crvwly · 9 months
👻give us the content Gem👻
(by god i'll do my best!!)
Aziraphale coughs to hide a laugh and picks up his tea.
Crowley pouts, crossing his arms. "What?"
Aziraphale shakes his head and plasters on a neutral smile. "Nothing, it's just... you do come off a bit surly."
"Surly?" Crowley complains.
Aziraphale’s smile crooks into a smirk. "And melodramatic."
"Melodra – mmrgh," Crowley growls, cutting off when he hears himself. "Can a man-shaped person in his fifties not dress how he wants and spend his money however he likes? Huh? Eat a bloody croissant before you end up in a supernatural diabetic coma."
wip wednesday! send me a 👻 to make me add 5 sentences to bwctf and i’ll share a snippet from ch6!
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gotchibam · 1 year
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Sylveon and Flareon late ko-fi doodle for Flareontoast!
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bataddictedloony · 1 year
@flareontoast my mom really liked your song, she told me to tell you
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dented-nado · 5 years
1 "We're supposed to be working" maybe with Superwonderbat or just Superbat - whatever inspires you more? (Some of my immediate thoughts were wedding planning, interviews, undercover or JL meeting) Have fun!!
[[I’m so sorry this took me a while to get to!! So I hope you like it! I decided to go with SuperWonderBat
“Okay, okay, How about…” Clark began thoughtfully as he tossed one of the flying robotic wasps into another, causing them both to explode on impact. “How about that new place that opened up in the south-side of Metropolis? It has good reviews.”
“I don’t think so Kal, Remember Br- Batman is allergic to fish.” Wonder Woman countered, lassoing the metallic neck of another wasp and snapping it in half. “There’s too much of a risk of contamination, you know him, he’d be on edge all evening.”
“I’d rather not die of something as stupid as fish thank you.” Batman interjected. “Excuse me if I want to be safe rather than sorry.”
“Oh I didn’t mean it like that.” Diana said with a roll of her eyes, deflecting Bruce’s attitude as she landed and crushed the body of another robot that had been behind Batman, who had been focused on punching one of them and sending a batarang into the eye of another.
“Shoot, its a good point though, um…” Clark hummed thoughtfully, crushing a robot’s head in one hand before sighing. “It’d be nice if we could just… you know go out for a walk together, you know, window shop, see the sights, just see what we come across?”
“You know why we can’t do that.” Batman growled, firing his grappling hook and soaring into the air just as two of the wasps collided into each other, meaning to grab at him at the same time.
“I know why I just wish we could.” Clark argued. 
“Even going to a public place is risky in the first place. We could be recognized, people could connect the dots.” Batman chided.
“I know B. Can you blame me for being a little down about it though? I mean…” His heat vision burned through four more of the bots. “I just want to be able to be affectionate with you two you know? Not have to constantly worry about being seen together.” 
“Unless both of you are willing to give up any scrap of a private life, and have both you and anyone associated with you bombarded by the press and paparazzi… We’ll just have to deal with it.” Batman bit back coldly, nearly taking a clawed hand to the face, just barely ducking under it before Diana sliced right through it with her sword.
 “Now can we please talk about this later? We’re supposed to be working!” He scolded both of them, as he sent three batarangs flying that met their targets with ease, blowing up what he didn’t realize were the last three robo-wasps that had been terrorizing the city.
Clark landed next to him, scooting aside one of the scraps of blown up metal with his foot. “Now seems as good a time as any.” He said cheekily.
Batman grunted, searching the sky almost hoping for a distraction, but looked at the ground defeated when he found none.
“I know it’s hard Kal, but Batman is right, all of our identities come with a lot of costs if we’re seen in that way together. Though… I of course feel the same way. It is… hard at times to remain so secretive.” Diana said, putting a hand on both their shoulders briefly, taking what she wanted to be a soothing touch away for the sake of the exact reason they were speaking of.
“I know… I… realize it’s a strain… on all of us.” Bruce conceded. “It wouldn’t be… the first time either one of my identities has ruined a relationship I cared about. I don’t want to have to be secretive.”
“Aww, B…” Clark looked down at his bat sympathetically. “Well hey, maybe one day we can figure it out, and we can just be together without worrying about anyone caring… but until then I’m just happy you want to spend time with us.”
Batman cracked a small smile of appreciation. 
“If either of you want to, I’ve never gone sightseeing in Rome before, we could find some place to eat and look around for a while… I think It’d be easier to keep a low-profile there.” He suggested after they were transported back into the watch-tower.
“That’s a wonderful idea beloved.” Diana locked hands with both of her boys. “What do you think Kal?”
“I’ve always sped past it briefly but never really got to enjoy it, I’d love that!” Clark agreed, beaming excitedly.
