#susan wands
mightymur · 3 months
[ISBW] Tarot Tales and Historical Hurdles with Susan Wands
S20 Ep18: In Which Mur Explores Tarot and Historical Fiction with Susan Wands “Action is always better than no action. You can always fix what you’ve done. You can’t fix not getting started.”– Susan Wands Transcript (This post went live for supporters on June 27, 2024. If you want early, ad-free, and sometimes expanded episodes, support at Patreon or Substack!) In this episode, Mur chats with…
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wttnblog · 5 months
10 Anticipated May Book Releases: Memoirs, Queer Fiction, Fantasy, and More
It’s May, and that means I’m back with another list of books coming out this month that I am desperate to get my hands on. Unlike usual, there’s a heavy emphasis on memoirs in this list. I’m not sure what it is about the month of May, but everyone’s publishing! Aside from that, we have queer romance, a thriller, fantasy, and so much more. If I missed out on your book coming out this month (or one…
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day-dreameratnight · 3 months
So we all know that Tom Riddle was an intellectual and a book worm right? and it’s a well accepted head canon that he’s read all of the books at Wool’s Orphanage?
I know we often talk about the great pieces of literature such as shakespeare and the religious texts such as the bible which he would have read in his time BUT, but, i raise you Tom’s guilty pleasure… trashy beach reads.
Imagine him steering clear of the books all the girls would fawn and giggle over, until he returns from Hogwarts for the summer after his fifth year and the only books that he hasn’t read are the ones he thought were stupid…he decides to read one out of pure boredom and curiosity and he falls. in. LOVE. (as much as he can love anything, anyway)
he’d sneak them in secret so he could keep up his reputation, but in the comfort of his own room he would DEVOUR every single word on every single page.
he’d love to point out the protagonists stupid actions most of all:
“no, martha, don’t go back to him, he cHeaTeD oN YoU!!!”
“susan, go collect your man, he is being dumb, and you two are clearly in love”
“oh sweet Salazar have mercy, Luca that was an idiotic thing to do. if i was in this novel, i would have killed you by now. not even with a wand, but in the muggle way. i would have strangled you.
and something he wouldn’t even admit to himself, he adored when characters got their happy endings. he might not fall in love, but he wants the characters to experience it.
he would say something like “oh that so cliche ugh 😑” but in the privacy of his mind he would be like “i want that🥹”
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serendipnpipity · 5 months
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The Magician: “The representation of pure willpower. With the power of the elements and the suits, he takes the potential innate in the fool and molds it into being with the power of desire.” (x) 
Not-so-little design breakdown below!
Of course Phil had to be the Magician. Take a look at his TATINOF and II segments—the literal reference is already there (and can be seen in his outfit, which is a mix of the TATINOF magician’s tuxedo and the II red button-up).
Not only that, the Magician is characterized as a “master manifester”. How many of this guy’s tarot predictions have come true? Talk about psychic manifestation abilities.
The wand held by the Magician traditionally represents balance, being a “perfect union” of two ends of a candle (x). What’s a more perfect union than PINOF itself, the pinnacle union of dnp’s channels in those first ten years? Hence, the wand in his hand became a Sharpie, and to mimic light emanating out of what would be a candle flame traditionally, I added cat whiskers in bright yellow.
The workbench in front of the Magician holds all four suits (pentacles, cups, swords, wands) to symbolize how everything can be channeled together to create (sorry, “craft”, taken verbatim from the website) new ideas and endeavors. The bench itself I stole straight out of the phouse (other side partial kitchen reveal yay), while the suits have been turned into dnp-project-related objects. The pentacle (glitterface pentagram) and sword (slime knife) are from DAPC, while the wand (Wii remote) and cup (Flame Susan mocktail) are from DAPG. 
This card, helpfully, is surrounded by plants; I chose some of their non-crispy houseplants for the background. In the back, obviously, is the vine creeping along the cool black wall in the kitchen area. In the front, the fronds are inspired by plants I could see in the background of the 2nd London apartment AP set, accompanied by two roses (orange, for the flowers Dan receives at the end of WAD… and the orange heart). 
I saw in the visual breakdown for the card that one site says the infinity above the Magician’s head represents “the equilibrium of opposites that The Magician requires to create”. That is THE most Dan and Phil thing I have ever heard, with all their cosmically coincidental opposite characteristics. 
When I drew that infinity on the background though, on the phouse wall, it hit me. This is the “forever home”. Of course, there’s an infinity sign plastered on top of it. This revelation was so strong, I broke down and texted @bewareofthenewphannie about it.
Oh, and ginger quiff Phil? Thank Misty for that one, they suggested it would be a good look if I wanted to combine past and present in one outfit/style.
