#supernatural dean x benny smut
The Deal
Supernatural Masterlist
Summary: Since they were stuck in Purgatory together, they had a deal and that deal was simple. Daylight was for survival, fights, and finding Cas. Night time was for what they craved the most. For Benny, it was his blood. And for Dean, it was something he could never tell anyone. 
Pairing: Dean x Benny
Rating: 18+
Warning: Smut, p in a, unprotected sex, bottom!Dean, top!Benny, pain kink, biting, biting kink, rough sex, blood, blood drinking, spn level of violence
Square: Free space for @spnkinkevents​ / Pain kink for @anyfandomgoesbingo​ / Biting for @mfbingo​
A/n: I’m very close to the deadline, but here you go! This is set in season 7, Dean is in purgatory with Benny. Enjoy and don’t forget to leave a feedback!
Can be also read on AO3
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It was pure.
The adrenaline coursing through his veins seemed insatiable. At every moment, it burned his limbs with a sudden energy, and here he was again. To the right he moved, then it was behind him, another one on his left, they were all around but he saw everything. Felt everything. The heavy machete in his hand, the bark of the wood he had used to make it now smooth against his skin due to wear. The blade that could split even the air in two. And when it met the flesh of his enemy to sink into it, it was easy, soft and fluid, like a knife through butter. It cut through everything in its path, skin, muscle, bone, without encountering any resistance. The head falling to the ground, the dull sound it made, no matter if it fell in the water or on the soft earth. And the scents… The metallic smell of blood was so steeped in his nose, he couldn't even smell it anymore.
He felt all of that like he was connected to it.
His muscles were burning with fatigue after all those days and nights spent without really resting. But that burn, he barely felt it, because the adrenaline never stopped flowing in him... Just like the blood of his enemies that flowed red, one of the only colors still alive in this place.
The world here was black and white. The sensations were like a mirage, moving, walking, everything seemed to slow down. It was like he had to walk underwater, his body felt lighter, but moving was more difficult.
Maybe it was just the dangerous buildup of fatigue. He had no idea. Because he couldn't stop, not for more than a few hours when they had the chance.
The dull sound reached his ears again, his now desaturated green eyes stared at the head rolling in front of him. Red invaded his sight.
“I think this was the last one of the pack, chief. We should head back soon.”
Red. So much red. His gaze stayed on the decapitated head and he didn't flinch. Completely still, he continued to stare at what was left of their enemy, only his heavy breathing could be heard. His shoulders rose and fell almost exaggeratedly, it was harsh and noisy.
Hearing his name brought him back to himself, like a rope pulling him out of the water. His name, his last part of humanity. Down here, there was nothing that connected him to the real world, where his friends and family still were. His only motivation was to find his lost friend and leave this place because it was the right thing to do.
And because the longer Dean stayed in purgatory… The more he seemed to blend into this apocalyptic world. And the less attractive the idea of getting out of it was.
"Let's go."
Benny nodded even though his friend wasn't looking at him. The hunter's eyes were still on the head lying at his feet. A few seconds later and it was as if nothing had happened, and Dean was walking in the opposite direction without looking back.
The cave where they rested was not far away, and it took no less than an hour for them to get there. They never stayed in one place for too long, Dean’s human and delicious scent attracted all kinds of monsters, and not even Benny could detect them all. When the sun was shining in this colorless sky, the duo had only one goal. Survive. Find Castiel. And the night was for what they needed most.
And while the hunter rested, the vampire stood guard. It wasn't like Dean really slept anyway, the adrenaline was still there in him, he could feel it continually in him. But Benny still preferred to keep an eye out.
“You need to rest, chief.”
They had just arrived and Dean refused to lay down or even sit. That was nothing new, especially after a fight. It was the moment when the adrenaline was the strongest in him, it was like a drug. His high was strong, he was still experiencing it, and it was hard to get off.
"I don't care about resting, Benny. We had a deal.” The hunter was pacing in front of the cave, his dirty hands running through his hair which was starting to get really long. It didn’t matter how many times Benny cut it with his blade, it was always too long and grew too fast. Dean tugged his locks in frustration and turned to his friend. “What, you want your part first? I don’t care, take it.”
"It's not that Dean," Benny sighed as he took a few steps towards him, but Dean ignored his words and pulled his jacket off. The vampire rubbed his eyes and clicked his tongue disapprovingly. “You need to rest.”
“What can happen anyway,” Dean groaned and when Benny looked up, he found himself so close to Dean that his eyes had to focus to see him properly. "I'm already in hell."
“You know you can die in purgatory, right?” Benny asked, still hesitant. However, it was getting increasingly difficult to say no. Especially when Dean started to unbutton his shirt a few buttons, enough to slide his hand under his collar and pull it aside. He always wore the collar up as extra protection against the fangs he battled by day. But by night… He didn’t need the protection and recklessly exposed his throat to the monster in front of him. “Dean…”
“I know you want it. You don't crave blood like when you were alive, but you like it.” Seeing that Benny still seemed to hesitate, a long growl of frustration sounded in Dean's chest. “Fine.” Disappearing from the vampire’s sight for a few moments, Dean came back quickly but now he was holding something in his hands. His weapon he used to fight.
"Dean, no," Benny grabbed Dean's wrist and sighed again. The hunter waited patiently without moving. "With that, you'll just bleed to death." Benny picked up the blade and put it on the ground. Thirst and hunger, he no longer felt them. However… “You still haven't healed,” his cold fingers brushed the scars still present on Dean's neck. Small holes in rows one behind the other, two half-moons meeting each on their side.
Since he was still holding Dean's wrist, Benny began to examine it. And the longer he stared at that part of the human's body, the more he began to salivate. His fangs came out in spite of himself, sharp, and his mouth parted as his eyes were obsessed with that fragile skin.
“Go on,” Dean hastily rolled his sleeve up to his elbow. “But be sure to not make a mess, we don’t want to- fuck!”
Dean couldn't even finish his sentence that a strong burn spread through his forearm. After several times, he got used to the pain, but the feeling... It was still unpleasant. And not because he didn't like it.
As Benny drank his blood, he held Dean's arm with both hands. He was feeding and letting out moans of appreciation without holding back, he loved it. Loved the taste of blood. Even if he didn't feel the unbearable hunger for it, he liked it and wasn’t ashamed of showing it.
Dean liked it too. A bit too much.
After a few seconds, the pressure on his wrist disappeared and Benny took a few steps back, wiping his mouth. Immediately, Dean wrapped a piece of cloth around the wound, wincing at how sore it still was.
“Satisfied?” Dean grumbled, trying to hide his true feelings by showing displeasure.
"Yes," Benny replied, his breathing rapid and deep. He looked at the human with a surprisingly even hungrier look than before he fed, his eyes burning and unsated. “I think you enjoyed it too, Dean.”
Without looking at it, Dean knew what his friend was talking about. Last time, he attributed it to the excitement that it was his turn to finally get what he needed. But he couldn't deny it anymore… The uncomfortable lump that was deforming his pants was strictly caused by Benny's bite. "Shut up," Dean swore, entering the cave after picking up his jacket. "It's my turn now."
Of course, he wasn't going to talk about it with Benny. Talking about his feelings, how what they shared was the only thing that still made him feel alive. How much he loved that control he had over his own pain. How giving his trust and literally putting his life in Benny's hands made him feel human. And how the pain… Burning, pinching, feeling his blood leave his body, excited him.
It was very dark in the cave, and that was exactly what Dean wanted. He didn't want to see, he just wanted to feel. To feel the touch, the weight of another body against his, anything to remember what it was like before.
That was the deal. The day was for survival. Find Castiel. And the night was for what they both needed most. For Benny, it was the gluttony of being able to drink human blood without feeling hungry. And for Dean, it was something he could never tell anyone. Something he refused to even think about. Something he refused to look at.
In the cave, he settled his jacket on the cold ground. Then he took off his shirt and put it next to it, and finally his pants and underwear. He didn't have to undress for that, he didn't have to do anything. He was the one who wanted it, after all. Benny didn't force anything.
Dean laid on his side on his clothes. It was more comfortable than lying on the cold hard rock directly, but Dean was shaking all the same. In purgatory, it was impossible to feel. Neither hunger, nor thirst, nor cold. But it wasn't necessary. Because the place was so empty and full at the same time, so dead and alive, so bare that it was overwhelming. And all those things Dean couldn't physically feel were omnipresent in him. Hunger, but not for food. The hunger for a touch, for a reality, for the heat of the sun on his skin. Thirst for control, even if it was only one thing. And cold. It was so cold… He needed a presence with him and that was one of the reasons for the deal he made with Benny.
Benny’s skin wasn't warm, but feeling the body pressing behind him filled Dean with heat. A single moan of relief escaped his mouth as the vampire’s naked chest pressed against his back. His hips were placed against his butt and Dean could feel the hardness poking his back, meaning that, like him, Benny wanted it. Eventually, his legs intertwined with his and strong arms wrapped around his figure.
It always started like this. Only a touch, body against body, to exist in the same space. Then, slowly, things became more… Intense.
Benny didn't move at first, but after a while when only their breathing could be heard echoing in the cave, his hands wandered. Caressing Dean's shoulders first, he traveled the body in front of him, exploring it with his fingertips and tracing every muscle of his chest. Chills immediately swept over Dean, his skin filling with goosebumps at the vampire's touch. A growl followed and Benny got the message.
The exploration of his hands descended to finally stop near Dean's hips. There, he gripped the flesh and squeezed, knowing without words that this was one of those times. It was not the time for hugs and touches. Dean wanted it now and without delay.
It was one of those times he needed to feel something intense, just to have something to feel.
No words were needed to understand each other. It wasn't the first time they'd done this, the bite marks that covered Dean's body were proof of that. The older ones were only beginning to fade.
With one of his hands still firmly gripping Dean's hip, Benny roughly turned him onto his stomach and forced him to raise his pelvis. Dean let himself be manipulated like he was only a rag doll waiting to be used. Benny didn’t wait, because neither of them wanted that or were patient enough, and entered a finger directly into him. There was no preparation or care, it had to be raw and rough, that’s what Dean wanted. Benny only used his spit as lubricant, and even if it helped a bit, it removed none of the pain.
Dean welcomed the intrusion, the pain and the burn with pleasure. A small moan mixed with a growl of discomfort escaped his lips, but Benny didn't stop. Dean rested his head against his clothes and took deep breaths as Benny started moving his finger and added a second without waiting. The hunter's body tensed, he clutched his clothes and gritted his teeth, but all his muscles relaxed when the vampire finally touched his sore spot.
