINGS LIKE “You tied your long, straight hair into a ponytail” bro I am BLACK I DO NOT HAVE STRAIGHT HAIR!!! AND ALSO “Your face turned as red as a strawberry/tomato” once again I am BLACK. LEAVE US BLACK READERS ALONEEEEEE!!!
Also make more Sun God Nika/Gear 5 Luffy x Reader. I love that guy
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kingofthe-egirls · 9 months
how about an God au with gear 5 luffy?
He's the sun god bored out of his mind until a new girl, Y/N arrives in town. Y/N is a new temple maiden by the way.
He's quickly enamored with her as she is sweet and kind to everyone, but he doesn't like that she has sutiors. She turned them all down though.
One gets handsy to her discomfort but Luffy intervenes with a lightning strike and people see it as an omen and Y/N becomes off limits!
One day to his luck, Y/N arrives to his temple to do cleaning at night, he appears to meet her. Saying he has been watching her since she arrived.
And with some soft coaxing, Luffy starts to spend a real steamy time with her. There won't be a part of her he won't touch! Or taste!
And through that time he makes Y/N his goddess! Which kind of Goddess is up to you!
i have done my best
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(cw: sun god!au, sorta spoilers, sfw, cheek kiss, reader can't see luffy, food mention)
(a/n: okay so sorry this took so long, this is sorta what i have so far, i just haven't written the smut yet. it's sorta plot heavy, so i hope you still enjoy this!)
words: 1.1k
Sun God Nika is bored. 
She's dusting the altar again, singing to herself. He peers down from the marble pillars, legs wrapped around the column as he stares at her working. She's wearing a soft chiton, pastel pink like the rose petals she sprinkles on the golden offering dish. Luffy'd much prefer meat.
"Hmm," he stares down at her, swinging upside down from the pillar. She doesn't see him yet. He wonders if he should say something, maybe get her attention. Most priestesses can see him, if he speaks up. She's singing now, murmuring little lullabies with a songbird's voice. 
Luffy smiles.
She's pretty.
So he spirals down the marble pillar, letting his limbs snap back to his torso with a whack as he lands. He stands, grinning, his fists on his hips. He's shirtless, wearing nothing but his clouds and snow-white shorts. His sash swishes violet around his waist, as he steps up behind her with a shit-eating grin on his face. He's sending out rays of sunlight, he can tell, since she's all lit up sparkly and gold as he approaches her. 
She's sweeping as she hums, brushing away the dried rosebuds and sunflower seed shells from this week's previous offerings. He likes the seeds, but since he can't eat roses he wishes she'd leave the petals out of it. She stops, suddenly. She shifts, as she starts to sense his presence.
She turns, and Luffy stands with his biggest grin to greet his newest friend.
She's staring right at him, but her eyebrows are furrowed as she scans the room. He waves. 
She screams.
"Ah!" She yelps, jumping in place as she drops the broom. It clatters to the floor, scattering shells and petals everywhere. She swirls around, shaking visibly in surprise. "Wh-what the fuck?! Is there someone here?" She's breathing heavily, nostrils flaring as she tries to keep her cool. Her soft dress sways around the scattered rosebuds. Luffy's confused.
"Hello?" He says again, head tilted. She stares at the space he's occupying, but sort of past it. Luffy waves again, but she doesn't respond. Oh. She can't see him.
That's a first.
"Huh!" He says, stumped. But then he gets an idea, and he's smiling again as he saunters up to her. "It's me!" He smacks a kiss on her cheek, expecting the swoon he usually gets, but she screams and slaps him in the face. She scrambles backward, swiping up her broom to wield in front of herself like a bo staff. She's flushed, chest heaving in fear. 
Luffy scrunches his lips to the side: he's somehow made a mistake. 
Nami, his sister-goddess (she governs stars, currency, and navigation), would smack him upside the head for something like this. He frowns, sitting cross-legged in midair as he stares at the frightened human. She swallows heavily, starting to shuffle around to behind the altar. She looks like she's going to bolt at any second.
"Okay, okay, sorry!" He waves his hands in surrender, but then drops them as he realizes she can't see his gestures. He casts about him, searching for a way to calm her down. "Ah…uhh," he swirls around to the other side of the altar with her, sending as much radiance and light as he could. "See that? See the sunlight?" He asks hopefully, seeing the gold reflections in her eyes.
She stares.
"S-sorta…," she allows, still brandishing her bo-staff-broom. 
Luffy snickers, setting his feet down on the marble floor. His sandals crunch over the scattered shells. "It's me! Sorry ya can't see me, I dunno what that's about…" He frowns, scanning over her face. She seems like she can see other stuff, like how she stares at the rose petals and the flickering candle lights. Or her own fists wrapped tight around the handle of her broom.
"Here," he says softly, alighting his fingertips onto the tip of the handle. He pushes it down, just so she can feel his weight manipulating objects in the mortal world. She gasps, but doesn't drop the broom. He slowly slides his hand down the handle, until his fingertips are almost touching hers. He doesn't want to scare her again, so this time he asks. 
"S'okay if I touch ya?"
She hesitates, but nods.
So he softly traces the backs of her knuckles, before wrapping his hand around her fist. She's smaller than him. She seems to glow a little bit, being touched by a god. She breathes in a sigh of relief, shoulders visibly relaxing. She lets go of the broom with one hand, letting her fingers tangle with his invisible ones. She's soft as feathers.
"Doesn't hurt, does it?" He asks cheekily, and she smiles as she shakes her head.
"S'warm," she confesses, letting his fingers trail up her inner forearm to dance at the crease of her elbow. She scrunches her nose, "Tickles."
"Shishishi," Luffy snickers and pulls away. He sits back up in midair, legs crisscrossed under him. "So, what's it like serving me? S'fun so far?" He tilts his head, floating along behind her as she sets the broom to the side. She seems much more comfortable now, since she knows he's real. She's all melty and relaxed, like she's been sunbathing for a while.
She smiles dreamily, fingers playing in her hair. It's decorated with gold jewelry, with a sparkling jewel at the center of her forehead. Third eye, Nico Robin would call it. She's much better at this spiritual stuff than Luffy is, truthfully. But his temple priestess is suddenly flustered again, except this time she's blushing instead of breathing heavily. 
"Oh, um! I should have offered you sunflowers, or something–"
"You're good!" He's sick of flowers, "Is there any meat instead?"
Luffy flicks a sunflower seed off the gold offering dish. He sits on the marble slab, relaxing amid the candles with his head propped up on his hand. "S'my favorite! Any kind of meat will do," he watches her cast about breathlessly, a soft blush decorating her cheeks.
She's cute.
Luffy likes her, he decides, although he'd already liked her singing. 
She shakes her head, comma of displeasure forming between her eyebrows. "I-I don't think so… I'd have to go to the market," she twists her fingers in front of her, tangling them in the soft pink fabric of her dress. She stares to the left of where Luffy stands. "Is…that okay?"