All in all, I had so much fun making this! What a pleasure and an honor to be a part of such a beautiful project. 🧡
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cassieoz · 10 months
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Forced into place, Susan's legs were secured tightly against the birthing table. The first intense contraction was steadily growing stronger through her birthing passage. Susan moaned deeply as the pain developed rapidly. She breathed in and out, trying to remain calm. The intensity of the contraction continued to rage through her core. As the pain increased its power, louder moans filled the delivery room. Susan couldn't move! The restraints were firmly in place. She had no way of escape. She was trapped and would have to deliver the baby....
Montiors beeped around her and images of the impossibly large baby was visible to view. Susan would be able to witness the entire birth! This baby was the creation of a half human, half computer machine.
"Please! I need more time! I am NOT ready!" Susan puffed heavily, begging for the computer to listen to her pleads.
"NO! Its time! The baby must be born tonight! If we wait, it was be impossible to deliver naturally. I want our child to be healthy and strong at birth!"
The computer sternly responded and probes were moved into place between her thighs. Long wands began to enter her stretched opening. They drove deeply and firmly inside her canal. A long cry echoed around the room as the shock of invading equipment took Susan by surprise.
Monitors continued to beep as the pain accelerated. Susan panted frantically, gaping for breath. The loud rhythmic sound of the fetal heart beat surrounded the mother to be. Fear and anxiety gripped Susan as the computer gave more instructions.
"Our baby has a strong heart beat! He is ready and strong. He will struggle to be born. It's your job to battle the agony of birth to bring him safely into this world."
Suddenly the pain caused her core to explode into a million pieces. Her body squeezed tightly around her womb. She cried out, screaming at the intense pressure. The baby was ready! Susan was terrified but her contracting uterus forced her to bear down. Susan panted, gripping the sheets before straining with all her might. She pushed on the heaviness descending downwards. She couldn't believe the birth had finally commenced. There was no escape now! Once the contractions started, she would endure agonising surges of intense pain until delivery of their child.
Hours later, Susan was frantically pushing with each super contractions. The powerful surges were more intense than any normal childbirth experience. Susan clutched the sheets and howled in desperation.
"Why is it taking so long? Why does it have to be this excruciatingly painful?" Susan whimpered before continuing with her horrific battle to give birth.
"It is a necessary part of the process, Susan. Childbirth is painful. However, this delivery will bring forth a super intelligent baby. His arrival must be unforgettable. He must remind you of his superiority. His strength is what you are feeling right now. Every pain keeps you actively involved in his survival.
No more talking! Time to work! Time to push!
Susan, push our child out! Deep breathing and hard pushing!"
The birthing mother roared out at the top of her lungs as her baby pounded forward on the next contraction. The horrific ordeal of crowning was only beginning. Susan growled wildly, pushing with all her strength. The tremendous battle to deliver raged on relentlessly. One savage bombardment after the other stretched her burning tissues around the humongous head. Frantic screaming followed by powerful straining efforts filled the delivery room. Susan was fighting the worst pain of her life.
"Please help me! Make it stop! Make it end! Its too much. The pain! The pressure! No more! No more of this torture!"
( Based on the birth scene from Demon Seed )
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awyeahitssam · 6 months
Based on the idea that Malfoy could not get the vanishing cabinet to work effectively, and decided to mention, instead, that Hogwarts was taking the Great Hall wards down for a six-fucking-week course on Apparation. This is what wouldn't happen. But it's where my mind went, first. Warning: Graphic Violence
A loud crack signified the first successful Apparition. 
Harry’s eyes, closed in preparation for his own attempt, snapped open and his head turned. It wasn't a student standing at the other end of the Great Hall, though. Harry jolted for his wand as other students began to turn to the cloaked figure, but before he could take aim there were four more sharp cracks. 
Dark-robed, masked Death Eater’s were apparating directly into the Great Hall, the only place the castle wards were down for Hogwarts students to learn how to do the same. 
Bellatrix LeStrange was the first to appear sans mask, having no need for discretion. She took in the scene with a cackle, batting away Harry’s immediate curse effortlessly as she cooed, “Aww, look at the wittle student's trying to learn!” 
In his periphery Harry saw Neville lift his own wand, and they cast simultaneously. This time, Bellatrix twisted out of the way. “Do the wittle babies wanna play?”
“Sectumsempra,” Harry hissed with malice, fully aware of the spell's effects, now. Bellatrix’s eyes widened a bit even as she turned out of the way, quick as a dancer. The Death Eater behind her fell to their knees as their body was pulled apart by deep, horrible gashes. 
More cracks sounded; Harry began to send out indiscriminate stunners, hoping to catch the intruders before they realised they were being cast at. They all came prepared for battle to have begun, shield charms springing around them immediately. 
“Bombarda!” Ron called grimly. 
“Expulso!” shouted Neville. 
