#sure maybe chloe doesn't know whats really going on but she knows that this whole asshole tough guy thing is an act
zoe-oneesama · 1 year
On a serious note, why do you not like Derision? I mean, I can guess why, but I’m genuinely curious to hear your thoughts (if you want to).
What have they done to my boy?!
I guess we'll start with the whole "trauma" thing since that's how the episode starts - with Marinette going on a date with Adrien at the pool but constantly getting heart palpitations at the very idea of it. And not good lovey-dovey crush ones like Sabine thinks. The Actual Panic Attack kind.
This just feels unnecessary AND too late. Unnecessary because there are plenty of pre-established reasons why Marinette could be hesitant to go all in with Adrien (Being Ladybug, the 354th other times going for Adrien has failed or left her humiliated, Being Ladybug). So I don't know why they invented a trauma for her in the final hour and didn't think it was worth talking about before now?
They really came up with this whole scheme to explain why Marinette does Marinette things, like learning Adrien's schedule, planning out everything before she tries to make a move, needing to know everything about him, as if the show hasn't been mocking her for these exact traits and allowing them to blow up in her face over and over again. But NOW it's due to her TRAUMA. So...retroactively when her friends laughed at her or slapped their foreheads in frustration or the show framed her failures as a joke...we know it's actually from a tragic place and can't laugh anymore.
I mean, I was never laughing, but you get what I mean. They framed it like it was part of the comedy and now they're pulling the rug out from under themselves. How are you supposed to laugh when Adrien brings Marinette constipation medicine, or when her pictures of him are blasted all over Paris Television, or the *ugh* Statue Scene plays out and now you know that this is just adding to her pre-existing trauma? They have shot the show's rewatch value.
I never thought Marinette needed a "reason" act the way she was because those were always just kinda The Things Teenage Girls Do when they have a crush. I've admitted in the past to learning my crush's class schedule just to orchestrate running into each other in the hallways more often, and if their crush had public interviews and magazine pictures, I'm pretty sure most kids would also cut out their pictures to keep and would read and remember the interviews. I never really saw her behavior as that weird for a girl her age with a crush and recognize some cartoon exaggeration.
...Stealing his phone was a little weird, though, I'll give them that though Alya is the one who suggested it first...
SO, we enter a long flashback to One Year Ago (with Marinette now on her third Almost-Akumatization, good lord) and learn what life was like for Marinette pre-Origins, and oh boy. It's hell. She's making up illnesses to avoid school, avoiding all contact with anyone in the courtyard, having cockroaches put in her locker, having the Principal catch her "late" for class (after she had to clean herself up from a water prank), gets yelled at by the teacher for being late, sits in paint, mocked in class and then yelled at again by the teacher for pointing out the person mocking her probably planted it, and gets Saturday detention. All in one day. And when anyone tries to talk to her or even glares at the person responsible, they get threatened too.
The main reason this is hell is because Marinette is being let down by every single adult in her life. Sabine just laughs and tells Marinette that she only has a few weeks left with Chloe and it's not like she'll be in the same class as her next year.🙃 Well, why don't you make SURE she doesn't?! Maybe this is just an American vs French school thing, but where I come from, it's totally within your rights to request that your child not be put in the same class as someone else, they could at least put in a throw away line about her parents TRYING to move her, but Chloe's not allowing it JUST to keep Marinette close to her. And maybe take this a little more seriously, Sabine- your daughter is faking illness to avoid One. Girl. That should be concerning, not "lol my daughter is so silly for trying to get out of class."
Damocles finds Marinette and yells at her for being "constantly late" and praising the "anonymous notes" (signed by Chloe -_-) for always alerting him when she's behind, and then later gives her Saturday detention for...someone clearly planting paint on her desk chair? He sees a victim of bullying and punishes her for it. At the end of the episode he even suspends Socqueline for something that happened outside of school, yet in "Jubilation" she's pumping him up as The Best Principal?! Does this show thinks we're stupid or something?!
Mendeleiev also yells at Marinette for being late. She allows Chloe to make fun of Marinette for looking depressed when she comes in and allows Chloe to mock Marinette for sitting in paint, but when Marinette doesn't even stand up for herself but just accuses Chloe of putting the paint there, THEN Mendeleiev has something to say, and it's to Marinette? For "groundlessly" accusing the only person in the room laughing at Marinette, the one who was just making fun of her, the one who kept her eyes on Marinette so she could watch her sit in the paint?
Marinette tells Socqueline that all the adults are scared of Chloe, but that's not what I saw. Sure, at the end of the episode Damocles is afraid when Chloe pulls a "Lady Wifi" to force him to punish Socqueline for smashing Sabrina's phone, but the sequence of events played out more like the adults participating in the bullying. It wasn't like Damocles was sympathetic to Marinette and then Chloe cleared her throat, so he straightened up nervously and started berating Marinette. It wasn't like Marinette accused Chloe and then Chloe glared at Mendeleiev, forcing her to finally intervene. All the adults see what's going on and are either completely oblivious or don't care.
Also, Chloe totally unprompted says this:
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GET A LIFE, what is your PROBLEM?! Like, why have a flashback episode and not have it explain what Chloe's fixation on Marinette even is?! It doesn't have to be big or anything! Like, have Marinette trip and spill something on Chloe in art class! Just do something!
And like, I totally get that irl bullies just choose their targets for no real reason and this is just another example of that, but to this level?! Just...get a hobby!
And then there's the big thing they did in this stupid episode. The unforgivable. The reprehensible.
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This fucking guy.
It's been so long since we've seen Bully Kim that I was pretty sure he was left behind entirely on the draft floor. Sure, Kim is still capable of being insensitive or not thinking long-term, but he was a good kid. He roots for his friends and wants everyone to have a good time.
Hell, I could even buy that Kim was dumb enough to believe Chloe when she claims what he did was a funny practical joke that they'd all laugh about later...until Socqueline came up and yelled at him that he should be ashamed of himself.
And Ondine yelled at him in the present that he should be ashamed of himself.
And it's a year later and he should have realized by now that he should be ashamed of himself.
Kim is dumb, that's just a fact, but the way he doubles down and is so sure of himself that NO it's everyone ELSE who has a problem because they can't take a JOKE? Like...why?! Why did they co-sign on this character assassination?!
Just make him become akumatized because he's A S H A M E D of what he did now that he's finally sitting down and thinking about it a year later! He can keep the same look and motif, just have Monarch stroke the part of him that doesn't want him to be the jerk, the old Kim! It's totally normal, especially for a kid, to want to believe that they're not the bad guy even with all the evidence pointing to it, so I could even see the akuma being exactly the same.
But naur, it's KIM who talks like a right-wing podcast douche bag, complaining that you can't just speak your mind these days and everyone needs to get a sense of humor, they just don't GET it man, this is just how he IS brah, take it or leave it! His akuma's even named "Dark Humor", like edgy losers on reddit who make racist/sexist jokes and then get mad when he's downvoted and boo'd out of a forum. God, we just CAN'T TAKE A JOKE I guess.
I'm glad this is resolved by Ladybug gluing a toilet to his head.
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I just...I feel like this could've worked in Season 1, or Season 2. Like...put it before Dark Cupid or before Syren or something. That way, Kim being a total douche is the starting point of his character arc, not the Season 5 Post-Hero Run point, ugh.
It'd also make this stupid line make more sense:
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I'm sorry, the girl who got you akumatized after she humiliated you in nearly the same way you humiliated Marinette? I guess that was "just a prank bro" too, right?
Establish Marinette's problems with romance early, so she can overcome them or at least give them the proper context. It'd at least make the show look better if they hadn't made fun of her for 4 Seasons only to drop this bombshell on us at the end. You know...the thing that they just did.
This episode just isn't fun. I hated "Illusion" because all you get to see is the bad guys winning and outsmarting the heroes, but "Derision" is a marathon of seeing the absolute misery Marinette was put through, just to jump forward to the present to destroy a character that I really liked.
Would a kid even like this episode?
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pristinekanesays · 2 years
🦋Life Is Strange: How It's Like Sleeping Next To Them.
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🦋 some sappy headcanons 'cause im bored
🐺 GN!Reader, no specific pronouns are mentioned!
🦋 warnings: cutesy romantic stuff eugh, swearing, nathan's dad being a sexist asshole, nightmares.
🎧A/N: I bought Before The Storm but I'm not a big fan of the Remastered versions of Life Is Strange, it just doesn't feel the same? I love the blank faces while someone is literally dying.
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🦋Chloe Price:
♡ Usually wakes up on her stomach but falls asleep on her back.
ツIt's literally a nightmare to sleep beside her, she snores, turns and tosses the whole night and talks in her sleep.
♡ Listens to music while she falls asleep, headphones in or playing on her radio alarm clock.
ツSurprisingly, not a blanket stealer, she literally kicks any sort of warmth off of her at night because she moves around so much.
♡ Nightmares, in Before The Storm and Life Is Strange, they're just not as vivid and real as they were before. She wakes up and checks if you're still there, it's comforting for her to see you asleep.
ツIt's rare for her to fall asleep at a healthy time and even if she does, she'll wake up A LOT during the night.
♡ She tends to sleep in a lot and accidentally (sometimes purposely) leaves people/you on read because she rarely hears the notifications.
ツHeavy sleeper.
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🍂Kate Marsh:
♡ Falls asleep on her back and wakes up on her back.
ツShe's like a calm mother bird, will play with your hair and you can't tell me she wouldn't fucking softly sing you to sleep. (oh my god)
♡ It helps her sleep when you're there, she likes looking at you and thinking about how grateful she is.
ツWill talk to you for hours when she should really be sleeping, talking about her drawings, classes or the bird she saw like last month.
♡ She tries to make sure to fall asleep at a healthy time, she plans her day out but is sometimes so busy studying that she completely forgets.
ツDepends on the day if she's a blanket stealer that night, if it's warm, she sees no need for any blankets but if it's freezing cold then you're the one suffering.
♡ Light sleeper, like you get up and suddenly she's getting up with you.
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📷Max Caulfield:
♡ Falls asleep on her side or her back but always wakes up on her back.
ツIt's not that bad sleeping next to Max, she'll maybe move a little during the night but nothing super major.
♡ HUGE blanket stealer, she knows what she's doing and will just smile and laugh if you confront her.
ツShe'll decide on sleeping then suddenly she needs to look something up or study and forgets that she needs sleep to survive until an hour or so later.
♡ Falls asleep pretty easily but if she can't she'll just wait a few minutes then go on a whole rant about her day and how she was hanging with Chloe the whole time.
ツSort of a light sleeper, if you need to go anywhere you've gotta crawl there or something.
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🎭Rachel Amber:
♡ Falls asleep on her side and wakes up on her back.