"Sure!" Luffy chirps, sliding his warm hand into hers. She blushes ferociously, but she squeezes his hand in comfort, anyway. He swings their arms between them as he starts leading her toward the front door. "Let's go!"
She stops, stricken. "Wh-what?"
Luffy snickers, "Let's go together! Cmon, it'll be an adventure!"
She swallows, letting him start dragging her back towards the door. She scuffs her sandals along the sandstone floor, but she doesn't refuse. "Okay," she says quietly, "I think I'd like an adventure," she smiles at him, sorta to the side, and Luffy beams back. He squeezes her hand.
"Let's have an adventure, then!"
She smiles, and lets Luffy drag her all the way to the town square.
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Omg this was so good like there something about breeding kink luffy that hits different 😩.
Do you take any requests cuz how about possessive gear 5 luffy 🤭
Smoke seemed to fill the air as you sighed, your hair was tied up and you were wearing a kimono to celebrate the festival and of course, Luffy’s victory against kaido.
You and the crew were so so happy that he’d won! Who could’ve guessed that gear five could be that…cartoonish right..?
Well you were just making sure when everything was set with your outfit and hair when suddenly a faint mist filled the room..
Familiar mist…
A Pure, white and almost god like presence was definitely there. Watching you..
The same familier wide grin and blood red eyes popped out from what you could see in the mirror as hands covered your eyes. You could almost hear the giggling already from behind you as he footed while looking down at you. You could feel it..
A sigh left your lips and dropped what you were doing.
“Guess who!!”
You raised an eyebrow, why hadn’t he turned back into Luffy yet..? It was almost like he was doing this on purpose but you complied with his hand of course because he was your captain still technically and even more so..
A God.
“Hmm..I dunno..is it the guy who saved a whole country?”
You replied, your voice being playful as I you looked up. He took his hands off of your eyes and somehow grinned even more.
“Bingo!!!” He Saïd with a loud laugh which caused you to join in on the laughter.
Admittedly, he was quite the funny and cute one. Just an hour after beating kaido he spent all his time with you, following you around and floating wherever you went. Sometimes just blabbering about random nonsense while laughing at his own goofy acts and jokes.
There was times that he made you laugh so much that you had to held your stomach and drop to the ground, forcibly and just by his own doings.
But, there were also times where he acted rather strange when someone would get too close and try to ‘steal’ you away from him..
He seemed absolutely adamant about keeping you close..
No one should and dared to keep your attention for too long. They knew that you were very precious to joyboy. He didn’t even have to say anything to anyone about your attention. They just knew.
He saved a whole country for peeks sake and not to mention fought and won against one of the emperors of the sea.
The crew even suspected why he was so clingy, he would constantly butt in at any chance they tried to at least do one activity with you!
Trying to train or take a nap with zoro?
‘Hey Y/N! You wanna hear some jokes?!’
Just having a normal conversation with usopp and listening to his tales?
‘Hey hey!! Y/N!! Look at me! Look what I can do!’
Proceeds to something so goofy with his body your at a loss with words..
Anything just to get your attention because we’ll..he wanted it! You intrigued him greatly with almost everything you did!
Could you really blame him?..
At the festival, the music was lovely and the lights were glittering with beautiful colors and you smiled seeing the happy people who were celebrating the victory of no one other than your captain, Luffy.
Who was still in his god like form and stuffing his face with meat, rice and any food he could get his hands on. While keeping a firm hand in your hip to keep you close.
Sipping your Sake while Nika was blabbing away with goofy nonsense, you were half listening and half zoning out when suddenly you felt light tap on your shoulder.
It was Law. His eyes bore into you as he stuffed his hands in his pockets and looked down at you. This apparently caught Nikas attention as well. You of course didn’t notice though.
“Hey so uh..I’ve been watching you this whole time and you’ve been in the same place the entire night..”
He glanced over at the ‘sun god’ beside you .
“Would you want to dance?..”
The who party seemed to get quieter.
Did he not know?..
Blinking a few times to adjust from the shock and surprise and put on a smile and gratefully nodded. For weeks you haven’t hung out with anyone other then the white haired boy with ruby red eyes..it was good to finally have some peace.
You turned to Nika who was gripping your hip with a frown, one that was very rare for a guy who’d smile nonstop no matter what.
“Hey Nika, im gonna go dance alright? I’ll be back soon!”
Before the godlike figure could even respond, you were off to dance with Law.
Nerves eased through you as your movements matched the man currently in front of you.
A little spin here, a touch of the hip there..one of his hands found its way on your waist and the other on your shoulder while the both of your arms wrapped around his neck.
Your heart was pounding through your chest and you could feel eyes on you..deciding to ignore it you just got lost in the gray ones that were staring at you while the two of you danced.
Meanwhile Nikas face was almost in a childlike pout, watching you dance with the surgeon. His body in a laying position as he floated up on a white cloud. So many emotions were boiling up inside of him at that moment..he just had to figure out which one was the most controlling of him..
The final straw was when he saw him gently squeeze your waist and whisper something in your ear that made you giggle.
His fists clenched and his eyes narrowed.
He wasn’t that amused anymore..
After the party a smile stained your lips as you sat down by a lake, the moonlight casting upon the water perfectly.
Just then you felt it..that presence again.
Two red eyes peeled out of the shadows and a familiar grin was spread across the face you knew so well.
“Oh hey Nika..the party was fun wasn’t it?..I-”
Without another word you felt the warm feeling of his lips on yours. Your eyes widened in complete shock and your cheeks flushed a red color that could compete with the boys eyes.
His arms wrapped around your waist as he pushed you with little force into his lap. The familiar feeling of mist surrounding you resurfaced.
You didn’t know what to say..What on earth was happening with him?!
Eventually his stretched arms loosened slightly and he slowly traced his hands down to your waist, rubbing his fingers on the sides, His other hand went down to your thigh.
He finally stopped kissing you but his grin of course remained. Your mouth was agape and you were still trying to get over the fact that your captain had just kissed you!
His touch lingered while his hands just seemed to roam around your body almost lovingly.
“Hey Y/N..?”
Snapping out of the still remaining shock you slowly lowered your head.
“..we’re close right..?”
“Yeah..you could say that..”
“So don’t do that again.”
You were now again at a loss of words.
“Do what again..?”
He didn’t respond or didn’t really care to listen anymore as he hugged you tight, the wide grin that almost everyone knows him for returning while he chuckled.
Raising an eyebrow you couldn’t help but snort too..he could never resist to make you laugh too..
Protective yet possessive arms wrapped then self around you tightly while a head nuzzled cozily into your neck.
Chucking could still be heard that almost sounded mischievous, yet still full of glee.
For a second you thought he was almost making a plan to always keep you in sight..no matter what the cost..
But of course that was crazy talk..
Yeah, it was alll just your imagination..