“Protego Maxima,” murmured Hermione. “Accio Susan Bones. Protego. Stupefy—students to the teacher's entrance!”
The frozen bodies of some of their yearmates seemed to jolt, realisation settling. Many students turned tail and ran. 
Susan Bones, having narrowly been pulled out of the way of a powerful cutting curse that had gouged into stone walls by Hermione, was casting stunners, petrification hexes, and disarming charms. Harry was not nearly so restrained, once he realised the stunners were ineffective. Sectumsempra broke through shields like a battering drill and Death Eaters were falling, ripped apart by his fury. Curses flew from Harry's wand as fast as he could think of them: conjunctivitis, blasting, jelly-fingers, reductors, even slug-vomiting. He conjured six venomous snakes that shot off without instruction, knowing his will. Yet again and again, Harry came back to the Half-Blood Prince’s spell, the most devastatingly effective of them all. People were dying from its effectiveness, but Harry didn’t care, because they had dared step foot in Hogwarts—  
A horrible pressure was building in Harry’s head as half the hall emptied. A wand prodded Harry’s spine, and he stilled, shaking with rage and adrenaline. “Call—call off the snakes, Potter,” a somewhat familiar voice demanded shakily.
“I’d rather they bite your father, Nott,” said Harry coldly. “Drop your wand before I have to make you regret it.” 
The wand trembled, for a moment, against his spine. “C-Cruci—”
Harry drove his elbow back, hard, and slammed down one foot on Nott's. The taller boy stumbled back in pain, and it was no great difficulty to stun him. He hit the floor, hard, and Malfoy’s grey eyes were large and frightened as he stared at Harry, still as prey. 
At once, Harry realised what he had done “You,” he said, scar pulsing horribly. “You did this. You brought war to a school filled with literal children, you stupid, useless brat. You're scared of what Voldemort will do to you? Just wait, Malfoy. His punishment would be bliss compared to what you deserve for this.”
“Such a temper, Harry Potter,” came Lord Voldemort’s cold voice. He had made no sound as he apparated, not like his followers, but Harry’s viciously prickling scar had made his imminent arrival clear. “You have done well, Draco. You will be… rewarded.”
Malfoy’s eyes darted in fright from Harry to the Dark Lord, and Voldemort was barely in time to hiss “Stop,” to the snake that had snuck up on the boy. 
“You don't obey him,” Harry hissed, “you’re mine. Do what you’re made for, dear one.”
Draco turned just in time to see the snake strike out at his neck. It vanished before its fangs could load the boy with venom, and Harry turned his hateful scowl to Voldemort, who’s gaze already rested upon him, intent, heavy and fascinated. 
“Deal with it, Hermione,” he snapped. 
“Harry—” came Hermione’s warning voice, but Harry couldn’t listen, had to dodge out of the way of Voldemort’s spell. The Dark Lord tilted his head, stare thoughtful, and then turned his yew wand… away. 
Harry watched him with a wariness not misplaced: Romilda Vane, nearly out of the Great Hall via the Professor’s entrance, fell to the cruciatus curse with a cry of pain. 
“Drop your wands, children,” the Dark Lord said, red eyes still locked on Harry as his soft, cold voice echoed through all corners of the room, carried by wandless magic. 
Harry grit his teeth at the seeming opportunity, well aware of Voldemort's objective. And yet, truly, he could not have picked a worse target to try and bring Harry under his control than the girl who had nearly raped him. He cast a wordless sonorous on himself to refute the order: “Don't give an inch. There are First Years in these walls. Do to them what you would to Umbridge. They're twice her threat. Any student who raised a wand to help Voldemort’s sect will be treated as hostile. See how I handle my enemies, Goyle, and ask yourself if that cheap shot is worth your life.”
Even as he spoke, Harry turned from Voldemort, dismissive, and focused on thinning the herd. Thirteen Death Eater’s still stood, including Bellatrix, who was engaged with Neville and Ron. Harry used every spell that came to his mind, even those from the Half-Blood Prince’s book he had not tested before. One man was effectively eviscerated, much to Harry’s disgust. He only used that spell once.  
When he saw one of his snakes change course he pulled the magic from them, an effective banishment, cold eyes finding Voldemort again. He had not heard the man speak parseltongue, and indeed he was still holding the crucio, face twisted strangely as he watched Harry. 
“My, my,” said Voldemort, immediate once he had regained Harry’s attention, two more of his people fallen, “so vicious, little snake. Does Dumbledore know you have venom?”
“I don't give a fuck what he knows,” Harry said harshly. “This is a school.” This is my home. “Focus on the bloody Ministry, and leave children out of it.”
Voldemort had the gall to laugh, high and cold. “This is not merely a school, Harry Potter,” he said. “There is a reason you children stand your ground and fight. This is where Dumbledore trains his small, young army to go to war and die, as their parents did before them.” 
