#surely theres an excuse as to why they get involved lol
nightmare-foundation · 4 months
Sighs. If I knew more about the batfam I'd absolutely write a fnaf/DC crossover. It'd be so fucking fun actually. They'd breathe in Hurricane, Utahs direction and be like "Oh this place is fucking weird. Gotham weird. What's up with that" and inevitably someone (Tim) would go snooping cause they're bored and what the fuck do you MEAN that shits Actually Haunted. Why are there killer robots constantly everywhere. Why is fazent Like That. What. Anyways I think that place is like Gotham levels of Fucking Weird and I think it'd be extremely fun if the batfam got roped into it
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dearweirdme · 6 months
(warning, this got way longer than anticipated sorry)
ik this is probably a dead topic to you and i apologize for bringing it up again but i was just rewatching the leaked jk videos of him in his apartment with that girl bc i saw some discourse abt it in another tkk blog’s comments. some jk stan who’s convinced he’s straight, that he was sleeping arnd/had a girlfriend, and that we’re all delusional came in the comments and basically started stirring shit lol. they mentioned they believed he was dating that tattoo artist girl who he was photographed w his arms arnd as well. but i thought she had a bf at the time of that pic being released? idk fs tho and that pic def gave off close friend vibes to me?
anyways, seeing the discourse made me go back and watch the video again and the more i watch it the more conflicted i get. like he is rlly all over her. arms wrapped all around her and walking holding her from behind like that. ofc it’s POSSIBLE that they’re just friends especially if he is gay/queer (ik that kind of physical affection is more typically acceptable between queer men and straight women than when both parties are straight). but to me for some reason it seems improbable and like that’s just an excuse to keep myself believing in tkk ? like really…we’re convincing ourselves him and the girl he had at his apartment at night alone w him are just friends when almost everyone and their mother would see that as clearly romantic and crossing platonic boundaries ? he’s THAT close, comfortable, and affectionate w a girl he’s just friends with ?
lol subconsciously i feel like im probably submitting this to ur account hoping ur response will give me reassurance that the interaction was not romantic even when it’s likely that it was. to me the video is clearly real and it is actually jungkook so that’s not at all the part that im debating about, but just the nature of the interaction ig ? like how long am i going to convince myself he’s queer and w taehyung when theres a lot that implies otherwise…
but then i think back on the reasons why i believe in tkk and that makes me even more confused lol. bc if i tell myself to just accept that jk is straight/not romantically involved w taehyung then idk how to make sense of many of tkk’s interactions either. like the kappa sweethearts tshirt is the one that rlly gets me for some reason. bc there’s no shot it was a coincidence they were wearing such a specific niche tshirt on the same day at the same time too. and why would friends wear matching literal “sweethearts” tshirts? they wouldn’t right? ik other ppl value the dream premiere and other moments more but those tshirts are so unarguable that it’s something i always circle back to. like to me saying their clothes at the dream premiere were intentionally queer coded is not something that is necessarily factually true. it’s more so an assumption after extensively digging into the background of their clothes which they may or may not have even noticed/intended. that to me could be argued as a coincidence but the kappa shirts are 100% the same specific tshirt and it was 100% the same day. that being a coincidence is less likely to me.
the other thing is the way they keep their friendship/relationship so much more under wraps than the others. but maybe that’s something we’ve just convinced ourselves of when maybe they haven’t rlly been that private/secretive abt it? idk i just go round and round in circles. i’ll come to a point where i feel SO sure that tkk are romantically together (especially with how explicit tae is w his support of the queer community) but then i’ll see some shit like that video of jk in his apartment w a girl and the whole thing gets derailed.
sorry i’ve just talked in circles atp and i could probably go back and forth w more examples for forever but yeah idk just wanted to hear your thoughts bc idk how you’re able to stay so secure in believing they are together. and i don’t think u seem like the type to just continuously convince urself of something that is delusional through confirmation bias and disregard of opposing evidence.
Hi anon!
Yeah, you probably ar submitting this because you want me to reassure you 😊 and that’s totally fine honestly. I mean, we are invested in Tae and Jk and stuff can really become complicated and confusing at times. Being confused is never a great feeling and you just want to not feel confused.
I need things to be realistic myself as well. I don’t need Jk and Tae to be together, I basically just think they are. I’m not afraid to step away from them if I feel they’re no longer together (or.. if they never were). And I will definitely let everyone know if/when I ever feel like something is off (and right after that I will hide because Jkkrs and anti’s will come for my head 😂).
To me it is all about the things I know for sure. Like Tae wearing that t-shirt for instance.. on the same day as Jk when he shot that mv. To me that is something strong and real talking in favor of them being together. Same goes for other situations: Tae and Jk at that hotel after/before Dubai, Jk singing that song to Tae, BH acting weird about them (and them alone), the way Tae constantly mentions Jk… and I could go on for a while probably. Those are actual things we have witnessed.. things that are real and when you look at the whole of it.. things that are consistent and that we have witnessed for a prolonged duration of time.
When I look at the footage of supposedly Jk with that girl, I see a person backhugging a girl for a real short amount of time. I have no context, I have no clue about there being more people or not. I can also clearly see that the footage is manipulated. I know it was released at a shady timing, with the purpose of harming him. I know that there’s an actual platform where people who hate him gather and plan stuff like this.
So when I put what I know is true about Jk and Tae next to what I know of that footage… the scale just tips over. I do not trust shady footage more than I trust what I know of Jk and Tae. And I might be wrong.. absolutely. But I just don’t think I am.
If I had no knowledge about Tae and Jk before seeing that footage.. maybe I wouldn’t have secondguessed it as well. But, I do have that other knowledge and therefore if I see something that goes against that.. I look at what’s fed to me more critically.
I don’t know if this has settled your mind anon. Personally I always feel fine with not having all the answers, but I can also understand that can be real unsettling. Maybe try and land in the ‘I don’t know for now’ zone for a bit?
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floatinginwords · 4 years
Saved by the Devil (9/?) - Tommy Shelby
Summary: Reader goes to visit tommy at his office (sorry im bad at summaries lol)
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x fem!reader (Its getting romantic i promise. slowly but surely)
A/n:  sorry this took so long to post and make. Semester is already kicking my ass and making me stress. Hope you enjoy and have a fantastic night. 
It had been a week since you’ve seen Thomas. Since you told him that you wanted to help him. At first, he was very confused. He had expected you to be angry with him or maybe even cry. But you had asked to help assassinate a general with him.
 “Im not getting you involved”
 You ignored him already piecing together what the plan might be, “You wrote down, 23-24 seconds? Your gonna kill this guy in that a mount of time with a guard outside and possible more inside. Plus the guy fought so he’ll know self defense…” You had begun rambling and he was just baffled.
 “Stop.” He told you, you were making some good points but he didn’t want to bring you in this mess. It was his alone that he must face.
 Before the two of you can argue any further, Ada called for him. A phone call she had said. He left you room and never came back. And that was a week ago. You annoyingly asked her everyday and night when he was to return. Now that you knew of the plans and what he was involved in, you couldn’t just let it go. It was dangerous, you knew that. It wasn’t your run of the mill assassination. You don’t know how Thomas was going it on his own or how he even planned on doing it. You had heard the Inspectors words. You know that that held animosity toward the peaky blinder. You can hear in his voice, you felt it in his punches. There was no way that he would give him everything he promised. Thomas needed to be one step ahead of the game. Which you were already conducting for him. You weren’t sleeping as much at night anymore anyway so writing down every scenario and idea you had. And then when that week was done you had it.
 “Ada, Ada, ada.” You ran through the halls calling for her.
 “What is it?” She asks coming out of her sons bedroom, probably fishing tucking him in for the night.
 “Your home in Birmingham, I need the address. Or the pub your brother owns.” You say to her with paper and pencil in hand ready to write down what she tells you.
 “Why?” Ada raises an eyebrow before passing you to go to her own room. You follow her.
 “Ada please.”
 “Why are your trying to see my brother? Didn’t you tell me you weren’t gonna work for him?”
 “I never said that.”
 “What do you like him or something?” Ada fake gags at her own words. Your cheeks warm a little bit but you keep a serious face as you tap the pencil to the paper.
 “Its not like that.”
 She stares at you long and hard. “I called him for help when you never came home. The man rushed over here like you wouldn’t believe.”
 “Ada, an address.”
 “ (y/n) your my friend and hes also my brother I just-“
 “Its just business.” You scoff at her.
 She sighs, “He had someone about a year ago. She was the barmaid at the pub.”
 “I’m not interested in your brothers history.” You can feel your temper rising at this topic jumping she was doing to you. It wasn’t about what she was implying at all. You wanted to help him that was all. You didn’t care about who he was with years ago or even now.
 “You are in his whereabouts.”
 You bite the inside of your cheek. Ada tilts her head and smiles, thinking she’s got you. You turn around ready to leave to your room when she finally spills the address for you.
You stood outside the building where Ada told you was Thomas’s office. You hoped he was there to hear you out. You were going to try to convince him but you had no certainty that you would succeed. You walked inside to find a bunch of woman inside talking.  One was short and very pregnant, the other tall and slender and the last one a bit older but looked the scariest out of all of them. They stopped talking as soon as you entered.
 “Umm excuse me…” You stuttered under their judging glares “Im looking for Thomas Shelby.”
 At first none of them say anything. They continue to stare at you. You meet the older ones eyes. You regret it instantly as you feel a fearful shudder go down your spine. That was a woman you did not want to mess with.
 “What do you need with mr. Shelby?” the tall one asks
 “Look at her Liz, what do you think she’s here for to take your place,” the pregnant one snickers.
“Shut up Esme.” The older one says.
 “I just wanted to talk…if he’s not here….” You trail off.
 A door in the back opens and out walks the devil himself. He glances up expecting only the three woman from himself maybe Michael or Finn and instead finding one more woman amongst the group; you.
 “(Y/n).” he simply states putting his hands in his pockets.
 You don’t say anything observing how awkward and tense you feel with these women.
 The older one speaks up, “Is this how your getting my son out of jail, Tommy. By fucking some whore?” She spats at him venom filling her voice.
 You’re about to speak up for yourself when Thomas opens his mouth first.
 “She’s not a whore, Polly. And Michael will be out soon. (Y/n) step inside..” He gestures for you to go in to his office. You feel very heavy under all their stares as you walk. You remember the name Michael. He was the young boy at the horse auction you had met.
 Thomas closes the door after you. You sit down crossing your legs and lacing your fingers together. Thomas sat next to you on the chair rather than across.
 “You’re looking better.” He says noticing the bruises on your face were fading.
 “Thank you,” You say, “They seemed on edge, is everything all right?”
 “That’s just the way they are.” He says.  
 You don’t say anything and just stare him. You knew he was lying. He chokes under your gaze.
 “Arthur and Michael are in jail. I’m working on it though.” He says swallowing hard. You didn’t press further, you could tell he was having a rough time.
 “I hope it works out.” You say, you clear your throat and adjust your self on the chair, “You shouldn’t kill the general at his house.” You spit out.
 “Jesus Christ Woman.” He says shaking his head.
 “Hear me out.” You plead.
 “Why do you want to do this?”
 You ignore him. Instead you tell him your whole plan. How he could kill two birds with one stone.
 “If your still going to Epsom, you can get Sabini. Maybe not kill him but screw him over. Are you still seeing May?”
 He nods.
 “Good you probably already know she’s got influence on the board. You use that to your advantage when you take Sabini men licenses. You go through her to get your men to what they need. Then the races are yours.”
 “How will we burn their licenses when theres fukin police everywhere.
 “They wont be around when they hear gunshots.”
 He takes a moment letting your words and plan sink in. He rubs his lip.
“We could burn the license’s gonna have to threaten them to take it,” He says muttering to himself, “The general why would he even go there?”
 The two of you talk for hours inside that little office of his. Drinking and talking of the plan. He tried to shut it down multiple times, trying to get you think twice about getting involved. But your mind was already made up. He seemed to like you idea, adding on to yours and even sharing details of the private mission of to you. It was like a weight lifted off his shoulders as he told you the how he had even gotten involved in this political mess.  Soon the drinks clouded both your minds and it was no longer business that you were just talking about.
 “So what you want out of this?”
 “You said the government involved right with this…the prime minister knows what your doing?”
 “Then maybe he could get me a new name or-“
 “Why do you need that?” He asks you
 “You can never live just one life…” You smile trying to joke.
 He stares at you intently, “Why did your father lock you up in that place?”
 Your smiles drops, he notices it his eyes softening just a bit. “Sorry, it just came up in my head.”
 “Do  I sound crazy to you or something?”
 “Its just a question ive had in my head for awhile. Its none of my business.” He stares at you deeply.
 “No its not,” You say softly, “I don’t know why he put me there either. Maybe cause he could. I mean I never asked him.”
 “So when you get your new name what are you gonna do? Ride out in the hills, find a husband, push a few kids.”
 You laugh at him, he smiles when the sound hits his ears. “You should smile more, Mr.Shelby.”
 “Tommy. Why do you call me by my last name.”
 “Its too make sure you don’t get comfortable. This,” you gesture to the two of you, “is strictly business.”
 “Why of course. Another drink?” He asks getting up for more whiskey. You nod. Your cheeks were flushed and head dizzy. You were beginning to forget what self control was. You mouth moving before you can even comprehend your next thought.
 “Ada told me how you had someone last year.”
 He stops pouring the drinks to look at you. His back stiff and free hand curled into a fist.
 You continue talking, not looking at him. You weren’t looking at nothing in particular really. “I never had anyone.” His figure relaxes when he looks you more closely. Your body a bit limp, eyes glossy, your speech a bit slurred. You didn’t hold your liquor too good.
 “What else did Ada say?”
 You giggle remembering. Ada thinking you had a thing for her brother. How ludicrous! You glance toward the man, a little smirk resting on his pink lips and head tilting toward you. His blue eyes shining at you with an emotion you couldn’t quite detect. A strange feeling flutters in your stomach. You stop giggling and clear your throat.
“I think I should go. It was good talking to you.” You stand up way too fast. You begin to see black spots all over and the loss of balance.
 ‘Fuck’ you think to yourself, thinking about how your gonna embarrass
yourself falling to the floor.
 But then you feel a pair of hands grab at your arms and spin you around. You fall into Mr.Shelbys chest and for a moment he holds you there. And for that moment you smelled the cologne and whisky on his clothes. You felt the calluses on his rough hands against your soft skin. You felt the slight beating of his heart in his chest. You think if you look up you’ll get to see if the blues in his eyes are as clear as you think em to be.