Eeeeeeeh i love this so much!! Omg- I hope this was good because I adored writing this and just Nika’s character in general!! Ty so much to @sirenbeloved for the request! I loved writing it! Thank you!! 💕💕
I MIGHT post another story but it’ll be like real late- but you best believe that I’m probably gonna post again tomorrow!!
Thank you for reading and again, have a good night/day or evening my lovely petals and thank you so much for just being with me and reading my work ❤️🌸❤️🌸💓🫶🏼
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snowywolf1005 · 4 months
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When I was watching joyboy luffy vs. kaido, and I was thinking something, then I got an idea.
What if I made that nika warriors of liberation who are in love with someone who is the moon God a girl.
That they are really in love. And that moon God is gonna named lunala from my favorite show (pokemon Sun and Moon Ultra Adventures).
And the reader ate moon Goddess devil fruit, I'm going to called it the mo-mo fruit.
But it got me thinking, should I write nika x lunala past? Or joyboy luffy x moon goddess female reader in the battle of kaido?
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suspiciouspiece · 2 months
𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 : 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐥𝐦𝐚𝐨 ! 𝐈’𝐦 𝐰𝐞𝐢𝐫𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 . 𝐀𝐥𝐬𝐨 𝐝𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐠𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐲’𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐢𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐦𝐞 🫶🏼. 𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 .
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐘/𝐧 𝐢𝐬 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚𝐧 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐭. 𝐋𝐮𝐟𝐟𝐲 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 . 𝐎𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐮𝐭 ? 𝐎𝐫 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 ? 
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CHAPTER 1 Greetings and ghost stories 
Y/n had sighed, running as quickly as she could. The marines hot on her tail screaming for her to stop. Y/n had jump down into the water and pulled out a card, the black white & red card opened a portal. When she step through she was on a different island . Using another card to dry herself off and change her clothes. “ Finally some peace and quiet. “ She started walking up the hill’s path . Disappearing within view. 
“ AWWW NAMI !!!! I’M BORED !!” Screams luffy from up top of the head of sunny. He had been miserable lately. Thanks to the fact no new islands had been near them . Nami let out an irritated sigh, “ How many times have I told you luffy ? No island are near us ! Honestly it’s a miracle that I can even navigate when even the log pose is complete still. “ 
Luffy had huffed, clearly not satisfied with the answer but couldn’t do anything more about it . “ Is the island in the sky ? “ Usopp said while fixing up something new at the table. Robin had put her book down and looked at the sky .“ No like last time it would have pointed upwards. Honestly I’m scared we might be in a still area of water with nothing around us .” 
“ Don’t stress out Nami dear ! Even if that happens I would personally kick this boat so far that it’ll never become still becoming your Prince Charming and-“
“ Stealing a kiss ! Ahah ~ “ 
Nami sighed, “ Hopefully we find an island soon through, supply is running low on everyone end.” Sanji had took a smoke break ,” Yea Nami right . We only have enough food for a week . “ Usopp gasped,” but all that food I seen earlier!” “ Have you forgotten our captain eats crew worth of meals ?  2 at breakfast, 2 snack breaks, 2 lunches, another 2 snack breaks , 3 serving at dinner even though it’s only supposed to be 2 but somehow he manages to steal someone food .” ussop had fell to the floor ,” LUFFYS EATING US TO DEATH ROW !!!” 
Sanji had sighed another drag form his cigar , “doesn’t help that he’s been so bored he’s basically stress eating. Our captain has a lot of energy, the sunny can only hold him for so long . “ Franky had walk up to them,with chopper . “ How is that even possible?! “ “ Luffy’s body is rubber . His whole body is constantly stretching and unstretching subconsciously through tiny cells . Making his stomach big. It literally has no end while he eats. It also doesn’t help that while he loses a big chunk of energy it’s balanced out with more energy coming in from nothing. “ 
Zoro had popped up outta nowhere . “ So that means what exactly?” “ Think of it as lightning being held by rubber band but the rubber band is moving . It’ll attract more light while losing a little. “ Zoro still looked confused. “ In other words it’s like filling a bottle of water with a hole in the bottom.” Robin try’s to explain. Zoro still kinda lost.
“To sum it up moss head , think it as he training, he became 10 times stronger but he hungry from the hard work so he eat and has to start the workout over again .” “ Oh ? Why didn’t you explain it that way .” “ BECAUSE YOUR AN IDIOT !” “ WHO YOU CALLING IDIOT, PERVERT COOK ?!” 
“ SHUT UP BOTH OF YOU !!” Nami screamed, punching them . Luffy sighed,” I’m depressed. Me want meat . No island yet .” Luffy was deflated  on the floor, pouting . The group stared, eyes poking out their heads . “ Oh lord I hope we find an island fast !” The crew screamed. 
Thankfully the crew was able to find a island fast . It was unlikely luffy to be that sad . Chopper had made sure to test him to see if he was sick because of it . The crew had felt a sense of easiness watching luffy gum gum off the ship not even waiting for them . “ Welp, there’s no stopping him . I’m sure luffy will find his way back . This is boring quiet island after all . Sanji and chopper go get food supplies and medicine. Me and robin will get books, paper and other things. Usopp and franky get weapons and tools. Brook find me some clothes . Zoro actually stay and guard don’t fall asleep ! “ 
It was too late though. Zoro was already sleeping up a storm . “ Ugh whatever.” 
Luffy was having the time of his life. He already made some new friends. Ate good food and even got in a good fight. He miss this . 3 months on the ship was too long . He had stop at the end of the road, the little girl he made friends with, on his back was name Mico ( Mi-co ) . Had stopped him ,” Uhoh Luf! We can’t go any farther!” Luffy stared, “ Why ?” “ That forest is called “ Evil lives” . Some strange girl walked into the forest about 2 weeks ago and the forest when completely silent. We haven’t seen any animals other than fish but still. It’s creepy. Her and the animals completely disappeared !” 
Luffy had smiled,” Sounds like some fun ! We should turn back for now though I told your mom I’ll bring you home before dark .” 
The girl nodded and than when back . Luffy wasn’t surprised to bump into his crew . “ Ah alright made a friend?” The group had all ran into each other . “ YEA ! Met Mico ! “ They had said their hello to the little girl . 
“ Oh my , so many , come in . “ A woman said smiling in the doorway. “ The group in the street nodded, following. 
“ So I hear Mico told you the story I’m sorry for her but her words are truth.” Sanji had let out a puff of smoke . “I guess that explains why I couldn’t find anything other than fish and why everything around here is so expensive.” The woman shook her head,” Listen I’ll explain a little more .” 
“ About two weeks ago, a woman with 
y/c/h hair came outta nowhere. She was sleeping in the middle of the road. Head on a pillow, holding a purple blanket. We wanted to wake her up but we couldn’t, some type of weird force was on her. So we let her alone . We thought she might be a devil fruit user that was into she woke up …”
Robin had a serious look but sweet and calm vioce,” What happened?” 