Wrath bubbles in Harry, heavy and explosive, and he must look as unhinged and inhuman as the man watching him as he cages it behind his teeth. He flicks a shield charm around Bones and Abbott before a reductor hits, and a disarming charm hits the perpetrators back. He breaks the dark-wooded wand into two pieces the moment he catches it. 
“You truly think Dumbledore has taught us anything? Even my ‘private lessons’ with the man are just memories of your life, as if I care that you got away with murder when you were still sixteen.” Hermione pulls Vane’s still writhing body from the room, and Voldemort’s cruciatus ends, but he does not seem to notice or care, eyes locked on Harry. “The only reason I fight is because I do not believe in the world you are trying to create. Because you say things like ‘magic is night' and still try to subjugate witches and wizards, as if the fresh magic in their veins is poisoned by the muggles they're born to. I defy you, Lord Voldemort, because you decided your best course was killing a baby over a half-heard prophecy, and still try to kill me to this day. I am not going to stand here and let you. I don't believe ‘magic is might’. I've already killed many of your people tonight… but that—that wasn’t over ideology. That is because I will kill as many as it takes to keep your grasping, greedy fucking hands out of my school.”
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phantasma-studio · 8 months
Our Phantom of the Opera Tarot deck in the making...
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Currently creating: Phantom of the Opera Tarot deck, with our first card: The King of Wands!
The Phantom has a special place in our hearts, our workshop is named after the story and for many years the books, movies and musicals have been a great love of ours. That will never cease.
For a great number of years we have been producing artwork based on the beautiful story and it made complete sense for us to pick this up again. And in a rather special form; the creation of a Phantom of the Opera Tarot deck, later we will also add a Phantom Oracle deck. For us the mystical feeling of a Tarot deck is perfect for this story. We would like to point out that we feel Tarot is not so much for telling the future, but a beautiful tool to look at situations from a different angle and a kind adviser. It can be used as a beautiful way of helping yourself. Our game will be more friendly than harsh.  
We are taking into consideration the book by  Gaston Leroux, but also the by ‘phans’  really appreciated novel by Susan Kay, “Phantom” a prequel about Erik’s life. A number of films, among which the 1925 Phantom of the Opera film with Lon Chaney and last but certainly not least; the famous musical by Andrew Lloyd Webber.
We conducted several studies in the world of Tarot (after being interested for many years) to be able to make a game full of symbolism so it will be a joy to work with for experienced tarot readers. But we are also thinking of beginners; there will a clear booklet with explanation and easy little methods to enjoy tarot. If you are a collector of everything Phantom and don’t feel like anything Tarot, the cards themselves are little pieces of art that you are sure to enjoy.
We hope to release this game this year (2024), but keep in mind it is 78 cards with some  bonus cards, a beautiful box, a booklet and extra’s. Since we are putting our very heart and soul into this, most watercolours take a week, two weeks or sometimes more. We will post here regularly where we are. As soon as it is possible to pre-order we will post that too. Keep an eye on our website , we are still in the process of building and we will also open a webshop in the near future, see link below :)
For those interested, we have several updates a week on our  Facebook & Instagram accounts, see links below :)
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talonabraxas · 2 months
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Sun in Leo I –
The Sun enters Leo I on 22 July at 3:45 am EDT — and remains until 1 August 2024 at 2:53 pm EDT, a period of ten days, eleven hours, and eight minutes. Austin Coppock called this decan The Spotlight since it was so often associated with experts and thought-leaders and high quality performers. T. Susan Chang called it Under Pressure. Both of these are great titles to associate with the decan that matches the Five of Wands in Tarot — a card that shows a group of youths battling it out with sticks, whacking away at one another but without result, rather like a group of enthusiastic academics fighting over inconsequential details, or theologians contending without clarity of aim. Saturn is the planetary ruler of Leo I who carries on that spirit of solitary dedication. In the Descending Chaldean Order, Saturn represents what the Renaissance scholar Marsilio Ficino called “one who dedicates themselves unremittingly, to the very end of study, to penetrate all the highest and most secret things.” By Triplicities, the ruler of Leo I is the Sun himself, and treating the two of them as a combination — Saturn dedicated to the mastery of any form of artisanship, and the Sun shining with all of the intermediate excellence that emerges from such a dedicated practice, speaks to the nature of Leo I: be excellent in all your doings these next ten days; no one will do it for you. -Wanderings in the Labyrinth “The natives of Leo are energetic and generous at the same time, magnanimous, mystics and authoritarians. They have a tendency towards anger and should struggle much to dominate that defect. Leo, being the throne of the Sun, announces fortune and high position. The occult significance is Intuition. Gold is the metal of this sign and diamond, its stone. The natives of Leo are authoritative and want to command only. Leo brings some journeys. The natives of Leo suffer a great deal morally.” -Samael Aun Weor, Zodiacal Course Sun in Leo Talon Abraxas
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phladydoor · 11 days
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Phracelet Update! I’m up to 23. I am running out of arm space to wear these.
