#sure just grab your boyfriend's hand and jump out a window whatever
shockercoco · 3 months
An Honorary Member
Benny Cross x reader
Warnings - fluff, unwanted advances (like one), some swear words
Word count - 2768
a/n -  request: "please please PLEASE do something ANYTHING for benny cross x reader but reader is a sweetheart and is kinda just a goody two shoes..." read the rest of the request here. It's funny how many of your guys wanted this, and of course I had to deliver. I really enjoyed writing this and hopefully this meets your expectations. enjoy :)
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“Are you sure it’s okay that I’m coming?” you ask Kathy as she finds a spot on the crowded grass to park.
You look down at your baby pink top, jeans, and white shoes, beginning to second guess your outfit choice. Despite your outfit being basic, you still felt odd amongst all the leather and dark colors. Even Kathy wasn’t wearing anything bright.
“Of course it is. These people don’t care,” Kathy tells as she puts the car in park. “Plus, if it was a problem, Benny wouldn’t have asked you to come.”
Benny loved your outfits. He thought it made you stand out next to him, and he loved that.
“You and I both know he would’ve still invited me if it even if it was a problem,” you point out, causing her to laugh in response.
“Besides you haven’t been around the girls in a while and they're looking forward to seeing you again,” Kathy says.
All the commotion outside could still be heard loud and clear even through the closed windows. You knew about the people Kathy and Benny hung out with and their well known reputation – she was technically the one who introduced you to Benny.
It also wasn’t uncommon for you to see members of the club riding through the streets whenever you were out in public running errands, but you’ve never actually met them. Dating Benny and being friends with some of the guys’ girlfriends was the closest you have gotten to this world. Benny thought it was finally time you meet the club and he thought this outing was the perfect opportunity.
Kathy could see the look of uncertainty on your face as you looked down. “You look fine, don’t worry about it too much. These guys practically wear the same thing all the time, so who are they to judge? Now get the hell out of my car.”
Making sure to grab your homemade cookies from the backseat, you both start heading towards the group. It was your idea to bring the cookies, thinking that it would make it easier for the guys to like you if you brought something to offer. You kind of went overboard and made way too many, though.
As the two of you walk to the table where the girls are, you spot Benny at another table having a smoke and talking to some of the other members.
“You actually came,” one of the girls, whose name you unfortunately forgot, smiled. She jumps up to give you a hug, before taking the cookie-filled container out of your hands, “And you brought goodies.” 
“You would go straight for the food,” Kathy jokes as the girl sits down, allowing others to reach their hand into the container.
The girl shrugs. “Her cookies are the best.”
“It’s been so long since I’ve last seen you,” Gail, whose name you do remember, tells you. You go to sit down next to her, while Kathy sits across from you. “You should come riding with us one time.”
“You ride?” you ask her, your eyebrows raised.
“Well, no not me, but my boyfriend does,” Gail says.
You turn your head as she nods in what you're assuming is her boyfriend’s general direction, but all you notice is Benny walking towards the table.
Benny had noticed your arrival, but Johnny kept running his mouth and he couldn’t find the right time to get away. He eventually just decided to get up and leave because there was no telling if the conversation would ever end, and as of now you were more important to him.
When Benny had first met you it was outside of a bar that basically belonged to the Vandals. You were only there to drop off some money for Kathy for whatever reason because she couldn’t seem to get away.
You were hesitant at first because one: it was the middle of the night, and two: you would be going to a place where all the bikeriders hung out. A bar and a bunch of crazy men didn’t seem like the best combination and you didn’t even understand why Kathy would always go to such a place, but nevertheless she was your best friend, so you felt obligated to go.
You had barely entered the bar when Kathy had come running up to you and thanking you. You were about to tell her it was no problem – even though it most definitely was – but you got distracted by this man coming up behind her.
The tattoos and the unlit cigarette hanging from his lips should’ve been a turn off for you, but you couldn’t help but feel attracted to him. The hair, the way he walked, and the look in his eye just screamed confidence, and you found yourself not being able to look away from him. He gave you a smirk when his eyes found yours, and you immediately looked away as you felt embarrassment flow through your body. 
Yeah, you definitely had to leave.
“Did you want to stay for a drink?” Kathy asked you, breaking you from your thoughts.
“What? Oh, no I should get going. It’s late an–”
“Who’s this?” the man asks Kathy as he approaches the two of you, interrupting your sentence. He removes the cigarette from his mouth and stuffs his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket.
“This is my best friend,” Kathy looks up at him, “and she’s off limits.”
The guy laughs at her statement. “Aren’t you going to introduce me?” he asks her, but he’s looking at you. 
Kathy sighs as she rolls her eyes. “This is Benny,” she tells you before looking back at him, “but it doesn’t really matter because you’re leaving, aren’t you Benny.”
Well if Kathy doesn’t seem to like him, then neither should you. Right?
“Loosen up, Kathy.”
Kathy’s about to say something else, but someone calls her name. She looks behind her before looking back at you Benny. She hesitates for a second before sending Benny a glare and walking away.
“Isn’t it a little late for you to be out by yourself?” Benny asks, looking down at you and giving you this look. A look that gives you butterflies and makes you want to smile, but you resist. His gaze is intense.
“Yes, which is why I’m going home,” you tell him.
“Do you need a ride, I’m on my way out,” he raises an eyebrow. 
“No thanks, I drove here,” you answer.
“Hmm. Well I guess I’ll see you around then,” he smiles. He’s not asking, but telling you.
“I guess so,” you say. 
You don’t know if you’re waiting for him to leave or if he’s waiting on you to make a move first, but you both just stand there for a moment. You don’t know if it’s an awkward or comfortable silence between the two of you, but you can’t handle his eyes on you anymore.
Benny watches you give him a small smile before turning around and exiting the bar. He smiles to himself as he follows you out the door, taking his cigarette and lighter out of his pocket. He watches as you get into the car you parked on the side of the street and drive off, still looking down the street, even when you’re no longer in eyesight.
You were different from him, and he wasn’t sure if it was a good thing or bad thing, but he had to find out. You seemed so gentle and shy, unlike all the other girls that hang around at the bar. Benny felt drawn to you, even though the two of you had only talked for a couple of minutes. The fact that Kathy didn’t want him around  you only egged him on more.
He had to have you.
As you’re having a cup of coffee the next morning, you decide to look out one of your living room windows – something you always do. This time when you move the curtain aside, you almost drop the cup in your hand when you see Benny across the street. He’s leaning against his bike having a cigarette, and you’re wondering how the hell he found you.
And how long has he been out there?
You set your cup down on your living room table before opening the front door. Benny notices the door open and just smirks when he sees you walking down your front steps. He gets up from his position on the bike and walks towards you, flicking his cigarette on the ground.
“What are you doing here?” you ask him once you reach the bottom of your steps, and Benny is standing on the sidewalk. You wrap your sweater tighter around your body as the morning breeze blows past you.
You give him a once-over now that he’s standing in front of you and man does he look good. Why does he look so good? 
“Kathy gave me your address,” he tells you casually.
Your eyes nearly pop out of their head because that is so unlike her. “Are you serious?”
“Yeah,” he nods with amusement, “but don’t be mad at her, I kind of forced it out of her.”
“And you’re here because…?”
“Because I wanted to see you again. I’ve been thinking about you all night,” he tells you. Your heart drops and have to keep your jaw from hanging open because there’s no way.
You wait a second before asking, “How many girls have you said that too?” 
“One,” he smiles at you as he slowly walks towards you. “You.”
That was five weeks ago. You shouldn’t have fallen for that cheesy line, but you did, which is how you now find yourself at this picnic.
“Glad my girl came,” he whispers in your ear as he takes a seat next to you. He smirks as he notices goosebumps popping up along your arm.
“You two make me sick,” Kathy says, but there’s no animosity in her voice. She can’t help but smile as she looks between you and Benny because she’s never seen him like this. Before you, she’s never seen him so…in love. It’s obvious that you have him wrapped around your finger.
Some of the other girls around the table have smiles across their faces too as they witness the interaction too because they can also see the difference in Benny.
“Come on, I want you to meet some of the guys,” he tells you and you nod. He grabs your hand in his as he walks you towards the group of guys he had been talking to when you arrived, feeling kind of nervous as you see all of their eyes on you.
As you approach, one of the older men looks down at your hand connected with his and a grin slowly grows on his lips. He’s sitting at the table while the rest of them either stand around it, or sit on the table top.
“So this is your girl huh, the one you’ve been hiding from us?” the same guy asks.
Benny rolls his eyes. “This is Johnny, he’s in charge of the club.”
“Damn right I am, but that’s not important. It’s nice to finally meet you, sweetheart,” Johnny says as he leans forward and holds his hand out for you to shake. You give him a small smile as you accept his hand.
“We’re here too,” another guy says.
“That’s Cockroach,” Johnny tells you before introducing the rest of them, and pointing out some of the others that are walking around. “And this is Danny, he’s not like everyone else. He’s writing some kind of story or somethin’.”
You turn around to see a guy with a camera hanging around his neck approaching the group, a half eaten cookie in his hand. “Someone made cookies, you guys gotta try them.”
“And you didn’t bring us any? Not cool man,” Cal says.
“Didn’t you make those?” Benny looks down at you, nodding his head towards Danny’s hand.
“Um, yeah.”
“You bake?” Cockroach asks, and you nod.
“Well hand them over so we can try it before they’re all gone,” Johnny says, and you give him a nod before heading back towards the table where the cookies are.
As you’re walking, some drunk guy stumbles his way in front of you, almost bumping into you. Thinking nothing of it since a lot of the men around are wasted, you ignore him and try to go around him. The man doesn’t let you move far though as he grabs your arm and gives you a sly smile. Your face contorts in disgust and you try to jerk your arm away, but his grip is too tight.
“I haven’t seen you around here before, little lady. What’s your name?” he slurs, the smell of alcohol filling your nostrils.
“None of your business,” you tell him. You try to pull your arm away again, but the man’s grip only gets tighter. Your heartbeat picks up as you begin to panic, but there’s too many people around so nothing can happen. Right?
“I like your shirt,” he gives the bottom of your shirt a little tug.
“Stop,” you smack his hand away.
“Come on, don’t be like that, gorgeous. I’m just trying to be nice, the least you could do is tell me your name,” the man steps closer, getting into your face.
“Let me go,” you say sternly, once again trying to move.
“I think you need to be taught some manners,” the man glares at you.
From behind you, Benny sees the altercation going down and begins to come to your aid, but you do something that makes him stop in his tracks.
You smack the man hard, making his head turn to the side. His hand immediately lets go of you to reach up and touch his cheek, the handprint already starting to show.
A few people around who witnessed the scene gasp and laugh. A few whistles and hollers join in.
“You bitch,” he says, his nostrils flaring.
“I guess we both need to be taught some manners,” you spit, no longer feeling shy since there are too many eyes on him.
Apparently, the man notices the stares too because he backs off, but not without giving you one last look.
“Well damn,” Cockroach says amongst the group.
“Got yourself a good one, Benny,” Johnny chuckles, his head falling back. That makes Benny’s heart swell with pride.
“Remind me not to piss her off,” Cal says, his eyes wide.
Kathy comes up to check on you, but you tell her you’re okay. When you come back to the group with the container in your hand, everyone’s looking at you with grins covering their face. Benny shoots you a wink, making your face heat up.
“These aren’t bad at all, you gotta bring these to all the meetings,” Johnny says after taking a bite of his cookie, the guys nodding in agreement.
Now, you don’t know what you were thinking, but the idea of attending meetings hadn’t crossed your mind at all.
You should’ve known because a couple of days later when the club meets at the bar again, you’re right there with them, a few containers of baked goods in your hand. The men don’t waste their time rushing towards you when you first step foot in the bar, making Benny shove his way through the crowd to make sure you don’t get crushed. Surprisingly, though, you don’t mind at all.
“You better wait your turn,” one guy tells another who’s trying to cut in front of him.
“Fuck off,” the man answers and shoves the guy aside.
Benny grabs them both by the neck of their jackets and pulls them back.
“Gentlemen, please, let’s not act like animals,” Johnny calls out.
Word gets out about how good your baking is – and your altercation with that drunk man – causing the bikers to have respect for you. Whenever you need something and Benny’s not around, there’s always someone that volunteers.
If you need a ride to work because your car broke down and Benny’s not able to pick you up, Johnny’s waiting right outside your door. If for some reason, someone dares to shoot their shot at you, it doesn’t take long for the person to get thrown out of the bar. And when you get cold, several of the bikers offer their jackets to you, only for Benny to quickly throw his jacket over your shoulders.
Yeah, you could get used to this.
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p3terparker · 1 year
𝗽𝘂𝘁 𝗶𝘁 𝗼𝗻 𝗺𝘆 𝗰𝗮𝗿𝗱 - 𝗽𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝗸𝗲𝗿
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𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆: peter and you argue because he loves to spend all of his money on you.
𝘄/𝗰: 0.5k
𝗮/𝗻: sorry for disappearing for a few months… again 😭 i am slowly getting back into writing so please bear with me! i saw my last fic reached over 9000 notes so that really motivated me to write something else for you guys ♡ i’m not so sure how i feel about this but i really do see peter as the type of boyfriend to blow all of his paycheck on you so i just had to write this LOL anyways i hope you all enjoy this!!
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“put it on my card” you suddenly hear peter say as he pulled your earphones out, causing you to jump.
you were trying to keep yourself awake while waiting for peter to come through your window after patrolling for the night. to keep yourself occupied, you decided to listen to music and do some online shopping (which consisted of you just putting things in your cart but never actually buying anything). with your back facing your window and your earphones in, you didn’t see or hear peter come inside.
“jesus christ peter, don’t sneak up on me like that!”
“yeah yeah whatever” he says not really caring that he nearly scared the life out of you. “as i was saying before you rudely snapped at me, put your order on my card”
“i literally have over $400 worth of clothes in my cart”
“what do you mean and? that’s expensive”
“your point?”
“that’s more than half of your paycheck”
“doesn’t matter. the whole reason why i have a job is to spoil you” he says while taking off his suit and getting comfortable in your bed.
“aww pete, you’re too sweet. but still, no. i don’t want you spending that much money on me”
he hummed an okay which led you to believe he was gonna just drop the conversation.
you were so wrong.
before you know it, he’s shooting a web at your laptop and dragging it over to him.
“NOOOO!” you scream dramatically and tackle him on your bed before he can type in his card information.
“LET ME BUY YOU CLOTHES!” he screams back while trying to push you off of him so he can grab your laptop again.
you quickly snatched your laptop from the bed and ran out of your room as fast as you could.
“GET BACK HERE!” peter shouted while chasing after you to which you just ignored and kept running away.
“you know what, you leave me no choice” he abruptly stops chasing you which causes you to stop in confusion.
suddenly, he jumped and stuck to your roof with his webs, and webbed your laptop over to him. you literally had no way of getting to him now.
“that’s no fair, you’re cheating!” you whined.
he laughed at you standing helplessly below him and finally placed your $450 order on his card.
“here you go” he smiled and jumped down from the roof, handing your laptop back over to you.
before you were about to scold him for spending so much money on you, you heard a knock at your door.
you and peter both looked at each other confused because you weren’t expecting anybody for the night. he walked to the door and opened, revealing the people you were least expecting.
the police.
“hello, we were called over here for a noise complaint. your neighbors reported screaming being heard from your apartment room and they were concerned. is everything alright?”
you did not expect to end your night by explaining to the police that you and your boyfriend were screaming over buying clothes.
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oneluckydumbass · 4 months
Well, hello and welcome to the madhouse. @sock-1574, your wish is my command, here's a quick _v2 for this short. I wrote it at 10pm and it's unedited, forgive me if you find mistakes. Also, f!reader.
In his sleep, Simon turned to wrap an arm around your waist to pull you against his body, a completely casual move that he had done so many times in the past. He just wanted to warm up a little in the chilly room, because despite the thick blanket you insisted on using, he could still use a little help. But his eyes opened when he realized you weren’t there next to him. It was odd. 
When he heard something break downstairs, he jumped out of bed, his instincts kicking in right away. It didn’t sound like a window breaking, more like a mug or a glass landing on the tiles. What were you even doing in the kitchen a little past two in the morning? He called out your name as he walked down the stairs several times, but there was no response. He heard a groan, then some soft sobbing, which made him believe something was wrong. 
By the time he entered the kitchen, you were sitting on the floor with your head between your knees, a hand gripping the back of your neck as you cried. “Baby, what’s wrong?” Nothing, you didn’t even look at him. “Hey, come on, tell me. What’s wrong?”
“It hurts,” you mumbled through your tears. 
“What hurts?”
“My head.”
“Anything else?”
“I’m dizzy, I feel like I could faint any second. I wanted to drink from your favorite mug and I broke it, I’m so sorry.”
“I don’t give a damn about that bloody mug,” Simon said with a nervous sigh as he took your hand. “The hospital is ten minutes away, it’s faster if I take you there myself. Come on, let’s get you dressed.”
He helped you up, but after only a few steps, he felt your body becoming heavier as you lost consciousness. Without thinking, he picked you up and grabbed the car keys from the table by the front door. The hospital was close to their house, he would get there sooner than the ambulance would arrive. It was a miracle that no cop stopped him because he drove like some maniac. He was in a hurry since you were still unresponsive, and deep down he was expecting the worst.
What if you wouldn’t survive whatever this was?
Once he got there and a doctor noticed what state you were in, they quickly took you from him to run some tests on you while someone asked him questions. Questions he didn’t really know the answer to. You seemed fine when you had gone to sleep, all he knew was that you had this terrible headache in the middle of the night. 
They didn’t tell him anything apart from the info that they were doing some scans. He bought a coffee and sat in the waiting room, his mind in overdrive from the events of the past hour. And then that hour became two, and just when he was losing hope someone would finally tell him what the hell was happening, a doctor showed up and asked for your relative. 
“I’m her boyfriend, what’s happening to her?” he replied when they asked him who he was. 
“An aneurysm in her brain. Well, two, but only one ruptured. We will take her to the OR now and see what we can do,” the doctor explained. “It will take a long time, you might want to go home. We will call you once we know more.”
“I’d rather stay. And I’ll call her parents, I’m sure they would like to be here.” 
The doctor nodded then left to focus on your surgery. This left Simon alone in the waiting room again with his face buried in his hands as he tried to fight back the tears. He had to be strong. He couldn’t fall apart. He was supposed to tell your parents that you were in there because of a damn aneurysm. He knew those things were deadly, but you were still alive, fighting. 
After talking to your parents, he sent Price a message, telling him that there was no way he would leave your side for god knows how long. He was considering writing to Johnny too, but in the end he decided not to. The two of you were friends, he would be worried for sure. At least one of them had to stay sharp, especially if he happened to go on a mission before you got better. 
What he wasn’t expecting was Price showing up a bit over an hour after he had sent the message. The Captain greeted him quickly then pulled him into a hug. Simon had no idea how badly he needed that, how much he craved physical contact at this point. It grounded him, made him focus on the present, not on the possible worst outcomes. Because his mind had been full of what ifs, like what if you died, what would he tell your parents and friends? It would mean he failed to do the one thing he promised to do–to protect you from harm. 
“You’re spiraling, Simon,” Price said as they sat down. 
The lieutenant nodded. “It’s hard to do anything else in this place. She’s been in surgery for two hours now, I don’t know how it’s going, her parents aren’t here yet. What will I tell them?”
With a hand on the younger man’s shoulder, Price took a deep breath. “You wrote me it was an aneurysm. Those things can be hidden for decades. No one knew it was there, there’s no warning sign as far as I know, and let’s not forget that you brought her here in time. She’ll pull through, don’t worry,” he said. 
They sat there in silence for quite a while, but it was the sort of comforting silence that Simon truly needed now. And then, just when he was about to go and ask someone if they knew anything, the doctor showed up again. “Mr. Riley? She is out of surgery for now. She will need a lot of rest here in the hospital, and it will take some time to see if there is any kind of brain damage. She is okay now, but I need you to understand that a lot of patients with this problem don’t survive for long. We will do everything we can, and it is a good thing you brought her in so soon after the first symptoms. I am… cautiously optimistic.”