“ When she woke up it was like nothing happened. She didn’t speak to anyone or bothered us . The pillow and blanket disappeared. She was walking straight to the woods . Didn’t eat or drink anything. The kids were playing, accidentally spilled sea water on her . And by sea water I mean a tank that was being pulled . She didn’t flinch. She said it was hot day and that playing in water was understandable and nobody needed to make a fuss but after she walk in the woods , nobody ever seen her or any of the animals. I haven’t even seen a bird in two weeks now .” 
“ if she’s not a devil fruit user what’s her case ?” Franky said confused. “ To not see a bird in two weeks, this chick must be smoken hot to no ends ! The animals must have great taste ! “ Sanji screamed . “ Or she could be a real threat. Animal avoid areas that they feel threatened . A huge sign of this is when large groups of birds fly away .” Chopper added in . “ Whatever the case is let’s find her ! “ Luffy said getting excited, this is just what he needed, an adventure after been bored for so long . 
“ WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT !!!!!!!! “ screamed ussop,” Are you telling me you wanna find some creepy ghost lady that took all the animals?!!!! TELL ME YOUR JOKING!!” Luffy laughed,” I’ll be fun stop being a scary cat ussop.” Luffy had jump up ready to go . He was quickly stop by robin.” We don’t know what’s waiting for us, plus it isn’t good to just walk into the woods without supplies or anything else . Also aren’t we missing a man ?” 
Luffy stared ,” brook ?” “ I’M RIGHT HERE !” “ Sanji ? “ “ FOR THE LOVE OF GOD ITS SO OBVIOUS !!! “ The crew screamed. “ Think of moss .” Robin calmly stated .” Luffy’s eyes popped out of his head ,” ZORO ?! WE GOTTA GO GET ZORO !!” The crew facepalm . “ I bet your first mate would be pretty hurt to hear you not remember like this .” “ I forgot I was thinking of the awesome fight I’m about to have ! “ “ YOU! WE’RE GOING TO SEE WHAT HAPPENED TO THAT GIRL AND THE ANIMALS NOT FIGHT “ nami yelled slapping luffy . 
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jessysapphireblue · 8 months
Two Gods Nika!Luffyx Oc
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Sun God Nika and Elementar Goddess Je. If you want you can change Je into your name. Both are Gods
Fluff like sugar
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Reading a book in your private library, you nibbled on your own snacks, minding your own Business. When you wanted to take another cookie, you noticed the plate was empty.
Closing your book, you looked around, no traced of your baked goods so you stood up. "Nika, come on out", you said and a head with fluffy white hair and pink eyes poked out from behind a bookshelf, laughter ringing in the room. "How did you knew it was me?", he bounced on the ground, sitting, until he reached you.
"I only know one that sneaks my baked goods away like this", you admitted with a loving smile and he jumped up. "Je, I missed you! You were gone for so long!" "Well excuse me that I need to look over the earth"
He began to pout. "I demand to see you more! I´m the Sun God after all!", he grinned proudly. "I´m the Elemental God, and as far as I know, Sun is light and fire so-" "So?", he looked at you. "You could say I stand above you", you chuckled at his mouth as it reached the ground.
"UNFAIR! No one knows you!" "Like I said, I have many names" "I have many names", he mocked you in a high pitched voice. "Ok, I thought you wanted to stay for dinner but I guess-" "No no! I stay! Sorry", he directly hugged you, cupping your face and made the biggest puppy eyes there gives. "Nika"
"Je, pls! I promise I be good!" "You´re squishing my face", you said as he looked at you before bursting into laughter. "Je! Your face! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!", he fell to the ground, rolling around in laughter.
You deciaded to let him be and walked out, down the corridor of the temple you had. "JE!!! WAIT FOR ME!", you heard and turned slightly around, seeing him flying towards you, next to you a pond with water. "No! Stop! NIKA!", you shouted but no awail. He crashed into you, full force hug, sending the both of you into the water with a loud splash.
"Puh!", he shook himself while laughing, clothes wet but happy, as you sat there dry as a bone. "Hey! That´s unfair" , he pointed at you. "Come on up with you", you said and held your hand out, as he took it, jumping up with a bright grin. Touching him, a water ball formed before you threw it back into the pond. "Thank you!"
Cupping your cheeks, he gave you a big kiss onto your lips, your eyes widen before you pulled away, looking around. "Je?" "I told you to-" "But no one is here. Most of the other guys don´t even know you exist", he pulled you close, grinning. "Haaa, I know but-" "And besides me no one ever came here" "True but-" "So shut up and let me kiss you! I missed you so much!", he whined and kissed your cheek over and over, finally settling for your lips. "mmh, cookies", he hummed before diving back in. You relaxed fully, kissing him back as you felt him smiling.
"Smiling or kissing", you said after you pulled away. "Wha?! But your kisses give me smiles! They make me so happy...don´t take them away", he began to whine, sniffling like a kicked puppy. "If other Goddesses ever find out that you-" "You know you can defeat them all? I saw you. You gave me chills all over"
"That is not the point...no one knows me and if they heard it they won´t like me" "Why? You´re so likeable...I want snuggles and cuddles", he suddenly admitted and lifted you up over his shoulder. "WHA! NIKA!"
He only laughed and dashed away, eager to get his needed cuddles.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 8 months
hi can i ask/request a x male reader who is like luffy?like from power's and behavior
they somehow got in to valhalla like they got accidentally teleported to valhalla and so after a while all of the gods and humans adopted him as a little Brother or son (this was Before Ragnarok]
they also don't know he has rubber powers and so when Ragnarok came around M!y/n decide to also join much to his adoptive families dismay.
but what made them more concerned is that M!y/n wanted to fight with out a Valkyrie.(by the way M!y/n's opponent would be like kaido)
and so when his fight was about to start all of his adopted family was watching very concerned as well as wanting to stop the fight before it even happens as you don't have a Valkyrie.
and so imagine there's surprise seeing you rubber power's as well as using your Armament, Observation, and Conqueror's. haki during your fight.
they're fight would play out the same as the anime/Manga (like everything from the scene of them splitting the sky to kaido turning to a giant dragon ect.)
and so when m!y/n fell unconscious when i tell you all of his adoptive family wanted to run in the arena and get him out of there.
but all of the suddenly they hear Drums?.all of them look at m!y/n seeing smoke or something covering him all of the sudden a Bust of energy in golp's the arena seeing that M!y/n had took the from of nika a powerful sun god that Disappeared centuries ago
after that the fight will continue to be like in the anime amd of course m!y/n won of course
and so how would his adoptive family react?,
for the gods i would like to see:
for the humans i would like to see:
•qin shi Huang
•Nikola Tesla
and Leonidas.
-It had all started with an accident, one that brought you from your world to this new world, Valhalla. It was a paradise- no shortages of food so you were able to eat as much as you wanted for every meal, including snacks!