A long moan shook his body as Benny continued to press on his prostate every time his fingers found themselves inside to their fullest. But it was too long, the preparation took too long. To signify that he was ready, Dean reached back to grab Benny's wrist.
The absence of his fingers in him was not very long. Because as soon as the vampire pulled them out, Dean could feel something bigger pressing against his entrance, straining to enter despite the incomplete preparation. But that's what Dean wanted, he wanted to feel that pain, that burning, the divine sensation when the head finally went through the ring...
“Oh fuck…”
Dean’s length spilled some precum that fell all over his clothes, he didn't see it, but he felt it. At the same time that Benny's cock was finally inside him, Dean almost came straight away, but he managed to hold himself back.
“Can’t go further if you keep clenching, stop being a little prude and let me fuck you, will ya?”
Without waiting for his response or for him to obey, Benny continued to push into Dean. It was slow, desperately slow and a real torture for Dean as he felt every inch of the cock entering and stretching his insides to the max. He felt so full, and yet Benny kept pushing in, and when he thought he was finally completely inside, Dean was surprised there were still inches to go.
Finally, Dean felt the vampire's pelvis against his ass and understood he was completely buried inside him. Dean’s cock was so hard it hurt, but again, the human welcomed the pain as pleasure. Finally, he felt. He felt something, even if it was pain. He felt it.
"Move," Dean ordered, and the word was barely out of his mouth that Benny obeyed. Pulling completely out of him quickly took the breath out of Dean's lungs, he hadn't expected it, but what was even more intense was how Benny buried himself fully in him again. The burn spread down his back, he felt like he was being torn apart, overrun, though he knew Benny would never go that far to hurt him. He couldn’t bleed any more, or else their little arrangement would be interrupted by hungry creatures attracted by his blood.
Benny repeated the movement and this time his growl accompanied Dean's moan. It felt so good, feeling used like this, like a mere toy, being fucked without any respite or restraint. Leaving control to another but without losing it completely. It didn't take long for Dean to cum the first time, and it felt so good that he didn't even think of taking the clothes off under him so he wouldn't get them dirty. It didn't matter right now, nothing mattered except Benny and him. Benny's cock that continued to rip inside him and hit his prostate, causing moans so loud that Benny had no choice but to act.
The vampire grabbed the human's hair to pull him on his elbows and clapped his hand over his mouth with more force than intended. But that abrupt move only sent a jolt of pleasure through Dean, who tensed as a second orgasm took hold of him. It was almost dry, his balls were tight and pulled up so he could eject what little seed he had left in him. Dean's eyes rolled into the back of his head, his vision turning white as the orgasm seemed to last forever. 
Benny continued his thrusts without slowing down, but Dean was so caught up in his pleasure that he didn't notice. He didn't hear Benny's swearing or his breathing becoming more jerky and heavy. He didn't feel the hand squeeze his hip hard enough to leave a blue mark on his skin.
All he felt was the pain and pleasure of being human as Benny poured into him in a growl he couldn't hear. Then, fatigue engulfed him in a long dark tunnel and he fell asleep a few moments later.
∼ ∼ ∼
It might seem like a pretty unfair deal to some. After all, Benny was making a lot out of it. He could drink human blood in purgatory, savor it, feel the heat of the delicious liquid in his throat. And he could fuck a submissive human and break him in any way he wanted.
But in reality, he was the one who suffered the most.
The only way to get Dean to rest was to fuck him until he passed out. It was also the only way he could make him feel anything and give him a reason to keep fighting when giving up would be so easy. Not give up on Castiel, or give up on the idea of getting out of here. But giving up his humanity and simply becoming the killer machine he was meant to be. A monster like all the others here. Killing for pleasure and not for survival.
The deal kept the human sane.
And it was the same for Benny.
For Dean, it was just a deal. Fuck to forget, fuck to feel, fuck to stay alive. But for Benny, it was a way to feed his obsessions. His bloodlust would only increase tenfold when they would be out of here, but not only that. Because even if it was only sex...
Benny was beginning to feel an attachment to the human. And it was not a sane one.
The vampire watched the hunter sleep. Like that, so peaceful, so vulnerable, he didn’t look dangerous at all and yet he was his deadly predator. And Benny was his.
In here, he didn’t feel the need to feed, he did it because he could. He did it because he liked it. But out there…
Benny had no idea what he would do to not completely lose his mind over these two obsessions that lay in one sleeping person next to him.
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Forever taglist: @nitnat6245​​​ @b3autyfuldisast3r​​​ @eevvvaa​​​ @wickedinspirations​​​ @fictional-affairs​​​ @awkward-and-indecisive​​​ @katbratsupernaturalwhore​
Supernatural Tag List: @sexyvixen7​ @stixnstripesworld​ @charred-angelwings​ @treat-winchesterswith-kindness​ @lyarr24​ @fiftyshadesgrl​ @this-is-me19​
Dean Winchester Tag List: @akshi8278​​ @siospins2​ @kazsrm67​​ @wtrpxrks​ @deanwanddamons​ @thoughts-and-funnies​ @charred-angelwings​ @jensendreamland​ @deanswaywardgirl​ @happyt0exist​ @waynes-multiverse​ @djs8891​ @this-is-me19​ @syrma-sensei​
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mlmxreader · 3 months
Hotel Room Service | Benny Lafitte x gn!reader x Dean Winchester (🍋)
↳ ❝ request ❞
: ̗̀➛ For one night, Benny lets Dean share you with him.
: ̗̀➛ dom/sub, biting kink, praise kink, Daddy kink, spitroasting, rough oral sex, rough anal sex, anal fingering, dirty talk, sharing, nipple play, cum swallowing, breeding (anal), threesome
You, Dean and Benny were hunting together, which wasn’t exactly unheard of;  just another vamp nest near the Mississippi River, which needed clearing out, and you and Benny happened to be in the area so you offered Dean a hand as Sam was in hospital and he couldn’t do it alone.
Dean knew about you and Benny, as the two of you were terrible at keeping secrets from either Winchester; it was kind of heartbreaking at first, as Dean had always had his eye on you and couldn’t deny that he was rather jealous of you and Benny being together.
But he tried his best to get over it, even though he still found you very attractive and couldn’t stop himself from shamelessly flirting with you in front of Benny.
What he did not know, though, was that, back at the motel where the three of you were staying, you and Benny had come up with an agreement; for just one night, Benny had agreed that he would allow Dean to share you.
It was your idea, but had it been anyone else, Benny would have said no - Dean was the only exception, and that night would be the only time. 
You sat Dean down on the bed next to you while Benny sat in the chair and watched from the corner; slowly, you reached out, and put your hand on Dean’s thigh, giving it a little squeeze as you smiled at him and nodded slowly.
“Me and Benny had a talk,” you started, “and we agreed that, for one night, you can join in.”
His eyes seemed to lighten up as he grinned, licking his lips. “Really?”
You nodded again, humming softly. “If you want to, yes.”
“There are rules,” Benny said with a soft cough. “First of all, you only get their mouth. Second, you can only be called Dean - Daddy’s my thing. Third, the safe word is California. If you want out, there’s the door.”
Dean shook his head quickly and harshly, licking his lips and shifting in his seat. “No! No! I, I want this.”
Benny nodded curtly at him, clearing his throat and leaning back in his chair. “I’ll allow y’all to start… you good to go, sugar?”
You nodded back at him, tapping your thigh twice. “I’m ready when you are.”
The tap of your thigh cemented to Benny that you were very much okay and ready, and he leaned back a little more as he watched carefully as you leaned in and kissed Dean; it wasn’t the same way that you kissed him, but he knew that that would always be the case.
The way you kissed Benny would always be only for him; but then he watched as Dean laid you down beneath him, slowly undressing you and gently kissing every inch of exposed skin while you told him exactly where and how to touch.
Benny dropped his zipper, letting his trousers fall open as he shrugged out of his suspenders and pulled his fat cock out; slowly stroking it as he watched Dean take control of you. You tapped your thigh twice, knowing that Benny could see.
“Doin’ so well, sugar,” Benny praised. “You gonna take both o’ us at once? Hmm?”
You nodded, softly gasping for breath for a moment as you tried not to whimper. “Yes, Daddy.”
“Good,” he praised again, humming softly when you pushed yourself up against Dean’s mouth as he softly kissed around your nipples. “Look at ‘em, Dean, ain’t they just the most fuckin’ perfect thing you ever saw?”
Dean nodded, humming against your skin for a moment. “I think they’ll be so good at takin’ us both, don’t you, Benny?”
“They take me well enough,” Benny mused. “Don’t ya, darlin’? Tell him how well you take my cock in your nice, tight little asshole, won’t ya?”
You did as you were told, telling Dean all about how well you could take Benny’s cock; how you loved to feel him stretch and fill your ass, and how only he could make you cum properly.
Benny told you to keep going, praising you softly when you told Dean that you practically worshipped his cock, that you would always be happy to be a vampire’s cum dump.
Dean was groaning softly as he nipped and bit along your waist, slowly moving your trousers and boxers down to your ankles as he worked his way down your body, kissing you softly and being careful to go around your arousal.
Benny kept telling you to tell Dean about all the things he did to you - how you were just Benny’s little pet, really, and how you were so, so eager to taste his cum or to let him breed your ass.
“You’re doin’ so well, sugar,” Benny mused as he grabbed the bottle of lube and began to make his way over to the bed. “I think you should be rewarded - don’t ya agree, Dean?”
Dean nodded, immediately backing off and kneeling between your ankles as he cleared his throat and smiled at you. “I think so.”
Benny stripped himself, giving his cock a few good strokes before allowing you to lick the precum from his skin; he could see the glint in your eyes, and when you tapped your thigh twice, he knew that it was time.
Positioning you on your hands and knees with your mouth facing Dean; Benny got on the bed behind you, gently stroking your ass before he gave it a firm smack.
“You ready, now, darlin’?”
You nodded, eager and wanting nothing more than for them both to take you and to fuck you like your life depended on it.
Dean watched in awe as Benny lubed you up, making sure to slowly drag his fingers in and out of your ass with each careful stroke just as much as he made sure to use his fingers in a scissor motion to make sure you were nice and stretched for him. Perfectly ready.
You tapped your thigh twice, and once Dean had his clothes off, you eagerly took him in your mouth, letting him put one hand at the back of your neck and the other on your shoulder as he tilted his head back and sucked in a harsh breath.
Your mouth was so warm and you took him so fucking eagerly, he couldn’t remember the last time he had ever had someone suck his dick like that; he let out a long and drawn out breath, running a hand through his hair and grunting softly.