Some of them are a challenge to read so here is my current bracelet list:
Knight of Wands
Labia Locker
Ranch Metaphor
Confess ur Sins
Slit Bump
Sister Daniel X2
Dab & Evan
Slut Toast
Twunk Birth
Twink Death
Flame Susan
Piss 4 Dan
Father Philip
Golden Pig
Dip & Pip
The Pheal
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shanastoryteller · 2 years
Happy Holidays! Could we get either Gryffindor Draco or Professor Tom Riddle? Thank you and best wishes for this season!
a continuation of 1 2 3
Draco has already told Harry that unless he wants the more idiotic members of this school (most of them) to think that he's the one behind these attacks, then he should keep his Parseltongue abilities to himself.
But as soon as Theo releases a viper from the end of his wand, Draco knows that that Harry's going to do what he does best - react without thinking.
Draco shoves himself toward the stage, flings out his arm so his wand is that much closer, and shouts. "Vipera evanesca!"
The snake disappears mid-strike in a sizzle of magic.
"Really, Nott, you need to keep your spells limited to things that won't attack your audience," he says, aiming for a brevity he doesn't feel.
If looks could kill, the Bloody Baron would be his new roommate.
"Well, well, Mr. Malfoy, if you're so eager, then get on up here!" Lockhart says jovially.
For one terrifying moment he thinks he's going to be facing Theo, but he and Harry step down and he find himself standing opposite Susan Bones.
It's only a slight improvement.
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viablemess · 11 months
So I recently started to get ensnared in the narnia tumblr and I'm hooked so I just need to word vomit for a second and ask if anyone has any fanfic recommendations based on this:
In voyage of the dawn treader when the ship is in the cave surrounded by the green mist right - I fully love the seaserpent idea. But the silly goofy movie got the gears in my brain moving. What if the green mist did allow the white witch to come back, albeit weaker than before? I just like the idea of Edmund accidentally bringing her back, then he, Lucy, and Caspian have to deal with the results so they stay in Narnia longer as an early winter creeps back in. Totally not consistent with the books, but still.
Caspian gets to learn the more realistic narrative of what lead to the golden age
Edmund and Lucy need to "prove themselves" as the last two siblings since Peter and Susan are not there
They have to figure out how to get rid of her until Aslan can show up since the prophecy is suddenly much more difficult to fulfill and maybe not even relevant anymore.
Jadis tries to go to her old followers only to find they have abandoned her, so she has to turn to perhaps the old loyalists of Miraz instead.
She tries to find her wand, bc idk where that ended up.
Get to see Lucy fight more.
Get to see some Edmund guilt more sorry not sorry
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wttnblog · 5 months
"High Priestess and Empress" Doesn't Quite Live Up to the Royal Name
When artist and seer Pamela Colman Smith returns to London, she quickly discovers someone else has also returned: her arch nemesis, Aleister Crowley. And the timing is no coincidence. Pamela has been tasked with creating a tarot deck for high society members, and Aleister wants access to her magic, and will stop at nothing to get it. But she won’t give up so easily.  When local theater star and…
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theturncoattournament · 2 months
Propaganda ask for your poll :)
Starting out as an angry, scared and hurt kid who would lash out at anybody close, Edmund Pevensie underwent a harrowing journey of redemption in Narnia.
Initially, Edmund is something of a black sheep figure within his family, especially after being separated from his parents and home. He is constantly at odds with Peter, his older brother, who he feels both insecure and defiant towards; frustrated with his older sister Susan who he sees as distant and bossy and bitterly resentful towards Lucy, his younger sister who is nothing but kind towards him but seems to garner all the love and attention from the rest of his family.
This storm of emotions ultimately pushes him into the arms of the White Witch who poisons him with promises of love and attention and spurs him on to turn away from his family. After realising the true colours of the Witch, he regrets running away to her deeply. His remorse shines through as he attempts to save characters such as Tumnus and the Fox before being reunited with his family, after which he supports Aslan and fights alongside his brother despite still only being a child. His ultimate sacrifice for Peter by destroying the Witch's wand and getting near-fatally stabbed solidifies who he really is and his bravery and integrity shine through. After this, we see him grow into his title of King Edmund the Just throughout the rest of the books/movies in the series.
From being a helpless victim of one war, to an angry and rash child who makes a huge mistake and finally a brave and honourable king, Edmund has one of the best redemption arcs out there ❤️
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johnmchacker · 1 year
Happy birthday, Harry!
Just a little microfic to celebrate our boy's day.