 But the moment is gone an you both step away from each other, awkwardly. You swaying on your feet trying to regain balance and him hitting the drawer behind him.
 “You shouldn’t go home at this time (Y/N)” he finally says deciding to ignore what just happened. Which was fine with you. You felt very nervous all of a sudden and very, very confused.
 “Come with me.” He says taking you by the crook of your elbow and leading you out of the building. You didn’t want to admit that you liked the way it felt when he had grabbed you and the two of you walked out together, you couldn’t help but think of when and if he would do it again.
Read Pt.10
@captivatedbycillianmurphy @enamouravecleslivresetlechocolat @evelyn-4034
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badassllamaclan · 3 years
Trollhunters: Rise of the Titans (Real-time thoughts as I watched it yesterday)
Spoilers under the cut!!!
They’re gonna deny me Barbara seeing her human son again!?!?!?
Dafuq? Was that Otto????
Lol Incredibles?!?!?
Men in Black needed
That fuckin your mom joke. These losers are so grounded when they get back to Arcadia
EXCUSE YOU, WHY DOES STRICKLER SOUND LIKE THAT???? But also, yay Strickler was there when Jim woke up.
Nomura…. Is her voice different I’m not 100% sure
“So we don’t technically have a school”
Why the fuck is Arcadia the center
Also Nari up close is serious leafmen vibes
I love that this is some of the most involved Barbara has ever been in anything
Wtf did they do to BARBARA’S NOSE?!?!?
Smooth morons
Why didn’t that fuck test the amulet before they tried to stop the order???
Also why does Jim yelling sound so weird? Like his voice is deeper specifically when he yells.
Mad respect that the arctic base in Greenland wasn’t destroyed and that researcher won’t straight up freeze to death
Everyone is questioning troll dragons, WHEN STRICKLER EXISTS RIGHT THERE
At least Nomura is still Nomura
Fuck either Blinky or Arrrgh is gonna die or some shit… WAIT BLINKY IS TELLING THE STORY THAT MEANS HE LIVES… fuck
Also Jim you’re such a loser I love you, the world’s ending and you’re upset cause your mom is finally happy and her happiness is at risk
OH COOL, we addressed that Archie’s dad still exists and is ancient AF. LOVE GHE GUILT TRIPPING!!! Father son bonding over terrorizing Blinky, love it
ALSO EVERYONE WAS CAUGHT ON VIDEO IN THE BEGINNING HOW HAS THAT NOT BEEN ADDRESSED, they’re literally only acknowledging that the titans happened
Yay, Barbara and Strickler having active roles
Hi I was not ready for Nomura
Cool they’re gonna kill Strickler in the exact way I said on tumblr a few years ago
YES BARBARA VALIDATING HOW MUCH STRICKLER LOVED JIM, but random assedly bringing up Jim’s bio dad?????
So they’re going to kill off as many fan favorites as possible because they have to fix everything with the time sphere
Coach Lawrence is trying his best
Thus far the pacing of this is pretty good
Oh shit Nari and WHATS his face died, but I swore that wasn’t permanent when they killed WHATS his face the first time
Wait back up, I thought that Heartstone was dead, and now it’s glowing
Lol I love how they have military clearance
Aja is a wonderful and realistic queen
I love how they brought Nomura back just to kill her
Lol I kinda knew Toby was gonna die when they kept bringing up him being moral support he felt underestimated and the underestimated ones always sacrifice themselves
Also I would be bawling my damn eyes out if it wasn’t for the fact they haven’t used the green time orb yet
Blinky comforting Arrrgh borderline looked like they were kissing
Arrrgh crying though almost got me
Lol I would love it if Jim time travels and when it catches up to the same point that the current timeline is at they’re just at Barbara and Strickler’s wedding.
also real quick Jim trying to set Strickler up with his mom OMFG
FUCK it’s such a good ending for the series I love it
Fuck there’s no more… I just wanna see more, like how the writers and creators think the little differences between timelines will be
I’m literally sitting here staring at the credits screen.
I love how the last bit of credits is the production babies
The ending also explains why there was so much fan service
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dramagamergirl · 4 years
Day 3 - Love Unholyc
Third Day 
Chat 1:59 am Sweet dreams  
I can't sleep   I'm so tired +Hi 
Sure, I like that  I want to chat with you face to face... +Hi 
I want to see your startle face. +Hi  Something big is going to happen if I faint one more time... 
Sujee deserved it. You did the right thing +Hi  I think you overdid it considering she didn’t do it on purpose  
Maybe she doesn't like you being with me? —  Maybe she is paralyzed in love with you?  What's your mom like?   
Chat 08:43 am William’s heart   
Yeah, I'm right here —  Why did you call me twice? 
That pink haired human has a name and its hi +HI  did you worry about me a lot? 
Were they that important?   but what's done is done. What should I do —  
  I recharge some yesterday night so it's okay! —   We should look at it under a positive light its half full. Not half empty!    I don’t think I can remember all of them  You're right. I don’t listen to anyone so cheer up. — 
Oh right! It’s the black Sabbath  okay. I'll be more careful —    Hi calls  
  Chat 10:36 am My dear friend!   
Wow, your profile picture is so pretty —  lol I was kidding; you know me all too well 
How did you know that??  Are you worried for my wellbeing?  —    it's refreshing morning if that answer the question   I don’t feel so great — 
They were more attractive than unholycs —  I still have a long way to go  
To think you would find joy in my misery —  I'm glad you actually find my situation amusing     I don’t have any intention of forcing them to do my bidding —  Our power doesn’t work against other unholyc 
You have your butler though  Why don’t you hang out with humans? —    Huhu, wish all u want! —  I will deliver your message to William  
  Chat 11:24 am Cat is recovering! 
Yeap, 100 percent  I survived thank to Hi +Hi    Yes, I did!  I skipped because I felt lazy and tired — 
  I wanted to see you too...you should have stopped by +Leo  Good job. You can't just throw your life away like that.    I didn’t notice! Sad  I felt much better this morning all of a sudden +Hi    Hi image  
That’s because you drank too much yogurt lol  You have a sweet tooth too hi? +Sol    Great! I pulled it off —   I guess he’s not fully recovered yet. We need to take care of him until the very end.     I'm happy enough to be able to talk to you guys +Sol  There are so many things that I want that I can't even list them all  
Sol Image   
Ah! Did you want to have my slippers?  .. So cute lol +Leo 
Bird poop That’s ominous  Don’t you think you should rater clean it that chat about it here? Hahaha — 
  Sol Calls  
  Chat 13:46 pm Big Sister!!! 
Who is this? —  Okay, thank you 
Where did you get my number?  Haha Nice to meet you too +Sol 
What jeeps him so busy? —  Did Sol ever have a girlfriend? 
Hey  Hello? +Sol  Excuse me? 
  Chat 14:32 pm I have a question  
Yes, boss!  I wanted to talk as well lol — 
He called me sister in law lol  Don’t punish him, he was a nice person. — 
lol Are you checking on my meal status again?  Yes, I did —  No, I didn’t   
Something else? Theres nothing, we’re fine  mmm, the truth is... No, never mind — 
I am one who made the decision. You don’t need to. +Sol  William is not as irrational as he might seem lol 
  Chat 16:37 pm Memory from school years  
  I will take that SOS! +Leo  Hi Leo, I'm not busy!  
Application requirement?  Can Hi translate? +Hi 
I think those who write negative comments online are all psychopath  Why would people spend time writing such a thing? +Hi 
Why won't you make a costume for hi?  Hi, so smart! +Hi 
That’s Sol’s privacy  I bet 100 +Leo 
Sol Image    Leo must enjoy physical activity. —  Aren't you a professional model? 
Sol isn't good at drinking? +Sol  Oh. The story sounds pretty interesting! 
The story doesn't match with how Leo looks  I want to see Leo get tired +Sol 
I like how manly Sol is  That’s right. I like how soft and warmhearted Sol is — 
Lol Sol... you are really upset  Treating elderly well. That's amazing — 
  Chat 18:58 pm Strange vacation 
Do you think he told her about my story?  30 pairs of slippers? +Hi 
Didn’t you say the sign was no longer there?  Maybe she’s talking off a little longer? — 
You guys must be close to her  She’s going to be fine +Hi 
Maybe it was someone looked like her? +Leo  Maybe she just wanted to take a rest  
Sol is so reliable and competent  I really wish she’s okay +Sol 
I like sweet things too! +Leo  How can Sol handle so much sugar? 
      Chat 19:43 pm Man From underworld 
Sujee, you must visit Ripeato pretty often?  Are you close to her too, Sujee? — 
Don’t you think saying that can hurt Sol’s felling even more? +Sol  Why don’t you use different way to describe him? 
Sujee, you are being rude —  are you talking bad about Sol’s friends? 
Sol has enemies?!  They want the Ripeato’s street? How bold! — 
Sol, does this put you in danger? —  Sol. Don’t you have intention to solve the issue by force? 
Everything is centered on Hi for you, Sujee —  Do you know these people, sol? 
It Feels like we are mingling into something dangerous —  Can't we just report the case to the police? 
Leo you must have been busy?  Leo, I am still here! +Leo 
Sol is as normal as we are  Sol must be aware how concerned you are, Leo — 
How did you get close to her, Leo? +Leo  How did Sol get close to her, Leo? +Sol  How did Hi get close to her, Leo? +Hi 
I am too, I've got so much to do  I'm fine, pretty free +Leo   
    Chat 20:21 pm Don't tell others 
Urgent matter? What is it? —  Are you okay??   
I won't until you come.  Don’t push yourself too much, you don’t have to come if it's difficult —
  Chat 21:24 pm Advance from human female friend 
I'm just doing my work   I just talked to sol — 
Sol is not a gangster —  No. I didn’t 
I think you are  You are worried about me? — 
You... Heard? That means those may not be true —  He had lived such a though like?   
Sol said he trust Ripeato employees —  all the employees at Ripeato used to be gangsters? 
Yes, I understand. Thank you —  well a lot still doesn't make sense to me    I only speak about Hi that I know —  Something makes me think I know more about Hi than you do 
  Chat 21:45 pm Sol’s last words  
Don’t worry, sol will take care of everything!  We haven't heard from Hi either, right? — 
Hi, lets calm down a bit. I'm sure that what Sol wants  Don’t be sorry. You must have been so busy... We have startled you +Hi 
Nothing much  He sounds there is some issues + Leo 
Does sol get involved in fights often?  Sol is super strong, so he's going to be okay, right? — 
Leo, you really do understand Sol too well +Leo  What message did Sol leave you with?  
Why do you have to be there early the morning?  Im so glad you are coming early — 
Okay, I will stay strong +Sol  I can't calm myself down from worrying 
Story21:53 pm Emergency Close down, Ripeato 
No options  
    Story22:34 pm Waiting 
Sol! Are you okay?  I was waiting for you +Sol 
Should support him standing —  Should Tell Sol he’s swatting a little but    I worried about you too —  We can't even worry a person who is taking care of himself? 
How come you sound surprise by that? —  Mm, I think? 
That’s right, I am upset +Sol  Nope, why would I feel unpleasant  
Stop, get a hold of yourself!  Let's finish this up first, okay? +Sol 
Sol, can you do it with less power...  It hurts if you do it like that, so let's loosen it up a bit. Be good, okay? +Sol 
Sol is there any issue that you are afraid to share with is?  Sol it may be just a feeling. But it seems you become a lot more talkative when I'm around — 
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6ad6ro · 3 years
i think it's especially easy for neurodivergent ppl to blindly follow a community's "rules", especially when they're created by communities that overall have seemingly "good intentions". there isn't that necessary process of criticism, and context is rarely used alongside these "rules".
i randomly joined tumblr way back when, and IMMEDIATELY was like "wow, this is amazing. these ppl care about human rights and want to make the world a better place!" lol. and i began to blindly follow a lot of "rules" and cast a lot of judgements without thinking. it was pretty easy to do, considering i'd left places like youtube where (hatespeech and prejudice ideas are really common). tumblr seemed like paradise.
sure enough, i found myself saying things like "i hate men" (im he/they), "i hate white ppl" (im white), "i hate cis ppl". etc etc etc. it's really easy to like... passionately want change. and think the groups you're supporting are always right.
it's easy to make blanket statements... to follow "rules" without thinking? when your intentions are "good". i just wanted actual equality. the culture i was involved in said "these ppl are at fault, we need to change them to fix things". so i went along with it. i didn't think. i wanted to be "good".
but what about male allies. what about trans men. what about WHITE allies... do some of u gays REALLY not have a single cis person you're friends with? sorry, but theres a lotta ppl that fall into these groups who are ABSOLUTELY lovely. and also on your side.
and yet here you are, blogging about how much you hate them. throwing them under the bus based on the color of their skin, their gender, or their prefs.
just bc racist/sexist/transphobes commonly call out tumblr as a "place of hate" to try and justify their OWN hate (u know the tactic)? doesn't justify what we're doing. many of tumblr's "rules" and widespread beliefs? are inherently prejudist.
and neurodivergent ppl can just... eat this stuff up. me personally? i'm ALWAYS having to ask others "is this okay" or "am i doing this right"? it's really hard to make confident decisions on my own. so i would see "rules" as a godsend. something to trust in.
not realising that the same type of authoritarian, control-freak mentalities that exist in like... government? are also in these marginalised communities.
not to call anyone out, but i ran into yet another person with an absolutely silly dni today (ftr they seemed like a rly sweet, at most confused, younger person doin their best). but they literally were like "if someone i follow is bad, please lmk"... like? while on the surface that might seem like "oh i wanna know if someone i rb from is a secret terf" etc? i can't help but see it as "i dont know the rules! plz tell me the rules!!! i wanna do the right thing". bc i'm sorry. i see this stuff too much from atypical peeps.
there was a lot of confusing stuff in this dni. another being "if you believe there can be racism against white ppl, please dni" (the user claimed to be white btw). like... honestly? this one makes me wanna scream. bc what ppl call "racism" is usually just "prejudice". and YES prejudice actually DOES happen against white folk. your statement is an example. seriously tired of marginalised communities excusing their prejudices simply bc they're poc or gay or just whatever. like if you CHOOSE to make excuses for why hating someone based on their race or gender or sexuality is okay? you're excusing prejudice.
it even gets extra silly w the less serious "rules". like i'll see things like "no self-shipping" (its fictional), "no problematic character love" (its fictional), "you must set up/format your blog in this way" (its not your say, so if u dont like someones blog just unfollow/block omg). just a lotta weird "rules" where i KNOW these ppl got em from other cutthroat, authoritarian, self-proclaimed "good people". "no racists" is a rule that makes sense. but "no vtuber shipping"??? are... are u kidding? u know that anime youtubers are designed to be horny, right? lol... i just see a lotta stuff. too much demonizing and over WHAT? it's ridiculous.