ツLike Victoria, she has a whole routine before bed. Skincare, posting and scrolling through her socials, listening to music.
♡ Not a blanket stealer thankfully but she can be though depending on the temperature.
ツShe can also spend hours talking to you like Kate does, mainly talking about how drama's going for her or how badly she wants to leave Arcadia Bay.
♡ She mainly sticks to her healthy sleep schedule with no interruptions unless something major happens, like when she found out her dad was cheating on her mom. (pretty understandable.)
ツShe's a heavy sleeper, you gotta shake her a few times like she's a fucking salt shaker.
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🎬 Victoria Chase:
♡ Oh jesus, she sleeps in ANY position like she could be hanging off the bed and still fall asleep. Mostly falls asleep on her back though, wakes up basically on the floor.
ツTakes hours doing her skincare and her skin is honestly GLOWING afterwards, face masks, expensive ass skin creams in those teeny tiny bottles, soft music playing in the background.
♡ BLANKET STEALER, BLANKET STEALER! Like she'll pull the blanket off of you while you're still awake and act extremely confused when you look at her with an annoyed look.
ツShe can maybe gossip a little before she falls asleep halfway during the conversation, you know because she starts sleep talking about the most random shit.
♡ Sticks to her sleep schedule, no matter what. Like there could be a whole loud ass fight in the hall but she just rolls her eyes or picks a fight with them before falling asleep.
ツHeavy sleeper, she has to set a shit ton of alarms and only you/Nathan know because she's really embarrassed about it.
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🎮Warren Graham:
♡ Dorky dork who falls asleep on his stomach and wakes up on his back or halfway off of the bed.
ツRoutine? Skincare? Nah, he's just a natural cutie.
♡ Moves a lot during the night and accidentally smacked the shit out of you once during the night, he was actually worried but nervously laughing the whole time, sleep talks a lot about the funniest, weirdest shit ever.
ツNah, not a blanket stealer.
♡ Shitty fucking sleep schedule, he's always up studying or playing video games and you'll wake up at 4AM and he's still playing or he's somehow fell asleep with the controller still in his hands.
ツOn a good day, he'll be asleep by 2:30AM but on a bad day he's probably pulling an all nighter.
♡ Heavy sleeper, like scream in his ear and his body will shift a little but he's (still) asleep
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🧨Nathan Prescott:
♡ Can't believe I feel bad for this man but he'll pick a position and stick with it the whole night.
ツHis dad's a fucking asshat who told him doing skincare as a man is bad, but he takes care of his skin privately and feels really guilty about it after.
♡ Okay, everyone I write for has to hold you or be held in some way while sleeping but Nathan is on a WHOLE different level. An arm wrapped tightly around you that won't move no matter what, his head tucked into your neck or his leg wrapped around your waist. (no, no..why is he attractive??)
ツNightmares, really terrifying nightmares that are so fucking specific and vivid. He wakes up shaking and goes back to sleep (if he ever does) shaking.
♡ Blanket? Fuck your needs, the blankets his now.
ツHORRIBLE SLEEP SCHEDULE?! Like he's up at 5AM smoking weed and slumped over a chair with his eyes closed.
♡ All nighters sometimes, normally falls asleep at 4AM or later. (teach him how to sleep, wtf.)
ツLight sleeper, he wakes up immediately when he hears you moving and instantly thinks you're gonna leave and become a banana or something (dumbass dude)
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Was musing on how the identity reveals in Duchess and M-Trio would look from an outsider perspective.
Like with the latter, it may not be noticed too much. Some observers note the team seems a little awkward. Maybe they are seen bickering in an Akuma battle a bit more than usual. But mostly people just figure its some growing pains stuff and will pass.
My rationale here being that despite Nino's history with Chloe & deeming her a brat he did still have her as part of group stuff he was in charge of. Meanwhile Alya may dislike her but she lacks any significant history with her beyond "Is a dick to my friend."
So a lot of it is more like "OK fine, she's not a bad bee but why was she picked?" & generally trying to get used to the idea.
Duchess & Ladybug however, that is much more obvious.
Cos as @generalluxun said both Chloe & Marinette tend to yeet affection at their loved one's when they do get physical. & with less 'serious' flirting and both being girls I could easily see them being quite affectionate with each other.
Then it suddenly just stopping.
Suddenly they are always quite far apart Suddenly Duchess is a lot less cocky and chatty & Ladybug is even more all business. Suddenly Duchess is a lot ore risk tasking and self destructive in battles & even more inclined to fawn though be it at a distance on her partner & do as she's told. Possibly to the point where it risks getting her really hurt & leads to a sort of:
"Isn't this what you want?"
"Just because- Just... Stop getting yourself hurt over this!"
Most people think Duchess chose to shoot her shot and got rejected. Or that there was some big dramatic unseen confrontation with a villain and someone had to make a call and its damaged the partnership.
Oh yeah no like
In M-Trio, there's a combination of like. Nino doesn't particularly /like/ Chloé, but they've rarely had direct beef and he's more chill and (unlike Mari) he is very aware that parents can be shitty and kids will act out because of it. So his reaction to Chloé being Queen Bee is pretty easy for him to roll with.
Alya has a slightly trickier time with it because she's very ride or die with Mari and was already projecting her own experiences with other bully types on Chloé. But she's also equally ride or die with Queen Bee and while it takes her a minute to really connect the two and connect like. She'll look at something 'Chloé' says that usually would be taken as insult because oh she's just a mean bully but actively shift her perspective to think of 'Queen Bee' saying it and realizing that a solid chunk of Chloé's words are just her being bad with people and not really knowing how things should work(granted she's also often trying to be mean, but there's plenty where she's just. Stating something. Or trying to express her dislike/displeasure. And it comes out so wrong that people get offended.) So yeah it trips her up but it takes a minute.
Meanwhile in Duchess Noire:
Mari's whole black and white mentality gets absolutely shattered with a fucking cannon. Because 'Chloé' is 'bad' but 'Duchess' is 'good' and she surely can't be both 'good' and 'bad'...... right?
And it takes. It takes a lot of unpacking. And for her hearing C/DN say something she's always imagining the other and how she'd interpret them saying it and it's driving her goddamn nuts because no that's that's not right something has to be going on here one of these has to be fake.
On the flipside, Chloé completely click that Mari and LB are the same person. But now she's just like 'god you're so fucking perfect and I'm afraid of rejection let's do whatever to please you and make you like me!'
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fairycosmos · 4 months
sorry for the #UKthings rant but ive gone private for mental health stuff but are trying to get my foot in the door with public stuff because i cant afford mental health over stuff like, having food to eat, but ohhhh my god. nhs please. next week will be week five of an eight week deal (maybe some kind of assessment? i'm not sure what the exact point is) where i have a meeting with a mental health nurse and there is nothing more demoralizing on my journey to more stable mental health than hearing from her that all it seems i do is push people away and reject help. i'm sorry that saying that i dont think downloading an app is going to help me!! especially since i've already got one that i have been using. lol. i've tried to determine what it is she can actually do to help me because i feel like this whole thing is wasting both of our times but all i really get is "well i'm a mental health nurse not a psychiatrist so i can't help with that" OKAY !!!!! what CAN you do!!!! god. god . chloe do you know what a mental health nurse's role is? do any of your followers know??? how am i meant to work with her best rn i really dont know...
omg no honestly i could go on about this FOREVER!!!! but for ur sanity i won't. i'm so so sorry they're messing you around like this when it comes to something as serious as your health - i've had very similiar experiences and honestly at this point i see our healthcare system as nothing but a cardboard charade rather than a system that seeks to provide genuine support to people but that's a whole other thing. i'm on like a million waiting lists for various different things and i think if i do end up getting through to someone it is very much going to mirror your experience i.e dull platitudes and empty promises. they expect you to download a mediation app and get over severe mental illness and the fact that you're struggling with that is truly reflective of them and the state of the country - not you or your ability to heal/get over things/whatever other bullshit expectation they force onto us. i haven't worked with a mental health nurse since i was like 17 for this exact reason like they do not offer the consistent, in-depth and intensive help a lot of us need and their answer to everything is to try yoga or drink more water and it's like, how are you even SUPPOSED to work with that?? one thing i will say is that venting to these people and just letting that be their position in your life - to let you get off some steam - is somewhat helpful but obviously doesn't confront the underlying issues. through this she may come to understand that you showing up to these frustrating sessions and talking IS you trying, is proof of you not "rejecting help." it's wild she would even imply that honestly. i genuinely hope you find a treatment plan that actually does delve into why you feel this way and what you can proactively do about it - which you do deserve, but i know it's not super realistic to think that the nhs in its current state is going to provide you with. it sucks and it feels so fucking hopeless, i've never even entertained the idea of getting serious help for yrs because of this and i totally get it. if you need a friend or someone to talk to about this, please don't hesitate to send me a message fr. i feel like we're in super similar positions rn and it truly is its own type of hell. x
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jacquesthepigeon · 2 years
Saw someone point out that arguably the worst aspect of the finale is how much of Gabriel's victory depended on Marinette deciding to allow it. Like she COULD have told everyone he was Monarch, or even just refuse to back him up. But she doesn't tell anyone aside from Alya and maybe Su-Han, I think? She lets everyone believe that Gabriel died helping Ladybug, and even pulls another Queen Wasp but maybe worse? While she insisted on Chloe and Audrey being together and giving it a shot, she's actively gaslighting Adrien into thinking his dad wasn't abusive. Nathalie and Tomoe don't interfere. Its implied that Felix literally CAN'T tell Adrien- but he DOES seem to tell Kagami. Who does nothing with it. Felix is also the one who spells out Gabriel's identity to Maribug and encourages her to end him at any cost in the first place.
Honestly it just goes to show how far the show takes sympathy for horrible men and the lengths they go to to fulfill their dumb Marinette Mistake Quota. In the first place, they’ve never actually acknowledged any of the parents as unrepentant abusers, they just frame them as parents that take discipline too far (ffs there’s a difference between being strict and being abusive but the show doesn’t want to touch on that), in Gabriel’s case, because he “cares too much”. Therefore, since Gabriel acts out of his own trauma or whatever, we should feel sympathy towards him and understand that his treatment towards Adrien stems from love 🥹 (not to be confused for when female characters act out of trauma, those deserve to rot). Combine this mentality with how everything Marinette does, no matter how objective or logical, is a world-ending mistake and you get the finale. She can’t win. She can have small victories, sure, but she can never win in the big picture. She always has to bend to what the universe’s demands, and what it demands is an shock value ending where the sympathetic villain is remembered as a hero and Marinette has once again made a mistake. She’s doomed by the narrative but not even on purpose. The narrative wants to make a joke out of her and pander to it’s now dead male villain, who is sympathetic just in case you forgot, and make the whole thing her fault. And you can be damned sure it’s going to be her fault. Because she has to make a mistake. The narrative doesn’t know how to move its story along otherwise. Another detail I almost forgot to mention is that Adrien is set up so he never gets a true happy ending from the start. The crew didn’t seem to consider this before settling on the plot the show would take so now they’re left scrambling for a way that their poor little uwu golden boy remains untainted by the realities of his family situation and the plot in general. So they temporarily remove him from the picture so he doesn’t have to face the truth, have his mom brought back as if she never went missing so he doesn’t have to face the truth, and have his horrible father remembered as a hero so, you guessed it, he doesn’t have to face the truth. In a way, Adrien’s very existence as a character that must never change is to blame for all of this. Because he can’t make any hard choices, because he can’t take any initiative, because he can’t face the truth.