Inspired by this heartwarming artwork by the inestimable @blvnk-art
Read it here, or on my AO3.
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Perfectly Ordinary (July, 2013)
Today was perfectly ordinary.
I'd arranged to meet Susan for breakfast so she could report on her case, but she cancelled. Looking back now I realise the reason is obvious. Either Ginny got to her, or she remembered the date, or James owled her, the scamp. Whichever, the result was that I didn't need to go in to work early.
I was woken by a very loud squeal in my ear, Lily-Lu bouncing on my chest, Al sitting on my stomach and letting off Muggle party poppers, while James held up a giant-sized birthday card. They all did a round of the birthday song, at the tops of their voices, and for good measure finished with a loud shout of "HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY!"
"Alright, alright, I get the picture," Ginny grumbled sleepily beside me. "No, James, no fireworks in my bedroom!"
Then the children made her play camerawoman and take a dozen pictures. Then they insisted on a couple shot, me and Ginny blinking sleepily into the camera.
"Just remember, you started all this, Potter," she whispered as we posed, bed-head and morning breath and all, "you and the brain you keep in your pants."
"I don't recall you objecting at the time," I murmured back. "Quite the opposite..."
Then we had birthday cake in bed for breakfast, because "Why not?" as Al said. And yes, they'd gotten up at three to bake it, using every utensil in the house and spilling flour and sugar everywhere. How had we not heard them? Because James had put up a Silencing Charm.
Auror-me choked on cake when I heard that, and Al punched me in the kidneys and handed me a glass of water. The sponge was chewy, stodgy, and lopsided; the icing was at least two inches thick. But it was quite nicely decorated; there was a big Golden Snitch, and a stick figure in green icing on a broom with long red icing hair, and another stick figure with huge eyes looking up from below. And lots and lots of red and pink hearts.
"I drew the picture on it!" Lily-Lu said. "That's you, and that's Mummy catching the Snitch for you, and then you fell in love!"
"It's beautiful, Lily love," said Ginny, hugging and kissing her. "James, if you Silence the house again, I'm confiscating your wand."
The rest of the day was also perfectly ordinary. We're close to a breakthrough in the Macboon Murder, but Robards made me go home early "so's your bloody well-wishers won't clog up my bloody office!", the darling bastard.
So I spent the evening playing with the children at...
* * *
"You're quiet," Ginny said, nuzzling Harry's cheek, in the darkness of their bedroom. "What's up?"
"Just writing a letter," said Harry, squeezing her close. "Telling them how nice it is to be perfectly ordinary."
She understood, of course. "Okay. Love you, darling." Ginny kissed him, laid her head on his shoulder, and closed her eyes.
* * *
Good night.
Love you, Mum, Dad,
* * *
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peteytheparrot · 4 months
Favorite songs right now? I need some to help me get through my backlog of so so much school work
I AM SO SORRY THIS GOT SO LONG I JUST KEPT FINDING SONGS I LOVE WHOOPS AHAKHSSJH I should’ve just made a playlist tbh ☠️☠️ Not necessarily my favorite songs right now more of just, music I love ☠️
Favs are near the top but I fucking LOVE all of these so that’s not completely true:
Splinter - Sneaker Pimps (this entire album is AMAZING)
Pork Soda - Glass Animals (GEHEGGRR BAKEBSKR)
Wild West Selfishness - Seahaven (this song is so GAHSGSHS)
My Favorite Color - Citizen (again, this entire album is amazing)
Achilles Come Down - Gang Of Youths (read The Song Of Achilles after listening to this.. god,, starts fucking sobbing)
Beneath the Brine - The Family Crest (GOD this song gave me chills)
Go To The Light - Murder By Death
Steal Away - Murder By Death
Antes de les Tres - Un Fantasma (this band is SO underrated)
Wolf River - Reignwolf
Son of a Gun - Reignwolf
A Wistful Waltz - Teddy Hyde (lovely band check out more of their music)
S*x With A Ghost - Teddy Hyde (censored because of bots) (this song is so silly I love it sm)
Mamas Gun - Glass Animals (THE ENDING IS SO?? AFAHGHSH)
Everything Moves -  Bronze Radio Return
Before You Snap - Yonderboi
Who Are You, Really? - Mikky Ekko
Jimmy, He Whispers - Manchester Orchestra 
Last Call - Elliot Smith
Paranoid Android - Radiohead (every Radiohead song is amazing tbh)
Climbing Up The Walls - Radiohead
Life In A Glass House - Radiohead
I Lost Something In The Hills - Sibylle Baier (Good song to fall asleep to, well for me atleast ☠️)
Shoot It Out - 10 Years
Mr. Self Destruct - Nine Inch Nails
Smile Boyo - Vundabar
Alien Blues - Vundabar
A Burning Hill - Mitski
I’m Your Man - Mitski
Duvet - boa
My Time - Bo en
