#supernatural sn winchester sam&dean
jaegervega · 7 months
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I’ve arrived 18years late to supernatural idk what happened but I’m actually watching it for the first time
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25 days of Christmas imagine Day 2
Imagine: Sitting in a hotel with Dean on Christmas Eve while Sam is away as you both finally confess your true feelings.
ugh! Hearing that Sam was goign back into town too investagate you and Dean begged too Join him but he didn't want you both- then Dean realized he's Investating was code for he met a girl in the bar earlier and wnated some "Alone time"
unfournately that meant you were stuck with Dean alone. which drove you crazy.
it was no secret you weren't his favorite person and you likewise you always dissagree and bicker. you  were brought into the hunter life after discoverign your boyfrined was a vampire and was planning on turning you. but he ended up killing Everyone you knew. then you started hunted and ran into the brothers six months ago. and since then you traveled with them.
sitting on the bed. you braided your hair up into a french braid. All day you thought a bout what you would of been doing if your family wasn't killed by your crazed boyfriend. How you would be driving up too the farm. the snow would already be deep at home but it woudl still be fresh looking. you owuld be wearing A Ugly Christmas Sweater with your favorite black skirt with your stokcings your hair would be up and perfect. and you would come home too have your family outside already ready too help you bring your luggage and all the gifts you bought. you would of gone Far too far getting everyones gifts And you would Show your Mom your newest attempt of making a Apple Pie.
you made the perfect Filling! but the Curst.. you werne't good at crust. you and your mom always ttelling you too just buy the pre made crust but that was cheating. that was cheap. you couldn't justify using pre made Crust for Christmas it was wrong. so each time you went home you attempt again.. and this time.. you were 99% it was Okay. tasting."
Dean was walking passed you getting a beer as you were zoned out. he wasn't thrilled about being stuck with you alone. you infruitated him. with being right all the time. and the gentle heart that he knew was about too be corruptted with being a hunter. he didn't want this life for you. He wanted yuo too have everything he knew he could Never have. the white picked fence, the devoted Husband who thought you were the goddess you were. and the three brats he always wanted. ean wished for a nroaml life. and once meeting you and seeing the bitterness growing in that heart you wished you would see the light and stop.. Stop going after the demons and monster and started a life.. he knew you secretled wanted. seeing you tonight wearing your long onsie. with your hair up. the pj's were christmas themed as you were watching Santa claus the Tim Allen movie as you spoke, "that.. Evil santa guy isn't evil right?"
"who?" Dean asked sitting down on the other bed as you turned too him "Krumpus?"
he nodded his head, "oh yea."
"oh that is distrubing- that is- it's the holidays.. that's just wrong."  Dean couldn't help but chuckle at that as you spoke, 'what was christmas like for you?"
"your looking at it- me and Sammy would be in shitty hotels and Dad would.. more then likely forget about christmas i would go out and try too make it as festive as possible for Sammy."
you shook your head shifting up too the lean against the headboard of the bed as you spoke, "your dad- God.. I would Hit him if he wasn't you know-" he looked at you stunned as you spoke, 'too do that two little kids. God.. I know he's your dad. but Iw ould Kick him."
Dean chuckled softly, "it wasn't that bad.."
"No- your wrong."
"what about yours?"
"we all go too the farm.. the neices and newphew woudld have a contest who could make the biggest snow man, the fire would always be going. baked goods..Everywhere! Mom would be triyng too get us all out of the kitchenf rom helping her.. I would be incharge of helping out with everything and we would make a plan for dishes. while Dad would be begging one of us too put on rudoph the red nose raindeer on the tv-.. it was perfect.." you shook your head having too stop yourself from crying. Dean got up shifting sitting down as he grabbed your leg softly. "Hey it's alright cry if you want too." you chuckled reaching down grabbing his hand, 'I dont want too cry- i wont stop i just-.. it's hard it's the first chirstmas since." he nodded his head, "I know- me And Sammy wer egoing too surprise you with getitng you a tree and trying too make this place less- depression." you alughed at that as you reached up hugging Dean. he was stunned but hugged you back.
you didn't willingly give him uch physical contact mainly because he was a jerk and he drove you crazy btu the mere thought of him attempting too make you happy was the greatest gift you could recieve this christmas. Dean rubbed your back softly as you spoke, "And i jsut got you your favorite beer for christmas." he chuckled as you laughed into his shuolder as he spoke, 'that's perfect.. Y/N.. you okay?"