I’m sure it’ll all explode at some point down the line and it’ll be portrayed simply as another one of Marinette’s mistakes rather than what it really is: cowardly writing.
TL;DR: the mess that is the finale is most probably due to the crew feeling overly sympathetic towards the villain, wanting to meet their Marinette Mistake Quota, and wanting golden boy to stay ignorant of the situation surrounding his family.
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awakefor48hours · 1 year
The Maribug Fic -- Rewritten
[Fanfiction.net] || [AO3]
[Chapter 2 >]
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug Relationship: Maribug/Ladynette Tags: Crack fic, No beta, I will update this every time someone asks Characters: Marinette Dupain Cheng | Ladybug, Adrien Agreste | Cat Noir (more to be added later) No warnings
Summary: Cat Noir asks Ladybug an important but difficult question to answer. So she tells him a ridiculous lie. What's the worst that could happen?
Woohoo, I'm stable enough to write this. If you don't know, last year, I tried to write a Maribug fic but I was fighting some of the worst depression in my life and I could tell the fanfiction was suffering because of that. But I'm better now. Also, this is going to take place at the same time as the original fanfiction (a little before Kwami's Choice special and a little after Elation). Now without further, onto the crack.
Cat Noir and Ladybug were sitting on a roof of a building watching the sunset after spending the day on patrol. Fortunately, there wasn't much disturbance today. Just a few kittens stuck in trees.
"I wish patrol was like this every day, M'Lady." Cat Noir commented.
"I do too but as we both know, that unrealistic." She then stood up about to leave only for Cat Noir to stop her.
"Before you go, M'Lady, can I ask you a question?"
She turned to face him and just said "yeah, sure, go ahead."
"Okay, so I've been wondering... why have you only given a Miraculous to Marinette Dupain Cheng once?"
Other than being Multimouse, technically speaking... she has given a Miraculous to Marinette Dupain Cheng. In fact, she's given a lot of Miraculouses to Marinette Dupain Cheng. But of course he wouldn't know that.
"Cat, don't you remember? I can't give a Miraculous to Marinette Dupain Cheng. We both know her identity!"
Cat Noir scratched the back of his head. "I know about that but this isn't the first time we've both known the identity of a holder. We both know Ryuko's identity, Bunnyx's identity, Pegasus's identity." Why did he have to make good arguments now? "In fact, when you gave Chloe the Bee Miraculous, the whole world knew her identity. Not to mention, along with being a great a holder of the Mouse Miraculous, she's one of the few people in Paris who still hasn't been akumatized." Not an easy task. "It's also doesn't hurt that her parents have the best bakery in all of Paris. So, I just don't understand why you gave her the Mouse Miraculous once."
She had to think of something to say but it was really hard. She wasn't expecting questions like this and he made some damn good points.
Think Marinette, think! What is a totally believable reason for not giving herself a Miraculous without blowing her identity?
"I, uh, have a crush on Marinette."
Was it too late to reveal her identity?
"You do!?" Cat Noir sat up in surprise but also... intrigue.
"Yeah... I... have... a... crush on... Marinette Dupain Cheng." What is she even saying? "So in order to stop myself from getting distracted on the job, I just... I just haven't given her another Miraculous."
She could see the gears turning in Cat Noir's head. He probably already saw through her lie. "That's actually a great decision!" Or maybe he didn't see through her lie. "You're already losing your composure just thinking about her."
"Yeah... I sure am!" She started gesturing wildly. "If I think about Marinette for too long, a villain could definitely take my Miraculous easily. So it's best that I just don't get distracted."
Cat Noir stood up and put a comforting hand on her shoulder. "You made such a great choice."
Ladybug laughed lightly. "You're, uh, not gonna tell anyone about this, right?"
Cat Noir took a step back and bowed at her. "Not even if the most heinous akuma tries to torture it out of me."
"Gooooood." She was thankful for that at least.
"I'll see you around, Ladybug." Was the last thing Cat Noir said to her before using his pole to catapult himself into the air, leaving Ladybug alone.
She watched him for a few moments before heading home herself. When dropped into her room, she detransformed and reality finally caught up to her and it hit her like a truck.
"AAAAA!" She screamed, then started her head against the wall. "I TOLD CAT NOIR I HAVE A CRUSH ON... MYSELF!"
She then tightly grabbed her hair, almost to the point of pulling it out. "This is a disaster! A disaster! A disaster! A DISASTER!"
Tikki flew to her eye level. "Calm down, Marinette. It's not the end of the world."
Marinette now focused on Tikki. "It might as well be! I already blew my chance at being with Adrien and now I just my chance at being with Cat Noir! I'M SO LAME!"
So glad I took that break because I'm already loving this rewrite more. (Also like my Adrichat fic, new chapter comes out when someone asks for it)
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goldenworldsabound · 1 year
As for my more in depth thoughts about Clayman's Revenge as a whole (as of chapter 18), putting below the cut due to including Tensura Light Novel spoilers (I'm not sure through which volume, I read through 20).
It is super fascinating to have two time looping people meet like this. It makes a lot of sense that the Hero (Chloe/Chronoa/Hinata at this point in time) is disturbed by something going differently - in this case, Orbic not being destroyed.
As a Clayman fan it does make me furious that her reaction is "oh? he saved the orcs? better go kick his ass-" fkjdsahf I do understand her concern though. We know as readers that the Orc Lord is a huge stepping stone for Rimuru, and without it, I wonder if he'll manage to get strong at all. I don't know that the Hero is aware of this though? Hinata might know about it but Chloe certainly does not. But Hinata wouldn't know the details I would imagine. In any case, it is definitely something the Hero would want to keep her eye on.
Interestingly Clayman doesn't know who she is. I think that's pretty telling - either he's not paying enough attention or she hasn't become known yet where we are in the timeline.
It's also wild that Clayman just tells her the truth. His reasoning is sound and he's in a tough spot. It works better than he knows it does, I bet, since she knows that's true. If he's paying attention, he should realize she knows about "the slime" too, and that should be quite sus to him. I'm not sure if he'll realize it though fkjdshfakja I know she threatened him to keep quiet but I do hope he tells Laplace at least. It would be good for his family to be aware of this.
He must have been so frightened afterwards though. He was toyed with and he knows it, and he thinks everyone was killed...but they're fine. Phew.
Let's talk about Ant! (it/it's pronouns yoooo)
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I included this panel because it actually highlights 2 fascinating things - one, Ant is STRONG and 2 it's clear Ant can understand what's being said and feel complex emotions in response. Ant doesn't like how Yamza talks about it, so Ant kicks his ass. Clayman meanwhile is like hehe my Ant is cute and this is not a problem that it's beating Yamza up
Particularly from later LN, we know that insectors are strong. I do wonder if Clayman could even name Ant without dying. An Orc is one thing. An Ant? An Insector? That's another entirely. Especially since it's already so strong.
I don't really have a point here but the Ant alone has a lot of potential to change things.
Not to mention, chapter 17 as well, Raine has now been basically told to go watch/work under Clayman. I'm very curious to see how that plays out. He did kind of tell her to fuck off in 16 (I need to reread it esp now that we have official translation). She will be such a troublesome subordinate for him if she does end up working under him!
AND we love to see the Milim friendship - I'm hoping that even if Clayman does get Kondo'd (bitch) that Milim will see it and rescue him.
My last thought here is...how will Clayman awaken? It seems to be a key thing we're building towards so I suspect it will happen. But how, without character development integrity loss? He understands that souls are involved now. And that seems to be the only way, really. But it would be counter to his development so far to arrange a war and such...but Fuze is quite good at coming up with situations that result in awakenings without being a terrible person or as a result of being forced to defend oneself. Maybe someone will attack Clayman with an army and he'll have to defend. I don't think it will come only at the end of the manga though - I think he'll awaken before then and we'll get to see things shift with the other Demon Lords, and see him continue to get stronger.
Anyway, those are my thoughts at the moment!!! Feel free to share yours (politely and respectfully, no Clayman hate please) as well!
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cricketcampbell · 5 months
🍻 + “ is there anyone you regret kissing ?”
"Chloe, shut up."
I'm just--
"No, you're just being a bitch, and this is why nobody wants to fucking go out with you." Any good vibes Cricket had been feeling from her buzz prior to the question quickly soured. She reached for her drink to wash the taste out of her mouth anyways, more than aware of the awkward hush that'd fallen over their table.
Of course, it was her fault, and not Chloe's for asking a leading question knowing the answer, unable to ever just let anything be, or maybe read the fucking room for once in her life--
Cricket forced herself to laugh, grinning with the thin straw still between her lips. "Kidding. Oh my God, I'm, like, so kidding, obviously." Her friends didn't look too sure, but they exchanged glances and began to laugh along, whether because they truly believed her or simply to spare Chloe the embarrassment. "She means New Years, 'cause it just got, like, so messed up." She clarified with a nod, keeping up her grin as she addressed the rest of the group. "So I, like...kissed one of my best friends, and--"
A chorus of oh no's and been there's echoed, knowing looks on their faces.
"Oh, no, like--" Her head shook. "We're fine. But her, like...ex that I'm--that I was really good friends with," first, she doesn't add, "I guess, he saw, and it turned into this whole big thing and--" She waved her hand, laughing if only to keep at bay the tears threatening to form, echoes of the ones shed that night. "Yeah, so it was just...messy over something that was literally nothing. But it's like totally fine. So fine...but what's not fine is all these empty glasses. Another round, anyone?"
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@ziggykyeons, @maura-cortes
drunken confession.