“Thank you, doctor,” he said with a relieved sigh. “Can I see her?”
“Yes, a nurse will soon be here to take you to her, but you can’t stay for long.”
Price patted him on the shoulder after the doctor left. “She’s okay. She’s gonna be fine,” he said with a supportive smile. 
Simon nodded. Yes, you were alive. And he would do whatever it took to help you recover. 
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samandcolbyownme · 11 months
New Jersey Devil(s)
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Summary: Y/n joins Sam and Colby on their investigation in the most haunted forest of America, the Pine Barrens, and they just so happen to be her boyfriends and try to keep everything off camera.
Warnings: some SMUT18+, non-penetrating, reader getting fingered and eaten out, some dirty talk, lots of fluff and ghost/investigation stuff
Disclaimer: this is based off of their video for the New Jersey devil, and I'm writing it as if you are apart of the group. I will add some things that did not happen, just to make the one shot better and there will be quick and dirty parts as well. This is going to be a longer one shot. Enjoy it.
Word Count: 10.3k |Not edited
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You're sitting in the back of the car, staring out the window until you feel a hand slide onto your knee. You glance down, smiling when you see the rings, knowing it's Colby's hand.
"You okay?" He looks back at you over the seat and you nod, "Yeah, not a big fan of woods, but it's fine."
Sam looks back at you from the drivers seat, "Do you want to do this?" You laugh slightly, "We're already in Jersey and I really don't want to sit in the car alone."
Colby squeezes your knee, "You know at any time if you want to stop, we'll stop. Just let us know." You lay a hand on his, "Thank you."
"So Batsto Mansion first?" Sam asks looking at Colby.
"Yeah, I think we should stop there and then go to the diner." Colby takes his hand away and grabs his phone, pulling it up, "Oh dude we're so close to it already.
You were excited, you loved being with them no matter what you were doing.
Colby opens the door for you and you climb out. He pins you to the car after he shuts the door, "You sure you wanna do this?"
You nod, "I do. Now, stop it before you make the other one jealous." You smirk slightly and lay a finger on his lips. Colby whines slightly, "Just one kiss before the cameras start rolling?"
You sigh, "Fine. But just one."
Colby grabs your face and presses his lips to yours as Sam shuts the trunk, "Whoa, hey. What's going on here?" You pull away from Colby, "I was just, you know. Giving you guys each a kiss before we start filming."
Sam smirks slightly and nods, "Uh huh."
You pull him in for a kiss by gently pressing your lips to his, "Now. Let's go do whatever it is we need to do."
Colby smirks and shakes his head at Sam who does the same thing. You get under their skin but in the best way possible.
"Ready?" Sam asks as he gets the camera ready.
You and Colby nod and Sam click it on after he sets it down on something, "We are here at what is considered the most haunted forest in the United States." He pauses for a moment, "Thousands of actual sighting have seen this devil looking creature."
As soon as he said the last few words, a chill went down your spine, "Whoa." You turn around and look at Sam, "Sam, just as you said the last three words, I got an instant chill."
Sam looks at Colby, "Shit." Colby shakes his head, "This is going to be interesting." Sam looks back into the camera to continue talking for a few moments before picking up the camera and pointing it on Colby.
"This is the Batsto Mansion, apparently the Jersey devil has been rumored to be roaming around these areas and if you look-"
As Sam is recording Colby, you take his hand into yours and he looks over at you with a smile.
"The Batsto mansion." Sam repeated and that causes them to repeatedly say the name over and over again while laughing.
As we walk up, Colby suddenly jumps back yelling. Sam jumps pushing you slightly, "Yo what the fuck was that?"
Sam lays a hand on your back, "Sorry I didn't mean to shove you." You laugh and bat the air as you walk over to Colby who lifts up the rock.
"Ah, gonna catch some critters tonight." Sam says laughing. You lean over to look and Colby jumps at you doing a slightly loud "rahh."
"Ah, fucking hell." You scream and lay a hand on your chest, "Don't do that to me." You glare up at him and he laughs, "Sorry, sorry."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
"Ready?" Colby looks at you then Sam. You nod and Sam gives a thumbs up, "We're all just friends remember."
You nod, "Got it covered." You stand there with your hands clasped together behind your back and smile as Colby does their intro.
"What's up guys, it's Sam and Colby, and today,  we have y/n with us to help catch us a sighting of the Jersey Devil for another episode of Hell Week!"
You all scream and Sam sighs, "So as we said in the video before, we're here at what is considered to be the most haunted forest in the United States because the freaking devil lives here, like no joke.."
"Not Bigfoot.." Colby chimes in and it makes you laugh, "But the devil himself roams these woods."
Sam goes on to explain the terrain and everything about it, and you catch yourself giving him a loving stare so you look behind you.
"Y/n, do you want to tell the people what we are doing tonight." You eyebrow twitches and you hide your smirk the best you can, "We have a campsite that is deep in these woods. I don't know how they talked me into doing this, but I'm here for it."
You know why you're there.
"So like, this thing looks like a stupid version of charzard, basically, right?" Colby asks as he looks at Sam, and he nods, "Yeah, like a big goofy version of Charzard."
Sam continues talking, going about the intro to the video.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
As you're walking around the empty village, Colby explains that the the devil is half horse and then Sam turns the camera around so it faces all of us, "We got an interview with someone who's basically an expert, who has lived here for sixty plus years and knows all about the pine barrens. So let's go get that."
He finger guns to the camera and puts his palm to it and cuts it off.
"Did you actually feel a chill earlier?" Colby looks at you and lays a hand on your arm, "Like was there anything else or-"
You shrug, "I didn't feel that chill until Sam said those three words. It was weird, almost like.. you know how when I lightly drag my nails up your back and you get that chilly tickle thing that happens?" You pause and wait for him to nod, "That's what it felt like, but a lot colder."
"That's fucking.. weird wow." Sam shakes his head, "Are you ready to go meet this guy?"
You and Colby both agree and off to the diner you go.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
"So this guys name is Paul, and I'm actually really excited to talk to him." Colby says looking over at Sam. Sam nods as he parks the car, "I'm ready to hear what he has to say."
You lean up from the middle seat in the back, "I'm just making it known now, that if we see this fucking devil thing, I'm sprinting the other way."
They both laugh and Colby reaches up to grip your chin with his thumb and rests the side of his pointer under your chin, "You are so cute."
You lick your lips, "I know, we're on a mission and all right now, and this is probably bad timing but.." you pause as you see Sam smile.
"What?" You ask tilting your head at him. He chuckles slightly, "I know where this is going."
"Where's it going, Mr. Golbach?" You ask with a smirk and he just shakes his head, "Well take care of you in a little bit, babe."
Colby picks up instantly and he leans in, pressing a quick kiss to your cheek, "Anything for our girl."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
"Hey, how's it going, I'm Sam." Sam shakes his hand and Colby does the same as he introduces himself. You step up, "I'm y/n." You smile and shake his hand.
You all sit down at the table, you in between Sam and Colby of course, and the guy sitting across from you, introduces himself as Sam continues recording.
"My name is Paul Evans Pedersen Jr, and this is the Legendary Pine Barrens.." Paul continues to talk about the book, keeping your attention the entire time.
As you're sitting there, talking to Paul, who's now giving you his backstory, you kind of start to feel dizzy.
Sam notices and leans in slightly, "What's going on? Are you alright, y/n?"
You're Sam and Colby's girlfriend, so of course they're going to care, but you all agreed to pretend like you aren't when the camera is rolling, so they play it cool. Colby slides his water over to you, "Dizzy?"
You nod, "Yeah, yeah. It's gone now though."
Paul stops talking and looks at you, "Can she feel spirits?" You look up at him, "Something like that."
"She'll come in handy." He wags his finger at you and you notice Sam and Colby trying to hide their smirks, "Yeah." Sam nods, "She is a big help."
"So it's one point one million acres of nothing but forest." Paul continues, "but the cool thing about the pine barrens, is that where you're gonna be, there's no people for square miles."
You sit up a little straighter and Colby's eyes move onto you. A smirk slowly grows on his face before he clears his throat and Sam moves the camera onto Colby, "so like pitching tents, is that, will that be easy to do?"
Paul nods, "As long as you have long stakes, you'll be fine. Oh and another thing, you don't want to go off road."
"So what you're saying is, every turn is a wrong turn?" Sam points to the camera on you and you laugh slightly, "That's what I'm picking up."
Paul laughs and shrugs as he grabs his drink, "You could have a really long night."
As the conversation goes on, you can't help but watch Colby as he talks. His hands and his rings, oof, you need his fingers in you soon.
Your eyes move over to Sam, who's intently listening to Paul and Colby talk, and you can't help but focus on his lips as he smiles and laughs.
You have no idea why you're so turned on right now, but you need him between your legs, somehow.
"So what does this thing sound like?" You lean forward and Sam pits the camera on you, "Like, a screeching sound?" You try to imitate a screech and Sam and Colby laugh, which makes them fall deeper in love with you.
"So like a blood curdling scream?" Sam asks and Paul nods, "Oh yeah." He goes on to tell his personal experiences answering questions, giving advice on what to do and what not to do, and then soon enough, you guys are ready to go out on your own.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
As you get back into the car, you lean forward between them. Sam looks over at you slightly and Colby leans forward out to look at Sam, "I can take care of her now, then you can take care of her later?"
Sam licks his lips, trying to hide his jealousy, "Fine."
You smirk and lean back into the seat, spreading your legs slightly as Sam starts to drive, "Let's get out of here first."
After a few minutes a drive, Colby climbs over the seat and makes his way next to you. You look up at Sam who smirks, "Treat our girl good."
You feel Colby grip your chin and turn your head to face him. He smirk and raise his eyebrows quick, "You know I always do."
You look from his eyes to his lips, leaning forward to connect yours with his. His hand slides down to your hips, pulling you closer to him.
You reach down, undoing your jeans as Colby kisses down your neck. You shuffle your jeans down mid thigh and grab his hand, pulling to where you're aching to be touched the most.
"Eager little thing, aren't we?" He chuckles as he pushes his fingers in past your panties and slowly pushes them against your clit.
You gasp and whimper, "Please." You lay a hand on his shoulder and tilt your head back as he slips his fingers into your pussy.
"She's soaked, Sam." Colby says looking up at him. Sam tilts his head, "When is she not?" He smirks slightly as you open your eyes and look at him, causing a smirk to grown on your lip.
Colby curls his fingers, as he leans in to kiss your neck, "Cum for us, baby girl." His voice is low, "Is that what you want to do?"
You nod, "Yes, Colby."
"Gotta hurry. Almost here." Sam says as he glances back at you in the rearview, watching your face twitch with the pleasure that Colby is giving you.
Your hand grabs Sam's seat, digging your nails into the interior as Colby guides you along to orgasm, "You got this, baby. Cum for us."
You arch your back against the seat, whimpering as you clench his fingers with the walls of your needy cunt, "S-shit."
"There ya go." Colby breathes out, continuing to fuck you through your high, "You good for now?" He slowly pulls his fingers out and you bite your lip as you nod, leaning forward to take his fingers into your mouth.
He gasps slightly as he watches you lick his fingers clean. The car comes to a stop right outside of where you guys are going, so you take that opportunity to lean up and kiss Sam.
He lays a hand on the back of your head and his tongue dances with yours, moaning as he tastes you on your tongue.
"Fuck." Sam breathes as you pull away, "You're something else." He gently pinches your bottom lip and sighs, "I hate to be the rain on this parade, but we're losing daylight and I think the shot of the woods as we're driving would be great."
You plop back into the back and pull up your jeans, "No you're right." Colby leans over and kisses your cheek before getting out and moving back up front.
Sam starts to drive again, continues to look back at you every now and then, waiting patiently for his turn.
Colby has the camera out of the window until you start talking, "So this is what the Barrens look like."
Colby looks back at you and nods, "this is it, b-"
Sam's head snaps over and Colby turns off the camera quickly, "I caught myself." You all laugh and compose yourself so he can re-record that,
He points the camera to Sam, "It's literally only pine trees, like the whole way."
"Is that why it's called the pine barrens?" Colby asks and Sam shakes his head once, "No."
You smirk and shake your head, leaning forward to look when Colby says a thing about the water and Colby turns the camera around to show all of you, "We have made it through the body of water and we have reached our official campsite for the night." He looks over at you and Sam, "How are we feeling?"
You shake your head and smirk, "I'm feeling.. alright I guess." Sam makes a face, "I am .. well come back to that."
"Alright." Colby laughs as he turns the camera around, showing the campsite, "Oh shit, there's wood for us."
"Good thing we have the lighter." Sam says in a sing songy tone and you smile and shake your head, "oh no." They turn to look at you and you point up to the passenger window, "Look at all the bugs already."
Colby films the bugs, "Great. Great."
"Okay." Sam says and Colby turns the camera off, "Why don't we find out first thing, the watering hole,"
"Yes, yes." Colby says turning in his seat. He smiles at you, "You alright with this?" You nod, "As I said, I see anything that's nine foot tall, I'm dipping." You motion with your thumb and they laugh at you.
"I'm serious." You try not to laugh but you can't help it.
Sam bites his lip as he stares at you and you look at him, "Hmm?" He shakes his head, "Just can't wait to have my turn with you."
You blush and bite your lip to hide your smile, "Let's film this first and then we can go from there." You wink at him, "Burning day light, remember."
He rolls his eyes with a laugh and gets out, opening the door for you. "I'm going to start recording." Colby says as a warning. "Hang on." Sam says before pulling you in by your neck to crash his lips into yours.
"Okay." He says leaning back, "Go ahead,"
As you walk to your first destination, Colby carries the camera and they freak out about mosquitos until you stop and try and figure out where you're doing.
Sam ruffles his hair and you bite your lip as it falls over his eyes. He notices and smirks, "Anyway we're looking for.."
You walk behind Colby, smacking mosquitos off of you as Sam talks about the origin of the Jersey devil, "Holy fuck." You yell as you smack your neck and pull your hood up, "Colby why did you not grab the bug spray!"
His mouth drops and he tries not to laugh, "I'm sorry, okay! I'm sorry!" He holds his hands up, "You know, the sun sets in ten, maybe twenty minutes."
"So it's going to get dark." You smirk and he laughs, "yes."
"Did we- wait.." Sam pats his red pants and his voice is slightly whiney at first, "we didn't bring a single flashlight. What the fuck is going on?" He laughs and turns the camera around to film us all walking back.
"We just left everything in the car." Colby said swiping a mosquito away. Sam sighs, "Let's just hurry up, get to this place and get back."
"Remember when you got lost in the witches forest, Colby?" You laugh slightly and he turns around, still walking, "I am not having that happen again."
You finally reach your first destination and Colby points out that it looks like the same one from Dracula's castle, and he almost falls in, but Sam grabs him.
"Holy hell." Colby laughs as he stands back up, "Don't want to fall into that." Sam moves the camera to you, "It's going to get dark soon, how are you feeling?"
I wrap my arms around myself, "I'm cold. Like freezing all of a sudden." Sam looks at Colby and he walks over, "you know what, it is kinda cold like just right by y/n."
Suddenly, a truck gets stuck in the sand and they guys yell out if they got it, which the people on the other side of the water get free and you start to make your way back to the car.
Sam stays back a little, filming you guys walking, "You know. I'm not cold anymore." You look over to Colby who's walking beside you, "That was weird." He says looking back, "There was definitely something there."
"Colby?" Sam says jogging up to you guys, "What time is it?" Colby pulls out his phone, "I don't have service but it is currently seven thirty."
"Luckily we have about a half a mile away, so.." Sam says pointing towards the trees, "Almost back."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
In the car, after filming on the way back for a little bit, Colby cuts the camera off and looks back at you, "You scared?" He asks teasingly and you shake your head, "Mm. Kinda. Yeah." You laugh and nod, "I keep thinking about seeing that thing and it just makes my want to jump out of my skin."
"We love that beautiful skin of yours," Sam speaks up, "So don't do that." He chuckles and points, "Oh here's our site."
Colby turns the camera on and starts filming, "Back at the campsite, it's pitch black and-" he stops talking when Sam puts on his blinker.
You laugh and Sam shakes his head, "Why did I just use my blinker?" You see Colby has the camera pointed out towards the front of the car so you gently scratch Sam's head and laugh.
"We're 4 right?" I ask pointing, "Yeah four." Colby says and you look around, "And there's no one else here?"
"There shouldn't be." Sam says putting the car in park, "Oh my god. You can't see anything it's pitch black."
Sam turns off the headlights of the car and it truly is nerve racking. Sam and Colby both "ooh" as Colby pants the camera around, "Oh my god."
He moves the camera to you, "Y/n. You still back there." You decide to stay quiet and Sam cracks a joke, "Jersey devil got her."
You lean forward, "No he didn't."
Sam jerks slightly and gasps, "Oh my god." Colby laughs as do you, and you all just take a moment to realize how dark it actually is.
"The fact that we're actually just out here alone.." Sam sighs and Colby nods, "dude, we're deep in this shit. Six miles into the forest with no service or lights."
"Y/n. Take the camera. Colby." Sam sighs and tries not to laugh, "You have been voted the one to get out and take the stuff over."
Colby puts up no fight as he hands you the camera, giving you a wink before he gets out. He shuts the door and Sam leans forward, "Oh my god. He is such a brave soldier.."
You lay a hand over your mouth as you hold the camera on Colby who's now, at the front of the car setting the stuff down, "He is insane."
"yeah, for you." He says without thinking.
"Sam!" My mouth drops and he hangs his head down, "Fuck." He laughs and you smirk, "Well edit that out."
You look up as Colby sets the tent down and Sam turns off the headlights.
"Sam!" You gasp and squint to see Colby, "Where is he?" You laugh slightly and look around and Sam lets out a groan, "I can't see him and he's only two feet in front of us."
He looks around and you move the camera, trying to catch anything and Sam yells, "Oh no. Where the fuck did he go?"
At this point you're scared because you know he's going to jump scare you regardless, "Oh my god, Colby!" You run a hand through your hair, moving around to look again, "Where is he?!"
"I don't know! I don't know!" Sam yells out with a slight laugh, "Oh my god."
Next thing Colby does, is hit the window, and you and Sam both yell. You grab onto Sam's shirt and Colby opens the door, peaking his head in, "There are thousands of gnats out here."
You stop recording and set the camera down, "Guess what Samuel did."
Colby gets back in and looks between the two of you, "What did Samuel do?" You hand Colby the camera, "watch from the time you get out until right before the lights go out."
You listen to the video playback and can help but smile the whole time,
"He is insane."
"Yeah, for you."
Colby's mouth drops and he looks at Sam, "Dude!" He laughs and Sam hangs his head down, "I know. I know. We'll have to make sure to edit that out."
Colby nods, "Uh huh." He look back at you, "So, do you and Sam want to do your thing before we get out? Because once we're out, I plan on filming as much as we can."
You smirk and move up to sit backwards on the center console, "I think right now is perfect for Sam and I to play around quick."
Sam pulls you into his lap, "I can put the seat back and you can sit on my face?"
"Now that's sexy." Colby says biting his lip. You smirk and nod, "I'd love to sit on your face Mr. Golbach."
You move back to the back seat, handing Colby the camera, "Don't accidentally turn that on." You tease as he takes it, "No promises." He smirks and you shift your pants down as Sam puts the seat back.
He lays back and welcomes you to straddling his face with a big smile, "Thought about this all day." You bite your lip as you settle down, staring down at him as you hold his hair in a firm grasp.
He goes in, sucking your clit and squeezing your thighs as you moan. Your eyes roll back and your hand searches for something to grab with your other hand. Colby takes your hand into his and he watches Sam eat you out in pure silence, enjoying every second of it.
Sam pushes his tongue into you, humming slightly as you pull his hair, "Fuck Sam." You whimper out, gasping as you feel your orgasm coming on.
Colby rubs your hand with his thumb, biting down on his lip as he watching you cum on Sam's face.
"Fuck, fuck." You squeeze your thighs together slightly and Sam's fingers dig into your skin.
