#superwonderbat my beloveds
qcomicsy · 2 years
I see your "superwonderbat are a throuple/poly/open relationship and every one of their partners knows it" and raise you "superwonderbat are in a qprelationship since they met eachother and now it's too late for them to go back"
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butcherlarry · 7 months
Weekly Fic Rec 44
As promised, an extra long fic rec list for this week! Mostly Superbat with some sprinkling of Batfam, Superwonderbat, and Wonderbat. Enjoy :)
ABO Bunny/Clark and Wolf/Bruce series - Superbat, complete. There are 33 works in this series! 33! It was such a delight to read too!
Mister Kent by Taxi_Cab_To_Slowtown - Superbat, complete. Battinson flavored Superbat, my beloved.
Cold Snap by iselsis - Batfam, complete. Batman finds a young Tim and Jason (who is also a wolf shifter) out in the cold. Adoption ensues.
Jason and Damian escape the League series - Batfam, wip. Exactly what it says on the tin, Jason steals baby Damian and finds his way back to Bruce :)
To Care For A Kryptonian by TheCourtSorcerer - Superbat, complete. Clark gets sick from an alien flu :( Luckily, Bruce is there to take care of him :)
weighing him down by TheCourtSorcerer - Superbat, complete. A tough case gets to Bruce. Clark helps.
Careless by TheCourtSorcerer - Superbat, complete. Batman and Superman are caught making out in the Watchtower conference room :)))))))
Flatline by dragonpyre - Batfam, wip. Jason is captured and give a paralytic that makes his heart beat almost undetectable. The batfam finds him and much angst ensue.
one brick short by pomeloquat - Superbat, complete. Lego Batman is given a womb tattoo by a magic user. Lego Superman helps him get rid of it. Lego sex (???????) ensues.
Patroclus by widow_account - Superbat, wip. An update to the fic where Clark is kidnapped and forced to fight on Warworld. Bruce has finally found him, and they are reunited. But, a wrench is thrown in the rescue plan :(((((((
Sunflower by Firecat23 - Superbat, complete. Bruce keeps finding sunflowers at his desk. I wonder who could be giving them to him? :)))))
So Get Your Eyes Off My Pride by second_hand_heaven - Superwonderbat, complete. Bruce needs to keep up his playboy image, so he goes clubbing with Clark and Diana. Sexy shenanigans ensue.
from the inside of the wounds by shipyrds - Superbat, complete. A magic user cursed Bruce and Clark to feel each other's pain. Revelations are made.
a battle of wills by coyote_nebula- Batfam, complete. Bruce keeps getting emails from his lawyer about his will. Annoyed and in pain from past injuries, he sends a snarky email with the will to them. UNFORTUNATELY, the email is sent to his family instead. Shenanigans ensue.
The Lone Ranger Never Had to Deal with Bruce Wayne by theskeptileptic - Batfam, complete. Tim tries to fake his death by getting lost in the woods on a camping trip. Unfortunately, his nosey neighbor Bruce Wayne finds out Tim is going camping, and insists that he and his sons go camping with him. Shenanigans ensue.
(Love) Triangles Have Multiple Centers by frozenpotions - Superbat, wip. Drama increases in this identity porn fic!!!! Lois also went on a date with Bruce!! But it didn't go as well as Clark's one night stand with him!!! It is important that no one in the office finds out about this or he will never hear the end of it. Clark also meets Robin!
No Cops at Pride (Only Batman) by emmacortana - Superbat and Batfam, complete. Bruce thinks Dick is trying to come out to him. Dick tells Bruce something else instead. Shenanigans ensue.
Her August Presence by ThatDamnKennedyKid - Superbat, complete. Fem!Battinson meets Clark Kent. She's shy, but not in the bedroom, if you know what I mean ;)
I'm gonna steal (save) your from him by Karmawillcollect - Wonderbat, complete. Fem!Bruce steals Diana away from her terrible boyfriend.
Patchwork Pod by Ktkat9 - Superbat, wip. More of the mer Bruce fic! Clark FINALLY asks the question! Everyone is happy! But some sudden revelations happen!!
Happy reading!
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wixenburr · 29 days
Hi, I'm Burr
My name is Burr, call me Burr. No pronouns, only Burr.