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scoonsalicious · 5 months
Okay, I finally got around to reading the new parts as well as the asks and your responses, and first off, I just want to say I'm proud of you. Like truly. It takes so much strength to be able to fight through what you just experienced. Dealing with trauma will always be an uphill battle and it's going to be a bumpy road to say the least. but you're strong and brave so I have no doubt you'll get through it 🤍 I'm so glad you were able to find writing as a way to process things. It really does help us more than we think. I'm so so sorry that it happened. Sending you all the warm hugs i could give from the other side of the world 🤍
Now, onto the story which, is very heavy as you've warned us before. I mean things aren't in detail but still. You can just feel it. Sam being out of the picture was just so so bad. Obviously, he needed to because that is his nephew. And I know A.J. would be okay but God...not having him there is just, bad news. And it happened at the worst time possible too.
When I saw that Chloe has been "chosen" my heart literally ached. And I could feel Pocket's guilt because, how couldn't she be? They were in the same room together. They literally spoke with each other. You can't just stop the "what-if's" going through your head because there are so many things she could've done but didn't, and so many things she did that she shouldn't have that change the whole course. That's the killer part. So many possible outcomes going true your head and the would've, could've, should've's. But, unfortunately, there's not much she could do. She made a choice during the moment, a temporary solution which, unfortunately, didn't have the best outcome in the long run.
At first, I was hopeful that Chloe was going to be fine and that they'd just somehow taken her somewhere to be experimented on with Hydra wanting to make a new serum or something. So the way my heart literally dropped when I read the first part of Chapter 25. I just...I don't even have the right words. It's just horrible. And then I read her age? Fifteen? I had to put my phone down and take a deep breath. I just feel so devasted. Now if I'm already feeling all that, imagine what Pocket must've been feeling? She's literally living through it and she feels like she had a hand in what happened. It wasn't her fault, not at all. She could only control so much of that situation. She's a strong ass woman but she can't fight against those guys while fighting her own demons at the same time. There really wasn't much she could've done. But God, it's going to haunt her for the rest of her life. But the sad part is, no matter what she does, there's not much she can do to change things. She's just going to have to learn to live with that guilt. I know you really don't like Steve, but the line he said to Wanda in Civil War: "This job... we try to save as many people as we can. Sometimes that doesn't mean everybody. But if we can't find a way to live with that, next time... maybe nobody gets saved."
So her spiraling? It comes as no surprise. It's not healthy, but she's in too deep. She's just trying to find a way to numb everything and I can't blame her. Like, it's so easy for us to say oh just go through therapy, rehab etc. don't buy any drugs, don't to this, don't do that because were not the ones in it. But it's never that easy. I just...feel so sad and devasted by it all.
I know everyone's mad at Bucky and rightfully so. But, I am so so glad he's going to be back because yeah, Pocket hates him but at least we have someone who'd stop at nothing to protect her and make sure she's okay. You can't deny he cares about her and that he knows her well. So if there's ANYONE (besides Tony) who could at least snap her out of it for a moment, it would be him. I mean, nobody can pull Pocket out of her spiral apart from herself, but I think Bucky would be helpful in that at least. They're going to butt heads when they meet again but with Pocket's current situation and her mindset, I'm at least grateful that there's someone there to stop her from going even deeper into this hole. She's already off the rails, so I'm grateful that now she's going to have someone who's going to try his damnest to pull her back. Drag her (lovingly) if he has to.
Sigh. We're getting so close to the truth unfolding. I can't wait to see it all. Also saw a snippet of Chapter 26 and honestly, I really do see Bucky's growth (hence why I'm calling him by his name this time) and I can't wait to see more of it. As always, you're amazing. Be kind to yourself and don't forget to always take care of yourself. Lots of love!
— Jnon 🤍
Thank you, Jnon <3 I gladly accept and return your warm hugs from half a world away. They mean so much! Sometimes it's hard to see myself as anything other than broken and weak when I'm in the midst of my feelings, so I appreciate the reminder that healing from this kind of thing is a journey.
I really didn't want Sam to leave, but I needed Pocket to be at her absolute worst point, and alone. I felt like that was the only way she was going to be willing to accept Bucky back into her life. She doesn't want Tony to know what's happening-- she doesn't want to disappoint him, not when he had so much faith in her, so she's kept everything that's been going on from him.
AJ's gonna be alright. Poor kid is just a plot device for me, here. I feel bad, lol. He doesn't deserve it. In my head, he's being spoiled with ice cream and video games while he recovers, lol.
Pocket's gonna feel Chloe's loss for a long time, even beyond this fic, I'm sure. She set out to save girls like her, but instead, because of her selfishness and her perceived weakness, she got a girl killed. In her own mind, she's just as bad as everyone who hurt her growing up. Chloe was her, in a way, and Pocket failed her, and thus herself. Pocket's gonna mention later that it's like this cycle never ends. She could spend the rest of her life working to save women from a similar fate, but it will never be enough. But if she can help save even one woman, well, that's one woman who didn't have hope before. Pocket needed to be at her absolute lowest point so she could get her head out of her ass and fix herself so she can help others.
Funny thing about Pocket and Bucky-- she never hates him. She might think she does, but would actually make her life a lot easier if she really did. She loves him too much, almost.
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temporalbystander · 10 months
Okay so I'm back (not sure for how long) but I need an answer to this and it amazes me I can't find it on the internet already. Seriously, everyone in the Miracuclass has to be subsisting on caffeine during some days right? How has NOBODY made a list of what their coffee orders would be? How is that NOT a widely available story writing tool?
I'd make it myself but, wouldn't you know it? I have no idea when it comes to coffee. I've even tried googling what stereotypical orders would be and still get nothing that helps... So I'm putting it out here. Further explanation under the cut.
Why do I need the entire class's coffee order? Because it's important in my story. Why am I being so obsessive for a story nobody else but me will ever see? Because if I don't get this exactly right it will completely ruin the scene and drive me insane.
Here's the setup, OC Faybon is in this new world with villain Chat and a very late night Akuma has kept everyone awake. Determined to make an impression on everyone that he's not the same Faybon they remember he got coffee for the class. Cue everyone being shocked at the guy they've all barely spoken to, getting every single one of their coffee orders exactly right, Ms Bustier and Lila included.
Here's my thoughts just based on the (very very) little I know about coffee:
Rose would probably have something naturally sweet but without any additives (Im thinking something with honey maybe?) Due to the fact she's sweet enough already and has health problems.
Juleka? I keep wanting to say a caramel machiato but I have no idea what a machiato is. I only say caramel because it's still sweet but a bit richer. Going for that "darker" tone of hers.... Okay just googled the machiato and I feel like that may fit better for someone like Mylene but I'm leaving that up to you anyway.
Speaking of Mylene I'm imagining hers to be a similar order to Rose (somebody's getting a similar order to Rose because she (or anyone really) needs to bring up that she doesn't take sugar only for someone else to say they do. Hey Faybon's sleep deprived in this too, he got the orders right he's allowed to screw up handing them out.)
I'm thinking Chloe would probably be the one with a frappuccino. What comes before that is anyone's guess.
Sabrina? Either just a regular coffee or maybe a latte?
This is where I start hitting the wall. Miss Bustier's is decaf something since she's pregnant in this world too. Max, Alix or Kim would probably also have a decaf or maybe an iced something? Max because of the whole caffeine isn't good for your brain and Alix and Kim because they're athletes.
I have no idea what Alya or Nino would want. Same with Ivan. Nathaniel may want something sweet as well? And Zoe may also go for either a latte or something simple due to her time in new York. With a splash of honey because she's currently coming off a very bad cold and her throat is killing her.
Lila is given a whole allergenic soy based thing, because Faybon just KNOWS she would pull something, and yet will not say a word when the cup she's given is actually her preferred coffee. Though she will look at Faybon warily.
As for the two heroes? Marinette gets hers early so it doesn't really matter but yes, it is stacked with espresso shots. While Adrien gets something almost as caffeinated but with extra cream. Not necessarily because it's part of his order but because Faybon just finds the idea of it hilarious.
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booasaur · 1 year
hey Boo, I got into watching From and saw your gifs and opinions on what may happen with the whole Kristi, Mari and Kenny situation and I kinda agreed with you that they were gonna use the wlw relationship to move the straight one forward BUT I read this interview with the actress who plays Kristi and idk man, seems maybe luck is on our side (no spoilers)
Clickable: https://www.tvfanatic.com/2023/05/chloe-van-landschoot-talks-from-season-2-kristi-and-kennys-bond/
Thanks for the link, anon! I eagerly started reading when you sent it and it definitely sounded encouraging from what I was able to read but Gotham Knights started airing just a few minutes after so I got distracted.
I definitely have a lot of thoughts about it, though! First, lol, her comments about Kristi and Kenny and how it was actually never romantic, wellll, I mean, I'll take it, but that feels like a bit of a shift. And from what Chloe says, she doesn't know what the writers have in mind for the long term? Still, it does feel like this season will focus a lot more on Kristi and Mari going forward and leave Kenny to stew in his feelings, I don't mind that at all. But the interviewer sure does, lol, that was a LOT of pushing to get more on the Kenny/Kristi front.
I did notice that we're seeing more of Kristi's interiority, for a lot of s1 she had to be the reliable, rational voice, just trying to fix everyone up and not showing her own fears and terror from being in this place. Now with Mari she can finally show that but Chloe made a great observation that I hadn't realized, that Kristi feels scared and guilty for Mari being there, especially if it's something to do with her. That's such an interesting additional layer, I really hope they explore it past just what this means for Kenny.
This leaves me in a much more optimistic mood, so thank you again, anon. I've been watching each ep with the expectation that Mari'll die or they'll break up in a contrived way, so this definitely sets my mind at ease and will let me enjoy the bulk of the season more.
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therealtrashpanda · 1 year
In Conjunction with Alwps: Senti-Noir and Senti-Bug. Okay but like different timeline because she doesn't exist in Alwps. And also Hawkmun has a way better Hawkmoth than the one I wrote here, because this one definitely sucks, but he had to for the purpose of the story. Anyway I'm very self conscious of my writing in general so might pass away after I post it.
ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝟙 𝕠𝕗 𝟚? (Senti-Fox story idea)
He was tired of it. Tired of losing to the teenage furries. Tired of all his plans going to waste. Tired of the help he created just to turn against him or join the other side.
Sure he could constantly count on Lila and Chloe to induce negative emotions for his plans. But he knew what they were, power hungry.
Lila purely wanted to the see the destruction of Ladybug, maybe even more than he did. But he knew she had an eye for his son, something that would never happen under his watch. Especially, he knew what she was really like.
But he had another idea. He could create another Senti-Monster, he was Shadowmoth now, stronger than before with the fixed miraculous of Dusuu.
And This time, he'd make sure he could control them when they tried to betray him. Make them follow his orders. Be much less lenient with them. Carry out a master plan, a permanent helper that would never have doubts or betray him.
