#supernatural denny
The Deal
Supernatural Masterlist
Summary: Since they were stuck in Purgatory together, they had a deal and that deal was simple. Daylight was for survival, fights, and finding Cas. Night time was for what they craved the most. For Benny, it was his blood. And for Dean, it was something he could never tell anyone. 
Pairing: Dean x Benny
Rating: 18+
Warning: Smut, p in a, unprotected sex, bottom!Dean, top!Benny, pain kink, biting, biting kink, rough sex, blood, blood drinking, spn level of violence
Square: Free space for @spnkinkevents​ / Pain kink for @anyfandomgoesbingo​ / Biting for @mfbingo​
A/n: I’m very close to the deadline, but here you go! This is set in season 7, Dean is in purgatory with Benny. Enjoy and don’t forget to leave a feedback!
Can be also read on AO3
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It was pure.
The adrenaline coursing through his veins seemed insatiable. At every moment, it burned his limbs with a sudden energy, and here he was again. To the right he moved, then it was behind him, another one on his left, they were all around but he saw everything. Felt everything. The heavy machete in his hand, the bark of the wood he had used to make it now smooth against his skin due to wear. The blade that could split even the air in two. And when it met the flesh of his enemy to sink into it, it was easy, soft and fluid, like a knife through butter. It cut through everything in its path, skin, muscle, bone, without encountering any resistance. The head falling to the ground, the dull sound it made, no matter if it fell in the water or on the soft earth. And the scents… The metallic smell of blood was so steeped in his nose, he couldn't even smell it anymore.
He felt all of that like he was connected to it.
His muscles were burning with fatigue after all those days and nights spent without really resting. But that burn, he barely felt it, because the adrenaline never stopped flowing in him... Just like the blood of his enemies that flowed red, one of the only colors still alive in this place.
The world here was black and white. The sensations were like a mirage, moving, walking, everything seemed to slow down. It was like he had to walk underwater, his body felt lighter, but moving was more difficult.
Maybe it was just the dangerous buildup of fatigue. He had no idea. Because he couldn't stop, not for more than a few hours when they had the chance.
The dull sound reached his ears again, his now desaturated green eyes stared at the head rolling in front of him. Red invaded his sight.
“I think this was the last one of the pack, chief. We should head back soon.”
Red. So much red. His gaze stayed on the decapitated head and he didn't flinch. Completely still, he continued to stare at what was left of their enemy, only his heavy breathing could be heard. His shoulders rose and fell almost exaggeratedly, it was harsh and noisy.
Hearing his name brought him back to himself, like a rope pulling him out of the water. His name, his last part of humanity. Down here, there was nothing that connected him to the real world, where his friends and family still were. His only motivation was to find his lost friend and leave this place because it was the right thing to do.
And because the longer Dean stayed in purgatory… The more he seemed to blend into this apocalyptic world. And the less attractive the idea of getting out of it was.
"Let's go."
Benny nodded even though his friend wasn't looking at him. The hunter's eyes were still on the head lying at his feet. A few seconds later and it was as if nothing had happened, and Dean was walking in the opposite direction without looking back.
The cave where they rested was not far away, and it took no less than an hour for them to get there. They never stayed in one place for too long, Dean’s human and delicious scent attracted all kinds of monsters, and not even Benny could detect them all. When the sun was shining in this colorless sky, the duo had only one goal. Survive. Find Castiel. And the night was for what they needed most.
And while the hunter rested, the vampire stood guard. It wasn't like Dean really slept anyway, the adrenaline was still there in him, he could feel it continually in him. But Benny still preferred to keep an eye out.
“You need to rest, chief.”
They had just arrived and Dean refused to lay down or even sit. That was nothing new, especially after a fight. It was the moment when the adrenaline was the strongest in him, it was like a drug. His high was strong, he was still experiencing it, and it was hard to get off.