-While a bit disturbed at your monstrous appetite, those who found you- your new adoptive family, found themselves endeared to you- you were funny, loyal, and just a bright ray of sunshine!
-You loved this new world, despite missing your friends, as you learned that you would be unable to return back to your original world- as the way you came was a one-way ticket.
-Since you had so much fun playing there was no reason to fight, so none of them knew of your abilities.
-However, Ragnarok changed everything.
-You immediately signed up and you told Brunnhilde that you didn’t want a Valkyrie partner, you were going to fight by yourself.
-When your family saw you run out, many were panicking, some scared, some yelling at you- calling you an idiot and to get out of the arena but like normal, you just beamed brightly- not bothered in the slightest.
-Your opponent was massive- you would have strained your neck looking up at him had you not been made of rubber, but you grinned- he looked strong!!
-Your family, terrified for you- seeing that you had no weapon- no Valkyrie, but were quickly all gawking with awe, seeing you easily leap into the sky, stretching your body as if you were made of rubber!
-Even Brunnhilde was gawking- she had no idea you could do that!!
-Using your Haki, covering your body with Armarant Haki, you turned yourself into a weapon, “Gum-Gum Gatling!!” throwing a barrage of punches.
-Humanity was cheering loudly for you- watching you bounce around, hyping you up as you were having fun- that is until you got rocked, being sent hard into the ground, creating a crater.
-You weren’t moving and several members of your family, seeing you as a brother or a son, screamed out your name, several going in to stop the fight.
-Suddenly, everyone froze, hearing drums that seemed to be getting louder and louder, coming in faster and faster. Even your opponent had stopped, sensing something dangerous as white smoke came from your mouth, then other parts of your body.
-Warriors- gods and humans alike, immediately all flinched back, feeling the rush of energy escape you as your form changed, your hair turning white and fluffy.
-Your opponent went to charge and you stunned all by being able to move faster than before, hitting him with a well-placed punch- sending him flying back into the arena wall.
-The drums seemed to crescendo, reaching the loudest as the smoke finally cleared and everyone’s eyes went wide- seeing you standing there, a huge grin on your face, looking like you had not just gotten your ass kicked.
-It was like you became a god yourself, your power- your inability to warp reality- almost like you were a cartoon and anything you interacted with was a cartoon- it was so strange!
-His eyelid twitched, watching this one sided fight, now flipped from before, as your opponent was now on the defensive. He had no idea you were so powerful- but you looked so comical at the same time. However, seeing that you were safe, he did calm, no longer feeling afraid that he was going to lose you. However, you were going to get such an earful from him later- how could you hide something like this from him?!
            -Poseidon, Hades, and Leonidas
-Was wide-eyed, watching with large, sparkly eyes- you were amazing!! Watching you fight was one thing- and he was so scared watching you get hurt. And when you seemed to be dead- he felt like he couldn’t breathe, unshed tears in his eyes- he just met you- he didn’t want to say goodbye already! As you came back, even more powerful than before, he could only gawk- he had never seen anything like that before- it was amazing!! He couldn’t wait for you to get backstage- he had so many questions for you!
-Apollo, QSH, Nikola
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luffyvace · 6 months
Luffy x reader x Zoro
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yup ur relationship is basically this gif right here 😋
anyway uh y’all really like the sanji x reader x zoro so now i’m doing a version with luffy
the zoro simps are all over my acc?? 😭😭 anything zoro y’all on it. i don’t blame y’all tho ☝️i actually very appreciate all of you :)
contains (big) spoilers at the end for wano, (manga readers are fine)
your relationship is pure chaos
if you don’t mind the chaos all is well
you can try to take luffy out on a date but it won’t end well
either all YOUR money is blown off on food
yes YOURS because luffy ran out of the diner
or you guys end up fighting some other pirates or marines
you can’t keep him still for a minute
zoro gets the concept more but..
will hardly try to be romantic unless you display that it upsets you
”you said you wanted to eat out, so we’re eating”
assumes you were just hungry so he doesn’t treat it much like a date
dont let him lead the dates
YOU plan it out
he’s for sure getting you lost if you don’t
you’ll probably end up fighting some guys too
if you go on a date with them together
expect nothing less then them either arguing, getting into a fight with someone, not paying and definitely not acting like this is a date
outside of chaotic dates tho
you get chaotic energy and adventures from luffy
luffy sees something cool
drags you along with him
zoro follows saying you two’ll get lost
and you all end up into trouble <3
nami scolds you three
she tells you, you were supposed watch over these meatheads
💥💥💥 😓😓😅 😡
you know the context.
you’ll get all the physical affection in the world from luffy
even if you don’t want it- mwah! shishishishi!
with zoro it’s pretty much the opposite 😎
yeah if your affectionate person you have luffy
if not use zoro as a kiss shield
Luffy forces you to play with him because your like, his favorite person
Zoro forces you to train with him because your like, his favorite person
unless your highly expressive about your opinion like nami, robin or sanji
you WILL do such tasks with them 🤪
Luffy asks “are ya hungry” in front of sanji to get food out of him
especially if your a female
if not your probably not as annoying with food as Luffy is so sanji won’t mind fixing you a quick snack if it’s not close to dinner
Zoro tells you about Kuina
Luffy tells you about Shanks, Ace n Sabo
you probably tell them your past as well
Luffy praises and celebrates with you anytime your bounty goes up
Luffy probably doesn’t ask if you want a bath he just hops in when you do
makes a game and mess out of it
calls it a bath party
you have to force zoro to take a shower
even more so after he trains
which is like all the time
its not that he doesn’t want to he just doesn’t think he needs to
‘im not musty enough’
‘i dont smell bad yet’
if you don’t nip it in the bud quick fast it becomes a problem
they both protect you with your life
at this point you could punch a god and get away with it ain’t nobody gonna lay a hand on you
you got the protection of the straw hat pirate’s captain and first mate on you
if you don’t feel safe i don’t know what’ll make you
(Wano arc) Spoilers‼️:
don’t look unless your caught up with the anime
god forbid somebody hurt you
and i’m talking SUN god. Nika ☀︎
spoiler over :)
hopefully you enjoyed!! some more topics from my list will be coming out
as well as some i randomly thought of. LOL
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khepiari · 1 year
Love Bites
AU. First date. Doctor Law x Entomologist Luffy. Semi-Smut. LuLaw/LawLu—Readers can decide.
Luffy looks his Sun God Nika version in the story. Inspired by aAsuga’s fanart!
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Everything had happened too fast, just too fast and now, Doctor Trafalgar D Water Law was standing inside the bathroom of an expensive hotel! And the guy he hooked up with last night was sleeping soundly on the fluffy bed.