And he knew exactly who to make the Senti of. The Fox holder, Alya Cesaire, the Lady Blogger. Sure he could've modeled her after Volpina, but Rena Rouge seemed like a better call. Besides.. She was sure to be very useful, after all.. The power of illusion was very powerful.
He spent some time thinking about it. After all, he'd recently finally beaten the guardian, but unfortunately before he could do anything, he relinquished his guardianship to Ladybug.
Ladybug.. Everything that went wrong was her fault. He'd given her so many chances to turn in her miraculous, surrender peacefully, but she wouldn't.
He'd even tried to bring up the wish, afterall she didn't know what it was really for.
But her and the Catboy furry constantly refused him. He supposed he should've seen it coming.. The first time Chat convinced Bridgette to help the teens fight back against Mayura. And then she erased Senti-Bug until Shadowmoth was annoyed into bringing her back on social media.
And later, Nathan. Senti-Noir. Gabriel knew Senti-Noir would never help him take the miraculous of Ladybug and Chat Noir.
Creating another miraculous Senti.. Was this a bad idea? Probably. But was he desperate, absolutely. He'd been trying to get their miraculous since the beginning of the school year, and he'd not been close to a success on that front unfortunately.
He would go about this differently. He wouldn't them to be spotted like the others. He'd keep them a secret from the whole hawk clan, except for Nathalie, she had a right to know.
He'd set the plan in motion as soon as possible. He was running out of ideas, he didn't have much else to lose now.
Gabriel was intent on telling Nathalie right away. She'd been the one who had supported him this whole time. Went as far as constantly going as Mayura to help him. Even after he asked her not to do that. He was worried she'd end up like Emilie, and that's the last thing he wanted.
He walked out of his office, and up the stairs to see Nathalie. To his surprise Adrien was there at the moment, eating lunch with her.
"Adrien, please excuse us. I must speak with Nathalie."
"Sure thing father." He responded, taking his and Nathalie's lunch out of the room.
After Adrien left, Gabriel took a seat on her bed and she asked "What's on your mind, Gabriel?"
"Before I say anything.. Bridgette and Nathan are with the Couffaine's, correct?" He asked
"Yes, Luka offered to get Bridgette Coffee again, and Nathan went along this time." She responded
"I'll get to the point, in that case."
"Nathan and Bridgette are able to replicate the powers of the miraculous of The Ladybug and the Black Cat in almost every conceivable way."
"And as you know, I'm now holding the butterfly and peacock miraculous."
"So what if.. We created another Senti miraculous holder. But one that would work with us to meet our end goal?"
"...Go on." Nathalie said wanting to get it over with, she had a feeling she might not like where this is going.
"After we ambushed the old guardian, Master Fu last year, we learned the identities of every holder Ladybug and Chat Noir had picked before I became Shadowmoth. And one of the miraculous effects we could use the most right now, is the illusion." He said confidently
Nathalie responded honestly, "I'm not so sure this is a good idea. Besides, won't Ladybug and Chat Noir destroy the amok if they win?"
"I don't think they will. Remember the first time Senti-Bug was with us... They didn't destroy her."
"Okay, say they don't.. Where is she supposed to stay, and what's supposed to say that they won't convince this one turn against you too?" Nathalie questions
"I'll be keeping the amok this time. It will be on me at all times, just like.."
"Not only that, but they can't stop someone they don't know about. I'll order the Senti to stay hidden when out in public."
Nathalie sighs "Do what you want, I'll support you. But let's just hope this doesn't come back to bite us later."
Which it will.. She thought.
"Thank you Nathalie, I don't know what I'd do without you."
Make your own appointments.. She thought to herself, with a hint of snark.
Gabriel walked downstairs and saw Adrien as he passed by.
"You are ready for your photoshoot, correct?" He asked his son, the bare emotionless tone as usual.
"Yes, of course father." He responded
"Perhaps you should leave early, it would be best to remain punctual." He answered
"Well I do have 45 minutes still."
Gabriel gave him a look.
Oblivious as ever, Adrien said "What?"
Gabriel turned to Gorilla "Take him to his photoshoot."
He turned on his heel, walking back into his office.
Gabriel went down to the lair, through the opening in the painting, as he pressed the buttons on it.
As he made it to his butterfly window, he transformed into Shadowmoth saying "Nooroo, Dusuu, Unify."
He probably should've thought of what object he would use for her beforehand. But like he said to Nathalie, he would always keep it on his person.
He thought about it for a second. It was something simple, but it would be easily concealed, yet easily accessed.
In case the heroes ever did find out, he'd want it to be something they wouldn't guess.
A simple necklace seemed right for the job. One he'd already had.
He held the feather, focusing the senti-being he wanted to create as he created the amok.
As the Senti-Being came to life, one looking almost exactly like Rena Rouge, with Minor changes for distinction.
"Senti-Fox, you will help me gain the miraculous of Ladybug and Chat Noir."
"Yes Shadowmoth." She said
"With the use of your ability to change forms between a regular teenager and Senti-Fox you will stay disguised."
"You will remain hidden in public as Senti-Fox, that way Ladybug and Chat Noir will not find out about you."
"Yes Shadowmoth."
While, he used Rena Rouge for Senti-Fox to be based on, and he knew it was Alya Cesaire.. He had no intention on making them look like twins, so he made her look different, different enough to look more like sisters Or Cousins than twins.
He didn't think it all through, unfortunately. As he hadn't considered where she'd be staying.
He could have Gabriel Agreste try and Ask Lila, but she was intelligent and might figure something was up.
The Couffaine's were out of the question because it was far too risky. He didn't trust Felix as far as he could throw him, and by extension the quantics.
The Ladyblogger was too risky and by extension, her boyfriend. Perhaps he could enlist the help of Tomoe, or have her stay in the Grand Paris Hotel.
The second idea seemed better, but he was certain they'd be suspicious, wondering who was paying for her to stay there.
Well.. Until he figured out a more permanent solution, that would work. He didn't want Adrien seeing her, he'd have too many questions, so she couldn't stay there.
He was about to send her off, when he recognized a negative emotion, and was ready to akumatize someone.
"Mr. Pigeon, perfect." He said
"Did you.. Just say Mr. Pigeon?" She asked
"Well.. More like Mr. Pigeon 81, but yes." He responded
"So you've gotten him before, and it's failed 81 times?" She asks obliviously unaware that she called him out.
"He's a safe akuma, besides I'll make him more powerful this time, give him a Senti.." He looked at her expression
"I trust you and your Judgement Shadowmoth, I just think it's strange he got beat by Ladybug and Chat Noir 81 times."
He grumbles a bit irritated. Why are they always so judgey..?
As the Akuma flies away she asks "what do you need me to do?"
"You'll provide him with the help he needs, out of sight."
"If he loses, I'm asking that you return to the same place."
"Yes Shadowmoth."
She quietly followed the trail of the Akuma, watching as the Akuma flew into the man's bird whistle.
"Mr. Pigeon, aren't you tired of being nice..? Don't you just wanna go ape-shit?"
"Yes Shadowmoth, The corrupt Mayor and his herd of sheep will pay." Said Mr. Ramier as he transformed into Mr. Pigeon.
"You'll be aided by the help of Senti-Fox who will provide illusions for you at your request, and your own Senti-Monster of your choosing."
I'm gonna regret this. Shadowmoth thought to himself almost immediately.
Senti-Fox honestly thought this was a dumb idea, but she knew he was wiser than she, so she probably was missing something.
She waited up top a roof with her magic flute waiting for the call to action, as she noticed a giant pigeon Senti.
Of course he chose a giant pigeon.. Because why wouldn't he..?
"Okay Shadowmoth." She said
The Senti-Veil mask appeared above her face as he spoke to her. "Remember, Senti-Fox. My orders go above his in case he tries anything to get an upper hand on me. Or he tries to endanger the plan."
It didn't take long for Mr. Pigeon to make his presence known. Well.. The giant pigeon Senti, probably didn't help.
She watched from behind a column as Ladybug and Chat Noir began hopping on opposite roofs.
Senti-Fox contacted Mr Pigeon "They're on their way from behind, they'll be there in 17 seconds."
"Mhm." He said turning around in just enough time.
"Not today Ladybug! There's people to save!" Mr Pigeon called out as the dark pigeons were transforming people into Pigeons.
They got distracted and started ushering people inside buildings.
"Senti-Fox I'll need an illusion of my Pigeon taking the mayor to distract them."
"Wow that's kinda boring." She accidentally said out loud.
"Just do it." Shadowmoth said to her.
"Yes Shadowmoth." She sighed and made the dumb illusion.
"Another to look like the police are being attacked by Pigeons."
"Fine." She said blowing on the flute creating the illusions.
This had to be the weirdest hero ever...
She just sat on the column as she waited.
Mr. Pigeon used her illusions to lure them out, trying to catch them unaware, but Ladybug's Lucky charm gave her warnings that he was tailing her.
And Chat dissolved the first illusion on accident when he tried to do battle with Pigeons.
"It's an Illusion!" Chat said calling out to ladybug.
"It can't be Volpina... Shadowmoth can still only akumatize one person at once." She said
"And Mr Pigeon controls.. Well Pigeons." Chat Noir says
"You mean Sky Rats?" Luka says as he randomly walks by.
"Get the stupid Blueberry Boy!" Mr Pigeon yelled to the pigeons
Shadowmoth was just giving her practice right...? Because no way did he really think this guy could actually beat the villains, right?
The pigeons chased after Luka, but he quickly escaped.
Using a final Mirage, Senti-Fox made her escape as they talked to Mr. Ramier. And made her way back to the lair.
She finally figured out how to use the Lucky Charm, and then they purified the akuma, you know the usual drill.
As she walked through the house, getting lost, she noticed many pictures of Adrien. Realizing his name as she saw Adrien Agreste, written in a fancy manner over the bottom right corner of many pictures.
She walked back up the stairs, and on her way back to Gabriel's office, she was taking in the atmosphere of the house. It seemed... sad
She walked in through the doors of Gabriel's office, where she found Gabriel waiting for her.
"We've done enough today, you can detransform." He says
"Yes Shadowmoth." She said, not knowing his real name yet.
"When I look like this, you'll need to call me Gabriel."
"Okay Gabriel." She responded on cue.
"You are free to detransform, I've had everything set up with an offshore account, and an Employee has taken care of everything else for you."
As she detransforms, her own little kwami appears.
"I'm Brixx."
"I'm.. Senti-" she stopped
"Gabriel.. Do I have a real name too?" She asks
He was halfway turned when she asked.
"A name?"
"Yes, a name like the boy around this house.. Adrien?" She asks
"Did you want a name?"
"You can choose one, right?"