“Rome it is then…” Bruce agreed, quietly squeezing Diana’s hand a little tighter.
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okapiandpaste · 4 years
Say five things you like about yourself, publicly, and then send this to 10 of your favourite followers (non-negotiable) (positivity is cool) ♡
(sorry for answering this days later flareon..., I was having bit of an episode and I didn’t want to respond when I was distraught.)🌷 I like my writing. I’ve been getting tons of compliments about it lately from both fiction and science sides so...feels good, man.🌷 I have a good sense of fashion. I mean, I’m simultaneously into multiple aesthetics (punk, natural colors, and full on magical girl), but I have fun.🌷 I’m open-minded. Especially more than I used to be, and I like to think I can still improve, too.🌷 I know I’m smart. Maybe not in the right ways for the society that we live in, but I’m smart and no one can deny me that.🌷 I have good taste in friends ;)
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ladyautie · 6 years
Hope the diagnosis thing goes smoothly and doesn't get too complicated or overwhelming! Have a good afternoon🍀
Thanks a lot ! That’s it, I’m diagnosed \o/ ! With autism as well as Aspergers (don’t ask, it’s France, it’s weird).
I got tons of information and stuff that I’m able to access too now. It’s a lot to process, but now, I’ve got all the time in the world to figure it all out c:.
It’s so... liberating.
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second-hand-heaven · 6 years
It's monday, we all need a pick-me-up, so please take a minute to think about the trinity visiting orphanages and hospitals - Clark as Superman, and Bruce and Diana as his philanthropist trophy husband and wife (because Batman isn't really one to prance around in public in broad daylight and Diana takes pity on him) and they give autographs and Bruce has bought a bunch of all their merchandise in bulk to give away to the kids and everyone is so excited thanks
bruce wayne has been tagging along to philanthropic visits to hospitals and the like since he was born, and he’s definitely kept up the tradition his parents started. wayne enterprise donates money to build a new wing at the hospital to help with addiction, and instead of touring it, bruce gets distracted by the paediatric section. and let’s be real, bruce loves kids. he’d definitely spend hours just hanging out in the children’s ward playing games and chatting with the kids. he has tea parties and gives piggy back rides, and loves to dress up as different heroes to play pretend with the kiddies, or pretending to be a robber while the kids chase him! 
diana sits back, sipping pretend tea with the other kids as she watches her love race around the corridors. she chuckles to herself, asks for another cup of tea, and listens as the children talk about their day. she likes to read with the kids, climb into bed and them all sit around her. they love it when she does the silly voices, and sometimes bruce will join her, acting out the scenes together. they bring a lot of merchandise and a lot of toys, especially for superman, wonder woman, and batman. they take so many selfies, sign autographs, and and have a great time hanging out with these kids that are going through a tough time. 
clark loves to stop by orphanages and hospitals while in costume, watching the way the kids’ eyes light up as he floats past their windows. he takes some of them out to fly, or just to fly around the room. wonder woman shows up at times too, teaching the children a few self defence moves and the importance of speaking the truth. sometimes the heroes show up while bruce wayne is visiting, and together they have a whole lot of fun! and sometimes, just maybe, the kids at the orphanage catch a glimpse of black by their window, sometimes followed by a red, yellow, and green blur. 
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miss--sherlock · 6 years
The new episode. I am shaken. Ahhhhh CLIFFHANGER UGH. Sorry that's not very coherent. MANY EMOTIONS
I feel you don’t worry. That episode was a lot. A lot to digest. Next is gonna be more than that.
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fugitivehues · 6 years
Dn angel is BACK AND IT'S SO AWESOME AAAAAH have a great Easter
IT IS IT IS!!!!! welcome back, DN! we missed you!(≧∇≦)
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and thanks!! i hope you had a great one too!
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l0verseyes · 4 years
Hi! I love your art a lot! Do you hava an etsy or rebubble or something similar? I am sure I am not the only one who would love to buy some of your drawings on stickers or something? Also absolutely fine if you choose not to do that, btw. Just asking because I really love your style. love from Austria Ps: stay safe, have some water and have a lovely day!
sorry but i dont have a shop or anything :< selling merch is rly daunting for me lol but if i ever do i’ll def let u guys know :-)
have a lovely day too!
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ajokeformur-ray · 7 years
Lawlight feels? Hm okay. Imagine them showering together late at night, L hasn't slept in forever and SOMEHOW they end up actually talking to each other? As in, maybe even deep or heartfelt conversations. (use it as a prompt or whatever, I just think about it a lot)
You sent this in months ago and I’m still having Lawlight feels ugh does it ever end? I’m kidding, I don’t want it to ever end. I hope you enjoy this @flareontoast
It was late. Or rather, it was early morning. For the last few hours, Light had been trying desperately to get L to go to bed, to sleep, because he’d been practically falling asleep where he sat. Light was tired, too, but he was willing to put that aside for L.