“Fuck, you’re so good, baby.”
You couldn’t even answer as Benny angled himself up and slowly thrust into you, holding onto your sides as he groaned softly; feeling you immediately push back against him and clench around his fat cock.
Fuck, he filled you up so good that when he started to snap his hips, you rocked back and forth slightly; forcing a moan from the back of your throat as you clenched the mattress beneath you.
Your knuckles clicking loudly as you braced yourself as much as you could; he groaned above you, softly praising you with each and every movement.
“You’re so good.”
You gagged a little as Dean���s dick hit the back of your throat, fucking your mouth with great strokes; your grip on the mattress grew harder as you moaned around him, resulting in him tilting his head back and struggling to hold back the moan that was threatening to leave him as he did his best to praise you as much as he could.
Gently, Dean put his hand on your shoulder and dug his nails into your skin, gritting his teeth and grinding them as he tried to hold himself back as much as he could. 
“Being so good.”
Benny rolled his hips, making sure to hit all your sweet spots as he dug his nails into your skin, almost enough to draw blood as he let out a soft growl of your name; praising you between each thrust, reminding you that he loved you and that you were all his.
Possession was always his thing, he loved to make it known that you were his and only his; even when you were playing with three in the bedroom, Benny still had to make it known that you were his. Only his.
“You’re doin’ so well, sugar, so good.”
Dean bucked his hips hard, making you gag and gulp and gargle until you were very close to tears; he checked in between praises, not wanting you to feel like he didn’t care even though he very much did.
Dean didn’t want you to suffer, but when you licked a stripe under his cock as you pulled away, only to grin and eager take him down to the base again, your nose brushing against his bristling coarse hairs, he moaned loudly.
Gasping out a loud praise as he nodded and let out a soft breath.
“Damn, you really are good!”
“Told ya,” Benny chuckled, licking his lips. “They’re the fuckin’ best little bit of sugar this side of the Mississippi.”
Just to make sure you got the point, he delivered a few thrusts harder than the last, enough to make you rock back and forth and gag slightly; a smug grin on his face when he felt you clench around him, your knees nearly buckling when your legs threatened to give out beneath you.
Benny kept you steady, though, putting his hand on your stomach and keeping you up as much as he could, knowing exactly what he was doing.
“Yeah,” Dean breathed out with a nod, sweat dripping from his brow. “Real fuckin’ good.”
He was struggling, admittedly, knowing that you could taste his precum on your tongue as you winked up at him, moving your head from side to side and running your tongue across every ridge and vein; you seemed to know exactly what he liked, drool spilling from your mouth as you gulped loudly and licked his cock so fucking eagerly.
Fuck, Dean knew he would never be able to keep up - not with you being so fucking good for him and taking him so well.
Benny gave your ass a hard smack before tapping your thighs twice, letting you know that if you wanted to cum, you had his permission to do so; you didn’t seem to care, continuing to fuck yourself against him, desperate and needy for his cock as you whimpered and whined around Dean’s.
You were getting close, and Benny could tell - but fuck, seeing you so eagerly take Dean’s dick was making him get closer to the edge anyway, and knowing how fucking good you had been, Benny wasn’t about to tell you no either. 
“When you’re ready,” he told you. 
It didn’t take Dean very long, letting out a few grunts and growls until he came in your mouth, watching in awe as you swallowed every single droplet before cleaning his cock off; you ran your tongue along your bottom lip, humming softly. 
“He tastes good, Daddy,” you whispered. “Not like you, though.”
Benny grinned smugly, but when he felt your ass clench around him again, he growled out your name, leaning over and sinking his teeth into your shoulder as he came inside you. Fucking his own cum into you as much as he could without spilling a drop.
You weren’t far behind, your legs shaking and tears in your eyes as you whimpered out for Benny; he immediately took your hands in his, praising you softly as your toes curled and your eyes rolled into the back of your head.
Bucking your hips as you shuddered and loudly came; fucking yourself on his cock until you knew that you couldn’t take it anymore and flopped down onto the bed with a contented sigh and a soft grumble.
Completely and utterly spent, as well as stuffed to the brim. You grinned at them both, putting your fist in front of your face and putting your thumb up.
“You alright, sugar?” Benny asked, sitting beside you and running his hand up and down your back.
You nodded, humming softly when he kissed you sweetly. “I’m good, don’t worry.”
Dean cleared his throat, looking between you and Benny. “Should we clean up?”
“You wanna shower with us, darlin’?” Benny questioned softly, and when you agreed, he smiled. “Alright, me an’ Dean’ll run the shower, you just wait here.”
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smellingofpoetry · 1 year
Last Time?
Characters: Reader, Dean Winchester, Benny Lafitte
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: They promised each other it would be the last time.
Square/s Filled: “Age Difference” (@spnchristmasbingo), "Lingerie" (TMAS Bingo - @supernatural-jackles), "Dirty Talk" (@spnkinkevents), “Suck on my fingers and get them nice and wet for me.” (@anyfandomkinkbingo)
Warnings: age difference, smut, 18+, finger fucking, sex, p in v, unprotected sex, creampie, dirty talk
Rating: +18
Words count: 2460
A/N: Hi there! Not long ago I wrote a fic called “A few moments of madness” for the beautiful @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone. It was fun writing that one, especially the part where I left with that huge plot twist. I genuinely thought it was the end of the road for this story, though, until the inspiration hit me. And what was I supposed to do if not write it down? So, here we are today. I think I’m starting to figure out my way with smut, but I’ll let you judge that. Let me know what you think about it. Enjoy!
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He was in big trouble.
Since his little accident with his best friend's daughter - if that's what you wanna call it - he tried to avoid Benny at all costs. He did a pretty good job if you asked him, until the Christmas holidays. He wasn't in the mood to celebrate since what happened with Lisa, and he definitely didn't want to spend Christmas under the pity glances his family would throw at him. Sunday's lunch was already too much for his own taste. So, he decided to spend Christmas alone for once. Maybe eating take-out on the couch just like a grown-up person would do. He had everything planned already until Benny asked him to join him for Christmas dinner.
Dean knew he should have ignored the bell ring - he knew it.
Either way, he agreed because it was Benny and because, of course, he felt guilty for what he did. So, now, he was stuck celebrating Christmas with his best friend and his daughter. Yes, the same girl he had fucked months ago, and he still jerked off at the thought of it, even though he would deny this last piece of information with all his strengths if anyone asked him.
Dean had a plan, though.
He had spent the prior night wide awake, planning his way through the whole Christmas dinner. It was a solid plan, and he was kinda proud of it. He just needed to stay away from Y/N and follow every step just like he had planned them.
What could possibly go wrong?
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They were halfway through dinner and Dean was pretty sure he was going to hell. His plan, which was supposed to be solid, blow up in his face the moment he stepped inside his friend's house. He didn't even know how that happened, but here he was facing Y/N at the dinner table. He did his best to avoid her gaze and participate in the conversation, but if he had to be honest the only thing he could see was her bent down on his kitchen counter. Because of that he almost choked on his food on multiple occasions. Thank God his friend was too busy making sure everything was perfect for his daughter.
Yeah, his daughter…
Dean's thoughts trailed off again until he realized he was staring at her sweater a bit too much.
"Oh, crap, I forgot the beans."
Benny's voice caught his attention just in time to see his friend get up. Dean followed suit without thinking about it, too afraid to be left alone with Y/N.
"I'll go get them." he tried, earning a weird look from Benny.
"No, man, sit down. You're our guest. I'll be right back."
And with that Benny was already out of the room, leaving Dean with his napkin still in his hands, staring at the door. He cleared his throat, glancing at Y/N, who was watching him amused, before sitting down again.
"You're being weird," she told him while sipping her wine.
"No, I'm not." he scoffed, even though he knew she was absolutely right about it. Y/N raised one of her brows, watching him from the rim of her glass which earned an eye roll from Dean.
"Okay, fine, but in my defense, I just want you to know that when I came here, I had a solid plan to walk me through this..." he said, gesturing at them and the room they were in it.
"Oh, and how's going?" she asked amused, trying her very best to hide her smirk. Y/N figured she had done a poor job from the way Dean was looking at her - unimpressed.
"Clearly, it ain't working."
"Clearly," Y/N smirked, putting down the glass she was still holding.
Dean scowled at her, wanting to kiss that smirk out of her face. Wait, what? No. Absolutely, no. - he had to scold himself for thinking stuff like that about his friend's daughter, even if that same person was looking too damn cute for her own good.
"Okay, stop doing that."
"Stop what?" she asked with her brow raised in confusion.
"You know what! Never mind," he said, stubbing some of the vegetables on his plate with the fork. He didn't even like vegetables, for fuck’s sake. Y/N looked at him for a few seconds, glancing in the direction of the kitchen before leaning more toward Dean.
"Look, I know that we started on the wrong foot..."
"You can say that again." Dean scoffed, gulping down a generous amount of red wine.
"And I would like for Benny not to know about, you know..." she said, pointing at the two of them. "...us."
Dean sit up straight at that, putting down his glass and leaning more in her direction before speaking in a lower voice.
"He can never know about us," he said, panicked.
"So, could you, I don't know, act a bit more normal?"
Dean furrowed his brow, opening and closing his mouth a few times his mouth trying to find the right words.
"Yeah, right, right. I can do that," he assured her, even though he wasn't sure who he was really trying to convince, her or himself. She nodded her head with a small smile, satisfied by his answer.
"Great. And, oh, Dean, what happened between us..."
"...it can never happen again." he agreed, finishing her sentence.
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Y/N was pressed against the wall, her Christmas sweater pulled up and her breast spilling out from her red bra. Her skirt was around her waist by now, while her panties were discarded somewhere on the floor. She could still picture Dean's face when he discovered the lingerie she was wearing under her Rudolph sweater.
Her breath hitched in her throat at the feeling of Dean's cold fingers against her hot skin. Y/N felt them travel along the inside of her leg until he reached her aching pussy. He ran his fingertips along her slit way too gently, making her ache even more.
"Please..." she moaned, letting her hips sway back and forth in search of some friction.
"You want more, hm?"
Y/N nodded her head enthusiastically, trying to stifle a moan and failing miserably. Dean smirked, biting down on his lips. Yeah, hell was definitely waiting for him, and he couldn't care much.