"I guess so.." She responded
"We'd better be on our way before my son returns, he cannot see you."
He has her driven over to the Grand Paris Hotel, where she is signed in.
"Okay, I'm ready." She says finally, walking behind Gabriel as they leave the office.
She sits in her room, and begins thinking.
"A name.. A name?"
"What name? I've never had one.."
She stood up and looked around at her clothes, they'd packed for her.
"Well.. I do kind of like this one. Rayne... Raine" as she looked at a tag.
"Rayne.. Bourgeois, wait no.. That's the Mayor I think.
"Rayne.. It doesn't matter. Done thinking."
"Rayne... Smith?" No...
Back at his house Gabriel was interrupted when Bridgette called to tell him Nathan was trying to do the Glowly Hand on Notre Dame because he was drunk on Milk, so they'd be out of commission for a few hours.
But for now, he would deal with this again.
If Senti-Fox worked out and he got to make the wish, he could finally fix all of his mistakes..
It was a few days later, Rayne had helped with multiple Akumas. All lost. Ladybug and Chat Noir were suspicious of something up. Especially because of all the Akumas suddenly being able to replicate illusion
She was an expert at remaining hidden, but the smarter Parisians knew something was up.
But finally she had to go to school. She'd been left instructions after she'd been formally enrolled.
But she was actually kinda happy about this. Doing something, other than  her purpose of capturing the miraculous of Ladybug and Chat Noir.
This also worried her. What would happen once she completed her goal? She was scared Gabriel would no longer find use for her and destroy her.
She followed the list and went to school for her first day. Little did she realize how out of place she'd be. How badly she'd stick out to the more observant students.
She was newly created, she had much to learn. And it would be obvious to some people.
She wasn't aware she was being controlled, she never even thought of it. It felt like she was making her own choices...
She walked into the school, not sure what to make of everything. But like clockwork, she followed everything on the list perfectly.
She hated the fake last name, Celine. Seriously, it did just sound like they double first named her.
She made her way through the principal's office, where she was given a schedule.
Once she settled everything in she was instructed to go to class, which she had.
She walked into Ms. Bustier's class, who'd been informed of her arrival. Once she walked in through the doorway, Caline asked her to introduce herself.
She looked ahead at the large class, immediately she recognized Adrien in the front as the boy around the mansion.  Eventually she realized she stared too long.
"Hi.. I'm Rayne." She whispered
"Rayne.. You can take a seat next to Lila if you'd like." Said Ms. Bustier wanting to get back to class
As Rayne walks past, she hears a girl with pigtails say under her breath 'Be careful, her Tumblr has a Live, Laugh, love background."
Rayne didn't know what the girl meant, but something about her seemed a little familiar... But she didn't think much of it and moved on.
"I'm sorry.. Which one is Lila?" She asked unsure
"That's me!" Lila said in a fake enthusiastic tone, to hide her slight annoyance.
Rayne walked over to Lila and took a seat.
"So what's your story?" Lila asks her
"Wh-what do you mean?" She asked
"Well.. I just mean what I asked silly. What's your story?"
"I mean you have a crush on Adrien right? What else is it?"
"I don't have a...what?" She says confused
"I saw how you were looking at him, but it's okay! I can totally set you two up! I work for his father." Lila says
"Well.. Thank you. I appreciate the offer, but I don't have feelings for him, I just recognized him from somewhere. There were pictures." Rayne admitted
Lila and Rayne were.. A pair alright. One hadn't figured out the concept of lying yet, and the other was a master at it.
"You don't know who he is? He's one of the biggest names in Paris."
"Well.. I know his name is Adrien Agreste, but I don't know much about him. I haven't been around for long.
"Oh, so you're new to Paris? I hope you've had a great time here so far."
No Lila- that's not what she meant-
As she made it through the day, the class noticed her and she quickly met all of them.
Everyone was kind to her and wanted to be her friend, save for Chloe who wasn't interested in general.
Before art, she was called away by Shadowmoth and she went in through the bathroom.
When the day was more than halfway through, Rayne had successfully made friends with most of the class.
She entered a stall, and the peacock mask appeared above her eyes so he'd be able to talk to her.
"Class has ended early, you're gonna go out and help my most recent akuma Victim. Do not let the evil Ladybug and Chat Noir talk her down. Anansi. She was framed at the boxing ring for terrible things."
"You know what to do."
"Um... Shadowmoth.. This may not be the right way to go.. We already lost 7 times." Rayne said unsure
"I'll make the plans. You just stick to them."
"Unless you don't think you have a purpose anymore." He laced a light threat in his statement
"Okay, I'm on my way." She said
"Good. Now await further orders." He said
"Mirage." She said creating and illusion of herself as Rayne leaving the bathroom to easily escape as Senti-Fox undetected.
Rayne Transformed into Senti-Fox.
She went out to the courtyard, on the roof to find Anansi already heading towards the school.
"Shadowmoth.. There are children in there." She said concerned
"They'll be fine."
"Are you sure, She's very strong and they don't have any superpowers?"
"I grow tired of this line of questioning,  cease." Shadowmoth ordered
In an instant, she grew silent as Anansi drew near.
Senti-Fox leaned back on the roof as she waited.
She had an eerie feeling. If they were the good guys.. Why we're they attacking a school of school children?
Anansi jumped through the roof, and she rolled out of the way.
When the akuma attack finished, and they'd lost again. School had already ended so she silently went in and grabbed her stuff as she de transformed.
And when she made her way outside, Lila met up with her.
"I hope your first day was nice, don't worry about the akumas, you get used to it. And he's not very smart , he never does it himself.."
"You really think so?" Rayne asks
"For sure. Mayura was a much more competent villain."
"I hope it all gets resolved soon." Rayne says trying not to give much away.
Lila called them villains.. She thought Shadowmoth was a Super hero...
She got distracted when Lila spoke again "I hope to see you again tomorrow, but I may not be here because I'm such a busy person."
Lila found her to be basically reactionless, which confused her.
As they went different directions to leave, Marinette stopped Rayne before she left.
"Hello again Rayne!" She says
"Hi Marinette, it was very nice to meet you and all of your friends today." Rayne responded with a polite wave.
"I hope we've made you feel welcomed as a new student."
"Yes, everyone's been very nice to me, but I'm unsure about Chloe, she doesn't seem to care for me much."
"But it's probably my fault. I'm so new to making friends, and I might have accidentally offended her and-" she is interrupted
"That's just how she is, I'd know better than most. It's nothing on you, she isn't a fan of most people."
Marinette changed the subject.
"So how did you fare during the akuma attack, I know you probably aren't used to it."
"Akuma.. Attack?"
We are the villains...
"I know it may seem hopeless sometimes,  but I know Ladybug and Chat Noir will beat Shadowmoth someday."
"Thank you Marinette." Rayne said as it was time for her to begin her walk back to the hotel.
She was quiet yet.. She couldn't believe she was actually a villain. She wanted to ask Shadowmoth, but she felt like he probably wouldn't like that..
When she returned, she was gonna make it her personal mission to know what all she was involved with.
So she'd keep it to herself.
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teamoon7 · 10 months
In your au, Kim will get a miraculous? Considering all the shit that he done.
Actually, I'm not keeping (most part of) what happened in Derision in the AU!
Thing is: I find potential in the "Chloe will develop as a better person" concept, and I don't think her being such a TERRIBLE person helps her being "redeemed" (or at least becaming someone better) hahah- and I'd rather just not redeem her than redeem her without addressing or writing those storylines properly. I also don't like the original episode, for multiple reasons
So yeah, not keeping what Kim did in there. But that said, I'm not sure who I'm giving the miraculous to besides the main five + Kagami, Luka and probably zoe. I honestly think that "spamming" miraculous holders without giving them a proper storyline that makes each of them unique and that doesn't feels "repetitive" is actually something that kinda "ruins" the magic", you know? If everyone has powers, there is no fun in having powers anymore. The concept of gaining cool powers needs to be something unique for me- like, if a new holder simply transforms without finding it amazing (or maybe TRULY frightening) and without having any difficulties, seeming almost as "trained" as the MAIN holders, than despite the fanservice, what's really the fun in watching this?
So, if I were to choose characters to use miraculous temporarily, I need to follow 3 criteria: 1-Giving them a miraculous that will, somehow, REALLY help them develop something important in their own character arc, and not only be "fanservice"
2-Having a situation in which giving a miraculous to an inexperienced person is, somehow, more worth it than Ladybug or Chat noir simply using them themselves
3-Only giving them to people REALLY not only trustworthy, but also capable of keeping secrets, to avoid the risk of them being endangered in the future
4-Keeping both the enthusiasm of receiving a magical jewel and the inexperience in their actions. They will find what they're going through amazing. They won't really know how to do ANYTHING without help. They won't have experience in battle, unless their civilian forms do train some type of fighting (like Kagami or Félix).
Considering all that, although I have some things already being thought of, it's VERY hard to find reasons to give inexperienced people miraculous. Even when idk, Alya used the fox, what would prevent ladybug for giving her another miraculous when the fox isn't needed? After all, she would have gained some experience. So I would need to find a reason in EVERY new hero appearance as to why were THEY the chosen ones? What would make THEM the best options, between so many others? Depending on the reason you find for that to happen (like idk, maybe "all the other people are unreachable now"), it would just be repetitive. So, in summary: I have to think of some other mechanics for "many holders" being something possible, so I don't have the answer to that question. Maybe he- as well as the whole miracuclass- will be holders, maybe (almost) none of them will.
And even if they do, I'm also probably changing some choices. Although I'll keep the main 7 with their original jewels, many people in the miracuclass might have a kwami swap, if I find it more fitting to the narrative. Maybe I'll even give some miraculous to people who actually aren't in the class and weren't original holders, since I'm adding the special characters (Fei, Jess, etc) in the main storyline, and will probably give focus to some of them (specially fei).
I also don't know if ALL the miraculous (besides the butterfly and the peacock) will be in the main box. Since I'm adding new villains (probably the hardest part in the AU if I'm being honest hahah) and have yet to figure it out how their storylines will go, I'll likely give them some miraculous (or at least one)
So yeah hahaha, in summary, Kim won't be the same almost-unforgivable-asshole he is in Canon, but he also might or might not get a miraculous. Only time will tell
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gibmb · 1 year
In a new skin chapter 3
The school let the students out early after the incident with Picture Perfect, deciding that it would be best to try another day for class pictures. Chloe could have called Jean and been picked up but the idea of sitting alone in that massive empty hotel suite filled her with existential dread. She glanced at Sabrina by her side and knew she could count on her bookish companion to join her but all the memories of how one-sided their relationship used to be left her feeling nauseous.