PLEASE! for the love of GOD just TRY and use context and individual judgement. and i say this ESPECIALLY to other neurodivergent ppl. bc i get that it's really hard for ppl like us. but...
i guess i'm just tired of seeing so much hate being disguised as justice and love. and i'm tired of atypical ppl's trust being taken advantage of. i'm tired of blind rulefollowing. if tumblr communities should teach you anything, it's to be critical and analytical of morality. i know it can be difficult, but please just THINK.
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Concept: enemies/rivals to lovers au where malec decide to hook up and have "hate sex" bc "I hate u but that doesnt mean u arent hot" but then it somehow ends up getting really tender and sweet anyway (bc of course they're both pining whether they realize it or not... bonus angst: magnus realizes and is Hurting alec is oblivious) and afterwards theres just this awkward silence of hm.. that was... Not hate sex
Bonus if it begins rough (not actually hurtful but rough) like alec slams him against a wall and it's all Flirting and Teasing but them they get to the making out and it's less rough and more very soft. (Also thinking alec slams magnus against a wall and magnus, embarrassingly, melts immediately bc he sub,, alec may tease him a little but hes also nonjudgemental and weirdly soft and magnus is like 😊)
hmmmmm i do love this concept but tbh i have trouble imagining a enemies to lovers au with malec because lmao when would they ever hate each other. i mean they had the perfect setup for this with alec being a shadowhunter but they’re just like nope. we ain’t about that life. like dahdsaidhasihdaihda
i guess rivals works tho, like they’re both competitive and turned on by competition oops yeah magnus reinvigorating sure and talented so i can see them both being like, idk athletes or some other shit who cares, and they’re like on opposing teams and there’s a rivalry going on because they’re both the aces
or if we want to be a healthy amount of ridiculous that fits our boys, they are just like. pool rivals in the local bar. izzy or fucking somebody dragged alec to the bar one (1) time and because alec isn’t big on drinking or noise or anything he just beelined to the pool table, and magnus immediately joined him, and they just turned like. VICIOUS. immediately. because they’re both about as good and competitive
so it becomes kind of a Thing - every saturday night they’ll “happen to be at the bar” and “see each other” and be like “i want a rematch” and monopolize the pool table. i mean other people can join them but it’s hell because they’re so focused on each other they just keep quipping and bantering and basically all but ignoring them. and everyone is like sigh. but it’s fun to watch so other ppl quickly start getting there to watch them and making bets and shit, and it gets the bar considerably more popular, so the owners aren’t mad
(i’m picturing that the owners are meliorn/maia/raphael because hoo boy am i a slut for the polycule. maia is the bartender and raphael cooks and meliorn kind of handles logistics. simon is a musician but he plays there all the time too and they’re all together and it’s cute. anyway that’s why magnus is always there, he always comes to see raphael and they spend most of the afternoon talking - idk he works mostly at the counter along with maia? look don’t question me. also earlier there aren’t a lot of people anyway so it’s mostly slow so they’re going around and getting everything ready and magnus helps okay let me have this - until eventually raphael sighs all like “tall boy is here” and magnus turns and sure enough, there is alec and there they go to the pool table)
okay so eventually alec learns that magnus is usually there on tuesdays as well as saturdays, so he starts coming in on tuesdays too because it’s better anyway and he gets to play and unwind with like, less people around, and it’s nice. and that’s when they start to know each other a little more deeply because they can engage in conversation without anyone watching (well. the polycule is definitely watching, but subtly. raphael will deny it in the face of overwhelming evidence but they all know he’s watching and desperately rooting for magnus and getting way too invested in their pool games) and actually like, talk about themselves without feeling weird? you know. usually they start talking to try and “distract” the other but their banter comes in so easily and they do have a lot of common interests and experiences and it just progresses naturally. talking and playing, playing and talking
(lmao there’s probably a point when magnus won’t be able to go to the bar as usual and he lets raphael know and raphael’s all teasingly like “should i tell tall boy not to come then?” and magnus is like don’t be ridiculous. but alec comes in and raphael tells him that magnus isn’t here today and alec is like *SULKS* and maia just kinda pets him on the head and it’s funny and ridiculous okay)
ANYWAY onto the theme of this ask (god why can’t i stick to the original idea for anything ever) they start to know each other better and fall in love and all that jazz, but their whole relationship is like. laced by the competitiveness and the game, you know? so they’re like ah yes haha we’re definitely rivals not friends at all. yes i did tell him some of my secrets and past experiences and we see each other almost every week why do you ask
and there’s obviously a lot of flirting involved because you CAN’T tell me that they don’t get turned on by competitiveness and each other’s skill, okay. like alec will score or whatever it’s called and magnus is equal parts big mad because they’re tied again and just like oh myh ofd so muhc arm jhmmmm strong competentt,,, god please fuck me until i cant speak and magnus has Even More Arm so alec is just watching him (also he’s so graceful and flexible and focused and every time he gets into position to idk what it’s called you get the idea, do the thing, alec is just. mesmerized by his movements and looking respectfully. and then he scores and smirks at him and alec is like god DAMN it you little brat i’m going to fuck you so hard haha what who said that) 
so anyway they flirt a lot and you can’t tell what is bantering and that is flirting anymore, and the sexual (and romantic but they don’t wanna acknowledge that. tbh mostly romantic because while i love some good ole sexual tension i feel like sometimes fics like this rely too much on that and u can’t feel the romance but like, they definitely start to talk about their lives and have a lot of fun together not just sexyal tension you know? like most of the time they’re really just talking normally about their days and they open up and just talking to each other makes them feel so much lighter and that’s why they keep coming back, you know? but they also flirt) tension is thick and eventually they end up kissing kinda roughly and passionately
and YEAH it begins kinda rough like wall slamming and all and magnus is all melty and like of course they’re not gonna do anything kinky because that’s a kinda spur of the moment thing and they didn’t discuss boundaries, or anything. but just like alec towering over him, kissing him roughly, clearly taking control and magnus being super into it and grabbing him and bringing him closer and wrapping his legs around him and just humping him and moaning? hmmm delicious 
anywAY yeah they’re supposed to have “hate sex” (not like really hate but more like, oh my god i’m so tired of you teasing me all the time and being an asshole and my totally rival not anything else, we should fuck about it) but like. they’re just. in love tbh and soon the kisses turn more reverent and alec’s wandering hands get softer and start just exploring and loving and it’s suddenly slow and sweet and he’s kissing every inch of magnus’ skin (even as magnus is kinda bratty like come on alexander, fuck me) and it’s just hmmm just great and loving. and alec fucks him slowly and magnus kisses him deeply and they’re both holding each other close and when magnus comes he lets out this beautiful moan and alec comes too, all like “oh my god, you are so perfect, so beautiful” 
and then they’re kinda like, panting and coming down from the high, and maybe they even kiss again after they’ve come without realizing what they’re doing? just like hmm good and nice and they’re still embracing and alec’s dick is still inside of magnus lol and they kiss slowly and languidly and then they just kind of come down from the high and look at each other like. oh god. shit. fuck 
but there’s no denying it so they’re just kind of like. hm. i guess we should. talk about this? haha. and they do because we stan healthy communication and that’s the story of how malec used hate sex as an excuse to be boyfriends 
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thehonestbanana · 4 years
Onion made a recent tweet saying he isn't a pedo because he states that children are 'ugly', which is concerning choice of phrasing because he makes no mention of how being a pedo is evil, morally wrong, or abusive. He's a father of two children too. It reminds me of how videos he made where he sexualised changing a baby girl's diaper, or how in a previous job at daycare (or something involving supervising children) he describes small children as 'pulling his clothes off'. He sexualised it.
Oh noooo Greg deleted the tweet! Oh man too bad I still have this! Thank you tweetbot! We talked about this last night holy shit lol
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Why does he have to sexualizing everything?! He’s such a sexual deviant even the most innocent thing gets sexualized!
Like first off Greg thinks because he thinks kids are ugly everyone should; that’s his narcissistic self thinking everyone thinks just like him. He doesn’t understand pedos have something fucked up and that’s why they’re attracted to kids, but no he rather focus on the kids looks part...the KIDS. LOOKS. How the fuck are you gonna say “kids are ugly” as a fucking reason why someone shouldn’t be attracted to them. How about THEYRE FUCKING KIDS ITS DISGUSTING AND WRONG TO BE ATTRACTED TO THEM. No it’s the looks. Just nothing about this tweet make him look good at fucking all.
Second yeah the fucking diaper thing. Look, there are valid reasons why someone is afraid to change a babies diaper, it just has to do with the persons comfortbility. Just because someone is uncomfortable doesn’t necessarily mean anything, it just means they don’t feel comfortable and that’s fine. IN GREGS fucking CASE HOWEVER HE SEXUALIZED IT AND MADE IT WEIRD!! He referenced the kids god I can’t even say it it’s so fucking gross. The “parts” as why he’s uncomfortable. Greg has a daughter too keep in mind. If he were to say “no I don’t feel comfortable changing other kids diapers” then that’s fine. That doesn’t mean anything it’s just some people aren’t comfortable with other people’s kids, but to uses her “genitalia” as the main fucking reason is fucking.... it’s fucking gross!! I’m 90% sure he also said he didn’t want to be accused of anything, another CONCERNING STATEMENT! Does that mean he thinks something was gonna happen? Madison trusted him to watch her and that includes CHANGING HER. She wouldn’t have left her kid with Greg I’d she didn’t trust him to change her! Makes me wonder if he was scared he was gonna do something. Either way Theres no fucking excuse to leave a baby in a soiled diaper to the point she got a horrible rash. That’s fucking neglect man.
I faintly remember that one too anon. Like even with a child he always has to play victim. But also he has to make things weirdly sexual. He’s such a sexual deviant like I said before, everything sexual to him he can’t even do one thing without it being focused on something sexual like “oooh removing clothes” or “genitalia” or some other shit. He has to make it sexualized then when people call him out they’re the ones sexualizing shit. Like Jesus fuck man. He’s a sex addict and it’s literally effecting his way of life, everything is sex with him! Sex sex sex! He fucking needs so much help my god. Just absolutely disgusting.
Edit:it was a summer camp not a daycare. He was about 18.
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cutemoniic · 5 years
full offense, because i care very little about this website anymore, but people who completely and consciously refuse at providing ooc communication should be kicked out of this community. there should be a certaint rulebreaker that doesnt allow people past a certaint point with this. there should be a message that pops up over their blog with something like ''buddy, you fucked up now'' in massive blinding lights and automatically kicks them out of the website. also, this rant was overdue.
im not talking about people who struggle with anxiety regarding communicating out of character, im talking about people who can communicate properly and weaponize the fuck out of it. social/online anxiety, bad news i know, isnt shitting on someone in a group chat while having complete power to communicate to them ''hey, this x thing that happened/that you said rubbed me the wrong way, can we talk about it?'', but choosing to withdraw any form of communication to stir some drama because youre thirsty for it. social/online anxiety isn't failing so badly at communicating that even YOU cannot accept it and unload the blame on someone else completely just because you feel like this is the right thing to do. REAL socially anxious people are in the rpc community and they are doing their best to reach out to people to form friendships and meaningful relationships. imagine having the power and the abilities to communicate properly, but withholding it all because youre on a sick power trip and want to shit as much as possible over the other person just because of a slight you perceived was done towards you. when this happens, you don't moan and whine about said perceived slight: you move your ass, gather your maturity and go talk to the other person about it. if it wasnt intentional youll receive an apology and a promise to do better, and if it was intentional or the person did it in a malicious light? call them the fuck out. warn others. make a fucking storm up so they will run away in shame. but at least you will have done the correct thing: communicating.
as i talked about it before over my dualscar blog, even if on another topic, this is a community hobby: it means that we are all conjoining energies to make ourselves and everyone else a fun time by communicating with eachother. i assume that everyone that joins here, or has been on tumblr for a long time, knows that ooc communication is a necessary thing to have a pleasant experience. there's a problem? we talk about it. something happens that causes anxiety? we talk about it! it should be this simple. this should be a source of solid comfort for other people. knowing that they are more than their own muses and knowing that the other person on the other side of the screen will reach out if they are upset at them, so the problem can be tackled out. i had a few traumatic experiences based on ooc communication that shaped up how much i oocly contact others: i have been blamed for being too attached to ooc communication when the other person completely and utterly failed to communicate their share and left me to shoulder it all. i have been withheld big time ooc communication until i talked about it, and gaslight into ''but if you asked me for more ooc communication i would have used it! xd'' when in reality it wasnt true, etc. man, i have been shunned so fucking much for valueing ooc communication as i do and i can see why, today. most of the people im talking about also shadily changed names to not be recognized by these days so lol!
because ooc is a powerful tool of communication, it will be weaponized from malicious people in order to stir up drama and to have both positive and negative attentions drawn on them. it will be withheld just to make the one doing it feel powerful and make their victim feel bad. anything that will be shifted from people who believe of themselves as ''blameless'' and ''the true victims'' will be shifted into the person who just wants to have a safer experience with communication. people will literally thing ''i know i am to blame for this, but let me flip it all around or ill shatter like a mirror because i cannot face responsabilities and have the maturity of a candy cane'' and shit like this. while im usually a very empathetic person, i see shit like this and i lose it.
if you don't get why ooc communication is important, or have no intentions on changing how you communicate, you are not welcome in the rpc community.
this rant, which will obviously be taken and talked about various malicious trashtalking chatrooms to judge me for it, because this is how ''ooc communication'' is right now, is aimed to be seen by certaint people and give them strenght. i mean to tell them ''you arent alone in having been mistreated over ooc community, c'mere. lemme give you an hug''. this rant is to reassure REAL socially anxious people that i feel for them and dont want uncommunicative fuckfaces to make their experience even worse than what it is already. if you feel called out by this rant, im not up to listen to your excuses and reasons, and if you contact me looking to argue, you're gonna be blocked the moment the sound of your message hits my IMs. if instead you feel called out by this rant and want to know what you did wrong and look for advices to improve, im willing to help you if theres no victimism involved and we can talk like two mature people if you want to get better. im a patient person if you show remorse.
if someone adamantly refused to ooc communicate, manipulates you or shuns you for it, start protecting yourself if you are not ready to call them out.
inform your friends in the most neutral way that you can. ''this person has caused me grief over ooc communication by not using it/weaponizing it against me etc, and has put me into a difficult situation. be careful''. mass block them the moment they try this bullshit over your other pals too. avoid this person until they have nothing left to do but apologize and promise to be better, and once actual progresses are made make sure to have a talk with them to make them understand why this happened and what about this irked you and caused you to react strongly. if there is no remorse or apology, continue avoiding them. people will eventually come around after they are hurt too, and will need you to mend their wounds. people will start listening after it. its all a chain of events that cannot be stopped until the perpetrator of this bullshit stops and looks at their actions.
callouts aren't required.
as a final word, i will say it again: if you cannot recognize that this community is still trying desperately to find comfort in communication and you wanna do your worst to ruin it, do everybody that still has some sanity a favor and leave, because you will not be welcomed unless you radically change how you act.