"I don't care about resting, Benny. We had a deal.” The hunter was pacing in front of the cave, his dirty hands running through his hair which was starting to get really long. It didn’t matter how many times Benny cut it with his blade, it was always too long and grew too fast. Dean tugged his locks in frustration and turned to his friend. “What, you want your part first? I don’t care, take it.”
"It's not that Dean," Benny sighed as he took a few steps towards him, but Dean ignored his words and pulled his jacket off. The vampire rubbed his eyes and clicked his tongue disapprovingly. “You need to rest.”
“What can happen anyway,” Dean groaned and when Benny looked up, he found himself so close to Dean that his eyes had to focus to see him properly. "I'm already in hell."
“You know you can die in purgatory, right?” Benny asked, still hesitant. However, it was getting increasingly difficult to say no. Especially when Dean started to unbutton his shirt a few buttons, enough to slide his hand under his collar and pull it aside. He always wore the collar up as extra protection against the fangs he battled by day. But by night… He didn’t need the protection and recklessly exposed his throat to the monster in front of him. “Dean…”
“I know you want it. You don't crave blood like when you were alive, but you like it.” Seeing that Benny still seemed to hesitate, a long growl of frustration sounded in Dean's chest. “Fine.” Disappearing from the vampire’s sight for a few moments, Dean came back quickly but now he was holding something in his hands. His weapon he used to fight.
"Dean, no," Benny grabbed Dean's wrist and sighed again. The hunter waited patiently without moving. "With that, you'll just bleed to death." Benny picked up the blade and put it on the ground. Thirst and hunger, he no longer felt them. However… “You still haven't healed,” his cold fingers brushed the scars still present on Dean's neck. Small holes in rows one behind the other, two half-moons meeting each on their side.
Since he was still holding Dean's wrist, Benny began to examine it. And the longer he stared at that part of the human's body, the more he began to salivate. His fangs came out in spite of himself, sharp, and his mouth parted as his eyes were obsessed with that fragile skin.
“Go on,” Dean hastily rolled his sleeve up to his elbow. “But be sure to not make a mess, we don’t want to- fuck!”
Dean couldn't even finish his sentence that a strong burn spread through his forearm. After several times, he got used to the pain, but the feeling... It was still unpleasant. And not because he didn't like it.
As Benny drank his blood, he held Dean's arm with both hands. He was feeding and letting out moans of appreciation without holding back, he loved it. Loved the taste of blood. Even if he didn't feel the unbearable hunger for it, he liked it and wasn’t ashamed of showing it.
Dean liked it too. A bit too much.
After a few seconds, the pressure on his wrist disappeared and Benny took a few steps back, wiping his mouth. Immediately, Dean wrapped a piece of cloth around the wound, wincing at how sore it still was.
“Satisfied?” Dean grumbled, trying to hide his true feelings by showing displeasure.
"Yes," Benny replied, his breathing rapid and deep. He looked at the human with a surprisingly even hungrier look than before he fed, his eyes burning and unsated. “I think you enjoyed it too, Dean.”
Without looking at it, Dean knew what his friend was talking about. Last time, he attributed it to the excitement that it was his turn to finally get what he needed. But he couldn't deny it anymore… The uncomfortable lump that was deforming his pants was strictly caused by Benny's bite. "Shut up," Dean swore, entering the cave after picking up his jacket. "It's my turn now."
Of course, he wasn't going to talk about it with Benny. Talking about his feelings, how what they shared was the only thing that still made him feel alive. How much he loved that control he had over his own pain. How giving his trust and literally putting his life in Benny's hands made him feel human. And how the pain… Burning, pinching, feeling his blood leave his body, excited him.
It was very dark in the cave, and that was exactly what Dean wanted. He didn't want to see, he just wanted to feel. To feel the touch, the weight of another body against his, anything to remember what it was like before.
That was the deal. The day was for survival. Find Castiel. And the night was for what they both needed most. For Benny, it was the gluttony of being able to drink human blood without feeling hungry. And for Dean, it was something he could never tell anyone. Something he refused to even think about. Something he refused to look at.