"Suck on my fingers and get them nice and wet for me, sweetheart," he whispered, taking away his hand from between her legs. Dean saw her open her mouth, sticking her tongue out for him and he had to restrain himself to not groan out loud. Damn, this woman - he thought while pushing three of his fingers inside her mouth. Y/N welcomed him without saying a word, sucking his fingers as if her life depended on it. Dean's free hand traveled down his pants, unbuttoning them to free his aching cock. He pushed them down just under his ass, taking down with them his boxer. His cock sprung free, tip red and precum already leaking. Y/N sucked at his fingers one more time before letting them free, licking her lips right after. Dean didn't even give her time to think about what was coming next and his three fingers found their way between her legs again. He circled her clit a few times before pushing inside her wet folds. He fingered her hard and fast, watching her take it thrust after thrust while taking hold of himself and giving a few strokes at his hard cock.
"Oh! God... Dean..." she whimpered, moving her hips against his hand while trying to hold herself somewhere, anywhere. She could already feel herself getting closer and closer, already tasting the pleasure when his fingers stopped, making her whine. Dean put his hands on her hips helping her move on her unsteady legs, positioning her in front of the bathroom mirror. He stayed behind her, watching her intently while his hands traveled along her body. He reached for her breasts, squeezing both of her tits in his hands and making her moan.
"You have to be quiet, now, Y/N. Can you do that for me, hm?" He asked her, licking the skin on her neck before latching his lips around her earlobe. She bit down on her lip, nodding her head at his question. Dean smiled with her earlobe still trapped between his teeth. He sucked at her skin one more time just for good measure before helping her lean forward.
"Bend down on the sink and spread your legs for me."
He didn't need to tell her twice. Y/N bent down, spreading her legs in the process. She felt exposed under Dean's gaze which made her even wetter than she already was. Dean bit on his lip, unable to take away his eyes from her glistening pussy. He took hold of himself, letting his cook brush against her folds a few times before lining himself at her entrance. He started to slowly push inside her, his eyes never leaving the mirror to watch her every single expression. Y/N closed her eyes, biting down on her lips to stifle the moans wanting to escape her. Dean let his fingers disappear between her hair, gripping a few of her strands and pulling them towards him. Y/N followed his movement arching her back and exposing her breasts even more.
"Open your eyes, babe. I want you to watch me fuck you," he whispered in her ear, feeling her shiver against him. She breathed heavily, taking a few seconds to regain control over her heart before opening her eyes just like he had asked her. The moment her eyes opened and looked at him through the mirror, Dean filled her with a deep thrust. Her whole body was pushed forward, and Y/N barely had the time to put one of her hands on the mirror to keep herself from crushing against it. She tried to follow every push of Dean's hips, matching his rhythm.
"Look at you, being fucked in your dad's bathroom by his friend." Dean panted in her ear, while still fucking her with a brutal pace. Y/N bit down on her lip harder, but she couldn't help the sound that came out of her at Dean's words. So, she put a hand around her mouth not trusting herself enough to be quiet, not when he was playing dirty. Dean smirked at her reaction, thrusting hard inside her while one of his hands went to her breast squeezing hard.
"Do you think he noticed your absence or he's too busy with the new year eve's party?" he asked her, knowing full well she wasn't going to answer him too busy pushing her hips against his hard cock. He let slip his free hand in between her legs, founding her clit.
"What would Benny think if he saw you right now, hm?" Dean felt her walls fluttering around his cock at that, making him falter for a moment.
Y/N let go of her mouth free even though she knew that wasn't a smart move, but the need to hold on to something was too much. So, she held onto the sink not being able to do anything if not stay there and take every push of Dean's cock ready to burst.
"Dean..." she whined, hoping that the music downstairs would cover her moans.
"You'd like that, don't you?"
"Oh God..."
"Say it," he told her, rubbing faster and faster at her hardened clit.
"Fuck... yes! Yes... yes..." she sobbed while the hardest orgasm of her life washed over her; her juices coating his cock. Dean groaned at the sight of her coming undone and after a few more thrusts he was spilling inside her, filling her up.
"Fuck, babe, yes." he panted in her ear, while his hips spasmed a bit more.
Dean collapsed on her, being careful to not crush her against with his weight. He breathed heavily, resting his forehead against her shoulders. Y/N rested against the cool sink, trying to catch her breath while letting her fingers travel between Dean's locks.
"That was..." he whispered, licking at his cracked lips.
"...the last time?" she asked him, scratching at his scalp making him moan.
"You already said that yesterday after you fucked me on your couch..." she whispered, glancing at the mirror to look at him. Dean hid his face in the crock of her neck, grabbing at her breasts and squeezing them.
"...and the week before when we fucked in your car..." she whimpered, knowing exactly what she was doing while he bit down her skin.
"...and at Christmas dinner..."
Dean pulled hard at her nipples, making her gasp, and her core clenched around him but that seemed not to be enough to stop her.
"...half an hour later I was sucking you off, remember?" she asked, pushing him away gently just enough to turn around to have a better look at him. Dean let her move, still keeping her trapped between him and the sink, already missing the warmth of her pussy around him.
"Yeah, I remember that like I remember being balls deep inside you while your dad was sleeping three doors down," he whispered kissing her hard, letting his tongue swirl around hers.
God, she was able to make him a needing mess - he thought making a huge effort to push away from her. Dean licked at his lips, tasting her while slowly starting to recompose himself the best he could.
"We should get dressed and go downstairs before midnight," he said to her, bending down to grab her red lacy thong. She nodded her head, starting to adjust her bra before pushing down in his place her sweater. Dean kneeled at her feet helping her with her panties, pulling them up at her leg, and stopping halfway through to give one last lick at her wet pussy. Y/N shivered at that, opening her legs a bit more to give him better access at which she earned a gentle suck at her lips before he pulled her panties all the way up. Dean got up, kissing her one last time letting her taste herself on his tongue.
"You go first, and I'll follow in a few," he said to her, watching her adjust her skirt before walking to the door. She put her hand around the knob ready to turn it when she glanced at him.
"So, last time?" Y/N asked him just to be sure.
"Last time."
"Great, I'll see you back at your house then."
She winked at him before opening the door and slipping out of the bathroom. Dean closed the door behind her, resting his head against the cool wooden.
He was a dead man, but damn if it wasn't worth it. 
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eggcompany · 2 months
Fanfic Masterlist (Oneshots)
Smuts are marked with 🔴 NonSmuts are marked with 🔵
MultiChapter Masterlist
Mtf Castiel x Ftm Dean - Momma's Got a HUGE Cock 🔴
Cas and Dean get Deaged - Kids Who Were Never Children 🔵
Nonbinary Gabriel x Little! Sam 🔵
Little Cas (With Daddy Dean) 🔵
Gabriel x Nonbinary Sam - Getting Ready For A Date 🔵
High School AU - Dean x Benny - Dean x Cas 🔴
Trans! Castiel x Dean - Modern AU
A/B/O - Omega Sherlock x Beta John 🔴
Catboy! Sherlock meets John's friend Lestrade 🔵
Sick/Comfort - Sick Sherlock x John 🔵
Little Sherlock x Daddy John - Brat Sherlock 🔴
Omega John x Omega Sherlock 🔴
The Witcher
Lactating Geralt x Jaskier 🔵
Modern AU - Chubby Jaskier x Fit Geralt 🔵
Sensitive Geralt x Jaskier 🔴
Stomachache Geralt x Comforting Jaskier 🔵
Adam x Nigel- Corner Store Peepshow 🔴
A/B/O - Female!Hannibal x Will x Adam x Nigel x Duncan 🔴
Female! Hannibal x Will- Pain In The Ass 🔴
Will x Duncan, Will x Adam and Nigel- A/B/O 🔴
Young! Hannibal x Will - Starlight Boy 🔴
Dogboy AU- Puppy! Will x Duncan 🔴
Dogboy Will x Hannibal 🔴
Sub Will x Dom Hannibal - Lingerie 🔴
Little! Will x Daddy Hannibal 🔵
Little! Bucky and (Temporary) Caregiver Sam and Thor 🔵
Shy Sub Peter x Daddy Tony - Stealing Clothes 🔴
Bucky and Thor - Friendship - Tower Life 🔵
Sub Bucky x Daddy Steve 🔴
Omega Bucky Gets Helped by Doctor Strange 🔴
Tired Tony x Stephan 🔵
Trans Bucky x Steve - College AU- Does it Matter? 🔴
The Hobbit
Trans! Kili x Tauriel - Voyeurism - A Lovely Man 🔴
Sick/Comfort - Sick Thranduil, Caring Legolas 🔵
Fatherly Thranduil and Depressed Legolas 🔵
Legolas and The Hobbits - Cuddling 🔵
Thranduil and Legolas - Attention seeking Legolas 🔵
Hurt Kili x Curious Tauriel 🔵
Little (prisoner) Kili x Caring/Fatherly Thranduil 🔵
Virgin! Alucard x Trevor x Sypha - Wagon Fucking 🔴
Alucard x Trevor x Sypha - Trevor's Birthday Present 🔴
Trans! Alucard x Sypha/Trevor - Stomach Cramps 🔴
Ed x Oswald- Trans! Oswald AU- Bleeding Gold, My Love 🔴
Ed x Oswald- Neighbors AU- Neighbors to Fucking 🔴
Ed x Oswald- Asylum Oswald x Office Worker Ed 🔴
Ted Lasso
Dog Hybrids - Roy x Jamie - What a Nasty Little Mutt 🔴
A/B/O - Alpha Roy x Beta Jamie 🔴
A/B/O- Bakugou, Hizashi and Aizawa - Baby Bakugou's First Heat 🔵
Littles Are Known - Little! Bakugou, Hizashi and Aizawa 🔵
The Man From U.N.C.L.E.
Gabby x Illya x Napoleon - Big Baby 🔵
Illya x Sad Napoelon 🔵
Hurt/Comfort - Illya x Napoleon 🔵
The Umbrella Academy
Sub Diego x Dom Eudora - DIego's a Good Dog 🔴
Depressed Diego - Comforting Klaus 🔵
Teen Wolf
Drag Performer Stiles x Derek - Femininomenon 🔴
The Punisher/Daredevil
Hurt Matt - Comforting Karen - Poor Vigilante 🔵
Dead Boy Detectives
Edwin x Cat King - No Sex 🔴
Edwin x Cat King - Have Pity, Poor Kitty 🔴
Pushing Daises - Ned x Chuck - Caught Masturbating 🔴
Alex Genya (Jon Bernthal) x Daryl Dixon - A/B/O 🔴
NCIS - Littles Are Known - Little! Tony, Timothy, Ziva 🔵
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xpurdyglambertx · 7 months
We've officially breeched 35 chapters in total on Would You Say I'm Worth It, with more still coming!
