#sw tbb s3 final
immagods · 5 months
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This hug is everything to me
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imaginative-joy · 4 months
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A silly comic about these dads because I miss them and I’m still thinking about that finale ❤️
(Also, Crosshair 1000% uses his prosthetic hand to annoy Hunter and nothing else)
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saltyseaturtle · 5 months
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The Empire couldn’t handle her crazy antics, but can the Rebellion? 😅🥰
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treasureplcnet · 1 year
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i need to see more of echo being annoying so badly . you don’t grow up with fives and get assigned to the 501st without developing little shit instincts
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twinsunstars · 2 months
could someone draw crosshair like this please
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moonstrider9904 · 5 months
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I got my Crosshair and Omega Hug turned group hug with Hunter for which I am very happy.
Look at the way Crosshair leans in and closes his eyes 😭
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clu-ven · 5 months
sooooo it's canon now that Hunter retired to Pabu and became a professional DILF, right?
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waterlilyspad · 4 months
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So I did get the rex car uhm back in December and didn't post about it for some reason? 💀
But uhhh he is in my possession 😏
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kitty-i-swear-to-gosh · 5 months
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Wip I’ll finish tmr
Edit: Finished piece here
And hey whatever happens in the finale tomorrow I just want you all to know
It’s been an honor and a privilege to experience this with you all. It’s been so much fun making theories and fanfics and art with you guys.
The Bad Batch will always have a special place in my heart, and sharing it with all of you made it a thousand times better.
I’m super scared how this is gonna end, but I know that you freaks (affectionate) will never let this fandom die. Love you all. 🩵
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jedi-hawkins · 5 months
Callsign: Omega
post-s3 finale head cannons (spoilers, duh)
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Omega, she’s become one of the most famous pilots for the rebellion.
She names her x-wing “Havoc 5” for her brothers
Of course it has their ct numbers written across the back, right behind the cockpit, for they’re always watching her six. She can't see them when she's flying, and frankly doesn't look at the worn numbers there every day, but they're there always.
The belly of her x-wing is covered in tally marks. The blue ones are for each clone she’s helped free, an ohmage to a clone her brother Echo told her about, ARC-5555. The black ones are for every other being she's helped free. And the red ones, those are for the lives that have passed on and become one with the Force.
On part of her landing gear is a blue pawprint.
On her helmet she only has five things painted, a knife, a crosshair, a tooka doll, a handprint, and a pair of goggles.
On the shoulder of her flight suit, she adds another CF 99 patch, just like the one on her jacket.
She goes by callsign “Omega” for she is the last. The end. The final thing her enemies will see, the last thing the Empire will feel as it falls. She is the being that brings an end to the suffering that so many clones have faced as wards of the Empire when she shows up to liberate them. Omega.
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Bonus: The first time she returns to Pabu, Hunter immediately notices the nose art she's chosen to paint on her shuttle, the one built from the Marauder's salvage. It's a stark replica of the nose art that once adorned the original ship, back in the Clone Wars. His stomach plummets and he can't even find the words. As his daughter strolls down the ramp, she immediately bursts into laughter at the look on his face.
Her brothers, Crosshair and Wrecker stroll into the courtyard, the larger of the two asking loudly, "What's so funny, 'Meg?"
"I think that is what's so funny." The lankier one replies, gesturing to the nose of the shuttle with his left hand. He's forgone his prosthetic today. Some days he wears it, others he chooses to wear his cap with pride.
Wrecker scratches his beard and both his eyes widen, "WAIT- IS THAT?"
"So, it would seem." Crosshair says, placing a toothpick between his lips. "Breathe, Hunter." He says pointedly at his brother, who still looks like a deer caught in headlights.
"I-uhh. It's good to have you home, Omega." He finally stutters out.
He wraps his arms around her tightly as always, but his eyes are still glued to the hull of her shuttle. "Done some decorating, I see?"
"Yeah." She replies simply, giving Wrecker and Crosshair their own due hugs. "You like it?"
"It certainly is... something." Hunter gets out, stumbling over his words yet again.
"I found the image in some old Republic files we recovered, it reminded me of something I saw as a kid, but I don't remember where." She says, coming to stand beside Hunter again.
"Ehhh... Omega." Her father groans, running a hand through his greying hair. "Do you... Do you remember what the Marauder looked like when we first met?"
She turns to him. "No, why do you ask?"
Hunter finally peels his eyes away from the shuttle to face his daughter. "That picture you found... That was... That was the Marauder, that's where you know it from. You only saw it once. We scrubbed it off as soon as we decided to come back to Kamino for you."
"Really? I had no recollection." Omega tries to stop the grin from spreading across her face, but she can't help it, and Hunter, still perceptive as always scoffs at her.
"Why you little..." He growls at her, stifling his own laughter.
"I think she knows..." Crosshair chimes in, running his hand through his silver locks.
Wrecker's jaw drops, "Wait, you know where that's from?"
Omega shakes her head at her brothers. "Of course I know, I never forgot how awkward you all were when I asked about it. It didn't click exactly why until I found that old picture. Thought I'd bring it back for old time's sake, eh Hunter?"
Hunter's eyes widen as words escape him once again.
"Kidding," Omega teases. "I just wanted to see what your reaction would be."
Crosshair steps closer to the shuttle to examine the paint job. "Though this has been wildly entertaining, it might be best for you to scrub it, 'Mega."
Omega crosses her arms. "Why? You did it first little brother."
His eyes narrow at his sister, he's the only one she ever pulls that with and though he secretly loves it, she can't know that. "I mean it." He says sternly, pointing his toothpick at her. "Otherwise, Hunter is going to have an aneurysm every time you come home."
Omega looks to the clone beside her, just barely an inch shorter than her now. She places a hand on his shoulder, "Of course I'll scrub it. Echo thought the idea was hilarious. Plus, it gave me an opening to show you this."
She gently reaches into her bag and brings out a holoframe, turning it so Hunter can see. It looks just like any other quick photo taken in a Republic shipyard. Troopers are milling around in the back, by the looks of the landscape it might've been Ryloth. The focus of the photo, however, is a black Omicron-class attack shuttle and five clone commandos posed in front of it in red and black armor.
Their helmets are off, their faces young and confident, proud of their most recent mission. Though, the sniper has a rifle held in his right hand, and the one crouched in front doesn't have his goggles on. But it's clear who it is, all five of them. And on the nose of the attack shuttle behind them, is the striking portrait of the last senator of Naboo.
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amandamadeathing · 4 months
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Twitter post for the Bad Batch finale.
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immagods · 5 months
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flight0fthenavigat0r · 5 months
“You’re our kid, Omega. You always will be.”
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“Hunter, you’ve all fought enough. This? It’s my fight. I’m ready.”
“Yeah, I know you are. But I’m not.”
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“Omega. If you ever need us, we’ll be there.”
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She’ll be fine.
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saltyseaturtle · 5 months
It's like poetry...
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... it rhymes
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byler-is-endgame7 · 5 months
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twinsunstars · 2 months
*in another version of the finale* *Hemlock ties his and Omega's hands with binders and runs off to escape Tantiss* *Omega tries to stop and when they stop running, she lays herself on the floor, refusing to get up* Hemlock: Omega get up, let's go. Omega: No. Hemlock: Omega. Omega: No. *Hemlock proceeds to pick her up and carry her, Omega making him do all the work just to get defeated later*
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