Chloe wasn’t ready to confront that hurdle just yet and told Sabrina that she could head home to her father. Chloe intended to find someplace quiet to try and figure out what was happening to her but the universe seemed to have different intentions.
“Hey, Chloe, where are you heading?” Rose called out to Chloe as she and Juleka approached her.
“Oh, just wanted to clear my head,” Chloe said as she unconsciously rubbed at the scratch on her arm.
“Well I hope you don’t mind a little company,” Juleka chimed in quietly before leaning in and whispering, “Plus I want to take you up on that offer for a picture. It’s not very often that Chloe Bourgeois offers to do something like that and I figure I shouldn’t waste it.”
“Well I said a picture or a portrait,” Chloe teased, smiling slightly at Juleka and Rose. “Sadly, I’m out of paint at the moment so I hope a picture will do. If I'm going to take your picture, we need a nice place to take it, and no offense, but the school just doesn't cut it.” Chloe managed to sniff disdainfully like her old self would have before giggling playfully, and Rose and Juleka’s laughter quickly joined hers.
“Sure, did you have somewhere in mind?” Rose asked, excitedly bouncing in place as she leaned in conspiratorially, curious about what Chloe had in mind.
“Well I’d say let's walk around first. Maybe a park or something will stand out and we can use that for the background. And if we’re lucky it’ll also be a nice place to clear our heads of today, ‘cause I need it,” Chloe said as she picked a random direction and began walking.
It had been so long since she had walked the streets of Paris, in either version of her life, that she purposefully kept to a slow stroll to allow her to take in the sights and smells. The beautiful white and cream stone buildings, the occasional brick paved side street, and people carrying on with their days. It was so different from New York and the hustle of that city and she couldn’t believe she had wasted her youth being too good to walk amongst the everyday people of this beautiful city.
“I was such an idiot,” Chloe said to herself as she walked down the street until a nice park came into view. She smiled as she turned to Rose and Juleka.
“I wouldn't say idiot, I thought what you did was very brave,” Rose said as she tapped her cheek thoughtfully while walking past Chloe. Chloe couldn’t help smiling at the misunderstanding and didn’t worry about correcting Rose. “Almost everyone else was too scared or got captured, but you just ran out there to distract him. It was incredible.”
“And you helped me get out to go get help. I don’t think that was dumb,” Juleka replied with a smile. “Though I want to know what you meant by what you said in the bathroom?”
That caused Chloe to perk up and Rose to look at them curiously. Chloe did her best to silently beg them not to press the matter with hurt puppy dog eyes but their gazes drilled into her like the whole class used to when she lost a bet to them.
“It’s hard to explain so…” Chloe trailed off as she tried to think of a way to avoid talking about what she believed was happening to her. Her eyes flicked to the ring on her hand and as she studied the jade snake and the burn scar on her palm that accompanied it, she found herself smiling at the memory, even though it was a painful one. “It was a really bad dream, or that's how it felt. It felt so real and was so painful and dark. I lived a pitiful life and was only just getting back on track."
Chloe tried to recall more but there were holes in her memories. It felt like there was fog in her head and only memories with strong emotions tied to them were able to shine through. It made everything jumbled and left her almost dizzy with confusion.
“I wasn't-” Chloe paused as the sound of a nearby toddler crying as their mother tried to soothe them rang in her ears. It stirred something in the darkest corners of her mind and she heard another child crying, this one in her head. The sound made her heart begin to ache but she couldn’t draw any further details forth no matter how she clawed at the memory. The crying cut short suddenly but the silence was even worse and Chloe found that she desperately wanted it to come back.
‘Please come back! I'm sorry! Please!’ Chloe had no idea why she should be sorry, but she felt that hurt deep in her bones. She didn’t know how long she'd been lost in that thought until she was shaken from her waking nightmare by a hand on her shoulder. She jumped and looked up to see both Juleka and Rose watching her with concern.
"Oh sorry, I just got lost in thought for a moment. That dream was really something else." She didn't wait for them to respond before turning. She tried to discreetly brush at the tears that had started to form in the corners of her eyes as she walked into the Place des Vosges. "Let's get you that picture and maybe afterwards we can talk more about it."
Chloe smiled seeing the park again. It had been so long since she had been in Paris that the sight of the park really did make her want to just sit and enjoy the view. One view that truly spoke to her was the fountain itself. She turned, taking both Juleka and Rose’s hands and dragged them over to the fountain.
“This will be the perfect spot for your perfect picture, you two,” Chloe said with a tone of satisfaction and pride as she stopped at the fountain and walked a little away from them, turning to fix them in the frame of her phone’s camera.
“Ok you two, get ready and give me a fun pose. Or scary. Or heck, maybe romantic,” Chloe teased, chuckling at the last one as it got them both blushing. She went down on one knee to get a good angle all while watching Rose smile widely and Juleka awkwardly position herself.
Chloe winced internally but thought, ‘Hey, photos are tough. Especially if you haven’t had a chance to get good at them, and a little encouragement never hurts.’
“You two look so good. Just keep that pose and everything will be perfect.” She readied to take the picture, “Say jinxed!”
Just as the photo was about to snap, a red frisbee soared in front of the shot, blocking the photo entirely. Chloe looked down at the frisbee, blinking her eyes in confusion for a moment before turning her head to watch the guy who threw it run over and apologize profusely before picking it up and running off with it. Chloe huffed before looking at Juleka, who looked worried and dejected.
“Don’t mind that, it was a fluke. Now get together, my two supermodels, and let’s get the pic-”
Chloe cut off with a gasp, dropping her phone and would have fallen over completely but for her hand and knees propping her up. A hunger the likes she had never felt before was gnawing at her insides, making everything hurt as her body wanted to curl up in a ball. It was so intense and overwhelming she hadn't noticed Juleka and Rose run over until Rose was looking her in the face.
“Chloe? Chloe, what's wrong?” Rose asked as she helped Chloe up, looking her over until Chloe raised her trembling hand to stop her.
Chloe had to take several breaths as it felt like she had no energy to do anything, even speak.
“Uhm, Chloe, is it…?” Juleka trailed off before leaning and whispering quietly into Chloe’s ear.
Chloe’s eyes went wide and panic gave her enough energy to pull out of Rose’s hand. “No! Not at all! Ew!” Chloe looked between the two of them and the shocked looks on their faces before ducking her head apologetically.
“Sorry, I’m just really hungry all of a sudden. Can we take a quick break to find something to eat?” Chloe asked, figuring it wouldn’t be that hard since this was Paris after all.
“Sure,” Rose said quickly. “In fact, there’s a bakery right across the street. Come on!”
Rose grabbed Chloe’s wrist and began to pull her along. Juleka hung back for a moment, brushing at her bangs that hung over her face.
“Is that really a good idea considering…?” Juleka started to ask but realized Rose and Chloe were already too far away to hear her mumbling concern. She sighed and hurried to catch up, grabbing Chloe’s other wrist as she continued to weakly struggle.
Juleka and Rose pulled Chloe along and into the bakery. Chloe let them, lacking the energy to fight back but also finding it rather fun. In fact she was having such a good time that she felt the echo of distant memory and someone's words, “Hey, you lost fair and square so now welcome to the club!” Laughter accompanied it and from the sounds of it, there were a lot of people having a good time. That thought made her smile even more.
“Welcome to the Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie,” a middle aged Chinese woman greeted them all. It took Chloe a moment to realize that she recognized her and the stabbing pains of hunger were smothered by icy dread. This was Marinette’s parents’ bakery!
The urge to find an excuse to leave had her turning towards the door but then the smell of fresh baked bread and sweets caused her gut to roar with a righteous fury. She clutched her stomach and looked at Rose and Juleka as she struggled not to blush.
Juleka did her best not to giggle as she raised her hand to cover a small smile on her face while Rose’s wide smile never faltered. It was the gaze of Marinette’s mother that really caught her attention, Mrs. Dupain-Cheng, who smiled without letting it touch her eyes as she looked at Chloe. Chloe understood, and she would have left but that Rose and Juleka wouldn’t let her go easily, especially after the noise her stomach had just made. She approached the counter with her head down, focusing on the pastries on as much to make a decision as to avoid Mrs. Dupain-Cheng’s gaze.
"Hello Mrs. Dupain-cheng, how are you today? We'd like to order some pastries, if that's ok?" Rose cheerfully asked.
"I'm well today. We’re happy to know Marinette is safe after that akuma attack. You're just in time, we have some freshly made pastries. What would you like?" Mrs. Dupain-cheng said kindly. Chloe did her best to stay quiet as Rose and Juleka ordered some macaroons and flan. It wasn't until Chloe was nudged forward that she looked up to meet Mrs. Dupain-Cheng’s eyes and managed an awkward smile.
"Hello ma'am, I'm hoping your day has been well," Chloe said stiffly, at a loss for what she could possibly say to a woman whose daughter she had frequently tried to ruin.
"It has been. I hope yours has been as well." Even though Marinette’s mother’s tone was even and her words pleasant, Chloe flinched slightly, wondering if she’d feel better if the woman yelled and cursed her out. "What can I get for you, Miss Bourgeois?"
As Chloe looked at the menu, her stomach gave a demanding growl for food that made her shiver.
"I'll have eight cannolis, four meringue, and six beignets," Chloe said as she pointed to each in turn with hunger in her eyes. Once she had made her selection she smiled In anticipation of enjoying the sweets until she noticed the others’ looks of shock and just a bit of horror. "Sorry, just really hungry. I'll pay for it all," she said before reaching into her pocket and pulling out her credit card. Mrs. Dupain-Cheng took the card while giving her a reappraising look before running the card for the sweets.
"It will be a moment before we have them all boxed up for you. You don't mind waiting, do you?" Mrs Dupain-Cheng asked with more genuine kindness in her eyes as she looked at each of them. Chloe and the others shook their heads before moving to the side in case other customers entered the shop.
As they waited, Chloe stood silently while Rose and Juleka chatted quietly. She couldn’t help glancing at them and noticing how the afternoon sun played through the windows over the two of them. Without thinking she brought out her phone and raised it discreetly. Juleka had just raised her hand to her mouth as she giggled at something Rose had said as Rose leaned her head on Juleka’s shoulder. The two of them blinked as a flash went off and turned to see Chloe smiling victoriously, holding up her phone.
“Take that jinx!” Chloe shouted as she pumped her fist into the air. She giddily rushed to Rose and Juleka’s side, showing them her phone’s screen and the adorable picture of the two of them looking into each others’ eyes as rays of sunlight filtered in around them.
“Wow!” Juleka said so loudly that both Chloe and Rose turned to her in surprise before all three of them burst into laughter.
“Thanks so much, Chloe!” Rose said before throwing her arms around Chloe again, and this time Chloe eased into the embrace, feeling far less awkward about.