"yea-" pulling away he looked at you and he didn't realize what he was doing until he felt his lips pressed against your lips. you froze feeling his lips against yours as he pulled back as he spoke, "Shit - y/n i'm sorry I-" you reached up grabbing his shirt pulling him back too you as you kissed him. you melted against him as he held you tightly.
hearing the door being banged you both parted as Dean spoke loudly in a deep voice , "yea!?"
"It's Sam let me in."
"No.." Dean said as he went back too kissing you as you smiled into the kiss as Sam screamed, "she had a husband he' got a tire jack! Come on MAN! Y/N! help!"
you both sighed as Dean said Okay as he looked at you. "I love you kid."
you were stunned as you spoke, "I think i love you too." he smiled as he opened the door and Sam ran in. as you spoke, "what did you do now Sam?"
"it wasn't my fault!"
you laughed softly as the conversation ended.
being three adults. and two bed. At the beginings the brothers would share a bed and you got the bed too yourself. but then they would be bickering far too mmuch so you decided a routation So everyone got a chance too ahve the bed too themselves. you were suppose too be sleeping in the bed with Sam tongiht. you didn't mind. both of them were very respectful and you had a pillow seperating you both. but when it was time For Bed Dean told Sam too take the bed for himself since he smelt of depseation and loneiness and he iddn't want that rubbing off on you. Sam didn't complain as he fell asleep easily as you curled up into the bed. as Dean laid next too you . looking at his face trying too memorize his curves of his face as you reached up touching his cheek softly. you knew for a while your Frustation with him was because you liked him. and it annoyed the Crap outta you that he was the guy you fell for. Sam was more the sort of guy you would date. but Deann. Dean was different and it drove you crazy.
"hey." you simply replied as he spok, "merry christmas Y/N"
"Merry Christmas Dean"
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thebadchoicemachine · 2 years
Supernatural: now streaming on Disney plus
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writersblockedx · 2 years
Places We Shouldn’t Go
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Requested: ‘Hi if you’re still taking requests can you do one for Supernatural. Sam x reader x Dean. Where they comfort the reader after having anxiety from being around loud/drunk people, due to bad experiences of being around drunk people as a kid. If not that’s okay :).’  - Anonymous
Pairing - Dean Winchester x Reader, Sam Winchester x Reader Summary - When Y/n suffers a panic attack at a crowded bar, the brothers do all they can to help calm her. Warnings - Panic attacks, mentions of alchol abuse Words - 1K
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Y/n should have known it was a bad idea to join them - but she didn't want to miss out. She didn't want the memeories that plagued her mind to keep her from enjoying what should have been a nice night with her friends. But as she stood there in the midst of slurred words and lowered ambitions, she was beginning to feel her chest inflate.
Both brothers had had their shared amount of alchol that night, but not to the extent where they were jumling their speech or wobbling as they walked. The boys were aware of Y/n's distaste to places like these - events, buildings, even just a certain time that attracted the intoxicated. In the beginning, they were ever so eager to bring the girl out with them to whatever bar or club they were going to. It was rare for Sam to come, but as they soon came to know, even rarer for Y/n to join. It led to a certain explaintion of her's, stringing together the rather troubled background of her younger years, suffocated by those who were pulled to pick up a bottle every night; they never pushed her to join them after that.
It led to a great surprise when Y/n said she'd like to come. It had been a tricky case they had finally just finished and a quiet town, which meant quiet bar (so she thought at the time, anyway). Both Sam and Dean were on alert all night; They easily picked up on and Y/n's discomfort as it began to arise. At first it was the twitching of her leg, then the way her eyes darted from drunk to drunk, followed by her constant fidgeting. When it didn't begin to ease, Dean made his move.