Mentally Law was fine with the idea of one-night stands, his colleagues were always hitting pubs and clubs after crazy shifts, and after a few glasses, they would head with whoever was willing to love them for the night! Law understood the need of the body, when your schedule is so hectic dating always took a backseat. But he had actually never indulged in the act of a one-night stand, he needed to feel that he was more than a night’s companion and someone was interested in him beyond the common goal of mutual pleasure.
So he tried squeezing in dates, between shifts, some worked, some didn’t. Some lead to sex, and some just kisses. Law was not complaining, he took the more arduous road to the simple goal of being railed in the bed!
Yet, when his eyes fell on his date, he knew he wanted him and he wanted Law. Yet, he had not thought, he was capable of shedding his inhibition and taking a man to bed on a first date!
Read here:
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snowywolf1005 · 3 months
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snowywolf1005 · 3 months
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I was thinking about writing a fairy tale of the two gods of nika and lunala who become fall in love❤️!
And Roger and his crew found out about them! But someone is going to in this, and it is asl mother! You know it!
The story of (ASL X mother black reader) is joining the story, but I'm thinking about giving her a name.
Her name will be Sofia.
And also Sofia siblings...
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snowywolf1005 · 4 months
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Warning: blood, curse
Luffy was defeated by Kaido, and now Kaido is attacking everyone. The strawhat thinks Luffy has died, as for you .
You were injured, badly injured so bad, you just passed out while luffy asked Law to put them in a better place.
You were with Nami, marco, and tama. "Luffy dead!? Now, way! That's ridiculous!" Nami cried. "When he says he's gonna win, he'll definitely win, at any cost!" She yelled.
Then Nami began to cry, "So stop lying, you disgusting snake! Luffy, I know you can hear me! Please don't make (Y/N) cry!" She yelled. "Keep your words as always!"
Luffy lay on the ground, and his heart started pumping, playing music. So, as you, your heart starts playing like shamisen.
Zunesha heard the sound of bumping and the shamisen. "momonosake," he said, "what? Zunesha!?" Momonosake asked.
Then the drum started playing in music. "Momonosake! I can hear them!" Zunesha yelled.
"It been a while..." he said, luffy hand start twitch. Momonosake looks confused, "you can hear them? It's been a while? Zunesha, what are you talking about!?" Momonosake yelled.
Luffy body started steaming. "I can hear the drum of liberation. I'm hearing them for the first time in 800 years! I'm positive that they are here!" he yelled.
"wh-who's here?!"
"Joyboy, lunala... has returned!" He screams. Luffy hair turned white, and his body started jumping. Red and white lighting flying everywhere.
Luffy lifts his body. "What happened... to me?" he said, standing up and trying not to fall. " How come I can still stand up?" He asks, then Luffy starts smiling.
" I lost the battle," he said, smiling. "But this is getting fun!" He laughed, falling to the ground. As for your body, it started moving a little.
"Joyboy! Lunala!" Momonosake yelled, "luffy and (Y/N) is joyboy, lunala!" Yamato yelled. "Is that what zunesha said!?" Yamato question.
Luffy laughed, rolling on the ground, and couldn't stop laughing even more. "This is getting fun!" He said, his clothes turned to white, his eyes turned pink.
In the performance floor. Everyone was shocked to see on above, "What? Is that straw hat man?" Said hyogoro, then he smiled.
"Straw hat!?" Said marco, he turned to Nami and tama, who were hugging each other and you too. "Hey! He's still alive-yoi!" He yelled.
"Luffy's not dead?!" Nami yelled, crying. "Big bro's still alive?!" Cried tama, "That's great!" They said crying. "(Y/N)! Luffy is alive!" Nami cried, hugging your body.
Luffy laughed, jumping.
In the mary geoise, pangaea castle, the hall of power. The five elders were in the meeting.
"Sacrificing one of our best agents... only to enrage kaido is like putting the cart before the horse," said warcury.
"But what if it's better than the alternative? It's better to eliminate a risk factor." Said Saturn.
"The world government... has always tried to get hold of the gum-gum fruit and the moon-moon fruit, but it never came into our hands. For 800 years!" Said nusjuro.
"It's as if... the fruit is evading us... That not entirely implausible," said Mars. "Zoan type devil fruit have a will of their own." Said Peter.
" Furthermore, that devil fruits bears the name of a God. Another name for the gum-gum fruit and moon-moon fruit is..." said warcury.
"The Zoan, human-human fruit, mythical type, model... 'nika' 'lunala'. They say that his body had the exact properties of rubber, as for lunala. She can shapeshift and illusion. They fought as they fancied and made people smile." Said Peter.
"The warriors of liberation and the moon queen, also known as... nika, the sun God! Lunala, the moon, God!" Peter yelled.
"Awakening it is said to give its user's rubber body and the shape shifting body even more strength... and freedom. I heard that it's the most ridiculous power... in the world, " said Peter.
Luffy jumps in the sky, jumping on the ground, clapping his hand. "I can do everything I wanted to do! I think I can fight a little bit more!" Said luffy.
Jumping around, dancing around. "My heartbeat sounds funny!". Luffy jumps high, "This is our peak! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Luffy laughed.
"This is it! Gear five!" Luffy yelled, letting out all lighting go nuts around. And you, you opened your eyes and it full of red. 'What going on?' You question.
'How come I can't feel anything pain at all? What is this?' You keep questioning yourself. Then you hear drums, 'what that sounds? It sounded familiar? Why can't I remember?'.
Luffy jumped around, clapping his hand. Smiling, bouncing, dancing. Being all goofy all that stuff and started laughing.
As for the bottom, everybody was shocked to see full lightning. 'What going on? What happened to luffy?' You question, luffy grab his tumb and stared blowing on it.
His arm became bigger and bigger. "Hey, what on?!" Someone yelled, "someone's color of the Supreme king?!" They yelled.
"Where is it coming from?!" Someone yelled two, kaido looked above and saw someone outside above. "What's that on the roof?" Kaido said. He looked a hole on above, then a huge hand burst out and grabbed kaido.
"L-luffy?" You said with a lower voice, luffy pulled kaido up, Law and kid was surprised. "Straw hat?!" Said kid, "is that luffy?!" Chopper scream.
Luffy pulled kaido way up, kaido scream. Then luffy pulled his pruple rope on his waist and became muscles. "Muscles! Muscles! Muscles!" Luffy yelled, luffy flew to kaido face.
And punching him, luffy jumps back and grabs kaido body. "Here we go!" Luffy yelled, luffy spin kaido body around, then slamming his body on the ground.
Luffy keeps slamming kaido body on the ground. You, on the other hand, are still injured. You can see Nami, tama, and marco taking, "l-luffy," you said.
Nami turned around to see you, talking. "(Y/N)! Aaaaaa!! I thought you were dead!!!!" Nami cried as she hugged you. "Luffy, I got to help Luffy," you said, trying to stand up.
"(Y/N), you have rest!" Marco yelled, and then you finally opened your eyes. Nami screamed, Marco and tama looked at you and was shocked.