Once you're down from your high you pull yourself off of Sam and move back to the back to put your pants back on, "That was so fucking good, babe."
Once your bottom half is dressed again, you lean up to kiss Sam, swirling your tongue against his and moving to kiss Colby, giving him a taste of yourself, too.
"So fucking good." Colby mumbles against your lips, "We're not done with you yet, though." You smile as he grabs the camera and you do a once over on Sam, making sure he doesn't look like he just had his face sat on.
You ruffle up his hair and he smirks at you, pulling you in for one last kiss before Colby hits record.
Once you're out Sam takes over the camera as you and Colby set stuff up, there was rustling in the bushes and you start kinda freaking out, "Yeah like right over there."
"Oh no, that's not good." Sam says in a high pitched tone, "Already?" Sam stands up, "Hang on." He puts his hands on either side of his mouth and makes a loud, "Ooowah" sound that echos and he looks at Sam as he listens for a sound back.
You have to admit, Colby making that noise was hot as fuck.
"What the hell was that?" Sam asks laughing, "y/n. Make that noise you made at the diner." You laugh and do the same as Colby did, but make the sound you made."
And they found you just as hot, too. Always down the adventure, they loved it.
After a few moments of silence, you guys go back to setting stuff up and Sam shushes you, "Whoa, whoa guys. Guys. Shh." He holds the camera still out towards the woods and you look at Colby as soon as you hear a growl.
"Oh shit." You jump towards Colby and stand close to him, he lays a hand on your back, "What was that?"
Sam comes walking over, "Was that a fucking growl?"
"I think so.." you look back out at the trees, watching and you swear your mind is playing tricks on you because of how dark it is out there, "Maybe it was a plane?" You look up at Colby and he shrugs, "I have no idea.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
Aftera while of Colby messing with the tent and finally getting it set up, Sam reveals that he doesn't have lighter fluid in the lighter and Colby said about putting dead grass on the top.
Sam bickers with him over it, "You really think you can  just light it with just the sparks, boyscout?"
Colby holds his arms out, "What do you expect me to do everything!" He laughs causing you and Sam to laugh.
Eventually, after a while trying to make a fire, Colby fails, "You know, I don't want anyone thinking I'm not mainly or anything like that."
You walk over, standing over his shoulder and Sam turns the camera to the woods. You lean down, whispering in his ear, "I can vouch that you are most definitely are manly."
You peck his cheek and stand up quickly as Sam turns the camera back, "You tried your best, Colby. We have a devil to find."
You start walking around and you walk into a giant spider web. Screaming and thrashing around, "Get it off. Get it off."
Colby comes over and helps you get the web off while trying not to laugh, "Hang on. Hang on." Sam is recording the whole thing, laughing at your antics, "Oh my god."
Colby steps back, shaking his head as you take a deep breath, "I'm going to the tent." You start walking back, "Nevermind. It's too dark."
"Alright alright, back to the tent to tell some scary ghost stories." Sam laughs as he walks with you and Colby. Sam cuts the camera and you guys work to get settled into the tent.
Sam turns the camera back on and sets it in the corner. You're sitting between them with your knees pulled to your chest and Colby lets out a sigh, "Well we did it. And it's hot and the mosquitos everywhere. And there's a devil in the woods." He groans and covers his face.
"I know I said if he scared shitless, but I kinda want to see what this goat horse charzard things actually looks like." You look between them and they agree.
Everything goes silent and Sam whispers, "The cicadas stopped and then there was two creaks, but anyway."
Colby takes the camera and points it at Sam, "We all know what can physically harm us.."
"Guns, knives, fist.." Colby lists and you laugh but Sam looks directly into the camera, "the Jersey Devil."
Colby gives an over exaggerated reaction and you shake your head, "Oh my god. You guys are nuts."
"Well you're here with us so you're just as much of a nut as we are." Colby says behind the camera and winks at you. You smirk and shrug, "Yeah, I guess so."
Sam talks about the story of the white stag, and you zone out staring at him, thinking about getting double teamed by the both of them.
You needed both of them this time.
"Y/n?" Sam asks waving his hand, "You with us?"
Colby looks at you, knowing what you were doing and he raises his eyebrows. You clear your throat, "Yeah, sorry. I just like zoned out there for a second." Colby puts the camera on you, "oh no, the devil is getting to her."
He moves the camera back to Sam and Sam lets out a nervous, high pitched, "Ohhh nooo."
"I can promise you, that it's not the devil getting to me. I'm not sure what that was about." You look at Colby and he has a smirk on his face. He reaches up and grabs your chin, only to stop when something outside sounds like growling.
"What is that?" You ask looking behind you, "That was a growl." After a few moments of silence, Colby starts to tell his story after handing the camera to Sam.
You know you're probably in the shot so you keep your staring to a minimum, "No we should definitely go do that, the whole lights thing and all."
"You know, it is getting late and it is kinda far away, so we should do that now if we are." Colby says looking at his phone. He keeps his hand over his screen so your face on his lock screen doesn't show to the camera.
"let's go summon a little boy demon." Sam says and we all get up to make our way out. As we're walking, Sam calls Colby over to a tree, "Colby. Come look at this scratch on this tree."
You walks over, "is it on any other trees?"
He walks over and points, "Yeah, it's on that one and that one and that one, like what the fuck."
"I think it was someone trying to fuck with people, but like, it could use the trees to launch itself and travel? I don't know. That's fucking weird anyway."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
"You know what I was zoned out on?" You speak up from the back seat and it catches both of their attentions.
"What was that, darling?" Colby asks turning to look at you. You smirk and lean up, your arm reaching around the seat to drag your nails up Sam's neck, "Getting double teamed by the both of you in that tent."
Sam tilts his head and clears his throat, "Same."
"Yeah, I'm guilty of that too." Colby says with a chuckle, "since we both got you once, it's only fair that we get you together next, right?"
You nod and go to say something but point, "Sam. Water." You remember what Paul said about the water and Colby gets the camera to record, "Is he going to make it?" Sam drives over the puddle and Colby cheers, "Yessss, he did it!"
After a little bit longer, Sam groans, "There's another puddle."
"That one looks deep." You and Colby say in unison which causes you to laugh. "What do we do? Get out and walk through it like the guy said?"
Colby shakes his head, "I'll throw a rock or something. I don't trust the devils water." He gets out and same takes the camera, "So Colby is going to do a rock check for us. He's definitely our hero tonight, going out into the dark like that."
You smile, because he really is your hero, Sam too.
You watch as Colby throws a few things in and comes back, "We should be okay, but I don't know."
After debating for a few minutes, Sam decides to turn around and go another way. "didnt we just.." you point to the window, "Sam this looks like something we already passed."
Colby looks at Sam, "she's right. This is making no sense." You lean forward, "Have we passed the campsite at all? Or any of them?"
Sam shakes his head, "Oh my god, no."
You look at Colby, starting to panic a little and luckily the camera is off because he grabs your face, "Well get out of here. I promise okay."
You nod and Sam rubs your back, "Just hold on, babe. I'm kinda freaking out too."
After about fifteen minutes of driving, you come to a bridge and Colby starts to record again, "Just a little, funny update for you guys, we actually got lost."
"I have no idea where we are." Sam admits, "I think we missed the first left."
"We're at a bridge that we didn't find on the way here so we're definitely lost." Colby says before cutting the camera off.
About half hour later, "We're back, baby. Ten minutes and we'll hit civilization." You sigh,  "Oh thank god." Colby chuckles, "One of these days we won't get lost. I promise."
Colby starts the camera, "Back on the main road-" the road becomes a bumpy mess, throwing you all around, "and the road is.. a.. fucking me- mess."
"Oh my god." You say with a laugh, "I'm going to get sick."
"Are you really?" Sam says turning around quickly and you shake your head laughing, "No, no. I'm kidding."
After a while, you make it to your destination and Colby turns the camera on, "Who the hell.." he pans to the basketball hoop that's sitting on the side of the road, "Is playing basketball out here? Like what?"
"Well, we're here so that's good. I just have to go down make a u turn and we should be good." Sam says, "we have the thermal camera, so.." he continues to drive and turns around, getting us to where we need to be.
"So at this point the drunk driver has already hit the kid, so he went back. And pulled up to.. right here.. the crack.." he comes to a stop and takes the camera, "Park, one, two, three." Then he flashes the lights three times and you and Colby are watching out the window intently.
Sam turns the car off and everything goes dark, "Oh fuck." You whisper causing them to try not to laugh.
"It's too dark, I feel like my eyes are playing tricks on me.. wait. Is the car moving?" Sam leans forward to try and see and Colby holds up the thermal.
The green glow casted on his face makes him look so good because he's doing what he loves doing. You're staring so intently that a tap on the window causes you to scream and you almost end up in his lap.
"Whoa, no. No. My window." You yell out and point.
"What? What? What?" Colby asks you quickly turning around to make sure you're okay. You look at them, "something tapped my window, that window."
Sam pans the camera back to you, "That wasn't you?" Sam asks and you roll your eyes, "No, Sam. It wasn't me." You're fighting back a smirk but you're trying to keep playing annoyed. Colby snickers slightly and shakes his head before looking back, "Whoa. What was that?"
He gets out of the car and starts walking forward, still holding the thermal up, "Colby!" Same calls out as you guys get out and follow him, "Wait!"
"Do you see this? Look?" Colby stops and Sam takes the camera up, "Show the camera dude, what is it?"
Colby points on the thermal, "That little red spot, right there."
"What is that?" You ask as you lean in between them to see better, "It was in the middle for like three seconds and then it went up in the tree." Colby sighs, "It's like a white orb or something."
You hear a slam and jump, turning around, "What the fuck?"
They whip around, "What was that? Was that the car?" Colby asks and Sam points to the building, "Was it that building?"
"Sam. You left your car door open." You say as you look at him like a deer in headlights, "You never shut your door when you got out."
"I did?" He asks concerned and you nod, "Yeah, you got out and ran after Colby and I got out and I know I shut mine. You didn't shut yours."
"That was the car door for sure?" Colby asks, "Seriously?"
You nod, "Yes. One hundred percent, Colby. Sam left the door open and now it's not." You can feel your hands shaking, "I'm fucking shaking, guys."
Sam wraps an arm around your waist, making sure to keep the camera on the car, "There's no fucking way. What!? I thought we all closed our doors."
"This is fucking insane." You walk close to Sam back to the car, "Oh my god. No I definitely feel something."
"There was an arm, by the trees an-"
Sam cuts Colby off, "Was that you?"
"What was me?" Colby asks and Sam pans the camera the way the sound came from, "There was-" he makes a blowing noise with his mouth, "Sounded like a deer or some sort of angry mating call."
You grab Sam's sweatshirt and bunch it in your hand. You just got a really bad feeling, "We need to go. Now."
"What?" Colby asks, "Are you okay?"
You step back and Sam puts the camera on you, "I ju- I just got a really bad feelings like something is telling us we need to go."
"Okay. Let's just get into the car." Sam says and cuts the camera off.
"Sit up front, y/n." Colby says leading you to the front. You get in, sitting next to Sam and you look at him, "I don't even know how to explain that." Your eyes move back onto the road and you shake your head.
"You're okay, sweetheart." Colby reaches up and gently scratches the back of your head to assure you. You rest your head back into his hand, "That was fucking crazy."
"Yeah, yeah." Sam sighs, "Okay. Let's just.." he starts the camera again and flips it so we're all in frame, "So y/n. You're sure my car door was open."
You nod, "One thousand perfect, Sam. I swear to god."
"Let's just get out of here.." Colby says, slightly in shock, "I didn't, that's not what I thought was going to happen."
"Yeah, no good idea." Sam passes the camera to you and you keep it out to the front of the car. Your heart is still racing, but Colby's touch is slowly calming you down.
"What is that noise? Why is the car.. making that noise?" Colby leans forward and you show Sam who is looking at the steering wheel confused, "what the fuck is happening?" He looks around, "What is going on with this car?"
"Is it stuck or something?" You ask leaning over. Sam nods, "Yeah, stuck in first gear.. I don't.."
"It's not going up at all, what the fuck." Colby says with a sigh, "it's working now?" Sam nods, "Yep. Fine now. That was so fucking weird."
You cut the camera off and rest it in your lap.
Sam reaches over and lays a hand on your leg, "What's up?" You shake your head, "just trying to decompress from that." You let out a laugh, "Why do we do this?"
"For the thrill." Colby says with a laugh and Sam squeezes your thigh, "You good to keep going or?"
You nod, "If you're in, I'm in." You smile as you look at them and you proceed to make your way to what you honestly hope is the last stop of the night.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
"How's our girl doing? Are you hungry at all, y/n?" Sam asks glancing over at you. You nod, "Now that I think about it, yeah." He nods and looks back at Colby who hasn't taken his hand off of your neck.
"We can just stop here, I guess, since it's already so late." Colby points to a gas station and Sam pulls in. They both look at you and you look at them, "Hmm?"
"The way you held your composure back there is amazing." Sam brushes hair from your face and squeezes your chin, "Come on. Let's go get you some food."
You go to sit in the back and Colby asks you what you're doing. You smile up at him, "I like being in the back, so I can see you both."
"Isn't that sweet." He smiles and kisses your head before getting in the front and hitting record, "Alright guys, before we go to our last stop of the night, we stopped off for some food. It is one thirty."
"And how you may ask.. how? Well I'll tell you." Sam says with a laugh, "Each place we went to is like an hour away almost, and we got lost."
Colby chuckles, "That means we fucked up and lost four hours."
"But as you can see, we just turned on to the gravel road that will lead us back to the campsite in about ten minutes, or so." Same glances back at you and you smile.
He smiles and Colby snaps, "We also have a lighter, so we can get the fire going but there is one last place and that's where we are doing the seance at."
They talk about the bridge while you stay quiet, you kinda feel tired, but not tired enough to quit.
"The devils bridge or whatever it's called?" You say leaning up. Sam glances back, "The one in my story was Quacker Bridge."
"The white stage?" Colby asks and Sam nods, "Yeah, yeah."
"And since we're the only ones here, you know in these woods, all the energy will be attracted to us, right?" You tilt your head as Colby points the camera to you, "Exactly."
"So, in my mind, the closest bridge to our campsite will probably be best." Sam says and Colby cuts the camera off.
"You alright to do this seance?" Colby turns and rests his elbow on the consol, chin in his hand. You lean up and rest your forehead on his, "I promise. I'm okay."
"You mean that?" Sam asks holding his hand out. You lay your hand in his and he gives it a squeeze, "I mean every word I ever say to you guys."
"Oh, campsite." Sam cheers and you laugh, "Glad you didn't get us lost this time." He snaps and points back at you, "Hey now."
You bite your lip, "Had to." You laugh and they shake their heads.
Colby gets the camera rolling, "can you just imagine if we pulled up and everything was just destroyed?"
Sam laughs, "I put in the coordinates and it's just a few minute walk down that road." He points with his thumb to the left, "To the bridge, so let's get everything ready, a bunch of flashlights and.." he clicks his tongue.
"Let's git er' done." Colby says and cuts the camera off again. You sit there for a moment, taking a sip of your water before getting out.
"Come here." Sam says as he gets out. You walk around, meeting him at the back of the car. He pulls you in for a hug. Colby walks up and wraps his arms around both you and Sam, "I love a good group hug."
You and Sam laugh and he cups your cheeks, pressing his lips to yours, "let's go talk to the devil." He moves around, leaving you with Colby and he does the same thing.
"You two are more alike than you care to admit." You laugh and walk over, grabbing anything they'll let you carry, and off you go.
As you're walking, you stop and shine the light at them, "Hey guys. Over here."
"What did you find?" Sam asks as he walks up, "No fucking way." Colby bends down and runs his finger along them, "Those are definitely hoof prints."
"Oh shit." You whisper and look at him, "Shut up. Look, there's more."
"We are close to the white stag." He says as he holds his arms out and Sam nods, "The white stag, yeah!"  You start to walk away and Sam shakes his head, "That's actually kinda fucking horrifying."
A little bit more down the road you stop and shine your light on a daddy long leg, "Oh my god. That is - nope." You start to back away and Sam puts his hand on your back.
Colby bends down to pick it up, "Oh it's scary.. what? He's a friend!"
"Colby. No." You shake your head, "No, no." Sam laughs and shines his light on a puddle, "holy shit, imagine our car trying to get through that." He shines his light up more, "I see a sign."
"That's is right there." Colby says looking forward, "we're by the water, which means we're about to be by a bunch of spirits.. y/n. How are you feeling?" He turns around and looks at you and Sam puts the camera on you.
"I'm ready." You hold your thumbs up, "Paul said I'll be a help so I'm hoping he's right."
"This is what we have spent all night for." Sam says with a laugh but then sighs, "Oh god I have bad news."
"What?" You and Colby stop to look at him.
"We can't fucking go on this bridge, bro." He laughs and Colby turns and does his cute little thing about the likes on the videos and not being subscribed.
You continue walking towards the edge of the bridge, shining your light onto a massive bug, "Oh shit. Fuck that." You back up and Sam and Colby come over to you, "What the fuck?" Sam asks as he looks down.
"Fuck, no no no!" You take off running and of course they follow you, "Turn off the lights, turn off the lights!" Sam yells and the lights go out.
Colby finds you in the dark, holding onto you, "What the hell was that?"
"That was the biggest fucking bug I've ever seen in my life." You pant as you try and catch your breathe from sprinting.
"That was a huge, giant fucking murder hornet." Sam clicks his light back on and you step away from Colby quickly, even though you don't want to, but camera is rolling.
"There it is!" Colby says pointing and you start to freak out again, "Fuck fuck."
You guys move and Sam says something about the Blair witch forest, and suddenly Colby takes off sprinting, you and Sam following behind.
"That shit went right by my fucking head." Sam tells while running, "How the hell are we going to film with that shit?" He asks as you all stop.
"No we're going to go and stand our ground." Colby says as he walks away and Sam's voice goes up a few octaves, "You want to stand your ground against a fucking murder hornet?!"
Sam's explaining how it went past his face and Colby is laughing and you can't help but smile at him.
"I was so scared, I turned off the camera." Sam says as he starts recording again, "But instead of this being a random fucking hornet, what if this isn't sign from the white stag to not go here and do a seance?"
"Something is chasing us out." Colby says as he runs a hand down his face.
"Y/n. What do you feel?" Sam looks at you. You shake your head, "Honestly, I think you might be right, Sam."
"I have a bad feeling something is going to happen." Sam says with a sigh, and you continue to walk over towards the bridge and Colby starts freaking out, "I heard it! I heard it!"
"I don't know if it's just because since we're out on our own without the car but I'm the most scared I've been all night." Sam ends recording and looks around, "should we?"
Colby looks at you and you hold your hands up, "I'll do whatever it is you guys want to do. But I am kinda freaked out, like you said Sam."
He pulls you into his side and Colby moves to your other side, "You wanna stop and we stop. Okay?"
You nod, "Okay. Let's talk to the devil." You quietly clap your hands together and in unison, "That's our girl."
They get everything out, Colby switches the camera back on and they start explaining all the equipment.
"We'll set these around and I know I say we call out to the Jersey devil but also to the other ghosts of the pine barrens. We'll try our best but I feel like something.. bad is about to happen."  Sam takes a deep and Colby cuts in, "If there was any time for something to happen in this forest, it would be right now."
You cross your arms over your chest, looking around.
"Pine barrens.." Sam's voice is kinda shakey, "We came to you, because we heard you're the most haunted forest in the United States." He shines his light behind him, "Now is your time to show us that."
You move closer to Colby, as Sam continues to talk, "Please show yourself."
After a few moments of silence and Colby moving the camera around, his voice makes you jump, "We're you trying to give us a sigh earlier? Was the hornet some sort of signal for us to turn back?"
He looks down at you, "Ask about the white stag." You nod and take a calming breath, "if the white stag is here with us, make yourself known."
Another moment or two passes by and Colby laughs slightly, "That sign keeps scaring the fuck out of me."  Colby says what can be touched and Sam adds in about the little boy and to make themselves known and that's when the thermal goes into auto shutdown.
"That's fucking weird, like right as you said that." You look at Colby and he shrugs. Sam looks around, "Maybe underneath the bridge?"