Sam was mingling with a few people at the bar, devoured by conversation, leaving her and Dean to linger at the other end of the sticky bar. His hand brushed against her back as to drag her gaze from the many drunks. "You alright?" He questioned and when she nodded, lips sealed shut, he continued. "We can leave if you want."
She flashed a smile that the older Winchester knew was forced. "I can hang on a little longer. You and Sam deserve a drink." She assured but Dean's concern still loomed over him.
"Just let me know." He told her before Sammy returned and the brothers got wrapped up in a conversastion of their own.
It was then, as her mind wondered and her eyes found themselves captured by the several people and serveral drinks, the pressure on her chest became heavier. It felt as if, with every breath of her's, there was hand pushing down on her ribs. Her skin was shaking, her body twitching and her breaths swept into pants. As if in a flash, she came to realise, she couldn't be here anymore.
Without speaking a word to either brother, she slipped from the bar stool and made a B-line for the exit, weaving in and around the crowds. It felt as if all her thoughts were pooling out and she couldn't keep it together. Leading her to, as she finally escaped the bar, take in one deep inhale of the fresh air. Not the stuffy, beer-smelling air she'd gotten used to in the last few years, but proper fresh air.
Though, even away from that enviroment, her heart still pounded and her chest was still heavy. Maybe it would take a moment - maybe several. But all she could do was wait. Her back hit the concrete wall of the bar, her head tilting backwards as she focused on the breath that left her lungs.
The girl had been so consumed by her thoughts she didn't hear the front door of the bar swing open and then shut behind the two Winchesters. "Y/n," Called Dean as the two wandered over.
Her head snapped back at them, her tears on show as she sniffled to hold them back as well as she was able. "Hey, Y/n," Sam said through a smooth tone that constracted deeply with her current state.
Y/n struggled to reply but followed Sam as his hands grasped hold of her own, covering them as to bring a sense of comfort. "It's okay." He assured her. "We're not going back in there, okay? You've got nothing else to worry about." It was as if he'd done this before.
She followed along with a nod, keeping her eyes tangled with Sam's. "Okay." She was finally able to push out. And slowly (yet surely) her anxiety settled and, as if Sam were pulling her out from her drowning thoughts, she began to calm. "I'm sorry." She sniffled out once she felt well enough to.
A smile tugged at Sam's lips, "You've got nothing to be sorry for." He told her.
The girl's eyes flickered to Dean who had been watching in worry. She flashed him a smile; not so forced this time. "Can we go home now?"
Dean nodded as the three started to walk back to the impala, "How about that, some greasy food and a movie?" He suggested with the wiggle of his brows.
The thought itself brought an added comfort to Y/n. "Sounds like a plan."
A plan of which had worked beautiful. Dean stopped by a local diner on their way home, grabbing almost every item on their menu (and pie). Then, once they returned to the bunker, they flicked on some mind-numbing movie, snuggled under blankets and let the events of the night ease away as if they had never happened.
Supernatural Taglist -   @desimarie12​  Dean Winchester Taglist -  @lyarr24​
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duckprintspress · 1 year
Creator’s Spotlight: 6 Recent Works Created in April by Duck Prints Press Contributors!
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Our monthly “created works round-ups” are Duck Prints Press’s opportunity to spotlight some of the amazing work that people working with us have done that ISN’T linked to their work with Duck Prints Press. We include fanworks, outside publications, and anything else that creators feel like sharing with y’all! Inclusion is voluntary and includes anything that they decided “hey, I want to put this on the created work’s round-up!”
Check out what they’ve shared with us this month…
Waiting Between Worlds by Era JM Couts
fiction || naruto || f/f, m/m, f/m || haruno sakura/yamanaka ino, uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto, hyuuga neji/nara shikamaru || explicit || no major warnings apply || 1,896 || work in progress
summary: The war was over but there was no sudden happiness. Their problems didn’t disappear, their trauma didn’t disappear, and the political landmine of the post-war relations didn’t suddenly solve itself. In a perverse, twisted way, the post-war was harder than the war itself.
Anbu offered an exit. A broken, temporary solution. A way to erase the emotional pain.
Ten years later, they’re deeply entwined in the reality of life politics and the hard choices of a grey world.