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harrieatthemet · 6 years
could you write about painter harry having a art showcase and y/n forgetting about it and not going, and then they have a huge fight about it, to the point where they almost break up???? i love angst, sorry snsksns
my writers block is dead lol so long bitch!!!!
It’s not like you didn’t know he had been working on this.
It’s not like he hadn’t brought it up constantly, shamelessly finding ways to slip into a conversation. The context never mattered, because somehow he’d maneuver his way into bringing up this big project he’d been tirelessly working on.
And there was paint everywhere. So much so, that he vividly remembers you chewing him out for getting a burnt orange shade on the new white couch in the living room. But he insisted that it’d be worth it, that he’d have more than enough to cover the price of getting it fixed. 
“Can’t wait fo’ yeh t’see, love,” he gushed, “s’really amazing. Best I ever done.” 
He was so proud, so thrilled with this piece in particular. It was so different than all the others, and this time he was so much more involved. Maybe because it was for you, of you, that it stood out to him amongst the rest. 
God, it had been painfully hard to keep it under wraps. The door to the art studio was never locked, mostly because he liked when you’d saunter in and share your thoughts about whatever he was working on. Your input was always valued. But this was one, it had to be a surprise.
It’s why he made sure to remind you, on several different occasions, to put the showcase date in your phone. Or in your planner, and the calendar on the fridge in the kitchen, so you wouldn’t forget. 
And you swore you wouldn’t. One thing you were typically good with was keeping promises, and initially he was never concerned about the showcase slipping your mind. 
That is, until the workload got heavier. Phone calls were coming in more often than usual, and it seemed like you were doing more work when you got home than you were actually doing when you were away at work for the day. The sound of your ringtone had become a pet peeve of his, and the glow of your laptop screen was starting to keep him up at night. But you always kept promises, and he knows that you’d keep in mind how imperative this showcase was to him. 
But his faith dwindled with every passing minute, it seemed. His gaze on the door at the other end of the showcase room became more and more intent, hardened and anxious almost. Checking his phone, while he stood and spoke with a few people who so highly praised his painting, would be so rude. And it was, it was rude, but it didn’t stop him from checking it every couple of minutes.
The champagne that they were serving was stale tasting, dry and he was barely even nursing it. There was a massive knot in his stomach, not from the poor choice of alcohol, but because every hour that came and went, he was still here alone. 
“It’s (Y/N), yeah?” A friend of his asks, and Harry meekly nods, “Bet she loved it, s’really phenomenal.” 
“Hasn’t seen it yet,” Harry exhales, a frown prominent on his face, “probably never will.”
And eventually he’s packing it up, the crowd dwindling down to other artists putting away their work, absolutely livid and humiliated that you stood him up like this. Whatever explanation you had prepared for him, wouldn’t suffice. He’s not sure he’d be interested in hearing excuses, he’s stuck in his own head and all he can think about is how badly he wants to snap this painting in half. 
Briefly, he was under the impression that the car ride home would be enough time alone to relieve some of his anger. Of course, he was wrong. Because opening the door, hearing you fumbling around with some dishes in the kitchen, only seemed to fuel the fire. 
No part of him is interested in being modest, as he practically hurls his boots off his feet and into the closet, as they ricochet off the closet wall and land with a thump on the floor. His coat follows, as he hangs it up with a huff before toting the painting along with him on his traipse towards the heart of the house.
“Oh,” you smile, “was just about to call you. Didn’t know where you were.” 
“Didn’t know where I was?” His tone is riddled with condescending sarcasm, and he’s not trying to hide it. 
Your back is still to him, as you put some of the dishes in the drying rack. And once you turn to fade him, your light mood takes a sharp left turn, a weary feeling of guilt stirs itself up in the pit of your gut. He’s not happy with you, and it takes a mere few seconds for you to figure out why, as he sulks in the doorway with the painting lazily hanging from his side.
“Fuck,” you murmur, sucking in a deep breath, “the showcase. Harry I’m so sorry I completely-” 
“I-” his eyebrows are furrowed, and he pauses momentarily, “m’not tha’ interested in hearing an apology right now, (Y/N). Really, m’not.”
“It was an accident, mixed up the date and I just-”
“Painted you,” he grumbles, aggressively shoving the portrait at you, “wanted it t’be a surprise. Some fuckin’ surprise, huh?”
Theres a guilty frown painted on your lips as you lift the painting up, holding it in front of you to admire it. And really, it is one of his best pieces. The detail is immaculate and it’s obvious to the naked eye that he spent an inordinate amount of time working on it. Which makes you feel even worse, like it was possible to. 
“It’s amazing,” you murmur, biting back on your lip because honest to God, you just might cry, “Harry I don’t even know what to say.”
“How about yeh just don’t fuckin’ say anything,” he growls, and your eyes go wide, “slaved over this bloody thing, for you. Begged yeh t’remember just this one thing, ‘nd yeh couldn’t even do tha’!”
“I know, I know but I was so busy with work and I just came home and forgot all about it.”
“Wasn’t important enough t’yeh,” he shouts, “just say it! Forgot ‘cos it wasn’t important, m’not important.”
“Enough,” you growl, “s’not true and you know it.”
“I don’t!” He snaps, “Everything yeh do (Y/N), I’ve been there, yeah? Every time, y’ask me ‘nd m’there. S’it really tha’ hard for yeh t’do th’same fo’ me?”
“You’re serious?” You scoff, and his stone-like stance diagonal from you assures you that, yes he is serious, “Bit of a wild accusation, no? Telling me i’m not supportive of every fucking thing you do?” 
“If y’were supportive, would’ve had the decency t’show up tonight.”
“Shut the fuck up with that, Harry, I mean it.”
“Yeh mean it, yeah?” He mocks, “A’right, maybe I’ll mean it when I tell yeh tha’ I can’t be with someone who doesn’t support me.”
The room falls quiet, and no he doesn’t mean it, but he won’t admit it. A lot of this is anger, he’s almost literally seeing red right now, and his voice is beginning to strain from the way he’s hollering at you. 
“You mean that?” 
“Said I did, didn’t I?” He growls, and your tough exterior starts to succumb to the impending tears pricking the backs of your eyes. 
It’s now that he feels bad, as your body isn’t as tense anymore, and instead cowers away from him. Your voice is small, and he can see your eyes glazing over. That was wrong of him, to say that. Even though he is mad, with every right to be. And you’re still holding his painting, because really, it’s beautiful. In addition to that, it’s the nicest gesture anyone’s ever done for you. If he’d given you a minute to get a word in edge wise, you’d have told him that.
“Oh,” you breath, voice wobbly and the sound of it makes his chest hollow, “m’just gonna go and-”
“Didn’t mean it,” he confesses, voice at a normal octave now, “ ‘course I didn’t mean it.”
“You should be mad at me,” you admit, “I know how bad you wanted me there, and I blew it.”
“Y’did,” he sighs, and you frown again, “but I know y’stressed right now, I know.”
You take another peek at the painting, smirking at it softly, admiring the effort he poured into this. 
“It’s really perfect,” you hum, and he smirks, “you weren’t kidding when you said it’s your best yet. S’beautiful.” 
“S’easy when I have a beautiful muse.”
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nezukomybeloved · 5 years
im abt to rant abt my prof so pls ignore this if you aren’t interested
my human sexuality prof says she fucking hates taylor swift and im like ??? ok mitzi we get it, you’re on husband #3 and you’ve probably never felt anything close to what tswift sings abt, and sure, i’ve heard the “she only sings about boys not liking her back” excuse millions of times, and yeah she has love songs and breakup songs, but that isn’t the only thing she sings about?? why is it people hate taylor when its clear they know nothing about her or her music? is it just a general We Live In A Society thing?? it just drives me crazy when i hear people say they Hate Things when they arent even the target audience for That yk?? 
she also said she hates twilight and kristen is the most boring and bland actress and idk its just like ??? if you don’t like someone or something just?? don’t listen to their music or don’t consume the media they’re involved in?? it just drives me up a wall when this menopausal white lady is talking abt media that isn’t made for her as if her opinion is validated just because the general opinion is against the media she’s also against???  and also you aren’t the audience for twilight? its obvious you didn’t read or watch twilight, but you think you can judge its worth based on the audience it had back in 2008?? theres absolutely nothing wrong with liking twilight and i honestly think it had a huge cultural impact?? i still love twilight and i think it gets more depth the older the readers get, since the words hold larger weight for people who can actually analyze what it means, and look beyond what the smeyers wrote!!!
did any of that make any sense? i just needed to get that Out of my System bc im always abt to snap at her but also i don’t want to sound like im easily offended in class and then everyone hates me lol
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ethereal-lix · 6 years
You have sweaty hands
A/N: so this will have two parts because the requester wants BTS And Got7.
Warnings: none unless you count terrible writing lol Also this will be my first time writing in soooo long so im so sorry if its terrible. i need to get back into writing so imma be a little rusty. Also please ignore any grammar mistakes, i have no one to proof read for me lol
Also i wasnt sure how to keep to the request with everyone so i kinda changed it a little bit. i hope thats okay, and if it isnt let me know and ill rewrite it. And some are shorter than others. i just wasnt sure how to write this and do 7 different scenarios. so this will be bad im so sorry
Request:Hi, can I request a got7 and bts reaction (it can be separated or in the same post idc.) about their shy gf and her hand gets sweaty when he’s holding her hand for to long? I have this problem so I need help.😣😣😭😭😖😳
Here is part two with BTS
Mark: You and Mark have held hands before, but you’ve always found an excuse as to why you had to let go. Today though, today was different because Mark decided to take you on a walk through the park to see if you would try and retract you hand. As expected, you pulled your hand away, or well tried, but Mark wouldnt let you. Mark sighs and looks down at your intertwined hands, “Do you not want to hold hands? Every time we hold hands you always find an excuse as to why you have to let go. Do you not want to be with me?” You and Mark had only been together for a little over two months and he still made you super nervous. Anytime you saw him he always brought butterflies to your
 tummy and you thought that after about a month you would grow used to being around Mark and not get so nervous, but here you are.. “No its not that Mark, its just, you make me really nervous and you know im shy so it doesnt really help the situation, especially because i really like you and when i get nervous my palms start to sweat and then i get even more nervous which causes me to overthink and then i get even more nervous and its just a never ending cycle that i cant break and i wanna hold your hand, but i dont want you to think im weird to something because my hands are sweaty and i cant really stop it because.. well you know..” you trail off looking at the ground. Since you were looking down you didnt see that Mark had left out a small sigh of relief before smiling. “Y/N, its okay, you make me nervous to. And since we’re being totally honest, i thought you didnt want to hold my hand because well one, i thought you didnt like me as much as i liked you and two, because my hands would get sweaty form how nervous you make me as well. So its nice to know that you didnt want to hold hands because yours was sweaty.” Mark leaned down and kissed your forehead gently. “Shall we?” Mark questioned, holding out his hand for you to hold. “Yes, we shall.” you smiled grabbing his hand.
Jackson: “AHHHH!!!!!” You and Jackson had screamed in unison. you and Jackson had some how gotten suckered into going to a haunted maze with the rest of the boys. Youre not too sure how you ended up in this situation. All you know is that there was a game of ‘rock, paper, scissors’ involved and thats all Jackson would tell you. You’re pretty sure that BamBam had said, “lets play a game of rock paper scissors and whoever loses has to go through the haunted maze tonight”. Unfortunately, if it wasnt obvious Jackson lost. You wanted to let go of Jacksons’ hand because your palms were sweating like crazy, but at the same time you didnt want to let go because you were terrified of letting go. Now heres the thing, since your hands are sweating uncontrollably from the frights your hand keeps slipping from Jacksons’ tight grasp, which honestly is a shock since he has a pretty tight grip on your hand. “Yah! Y/N stop trying to . let my hand go! Cant you see that im scared?!” You gasped in shock, “Excuse me? You’re scared?! You’re scared?!” You questioned. “You’re the one who got us into this mess in the first place Jackson! you cant get mad at me because youre scared! That’s one. Two, im just as scared as you and you know that when we hold hands for too long my palms get sweaty, so im not intentionally trying to not hold your hand, my hand just keeps slipping.” You didnt notice that you had stopped walking until Yugyeom walks passed you guys laughing. “How can you two be bickering while in a haunted maze? i mean honestly, you guys will bicker anywhere if given the chance. But i think you should finish this argument outside where you can stand around all you want” You and Jackson looked at each other before giggling and continuing through the maze.
JB: You and Jaebeom were standing outside the dorm. “Y/N, you okay? Your hand is sweating real bad.” You gulp and look down shyly removing your hand from his to wipe it on your pants. “Uhhh yeah, im sorry, im just super nervous.” Jaebeom smiles and kisses the top of your head. “No need to be nervous. They’re going to love you i promise.” You give him a small smile as he grabs your hand again opening the door. “Hey guys,” He shouts as soon as he steps through the door with you following. “Were here!” When you walked into the living room you saw all the boys lounging around before they all got up to proper introduce themselves to you. “Guys this is Y/N,” Jaebeom said while slightly nodding your way before he looks at you and lists everyone off pointing to each one so yo can place a name with their face. “Y/N this is Jackson, Mark, Bambam, Yugyeom, Jinyoung, and Youngjae.” “Hi guys.” You said giving them a small smile and a wave. After the introduction you and Jaebeom made your way to sit on the floor, Jaebeoms back resting on the couch and you sitting in between his legs. “What are you guys watching?” You asked trying to make small talk. “Nothing really, we were just trying to bypass the time waiting on you and Jaebeom to show up, but now that you guys are here we can eat and play some games.” Jinyoung answered. As the night went on eventually all the boys split into smaller groups and ultimately left you and Jaebeom alone. “Told you you had nothing to worry about” He whispered in your ear. 