In the cave, he settled his jacket on the cold ground. Then he took off his shirt and put it next to it, and finally his pants and underwear. He didn't have to undress for that, he didn't have to do anything. He was the one who wanted it, after all. Benny didn't force anything.
Dean laid on his side on his clothes. It was more comfortable than lying on the cold hard rock directly, but Dean was shaking all the same. In purgatory, it was impossible to feel. Neither hunger, nor thirst, nor cold. But it wasn't necessary. Because the place was so empty and full at the same time, so dead and alive, so bare that it was overwhelming. And all those things Dean couldn't physically feel were omnipresent in him. Hunger, but not for food. The hunger for a touch, for a reality, for the heat of the sun on his skin. Thirst for control, even if it was only one thing. And cold. It was so cold… He needed a presence with him and that was one of the reasons for the deal he made with Benny.
Benny’s skin wasn't warm, but feeling the body pressing behind him filled Dean with heat. A single moan of relief escaped his mouth as the vampire’s naked chest pressed against his back. His hips were placed against his butt and Dean could feel the hardness poking his back, meaning that, like him, Benny wanted it. Eventually, his legs intertwined with his and strong arms wrapped around his figure.
It always started like this. Only a touch, body against body, to exist in the same space. Then, slowly, things became more… Intense.
Benny didn't move at first, but after a while when only their breathing could be heard echoing in the cave, his hands wandered. Caressing Dean's shoulders first, he traveled the body in front of him, exploring it with his fingertips and tracing every muscle of his chest. Chills immediately swept over Dean, his skin filling with goosebumps at the vampire's touch. A growl followed and Benny got the message.
The exploration of his hands descended to finally stop near Dean's hips. There, he gripped the flesh and squeezed, knowing without words that this was one of those times. It was not the time for hugs and touches. Dean wanted it now and without delay.
It was one of those times he needed to feel something intense, just to have something to feel.
No words were needed to understand each other. It wasn't the first time they'd done this, the bite marks that covered Dean's body were proof of that. The older ones were only beginning to fade.
With one of his hands still firmly gripping Dean's hip, Benny roughly turned him onto his stomach and forced him to raise his pelvis. Dean let himself be manipulated like he was only a rag doll waiting to be used. Benny didn’t wait, because neither of them wanted that or were patient enough, and entered a finger directly into him. There was no preparation or care, it had to be raw and rough, that’s what Dean wanted. Benny only used his spit as lubricant, and even if it helped a bit, it removed none of the pain.
Dean welcomed the intrusion, the pain and the burn with pleasure. A small moan mixed with a growl of discomfort escaped his lips, but Benny didn't stop. Dean rested his head against his clothes and took deep breaths as Benny started moving his finger and added a second without waiting. The hunter's body tensed, he clutched his clothes and gritted his teeth, but all his muscles relaxed when the vampire finally touched his sore spot.
A long moan shook his body as Benny continued to press on his prostate every time his fingers found themselves inside to their fullest. But it was too long, the preparation took too long. To signify that he was ready, Dean reached back to grab Benny's wrist.
The absence of his fingers in him was not very long. Because as soon as the vampire pulled them out, Dean could feel something bigger pressing against his entrance, straining to enter despite the incomplete preparation. But that's what Dean wanted, he wanted to feel that pain, that burning, the divine sensation when the head finally went through the ring...
“Oh fuck…”
Dean’s length spilled some precum that fell all over his clothes, he didn't see it, but he felt it. At the same time that Benny's cock was finally inside him, Dean almost came straight away, but he managed to hold himself back.
“Can’t go further if you keep clenching, stop being a little prude and let me fuck you, will ya?”
Without waiting for his response or for him to obey, Benny continued to push into Dean. It was slow, desperately slow and a real torture for Dean as he felt every inch of the cock entering and stretching his insides to the max. He felt so full, and yet Benny kept pushing in, and when he thought he was finally completely inside, Dean was surprised there were still inches to go.