"Closer to the water? That might be better." Colby walks over to the edge, "There's a little beach area."
You jerk your flashlight up, shining it onto the trees and stare, "Rustling, I heard some sort of rustling over there." You move your flashlight and then the box on the ground starts blinking and making the noise it makes when there's something around it.
You look down, backing away slowly as you look up at Sam, "That wasn't me was it?" He shakes his head, "Maybe but-" it starts going off again, "Whoa, whoa."
"Okay, I don't know what that was exactly but I do remember Paul saying something about the coywolves? The coyote wolves, inbred wolves?"
"Inbred wolves?" Colby laughs and Sam explains before you make your way down to the water.
"This is as close to the water that we can basically get. Got the rem pod over there." Sam points as he moves the camera over, "It's almost three so this is perfect."
You look around, shining your light and Colby starts to speak out, "any spirit, white stag.. or dare I say, the New Jersey.. devil."
You get that chill again and gasp. They look at you and you tilt your head, "I got that chill again, but it wasn't until you said the last three words."
"Fuck." Sam curses and sighs, "You alright?" You nod, "Yeah. Yeah." You clear your throat, "Thousands of people have said that they've seen you. So where are you?"
"If you want to make yourself known, you'll be on camera. A lot of people will start to believe in you." Sam looks over at Colby who has the thermal, "Anything?"
Colby shakes his head, "Huh.. nothing on here."
You point, "Hey. The rem pod. There a light but no noise. What the hell?"
"Wai- wha- why? I've ever seen it do that before. Wait.' Turn off the lights." Sam motions for the lights to be off, and both you and Colby comply.
"What the fuck?" Sam whispers, "What's happening?"
"It's never made that noise before." Colby walks up closer to you and looks at Sam then back.
"Maybe try and ask something." You say and Sam nods, "if that is a spirit, please.."
Colby jumps in, "Is there someone trying to give us a sign right now?"
"Make that signal a little bit stronger, please." You say jumping in.
After nothing, you sigh, "That was suc-"
"What was that?" Colby jumps and turns and Sam points, "Dude look look look! The brush, it's still moving! It's still moving! There was something right behind you, you can see-"
"What the fuck happened to my- oh that's never happened." Colby sighs and Sam cuts the camera off, "What the fuck was that?"
You walk close to them, "This is fucking freaky." 
"One more question then we can be done?" Sam asks looking at Colby. He nods, "Yeah. I guess." Sam wraps his arm around your shoulder and kisses your head.
Colby does the same and you smile waiting for them to start rolling again, "Alright this is going to be our last question of the night.. if the-"
"I keep hearing a beep." You say looking around.
"Anything out there that wants to communicate with us and or touching the rem pod please do it again."
After nothing, you decide to pack it up.
You hear the wolves howling, or coyotes or whatever and you cling to Sam's side. You all stop once it happens again and you all huddle together, whispering.
"That was not a fucking owl. That was a screech." Sam says quietly. The lights are off, but the camera is rolling, catching everything.
"We need to keep moving." Colby says quietly, "let's just keep it as quiet as we can."
"That was close. Too close." Sam says and switches the light on, only to turn it off again, "i keep hearing the fucking rustling."
You have a hold on Colby now, and he's squeezing your hand, "We just need to get back to the campsite because we have a ways yet."
You continue back, stopping every so often and you couldn't tell if it was your nerves or what but you were almost shivering.
"There it is. We made it." Sam says and turns the camera light back on, "Here get in."
You all get in the car, Sam and Colby up front, you in the back. Sam sets the camera on the dash, holding it there while you guys talk about what happened.
"Right before we did the ritual, we all heard some other deer noises? Basically this entire time we've been hearing different animals come up next to us."
"Honestly." Colby cutting, "Don't know if there is going to be animals-"
Your flash light falls off the seat and makes everyone jump, "Sorry."
"Oh shit that scared me." Colby sighs and Sam looks back, "You good? You good?" You nod, "yeah."
"I'm glad we came back, because that was fucking close." Colby rubs his face and Sam sighs, "So I guess the question is, are we staying?"
You look at your service-less phone and sighs, "I mean it's literally three am right now.." Colby cuts in, "Finding a hotel after driving forty five minuets out of the forest is going to be tough."
"It has to die down sometime? Right. We did make a lot of noise, so like what if we just make a fire, so that was we know nothing will come up to the campsite."
"I'm down, but can we wait like fifteen, twenty minutes  and just wait in the car?" Colby asks as he brushes his finger over his lips.
"We can eat too, just kinda wind down." Sam sighs and looks back, "Thanks for coming, y/n." You smile and laugh slightly, "Thanks for having me, I feel like I'm risking my life for you guys so."
Colby holds his hand up, "wait.. you don't.." his voice goes quiet and he grits his teeth, "it wasnt like the.." his words go almost inaudible, "New Jersey devil right?"
"I mean.. we really have no idea what it sounds like so.." Sam looks back at you and you shrug, "so mean, he said it sounded like the sound I made so.."
"What sound are we talking about?" Sam asks and you tilt your head, "Again?"
He sighs and Colby laughs, "You'll catch on. Don't worry." Sam cuts the camera off and you shake your head, "What are we going to do with you?"
"Shut up and get up here." Sam holds his hand out and you climb up front, sitting in Sam's lap and extending your legs into Colby's lap.
"Thank you for coming with us today." Colby says as he runs his hands up your legs, "Anything for my boys." You scrunch your nose up and smirk.
You spend your time waiting it out talking and going back over everything that happened until finally you guys get out and Colby starts the fire.
Sam gets the camera rolling again and Colby laughs, "It's getting there okay. But listen, have you noticed that no sounds have been made since getting this going."
"There's nothing. Fire is our savior." Sam laughs slightly and you sit down next to Colby as Sam puts the camera on you guys, "We lasted a full day in pine barren forest."
"We survived!" You say and clap your hands gently together.
"The hornet thing was weird, but there is a lot of scary animals out here, maybe?" Colby says and you point, "But what about Sam's door closing?"
"Oh yeah, true true! And those loud booms. Whether it was the devil or not it's still something scary because we heard a lot of noises."
"What screeches like that?" Colby asks with a laugh and Sam flips the camera around to him, and Colby pulls you into him.
I actually believe that maybe it isn't the devil coming straight out, but like there might be other mutations in this forest." Sam turns the camera around to all of us, "This has been our experience here at the pine barrens."
"Yeah, we'll film again if anything happens during the night, but I'm about to clock out, man." Colby nods his head and he does look so tired.
"Yeah, I'm tired." Sam adds and you shrug, "I probably won't sleep until after we're in the car leaving, so."
"I think I'll pass out, y/n. You look exhausted." Colby looks at you and he looks so good in the glow from the fire, but you look back at Sam as he talks about Hell a week.
"With that being said, we'll see you guys in the next one." Sam blows a kiss and you wave as Colby raises his arms, "Peace."
Sam stops recording and moves to sit next to you. You rest your head on his shoulder and honestly you don't even hear what he's saying because you're slowly falling asleep.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
Feed back is appreciated as to this is my very first Sam and Colby one shot. I was watching their videos again today and this idea just popped into my head so I rewatched it and went along with it, writing the reader in as much as I could with also trying to keep the original video timeline. I added some behind the scenes stuff too which I didn't think you, the smut readers, would mind.
Thanks for reading!
You can find it on Wattpad here
Likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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tpwkwriter · 3 months
harry and Y/N going on a formal date after years of being together and harry just being a gentleman and complementing her
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How dreamy🤭
Warnings: cussing, suggestive themes, absolutely Harry being a prince.
————————princess treatment————————
There first date as fiancés, oh how that title absolutely sent a shiver down y/n’s spine, she recalls that moment at least once a day, the day they became fiancés.
It was an Italian summers evening, the day had began with a swim in there private villas pool, exploring the beautiful cost, cuddles kisses and plenty of red wine, harry knew he was soon going to pop the question and under the Italian sunset seemed right for them.
However they were back in there shared home in London and reality started to sink back in they were officially fiancés and it felt so surreal.
Tonight was there first proper date since the life changing event and honestly it felt like the first date with all the butterflies and excited nerves.
“God your gorgeous” harry said leaning on the door frame admiring the beautiful girl in only a matter of time he can call his wife.
“Harry” she jumped, “was gonna surprise you” she fauxly pouted.
“Save that for the wedding day love” he said throwing his arms out signalling for her to come closer.
She walked into his embrace wrapping her much smaller arms around his muscular frame and allowing him to rest his chin on her head and hold her.
“I got pretty lucky” she sighed under her breath.
“Mmm suppose y’did” he remarks, y/n can practically her the smirk on his face.
Leaning back slightly to catch a glimpse of his face.
She was correct.
“So pretty” she gushes using her right hand to rest on his cheek.
While putting his ringed hand over hers and manuvering it over his lips.
“That’s you my love” he answered in between small kisses.
“Should we get going?” She mumbled against his chest.
“Mm, reservations at 8:30”
“M’kay I’ll grab my bag and we’ll head off” she answered lifting her head up for a final kiss before reluctantly parting ways briefly to finalise getting ready.
Harry always outdid himself with whatever he did so date night didn’t change,
The drive was a comfortable silence and Harry’s ringed hand remained on the girls exposed thigh.
“Doing alright love?” He asked gently bring her fist up to his face and pressing a sweet kiss.
“Mmhmm, just thinking” she softly answered.
“Mm what about?” He said squeezing her thigh softly.
“Your always spoiling me H”
“Well” he began.
“It is m’job, make sure your spoilt and happy love” he answered placing his palm back on her thigh.
The restaurant sign beamed in the darkness of the night, as y/n was right this was an expensive place she could immediately tell by the types of cars simply parked outside of it.
When Harry parked up he wasted no time in exiting the car and getting to the passenger side to open his girls door, she wasn’t going to be moving a muscle this whole night.
“M’lady” he smirked, offering a hand to her to which she accepted.
“True gentlemen” she giggled pressing a kiss to his rosy lips.
As they walked up to the place Harry’s arm remained around the girls waist time.
The place was uniquely them, there first date here, where they became officially girlfriend and boyfriend and now it was there first n last time there as fiancés.
Harry booked her favorite seat by the window, candles were lit, rose petals were traditionally scattered across the white table cloth and there was already a bottle of her favourite pinot on the table
Y/n gave him a look of ‘how do you do this every single time’ to which Harry smirked and pulled out her seat for her.
“Harry, how?” She giggled shaking her head at his continuous chilvary.
“Y’know how it is love” he said sitting in his own chair.
“Drink?” He added.
“Please” she blushed
Watching him do the most normal stuff still had y/n blushing and the butterflies are still flying around all this time, she didn’t know how she was gonna cope knowing by the end of the year they would be married.
“Thank you H” she said taking the poured glass from him.
“You look so handsome tonight Harry, don’t think I say enough” she said, her own eyes scanning his features.
“M’flattered love, it’s only fair if I say I’m sitting opposite a very gorgeous girl”
“How come after 4 years of a relationship you just, know” she said after she tries subtly hiding the blush on her cheeks.
“What can I say, I like seeing m’girl go all red”
30minutes into the date, they order there food (well Harry ordered for her) and it’s hard to believe they’ve come so far as a couple, Harry still knows everything about her and y/n still blushes and gets nervous
“And yeah so I said-“ she cut herself as she noticed Harry’s eyes scanning herself.
“Have I got something round my mouth or-“ she causally asked
“Not at all, carry on love m’listening” he said, reaching his hand arm out to place his palm on top of hers.
She giggles but tries to carry on “as I was saying I- Harry!”
“What love?” He asked snapping out of his trance within her.
“Why you looking at me like that?” She blushed
It was Harry’s turn to go red, “I just, love you” he started “love your voice, could listen to you for hours” he stated taking her hand and pressing a kiss to it.
“Harry” she giggles
“Being honest love” he uses his thumb to massage her hand, his thumbs skims over her engagement ring and he smiles at the memory.
“It’s kinda sad” she fauxly pouted when she realised he had noticed the engagement ring.
“Sad? Love why?”
“I don’t know, it’s more sentimental but, our last dinner here as y’know not married, end of an era”
Harry couldn’t help but chuckle at what she said, she loved how sentimental and thoughtful she was about there situation.
“Love- it’s a beautiful thing though hmm?” He started as he picked up her hands and brung them to his face.
“You were m’crush, m’girlfriend, and now my soon to be wife” he says peppering kisses across her hands.
“Bit of an upgrade” he chuckles against her fingers.
“Correct” she nods and uses her fingers to stroke his skin.
“Your being awfully lovey” she added on, unable to hide that doe eyes gaze she reserved for him and him only
“Not a crime is it?” He quipped back, idly tracing his fingertips across her skin, as if trying etch her touch into his memory
“No, just a simple observation”
As the night grew older, there was always a part of them touching, from mindless holding hands across the table to their legs absentmindedly playing with each others under the table.
It was obvious Harry was enamoured by the girl, absolutely infatuated, despite there time together he still found his heart swelling at every word she spoke, his eyes practically melting into hearts as she did the simple things like taking a sip of her rosé, he was sure he had never felt such adoration for anyone in his life and he’d be dammed if anything was to change what they had.
As the night drew to a close, with y/n fresh rosey coloured cheeks from the endless compliments (and the endless tipple supply) they had slowly but surely decided it on calling it a night
“How are we splitting it?”
The girl innocently piped up, as she instinctively grabbed her clutch and looked over at him, who had just received the bill for there evening as a whole, to which he immediately flashed her a familiar look she had seen multiple times on various occasions
"don't give me that look" she smiled out, as a small giggle escaped her lips
"well don't ask silly questions" he playfully quipped back, his eyebrows raising in a playful manner as he leaned back in his chair, his playful but affectionate expression still showing, but his tone laced with a hint of sincerity.
y/n knew for as long as they were together she had zero chance of paying for anything, and despite her familiarity with that, she always tried regardless.
As usual, Harry worked his charm and paid, leaving no room up for debate, promising she could chip in on the next date, both knowing full well that wouldn’t happen, as they got up to leave, Harry was quick to be first up offering a hand to his girl, before letting it fall on her waist as he gently guided him and her out of the place, and doing the usual holding of the door before getting outside into the fresh air, where despite the walk back to car being only minor he always went the extra mile.
“Lovie, don’t upset me”
He’d speak up, tone still playful and laced with affection, but highlighted with meaning, to which y/n would look up at him, a small confusion on what he was implying.
Without another word, his hand on her waist, softly leaded her by his side again, ensuring when walking in the path he was nearest the road, a small gesture that he always took up, again leaving no room for arguments, at his small ministration, butterflies filled the girls tummy at his small and gentle adamance on something so minor as being moved away from the traffic side, her free hand instinctively liking with his much broader one, her fingers softly clutching onto his bicep, as they walked, soaking in the safety and warmth he gave, and the little life they had found themselves in together.
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lightwing-s · 9 months
hello! i recently found your stories and i love how you write! so i was thinking, how about jason x gamer reader? idk why i have this idea of him coming back from patrol and finding you still awake playing a horror game or even minecraft (you have no idea how much time passes by without noticing jsjssjs)
hope you have a nice week! :)
You were too deep into whatever scary game you were playing to notice your boyfriend, who’d just climbed up a window to get to your small flat, doing so after a long but thankfully not busy night of patrol.
Jason shook his head when he finally settled inside your home, checking his watch to verify it was past 4:30am, way past your bedtime if you wanted to not be late for work.
“Babe?” he called, but he was promptly ignored. The clicking noises of your fingertips on your keyboard and the tenebrous music coming from your headphones were the only sounds filling the room as he approached you ever so slowly.
His mind flew to a mischievous idea, tiptoeing his way to you, making sure to hold in his breath as to not give him away. He grabbed a plush toy from your bed, throwing it at a lamp just enough for it to cast a moving shadow, managing to get your attention for a few seconds before your eyes returned to your computer screen.
Allowing a smirk to grow on his lips, he took the last steps to reach your side, his hands moving to a position that made him look like he came out of Michael Jackson’s Thriller music video, creeping up towards you.
Without taking any more chances, he jumped on you, and you screamed your lungs out in return, falling from your chair and knocking your head against your desk. Your computer screen and a few other items fell from it, as you curled up on yourself underneath the desk.
“Jason!” you cried out as you realized who your attacker was, your  boyfriend now rolling on your bed from laughter. 
The son of a bitch, who had already gotten rid of the majority of his vigilante outfit, held his stomach, pressing it down to stop hurting as he continued to laugh at your face. Your initial pout soon too turned into your own laugh, as his laugh was too contagious to get mad over.
“Why did you do that?” you kicked at his feet, after standing up and approaching him on your bed. You spread his legs open with your knees, his jeans long gone in favor of his boxer briefs, and you settled in and threw yourself on top of his chest.
“It just looked too perfect not to do it.” he stated, drying out the tears under his eye.
“That was mean.” you groaned, resting your head on his chest and letting out a yawn you did not see coming, tiredness reaching your eyes and weighting them down.
“I know,” he simply replied. “But you should’ve been in bed.”
“I’m sorry.” you apologized, already half asleep on top of him, feeling the warmth emanating from his body engulf you into the dreamland. “I promise I can wake up just in time.”
“Or I can call in sick for you,” he offered, placing a kiss on your hair. He could barely feel it against his shirt, but you nodded in response, letting out a soft moan and you drifted off sleep.” 
“You’re the best. I love you, Jay.” you said, voice muffled by his shirt.
“I love you too, baby girl”
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levis-nut-dump · 8 months
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~Break Away~
Description: Drug dealer ex boyfriend Connie tries to make you jealous.
TW: Drugs, gang, fluff, cursing
You never liked Connie Springer much. Since you were thirteen he was trouble in a small package and now you're twenty and he's trouble in a bigger package, which is why you weren't surprised when your six-month relationship was cut short because of his line of 'work'. You weren't too fond of being around a bunch of guns, drugs, and gangbangers every time you want to hang out with your boyfriend, you weren't cut out for that life. Not even two weeks later, Connie found someone who was.
You found the news out through a mutual friend of yours, Sasha Braus, she also hated Connie's work but knowing him as long as you have she knows just as well there's no pulling him from it.
"Already?!" you yelled.
Sasha jumped. "I mean, yeah. But that's ok, right? Your relationship was mainly physical and you don't like him that much anyway."
The truth is, you have grown to like Connie as a partner over the last six to seven months. You also found him sexy as you did dangerous. "Well... Whatever! Just how can he move on so quickly?! With Jackie nonetheless!" You grabbed your car keys and slammed your apartment door open.
Sasha jumped from the couch. "(Y/N) Where are you going?! He's around his people and Jackie's just as dangerous as he is! Don't do anything rash!" she begged.
"Fuck Jackie and FUCK Connie. I'm giving that prematurely grey jackass a piece of my mind!"
"She can get in my way if she wants to. She doesn't mean shit to him. Connie's wanted me for years he didn't move on that fast. Jackie is just to make me jealous and it's not working." you say getting into your car.
Sasha crouched to talk to you in the passenger side window. "Are you sure about that?" she giggled.
"Are you coming or not?" you say with aggravation filling your body.
"Yes but only so I can keep my two best friends from killing each other. This is why we don't date in the friend group." Sasha said getting into the car.
You start the car on the way to Connie's corner. "You're dating Jean, who is in the same friend group." you point out.
"Jean who's not a gangbanger."
You flip Sasha off.
Finally, you get to Connie's corner hideaway. An old building he and his guys use to plan their moves. "Ok, so what's the plan? Do you have like a weapon or something or are we gonna take the sneaky app-" Sasha started.
You turned the car off and got out, slamming the door which alerted Connie around the corner as he smirked.
"Connie Springer!" you yelled turning the corner to Connie, his guys, and Jackie sitting on his lap. In front of them was a table full of guns, large bags of weed, and a white substance you didn't even want to know about, but you weren't scared, your ego was bruised. You weren't the violent belligerent type but when your pride was hurt no one was safe from your temper.
"Hey Connie." Sasha smiled and waved from behind you, fearful of the table that possessed at least three charges. Maybe Sasha's the only one exempt from your temper.