I have 17 chapters published on both AO3 and Wattpad at the current moment, new chapter posted every week! If you haven't read it yet and are interested, here's the link-
It's Dean x Benny x Cas with a slow burn on the part with Castiel, and lots of flashbacks and characterization! Lots of smut, angst, love, and fluff. Semi-canon to the Season 8 plot.
It isn't perfect, but this is probably the one fic I'm the most proud of. It's the most work I've ever put into a story, and if it seems like something you may like, I'd love for you to read it!
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dead-twink-detectives · 7 months
Fandoms I write for ( as of right now)
Supernatural ( not writing for)
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Adam Milligan
Andy Gallagher
Anna Milton
Gabriel ( the trickster)
Benny lafitte
M e g masters
Kevin Tran
Jack kline
Mary Winchester
Dead boy detective agency
Charles Rowland ( platonic or romantic)
Edwin Payne ( platonic)
Niko sasaki ( platonic or romantic)
Cat King ( platonic or romantic)
Monty Finch ( the crow) platonic or romantic
Crystal Palace ( platonic or romantic)
The main Ships I'll write ( for dead boy detectives)
Charles x Edwin
Niko x crystal
Edwin x cat King
Monty x Edwin
Poly Edwin x Charles x monty ( yes that's a thing)
Monty x cat King
What I'll write
Ships ( no wincest )
Plus size
What I won't write
Sh ( I'm not that educated on sh and I don't wanna offended anyone)
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deanwinchesterswitch · 4 months
January 2024 Monthly Fic Recs
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Unfortunately, I didn't have a lot of time to read in January, but take a look at the few gems that I did manage to get to.
Many of these blogs and fics are NSFW-18+. Please honor any requests from a blog regarding no minors. I am not responsible for the content you choose to consume; heed the warnings for each fic.
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~Criminal Minds~
No Title ~ @girl-next-door-writes. Author's Summary: None (Drabble; Spencer Reid)
No Title ~ @navybrat817. Author’s Summary: None (Drabble; Bucky Barnes x Reader)
Saturday night special ~ @jackles010378. Author's Summary: When Jensen over hears you singing, he works out a way to get to sing with you in front of a live crowd......
As You Wish ~ @zepskies. Author's Summary: When Dean agreed to watch your favorite movie with you, you didn’t think it’d come with live subtitles.
Down By The Seaside ~ @deanbrainrotwritings. Author's Summary: sunshine and sunny beaches. Dean’s always talking about the beach, toes in the sand… a couple of those little umbrella drinks… her, in a sexy bikini.
Finished ~ @wayward-and-worn. Author's Summary: AU where Benny and Dean own a bar/restaurant.  And everybody loves everybody.  Sharing is common and Dean, well, Dean likes to make things hard on Benny. 
Imagine Buying Dean a Guitar ~ @muchamusedaboutnothing. Author's Summary: None (Dean Winchester x Reader)
Loving and losing ~ @mcavoy-girl. Author's Summary: None (Ficlet; Dean Winchester x Reader)
No Title ~ @supernaturalfreewill. Author’s Summary: None (Drabble; Dean Winchester x Reader)
Reckless ~ @rizlowwritessortof. Author's Summary: Just some Dean smut, because I miss him. A lot. (Obviously.)
Squirt ~ @cockslutpadalecki. Author's Summary: Not satisfied with Y/N coming only the once, Dean literally takes matters into his own hands.
~On Patreon~
Rebekah Jordan (Impala-Dreamer)
A Blaze In The Dark~ Author’s Summary: Jensen is having a huge fight with his wife and things look beyond fixable, so he goes for a drive not really knowing where he'll end up. Katherine is having a terrible a time, her life falling to pieces around her. She gives up and decides that a trip home is just what she needs. What they don't realize is that sometimes a light in the darkness is just a tiny spark, and all doors slam shut eventually...
Close to Home-Parts 4 and 5 ~ Author’s Summary: Y/N and Dean are neighbours, and friends. The thing is Dean is a ladies’ man and she has always known it, if he wasn’t, maybe he’d be the ideal guy…but his eye for the ladies, how well they work as friends, as well as the fact that he’d never even think of her that way, all means that they are meant to be just neighbours and friends. Doesn’t it?
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waywardsou2 · 1 month
.+/*My request information*\+.
Considering I do a lot of writing on my main blog as well I'm going to leave this here for people to leave requests if they wish.
My requests are currently: OPEN
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What I will write :)
GN!Reader | M!Reader (preferably) F!Reader (I can write for F!Readers but I do have a preference for M!Reader or GN!Reader)
Trans!readers (I really love writing trans!reader so don't hesitate to ask) | Enby!readers | Readers of any gender
Scenario or drabble (just little rants for specific characters)
Head canons for characters within a specific scenario (you give me a scenario and I give you how the character(s) would react)
One-shot (a short ficlette of a scene or event)
Themes: Platonic | Romantic | Smut (maybe) | Fluff | Angst | Whump
Character x Reader | Character x Character
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What I won't write :(
Character x OC (it's just really difficult and I would rather write something good)
Age gap more than 3 years (I'm just not comfortable with it), asked for aged up (not aged down)
Incest | Pedophilia | Rape | Bestiality
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Fandoms I can write for (and their characters and constraints):
Supernatural (most ships, any character x reader)
↳ Dean, Sam, Cass, Jack, Gabriel, Adam, Meg, Ruby, Benny, Crowley, Jo, Ellen, Donna, Jodie, Claire, Alex, Patience, Kaia
TMNT (I've only seen 2012, ROT, Bayverse and Mutant Mayhem) (no Leorai and no ships with smut of any kind)
↳ Leo, Donnie, Raph, Mikey, April, Casey (Casey and Casandra)
The Last of Us (Part 1, I havent played Part 2 yet) (no Ellie x Joel, I haven't seen any of the content yet but I'm sure it's out there)
↳ Joel, Ellie, Tommy
Star Wars: The Clone Wars / The Bad Batch / Rebles (some of the characters are children remember so keep that in mind)
↳ Rex, Cody, Fives, Anikin, Ashoka, Obi Wan, Kanan, Ezra,(any Jedi really) Zeb, Sabine, Hera, Hunter, Wrecker, Tech, Crosshair, Echo, Omega
↳ Tony, Bruce, Natasha, Clint, Thor, Loki, Steve, Bucky, Steven, Wanda, Pietro, Vision, Peter, Scott, Gamora, Nebula, Peter Q, Okoye, T'Challa, Rhodey, Sam, Shuri
My Hero Academia (they are also mostly children so keep that in mind as well)
↳ Deku, Bakugo, Kirishima, Mina, Sero, Denki, Iida, Shinsou, Tokoyami, Uruaka, Todoroki, Aizawa, Shigaraki, Dabi, Toga, Twice, Tsuyu, Momo, Jiro, Mirio, Nejire, Amajiki, Fat Gum
Avatar 1 and Avatar The way of Water (once again, there are children so keep that in mind)
↳ Jake, Neytiri, Tsu'tey, Neteyam, Lo'ak, Tuk, Kiri, Grace, Norm, Spider, Tonorwari, Ronal, Ao'nung, Tsireya, Roxto
How to Train your Dragon (same here: they. are children.)
↳ Hiccup, Astrid, Snotlout, Fishlegs, The twins, Daggur, Heather, Valka, Stoick (for those out their with daddy issues ;))
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Any other information
Any content with themes considered over 18+ will be tagged with this banner.
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And you are responsible for your own media consumption, so please read the tags and be advised for the content you consume.
My main writing blog is @waywardwritesstuff so you can send post there but any writing will end up posted on one blog and then reblogged onto the other, so all of my content can be found on both.
That's all for now happy reading!
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prpfs · 2 months
Please be 21+ to interact!!! ❤️
21+. She/Her. Looking for some various fandom roleplays. I'm only interested in canon x canon pairings. I have a strong preference for MxM ships, but I'm willing to do some FxF and MxF too. I like canon/canon divergent plots and write on Discord (third person, past tense, 200-400 words on average). I'm a sucker for romantic relationships and don't mind/encourage writing smut but with a healthy does of plot. I'll be sharing my strongest muses (the name on the left) for each and my greatest ship desires for them (the names on the right). I do have other muses, and I'm willing to discuss other ships. But, if you want me at my most enthusiastic, what I have listed is what I'm most interested in.
Doctor Who:
Eleventh Doctor - Jack, Rory, Clara
Fifth Doctor - Turlough, Ainley!Master
Fourteenth Doctor - Jack
Sixth Doctor - Ainley!Master
Tenth Doctor - Jack, Simm!Master
Fantastic Beasts Franchise:
Albus Dumbledore - Grindelwald, Theseus, Newt, Jacob
Theseus Scamander - Dumbledore, Grindelwald
Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon:
Beric Dondarrion - Thoros
Daemon Targaryen - Laenor, Criston, Otto, Rhaenyra (preferably before the 10-year time jump), Laena
Daenerys Targaryen - Margaery, Jaime, Jorah
Jaime Lannister - Bronn, Dany, Sansa
Margaery Tyrell - Dany, Sansa, Stannis, Joffrey
Petyr Baelish - Renly, Sansa
Roose Bolton - Stannis, Tywin, Sansa
Stannis Baratheon - Roose, Davos
Thoros - Beric
Tywin Lannister - Roose, Aerys II
Benjamin Poindexter - Ray, Matt, Karen
Bruce Banner - Tony, Natasha
Bucky Barnes - Zemo, Tony
Carol Danvers - Valkyrie
Eddie Brock - Venom, Wade, Andrew!Peter, Dan
Loki Laufeyson - Thor, Mobius, Grandmaster
Nathan Summers - Wade
Andrew!Peter Parker - Dane!Harry, Matt, Wade, Eddie, Tobey!Peter, Gwen
Ray Nadeem - Dex, Matt
Tony Stark - Bucky, Dr. Strange, Tom!Peter, Bruce
Wade Wilson - Eddie, Cable, Andrew!Peter, Comics!Peter, Dopinder, Colossus, Wolverine
Arthur Ketch - Dean, Mick
Azazel - Sam, John
Chuck Shurley - Sam, Dean
Crowley - Dean, Bobby, Cas
Dean Winchester - Ketch, Crowley, Chuck, Benny, Lucifer, Garth
Lucifer - Dean, Sam, Nick
Mick Davies - Ketch, Sam
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Franchise:
Drayton Sawyer - Open to discussing whatever
Johnny Sawyer - Leland, Sonny, Julie
Nubbins Sawyer - Danny, Maria
Tex Sawyer - Open to discussing whatever
If you'd like to work something out, please message me (HIGHLY preferred) or like this post and I'll message you.