Finally, Dean felt the vampire's pelvis against his ass and understood he was completely buried inside him. Dean’s cock was so hard it hurt, but again, the human welcomed the pain as pleasure. Finally, he felt. He felt something, even if it was pain. He felt it.
"Move," Dean ordered, and the word was barely out of his mouth that Benny obeyed. Pulling completely out of him quickly took the breath out of Dean's lungs, he hadn't expected it, but what was even more intense was how Benny buried himself fully in him again. The burn spread down his back, he felt like he was being torn apart, overrun, though he knew Benny would never go that far to hurt him. He couldn’t bleed any more, or else their little arrangement would be interrupted by hungry creatures attracted by his blood.
Benny repeated the movement and this time his growl accompanied Dean's moan. It felt so good, feeling used like this, like a mere toy, being fucked without any respite or restraint. Leaving control to another but without losing it completely. It didn't take long for Dean to cum the first time, and it felt so good that he didn't even think of taking the clothes off under him so he wouldn't get them dirty. It didn't matter right now, nothing mattered except Benny and him. Benny's cock that continued to rip inside him and hit his prostate, causing moans so loud that Benny had no choice but to act.
The vampire grabbed the human's hair to pull him on his elbows and clapped his hand over his mouth with more force than intended. But that abrupt move only sent a jolt of pleasure through Dean, who tensed as a second orgasm took hold of him. It was almost dry, his balls were tight and pulled up so he could eject what little seed he had left in him. Dean's eyes rolled into the back of his head, his vision turning white as the orgasm seemed to last forever. 
Benny continued his thrusts without slowing down, but Dean was so caught up in his pleasure that he didn't notice. He didn't hear Benny's swearing or his breathing becoming more jerky and heavy. He didn't feel the hand squeeze his hip hard enough to leave a blue mark on his skin.
All he felt was the pain and pleasure of being human as Benny poured into him in a growl he couldn't hear. Then, fatigue engulfed him in a long dark tunnel and he fell asleep a few moments later.
∼ ∼ ∼
It might seem like a pretty unfair deal to some. After all, Benny was making a lot out of it. He could drink human blood in purgatory, savor it, feel the heat of the delicious liquid in his throat. And he could fuck a submissive human and break him in any way he wanted.
But in reality, he was the one who suffered the most.
The only way to get Dean to rest was to fuck him until he passed out. It was also the only way he could make him feel anything and give him a reason to keep fighting when giving up would be so easy. Not give up on Castiel, or give up on the idea of getting out of here. But giving up his humanity and simply becoming the killer machine he was meant to be. A monster like all the others here. Killing for pleasure and not for survival.
The deal kept the human sane.
And it was the same for Benny.
For Dean, it was just a deal. Fuck to forget, fuck to feel, fuck to stay alive. But for Benny, it was a way to feed his obsessions. His bloodlust would only increase tenfold when they would be out of here, but not only that. Because even if it was only sex...
Benny was beginning to feel an attachment to the human. And it was not a sane one.
The vampire watched the hunter sleep. Like that, so peaceful, so vulnerable, he didn’t look dangerous at all and yet he was his deadly predator. And Benny was his.
In here, he didn’t feel the need to feed, he did it because he could. He did it because he liked it. But out there…
Benny had no idea what he would do to not completely lose his mind over these two obsessions that lay in one sleeping person next to him.
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Forever taglist: @nitnat6245​​​ @b3autyfuldisast3r​​​ @eevvvaa​​​ @wickedinspirations​​​ @fictional-affairs​​​ @awkward-and-indecisive​​​ @katbratsupernaturalwhore​
Supernatural Tag List: @sexyvixen7​ @stixnstripesworld​ @charred-angelwings​ @treat-winchesterswith-kindness​ @lyarr24​ @fiftyshadesgrl​ @this-is-me19​
Dean Winchester Tag List: @akshi8278​​ @siospins2​ @kazsrm67​​ @wtrpxrks​ @deanwanddamons​ @thoughts-and-funnies​ @charred-angelwings​ @jensendreamland​ @deanswaywardgirl​ @happyt0exist​ @waynes-multiverse​ @djs8891​ @this-is-me19​ @syrma-sensei​
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ranmagender · 1 year
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bubbles-is-hardcore · 7 months
You know, Sam Winchester gets a lot of flack for the fact that all of his girlfriends die but at least it’s always a random thing. Dean on the other hand?? So much worse!