And Also I’m Really Scared - Fox Academy (love this band fr)
Salem - Fox Academy
Lavender Blood - Fox Academy
Vampire Banquet - Fox Academy
Crazy - Gnarls Barkley 
My Fault - Sawyer
Butch 4 Butch - Rio Romeo
Evil Side - The Dirty Nil
Loved - FEiN
So Damn Into You - Vlad Holiday
Dear Dictator - Saint Motel
A Good Song Never Dies - Saint Motel
Dreamland - Glass Animals
Bernadette - IAMX 
Disembodied Mind - Sparkbird & Stephan Nance
Priorities - Yot Club
Amen - Amber Run
Susan Smith - Wych Elm
NEW MAGIC WAND - Tyler, The Creator
GONE, GONE / THANK YOU - Tyler, The Creator
The Chattering Lack of Common Sense - Ghost & Pals
Evil Eye - Franz Ferdinand 
Dog Problems - The Format
Between the Bars - Chris Garneue
What Else Do I Need - Vast
The Plagues - The Prince Of Egypt
Selfless - The Strokes 
Sway - Sarah Cothran
My Alcoholic Friends - The Dresden Dolls
505 - Arctic Monkeys
This Is Love - Air Traffic Controller 
Rory - Foxing
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simplifiedemotions · 9 months
It started when they were forced to work together in a dingy office in the bowels of the Ministry. 
Hermione expected his surly attitude:
A flush appeared in the hollows of his cheeks when she’d tried to direct his position. “I don’t take orders from you, Granger.”
She had anticipated that he would argue with her about everything:
“It must kill you to be wrong, Granger.” His cruel smirk appeared, though it was more strained now than when they were children. “Now what Ogden meant in the briefing was that…”
What she hadn’t expected, what opened her heart to a vulnerability she thought she should run away from, only because feelings this delicate were softer and more breakable than petals, was the ways in which Draco Malfoy could love.
A burning kind of love. A love that lights your soul but is liable to destroy it if the fire catches too much.
Still, she leaned into the heat that started at her fingers resting on his cheek.
She hadn’t expected his loneliness and only saw it because it reflected her own.
“I’ll be alone at Christmas.” He looked more surprised than Hermione did to have admitted it out loud. He flushed, his jaw tight, but Hermione pressed on before he could shut himself away again. 
She admitted she felt lonely, too. More unbidden thoughts, spurting bitterly from her mouth like soured candy, that she preferred staying home alone on her sofa with some hot tea, over the tension that awaited her at a Weasley table that no longer felt welcoming once she acquired the title of ex-girlfriend.
He must have seen the pain shown on her face, because before she knew it he was drawing his wand from his robes and casting a spell.
“Orchideous.” A soft word under his breath as he motioned his wand in a circle. There was a flash of pink light, and then a single flower conjured from the tip of his wand.
Things she had not expected:
The soft, pink-petal flower beaming as if under the direct attention of the sun, uncaring if there was only one small window in the entire room.
He proffered the flower to her, and she took it, ignoring her trembling fingers as she brought the flower to her nose, her mouth quirking up without her permission when she took in the light fragrance.
There were several moments of quiet before Hermione said the only thing she could to disrupt the awkwardness: “I thought this spell was meant to conjure a whole bouquet.”
Things she had not expected: the way Draco Malfoy’s face softened when he gave someone a genuine smile.
“Funny thing about magic,” he drawled, arching an eyebrow and staring down his nose at her. “You can tweak any number of spells to suit your specific needs.” He leaned forward. “But if you prefer a bouquet, Granger, I can do that for you.”
Hermione frowned, flushing from her face up to the tips of her ears. “I didn’t say that.” She pushed from her desk, drawing her own wand, and she’d be a liar if she said it didn’t satisfy her to see Malfoy’s eyes narrow in apprehension.
She rolled her eyes and picked up one of her pens, pointing her wand at it and transfiguring the blue pen into a deep navy vase, then muttering a spell to fill it with water and putting the single flower inside. 
She looked up at Malfoy and gave him a shy grin. 
“Thank you.”
He looked away from her, clearing his throat before picking up his quill and continuing to work. 
The next day, a whole bouquet of pink flowers sat in their own vase at the corner of her desk.
Things Hermione Granger did not expect: for there to be such an array of flowers in existence. 
As well as the fact that it took her longer than she would’ve liked to guess that each of those flowers had special meanings.
A Black-Eyed Susan for justice, on the day she submitted her treatise on Werewolf rights.
A hoard of Bluebells on the day she’d been humbled by the Merfolk, who’d informed her that their fight for equal rights involved more than just raging at the system.