But Sakura has a goal, Hinata has a plan, Ino has a mission.
And they’re done waiting.
other tags: Post-Fourth Shinobi War, ANBU, Konoha politics, Hyuuga Clan Politics, Fighting the System, Mostly Canon Compliant until Manga #698, Drama, Angst, Friendships, SNS in Denial, Friends to Lovers, Idiots to lovers, A lot of emotional damage from the war, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Casual Sex, ONS Naru/Saku, FWB Ino/Tema, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Fake Engagement Sasu/Hina, Hyuuga Hinata & Uchiha Sasuke Friendship, Depression, Canon-Typical Violence, Explicit Sexual Content
Rules Were Made to Be Twistificated by firefly124
fiction || mcyt, traffic life series, double life smp, hermitcraft smp, empires smp || m/m || jimmy solidarity/tango tek || teen & up || no major warnings apply || 2,190 || ongoing series
summary: His communicator vibrated. Jimmy looked at it and was surprised to see it was a message from Grian and not an inquiry about when the coffee shop would be handling custom orders again. It wasn’t even his eight-millionth request for tea. That would’ve just been funny. Instead, it was pretty ominous.
“Meet me at the entity. We need to talk.”
other tags: mention of past Jimmy/Scott, blaze hybrid Tango, avian Jimmy, watcher-listener lore
We Were Always Going to End Up Together by jumblejen
fiction || supernatural || f/f, m/m, f/m || castiel/dean winchester, eileen leahy/sam winchester || mature || no major warnings apply || 52,289 || complete
summary: When Dean’s best friend Charlie drags him to a haunted corn maze, he’d expected a few scares, a few laughs and maybe pie afterward. Instead he meets someone that might just change everything.
other tags: au – no supernatural, something at first sight, dean is trying to be a person, happy ending, dean’s dating history is not pretty, some angst, mostly fluff, mention of alcoholism, panic attacks, big thoughts
In Bloom by unforth
fiction || heaven official’s blessing || m/m || hua cheng/xie lian || general audiences || no major warnings apply || 705 || complete
summary: Hua Cheng gives Xie Lian a gift. Xie Lian worries that history will repeat itself.
other tags: Post canon, fluff, emotional hurt/comfort
Like You Can Stop Us? by unforth
fiction || daomu biji || poly (one gender: male) || wu xie/zhang qiling/wang pangzi || general audiences || no major warnings apply || 100 || complete
summary: Wu Erbai meets Pangzi for the first time.
other tags: outsider point of view, drabble
Double Vision by unforth
fiction || supernatural || poly (one gender: male) || dean winchester/castiel/jimmy || mature || no major warnings apply || 972 || complete
summary: Dean is somewhere between “still drunk” and “annoyingly hungover” when he wakes up in an unfamiliar bedroom with the certainty that he got laid the previous night.
But nothing could have prepared him for who he wakes up to…
other tags: incest/twincest trigger warning, drunk sex (implied),
See a fandom you love? Check out these fics! Or, find a whole new fandom! Happy reading…
Who We Are: Duck Prints Press LLC is an independent publisher based in New York State. Our founding vision is to help fanfiction authors navigate the complex process of bringing their original works from first draft to print, culminating in publishing their work under our imprint. We are particularly dedicated to working with queer authors and publishing stories featuring characters from across the LGBTQIA+ spectrum. Love what we do? Sign up for our monthly newsletter and get previews, behind-the-scenes information, coupons, and more!
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nancydrewwouldnever · 2 years
Same anon- I did watch Supernatural over this summer for more Jensen.. And weirdly Dean didn't do a thing for me! Where's the Soldier Boy beard?!? And so baby faced at the start. 40's & bearded must be my Thing. I liked SN but not sure sticking around for it and giving up Hawkeye opportunity was the best idea. Hopefully he gets offered some better roles since he was fantastic in The Boys
OMG, I know, Jensen was so baby faced that first season!
Ugh, I loved it - all that angst! Dean crying! (OMG, Jensen can actually cry.) JDM making an appearance as hot, monomaniacal Papa Winchester. Misha! The cars, the music, the monsters. Agh, it had everything for me.