Your eyes turn to red, "(Y/N)?" Tama asked, then you stand up. Your skin turns white, and pruple lightning comes everywhere on your body, and a pruple smoke sorm around you.
"(Y/N)?!" Nami yelled, your body turned to blue, then you transformed into a gaint shadows monster.
Like this:
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"AAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" Nami and tama scream. Then you fly up, everybody looks at you in horror, "What is that!?" Someone yelled. You look up to see a hole lend to outside.
"Luffy's," you said, you go through the hole and make bigger holes. You looked to kaido turn black.
Like this
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And luffy laughed when luffy looked at you.
You flew over to luffy, and you turned to your human form. And luffy was shocked to see you alive. He put his hand on your cheeks, "(Y/N)!!!" Luffy laughed, and he hugged you tight.
He started kissing you all over your face, and you kissed him on the cheek. "So you're alive as well?" Said kaido, you look at him and transform your monster form.
You and luffy V.S kaido, let see who wins.
If you want more, just leave a comment below!!!!!
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kingofthe-egirls · 8 months
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SUN GOD AU: LUFFY x Y/N (part 2)
part 1
originally requested by @braini-wiz
(cw: food mention/eating, holding hands, reader is a sun priestess that can't see sun god luffy, sorta spoilers post wano, slight gear 5 silliness, smut is still yet to come)
(a/n: sorry it's all plot)
words: 1.4k
Sun god Nika holds your hand all the way to the city’s shopping district. He stamps along next to you, his sandaled feet (you assume) leaving imprints in the sandy roads.
“Still can’t see me?” He asks curiously, squeezing at your hand. His palm is warm and strong around yours. His hand is so much bigger.
You squint your eyes, trying to make out the shape of his form next to you. “Still can’t see ya,” you confirm. “Is that strange?”
He shifts; you can hear the rustling of his clothes as he moves. He whines, as if he’s thinking of something he can’t quite place. Like a word he’s forgetting but can almost taste. “Sorta? Usually priestesses can see me right away.”
You stare down as dust kicks up around your feet. “Sorry,” you say.
Your voice is quiet, shy.
Luffy tugs on your arm.
“What’s wrong?” He asks, slowing his pace. The sunshine filters blue through the shadow of olive trees, as you trudge downhill towards the city. The sun temple sits atop a rocky incline, facing over the sea.
Grassy tufts of shrubbery line the walkway, with an olive grove foresting the western side.
You stare at the shoreline, sapphirine and gold as it sparkles beneath the setting sun. The olives are still unripe: small and caterpillar green.
This city has always hated you.
You shake your head.
“Sorry I can’t be a better priestess,” you say, adrift. Your feet scuff the ground as you walk. It’s something you’ve always known: that you don’t have any spiritual gifts. Or any gifts at all, really.
Luffy stops, tugging at your hand.
You stumble, but gasp as you feel his strong hand steady you by the stomach. His palm presses flat against your abdomen; his fist curls in the soft fabric of your chiton.
Your blood runs hot beneath his touch. And maybe that’s not just because he’s the sun god, but you push that thought away for later.
“Stop that,” he says, voice suddenly low and serious. His breath is steamy, hot on your face as you suppose he leans closer. You squeeze your eyes shut, fighting against stinging tears.
“S-stop what, master?”
He scoffs. “First off,” his index finger pokes your forehead. Your eyes spring open, staring at the space in front of you with a frown. “Stop calling me master. And second,” he squeezes your shoulder, his hand leaving your stomach. It feels cold without him. But then he’s leaning in even closer, the weight and press and heat of this man who's also a god standing in front of you, smiling at you (for you hear it in his voice) is all just so much.
“Stop saying you’re no good.”
You blink.
That’s not what you thought he was going to say.
“Excuse me?”
He starts walking again, the soft pat-pats of his sandals scuffing down the hilly sand. He stretches out, his limb's elastic space roping between you, before suddenly you’re shooting through the air and crash landing into his invisible embrace.
“What the fuck—?!”
He snickers, straight into your face, before smooching your cheek once again. But this time, you don’t feel fear. You feel brave.
You stop breathing for a second, holding air in your lungs as you lift your fingers to where you think his face might be. You feel squishy skin (cheeks?) and then the slope of his smile. Your fingers brush against his teeth, and you grin. “You smile wide,” you say, staring at nothing but feeling his smile.
He snickers in answer, and starts trotting back down the hill towards the city. His steps turn to leaps, turn to bounds, and then you’re screaming in delight as you fly through the air. He sets you down once you reach the city gates.
Sighing, you set down the woven basket of goods you’d shopped for at the marketplace. You’d bargained with butchers for the best prices, the freshest goods, and the most succulent cuts of meat. Sun god Luffy seems to be pleased.
He hovers over your shoulder, somehow suspended in midair.
“Shishishi,” he snickers, poking at the paper-wrapped packages. “Let’s eat!”
You swat his hands away as the paper folds beneath his divine touch. Except you don’t know where his hands are, so it turns into you just swatting the air above the basket with two hands and a scowl on your face. You stamp your foot.
“Stop that! We have to cook it, first.”
He sighs, all dramatic, while a slide whistle sounds as he presumably sinks to the floor. You snort. “You’re silly,” you decide, stepping around the sounds of his pouts and whines. You heft the basket onto your hip, and start heading down the stone hallway to your kitchen.
It’s a simple space, all whitewashed and clean as you place the basket atop the wooden counter space. You drizzle the counter in olive oil, and start unwrapping the meat.
It’s a little while, before the food is ready to eat.
Sun god Nika has been busying himself by poking all around your living space. He’s knocked over seven candles, three sconces, and at least one marble statue (of himself).
The cracked-off head now sits on the altar, haphazard and ridiculous atop the golden offering dish.
You sigh, wiping your hands on a dish rag. The meat is sizzling, spiced and greasy as it pops in the skillet you’ve set over the hearth’s flames.
“S’ready yeeeet?” Luffy whines out, sinking to his knees again as he tugs on your dress. The pink chiffon crinkles under sightless fists.
“Stop acting like a baby,” you complain, swatting your hands through the air again to try and disconnect his hold from your skirt. “But yes, it’s ready.”
Luffy yelps in delight, the floorboards squeaking under his feet as he speeds to the stove. He grabs a steak—it lifts by itself—and devours it in one gulp. You watch it disappear.
“So good!!!”
He cheers, before starting to devour the next piece of meat. You smile, despite yourself, and reach for a piece yourself.
Later, when you’re both full and happy, you sit outside the temple’s back entrance, watching white stars pinprick through the violet sky.
“S’beautiful,” he sighs, reclining on the grassy hill next to you.
You tear a handful of soft emerald blades between your hands.
You admit without thinking.
Luffy stops, the sound of his breathing paused as the air stills. “What makes ya say that?” He asks.