In either case, in your first message, please tell me about your writing style, what fandom(s) you were interested, and what ships you might be interested in or characters you were interested in writing against. I WILL NOT be responding to simple "I was interested in your ad" messages and other ones of that nature. 99% of the people who don't say much tend to eventually ghost me.
like if you're interested and op will reach out
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rp-partnerfinder · 2 months
Please be 21+ to interact!!!!!
About Me: 21+. She/Her. EST (GMT-5). I write on Discord or through Tumblr messages. I do, however, like to stick to Tumblr for plotting and don't give out my Discord handle until I'm sure we'll be writing together. I write in third person, past tense and usually around 200-400 words. I do not double and work full-time Monday through Friday so daily replies will not happen. I try my hardest to get them out within 2-3 days. It all depends on how my work week is going. When it comes to plotting, I generally like to hear back from people within 2-3 days. When it comes to writing threads, I don't mind just 1 reply a week.
What I'm Looking For: I recently started a rewatch of Supernatural and would love to get some threads going. I'm only looking for MxM ships at the moment. Mainly canon x canon pairings but I will take OCs into consideration. I'm open to discussing whatever as far as plots are concerned. As long as the idea makes sense within the universe, I'll generally be okay with it. I prefer romantic pairings and don't mind/encourage writing smut/NSFW topics. But, if you'd like to keep things clean and/or platonic, I'm okay with that.
I'll be listing my main muses (on the left) and my favorite ships for them (on the right). I'm open to discussing other ships and, as mentioned above, possibly doing something with OCs with them.
Alastair - Dean
Arthur Ketch - Mick, Dean, Gabriel, Cas
Azazel - Sam, John, Lucifer
Balthazar - Sam, Cas
Benny Lafitte - Dean
Chuck Shurley - Sam, Dean, Lucifer
Crowley - Dean, Bobby, Cas, Lucifer
Dean Winchester - Alastair, Ketch, Benny, Chuck, Crowley, Gadreel, Cas, Garth, Lucifer
Gadreel - Dean, Sam
Lucifer - Dean, Sam, Chuck, Nick, Cas, Crowley, Azazel
Mick Davies - Ketch, Sam
Special Note: While I'm open to writing against an OC for any of them, I'm particularly interested in doing so with Chuck or Lucifer and have vague plots in mind for either of them against an OC.
If you'd like to work something out, please message me (preferred) or like this post and I'll message you.
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prettybillycore · 2 years
Updated Requesting Information <3
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Rules for Requesting: 
Please only request through my ask box
Be clear about what you are looking for.
Please be kind to me. This may seem silly to have to put in the rules, but my asks are a nasty place. It gives me anxiety to look in there because I have gotten many rude comments over the years, I'm autistic and trying my best.
You are welcome to request something for a character/ship you don’t see below, but I may decline to write your request. Please respect my right to decline your request.
I will not: sexualize minors (characters who are minors, big yuck), write incest, or anything with noncon, etc.
I will: write x readers, write ships and polycules, write imagines, oneshots, and twoshots; write in third person and write in second person; almost smut (I am asexual, but I love the k!nk community. So while I don't typically write full out smut, things can get spicy). 
I am happy to write hurt/comfort or comfort fluff about traumatic experiences, but please please please don't trauma dump in my asks and if you want me to write on a more triggering topic (depression, death, medications, addiction, alcoholism, etc) please put a TW before the content so I am prepared.
If you would like to be added to a taglist:
Please request to be added to a series or fandom taglist by going to my ask box!
Please be kind if I take a while to respond to you/I am slow to update the series that you’re reading. I’m trying my best! and I am currently fixated on stranger things, so requests outside of that may take me a little bit longer!
Here are the fandoms/characters/ships I will write for:
Stranger Things
Characters (x reader)
Steve Harrington
Billy Hargrove
Eddie Munson
Robin Buckley
Nancy Wheeler
Steve Harrington x Reader x Billy Hargrove
Steve Harrington x Reader x Eddie Munson
Eddie Munson x Reader x Billy Hargrove
Robin Buckley x Reader x Nancy Wheeler
Eddie Munson x Steve Harrington x Billy Hargrove
Eddie Munson x Steve Harrington x Billy Hargrove x Reader
Harringrove (Steve Harrington x Billy Hargrove)
Steddie (Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson)
Ronance (Robin Buckley x Nancy Wheeler)
Star Wars
Characters (x reader)
Kylo Ren
Poe Dameron
Kylo Ren x Reader x Hux
Stormpilot (Poe Dameron x Finn)
Detroit: Become Human
Characters (x reader)
Connor RK800
Markus RK200
Nines RK900
RK800 x Reader x RK200
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Characters (x reader)
Bucky Barnes
Peter Parker
Loki Laufeyson
Thor Odinson
Natasha Romanoff
Bucky Barnes x Reader x Loki Laufeyson
Bucky Barnes x Reader x Steve Rogers
Stucky (Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes)
Criminal Minds
Characters (x reader)
Spencer Reid
Penelope Garcia
Characters (x reader)
Dean Winchester
Garth Fitzgerald
Benny Lafitte 
Charlie Bradbury
Bobby Singer (only as a father figure)
Dean Winchester x Reader x Benny Laffite
Destiel (Dean Winchester x Castiel)
Dean Winchester x Benny Laffite
Characters (x reader)
Abby Sciuto 
Tony DiNozzo
Timothy McGee
Leeroy Jethro Gibbs (only as a father figure)
Donald “Ducky” Mallard (only as a father figure)
Characters (x reader)
Tooru Oikawa
Tobio Kageyama
Kuroo Tetsuro
Kuzume Kenma
Tsukishima Kei
Nishinoya Yu
Oikawa x Iwazumi
Kageyama x Hinata
Happy Requesting! :)
crossovers between these fandoms are allowed !
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darkrpfinder · 2 months
Please be 21+ to interact!!!
21+. She/Her. Looking for some various fandom roleplays. I'm only interested in canon x canon pairings. I have a strong preference for MxM ships, but I'm willing to do some FxF and MxF too. I like canon/canon divergent plots and write on Discord (third person, past tense, 200-400 words on average). I'm a sucker for romantic relationships and don't mind/encourage writing smut but with a healthy does of plot. I'll be sharing my strongest muses (the name on the left) for each and my greatest ship desires for them (the names on the right). I do have other muses, and I'm willing to discuss other ships. But, if you want me at my most enthusiastic, what I have listed is what I'm most interested in.
Doctor Who:
Eleventh Doctor - Jack, Rory, Clara
Fifth Doctor - Turlough, Ainley!Master
Fourteenth Doctor - Jack
Sixth Doctor - Ainley!Master
Tenth Doctor - Jack, Simm!Master
Fantastic Beasts Franchise:
Albus Dumbledore - Grindelwald, Theseus, Newt, Jacob
Theseus Scamander - Dumbledore, Grindelwald
Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon:
Beric Dondarrion - Thoros
Daemon Targaryen - Laenor, Criston, Otto, Rhaenyra (preferably before the 10-year time jump), Laena
Daenerys Targaryen - Margaery, Jaime, Jorah
Jaime Lannister - Bronn, Dany, Sansa
Margaery Tyrell - Dany, Sansa, Stannis, Joffrey
Petyr Baelish - Renly, Sansa
Roose Bolton - Stannis, Tywin, Sansa
Stannis Baratheon - Roose, Davos
Thoros - Beric
Tywin Lannister - Roose, Aerys II
Benjamin Poindexter - Ray, Matt, Karen
Bruce Banner - Tony, Natasha
Bucky Barnes - Zemo, Tony
Carol Danvers - Valkyrie
Eddie Brock - Venom, Wade, Andrew!Peter, Dan
Loki Laufeyson - Thor, Mobius, Grandmaster
Nathan Summers - Wade
Andrew!Peter Parker - Dane!Harry, Matt, Wade, Eddie, Tobey!Peter, Gwen
Ray Nadeem - Dex, Matt
Tony Stark - Bucky, Dr. Strange, Tom!Peter, Bruce
Wade Wilson - Eddie, Cable, Andrew!Peter, Comics!Peter, Dopinder, Colossus, Wolverine
Arthur Ketch - Dean, Mick
Azazel - Sam, John
Chuck Shurley - Sam, Dean
Crowley - Dean, Bobby, Cas
Dean Winchester - Ketch, Crowley, Chuck, Benny, Lucifer, Garth
Lucifer - Dean, Sam, Nick
Mick Davies - Ketch, Sam
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Franchise:
Drayton Sawyer - Open to discussing whatever
Johnny Sawyer - Leland, Sonny, Julie
Nubbins Sawyer - Danny, Maria
Tex Sawyer - Open to discussing whatever
If you'd like to work something out, please message me (HIGHLY preferred) or like this post and I'll message you.
In either case, in your first message, please tell me about your writing style, what fandom(s) you were interested, and what ships you might be interested in or characters you were interested in writing against. I WILL NOT be responding to simple "I was interested in your ad" messages and other ones of that nature. 99% of the people who don't say much tend to eventually ghost me.
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fanficocean · 2 years
0 notes
smellingofpoetry · 2 years
Normal Again
Characters: Reader, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, John Winchester, Benny Lafitte, Castiel
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: "The first time it happened had felt like a bad nightmare."
Square/s Filled: "Dean Winchester" (TMAS Bingo - @supernatural-jackles), Hospital AU (@anyfandomaubingo)
Warnings: mention of mental illness, mental hospital, pills, angst, nightmares, hurt, sadness, mention of smut, mention of nudity, mention of the series finale
Rating: +18
Words count: 3708
Beta: endlesswanted
A/N:  Hello there! It has been a while since my last story, unfortunately, I'm quite busy at the moment so my writing had slowed down. I had this story in mind for quite some time and I've finally been able to finish it. I was inspired by an episode of Buffy, I don't know if some of you watched it or not, but I always loved that one in particular. This story talks about some delicate subject, so I totally understand if some of you would prefer to skip it. I did my best with the warnings, but feel free to let me know if I missed something. That being said, let me know what you think about the story and I hope you'll appreciate it. Enjoy! 🖤
Dean Winchester Masterlist - Masterlist
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The first time it happened had felt like a bad nightmare. It wasn’t even the worst he had in all those years, and nothing really had happened. It was just him sitting on a bed in an almost empty room, but he could feel this heaviness on his chest.
He could feel his own fear.