"Hey Sasha. (Y/N)." Connie grinned.
"Fuck he's so sexy." you thought. "You're kidding me, right? Jackie?"
Connie sighed. "We broke up babe. I moved on." he said cocking his head to the side.
"Yeah right. It would be more believable if it were with anyone but Jackie Fletcher." you scoffed.
Jackie got up and Sasha backed up. "And what's that supposed to mean? What's wrong with me?" Jackie asked putting her shoulder-length blonde hair into a ponytail and taking her earrings out.
"It means you have more STDs than Connie has warrants." you grit through your teeth.
Connie's boys laughed and this set Jackie off. "Bitch you better have the hands to back that mouth up." she said stepping closer
"My mouth isn't as 'trained' as yours but I bet my fucking hands are just as good hoe."
Jackie ran up and you don't know what happened but the next thing you knew you were on top of her punching her over and over.
"Guys take Sasha upstairs I'll take care of this." Connie ordered. As the guys were carrying out his command Connie went to pull you off Jackie. "Alright. Alright Tyson she's out!" he said finally getting you to your feet. You quickly turn around and push him. "The fuck (Y/N)?!" he yelled.
"What you want some too?" you asked, pushing him again.
"I'm not gonna put my hands on you (Y/N)." Connie said softly.
You push him again. "Why not?" You pushed him against the wall "Fucking pussy. Fight back." You slap him on his left cheek.
Connie stared at you with a hazel deadly glare that snapped you back to reality. Sometimes you forget just how scary he could be as he towers over you weighing two hundred all muscle. "You want me to put my hands on you (Y/N)?" he growled switching you against the wall faster than you can blink. "You come in here, yell at me in front of my guys, insult my girlfriend, then beat her unconscious. After that, you have the nerve to come at me?" He put your chin between his fingers and made you look him in the eyes. "You're so fucking sexy." Your lips smashed together in a sloppy kiss. You run your fingers through his short grey hair as he undoes your pants and drops them to the ground. With a small bite of your lip, Connie breaks from the kiss and peppers your neck.
For an hour, years of pent-up hatred and anger were released against that wall.
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deadricslover · 1 year
little admirer
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here's my masterlist!
a/n: I've been stuck for ideas I'm sorry I've been gone :/ but hopefully I will get back into the routine of posting! this is also shorter than usual but I didn't want to drag it out lol
summary: you always hated getting bombarded by 'fans' of Bruce and the paparazzi. You didn't think this encounter would be any different but you were wrong. It was actually one of the most wholesome ones and definitely your favourite.
warnings: this really isn't about Bruce but he's the boyfriend ok? so...ya. and scars I guess NOT PROOFREAD
pairings: bale!Bruce Wayne x gn!musician!eader
When you looked out the window and saw the crowds of people outside, your fear reached its pinnacle. The only thing you wanted was to spend your anniversary with Bruce alone, free from intrusions other than kisses, of course. Yet that was all wishful thinking. It was obvious that it would not occur. Given your animosity for the paparazzi, Bruce had made an effort to ease your fears, but in reality, you both knew you would just have to get through it. You might have thought you would get used to it since you were also a fairly well-known musician, but not as much as Bruce, the prince of Gotham. However, Bruce took your hand and urged you to break the habit of chewing your nails while staring at the crowd.
"how do they even know you're here?" to ask turning to him
he huffs and shakes his head in thought. "I don't know. maybe someone saw us walking in"
"can we not go to dinner in peace? I mean.." you were at a loss for words, you didn't know how people could be so invasive and inconsiderate.
"I know. I know" he soothes gently kissing your hand and stroking your opposite shoulder whilst his arm is around your back.
"do you want to just get it done?" he inquires and you knew it was the smart thing to do even though you didnt want to. at all.
"yeah sure" you reply turning away and grabbing some last minute things off the bed. On the way out of the elevator, Bruce gently yet firmly places his hand on your waist in order to keep you close. Cameras flash, questions are thrown as you try to make your way through the flood of people. Bruce usually liked to put away a minute or two for some real fans who just wanted a high five off of Bruce Wayne, but he wasn't so sure about right now. You encouraged him to do it, not to break tradition and said you would wait elsewhere. Usually people would recognise you, but Bruce Wayne was right there so of course nobody would pay attention to you...not that you were complaining. A couple people did ak for a photo and you kindly obliged as long as they were sincere about it. As you stood watching Bruce interact with kids and their parents, not paying any mind to reporters, you feel a little tap on your arm. You look around and notice a little girl standing next to you with loving eyes. You crouch down to the little girl thinking maybe she was lost.
"hi sweetie. Are you ok?" you ask the child glancing around to see if her parents were anywhere to be found.
"I'm very good." she replies cheerfully
"awh that's good. where are your parents?" you ask
"getting a photo with Bruce Wayne."
"ooohh. everyone wants to don't they? he's really famous" you emphasize trying to make conversation with the girl
"not as famous as you, though"
she knew who you were? that's so sweet "no no. Bruce is way way more famous than me. but thank you! what's your name?"
"Camilla. You're my favourite person, ever!" she jumps lightly squealing.
oh my- of your heart wasn't throbbing before. it sure is now. the smile on your face couldn't be bigger.
"awh that's so sweet! you're my favourite person too, Camilla!"
"can I tell you a secret" she whispers after a couple moments of silence
"of course you can" you tell her pretending to zip your lips and lock them. She rolls up her t-shirt a little to show you a scar on her tummy. Whatever caused that scar, you felt horrible, especially because she said it was a secret. your eyebrows draw together as a reaction to your reaction.
"I used to hate it and cry all the time because I thought it was weird. but then I found out that you had one too, and now I love it, because my favourite person in the whole wide world has the same thing as me!" she tells. you honestly could cry. A little girl hating something about her body ay such a young age is bad enough but also the fact that she grew to love it because you had one too?! your heart throbbed.
"I do have one. it's on my arm. But yours is so much more beautiful"
"I got mine from an operation when I was a baby" she informs you butchering the word operation as any child would.
"ooh interesting. see all those people asking Bruce for a photo? with all the cameras? well I got mine from them. one time I finished a show and was going home and they hurt me" you recall in simple terms
"my mommy and daddy hurt you?" she asks shocked
"no! not your parents. some others that don't work there anymore."
"that's sad" she replies
she looks off into the crowd for a second and waves to her parents before telling you she has to go now-- not before asking for a hugh though. you kindly oblige without a second thought and embrace the girl smiling. her parents walk over and thank you for being kind to her and watching her. you tell them it was no problem as they leave and you wave to the little girl. Right on queue the famous Bruce wayne walks over without you noticing
"she seemed to love you"
"tell me about it. I'm her favourite person ever in the whole wide world" you recall
"she's not the only one" he adds to taking your hand in his and starts walking
you smile lightly and nudge Bruce slightly "she showed me something too. she had this scar on her stomach from a surgery when she born and she used to always be insecure about it" you start
"that's horrible, she's only young" he butts in genuinely sorry for the girl
"yeah, but the nice part that she found out that I also had a scar the same shape as hers and because of that she grew to love it...all because I had one too!" you exclaim still in disbelief
"you're such an influence. that's so sweet" he responds continuing to walk. "it is isn't it?" you reply placing your head on his shoulder while strolling to the restaurant. Usually you hate the paparazzi, but this time was different, it was sincere and sweet. definitely your favourite so far.
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starry-hughes · 2 years
slow morning
mat barzal x reader
summary: mat and you spend the morning together.
requested: yes!
little short but cute
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The sun poured into the room from the window Mat forgot to close the blinds for last night. The apartment bedroom filled with sunlight as the sun rose above the horizon. Mat was sleeping despite the sun, but you were awake. Mat was resting a lot more with his injury. He was itching to get back on the ice, but he had to rest to heal. 
Peeling his arm away from your waist, you carefully got out of bed. Mat slept like the dead and remained asleep. You silently closed the blinds, hoping to give Mat some more darkness to sleep. Mat’s growing dark hair was tousled and messy. The guy had the worst bedhead hair you had ever seen. 
You quietly moved out of the bedroom, feet padding down the hall to the kitchen. You moved around the kitchen, getting ingredients for pancakes out of the pantry and fridge. It was a peaceful quiet in the house as you cooked and Mat slept peacefully in the room. 
Mat’s eyes slowly, his arm subconsciously moving around the space next to him. He was still waking up when he realized that you were no longer next to him. A slight pout made its way to his face as he got himself out of bed, trying to be careful with his injury. He slowly made his way to the kitchen. 
“Morning,” his sluggish voice called out to you as he leaned in the doorway of the kitchen. You jumped at the sudden appearance of your boyfriend. “Hi baby, good morning,” you said quickly, walking over to kiss his cheek before going back to your pancakes. 
He watched you cook until you finished. Mat tried to grab the plates from the cabinet, but you swatted away his arm, “Go sit! I’ll bring the food over to you.” He groaned, frustrated that he couldn’t help, but he knew that you were trying to help him get back on the ice as fast as he could. Mat made his way to the couch, resting there until you brought him over pancakes and some juice. You joined him with your own food on the couch. He turned on the TV, “Can we watch game highlights?” 
You held back a playful groan. As much as you love him, you could only watch game highlights so much. You knew he missed hockey more than anything, so you would let him watch whatever his heart desired. “Of course, babe.” The two of you ate quietly, watching the game highlights from last night’s game. Once finished, you put your plates on the coffee table, and you would put them in the sink later. 
“Could you play with my hair?” Mat asked tiredly as he let his head fall onto your lap. “I’d be able to play with more if you didn’t shave it,” you mumbled, which he sent a glare to you for. “It’s growing back,” he argued. 
You ran your fingers through his hair, pausing every once in a while to massage his scalp. The two of you quietly chatted about dinner plans and making sure the Mat was doing the exercises the training staff gave him. Mat eventually fell silent. The way that your fingers were running through his hair put him asleep. Looking down, you saw his eyes closed as his breathing slowed. You were happy that he was getting some more sleep, you knew he needed it. After a while, you stopped playing with his hair, your fingers cramping. Your legs were falling asleep with your boyfriend’s head resting on your legs, and you moved slightly. Mat’s eyes fluttered open at your movement. 
“Sorry for waking you up, baby. Go back to sleep.”
He smiled tiredly up at you, “Can we move back to the bed? I just want to sleep.” You nodded, letting him sit up before you stood. His hand found yours, and he let you lead him down the hallway back to your shared bedroom. Mat found his spot in bed quickly, holding his arm open for you to join him. You found a place in his arms comfortably, making sure you weren’t putting any strain on his injury. “I’m so in love with you,” Mat whispered as he placed a kiss on your shoulder. 
Mat nudged you carefully, signaling that he wanted you to face him. You twisted in his arms, facing your boyfriend. “Hi,” you mumbled softly, your hands cupping his face. His fingers traced circles on your hip. “I love you,” Mat said tiredly as he leaned forward, kissing your forehead. Mat loved seeing you get flustered from his comments and professions of love. “Love you too.”
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kwanisms · 2 years
Kinkuary 21 Mingi — window/balcony sex // exhibitionism
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➥ big d!ck!Mingi × smaller!Reader (not tiny, just smaller than Mingi) summary: Mingi & Y/N have always shared an exhibitionism kink so when they move into their new apartment, they decide to take the balcony for a spin. wc: 3.1k warnings: afab reader, adult dialogue, established relationship, mention of alcohol consumption but not by the reader or Mingi, sexual content (minors dni!): oral (f receiving, m receiving), fingering, monster cock Mingi (cause why not), unprotected sex (be responsible), balcony sex (Mingi bends the reader over the railing), exhibitionism (they both get off on the idea that one of their neighbors could be watching), use of pet names (baby, babe, etc), dirty talk, and I think that's everything. Let me know if I missed something! Permanent taglist: @yoonguurt @candidupped @dejavernon Kinkuary full taglist: @baldi-2 @wonderfulshinee @lacie220900 @sup-dallyboy @drunk-on-dk @violagoth @mixling-blog @kosmoreads @yourfavoritefreakyhan Ateez taglist: @2hodefender @babyhailey819 @foxylilbitch @rdiamond2727 @indigo35 @sanjoongie @moonlightsora @hwarmony @kangfication @beomgyusbabygirl Strikethrough means I cannot tag you. MINORS WLL BE BLACKLISTED & BLOCKED. join the taglist!
a/n: Mingi is a big strong man and uses that to his advantage to pin the reader against whatever surfaces he can during sex or in this case, over the railing. Thank you for reading and as always, this is a work of fiction and all characters are not reflective of their respective irl counterparts. for entertainment purposes only. banner made by me. I do not allow reposts or translations of my works. All my works are ©️ kwanisms.
"And that's the last one!" Yunho said loudly as he walked into the apartment carrying the final box. You turned to look at him, checking the label of the box and crossing it off your list.
"Perfect!" You beamed. "We got all the boxes!"
You set your phone on the kitchen island and looked over at your boyfriend who was currently busying himself with his phone.
"Where do you want this, boss?" Yunho asked, drawing your attention away from Mingi, the box still in his hands. "Put it in the den," you answered, turning away as Yunho nodded and moved to enter the den to deposit the box.
"Y/N," San called from the floor, making you peer over the kitchen island at him. He was holding a screwdriver in each hand. "Does this mean we get pizza now?" he asked excitedly.
A smile spread across your face as you nodded. "Yes, I'll order it now," you answered, grabbing the pad of paper and a pen from your purse which sat next to your phone on the counter.
"What does everyone want?"
"Pepperoni!" "Extra cheese!" "I want veggies and meat!" "Ooh, can we get some cheese sticks?" "What about the beer?" "Don't forget the extra cheese!" "Just meat please. I don't want veggies."
As 8 voices fought to tell you what they wanted, you worked to compromise and finally worked out an order of four large pizzas, two orders of cheese sticks, four 2-liters of soda, lots of plates, napkins, cups, and other utensils and finally, a small gluten free pizza for yourself. 
The guys then played rock-paper-scissors to determine who would go get the beer and unfortunately Mingi and Yunho lost. Yunho grabbed his car keys as Mingi came over to press a quick kiss to your forehead, muttering he'd be right back.
After calling and placing the order, you started to help unpack the boxes Seonghwa had brought to the kitchen. He opened and unwrapped while you put things away, having already agreed with Mingi where things would go and even making small labels to go inside the cabinets and drawers.
When Mingi first announced to the group he was moving out of the dorms and into an apartment with you, they immediately jumped at the chance to help him move not only his stuff, but yours as well. You'd made sure to pack everything up nicely, labeling all the boxes and making a list so nothing was forgotten.
They moved better than any moving company and even better, they only asked to be paid in food and beer which you were only happy to do. It was every day you had 8 strong guys to help you move. You were eternally grateful for Jongho, San, and Yeosang especially.
You chatted with Seonghwa as you worked, emptying the boxes as you went and filling your cabinets and drawers with your flatware, cookware, and other kitchen gadgets.
San and Wooyoung groaned in exhaustion, having finally finished putting the coffee table together after three separate attempts to do so. "I'm never putting furniture together with you again," San whined as he pushed himself up, gathering the tools and putting them back in the toolbox.
"Me? What did I do?" Wooyoung squeaked, still lying on the floor on hid back. "You put the legs on upside down, twice!" San quipped back. You shook your head, amused by their bickering as you resumed working. Hongjoong exited the bedroom to let you know he and Yeosang had finished putting your new bed together.
"Jongho's finishing the dressers now," he added, leaning on the counter as he rested. You opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water, handing it to him. Hongjoong thanked you, opening the bottle and taking a sip. "Give these to Yeo and Bear," you said, handing him two more bottles. San dashed over to the counter as Hongjoong headed back into the bedroom.
You grabbed two more bottles of water from the refrigerator and turned back to San, handing him both. He thanked you with a grin and turned to toss the bottle (more like throwing with full force) to Wooyoung, hitting him in the chest.
Wooyoung started to whine but the front door opened, Yunho and Mingi returning with not only beer but several bottles of soju as well.
Seonghwa broke down the now empty boxes as you moved to take a few bags from your boyfriend. "Do you plan on getting everyone drunk?" you asked jokingly. "Some of this is for the apartment," he admitted, kicking his shoes off and following you into the kitchen.
Yunho set the two cases of beer on the counter and was whining about his shoulders when the doorbell rang. Mingi moved to answer it to find the delivery guy had arrived. Yunho stopped complaining immediately and rushed to his best friend's side to take the pizzas.
"Oh, I'm here," you called out, rushing to the door to pay but Mingi beat you to it, taking the soda from the delivery guy and handing over his card. You pouted up at your boyfriend who merely smiled and handed you the 2-liters.
Mingi signed the slip and thanked the delivery guy as he put his card back in his wallet and shut the door. You opened the bag with all the plates and napkins, pulling everything out and setting it up nicely while Yunho placed the boxes of pizza side by side.
"Alright, you heathens," Mingi yelled, calling mostly to the bedroom where Hongjoong, Yeosang, and Jongho were.
"Pizza's here!"
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After sitting and standing around the kitchen island, eating pizza and cheese sticks, downing most of the soda and beer while absolutely obliterating the pizza, Mingi finally kicked the guys out.
It was almost midnight and you still needed to sleep before work in the morning. Of course, working from home had its perks but you still had to get up at a reasonable time.
Mingi shut the door behind San and Wooyoung as they exited after waving everyone off. With a heavy sigh, he turned to look at you, standing in the kitchen and cleaning up the mess left behind, mess being the stacked used paper plates, napkins, and cups.
You tossed everything away and started to consolidate any leftover pizza into one box as Mingi moved to stand behind you, his arms wrapping around your shoulders as he rested his chin on your shoulder. "Alone at last," he whispered.
You should have known he had an ulterior motive for kicking the guys out as he waited patiently for you to finish what you were doing, although his hands roamed, first from your shoulders, down to your hips, pulling you roughly against him as his lips left kisses along your neck.
You managed to put away the leftover pizza, soda, and beer despite your 180 centimeter tall boyfriend clinging to you like a baby koala clinging to its mother. "Are you done?" he asked, lips brushing against the shell of your ear. You hummed in response, nodding.
Mingi used his body to push yours against the counter, grinding his now obvious hard cock into your ass. "Good, cause I can't wait anymore," he growled.
You let out a groan, your body responding to him as he continued to grind against you, hands grabbing every bit of your body he could reach. One hand snuck under the hem of your shirt, moving up to grab your tit over your bralette while the other wrapped around your throat as his lips attacked your neck once more.
"This place is ours," you heard him mutter, lips ghosting over your skin. "No one else lives here. We can do whatever we want," he continued, nipping at your skin as he spoke. You felt him press his erection against your ass again, making you moan loudly.
"We can fuck whenever we want," he grunted, rutting against you again. "Wherever we want." You whined as his hips continued to move, rocking against your ass. "Mingi," you gasped, your hands moving to grab onto his forearm as he held your throat firmly.
"Yes, baby?" he whispered, rolling his hips slowly, making you feel all of him. "What is it?"
"Please," you whimpered, hands tightening around his forearm, feeling the hand under your shirt slide down, sneaking past your pants and panties, moving dangerously close to your center.
"Please what?" Mingi asked, his hand pressing against your groin. "Use your words baby, tell me what you want." You felt his lip brush against your ear. "Tell me what you want me to do."
"I want you to fuck me, Mingi."
Your boyfriend let out an animalistic growl, pulling away just enough to spin you around and take your lips in a fierce kiss, forcing his tongue into your mouth. The kiss was messy, wet, and loud but you couldn't be bothered to care when Mingi was kissing you like he'd never get to do so again.
You let out a cry of shock as his hands grabbed under your thighs and lifted you, depositing you onto the kitchen island. He was quick to undo and remove your pants, taking your panties along with your jeans where he left them on the kitchen floor with your shirt that came off next. You ripped off your bralette and suddenly were completely bare before your boyfriend.
He leaned in, kissing you passionately as one hand moved back to your tit, squeezing and kneading it slowly. Mingis lips left yours, trailing down your neck to your chest where he peppered kisses between your breasts. You giggled but it was short lived as his tongue dragged over your pert nipple, taking it into his mouth.