Jinyoung: “Jinyoung, what if they dont like me?” you asked as you and Jinyoung walked up to the restaurant door. “My parents will love you, let me ask you this. Whats there to not like about you? You’re a very lovely person with a great personality. You’re nice, kind, funny, amazing. Theres absolutely no reason they wont like you.” “But-” Jinyoung cut you off with a chaste kiss to your lips. “But nothing. Everything will be fine and things will go great.” Jinyoung opens the door for you so you can walk through, with him following closely behind grabbing your hand. “Just maybe dont shake their hands?” Jinyoung laughed while you slapped his arm with your other hand. “Babe! I’m shy and you know that i get sweaty palms when im nervous! dont laugh at me” you tried to have some authority in your voice but you couldnt help but giggle as the hostess walked you to a table so you can wait for Jinyoungs parents to show up.
Youngjae: You and Youngjae were currently backstage getting the finishing touches done on your make up. “You nervous?” He questioned you. “What gave me away? My trembling body or my nervous giggles?” you sarcastically asked with a playful smile. “actually it was the fact that you cant stop wiping your sweaty--or should i say leaking hands-- on that very expensive dress i bought you.” He retorted instantly. “ha-ha, very funny. i think im going to die of laughter.” you reply dryly. You and Youngjae were presenting an award to your favourite idol group and you were so nervous because one, you’re going to be on stage in front of thousands of people, and two you’re giving an award to you favourite idol group. They were the reason that you were going to be on this stage. They inspired you to follow your dreams of becoming an idol and here you are a long and hard 4 years later presenting them with one of the best awards that the industry has to offer. “once Youngjae was done with his finishing touches he walked up to you and lightly kissed your temple so he wont mess up your hair or make-up. “You’ll be fine. Dont worry.” He smiled at you as the make-up artist gave you an approving nod and thumbs up before walking off to finish someone else. “Just think of it as performing. You’ve been on a stage just as big as this before and youve done amazing.” He states as he moves to stand in front of you with his hands finding a place on your shoulders. “Yeah, but this time its different. Im not performing. Im not singing or dancing. Im talking. I have a speech that i have to recite to thousands and thousands of people. And this is being broadcasted live where millions will see at home.” You sighed as you rested a hand on his forearm. “Y/N, Youngjae, are you ready? You’re up in 2!” a stage producer yelled. “Alright sweaty palms, are you ready?” He asks as he looks down at your grabbing your hand. “As ready as i’ll ever be.” You smile and lightly chuckle, before walking out on the stage taking a deep breath. 
Bambam: “You nervous Y/N?” Jackson asked you. “What?” you questioned not really hearing what Jackson just said. “That’s a yes” Yugyeom stated. You looked around slightly confused as to what was going on before your yes landed on your boyfriend who was sitting right next to you. Bam leaned down and lightly brushed his lips on your temple before muttering, “when you get nervous not only do your hands get sweaty, you have a tendency to rubs your hands up and down on your legs.” You looked down intrigued by the news and saw that you were in fact rubbing your hands up and down your dress. “Ohh..” you whispered before you thought back on all the times that you were nervous and also saw the pattern. “Hey,” you began going to defend yourself, before Jaebeom cut you off. “Its okay Y/N we know you’re shy and when you get nervous your hands start to sweat. Not only did Bam tell us, but we also caught on to your other nervous habits, such as rubbing your hands on your legs.” He gave you a small smile as Mark piped up. “You shouldve seen when BamBam used to get nervous when he was younger, he would-” Alright!! Thats enough!” Bambam would yell over Mark so he wouldnt have to relive any of his embarrassing moments that he’s tried so hard to forget. 
Yugyeom: “So, wait, you mean to tell me you’ve never been to a school dance before?!?!” Jackson practically yelled. “Jackson!! SHHHH!” You whispered shouted hoping that Yugyeom didnt hear. “Yes, thats exactly what im saying and if you could please keep your voice down so people in LA wont hear you that would be great!” You huffed after crossing your arms over your chest relaxign back into the couch. “What? How? And why doesnt Yugyeom know this?” Jackson questioned you with genuine concern and shock. “You’re very pretty and funny and awesome, and kind, and sweet, and youre the whole package. How have you never been to a school dance?” “Well, i guess the other boys back home didnt agree with you thats why.” you sighed as you started playing with a sleeping yugyeoms hair. “But can we please drop it? i dont wanna talk about it anymore and you cant tell Yugyeom, you promised.” you reminded him before changing the subject. Later on that night you were in the studio with Yugyeom keeping him company while he as working on some music. After about an hour yugyeom got up off his chair and walked over to you and held his hand out for yo to grab. You looked up at him quizzically before taking his out stretched hand. He helped you stand and led you to the middle of the room before he left you to walk back to his computer playing “Thinking Out Loud” by Ed Sheeran. As soon as the song started to play you started to blush and your palms became sweaty as you tried to wipe the sweat off by rubbing your palms on your thighs. ‘Oh no’ you thought. He must’ve heard the conversation that you had with Jackson earlier in the day. He looks at you with a slight blush rising on his cheeks. “So i may or may not have heard what you and Jackson were talking about today and i figured what better way to experience your first slow dance than with someone in a studio listening to one of the best love songs created?” He said, barely above a whisper as he grabbed your hand. “No need to be nervous Y/N. Its just me and you, no one else.” He stated as he started to sway you side to side noticing your nervous habit. “Its just me and you.” He whispered in your ear as he pulled you closer.   
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rqs902 · 6 years
qcyn ep 8 aka the loss of some real talent..... (but also, thankfully, some needed recognition was given as well)
psa im probably gonna be posting stuff involving some spoilers soon, so ill tag them as #qcyn spoilers and you can feel free to block those posts if you dont want to see them!
awwwwwww shi mingze helping mingming get people’s attention is the cutest friendship!!! mingming is so quiet... i love a supportive mingze!!! also thank you iqiyi for giving him more screentime!! i can notice it already!
LOL sun zelin in this rap heavy group..... but this group is already the most fun group hahahah omg ye ziming talking about the fact that he knows he’s not likely gonna make it so he needs to help those kids who are more popular get better......... UGH WHY DO PEOPLE NOT RECOGNIZE THIS AMAZING CHILD. oh my goodness this is so sad.... the fact that THE KIDS WHO KNOW WHAT THEYRE DOING had to make a club dedicated to helping the kids who dont.... bc they know theyll make it instead of themselves....... that just means that they all know the next elim is gonna get rid of a whole lot of real talent. thats so messed up.... this whole montage is like iqiyi being like “thanks for helping our kids look nice on stage, once you’re done, you’re gonna be forced to leave. byeeeee” 
LOL lian huaiwei is just so funny just talking LOL. wait. so about that clip of lin mo helping chaoyuan and youwei that came out earlier this week. chaoyuan and youwei arent even in his half of the group. that means lin mo went out of his way to help them even tho he hasnt been practicing with them as closely as like huaiwei. wow he not only helped his own group but he went out to make sure everyone in their larger group got special help, AND youwei still called him “teacher” which means lin mo is probably regularly helping him. wow. man,, they didnt show any of lin mo’s group’s practice wtf........ i swear iqiyi is about to drop jia yi or something bc i thought theyd at least wanna show some of him.... but the small bit we saw of their dance wow lin mo is gonna do sooo well ahhhh he looks so good already, even in these lumpy practice clothes, im so excited to see him on stage
lol yaoyao (yao bolan) is in the super cute grouppp hahahhaha but ahh him talking about every faking their happiness really.... shows how observant and sensitive he is to his friends’ feelings, which is aw....
OMG THEY JUST SKIPPED ANNOUNCING the lower ranks ???? i mean i get u gotta be time efficient, but thats a little too efficient??? omg but sun zelin!!! and wu chengze!!! and wu zelin!! omg wang jiayi dropped so much. iqiyi has seriously just dropped him like a hot potato wow. CHEN SIJIAN WENT UP WHOOOO lol the creativity is real in this one hahahaha his speech
ok im sorry but wtf how did these three (14-16) get in front of lin mo, excuse me???? sigh.... oh well, at least hes still within top 20, i just want him to at least make it to top 20... lol they only let like 3 kids talk...... this is just too efficient yall.....
omgosh........ shi zhan and yaoyao........... ahhhhhhhhhhhh my heart ;;;;; yaoyao’s smile......... another bg project boy is gonna leave ahhh 
yao chi’s speech omg..... the child has seriously been through a lot of mental trauma look at how much he’s shaking goodness
omg i cant believe jia yi dropped so much...... wtf.......... are people blind???? iqiyi is really about to drop him omg i really think they havent been giving him enough screentime alskdjlk wow way to randomly cut off jia yi’s thank you to zhan yu.... wtf i need more jia yi + zhan yu time.... zhan yu is like jia yi’s favorite gege.... omg zhan yu’s tears ahhh zhan yu may say that he wishes he could be the maknae but he honestly cares so much for jia yi, even tho he’s not much older than him, its so aw.....
omg i just looked up ye ziming on weibo and hes friends with guanguan, changbin, zhu zijie and zhong yixuan??? omggg fandom clash wowow 
this segment with these kids with disabilities........ i dont know how i feel about this...... it feels problematic to me....... the trainees dont know what theyre doing, so how is this benefitting these children? if anything its just to make the trainees look like theyre doing some great charity work or something, but i dont appreciate the attitude some of them have towards these kids... i get theyre frustrated and werent properly prepared to interact with them, which i dont blame them for, but its like why is this segment even a thing, iqiyi??? theyre just coming in and using these kids as a backdrop to make themselves look nice, and not actually doing anything sustainable or meaningful to help them... what good is it to get these kids to like them and get familiar with them just for them to leave within a few hours? its just another person who came and left........ 
omg guan yue is second omg good for you, child!!!!!!!!!!!!! good good good im glad, he deserves it!!!!!!!
lol they better show the other rounds of this basketball tournament in the extra clips..............
these ads are getting more and more ridiculous im ??? cowboys ??? ?
NOOOOO ZHAN YU!!!!!!!!! 37!??!!?!!! I CANT BELIEVE THEYRE SO CLOSE AGAIN!!!!! ALSKDJLKJLK FIRST ZHEN NAN 61 AND NOW ZHAN YU 37 AGHHHHHH ok but i cant even be mad at yuzhi bc i know he deserves it too.
omg boyuan!!! they really like boyuan hahah but he deserves it too and zhuo yuan being so so happy for him is the sweetest ahhhh and junjie crying ahhh i love these 3 roommatesss
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS ZHAN YU!!!!!!! YESY YESYEYS YES!!!!!!!! YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS?!??!? THAT MEANS WE HAVE A CHANCE TO SEE ALL 3 TYGERS ON THE SAME STAGE!!!!!!!!!! ALKSDJLAKSDJLAKSJDLJK YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS OMGOMOGMOMGG THANK YOU SO MUCH i was thinking “they really like zhan yu hahhaa they picked zhan yu last time, maybe theyll pick him again”---- THANK GOODNESS AHHHHHH ok but im kinda disappointed they literally didnt show lin mo’s reaction... only jia yi’s.... which i feel like is bc they enjoy playing off of jia yi’s emotions more.... which makes me feel (again) like theyre using the other tyger members as backdrop for jia yi, rather than respecting their friendship and group as a whole? like theyre all really amazing friends and people, theyre not just “jia yi and his friends”, if you get what i mean... but jia yi being so so happy i love!!!!! im so so so happy for them ahhhh yessssss you go zhan yu, you are amazing!!!!!!!!! get that recognition!!!!!!!
omg zhuo yuan being so happy for his friends is honestly the cutest. im sad that he didnt make it... yao chi and mingming being so happy i love!!!!!! good for yechen! his voice is honestly really nice and very unique!
frick i cant believe they didnt notice ye ziming.... and su yuhang.... they deserved better......... cheche crying ahhhh li you and kou cong deserved better too... ahhh seeing guan yue crying more than cheche or mingming crying more than kou cong, or ye ziming comforting others... its like the kids who are left are so sad for them, the kids who were actually eliminated.. this friendship is ahhhhh
man, i was just getting to know and like yaoyao and cui shaopeng too...
this is so sad for zhuo yuan and jiahao tho, like all the kids around them, physically and also in the ranking, went up, but not them.... i wonder if jiahao had been given screentime during his last stage, he wouldve gotten more votes... but bc of the hair thing, he got cut out of the ep even tho he was center......  
man, fangzhou is the last core one member left........
oh my goodness.......... that ending................. oh my goodness.................. why does this have to happen to huo zhong.................... oh goodness thats gonna be such a drastic change from huo zhong to the super cute song...... i hate to say it, but i feel like none of them would want to go there LOL ahhhhh how will guan yue choose???? laskdjlaskjlk ok im hopeful that he at least wont choose zhan yu (because hes not cute LOL) but i really really hope lin mo can stay too oh gosh.......... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh guan yue....... (i know ding feijun is also there but im guessing guan yue is gonna be the main decision maker) but if hes smart he wont choose kids who will have trouble learning a whole new dance, which means.... he is likely to take more skilled trainees....... UGH IM SO WORRIED. but tbh i guess.... even if lin mo goes from super cool handsome center to a super cutesy backup dancer.... i guess... he’ll get to challenge himself and try a new style.......... which i guess... isnt terrible........ he’ll be cute, im sure.... so as long as he can still make it into top 20, i wont be terribly distraught. honestly i feel like im being rather reasonable as a lin mo stan, like I’m not asking for him to get as much screentime as like wenhan, just at least enough so that we can tell that he exists and was there (COUGHepisode7COUGH), and I’m not asking that he be center every time or that he get into top 9, i just want him to get recognition, respect, and into at least top 20. I think he can do it!!! hes working so so hard, despite being injured, and hes helping so many other kids..... i just wish his work can be acknowledged. 