The worst part was how real that nightmare had felt. He had become quite good at shaking his bad dreams off, but this one was different. He could still feel it deep down on his bones even hours later.
Once the feeling went away, he blamed it on the hunt he had just done and moved on until more dreams found their way to him. He kept quiet, deciding to deal with them on his own. It wasn’t his first bad dream, but then he started to have them even when he was wide awake. He had one of them even while working a case and if he hadn’t snapped out of it the moment he did he would have probably lost her.
That night, once they were back, he all but hid in his room until she made her way to him. She sat down next to him without saying a word. Her small hand grabbed his, lacing their fingers together. Dean closed his eyes while the guilt came back in full force.
“Talk to me, De.”
He sighed hearing her pleading tone, knowing full well he couldn’t keep to himself what was happening, not anymore.
“I’m having these dreams. I don’t even know if I can call them that anymore.”
Y/N looked up at him, confusion was written all over her face. He bit down on his lip, trying to figure out how to explain what was happening to him when he wasn’t really sure himself.
“They started like dreams, but now I’m having them even when I’m not sleeping.”
“And you were having one of those while we were hunting?”
Dean nodded his head, feeling his eyes sting a bit. She got a bit closer then, holding his hand a bit tighter.
“What are they like?”
“They feel so real, like pieces – missing pieces.”
“Of what?”
“Someone’s story.”
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“No, please. I don’t want them anymore. Please –”
Dean whimpered, trying to push himself against the wall as much as he could to get away from them.
“No more, please.”
One of the nurses bent on his knees, sighing in defeat.
“Don’t make it even harder, man.”
Dean backed away a bit more when the door of his room opened, and the doctor came in. He signaled the two nurses to leave them alone, and Dean waited for them to get out before glancing toward the doctor.
“Did you take your pills, Dean?”
He looked down then, shaking his head while he hugged his legs closer to his chest.
“They’re for your own good.”
“But I don’t want them.”
“Alright, we’re going to worry about that later. For now, you have a visit.”
Dean's interests peeked up at that, so he glanced at the doctor again before shifting his eyes towards the door. A few seconds later two figures came into the room, making Dean’s eyes go wide with surprise.
“Hey, son.”
His dad tried to smile, but Dean’s attention was already focused on the other person who waved at him, unsure.
“Hey, Dean.”
“You’re back?”
“For a little while, yeah.”
The doctor waved to John, signaling to both go outside.
“Why don’t we give them some time, uhm?”
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Y/N moved on the bed to face him this time. He was worried and, somehow, that wasn’t even the right definition to describe him, but she knew to have never seen him that upset.
“What happens in these dreams?”
Dean swallowed, trying to avoid her eyes as best as he could, which ended up worrying her even more. He closed his eyelids for a few seconds, not sure he had in him the courage to tell her. 
“It’s bad, Y/N.”
“Nothing of what you’re going to tell me will make me look at you differently.”
He raised his eyes and the moment they landed on her he knew that she was telling the truth. So, he nodded, and taking a deep breath he let her know.
“I’m in this place – a hospital.”
Y/N tightened her grip on his hand. Fear was starting to creep on her, but she kept her mouth shut giving him all the time he needed to speak on his terms, even though all that wait was going to kill her.
“I’m there to be treated because I –” he paused to take a deep breath.
“I think I’m sick.”
Why was her heart beating so fast for a stupid dream? Maybe if he wasn’t so terrified then maybe she could have relaxed a bit.
“But they’re treating you, so that’s a good thing, right?”
Y/N desperately searched his eyes, trying to find reassurance but the moment Dean looked at her she knew it was worse than she was picturing it.
“The hospital –”
“– it’s a mental hospital, Y/N.”
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They were sitting on the floor with their backs on the wall, and suddenly it seemed to be back to when they were just kids, and they spent their summer nights talking to each other about their future.
“Are you here to take me home?”
Sam’s heart cracked a bit under the weight of his big brother's question. To be honest, he couldn’t tell what hurt more between his words and the lost look on his face.
“I’m afraid I can’t.”
“Why not?”
“Because you have to get better first.”
Dean frowned, glancing down at his pale gown. He tried to process his little brother's words but sometimes it was so hard to concentrate on something.
“But I don’t like it here.”
“I know you don’t.”
“What if – what if I take my medicine and promise to be good, will you let me come back to the bunker, then?”
Dean looked at his brother, while Sam seemed to be confused by the question.
“The bunker?”
“Yeah, home.”
Sam frown deepened, not sure what he was talking about let alone know what to say to him.
“Dean, there’s no bunker.”
“Yes, there is. That’s where we live, me and you.”
Dean shook his head with force while slowly getting up. Sam sighed, getting up too but smart enough to not get too close to him to not upset him even more.
“No, we’re not, Dean. you’ve been here for a few years now, remember? While I live in California where I went to college.”
“No, no, you left college after Jessica died and we – we –”
Sam took a step forward; hands raised in surrender to let him know he didn’t want to hurt him in any way.
“Jessica is not dead; she lives with me in California. I already told you that last time we saw each other.”
Dean shook his head, pacing inside the small room trying to make sense of his foggy thoughts.
“No, no, you’re lying. I thought you were on my side.”
“And I’m, Dean.”
“Then why are you lying?”
He shouted, stopping in the middle of the room to look at Sam, who stood still watching him helplessly. Dean stared at him with teary eyes, waiting for him to say that it was just a stupid mistake.
“Say something, damn it!”
“I’m sorry, Dean.”
“No, you’re not. You’re just like everybody else. You’re just trying to find a new reason to leave me again.”
He was about to take a step forward when two strong arms took hold of him. The nurse tried to calm him down, leading him towards the bed.
“Alright, calm down now.”
“No! Leave me alone!”
Sam got a bit closer, wanting to do something to help him but not knowing what he was supposed to do in a situation like that.
“Please, let him go. We were just talking. We just – I – please.”
But the nurse ignored him, taking a syringe from one of his pockets and pushing the needle inside Dean’s arm.
“No! No! Please, no! Sammy, please. Tell them it’s not a lie, please. She can’t be a lie – she can’t!”
Dean slowed down his movements while the nurse secured him to the bed. He stood still, staring at the ceiling. A small tear rolled down his cheek.
“Y/N –”
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Y/N tried to push down the lump in her throat but the scared look on Dean’s face made her panic rise.
“We have had worst nightmares, why is this one having such an effect on you?”
Dean glanced in her direction, gnawing the inside of his cheek. He sighed, knowing she had the right to know.
“Because it feels real – too real.”
Y/N frowned at his words. All their nightmares felt real, she knew that well enough. So, she also knew there was more to it than he was telling her.
“What are you trying to tell me?”
He rubbed at his tired eyes with his fingertips, hanging low his head.
“It’s starting to become hard to say what’s real and what’s not.”
“When did all of this start?”
“It started after the last witch hunt.”
Y/N got up from the bed, pacing the room trying to think of the best way to deal with this new situation. She stopped in her tracks after a few seconds before heading to the door.
“Alright, I’m going to wake up Sam and we’re going to figure out what’s happening.”
“Y/N –”
She turned around at the sound of her name, trying to pretend she was keeping it cool but his next words made her waver.
“I feel like I’m already slipping.”
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Dean stood still staring at the ceiling for what felt like hours. His wrists and ankles were still secured to the bed, and yet he could feel Sam’s presence next to him, but he hadn’t had the strength to do much more than stare at the wall and think of her.
How could people think she was a lie?
Something is mind created?
Something not real?
She felt so real to him.
Even now, watching a damn wall, he could remember every single detail of her, from the sound of her voice to the colors of her eyes or the dimples on her cheeks. He could still remember how it felt to kiss her and be kissed by her, the softness of her skin under his hands, the weight of her body pressed against his, her warmth welcoming him.
And her smile – oh, that damn smile of hers.
He could still remember the way she made him feel every time he laid between her arms. She made him feel wanted.
So, how could all of that have been just a trick of his mind?
“She cannot be just a dream –”
Sam shifted in his seat at the sound of his brother's voice. For a minute he got really scared there, so he spent the last hour watching over him, just in case. He moved forward just a bit, being careful to not startle him.
“Tell me about her.”
At that question Dean’s lips curved upwards before his eyes went in search of his little brother, finding him right where he had left him.
“Y/N is – she is smart, like really smart. And loyal, one hell of a hunter, and a real pain in my ass sometimes.”
Sam chuckled at that, making Dean smile too.
“She’s also the kindest person I’ve ever known.”
“How did you two meet?”
“You know that story, Sam. You were there.”
Sam smiled sadly, nodding his head in approval. Of course, he was there, he should have known. It warmed Sam’s heart to know that he was in every one of Dean’s stories, even though they didn’t really spend that much time together anymore. So, it made sense for him to be there too. Sam patted Dean’s knees, trying to play along if that meant he could have his brother back for five more minutes.
“Yeah, I know, but I want to hear it anyway.”
“It was during a hunt. Bobby sent her as a backup, and I might have tried some of my moves on her once the job was done.”
“Did they work?”
“Hell no!”
They ended up laughing at that, with Sam studying Dean’s face who seemed to be lost miles away from where they were.
“So, how did you two end up together?”
Dean went back to stare at the ceiling, hoping he could see her again between all that white.
“It’s stupid.”
Sam smiled, thinking that surely couldn’t have been more stupid than talking with his brother about an imaginary girl. At that point, stupid was overestimated.
“I’ll decide that.”
“She held my hand when I was at my worst, and she never did let go ever since then.”
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Y/N and Sam were looking for an explanation for what was happening to Dean, but they were going blind, which made everything even harder.
She rubbed her heavy eyes, feeling the tiredness catching up with her. Sighing she closed the tenth book of the last hours before getting up.
“I’m going to check on Dean.” She announced Sam, who simply nodded his head without stopping to read the page ha was focusing on. She couldn’t really blame him. They were running out of time, and of books for that matter.
She walked along the corridor until she reached Dean’s room. He was where she left him a few hours prior, on his lap a bunch of photos. Y/N closed the door behind her, leaning against it.
“None of the things that happened here had happened there, except for mom. That happened there too, and I think it was the first crack in my – in his mind. Then Sam went away, and I think he just – he just let go.”
Dean trailed off, gazing at one of the pictures he had in his hand while Y/N remained silent, not sure what to say to make him feel better, which hurt her more than she was ready to admit.
“Dad is still alive, and so does Jessica. Sam is close to becoming a lawyer. Cass apparently is my doctor and Benny’s one of the nurses at the hospital. The only one who’s nice enough.”
“So, no demons or angels, or any kind of monsters?”