Don’t get me wrong, I’m a Dean stan till I die but it is undeniably crazy.
My man had three boyfriends and all of them died. The big difference is the fact that they all died the exact same way. Dean (though however unintentional) convinced three supernatural beings to LITERALLY KILL THEMSELVES FOR HIM!!
He had all of them so deeply in love with him, he didn’t even have to really ask.
First we have Benny
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He fell hard for Dean in Purgatory and was kinda dependent on him outside of it. It hurt Benny a ton when Dean had to cut contact because of Sam. Even then, he still willingly died and went back to the place he had tried for so long to escape. All for Dean and to make sure he was happy.
Then we have the King himself, Crowley.
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Dude stabbed himself in the chest to give Dean time to escape. No illusion or trick, just a straight up suicide bomb to distract Lucifer. He clearly caught serious feelings for Dean over the years, especially after he got the mark and turned into a demon. Even though Dean straight up rejected him, he still was too deep in love. He committed suicide to keep him safe.
Then there’s the one and only, Castiel.
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He died for Dean multiple times and had been in love with him for so long but this last one was really it. He confessed how much he loved Dean to his face! He said I love you! Knowing he would die if he did! All to save Dean! All to give him a chance! FUCK IM GNAWING AT THE BARS OF MY ENCLOSURE THIS ONE HURTS!
Basically, Dean had men falling over each other to sacrifice themselves because they were so in love with him and he still had the gall to think he was unlovable.
In conclusion, Dean Winchester is the most oblivious man in the universe.
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seasononesam · 24 days
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I thought you said you weren't a fan. I'm not. I'm not.
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strawlessandbraless · 1 month
Dean Winchester being a feral monster fucker is what kept Supernatural going for 15 seasons and you can’t convince me otherwise
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tgtbata · 6 months
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nice and easy, brother.
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ariaste · 1 month
swear to god if I read another motherfucking fic where these vampires pause to get the lube I am going to have a fucking mental breakdown and chew holes in the walls. i have had it up to here. this is an intervention. this is a come-to-jesus moment. what are you doing. are you thinking about your choices. why are you making them have sex like they're humans instead of weird fucked-up vampire sex. look into my eyes. can you please consider your worldbuilding choices and make ones that are less excruciatingly boring. look at me. you're being the softest beigest pillow if you make them use human lube. i'm serious. i will die on this hill.
fight me in the comments if you disagree or you feel huffy about this, i don't care. come at me, bro, i own the night.
525 notes · View notes
orionsangel86 · 5 months
If I had a nickle for every time Richard Speight Jr directed a Hell Adjacent Gay Love Confession between two characters who happen to be running away from a leather clad black lady Death I'd have two nickles, which isn't a lot but its WEIRD THAT IT HAPPENED TWICE
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eggchef · 1 year
destiel date at denny's
they just finished a hunt... ..
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slytherintothedms · 9 months
if dean isn’t (at the very least) bi why is there always a close up of his face every time anything queer happens
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jdms-flat-ass · 9 months
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JEFFREY DEAN MORGAN as a hairy dilf omFG
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simplenefelibata · 4 months
dean x benny this dean x crowley that dean x cas the other thing
we should unite against the real enemy
Heterosexual Fuck Boy Dean™️
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transfemcastiel · 5 months
i just realized im done with supernatural i guess its time to show you all the polycule that started brewing in my head since like season 5 and kept growing
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strawlessandbraless · 1 month
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Surprised Jensen didn’t insist on a cowboy hat here
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jdmorganz · 1 year
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513 notes · View notes
vengekiss · 6 months
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mac mcdonald in "sweet dee has a heart attack"
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dean winchester in "it's a terrible life"
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