Except I could have lived without Sam Winchester. I so hate him.
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gaybookworm-belike · 2 years
why do I feel like Dean would most definitely buy the first and cheapest 3-in-1′s that he found on the most remote gas station, and would still use Sam’s expensive ass Schwarzkopf that he needed like a month to find the right one or smthn...
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suncaptor · 3 years
thinking about the fact there is a genetic mutation that allows certain humans to appear as any shape in supernatural. like they were born in some form that was unwanted and were able to change themselves. and they continue to be capable of doing so. like beyond the implications that the genetic process functions completely different in supernatural (which it has to be on some ends, but is this not enough to change the face of diversity as it compares to our world?). does this just mean that they were able to harness powers such as with the Tulpa and change themselves? and what does it say about Sam with such intense obsessive fears and them manifesting as the truth? Or Dean, and everything he tries to make himself become?
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dwimpala-67 · 3 years
Saturday Night Special
A community specially for creating fanworks based on J2 and characters played by J2 on screen till date and in future.
So if Walker/Soldierboy , Dean Forrester/Priestly, Wincest etc are your jam, join us!! Let's all get kinky ...
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gabrielokun · 4 years
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lustfordespair · 3 years
Tomorrow’s going to mark a year since Supernatural ended and I’m genuinely going to SOB.
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wattpadxicyme · 3 years
Baby || Dean Winchester +18
• 𝓐𝓿𝓲𝓼𝓸𝓼 •
𝐷𝑒𝑎𝑛 𝑊𝑖𝑛𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟
S/N: Andrea
N.º de palavras: 2163 palavras
Gatilhos: Sexo
Este imagine é um pouquinho maior, mas prometo que vale a pena. Até daqui a duas semanas my loves
sigam-me no wattpad: xicyme para mais conteudo como este
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• 𝓐𝓷𝓭𝓻𝓮𝓪 •
Quando era pequena o pior aconteceu, vi os meus pais serem mortos à minha frente sem piedade nenhuma por um monstro doentio. Eu tinha 10 anos quando tudo aconteceu, mas isso não me impediu de fazer alguma coisa.
Quando ele estava distraído peguei na faca mais afiada da cozinha e comecei a esfaqueá-lo. Foi quando ele chegou. John Winchester. Ele viu o que eu tinha feito e acolheu me. Eu não tinha mais ninguém, os meus pais era imigrantes foragidos de um país onde só havia guerra e pobreza, enquanto eu nasci aqui, nos Estados Unidos.
O meu nome é Andrea Álvarez Winchester e em conjunto com os meus irmãos adotivos, Dean e Sam somos caçadores.
Quando eu fui acolhida, Dean tinha 14 anos e Sam tinha 10. Sempre fui vista como a irmã mais nova mesmo sendo apenas uns dias mais velha que Sam.
Hoje, mais uma vez, íamos sair para uma caçada. Preparo umas sandes para o caminho enquanto Dean prepara um geleira com cervejas e afins, Sam estava a estudar o caso.
– Estamos todos prontos? – Ouço Dean a gritar ao fundo.
– Estou a ir. – Aviso pegando na minha mala e no saco que tinha com as sandes.
Meto tudo na bagageira e vou para o banco de trás do impala enquanto Dean ia a conduzir e Sam no pendura avaliando o caso.
Começamos a viagem e eu ia entretida a responder a algumas mensagens que faziam me sorrir involuntariamente. Conseguia ver Dean a olhar me pelo retrovisor com uma expressão de desagrado.
– O que foi Dean? – Pergunto finalmente olhando pelo pequeno espelho.
– Nada não. – Ele fala e quando eu pensava que tinha acabado. – Com quem estás aí a trocar mensagens?
– Não te diz respeito. – Falo e ele focasse na estrada revoltado.
– Preciso de parar para encher o depósito. – Dean fala entrando numa bomba de gasolina.
– Querem alguma coisa da lojinha? – Pergunto saindo do impala.
– O habitual. – Sam fala entregando me uma nota de 10 dólares.
Sigo para lojinha e pego em tudo o que preciso indo para a caixa logo em seguida.
– Olá. – O menino da caixa fala.