My Ao3
I tag everything. If the character is there, it will be tagged.
My writing is under #My Writing
There is a #[Blank] my beloved tag for Bruce Wayne (though for him you should probably search Batdad), Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, and Kon El. This means that the post focuses directly on this character. You can also find all Conner Kent content tagged under #Kon El, NOT Conner Kent.
Any time there is a Comic Panel in a reblog, it will be tagged with #DC comics. This is how I sort things.
Ships are all tagged; most popular being Timkon, Timbern, Superbat, Jondami, and Superwonderbat
Anything concerning me will be tagged with #personal
Not fandom is #Not Fandom
I reblog for a couple other fandoms, which if you would like to find them, they can be found with the #Cale Henituse tag for the novel Lout of Count's Family, the #Danny Phantom tag, and the #Edward Elric tag for any FMA(B) content. Anything I tag outside of DC will likely be found with the main characters tag. (This is because some fandoms have a lot of names for the title lol)
Extra: Billy Batson, Justice League, animation, and #Favs
Also, my Alt account where i post bad art.
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dented-nado · 5 years
1 "We're supposed to be working" maybe with Superwonderbat or just Superbat - whatever inspires you more? (Some of my immediate thoughts were wedding planning, interviews, undercover or JL meeting) Have fun!!
[[I’m so sorry this took me a while to get to!! So I hope you like it! I decided to go with SuperWonderBat
“Okay, okay, How about…” Clark began thoughtfully as he tossed one of the flying robotic wasps into another, causing them both to explode on impact. “How about that new place that opened up in the south-side of Metropolis? It has good reviews.”
“I don’t think so Kal, Remember Br- Batman is allergic to fish.” Wonder Woman countered, lassoing the metallic neck of another wasp and snapping it in half. “There’s too much of a risk of contamination, you know him, he’d be on edge all evening.”
“I’d rather not die of something as stupid as fish thank you.” Batman interjected. “Excuse me if I want to be safe rather than sorry.”
“Oh I didn’t mean it like that.” Diana said with a roll of her eyes, deflecting Bruce’s attitude as she landed and crushed the body of another robot that had been behind Batman, who had been focused on punching one of them and sending a batarang into the eye of another.
“Shoot, its a good point though, um…” Clark hummed thoughtfully, crushing a robot’s head in one hand before sighing. “It’d be nice if we could just… you know go out for a walk together, you know, window shop, see the sights, just see what we come across?”
“You know why we can’t do that.” Batman growled, firing his grappling hook and soaring into the air just as two of the wasps collided into each other, meaning to grab at him at the same time.
“I know why I just wish we could.” Clark argued. 
“Even going to a public place is risky in the first place. We could be recognized, people could connect the dots.” Batman chided.
“I know B. Can you blame me for being a little down about it though? I mean…” His heat vision burned through four more of the bots. “I just want to be able to be affectionate with you two you know? Not have to constantly worry about being seen together.” 
“Unless both of you are willing to give up any scrap of a private life, and have both you and anyone associated with you bombarded by the press and paparazzi… We’ll just have to deal with it.” Batman bit back coldly, nearly taking a clawed hand to the face, just barely ducking under it before Diana sliced right through it with her sword.
 “Now can we please talk about this later? We’re supposed to be working!” He scolded both of them, as he sent three batarangs flying that met their targets with ease, blowing up what he didn’t realize were the last three robo-wasps that had been terrorizing the city.
Clark landed next to him, scooting aside one of the scraps of blown up metal with his foot. “Now seems as good a time as any.” He said cheekily.
Batman grunted, searching the sky almost hoping for a distraction, but looked at the ground defeated when he found none.
“I know it’s hard Kal, but Batman is right, all of our identities come with a lot of costs if we’re seen in that way together. Though… I of course feel the same way. It is… hard at times to remain so secretive.” Diana said, putting a hand on both their shoulders briefly, taking what she wanted to be a soothing touch away for the sake of the exact reason they were speaking of.
“I know… I… realize it’s a strain… on all of us.” Bruce conceded. “It wouldn’t be… the first time either one of my identities has ruined a relationship I cared about. I don’t want to have to be secretive.”