Your fingers tangled in his hair as you used your free hand to brace yourself on the cold granite countertop. You'd have to remember to thoroughly disinfect the counter tomorrow.
You felt Mingi's teeth gently graze the sensitive skin of your areola, making you whimper, hips rolling to find some sort of friction but you were met with only air.
Mingi pulled away and gently blew on your nipple, making you whine and the skin around it to pebble before giving the same treatment to the other one, teasing it with his tongue and blowing cool air over the wet bud.
Your chest heaved with your labored breathing as Mingi's lips left a trail of wet kisses down your chest, past your stomach as he slowly pushed you onto the counter, the cool granite meeting your hot skin.
Mingi scooted your body back and leaned over, kissing down your stomach again until his lips met your sex, giving the slick skin a single lick and groaning in response. "Fuck you taste so good," he grunted, pushing your legs further apart and diving in.
His tongue licked up your slit, finding your clit and swirling around the nub. Your back arched off the counter as your boyfriend ate you out like he didn't just stuff his stomach with pizza and beer an hour ago. The lewd sounds of his tongue against your wet pussy sent heat to your cheeks.
Moans and whimpers of his name left your lips as he kissed, licked, and suckled your clit, stimulating it as you felt two fingers toy with your entrance. "Mingi," you gasped as he dipped his fingers into your wet cunt, gliding past both knuckles.
"You sound so pretty when you say my name like that," he murmured, lips and chin covered in your essence but he couldn't be bothered to care as he set a steady pace, pumping his fingers in time with the flicks against your clit with his tongue.
You felt him curl his fingers inside you, pressing against your g-spot with ease thanks to his large hands and long fingers. The combined effort sent your body reeling towards your climax, cumming with a whine as your thighs closed around your boyfriend's head.
His tongue and fingers didn't stop, coaxing you through your high and dragging another one quickly out of you, leaving you a panting and twitching mess. You moaned out, feeling him scissor his fingers inside you. "Mingi," you whispered hoarsely.
"Yes baby?" he answered, continuing to stretch your entrance so you'd be ready to take his entire length. "Balcony," you replied, licking your lips. "Fuck me on the balcony."
Mingi moaned at your suggestion, leaning over to kiss you as his fingers continued their movements inside you. "You want the neighbors to see us? Want them to know that I'm the one fucking this tight little pussy?" he growled.
You nodded, whimpering pathetically as your boyfriend's fingers pistoned in and out of you, fucking your cunt but not as well as his cock always did. "Please. Let them see."
You cried out as he pulled his fingers from your core quickly and stripped himself of his shirt, pulling you off the counter and leading you over to the sliding glass door, opening it with ease and pushing you out onto the balcony.
The view from your apartment was incredible, the city lights sparkling like stars, headlights from the street below looking like tiny pin pricks of light. You turned to your boyfriend, pulling him into a desperate kiss as you both fumbled with his jeans.
Finally getting the button and zipper undone, you pushed the material down along with his underwear as you lowered yourself to your knees, wrapping your fingers around the base of his cock.
"Fuck, babe, you don't have to- ngh!" Mingi moaned as you took the head of his cock into your mouth, tongue swirling around the tip and sucking before taking more of him past your lips.
"Shit," he cursed, one hand grabbing the railing, the other gripping your hair as your head bobbed, taking as much of his cock as you could. "Just like that, baby. Fuck you're so good," Mingi rasped, his grip on your hair tightening as he started to guide your movements.
"Fuck, yeah. Just like that baby. Keep doing that."
You hummed, the sound vibrating around his cock and he bucked his hips, the tip of his cock hitting the back of your throat with a lewd wet noise. You didn't let that stop you, keeping a firm hold on the base of his cock with one hand, you reached up with the other to cup his balls, something you knew he loved.
"Shit, Y/N," he gasped. "You're gonna make me cum if you keep doing that." You moaned, bobbing your head as you sucked him off, ignoring the saliva that ran down your chin. You knew your face was probably a mess but you couldn't be bothered to care.
"Holy shit, come here," Mingi groaned, pulling your head back and then to your feet, he wiped your chin and pulled you in for a sloppy kiss before turning you to face the railing and bending you over it.
"God I'm gonna fucking ruin you," he growled, taking his cock coated in your spit and pushing the tip past your folds, sliding into your cunt easily. You let out a loud, long moan as he slid in, bottoming out with his hips pressed flush against your ass.
"Gonna fucking wreck this pussy."
"Mingi," you whimpered, drawing out the last syllable of his name. "Please fuck me."
He didn't need to be told twice, taking your hips in his hands and pulling back almost fully before snapping his hips forward, burying his cock in your throbbing hole. You could feel the tip of his cock hit your cervix, no doubt a small bulge forming.
"Ohhhh fuuuuck!" You cried out as he set a fast, unrelenting pace, his hips slapping against your ass as he thrust into you.
Mingi marveled at the way your ass bounced against his hips, his cock reaching deep into your body as he pounded you against the railing. "Fuck. Feels so good!" he groaned, one hand grabbing your shoulder as his hips continued their assault.
"Ahh! Mingi! Feels s-so deep. Inside m-me!" you moaned. "You like it when I fuck you like this?" Mingi growled, slamming into you, his grip on your hip and shoulder tightening as your walls clenched around his cock. "Like it when I fuck you where everyone can see?"
You nodded, whimpering with each drag of his cock against your insides. "Fuck me. Harder," you moaned, ignoring the small bead of saliva rolling down your chin. It wasn't the first time he'd fucked you so hard you'd drooled and it wouldn't be the last.
"Make me scream, Mingi."
Mingi's hips stuttered for a moment but he was back on top of it a second later, pulling you back to meet his thrusts, enjoying the whiny moans you let out with each thrust. He loved hearing you unrestricted. He loved how loud you got and knowing it was all because of him made his heart swell with pride.
The neighbors hearing how good he gave it to you was a bonus.
"You're gonna wake everyone up, babe," Mingi hissed but made no effort to cover your mouth or muffle your moans. He wanted his neighbors to know he fucked his girl so good. He wanted everyone to know how only he could make you scream.
As if that was his goal, he grabbed your waist, increasing speed and strength as he railed you (no pun intended). Your whiny moans turned into loud cries as he drove his length into you. The loud sounds of his skin hitting yours and the wet sounds of his cock entering your cunt over and over were drowned out by your screams, walls squeezing him as you finally came.
Mingi plowed into you, thrusting once, twice, thrice more before he finally came explosively, his hot load painting your walls and spilling out of your pussy around his shaft, rolling down the inside of your thighs and dropping onto the balcony.
You always joked that Mingi had horse sized loads and this time, it really felt like it. "Shit," he cursed, glancing down to see his cum spilling onto the balcony and rolling down your skin. "I didn't think I'd cum this much," he murmured. "You okay, baby?" he asked, pressing a soft kiss to your shoulder.
You nodded in response. "'M okay," you answered weakly, thighs threatening to give out any second. "I'll clean this up tomorrow," Mingi said, wincing as he pulled out of you and watching more of his load falling to the floor. "God there's so much of it," he whispered. "I don't think I've ever cum this much before."
You stood up shakily, smiling as you felt Mingi support your body with his hands. "You know what they say," you replied, chuckling as your boyfriend shook his head. "No, what do they say?"
"Horse sized load for a horse sized cock."
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strawbxrryanime · 6 months
Yandere Mitsuya Takashi Is Way Too Overprotective - yandere!mitsuya takashi x reader
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"Hey, who are you texting?" Mitsuya said in a serious tone. You shiver on the spot, your boyfriend is extremely protective. And you’re not just talking protecting, you’re talking about protecting EVERYTHING. Whatever it is your boyfriend needs to know about it and hear about it. So immediately you just respond.
“An old friend before..” You muttered to Mitsuya, his eyes widen as his frown widened. “An old friend hm?” Mitsuya asked as he eyes you with his look, Mitsuya wouldn’t take his eyes off of you, even when he’s working with the sewing machine, he’d eye you from across the whole room. “Yeah, an old friend..” You responded.
“You never told me you had an old friend before…” Mitsuya stood up, turning off the machine as he walks towards the couch. “What’s their name?” You gulped at the response to that, surely you can’t just say that your friend is a guy. “His name is-“ You were cut off by Mitsuya’s widened eyes.
“Wait his?!” Mitsuya said, as he sat right next to you. “Give me the phone…” Mitsuya asked, as you stood up. No more are you going to be weak to him anymore, so you tried to retaliate. You didn’t hand him the phone. “Oh, come on Y/N.. Give me the phone.” Mitsuya’s demeaning tone as he leaned in towards you that made you back away.
“Y/N..~” Mitsuya sung in a singing-like tone, as he chuckles. “Just give me THE DAMN PHONE!” Mitsuya jumped in and snatched the phone out of your hand. “What are you doing?!” You ask, as Mitsuya reads and deletes all your text messages and throws your phone in the wall breaking it. You start to yelp as the phone shatters before your very eyes.
"You think I'd let that random guy even text you let alone look at you?" Mitsuya chuckles, you back away from him in fear. "What if he hurts you hm? WHAT IF HE TAKES YOU AWAY FROM ME Y/N!" Mitsuya kept yelling, scaring you off as he chuckles. "You're mine Y/N.." Mitsuya smirks as he gets closer to you. "I ought to give you a punishment for talking to that rando.. or I mean 'old friend' that you have there.." Mitsuya chuckles and sighs.
"You know I get crazy about you... you know I'm way too protective over you Y/N..." Mitsuya said in a calm and serious tone. "You need to know that you're mine.. and how are you going to learn without any punishment to prove that hm?" Mitsuya smiled. You ran off to the exit door of his house, scared of Mitsuya's wrath and punishment. You look out the window, the weather was a thunderstorm, the hail clunk onto the door as the groan of the heavy winds are heard.
You try your best to open the door, shaking hands from the cold doorknob as it's jammed shut. It seems like Mitsuya knows what you're doing even before all of this happened. In the meantime, Mitsuya took off his shirt and smiled as he realized you had nowhere to go at all, either way he knew you'd escape somehow. Such a clever boyfriend wasn't he? You hear footsteps coming nearby as you run to the kitchen.
"You know I'd do anything for you Y/N..." Mitsuya's faint voice can be heard, the groans of the heavy winds growing as you pull out a kitchen knife and point it towards your direction. "Do you know... how much I love you?" said the shirtless Mitsuya, veins bulging out his wrists as he clenched his fist. "Why can't you understand?!" Mitsuya yells out as you try to be aware of your surroundings.
"Are you really going to stab me with that knife?" Mitsuya chuckled, as he whispered behind your ear. "I'm right here.." You quickly turn around as Mitsuya makes you let go of your knife as he grabs you towards the basement, his soft lips tangle towards yours as his hands wrap around forcefully on your waist, holding you as tight as he can as the groan of the winds silence your screams as he marks your neck his.
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aphroditesswan · 1 year
Okay so like how about this...
Chuuya and reader/y/n are dating, but she's been hanging out with dazai more often then with him. But in reality they ploting a surprise for him for an anniversary or his birthday! (Gender can be any I don't mind!)
Angst to fluff please 😢🙏
Can be either a short fic, headcanon or anything I don't mind as long as ur confterble and happy! Anyways have a nice day/night (might request more in the future...) ♡♡
rather melodramatic, aren’t you? 
chuuya nakahara x gn! reader 
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warnings : a lotttt of drinking, jealousy, insecurities in the relationship 
summary : chuuya absolutely loses himself thinking of why you would pick dazai of all people over him to hang out with, jumping to conclusions until you get home to explain everything. 
genre : angst to fluff with like one suggestive comment 
notes : i listened to cigarettes out the window, a pearl, step on me, the other woman christmas kids, and mr loverman for this so if you see any references to those, they were most def intentional 😭
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its been a week and you’ve been hanging around that idiotic dazai, probably out flirting and getting all close to him… 
at least that’s how it was in chuuya’s eyes. 
he was a bit delusional and when you sprinkle dazai in along with the absolute insanity that goes on in his head, it can’t lead to anything good. 
maybe you’re growing tired of him, he thinks. 
maybe you’ve grown to love that idiot more than him, he thinks. 
there are infinite possibilities running through chuuya’s head as he consistently drinks away this thoughts, the days and nights feeling utterly, completely, inexplicably empty without you. 
you fill the hole in his heart that he’s had for as long as he can remember, and to think he’d have dazai take that away from him?? 
not on his watch. 
well… his sober watch.
he threw his hat onto the couch, grabbing a bottle of wine without even looking at the cabinets for a cup. he didn’t care at l this point, all he wanted was to forget the ache in his chest, the spinning in his stomach, the burn of tears in his eyes as he flopped his back flat on the bed, breathing deeply to at least try and calm himself even a little bit. 
but he knew that was pointless. 
he felt like nothing without you. sure he was an important figure in the Port Mafia but without you? please, his status and power could’ve meant the same as a dirty nickel he almost tripped on while walking on the sidewalk. 
he opened the bottle, sitting up as he did so he didn’t spill it all over his soft silk sheets. those were expensive, not worth the mess he thought. 
he chugged a bit of it, throwing the cork into a forgotten corner of the room as he threw his head back to throughly get the most out of his five second gulp. 
he slammed it onto the nightstand, the aggression in his movements aimed at you, at dazai, at his insecurities. he tore his gloves off, throwing them onto the nightstand before putting his hands over his face, his fingers in his hair as he quietly cried into his hands. 
he wished he was better. he knew him and dazai were a team at times, that you wouldn’t do this to him, that he was just as good as everyone else if not better… 
but he couldn’t shake it. he couldn’t shake his insecurities, his anxieties all because of dazai.  
he’d drink himself to death inside a prison cell before he admits that though. 
he just wished that you wouldn’t disappear from his life, he’d let you do whatever you want as long as you stay with him. okay, that was a lie, he isn’t a pushover. a devoted boyfriend? absolutely but a doormat? never.
he grabbed the cold dark bottle of wine again, drinking and crying the rest of the sunset away as all he could think and worry about was whatever the hell you and dazai were doing and why you had barely texted him all week. 
he paced through your shared bedroom, talking rather loudly to himself as he tried to come up with reasonable explanations, his reasoning for your absence getting more and more insane as he kept drinking. 
thankfully, he heard you finally walk through the door. he quickly grabbed his hat, throwing it on as he went to meet you at the door with his cheeks flushed and his eyes dazed from alcohol. 
“there you are! do you- do you know how long i’ve been waiting for you- to get back? i swear i was about to text you and ask what- what position you two were in for fucks sake i-“ 
he rambled on and on until he saw your amused yet concerned smile… and a gift bag in your hand…? 
“what the hell- stop smiling like that! don’t tell me dazai got you that bullshit- you’ve got to be joking don’t tell me your-“ 
he was cut off by a kiss, his lips tasting like alcohol and his breath smelling the same. you counted the seconds until midnight like it was new year’s eve and although you could tell he was already breathless, you didn’t let go. he could hold out for just a bit longer, he’d have to. 
as soon as it hit 12:00 and the notification for a very very special day popped up you let him go, the poor man almost falling straight into you. 
“why-… the hell did you-“ 
“it’s april 29th chuuya.” 
“what does that have to do with anything? i don’t give a single shit what the day is.” 
“it’s your birthday. happy birthday, love.” 
you smiled, one hand still holding onto his shoulder and the other bringing up the gift bag you have for him. it takes him a good minute or two, but eventually his drunken mind put two and two together and figured out everything on its own. 
“oh- ohhh… ugh, i’m so sorry dear.” 
he groaned with a frown, his forehead falling onto your shoulder as he lazily wrapped his arms around your waist to bring you closer to him. 
“it’s fine chuu, i missed you, you know. it’s not easy keeping secrets.” 
“i’m glad you feel that way.” 
he sighed into your shoulder, breathing in your scent. he thanked the gods that you didn’t smell a bit like dazai but just like you always do, maybe a bit tainted with wine and his cologne but that’s how he liked it, he was possessive like that. 
“we can spend the day together… right? just us for today.” 
“well after you get some sleep and a pill for your hangover, yes of course we can.” 
“as long as you come with me, i accept.
“see? what would you do without me.”
“baby, i’m a wreck when i’m without you.”
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sorry this was super short!! i wrote this at like midnight cause that’s when i get randomly motivated but i hope this is to your liking!! please feel free to request more :DD
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snwycde · 8 months
Connected (Bang Chan) part 3
Pairing: BangChan x fem reader
wc: 1.7k
warnings: small part including intoxication but nothing too bad
summary: angsty - slow burn of Chan and fem reader. Chan runs into his past, how will it affect the present and his future?
This is part 3!!!
part 1
part 2
Chan enters the cafe and looks around, they’ve definitely remodeled it.
Inside this cafe - actually it’s not even really a cafe - there's a few tables next to floor to ceiling windows, and there is a bookstore slash library area. In a way it’s basically a library cafe. This cafe is built in an open floor plan so it’s not only big but sort-of refreshing, he doesn’t know how to explain it. Chan takes a seat in a corner and a waiter comes up to him, “Hello, welcome to Connections! What can I get started for you today?”
Chan orders and takes out his laptop, trying to work. The reason why he’s here, you may wonder, he’s not entirely sure either. Until he sees you. You’re sitting facing away from him closer to the plant window and plant section, a place where you always liked to sit. Where in the morning, the sun can warm you up and you can be around nature but in an indoor environment. 
It’s been a few day’s since he last saw you. Yet you’ve crossed his mind each day, making him confused on his thoughts or whatever.
“Here’s your order sir.” the waitress places down his drink, “Anything else I can get for you?”
“Actually, yes. Do you know how long that girl has been here for?” Chan points in her direction. 
“She’s been here for about two hours now, would you like to sit over there?” 
“No, no thank you. Also what’s the wifi here?”
“Actually, Ms.Y/n, who sits right there can help you with that.”
“Right, of course.”
Chan ends up staring at his laptop screen unsure of how to ask you for the wifi. Should I walk up casually? ‘Hey Y/n, I know you probably hate me, but can I get the wifi to the building your parents own?’ Or I could just ask the waitress to help me, there’s no way they send every single person to Y/n everytime they need someone to connect to the wifi.
As he’s deep in his thoughts he sees you start to pack your things, unaware of his actions he gulps down his drink and starts to also pack up, why do I feel like I’m stalking her?
Chan stays in his seat as he sees you walk out and into a car, which luckily is right at the front. He waits for the car you’re in to leave before he runs out, jumps into his and follows after you.
I’m definitely stalking aren’t I, he starts to groan at himself before he sees you pull into a parking lot of a well-known bar. Again he follows and parks.
He sees you rushing out and inside and again he follows. He sees you walk up to a guy, this guy who is clearly a bit intoxicated. Chan sits from afar and watches. He isn’t quite sure of the conversation being held between you two, but you don’t look happy. Neither does the guy.
Chan’s starting to wonder who this person is before the guy places his hands on your thigh and leans in to kiss you. Chan watches as he starts to wrap his hand around your waist, he then looks away. Boyfriend, right. Of course, she has a boyfriend. It’s been 2 years, what'd you expect? Chan gets up and leaves the bar. 
He sits in his car and sighs. Sinking into the seat. What am I doing? What am I doing here?
He turns on his car and takes it out of park preparing to reverse. He sees you exiting the bar, this time mad. You’re yelling at your boyfriend, trying to push him away but he’s still grabbing onto you. 
Chan’s fight or flight mode kicks in and he drives to the front where you are rolling down his window, “Get in.” he opens his door from his seat.
You look at him. Her boyfriend looks at him. 
“Y/n, get in.”
“Who the fuck are you?” the man asks Chan, letting go of his grip on y/n.
Y/n glances at her boyfriend before looking at Chan, Chan looking at her with pleading eyes.
She hops into his car and slams the door shut. Chan presses on the gas and they drive off with an angry man yelling behind them.
“Are you okay?”
---- *author’s note: imagine if I just stopped here lol* ----
You don’t bother looking at Chan, “He’s not a bad guy if that’s what you're thinking, he’s just a little drunk that’s all.”
“What is he? Your boyfriend?” Chan’s eyes on the road, not sure where he’s technically going.