Butterfly weeds on the day she’d finally resigned to herself that she’d never get her parents their memories back. She’d cried in Draco’s arms when he’d told her how the weeds were slow to grow, but hard to die away once they rooted themselves to the earth.
That same evening, he’d handed her a bouquet of Edelweiss, a mountain flower meant to convey courage and devotion. She stared up from the furry white petals into Draco’s sad grey eyes, and resolved to keep looking at him for as long as she could.
This went on for at least a year. The amount of flowers he’d conjured was outrageous, but she’d be lying if she said she wanted him to stop.
She never was a good liar.
Hermione traced the delicate fold of the sunflower on her desk, wondering about a great many things close to her heart. 
Instead, she said, “Do you wonder how magic might know how to create certain aspects of an item? It can create a flower, but how does it know how that flower smells? Or how its petals fold or sway depending on the pace of wind?”
Draco looked up from a scroll he had been focusing on for the last several hours, and she resolved not to tell him about the small ink stain on his cheek. 
“I imagine magic is integral to imagination, in a lot of ways,” he said after a moment. “Take Muggles. They can’t see unicorns, and as far as they know, such creatures don’t exist. But that doesn’t mean they can’t conceive of them in their minds.”
Her heart picked up, and she could only smile wider when Draco scowled at her. Drawing closer to him, she put her hands on her hips and raised her nose in the air because she knew how much it annoyed him. “Well, according to Bateman’s theory…”
Things Hermione didn’t expect: for the evening to continue on. Their arguments about magical theory moved destinations. First, to the lift. The grates opened to a group of people waiting on the other side. Draco slid his palm against her lower back as they sidled inside. 
Then, to the Apothecary in the Ministry, because Draco needed a Pepper-up potion, citing a certain curly-haired witch and her constant jabbering affecting his poor, tired body. He only laughed when she slapped him on the arm.
Then, to a Muggle pub Hermione had wanted to visit, ignoring Draco’s unamused look when he realised it was a pub themed around witches and warlocks during Christmas.
He vehemently refused the wizard cape the hostess offered to him, his displeasure written in his glower, even as they were given a table near the back and Hermione teased him incessantly about not getting into a magical mood.
They sampled eggnog and spiced rum, and Hermione relished the way his cheekbones turned red at the tips the more alcohol he consumed.
She only moved closer when he put an arm over her shoulders, enjoying the catching heat against her cheek.
Two people, backlit by low bulbs in front of Hermione’s unimpressive flat.
It was silly, the way her heart started pounding as her focus narrowed on him. Something in her wanted to devour, to fill some lost and now found aching want. 
She wanted inside of him, through the hard marrow and narrow bones, past the veins that ensured blood pumped to his heart. The heart her hand laid on now, as she stepped closer and drew her face up; as she met his eyes and hoped to show the yearning in hers.
“Do I really have to spell it out for you, Granger?”
Hermione narrowed her eyes, folding her arms across her chest and tilting her chin out. “Yes.” Smiling at his scowl, she added, “Please and thank you.”
She thought she knew the look currently simmering in his slate-grey eyes. It was the same look she held for him.
He grunted, clamping his jaw tight as if he could lock the words away, but he was about as adept at keeping his mouth shut as she was.
“Bloody witch, even the most mindless Weasley could see how I feel about you.” 
Hermione gave him her most piercing glare. “And how was I meant to know that? Also, stop making fun of Ron just because it makes you feel better than him.”
Draco glared at her as he always did when she defended Ron, then sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Hermione," he said, and his face wore an aggrieved look that would have offended her if he didn't seem so desperate. “You believe I gave you flowers every single day for several months just… because?”
She blushed and ducked her head so he wouldn’t see her embarrassment. “Well…”
“Don’t do that,” he whispered.
Her heart stuttered. “Do what?”
“Look at me… like you don’t know…”
He stepped closer to her. Nerves rushed up and she stepped back, but that only served to pin her between the door and Draco, whose body was so warm she was sure she was burning up on the inside.
He set both hands on either side of her head, before leaning down until they were nose to nose, forcing her to look up.
Amusement danced in his eyes. “Do you always expect such things of me, Granger? Is that all I am to you?” 
Expect? Oh, one day she should tell him about all the ways he was unexpected.
But for now, she was too busy pulling him closer and doing something unexpected of her own.
She caught fire, burning from the inside out but she only drew him closer. She trusted him not to leave her in cinders. 
She trusted that he saw her as a phoenix, his slender hands leaving dragon-fire in their wake. 
When she cut off to propose a theory of inherent elemental magic involving fire, he only told her to shut up and kissed her again, pushing her into her flat, kicking her door shut and herding her towards her bedroom.
She knew he’d listen the next morning, and perhaps even conjure a flower that would convey some related meaning to her words. And she’d smile again and let her warmed skin clear the air around her.
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