oof now thats its down to 2 votes a day... its time we see who people’s real biases are... im guessing theres gonna be some drastic changes in the rankings from here, bc the kids who are just well-liked by everyone but not actually “biased” will be dropped like crazy. i know who im gonna vote for, but im sad it means i wont be able to vote for some kids who i know will really need votes too..... but i believe you can kinda tell which kids are “bias” material and which are more just generally well-liked. that’s all im gonna say about it, but for everyone who’s voting, just choose wisely bc some kids will need your votes more than others, just saying.... 
lol guan yue’s psa to eat more fruit..... okay guan yue, okay hahahahhaha
wow i cant believe chen you and li you both got clips in the ending credits and also ye ziming even got 2 clips......... i swear they only started giving ye ziming screentime after it was too late??!!!? like they finally realized hes super funny and talented and #amazing and felt bad but ITS TOO LATE IQIYI laksjdlaklklk ill say it again ye ziming deserved better. on his weibo he says he’ll be coming out with new stuff soon tho!!! so im super excited and will def be keeping a lookout bc im sure itll be legit c: 
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adhdusagi · 6 years
Princess Tutu episodes 14-end
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I watched the entire second half of the series in one day because I make good life choices
Previously on Princess Tutu Watch:
Okay I can get back to Tokyo Mew Mew now
It was a lie, I could NOT
EPISODE, UH, FUCK……… 14! - The Raven
asdklsdhflhdl (google docs stop capitalizing my keysmashes) they’re bringing back “once upon a time there was a man who died”!!!!!! Honestly that might be one of my favorite lines in this whole show
Gotta love the sarcasm in “and they lived happily ever after”
The theme song…… it’s so good
Oh nooooooooooooooo
This scene is literally just the “I’ve got a headache that comes and goes” meme
Fakir you complete dork. You’re all dorks
“Princess Tutu and a crocodile are totally different” you tell ‘im, Mytho
Duck speaks so much more regularly than the other main characters? I mean, there’s Fakir over there like “Shall we go?” and Duck saying things like “I’m gonna be late!” and using “like” and “stuff”... I mean, I know this is the dub, but
Duck why are you using Fakir’s dumb excuses omg
Lilie is just the personification of my negative thoughts
Awwwwwwww Duck, no
They’re in a terrifying Raven Dimension with like, ominous music and people wailing in the background and meanwhile Kraehe and the Raven are just having like, a normal conversation
Also, are the white feathers supposed to be like, what’s trapping the Raven there?
Duck please
Wait, Princess Tutu transformed on her own!
Episode 15 - Coppelia
Also, watching Fakir try and fail to stop Mytho from jumping out the window is Pain
Lilie you are a Strange Child
Oh no?? Fakir doesn’t want to get Mytho in trouble???
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alsdfksfh the entire student population is Here For The Drama
Duck don’t yell in the library
Fakir just doesn’t make good decisions
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Oooh that doesn’t look good
Sad Kraehe Theme Alert
You “just happened” to do a lot of things, Lilie
Omg Lilie “Want to just happen to go see?”
Rue just shows up to trash talk Fakir for a minute and then leaves
I say as if I’m not in So Much Pain
Yeah! Every single time Princess Tutu transformed in the first season, it was because Drosselmeyer said something, but now she’s transforming on her own!
Oh no Mytho
Also I like how Tutu doesn’t just flat-out say “you don’t actually love him” and instead is just like “how about you try doing things you enjoy with the guy you like instead of giving him Your Actual Heart”
Episode 16 - The Maiden’s Prayer
Wait is Angry Narrator back or did the other narrator just regain the heart shard of Withering Scorn?
Lilie isn’t even interested in the love triangle, she just wants Duck and Pike to fight
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Is that Goatette
“So pretty…. What? Oh yeah I meant the flowers of course haha” Duck
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Such a serious child
“Love only me, hate everyone else”/“The prince who loves me and me alone”
This child is amazing
It was such a good decision to give Fakir a little sister. A good decision for everyone involved
aslfsdjhklgdlghdjghfdklkdkalh Kraehe told him that Duck would suffer if she knew what was happening with Mytho so Fakir isn’t going to tell herrrrrrrrrr Fakir please don’t internalize that!! You are breaking my heart sir
Oh my god it wasn’t Goatette it was the sloth
*The Can Can plays loudly over a sloth just kinda hangin out*
Episode 17 - Crime and Punishment
This may or may not have been the last episode I watched the first time I watched this show?
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“Eyes of truth” huh?
This dumbass child
Femio, from the other side of the school grounds: “DID SOMEBODY SAY ‘PRINCE’????”
What the Fuck are you doing with your hands, kid
Why are you a cow
Honestly as over-the-top as Femio is he is also simultaneously the most realistic middle-schooler in this entire show
Oh my god he’s on probation
I’m sorry I’m just talking about Femio but he’s hilarious
Truly a Grade A Idiot
What is he even doing with his life
I’ve become Lilie
These characters have emotional crises over people saying the stupidest things and tbh I relate to that
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Oh dear!
The thing is, Femio would be really annoying in real life, but in a tv show he’s just amusing
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Rue’s FACE, she’s so done
I like how Duck can tell which building Rue’s in just by the amount of crows around it
Tbh all the students probably have noticed what’s going on, they just think it’s some kind of weird performance art thing. Wouldn’t be out of character for this school
Fakir and Uzura really are siblings, I love this
The best part about this episode is it’s this completely ridiculous person unintentionally getting in the middle of everybody’s emotional issues
“I feel kinda like something happened, and kinda like it didn’t” Duck you are absolutely correct
And of course the Aquarium is good once again
Episode 18 - The Wandering Knight
Incidentally, how old are these kiddos? We know Mytho is older than Duck, so Fakir and Rue probably are too?? But like, probably only by a year? Who even knows what their actual ages are
I mean, Duck is a duck so
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It’s! The trees from the opening!
I don’t know if I’ve asked this before, but why does Fakir have a horse?
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Oh my god Lilie
Can everybody STOP picking on Fakir for being afraid to die? He is 14, leave him alone
Ahiru is trying so hard to be helpful, give her a chance Fakir
Once again Rue shows up to get in a burn on Fakir and then leave
I swear every time the Aquarium plays in this show
Oh noooooooo Ruuuuueeeeeeee
Literally Protect All Of These Characters
Save These Children From Their Own Emotional Issues
Pride is absolutely the worst feeling Mytho could get back right now?
“There’s something sinister going on that I’m not a part of!” And that really gets to you doesn’t it Dross. I bet it’s really… grinding your gears!!!
(why do I feel so proud of insulting a fictional character)
Episode 19 - A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Wow we really are starting this one off on a sinister note (it’s Drosselmeyer’s revenge on me for that pun)
Of course he can’t tell you, he doesn’t fuckin know what’s going on
Fakir please stop basing your entire identity around being a knight
Oh no, Mytho’s regained the heart shard of Basing Your Entire Identity Around Upholding A Role
I wonder if Hermia being tall is like, a meta Shakespeare joke, cause in the play Helena’s really tall and Hermia’s really short, but in every production I’ve seen it was the other way around
Rue stop projecting your insecurities onto your boyfriend
Ohhhhhhhh dear
Finally someone tells all the crows hanging around to shut up
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Oh my god she really is super tall
Or Ahiru’s just super short
I am learning so much about ballet mimes
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Cool bird shadows
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Whoa, different raven background. And the Raven isn’t speaking with him this time? What does it mean
On no, Tutu
Hahaha oh no
Aaahaha they’re the same
Episode 20 - The Forgotten Story
Raetzel: *walks in*
Uzura: And where do you fit in the shipping chart, ma’am
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THIS is a High Quality Directatorial Decision
Oh no Duck. oh no she’s so earnest nooooo
It is just Extremely Wrong to see Mytho dancing to something besides Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy
Mr. Cat can hear the word “wedding” from three floors up
Oh my GOD they put broken heart stickers on the window
I mean, I say they but we all know it was Lilie
Again, Duck knows exactly where shit’s going down just because that’s where all the crows are
Oh no!
Everybody needs to stop giving Fakir shit Right Now. Everybody needs to stop thinking it’s a bad thing that Fakir didn’t fucking Die, and that includes Fakir OKAY????
I’ve been thinking… Raven Mytho keeps saying things like “people only want love because they want to be loved” and I wonder… if that was sort of his experience as a prince. Or maybe I’m just getting this mixed up with Utena lol. But it does seem like a genuine issue he has as opposed to just something he says to manipulate people. Hm.
Episode 21 - The Spinners
Every time the narrator says “once upon a time there was a man who died” I Will Flip
Duck tries to lean nonchalantly against a door, it goes about how you’d expect
Duck that’s not how writing works (ughgfjdghskjkgf my pain)
Oh no Duck is too relatable
“Follow my every order and be prepared to die if you should fail” it’s almost like you WANT me to hate you. FAKIR DOESN’T NEED THIS
See Duck agrees with me
Ohshit it’s that old guy from the bookshop???
Uzura is NOT “unrelated”, obviously she is Fakir’s baby sister
“I’m just watching again” oh no Duck
Autor what the Fresh Heck are you doing to Fakir
Honestly Fakir needs to get in touch with his emotions, not get sleep deprived and hallucinate in a field
This tree is saying things Edel said??? Was Edel made from the wood of this tree?????? Oh my god???????????
Anyway that was Intense
Listen, Raven Mytho has real issues and you can fight me on this
Ah, I see Dross is practicing the time-honored authorial tradition of “If the Story Isn’t Working, Hit It With a Wrench”
Episode 22 - Crown of Stone
But who’s going to protect Fakir huh? Answer me that, Duck
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One big-ish happy familyyyyyyyyy
I needed this life advice tbh
Aaaaaah Uzura’s talking to Rue!
“Are you the Rue we’re worried about?” I love how she just included herself in that
Autor, I’m……. not sure you want the tree ghost cult to acknowledge you
Uhm, I’m pretty sure Autor doesn’t fit into the shipping chart and I think Uzura would agree with me
Ah fuck!!! Fakir turn around
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Wait it’s an owl on a grandfather clock?? Is that actually a thing? These watchnotes are coming full circle
“I want people to love me, but is it okay to just be loved?” yep, the prince is having issues
Autor, I’m pretty sure Ahiru is figuring all that out right now
And like, the Book Men totally know it too, so
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I love this show
EPISODE 23 - Marionette
OH! OH! IT’S THE MUSIC EDEL ALWAYS PLAYED BUT SPED UP! That’s actually kinda creepy!
Anyway now I know why I’m so protective of Fakir, we’re both writers who can’t write anything
Oh noooooooooooo Rue
Oooooooooooh don’t like that
Ruuueeeeeeeeee please don’t stab your boyfriend we’ve been over this
Incidentally, hulu needs to quit it with these bogus commercial placements
Drosselmeyer: How dare you try to resolve your emotional problems!
Dross that’s called character development
Hahahaha joke’s on you Dross!
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No of course your heart is lovey-dovey Uzura! Your heart is the lovey-dovey-est!!!
Incidentally, Autor is That Guy who says just because you haven’t finished/published anything you’re not a Real Writer. And he is Wrong
Episode 24 - The Prince and the Raven
Okay, just from this title I know I won’t be able to handle this
Okay but and then this story explains all of Raven Mytho’s emotional issues as well???
*sigh* Autor……. Fakir literally just told you his motivation is to protect people and you’re still going on about controlling the fates of all mankind… are you sure you’re not Drosselmeyer’s direct descendent?
Rue don’t go into the crow building
Honestly I’m still dying over the fact that you can tell where things are happening purely based on which building all the crows are at today
Tiny Rue is breaking my heart
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Omg Rue in the beginner’s class!
Oh noooo Uzura’s saaaaad
I KNOW I’ve heard this songgggggggg
Okayokayokay so it’s not Carnival of the Animals but DO YOU KNOW WHAT IT IS it’s another piece by Saint-Saens and DO YOU KNOW what that piece is called????? fuckin Danse Macabre!!!!! I am immediately filled with a sense of foreboding!!!
The music choices in this show are going to destroy me one day
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I can’t believe so goddamn much happened in this episode???
Episode 25 - The Dying Swan
I’m not rrrrrrrrreadyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Not even the narrator’s obvious disappointment in Drosselmeyer can give me solace
Oh my god so is the Drosselmeyer we know just a character in Dead Drosselmeyer’s story?
I think it’s a testament to this story’s power that I’m having so many emotions about it even though I know what’s going to happen? Like, some stories, reading the summary is pretty much the same as hearing the story, but Princess Tutu is not one of those stories
Like I just overcame my social anxiety to ask my roommate to be quieter, that’s how good this story is
Aaaaaagh Rue’s change from saying “you love me” to saying “I love you” my HEART
Oh shoot! Mytho’s angry! I thought one of the gate heart shards might be anger
Oh my god Autor literally no one cares what TEA Drosselmeyer drank look at Fakir he’s so done
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Aaaaaaaa ohno
Okay but see the lake is outside the city so Dross just took some random normal duck and plunked her down in his fairytale town and that’s why like, a cat teacher seems weird to her because she’s not from inside the story
rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr fuck OFFFFFF
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh it’s the sword birds
excUSE you Dross, the knight has NOT “long been useless”
Episode 26 - Finale
I can’t believe after 9 years I’m finally going to finish watching this show
Okay it’s happening
It begins and ends with “once upon a time, there was a man who died”, the absolute most perfect first line in the history of first lines and you can fight me on this
Okay I’m already almost crying just from the theme song, like the Tchaikovsky fits perfectly into it? I’m gonna sing it
I’m just screaming???? They’re all in distress
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I watched it.
2 notes · View notes
29anima-blog · 6 years
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Best. Convo. Ever.
3:27AM    4/03/19
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like sad.
Stranger: Hello
You: hello
You: hows it going fellow sad human :)
You: :(*
Stranger: Not actually a human
You: :O same here
Stranger: It's going alright, not really that good
Stranger: How about you
You: mehh could be better
Stranger: I feel that
You: anything particular or is it just life lol?
Stranger: Yeah, just need some inspiration to get me going again
You: aha i getchu
Stranger: How are things on your end? What can make your life better
You: ahh thats a big question
You: lets just say im quite an overthinker
Stranger: I know the feeling
You: So I worry too much about what I want to die with my life etc
You: but im going through a "not giving a shit phase" atm lol
Stranger: Yeah, that's a big thing for a lot of people
Stranger: I'm sure you'll find something you'll enjoy
Stranger: Umm are you in any programs? Like that the school offers
Stranger: Maybe you'll find something you enjoy there
Stranger: Its always good to have hobbies
You: hmm not really im quite an antisocial person so i hadnt considered it
You: i do music on the side for fun
You: but its quite pricey hahah
Stranger: Yeah
Stranger: Hobbies can definitely be expensive
You: yeah im currently saving up for some equipment so
Stranger: That's nice, goals yass
You: well what do you like to do for fun?