“Aww, B…” Clark looked down at his bat sympathetically. “Well hey, maybe one day we can figure it out, and we can just be together without worrying about anyone caring… but until then I’m just happy you want to spend time with us.”
Batman cracked a small smile of appreciation. 
“If either of you want to, I’ve never gone sightseeing in Rome before, we could find some place to eat and look around for a while… I think It’d be easier to keep a low-profile there.” He suggested after they were transported back into the watch-tower.
“That’s a wonderful idea beloved.” Diana locked hands with both of her boys. “What do you think Kal?”
“I’ve always sped past it briefly but never really got to enjoy it, I’d love that!” Clark agreed, beaming excitedly.
“Rome it is then…” Bruce agreed, quietly squeezing Diana’s hand a little tighter.
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butcherlarry · 8 months
Weekly Fic Rec 38
I had a nice stretch of PTO this week, so I got some good fic reading in (along with a lot of birding and an 8 mile hike, LOL). I also hope all of you have been enjoying some of the lovely Superbat art coming out of NYCC BECAUSE I HAVE.
Anyway, on to the fics!
Losing You by starshotplagues - Superbat, complete. I remember reading this fic when I first started reading Superbat fics. I've wanted to reread it for a while now, but I couldn't find it UNTIL NOW. I was so pleased :) A get together fic featuring these two learning how to communicate.
the privilege is mine by starshotplagues - Superbat, complete. A short sequel to the previous fic. Bruce says "I love you" first and has a lot of Feelings about it.
A kindred bond by Nyszu - Superbat, wip. An update to the Bruce gets kidnapped by Evil Superman fic. (Good) Clark is experiencing some guilt, and Bruce is Really Going Through It.
If You're Offering by Noknownname - Superbat/Wonderbat/Superwonderbat, wip. A lovely smutty fic where Bruce and Clark help Diana out with a magic user. Also, alien biology, my beloved.
The Seats of Stars by JUBE514, SalParadiseLost - Batfam/Superfam/Superbat (eventually), wip. A really, really cool fantasy/royalty/medieval au where the Superfam is royalty, the Batfam are centars, and both work together.
a world in repair by Batbirdies - Batfam, complete. Jason and Damian try to go on a vacation/road trip together, but hidden injuries and feelings cause a few road bumps. They work on it though, Bruce helps too :) Part of the Emotional Motion Sickness series.
a song came after by susiecarter - Superbat, complete. Bruce was trapped in a simulation where he was married to Clark, and deals with not being in the simulation anymore. Much feelings are had afterwards.
Padam Padam by frozenpotions - Superbat, complete. A fic based off this Tumblr post. A delight to read from beginning to end.
Red Hood's Barbie Dream House by Sparkypants - Batfam, complete. Jason gets shrunk to the size of a barbie. Shenanigans ensue.
Welcome to Batburger, home of the Batburger, can I take your order please? by Sparkypants - Batfam, complete. Bruce doesn't like Batburger, but his kids love it. Bruce loves his kids, so he goes to Batburger.
The Return by lurkinglurkerwholurks - Batfam, complete. What happens after Bruce comes back from being lost in time.
a sky of honey by TheResurrectionist - Superbat, wip. More of the omegaverse Superbat fic. OH MY GOD I LOVE UNCLE LEX. That is all :) :) :) :)
Two Birds, One Stone(d) by MichaBerry - Batfam, complete. Tim gets accidently high on a drug bust that goes a bit off course. Shenanigans (and Feelings) ensue.
A Meditation on Railroading by eggmacguffin - Batfam, complete. Tim has A Bad Time with Jack in Atlanta and travels back to Gotham by himself. Much shenanigans and many family feels ensue.
borderline by TheResurrectionist - Batfam, wip. The most recent update to this fic had me by the THROAT. And there's one more chapter left!!!! And it looks like there is going to be a series too!!!
I'm a Good Pretender series by shipNslash - Batfam, complete. A FANTASTIC series about Battinson taking in Dick as a ward. Bruce is his socially awkward self, and Dick is delightfully (and manipulatively) charming. They learn how to trust each other and become a family. The next fic in the series is from Jim Gordan's POV, and the third has Jason! I devoured this series in an afternoon, it was so good!
Happy reading!!
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