His feelings for L had grown into something that slightly unsettled him when he cared to stop and think about it. As it was, he was almost certain that whatever it was, L felt something similar.
“Come on, L. Shower.” He stood and pulled L with him. His eyes were lidded, his face even more pale than it usually was, and Light had to almost carry L to their en-suite bathroom. He undressed them both, unbothered that both of them were naked - it was just skin, after all, and got the shower switched on. 
By this time, L was almost completely asleep, though he was able to wash his own hair and body, his movements sluggish and lacking all the usual daintiness with which L interacted with the world.
L’s inhibitions were lowered and so Light took advantage of that, asking the other man the first question that came to mind.
“If I was Kira, what would you do upon finding out?” He was curious, he realised, though he had to keep the hope repressed, already suspecting the answer.
“I would turn you in, of course. Kira is the world’s greatest criminal at the present date.”
Light repressed a sigh. It figured.
“Good thing I’m not Kira, then.” He grinned, lathering up his hair.
L hummed thoughtfully, not paying attention. “We shall see, Light-kun.”
“If… If duty wasn’t important to you, hypothetically speaking, then would you turn me in or would you keep me under surveillance just like I am now?”
Light found himself hanging onto L’s every word, trying to find a way to make this, make them, work.
L was silent for a time, his head tilted up to the showerhead. Light felt the sudden urge to kiss the pale skin and mark it as his own.
“In such a situation, I would keep you with me, though it would be a punishment. You would help me on cases. You are, after all, my intellectual equal and it would be a waste for you to rot in prison.”
Silence fell and Light felt like he was going to vomit.
“L… This thing between us, the glances and the talks. Do you think they could ever amount to anything?”
At that, L’s gaze sharpened as he examined Light’s face, searching for something. He seemed to find it, for he smiled slightly and said, “It could, Light-kun, had we met under different circumstances.”
“What about now?” Light sounded desperate even to his own ears, so goodness knew what L was hearing.
L hummed again and Light counted himself lucky that L was taking the time to have a real conversation with him, weighting his questions seriously.
“It is true that you are my only real friend, Light-kun, but you are my prime suspect and therefore there is a conflict of interest.”
All at once, Light wished he’d never picked up that stupid black notebook. How could this happen to me? He bit down on his rising anger and said, “But I am not Kira!”
L gave Light his customary ‘really?’ look, making the younger man sigh.
“I’m done here.” Light had indeed finished and stepped out, wrapping a towel around his hips and waiting for L.
The two men dried and dressed and went to bed, Light following L’s lead. They laid down side by side, untouching, separated by could-would-should and the wall of unspoken words that lay between them.
Just as Light was drifting to sleep, he thought he felt L’s perpetually cold fingers wrap around his own under the cover and a whispered, “I am sorry, Light-kun.”
Light was asleep before he could respond.
Death Note:  @amoureux-de-la-litterature  @cardboard-box-of-stuff  @xiumincancallmebabyanytime @chloeolivialuce @hagridsbeasts @shingeki-no-julchen @miyakokurono
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crvwly · 8 months
Sensory ick: fine flour like corn/potato starches
OH GOD SAME SAME SAME corn starch is my mortal enemy, just thinking about it makes me shudder it makes the worst sounds like dry snow but dry snow is natural and corn starch is an abomination. along the same lines re: the powdery residue it leaves on my hands are sand and playground gravel
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Your blog title makes me chuckle because thé is French for tea so. Yeah. You invented tea autism ☕ (sorry if that was weird I just HAD to point it out)
Autisticawesomness’s new tea brand! Comes in red packages, donates all of its proceedings to ASAN/Autism Women’s Network, and comes with a free ‘Fuck Autism Speaks’ necklace
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eyecicles · 7 years
In the German dub of death note, there is this one line from Light where he says "Aber was redest du denn da, -incredibly long pause- Ryuk?" and my girlfriend and I have this inside joke of Light making extremely long unessecary pauses before finishing a sentence and idk why it's really funny? Like. "Was soll das ..................... Ryuzaki?" kA warum. It just happened to be hilarious at that time
Omg, that’s hilarious! I love it, haha.
And I probably never watched the German dub of the scene you mentioned, but I can still hear it in my head:
“Ich werde Gott einer neuen…………………….. Weltordnung”
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dented-nado · 5 years
Can you do the Halloween prompt 69 (.. I know. but I was thinking about Batman having holy water in his belt) with superbat or something?