Stranger: ATM I'm into gaming
You: oo me too
You: although i havnt played games for a while
Stranger: Ahh
Stranger: I play shooters mostly
Stranger: I do enjoy other games occasionally
You: yaas pc or a console?
Stranger: Mostly console
Stranger: A little pc here and there
You: ahh i see
Stranger: Yep
Stranger: I'm just in love with edits in videos I want to be more involved with the community but like you I am also sort of antisocial at times
You: Ahhhh
You: you do edits?
Stranger: A little but I'm really not good
You: ah i doubt that
You: what types of edits
You: i wish i was good at video editing haha
Stranger: ATM kinda like a montage
You: ah thats cool
Stranger: I love the community but I'm just so scared of it tbh
You: ah i feels
Stranger: I've never really had anxiety and stuff, but I understand now
Stranger: There's a few people in the community I have a real hard time talking to
Stranger: Like my heart is bumpin' super fast and sometimes I get a sinking feeling
Stranger: Do you have any solutions?
You: aw one of my best friends is like that
You: hmm
You: well recently she's been forcing herself into social situations
You: umm
You: i would start small maybe just talk to a stranger on the bus or something
Stranger: I hate lfgs but it'll probably help
You: ahh understandable
Stranger: I suck online, in person I'm alright
Stranger: Idk why that is
You: i dont really like social situations but it doesnt make me too nervous
You: ahh really?its the opposite for me hahah
You: in person im awkward asf
Stranger: I can be too, but it's usually when I want people to stop talking to me
You: aha
Stranger: I'm not really one to tell someone to go away or shut up
You: For me it would take a while for me to be myself around you if id just met you
You: like id have to chill with you for a long time
You: yeahh me too tbh
Stranger: Yeah, I feel that
You: i get especially awkward if i like someone and im talking to them lmfao
Stranger: Oh lmao
You: thats the only time ill really be nervous
Stranger: Last time I was like that was middle school haha
You: ahh hahah
You: wait how old is middle school lol
Stranger: Do you play any sports or something?
You: we dont use those terms in the UK lol
You: yeahh basketball and I go to the gym a lot
Stranger: Umm like 12, 13, 14
You: ahh so how old are you now?
You: and are you into sports?
Stranger: 19 :/
Stranger: Yeah, wrestling
You: ahh 16 here
Stranger: Oh boy
You: Oo thats awesome
Stranger: Yeah it was fun
Stranger: Especially if you're good
You: i took up kick boxing recently
Stranger: Because then you can use it as like a line
You: i enjoy it way more than karate
You: ahh right
Stranger: Talking to a girl or something, be like aye come watch my matches
Stranger: Don't recommend sitting with them until after you shower tho
You: hahaha
You: ah well I am a girl so don't think i'd be doing that lol
Stranger: Idk some of the girls out here are spitting game
Stranger: Like when I was in school they were smooth af
You: lmaoo
You: id have to be extremely comfortable around someone to have game lol
Stranger: I'm just saying it's just natural for some
You: yeah ive seen
Stranger: One of my best friends, she had a guy miss his stop and go to her house I was like woah
You: god damn lol
Stranger: They ended up dating for two years
You: wow
Stranger: Yeah man, some people out here are experts, I've only been in a handful of relationships
Stranger: So I'm not the best when it comes to keeping people around
You: ahh i get youu
Stranger: Yeah, a lot of my relationships ended pretty bad
Stranger: How about you?
You: How old were you when u had your first serious relationship
You: aw damn that sucks
Stranger: Like 13
You: aha 14 here
Stranger: Wait what do you mean by serious?
You: when I had my first boyfriend
Stranger: Like sexual stuff or like
You: no just like
You: i dont even know what i meant tbh
Stranger: Yeah then, 13
You: rightt
Stranger: We we're together for a while going to each other houses to hang out and stuff
Stranger: I loved her family
Stranger: Super friendly
Stranger: We just drifted apart and I kinda was mean
Stranger: How did yours go?
You: ah suckss
You: well uh it was great at first
You: i was 14 he was 15
Stranger: Ooo
You: like we had a lot in common and many mutual friends
You: we were together for about a year
You: thinks just got ugly the last few months like he was really aggressive
You: and then yeahh that was that
Stranger: Like how?
Stranger: Idk I was just giving her the cold shoulder without even realizing it
You: at first he would just lose his temper and throw shit around or punch something
You: but then he hit me one time in front of all of my friends
Stranger: Yeah, that's a no no
You: and I was actually willing to forgive him but my friends didn't let me to
You: and im glad they didnt
Stranger: That's good
You: i was quite naive then but
You: nah lol
Stranger: I meant like them not letting you forgive him ahha
You: yeahh I know :p
You: were you in love with her
You: the girl you grew apart form
Stranger: Umm sort of
Stranger: Hard to explain
You: yeah love is a tricky word
Stranger: I tend to use it in the wrong sense
Stranger: Idk, she was really cool, we didn't really share many things but she was understanding
Stranger: Because we were completely different people
You: ahh
Stranger: At the end of the day, she had both her parents her whole life and was sheltered, I didn't so I knew way more than her in that sense
You: ahh :( must of been hard
Stranger: Eh, I had my uncles to keep me in check
Stranger: And even tho my dad wasn't there a lot to help me, he still showed me a lot of things
Stranger: Like never lay a hand on a woman, and look out for others
You: ah i see
Stranger: I'm the second oldest
Stranger: 2 brothers 2 sisters
You: ah wow
You: ive just got an older brother
Stranger: Was he nice ?
You: Well
You: when we were younger we pretty much hated eachother and he always hit me lol
You: but now he's more supportive and a much calmer guy
Stranger: Lmao
You: he had loads of issues i cant really hate him anymore
You: but he's quite a jealous guy so hes scared of other boys lol
Stranger: I feel that
Stranger: Oh really now? Like he doesn't have guy friends or
You: yeah hes been like a dad to me pretty much lol
You: nah he does but like
You: hes scared of my interactions with guys because, in his words he "knows what guys are like"
Stranger: That's true
You: so he would threaten me to not have a boyfriend and shit lol
Stranger: Yeah
You: im kind of glad he was like that though
Stranger: Have you been to a part yet?
Stranger: Party
You: prevented me from doing dumb shit
You: Yeah one
You: not really my thing
Stranger: Go to a few more then you'll see what he means
You: Yeah I pretty much understood from that party hahha
You: pretty much an excuse to drink, smoke and have sex
Stranger: Yep
Stranger: Like we come from different places
Stranger: Out here in Illinois people are like less picky
You: oh really?
Stranger: A lot of my friends back back in middle school lost their virginity to the same girl
You: whoa
Stranger: So like I your brother said, he knows what guys want
Stranger: When I mean a lot I mean like 3
You: damn
Stranger: Idk, I just don't like the idea of my mans being with the same girl as me
Stranger: I've always been like that
You: yeah i get you
Stranger: I'm glad you're close to your brother I'm not close to my older brother
You: ah what about your other siblings?
Stranger: Closer but not super close
Stranger: I kinda keep to myself now
You: yeah im close with him in one sense, but theres a lot i cant talk to him about
You: ahh i feels
Stranger: Yeah, like when I was 15, I stopped talking to a lot of people
Stranger: Depression hit me hard
You: shit :/
Stranger: Yeah, shit can be tough especially if you don't talk to people
Stranger: Just a fyi, if you have issues find someone to talk to
You: yeah definitely
Stranger: But be careful because some people will use it against you
You: yeah ive always been a closed book
You: especially females!!
You: they love having dirt on somebody
Stranger: Yeah
Stranger: That's how my umm relationship at 15 ended
Stranger: I told her what was going on and she told the whole school and stuff
You: wow wtf
Stranger: It was really bad because I was umm sent away for a little
You: jesus
Stranger: Yeah I was out for like two weeks
Stranger: 3 days at the hospital then about a little more than a week at the facility
You: ahh shit :c
Stranger: After that I didn't really trust anyone
Stranger: Tbh I only just started talking to people about my problems
You: yeah i get what that feels like people have broken my trust a lot growing up
You: yeah same really
You: I was forced into counselling and i hating going at first
You: my counsellor saw i hated talking to people so she encouraged me to talk to a friend
Stranger: The person I had listening, I didn't really like her do I stopped going
Stranger: So*
You: and this friend i knew i could trust so i told her a lot
Stranger: That's good
Stranger: I grew away from my best friend
You: Yeahh it felt really unnatural so i just prefered talking to someone close
Stranger: There's just some things I can't tell him
You: Yeah i get you
You: I was scared i would drive her away if i told her certain things
Stranger: Idk I want to tell someone but I don't trust anyone
You: but i still told her a lot
Stranger: It's not about driving them away
You: someone in the family maybe?
Stranger: Its about them telling the person
Stranger: I told you how I'm not close to my brother but we have a lot in common and he's closer to the family than me
Stranger: So I can't really vent to my uncles or cousins
You: right
You: ermm
You: the things you wanted to talk abiout
You: is it something that can be used against you in a way?
Stranger: Sort of
Stranger: It's more or less like I'll say something then they'll bring stuff to just destroy my character and stuff
Stranger: The way we talk is people get really defensive and start attacking you if they don't like what you have to say
You: ah i understand
You: thats a shitty position to be in :c
Stranger: Yeah, I can't tell any of my online friends either because I don't want people to think different of me if they know I tried to commit suicide
Stranger: One of the people in the community I love knows because she was one of the first people I told
You: damn
Stranger: But she told her bf back in the day and he sent me a lot of hurtful messages
You: people can be really ignorant about these kinds of things so i get its hard to talk about
You: what the fuck
You: thats so messed up smh :(
Stranger: It was like 3ish years ago but I still remember it
Stranger: He isn't with her anymore but when I do end up talking to her, my stomach sinks so much
Stranger: And my heart beats really fast
You: crap
You: have you spoken to her about that?
Stranger: Honestly just thinking about her just makes me nervous, not really very briefly
Stranger: It was just catching up and she has changed as a person and I'm just scared tbh
You: ahh damn
Stranger: Honestly, this is the biggest reason why I don't feel motivated. This is why I need inspiration
You: what specifically
Stranger: The fact that she knows that I tried to commit suicide and like I said I want to play a bigger part of the community and she streams occasionally and I don't want the community to know. Because I know I'll get a lot of messages and stuff
Stranger: Hate stands out a lot more than support
You: ahh definitely i feel that
Stranger: It makes me really nervous
You: what do you think would help?
Stranger: I don't know
Stranger: I over think as well
Stranger: Like idk one of my good friends I've been playing with for a year straight kinda did some lame shit so
Stranger: I'm not really trusting anyone
You: ah damn
Stranger: We umm got into some illegal activities and he liked about something and it was something big
Stranger: So I don't know how much he'll do to make the like true even if it means one of us will get sent away to prison
Stranger: Lie
You: ohh shit
Stranger: Yeah, so I haven't talked to that guy in like 3 weeks or so
Stranger: So I'm on edge and don't trust anyone
You: thats understandable
You: given everything thats happened
Stranger: Thanks for listening
Stranger: Even tho I don't have solutions for everything I will try to talk to people a little more so I can be a bit more friendly
You: Thank you too stranger this has been quite a good talk
You: and i never do this kind of thing lol
Stranger: Oh?
Stranger: What do you usually do
You: Nothing really I just swim around in my thoughts
Stranger: Aww
Stranger: I wouldn't mind listening to some thoughts (:
You: Like I know there is a certain person I can trust but I hate worrying people or burdening them with my problems
You: ahh I appreciate that
You: I don't even know where to begin haha
Stranger: It's cool just say whatever's on your mind
You: Okay just so you get a better understanding I'll tell you a bit about me lol
Stranger: I'm all ears
You: Right so ill just start to when I was around 10 years old
You: I always felt different and I was quite isolated from people because of it
You: like i didnt really have friends because the ones I had ended up hating me or breaking my trust or some dumb shit
Stranger: What made you feel different? Anything in particular?
You: and I got bullied for like a year
Stranger: Ahh
You: Uhh well
You: I thought differently to everyone else
You: Like
You: everyone was so much more willing to be ignorant about things just because it made them happier
Stranger: Definitely, I know how dumb people can be
You: And everyone around me would be after small meaningless things and I felt like I always thought big
You: idk what im saying hahah but yeah people pretty much thought I was a weirdo and i got bullied for it
Stranger: A lot of people miss the big picture
Stranger: I never really got bullied
You: so when i was 11 i had my first real real friends
Stranger: A little name calling here and there
You: yeah it really sucked im glad it didnt last too long
Stranger: What we're their names?
Stranger: That's nice
You: hahaha
Stranger: Were
You: I really don't remember now I left that school
Stranger: Awww
Stranger: One of my old best friends was cody
You: ohh you mean my friends
Stranger: He was a goofy kid
Stranger: Yeah silly
You: soz im so sleep deprived i read it wrong hahah
Stranger: It's okay
You: Well there was three of us
You: crystal, danielle and tamanna
You: them three*
You: and there was me
You: so it was a small friendship circle and i was friends with them from ages 11, 12, 13, 14
You: like there was additions to the group but i wont say much about them
Stranger: I feel that we all got our groups
You: but during these few years i was still that same weird different kid
You: but I suppressed that and acted like somebody else so I would have friends
Stranger: I sort of did the same thing
You: and yeah these friends weren't great, they lied a lot, said a lot about eachother (including me) behind eachothers back, spread rumours, told secrets
You: so I knew i couldnt trust them with the things i was thinking or whatnot
Stranger: Yeah, it's tough finding trustworthy people at that age
Stranger: You gotta find them before all that
Stranger: Hormones can do a lot to mess things up
You: so yeah, 14 years old was when I was really down about it, I felt lonely all the time because I was constantly stuck in my own thoughts
You: yeahh definitely
Stranger: Did you think about the same things
You: So I would spend a lot of time on my own which was the biggest mistake lol
You: pretty much yeah but
Stranger: Definitely
You: there was a lot i was thinking about
Stranger: Like what
You: Ahh things about people, things about like, our purpose
You: it got really unhealthy i guess
You: life**
You: i guess i asked a lot of questions which couldn''t be answered
Stranger: When I was younger I always knew what I wanted in life
You: ahh really?