Ele era alto e bem estruturado, cabelo escuro e de olho verde aparentemente da minha idade.
– Olá. – Respondo olhando o.
– O que te traz por estes lados? – Ele mostra um sorriso ladino.
– Estou só de passagem. – Falo tranquila.
– Muito bem, estás sozinha?
– Quase isso.
– Achas que podes ficar mais um pouquinho? – Ele pergunta e apercebo-me logo da sua intenção.
– Não ela não pode. – Ouço Dean do meu lado e depois ele mete o seu braço por cima dos meus ombros, quase a marcar território.
– Desculpa não sabia que tinhas namorado! – O menino da caixa fala aterrorizado quando vê a estrutura de Dean. Ele podia ser bastante aterrorizante por vezes.
Pago as compras e pego nelas metendo tudo em cima de Dean. Saio da loja pisando fundo.
– Andrea que foi? – Sam pergunta.
– Advinha. – Falo visivelmente chateada.
– Ela estava a flertar com o rapaz da loja e eu interrompi. – Dean fala debochando.
– Sinceramente, por este andar vou ganhar teias. – Falo frustrada com a situação e vejo Dean esboçar um olhar debochado.
– Não deve ser assim tão... – Sam começa e eu decido mandar-lhe um dos meus olhares. – Já percebi, vamos?
Entramos dentro do carro de novo e fazemo-nos ao caminho. Quando chegamos ao motel da cidade já era de noite, pedimos um quarto com duas camas de casal como habitual.
– Acho que esta é a minha parte preferida das caçadas, tenho uma cama só para mim. – Sorrio debochando principalmente de Dean.
– Ah ah ah. – Dean ri forçadamente. – Eu vou ao bar aqui ao lado, não esperem por mim. – Ele olha para mim.
– Adeus. – Falo pegando na minha mala e vou direta à casa de banho.
Hoje também iria ao bar, preciso de desanuviar, pegar o primeiro homem decente que aparecer e ficar um pouquinho bêbeda.
Saio da casa de banho com um vestido preto que me dava um pouco acima do joelho, com detalhes de rendas no meu peito com um pouco de decote. O meu cabelo estava solto e ia encaracolando nas pontas naturalmente.
Vejo Sam na mesa com o seu computador ligado a olhar para mim.
– Também vais sair? – Ele pergunta passando uma de suas mãos no seu cabelo sedoso.
– Sim vou ao bar. – Digo olhando me uma última vez no espelho.
– Se precisares de alguma coisa liga.
– Claro. – Respondo pegando em algumas notas e no meu telemóvel,  guardo tudo no meu vestido. Não gosto de usar malas.
Saio do quarto despedindo-me de Sam e indo na direção do bar. Dean já estava na rua com uma menina loira com um bom corpo. Vou lhe estragar o encontro como ele me estragou o meu mais cedo.
– Dean? – Aproximo-me deles.
– Andrea que estás aqui a fazer?
– Como puseste? Ele abandonou-me a mim e aos nossos 3 filhos. – Começo e a expressão de Dean mudar por completo.
– Do que é que ela está a falar? – A menina pergunta confusa.
– E ainda me transmitiu... – Continuo.
– Não quero ouvir mais nada. Adeus e peço imensas desculpas. – Ela fala saindo de perto de nós.
– Tu não... - Ele olha me fulo com os seus profundos olhos verdes.
– Eu sim, esta foi pelo teu joguinho na lojinha. – Falo deixando-o para trás.
A noite estava um pouco lenta e aborrecida tirando o facto de que, Dean arruinou mais um possível engate fazendo com que eu faça o mesmo a ele para me vingar e assim por diante.
Às vezes penso que ele faz de propósito e que me gosta de ver chateada.
Bebo mais uma cerveja e olho Dean com mais uma mulher. Eu podia ir arruinar-lhe mais uma vez a noite, mas acho que já fiz o suficiente.
– Olá, estás sozinha? – Um homem alto de olhos verdes e de barba bem aparada senta se do meu lado.
– Podemos dizer que sim. – Falo esquecendo me completamente de Dean.
– Posso te pagar mais uma cerveja?