“It’s complicated.” You take out your phone, “You can just drop me off on the side and I’ll call an uber.”
“If he’s not a bad guy then why’d you get in the car? And if he’s not your boyfriend, who is he?” Chan just starts spilling out questions, nothing to lose.”And I’m not going to just leave you on the side of the road, it’s 10pm, I’ll just drop you off home.”
You sit and stare at him, I don’t know why I got in the car, Chan. I don’t have to tell you who he is, it’s none of your business. “He’s my ex…now.” you look out the window, “Do you even know where you’re going?”
“y/n it may have been like 2 years but I still remember how to get to your house,” Chan reaches to turn the volume up, “How have you been?”
“Why are you acting like this?”
“What do you mean?”
“Why are you acting so normal?”
Chan looks at you at the red light, “I just thought since you’re in my car and it’ll be like half an hour till we get to your house you’d want to talk. Catch up, I don’t know.”
You look at him, not sure how to feel but, “Okay.” You sit up, “I’ve been good. How have you been?”
The light turns green, “I’ve been good too.”
There’s a short silence before Chan breaks it again, “How’s college? Or are you working now? Last time we spoke you were, what, um you were about to graduate. So are you working now?”
Talking about this, it tugs at your heart, you don’t understand how this isn’t hurting him at all. He looks completely unphased and unbothered by it all. Have I not moved on from this?
“Yeah, I graduated. Top of my class. I’m trying to get my PhD in psychology on the side, but um, I’m working now, yeah, I’m training to be a subordinate executive officer at this tech company.”
“That’s…wow. That’s great, y/n, I’m so proud of you. I knew you were gonna go big. What’s the tech company?”
“Um… Apple.”
Chan looks over at you in shock, “Wait what? Really?”
You nod, “Harvard was able to give me great connections.”
“I- wow, I can’t believe it. That’s so cool.” 
“How’s your work, Chan?” you question as if you don’t know that he’s literally a superstar. But you’re more wondering, how are you?
Chan takes a moment to think, “It’s well, you know, busy.” He laughs dryly, “I don’t know if you keep up with us anymore, but I’m still doing stuff with Stray kids. We’re actually planning on going on tour next year. Our 2nd world tour.”
“Yeah I’ve heard, Hannah told me about –” you stop yourself.
“Hannah?” Chan looks over again, “You still talk to Hannah? She still talks to you?”
“I mean come on Chan, I was like her older sister. Even if I tried to stop talking to her, she would always reach out anyways.” You rolled your eyes, “She came to my graduation ceremony.”
Chan bites the inside of his cheek, “I just - She never told me.”
“It was better that way.”
“Why didn’t you invite me?”
“Huh?” as he turns onto the freeway.
“Like why didn’t you invite me?”
“Because we had broken up? Why would I invite you?” you scoff at how genuine his voice sounds, like he really doesn’t know.
“I mean yeah, but I was with you throughout most of the college experience, I would’ve obviously wanted to come to support you through it all.”
You laugh out loud at this, “You’re joking right?”
Chan doesn’t laugh. 
“Chan, you broke up with me on New Years, 5 months before my graduation. And you’re asking why I didn’t invite you?” You're starting to heat up, “If I wasn’t able to pull myself together I probably wouldn’t have been able to graduate. And you have the audacity to say you wanted to support me?”
“We’ve already talked about this, Y/n.” Chan brushes his hands through his hair, “Please don’t get so mad.”
Him asking you to not get mad makes you more infuriated, “Don’t get mad? You’re insane. Acting like we didn’t waste 5 years of our lives together. I can’t believe I dated you.”
“Waste? Is that what you call it now?” Chan laughs, “It’s been 2 years since I've seen you and you’re still the same. Quick to get mad at something I say, your communication still sucks.”
“I’m not mad.” you turn more to face him, “I’m just a bit taken aback at how you’re acting so nonchalant.”
“It’s not like we’re dating anymore, y/n. I don’t know what you want.” Chan exits the freeway.
“You’re right we aren’t dating. I don't know why I'm here.” You start to grab your bag and throw your phone in it, “Stop the car.”
“What do you mean stop –”
“Chan. Stop the car, I’m getting out.” using a stern voice.
He stops the car, “Y/n your house is right there just let me drop you off it’s late.”
“I just can’t, Chan.” You’re biting the inside of your cheek, “I-I just can’t sit in the car, or whatever. I-I can’t talk to you so nonchalantly, without feeling any type of way.”
“Feel like what?” Chan asks as you open the door to leave, yet he does nothing to stop you.
“I can’t sit here with you and talk to you, like you weren’t the love of my life. While you talk to me like I was nothing to you.” You exit the car, leaving without turning back.
Chan isn’t sure what to say or do. He’s frozen again. Love of her life?
Chan looks up and sees you turn into the gated community, where you live.
He turns on the radio and drives home.
author's note: UGH writing this broke my heart bc this is like seeing an alternate ego of Chan 😣🥲 Like Chan you're killing me, why are you acting so cold 💔
also if anyone would like to be tagged into the next parts pls lmk!
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kakujis · 1 year
love meter test - keisuke!;
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synopsis: u test out the love meter filter on tiktok. it does not give u the answer u want.
warnings: swearing, gn!reader, semi-whiny!reader, not proofread! thats about it.
a/n: this is the dumbest thing i've ever written but i could NOT get the love meter test to give me and baji a good score so u know what?? i wrote about it! this is also all @fuyuluvr's fault. but also u should def read their blue lock ver: here.
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baji keisuke is immediately up the second he hears the front door slam open, followed by your wails reverberating through the shared apartment. he jumps up from his desk chair, abandoning whatever vet textbook he was studying, running straight to the living room.  he spots you, hiccuping and sobbing, “kei! kei! come here! please!”
you wipe at your tears, streaming down your face freely as your boyfriend comes to grab your shoulders. “hey! hey! baby what happened, what’s wrong?” his adrenaline is pumping, as he scans your body, looking for any bodily injuries. there’s tons of questions running through his head like: did you get hurt? did someone threaten you? 
you’re clear of any physical injuries, instead throwing your phone out towards him, “this piece of shit! this piece of shit app!” you wail, and baji tilts his head. 
“huh?” he says as he grabs the device. “what am i looking at?” baji stares quizzically at himself in the camera, above him being a bright pink “test your love!” box. 
you sniffle, “it keeps giving us awful scores. like shit tier, bottom of the barrel, the absolute worst.”  you say, quickly moving to your drafts to show the low scores the two of you kept getting. but baji barks a laugh at the way your face deflates in each video, a measly “12%....yeaaaaa” is the last one, in which your tears well-up uncontrollably. “s’not funny!” 
“gimme that,” he says, swiping it from you and you don’t even protest. “let me try.”
you keep sniffling, “it doesn’t matter, keisuke, we’re not soulmates, we’re not twin-flames, we’re not even besties.” and you start to sob, again, but baji pulls you in, one arm looped around your shoulder. 
“no, you just don’t have the magic touch is all.” he grins, flashing you his fangs, as he begins typing in your names. 
“yeah and you clearly do.” you roll your eyes, before grabbing his arm, eyes wide, “....you spelled my name wrong!” you blubber, and keisuke raises a brow. 
“what? no, i didn’t.” he says, squinting at the letters on the screen. 
“yes you did!” you rip the phone from his hands, backspacing and typing both your names in, to make sure he doesn’t mess that up too.
“huh, i did.” he mutters, “my bad.”
“this is why we aren’t soulmates!” you yell, “the app was right!” 
“stop whining and watch.” he says, an air of confidence surrounds him as he presses record, “see! we’re going up!” 
“it just started. you gotta wait,” your tears have subsided at this point, as the both of you stare intently at the screen. 
the grin on baji’s face starts to fall as the number continues to lower until it reaches a measly 54% - besties. “see i told you-” but baji clears the video and tries it again, face scrunched up in frustration. but the more he does, the more it lowers, the next is 24%, then 12%, until it reaches a depressing 6%.
it’s quiet as you pout, blinking your red rimmed eyes. you start to reach for your phone, but baji doesn’t let you. his face is unreadable as he swiftly turns and walks towards the window, before he chucks the device out. 
you rush over, gasping, “keisuke, why the fuck did you just do that?!” you say, arriving just in time to watch it fall to the ground before it shatters into pieces on the street below. 
“your phone was hacked or fucking rigged or something!” he grumbles, pulling you close. “we’re literally soulmates. twin flares or whatever you’re always saying.” 
“… it’s twin flames.” you correct, and he mutters out a “whatever.” 
“but, my phone…” you continue, sadly staring at it below. 
“i’ll just get you a new one,” he snorts, besides no stupid app was gonna have his soulmate crying and this way he made sure of it. “how much was it?” 
“i dunno, like 1k or something, my parents got it for me as a gift.” you shrug and baji nearly chokes. you blink up at him, fluttering your now dried lashes. “you’re gonna get me a new phone, right?” 
“y-yeah…” he nods fervently, starting to sweat a little as he starts thinking that maybe he shouldn’t be so impulsive. fuck. he’s gonna have to ask chifuyu for extra shifts. 
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justmochi · 1 year
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our little getaway
series :: eunmin in busan 2023 💌
pairing :: eden x seokmin
word count :: 5.3k
synopsis :: eunmin’’s first full day in busan
time :: february 15, 2023
taglist :: @cafemilk-tea @cixrosie @moonlight-additions @cosmicwintr @astraw-astro @ateezjuliet @fromfreesia @succulentmom @kimhyejin3108 @enhacolor @multiplums @alixnsuperstxr @meginthebuilding27 @kangzuha21​
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Eden had woken up all by herself earlier in the morning, waiting for her boyfriend to wake up
by himself so he could get the rest he needed. When he started shuffling awake, she quickly put her phone down, rolling onto her stomach with her head in her hands as he stirred.
When he finally opened his eyes, he threw his arm over his face to block out the bright sun shining through the window. She poked the constellation of moles across his skin before he finally stretched his limbs out.
“Good morning baby.” She hummed, kissing his elbow.
He groaned, turning his head over and squinting his eyes. “Good morning.” He placed his hand on top of her head, messing with her hair.
“Did you sleep well?” Eden ran her fingers through his hair, slicking it back as she scooted closer to him. She left kisses on his arm leading all the way up to his cheek.
He nodded, opening his arms and motioning her to cuddle him. She crawled up to him, laying comfortably down in his arms as her head rested against his chest.
“You were out like a light last night.” She looked up and joked, her finger running along his jawline.
“I know, I’m sorry. It was a long day.”
“You don’t have to apologize. I know how hard you’re working and you deserve a good night's rest or two.”
“I know,” His entire face fell into a frown, causing her to pout as well. “I just want to spend as much time as I can with you while you’re still here.”
She nodded, “A little distance never hurt us. Besides, you have our little Younghui to keep you company.” She giggled, circling her finger around a mole on his chest. “Who’s watching her by the way?”
They began to joke around like they were actual parents, leaving their child with the babysitter.
“She might be with her uncle Seungkwan or uncle Dino.”
She snorted, covering her face with the blanket. “Funny. Hopefully she’s in good hands.”
He snorted, running his hand up and down her arm. She soon turned onto her stomach, folding her hands together on top of his chest. “So, what are we doing today, Mr. Lee Seokmin.”
“We can do whatever you want, this is your special day.” He watched as her bangs fell in front of her eyes, pushing them back behind her ear.
“This isn’t just about me. Your birthday is happening too.”
“I know, but I’m all about you right now.”
She smirked, pressing down on his mole with her finger. “And I’m all about you.”
He blushed, turning his head away from her and giggling. She chuckled along with him, sitting up on her legs and tapping his leg.
“Can I give you your present now?” She asked him, his focus on her once again. He licked his lips quickly before nodding. She knew he would have said yes. “Okay, close your eyes and give me a few seconds.”
“Yes my dear.” He sat up in the bed, covering
his eyes with his hands as he heard her rummage through stuff in the bathroom. He smiled to himself, getting all giddy and impatient for his present.
She came back out, holding the boxes in her hands and jumping into the bed before crossing her legs together. “Don’t open them yet.”
“Of course my beloved.”
She snickered at the unnecessary pet names, laying the boxes out in front of him and making sure they looked neat before he opened his eyes.
“Alright.” Eden grabbed his hands, removing them from his eyes and watching his facial expressions. His eyes widened, his mouth opening with a gasp.
She had got him a Lego set that was a flower bouquet and a separate building set that was a bear on a moon. It also lit up so she figured it would be a cute and cozy addition to his bedroom.
He picked up the box and looked up at her with contentment on his face. He clearly loved it and now she felt less insecure about her gift to him.
“I didn’t know what to give you for your birthday present out of all the things I’ve bought for you while on tour. I know there’s no way my present could compare to yours-“
“Stop, this is so cute!” He interrupted her, clutching his heart as he looked at the packaging. “I love it!”
“Really?” She rested her knuckles against her chin. He looked so happy. Like a toddler finally getting the toy they’ve always wanted.
“Yes!” He put the box down, throwing himself onto her and hugging her tightly. She let out a sigh, her hands on the small of his back as she smiled.
“I figured since you resemble a teddy bear that it would be cute. And I could give you flowers. Ones that will never die.”
When he pulled away, he stroked her cheek with his hand and pecked her quickly. He stared into her eyes for a moment before directing his gaze to her lips and kissing her again. Her hand was atop his, smiling into the kiss.
When he finally sat on his bottom again, he picked up both the boxes and studied each of them with a smile on his face. She loved seeing his teeth peek through his lips.
“The bear is 402 pieces, and the bouquet,” He looked at the box, finding the number and his eyes immediately bulging. “756.”
She bit her lip, unsure if that was considered difficult or easy. “Is that good or bad? Should I have bought something with fewer pieces?”
“No no no. This is perfect.” His voice was soft as he reassured her with a smile. “You’ll help me build it, right?”
“Of course.” She nodded her head, “But I’ve never built legos before so I don’t know if I’ll be of much help.”
“It can be fun. I think you’ll enjoy it.”  He reached for her hand, holding it in his as he looked at her. “But it can be frustrating so we should take breaks.”
“Oh yeah, I feel like there will be times I’d get impatient.”
“It’s okay. If we do it together, it’ll get done faster and it just makes it even more special to me.”
Her heart fluttered at his kind words, becoming a blushing mess. She leaned forward, kissing him on the lips several times before pulling back. “Let’s go brush our teeth, yeah?”
He covered his mouth with his hand, backing away from her.
“No Minee, you’re fine. I just want to do the stuff we would normally do since it’s been a while.”
“Of course.” He smiled, removing his hand and scooting off the bed. She stood up on the mattress as Seokmin held out both his hands. She took them without hesitation, walking off the bed as he supported her wobbly legs.
They loved brushing their teeth together because it felt fun. Just seeing how messy it got and they didn’t care what they looked like to the other. It was wholesome for them. His dorm's bathroom was too small so they had to take turns brushing their teeth. But whenever they would go out of town or to her place, they could just stand in front of each sink, watching each other through the mirror.
They kept giving each other looks, trying not to spit out their toothpaste from laughing. After brushing their teeth, Eden immediately started doing her skincare.
As her eyes were closed when washing her face, he came up to hug her from behind. She jumped a bit, not expecting him to be that close to her when she couldn’t see.
Turning off the faucet, she felt around for a towel before Seokmin grabbed one, laying it gently in her hands.
“Thank you.” She snorted, patting her face dry and looking at herself in the mirror. Then her eyes fell on his.
He stepped back, grabbing his chest. “Wow. You’re so pretty. You can’t just look at me like that!”
She rolled her eyes, swatting him away as she put on all her products. When she was done, she turned and opened her arms for a hug. He caged her in between the sink. She got on her tippy toes to wrap her arms around his neck, kissing his chin.
“This color suits you so well.” Her fingers brushed through his hair with a smile on her face. “I hope you keep it for a bit more.”
“My hair keeps breaking off, I don’t want to start balding early.” He looked up, pulling on his strands with his fingers.
“Shush, you’re not gonna start balding.” She squished his cheek. “If that was the case, I’d be bald by now.”
“Your hair is so healthy though.” He took a section of her hair in his hands. It was grown out to the longest he’s ever seen it. “When will you go blonde again?”
“You want me to go blonde?” She raised her eyebrows.
“Yes, it’s your best color. I love it.”
“Alright. I’ll tell them.” She spoke like she didn’t even have to hesitate. If he wanted blonde, then blonde she would be.
“Wait, really?” He was taken aback, his hands resting on her shoulders.
“Really really.”
Seokmin couldn't contain his excitement, his hands dropping to her waist to pick her up and set her on the bathroom countertop. She giggled, laying a hand on his chest and the other against his cheek.
“So do I get special treatment because I’m your boyfriend?” He asks with a smirk on his face.
“You know you do.”
He got flustered again, hiding his face in her neck and holding her closer than before. She giggled once feeling his lips on her skin, head turning to look out the window. They had a perfect view of the bridge and the water.
“Should we take advantage of the hot tub while we’re here?” When he looked over, her attention fell back on him, kissing his cheek with a smile.
“If that’s what you want, then we shall.” He wrapped her legs around himself, picking her up once again and walking over to the tub before setting her down on the step. “We have plans for dinner though.”
She nodded, looking at the bottle of bubbles before turning up at him. “Dinner?”
“Yes, we have to be there at a specific time to get the full experience.”
“Aye aye captain.” She chuckled, finally turning the faucet and adjusting the temperature several times before stopping the drain. “Is this hot enough for you?”
He hovered over her with his hand on her shoulder, using his other to put under the water. He nodded, walking over to the cabinets to find towels and robes. “Yep, it’s perfect.”
She opened the bottle, pouring the bubbles under the faucet. Each time she thought she used enough, she just kept pouring more. She felt nervous all of a sudden, wanting there to be as many bubbles as possible.
“I’ll be right back.” She stood up, walking for the door until his arm sneaked around her waist to stop her.
“Are you okay?” He pouted his lips, Eden holding his wrist before smiling.
“I’m just gonna get some wine for us. Make sure to watch the water.”
He kissed her forehead, letting go and watching the tub fill up as he pulled his shirt over his head. She had just barely seen his back before leaving the room and heading for the kitchen.
She looked through all the cabinets, finding the glasses and the cork opener. She had the hardest time opening it, nearly dropping the entire wine bottle on the floor when she got it off. She tiptoed back upstairs to the bathroom, seeing him in the bath, almost being swallowed by all the bubbles.
She snorted, putting the glasses down as she began to laugh. “Did I put too much in?”
“Uhh, maybe.” He reached out his arm, the water and bubbles dripping off his arm.
She filled up both of their glasses with wine, setting the bottle down on the tray that hovered over the hot tub. She tied her hair up high before she unbuttoned her top.
She pursed her lips, letting the shirt fall off her arms before sliding her panties down her legs and stepping out of them. She couldn’t understand why her heart was beating out of her chest as she undressed in front of him. It might have been because it had been awhile since they were naked in front of each other. She grabbed his hand as he helped her into the tub, being surrounded by all the bubbles.
“Careful, it’s easy to slip in these.” He grabbed her other hand, helping her as she sat down and let out a sigh as the hot water soothed her body. Her back was facing him, collecting the bubbles to cover up her chest.
“Do you wanna lay back?” He asked her softly, his hand sliding across her shoulder as he was able to feel all the kinks in her body.
She hummed with the nod of her head, feeling his hands on her shoulders as he helped her lean back against his chest. She relaxed soon enough, laying her head back on his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around her.
He pressed his lips to a spot behind her ear, rubbing his fingers against her shoulder.
“This is heaven.” She whispered loud enough for him to hear, her eyes closed as the hot water melted away her anxiety.
“It is, isn’t it?” He agreed with her, carefully reaching forward for the wine glasses trying not to disturb her.
When she realized what he was doing, she sat up to grab the remaining glass.
“A toast?” He chuckled, smiling at her as she turned her attention to him.
“To our little getaway.” She held the glass up, Seokmin clinking his against hers.
“To our little getaway.” He leaned forward, pressing his lips to hers before they both pulled away and sipped on the wine.