Stranger: Yeah, it's kinda silly and a lot of people think it's lame but my friends and I all wanted to become pro players
You: ah thats sick
Stranger: That was back in the day 6ish years ago
You: its not silly at all
Stranger: It is, in the sense that it's a lot of work and a lot of people don't make it
You: True but, its good to have dreams and ambitions
You: something to work towards
Stranger: Most definitely but people need a back up plan
You: Yeah definitely
Stranger: What did you want
Stranger: Like in life
You: I never knew to be honest
You: generally I wanted to help or inspire people
You: but never knew specifically what
Stranger: I'm sure there's something that'll bring you in (:
You: but that all went to shit when i got olde rhahah
You: yeahh I'm waiting for it :)
Stranger: I'm sure you'll get the passion back and start caring again
You: I hope so
Stranger: Sometimes when I need motivation I watch some videos of people I look up to
You: Theres other things I need to fix first before that can happen
Stranger: For sure
You: ah thats nice
Stranger: Work on yourself before helping others
You: Yeah I know that I should but
You: idk i never really felt worth the effort I always thought everyone else was more important
You: second biggest mistake lol
Stranger: I feel that
Stranger: I was actually failing a lot of classes because I spent all my time helping others and not doing my own work
Stranger: So I just cheated on all my paperwork with friends
You: ah wow
You: damn
Stranger: That was middle school tho
Stranger: Can't do that in highschool
Stranger: You'll get into serious trouble
You: yeahh
You: its kind of like that here
Stranger: Academic dishonesty is a big issue
You: slightly different system
Stranger: Especially if you want to get into a big school
You: but theres mostly exam papers
You: oh yeah 100%
Stranger: Yeah
You: ahh I have such little time to fix up though
You: like last year I was really stupid
Stranger: Why
You: and the year before hahah
Stranger: What did you do
You: ahh lets see
You: so
You: when I was 14 I just fell into a deep hole of bullshit and stupidity and got into the habit of harming myself
You: and I left all of my old friends and found new, even worse friends
Stranger: I feel it, I did the same sort of
Stranger: Did they encourage your behavior?
You: but i "loved" them for the reason that we would smoke a lot of weed together
You: no nobody knew i hid it all the time
Stranger: Ahhh, yeah drugs are definitely something interesting
You: yeah definitely
Stranger: I don't think anyone who isn't there mentally should do drugs
You: dumbest thing I could have done in my situation as it was the only think I was relying on to make me even the slightest bit happy
You: yeah so true
Stranger: Happiness can be tricky
You: and then in that friendship group was this one guy who I wont go into much detail about but we were both mentally fucked up so we were just toxic together and fucked eachother up even more
Stranger: I did the same thing
You: and my mum found out about me harming myself so i was forced into counselling, my mum was getting panic attacks because of stressing about me
You: which made me feel shit so i started harming myself again
Stranger: Awww ):
You: and then at 15
You: is like one of the most important exams we do in the UK
Stranger: We do it at like 16-17
You: and basically i didnt really care much about life so I purposefully failed everything
Stranger: ):
You: here its 15-18
You: 17*
You: and then i left to go to a new school because i hated everyone there so im going there currently
You: and the most important exams
You: well the first year of it
You: are coming up
You: and yeah I'm still not in a really good place mentally
Stranger: Do you know why that is?
You: I don't smoke anymore but I rely on hurting myself wayy too much
You: I honestly do not, and ive thought about it a lot too :/
Stranger: Is it what happened in the past?
You: i think its just many small things that just add up
You: maybe
You: this is weird but recently like im remembering stuff from my childhood that I had completely forgotten about
Stranger: Yeah, something like happens to me
Stranger: It's just weird dreams of the past
You: yeahh me too
Stranger: A lot of it is middle school stuff like dances and stuff
Stranger: Like dates and what not
You: ahh
You: for me its like when i was really really young
You: but idk because these memories seem really bizarre that im wondering if im somehow making some of them up
You: one of them which I know is true is the first time that my dad hit my mum
You: he never did again but
You: I dont know why im remembering it now
Stranger: That's good
Stranger: Umm I'm not sure tbh
Stranger: Do you believe in like the guy feeling and stuff?
Stranger: Guy
Stranger: Gut*
You: sometimes i guess
You: actually yeah
Stranger: Maybe something is going to happen
Stranger: I believe in it, a few weeks back I felt weird and stuff and then it came true
Stranger: Hopefully nothing bad happens
You: hm
You: yeah hopefully
You: idk thats not the feeling i get from this
Stranger: What do you get?
You: its more like me just remembering a bunch of shit i forced myself to forget
Stranger: Ahhh
You: but i just dont understand why im remebering now
You: of all times lol
Stranger: Maybe something that happened triggered that memory?
You: i dont really know
You: like sometimes its in dreams
You: sometimes ill just be daydreaming in class and remember something vividly
You: weird shit lol
Stranger: Nah I feel that too
Stranger: I was always in iss so I day dreamed a lot
You: i know a lot of people say that like things that happen in your childhood affect you when your older
Stranger: Yeah definitely
You: but would it still affect me even if i didnt remember them?
You: cos like some of it makes sense
Stranger: Yes I'm sure it would
You: when i think of these new found memories lol
Stranger: It's hard to explain over text but yeah definitely
You: yeah i getchu haha
You: but uhh yeah, theres a lot i need to change in my life lol
Stranger: Start small, silly
You: where do you even start lmao
Stranger: Ummmmm
Stranger: So how is your studying? Good bad?
You: terrible i dont even study haha
You: im basically doing what i did last year
You: i just have no motivation for it i guess
Stranger: But your future silly
Stranger: Don't you wanna help people?
You: yeah i stopped thinking about that a while ago
You: oh yeah i was gonna talk about taht
You: so uh
Stranger: Help yourself
You: Yeah like last summer
You: lmaooo
Stranger: I just want you to do something you enjoy
Stranger: And not be stuck with something you hate
Stranger: Passion matters a lot
Stranger: And I'm sure there's some guy that'll love that you do that stuff 😉
Stranger: You'll be a major guy magnet
You: But yeah a little before summer one of my friends killed herself because of the guy I used to date (the toxic relationship guy) and it just showed me how different people are to how they actually seem. I basically started hating people and became a selfish prick and drove myself a bit crazy until one of my friends metaphorically slapped me in the face and woke me up. The hatred lasted for a few months maybe
You: i agree i still need to think about what i want i guess
Stranger: Try some programs, clubs or something (:
Stranger: Hobbies are always nice to have
You: yeah id just rather do hobbies alone than with people
Stranger: My friend went through the same thing sort of
You: i still sort of hate most people hahah
Stranger: I feel that
You: its weird but because of that i feel like i can read people and i know exactly what someones intentions are
You: which is stupid but
Stranger: Yeah some people feel that way
You: yeah i always think that everyones a fake
Stranger: My brother feels that way and I hate him
You: so it makes it hard for me to get along with people
You: yeah its really stupid i need to learn to trust people
Stranger: It takes a while but people's true colors come out
Stranger: Start small, work your way up
Stranger: <(^~^<)
You: yah i should
You: i need to do some serious soul searching hahah
Stranger: Yeah, I wish I could help, but I always knew what I wanted
Stranger: I'm sure you'll find yourself
You: ahh well you've been a huge help just by listening
You: ive said stuff ive never said before to someone so
You: its been really helpful thanks stranger :)
Stranger: Listen, at the end of the day it's whatever you want
Stranger: We can leave things here if you want
Stranger: Just remember to take care of yourself
Stranger: And please don't hurt yourself
You: ahh well small steps remember
Stranger: Life is beautiful
Stranger: Oh shush
You: hahaha
Stranger: See you around (probably not tho)- J
Stranger has disconnected.
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wanna1things · 7 years
Swimmer!Ong Seongwoo
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i have a cold please excuse if stuff is spelt wrong also welcome to wanna1things seongwoo,, finally,, enjoy your stay, also there’s something special coming later (tomorrow??) pls anticipate,,
Genre;; fluff + another one of these real life aus… this is swimmer!seongwoo bc… he competitive... AND HIGH SCHOOL AU!!!
Warnings;; ? none ? unless if u don’t like water don’t read
Pairing;; Ong Seongwoo x reader
Requested;; nooo but i promise i’ll get to the requests eventually!! I meant to do them last night but instead i slept for 12 hours
Summary;; Seongwoo is on the same swimming team as you. When you bet on who can win their race, you don’t expect him to have won the competition and your heart.
Style;; bullet point
Word Count;; 1221
Similar works (real life aus);;  Jinyoung | Minhyun | Daniel | Jihoon | Jisung | Jaehwan | Minki | Aron
this comes entirely from the fact that i used to be a professional swimmer and i went swimming today so theres a theme,,
you were the best swimmer on your local team until seongwoo turned up
one day you walked into practice and this,, boy was just doing lengths of every stroke
including doggy paddle because, hey, he regarded it as a stroke yknow
when he finished he introduced himself to the class as ‘the one and only ong seongwoo’ and revealed he’d just moved here, so obviously he had to join a different swim team
WHILE HE DID THIS HE DID THAT THING WITH HIS EARS and the whole team was shooketh
your teacher put you two in a lane together because,, you were the best two swimmers
but you noticed every time you’d stop swimming seongwoo would kick a load of water in your direction like. nice. thanks.
when it was time for you to do those exercises where you have to swim through the hoops on the pool floor while carrying a heavy block you and seongwoo were forced to team up
honestly he was the most annoying human ever
he actually ‘dropped’ the block at your feet every time it was your turn to swim through the hoop with it
so you had to swim to the bottom of the pool to pick up the block AS WELL as swimming through the hoop
you couldn’t imagine it could get any worse
but it did
you had to do ‘leg strengthening’ exercises aka
you hold a foam board (uhh they’re called floaties here but idk if this is universal so) and the other person grabs your legs and you have to swim a length of the pool like that
yeah uh
seongwoo kept kicking so hard that you had to let go of his legs
you thanked god that you could tread water as you watched seongwoo speed off to the end of the pool and turned around, flashing you that winning smile
like okay sure he’s beautiful but hE’S ANNOYING ME
when the session is over you throw a dirty look seongwoos way, which he laughs at and then walks into the changing room with the teammates he’s made friends with
all the time while you’re getting dressed again your head is filled with
‘who does that beautiful boy think he IS???’
when you finally finish getting dressed you walk outside and who is there
you guessed it, seongwoo
he stands up straight when he sees you and smiles
“let me buy you a hot chocolate, y/n, it’s cold”
you don’t even question how he knows your name already you just assume he asked a teammate or your coach
of course you take him up on the offer like ,, free hot chocolate
you’re expecting him at least to take you to like starbucks or something but
he goes over to the machine… and buys you a hot chocolate for 20 cents from the machine
honestly i mean at least it’s something
he gets one for himself and then passes you yours, and starts walking off
you shout a ‘thank you’ at his disappearing figure to which he waves his hand
you take a sip of the hot chocolate and its kinda bitter but i mean it’s warm and it is cOLD outside
and you make your way home
the hot chocolate makes you so sleepy you practically fall asleep as soon as you enter through your doorway lol
thank god you got that sleep because you were going to need it the next morning
when you walked into your first class, who was sitting at the desk next to yours?
you guessed it
ong seongwoo
when you sit down next to him he passes you another hot chocolate
and then gets on with his work… being… surprisingly not that annoying
that is until you take a sip of your hot chocolate and realise
he just put salt in it. nice, thanks
you hit him over the shoulder and he starts laughing uncontrollably
and honestly, you just ignore him for the rest of the day
you keep this up for a good few weeks and honestly you’re gradually getting less annoyed with him and finding it more funny??
especially when he stops pranking you and instead gets you to help him prank other people
especially sungwoon, y’all replaced the ketchup with death chilli sauce one day at lunch and while sungwoon felt like he was dying you two were dying from laughter
there was a massive swim competition coming up, it was a regional one which would be your first like,, big one lol
you were doing front crawl and seongwoo was doing butterfly (he strikes me as that particular kind of human that’s amazing at butterfly don’t @ me)
so you had to split up for practice
you realised you missed him a lot?? and you’d really started to like him like… you were honestly developing feelings for him lol
he still would get you the hot chocolate afterwards, but he upgraded from machine hot chocolate to actual coffee shop hot chocolate gradually
on friday, after the last practice before the competition, seongwoo approached you with the usual hot chocolate
he walked with you outside of the pool which you thought was weird because,, he lives the other way lol
when you got out of the car park seongwoo stopped you and stopped sipping on his hot chocolate
“y/n, lets make a bet about the competition”
you were just like hm okay sounds fun
“if i win i can do what i’ve been wanting to do for a long time”
“ambiguous, but okay. as long as it doesn’t involve me eating death chilli sauce i’m okay”
“wait for it, if YOU win you have to kiss me hahaha”
“??seongwoo wtf??”
honestly this made your heart race a bit but you know it was just seongwoo,, joking
“i’m serious, you have to win now!! now i’ve given you all the motivation you need to win!!”
typical seongwoo
he leaves you after you two shake hands and part ways
you don’t see him again until sunday, the day of the competition
when you see him at the poolside he winks, does finger guns and shouts “remember the promise”
honestly you cringe and go to sit down in the area for front crawl swimmers
when it’s the turn for your race the nerves take over and it’s like;; you forgot how to swim
you don’t do badly, you got second, but you were really far below your personal best and when you got out of the pool seongwoo was all pouty lol
but then it was seongwoo’s turn to swim
he started off quite slow and quite far behind and you were like lol why is he being so relaxed
and suddenly out of nowhere he sped up and ended up coming first by… a very far margin
when he gets out of the pool he comes running (but not running because pool safety!!) over to you and pulls you out of the seat and into a kiss
when he pulls away with a smirk on your face the first thing you say is
“why though, i didn’t even win my race”
“you’re so slooow, y/n… this is what i’ve been wanting to do for a long time!!”
when you hear this, of course you pull him in for another kiss
hey please help i’ve been listening to heaven for 15 hours straight damn collab of the century if there is no studio ver i will. personally go and fight pledis... anyway ENJOY THIS YES SEONGWOO FINALLY MAKING A PROPER APPEARANCE WOOO
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