– Claro.
Continuamos a falar mais um pouco e Anthony era realmente engraçado.
– Eu tenho um quarto ali no motel queres... – Não o deixo terminar.
– Sim pode ser.
Olho à minha volta e vejo que Dean já não falava com a outra mulher e que estava apenas numa mesa a beber. Tomo o resto da minha cerveja e Anthony estende-me a sua mão à qual entrelaço a minha.
Olho uma última vez para Dean enquanto nos dirigíamos para a porta. Ele seguia-me com o seu olhar e levanta se assim que saio a porta.
– Andrea. – Ouço a sua voz, mas continuo a andar. – Ei, tu larga ela.
– Espera estás falar comigo? – Anthony para virando a sua atenção para Dean.
– Claro idiota. – Dean responde bruscamente.
– Dean chega. – Falo.
– Quem é ele? – Anthony pergunta.
– Ninguém.
– Sou o irmão dela. – Dean fala logo a seguir a mim.
– Eu não quero problemas. É melhor eu ir. – Anthony fala deixando-me com Dean.
– Primeiro já te disse que não somos irmãos, era engraçado quando éramos pequenos, mas agora não. Que merda se passa contigo?
– Ele não parecia confiável.
– Estás a brincar com a minha cara? – Pergunto procurando uma explicação melhor, mas Dean apenas agarrou no meu braço guiando me para um lugar mais sossegado e mais calmo.
– Eu não te podia deixar ir com ele, aliás se eu pudesse, nunca te deixaria ir com ninguém.
– Dean eu já tenho 25 anos, não preciso de proteção. – Falo irritada.
– Não isso que estou a dizer. – Dean fala um pouco frustrado.
– Então sê mais específico anormal.
Neste momento o seus olhos encontraram se com os meus e a distância entre os nossos corpos desapareceu. Os seus lábios embateram com os meus iniciando um beijo cheio de vontade ao qual, sem me aperceber, correspondi.
O meu corpo estremecia com a sua ação, as suas mãos puxavam me para si dando me uma pegada forte.
Não, o que é que está a acontecer? Separo o nosso beijo e vejo os olhos confusos de Dean percorrem o meu rosto.
– O que estás a fazer? – Pergunto.
– Fui mais específico como pediste. – Ele fala com um sorriso triunfante e eu não sabia como responder.
– É melhor eu ir. – Falo procurando a chave do quarto, não queria acordar Sam ao chegar.
– Eu sei que também queres, tu correspondeste. – Dean aproxima se de mim e eu dou um passo para trás.
A verdade é que já fazia tempo que eu tinha estes sentimentos que não conseguia bem entender. Um ardor no coração quando ele se aproximava de mim, ou dizia aquelas típicas coisas inapropriadas.
Eu... Eu não sabia bem o que era, mas aquele seu beijo fez com que todos este sentimentos que eu conseguia esconder tão bem vieram atona e sentiram se correspondidos.
Volto o meu olhar para ele e podia ver a sua expressão de quase pânico à espera de uma resposta da minha parte.
Aproximo-me de Dean e início outro beijo, as suas mãos viajavam entre a minha cintura e o meu quadril puxando me para si.
Eu queria sentir cada vez mais o seu toque no meu corpo, e eu sabia que ele queria o mesmo. Paro mais uma vez o nosso beijo.
– Queres ir para um lugar mais calmo? – Pergunto no seu ouvido e ouço-o a arfar.
Guio-o até ao impala, eu entro no lugar do pendura e ele no do condutor levando-nos até um lugar mais calmo, completamente escuro.
Assim que ele para e desliga o carro começamos a nos beijar novamente. Sento-me no seu colo e Dean tira o meu vestido deixando os meus seios expostos. Podia ver o brilho nos seus olhos contemplando-os.
– Vais ficar só aí a olhar? – Pergunto no seu ouvido.
Ele sorri maliciosamente e começa uma trilha de pequenos beijos da minha boca até aos meus peitos passando pelo meu pescoço.
Ele abocanha um enquanto massageia outro, curvo para trás em prazer enquanto rebolo com o meu quadril no seu membro que já aparecia com o seu volume nas calças.