You sprinkle the torn up grass back onto the ground. You stare at the stains it leaves behind on your fingers. “It’s so restrictive,” you confess, “I wanted to become a sailor, but women aren’t supposed to do that,” you scrunch your face in disgust. Luffy stays quiet as he listens to you vent. He’s the only one who’s listened to you speak in a long, long while.
Priestess life is lonely.
“So I started training as a priestess instead,” you prop your chin in both hands, curling forward over your crossed legs. Your leather sandals are scuffed, at the soles. “Since no one wanted to marry me,” you sigh, “This was my only other option. Unless, of course,” you smile wryly, “I wanted to be a prostitute. At least that way I could own land.”
“That's what I said!” You say, exasperated as you lift your hands just to drop them back onto your lap. Silence stretches between you, until another spark of courage shoots through your belly. Slowly, you reach an arm over to where Luffy’s voice has been coming from. You can see the dip in the grass where he sits. Your hand alights upon his knee. “Sun god temple isn’t so bad, though.”
“What’s…not so bad about it?” He asks hopefully, a slight rasp in his heavenly voice. You shrug, snaking your fingers through his own.
“I get to spend most of my time alone,” you say, “So I can sort of do whatever I want. Except leave.”
Luffy stays silent for a moment.
“Wanna come with me?”
“I’m sorry, what?”
He squeezes your hand, his divinity warm and safe beside you.
“I said, d’ya wanna come with me?”
You stare at the space where your hand rests a foot above the grass. “Come with you…where?”
He squeezes, once.
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snowywolf1005 · 2 months
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Let me tell you off the two gods who fought for people for freedom and fell in love. Once upon time, people were used to be slave.
Severs orders, to their oppressive master. There was no hope for them, but one day, a mythical warrior came and freed all slave people.
His name is nika. Nika was a Sun God, he bring everyone to joy with his smile and his drum. Nika was made of rubber. He can stretch his whole body. And nika has a nickname joyboy, the slave called him. Cause how joy he brings.
Nika name was spread rumors about him. And slaves were hoping that nika would come and free them too.
When nika freed the slave.
One of the slave told Nike that he looked like someone, a woman who is a moon goddess. nika didn't know there was a moon goddess before.
So nika looked for the moon god, the slave told him where to find her. The moon goddess always dances at night when the moon shines bright.
Then he looked for the moon goddess cause he was ingenious about the moon goddess. And nika finally found her.
A beautiful woman, name lunala. Lunala is a gorgeous woman. She is a moon god, her hair is filled with tiny stars, pruple and flowy hair.
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Lunala can transform any kind of animal with their ability, and her favorite animal look like a bat. But it is much bigger.
It has a skeletal, legless bat. It has a short snout, dark pink eyes with white centers, and a deep blue area on its upper head that shows a constantly changing starscape.
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Nika fell in love with lunala. He wouldn't stop thinking of her, nika decided to greet her.
As he walks to lunala, she is still dancing. Lunala noticed nika and stopped dancing, "who are you?" Lunala, ask.
"I'm nika! Sun of God and mythical warrior!" He said, lunala chulked, making nika blush. "I'm lunala, the moon goddess, a mythical shapeshift," she said.
"My people told me about you, and I was thinking if you would like to help them," said nika. Lunala thought about it, and axcept nika effort.
Now, nika and lunala are unstoppable, set free all slave. Defeat all bad people.
Then, nika confuses lunala, his feelings, and lunala axcept.
And this is what lunala said to nika.
"Whether death or life, you're the one I longed by my side"
"And that the story?" Roger asks, Sofia (p.s. asl x black mother) nodded her head. "Woah! So that what your grandmother told you?!" oden, ask.
"Yeah, we always keep asking her to give us a different story, but our grandma keeps repeating the same story," said enma (Sofia old sister).
"Sofia, you good at telling story ," said Shanks as he tried to flirt Sofia, Jack smack Shanks head. (Sofia older brother).
"Ow!" Shanks screamed, "Say I'm very surprised that you kids know about nika and lunala," said neptune.
Roger finally found the one piece. he and his crew laugh, and tears come out. "Joyboy... Lunala... I wish I'd been born in the same era as you two!" Roger yelled.
"HAHA! How could you two leave this stupendous treasure! It's such a funny story... Hey, everyone..." Roger said.
His crew looks at a confused look on their faces. "Why don't we name this last island where no man could reach for 800 years something like... Laugh Tale!" Roger yelled.
There more characters talk about nika and lunala!!!
Okey, let's say your cousin name Luz. Went to wano and told the child hiyori about lunala after hearing hiyori her song shamisen called Moon Princess.
"So lunala can transform any type of creature!?" Hiyori yelled, with sparkle on her eyes. Luz nodded her head.
"Yes, and she always makes sure that everyone dreams are good and when someone has a bad dream. Lunala will stop the nightmare away!" Said Luz
"Wow! If I see lunala, will she like my music?" Hiyori asked, "well, let find out!" Said luz.
The next is who's who talks about lunala and nika.
"Hey, you... listen to me for a minute..." said who's who, jinbe listen carefully. "When I was behind bars, I heard this story. As I received severe punishment, I was mockingly told to pray for salt. To the sun and moon gods, lunala and nika! They're legendary warriors of the ancient times who slaves believed..." he said
"...would free them one day. I don't know if they really exited. A warrior who would make you laugh and put you out of your misery. Imprisonment felt like forever. So I hung on to this strange legend."
"Thinking 'I don't care who it is. Just help me!'" Said who's who, "what does that have to do with me?" Jinbe, ask. "I heard that sun pirates you once led had members... who used to be slaves!" Said who's who.
Jinbe looks at him with anger face.
The next one is bonney reading a book about lunala and nika.
Bonney was fascinated about the sun and the moon gods.
"It's close to the moon and the sun, so maybe we'll see nika and lunala up there! You'd love that, right dad?" Said bonney as she looked at her dad.
Hey guys, thank you for reading this!
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 9 months
RoR x One Piece Crossover Masterlist
Luffy Reader
Sanji Reader
Nami Reader
Mihawk Reader
Big Mom Reader
Boa Hancock Reader
Amber Lead Disease
Amber Lead Disease Part 2- Big Brother Katakuri
Boa Hancock x Apollo
Boa Hancock x Apollo part 2
Nami Reader- The Past
Zoro Reader
Sun God Nika Luffy vs Apollo
Charlotte Family x Medusa’s Daughter
Luck Luck Fruit
Bell-Mere Reader
Gear 5 Luffy vs. Apollo Part 2
Shirahoshi Reader
Katakuri Reader
Whitebeard's Daughter
Whitebeard Reader
Gear 5 Luffy Reader
Corazon Reader
Nico Robin Reader
Boa Hancock Reader vs. Apollo
Sanji Reader- Leftovers
Ace Reader x Hades
Hiyori Reader
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