[[jalksjflksa thank you for the request! And absolutely, here’s prompt 69.... “I told you I carry holy water around for a reason!” with Superbat!]]
Words: 856
“How do you even keep track of all the things on your belt?”
Bruce groaned into his boyfriend’s chest. “Why do you always start asking a ton of questions right when we’re going to bed??”
“I’m sorry! When it's quiet I just start thinking of the things I’ve been meaning to ask.” Clark replied throwing his head back against the pillow dramatically.
Bruce grumbled and went silent, hoping for once, just this time… Clark would get the message it was time for sleep and not for a game of twenty questions.
“But really though, sometimes it feels like you have everything on there.”
Bruce let out a steam of air through his nose and turned his head from its very comfortable spot on Clark’s chest to his shoulder since apparently he was not so lucky as for them to just go to sleep like he had planned.
“Combination of a numbering system, the fact I’ve been involved on every part of the design, and a lot of training and muscle memory.” 
“Is there anything you don’t have on there? Like really, not joking, what do you not have on there?” Clark rubbed his cheek against Bruce’s as if trying to quietly apologize for his mind still running a million miles per minute.
Bruce rolled his eyes and begrudgingly allowed the show of affection and the continued barrage of questions. “There’s plenty of things not on there.”
“Like what?”
Bruce sighed.
“A coupon for getting you to shut the hell up.”
“Bruce…” Clark chided.
“What do you want Clark?! I comprehensive list? Out of everything that exists on the planet? The universe??” He exclaimed before huffing and closing his eyes again with a frown.
He was met with silence as Clark’s hand grazed thoughtfully and soothingly along Bruce’s back.
Maybe… at last… they could.
“A straw.”
Bruce’s eyes flew open into a glare, but Clark was now grinning. This asshole was doing this on purpose, wasn’t he?
“…Yes, several.”
“You have straws on your belt?” Clark announced like it was the most entertaining thing on the planet.
“Tim used to stick them in cans he was drinking out of.”
“So you carried them with you?”
“Shut up.”
Silence for one blessed moment.
“What about goldfish, are those rumors true?”
Bruce let out a thousand sighs in one breath. “Yes Clark.”
“Really?!” Clark beamed at him even wider and Bruce’s eye lids twitched in irritation.
“Yes. Dick used to like snacking on them, so I’ve kept them on ever since. The others like snacking on them too sometimes…”
“That’s really sweet Bruce.” Apparently the knowledge Bruce carried goldfish with him had earned him a forehead kiss from Clark.
“Please be quiet.”
“…Pepper spray.”
“Bug spray.”
“Now that Batman has to be out in the day for the League, hell yes.”
“Nutter Butters.”
“What? No.”
“You should.”
“I love them.”
“Okay. Fine.” Bruce grumbled. “They’re bad for you though.”
“I’m Superman.”
“Oh yeah…”
Finally, perhaps, some sleep. Some sweet release from thinking or doing anything for a few hours, just calm, warm happy…
“Holy water?”
Bruce wanted to kick Clark off the bed.
“Clark..!” He warned.
“Last question! I promise, then sleep.” His boyfriend pleaded, wrapping his arms around Bruce and kissing his head in apology.
“Why did you think of holy water?” Bruce grumbled into Clark’s shoulder.
“I dunno, it just popped in there.”
“Fine. No more questions after this. Yes, I carry holy water with me.”
“What! Really? Why?” Clark immediately questioned.
“I said no more questions!” Bruce growled.
“No, I have a very good reason for it now unless you want to sleep on the couch, and leave me here cold and alone... Shut. Up.”
Clark closed his mouth finally, despite his thoughts still dancing all over the place, but he finally allowed his tired Bat to fall peacefully to sleep.
Bruce didn’t answer him about why he carried holy water for weeks outside of “Its necessary.”, Clark had to believe him, it was Bruce. But for one despite the insistence he hadn’t really believed such a thing actually had any application. Even for fighting something like demons there seemed like better ways.
That was until he had been stuck trying to push a vampire away from his neck, unable to force it back even with all of his strength, he dammed it, figuring it had to qualify as a magical being. His amazing always prepared bat came swooping in at just the right moment, dumping a whole bottle of holy water on the creatures head, weakening it and causing it to wail as their skin began to burn. 
“I told you I carry holy water around for a reason!” Batman growled as they gained the upper hand in their fight.
“Point taken.”
But that night, Clark was struck with another thought, another question he just couldn’t put out of his mind no matter how hard he tried. So he asked:
“What if the vampire had been atheist or something?”
Bruce just turned over and stole all the blankets from Clark, deciding he didn’t deserve them.
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okapiandpaste · 5 years
💕 (?) (manic) expression with N
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him wildin’
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