Tiro o seu cinto e saio de cima dele para que Dean pudesse baixar as suas calças em conjunto com os seus boxers, tirando a sua camisola em seguida. Fico no banco do lado deitada à espera para poder brincar com o seu membro.
Abocanho-o e começo a fazer movimentos vai e vem. Dean acompanhava as minhas investidas com as suas mãos na minha cabeça. Eu consegui ouvir os seus gemidos abafados e o seu corpo a largar pequenos espasmos.
Dean levanta a minha cabeça levando-a ao seu rosto começando outro beijo. Ele ajeita-se para o banco do pendura para estarmos mais às vontade.
Enquanto isso tiro a minha calcinha e ele coloca a camisinha na sua extensão. Sento-me no seu colo preparando me para o seu membro me preencher.
Ele ajuda a introduzi-lo e eu sustento a respiração enquanto ele entrava. Solto um gemido contido quando ele estava completamente dentro de mim.
Começo a fazer movimentos de vai e vem com os meus braços entrelaçados no seu pescoço.
O seu membro era grande, maior do que eu imaginava, eu tentava abafar os meus gemidos imensos.
– És tão apertadinha. – Dean fala enquanto acompanhava, com as mãos na minha cintura, os movimentos. – Não te contenhas baby. – Ouço e começo a gemer de prazer.
Os movimentos variavam de velocidade, e Dean gostava de chupar meus seios e estava constantemente a trocar. Eu ouvi os seus gemidos abafados que me faziam fazer ir mais depressa.
Deixo o meu corpo cair sobre o seu enquanto ele dava pequenos apertos nas minhas nádegas. Dean deposita alguns beijos no meu pescoço indo na direção aos meus lábios.
Os nossos beijos eram abafados e pequenos, ambos estávamos ofegantes e perto do clímax.
– Eu vou gozar Dean. – Falo no seu ouvido.
– Eu também. – Ele devolve.
Em breves momentos chegamos os dois ao nosso ponto fazendo-me depois abrandar as investidas. Fico ali parada ainda com o seu membro dentro de mim.
Dean levanta-me um pouco, o suficiente para tirar a camisinha do meu membro e atira-la para fora da janela.
Eu continuava sentada no seu colo, com o meu corpo apoiado no dele, a acalmar a minha respiração.
– Tu és linda. – Ele tira o meu rosto do seu ombro e puxa-me para um beijo.
– Acho melhor nós irmos para o motel. – Falo assim que o nosso beijo acaba.
– Tens razão. – Dean fala e saio do seu colo vestindo a minha roupa.
Seguimos caminho até ao motel, eram 3 da manhã quando chegamos. Abrimos lentamente a porta revelando Sam a dormir numa das camas.
Fui trocar-me para a casa de banho e Dean entra roubando me um beijo e saindo como se nada tivesse acontecido.
Assim que saio vejo Dean a deitar-se do lado de Sam e eu vou deitar-me na minha cama adormecendo logo em seguida com o momento que tinha passado com Dean em repetição na minha cabeça.
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nightjar-art · 3 years
Tumblr media
Dean. Fan art.
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jawnloxk · 3 years
My dad just played Carry on Wauward son on the speaker and I laughed.
And then cried.
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samgirl98 · 4 years
Hot take
Supernatural has never been and will never be about romance. The type of love Castiel was talking about was familial love. I love Wincest, I like Destiel and Sastiel, I am a Megstiel and Sabriel shipper but shipping and the actual show are two different things. Good for you if you find happiness about Castiel loving Dean, and if that makes you happy, well you deserve it after this shitty year, but I don’t think it was romantic love that he was talking about. 
From the very start, this show has been about family, about brotherhood. After all, ‘Family don’t end with blood.’ I think the fandom has been too obsessed with shipping wars instead of looking at what the show has always been about.
Ship anything you want but don’t let it interfere with what the show is really trying to convey. Family
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peargreen-jellybean · 4 years
Supernatural Ending Options:
The series ends good: fanfic, fanart, headcanons, and AUs
It ends bad: fanfic, fanart, headcanons, and AUs but Desperately
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