“Your orders are ready, girls,” Mrs. Dupain-Cheng called out as she came to the counter with two small bags and one larger bag.
“Mrs. Dupain-Cheng, can we ask a favor?” Rose said suddenly, rushing from Chloe and Juleka to the older woman’s side and pulling her from around the counter. “Can you take a picture of the three of us? Chloe broke Juleka’s picture jinx!”
Marinette’s mom looked around in confusion but seemed to be swept up in the air of merriment around the girls. Chloe tried to object but Juleka grabbed Chloe’s hand in both of hers and gave it a squeeze.
“Please, Chloe, I’d really like a picture of all three of us,” Juleka said softly.
Chloe felt heat in her face and quickly nodded, if only to get Juleka to let go of her hand. All this physical contact was still very new to her.
The three of them grouped together, flashing peace signs as Mrs. Dupain-Cheng raised Rose’s phone up.
“Say patisserie!”
“Patisserie!” The girls said with big grins before devolving into more laughter.
Mrs. Dupain-Cheng returned Rose’s phones and the girls swapped photos with each other before taking their orders and thanking Marinette’s mom. She even nodded kindly to Chloe as Chloe hefted the bag full of sweets.
“Have a pleasant evening, Miss Bourgeois, and enjoy your treats,” she said and Chloe felt relieved that there was no sense of unpleasantness in the woman’s words.
“Thank you, and you have a good evening as well, Ma’am,” Chloe said as she followed the others outside.
The moment she stepped outside she found herself engulfed in hugs from Rose and Juleka, though they were blessedly brief.
“Thanks so much for all this, Chloe,” Rose said with Juleka murmuring her agreement. “We can’t wait to show everyone else what you did for us!”
“Oh,” Chloe said. The idea of word getting around to everyone else in class about this hadn’t even occurred to her. “It was no big deal, really,” she tried to say, not sure if she could find a polite way to say she didn’t think that was a good idea. There was still a lot of bad blood between her and most of the student body and she knew this would be seen with suspicion no matter what.
“Well, we should probably be getting home, do you want us to walk with you back to the hotel?” Rose asked, considerate as ever.
“No, I’ll be fine. Plus I’d rather not have an audience to me absolutely destroying these delicious looking treats,” Chloe said with a giggle that the other two echoed. They finally said their farewells and went their separate ways.
Chloe had not been lying about the pastries. Over the course of her walk home, she decimated the entire bag and was disappointed when she reached into the bag to find it empty while she was still at least a block from home. As she entered the lobby, she was greeted by Jean and asked him to have a snack sent up to her room. Her appetite was actually starting to worry her and if it went on, she would send for her father to take her to the hospital.
Chloe entered her room smiling to herself. With her hunger being seen to, she could reflect on her day and the fact that she had done something good. Maybe she hadn’t prevented the akuma like she had wanted to, but she helped someone that needed it. She may have made a new friend or two as well.
Chloe let out a happy sigh thinking about that as she walked toward her jewelry stand. Now it was time to focus on her final goal of the day as she raised her hand to look at the ring.
“Ok tough guy, I know you’re important to me for some reason, but sometimes a girl needs her space, especially from a clingy ring,” she said as she took the ring and tried to pull it off again. It felt like she was making less progress than before as she grunted, “Damn you! Come on!”
She felt a sharp pinch, causing her to yelp, “Why you evil-!”
She leapt from the stool at her stand and headed to her bathroom, grabbing a bottle of lotion and putting some onto her hand. This time she carefully slicked the area around the ring thoroughly and when she tried pulling again it seemed almost as if the ring was tighter than ever.
“I swear you're super glued, aren't you? Some joke! Ha ha, very funny, now come off damn it!”
She yelped louder as a sharper pinch, almost a stabbing pain, shot up her hand. Now she glared at the ring with real hate before pulling out her phone and starting to dial.s
“That’s it! I’m going to call a jeweler! I’m getting you off even if they have to split you in two!” Chloe didn’t know why she was shouting at an inanimate object but the way the snake’ eyes gleamed made it feel like it was glaring at her. As she was dialing she paused as she heard a hiss and then stiffened as something began to coil around her arm.
“I wouldn't recommend that,” a low but smooth voice spoke, almost as if it was right next to her.
“It wouldn't work even if they removed the finger itself. It will just go to the next finger or even the arm.” This voice was raspy and sharp and Chloe took a moment before turning her head to find the source of the voices. She was met with a two headed snake gazing into her eyes, each head that of a different snake, one that of a cobra and the other an triangular shaped head.
“Hello Miss Bourgeois, we are Naje and Haje. A Numinous and the judge of truth. We congratulate you on becoming our new wielder and the new champion of the go-”
Before they could finish, Chloe cut them off, holding up one finger as she looked at them with a face so calm it might as well have been a mask.
Edited and Co-written by GrayNeko
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sugdenlovesdingle · 1 year
Exactly! They drop these stories when they don't need them as if nothing happened until they need them again. Suddenly, Paddy feels better, suddenly Marlon doesn't struggle that much. It's incredible the way this writing is bad and so direspectful toward the characters. There are more telling than showing stuff.
They also seems to give more interest to their own characters than the already etablished ones. They keep saying they love all of the characters but they don't show that. You said many times the characters were isolated from each other. It's so true. Chloe and April had a kind of "friendship", they don't interact anymore. Everything feels so forced and cold. We don't feel like following the stories of normal people but of puppets.
The Liam and Wendy's stuff is sooo awful. And i bet they will pretend it's a huge love story people enjoy. They don't even seems to remember Wendy is a huge liar either.
Emmerdale turned very arrogant and self-centered. Like many productions of our era, they seems to love and enjoy their own mediocrity. I know it's an hard word but they care more to praise themselves for what they are doing than to give us a good show. They are like these people who say "look we are feminist, we have this and this and we talked about that" while writing all their females characters with a pregnancy story.
RIGHT?! Nobody knows how to not get pregnant, and then when they do not going through with the pregnancy is not an option because suddenly it's all MY BABY and abortion is a bad word. I mean sure there are people who feel that way, but not everybody does. I remember tracy having an abortion when she was sort of with david/sort of broken up and it wasn't really framed as a bad thing, but she was the only one.
And their new and amazing characters like Marcus and Noami - the actors leave as soon as their contract is up because their stories make no sense. Marcus and Noah could have been so good, and Ethan and Marcus with Arthur and Marshall. Same with Naomi and Marlon - i loved their friendship... but then she was suddenly in love with alex and Marlon was only allowed to interact with Rhona and Mary.
And I know I keep going back to them but Amy and Matty - I don't remember anyone congratulating them on their engagement? Maybe moira but then there was the whole Kyle drama overshadowing it. They've been together for like... 2 years? Maybe three? they're practically raising Kyle together... but during that story Matty was nowhere to be found and it was just amy going "I'm his mam" every five minutes.
The show has always had its faults and plotholes... but it's gotten worse since the terrible trio took over.
Just hire me emmerdale, I'll fix your show!
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annieshowell · 2 years
you asked for it!! 🌈🕯️☕🍟🎵🎨👜📕📰 for cassandra, lilith, angela, ajay, lazlo, and chloe :D
i'll be honest i think i spent a couple of hours writing these LMAO but thank you i loved writing this
also im going to skip the candle thing cause i don't understand anything about aromatic candles and idk the smell of any but anyway...
🌈: Sexuality
cassandra: ngl i never decided my hc from her lmao but she sure is ace
lilith: bisexual!!!
angela: bisexual i think, i see her having a hard time coming out bi cause she thinks she has to be perfect and stuff but ngl i also like the idea of ​​her being a lesbian i just didnt adopt this hc officially cause i really like angela x dustin
ajay: another bisexual lmao my game has a lot of bisexuals
lazlo: bisexual too....
chloe: guess what? bisexual
☕: Favourite Drink
cassandra: for sure coffee
lilith: monster.
angela: angela likes natural juices, especially orange
ajay: coffe too
lazlo: i think in my head every scientist is powered by coffee so yeah coffe
chloe: she likes those nightclub cocktails idk which one specifically cuz i don't drink alcohol lmao
🍟: Snack
cassandra: she sure likes to eat those japanese peanuts you know? idk if it's a common thing everywhere but my god i love these peanuts and she sure likes it too
lilith: doritos, those well-spiced
angela: angela seems like a very healthy person to me, maybe she got it from daniel, so i think she prefers to eat fruits with nuts and things like that
ajay: he likes cookies, i always play with detective ajay™ so i imagine that while he is doing his investigations in front of the computer he is always drinking a big cup of coffee with cookies
lazlo: can pizza be considered a snack?
chloe: anything with chocolate, chloe seems to be the chocoholic type of person
🎵: Music they listen to
cassandra: classical music
lilith: she ranges from alternative to harder rock, and of course i know, everyone agrees that she is a fan of paramore oh and she also listens to some extremely unknown bands with like 300 listeners on spotify
angela: pop and also some a little indie stuff like mitski or clairo (amoeba playing in loop on her playlist)
ajay: ngl ajay is a very boring premade but my version of ajay likes rock, he likes queens, david bowie, metallica etc
lazlo: maybe he likes rock??? idk
chloe: pop music and she likes some r&b too
🎨: Favourite Colour
cassandra: black and purple
lilith: black and purple too yay goths club and also red
angela: green, blue, turquoise etc
ajay: brown and terracotta tones
lazlo: purpleeee
chloe: red!!!!!!
👜: What's always on their bag
cassandra: idk money, makeup these things? and maybe an agenda to write down the day's appointments and stuff
lilith: her goth makeup, earphones, etc
angela: she carries an agenda too, and her diary, she carries her diary everywhere cause she is afraid that lilith will take it and read
ajay: money, document, mint gum, a notebook to write down things about his cases and etc
lazlo: money, pizzeria discount coupons and cigarettes
chloe: makeup, money and condoms of course you never know LMAO
📕: Less Favourite School Subject
cassandra: i guess cassie doesn't seem like the kind of person who likes philosophy or sociology? i mean she's a scientist, she's much easier with numbers
lilith: practically all except arts
angela: math, she has a lot of difficulty but it's part of the perfect daughter role to do well in math
ajay: he looks like he doesn't like english (simlish actually lol)
lazlo: physical education lol he is a 2 active point sim
chloe: math, physics and chemistry
📰: Section of the Newspaper they read
cassandra: she likes to read her horoscope and also the science section
lilith and angela: they doesn't read the newspaper
ajay: he reads the whole newspaper
lazlo: if the newspaper has a section on conspiracy theories he will definitely read it, and of course the science section
chloe: also not the type of person who reads the newspaper
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