“No, nothing like that.”
“And every person you’ve met here is there too?”
Dean sighed, putting aside the photos he was still holding.
“Everyone, but one –”
Y/N frowned, tilting her head to the side like that would have helped her to understand better. They stared at each other for a few seconds when finally she understood.
“Everyone but me.”
Dean nodded, watching her lowering her gaze to try to hide her teary eyes from him like she always did.
“Didn’t I tell you that you’ll be lost without me?”
She looked up at him then, trying to joke about it even though her smile didn’t reach her eyes, not really anyway.
“Yeah – yeah, you did tell me that.”
Dean whispered, a lopsided smile on his lips. He cleared his throat, turning to his nightstand to watch the picture of the two of them together.
“He’s scared. The other me, I mean.”
“Why is that?”
“He’s afraid to lose you.”
“But you said –”
“According to the doctors, he created this whole world in his head where he takes shelter from reality. The world looks a lot like my life, and he really believes that that’s real, which is why dad – John – I mean, his dad took him to the hospital in the first place.”
Y/N walked the few steps dividing them, going to sit on the edge of the bed.
“So, I’m for him what I’m for you, even if I’m not really in that world?”
“You’re real.”
“You know what I mean.”
“Yeah, but –”
Dean sighed, throwing his head back against the headboard. She looked at him in silence, watching him gnawn on his bottom lip until he finally spoke again.
“I share his same fear.”
“Dean, I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere,” she said while grabbing his hand that she squeezed to reassure him.
“But I might go to a place where you’re not there, and then what? It’s bad enough to end up chained to a mental hospital bed, but being without you? Hell, no!”
Y/N widened her eyes at his words. Did he just say –? No, she must have heard him wrong.
“You are chained where, now?”
“Not the point.”
Y/N opened her mouth to argue, but then she decided against it. So, instead, she crawled in his lap, lacing her arms around his neck.
“I’m not letting you go anywhere.”
“But what if –”
“I’ll find my way to you then.”
Dean smiled at that, wrapping his arms around her middle dragging her closer and hugging her a bit harder.
“What if the other Sam is right and all of this isn’t real? What if you’re no – you’re not –”
Dean’s voice died down while his eyes filled with warm, fat tears. Y/N’s heart shattered under the weight of his words, so she let her hands travel along his arms first, then his shoulders to finally reach his face. She cupped his cheeks with her hands, grazing his skin with his thumbs.
“Can you feel this?”
Dean nodded, which was enough for her to keep going. She let her lips wander to his forehead, his eyelids, his nose, and then his mouth.
“And this?”
He rasped out, letting their breaths mingle together until she deepened the kiss. Dean kissed her back, granting her access and letting their tongues graze together. Y/N let her hands travel under his shirt, pushing it back bit by bit. Dean took the hint and helped her remove the piece of clothing.
Y/N let go of him just long enough to get rid of her shirt. She grabbed his hands then, guiding them towards her naked skin. Dean put them on her hips and slowly let them travel up her body along her ribcage.
“I can feel your warmth under my fingers.”
His hand traveled up some more, reaching her covered breasts that he gently squeezed. Y/N unhooked her bra, letting it fall between their laps before feeling his hands on her again.
“Let me show you how real I’m.”
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They were all gathered in his room with Doctor Novak trying to explain to them – to him – what was going to happen. He wanted Dean to get rid of his other world like it meant nothing. And maybe for the doctor it didn’t but for Dean...
According to Doctor Novak, they had to increase the dosage of Dean’s medicine, promising that once they started to work, he would be able to go back home.
Dean, though, stopped to listen to him after a few words, knowing that speech by heart. He glanced at his dad a few times before deciding to focus on Sam instead.
Was that hope in his eyes?
Dean felt a lump in his throat while he grabbed Sam’s hand in his. Sam squeezed it back, glancing up to his brother with a weak smile on his lips.
“Come here –”
Sam saw Dean pleading him with his eyes, so he scooted closer, sitting on the edge of the small bed.
“I’m so proud of you Sam. Do you know that? So damn smart – you’re stronger than me, you always have been.”
“Dean –”
“I – I can try to accept not being right in my head –”
“Dean, please.”
“No, no, listen. I can come to terms with the fact that all the things I thought I lived and felt, the monsters, the people I’ve met, were just a trick of my mind, but I can’t – I can’t survive at the mere thought of her not being real.”
“Don’t leave me – I can’t do it alone.”
Everything around them felt silent, while the eyes of the other people in the room focused on the two of them, John and doctor Novak sharing a worried look.
“Sam, what’s going on, son?”
The brothers simply ignored the two other men too focused on their own conversation.
“Yes, you can.”
“Well, I don’t want to.”
“Hey, I’m not leaving you. I’ll be right here, and you can come to visit me every time you want. I’ll be here listening to you. No, I can’t promise to answer you back, but I’ll hear you no matter what, alright?”
Sam nodded his head while his eyes filled with tears.
“Don’t be sad. I’m just not cut out for this world, but you – oh you – you’ll do great. So, go live for me too, yeah?”
“Tell her to take care of you for me, would you?”
Dean’s teary eyes lit up at Sam’s words while a smile crept on his lips. Sam smiled back before he leaned forward to hug him. Dean hugged him back even tighter, while the tears fell down both their cheeks.
“I love you so much. My baby brother.”
And little bit by little bit, Dean’s mind faded away.
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The last few days had weight on all of them, but thankfully Sam has managed to find a solution with a little help from Rowena. After that, they all went back to their lives with a sigh of relief for avoiding finding out what would have happened otherwise.
Dean’s nightmares had stopped altogether after Rowena’s spell, and yet sometimes he could still hear a faint whisper in the distance. Rowena had told him that he could still have some side effects for a few days, so he hadn’t worried much about it and simply moved on.
He was in the kitchen, a few months later grabbing some food, when he heard it again. He turned to Sam, bread in hand and with a raised eyebrow.
“What did you say?”
“I didn’t say anything.”
“You sure?”
“Uhm – yeah?”
Dean shrugged, going back to prepare his sandwich.
“Weird, for a minute I really thought you had said something to me.”
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Forevers Tags:
@440mxs-wife @cosicas-cuquis @foxyjwls007 @morganaah
Supernatural Tags:
@flamencodiva @keep-beating-my-dear-heart @leigh70 @littlewhiterose @pastelpeaxch @snowlovespie @stixnstripesworld @hobby27
Dean/Jensen Tags:
@akshi8278 @awkward-and-indecisive @deandreamernp @lyarr24 @siospins2 @stitchintimefan @universallyraylangivens @waynes-multiverse @woodworthti666 @sexyvixen7
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findyourrp · 4 months
About Me: 21+. She/Her. EST. I write on Discord but plot on Tumblr. I write in third person, past tense and around 2-4 paragraphs. I work full-time during the week so replies usually take 2-3 days. Because of my limited amount of free time, I don't double. 👻
Please read everything and be 21+ to interact!!!
What I'm Looking For: Various horror/horror-esque/supernatural fandom threads. I prefer canon x canon but will take on some canon x OC (I'm just picky with those so don't be offended if I turn your OC down). I'm only looking for MxM ships for my male muses and am open to MxF or FxF with my female muses. Because of the nature of most of these fandoms, NSFW is likely to come up to some degree or other. When it comes to smut, I'm okay with writing it or forgetting about it altogether.
I'll be listing the fandoms and my main muse(s) from them. Anyone in bold I'm especially interested in writing as right now.
Behind the Mask - Leslie Vernon
NBC Hannibal - Brian Zeller, Frederick Chilton, Will Graham
Killer Klowns from Outer Space - Dave Hanson, Mike Tobacco
The Lost Boys - David
Saw - Mark Hoffman, William Schenk
Scream - Billy Loomis, Dewey Riley, Jill Roberts, Mickey Altieri, Richie Kirsch
Supernatural - Arthur Ketch, Azazel, Benny Lafitte, Chuck Shurley, Dean Winchester, Lucifer, Mick Davies
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre - Drayton Sawyer, Charlie Hewitt Jr., Johnny Sawyer, Nubbins Sawyer, Tex Sawyer, Tinker Sawyer
The Walking Dead - Beth Greene, Gabriel Stokes, Gareth, Merle Dixon, Paul Rovia, Shane Walsh
If you'd like to work something out, please like this post. It may take me a few days to get back to you because I'm both wary and weary of being shadowbanned for sending too many messages at once.
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roleplayfinder · 5 months
21+. She/Her. Looking to get some threads going for my four-ish biggest fandoms right now.
About Me: I like to plot on Tumblr and don't hand out my Discord until I know we'll be doing something together. I write in third person, past tense and usually ~2-4 paragraphs. I can't reply daily because of work and just a general busy RL. I try my hardest to get replies out within 2-3 days. I don't double and have no triggers but that doesn't mean I'm willing to do everything.
What I'm Looking For: Mostly romantic ships with a healthy dose of plot and some NSFW/smut. I'm willing to forgo both of those but I'm really interested in them. Canon x canon ships or canon x OC (although, I am a bit picky with OCs so don't be offended if I turn your OC down). MxM preference but can do MxF and FxF.
Please be 21+ to interact and communicative!!!
I'll just be listing my main muses for each fandom. I have plenty of favorite ships, but I'm willing to discuss doing just about anything.
Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon: Alliser Thorne, Beric Dondarrion, Daemon Targaryen, Daenerys Targaryen, Gerion Lannister, Jaime Lannister, Lyn Corbray, Margaery Tyrell, Otto Hightower, Petyr Baelish, Robb Stark, Roose Bolton, Stannis Baratheon, Thoros, Tywin
Marvel: Benjamin Poindexter, Billy Russo, Bruce Banner, Bucky Barnes, Carol Danvers, Eddie Brock, Frank Castle, James!Harry Osborne, Loki Laufeyson, Nathan Summers, Willem!Norman Osborn, Andrew!Peter Parker, Ray Nadeem, Tony Stark, Wade Wilson
Supernatural: Alastair, Arthur Ketch, Azazel, Balthazar, Benny Lafitte, Chuck Shurley, Crowley, Dean Winchester, Gadreel, Lucifer, Metatron, Mick Davies
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Charlie Hewitt Jr., Drayton Sawyer, Johnny Sawyer, Nubbins Sawyer
If you would like to work something out, I do highly prefer that you message me. My last account got shadowbanned (and never fixed by Tumblr) because of the whole messaging too many people first thing. If you really don't want to message me first, I'll reach out to you. It'll take a lot longer, though, because I won't be sending more than one or two first messages a day now.
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