Eden would always choose wine over anything any day. He knew exactly what she liked and made sure they were stocked up for the time they were there.
She smacked her lips together, trying to get a good taste of the wine and causing Seokmin to laugh. As he snickered, she moved along with his body movements. She loved being able to relax in the tub with him, not doing anything but enjoying each other's presence.
She took another big sip before putting her glass back on the tray. She laid back against his chest, letting her head fall back onto his shoulder.
“I could fall back asleep just like this.” She closed her eyes, placing her hand on his legs under the water. He kissed her ear, smiling to himself as he wrapped one arm around her and let the other sit on the side of the tub.
“Go ahead. You must be tired as well.” She could just tell by the way he spoke that there was a tiny smile on his face. It was evident in his voice, like always.
“Then I’ll slip and drown.”
“I won’t let you drown.” He chuckled, tapping a rhythm on his fingers against her skin. She noticed a blush creeping onto her cheeks, trying not to squeal right there and keep her composure. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” She reached her hand up to intertwine their fingers together. She left kisses along his arm, leading all the way to the back of his hand. “And from now on when we go on trips like this, we need to make sure there are bathtubs like this.”
“Of course, my darling.”
“This is so relaxing and healing.” She sighed, rubbing her thumb over his knuckles.
“Are you in pain?”
She turned her head towards him, looking up at him with confusion.
“I just noticed your back was a bit tense.”
“A little bit. I can deal with it though.” His hands had already found their place on her back, pressing into her muscles and massaging it. She chuckled, leaning forward and letting him do his thing as the tension faded away. She let out sighs and moans, letting him know he was doing it right.
They were in the hot tub for almost an hour. Seokmin helped massage her back and neck muscles before they switched spots and she was helping him. She wasn’t a good massager so he had to guide her a little bit. When the water started getting cooler, that was their sign it was time to get out.
Eden got out first, quickly drying off and putting her warm robe on. She handed him his, her head turning to the mirror to see them matching. She laughed to herself, getting his attention so he also looked in the mirror.
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Eden was splayed out across the bed, using her elbow as a pillow while watching him touch up his hair. He adjusted his clothes, earning a giggle from her.
“Is there something wrong?” He turned around, looking at his clothes and brushing himself off.
“No, it’s just cute seeing you get all dolled up when I’ve been ready for some time now.” She got off the bed, walking over to him and wrapping her arms around him. “Are we matching?”
He turned them both to face the mirror, laughing when realizing that they were in fact matching.
“Unintentionally.” He giggles, letting go of her and going to the nightstand where his phone was charging. “This calls for pictures.”
“Of course.” She smiled when he found his way back at her side, wrapping his arm around her as he opened his phone camera. She brushed her fingers through her hair, getting it to lay flat before they began taking pictures.
They tried many different poses, Seokmin throwing up peace signs and hearts and making cute pouty faces in the mirror. She smiled, leaning into his touch and finding comfort in his chest. She hugged him tight for a few shots before getting on her tippy toes to kiss his cheek.
“Nice!” They finished taking pictures, Seokmin swiping through his phone to see their shots. Eden didn’t separate from him, still holding onto his waist as she looked at his phone.
“You’re so cute.” She removed one of her arms, pointing at the picture where he was pouting.
“But look at you!” He swiped to the picture of her arms wrapped around his neck, kissing his cheek. “Look how much I’m being loved by you.”
He pinched her cheeks, causing her to squeal and pull away from his grasp. She laughed as she stood on the other side of the room to hide from his teasing.
“Let’s go now. I’m getting hot with all these layers.” She pushed her coat off her shoulders to feel less constricted, fanning herself with the fabric.
“Okay just let me grab my things.” He found his bag that he carried around everywhere, as well as hanging his camera around his neck.
“Now we really are matching. It’s kinda scary.” She covered her mouth as she widened her eyes. When he turned around, she had her very own camera, hanging from her neck with the pink strap. It was the one he had bought for her a year ago.
He sighed, a smile growing onto his lips as he turned his camera on. “Ahh, my beautiful girl. Say cheese!”
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The couple agreed on cafe hopping and exploring until they had their appointment. Seokmin wouldn’t tell her what it was, so she felt antsy the rest of the day.
As they approached the first cafe, Seokmin held the door open for her, following her in and looking at the menu. She held his hand, warming his up as they figured out what they wanted to eat.
“Should we share a piece of cake?” He looked down at her, squeezing her hand.
“Just one. And some drinks?” She thought it would be best to save room for the other cafes around the town and for dinner. “What about that cheesecake?”
It was their turn to order, buying vanilla and chocolate drinks along with the cheesecake they were eyeing in the display. He always beat her to paying, knowing he’d get a devilish look from her each time.
They sat next to each other at a vacant table, Eden swirling her chocolate drink around with her straw while the vanilla belonged to him. As she took a sip, she smacked her lips together trying to taste it all. She offered a sip to him, holding the straw as he drank a big portion of it.
His eyes widened at how good it tasted. He grabbed his drink, letting her have a taste before he tried it.
She hummed with a smile on her face. It was significantly more tamed than the chocolate.
“Is it good?” He asked her, mixing the drink up before tasting it for himself. “Nothing beats vanilla.”
Eden pursed her lips, eyeing him until he made contact with her and then snorting to herself. He clearly didn’t get the joke that she was thinking of in her head until she started laughing. “Sorry I’ll get my head out of the gutter.”
He shook his head, grabbing the petite fork and cutting off a piece to eat off the cheesecake. He motioned for her to open her mouth, letting her bite down before taking it back.
She covered her mouth while her eyes twitched at how sweet it was. He laughed, brushing her hair behind her ear as he ate a piece to share the feeling.
“It’s good but it’s so rich.”
At the second cafe they hit, they ordered two drinks that came with bears that hung onto their straws. When removing the straws, the bears fell into the drink.
“This is so you.” She looked over at him, pouting as he watched the bear drown in whipped cream. She patted his cheek while smiling. “Cheer up.”
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After all the cafes they visited, it was time to head to the surprise Seokmin had for her. They walked the rest of the way after parking their car, except it was entirely uphill from there.
“Do you wanna take a breath?” He stopped for her, placing his hand on her shoulder for support.
“I'm fine. We have to hurry anyways, right?” She brushed it off, continuing to walk the rest of the distance with him hand in hand.
When they finally arrived, she couldn’t believe her eyes.
“The sky capsule!” She almost forgot how short of breath she was. She let out a squeal before grabbing his arm.
She mentioned months ago that her sister's husband had taken her to the sky capsule for a trip. She said it was so romantic and Eden was happy that Evelyn had married a good man that treated her right.
“They say it’s better to come at this time so we can watch the sunset.” He smiled, looking at her facial expressions for reassurance.
“I don’t know what to say. I love it!” She jumped on her feet, pulling on the collar of his coat. “I love it so much!”
The waiting was agonizing for Eden. She couldn’t wait to just sit there and watch the sunset, forgetting about all their worries for even just a little bit.
Once they finally boarded a blue cart and got comfortable, they were able to gaze upon the city and the breathtaking sunset. Eden took pictures on her camera, before pulling out her phone and snapping a few with that too.
He took it upon himself to surprise her, taking pictures of her looking out the glass windows at the water. When she realized what he was doing, she took a picture of him as he was capturing her. They were both holding their matching cameras, their matching straps, and matching clothes.
She put her things down on the bench, quickly sitting next to him before she could lose her balance. He pulled her legs up, setting them over his lap as he wrapped an arm around her. He kissed her temple, smiling as he rubbed his hand on her knee.
“This is perfect. Thank you so much.” Eden looked into his genuine eyes, falling in love all over again. She pecked his cheek as she placed her hand over his on her knee.
“Happy birthday, baby.” He pushed her hair that was covering her cheek before kissing it. Her face was chilly from the temperature outside so he pressed his cheek against hers.
She locked her fingers with his, looking out the window at the sunset. “You can see the people down there. And the water looks gorgeous reflecting the sun. It’s pretty, isn’t it?”
“It is. But I think you’re the prettiest.” He smirked at his own cockiness. She dropped her head before giggling.
“You always have to take it there.” She looked back up at him, studying his eyes and features.
“You know I always will.” He let go of her hand, holding her cheek and pressing his forehead against hers. “Because it’s the truth.”
“Always the truth?”
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Their beautiful day had finally set into night. They filled their tummies at a restaurant that was close to the beach and made plans to take a walk to sober up. They didn’t drink an excessive amount of wine, but they wanted to take in the beauty of the bridge and the beach.
It was dark, the beach being lit up by the surrounding city and bridge lights. Eden and Seokmin walked as close as they could to the water without getting wet. It was definitely chilly, but the warmth and love that they shared for each other that day made them forget all about their surroundings.
“Remember when we came here last year? With Joshua?” She spoke up, watching the waves crash onto the sand.
“Of course I do.” He smirked, bumping his shoulder into her.
“I bet the water is freezing right now.” She joked, pulling on his arm while acting as if she was heading straight into the water.
“Absolutely not.” He wrapped his arm around her neck to keep her from running away.
“You know I wouldn’t.” She rolled her eyes, hugging his waist as they continued walking along the beach. 
It was surprisingly alive at this time. People were setting off sparklers and even some were dipping their feet in the water, screaming from how cold it was.
He turned to face her, walking backwards as he grabbed both of her hands. “Let’s sit, yeah?”
“We’re gonna get sand on our butts.” He plopped down without hesitation, never letting go of her hands. He helped her to sit next to him without hurting herself or her butt. “I’ll dust yours off if you dust off mine.”
Seokmin took a couple moments to take pictures of the things around them before removing the camera from his neck, setting it in his bag that was next to him.
He threw his head back, breathing in the scent with his eyes closed. She looked over at him, a smile creeping onto her face as she gazed at the love of her life.
He opened one of his eyes to see her staring at him. She giggled when he took notice, facing forward. He used his fingers to turn her chin back to him, capturing her lips with a smirk.
She kissed him back, her hands gently brushing his wrist as she drowned everything else out. As they both pulled away, they had the most sincere smiles on their faces.
He licked his lips out of habit, driving Eden insane without even knowing it. “So I got you another gift.”
“You really didn’t have to get me anything else-“ 
“Well, it’s more like a gift for us.” Seokmin scratched the back of his neck, getting more nervous as he dug through his bag that he carried along for the day.
She watched as he pulled out a jewelry box, shifting his body to face her.
“Baby.” She could only utter one word, shock taking over her as he opened the box. The box had a light that casted onto the two rings. There was a thin ring topped with diamonds that spread all around the band, as well as a thicker one beneath it, meant for Seokmin.
“They are promise rings for us.” He watched as she looked between him and the rings, wanting to speak but nothing coming out. “I probably went a bit over the top but I figured you deserve all the best diamonds in the world.”
Tears began to pool in her eyes, Seokmin tilting his head like a puppy and pouting. “Don’t cry. This is a happy moment.”
She choked down a sob as she put her hand on his leg. Her head dropped, letting the tears fall on their own so she didn’t ruin her makeup.
He put the box down, pulling her into a hug and rubbing her back with his hand. “Hey now, E.”
She pulled back, using her sleeve to wipe her tears while laughing at herself. “I’m sorry.”
He helped her wipe her tears away with his finger before stroking her cheek. She closed her eyes, leaning into his touch as he pressed his forehead against hers.
“There is no one else I’d rather be with.” He whispered to calm her down. “It’s always gonna be you. Always.”
He widened the distance between them, picking the box back up and taking her ring out. He carefully grabbed her hand as if it was the most fragile thing in the world. “May I?”
He brought her hand up to his lips, kissing the back of her hand before sliding the ring on her finger.
She bit the inside of her cheek, admiring the ring as it twinkled through her teary eyes. She quickly blinked away the tears, sniffling as she reached for the box and grabbed the other band.
“I love you so much. Forever and always.” She did just as he did, kissing the back of his hand and sliding the ring on his finger. She studied the band that paired well with the ring he shared with his group.
The couple was taken off guard during their moment, being surprised with loud fireworks being set off under the bridge in the distance. She screamed at the sudden boom, slapping her hand against her mouth before cracking up into laughter.
“Did you know this was gonna happen?” She pointed to the fireworks, snorting at how they got scared.
“No, I really didn’t!” He waved his hands, his eyes curling into a smile as he spoke louder for her to hear him. 
She was past the point of crying. She was so overwhelmed with joy and happiness to even let tears escape her eyes anymore. The fireworks were beautiful, even jumping every time there was a long stretch without them and suddenly being reignited.
She grabbed his hand, placing her other on top of it to keep them warm. Nothing else mattered in the world. It was just him and her as if time was frozen. This trip was enough proof to them that they’d be together for a long time. She finally leaned her head against his shoulder as they watched the firework show. He turned his head to press kisses onto her temple before tilting his own head against hers. It was a good 15 minutes before it quieted down, Eden being able to relax without the loud noises.
She bit her lip, removing her head and looking at him until they shared eye contact. She adored his brown eyes and his ginger hair. All his features. Even the chocolate chip mole she could never forget. Her attention fell to his lips for a few seconds before kissing him passionately. It was different from all the kisses they shared today. It had desire.
She didn’t realize how tight she was gripping onto his coat until they pulled away to catch their breath. “Let’s head back now?”
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abbatoirablaze · 11 months
Locked Up, Chapter 12
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: anxiety, mentions of drug addicts.
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The glass that broke outside of your office made you jump so high that Jake shifted in his bed.  Shivers ran up your spine as you listened for the growing sound of inmates clamoring over each other and the broken glass windows to get whatever drugs they could get their hands on.
“Junkies,” Lloyd growled, a sneer present on his face, “fucking junkies…”
Your throat ran dry, and you clung to Lloyd’s side.  Jake bit his lip and reached out for you.  Quietly you slipped up onto the hospital bed and lay with him, being extremely careful to make sure that you were lying on the side opposite his injuries.
“We got you, baby.” Jake sighed, kissing the top of your head, “you’re safe here with us.”
“Nothing is going to happen,” Lloyd promised as he stood up and moved to the other side of the hospital bed.  He grabbed your chair and sat down in it, then slid over to the side of the hospital bed so that he was close enough to comfort both you and Jake.  He was quick to grab each of your hands and kiss yours and Jake’s knuckles, “no one is going to hurt either of you.  Not a damn soul is going to touch a hair on either one of your heads…you hear me?”
But even while you had no doubts of Lloyd’s promises, as the voices from the inmates that were invading the medical wing got louder, your heart felt like it was nearly beating out of your chest.  It raced faster than a hummingbird, and your anxiety was nearly to the ceiling. 
Heavy footfalls brushed past your office, and you heard the inmates screaming about wanting to get whatever they could get their hands on.
Your stomach was twisting in knots as you thought about the inmates acquiring not just the drugs, but using your very tools as weapons to assist them in fighting off whoever they would need to in the riot. 
And then you heard numerous arguments.
People fighting over the drugs and weapons.
But your blood ran cold when you heard someone’s voice.
“Where’s that pretty little thing that always runs around like a nervous bird?” one asked, “that sexy little uptight cunt that Hansen has been trying to get his hands on.”
“Think she’s working today?” another voice chimed in, “I’d fuck the hell out of that little Disney-looking princess.  Fuck the angel straight out of her.”
You saw the color draining from Lloyd’s face as his grip got a little tighter. 
“Fuck that bitch right into next week and leave her dripping, begging for more.”
You leaned forward, reaching out with your other hand towards him.  You could see just how much violence and anger was just beneath the surface with your boyfriend as he listened to the inmates discussing what they would do to you if they found you.  You quietly wheeled him into your arms and buried your face in his neck, “please…we need you in here, Lloyd.”
“I’ll kill them all,” he growled, half in his own possessive thoughts, over the idea that other inmates were talking about how they would fuck you given the chance, “fucking animals…”
“Baby!” Jake begged, squeezing Lloyd’s other hand.  He leaned forward, and you noticed how Lloyd didn’t catch the smallest wince that left Jake’s lips as he reached out for him, “we need you in here with us…please…you’ll keep us safe.”
Jake’s voice seemed to bring him out of whatever psychotic rampage was going on in his own mind as he turned to look at you and Jake. 
His gaze softened and he nodded at the two of you, “I’m not going anywhere…my prince and princess need me here…you need to lay back down buttercup…can’t risk you getting hurt.”
“We do!” you agreed softly, “we need you here keeping us safe, Lloyd.”
“No one is going to get into here…” he reminded them, “no one is going to hurt either one of you.”
“In all fairness you kind of failed on that promise,” Jake joked, trying to make light of the situation, “I mean, I was already stabbed…sooo...”
“You’re such a brat!” Lloyd growled at his boyfriend.
Jake smiled, sticking his tongue out at the older man, causing Lloyd’s growl to get huskier.
“If you’re going to stick your tongue out then it better be going into one of our holes,” Lloyd grumbled, adding the cheeky comment as his own way of making a joke as he pointed to himself and you, “and since both of us are still clothed-“
“Hey…my gown allows for easy access!” Jake smirked, cutting Lloyd off, “the fact that the two of you are still clothed is a problem all your own.”
The normally stoic inmate huffed, clearly unamused with Jake’s comment, “and as you so eloquently reminded us, you’re a stabbing victim.  I have to wait to stab you with something else until you’re healed.”
“Kinky…” Jake smirked, waggling his eyebrows at Lloyd, “I like it…”
You giggled from between your two boyfriends, happy for the last-second distraction.  It almost made the noises outside of the room feel like white noise. 
“What are you laughing at?” Lloyd asked cheekily, “you’re locked in a room with two inmates who have nothing but time on their hands while a riot happens…”
“That I do…” you smiled, “you know…if it lasts more than a few days…I could think of a number of things we could do…I mean…I was told that you promised Jake he could do something before you…I don’t think he’d be in much pain if I just kept him laid back and rode him through the riots…”
Jake smirked cheekily, “I’m all for that!”
Lloyd smiled, “god, I love the two of you…”
“And you seem to think you’re getting out of here sooner rather than later,” you reminded him, “the last few times I’ve seen you all you’ve done is mention these government contacts of yours.”
“Yeah…” he laughed nervously, “about that…I uh-spoke with a contact…and my charges were supposed to formally disappear within the next 72 hours…there’s something happening in Russia that they need my help with…”
You frowned, heart dropping into the pit of your stomach, “y-you’re leaving?”
“Not just me,” he smiled, looking between his boyfriend and girlfriend, “I-well I made sure that a certain someone’s records would be scrubbed as well…for my cooperation.”
You gasped, hearing the words coming from Lloyd’s mouth as he stared at Jake.  Jake teared up as he looked at his boyfriend, “you-you’re having them scrub my records?”
Lloyd nodded as he bit his lip, “I-I couldn’t leave the man and woman that I loved behind…”
Both you and Jake gasped, surprised to hear the words falling from his lips.
“You love us?”
Lloyd chuckled and looked away from the two of you, “come on guys…don’t make it weird.  You both know that I love you two.  I mean it’s not like-“
“But that’s the first time you’ve ever said it,” Jake said quickly as he cut Lloyd off, “I mean…you and Lila…you two both said that you love me…”
“We do.”
“I-I love you guys too…” Jake smiled, goofily thinking about how everyone had finally said the words aloud.
“You guys are really leaving?” you asked, looking between the two of them.  Part of you was happy that they were going to get out of the jail, but there was a much larger part of you that was concerned the more you processed it, “y-you’re leaving?”
Lloyd’s smile faded as he realized your dazed look and your hollow tone.  You barely noticed as he dropped yours and Jake’s hand before gripping your face, cupping it between his fingers, “hey…we’re not leaving you behind, sunshine…you’re coming with us.”
Your eyes widened, “Wh-what?”
Jake reached down and took your hand, causing you to look between your boyfriends, “we aren’t leaving you behind baby…right Lloyd?”
“I’m taking both of you out of this hell-hole,” he confirmed, “I wasn’t joking when I told you the last time I was here, angel…I hope you got your doctoring out of the way.  Because the three of us are going to disappear together…and we’re not ever looking back.”
Chapter 13
Tag List:  @lohnes16, @prokey16, @tenaciousperfectionunknown, @teambarnes72, @cjand10
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